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A"rac&ng, Engaging, Leveraging & Retaining Top Female Talent Cheryl Alexander & Associates, Inc
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A"rac&ng,  Engaging,  Leveraging  &  Retaining  Top  Female  Talent  

 Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates,  Inc  


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Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.


CAA Coached Leadership Exchange

Cheryl Alexander & Associates (CAA)!

Breakthrough Conversation…Profound Connections…Expanded Possibilities…Extraordinary Results!

Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

CAA Mission: Bringing the BEST THERE IS out of the BEST YOU HAVE We partner with you to package, promote and maximize your own unique set of strengths, passions and brand Inspire and equip you with the strategy and tools to be at your best more of the time, so you can achieve the life and career you crave. Create sustainable communities of deeply connected colleagues who serve as each other’s board of advisors, thriving together. Bring your own and your organization's core values to life in heart, mind and action. Create destination workplaces one step at a time…having a bit of fun along the way. We accomplish this through our customized Coached Leadership Exchange, combining individual coaching, curriculum, coach-led leadership conversation, and your own board of peer mentors.    

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Since  1973  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates,  Inc  has  focused  on  a"rac&ng,  engaging,  leveraging  and  retaining  top  talent  

   v 1973-­‐1997:    Execu&ve  Search  Firm  known  for  recrui&ng  and  successful  

on-­‐boarding  of  outstanding  women  leaders  v 2000:  Company  transi&oned  to  execu&ve  coaching  and  consul&ng  v 2003:  Launched  Coached  Execu&ve  Women’s  Roundtables  with  

structured  character-­‐based  curriculum    as  well  as  Coached  Mentoring  Circle  Programs  for  next  genera&on  Women  Leaders  

v 2004:  Launched  Next  Genera&on  mixed  gender  Leadership  Academies  v 2008:  Launched  Global  Women’s  Leadership  Exchange  (Asia,  Europe,  

Americas)  v 2012:  Coached  Leadership  Circles  and  Individual  Coaching  Expanded  with  

customized  curriculum  and  new  scien&fic  findings  to  enhance  performance  and  create  cohesion  across  func&ons,  genders,  genera&ons,  and  cultures  


We  know  what  it  takes!    

Copyright  2013.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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Through  decades  of  Execu0ve  Search,  Coaching  and  Group  Dialogue  

with  10,000+  leaders,    

We  know  what  it  takes  to  thrive  in  this  era:      

1.  Strategic  leveraging  of  strengths,  passion  and  brand  &ed  to  organiza&onal  goals  to  create  higher  value  with  fewer  resources.  

2.  Greater  engagement  by  connec&ng  meaning,  purpose,  goals  and  commitments  to  everyday  work.  

3.  Enhanced  communica&on  skills,  candor,  courage,  and  efficacy.  4.  Rapid  trust  building  and  authen&c,  open  dialogue.  5.  Expanded  awareness  of  why,  how,  and  whom  to  rely  upon.  6.  Posi&vity,  heart  intelligence,  and  possibility  thinking.    7.  Change  agility.  8.  Mul&-­‐leveled  communica&on  and  feedback  to  bridge  blind  spots  and  speed  

development  through  coaching,  mentoring,  and  sponsorship.  !


Copyright  2013.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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v Our  coached  leadership  exchange  is  grounded  in  current  research  and  posi&ve  psychology  to  forge  the  link  between  character,  competency,  commitment,  and  capacity  building.  

v Par&cipants  engage  in  authen&c  structured  dialogue  to  deepen  awareness  of  self  and  others,  why  we  do  what  we  do,  what  works,  and  the  power  of  mul&ple  minds  and  competencies.  Insights  are  anchored  in  ac&ons  and  feedback.    v Customized  7-­‐12  month  programming.  1500  graduates.  Enhanced  and  personalized  with  1:1  coaching.    v Representa&ve  Clients:  Individuals,  Covidien,  Medtronic,  Boston  Scien&fic,  Carlson  School  of  Management,  Allianz,  Flint  Hills  Resources,  Buffalo  Wild  Wings,  MN  Recrea&on  &  Parks  Associa&on,  St.  Catherine  University.    Copyright  2013.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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The Need for a Coached Leadership Exchange!

“With today’s fast-changing technology, increasingly global, multi-cultural, and team-based work environments, no one mentor can possibly provide the guidance, exposure, and opportunities that are so essential to effectively managing

current job challenges or preparing for future leadership roles.”! !! ! !! ! !! ! !- MIT Sloan Management Review!


Research demonstrates an exponentially large return on investment when you receive personalized professional coaching alongside the learning, peer mentoring and connections that come from participating in a coach-led leadership exchange. !

Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved

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How Organizations Benefit from our Coached Leadership Exchange:  

!1)  Shared knowledge and skills results in exponential

learning, agility, collaboration, and fresh thinking. 2)  Higher levels of engagement, innovation, and retention. 3)  Expanded trust, impact, influence, and resilience of

leaders. 4)  Organizational core values translate into everyday

decisions and behaviors. 5)  Transformed organizational cohesion across functions,

genders, generations and geographies drive business success in this new era.

6)  Powerful PR and recruiting tool toward becoming a destination workplace.

! !  

Copyright  2013.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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What Coached Leadership Exchange Offers Participants!

ü Opportunity to engage in authentic dialogue about things that matter to you, with an executive coach and a 6-8 peers. !ü Knowing to whom you can turn to for mentoring and support in your everyday life at work. A group that serves as your personal board of advisors and champions.!ü Individual executive coaching sessions to maximize your personal ROI.!ü Recharge, build connections, learn, and make a difference. Claim and expand your personal leadership brand. !ü So that you thrive as an authentic leader, even in the midst of chaos, while keeping yourself whole.!                   Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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ROI: Survey from 300+ Graduates  

(6  months  –  3  years  post  CAA  Coached  Leadership  Exchange)    !!! v 84% Higher Engagement and Collaboration With Positive Outcomes v 83% Renewed Energy, and Passion For Their Work v 77% More Proactive In Managing Their Careers v 76% Improved Leadership And Influencing Skills

v 74% Improved Performance v 70% Higher Commitment and Loyalty To Their Organization

Copyright  2013.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

Taking the ordinary out of leadership conversation…

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Participant Feedback


“This program became my anchor in the storms. It gave me courage, strength and a platform of support, from which I take greater risks. I now create strategic visions that we all bring to reality. I am leading on a new level.” -  Individual who progressed from Director to CEO in two years following the program.!!“This is my oasis in the midst of the insanity of life.” - VP Operations!!“Because of this program I now stop, reflect and shift focus before entering key meetings. I lead differently, asking more questions, learning more, allowing others to innovate, and offer up brilliant solutions.” - VP Global Business Development!!Amongst the participants, I have seen more intentional networking, laughter and friendships, peer mentoring, influencing skills, and heightened impact organizationally. This has given me great confidence in our future leaders.”

!- VP Technology!

Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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CAA Coached Leadership Exchange Is Unique!

v Combines  execu&ve  coaching  with  peer  learning  and  leadership  development  v Seasoned  coaches  u&lizing  coaching  principles  to  keep  conversa&ons  posi&ve,  meaningful,  and  safe  while  guiding  par&cipants  to  stretch  and  grow  v Program  curriculum,  rigor,  structure  and  cost-­‐effec&ve  roll-­‐out  v Customized  content  to  fit  strategic  objec&ves  with  cascading  impact    v Rapid  development  of  trust  and  authen&c  dialogue  to  build  rela&onships  and  leverage  personal  leadership  &ed  to  organiza&onal  needs  and  goals  v Monthly  par&cipant  commitments  to  ac&on  with  accountability  to  and  support  from  peers  and  key  observer  champions  v Personal  ROI  statements  and  measured  outcomes  with  data  proving  program  impact  v Guided  opportunity  to  forge  powerful  las&ng  connec&ons  between  execu&ves  and  high  poten&al  leaders  v Creates  sustainable  communi&es  of  peers  serving  as  each  other’s    board  of  advisors                       Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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Why Coach-Led is Key!

v Creating and maintaining a safe environment!v Motivating all participants to go deep, fast!v Asking powerful questions at the right time!v Keeping participants in meaningful structured dialogue !v Maintaining positivity and talk from the inside out!v Safeguarding focus on the topic and on possibilities!

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Why Coach-Led is Key (continued)!

v Adjusting continually to what the group needs while providing consistency of experience across groups!

v Moving participants forward toward achievable goals !v Teaching peer mentoring, coaching, and listening skills!v Holding participants accountable !v Managing the air time, flow, agenda, and fun!v Moving the group toward self sustainability!

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We welcome you. Let’s Talk

Cheryl Alexander & Associates, Inc (CAA) [email protected] 763-416-4570

Copyright 2013. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.