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2013 Media Kit

Mar 31, 2016



The 2013 edition of the Sport Stars Magazine media kit.
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Page 1: 2013 Media Kit
Page 2: 2013 Media Kit

Game onSSM readers know who’s winning and who to watch.Know what’s happening and what’s hot. Authoritative. Exciting. On target. Get in it.

Editorial ProfileSportStars Magazine covers the high school sports scene — the athletes and the action — with regional editions in major markets. We feature every high school and hundreds of athletes, county-by-county in every local edition. SSM brings energy, excitement and entertainment to today’s high school athlete and active adult reader.■ SportStars of the Week: Honoring exceptional achievement■ Locker Room: The buzz on what’s happening, what’s said and who said it■ Level Up: Keeping athletes on their game■ 10toGo: Where the games are played■ The Numbers: Rankings, stats & more!■ Impulse: Hottest products and trends■ Club Scene: Best club sports teams, players■ All Sports. All the Time: In-depth coverage & rankings for football, basketball, baseball, softball plus every other sport in which our athletes excel

Delivering superior advertising, marketing and creative performance. It’s our tradition for over 23 years to be your #1 marketing partner. See what makes us better. Click over to us at or call an AE today!

Page 3: 2013 Media Kit


aGe a


65% of readers are in the 26-55 range.14 percent are teens



are FuLL-Time and/or SeLF-empLoyed proFeSSionaLS67%

averaGe aGe oF peopLe whoSe houSehoLdS have a TeenaGer

33 maLe FemaLe28

Page 4: 2013 Media Kit

Our Mission

reader profile

SportStars™ advances the physical, social and behavioral development of young ath-letes through sports education, coverage and sports- and health-related clinics. We make stars of every player by promoting a safe, fun and healthy experience. We provide exciting, intelligent, educational and compelling publi-cations and clinics that reinforce positive self image and confidence, leadership and accep-tance, and health and nutritional enrichment — core values found in the team experience and encouraged by active, healthy lifestyles.

Top 10reasons you can’t afford not to

advertise with us

1. oF readerS oF SporTSTarS maGazine poSSeSS coLLeGe or poST-Grad educaTion84%

2. oF SporTSTarS maGazine readerS read 3 ouT oF 4 iSSueS (or more)60%

4. devoTe 30 minuTeS To an hour enjoyinG SSm62%

6. averaGe paSS-aLonG readerShip3.6

8. own one or more LapTopS/TabLeTS66%

10. earn more Than $75,000 per year


3. read aLmoST every arTicLe, cover-To cover66%

5. paSS aLonG Their copy To up To 10 oTher readerS65%

9. have a Facebook and/or a TwiTTer accounT93%

7. own one or more mobiLe/SmarT phoneS75%

■ SportStars reaches 538,880 monthly highly engaged readers with regional, national and digital editions. Readers with buying power!

■ Regionalized editions with hyper local coverage fea-turing every high school team and circulating at 100s of schools and retail locations across the cities we serve.

■ SSM brings sports coverage, lifestyle, trends, health, nutrition and performance-focused instruction along with character and life-skills training.

■ SSM speaks to the parent, coach and adult fan-base by chronicling the players and the games in the community in which they live and care passionately for.

■ Team Sport Marketing to COACHES & AD’s with buy-ing authority. We also serve the team sports market. If your focus is influencing high school and league coaches, we’re your go-to team. SportStars keeps buyers educat-ed and continually updated on competitive news in their respective markets. Hyper local means hyper-interested!

All SportS. All the time

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All SportS. All the time

your Top brandinG opporTuniTieS

1.conSiSTenTLy one oF our moST popuLar FeaTureS, a LiGhT-heared Look aT The worLd oF LocaL SporTS

Locker room

3.FooTbaLL noTeS, inSiGhTS pLuS our excLuSive rankinGSred zone

5.baSebaLL noTeS, inSiGhTS pLuS our excLuSive rankinGSextra bases

7.The FinaL ceLebraTion: prep SporTS iLLuSTraTedphoto Finish

9.we add iT up and name The Top SchooL oF The year

SportStars cup

2.where we honor The beST oF The beST

SportStars of the week

4.baSkeTbaLL noTeS, inSiGhTS pLuS our excLuSive rankinGSin the paint

6.aLL The LaTeST producTS, Tech and Gear


8.heaLTh, TraininG and experT FiTneSS advice

Level up

10.The Top aThLeTeS oF The year GeT Their due

SportStars of the year

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864977 1099 1189



410 458 485 545


eIGhTh265310 333 375

Fence: 99Mega: 210Mini: 99











ad sizEs/ratEs







9.5” x 10.5”

6.25” x 10.5”

horizontal:9.5” x 5.25”

Vertical:4.75” x 10.5”

half island:6.25” x 8””

third island:4.75” x 8”

vertical:3” x 10.5”square:6.25” x 5.25”

4.75” x 5.25”

sixth/Eighthsixth vertical:3” x 5.25“sixth Horiz:6.25” x 2.5”eighth:4.75” x 2.5”

misc.fence:4.5” x 2.25”mega:3” x 3.5”mini:2.25” x 2.5”



1727 1954 2198 2377

1351 1445 1618 1844











coVErs 20x 12x 6xBack Cover 2638 2950 3392Inside Covers 2410 2690 3093

Page 7: 2013 Media Kit

mechanical guidelines

CoLoR 4 color web printing rotation: C, M, Y, K. Total ink density not to exceed 220%. UCR: 240-260, GCR: 85%.

PRodUCTIoN We offer complete production services to advertisers at cost, plus a nominal handling fee to cover pickup and deliv-ery, postage, etc. Artwork submitted after closing dates is subject to revision if mechanical requirements are not met.

SPoRTSTARSoNLINe.ComSportStars offers you great deals on combined print and online advertising packages. Call for details.We offer Banner, Skyscraper and Leaderboard Ads as well as integrated banners and video. Call for details and pricing. Sizes are as follows: Banner (300x250 pixels), Skyscraper (160x600 pixels) Leaderboard (728x90 pixels)

APPLICATIoNS ACCePTedWe accept InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop files. We do NOT accept files from Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. For other applications, please contact us.

fILeS ACCePTedPDF, JPG, EPS or TIFF are acceptable. Please ensure your files are 300 dpi, CMYK.

medIA deLIveRyE-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. We also accept CDs & Mac-formated flash or memory stick. Larger files can be sent via YouSendIt or a similar service.

digital guidelines

“With more than 300 travel ball events to produce each year be-tween fast pitch, baseball and slow pitch, our job is to ensure the success of each tournament. We rely heavily on getting the word out to just the right market. SportStars reaches just the right market for us month after month, tournament after tourna-ment. We count on their support, advertising and editorial cover-age, and the bonus exposure we get when they go to events and showcase All World Sports. Thank you, SportStars!”

— Jay Zetz, All World Sports

“When you work with SportStars Magazine you get a friend to your business. Being a small growing nonprofit we needed help with advertising and editorial. The team at SportStars jumped right in and helped us with exposure that helped to make us one of the best football showcases in the nation.”

— Mark “Coach” Soto, Battle For Veterans

Page 8: 2013 Media Kit

online ads

special sectionsSportStarS™ EvEntS CalEndar: The Calendar section, editorial coverage and listings, are the #1 draw to Sport-Stars™ 7.7 million annual readers. These sections are very desirable to advertis-ers. Full, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4-page ads are available within the calendar section as are special “Mega” and “Mini” ads.

EvEnt produCErS: SpECial ratES Event producers receive the 20-time discount rate for contracts of three (3) issues or more in a calendar year for any standard size ad unit.

CluBS & lEaGuES: trYoutS, rEGiStrationS & FundraiSEr SpECial SECtion

There is a special section just for you — The Fence runs in print, digital, mobile and on The Fence landing pages online. Ads are full-color, 1/8th size (4.5” X 2.25”) and link to your registration URLs.

$7,000/12 monThSLeader board

$5,000/12 monThSSky Scraper

$25o/monTh, min. 3 monThSSidebar 1

$225/monTh, min. 3 monThSSidebar 2

$200/monTh, min. 3 monThSSidebar 3

$175/monTh, min. 3 monThSSidebar 4

All online Ads receive A 15% discount if 12 consecutive months Are purchAsed up front

728 px x 90 px

160 px x 600 px

300 px x 250 px

300 px x 250 px

300 px x 250 px

300 px x 250 px

Page 9: 2013 Media Kit

Issue Art due features#59: Jan. 10 Jan. 4 Jan. 7 feATURe SPoRT: Wrestling (feature, previews) more: Basketball, Soccer#60: feb. 1 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 doUBLe ISSUe: SSm fall Athletes of The year & SSm CUP feATURe SPoRT: Basketball (Mid-Season Coverage) more: Soccer#61: feb. 21 feb. 15 feb. 18 doUBLe ISSUe: ANNUAL Camps + Clinics Special Section & exPo feATURe SPoRT: Soccer (playoffs) more: Basketball, Wrestling, Football Signing Day#62: march 7 march 1 march 4 feATURe SPoRT: Baseball/Softball Preview more: State Wrestling#63: April 1 march 22 march 25 feATURe SPoRT: Basketball (State Championships) more: Tennis, Golf, Baseball/Softball#64: April 18 April 12 April 15 doUBLe ISSUe: SSm Winter Athletes of The year & SSm CUP feATURe SPoRT: Lacrosse (Mid-Season Feature) more: Track& Field, Baseball/Softball#65: may 1 April 26 April 29 feATURe SPoRT: Swimming (Feature, Championship Preview) more: Boys Volleyball, Rugby, Baseball/Softball#66: may 23 may 17 may 20 doUBLe ISSUe: River Cats All City Awards & Spring SportsJam exPo feATURe SPoRT: Track & Field (Feature, Section/State Preview) more: Golf, Lacrosse, Baseball/Softball#67: June 6 may 31 June 3 feATURe SPoRT: Baseball/Softball (Section Championships) more: State Track, State Golf, Boys Volleyball #68: July 1 June 21 June 24 doUBLe ISSUe: SSm Spring Athletes of The year & SSm CUP feATURe SPoRT: Yearbook Special - School Sports: Year in Review Illustrated#69: July 18 July 12 July 15 feATURe SPoRT: Club Sports National Championships Coverage more: Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball/Softball, L.L. All Stars, Mid-Summer Swim#70: Aug. 1 July 26 July 29 feATURe SPoRT: Golf (Amateur/Youth Coverage) more: Water polo, Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Wrestling Nationals#71: Aug. 22 Aug. 16 Aug. 19 2013 fooTBALL PRevIeW#72: Sept. 12 Sept. 6 Sept. 9 feATURe SPoRT: Girls Volleyball (Feature, Season Preview) more: Tennis, Football#73: oct. 1 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 SSm Summer Athletes of The year feATURe SPoRT: Cross Country (Mid-Season Feature) more: Football, Golf#74: oct. 17 oct. 11 oct. 14 feATURe SPoRT: Football (Mid-Season Feature Coverage) more: Water polo, Girls Volleyball#75: Nov. 1 oct. 25 oct. 28 doUBLe ISSUe: ANNUAL Bay Area Golf Show Program feATURe SPoRT: Golf (Feature, Championship Coverage) more: Football, Cross Country, Girls Tennis#76: Nov. 21 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 feATURe SPoRT: Girls Volleyball (Section Championships) more: Golf, Football, Water polo#77: dec. 1 Nov. 29 dec. 1 ChAmPIoNS ISSUe feATURe SPoRT: Boys/Girls Basketball Preview more: Football Section Championships, Cross County State Championships#78: dec. 19 dec. 13 dec. 16 feATURe SPoRT: Regional/State Football more: West Coast Jamboree Hoops Preview, Girls Volleyball State Championships

2013 publication ScheduleSpace Close

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contact usMain OfficePhone: (925)-566-8500

Fax: (925) 566-8507

e-mail: [email protected]

advertisingMike Calamusa, Publisher

Phone: (925)-566-8500

e-mail: [email protected]

editorialchace bryson (925)-566-8500 | [email protected] stordahl (925)-566-8500 | [email protected]


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