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10 Key insights from day one at Content Marketing World 2013

May 08, 2015



King Content

In this slideshare we present the 10 key insights from speakers at day one of Content Marketing World 2013.

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Page 1: 10 Key insights from day one at Content Marketing World 2013



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“We don’t need more content, we need a better

strategy for the content we are creating.’’

Joe Pulizzi, Founder of the Content Marketing Institute, kicked of Content Marketing World

2013 by presenting findings from the latest research gathered by the Content Marketing

Institute and MarketingProfs.

Latest statistics on content marketing:

• 9 out of 10 marketers are now utilising content marketing

• 60% of marketers are committed to increasing their spend on content marketing in the next

12 months

• The biggest challenge faced by content marketers was ‘producing enough content’

• Over 50% of marketers still don’t have a documented content strategy

• Only 42% of marketers think that their content marketing is effective

• 90% of the marketers who don’t find their content marketing effective, don’t have a

documented content marketing strategy

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“Sell something and make a customer today, help

someone and you make a customer for life.’’

Jay Baer, Founder of Convince & Convert and all around marketing guru, explored the key concept of his new book ‘Youtility’.

Defining Youtility

Youtility is marketing so helpful, someone would theoretically pay for it.

Jay argues that the content consumption patterns of today’s consumer, as well as the explosion of

social media, have created circumstances where brands must not only compete with other brands

for attention, but also with a consumer’s family, friends and personal interests.

In order to break through the white noise and really connect with

consumers online, Jay argues that branded content must provide

true, intrinsic value to the consumer.

In short, focus on help over hype.

Bonus video of Jay

discussing content

marketing and Youtility.

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“The future of content is visual, real-time, mobile, human

and cross-platform. It lies in the intersection of technology,

information and human experience.’’

Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank, explored the future of content on search and the social web.

He argued that great content isn’t great until people can find and engage with it. Therefore producing

content for content’s sake is no longer enough. Effective content marketing strategies must now plan for

both the fragmentation and hyper-connectedness of today’s buying journey.

Key lessons

• You need to build amplification into your content marketing strategy

• Content isn't about the tactic it's about the customer and their discovery, consumption, and action.

You must tailor your content to your customer’s discovery preferences

• Make every piece of content you create accountable for attracting audiences to it, and actively

implement strategies to attract these audiences

• To gain a competitive advantage tell stories that create an emotional connection and motivate action

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Robert Rose, Chief Strategist of the Content Marketing Institute, discussed the importance of having a well planned content

strategy and a purpose-driven mission when creating branded content. He argued that there are four archetypes of content

creation, and that the best content marketing combines all four with well planned content strategy.

Preachers are those that drive engagement. This content is intended to build awareness of a company’s approach and

can easily be outsourced to external partners.

Professors are thought leaders whose main goal is to build trust and forge relationships with customers.

They create content that appeals to customers’ interests and passions. This content should be developed

internally, not outsourced.

Poets are the storytellers, driving an emotion of some kind with their content.

They create content—videos, pictures, etc.—that connect to some feeling or

emotion of the customer.

“Four archetypes of content creation: Promoter, Poet, Preacher,

Professor; the magic is in the mixing of these models.’’

The Four Archetypes:

Promoters are those who address the wants and needs of customers and prospects by creating sales-driven content. This

is where your core messaging is conceived.

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“Increasing customer retention rates by 5% can

increase a company's profits by 25% to 95%.’’ Ardath Albee, CEO Marketing Interaction and B2B Marketing Strategist, shared some amazing

insights and advice on a practice often overlooked by content marketers: creating content for

customer retention.

Did you know?

• The probability of converting an existing customer is 60-70%, while that of converting a new

prospect is 5-20%

Key lessons

• Rather than focusing purely on acquisition, content marketers need to develop relationships with

existing customers to both retain their business and cultivate brand advocates

• Once customers have bought your product, the status quo changes. The job of the marketer now

entails helping your customers get more value than what they originally purchased. Brands must

validate the customer’s purchasing decision and demonstrate the strategic value of remaining a


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“If you don't follow technology, you are not in content marketing.

Be nimble with technology and agile in your content creation.’’ Robert Simon, Director of Interactive Marketing at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, gave the attendees of CMW a special

treat - the story of how Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts became a publisher!

Four Seasons recognised that “luxury requires a narrative” and that by engaging customers in the narrative of the company they

could fundamentally change the way people interact with their brand. Four Season’s embraced content marketing, developing a

dedicated content platform and integrated distribution strategy. Today Four Season’s produces over 3,406 pieces of content per

week which is then distributed across nearly 400 channels, resulting in millions of impressions every week.

Key lessons

• Harness the power of stories from people within your organisation. Make content creation an intrinsic

part of organisational culture

• Publish everywhere and adopt new platforms if your current platforms aren’t working. Your content needs

to be accessible and relevant to unique audiences

• Expect results and measure for them. Have an attribution model that is multi touch not last touch. You

need to understand what content your audience is consuming that drives them to the sale, not what they

click on last

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“Tell stories that are relevant, targeted, and

transparent, and the world will share it.’’

Randall Lane, Editor of Forbes, discussed the importance of putting content marketing through a

consumer media prism. Citing his own experience at the helm of Forbes digitisation and transformation

into an online media company, Randall offered advice to brands and advertisers alike.

Key lessons

• Too many marketers treat the opportunity to engage with potential customers as a hard sale

• Marketers must think like editors and become storytellers for their audience

• The three key elements of effective storytelling are: authority, audience, and authenticity

• Utilise data and insights to develop and deliver targeted content

• Don’t forget to package your content! Visual appeal and credibility goes a long way

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“We're in the business of beverages and entertainment." It’s been two years since Coca-Cola, led by Jonathan Mildenhall, launched “Content 2020” - the ambitious program to

steer Coke’s marketing away from creative excellence and towards content excellence.

In his inspiring keynote Mildenhall discussed Coca-Cola’s achievements and failures in their pursuit of ‘liquid and linked’

content which marries consumer interests and business objectives.

Key lessons

• Brave content ignites conversations. If you want people to connect with and love your brand through your content then

it must be brave

• Learn from your mistakes and adapt your content strategy. Failure is an opportunity-

"If you don't have the opportunity to fail, then you don't have opportunity to grow"

• Don’t let your content become static. Utilise dynamic storytelling to make

your content an experience

• Make your audience a part of the story, by promoting user-generated


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Key lessons

• SEO isn't a tactic, it's a key part of the content marketing process. The most beautifully written,

provocative content achieves nothing if no-one can find and engage with it. Keyword research is

critical to both content creation and distribution

• Conversion isn’t an act, it’s a series of acts. Content marketers must research and recognise

customer problems and desires, and help them through the buying journey with content that is

contextually relevant

• Don't be afraid to be engaging. Too many companies are afraid of offending and their content

suffers from this hesitation to step outside of the box

"Posting Britney Spears with a hamster will get

you traffic, but it won't get you sales.’’

Brian Clark, Founder of Copyblogger and serial online entrepreneur, is famous for offering content

creators incredible advice - and his keynote at Content Marketing World certainly didn’t disappoint.

Focusing on the reciprocal relationship between search and content, Brian discussed the

importance of strategic content creation when attempting to connect and convert online.

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EXPERT PANEL: Quality vs. Quantity – How much content is enough?

Michael Brenner, VP Marketing & Strategy at SAP, lead this year’s expert panel which featured Joe Chernov (Kinvey),

Marcus Sheriden (The Sales Lion), Heather Meza (Cisco) and Rob Murray (Skyword).

Discussing the issue of quality vs. quantity in content marketing, the panel turned into a great debate! While the vast

majority of the audience felt that quality was more important, some of the panelists vehemently disagreed arguing that:

‘’If people are afraid to jump, they might never jump at all. Let quantity lead to quality.’’ --Marcus Sheridan

This led on to a wider discussion about the following:

• Should content marketing be forced to demonstrate ROI?

• Does quality content attract an educated and therefore higher quality lead?

• What are the repercussions of distributing high volumes of low quality content?

The twitter jury is still out on who won the debate, join the conversation here.

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We hope you enjoyed our insights from Day 1 of Content

Marketing World 2013.

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