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Feb 22, 2018



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    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life Sun

    What is the most epic breakup or post breakup message

    ever written?

    NothingEpicthough. It was a relationship of 4 years the last 1 year he was in

    another country. 2 months post breakup constant stalking helped me knew

    that he has fallen ill. with trembling ha... (more)

    Sharmila Ashraf, Studied a bit of psychology in under graduation



    Top Content on Quora Mind-Blowing Facts

    What are some unknown facts of India?

    About 19 kms away from the town of Chitrakoot (M.P.), there exist ' Gupt

    Godavari' Caves.

    I've been there 3 years back and believe me, the placedepicts mythological

    stories from its every nook and corner.

    Ankita Binnani, Truly Indian.


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    As the name sug gests, river Godavari flows in this cave with a very secretive

    passage. When you enter, the water will be up to 2 inches and as you advance

    in, the level of water rises up to 4 feet.

    The amazing albeit shocking fact of this cave is that as you reach the end of

    this cave, you notice that the river flows to another cave and then disappears.

    Written Mon View Upvotes


    Vineeta Tyagi upvoted this What Are The Best Phot... 8h

    What are some amazing pictures one has to see twice to


    These are some of my favorite pictures. They're actually satirical cartoons and

    Siddharth Kashyap, Mechanical Engineer, Native Bangalorean, Quiz

    enthusiast, BMTC fan.

    7k Views Upvoted by Vineeta Tyagi
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    some of them are really deep.

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    Drawn by Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski who has been working extensively on

    satirical illustrations.

    As you would've seen all of h is illustrations have a deep social message, are

    thought provoking and are very relevant in the world we live in today.

    The illustrations might seem simple but the amount of thought put behind

    them has to be appreciated.

    Written Mon View Upvotes

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    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life Mon

    What are the top ten things I should experience in life?

    1. Attend a wedding you weren't invited to.

    2. Travel alone to an unknown destination using public transport.

    3. Go to a place whose native langua ge is not known to you and then enjoy

    the struggle of explaini...


    Swastika Dutt, I can give you some, have found mine in 20 years.



    Upvote Downvote Comments 10+ Share 4

    Answer written Inspiration 11h

    What are some of the unknown facts about BHAGAT SINGH?

    Eighty four years ago today, India's greatest revolutionary freedom fighter,

    Bhagat Singh was taken to the gallows in the Lahore Central Jail. His

    execution spurred many to take up the revolutionar... (more)

    Sri Harsha Vardhan, In search of answers for my cryptical questions


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    Question followed Birla Institute of Tec... 12 Sep

    Which is better, BITS-Goa vs BIT Mesra?

    Write Answer

    Chetan Koirala upvoted this Mind-Blowing Facts Mon

    What are some mind-blowing facts about Northeast India?

    Here are some:

    1.Seven states of the Northeast are connected to India via a thin

    stretch of land known officially as the Siliguri Corridor and

    popularly as Chickens Neck.

    2. Till 1963, Northeast India consisted of Assam and the princely

    states of Manipur and Tripura.

    Nagaland was carved out of Assam in 1963, Meghalaya in 1972, Arunachal

    Gulshan Zharbade, Lived in Sikkim for a few days.

    29.9k Views Upvoted by Chetan Koirala
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    Pradesh in 1987, and Mizoram in 1987. Sikkim joined the Indian Union in


    3. The Northeast India has been identified as one of the worlds

    seven richest biodiversity areas by Myers 2000.

    4. Almost 70 per cent of the worlds orchids are found in Indias


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    5. The worlds largest riverine island, the Majuli, is in the


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    6.The River Brahmaputra that criss-crosses the Northeast is the

    only Indian river that passes through three countries.

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    7. Seven of Indias major national parks are located in Northeast.

    8.The Indian Rhinoceros, also known as the one-horned rhino, is

    found exclusively in the Northeast.

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    9. There are around 220 ethnic groups in the Northeast.

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    10. The Ahom Dynasty of Northeast is the longest unbroken dynasty

    in Indias entire history.

    The dynasty ruled much of Northeast for 600 years, 12281826 CE.

    11. Mawsynram in Meghalaya holds the Guinness World Record of

    being the wettest p lace o n Earth.

    It receives an annual average rainfall of 11,873 mm (467 in) per annum.

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    12. The Assam Rifles is Indias largest and oldest paramilitary force

    while the Indian Armys Assam Regiment recruits exclusively from

    the seven Northeastern States.

    Gorkha Regiment has many soldiers from Sikkim.

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    13. The Northeast is Indias cleanest region.

    Roads in major cities are squeaky clean and people take extra care to keep the

    surroundings neat and tidy.

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    Thanks for the A2A Nishant Gupta

    Written Mon View Upvotes Asked to answer by Nishant Gupta


    Answer written Cricket in India Mon

    What makes Virender Sehwag different from other cricketersof the world?

    Pravin Kumar, enjoy always

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    1. Max number of times scored century under 100 balls in Test cricket. seven

    times. Records | Test matches | Batting records | Fastest hundreds | ESPN

    Cricinfo 2. Scored 2nd fastest double hundre... (more)


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    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life Sun

    What are the secrets of being likable?

    When I wa s young I thou ght the secret to popularity was to be as impressive as

    possible so people would want to talk to me.

    Instead they thought I was arrogant.

    Then I examined what made me want to befriend someone, and I learned that

    I'd had it all backwards. The real secret to popularity is not to be

    impressive, but to be impressed.

    Anatole Ginsberg, As ks questions, takes risk s, k eeps notes

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    I spend an entire conversation asking questions, saying "wow" and "that's so

    interesting" and "you know so much about this do you mind telling me more?"

    I don't even need to say a word about myself it's so much less work. Now

    people call me "down-to-earth", they all want to be my friend, even if the only

    thing they know about me is that I make them feel validated.

    Everybody - from ages 1 to 100 - wants to be impressive. So let them be, andthey will gravitate towards you.

    Written Sun View Upvotes


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    Question in the FAQ Cricket in India 10 Sep

    What is the reason for calling off Cricket champions league

    T20 2015?Write Answer

    Rohan Jha wrote this Politics of India 2013

    Are Civil Services a good option for an IITian/NITian?

    I completed B.Tech from IIT Bombay 3 years ago and I am currently

    preparing for UPSC. the first point is that the life of an IAS officer is tough. I

    would like to reiterate that if a good IAS officer wa nts to work, he is pushed to

    the corner and seldom allowed to go through the works he has planned for the

    society. The fault with majority of us is that we only see the batti on the top of

    his car, 2 armed guards always guarding him and people saluting him

    wherever he goes.

    We should try to ac knowledge tha t even thou gh he ha s lots of power, his post

    is only a nominated one. (Un)luckily in our Constitution, the elected leadershave been given powers way above that of the nominated officers i.e.

    Rohan Jha, IAS officer at Government of India

    25.3k Views Rohan has 10+ answers in Union Public Service Commission

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    bureaucrats. You can not spend even a paisa from the exchequer until the

    politician who is incharge of the district sanctions it. what power are we

    talking of.

    the only point with which I have to agree is the perks and the facilities. But

    imagine someone who has gradu ated from IIT, left an illustrious career

    growth and has taken the biggest risk of his life by preparing for one of the

    toughest examinations in the world. And the worst part is if you go through itsok, but if you dont, then imagine what happens to your career. You have

    soaked in the most precious 3-4 years of your youth practically for nothing.

    This huge opportunity cost is only offset by 1 thing, the craze to become a

    bureaucrat. some people want it to get easy money, some for p ower, some for

    respect while some want to be there to do something good for the country. I

    agree that the people who belong to the last category is a very small minority.

    Having said that, I would want everyone to know that once you get in these

    facilities these perks these salutes would only please you for a month of two.

    after that you would be itching to work to fulfill that dream which offsets thehuge opportunity cost you paid by choosing to prepare for UPSC. if you had

    money in your mind, well done. 1 flood in your town and you are a crorepati.

    But if you had anything else other than money, you would want to work, you

    would want to ad d something positive to the society just to satisfy your inner


    The thing with us IITians is that our dream to take up UPSC can not and

    should not be to earn money. Just think about it, if we wanted to earn money,

    we could h ave just earned it by remaining in the same zone from where wemigrated. Even if a guy with a poor CPI of say 6, wants to earn after leaving

    the insti, he can. He can do it, irrespective of the starting salary he is offered. A

    bureaucrat after 2 years of training gets 45k per month, which is enough

    considering the amenities he is provided with, though he can never buy a

    BMW or Audi, which an IITian can, after say 10 to 15 years. But isnt it obvious

    that he does not want the BMW, and that is the sole reason he migrated.

    this is undoubtedly true, that most of the IITians take up UPSC for the

    prestige or power offered in this career. But how can you keep an engineering

    mind idle. he will aspire to work after some time. But he is not allowed to

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    unless he gulps thick bundles along with his supervising politicians or he is

    lucky to have an honest politician or he is a born manipulator to handle his

    work as well as his corrupt supervisor without getting involved.

    Doesn't everything in this world have its own failures. this should not and does

    not stop people from trying to get what they want to. It is just that you do not

    hear of them as they unluckily failed. the problem with the bureaucrats is that

    when th ey fail, everyone comes to know tha t he has failed. so we think thatafter so many years of grilling, look what happ ened to that guy who could

    have become a manager in some MNC today.

    So if you think you can handle the system and still give your best then you

    should go for Civils. After all, its better to try and become a Srivatsa Krishna

    rather than looking at an Ashok Khemka and just killing the dream which you


    Updated 9 Sep, 2014 View Upvotes


    Answer written Cricket (sport) 11h

    What are the best one-liners from Harsha Bhogle?

    Well here are few -

    1. 1. India vs NZ (India lost almost every match 2002-2003) Sehwag already

    had many lucky escapes, when he was dropped once again. Harsha said

    Its been that kind of a day, today Sehwag can walk blindfolded

    across a busy highway and not get run-over.

    2.In conversation with Hayden, Harsha says this about Rajat Bhatia

    Harsha Bhogle: "He is slow, but has a slower ball on top of that.That ball is so slow that the batsman receiving it won't figure out if

    Mohit Singh, Cricket Enthusiast

    2.1k Views Mohit has 90+ answers in Cricket (sport).

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    it was the previous ball".

    3. This one is my favourite

    Narendra Hirwani walked out to bat at number 11. Ian Chappel asked Harsha

    whether Hirwani can bat. Harsha said -

    "If you make a team with all the No.11s of all the teams, Hirwani

    would still come at N o.11 in the line up"

    4 .Sunil Gavaskar goes on about the beauty of the technique Dravid showed in

    leaving the ball alone

    Harsha : Sunny, you nearly got an orgasm of happiness, didnt u!

    5. About Ashwins running between the wickets.

    Harsh Bhogle : Dhoni is extremly quick between the wickets and

    Ashwin ... Ah lets just s ay he has o ther Skills

    U can also visit - Mohit Singh's answer to Who is your favorite

    cricket commentator? Why?

    Written 11h ago View Upvotes


    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life Mon

    What is your favorite thing about the night?

    SILENCE. (pin drop)

    Awesome feeling of night it's silence..

    At nigh t we can listen to voice of second hand of clock..

    At nigh t we can sit at roof looking at stars and lost in thoughts of yourown..

    Anjali Kriplani, Happening now in present.. :)


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    Best conversations happen only at night. :D


    Written Mon View Upvotes


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    Poorvisha Ravi upvoted this India Sat

    Who is the busiest person in India?

    Every Mother. Honestly, I do not think there is a more difficult job than that.

    Edit: A very honest answer from my side, and an overwhelming response from

    your side. Tha nk you! Kud os and massive r... (more)

    Nalira Rumaizan, Writing a test called life...

    59k Views Upvoted by Poorvisha Ravi


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    Question asked Snapdeal Sun

    What's the difference between buying an iPhone 6 from a

    local deal, stores like mobile store and spice hotspot and

    from websites like snapdeal, flipkart? In terms of price,

    warranty and quality.

    Write Answer

    Answer written IAS Officer Sun

    Why do some of the ias officers takes salary as rs 1?

    There are IAS, IPS and many other all India service personnel who take 1rs

    salary from GoI. One of the most probable reason is they are sound financially

    Prateek Shendre Request Bio

    12.6k Views Prateek has 30+ answers in Indian Administrative Service (IAS).

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    as they have their a ncestoral business/Prop... (more)


    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life 2014

    What is the saddest feeling in the world?

    1. Scrolling through your phone contacts and not finding a single person you

    can talk to.

    2. When someone brings your favourite dish to you AFTER you are totally


    3. Reading the Severus Snape's death part in Harry Potter. Again.

    4. Drifting apart from the person with whom you had the time of your life,


    5. Losing people and realizing that 'Life goes on'.

    6. Coming back home after a long day at work only to find it in the same

    unkempt state because you live alone.

    7. When you're up till midnight on your birthday and you don't get a single call

    or text.

    Priyanka Sharma, Always be learning!

    136.8k Views Upvoted by Naman Kumar Srivastava

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    8. When your crush does not remember your name.

    9. The pangs of lovesickness.

    10. Having to hold pee because of... Well any relevant reason! :P

    Written 9 Jun, 2014 View Upvotes


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    Vineeta Tyagi wrote this Writing Advice 7 Sep

    Can you write a story and never give the main character's


    Tyler Durden (Fight Club) is the best example that comes to mind, throughout

    Vineeta Tyagi, Author of OFfTraCk(Murder Mystery), ENTP & Former


    2.8k Views Vineeta has 30+ answers and 7 endorsements in Writing.

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    the book, the narrator never reveals his name but talks about Tyler in great

    detail. The reader doesn't even realize tha... (more)


    Upvote Downvote Comments 3+ Share

    Answer written Mistakes Mon

    Hollywood:What are some interesting examples of movie

    mistakes in Hollywood?

    This One is from the latest Movie 'Everest'

    As soon a s the Team members from N ew-Zealand arrives at the Kathmandu

    Airport. They sit in a van to go to the their site.

    This scene was of the year 1996. Meanwhile in the bus they are in, there is one

    song played of a bollywood movie, which came out in 1999.I guess only the Indians viewers will be able to recognise this mistake.

    I will update the answer with details of the songs.

    Written Mon View Upvotes

    Ankur Walia Request Bio



    Question followed Psychology of Everyday Life 1m

    Have you ever used the Spoonk and if so, what has your

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    experience been with it?

    Write Answer

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    Vineeta Tyagi wrote this Mon

    Which is better: FRIENDS or HIMYM?

    Speaking of facts and figures, FRIENDS is ranked at 39 on IMDB top 250 TV

    shows. HIMYM is rated at 223 Source : IMDb Top 250 TV ... (more)

    Vineeta Tyagi, Author of OFfTraCk(Murder Mystery), ENTP & Formercoder



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    Rohan Jha wrote this IAS Officer Mon

    Why do Indian IAS officers see posting at ASI

    (Archaeological Survey of India) as a punishment when

    many of them chose History as an elective subject?

    We view the importance of our job by the p ower or influence on the common

    people. So it is just that most of us view ASI job as having less influence on

    those common people. Much can be contributed... (more)

    Rohan Jha, IAS officer at Government of India



    Answer written Tips and Hacks 9h

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    What are some things that look easy but are difficult?


    We h ave been hearing this every now and then tha t failure is the stepping

    stone to success. One should rise every time he falls. Whatever doesn't kill yousimply makes you stronger.

    However, it is not so easy as it seems. Rising up from failures every time

    especially after consecutive failures requires a lot of will power and strength.

    The strength of a man is not defined by his success, it is defined

    by how strong he rises every time he falls.

    Written 9h ago View Upvotes

    Aditya Awalkar, Getting to k now "Real" Life



    Answer written Cricket in India 2015

    Why is Dravid so overrated?

    Arjun K Vijayakumar Request Bio

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    Hmm, let's see.

    There was a time when Indian cricket team needed a consistent middle-

    order batsmanin both ODI and Test matches. Guess who they found then?

    It wasRahul Dravid.

    There was a time when Indian Test team was on the verge of innings defeat

    against Australia. Guess who saved the match along with VVS Laxman?

    It wasRahul Dravid.


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    ( ) 32/47

    There was a time when Indian world cup cricket team lacked a proper wicket

    keeper Batsman. Guess who filled in?

    It wasRahul Dravid.

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    ( ) 33/47

    There was a time when Indian cricket team lost a formidable captainfor a

    brief period. Guess who took up the responsibility?

    It wasRahul Dravid.

    There was a time when Indian cricket team lost the lead bowler in the middle

    of a Test match at Lord's due to injury and even Captain Dhoni had to bowl.

    Guess who filled in Dhoni's shoes?It was Rahul Dravid.

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    There was a time when Indian cricket team needed an opener in Test Matches

    as the regular opener is out of the game due to injury. Guess who volunteered?

    It was Rahul Dravid.

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    There was a time when Dravid concentrated only on test matches and Indian

    team needed a batsman to fill in for ODI and T20. Guess who they chose?

    Well, no prizes for correct gu ess.

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    To summarize, the following were the roles played by Rahul Dravid:

    Middle-order batsman


    Slip fielder

    Wicket Keeper


    Unofficial roles:

    Match Saviour

    Crisis man


    The Wall

    He was The Dark Knightof Indian cricket team for almost 2 decades. When

    Ganguly scored his 183 against Sri Lanka in World Cup 1999, it was Rahul

    Dravid who supported him from the other end having himself scored 145. In

    ODI, he was a misfit who thrived.

    What was your question again?

    Updated 11 Mar, 2015 View Upvotes


    Question asked Movies Sun

    I want to get myself a role in Jurassic World 2. How can I do


    1 Answer

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    Answer written IAS Officer 8h

    What is the day-to-day work culture like for an IAS officer in

    his office?

    Day to day work culture in the Government in not fun.When I entered upon

    my office and dak-filewas put on my table, I was slightly taken aback even

    when I was exp ecting it. The cha nge - from an... (more)

    Vishal Gupta, I am one.



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    Answer written Psyc hology of Everyday Life 8h

    When does intelligence become a curse?

    I cannot think of anything but this from Spiderman 2 movie: Intelligence is

    not privilege, its a gift. And you use it for the good of mankind. Otto

    Octavius ... (more)

    Abhishek Dhingra, Dream like a c hild, act like a man! :)



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    2D AGO

    Top Content on Quora Facts and Trivia

    What are some interesting facts about the AK-47?

    In AK-47 the AK stands forAvtomat Kalashnikova(Automatic Kalashnikov)

    and 47 derives from the year of its completion, i am sure many people knows


    It was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, who was a tank commander during

    World War II and began his career a s a weapons d esigner after a shoulder

    injury during the battle of Bryansk. While in hospital he overheard soldiers

    complaining about the soviet rifles and he decided to change that

    Dhileeban Ramasamy, i believe in facts and figures.


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    AK 47 is not famous for its accura cy and precision but for durability, low cost

    production, availability and ease of use. It performs in any conditions and it

    doesnt jam like other sophisticated weapons and it will work even if it is

    dipped in a water bath and fired.


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    It has made into Guinness book of records for most widely spread weapon in

    the world with 100 million rifles currently in use. It has caused more deaths

    than artillery fire, air strikes and rocket attacks combined. An estimated

    quarter million people are gunned down by the bullets of Kalashnikovs every


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    During Vietnam war, many American soldiers gave up their M16s for more

    reliable AK rifles, which they picked from the dead Vietnamese soldiers for

    their reliability.

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    Russias top basketball player, Andrey Kirilenko, born in the city of Izhevsk,

    which hosts the Kalashnikov rifle factory, has played under No.47 in the NBA

    and was nicknamed AK-47

    Special coins were minted not only in Russia but also in New Zealand which

    was dedicated to Mikhail Kalashnikov to mark rifles 60th birthday. They c ame

    in cases shaped after the AK-47 magazine

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    Colombian artist, Cesar Lopez, has transformed a dozen of AK-47s into guitars.

    The rifle is so famous in Africa that some parents name their babies kalash

    which is another nickname for the rifle in the continent.

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    More than 20 countries currently produce the AK-47, china is the worlds

    largest producer. Russia no longer makes the weapon but has huge stocks.

    Source - RIP Kalashnikov: 20 facts you may not have known about AK-47 and

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