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How did Mao establish a one-party state? Learning Objectives: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957
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How did Mao establish a one-party state?

Learning Objectives:Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

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The ‘One-Party State’LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

• From 1949 China became a one party state. All other parties were suppressed in a series of purges from 1950-1952.

• Anyone who showed any opposition to communism was labelled a ‘counter-revolutionary’ or an ‘imperialist’.

• To avoid accusations, Chinese increasingly tried to prove their loyalty by accusing others.

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‘Thought Reform’ or ‘Thought Control’?

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957 • In 1951, the Party began a

movement for ‘thought reform’. It was called the Movement for the Study of Mao Zedong’s Thought.

• This involved close study of his writings, combined with public self-criticism at Party meetings.

• By dominating the ideological debate and purging those people who were seen to be deviating from the correct path, Mao sought to control the Party and government.

Self Criticism

Are you the perfect student? If not, why not?

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Mao Zedong ThoughtLO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

• Mao Zedong Thought was the official doctrine of the Communist Party, due to Mao’s influence as leading theorist.

• It was a set of ideas that changed and adapted over time. Much of his ideology was based on Marxism but he adapted Marxism to Chinese conditions.

• The most important ideas were self-reliance, continuing revolution, class struggle, learning from the people and mass mobilisation.

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1.) Self-Reliance

Mao was determined that China should not be reliant on foreign powers. Even the USSR was not

trusted. China should be restored as a powerful independent nation.

2.) Continuing Revolution

Mao believed that each new generation should be involved

in revolutionary struggle to prevent counter-revolution &

ensure support.

3.) Class Struggle

Mao worried that the CCP would become a new ruling class. The

CCP had to be periodically rectified using struggle

meetings, self-criticism & re-education

4.) Learning from the People

Mao believed the CCP should listen to the people. The masses should act as a check on the power of the


5.) Mass Mobilisation

Mao argued that the CCP’s main task was to mobilise the people in

mass campaigns to achieve specific objectives. Mass mobilisations

would be used to build infrastructure. He did not believe

managers or experts were the key to economic advance. He believed

people would be willing to work harder for the common good.

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Mass Campaigns: Establishing a dictatorship?

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

• Repression and terror were key weapons in the CCP’s struggle to control China after 1949.

• The machinery of repression used by the State included propaganda campaigns to isolate and shame the chosen targets, the police, the courts, imprisonment and executions.

• Between 1950-1952, Mao used mass mobilisation campaigns against corruption and the bourgeoisie – further increasing his control over society:

1950 – ‘The Three Mountains’

Campaign against feudalism, capitalism

and imperialism.

1951 – The ‘Three Antis Campaign’ launched against

corruption, waste and bureaucracy

1952 – The ‘Five Antis Campaign’ against bribery, tax evasion, fraud, theft of Govt. property & spying.

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The Hundred Flowers Campaign 1956-1957

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

• Outline the successes and failures of Mao from 1949-1956?

• What was the origin and stated purpose of the Hundred Flower Campaign?

• How did people react to the Campaign?• What was the outcome?• Which group of people were persecuted the most and

why?• Why might scientists of escaped persecution? • Was the campaign a trap or a colossal blunder? What

evidence do you have for each?

‘Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought contend’ - Mao

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Successes in china.

1. Peace2. China independent of foreign

control3. Warlords and banditry

suppressed4. Land reforms5. First five year plan – a success6. 1950 marriage law + womens’

reforms7. End to prostitution + opium

trade8. First five year plan

Problems in China

1. City populations rose by 40 million as peasants moved into cities.

2. Severe overcrowding3. Peasants resentful at

increasing control of CCP over their lives.(COLLECTIVISATION 1955 +)

4. Food shortages as food was sent abroad to buy weapons/machines

5. Housing Problems

Successes and Failures of Mao: 1949-56

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

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The Hundred Flowers Campaign 1956-1957

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957 • In 1956 Mao launched what

became known as the Hundred Flowers Campaign which allowed free discussion and criticism of the government and its work.

• There was a huge rush of criticism of Mao, the government and the CCP. Many people publically criticised the five year plan.

• This was too much for Mao who launched an ‘Anti-Rightist Campaign’ in June 1957 – directed by Deng Xiaoping. Everything went into reverse and critics were persecuted in ‘Struggle Sessions’

1. The leading critics were forced to retract

their statements.

2. Critics had to make public confessions and submit themselves to ‘re-education’. They

were sent off to camps for ‘thought reform’.

3. Others were sacked from their jobs.

4. People were forbidden to speak freely and the

press was censored.

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Reasons for the Hundred Flowers


LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

There is much debate about Mao’s motives for the Campaign and historians have drawn some sharply different conclusions about Mao’s motives in launching the campaign:

1. One school of thought argues that he genuinely encouraged free speech and criticism but was shocked by the reaction and then clamped down on his critics.

2. The other school of thought believes that the Campaign was a deliberate plan by Mao to flush out critics of the government and CCP.

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Did Events in Eastern Europe play a part?

LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

Stalin, the hardline leader of Russia

and the Communist world,

died in 1953.

He was followed by the more moderate


Khruschev eased the repression but this led to

demands for more freedom and in Hungary led to


Russia sent in tanks to crush the rebellions

If Mao introduced similar moderate reforms what would happen in China?

What would happen to Mao?

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Consequences of the Hundred Flowers


LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

1. Mao silenced potential opponents 2. He instilled fear amongst the educated classes who were

now less willing to stand against Mao. 3. China’s intelligentsia [brightest minds – artists, writers,

journalists, etc] were decimated which set back China’s cultural development.

4. Many students had their education interrupted due to the death of so many teachers - some 5 million children had their schooling terminated

5. Some 4 million people may have lost their lives in the ‘Anti-Rightist campaigns which started after the Hundred Flowers.

6. Mao’s position was unchallengeable.

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Consequences of the Hundred Flowers


LO: Identify and explain the political changes made by Mao in the years 1949-1957

How did the CCP communicate its ideas and mobilise the people after 1949?Add the below to your timeline and explain what each was:1. Speak bitterness campaigns2. The Movement for the Study of

Mao Zedong Thought3. The Three Anti’s Campaign4. The Five Anti’s Campaign5. The Hundred Flowers Campaign6. The Anti Rightist Campaign

Read the Common

Programme (Source A pg.28) and summarise

the main features.

To what extent had the

Programme been achieved by the

end of 1956?