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Mechanics of Composite Materials

06_Mekanika Material Komposit (Tugas Pribadi & Kelompok)

Nov 09, 2015



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  • Mechanics of Composite Materials

  • Constitutive Relationships for Composite Materials . Material Behavior in Principal Material AxesIsotropic materialsuniaxial loading

  • 2-D loadingWhere [ S ]: compliance matrixWhere [Q]: stiffness matrix

  • Isotropic MaterialsNote:1. Only two independent material constants in the constitutive equation.2. No normal stress and shear strain coupling, or no shear stress and normal strain coupling.

    Examples:polycrystalline metals,PolymersRandomly oriented fiber-reinforced compositesParticulate-reinforced composites

  • Transversely isotropic materialsPrincipal material axesL: longitudinal directionT: transverse directionIn LT plane

  • Transversely isotropic materialsPrincipal material axesL: longitudinal directionT: transverse directionIn T1, T2 plane Same as those for isotropic materials:

  • Transversely isotropic materialsWhere EL: elastic modulus in longitudinal directionET: elastic modulus in transverse directionGLT: shear modulus in L T planeGTT: shear modulus in transverse planeLT: major Poissons ratio(strain in T direction caused by stress in L direction)TL : minor Poissons ratioAnd Note:1. 4 independent material constants (EL, ET, GLT, LT ) in L T plane while 5 (EL, ET, GLT, LT, GTT) for 3-D state.2. No normal stress and shear strain coupling in L T axes or no shear stress and normal strain coupling in L T axes

  • Orthotropic materials1.2.3: principal material axesFor example in 1-2 plane

  • Orthotropic MaterialsNote:1. 4 independent constants in 2-D state (e.g. 1-2 plane, E1, E2, G12, 12 )while 9 in 3-D state (E1, E2, E3, G12, G13, G23, 12 , 13 , 23 )2. No coupling between normal stress and shear strain or no coupling between shear stress and normal strain

  • QuestionEx.Find the deformed shape of the following composite:Possible answers?

  • Off-axis loading of unidirectional composite For orthotropic material in principal material axes (1-2 axes)By coordinate transformation , xyxy are tensorial shear strains

  • LetThen

  • Transformed stiffness matrixWhere = transformed stiffness matrix

  • Transformed compliance matrix: transformed compliance matrix

  • Off-axis loading - deformation1. 4 material constants in 1-2 plane.2. There is normal stress and shear strain coupling (for0, 90 ), or shear stress and normal strain coupling.

  • Transformation of engineering constantsFor uni-axial tensile testing in x-direction stresses in L T axesStrains in L T axes

  • And strains in x y axes

  • Recall for uni-axial tensile testing

  • Define cross-coefficient, mxSimilarly, for uni-axial tensile testing in y-direction

  • For simple shear testing in x y plane stresses in L T axes Strains in L T axes

  • Strains in x y axes

  • In summary, for a general planar loading, by principle of superposition

  • Micromechanics of Unidirectional Composites Properties of unidirectional lamina is determined byvolume fraction of constituent materials (fiber, matrix, void, etc.)form of the reinforcement (fiber, particle, )orientation of fibers

  • Volume fraction & Weight fractionVi=volume, vi=volume fraction=Wi=weight, wi=weight fraction=Where subscripts i = c: compositef: fiberm: matrix

  • Conservation of mass:Assume composite is void-free:

  • Density of composite Generalized equations for n constituent composite

  • Void content determinationExperimental result (with voids):Theoretical calculation (excluding voids):In general, void content < 1% Good composite> 5% Poor composite

  • Burnout test of glass/epoxy composite Weight of empty crucible = 47.6504 gWeight of crucible +composite = 50.1817 gWeight of crucible +glass fibers = 49.4476 gFindSol:

  • Longitudinal StiffnessFor linear fiber and matrix: Generalized equation for composites with n constituents:Rule-of-mixture

  • Longitudinal Strength

  • Modes of Failurematrix-controlled failure:fiber-controlled failure:

  • Critical fiber volume fractionFor fiber-controlled failure to be valid:For matrix is to be reinforced:

  • Factors influencing EL and scu mis-orientation of fibersfibers of non-uniform strength due to variations in diameter, handling and surface treatment, fiber lengthstress concentration at fiber ends (discontinuous fibers)interfacial conditionsresidual stresses

  • Transverse Stiffness, ETAssume all constituents are in linear elastic range: Generalized equation for n constituent composite:

  • Transverse StrengthDue to stress (strain) concentrationFactors influence scu:properties of fiber and matrixthe interface bond strengththe presence and distribution of voids (flaws)internal stress and strain distribution (shape of fiber, arrangement of fibers)

  • In-plane Shear ModulusFor linearly elastic fiber and matrix:

  • Major Poissons Ratio

  • Analysis of Laminated Composites Classical Laminate Theory (CLT)Displacement field:

  • Resultant Forces and MomentsResultant forces:Resultant moments:[A]: extensional stiffness matrix[B]: coupling stiffness matrix[D]: bending stiffness matrix

  • Laminates of Special ConfigurationsSymmetric laminates Unidirectional (UD) laminatesspecially orthotropic off-axis Cross-ply laminatesAngle-ply laminatesQuasi-isotropic laminates

  • Strength of Laminates

  • Maximum Stress CriterionLamina fails if one of the following inequalities is satisfied:

  • Maximum Strain CriterionLamina fails if one of the following inequalities is satisfied:

  • Tsai Hill Criterion Lamina fails if the following inequality is satisfied:Where :

  • Comparison among Criteria Maximum stress and strain criteria can tell the mode of failure Tsai-Hill criterion includes the interaction among stress components

  • Strength of Off-Axis Lamina in Uni-axial LoadingMaximum stress criterionTsai-Hill criterion

  • Strength of a LaminateFirst-ply failureLast-ply failure