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(Int lieMay 1991 issue of The Counsel o Chalcedon we published an art icle by Rev. T.MarkDuncanentitled, ominiqn Through Education which detailed the philosophy of education and goals of Westtninster Christian Academy in Opelousas, LA. Thisa rticl eisa follow -up to that one and appeare d rece ntly in The Opelousas Daily News written by staff writerRonDel homme. We thought you would be encouraged to hear about the success of this particular endeavor and encourage you to write us and let us know about similar successes in your community -The Edito r) A 75 percent growth in the last three years combined with phenomenal test scores attest to the success of Westminster Christian Academy, now one of the three largest Christian schools in Louisiana. Headmaster Mark Stout says that Westminster's success is a result of a reliance on God, an insistence on excellence and service to the community. These old-fashioned vinues are as fre sh at Wes ttnins teras the wildfl owe rs that grow in the fields surr oundi ng its campus. Three years ago, 45 students were enrolled in high school there, Stout said. This year, there will be 145.There were 25 in last year's graduating clas s. The rapid growth of Westminster in recent years doesn' t surprise Stout. The reasons, in fact, are very clear to him. We're commit ted to exc elle nce in everything we do: he said. Being a Christian school, we want to honor Jesus Christ in everything-in academics,athleticsandinourspititual program. The teachers and staff at Westminst er ar e dedicated people who see theirrole asa ministry, notasajob Stout said. a result, they are willing to go the extra mile for less pay than the public schools: he said, adding that about 70 percent of them have their master's degrees. And also as a result, Stout said, God's blessing has been upon Westminster. That, of course, is the most imponant reason for the resounding growth. Another reason for Westtninster's success is the effons the school has made to reach out and minister to the community through the Jesns Cares program which provides food, clothing and toys to the needy of the area, and through Workathon Projects, during which Westtninster students will be seen piclting up lit ter along th e highwa ys, doing clean-up and fix-up work for elderly and handicapped families, and generally giving back to the community. 24 THE COUNSEL o f Chalcedon September 992 We teach volunteerism, Stout says, and a member of his family is shOwing how. Stout's 15 year-o d son, Micah, isa missionary in the Ukr aine this snmmer, helping to bui ld a training camp along the Black Sea for Rus sia n youn gste rs to learn how to minister to others. Pinally, there is a demand for what Westtnin ster has been offerin g since it was founded in 1978, Stout said. Thisis a pla ce whe re pare nts know their children are safe where they know they will get a qUality education and where they will develop moral fiber with a Biblical base to it, Stout said. Enrollment at the three campuses is expected to top 750 studen ts when school stans in August, Stout said. About 550 will be at the main pre-K through 12th grade campus in Opelousas, with the rest at the Ville Platte an d Laf aye tte campus es. This represents an increas e of 100 st udents over last year. Westtninster is proud of its Talent Development Pro gra m, nowbegi nnin g its second year, which ministers to and educates children with attention deficit disorder, dysleida and other learning disab ilitie s. About 35 stud ents are enroll ed in the progr am, which has a 10:1 pupil-teacher ratio. The test scores at Westmin ster are the envy of the state, with 7th graders scoring at post highschoollevels. Even 5 year-olds after two years at Westminster, test above the 90th percentile, which means they are scoring better than 90 percent of the students in the nation who take the same test. Our seniors' average ACT score is 25, Stout said. The average in Louisiana is 19. WCA, continued on page 28

1992 Issue 8 - Westminster Christian Academy: Blessings Follow Obedience - Counsel of Chalcedon

Jun 03, 2018



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Page 1: 1992 Issue 8 - Westminster Christian Academy: Blessings Follow Obedience - Counsel of Chalcedon

8/12/2019 1992 Issue 8 - Westminster Christian Academy: Blessings Follow Obedience - Counsel of Chalcedon 1/2

(IntlieMay 1991 issue of




we published an articleby

Rev. T.MarkDuncanentitled, ominiqn


Education which detailed the

philosophy of education and goals of

Westtninster Christian Academy


Opelousas, LA. Thisarticleisa follow-up

to that one and appeared recently in The

Opelousas Daily News

written by staff

writerRonDelhomme. We thought you



encouraged to hear about the

success of this particular endeavor and

encourage you to write us and let us

know about similar successes in your

community -The Editor)

A 75 percent growth


the last

three years



phenomenal test scores attest to the



Westminster Christian

Academy, now one of the three largest

Christian schools in Louisiana.

Headmaster Mark Stout says that

Westminster's success is a result of a



God, an insistence on


and service




These old-fashioned vinues are as

fresh at Westtninsteras the wildflowers

that grow


the fields surrounding its


Three years ago, 45 students were

enrolled in

high school there, Stout

said. This year, there will be 145.There

were 25


last year's graduating class.

The rapid growth




recent years doesn't surprise Stout.

The reasons,


fact, are very clear to

him. We're committed to excellence

in everything we



said. Being a

Christian school, we want to honor

Jesus Christ

in everything-in



The teachers




Westminster are dedicated people who

see theirrole asa ministry,notasajob

Stout said. As a result, they are willing

to go the extra mile for less pay than

the public

schools: he

said, adding

that about 70 percent of them have

their master's degrees. And also as a

result, Stout said, God's blessing has

been upon Westminster. That, of

course, is the most imponant reason

for the resounding growth.

Another reason for Westtninster's

success is the effons the school has

made to reach out and minister to the

community through the Jesns Cares

program which

provides food,



toys to the needy of the

area, and through Workathon Projects,

during which Westtninster students

will be seen piclting


litter along the

highways, doing clean-up



work for elderly



families, and generally giving back to

the community.



Chalcedon September


We teach volunteerism, Stout

says, and a member of his family is

shOwing how.



year-old son, Micah, isa

missionary in the Ukraine this snmmer,

helping to build a training camp along

theBlack Sea for Russian youngsters to

learn how to minister to others.

Pinally, there is a demand for what

Westtninster has been offering since it

was founded in 1978, Stout said.

Thisis a place where parents know

their children


safe where they

know they will get a qUality education

and where they will develop moral

fiber with a Biblical base to it,



Enrollment at the three campuses

is expected to top 750 students when

school stans


August, Stout said.

About 550 will be at the main pre-K

through 12th grade campus in

Opelousas, with the rest at the


Platte and Lafayette campuses. This

represents an increase of 100 students

over last year.

Westtninster is proud of its Talent

Development Program, nowbeginning

its second year, which ministers to

and educates children with attention

deficit disorder, dysleida



learning disabilities. About 35 students

are enrolledin the program, which has

a 10:1 pupil-teacher ratio.

The test scores at Westminster are

the envy


the state, with 7th graders

scoring at post highschoollevels. Even




two years


Westminster, test above



percentile, which means they are

scoring better than 90 percent



students in the nation who take the

same test.

Our seniors' average ACT score is

25, Stout said. The average


Louisiana is 19.

WCA, continued on page


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