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Page 1: 2013 JCFS Annual Report







Page 2: 2013 JCFS Annual Report

Therapeutic Yeshiva

Financial Counseling

Jewish Center for Addiction

Disability Helpline

Foster Care


Board of Directors













To protect anonymity, featured photographs may not be of actual clients.

OUR MISSIONJewish Child & Family Services provides help, healing and caring services, infused with Jewish values, to strengthen lives in the community.

IT TAKESA COMMUNITY. JEWISH CHILD & FAMILY SERVICEShas provided trusted, innovative services for individuals, families, organizations and

communities across Chicagoland for over 150 years. JCFS helps those in our community

facing challenges with life transitions, mental health, developmental disability and basic

human need.

In FY13, Jewish Child & Family Services provided service to 4,800 distinct clients and 307

organizations, responded to 9,927 people seeking information or assistance and overall

touched the lives of nearly 28,000 people. And we couldn’t have done it without you.

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As I complete my first year as Chairman of the Board of Directors, I want to thank our many volunteers, stakeholders and Board members for their contributions to make FY13 such a success. This year was jam-packed with issues and opportunities that required a huge commitment of time, and the Board members, with their different expertise and passions, generously devoted countless hours to help.

As in years past, Board members connected with those the agency serves at dinners in our Residential Homes, at the Model Seder, at the Therapeutic Day School and more. Ongoing committees helped guide our services and finances. Board members demonstrated leadership and engaged their friends, families and colleagues to make it a banner fundraising year. Special projects dealing with accreditation, real estate, quality control and a program portfolio analysis ensure that our programs continue to be strong and the agency remains fiscally responsible.

I would be remiss if I did not share one accomplishment made possible only through the inordinate efforts of our entire Board of Directors and our overworked but totally committed executive officers: our groundwork in developing a new alliance with JVS Chicago that will ensure the continuation of the agency’s much needed services for our community, and allow both agencies to deliver integrated services.

With the Board’s continued active support, FY14 will bring to fruition our new JCFS/JVS Chicago strategic alliance, the new Jewish Center for Addiction and our Divorce Specialty Center: Family Redefined.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” And, so, to the Board of JCFS and our agency’s executive officers, as well as to our many other volunteers, donors and staff, thank you.

H. Debra Levin


Within the pages of this Annual Report you will find stories of those JCFS has helped this past year: a student with special needs making friends; a single mom finding financial stability; a former addict finding a road to recovery; a parent connecting to help for her children with disabilities; a foster child who found a loving home. For these individuals and the thousands of others we serve each year, a call to JCFS means that help is in sight.

While our programs and services remained strong, behind the scenes we began implementing our Strategic Plan adopted in late 2012. A study allowed us to gauge the mission focus, impact and sustainability of each program. A facilities evaluation is allowing us to think beyond our traditional buildings and towards the growth of community partnerships. This work is geared toward expanding our reach and positive impact by more fully integrating JCFS into the fabric of the daily life of the community.

We spent much of the past year exploring a strategic alliance with JVS Chicago, resulting in an Alliance Agreement that took effect on July 1st. Together we represent over 275 years of service! Many Jewish family service and vocational service organizations across the country have successfully joined together, and we look forward to integrating our programming to best serve our community. Under the agreement, JVS Chicago remains an independent agency, with JCFS providing management and support services. Our collective goal remains unchanged: to provide those we serve with the help and support they need to succeed.

Your support made all of this possible. Our deepest appreciation goes out to everyone who generously shared their confidence, time and financial resources, making it possible for JCFS to provide hope, healing and caring services for people in need.

Thank you.

Howard Sitron

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When emotional and behavioral disorders create problems, trying to fit in can feel like holding one’s breath.

As a middle-school student at a Jewish Day School, Sam was prone to sullen moments spent with his head down and his voice silent, disconnected from his friends, and from his close-knit community. His anxiety attacks made him an outcast at school and his anti-depressant medication often left him unprepared for schoolwork. He didn’t fit in, and he knew it. He needed help.

When Sam arrived at the Yeshiva Program at the Therapeutic Day School, he sat in class, hood over his head, literally and figuratively isolated from those around him. But soon Sam found that the Therapeutic Yeshiva was a place where he could be himself – imperfect, curious, temperamental and, over time, fearless. The Therapeutic Yeshiva provided him with opportunities to succeed and grow. Surrounded by a team of special education teachers, social workers, Rabbis and more, Sam went from being a stranger in his own school to a student whose peers embrace him. Today, Sam has been able to return and reintegrate into his home Jewish Day School, where he is a successful student. He’s even looking ahead to studying at a local university.

“Teachers and staff at JCFS get it – they see my son’s challenges, help me address them and really want him to be successful. They understand that success can be measured in many ways. I’m so happy with JCFS.”

– Therapeutic Day School parent

Finding the right therapeutic environment can mean exhaling, with school and community success in sight.

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THERAPEUTIC YESHIVA PROGRAM The Therapeutic Day School offers a supportive environment for students with emotional, behavioral or learning disabilities. It engages teachers, parents, mental health professionals, special needs educators and the community itself in the students’ development. Each student’s needs are met through a comprehensive, individualized education program designed to give the student a feeling of success and belonging, and to help transition to the next educational level. Religiously observant students may also enroll in the Therapeutic Yeshiva program and attend Yeshiva classes in addition to their secular education program. In a 2013 survey, 90% of Therapeutic Day School parents agreed that they were satisfied with the education their child received, and 100% agreed JCFS staff recognize their child’s strengths.


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Holding onto both your dignity and your money can seem hard when faced with a financial crisis.

Robin thought that she and her family were living within their means. As with many couples, she and her husband shared finances; she routinely saw him with the checkbook, paying bills and balancing the account. Everything seemed fine…until the couple separated. That’s when the financial threads of Robin’s life began to unravel, and fast. As bills went unpaid and her account dwindled, Robin had no idea of where to turn for help. Then, she remembered the donations her family had given to JCFS to help families in need. Could she now be one of those families in crisis she once supported? Pushing past her embarrassment, Robin contacted JCFS and opened her heart and mind to accepting help.

With the help of an empathetic JCFS financial counselor, Robin was respectfully guided through first-time financial experiences, such as signing up for government benefits to help her buy food, get medical care and pay utility bills. Having the counselor’s support made all the difference for Robin as she rebuilt her family’s life and crossed the bridge back to financial stability, focusing on what mattered most – a warm home, a stable school environment for her children and dependable nutrition and health care.

“When I was sick and had a very hard time recovering and getting on my feet financially, JCFS gave me a sense of security and not feeling alone amidst all of my challenges.”

– Financial Counseling client

Accessing financial counseling can mean that financial stability is in sight.

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FINANCIAL COUNSELING JCFS Financial Counseling specialists help people become better stewards of their money, whether they are a struggling family or an individual challenged by managing a budget to maximize personal resources. Understanding how to handle day-to-day living expenses today while planning for a secure future is a priority, and JCFS offers these financial lessons infused with Jewish values. 86% of respondents to a 2013 survey of financial counseling clients reported that the services they received from JCFS have met their needs. 99% of clients who received a financial assistance grant reported that the assistance would make a positive impact by helping to restore the client’s financial circumstances.


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Recognizing one’s own drug addiction can be both painful and courageous.

Joel never considered himself to be addicted to alcohol. But in truth, Joel was an alcoholic – a Jewish alcoholic – and his dependency caused rifts with his family, his community and even his Jewish spirituality. Ten years ago, many rabbis didn’t understand how to help a congregant who turned to them when dealing with addiction. Joel actually had to step away from his faith to begin a 12-Step program, attending meetings in unfamiliar church basements.

Today, the story is different. Joel is living clean and sober and is an active member of his synagogue community. His rabbi and lay leaders have partnered with JCFS’ Jewish Center for Addiction (JCA) to learn about helping more of their members. Joel is now a certified substance abuse counselor, and for Jewish clients, he uses tools from JCA to integrate Jewish practices, prayers and Torah into each of the 12 steps of the program. He also attends 12-Step meetings at several synagogues and volunteers with JCA to help more Jewish settings open their doors.

“When I suspected my teenaged son was using drugs, he was slipping away from us and my husband and I were terrified. Now we are on the road to recovery, as a family.”

– Chicagoland parent consulting with JCA

Turning to a religious community that’s prepared to respond can lead to the hope that, with help, recovery is in sight.

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JEWISH CENTER FOR ADDICTION The Jewish Center for Addiction was launched to assist individuals and families in the path of addiction’s immediate trauma and to help build caring communities that are aware of and responsive to addiction. Services include community awareness, sobriety support, spiritual programs and professional training. In FY13, 44% of families served by JCFS were impacted by substance abuse.


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Caring for a family member with a disability can be overwhelming in ways others can’t comprehend.

Charlene had a plate filled with ample servings of life’s challenges. But, she had managed to fool everyone, convincing them that she had it allunder control. Yes, her son with autism was struggling through college. Yes, her youngest son was living with a learning disability that required her steady attention. And, yes, her husband’s grief after the death of his sister left him detached, depressed and eventually, without a job. But everything was OK…wasn’t it? Overwrought and distressed, Charlene discovered the JCFS Disability Helpline, picked up her telephoneand called.

Immediately, Charlene’s JCFS caseworker connected her to a support group for parents of children with learning disabilities. Her husband joined a grief support group, and was also referred to a vocational program at JVS Chicago to help him find a job. Charlene was given references for college-level support for students with learning disabilities. Each connection took Charlene a step closer to calm. The worries that threatened to overtake her were, with care, becoming manageable.

“I called the Disability Helpline yesterday and spoke with the most thoughtful person. She listened to me…I am already feeling much better.”

– JCFS Disability Helpline caller

Placing a call to the JCFS Disability Helpline can mean that assistance is in sight.

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DISABILITY HELPLINE JCFS offers educational programs, services and support groups for people with disabilities and their families, including workshops, respite, futures planning and case management. The JCFS Disability Helpline is a single telephone number that helps callers navigate and connect to disability services. In 2013, more than 400 families turned to the Disability Helpline for support. 95% percent of respondents reported that they received the information they needed and 100% reported they felt listened to.


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Being passed from home to home can make a child feel unloved, unwanted.

Foster parent Gladystine Jones lives a life where love “knows no limits.” After raising four of her own children, she opened her home and heart and worked with JCFS to receive three foster children, two of whom have since become her own through adoption. John, the newest member of the family, arrived angry, anxious…and loud. He screamed over and over and over, day and night. Gladystine empathized; after all, John had already lived in at least two foster homes in his young life, but the screaming had to stop.

Gladystine lay awake one night searching for a solution. She reflected on the training she had received from JCFS to become a foster parent – on providing structure, empathy and authenticity. The next morning, as John sat in the living room screaming at the top of his lungs, she sat down beside him. Then, she joined his screams. For several minutes, they screamed together. Weary, John at last turned to Gladystine and asked, “Why are you yelling?” She replied, “Because you are.” He stopped screaming, allowing her to give him the kind of love and discipline that he needed to flourish. Now, John excels at school, and enjoys in-line skating, biking and playing football. And Gladystine? Well, she’s making plans for John to become her third foster-care adoption.

“JCFS found me a home where I can still stay in touch with my family. That helps with the feelings I am going through.”

– Foster Care youth

When children in foster care believe that they are important to someone, comfort is in sight.

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FOSTER CAREJCFS manages foster care and specialized foster care services in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, to place children from birth to age 21 in foster homes. JCFS recruits and trains potential foster parents to provide care for the children we place in Cook, DuPage and Will counties. In a 2013 JCFS survey, 100% of participating foster-care youth agreed that their case managers understood their needs and their family’s needs. JCFS also consistently exceeds the state’s expectations for standard of care.


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Jewish Federation $8,597,000 30% $8,827,000 30%

Government Contracts & Fees $7,437,000 26% $7,872,000 27%

Corporations, Foundations

Individual Donors & Other Support $7,092,000 24% $6,338,000 22%

School District Contracts $4,073,000 14% $4,451,000 15%

Program Service Fees $1,697,000 6% $1,755,000 6%

TOTAL $28,896,000 $29,243,000


Counseling & Community Support $10,685,000 37% $10,804,000 37%

Residential & Child Welfare $7,487,000 26% $7,581,000 26%

Special Education $5,873,000 20% $5,792,000 20%

Management & General $2,876,000 10% $3,032,000 10%

People with Disabilities $1,975,000 7% $2,034,000 7%

TOTAL $28,896,000 $29,243,000


This is preliminary financial information; audited financial information will be posted on in January 2014.


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OfficersH. Debra Levin Chairman

Benn Feltheimer Vice Chair

Andrew M. Glick Vice Chair

Deborah Hecht Vice Chair

Paul K. Morton Vice Chair

Daniel J. Wander Vice Chair

Susan Schulman Secretary

Toby D. Bernstein Treasurer

Stephen R. Ballis Immediate Past President

Gerri Kahnweiler Member-at-large

Mark S. Levy Member-at-large

Laurie Price Member-at-large

Board Members

Alan Alport

Howard A. Feinstein

Stanley Friedell, M.D.

Marci Friedman

Barbara J. Gaffen

Thomas Giller

Patricia N. Gillman

Martha Glass

Karen Stickler Greer

Harry Huzenis

Adrienne Kriezelman

Mickey G. Lefton

Karen L. Levine

Jerrold Marks

Andy Perellis

Robert Perlmuter, M.D.

Rabbi Elisha M. Prero

Melissa Pryor

Benjamin Riback

Jennifer Rosenblum

Ron Schwartz

Gail H. Steingold

Abby Strauss

Jane Strauss

Howard S. Suskin

Jeffrey B. Winton

Milton Zimmerman

Honorary Board Members

Pamela K. Adelman

David Bardach

Patricia Cantor

Jules Cogan

John C. Colman

Robert Don

Judith Feldman

June S. Finder

Marvin Fitch

Bruce Goldman

Marla Gordon

Alan S. Gratch

Ted R. Jadwin

James B. Klutznick

Thomas A. Korman

Elliot Lehman

Leonard Levine

Fran Levy

Stanley L. Pollock

Stephen L. Schar

Midge P. Shafton

Mildred Shlensky Kaufmann

David Smerling

Andi Srulovitz

Jeffrey E. Stone

Sherwin J. Stone

Don C. Trossman

Marc R. Wilkow

Gregg F. Witt

Brenda J. Wolf

JCFS OfficersHoward Sitron President & Chief Executive Officer

Margaret Vimont Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Vincent Everson Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Shirley Maier Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer

Stacey Shor Vice President & Chief Development Officer


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Mesirow Financial Investment Advisory



Neil Berg

Harry & Harriet Bernbaum Family Charitable Foundation

Toby Bernstein

Martin & Mary Boyer Foundation

Burns Family Charitable Foundation

CDI Construction Group, Inc./Laurie & Neal Price

Howard S. Cohen & Donna Robbins-Cohen

Gerhard Foreman & Hannah Foreman Trust Fund

Andrew M. Glick

Louis Glickman Trust

Gould & Ratner, LLP

Ellen & Michael Gross

Harry Huzenis

Jenner & Block, LLP/Howard Suskin

Thomas & Marcia Korman

Bruce & Jennifer Lee

Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation

Malkin Families

Northern Trust Company

Presence Marketing/Dynamic Presence

Sacks Family Foundation

Reuben Shapiro Family Trust

Sondheimer Foundation

Jane & Michael Strauss Family Foundation

Tangerine Promotions

Herbert & Ruth Winter Foundation

Milton & Michelle Zimmerman


Lester & Edward Anixter Foundation


Stephen & Elizabeth Ballis

David Bardach

Anastasia & L. Harrison Bernbaum

Colliers International

Jim & Patricia Crounse

FMR Systems, Inc.

The Henry G. Foreman & Lottie S. Foreman Trust Fund

Prudence M. Fuchsman Estate

Betsy Gidwitz

Martha & Brad Glass

Jeffrey S. Goldman

Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Lowy Haiman Fund

Jaffee Family Foundation

JBS Foundation

J.P. Morgan

J.S. Frank Foundation

H. Debra Levin

Mark & Francine Levy

Mack I Crounse Group

McGladrey, LLP

Mesirow Financial

Miller, Shakman & Beem, LLP

Prime Property Investors, LTD

Rosenbaum Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

Paul & Jennifer Rosenblum

Bradley & Susan Schulman

Andi & Michael Srulovitz

Jerome H. Stone Family Foundation

Dan Wander & Ruth Freedman

Wells Fargo Advisors


Jim & Enna Allen

Alan Alport


The Arnburg Family

Jennifer Borowitz-Gutzke

Craig & Felice Boyer

Brook Weiner, LLC

Steve & Marla Brown

Michael Bork & Sheryl Cohen

Scott & Lynda Canel

Joel & Leasha Carp

Chicago Clinical Laboratories, Inc.

Joseph R. Clonick

Alan & Heather Cole

Coles School

Conant Family Foundation

Carey & Cheryl Cooper

Susan Crown

John & Alice Deimel

David & Debbie Dobkin

Nanci Dobkin

EMCO Chemical Distributors

Sidney Epstein & Sondra Berman Epstein Foundation

Howard Feinstein & Brenda Hansen

Judith & Melvyn* Feldman

Benn Feltheimer & Amy Genender

First Bank of Highland Park Foundation

Michael & Patti Frazin

Stanley & Ruth Friedell

Irwin & Adrienne Friedman

Thomas Giller

Patricia N. Gillman

Philip L. & Ellen V. Glass

Go Bananas Family Entertainment Center

Donald & Alice Goldsmith

Andrew Halper

David Hazan

Deborah M. Hecht & Greg Stewart

Henry Crown & Company

Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation

Jeffrey & Suzanne Hoyne

JMB Insurance Agency

Gerri & David Kahnweiler

Mary & Jerry Kaltman

Doris Kaplan

Jill & Jory Katlin

Lore B. Kirchheimer

Randall & Carrie Klein

Koepfgen Foundation

Paul & Lauren Kohlenbrener

Latkin Family Foundation

Stephen & Judith Leapman

Leonard & Ricki Levine

Karen Levine

Ila J. Lewis

Lewis Floor & Home

Michael & Lynne Lieber

Jerrold & Joan Marks

MB Financial Bank

Metro Chicago Surgical Oncology, LLC

Jeff & Trish Meyer

Michael Miselman

Mitchell, Hoffman & Wolf, LLC

Lester & Charlotte Morris

Morris Weiser Family Foundation

North Shore Community Bank

David Ofman

Gerald & Barbara Oguss

Eli & Hella Okman

Stephen & Marie Palmer

Perlman Family Foundation

Robert & Karen Perlmuter

Page 17: 2013 JCFS Annual Report


Arthur Potash

Mel & Phyllis Potash

Melissa Pryor

Rhoades Foundation

Ben & Jennifer Riback

Lorelei Rosenthal

Amy & Michael Rubin

Kristine L. Rull

Hollis Russinof & Michael Leff

Lee & Elise Sacks

Schiller Klein, PC

Max & Lynn R. Schrayer

Ron & Robyn Schwartz

Harry & Susan Seigle

Midge Perlman Shafton

Dr. Judy Shatkin

Howard & Deborah Sitron

Richard & Janice Small

W. Harris Smith

Lois Sommers

Manfred & Fern Steinfeld

Donald & Linda Stewart

Dr. Ross M. Stolzenberg

Strategic Wealth Partners, LLC

Abby Strauss

Thomson Reuters My Community Program

Trek Bicycle Store Highland Park

Don & Janis Trossman

Tower Foundation

UBS Lipton-Harihara Group

Vrandenburg Foundation

Herbert & Karen Wander

Rhonda & Jeff Wener

WHI Real Estate Partners, LLC

Jeffrey & Deborah Winton

Bobette Zacharias

Barbara Zenner & Howard Isenberg


Steven & Wendy Abrams

Billy & Marcy Abt

Robert & Renee Ackerman

Lawrence & Carol Adelman

Pamela & Steven Adelman

American Courier Services, Inc.

Dennis & Estra Anders

Roni Anderson & Tony Dwyer

Anonymous (17)

Alan & Jennifer Axelrod

Laurie & Grant Bagan

Warren & Cindy Baker

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Ted & Cheryl Banks

Harvey & Jackie Barnett

Irving & Irene Barr

Bruce & Jacki Barron

Stephen & Carol Barron

Mark & Sheri Bartelstein

Tilden & Marlene Beck

Dr. & Mrs. Lee Becker

Liz & Barry Bennett

Elliott & Debbie Berman

H. Bruce & Janice Bernstein

Jeffrey & Amy Bernstein

Beth Emet’s G’dolim Class

Tomer & Jennifer Bitton

Nina and Michael Blechman

Ilene & Jerry Block

Steven & Barbara Blonz

Robert & Nancy Bloom

Stephie & Andy Blum

Paul & Lisa Blumberg

Susan Blumenthal & David Kreinick

Robert Boehm & Sharon Friedman

Box Tops for Education

Adrienne Breen & Michael Brody

Robert & Barbara Breyer

Norman Breyer

Allan & Beverly Brodsky

Dr. Nicole Brodsky

David T. Brown

Louis A. & Julie Bucksbaum

Dan & Meghan Burns

Merle & Michael Cahan

Jeffrey & Sara Cahn

Meg & Tim Callahan Family Foundation

Arthur & Fern Callistein

Sheila & David Canmann, Jr.

Jack & Audrey Cantor

Steven & Cara Cap

Deborah Carata

Cartridge World

Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Medispa

Scott & Maureen Chaikin

Margery C. Chapman

Sally Chapralis

Robert & Stacie Chukerman

Brian Cizek

Ray* & Marilyn Cohen

Mel & Meryl Cohen

Douglas & Leslie Cohen

Diana Cohen & Adam Spitulnik

Lee & Margaret Cohn

David S. Colton

Beth & Richard Conen

Congregation Beth Shalom

Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim

Congregation Or Chadash

Congregation Solel

Robert L. Corcoran

James & Megan Cusick

D&K Real Estate Service Corporation

Alfred E. & Terri R. D’Ancona

Joann Davidson

Zahava Davidson

Gary & Patricia Davis

Scott & Denise Davis

Betty Dayron

Anthony & Laura Deblaise

Judy & Tom Deutsch

Thelma Dobkin

H. Nancy Domash

Steven & Jill Dorfman

Debra & Steven Dresner

Richard A. & Hylene S. Dublin

Peter & Ann DuBois

Susan Duman

Morris & Lois Dyner

Joan Eagle

Joel & Melissa Eckhause

Tobi & Marty Edwards

Brian & Marla Egert

Maureen Eisenberg

Seth & Rosalind Eisner Fund

Susan & Noel Elfant

Donna & Steven Elrod

Ronald & Kathy Emanuel

Carol & Randy Emer

Glenn H. Engelberg

Mildred Erhardt

Ross Erlebacher & Susan Silver

Vincent Everson

Terry Satinover Fagen

Barrett & Anne Feeney

Henry & Elizabeth Feldman

Donna & Martin Field

Andrew & Lauren Field

June Finder

Lisa Flanagan

Jeremy & Naomi Fogel

Michael & Paula Fohrman

David C. Follmer & Anita Samen

Paul & Andrea Fox

Stuart & Kimberly Frankenthal

Freedman Family

Terri & Michael Freeman

Barry & Rebecca Friedland

Mark & Laura Friedman

Richard & Meredith Friedman

Howard & Loren Friend

Zellmer & Judi Fromm

Sarinda & Jan Fulgoni

Karen Galin

Yosef & Dr. Dale Garber

Joe & Gail Gassner

Stephen & Terri Geifman

Mary & Norm Geller

Gendell Family Foundation

Ann & Kenneth Genender

Sean M. Gibson

Paula & Jay Gitles

Susanne K. Glink

Kari Glover & Thad Alston

Marty & Sandra Gold

Arthur Gold

Anne Goldberg

David & Carol Golder

Dr. Harry M. Goldin & Jane Kaplan

Joel & Varda Goldman

Peter D. & Carol Goldman Foundation

Page 18: 2013 JCFS Annual Report

Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program

Neal & Nancy Goldstein

Dana L. Goldstein

Lee Golub

Ray & Linda Gomberg

Martin H. Graff

Grainger Matching Gifts Program

Alan & Sallie Gratch

Todd & Marcia Grayson

Donna & Jack Greenberg

Amy & Robert Greenebaum

Bruce & Gail Greenspahn

Bill & Cissy Greenspan

Karen Stickler Greer & Joseph Greer

Walter & Susan Gregory

Stephen & Hannah Judy Gretz

Susan & Geoffrey* Grossman

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Grossman

Raj & Nancy Gupta

Marlene & Seth Halpern

Gary & Carol Hart

Elliott & Judy Hartstein

Harriett & Barbara Hausman

Jack & Greta Heiman

George & Susan Heisler

William J. Heller

Michael Henes

Lisa Henner

Joshua Herrendorf

Henry Hindin Foundation

Harriette Hirsch

Richard & Joyce Hirsch

Marjorie & Sheldon Hirshman

Hochberg Family Foundation

Adam & Denise Hoeflich

Jill & Rick Hoffman

Homemade Pizza Company

Frances Horwich

John & Debbie Huml

Bruce & Jody Hyman

Sam & Nancy Isaacson

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Jacobs

Linda & Alan Jacobson

Jill & Jay Jaffe

Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation

Michael Johnson

Eugene Kahan

Dr. & Mrs. Randy Kahan

Shimon & Jill Kahan

David & Sydney Kaplan

Howard and Marlene Kaplan

Joseph & Cynthia Kaplan

Charles & Shari Karp

Andy & Susan Katlin

Fay Katlin

Renee & Mel Katten

Robert & Janice Kaufman

Jacob Kaufman

Lorraine Kayser

Brett & Penny Keeshin

Linda Kellough

Patrick & Kathleen Kennedy

David & Erin Kerpel

Michael & Karen Kesner

Judy & F.L. Kirby

Tracey Lipsig Kite

Harry Klein

Howard & Susan Klieger

Diane Klotnia

Suzanne Koenig

Samuel Kohn

Richard & Stephanie Koretz

Robert & Minde Korman

Steve Korman

Janice A. Korn

Steven & Lori Korol

Anthony M. Kotin

Mitchell & Sari Kovitz

Martin J. & Susan B. Kozak Fund at the Chicago Community Trust

Bernard S. Kramer

Dan & Gail Kraus

Joan Kripke & Malachy Gunther

Basil Kromelow

Harold & Roquel Landsman

Ross & Lori Laser

Raphael & Lori Lavin

Rana Lee

Mickey & Tobi Lefton

Steven & Ronna Leibach

Todd & Lisa Lesser

Sheri & Ivan Levi

Norman Levin

Michael & Carla Levin

Ronald & Fifi Levin Family Fund

Linda S. Levin

Alan & Marilyn Levinson

Bernard & Averill Leviton

Carolyn A. Levy & Family

Kim Levy & Michael Staford

Marty & Arlene Lewis

Laurie Lieberman

Janice Linn & Richard Pincus

Richard & Gayle Lipsig

Michael & Terri Lipsitz

Ed Loeb

Vince & Anne Logrande

Loomcraft Textile & Supply

Sondra & Max Lorig

Estellene Lukatsky

Randi & Dan Lustig

Shirley Maeir

Marilyn E. Malkin

Mallinckrodt Renaissance, LLC

Mann Family

Richard & Jane Marble

Meredith & Seth Marks

Mason, Wenk & Berman, LLC

Terry McDonough

Stanley & Jean Meadows

Monica & Keith Mellovitz

Charles & Bonnie Mervis

Richard & Sara Mesirow

Morris Metcoff

Jon & Stacey Michelon

Rich Michelon

Middleton Partners, LLC

The Millard Group, Inc.

Charles & Laura Miller

David & Carol Miller

Arthur & Madeline Millman Family Foundation

Milwaukee Valve Company, Inc.

Steven & Pamela Mischel

Melissa Mizel & Michael Edwards

Katie & William Morrison

Paul & Victoria Morton

Steven J. Morton & Associates, LTD

Mike & Annice Moses

Renee & Ken Moses

Erin & Pat Murray

John & Lucy Myers

Chas & Margaret Nash

National Council of Jewish Women

Rick & Davida Nelson

Alan & Bobbie Newman

Gregg & Jodi Newmark

Jennifer Newton

John F. Nichols

Niles West High School

Gwen Nodiff

Northbrook Citizens for Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Stephen & Ilene Novack

Julia Nowicki

Shelley Ochab & Chester Gougis

Jane Oguss

Jayne Olefsky

Joshua Orlan & Reni L. Garmin

Rich & Sharon Pachler

Alysa & Randy Parks

Marva Paull

Mitchell & Jamie Pawlan

Patty & Ken Pell

Florie & Andrew Perellis

Jody & Sanford Perl

Karen M. Peterson

Thomas & Betty Philipsborn

Dr. Karen Pierce

Vicki & Gary Pines

Mike & Susan Podell

Stanley & Judith Pollock

Kevin & Rita Powers

Selwin & Syril Price

Dennis & Phyllis Propp

Jan Pryor

Jan Rauen

Carol Reed

Howard & Helaine Resnick

Dana Rhodes

Ronit & Daniel Ripes

Rivkin & Rivkin, LLC


Page 19: 2013 JCFS Annual Report


Stanford Robbin

Elliott & Ronni Robinson

Michael & Wendy Rosen

David Rosen

Steven & Claudia Rosen

Marjie Sandlow & Barry Rosen

Michael & Janet Rosenbloom

David & Ruth Rosenbloom

Michael & Amy Rosenson

Lisa Roth

Marv & Jan Rotter

Lawrence & Nancy Roubitchek

Richard Rubenstein & Nancy Schroeder

David & Donna Rubin

Javier & Lisa Rubinstein

Ruby Robinson Co., Inc.

Biff Ruttenberg Foundation

Nathaniel Sack

Kenneth & Julie Sacks

Dennis & Marla Saletta

Paul & Lori Sander

Ronald & Ellen Saslow

Julie Schaeffer

Edward & Harriet* Schaye

Dr. & Mrs. Schey

Laura & Ron Schoeneman

Jamie & Marty Schrero

Brian & Lisa Schurgin

David & Renee Schwartz

Esther Joy Schwartz

Michael & Amy Season

Mort & Evie Selz

Naomi & Jerry Senser

Michael Shalen

Steven & Leslie Shapiro

Terry Shapiro

Marjorie & Samuel Shapiro

Jerry & Judy Shapiro

Shaw Fishman Glantz Wolfson & Twobin, LLC

David & Susan Sherman

Betsy Shiner

Susan & Steve Sholl

David & Stacey Shor

Susan Shor

Deanna Shoss

Kim & Perry Shwachman

Irving Siegel

Linda Soreff Siegel

Ralph Siegel

Moshe Siegel

Margaret & Alan Silberman

Gerald Silberman

Silberstein Orthodontics

Ivy Silver

Jeffrey & Judith Silverman

Robert Silverstein & Caryn Burstein

John & Sharon Simone

Ira & Laura Singer

Lee & Nancy Singer & Family

Shirley Sitron

Barbara Sloan

Marc & Barbara Slutsky

David & Robin Small

Andrew & Amy Small

Julie & Rick Smith

Marney & William Solomon

Robert & Susan Star Foundation

Steven G.M. Stein

Eugene & Gail Steingold

Melinda Stengel

Elizabeth Sterba

Stacy & Mark Sternberg

Mindy & Jay Sterns

Robert J. & Julie Stracks

Bernard & Caryl Susman

Bernard M. & Caryl H. Susman Foundation

Karen & Allen Sutker

David & Drucilla Tanton

Stuart & Marianne Taussig

Temple Am Shalom

Temple Chai

Richard & Marcia Templer

Ariel J. & Melissa Tesher

William R. Thurmond & Stacey Ballis

Steven & Amy Topel

Sabrina Townsend & Nathan Clark

David & Bonita Turner

Stephen Turow

Christine Tzumas

United Way of Lake County

Howard & Marilyn Usen

Randall & Debra Usen

Jamie Vandenberg

Margaret Vimont

Susan & Paul Wagner

Janice Wahnon

Gail Walder

Judi Wallach

Susan Weber

Florence Weese

Joseph & Janis Weil

William Weiland

Dean & Jody Weinberg

Jody & Michael Weinberg

Marshall & Lita Weinstein

Robert & Valerie Weiss

Sam Wener

Kalman Wenig

Jeff Whitehead & Family

Stuart & Diana Widman

Robert & Ellen Wigoda

Nancy Williams

Karen G. Wilson

Elaine Wishner

Gregg & Bruni Witt

Brenda J. Wolf & Fred Siegman

Ann Wolff

Julie Womack

Elizabeth Wyman

Dennis Zaslavsky

Shari & Brad Zenner

Harry & Lily Zoberman


Anonymous (8)

Lauri S. Bauer Foundation for Sudden Loss

Boeing Employee Community Fund

Martin & Mary Boyer Foundation

Braeside Foundation

John C. & Jane B. Colman Fund

Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation

Eva Cooper Foundation

Crown Family

D & R Fund

David & Lisette Eisendrath Foundation

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (FEMA)

Field Foundation of Illinois

Jacob J. Fink Charitable Foundation

Frankel Family Foundation

Lawrence E. & Nancy S. Glick Family Foundation

Donna & Jack Greenberg Charitable Trust

John R. Halligan Charitable Fund

The Irving Harris Foundation

Robert & Debra Hartman Charitable Trust

Illinois Department of Human Services

JCC Camp Chi Teen Foundation

JF Fund for Innovation in Health (Supported by the Michael Reese Health Trust)

JF Priority Grant

JF Health & Human Services Special Grant

Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago


Kaplan Family Foundation

Kaplan Foundation Fund of the Chicago Community Trust

Harriet & Ernest Karmin Special Needs Fund

Klevens Family Fund

Jules and Gwen Knapp Charitable Foundation

Helen & Joseph Komarek Foundation

Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation

Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation

Lerner Family Foundation

Barbara & Frank Lieber Family Charitable Trust

Lillian & Maurice Lipsey Endowment Fund

Elinor & Maynard Marks Family Fund at the Chicago Community Trust

Michael Reese Health Trust

Michael Reese Health Trust/Sigmund E. Edelstone Fund

The Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation

Niles Township Corporate Fund

Niles Township District 219

North Shore Auxiliary of JCFS

Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation

Polk Bros. Foundation

Polk Family Charitable Fund

Prince Charitable Trusts

Psychotherapy Change, LLC

REAM Foundation

Ralph & Minerva Rose Trust (an endowment of MRHT)

Page 20: 2013 JCFS Annual Report

Samuel & Marie Louise Rosenthal Field of Interest Fund

Rubens Family Foundation

Square One Foundation, Inc.

Robert & Adele Stern Foundation

Topfer Family Foundation

United Way of Lake County

Voices: The Chicago Jewish Teen Foundation

Wagner Foundation

Jonathan David Weissbrot Discretionary Supplemental Needs Trust

Weinger/Spector Foundation


Andrea Frankel Allen Adoption Escrow

Robert D. Appelbaum Fund

Anita D. Bayard Trust

Dorothy & Sidney Berkowitz Fund

Bertha Callner Gell Memorial Fund

Esther Clamage Auxiliary Fund

Betty Dayron Resettlement & Immigration Fund

Richard & Hylene Dublin Fund

Morris Eisenberg Memorial Fund

Louis & Ida Eisner Fund

Else Felber Fund

Eva Feldman Memorial Fund

Max Goldenberg Fund

Marion W. Goldman Fund

Hartman Family Foundation

The Paul & Harriette Hirsch Family Trust

Sanel & Anna Hirschfeld Fund

Ken Jacobson Memorial Fund

Kersten Fund

Harry & Jeanne Klaas Scholarship Fund

Martin E. Langer Fund

Mary Lawrence Auxiliary Fund

Marks Nathan Hall Fund

Mills Family Fund

North Shore Auxiliary Child Therapy Fellowship Fund

John W. Parmalee Trust

Lynn Norton Memorial Fund

Samuel S. Oman Scholarship Fund

Doria & Isaac Robin Memorial Fund

Lawrence K. Schnadig Scholarship Fund

Lottie Schwab Foreman Fund

Sidney S. Spiegel Fund

Isaac Wagner Jewish Identity Fund

Joseph M. Weil Fund

Victor Weil Fund

Charles Weinfeld Fund

Funds Held by JF for JCFS

Eva Cooper Foundation

Glick Family Early Education Fund

Goldberg Continuum

Gillian & Ellis Goodman Continuum

Kersten Fund

Joy Faith Knapp Charitable Trust

Rose Kovler Scholarship Fund

Joan Perlman Rosenberg Fund

Swartzberg Family

Vollen Family Foundation

ENDOWMENTThe Jewish Child & Family Services Endowment Foundation was created in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago’s Agency Endowment Program, which was established to assure that JCFS and our sister agencies have the necessary resources to meet community needs. All commitments to Agency Endowment Foundations are recognized as gifts to the Jewish Federation’s Centennial Campaign.

Marc Amstadter & Eleanor Wolfe


Appelbaum Family Foundation

Stephen & Elizabeth Ballis

David Bardach

Toby D. Bernstein - In honor of his mother, the late Miriam D. Bernstein

Robert & Nancy Bloom - For the Sidney & Irma Bloom Memorial Fund

Sidney & Irma Bloom Memorial Fund

Michael S. Blum Memorial Fund

Lena G. Brede Foundation Fund

Joel Brown

Estate of Madeline Camras

Hyman B. & Sonia Coen Scholarship Fund

Estate of Herbert Cohn - For Training & Research

John C. & Jane B. Colman

Deane Copperstein Fund

Peachy Cummings Fund - Mary Lawrence Chapter of JCB Fund

Education Endowment Fund

Fannie Feigen Trust

Frank Feigen Trust

Donna & Martin Field

Howard Feinstein

Frazin Scholarship Fund

Terri & Michael Freeman

Estate of Prudence M. Fuchsman

Stephen L. & Terri Geifman

Lawrence E. & Nancy S. Glick Family Foundation- Glick Family Camp

Nancy & Lawrence E. Glick Center for Early Childhood Services

Donald & Alice Goldsmith

Marla S. Gordon

Donna & Jack Greenberg Charitable Trust

Estate of Edith Grosz

Anna Hall Fund

Deborah M. Hecht & Greg Stewart

Sanel & Anna Hirschfield Fund

Daniel & Ruth Horwich Fund for Emergency Relief at JFCS

Harry & Charles Huzenis

Marian W. Jaffe*

Edward Kahn Fund

Annette Klein Fund

Thomas & Marcia Korman- For the Bob Bloom Fund for Practice Excellence

J.P. & E.R. Lebow Memorial Vocational Fund

Paul H. Leffmann Estate

Ruth Levine

Lipsig Family Philanthropic Fund

Rabbi Scott Looper

Mandel Trust

Walli Matton Fund

Lillian & Al Mazure Trust*

Julia Mellow- For the Julia Mellow Technology Fund

Paul* & Sara Helen Nidel Trust

North Shore Auxiliary Second Century Fund

North Shore Auxiliary Take 5 Weekend Fund

Gerald & Barbara Oguss

Jane Perlman Estate

Elberta Pruitt Estate

Recreational Endowment Fund

Estate of Dr. Emery Robert

Estate of Evelyne L. Rosen

Greta Rothschild Fund

Lewis & Alice Schimberg Special Purpose Fund

Estate of Dorothy Schwartz

Second Century Endowment Fund

Edith Seidman Trust

Howard & Deborah Sitron

Ginger & David Smerling Fund

Sylvia Sosson*

Don & Janis Trossman

Virginia Frank Child Development Center 50th Anniversary Fund

Therese Weinsaft Fund

Trude & Warren H. Weiss - In loving memory of Trude’s Parents, the Koblers

Winter/Matlin Fund

Gregg & Bruni Witt

For the Alan Gidwitz Children’s Fund

Sandra & Carlos Frum

Dr. Betsy Gidwitz

James Gidwitz

Joseph L. & Emily K. Gidwitz Memorial Foundation

Joyce Gidwitz

Julie Gidwitz

Nancy Gidwitz

Ralph Gidwitz

Ronald Gidwitz

Tom Gidwitz

Donna Kahan

Margaret & Kevin O’Keefe

For Jewish Healing Network of Chicago


Lipsig Family Philanthropic Fund

Tom & Sue Pick

For Larry Dobkin Memorial Fund benefiting Response


Dr. Dennis & Jane Carlton

Robert & Roberta Feldgreber

Maury L. & Nancy Fertig

Stuart & Kim Frankenthal


Page 21: 2013 JCFS Annual Report


Patti & Mike Frazin

Greenberg Traurig, LLC

Nina & Arnie Harris

Donna Kahan

Glen & Lori Krandel

The Barbara & Frank Lieber Family Charitable Trust

Corey & Jane Light

Jeff & Trish Meyer

Colleen & Greg Moyer

Nachshon Tzedakah Fund

Art Potash

Andy & Sara Poticha

Marc & Barbara Slutsky

Robin Stein

Michael H. & Barbara Zaransky

Bradley & Shari Zenner

For Project Esther/Adoption Services

Charlotte Berlin

Nicole & James Druckman

Stars of David, Chicago

For Virginia Frank Child Development Center

Karen Benson

Judith Bertacchi

Jim & Patsy Crounse

Elizabeth Jacob Fund

Holly Johnston

Elise Lennard

Mack Crounse Group

Leah & Herbert* Olfson

Maeve O’Shiel


Pamela & Steve Adelman

Anonymous (2)

Toby D. Bernstein, in honor of his mother, the late Miriam D. Bernstein

Susan Blumenthal & David Kreinick

Michael & Ilisa Brown

Barbara Chandler

Patricia Cantor

Charlotte Cohen

Nathan Dardick

Babette Levy Daskin

Betty Dayron

Morris & Lois Dyner

Judy & Mel* Feldman

Benn & Amy Feltheimer

Donna & Martin Field

June Finder

Dr. Michael J. Fox

Suzanne Franklin

Terri Freeman

Adrienne & Burton Glazov

Andrew M. Glick

Lisa & Bruce Goldman

Donald & Alice Goldsmith

Howard Handler

Samuel & Dede Harris

Ruth Kane

Paul B. Kleinmann

Thomas & Marcia Korman

Paul H. Leffman

Sissi Lapides

Milton (Mickey) Lefton

Leonard Levine

Joyce Leviton

Francine F. Levy

Mark Levy

Ila Lewis

Janice E. Linn

Bernard A. Lucas - Marks Nathan Fund

Paul K. Morton

Alvin & Beverly Nemetz

Franklin W. Nitikman

Rabbi Michael Remson

Natalie Ross

Stephen L. Schar

Midge Perlman Shafton

Edward & Dorothy Shapiro

Stacey & David Shor

Andrea Srulovitz

Lawrence Stein

Abby Strauss

Janis & Don Trossman

Daniel Wander & Ruth Freedman

Margaret Vimont

Roberta Wexler

Jeffrey Winton

Maynard* & Elaine Wishner


Affy Tapple

Am Shalom

Am Yisrael

American Heart Association

Aveda Salon

Balance Health & Wellness

Sharon Belloff

Minda Bernberg

Beth Judea

Michael & Ilisa Brown

Michelle Burgener

Camp Southern Ground

Carol’s Cookies

Children’s Miracle Network

Congregation Beth Shalom

Congregation Beth Shalom’s Young Family Outreach

Congregation B’nai Torah

Congregation Solel

Comedy Sportz Theatre

Carey & Cheryl Cooper

CPX Sports

Marla L. & Michael C. Craven

Helene Diamond

Robert Dorf

Arden Edelcup

Temple Emanuel

Benn Feltheimer & Amy Genender

Donna Fine and Sharon Fine

Dan Wander & Ruth Freedman

Marci & Steve Friedman

Richard & Meredith Friedman

Marci & Steve Friedman

Fernando Gertzenstein

Beth & Mike Gilford

Greater > Than

Marilyn Hanzal

Harriet & Barbara Hausman

Ricki & Robert Herling

Highland Pop Gourmet Popcorn & Fudge Shop

Hotel Felix

Angela Howard

Richard & Nettie Isenberg

The Lavin Family

Ari & Suzanne Kaplan

The Kates Family

Jill & Jory Katlin

Nathan Keay Imaging

Rick & Carol Kerman

Sarah Levi

Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Licht

Marcello’s Father & Son Restaurants

Beth & Steven Metzler

Douglas & Stacey Meyer

Rick & Amy Michelon

Moon Dance Resort

Jodi & Gregg Newmark

Gwen Nodiff

Northwest Chapter Hadassah

Katy Okrent

Charles Perlstein

Potash Markets, Inc.

Dennis & Phyllis Propp

Public Hotel


The Sacks Family

Anita Samen

Susan Schulman

Elizabeth Schwartz

The Score, CBS Radio WSCR-AM

Kim Seiden

David & Stacey Shor

Keith Sigale

Stacey & Paul Siver

Sprinkles Cupcakes

Starbucks Coffee Company – Northbrook

Terri Stein

Allison Stein

Abby Strauss

Sunset Foods

Linda Swimmer

Rona Talcott

Temple Chai

Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth Israel

Temple Jeremiah

David Wasserman

Mary Weinberg

Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company

X Sport Fitness

Xtreme Trampolines

Milton & Michelle Zimmerman

We regret any omissions or errors. While we appreciate all gifts, this list includes donations from 7/1/12 to 6/30/13 totaling $150 or more and endowment gifts totaling $250 or more.

Questions? Call 312-673-3202.

*Of Blessed Memory

Page 22: 2013 JCFS Annual Report


Shelby Tennant, President

Harriet Hausman, Vice-President

Betsy Shiner, Treasurer

Joyce Leviton Asher

Norma Berlin

Frances Black-Hedlund

Blanche Blumenthal

Jeffrey & Amy Brinkman

Judy Das Gupta

Eva Derrick

Susan Rubin Elfant

Beril Engen

Mildred Erhardt

Jeanette Fields

Irene Goren

Lynn Horwich

June Karlen

Lee Karrow

Shirley Levin

Doris Levin

Mrs. Ralph B. Mandell

Leah Marcus

Shirley Raymond

Barbara Reinhart

Carol Retzky

Madeline Shiffman

Shirley Shiner & Leah Latta

Sandra Sokol

Charlotte Stein

Maurie Stern

Florence Weese

Simmy Weiss


Melanie Kates

Elizabeth Robbin

Andrew Rosenbloom


Frances Zimmerman, Chair

Terry Beem

Karen Benson

Judy Bertacchi

Ruth Bittner

Nancy Cap

Mirel Castle

Nina Chaitin

Sarah Everson

Emily Hildner

Rebecca Hill

Holly Johnston

Elisabeth Landor

Sheila Nissim

Susan Polachek

Mollie Reed

Kate Schechter


Roxanne Abrams, Advocate

Susan Altfeld, UIC School of Public Health

Mary Jo Barrett, Center for Contextual Change

Tamara Besser, Jewish Child & Family Services

Elizabeth Burnside, Advocate

Paul Cantz, Yehi Ohr

Debra Cardash, REACH

Cathy Carmody, National Council of Jewish Women

Joseph Cortese, Advocate

Eric Crabtree-Nelson, JCFS/ Response Center

Anita Denes, EZRA Multi-Service Center

Wendy Dickson, YWCA Evanston/ North Shore

Rachel Durschlag, Advocate

Barbara Engel, Advocate

Sarah Follmer, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Breena Freid, Jewish Child & Family Services

Lisa Gilmore, Advocate

Monica Glaser, CJE Senior Life

Chana Goldstein, REACH

Jennifer Gonzalez, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office

Bobbie Gordon, SHALVA

Julie Gordon, REACH

Jennifer Greene, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office

Yankie Greenberger, Madraigos Midwest

Devorah Greenfield, Jewish Child & Family Services

John Hughes, Center for Contextual Change

Michael Iser, Advocate

Wendy Ivy, Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center

Tracey Lipsig Kite, Jewish Child & Family Services

Toby Landesman, Advocate

Leslie Landis, Circuit Court of Cook County DV Division

Betsy Lazerow, Jewish Child & Family Services

Ronna Leibach, JUF/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Elyse Linderman, SHALVA

Rae Luskin, Advocate

Yesenia Maldonado, Between Friends

Charlotte Mallon, Jewish Child & Family Services

Lynda Maram, Lakeside Congregation/ Hadassah

Vicki Meilach, South Suburban Family Shelter

Betsy O’Connell, A Safe Place

Meg O’Rourke, Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center

Janece Ortiz, Metropolitan Family Services

Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski, Jewish Child & Family Services

Sherry Petlin, Advocate

Marilyn Reinish, Congregation Am Shalom

Amy Robbins, Advocate

Warren Rosen, Advocate

Aileen Robinson, Chicago Police Department

Rabbi David Rosenberg, Jewish Child & Family Services

Jennifer Rosenkranz, Michael Reese Health Trust

Rachel Roth, American Conference of Cantors

Amy Rubin, Jewish Child & Family Services

David Rubovits, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Ahuva Samber, ARK

Jessica Schaffer, Jewish Child & Family Services

Linda Schiffman, SHALVA





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Beth Shapiro Kopin, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago

Lynn Shyman, Jewish Child & Family Services

Wendy Singer, Bernard Horwich JCC

Dr. Yehudah Smolarcik, Yehi Ohr

Robin Stein, JCFS/Response Center

Julia Strehlow, Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center

Emily M. Sweet, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago

Heather Tratt, Keshet

Margaret Vimont, Jewish Child & Family Services

Carrie Wachter, Rape Victim Advocates

Rhonda Wener, JCFS/Response Center

Susan Wexler, HIAS Chicago

Margaret Zangrilli, Child Advocacy Center of North & Northwest Cook County

Rachel Zimmerman, Jewish Child & Family Services

And thanks to our countless individual abuse survivors, advocates, educators and therapists.



Sylvia Abramson

Rabbi Julie Pelc Adler

Rabbi Heather Altman

Rabbi Michael Balinsky

Rabbi Lisa Bellows

Susan Buchbinder

Marlene Engelhart

Ruth Fruehauf

Rabbi Jodie Futornick

Rachelle Gold

Dr. Larry Goldberg

Robyn Golden

Rachel Greenbaum

Robert Greenbaum

Linda Haase

Donna Kahan

Dr. Lawrence Layfer

Rosi Lennon

Rabbi Norman Lewison

Robin Levine

Tracey Lipsig Kite

Dr. Edward Linn

Charlotte Mallon

Meg McClaskey

Rabbi Ilene Melamed

Julie Newman

Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski

Ed Reed

Dana Rhodes

Amy Rubin

Tamar Rubenstein

Rabbi Michael Schorin

Dr. Michael Slater

Rabbi Carl Wolkin


Lori Lavin, President

Janice Blum

Jamie Boton

Stacey Cantor

Barbara Gaffen

Wendy Kleper

Emily Lusardi

Laura F. Miller

Jennifer Riback

Michelle Schneider

Jami Sharfman

Stacy Sternberg

Jennifer Wertheimer

Julie Zomick




Leah Bloom

Nicole Druckman

Elyse Flack

Rabbi Abe Friedman

Tami Horton

Nancy Isaacson

Richard A. Lifshitz

Gwendolyn J. Messer, MD

Beverly Shapiro

Rachel Schwartz


Lauren Kohlenbrener, Chairperson

Executive Committee

Jill Bernstein

Terri Freeman

Julie Hoffman

Jill Katlin

Andy Poticha

Shari Zenner


Robyn Berman

Felice Boyer

Leslie Cohen

Meryl Cohen

Debbie Dresner

Julia Fording

Susan Friedman

Julie Hoffman

Doris Kaplan

Arlene Lewis

Barbara Lieberman

Annice Moses

Jody Perl

Sue Podell

Hollis Russinof

Julie Sacks

Laura Schoeneman

Mindy Sterns

Rhonda Wener

Rich Wilens


Abby Strauss, Co-Chair

Milton Zimmerman, Co-Chair

Elizabeth Ballis

Stephen Ballis

Howard Feinstein

Benn Feltheimer

Andrew M. Glick

Adrienne Kriezelman

Laurie Price

Susan Schulman

Deborah Sitron

Gail Steingold


Kerri Alexander

Ariel Besser

Sierria Coleman

Sarah Coté

Mia D’Agostino

Debra Dresner

Carol Flagel

Michelle Friedman

Andrea Goodman

Aimee Halstuk

Bruce Helman

Amanda Hensley

Ariel Horwitz

Elizabeth Huppert

Suzanne Kaplan

Susan Levine

Minna Loventhal

Lisa Mason

Monique Mervin

Molly Orloff

Serena Pesch

Hollis Russinof

Michele Sackheim-Wein

Monica Schein

Olga Schifrin

Susan Schulman

Valentina Shabliy

Sharon Share

Bryan Siebuhr

Jacey Siedband

Kellie Slappey

Marnie Spiegel

Lorraine Trachtenberg

Sarah Vaughn

Amanda Weinstein

Ronna Wolf

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CENTRAL OFFICE 216 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60606

WEST ROGERS PARK/PETERSON PARKChicago City (North) Community Counseling CenterJoy Faith Knapp Children’s CenterVirginia Frank Child Development Center

NORTHBROOK Elaine Kersten Children’s Center

SKOKIE Goldie Bachmann Luftig BuildingResponse



FLOSSMOOR Anita M. Stone Building


855-ASK-JCFSONE-STOP, TOLL-FREE ACCESS TO HELP(855-275-5237), [email protected] OR JCFS.ORG

JCFS is a partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation.

JCFS Chicago @JCFSChicago JCFSChicago