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Page 1: 100 Quotes on HR- “Employment Brand”
















HR Quotes 100


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45 - 52


Employment Value Proposition




Social Media


Competitive Advantage

2 - 44

53 - 62

63 - 67

68 - 76

77 - 90

91 - 93

94 - 101 1

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“A word is a word, and a picture is worth a thousand… but a brand is worth

a million.”

Tony Hsieh, Zappos 2

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“ If the reputation of a company ’ s products and services is its face, the

talent brand is its heart and soul”

Hank Stringer & Rusty Rueff

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“Employer branding is defined as a comprehensive concept to design

internal and external employer image with the intention to ameliorate the

perception of the company as a preferred employer by existent and future


Ambler & Barrow

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"that the talent brand builds over time and it can engender the same feelings

of desire and dreams that a compelling product message brings to life. It

can bring tremendous loyalty and, through word of mouth, more traffic to

your door.”

Rueff & Stringer

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“It is the meaning and the promise that lie behind their daily efforts that give

their jobs a deeper resonance and compel commitment. … you offer them

this meaning and promise through branding.”

Libby Sartain

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"To the extent the employer brand is internalized, new employees are likely

to be more committed to achieving the goals of the organization, more

committed to the organization in general and less likely to withdraw from the


Crystal M. Harold & Kevin P. Nolan

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"Every brand evolves over time. Keep your messaging fresh and new. Each

year, HR should plan and carry out repackaging and messaging to keep

the message exciting and fun."

Libby Sartain

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"Successful internal branding must involve all constituencies. Involve

marketing, public relations, advertising, corporate communications, talent

acquisition, learning and development, compensation and benefits,

facilities, and any other group that delivers products, experiences, or

amenities to employees."

Libby Sartain

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"Employees make or break the company’s brand and, ultimately, the

company’s results."

Libby Sartain

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“Efficient employer branding requires innovative methods of personnel

market research to control and target the employer attractiveness.”

Stephan Erlenkaemper Christian von Thaden

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"Simply developing a catchy PR campaign is not enough to make an

effective employer brand."

Anne M. Bogardus

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“An effective employer brand that accurately portrays the organization

culture benefits the organization in any economic climate. During times of

economic growth when high-quality employees are in great demand, the

brand both attracts and retains them. In an economic downturn, the brand

becomes a vehicle for fostering communication and improving morale.”

Anne M. Bogardus

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"Becoming a better place to work is not easy."

L. Branham & M. Hirschfeld

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“Packaging of all human resources programs and initiatives under a

specific, integrated set of symbols and key messages to communicate. HR

branding establishes a consistent “image” the organization portrays to its

employees and prospective employees.”


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"There are two critical areas of alignment. The first is the alignment between

the organization brand and talent brand. The other alignment is that between

the talent brand and the organization ’ s selection and development


Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"For years branding has been a core concept in product marketing for

winning customers in a crowded marketplace. The emergence of branding

in the employment context seems like such a natural line extension it is

surprising that the jump from product to people took so long."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"Employees seek to work for organizations just as customers seek to do

business with them: when they feel that the organization offers what they


Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"For an organization to recruit effectively, its brand needs to be known and


Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"Built-to-Change Strategy: Have a B2Change Employer Brand."

Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"In addition to discouraging bad applicants, having a strong brand can

serve to attract individuals who otherwise wouldn’t apply for the job."

Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"Every organization needs to develop its own leadership brand; no formula

exists to indicate what is right."

Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"Having a clearly identified leadership brand can be a powerful factor in

helping attract, retain, and motivate the right leaders and employees."

Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"If their employer brand is boring and unattractive, so too will be their talent

and performance."

Edward E. Lawler

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"Every organization is known for certain things when it comes to how it treats

its employees. This “ employer brand ” is a key part of what attracts talent to

a company."

Edward E. Lawler

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"An employer brand is an intangible. However, many tangible practices and

behaviors contribute to it."

Edward E. Lawler

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"Having an employer brand attracts applicants because of the values that

are congruent between the employee and employer."

Ken Carrig & Patrick M. Wright

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"Employees who are thought leaders outside the company improve the

company brand and the employee’s own personal brand."

Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"In sum, the more a corporate alumni network strengthens the company’s

brand, the easier it becomes to leverage that network for hiring, network

intelligence, and customer referrals."

Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"Alumni Are Brand Ambassadors."

Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"And who better to “sell” the opportunity to work for your company than a

passionate champion of your brand."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"You can let all of your employees be your brand ambassadors, not just the

marketing or PR department. And they can be brand ambassadors both

inside and outside the office."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"By sharing a common belief system, Zappos employees become the

unified brand to the world. (As an aside, I’m always amused by people who

say, “Zappos must be a cult!” In some ways, it is. But if a cult revolves

around making people happy, I’ll sign up anytime.)"

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"We can, by choice, help inform, educate, and teach people about what we

do, what the business stands for, and how we plan to change their lives in a

positive way."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"if we engage employees, customers, and prospective customers in

meaningful dialogue about their lives, challenges, interests, and concerns,

we can build a community of trust, loyalty, and— possibly over time— help

them become advocates and champions for the brand."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"In fact, it is quite simply impossible to build an engaged customer base,

inspire loyalty among vendors, and generate an attractive employer brand

without engaged, passionate employees serving as a strong foundation."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"let’s review what happens when both customers and employees are

actively engaged: high loyalty and maximum effort. In the Social Age, then,

it’s a brand’s responsibility to create that culture. And, as we’ve seen, when

that culture exists, magic happens."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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“In the old world, you devoted 30 percent of your time to building a great

service and 70 percent of your time to shouting about it. In the new world,

that inverts.”

Jeff Bezos

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"Our new brand sends a 360 degree message," "It starts with our employee

audience and extends to everyone we work with and work for”

Carly Fiorina (HP)

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"We didn't know it was a brand. . . It became a brand when real business

people told us it was a brand."

Jerry Yang, Yahoo

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"I spoke of employees as the company’s primary assets. I said that if P&G

served more consumers better, if it innovated with its brands and products, its

business models and work systems, and if we worked together more

productively, then the company would grow and prosper and continue to be

a preferred place of employment."

A. G. Lafley

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"Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and Johnson & Johnson also have enormous

“employee brands,” which is to say, their people get a real credential just by

working there for a few years. Even putting my biases aside, GE is also in

this category."

Jack Welch, Winning

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"In today’s transparent job market, employment brand and employee

engagement have become synonymous."

Josh Bersin

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"Every employee can affect your company’s brand, not just the front-line

employees that are paid to talk to your customers."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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“companies have begun to distill their employment value proposition into a

shorter, punchier, and more provocative “ employment brand ” : a simple

phrase or statement that creates a compelling argument to consider an

organization for employment”

Leslie W. Joyce

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"Link all your messages to powerful one- or two word messages. Southwest

used Freedom. Yahoo! chose Life Engine."

Libby Sartain

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"In its simplest form, an employment brand is a “ tag line ” of sorts that grabs

the job seeker ’ s attention and compels him or her to consider the


Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"Capturing the employment value proposition in a memorable employment

brand that states simply what makes your organization a great choice."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"In actuality, the employment brand and the marketing campaign that

supports it are the embodiment of the employment value proposition."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"The employment value proposition, the employment brand, and all

supporting recruiting material are the foundation of an employment

marketing campaign, whose purpose is to put the employer front and center

with the talent it seeks."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"it is critical that the employment brand flows from the employment value

proposition and authentically reflects the organization, the work, and the

experiences of the organization ’ s employees."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"Employers now need to know and understand what is important to today ’ s

workforces and reflect that in their employment value proposition."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"Your Culture Is Your Brand"

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"Total Reward strategy is a key element of the brand. Based on the TR

philosophy, a carefully crafted TR strategy reinforces the brand."

Anne M. Bogardus

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"an employee survey can be conducted to find out whether current

employees perceive the organization the way the brand portrays it."

Anne M. Bogardus

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"The portal can be an important tool for creating the employee brand.

Employment brands give prospective employees an image or impression

of what it would be like to work for the firm."

Hal Gueutal & Cecilia Falbe

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"Progressive-thinking organizations understand the power of tying

recognition to corporate and HR strategies. Indeed, these programs can

play a pivotal role in enhancing the employer’s brand and promoting the

organization as an employer of choice."

D. Jensen, T. McMullen & M.Stark – Hay Group

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"Intangible rewards can be core to employee branding."

D. Jensen, T. McMullen & M.Stark – Hay Group

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"Recognition programs can also reinforce desired behaviors and work

cultures that can enhance the employer’s brand and promote the

organization as an employer of choice."

D. Jensen, T. McMullen & M.Stark – Hay Group

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"Companies with a well - integrated HR strategy use such investments to

improve the company ’ s employment brand by promoting these benefits

during the recruitment process and strongly linking benefits with talent


Rob Silzer & Ben E. Dowell

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"The brand also should be featured on the company’s website, with videos

that show employees talking about what it is like to work for the organization

and what the brand means to them."

Edward E. Lawler III & Christopher G. Worley

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"There’s a lot of buzz these days about “social media” and “integration

marketing.” As unsexy and low-tech as it may sound, our belief is that the

telephone is one of the best branding devices out there."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"the HR function partners actively with the marketing function in creating an

employment brand that is consistent with and reinforces the customer


H. Rao & R. Dewar

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"The mission of the HR department ought to be to synchronize the

employment brand with the customers’ brand."

H. Rao & R. Dewar

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"In fact, many corporations brand their workforce as part of their marketing

campaigns to attract not only the right talent, but also to attract business and

consumer buyers."

Patricia A. K. Fletcher

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"Developing an effective employer brand not only can attract the right

employees, it can also attract customers."

Edward E. Lawler

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"Just as customers make the final decisions about the usefulness of your

company’s products and services, the employees determine whether you

have developed an employer brand."

Ken Carrig & Patrick M. Wright

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"the heart of building a market-focused culture is to create an employment

brand that is consistent with the customer brand."

H. Rao & R. Dewar

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"We have learned that brand and culture must correlate."

Jac Fitzenz

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"employer brand is built upon a set of management practices that create

and reinforce the culture that treats people as the most important asset and

consequently builds distinctiveness around this asset."

Ken Carrig & Patrick M. Wright

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"A culture that fosters growth and innovation, employs effective leaders, and

has a good product is more likely to evoke total employer brand


Ken Carrig & Patrick M. Wright

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"Building an employer brand attracts and retains the right kind of people to fit

your organization’s culture and strategy and aligns your employees’ work

experience with your customers’ valued outcomes."

Ken Carrig & Patrick M. Wright

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"We thought that if we got the culture right, then building our brand to be

about the very best customer service would happen naturally on its own."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"Over time, as we focused more and more on our culture, we ultimately

came to the realization that a company’s culture and a company’s brand

are really just two sides of the same coin."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"What’s the best way to build a brand for the long term? In a word: culture."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"At Zappos, our belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other

stuff—like great customer service, or building a great long-term brand, or

passionate employees and customers— will happen naturally on its own."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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"Social media engagement can translate into bottom line results."

Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"Spending money on advertising campaigns can drive awareness, but buzz

emerges from grassroots interest, especially on social media. Corporate

alumni can help in this regard, especially if they outnumber a firm’s current


Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"Push for policies that allow employees to build their personal brands and

establish thought leadership. This is not to say that a CEO should order

every employee to start tweeting; mandatory brand building will rankle the

employee and seem inauthentic to external audiences."

Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha

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"this is less about media and more about understanding what it means to

lead in the Social Age— less to do with campaigning and more to do with


Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"In other words, if you’re a global brand— or a brand considering a global

presence— the social party has just started."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"companies that fail to adapt to the Social Age are losing control with yet

another group coming into power: employees."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"Four words that sum up the secret to social success: More social. Less


Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"The organizations really putting social to good use— and the champions

who represent their brands— are not broadcasters. They mentor. They

advise. They blog. They build relationships."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"as a self- funded, lean start- up— generate the required passion for the

company’s mission and enough traction for the brand to survive with virtually

no advertising dollars allocated in the budget."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"We knew right then that IBM fully understands the value that [Social +

Mobile + Cloud + Big Data + Analytics] provides a brand fully immersed

in the Social Age."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"It’s more than just hiring. Among the first, and most important, tasks of social

recruiting? Branding."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"Social allows us to connect in a way a television commercial, display ad,

or job posting simply can’t. Social is branding, just like traditional

advertising— it’s just more human."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"Another aspect of social recruiting that early- twenty- first- century recruiting

best practices can’t touch: attracting the passive candidate."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"Social recruiting, by definition, is also employer branding, PR, a

demonstration of expertise, an ongoing discussion of your culture and

mission, long- term relationship building, and much more."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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"If you begin your branding process by declaring an “aspirational brand”

without aligning it with the reality of employees’ daily work experience, you

are in danger of writing a check your culture can’t cash."

L. Branham & M. Hirschfeld

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“… make sure it delivers what it promises. If it doesn’t, new employees will

quickly become disengaged and leave.”

L. Branham & M. Hirschfeld

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"If the company is good, employees will say so. If not, they’ll say that, too."

Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt

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“Employer branding is one fruitful avenue for organizations to establish the

value they offer employees and to differentiate themselves from competing


Crystal M. Harold & Kevin P. Nolan

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"If the employer has differentiated its organization as an employer of choice

with a clearly defined message about the benefits of working there, then

attracting the quality of candidates desired by the organization becomes

less difficult."

Anne M. Bogardus

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"At the core, an effective brand has a clear, compelling, and consistent

promise so that in a crowded and noisy employment market, a meaningful

message of differentiation can be heard."

Rob Silzer and Ben E. Dowell

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"if an HC - centric organization is trying to achieve competitive advantage

through technical leadership, then the brand needs to emphasize that the

company is a good place for techies to work."

Edward E. Lawler

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"The right employer brand is a critical asset and a competitive advantage

for an HC - centric organization."

Edward E. Lawler

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"A strong employer brand clearly identifies the organization as an attractive

place to work for individuals who want to — and can — be a source of

competitive advantage."

Edward E. Lawler

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"Even today, our belief is that our Brand, our Culture, and our Pipeline are the

only competitive advantages that we will have in the long run. Everything

else can and will eventually be copied."

Tony Hsieh, Zappos

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“those organizations that successfully develop, market, and maintain

attractive employer brand images will move one-step closer to winning the

talent war”

Crystal M. Harold & Kevin P. Nolan

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Useful resources related to HR – “Employment Brand”

• EBI - 2014 Employer Branding Global Trends Study Report • Brandemix - Employer Branding Survey Results 2014 • RBL - Growing Your HR Brand - Take a Brand Quiz

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