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2 Leadership Theories

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Keys to EffectiveLeadership

    and Management


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories



    Define leadership and management

     Distinguish between leadership and

    management  Discuss the qualities and behaviors that

    contribute to effective leadership

     Discuss the qualities and behaviors thatcontribute to effective management


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Today, all nurses are managers  Must deal with other staff who work with


     Must know what motivates people  Must be able to collaborate with others,

    both as leaders and as members of the

    team Need to be confident in their ability to be

    leaders and managers

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Leadership is the ability to

    influence other people


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    The Definition 

    Leadership and



  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    A Leadership Story:

     # group of workers and their leaders are set a taskof clearing a road through a dense $ungle on aremote island to get to the coast where an estuaryprovides a perfect site for a port%

    The leaders organise the labour into efficient unitsand monitor the distribution and use of capitalassets & progress is e'cellent% The leaders continueto monitor and evaluate progress, makingad$ustments along the way to ensure the progress is

    maintained and efficiency increased whereverpossible%

    Then, one day amidst all the hustle and bustle andactivity, one person climbs up a nearby tree% The

    person surveys the scene from the top of the tree% (

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    A Leadership Story:

     #nd shouts down to the assembled group


    *+rong +ay- ./tory adapted from /tephen 0ovey .2! *The /even 3abits of 3ighly 4ffective

    5eople- /imon 6 /chuster%

    *Management is doing things right,leadership is doing the right things-  .+arren 7ennis and 5eter Drucker


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    LEADERSHIP 0ovey defined a leader as one who *enables people to

    work more effectively together in a state of


    7ryman *influence, groups, and goal- .involves

    influencing other people, usually in some type of group,

    to work toward the achievement of the group9s goals %

    Ma' De5ree defined it as *liberating people to do what

    is required of them in the most effective and humane

    way possible-%


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    A nursing leader

    inspires others to worktoward a goal.


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    According to Covey,

    *4ffective managers are ableto elicit from each employee his or her

    deepest commitment, continued loyalty,

    finest creativity, consistent e'cellent

    productivity, and ma'imum potential

    contribution toward continuous

    improvement of process, product, andservice-%


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    In !", #enri $ayo% defined

    management as: 5lanning

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    managementMit=berg .1;:; said >ayol9s lists did not really

    describe what managers do))%%

     They do whatever is necessary to make sure

    that employees do their work and do it well%

    This includes interpersonal, informational and

    decisional actions%


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Are yo& ready to be a %eader or 

    manager'new graduates should not be given managerial

    responsibility under most circumstances, they

    time to develop their own clinical skills, breadthand depth of their e'perience

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (he )ifferences *et+eenLeadership and Management

    Managers have formal authority to direct

    the work of a given set of employees

    Managers are formally responsible forthe quality and cost of that work

    Neither is necessary to be a leader 

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    @ou do not have to be a manager to be a


    Managers control aspect of the

    environment such as resources, time and


     Management positions may be assigned

    with a management position, comes power 


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    Differences Between:


    7ased on influence andshared meaning

     #n informal role

     #n achieved position

    5art of every nurse9sresponsibility

    Andependent ofmanagement


     7ased on authority andinfluence

     # formally designated role  #n assigned position

    Bsually responsible for

    budgets, hiring, and firing


     Amproved by the use of

    effective leadership skills


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    What Makes a

    Person a



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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e A&tocratic:

    A&thoritarian, )irective, Contro%%ing-  Ceader makes decisions without reference to

    anyone else

    3igh degree of dependency on the leader  0an create demotivation and alienation

    of staff 

    May be valuable in some types of business

    where decisions need to be made quickly anddecisively


    ( L St A t t

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


     #ssumes individuals are motivated by e'ternal

    forcesE therefore leader makes all the decisions

     Fives orders

     Makes decisions for the group as a whole

     7ears most of the responsibility for theoutcomes


    (ypes o Lea ers p Sty e A&tocrat c:A&thoritarian, )irective,


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e A&tocratic:A&thoritarian, )irective, Contro%%ing-

    this is an efficient way to run things,

    it usually stifles creativity

    may inhibit motivation, may be either punitive or benign


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e)emocratic .articipative- 

    4ncourages decision makingfrom different perspectives & leadershipmay be emphasised throughoutthe organisation 0onsultativeG process of consultation before

    decisions are taken

    5ersuasiveG Ceader takes decision and seeks topersuade others that the decisionis correct


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e)emocratic .articipative-

    May help motivation and involvement

    +orkers feel ownership of the firm and itsideas

    Amproves the sharing of ideas

    and e'periences within the business

    0an delay decision making


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e

    )emocratic .articipative-  #ssumes individuals are motivated by internal forces,leader uses participation and ma$ority rule to get work


     /hares the planning, decision making andresponsibility for the outcomes with other members of

    the group


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e)emocratic .articipative-

     More fle'ible and more likely to foster motivation

    and creativity

    osters open communication

    0reates a spirit of collaboration


    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ypes of Leadership Sty%eLaisse/0$aire .ermissive, nondirective-

    1%et it a%one2-  HCet it be9 & the leadership responsibilities

    are shared by all

    0an be very useful in businesses

    where creative ideas are important

    0an be highly motivational,

    as people have control over their working life

    0an make coordination and decision making

    timeconsuming and lacking in overall direction

    ?elies on good team work

    ?elies on good interpersonal relations28

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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%eLaisse/0$aire .ermissive, nondirective-

    1%et it a%one2- #ssumes individuals are motivated by internal forces

    and should be left alone to complete workE leader

    provides no direction or facilitation

     Ceader does very little planning or decision making

    and fails to encourage others to participate in either 

     As a lack of leadership


    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e

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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%eLaisse/0$aire .ermissive, nondirective-

    1%et it a%one2- Ceaves people feeling confused and frustrated

    because there is no goal, no guidance, and no

    direction /ome mature individuals en$oy laisse=faire

    leadership because they need little guidance

    3as few established policies


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    (ypes of Leadership Sty%e .aterna%istic

    Ceader acts as a Hfather figure9

    5aternalistic leader makes decision but

    may consult 7elieves in the need to support staff 

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    .avitt s&mmed &p the difference bet+een these sty%es nice%y

    a democratic leader attempts to move the

    group toward its goals,

    an autocratic leader attempts to move the

    group toward the leader9s goals,

    a laisse=faire leader makes no attempt to

    move the group1

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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    The most effective leader is able to 

    balance tasks and relationships of working


    /ome emphasi=e tasks, other relationships

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Change Leadership


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Change Leadership

    The most challenging aspect of business is

    leading and managing change

    The business environment is sub$ect to fast

    paced economic and social change

    Modern business must adapt

    and be fle'ible to survive

    5roblems in leading change stem mainly fromhuman resource management


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Change Leadership




      1. Immobilisation – as rumours of thechange circulate, theindividual feels somesense of shock andpossible disbelief –so much so that theydeem it worthy ofdoing nothing.







    2. Minimisation: $s thechange becomes clearer,people try to fit in thechange with their ownpersonal position and maytry to believe that it willnot affect them.

    3. Depression: as realitybegins to dawn staff mayfeel alienated and angry,feelings of a lack of controlof events overtake peopleand they feel depressed as

    they try to reconcile whatis happening with theirown personal situation.

    4. Acceptance/letting go:The lowest point in self-esteem finally sees peoplestarting to accept theinevitable. %ear of thefuture is a feature of thisstage.

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    Change Leadership








    5. Testing out:&ndividuals begin tointeract with the change,they start to ask 'uestionsto see how they mightwork with the change.


    6. Searc !or meaning: &ndividuals begin to workwith the change and seehow they might be able tomake the change work forthem – self esteem beginsto rise.


    ". Internalisation:the change isunderstood andadopted within theindividual(s ownunderstanding – theynow know how towork with it and feel arenewed sense of

    confidence and selfesteem.

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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Leadership (heories

    Many opinions how one becomes a leader 

    No theory is clear provides the single best answer

    to the questionG +hat makes a person a leaderJ

    +e are not born to be leaders

    Trait, behavioral and contingency theories

    represent conventional approaches to leadership

    and have provided important foundations forleadership% +e also have contemporary theories


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    (heories of Leadership

    May depend onG Type of staff 

    3istory of the business 0ulture of the business

    Kuality of the relationships

    Nature of the changes needed

     #ccepted norms within the institution


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    (heories of Leadership !rait !heories

    concerned +ith +hat a %eader is- 1Leaders are born, not made42  Antelligence

    Anitiative 4'cellent interpersonal skills 3igh selfesteem

    0reativity +illingness to take risks #bility to tolerate the consequences of

    taking risks !2

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership !rait !heories

    As there a set of characteristics

    that determine a good leaderJ

    5ersonalityJ Dominance and personal presenceJ


    /elf confidenceJ


     #bility to formulate a clear visionJ


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    (heories of Leadership !rait !heories

     #re such characteristicsinherently gender biasedJ

    Do such characteristics

    produce good leadersJ As leadership more than

     $ust bringing about changeJ Does this imply that leaders are born not bredJ


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership Beha"ioural !heories

    concerned +ith hat the %eader does- Amply that leaders can be trained & focus on the

    way of doing things

    /tructure based behavioural theories & focus on theleader instituting structures & task orientated

    ?elationship based behavioural theories & focus on the

    development and maintenance of relationships & process



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    (heories of Leadership Beha"ioural !heories 

    Type of Ceadership /tyle used by the person


     Democratic  Caisse'faire


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    (heories of Leadership #ontingency $%ituational&


    These theories recogni=e the

    comple'ity of work situations andencourage the leader to consider

    a number of factors when

    deciding what action to take


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    (heories of Leadership #ontingency $%ituational&


    Ceadership as being more fle'ible & different

    leadership styles used at different times

    depending on the circumstance% /uggests leadership is not a fi'ed series of

    characteristics that can be transposed into

    different conte'ts


    (h i f L d hi

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership #ontingency $%ituational&


    suggest managers adapt their leadership

    styles in relation to changing situations

    May range from authoritarian topermissive and vary in relation to current

    needs and future probabilities


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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Trait, behavioral, and contingency theoriesleadership and have provided important

    foundations for leadership Kuantum leadership is based on the

    concept that reality is a set of relationshipse'pressed at varying and continuously

    changing levels of comple'ity

    0harismatic Ceadership

    Transactional and transformationalCeadership

    0onnective Ceadership


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership #harismatic eadership

    Ceadership based on valued

    personal characteristics and



  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership 


    ?ecogni=ed process as very comple' /omething was missingG ?ecogni=ed inspiration and vision as

    outstanding features 5eople need a sense of mission that goes

    beyond good interpersonal relationships

    or the appropriate reward for a $ob welldone

    Foals should become fused, creating

    unity, wholeness, and a collective purpose"

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership !ransformational

    +idespread changes

    to a business or organisation

    ?equiresG Cong term strategic planning

    0lear ob$ectives

    0lear vision

    Ceading by e'ample & walk the walk

    4fficiency of systems and processes


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership !ransactional !heories

     # leadership style based on principles of

    social e'change theory in which social

    interaction between leaders and followers is

    essentially economic and success is

    achieved when needs are met, loyalty is

    enhanced, and work performance is



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    (heories of Leadership !ransactional !heories

    >ocus on the management of the organisation

    >ocus on procedures and efficiency

    >ocus on working to rules and contracts

    Managing current issues and problems


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    (heories of Leadership #onnecti"e !heories

     # leadership style that values collaboration

    and teamworkE

    interpersonal skills are used to promotecollegiality in achieving organi=ational goals


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (heories of Leadership 'n"itational !heories

    Amproving the atmosphere and message sent out by theorganisation

    >ocus on reducing negative messagessent out through the everyday actions of the businessboth e'ternally and, crucially, internally

    ?eview internal processes to reduce these 7uild relationships and sense of belonging and identity

    with the organisation &that gets communicated to customers, etc%


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"eLeaders





  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"e

    Leaders Integrity.

     Integrity is e5pected of hea%thcare professiona%s4 O&rc%ients, co%%eag&es, and emp%oyers a%% e5pect n&rses

    to be honest, %a+0abiding, and tr&st+orthy4Adherence to both a code of persona% ethics and acode of professiona% ethics see the American 6&rsesAssociation Code for 6&rses in Appendi5 - is

    e5pected of every n&rse4 7o&%d0be %eaders +ho donot e5hibit these characteristics cannot e5pect themof their fo%%o+ers either4


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"eLeaders

    Courage. /ometimes, being a leader meanstaking some risks%

     Initiative. Food ideas are not enough% Tobe a leader, you must act on those goodideas% This requires initiative on your part%

    Energy. Ceadership also requires energy%

    7oth leadership and management are hardbut satisfying work that requires effort onyour part%

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"eLeaders

    Optimism. 7hen the +or8 is diffic&%t and onecrisis seems to fo%%o+ another in rapid s&ccession,it is easy to become disco&raged4 #o+ever, it is

    important not to %et disco&ragement 8eep yo& andyo&r co+or8ers from see8ing +ays to reso%ve yo&rdiffic&%ties4 In fact, the abi%ity to see a prob%em asan opport&nity is part of the optimism that ma8es a

     person an effective %eader4 Li8e energy, optimismis 1catching42 An optimistic %eader can remotivatea disco&raged gro&p4 #o%man !!9- ca%%s this being a +inner instead of a +hiner 


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Winner or WhinerWhich Are!o"#

    A winner says . . . A whiner says . . .

    +e have a real challenge


    This is really a problem%

    A9ll give it my best% Do A have toJ

    That9s great That9s nice, A guess%

    +e can do it% Ampossible% At can9t be

    @es done%


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"eLeaders

    L Perseverance. 5erseverance is a closely

    related characteristic of effective leaders%

    4ffective leaders do not give up easily%

    Anstead, they persevere, continuing their

    efforts when others are tempted to give up

    the struggle% This perseverance often pays



    ( liti f )ff ti

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    (ualities of )ffecti"eLeaders

    L $alance. In o&r effort to become the best n&rses +ecan be, +e may forget that other aspects of %ife aree&a%%y important4 As important as o&r c%ients andco%%eag&es are to &s, fami%y and friends are importanttoo4 A%tho&gh schoo% and +or8 are meaningf&%activities, c&%t&ra%, socia%, recreationa%, and spirit&a%activities a%so have meaning4 (he most effective%eaders have fo&nd a ba%ance bet+een +or8 and p%ay intheir %ives4

    ; Abilit% to Handle Stress& (here is some stressin a%most every job4 Coping +ith stress in as positiveand hea%thy a manner as possib%e he%ps yo& conserveyo&r energy and be a mode% for others4


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders

    As mentioned ear%ier, %eadership re&ires

    action4 (he effective %eader not on%y ta8es

    action b&t a%so chooses the action caref&%%y4

    Important %eadership behaviors inc%&de thin8ing

    critica%%y, so%ving prob%ems, respecting peop%e,

    comm&nicating s8i%%f&%%y, setting specific goa%s

    and comm&nicating a vision for the f&t&re, anddeve%oping onese%f and others


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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders0ritical thinking

     is ref%ective, reasoned ana%ysis that foc&ses onthin8ing before deciding +hat to be%ieve or doMi%%er < Ma%co%m, !!=-4 (he essence of critica%

    thin8ing is &estioning and ana%y/ing ideas,s&ggestions, habits, ro&tines, common practices,and po%icies before deciding to accept or rejectthem4 (o avoid fa%%ing prey to the ass&mptions and

     biases of onese%f and others, as8 yo&rse%ffre&ent%y, 17hy do I be%ieve that 4 4 4'2 >%rich <?%endon, !!!-4


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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders

    ?especting the Andividual%

     A%tho&gh +e a%% have m&ch in common as thin8ing,fee%ing h&man beings, each of &s has different +ants

    and needs and has had different %ife e5periences4 $ore5amp%e, some peop%e rea%%y va%&e the psycho%ogica%re+ards of he%ping others, and other peop%e are moreconcerned abo&t earning a decent sa%ary4 (here is

    nothing +rong +ith either of these points of vie+@ theyare simp%y different4 (he effective %eader recogni/esthese differences in peop%e and he%ps them find there+ards in their +or8 that mean the most to them4


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    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders

    Cistening to

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders  — Enco&raging the E5change of Information4 Many

    mis&nderstandings and mista8es occ&r beca&se peop%e fai%ed to

    share eno&gh information +ith each other4 (he %eaders ro%e is toma8e s&re that the channe%s of comm&nication remain open and that peop%e &se them4

     B.roviding $eedbac84 Everyone needs some information abo&t the

    effectiveness of his or her performance4 $re&ent feedbac8, both positive and negative, is needed so that peop%e can contin&a%%yimprove their performance4 Some n&rse %eaders find it diffic&%t togive negative feedbac8, fearing that they +i%% &pset the other person4#o+ e%se can a person 8no+ +here improvement is needed'

     6egative feedbac8 can be given in a manner that is neither h&rtf&%

    nor resented by the individ&a% receiving it4 In fact, it is oftenappreciated4 Other n&rse %eaders forget to give positive feedbac8,ass&ming that co+or8ers +i%% 8no+ +hen they are doing a good job4(his is a mista8e@ everyone appreciates positive feedbac84 In fact,for some peop%e, it is the most important re+ard they get from their

     jobs4 82

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders /etting /pecific Foals and

    0ommunicating a Iision for the >uture%  ust as each one of us is unique in terms of our e'periences,

    needs, and wants, we are also likely to have unique goals forourselves% #n important leadership task is to find the commonthread in all of those goals and to help the group reach a

    consensus about its goals% This may require considerable discussion before it is

    achieved% The effective leader also has a vision for the future%

    0ommunicating this vision to the group and involvingeveryone in working toward that vision create the inspirationthat keeps people going when things become difficult% 4venbetter, involving people in creating the vision is not only moresatisfying for employees but also has the potential for themost creative and innovative outcomes .erfott, 2% At isthis vision that helps make our work meaningful%


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *ehaviors of Effective Leaders

    4ffective leaders not only continue to learnbut also encourage others to do the same%/ometimes leaders function as teachers% #t

    other times, their role is primarily toencourage and guide others to seek moreknowledge%

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  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    $actors Affecting Sty%e

    Ceadership style may be dependenton various factorsG ?isk decision making and change initiatives

    based on degree of risk involved

    Type of business & creative businessor supply drivenJ

    3ow important change is &

    change for change9s sakeJ

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    What Makes aPerson a



  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    7hat Ma8es a .erson a Manager'

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    A%tho&gh there are many management theories,it is most important to be fami%iar +ith the t+o

    major b&t opposing schoo%s of tho&ght in

    management: the h"man relations approach to

    management and scientific management4 As

    yo& +i%% see, one emphasi/es the re%ationship

    aspects of managing peop%e, and the other

    emphasi/es the tas' aspects of management


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    Scientific Management

    >rederick Taylor believed that most $obscould be done more efficiently if they werethoroughly analy=ed and that most

    workers could work more efficiently givena properly designed tasks and sufficientincentive to get the work done

    The nurse manage would keep recordson work done


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    Scientific Management

    The work itself was also analy=ed to improve

    efficiency% An health care, for e'ample, there has

    been a lot of discussion about the time it takes to

    bring patients to 'ray or therapy versus bringingthe 'ray or therapist to the patient% The current

    emphasis on eliminating e'cess staff and

    increasing the productivity of remaining

    employees is based on the same kind of thinking%


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    Scientific Management

    Nurse managers who use the principles ofscientific management emphasi=e the taskaspects of providing health care% They pay

    particular attention to the type of treatments andprocedures done on the unit, the equipmentneeded to provide this care efficiently, andstrategies that would facilitate efficientaccomplishment of these tasks% These nurse

    managers keep careful records of the amount ofwork accomplished and reward those whoaccomplish the most%


    H"man Relations Oriented

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    H"man Relations(Oriented)anagement

    McFregor9s O,

    @ Theory

    keeping employee morale and

    motivation as high as possible,

    assuming that satisfied,

    motivated employees will do thebest work


    H"man Relations(Oriented) t

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    )anagement Mc?regors (heory -

    Most people do not want to work very hard

    and the manager9s $ob is to see that they do

    work hard

    4mployees need strict rules, constant

    supervision, and the threat of punishment

    .in the form of reprimands, withheld raises,

    and threats fo $ob loss to make themcareful, conscientious workers


    H R l ti O i t d

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    H"man Relations(Oriented)anagement 

    Mc?regors (heory D- Managers believe the work itself can be

    motivating and people will work hard if their

    managers provide an atmosphere in whichthey are supported and encouraged to do


    4mphasi=es guidance rather than control,development rather than close supervision,

    and reward rather than punishment 


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    X +ork is something to beavoided

    The work itself can bemotivating

    5eople want to do aslittle as possible

    5eople really want to dotheir $ob well

    Bse controlsupervision


    Bse guidance

    development reward


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    * liti f A Eff ti

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *"alities of An Effective

    )anagerThe effective nurse manager possesses acombination of qualitiesG


    0linical 4'pertise

    7usiness /ense

     None of these alone is enoughE it is the

    combination that prepares an individual for thecomple' task of managing a group or team of

    healthcare providers%


    * liti f A Eff ti )

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *"alities of An Effective )anager

     Leadership.  A%% of the peop%e s8i%%s of the %eader are essentia% to

    the effective manager4 (hey are the core s8i%%s neededto f&nction as a manager4

    Clinical Expertise.  It is very diffic&%t to either he%p others deve%op their

    s8i%%s or eva%&ate ho+ +e%% they have done this +itho&t

     possessing c%inica% e5pertise onese%f4 It probab%y is notnecessary or even possib%e- to 8no+ everything everyother professiona% on the team 8no+s, b&t it isimportant to be ab%e to assess the effectiveness of their+or8 in terms of patient o&tcomes4


    * liti f A Eff ti )

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    *"alities of An Effective )anager


     Business Sense.

     Nurse managers also need to be concerned with

    the *bottom line,- that is, with the cost of providing

    the care that is given, especially in comparison

    with the benefit received from that care% An otherwords, nurse managers need to be able to

    analy=e how much is spent to provide a given

    amount of client care and how effective that client

    care has been% This is a very comple' task andrequires knowledge of budgeting, staffing, and

    measurement of patient outcomes


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    $ehaviors of AnEffective )anager

    Mint=berg .1;:; divides the manager9s activitiesinto three categories




    $ h i f A Eff ti )

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    $ehaviors of An Effective )anager

    epresenting emp%oyees

    epresenting the organi/ation



    Conf%ict negotiation and reso%&tion

    Emp%oyee deve%opment

    e+ards and p&nishment

    Emp%oyee eva%&ation

    eso&rce a%%ocation


    Fob ana%ysis and redesign





    $ h i f A Eff i )

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    $ehaviors of An Effective )anager

    The interpersonal area is one in which

    leaders and managers have similar

    responsibilities% 3owever, the manager has

    some additional responsibilities that are

    seldom given to leaders% The following are

    additional interpersonal skills that nurse

    managers needG


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"eManager 'nterpersonal

    Networking .The position of nurse managers inthe hierarchy provides them with manyopportunities to develop positive working

    relationships with other disciplines, departments,and units within the organi=ation

    0onflict Negotiation and resolution .Managers

    often find themselves occupied with resolvingconflicts between employees, between clients andstaff members, and between staff members andadministration


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"eManager 'nterpersonal

    4mployee Development .5roviding for the

    continuing learning and upgrading of the skills of

    employees is a managerial responsibility that

    overlaps with managers9 informationalresponsibilities

    ?ewards and 5unishments .Managers are in a

    position to provide both tangible .e%g%, salary

    increases, time off and intangible .e%g%, praise,

    recognition rewards as well as punishments


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e Manager

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories



    Spokesperson. Managers often spea8 for administration +henre%aying information to their staff members4 Li8e+ise,they often spea8 for staff members +hen re%ayinginformation to administration4 In addition, they

    fre&ent%y represent their +or8 gro&p or department atvario&s meetings and disc&ssions4

     Monitoring . 6&rse managers monitor the activities of their&nits or +or8 gro&ps4 (his may inc%&de the n&mber of

    c%ients seen, average %ength of stay, infection rates, andso forth4 (hey a%so monitor the staff e4g4, absentee rates,tardiness, &nprod&ctive time- and the b&dget e4g4, moneyspent, money %eft to spend in comparison +ith moneyneeded to operate the &nit-4


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e Manager

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories



     Dissemination. 6&rse managers share information +iththeir c%ients, staff members, and emp%oyers4 (hisinformation may be re%ated to the res&%ts of theirmonitoring efforts, ne+ deve%opments in hea%th care,

     po%icy changes, and so forth4 As yo& can see, n&rsemanagers have very comp%e5, responsib%e positions+ithin hea%thcare organi/ations4 Ineffective managersmay do harm to their emp%oyees and to theorgani/ation, b&t effective managers can he%p their

    staff members gro+ and deve%op as hea%thcare professiona%s +hi%e providing the highest &a%ity careto their c%ients4


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e ManagerDecisional

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories



    Emplo%ee Eval"ation4 Managers are responsib%efor cond&cting forma% performance appraisa%sof their staff members4

    Reso"rce Allocation4 In decentra%i/ed

    organi/ations, n&rse managers are often given aset amo&nt of money for r&nning their &nits ordepartments and m&st a%%ocate these reso&rces+ise%y, especia%%y +hen they are very %imited4

     Hiring and +iring Emplo%ees4 Most n&rsemanagers participate in or carry o&t themse%vesthe hiring and firing for their &nits or departments4


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e Manager

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Beha"iors of An )ffecti"e ManagerDecisional

    Planning for the +"t"re& Even tho&gh the day0to0day

    operation of most &nits is a s&fficient%y comp%e5 and

    time0cons&ming responsibi%ity, n&rse managers m&st

    a%so %oo8 for+ard and prepare themse%ves and their

    &nits for f&t&re changes in b&dgets, organi/ationa% priorities, and patient pop&%ations4

     ,ob Anal%sis and Redesign4 In a time of e5treme cost

    conscio&sness, n&rse managers are fre&ent%y being ca%%ed

    on to ana%y/e and redesign the +or8 of their &nits or

    departments to ma8e them as efficient and cost effective

    as possib%e4


    Thinking criticall is something an

  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    Thinking critically is something an

    effective leader uses

    The essence of critical thinking is

    questioning and analy=ing

    The effective leader influences others


     # leadermanager is both a leader and a


     # leader may be an informal position

     # manager has a formal position


  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    4ffective leadership isdefined as the

    accomplishment of the

    goals shared by leaders

    and followers))%inspiring



  • 8/19/2019 2 Leadership Theories


    4ffective managers should be


    4very registered nurse needs leadership

    skills to be effective as a practitioner and
