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@juntajoe #OGS11 20 Steps & Tactics To Becoming THE Publisher for Your Industry Joe Pulizzi Executive Director, Content Marketing Institute Co-Author, Get Content Get Customers

20 Steps to Becoming THE Publisher in Your Industry

Jan 22, 2015



Joe Pulizzi

Presentation from Joe Pulizzi given at the Ohio Growth Summit about Content marketing and how small businesses can learn to become THE information resource (publisher) for their industry to attract and retain customers.
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  • 1. 20 Steps & Tactics To Becoming THE Publisher for Your Industry Joe Pulizzi Executive Director, Content Marketing Institute Co-Author,Get Content Get Customers

2. About Joe Pulizzi (@juntajoe) September 6-8, 2011 3. 10 and 10 AGENDA

  • The art of publishing to BUILD a business
  • 10 reasons why your content stinks and how to fix it (strategic)
  • 10 very specific things you need to be doing right now to help you create great content

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Publishing:

  • Publishing is the process of production and dissemination of information the activity of making information available for public view. 10. Former Barriers to Entry

  • Content Acceptance
  • Talent
  • Technology
  • Databases

11. The Difference? MarketersPublishers 12. The Difference? MarketersPublishers 13. 14. 15. 16. Content Marketing 17.

  • Marketers as Publishers
  • Owningthe media, notRentingthe media
  • Attract and/or retain customers bycreating /curating valuable and compelling contenton aconsistentbasis to maintain or change a behavior.

Content Marketing is 18. Content Strategy Before Social Media Strategy 19. Search EngineOptimization Lead Generation Social Media STORYTELLING 20. 21. 22. Shutterstock 23. Shutterstock 24. 25. 10 REASONS YOUR CONTENT ISN T WORKING AND HOW TO FIX IT 26. GOALSLack of Content #1 27. The Goal of Content?

  • Customer Retention
  • Lead Generation
  • Thought Leadership
  • Lower Customer Service Costs
  • Open New Markets
  • Inspire Former Decision Makers
  • Content to Pay for Itself
  • Solve World Hunger
  • Somebody Thought It would be Cool
  • CEO Wants It

28. The Goal of Content?

  • Customer Retention
  • Lead Generation
  • Thought Leadership
  • Lower Customer Service Costs
  • Open New Markets
  • Inspire Former Decision Makers
  • Content to Pay for Itself
  • Solve World Hunger
  • Somebody Thought It would be Cool
  • CEO Wants It

Prioritize and Choose 29. 30. Objective Convert Porsche and other sports cars to Corvette Buyers! 31. EVERYTHINGYour Content is about #2 32. 33. THEWorlds Leading Expert 34. Get SUPER NICHE

  • Pets
  • Issues pertaining to pet owners who like to travel with their dogs.


  • Pets
  • Issues pertaining to pet owners who like to travel with their dogs.

36. YOU YOU YOU Your Blog is about #3 37. 38. 39. 40. Engaging with Content

  • 73%of consumers prefer to get information from a company in the form of a collection of helpful articles over an advertisement or offer.
  • 61%are more likely to buy.

41. Be the Solutions Provider The TRUSTED EXPERT

  • Give your customers relevant, compelling information
  • and/or
  • Show them a good time

42. FIND Customers Pain Points KEYWORD ANALYSIS 43. 44. 45. GOOD ENOUGHGood Enough is NOT #4 46. Your Content Competition 47. STAND FOR?What does your content UNIQUE CONTENT W/ A POV 48. 49. Grew Business from FIVE TO 70 MILLION 50. ITS NOT WHAT YOU SELL (Wine) ITS WHAT YOU STAND FOR (Everyone deserves to understand the wine experience) 51. CATEGORYCreate Your Own The Timeout Experience Giving people what they really didnt know they wanted. - Abe Peck, Medill School of Journalism 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. CALENDAR Lack of a Content #5 57. 1-7-30-4-2-1 Plan

  • 1=Daily (Twitter, Blog)
  • 7=Weekly (eNewsletter)
  • 30=Monthly (Webinar)
  • 4=Quarterly (eBook, Magazine)
  • 2=Bi-Annually (User Event)
  • 1=Yearly (Large Research Project)

58. EMPLOYEES Not Leveraging Your #6 59. 60. 61. 62.

  • Average 24 posts per week/90% participation.
  • 850% increase in site visitors in last 18 months.
  • 6,200 enewsletter subscribers with 25% open rate.
  • Over 1,000 published blogs, articles, videos and podcasts.

More Closed Business, Shorter Sales Cycles 63. ENGAGE IN CONTENT That People Will Magically #7 64. 65.

  • Target the top 1015 blogs or websites in your niche
  • Read and get active start commenting
  • Where else are your customers online?
  • Be the LinkedIn/Yahoo! Answers expert

Where are your customersHANGING OUT? 66. 67. Online is NOT ENOUGH BEST off-line content 68. OWNER Your Content Has NO #8 69. Jenny Cisney Chief Blogger/Sr. Social Media

  • 3 Blogs (Thousand Words, Plugged In, Grow Your Biz).
  • 17 Twitter Accounts
  • Kodak Community Exchange

70. EXPERIENCE You Dont Have Content #9 71. 72. What to do?

  • Hire or freelance a journalist?
  • Hire a content agency?
  • Search out your internal content producers.

73. SUPPORT You Dont Have Internal #10 74. 300%Less Chance of Success 75. 10 TIPS TO FIX YOUR CONTENT RIGHT NOW 76. HEADLINE Use a Proper #1 77. Headline Tips

  • Think about the Problem
  • Focus on a Keyword Search (Google External Search)
  • Numbers Rule
  • Be VERY Specific

Ways to Increase Your Stock Returns 10 Ways to Make More Money with Small-Cap Stocks 78. PROBLEM From the Start, Scope the #2 79. 80. MORE Less is #3 81. Short Tips

  • Short sentences
  • Bullets
  • Short paragraphs
  • Get rid of unnecessary words
  • Edit, Edit, Edit

82. 83. CALL TO ACTION Think first about your #4 84. Always Forget???

  • Call to Action
  • Blog to What???

85. From Debbie Weil

  • Download our white paper
  • Join us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.
  • Ask us a question
  • Download our e-book
  • Sign up for our free webinar
  • Request our visitors guide
  • Sign up for our e-newsletter
  • Request a virtual demo

86. 87. 88. 89. A SMALL PART One Blog Post is Just #5 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. LOVE Guest Blogging: Spreading the #6 95.

  • Over 100 blogs, Over 100 Webinars

96. INFLUENCERS Promote the Key #7 97. LISTS 98. 99. INFLUENCERS Do Q&As with the #8 100. 101. 102. 103. ADJUST Measure Whats Working & #9 104. 105. OUTSOURCE FINAL TIP #10 106. Not a skillyet

  • Speed versus perfection...always choose speed.- Sunil Mittal

Shutterstock 107. 108. 109. 110. CHIEF EDITOR Story/Reader Focused Not Tool Focused 111. How-To Articles 112. Expert Interviews 113. Create the News 114. Similar Situation Stories 115. Reports/Studies 116. Free Tools 117. THE LAST SLIDE: THINKING LIKE A PUBLISHER

  • What does your audience really need to know? (pain points)
  • Share awesome stuff (the best in your industry).
  • Its almost never about you.
  • Small businesses have the most opportunity.


  • Joe Pulizzi
  • [email_address] @juntajoe

THANK YOU! September 6-8, 2011 Use CBUS for $100 Discount