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PART 7-PA.GE ~. fA Little About the Movies on City's Screens "Daytime WIfe" [See review on this page] Chicago ~ a- "Destry RIdes Again." Western thrtller co starring Marlene DietrIch and James Stewart Others In the cast are MIscha Auer, Br ian Donlevy, and Ilene Hervey Palace ~ OJ: "Meet Dr Chrfsttan." The first of a serres of films about a country doctor who trres to establish a hospi tal In the small town where he prac trees TItle role IS played by Jean Hersholt Dorothy Lovett and Rob crt Baldwm are also featured Palace 'i' * "Mr. Smith Goes to Washmgton." 'A small town boy JS appointed by governor to serve unexpired term of a deceased United States senator James Stewart plays t.itle role Sup porting players are Jean Arthur, Claude Rams, and Edward Arnold :Apollo * * "Eternally Yours." Mar-ital diffl- culties between a lady and a great magician who are really madly In love Loretta Young opposite DaVId NIven GarrIck * * "The Roar-ing Twent.ics.' Gang- dam and bootleggmg during the years folloWIng the world war Features James Cagney, Pr iscil la Lane, Gladys George, and Humphrey Bogart On ental, Sheridan, LIdo, Tower, Picca dilly " OJ: "The Pr-ivate LIves of Ellzabeth and Essex." Dramatic tale of the !tnstoncal romance between Queen ElIzabeth and Essex Bette DaVIS and Errol Flynn co starred Others featured are OlIVIa de Havllland, Donald Cl'1Sp, and Alan Hale Roose :velt. * .~ "Nmotchka" A daughter of Rus· sia goes to Paris and really learns how to Iive, love, and laugh Greta Garbo plays t itlc role OPPOSIte Mel ~Iyn Douglas United Artists *' * ••Dancmg Co ed " A publlcity agent ••plants" a beautiful dancer In a col lege and starts a dance centes among co-eds Lana Turner plays femmme lead opposite RIchard Carl son Ann Rutherford, Lee Bowman, and Roscoe Karns in the cast State Lake, Belmont, Shendan. * 'l' " Generals WIthout But ton s, Drama of child life, based on novel by LOUIS Pergand Jean Murat and CIJ de May play Ieading roles Sono- tone * >I. "The Heart of Pans." Shopkeeper befriends gir'l accused of murdermg her lover Co stars Raimu and MI chele Morgan. World Playhouse. ** "JamaIca Inn." A d apt e d from story by Daphne Du Maurter about the cruel leader of a gang of pirates along the Corn ish coast. Charles Laughton 15 starred Leslie Banks, Robert Newton, and Maureen 0 Hara featured. Uptown, Marbro. ** "FIrst Love." Deanna Durbm plays her first romantic role. Robert Stack plays male lead Others In cast are Helen Parnsh, Eugene Pallette, and Leatrice Joy. Uptown, Marbro, TI- voli, O! * "Rule,.!! of the Sea." Dramatic tale about the first steam boat that crossed the Atlantic, Features Doug las F'airbanks Jr, Margaret Lock- wood, WIll Fyffe, and George Ban- croft. 'I'lvoli ~* "The Real Glory." FIlm IS based on days when the inhabitants on the PhIIlppme Islands were attacked by tne Moros. Gary Cooper, Andrea Leeds, DaVId NIven, and Regmald Owen head the cast Granada, South- town, Harding, Avalon. ~ ~ .• "$1,000 a Touchdown." Comedy co· starr,ng Joe E Brown and Martha Raye Senate, Manor, HIghland, How ard, Lake, Rhodes, Ogden, Ramova. 10 PARTS Pa..-t. ;I.-News. EdItorial. ~§Dorting. ~fa?kets. 3-1\fetronolltan" 4-Cojp!.ics. 5-W •• "tAds. Part 6-\Von1en's E eatur€8. FashIOns. 7-Drama, l\IOT"les. S-SOClety, Travel. 9-G"anhlc Week1 lo-l'ictrn:e Sect>oh CHICAGO U TDAY TRIBU TE: D'F,CEMBER 17 MR. SMITH GOES TO RIDE James Stewart is much in our midSTthese days. You can see him as Smith in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washingl'on" at the Apollo, and as Destry in "Destry Rides Again" at the Palace. 'Dey-time Wife l AblyActed. but Dialog IsWeak "DAY-TIME WIFE" Produced by 20th Century Fox Directed by Gregory Ratoff Presented at the Chicago theater THE CAST. Ken Norton Tyrone Power Jane Linda Darnell Bernard Dexter •••••• Warren William Blanche ••••••••••• Binnie Barnes Kitty •••••••••• Wendy Barrie MISS Applegate .•••••••• Joan DaVIS Mrs Dexter •••••••••• Joan Valerie Coco ••••••••• Leonid Kinskev Meloourne ••••••.•. Mildred Gover M,ss Briggs Renie Rie no By Mae Tinee. Good Mormng! What does a secretary have that a WIfe hasn't got WhICh makes a hus band-the WIfe s husband-park the WIfe at home and take the secretary steppmg' LIttle Mrs Norton wants to know For to this unsuspectmg and devoted little WIfe of a year has come unrms takable evidence that when papa says he's workmg, why papa's really shirk- trig [pome] WIth the assistance of the blonde who takes hIS dictation Now Jane herself JS no slouch. Nor IS she a gtrj who likes to stay at home. She's pretty, she's popular, and she proves that she's perspica- CIOUS For, having made up her mind that no other woman shall wrest her man from her she decides to, so to speak, put herself m the would be wrester's shoes and learn about sec- retanes from a secretary-same bemg herself. She lands m the office of a phi- Iandering, marrted Mr Dexter, bUSI- ness acquaintance of Ken Norton's She leaves for work mornings after Ken has departed and skedaddles home at night arrrvmg In her own boudoir Just a hop ahead of her un- suspectmg husband whom she's able to keep m the dark thru the able connivance of her colored maid, Mel- bourne •••• As you WIll surmise, It Isn't long before Mr Dexter and "MISS Blake" are seen lunching, etc. And then there comes that awful eve when Ken, really for business reasons, breaks a date WIth hIS WIfe AND finds himself and secretary dining WIth Dexter and " secretary" at a most sophisttcated night club ••• OUCH! While this so-called sophisticated comedy drama IS ably acted and sump- tuously staged, I didn't find 1t so hot. Too ObVIOUS, and the dialog is, at times, the last word in banality, See you tomorrow. THE WEEK'S NEW IUOVIES: ••Daytdme WIfe," starring Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell and Binnie Barnes, Chicago. •• Destry RIdes Again," starring Mar- lene Dletrrch, James Stewart, MIS- cha Auer, and BrIan Donlevy, Pal- ace. •• Meet Dr. ChrIstIan," starring Jean Hersholt, Palace. " ~Irssrng EVIdence," starring Preston Foster and Irene Hervey, RIalto. CONTINUED: "Mr. SmIth Goes to Washrngton," starrmg James Stewart and Jean Arthur, Apollo. "Eternally Yours," starrmg Loretta Young and DaVId NIven, Garrick. •• The Roaring TwentIes," starrmg James Cagney and PnscIlla Lane, Oriental and neIghborhood theaters. •• The PrIvate LIves of Ehzalleth and Essex," starnng Bette DaVIS and Errol Flynn, Roosevelt. •• Nrnotchka," starring Greta Garbo and Melvyn Douglas, Umted ArtIsts. •• Dancing Co-ed," starrmg Lana Turner and RIChard Carlson, State- Lake and neIghborhood theaters. •• Generals WIthout Buttons," star- rmg Jean Murat and Claude May. Sonotone. "The Heart of ParIS," s tar r I ng Ralmu and MIChele Morgan, World Playhouse. C01\IING: •• The Hunchback of Notre Dame," starrmg Charles Laughton and Maureen O'Hara Palace, Dec. 25. •• Eve~ythlng Happens at NIght," starnng SOnJa Heme, Ray Milland, ChIcago, Dec. 22. •• Intermezzo," starring LeslIe How- ard and Ingnd Bergman, Apollo; soon •• The Housekeeper's Daughter," star- rlIlg Joan Bennett and Adolphe Menjou, Roosevelt; soon. Notes of Music and Musicians The ftrst performance of Christ- mas orator io, "The Mass of Chrrst," WIll be given at the St James Meth- OdISt church, 4611 EllIS avenue, this afternoon at 4 30 o'clock. Mrs Wal ter DIll Scott wrote the lIbretto for which Bethuel GlOSS, choir director and organist of the church, suppl ied the mUSIC The SOlOISts WIll be Mau rine Smith Gross, soprano, Marcia Sandahl, contr alto , Eugene Dressler, tenor, and Raymond Koch, bass Vitaly Schnee, pianist, WIll be the featured artrst on a benefit concert to be presented by the Yal dai Ammi at the Hamilton hotel, 18 South Dear- born street, tonight at 8 15 o'clock The entire proceeds of the affair WIll go to ald homeless Polrsh chIldren MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN PlU$ 2d Feature JEAN HEllSlUILT in 'MEET DR. CHRISTIAN' Based on RadioShow World PLAYHOUSE M;;I~~ve Cant 11 15 A 11:1 to MIdmght-3C1 to 6 30 P M 6 - Fascmatmo MICHELE LAST Star of ~ Oh~sR~(;'ir8MORGAN "A STANDOUT! I "The HEART -A really excel· of PARIS" lent French film"- MAE 'fINEE l' b (Enoltsh tttles) , n. ADULTS ONLY MONROE ~~rcl~~ne'Mutmy in the Bi~ House' ~AST AND FURIOUS • Ann Sothern F lone MOl'<LlOE at DEARBORN CHARLES BICKFORD WOO DS R~~~OI~ tot lt~~~~~Of~2 ~tr~~t Charles B ckford DOrls Nolan John Lltel ONE HOUR '!'o LTVE and Barton MacLane MUTINY IN ~HE BIG HOUSE SONOTONE ~onf fr:;~~~cRt~~ "GYPSIES" RomantIc MUSICalSaRa (Eng1Jsh T ties) WEST CENTURY 1421W MADISON John Garfield Pnscl!la Lana "DYST Ill: MY DI'STINY" \).Ialter Connot(y "THOS!: HIGH GRn WALLS" OPEN AT NOOtl 1\1ADUN 1910W MADISON MOTION PICTURES I MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN ~~~..,...". 'V ~ __ ~ ~~~~~ •.•••••••••••.•••••.••.• "" ~""..,........,.,., ~~~~ • BALABAN & KATZ WONDER THEATERS. 40¢ ALL DAY ~4il!!t.II6i11"I:rIIW:_.lPo 3S0~: 'AtJOE\t/l Vfl)kN_VO 1.£'5BIG ~ ltJ~£S~OW ~~ 1\ In PersOn-Radio S , ~ Texas JIM LEWIS ~ and),,, COWBOY BAND ALICE DAWN Los Chlcos, Solly Ayers The Four Franks Randolph Avery & Co Bobby Belmont l!!lI"-II:p.il11 20lh Contury Fox hit WIth BINtllE BARNES· WENDY BARRIE WARREN WILLIAM • JOAN DAVIS on o{(T(J(!.' ,\II ne", songsl The trumvet IOpSI New rhytoms l H RRY ANDREWS >i; j MES SISTES: wth b. wd'<1 '. Mmnony ORCM£STRA ~C" ('It ~n so: "fn<1 git'~ re "Uf;' LATEST WORLD NEWS = DOOI s Ope 1 I ! a I Cnas Lauuhton Deanna Durbin Maureen 0 Kala "[FiRST "JAMAICA LOVE" INN" &. Pete S nit 1 Bowling Howl- Set 'Em Up' --~~""'-"'>-~ PARADISE ~;<nB~~~s~:~k~R~~on'l: !! Glnucr Rogels In ' FIFTd AVENUE GIRL S.uw If t --fPk-~~llIa LOy-;;;;t- iiX en ra ,TR>Aro\~'ISPCOA~¥"R, -_SHU! Openat 1230 ,,"'0 ST liTE plus Jo,1 ~leCrea 8 1 K •••. f,;; H11~~YMSJ'S~~~ ~ 1:lE" at I 30_____ -- S IE:M"'TE MY;;a-LOYan-d- fi~ I;,IU,," ~ TYIOI e POWER SilO! OP" at I P M. 'RAINS C~ME' - M '" ~! Ii"!~ Plus Mar tha Raye ~~ MoIl.Un. Joe E Blown III SHuN On"n at ! PM $1 000 A Touchdown' == NORTH ADE~L~PHI 7074 N. CLARI{ ROG PIC 1039 Cont I 30 BETT~ !lAVIS "T!!.e ell.!! IRJ.'IIidn GCORGEBRENT U Y U II§IIUU MIRIAMHOPKINS 0 RAD VElDT H U. BOAT 29 n VA~E~IE HOBSON EXTR 4 Valuable ChrIstmas DIVIdend fi GIft F! ee with 250 AdmISSIOn :ALI"Il 5100 N. Clark St On 1 P 1\1 "'8'\ \jI Adults 25c All Day Norma 8hearer-Joan Cra-uford "THE WOMEN" Plus Selected Short Sub,ect. 61'1!;,IflO Roscoe nr 1 P 1\I nY~U Edw G Rob.lrrsrm I BLJ\Cl\.l'iIAIL" Calole Turnba.rd 111 'IN NAl"rE ONLV" a i!!!!!'!&!i!'!8!E§SSl!'- ::~~o;8 ~~~ WINDSOR r~~a~~~ MYRNA LOY Geo Brent 11'RONE POW1< It 'THE RAINS CAME' & JOEL lUcCREA, Andrea Leeds. HEIFF TZ "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" RID G E DEVONAT CIARK 00015 0116n I 30 P M MUSil] BOX 3733 southport Ave DOORSOPEN I P M .-- NORMASH~ARER JOAN CRAWFORD ROSALIND RUSSELL "THE WOMEN" JOHN GARFIELD PRISCILLA lANE "DUST BE MY DESTINY" ,II Op 10 15 Their love is born in ~L~ undisguised ardor! ~q". SETTE ERROL~-"" DAVIS •FLYNN ,. "THE PRIVATE LIVES OF Elimbeth~ EsseX' in TECHNICOLOR ~ gaNl,o Melvyn DOUGLAS "NINOTCHKA/) MGM', romanee INA CLAIRE Extral World News Events LOVE f ' "JAMAICA INN" Lf~t~';5~ Also Pete Smith s BOY. LING SPORTS HIT GRANADA R;~IR~IO~~os;~i Ii! THE REAL GLORY' s Ma(jelelll8 can-on !! Fred Maci\!ullay HONEYMOON IN BALI B!l( Extra~,!ARCH~ TI~E W~~~ __ IH40;; RiVIEIlA O';HL~JODE~~I;teo:~er~ BIK BOB HOPE THE CAT and the CANARY SHeW Also 3 LITTLE PIGS In --"!Ow DISney_Hit iiiK ~;:~~eyG:~~f~6 :oow "BABES IN m ARMS" SlID! PillS GINGER ROGUS ilK "5TH AVENUE;ru; GIRL" ilK Abo Pete Smith ;; , Let's Talk TUI key" - l'! Ie I..MOIlIT op.;;-i245-3 Feature' !!!I IO~ ., Mlckay Roo ley Ju(h!!. Galland j Babes In Arms & Ginger ROO"I'" B!K 5th Ave Gill' Lana Tu net ~allClng Co ed ;OW °1)lih~~;-:;~~t G,~~l\~o~:rs iii HenlY Arl'l1e~ta ESCAPE & DICk Tla~ ;n; IH'VEII.'T Barton Mact.aue MUTINYiiil UY 111 III he 811] HOUSE' Plu~.- DOllSNolan 'I HOURTO LIVE & Cartoon~ CI ~'E'002 45-Ba"liilrthbone Sigrid !!I! .1 nurte RIO & Walter Connolly 9l0W 'Those H!gh G ey Walls' (Mat Dick Tlac~) ~ ~SHERIDAN 403~:~~,~~an~~u~~e~ Jan 65 Cagney Priscilla Lane Humphrey Bogart Gladys Georg'; 111 THE ROARINGTWENTIES" -V--O""UE-l-MYlna Loy Tyrone UU Power GeOioe Brent 3812BI dwy OpensI "THE RAINS CAM~" • ftEVON szas Heifetz Joel McClea lib' Bdy and Andrea Leeds • BUCK'f!W "THEY SHALL ,,19 1\1~ anc Su'eet HAVE MUSIC" .••. MORIE' 3912Sherldan-BarbalaStanwyck, "" ~II;;" THEBRIDEWALKSOUT' and Fled Waring and HIS Pennsylvanians Prlsctlla Lane, Johnny Scat Davis, VARSlTY SHOW' ~nft6746 Sher--=-HIDOiN STAIRCASE' @ "1II'YV Edwald G Robinson, BLACKMAIL' ••• BIOfl-RAI"II.I 2433 Llllcoin-OPENS 1245 .,. Iill rn' NURSE EDITH CAVELL' Richard Arlen, 'LEGION OF LOST FLYERS' N "'El'TER d031Line-3 ATTRACTIONS • II.! 1'1 'THEYSHALLHAVEMUSIC' THE RAINS CAME" and THINK FIRST' ;'-0 .!lV le 4614 LlI1coln-Av -3 FEATURES ••• A R<;jI THOSEHIGHGREYWALLS' DUST BE MY DESTINY' & Rathbone 'RIO' "Rf!Ml'iIllU~ 1040 Mgyl,-BETTEDAVIS ".M. U ~Jn"" Miriam Honklns GeOlue Blent. 'OLD MAIO Jackie Cooper 'WHAT A LIFE' • 'Il61~ -Sheffieldrl Befmont-Pr~a Lane V~ J Garfield 'DUSTBE MVOESTINY' !:II Rathbone SI(Wld GUrie McLaflle" I RIO" 1939. MOTION PICTURES I DOWNTOWN ............•.•...........••..•... ..,...~"" ~"" "'- •.•...•...•....•.•. MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN Hlp·HIP HOORAY••• it' on the '111:' <~V Opens 25 th DEC. o BALABAN' I(At I 5VL STU[ IIR WASHINGTON· RAIl SJOn _~~WES_~ I ~~_T~~-?~T~~~ BALABAN & KATZ WONDER THEATERS LIBERTY 3~g; ~~112 5 UNITS HARDING OP I 30-Ga1YCooperBIK ILoretta Young Ian Keith CRUSADES Clalk 'The REALGLORY &- Gable COl Lnm barrl 'NO MANOF HER OWN Fred MacMurray Mad Carroll Ho Ityll100n SHOW - --- -- - ~ In Bah -Also f1arch of Time War News '40 _ AVON 3327 Fullertan-20c TO 200 P M - --~ ---~ ----- BIK .EGION OF LOST FLYERS GATEWAY ~ ~lIekeyROONEY _ and Anna Neaqle as NURSE EDITH CAVELL' Judy GARLAND S,uN - - - - OPE)! 12 10 "BASES IN ARMS" _ EMBASSY 39\0 Fuflertun-e-Baall Rathbone CONGRESS Plu. GInner ROGERS BIK Walter counouv T~hn~~~~Id'Hh~ci::~e~AEL~ Ouen 100 "5TH AV! _ GIRL' SHoW 40Q3~ l rvinq-e-SATTRACTIONS TERf ,IJINAL Myrna LOY -SIK IRVING DUSTBE ~'Y OESTINY 01", " Tyrone POWER 'THE WOMEN and FAILURE AT FIFTY Ouen 1 00 "THE RAINS CAME" - - -- BILT I'II\RE Plus Joel McC,ea SHUN CROWN 160,W Dfvlsiun-c-Helfetz MeC,ea mu And ea Leeds -SIK I THEY SHAcL HAVE MUSIC Open L .• Noon Jascha Heifetz _ MYlna Loy Tyrone Power THE RAINS CAME CRYSTAL "THEYMt~~€h HAVE!!: Open 1 30 AI,o Silly Symphony GIK BELPARK } Norma SHEARER ;W Joan CRAWFORD _ Ooen 1 10 ~"~~~o~OG~~fl~;~ ~ Will Ro!ers "DUST BE MY SHOW OPEN 1 P M DESTINY"- LUNA ~P;~ BIG 6·UNIT SHOW ~H~~ Antta Louise I HERO FOR A DAY' Plus •••••• Etidie Dollins 'STOP LOO« & LOVE nlus BIK Spurtf lte Calor Cal toon & Pouular SCI€. Ice - & MaXie Rosenbloom Co ne.dy Slauste Maxie SP-OW ALBA - OPl30-Ba,:g P~e.t-';-4 OlD" Bli Anna Neagle Edna May €r:. ¥ __ Oliver 'NURSE EOITH CAVELL & Rich SilON Gleene Rich Dlx Hele I Am a Stranger'-- ALAMO 0(,09 CHlC!\GO A'E TYRUNE * MYRNA PUW~R LOY George Blent Brenda Joyce The RAINS CAME' ANDl!E!\ LEEDS-JOEL M<CREc\-HElFEIZ "THEY SH!\I f HAVE MUSIC" mveu 200 1;~? i:t 200 o (,OOD FE\7URE,;-COME EARLY' li~g~ "THE OLD MAID" "HERE I AM A STRANGER" Rd~~:~~ f~~'h~~GGlNS "COVERED TRAILER" C~~~ap 8 PHANTOMCREEPS' UntIl Z PM-Open 12 30 20:1:0 Milwaukee-c-S Features ¥o~J,yM~SC~~'~S "V.BOAT 29" "Here I Am a Stranger" Rd;~e;~~ ~j;\~iiLE "NUl se EdIth Cavell" ZOC FOR A s CINEMA CARY GRANT A L ItiIlI:'W RITZ NORMASHCARER EDW RD ARNO D nt;, R6~t~INCtfA;fJ'sOS~~L 'TOAST OF NEW YORK' ~3ri~R~o~~~e~el~ ~ "THE WOMEN" JOHN GARFIELD R0IY PRISCILLA LANE ES 9 UIItE 3245 GROVEAVE "D~:lTI~~.ftIIY Oak near Altch 'FIFTH AVE GIRL" DOORSOPEN I PM" .Oc to 3 P 111 ------ ---------- 179th ESQUIRE GI NGER ROGERS HOUR WALTER CONNOLLY Feature at 235 435 635 835 and 1035 Parle free Luau oS Delaware at 1.11 te!ugan LAKESHORE GOLD COAST LADY OF NORTHWEST ~~~~ ~ REVUE 3 3956 ELSTON-Open at 100 Beats -20c to 5 UU-COllt\ Ea !Y Douglas E a'rbanks, Sr. Ii~~Ch~r;ot,ur Lew A.He::> ALL QUl.K£ 011;::5IERN lIl{UNl b adelelle Cal'wll 1Il MlDNIUHI 1\'1~.vO.NNA COM --MODORE 3105 IIvlIlg Palk Rd OD 1..• i)O-John Garfield flWi,;CILLA "Dust Be My Destmy" Shearer, Crawford, Russell woii1~ NORTH A~a~ KARLOV Myrna Loy lYlOne Power "TH'!!; RAINS CAME" HillY SHALL HAVB MUSIC 20c-12.:10 to 3 P M -6 Umts News Mat Ph",ntom Creeps ell 8 Edtt! Dans M 1l0PKms G Blent OLD MAiD Betty 1'mid J Cooper as H Alduch What a LIfe 3 ::->too,.,es Conedy-Color Cftltooll-1:ed ~lOllto FOX ZO --;no7 ELSTON-Open 12 1" C to 3 OO-lt ree Ioy" to KIds ~lat 3 F~a~OA~ac~~e ~X~;oer L~<>IO:~t\ 0;: ~;~~ ArmItage Western=Op l-Anna Neagle NURSE EDITH CA"VELL HBRB I AM A SIRANGER 2516 FUlleJ ton-Open 1 00 C Veldt U BOAT 29 R ch Arlen LEGION of LOST BLYERS GRAND ---S4~vN;th Ave -~Wlthers '" LITTLE PEPPERS Joan Clawfol'd Nom a Sh~&ler~~ WOMEN 3353 ArmItage-Conrad Veldt U BOAT ::;9 •~HE OLD MAID ARMITAGE Bette DaViS Geo PATIO DALE 2860 and JACKTE CICERO ~~~ OLYMPIC 3 Features 1 ~TJi}' C BOYBl 'When Tomorrow COlnes' jilc~ard"'l5ii.e,i,well "TOPEDOED" "Everythin~'8 on Ice" RO~~~~e K~~~~ ANNETTA 233?rAo~~~otv~~, ~~~gX "JESSE JAMES" ALICE B AVE-DON AMECHE "AlexandeI's Ragtmle Band" Startmg IomOlrow- ~HE LASH -VILLAS5~ W CBlmakRd -ODen 1P M Rosalmd Russell I w lette Goddard NORMA SHEARER "THE \'\ 0 MEN" JOAN CRAWFORD " John Gadieid "Dust B_e My D~8tn~y p~cllla LM~ TOWN Rlcl1a.2.S!~rlen __ PALACE B Rathbone ~~~ Joel McCrea And!ea Leeds 'lHEYSHALT H~VEMUSI~ "THE RAINS CAME" WHEATON ~~~ ~~~-~~~~ PARAMOUNT TI!f~~~N;O~~~ GEORGE BRENT in 'The RAU;S CAME' CHElTEN 79th & Exchange Open 12 45 Sette "Honeymoon In Bali." A" career" glrl gives up her work for marriage, Stars Madeleme Carroll and Fred MacMurray. Granada, Southtown, Hardmg. * '" "The Cat and the Canary," Mys- tery comedy starrmg Bob Hope and I,----- Paulette Goddard. varsity, RIVIera. CHI CAGO ,~ * "Babes in Arms." The youngsters FILMS of down and out vaudeville perform- ers organize their own company and stage a successful show. Leading players are MIckey Rooney, Judy Garland, and Charles Wrnnmger. Century, Norshore, Congress, Gate- way, ParadIse, Pantheon, Nortown, Belmont, Stratford, Lamar, LIdo, Deer· path, Regal * * "FIfth Avenue GIrl." A man of great wealth hues a gIrl he meets on a park bench to stra1ghten out the :mantal dIfficultIes for hIS famIly ICast mcludes Gmger Rogers, Walter Connolly, Verree Teasdale, James AllIson, and TIm Holt McVlckers, Century, Norshore, Congress, Gate- v,ay, ParadIse, Pantheon, Nortown, Belmont, CapItol, EsqUIre, Lamar, Teatro, Tower, PIccadIlly. -+- " The Rains Came." Screen adapta· tion of the novel by LOUIS Bromfield Stars Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power, and George Brent Termrnal, Crystal, BIltmore, Central Park, Berwyn, State, La Grange, TIvolI [Downers Grove] Senate, Manor, Beverly, Jef- fery, Rhodes, Ogden, Crown, Alamo, AmerIcan Broadway Strand, Marshall Square, Vogue, Devon, Buckmgham, Forest, York, WIlmette, AtlantIc, MId· west, Peoples, Ramova u B B 11 FOREST PARK LIL Joan AUSTIN SHORE o en J2 (I FROLIC Open 12 15 OAKLAND Oven 1 00 HAMilTON Oven 1 r M 10MJ:T'1 ml1 Su-p';;-kway-Walter Connolly I~ THOSE. UIGH GREY WALLS and Jack Carr Charles Btckfut tI DOllS Nolan In Clime Thrill Hit ONE HOUR TO LIVE "DUST BE MY DESTINY" James CaenCY-PJlsctl1a Lnne "ROARING TWENTIES" GInger Rogets-'Vm Connolly UFmFTH AVENUE GIRL" A N EVANSTON VALENCIA & John Garfield NO MAN'S LAND WILMETTE WILMETTE GEOOJ~~ I aIBI~;~~ '1YRONE "0 VEI,-n1t RNA j( Y ., THE RAINS CAME" Jas ha HEll FlZ And ea Llt OS eel J\l<.:Cll:\ "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" 1!!II!ST~~.l!flO';~ __ ~~ >i!:"Z!!l:~ DOWNERS GROVE TAS'HI Hfll<Erz JOT I McCREc\ A ll''''a Leedf'.. IBl.Y SHAll I-l 'v] '11. SIC LA GRANGE 'brone Power Myrna I-~~~~"""- --- pus Joel McCrea ~m..yLg~ALLR~T,~~f!~S~~ ELM\VOOD PARK PARK - (,£en at1 30--BE'rTE-DAVrS F.E 1'1-1 7,,-10 Gr;nd Ave-WJ1am Boyd, O"ORGE BREN'!' OLD 1fATD ~Lli RANGE WAR" & RADIOS ALDRICHFAMILY, WHATA LIFli W.,~~ Connolly 'THOSE HIGH GRliY WALLS"

25th o 5 V L - Michigan State University"Eternally Yours."* * Mar-ital diffl-culties between a lady and a great magician who are really madly In love Loretta Young opposite DaVId NIven

Oct 24, 2020



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  • PART 7-PA.GE ~.

    fA Little Aboutthe Movies onCity's Screens

    "Daytime WIfe" [See review onthis page] Chicago

    ~ a-

    "Destry RIdes Again." Westernthrtller co starring Marlene DietrIchand James Stewart Others In thecast are MIscha Auer, Br ian Donlevy,and Ilene Hervey Palace

    ~ OJ:

    "Meet Dr Chrfsttan." The first ofa serres of films about a countrydoctor who trres to establish a hospital In the small town where he practrees TItle role IS played by JeanHersholt Dorothy Lovett and Robcrt Baldwm are also featured Palace

    'i' *"Mr. Smith Goes to Washmgton."

    'A small town boy JS appointed bygovernor to serve unexpired term ofa deceased United States senatorJames Stewart plays t.itle role Supporting players are Jean Arthur,Claude Rams, and Edward Arnold:Apollo

    * *"Eternally Yours." Mar-ital diffl-culties between a lady and a greatmagician who are really madly Inlove Loretta Young opposite DaVIdNIven GarrIck

    * *"The Roar-ing Twent.ics.' Gang-dam and bootleggmg during the yearsfolloWIng the world war FeaturesJames Cagney, Pr iscil la Lane, GladysGeorge, and Humphrey Bogart Onental, Sheridan, LIdo, Tower, Piccadilly

    " OJ:"The Pr-ivate LIves of Ellzabeth

    and Essex." Dramatic tale of the!tnstoncal romance between QueenElIzabeth and Essex Bette DaVISand Errol Flynn co starred Othersfeatured are OlIVIa de Havllland,Donald Cl'1Sp, and Alan Hale Roose:velt. * .~"Nmotchka" A daughter of Rus·

    sia goes to Paris and really learnshow to Iive, love, and laugh GretaGarbo plays t itlc role OPPOSIte Mel~Iyn Douglas United Artists

    *' *••Dancmg Co ed " A publlcity agent•• plants" a beautiful dancer In a college and starts a dance centesamong co-eds Lana Turner playsfemmme lead opposite RIchard Carlson Ann Rutherford, Lee Bowman,and Roscoe Karns in the cast StateLake, Belmont, Shendan.

    * 'l'" Generals WIthout But ton s,

    Drama of child life, based on novelby LOUIS Pergand Jean Murat andCIJ de May play Ieading roles Sono-tone * >I."The Heart of Pans." Shopkeeper

    befriends gir'l accused of murdermgher lover Co stars Raimu and MIchele Morgan. World Playhouse.

    * *"JamaIca Inn." A d apt e d fromstory by Daphne Du Maurter aboutthe cruel leader of a gang of piratesalong the Corn ish coast. CharlesLaughton 15 starred Leslie Banks,Robert Newton, and Maureen 0 Harafeatured. Uptown, Marbro.

    * *"FIrst Love." Deanna Durbm playsher first romantic role. Robert Stackplays male lead Others In cast areHelen Parnsh, Eugene Pallette, andLeatrice Joy. Uptown, Marbro, TI-voli,

    O! *"Rule,.!! of the Sea." Dramatic

    tale about the first steam boat thatcrossed the Atlantic, Features Douglas F'airbanks Jr, Margaret Lock-wood, WIll Fyffe, and George Ban-croft. 'I'lvoli

    ~ *"The Real Glory." FIlm IS basedon days when the inhabitants on thePhIIlppme Islands were attacked bytne Moros. Gary Cooper, AndreaLeeds, DaVId NIven, and RegmaldOwen head the cast Granada, South-town, Harding, Avalon.

    ~ ~.•"$1,000 a Touchdown." Comedy co·

    starr,ng Joe E Brown and MarthaRaye Senate, Manor, HIghland, Howard, Lake, Rhodes, Ogden, Ramova.

    10 PARTSPa..-t.;I.-News.


    ~fa?kets.3-1\fetronolltan"4-Cojp!.ics.5-W ••"tAds.


    E eatur€8.FashIOns.

    7-Drama, l\IOT"les.S-SOClety, Travel.9-G"anhlc Week1lo-l'ictrn:e Sect>oh



    James Stewart is much in our midSTthese days. You can seehim as Smith in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washingl'on" at theApollo, and as Destry in "Destry Rides Again" at the Palace.

    'Dey-time Wifel

    AblyActed. butDialog Is Weak

    "DAY-TIME WIFE"Produced by 20th Century FoxDirected by Gregory RatoffPresented at the Chicago theater

    THE CAST.Ken Norton Tyrone PowerJane Linda DarnellBernard Dexter •••••• Warren WilliamBlanche ••••••••••• Binnie BarnesKitty •••••••••• Wendy BarrieMISS Applegate .•••••••• Joan DaVISMrs Dexter •••••••••• Joan ValerieCoco ••••••••• Leonid KinskevMeloourne ••••••.•. Mildred GoverM,ss Briggs Renie Rie no

    By Mae Tinee.Good Mormng!What does a secretary have that a

    WIfe hasn't got WhICh makes a husband-the WIfe s husband-park theWIfe at home and take the secretarysteppmg'LIttle Mrs Norton wants to know

    For to this unsuspectmg and devotedlittle WIfe of a year has come unrmstakable evidence that when papa sayshe's workmg, why papa's really shirk-trig [pome] WIth the assistance of theblonde who takes hIS dictation •Now Jane herself JS no slouch. Nor

    IS she a gtrj who likes to stay athome. She's pretty, she's popular,and she proves that she's perspica-CIOUS For, having made up her mindthat no other woman shall wrest herman from her she decides to, so tospeak, put herself m the would bewrester's shoes and learn about sec-retanes from a secretary-same bemgherself.

    She lands m the office of a phi-Iandering, marrted Mr Dexter, bUSI-ness acquaintance of Ken Norton'sShe leaves for work mornings afterKen has departed and skedaddleshome at night arrrvmg In her ownboudoir Just a hop ahead of her un-suspectmg husband whom she's ableto keep m the dark thru the ableconnivance of her colored maid, Mel-bourne ••••As you WIll surmise, It Isn't long

    before Mr Dexter and "MISS Blake"are seen lunching, etc. And then therecomes that awful eve when Ken, reallyfor business reasons, breaks a dateWIth hIS WIfe AND finds himself andsecretary dining WIth Dexter and" secretary" at a most sophisttcatednight club ••• OUCH!While this so-called sophisticated

    comedy drama IS ably acted and sump-tuously staged, I didn't find 1t so hot.Too ObVIOUS, and the dialog is, attimes, the last word in banality,See you tomorrow.

    THE WEEK'S NEW IUOVIES:••Daytdme WIfe," starring TyronePower, Linda Darnell and BinnieBarnes, Chicago.

    •• Destry RIdes Again," starring Mar-lene Dletrrch, James Stewart, MIS-cha Auer, and BrIan Donlevy, Pal-ace.

    •• Meet Dr. ChrIstIan," starring JeanHersholt, Palace.

    " ~Irssrng EVIdence," starring PrestonFoster and Irene Hervey, RIalto.

    CONTINUED:"Mr. SmIth Goes to Washrngton,"starrmg James Stewart and JeanArthur, Apollo.

    "Eternally Yours," starrmg LorettaYoung and DaVId NIven, Garrick.

    •• The Roaring TwentIes," starrmgJames Cagney and PnscIlla Lane,Oriental and neIghborhood theaters.

    •• The PrIvate LIves of Ehzalleth andEssex," starnng Bette DaVIS andErrol Flynn, Roosevelt.

    •• Nrnotchka," starring Greta Garboand Melvyn Douglas, Umted ArtIsts.

    •• Dancing Co-ed," starrmg LanaTurner and RIChard Carlson, State-Lake and neIghborhood theaters.

    •• Generals WIthout Buttons," star-rmg Jean Murat and Claude May.Sonotone.

    "The Heart of ParIS," s tar r I n gRalmu and MIChele Morgan, WorldPlayhouse.

    C01\IING:•• The Hunchback of Notre Dame,"starrmg Charles Laughton andMaureen O'Hara Palace, Dec. 25.

    •• Eve~ythlng Happens at NIght,"starnng SOnJa Heme, Ray Milland,ChIcago, Dec. 22.

    •• Intermezzo," starring LeslIe How-ard and Ingnd Bergman, Apollo;soon

    •• The Housekeeper's Daughter," star-rlIlg Joan Bennett and AdolpheMenjou, Roosevelt; soon.

    Notes of Musicand Musicians

    The ftrst performance of Christ-mas orator io, "The Mass of Chrrst,"WIll be given at the St James Meth-OdISt church, 4611 EllIS avenue, thisafternoon at 4 30 o'clock. Mrs Walter DIll Scott wrote the lIbretto forwhich Bethuel GlOSS, choir directorand organist of the church, suppl iedthe mUSIC The SOlOISts WIll be Maurine Smith Gross, soprano, MarciaSandahl, contr alto , Eugene Dressler,tenor, and Raymond Koch, bass

    Vitaly Schnee, pianist, WIll be thefeatured artrst on a benefit concertto be presented by the Yal dai Ammiat the Hamilton hotel, 18 South Dear-born street, tonight at 8 15 o'clockThe entire proceeds of the affair WIllgo to ald homeless Polrsh chIldren


    PlU$ 2d FeatureJEAN HEllSlUILT

    in 'MEETDR. CHRISTIAN'Based on RadioShow

    World PLAYHOUSE M;;I~~veCant 11 15 A 11:1 to MIdmght-3C1 to 6 30 P M

    6- Fascmatmo MICHELELAST Star of~ Oh~sR~(;'ir8MORGAN"A STANDOUT! I "The HEART- A really excel· of PARIS"lent French film"-MAE 'fINEE l' b (Enoltsh tttles), n. ADULTS ONLY

    MONROE~~rcl~~ne'Mutmy in the Bi~ House'~AST AND FURIOUS • Ann Sothern F lone

    MOl'i; j MESSISTES: wth b.wd'too,.,es Co nedy-Color Cftltooll-1:ed ~lOllto

    FOX ZO--;no7 ELSTON-Open 12 1"C to 3 OO-lt ree Ioy" to KIds ~lat3 F~a~OA~ac~~e ~X~;oerL~IO:~t\0;: ~;~~

    ArmItage Western=Op l-Anna NeagleNURSE EDITH CA"VELL

    HBRB I AM A SIRANGER2516 FUlleJ ton-Open 1 00

    C Veldt U BOAT 29R ch Arlen LEGION of LOST BLYERS

    GRAND---S4~vN;thAve -~Wlthers'" LITTLE PEPPERSJoan Clawfol'd Nom a Sh~&ler~~ WOMEN

    3353 ArmItage-Conrad VeldtU BOAT ::;9



    CICERO~~~OLYMPIC 3 Features 1 ~TJi}'C BOYBl 'When Tomorrow COlnes'jilc~ard"'l5ii.e,i,well "TOPEDOED""Everythin~'8 on Ice" RO~~~~e K~~~~ANNETTA 233?rAo~~~otv~~,~~~gX "JESSE JAMES"

    ALICE B AVE-DON AMECHE"AlexandeI's Ragtmle Band"Startmg IomOlrow- ~HE LASH

    -VILLAS5~ W CBlmakRd -ODen 1 P MRosalmd Russell I w lette Goddard

    NORMA SHEARER "THE \'\ 0MEN"JOAN CRAWFORD " John Gadieid"Dust B_e My D~8tn~y p~cllla LM~

    TOWNRlcl1a.2.S!~rlen __

    PALACEB Rathbone

    ~~~Joel McCrea And! ea Leeds



    CHElTEN79th & ExchangeOpen 12 45


    "Honeymoon In Bali." A" career"glrl gives up her work for marriage,Stars Madeleme Carroll and FredMacMurray. Granada, Southtown,Hardmg.

    * '""The Cat and the Canary," Mys-tery comedy starrmg Bob Hope and I ,-----Paulette Goddard. varsity, RIVIera. CHI CAGO,~ *"Babes in Arms." The youngsters F I L M S

    of down and out vaudeville perform-ers organize their own company andstage a successful show. Leadingplayers are MIckey Rooney, JudyGarland, and Charles Wrnnmger.Century, Norshore, Congress, Gate-way, ParadIse, Pantheon, Nortown,Belmont, Stratford, Lamar, LIdo, Deer·path, Regal

    * *"FIfth Avenue GIrl." A man ofgreat wealth hues a gIrl he meets ona park bench to stra1ghten out the:mantal dIfficultIes for hIS famIlyICast mcludes Gmger Rogers, WalterConnolly, Verree Teasdale, JamesAllIson, and TIm Holt McVlckers,Century, Norshore, Congress, Gate-v,ay, ParadIse, Pantheon, Nortown,Belmont, CapItol, EsqUIre, Lamar,Teatro, Tower, PIccadIlly.


    " The Rains Came." Screen adapta·tion of the novel by LOUIS BromfieldStars Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power, andGeorge Brent Termrnal, Crystal,BIltmore, Central Park, Berwyn,State, La Grange, TIvolI [DownersGrove] Senate, Manor, Beverly, Jef-fery, Rhodes, Ogden, Crown, Alamo,AmerIcan Broadway Strand, MarshallSquare, Vogue, Devon, Buckmgham,Forest, York, WIlmette, AtlantIc, MId·west, Peoples, Ramova

    u B B11


    L I LJoan


    SHOREo en J2 (IFROLICOpen 12 15OAKLANDOven 1 00

    HAMilTONOven 1 r M10MJ:T'1 ml1Su-p';;-kway-Walter Connolly

    I~ THOSE. UIGH GREY WALLS andJack Carr Charles Btckfut tI DOllS Nolan InClime Thrill Hit ONE HOUR TO LIVE


    James CaenCY-PJlsctl1a Lnne

    "ROARING TWENTIES"GInger Rogets-'Vm Connolly



    VALENCIA& John Garfield



    '1YRONE "0 VEI,-n1t RNA j ( Y., THE RAINS CAME"

    Jas ha HEll F lZ And ea Llt OS eel J\li; j MES wd'