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f 1t V 1 > c 4 J J if i < 1 J r BLUE GRASS BLADE 4 Pnrcart u I TRUTHlnst E f 7 JVOLUME XV NUMBER 30LEXINGTON KY SUNDAY OCTOBER 28 1906 PUBLISHED WEEKLY 150 A YEAR IN ADVANCEf COD AND A FUTURE LIFE Farm Basis of Symposium By Mem- bers ¬ t of the Materialists Assocla ¬ Theytl FIRST OF A SERIES OF I ARTICLES ON THE SUBJECT By ELIZA MOWRY BLIVENS Question What are some of your + reasons for believing liuro Is no fu lure life Answers- I see nothing in mans nature to Justify such a belief Then again I havo no satisfactory proof of return after death Mrs Clara M Blsber MassachusettsOne all that is needed if lived properlyH B Raleigh N H All life sprung from one original source or cell and every live thing Is but a different manifestation of that one original cause According to the makeup of the organism each creature produces brain The brain is tho or gan thru which ability characteristics and talents are developed Tho phy sisal organism varies and the amount cktbrains that makes the individuali ties When those organisms perish fntilvldualltles perish The force that operates through the brain Is one and iafirmal and the same now and for ever Air is the primo essential jSjitag to breathe It at birth there Is nfettfe Falling to breathe It any Iffi results in death Hence air ae4ho only possible spirit and sir > ls a universal force 1M A- SrighamrMaine arfdraws the breath of life from UjjIatMqfipnero at the bdginnlng of nat the end of ifo his breath li K to the atmosphere and so as 7OdY knows that is the end- p s doing back to the earth elLln future life ietu 1 > r Council of LaTeraTiirnfl513 elected that futur life ph rid be an arte cf faith Their cu ion does not niako Jt so but thcjr touching In regari to ff futury life bMuds the people why lo not think iur it estlgate for iwn selves and thus the fallacy Is kept J aU QLi L Dawson Florida The main reason for disbelivlng In e a future life is Its unreasonableness hI we are Immortal so Is every other living creature on earth from the low- est t to tho highest forms as according rt to the evolutionary theory all are re wayt The preachers point upwards always but at twelve noon and twelve at midnight they point Just tho opposite direction The earth is revolving on Its axis at the rate of 1000 miles per hour and sweeping around the sun at an enor mous speed and the sun is going around a star at a greater speed Marshall Walker Pennsylvania a I havo never seen any new life other than maggot like or a fungoid vegetable mold resurrected from the dead Assisting at the exhumation of a body which had been dead and bu bet still 3ead very deadin fact fully as dead If not more so than upon the first day of Its death We reInterred- It and to the best of my knowledge and belief It remains dead I ven ¬ ture the conclusion that this Is a- typical specimen of all the unaccount- able millions who have ever died I have gone out of my way often to get sight of a reputed ghost but never saw one either holy or otherwise but did upon one occasion see a white f cow In a cemetery at night which frightened my companion very much IrvIn H Ecker Wisconsin i The mind as I understand constl tutes the soul and as tho mind J thet It seems to me rather absurd to sup ¬ pose that the brain could produce or exert any Influence whatever after death What reason has any sane per son for believing that the brain con It tlnues to produce thoughts after It is lIfelessE J Buck Texas All insects animals and mankind are born feed grow and die similarly All have Indulgence according to the j brcln they ron develop none show- s any signs of Intelligence after they are dead If mans Intelligent were eternal he would know overythlns at birth and never do wrong Instead ho Inherits some good and bat quail ties from parents and developes mor by food activities study and expert 1L5 ences He loses part by follies drunkenness diseases decay and death destroys all abilities IntellI- gence has been acijtned through countless ages of developing the brain by using It and transmitting abilities from parent to child Eliza Mowry Bliven ConnecticutAbout All Materialists are Invited to be come members of the Materialist Asso elation to increase our count c Whether or not all Materialists are Invited to sand to tho secretary an swers to our Symposium subjects printed September 29th Truth Seeker viz 1st xRerBbns for believing there Is no future life 2nd Reasons for be¬ lieving them is no God 3rd How can Materialism he made most beneficial Interesting and popular and worth taking the place of all religious- I want as great a variety of sensible answers as can be secured on each of those three subjects to keep up the thinking and investigating keep our column Interesting and Instructive and keep mn mg Materialists thereby Also please try the following for the 4th Symposirm Subject Is praying harmful Instekd of beneficial Whys What would better promote the ob jects for which praying Is recommend- ed f Send not over 100 words In your answer to each Symposium Subject but you mnfisend mere than one answer to etuh It you have first rate convincing answers worth printing Secure answers from others It you can Keep the pot boiling Every kind of spiritism Keep cooking In symposium pies Till proved they are humbuglan Greed srrlf jeit fool making lies Addre is airtuie Symposium writings to Eliza Mowrjf Bliven Secretary Ma aerialist Association Box 7C Brooklyn Conn td TOIBEJIVEN f iEE OFr1ST iJ Oui fro ndCoplerAoYyrWpsoie Oration Qve Captdi aGrave Wilt be Printed and Given Compliment from N FGrlawoldI Within tho next two weeks the Blade will have out In pamphlet form 4000 copies of my funeral address over the remainsof Capt William Henry These are to bo given away free with the compliments of Mr N F Griswold of Merldan Connecticut who has paid Mr Hughes for theI publication of the same Tire pam ph lets are gotten up in handsome shapeJ and I feel greatly complimented at the choice of Mr Griswold and the interest ho has taken in the distribu tion of this addresst A funeral address may bo clipped out of it in case of emergency and he read by some one selected to officiate When a Liberal speaker cannot be soured this will help out and I give every one tho privilege of using what they may want of it It should always be an object to get your address In tho home paper The thing is to reach the public The man who thoroughly compre hends and Interprets an address Is Just as smart as the man who writes It He only lacks the knack The cost of mailing these pamphlets will bo one cent each whether you mall them at homo or they are mailed at the Blade office If you want ten twenty or thirty of them send Mr Hughes as many one cent stamps with names and addresses of those you want them to go to and he will mall them from tho Blade office and save you trouble First come first served Send your orders at once to Mr Hughes Re- member the pamphlets Is free and for one cent each the postage necssary you may havo them distributed from tho Blade office or sent to you direct Mr Griswold and many others conS sider this funeral address as good propogandlc material People will read an Agnostic funeral address when they wont read any other kind of Liberal literature I hope to seo these all put out J B WILSON Five Copies of Moore Book Tames E HughesBy all means try to nnhitstr the new hook C C Moore I will take five copies of tho book I see my time Is up for the Blade In October but please send it right on nq I will renew It soon with a few more when I get to see a few of my friends that take your paper anti havo them renew also I have always thought 100 should bo the price of the paper but If Blade cannot live at 100 without begging I am I willing to pay JlGO LEWIS E DEUBLE M D 7 i COMSTOCKA Professional Purest For Pelf Is Beat At His Own Game By a New York LawyerDriven From Court Room TRAVELED ON A PASS AND CHARGED FOR MILEAGE Having parted the River of Jordan with his second hand mantle the wa ters fleeing affrighted from his fearful presence Anthony Comstock the pro- fessional purist he to whom all things are Impure that do not contrfJ buto to his game of graft has got his halo badly bent and sitting at a rakish tilt over his left BurnsIde bush for being to vivacious in the play of pro- fessional ¬ prosecutor for mileage and witness fees It appears that whenever St Antho nys exchecker got Iqw he went after somebody to bunko Smelling a mice ho laid a trap His play waS then to institute a prosecution make of him- self the principal witness and did not mind lying for the glory of god andfla few of Uncle Sams mental anguish plasters When the case wasoei Anthony would put In a claim forAwit ness attendance and mileage from his home at Summit N J when sl J matter of fact he had been In New York all the time At last the gpg ernment got next to his game anti Jig lsup l 8 Some few days ago the BladjiL celvedya clipping freer Bomeunj3e friend The cona was postmarked Near York there was noletter within no sign IndlcatieSfisHcMwho had sent lll tdid not come from a frl qCComstookiand it Is also evident tli qai Is from a Gotham eadlly determined from B used It tells the stpi escapade of Anthony t id being war it reading is reproduced as follows I charge this man Comstock with being a fakir and gratter of the first water He never fights the big fel- lows but persecutes the little ones Yesterday he did not tell you when ho contended that he thought he Ihad a moral right to charge the gOY ernment mileage that to get the money he had to swear to an affidavit that he had expended such sums in Governments behalf But swear to It he did until Marshal Henkel re- fused ¬ to pay him further witness fees and mileage And all that time ho was riding to and from Summit N J- on tho pass his commission as a pos Inspector entitled him to And you all heard him admit the pass I shouted Lawyer Hugh Gordon Miller yesterday to the Jury In the U S Circuit Court where his client Ern rat Richards was Jointly on trial with Jos J Koch on a charge of improp erly using the malls Mr Comstock listened a moment and then consulted a notebook Then he suddenly remembered something A momnt later the door leading the court room opened and closed softly and Mr Comstock was out In the corridors away from the sound of Millers voice For the first time In his career Comstock had to leave a court room before his case had been concluded Business at his office he said called him away Mr Miller told the Jury It was for It to decide between the veracity of his client and that of Comstock The Jury badheard him tell of selling brie abrae to Jimmy Oliver lawyer for Al Adams the Policy King and could draw Its own Inference Its for you to decide concluded Mr Miller It Is not my client on trial so much as Mr Comstocks ve raclty After all you have heard which are you to believe The attorney representing tho other defendant Koch also condemnd Mr Comstock In his final argumnt for hav ¬ ing tried to get his client to swear to a complaint which was untrue Judge Thomas made a fair charge review ¬ ing the evidence but making nO com ¬ ment The Jury deliberated after a luncheon at the Astor House and found a verdict Richards Lawyer Millers client was found not guilty but Koch was found guilty and re ¬ mantled for sentence Subscribes for Two Copies Newton Montana James E Hughes You may put nio down for two copies of tho Moor- eBootyF H LOVERING HINDOO DELIVERS HOT ROAST For Christian Missionary Work In India Finds More Caste Exclu ¬ sion In America Than In His C Own Country BETS BACK WITH BITTER AND STINGING WIT It took the naked savages to literally e off broiled missionary but the following from the Anaconda Mon tttfca Standard gives an account of a 11g votive roast reported from Butte sport which explains Itself Is asKollows la unfit Dr N Krishna of Bombay gave a lecture at the court house last ev ping on the subject of political and so lal conditions In India Rev Lewis Di acan introduced the gentleman from fig ila as a citizen from a country that w 3 the opposite of our own Instead of aggressiveness and progress he stids for the pure in spirit and an anfcsted civilization a civilization- s + t was of a high type when our fore vftjpers were struggling and seeking the civilization we now en early the entire lecture of Dr hna was devoted to a den uncia of English rule and criticism of American missionaries in India English he called robbers and the rican missionaries he termed an y of rligious hoboes He was bit in his treatment of England gh he was excused because he is a ion of an oppressed country speak against his oppressors He was as In his blunt criticism of things rican as he was liberal with his it on England He called the laU y Curzon the queen of American women and said she was the ft hated woman In India as here rid was the worst robber Eng eve eat too that country IIe- d uaregiluere was morecastdfflSHnc r ilon lathe Church of EnglandJaHd In the social life of America thanlthere I t in India and ho said he wasastonish ed at the amount of Ignorance r Is in America concerning thfngavfn India and the freedom with which In dlan conditions are discussed by the people American Freedom 11 have spoken to 200000 people since I have been in this country said hOtand In that number I found seven persons who could talk with authority on things political and social in India Americans like to talk about things of IIAmerlcnn and experience he had a few Butt when he entered the IerchantsI cafo on West Broadway to get some ¬ thing to eat and was Informed by one of the waitresses that they did nott serove his class of people here Ho spoke of the efforts to make the Eng lish language universal and said that 1the more people learned to talk Eng the more they learned to drink whiskey He spoke of the women of England because he said are very few ladies there Th army of religious hoboes In In din dare not tell the truth of the Eng fish rule or they would no longer be permitted to practice their graftology It has been asserted that before the English came Into India millions of people died of starvation and hunger yet In 1895 the annual income of the people of India was 30 per capita To- day their income Is less than 3 per capita Before the English came CO per cent of the people of India had their own ironies and the nation was the greatest manufacturing nation In theI world although in a primitive way yet the people had enough for them- selves ¬ and exported a great deal ofI their manufactures to Egpt Persia China Japan and other countries At present in the native states there is very little starvation The people are taxed to tho extent of 45 to 05 pr cent of tho total Income from their land The Greatest Religion Robberlsm said tho doctor Is tho greatest religion in the world and It is practiced in tho name of Jesus Christ The lato archbishop of Canterbury blessed tho army as it was marching to war and ho told tho boys to go forth and kill for the glory of their country and the Lord Jesus And that is Christianity If Christ should come- back again as tho Christians say Ho will Ho would bo ashamed of you Christians who kill and rob In Hl nameFIve thousand years ago the Aris- totle of India said Deeds first To day wo are taught words first and deeds afterI Christ wouldnt know His own church should He come among you you have so many dlfteren + Isms You have tho Northern Methodists the Southern Methodists and the Anti Trust Methodists and all in the name of the Lord- Krishna said that before the Eng- lish took India 80 per cent of the peo plo of that country could read and write while now only 10 per cent can do so In the old days taxes were used to educate the people but now they are used to support the English bish- ops and clergymen There Is but one school In about 15 miles Under such conditions can our country be prosperous or civilized asked the doctor Caste and Humanity Then gentleman from Bombay de Glared that there Is no more eastern India than there Is in America Thej fore said he 118000 ministers of the gospel in this country preach the teaching of love and charity taught by Christ yet not one of them is married In to a negress but all of them denounce cast in India which prevent a mem ber of one caste from marrying Into another In the Church of England there are 14 castes from the lowest cu rate up to the archbishop Dr Krish- na i said that since he had been in America 1C months Cl negroes have been lynched Under no conditions could such a Continued on Pago 4 a PRAISE FOR THE- ROME BOOK w Splendid Tribute To the Literary and Educational Value of the Work From One Who Is Competently i > Turdbd ein 1 4- ra iT itv7lrfY q JJBOWLESPressure entire summer has prevented me from read tag Dr Wilsons Trip to Rome until irecently anti now that I have nlshelle iAI take the first opportunity to adi vlseiall my Free Thought frIends In the United States to buy a copy of It and assist In every possible way Its circulation among our religious and superstitious fellow citizens Dr Wilsons descriptive powers are the very highest order and begin- ning his book with the magnificent floating palace that carried him safe ¬ through wind and wave the grand old ocean his descriptions are vivid and beautiful throughout the book that the reader feels that he has visited in person the great cl Europe and gazed with his own eyes- upon their temples cathedrals muse- ums galleries monuments and series famous and infamous in history f His descriptions of peoples and places of lakes and mountains ofj rivers and valleys of sunrise and sun- set are all so graphic that this phase of the book alone will amply repay tho reader for the time spent In perus- ing It but Dr Wilsons power of in- terpreting tho facts of current his- tory In Europe makes the book in valuable to the students of social r science politics and religion In the United States In every lino and between the lines of this fascinating book we are taught with absolute certainty that the hopes of tho human race for all time to come depends upon tho growth of Free Thought and Reason and the complete extirpation andoVerthrow of the altar and the throne IIdriven and the kings must be driven from the earth before liberty can make the circuit of tho world anti bring Joy peace and happiness to the tolling suffering millions These vampires and vultures havo lived upon the life blood of the human race through all the dreary centurios and Dr Wilsons adroit exposure of these terrible and deadly remains of the peace and happiness of humanity makes his book one of the most vain1 able contributions to tho sacred of Rationalism that has been Issued from the press for many years- I am glad that I contributed to they fund that made this book possible and I sincerely hope that It will pass through many editions and find Its way Into thousands of homes now poisoned with the deadly nuisance of priestly superstition- s GROSS J i OF CHRISTIAN WOMEN Is a Grievous Load To Carry But Is Of Their Own MakingWomen Arei Not Altogether To Blame For It RACE IMPROVES AS WOMEN 1 ARE TREATED BETTER FROM HIGHER SCIENCE When religious women awaken to what the cross which they wear and shed crocodile tears over really stands for it may aid the more Intel ligent ones to see how they have been rind are made the dupo3 and slaves of priests parsons and aristocracy who use their powers as license to wrong society live as parasites by reason of womans sympathy Allow me to quote from Prof Edgar L LarkIn of our Mt Lowe Observatory as to what the Holy Cross really means To one versed In religious archaeology the antics of the people an orthodox church make a fruitful field for the study of anthropology la They worship a cross but are totally Ignorant of what It means They do not know that It is a phallus pure and simple So well settled is this fact that trained scholars no longer com- bat ¬ tho Idea The cross lgrpiehiatoric When fitful gleams of historic light are seen flickering In the depth of an cleat night and barbarism they shineS on two pieces of wood in the shape of cross They represent the male generative organs which were worship ¬ ed for many thousands of years and arey tfn some of the world Every antnropologist knows this to be alfirct I Theref probably no person In the world w Qjthas more contempt for fi- rtvomenrallow thernselves bQ d n and prlestcraft than thejyare notjoiblamej v n which have been used for centuries to 1 keep them in ignorance and tak ad ¬ vantage of their great mothersympa ¬ thy They are only to be pitied Let me appeal to every mother and to woman who reads this to stop give it one good had that Can you not realize why religion makes male 3 gods and saviors and devils and priests and cresses for you to fall down before and worship And why you are cursed and must bear all the blame and shame of social wrongdo = > ing while the men who are to blame go scott free It Is all as plain as the t nose on your face if you would only dare to thinly Tho priest or parson 1 tells you that you must not think and you suppose you dare not You are cowards and tremble before these IIb ertines who make slaves and vassals of you and soldiers and prostitutes of your children Are not your children of more Importance to you than these libertines Are not your children mini their lives of more Importance to you than even tho hereafter and can you not see that their only care Is for themselves and for the present f I wish every woman in America who has the nerve and intelligence to think hard on r i this subject of the servitude of wom- en and the shame and abuse of wom ¬ en and the Ignorance of women and are willing to think hard for one hour would send me their names Certain- ly ¬ you cannot he afraid any more that you will go to hell and burn forever if you abandon your slavery and think with mo for one short hour on this subject What are you afraid of There Is no person in the world who has more honest sympathy for wom- en tharf I have and I have seen clearly for years Just how you and your chll dren have been tied down and made to suffer that these few privileged males might have license to wrong you I have also soon how you and your chit are denlrd scientific teichinsc of IItlren st t ao tx tit comblu il tofc glO r aryl government which is aristocracy and thus kept In Isnor anco nnd slavery of fear and sttane When one of jour number usnoincs too intelligent site is Immediately os traclsd by the rest of you who are guided by religion and arlaUoracy the political powers that be and who hay Ing no other means of support or busl ness so Important to them as this license to live as parasites are al ¬ ways fady and on hand with theIrI whips and baIts to herd you back Into lino When she is too Independent and great to submit to ostracism shg Is confined in a madhouse the con Continued on pago Four


Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: 1t I JVOLUME 30LEXINGTON 1t V 1 > c 4 J J if i J 1 r BLUE GRASS BLADE Pnrcart 4 u I TRUTHlnst E f 7 JVOLUME XV NUMBER 30LEXINGTON

f 1tV


> c 4J

Jif i <



Pnrcart u I TRUTHlnst Ef




Farm Basis of Symposium By Mem-


t of the Materialists Assocla ¬TheytlFIRST OF A SERIES OF


By ELIZA MOWRY BLIVENSQuestion What are some of your

+ reasons for believing liuro Is no fulure life

Answers-I see nothing in mans nature to

Justify such a belief Then again Ihavo no satisfactory proof of returnafter death Mrs Clara M Blsber

MassachusettsOneall that is needed if

lived properlyH B Raleigh N HAll life sprung from one original

source or cell and every live thing Is

but a different manifestation of thatone original cause According to themakeup of the organism each creatureproduces brain The brain is tho organ thru which ability characteristicsand talents are developed Tho physisal organism varies and the amountcktbrains that makes the individualities When those organisms perishfntilvldualltles perish The force thatoperates through the brain Is one andiafirmal and the same now and forever Air is the primo essentialjSjitag to breathe It at birth there Isnfettfe Falling to breathe It anyIffi results in death Hence airae4ho only possible spirit andsir> ls a universal force 1M A-

SrighamrMainearfdraws the breath of life from

UjjIatMqfipnero at the bdginnlng of

nat the end of ifo his breath

liK to the atmosphere and soas7OdY knows that is the end-

p sdoing back to the earthelLln future life ietu

1 >r Council of LaTeraTiirnfl513 elected

that futur life ph rid be an arte cffaith Their cu ion does not niako

Jt so but thcjr touching In regari toff futury life bMuds the people whylo not think iur it estlgate for iwnselves and thus the fallacy Is kept

J aU QLi L Dawson FloridaThe main reason for disbelivlng In

e a future life is Its unreasonableness

hI we are Immortal so Is every otherliving creature on earth from the low-

estt to tho highest forms as according

rt to the evolutionary theory all are rewayt The preacherspoint upwards always but at twelvenoon and twelve at midnight theypoint Just tho opposite direction Theearth is revolving on Its axis at therate of 1000 miles per hour andsweeping around the sun at an enormous speed and the sun is goingaround a star at a greater speedMarshall Walker Pennsylvania

aI havo never seen any new life

other than maggot like or a fungoidvegetable mold resurrected from thedead Assisting at the exhumation ofa body which had been dead and bubetstill 3ead very deadin fact fully

as dead If not more so than upon thefirst day of Its death We reInterred-It and to the best of my knowledge

and belief It remains dead I ven ¬

ture the conclusion that this Is a-

typical specimen of all the unaccount-

able millions who have ever died I

have gone out of my way often to get

sight of a reputed ghost but neversaw one either holy or otherwisebut did upon one occasion see a white

f cow In a cemetery at night whichfrightened my companion very muchIrvIn H Ecker Wisconsin

i The mind as I understand constltutes the soul and as tho mind

JthetIt seems to me rather absurd to sup ¬

pose that the brain could produce orexert any Influence whatever afterdeath What reason has any sane person for believing that the brain conIt tlnues to produce thoughts after It is

lIfelessE J Buck TexasAll insects animals and mankind

are born feed grow and die similarly

All have Indulgence according to thej brcln they ron develop none show-

s any signs of Intelligence after theyare dead If mans Intelligent were

eternal he would know overythlns atbirth and never do wrong Insteadho Inherits some good and bat quail

ties from parents and developes morby food activities study and expert


ences He loses part by folliesdrunkenness diseases decay anddeath destroys all abilities IntellI-gence has been acijtned throughcountless ages of developing the brainby using It and transmitting abilitiesfrom parent to child Eliza MowryBliven


All Materialists are Invited to become members of the Materialist Assoelation to increase our count c

Whether or not all Materialists areInvited to sand to tho secretary answers to our Symposium subjectsprinted September 29th Truth Seekerviz 1st xRerBbns for believing there Is

no future life 2nd Reasons for be¬

lieving them is no God 3rd How can

Materialism he made most beneficialInteresting and popular and worthtaking the place of all religious-

I want as great a variety of sensibleanswers as can be secured on each ofthose three subjects to keep up thethinking and investigating keep ourcolumn Interesting and Instructiveand keep mn mg Materialists therebyAlso please try the following for the4th Symposirm Subject Is prayingharmful Instekd of beneficial WhysWhat would better promote the objects for which praying Is recommend-ed f

Send not over 100 words In youranswer to each Symposium Subjectbut you mnfisend mere than oneanswer to etuh It you have first rateconvincing answers worth printingSecure answers from others It youcan Keep the pot boiling

Every kind of spiritismKeep cooking In symposium pies

Till proved they are humbuglanGreed srrlf jeit fool making lies

Addre is airtuie Symposium writingsto Eliza Mowrjf Bliven Secretary Ma

aerialist Association Box 7C BrooklynConn tdTOIBEJIVEN

f iEE OFr1STiJ

Oui fro ndCoplerAoYyrWpsoieOration Qve Captdi aGraveWilt be Printed and Given

Compliment from N FGrlawoldI

Within tho next two weeks theBlade will have out In pamphlet form4000 copies of my funeral addressover the remainsof Capt WilliamHenry These are to bo given awayfree with the compliments of Mr NF Griswold of Merldan Connecticutwho has paid Mr Hughes for theIpublication of the same Tire pam ph

lets are gotten up in handsome shapeJand I feel greatly complimented atthe choice of Mr Griswold and theinterest ho has taken in the distribution of this addresstA funeral address may bo clippedout of it in case of emergency and he

read by some one selected to officiateWhen a Liberal speaker cannot be

soured this will help out and I giveevery one tho privilege of using whatthey may want of it It should alwaysbe an object to get your address In

tho home paper The thing is to reachthe public

The man who thoroughly comprehends and Interprets an address IsJust as smart as the man who writesIt He only lacks the knack

The cost of mailing these pamphletswill bo one cent each whether youmall them at homo or they are mailedat the Blade office If you want tentwenty or thirty of them send MrHughes as many one cent stampswith names and addresses of thoseyou want them to go to and he willmall them from tho Blade office andsave you trouble

First come first served Send yourorders at once to Mr Hughes Re-

member the pamphlets Is free and forone cent each the postage necssaryyou may havo them distributed fromtho Blade office or sent to you direct

Mr Griswold and many others conS

sider this funeral address as goodpropogandlc material People willread an Agnostic funeral addresswhen they wont read any other kindof Liberal literature I hope to seo

these all put out J B WILSON

Five Copies of Moore BookTames E HughesBy all means try

to nnhitstr the new hook C C MooreI will take five copies of tho book Isee my time Is up for the Blade InOctober but please send it right onnq I will renew It soon with a fewmore when I get to see a few of myfriends that take your paper anti havothem renew also I have alwaysthought 100 should bo the price ofthe paper but If Blade cannotlive at 100 without begging I am

I willing to pay JlGO LEWIS EDEUBLE M D

7 i


Professional Purest For Pelf Is BeatAt His Own Game By a New York

LawyerDriven From CourtRoom


Having parted the River of Jordanwith his second hand mantle the waters fleeing affrighted from his fearfulpresence Anthony Comstock the pro-

fessional purist he to whom allthings are Impure that do not contrfJbuto to his game of graft has got hishalo badly bent and sitting at a rakishtilt over his left BurnsIde bush forbeing to vivacious in the play of pro-


prosecutor for mileage andwitness fees

It appears that whenever St Anthonys exchecker got Iqw he went aftersomebody to bunko Smelling a miceho laid a trap His play waS then toinstitute a prosecution make of him-

self the principal witness and did notmind lying for the glory of god andflafew of Uncle Sams mental anguishplasters When the case wasoeiAnthony would put In a claim forAwit

ness attendance and mileage from hishome at Summit N J when sl Jmatter of fact he had been In NewYork all the time At last the gpgernment got next to his game antiJig lsup l 8

Some few days ago the BladjiLcelvedya clipping freer Bomeunj3efriend The conawas postmarked Near Yorkthere was noletter within no signIndlcatieSfisHcMwho had sent lll

tdid not come from a frlqCComstookiand it Is also evidenttli qai Is from a Gotham

eadlly determined fromB used It tells the stpiescapade of Anthony t

id being war it

reading is reproduced as followsI charge this man Comstock with

being a fakir and gratter of the firstwater He never fights the big fel-lows but persecutes the little ones

Yesterday he did not tell youwhen ho contended that he thought he

Ihad a moral right to charge the gOY

ernment mileage that to get themoney he had to swear to an affidavitthat he had expended such sums in

Governments behalf But swearto It he did until Marshal Henkel re-



to pay him further witness feesand mileage And all that time howas riding to and from Summit N J-

on tho pass his commission as a posInspector entitled him toAnd you all heard him admit the

pass I shouted Lawyer Hugh GordonMiller yesterday to the Jury In the US Circuit Court where his client Ernrat Richards was Jointly on trial withJos J Koch on a charge of improperly using the malls

Mr Comstock listened a moment

and then consulted a notebook Thenhe suddenly remembered somethingA momnt later the door leading

the court room opened and closedsoftly and Mr Comstock was out In

the corridors away from the sound of

Millers voice For the first time Inhis career Comstock had to leave acourt room before his case had beenconcluded Business at his office he

said called him awayMr Miller told the Jury It was for

It to decide between the veracity of

his client and that of Comstock TheJury badheard him tell of selling brie

abrae to Jimmy Oliver lawyer for

Al Adams the Policy King andcould draw Its own Inference

Its for you to decide concludedMr Miller It Is not my client on

trial so much as Mr Comstocks veraclty After all you have heardwhich are you to believe

The attorney representing tho otherdefendant Koch also condemnd MrComstock In his final argumnt for hav ¬

ing tried to get his client to swear to

a complaint which was untrue Judge

Thomas made a fair charge review ¬

ing the evidence but making nO com ¬

ment The Jury deliberated after a

luncheon at the Astor House and

found a verdict Richards Lawyer

Millers client was found not guilty

but Koch was found guilty and re¬

mantled for sentence

Subscribes for Two CopiesNewton Montana

James E Hughes You may put nio

down for two copies of tho Moor-eBootyF H LOVERING



For Christian Missionary Work InIndia Finds More Caste Exclu ¬

sion In America Than In HisC Own Country


It took the naked savages to literallye off broiled missionary but the

following from the Anaconda Montttfca Standard gives an account of a11g votive roast reported from Butte

sport which explains Itself IsasKollows

la unfit Dr N Krishna of Bombaygave a lecture at the court house lastev ping on the subject of political andso lal conditions In India Rev LewisDi acan introduced the gentleman fromfig ila as a citizen from a country thatw 3 the opposite of our own Insteadof aggressiveness and progress hestids for the pure in spirit and ananfcsted civilization a civilization-s+

t was of a high type when our forevftjpers were struggling and seeking

the civilization we now en

early the entire lecture of Drhna was devoted to a denuncia

of English rule and criticism ofAmerican missionaries in IndiaEnglish he called robbers and therican missionaries he termed any of rligious hoboes He was bitin his treatment of Englandgh he was excused because he is a

ion of an oppressed country speakagainst his oppressors He was as

In his blunt criticism of thingsrican as he was liberal with hisit on England He called the laUy Curzon the queen of American

women and said she was theft hated woman In India as here

rid was the worst robber Engeve eat too that country IIe-

d uaregiluere was morecastdfflSHnc rilon lathe Church of EnglandJaHd In

the social life of America thanlthere I t

in India and ho said he wasastonished at the amount of Ignorance rIs in America concerning thfngavfnIndia and the freedom with which Indlan conditions are discussed by thepeople

American Freedom11 have spoken to 200000 people

since I have been in this country said

hOtand In that number I found sevenpersons who could talk with authorityon things political and social in IndiaAmericans like to talk about things of


experience he had a fewButt when he entered the IerchantsIcafo on West Broadway to get some ¬

thing to eat and was Informed by oneof the waitresses that they did nottserove his class of people here Hospoke of the efforts to make the English language universal and said that

1the more people learned to talk Engthe more they learned to drink

whiskey He spoke of the women

of England because he said are very

few ladies thereTh army of religious hoboes In In

din dare not tell the truth of the Engfish rule or they would no longer bepermitted to practice their graftology

It has been asserted that before theEnglish came Into India millions ofpeople died of starvation and hungeryet In 1895 the annual income of thepeople of India was 30 per capita To-

day their income Is less than 3 percapita Before the English came CO

per cent of the people of India hadtheir own ironies and the nation was thegreatest manufacturing nation In theIworld although in a primitive way

yet the people had enough for them-



and exported a great deal ofItheir manufactures to Egpt Persia

China Japan and other countries Atpresent in the native states there isvery little starvation The people aretaxed to tho extent of 45 to 05 pr cent

of tho total Income from their landThe Greatest Religion

Robberlsm said tho doctor Is

tho greatest religion in the world andIt is practiced in tho name of JesusChrist

The lato archbishop of Canterbury

blessed tho army as it was marching

to war and ho told tho boys to go

forth and kill for the glory of theircountry and the Lord Jesus And thatis Christianity If Christ should come-

back again as tho Christians say Ho

will Ho would bo ashamed of you

Christians who kill and rob In Hl

nameFIvethousand years ago the Aris-

totle of India said Deeds first Today wo are taught words first anddeeds afterI

Christ wouldnt know His ownchurch should He come among youyou have so many dlfteren + Isms Youhave tho Northern Methodists theSouthern Methodists and the AntiTrust Methodists and all in the nameof the Lord-

Krishna said that before the Eng-lish took India 80 per cent of the peoplo of that country could read andwrite while now only 10 per cent cando so In the old days taxes were usedto educate the people but now theyare used to support the English bish-ops and clergymen There Is but oneschool In about 15 miles

Under such conditions can ourcountry be prosperous or civilizedasked the doctor

Caste and HumanityThen gentleman from Bombay de

Glared that there Is no more easternIndia than there Is in America Thejfore said he 118000 ministers of thegospel in this country preach theteaching of love and charity taught byChrist yet not one of them is married In

to a negress but all of them denouncecast in India which prevent a member of one caste from marrying Intoanother In the Church of Englandthere are 14 castes from the lowest curate up to the archbishop Dr Krish-na

isaid that since he had been in

America 1C months Cl negroes havebeen lynched

Under no conditions could such a

Continued on Pago 4 a



Splendid Tribute To the Literary andEducational Value of the Work

From One Who Is Competently i> Turdbd ein 1 4-

ra iTitv7lrfYq

JJBOWLESPressure entiresummer has prevented me from readtag Dr Wilsons Trip to Rome untilirecently anti now that I have nlshelleiAI take the first opportunity to adivlseiall my Free Thought frIends In

the United States to buy a copy of It

and assist In every possible way Itscirculation among our religious andsuperstitious fellow citizens

Dr Wilsons descriptive powers arethe very highest order and begin-

ning his book with the magnificentfloating palace that carried him safe ¬

through wind and wave thegrand old ocean his descriptions are

vivid and beautiful throughout thebook that the reader feels that he hasvisited in person the great clEurope and gazed with his own eyes-

upon their temples cathedrals muse-

ums galleries monuments and seriesfamous and infamous in history f

His descriptions of peoples andplaces of lakes and mountains ofjrivers and valleys of sunrise and sun-

set are all so graphic that this phaseof the book alone will amply repaytho reader for the time spent In perus-

ing It but Dr Wilsons power of in-

terpreting tho facts of current his-

tory In Europe makes the book in

valuable to the students of social rscience politics and religion In theUnited States

In every lino and between the linesof this fascinating book we aretaught with absolute certainty that thehopes of tho human race for all timeto come depends upon tho growth ofFree Thought and Reason and thecomplete extirpation andoVerthrow ofthe altar and the throne

IIdrivenand the kings must be driven fromthe earth before liberty can make thecircuit of tho world anti bring Joypeace and happiness to the tollingsuffering millions

These vampires and vultures havolived upon the life blood of the humanrace through all the dreary centuriosand Dr Wilsons adroit exposure ofthese terrible and deadly remains ofthe peace and happiness of humanitymakes his book one of the most vain1able contributions to tho sacredof Rationalism that has been Issuedfrom the press for many years-

I am glad that I contributed to theyfund that made this book possible andI sincerely hope that It will passthrough many editions and find Itsway Into thousands of homes nowpoisoned with the deadly nuisance ofpriestly superstition-




Is a Grievous Load To Carry But Is OfTheir Own MakingWomen AreiNot Altogether To Blame

For It



FROM HIGHER SCIENCEWhen religious women awaken to

what the cross which they wear andshed crocodile tears over reallystands for it may aid the more Intelligent ones to see how they have beenrind are made the dupo3 and slaves ofpriests parsons and aristocracy whouse their powers as license to wrongsociety live as parasites by reason ofwomans sympathy Allow me to quotefrom Prof Edgar L LarkIn of our MtLowe Observatory as to what theHoly Cross really means

To one versed In religiousarchaeology the antics of the people

an orthodox church make a fruitfulfield for the study of anthropology laThey worship a cross but are totallyIgnorant of what It means They donot know that It is a phallus pure andsimple So well settled is this factthat trained scholars no longer com-


tho Idea The cross lgrpiehiatoricWhen fitful gleams of historic light areseen flickering In the depth of ancleat night and barbarism they shineSon two pieces of wood in the shape of

cross They represent the malegenerative organs which were worship ¬

ed for many thousands of years andarey tfn some of the worldEvery antnropologist knows this to bealfirct I

Theref probably no person In theworld w Qjthas more contempt for fi-

rtvomenrallow thernselves bQ

d n and prlestcraft thanthejyare notjoiblamej

v nwhich have been used for centuries to 1

keep them in ignorance and tak ad ¬

vantage of their great mothersympa ¬

thy They are only to be pitied Letme appeal to every mother and to

woman who reads this to stopgive it one good had that Can you

not realize why religion makes male 3gods and saviors and devils andpriests and cresses for you to falldown before and worship And whyyou are cursed and must bear all theblame and shame of social wrongdo =>

ing while the men who are to blamego scott free It Is all as plain as the tnose on your face if you would onlydare to thinly Tho priest or parson 1tells you that you must not think andyou suppose you dare not You arecowards and tremble before these IIb

ertines who make slaves and vassalsof you and soldiers and prostitutes ofyour children Are not your childrenof more Importance to you than theselibertines Are not your children mini

their lives of more Importance to youthan even tho hereafter and can younot see that their only care Is forthemselves and for the present f I wishevery woman in America who has thenerve and intelligence to think hard on r ithis subject of the servitude of wom-

en and the shame and abuse of wom ¬

en and the Ignorance of women andare willing to think hard for one hourwould send me their names Certain-



you cannot he afraid any more thatyou will go to hell and burn foreverif you abandon your slavery and thinkwith mo for one short hour on thissubject What are you afraid ofThere Is no person in the world whohas more honest sympathy for wom-

en tharf I have and I have seen clearly

for years Just how you and your chlldren have been tied down and made tosuffer that these few privileged malesmight have license to wrong you Ihave also soon how you and your chit

are denlrd scientific teichinsc ofIItlren st t ao tx tit comblu il tofc

glO r aryl government which isaristocracy and thus kept In Isnoranco nnd slavery of fear and sttaneWhen one of jour number usnoincstoo intelligent site is Immediately os

traclsd by the rest of you who areguided by religion and arlaUoracy thepolitical powers that be and who hayIng no other means of support or buslness so Important to them as thislicense to live as parasites are al ¬

ways fady and on hand with theIrIwhips and baIts to herd you back Intolino When she is too Independentand great to submit to ostracism shgIs confined in a madhouse the con

Continued on pago Four