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METANOMICS: DO VIRTUAL WORLDS PROVIDE MEASURABLE VALUE? INSIGHT FOR ENTERPRISE WITH DR. MITZI MONTOYA MAY 27, 2009 ROBERT BLOOMFIELD : Hi. I’m Robert Bloomfield, professor at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of management. Each week I have the honor of hosting a discussion with the most insightful and the most influential people who are taking Virtual Worlds seriously. We talk with the developers who are creating these fascinating new platforms, the executives, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, government officials who are putting these platforms to use. We talk with the researchers who are watching the whole process unfold. And we talk with the government officials and policymakers who are taking a very close look on how what happens in the Virtual World can affect our Real World society. Now naturally, we hold our discussions about Virtual Worlds in Virtual Worlds. How else could we find a very real place where our global community can convene, collaborate and connect with one another. So our discussion is about to start. You can join us in any of our live Virtual World studio audiences. You can join us live on the web. Welcome, because this is Metanomics. ANNOUNCER : Metanomics is filmed today in front of a live audience at our studios in Second Life. ROBERT BLOOMFIELD : Hi, and welcome again to Metanomics. Today we’re going to get certainly very different looks at the future of work and Virtual Worlds. And their focus is

052709 Insight For Enterprise Metanomics Transcript

May 17, 2015



Metanomics is a weekly Web-based show on the serious uses of virtual worlds. This transcript is from a past show.

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MAY 27, 2009

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Hi. I’m Robert Bloomfield, professor at Cornell University’s

Johnson Graduate School of management. Each week I have the honor of hosting a

discussion with the most insightful and the most influential people who are taking Virtual

Worlds seriously. We talk with the developers who are creating these fascinating new

platforms, the executives, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, government officials who are

putting these platforms to use. We talk with the researchers who are watching the whole

process unfold. And we talk with the government officials and policymakers who are taking a

very close look on how what happens in the Virtual World can affect our Real World society.

Now naturally, we hold our discussions about Virtual Worlds in Virtual Worlds. How else

could we find a very real place where our global community can convene, collaborate and

connect with one another. So our discussion is about to start. You can join us in any of our

live Virtual World studio audiences. You can join us live on the web. Welcome, because this

is Metanomics.

ANNOUNCER: Metanomics is filmed today in front of a live audience at our studios in

Second Life.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Hi, and welcome again to Metanomics. Today we’re going to get

certainly very different looks at the future of work and Virtual Worlds. And their focus is

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going to be on concrete data. Professor Mitzi Montoya, North Carolina State University, will

tell us about her experimental research on how virtual teams work and how that work is

affected by a range of technologies, not just these newfangled Virtual Worlds, but going all

the way back to Lotus Notes at the “turn of the century.” Mitzi’s segment will be sandwiched

by other great data. Tony O’Driscoll, of Duke University, kicks us off with a look at some

research on the future of virtual organizations. And Erica Driver, of ThinkBalm, will close by

telling us about her hot off-the-presses survey on how businesses are using Virtual Worlds,

how they evaluate their efforts and, of great interest to all of us, their investment plans for

the coming year.

Thanks to all of you who are attending Metanomics today, including those who are viewing

live on the web. Please do join in with you comments and your questions.

ANNOUNCER: We are pleased to broadcast weekly to our event partners and to welcome

discussion. We use ChatBridge technology to allow viewers to comment during the show.

Metanomics is sponsored by the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell

University and Immersive Workspaces. Welcome. This is Metanomics.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Before we get to our main guest, we’re going to take a few

minutes to talk with our corporate learning correspondent, Tony O’Driscoll, who will help us

put the future of the virtual workplace in the spotlight. Tony, welcome back to Metanomics.

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Thanks so much, Rob. Good to be back.

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ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Yeah. Glad to have you here. Our focus today is on virtual teams

and, indeed, entire virtual organizations, and, of course, where Virtual World technologies

might fit in. Since a key focus of our talk is going to be on research, I thought we might start

by noting that yesterday was the deadline for the National Science Foundation solicitation

for research on VOSS, Virtual Organizations and Sociotechnical Systems. Now what types

of research do you expect to see coming out of that?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: I think we’ll see a lot coming out of this, Rob. VOSS, V O S S, is part

of OCI, the NSF’s office of cyber infrastructure, and it’s actually only one of 43 areas of

research. And OCI has really focused on the development and provision of state of the art

cyber infrastructure resources for 21st century science, engineering, research and

education. That’s a mouthful, but that’s right off their website. I guess OCI’s big claim to

fame, Rob, is their $3 million investment in this little thing called NCSA Mosaic, which has

led to over a trillion dollars they claim of economic benefit. So VOSS specifically is focused

on what are effective virtual organizations, what constitutes effective virtual organizations

and under what conditions can they enable scientific engineering and education production.

So they’re really investing in academics and researchers, like myself and like Mitzi, to take

on the notion of virtual organizations and really understand, from an empirical perspective,

whether or not they add value.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: How much do you think we’ll see that is not strictly technical or

computer-oriented, but just thinking about things like corporate governance, management

strategies, things that would more--be school outside of computer science?

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TONY O’DRISCOLL: There’s a couple of other programs under OCI that probably address

that. One is a cyber infrastructure team, which talks about training, education, advancement

and mentoring. And that one’s really focused on the collaborative endeavor. I think there’s

definitely going to be spillover effects there. The other one is CDI, Cyber Enabled Discovery

and Innovation, which would ask the questions: Can you actually do generative

learning-type work inside of these environments? In general, the research--and Mitzi will be

talking more about this--is: Is there a theory of instrumentation for us to do this kind of

research? But, fundamentally, the question is: Is it better? Is it better than X? Is it better

than WebEx?

And then the next question would be: Why is it better? What are the reasons that these

environments feel better to participants? And then the third question is: Where does it add

the most value? So that’s the kind of streams of research I’m seeing is instrument

development, kind of like what Mitzi’s going to talk about, the application of that instrument

to do comparative analysis. And then outcome-based variables to say it really does make a

difference, and it’s worth investing in.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Now Virtual Worlds play potentially an obvious role in

virtual organizations by giving people a rich way to communicate across distances, and a lot

of us, I think, do look at Virtual Worlds as being primarily a place to eliminate geographical

constraints. But your own interest in Virtual Worlds, for the virtual organization, came

through their use as gaming platforms. So what role do you see gaming platforms having in

virtual organizations and the future of work?

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TONY O’DRISCOLL: This work came out of some of the work done at IBM and the Global

Innovation Outlook, and the big question was: What’s the future of enterprise? And the old

saw “the future’s already here, just not evenly distributed” is applied here, where we said,

“Hmm. Can we find a place where we think the future work already exists?” And the

characteristics there was that it was open, it was global, it was virtual, it was volunteer

workforce, and it was knowledge-based. As we looked around to try and find some kind of

environment with that signature massively multiplayer online role-playing games emerged.

And what we started to do was observe how leadership and decision-making and innovation

occurred within these massively multiplayer online role-playing games in an environment

that is essentially polar opposite of command and control, but still, things get done. That’s

kind of how I ended up really becoming enamored with this whole environment.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And about when was that?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: About three and a half years ago was when we started looking at

MMOs. And then, once we got through looking at MMOs and their applications to

leadership, the Second Life awareness bubble kind of came into light, and IBM’s Virtual

Universe community was established, so it was a natural extension then to start looking at

more of the virtual social worlds rather than the MMORPGs.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: That inspires me to give a plug for another Metanomics show.

Those of you who are interested in what IBM has been doing, we had Ian Hughes, former

IBM Metaverse evangelist, on the show a while back, and you’ll definitely want to take a

look at what he had to say. He was instrumental in creating a lot of IBM’s web-based and

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then Virtual World-based community and the blog eightbar.

Moving on, Tony, everywhere I turn this month, I see someone else foretelling the death of

the traditional company. For example, Margaret Regan, who was at your conference in

Washington, D.C. last month, wrote for CNN this month and says, and this is a quote, “By

2042, there will be no workplace as we know it. Goodbye, wired desks. Hello, wireless

personal wearable networks.” And she goes on to say, another quote, “And work will feel

like a Hollywood movie, in which managers, directors and team members come together

around a specific project, collaborate intensely and then disband.” So she clearly sees

virtual companies in virtual teams as the way of the future. Would you sign on to that?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Yeah, I think, to a certain extent, looking out to 2042 is a long, long

way, and one thing we know about technology is, it’s iterative and evolves on top of itself so

it tends to go at an exponential rate. The work we did with the Global Innovation Outlook

future of enterprise, we went all around the world and interviewed visionaries, like Margaret,

as to where things were going. And one of the most provocative quotes that came out of

that, not necessarily saying it’s where things are going, but it made us think was the future

could consist of one billion one-person enterprises, people who move frequently from

project to project as their skills and focus shift.

Now underlying that, Rob, is Kose’s law. I’m getting into your territory here so I better watch

out, but the notion that firms will grow or shrink to the size of a transaction cost. So if the

transaction cost inside the firm is lower, then we’ll do it. At one point in time, Ford imported

sand to make windshields. They don’t do that anymore. They can find someone else who

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can make the windshields. They could have FedEx ship it, and they can manage the whole

through NIP Network. So if we buy that concept that there’s going to be shrinkage around

core competence and then you can create ecosystems to wrap capability around endeavor,

it does seem that moving from hierarchy to matrix to ecosystem does seem like a logical

progression. How that unfolds within the enterprise, however, I don’t think it’s going to be a

“flip the switch” and you have more of a network ecosystem type of model, as opposed to a

matrix. But I do see it moving in that direction.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Do you see certain industries leading the way?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Yeah. As we talked at the 3D TLC Conference, one of the reasons

3D TLC was pulled away from Engage by Chris Sherman was entertainment. It’s clearly

hitting entertainment pretty hard right now. As I observe it, industries that have to do it from

a survival perspective where their business model is being threatened are obviously more

motivated to move. So as the advertising revenue is drying up in the entertainment industry

and as the bigger amount of the demographic is moving into Virtual Worlds, and couch

potatoes are becoming mouse potatoes, the entertainment industry is essentially being

dragged into trying to figure out how to leverage these new interactive platforms to generate

revenue. I think there’s a lot of issues for them there. One advertising dollar in broadcast

media is not equal to one advertising dollar in web-based or 3D-avatar-mediated media, but

they’re certainly dealing with that.

The second one is business opportunity, so clearly the Suns and the Cisco’s and the IBM’s,

they’re looking to generate the next generation collaborative infrastructure for the enterprise,

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which will be a “mashup” of 2D and 3D internet technologies that allow you to be there

virtually and leverage that at a distance. And I think there’s a race on there to come up with

the quote/unquote “killer” enterprise collaborative infrastructure app.

Then the next one which you and I have spoken about before, very prominent in 3D TLC,

were the oils and pharma. I’m not a hundred percent sure why. At first blush, they would

seem like they’re quite risk averse. But, if you think about oils for instance, a company like

BP, it’s very global in nature, and they need to distribute their expertise into regions of the

world that are perilous, you know, either the North Sea or certain regions in Sub-Saharan

Africa where you need expertise, and you need access to expertise, and perhaps

sometimes those experts are not as willing to go to those areas because of danger. So that

might be one reason where they are taking it up.

And then, finally, we’re seeing a lot of industries pick up the application of these

technologies for efficiencies. I’m sure Erica will talk about this from her report, but the

application of these technologies for training, for collaborative events and meetings, those

type things. And that tends to be broad-brush across many industries. It’s just basically a

cost play.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Very interesting stuff. I guess I have one remark on the Kosian

view of transaction costs because actually what we’re seeing right now--you wouldn’t think

that health-care policy would be a natural topic for a show on virtual teams and virtual

workplace in Virtual Worlds, but, in fact, right now U.S. health-care policy really forces

formal employment relationships because of the way that we tie health care and tax breaks

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into formal employment, as opposed to independent contractor types of arrangements. I’ve

been following the health-care debate a little bit, and people mostly on the right, mostly the

conservatives have been very sensitive to this issue and have been talking about changing

to more portable health care, to foster--in their words, they’re talking about fostering

entrepreneurship. But I think it fits very well if you talk about virtualizing the organization and

having, as you said, a billion businesses run by a billion entrepreneurs. I think that’s what

you would need to do. Oh, and I see someone has a link for that. Wonderful.

TONY O’DRISCOLL: The one-liner there, Rob, is kind of, the traditional enterprise wants

command and control of employees on projects, and the idea here is perhaps this virtual

organization infrastructure--and there is a lot written about it in medicine--is the

orchestration and coordination of capability around endeavor. So it’s more fluid, and it’s

about being able to more dynamically bring together various and sundry sets of capability

around an endeavor, which is an activity that may be presaged or may not be. And the

question becomes: Is the enterprise the most effective mechanism for that or not? And it’s

popping up in health care, but also globally integrated enterprises, like IBM, want to figure

that out. As well as the smaller companies who are, you know, they’re the niche players,

and they want to create ecosystems of value that they could collaborate around. All of those

point very much towards the notion of virtual organizations.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, thanks so much for joining us again, Tony.

TONY O’DRISCOLL: It was a pleasure, as always, Rob. Thank you.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I’m sure we didn’t solve all the issues so I’m sure we’ll see you

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TONY O’DRISCOLL: I look forward to it.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now let’s turn to the main event. Our main guest today is

Mitzi Montoya. Dr. Montoya, a profession and assistant dean at North Carolina State

University College of Business, has been measuring the effectiveness of Virtual Worlds with

her colleague Dr. Anne Massey and has developed a measurement scale called perceived

Virtual Presence or Collaborative Virtual Presence, to help assess the value of interaction in

Virtual Worlds.

When Dr. Montoya and her research team announced the scale late last year, she did say

the more present that users feel in Virtual Worlds the greater the effectiveness of training,

collaboration, education or presentation. So those types of results I know are of great

interest to those of us who are spending a lot of time studying these Worlds, and I, for one,

am really looking forward to hearing about it. So, Mitzi, welcome to Metanomics.

MITZI MONTOYA: Thank you, Rob. Good to be here.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Glad to have you. I’d like to start off with some research you

published way, way back in 2001 and 2002, in which you had 35 virtual teams, with

members in the U.S. and Japan, working on a marketing case. And they all worked together

using Lotus Notes. Before we talk about the study, let’s just talk about teams for a minute.

You argue that teams engage in four different types of behavior: conveyance, which is

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sharing thoughts and opinions; convergence, which is critically examining others’

contributions; social relational behaviors, which are generally off task, but kind of fun; and

process management, where they’re trying to direct the team. So could you walk us through

some examples of the difference between conveyance and convergence?

MITZI MONTOYA: Sure. So as an example, conveyance would be if we’re working on a

project together and we need to just exchange information. So I might share documents or

papers or data with you, and it’s primarily for the purpose of giving you my opinion or just

information and facts I’ve found out. Whereas, convergence, we’re trying to make a

decision. We’re trying to come together. And convergence is where you primarily have in

teamwork, that’s where you see the conflict and the negotiation and different decision

processes at play. But, ultimately, that’s where the rubber hits the road, and the team needs

to decide what it’s going to do as a next step or complete the project and make a single

unified recommendation.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: So you had a paper called Because Time Matters: Temporal

Coordination in Global Virtual Project Teams and a companion paper Synchronizing Pace in

Asynchronous Teams. It seems like teams that do well spend a lot of their time on

convergence. So why is that?

MITZI MONTOYA: In these particular studies that you mentioned here, we were looking at

time-limited teams. So that means these teams had something to do and a deadline in

which to do it. So think new product development teams or new service development teams.

You have work to complete. You have a launch date and a schedule to keep. And so in

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these kind of contexts where you have a deadline, coordinating the work of specially

distributed teams is the most significant challenge. And, therefore, it really does require

working through these typical team behaviors in a systematic and coordinated way. So all

teams do these things. All teams convey information and data.

They ultimately have to converge and make decisions, but, to get there, there also are

social relational aspects of teamwork, of trust, all the things we normally think of and even

just interpersonal relationships. And there’s also process. So when we have teams that

have project deadlines, they have to work through these things in a coordinated fashion,

and that’s where virtual teams often have breakdown is in the lack of synchronized

coordination of their effort.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now you had a controlled manipulation in that study that helped

half of the teams with that challenge. You called it a temporal coordination mechanism, and

it was actually a combination, as I understand it, of instructions and some things you

actually implemented into the technology Lotus Notes. So can you tell us what that

manipulation was and why it helped?

MITZI MONTOYA: Yeah, basically what we did was, in this case, the teams had a work

project to complete, and, for half of the teams, we simply turned them loose and let them

work however they saw fit, and, for the other half of the teams, we gave them a process

structure that facilitated those four behaviors that characterize all teamwork. So that is, we

gave them a process structure for how and when they should convey information, what

would be some techniques for converging. We kicked off the teams with a little bit of a social

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exercise, and we gave them a process by which to manage their entire activity.

So not entirely surprisingly, although when we drilled down into the details of why, we

discover that teams that have a better process structure that, in fact, mimics face-to-face

teamwork which allows for efficiencies and more effective process and decision-making,

they perform better. And then when you look at the aspects about that, that they do, why is it

they perform better. What we were able to do is back into studying exactly their

communications and behaviors and understand why were some teams more or less

effective, and that really is where the research has taken us as we try to understand virtual

team behaviors as it relates to performance.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I know one of the things that you looked at, you wrote another

paper, I understand, using the same data, but looking at a different question. The paper I’m

thinking of is Getting It Together: Temporal Coordination and Conflict Management in Global

Virtual Teams. And so there you showed that different teams would deal with conflict in

different ways, and the lists, or the five, just to sort of get them out there, the five conflict

management behaviors that you looked at were: avoidance, basically failing to confront the

problem; accommodation, which is showing a concern for others and giving in to their

concerns; and then on the flip side, competition, which is pursuit of self-interest. Then you

have collaboration, which is integrating the interests of everyone involved. And compromise,

which is pretty much what it sounds like.

So just to elaborate a little bit, here’s how you describe competition, and here I’m quoting

from your paper, “Competition behavior is characterized by each party’s pursuing his or her

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own interest without regard for others. This behavior involves concealment of information,

competitiveness and negative attitudes toward alternative solutions. Competitive

interactions typically involve the use of power and domination as one party tries to force its

views on the other.” This doesn’t sound like teamwork to me, but you find in your data that

competition aids performance. Why is that? And do you think there is something about the

context of Lotus Notes as opposed to face-to-face interaction that makes the difference?

MITZI MONTOYA: Yeah. This is a really counterintuitive finding, and it’s entirely a function

not of Lotus Notes but of the characteristics of Lotus Notes. So that is the way in which

these teams had to communicate was very lean communication media. So that is, it was

asynchronous communication. They were communicating via discussion forums. No

interactive feedback. Obviously, no verbal cues whatsoever. So that’s the notion of a lean

communication context. And, as it turns out, what would normally be a negative conflict

management behavior, which is, competition is ordinarily considered to be a negative

behavior, it had a positive effect on performance because of the way it played out.

So this study was a classic example of illustrating that there are differences from

face-to-face, in terms of how you need to communicate to be effective in these different

communication environments. So the reason competition and competitive behavior

exhibited positive effects on performance was because the way it played out and Lotus

Notes was over-communication. And what’s interesting is that’s something that a lot of

research has tended to show fairly consistently now. For most virtual teams communicating

by all other forms, let’s leave off the new ones, the exciting new Virtual Worlds and virtual

environments, all prior forms of communication, which would include email, postings on

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various discussion forums, exchanging of documents, even telephone, that almost always a

common approach to managing virtual teams effectively is to over-communicate--so

increase the volume of communication because there is something lost in translation. And

what we argue what’s lost in translation is the interactivity, the richness of communication

that we have when we’re face to face, and some of which is a function of this sense of

presence. Right? And a very recent study that we just completed, where we put teams

together to complete work in a Virtual World context, in this case Second Life, we see the

normal conflict management behavior rules apply. So things that--

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Normal meaning as if they’re face to face.

MITZI MONTOYA: As if face to face. So all old research on conflict management, in terms

of what’s good or bad as a conflict management style, originated out of small-group

research looking at face-to-face teams. And so what we’ve studied over the last 15 years,

when you have mediated communications, how do those things change? In effect, we’ve

parsed through five or six studies here, and the short answer is: a lot of things change. And

you have to pay attention to many little things that you don’t have to pay attention to in face

to face because it comes natural and naturally to the participants. In a collaborative virtual

environment, where you have much richer environment and a greater sense of presence,

we find a much closer parallel, the closest parallel that we’ve seen to date in studying these

different technologies to face-to-face communications.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Before we get into your study in Second Life, I’d like to talk a little

bit about culture and context because, when we move into these virtual spaces, they do

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provide more context. And I understand from reading one of your papers, when culture and

style aren’t about clothes, that you actually see some differences in how you need to

provide technologies across cultures. In that paper, you spell out different communication

styles, in particular I guess the strongest distinction I was seeing was between the U.S. and

UK people and Asian, Chinese in particular, I believe you mentioned.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And I see this a lot in the literature--the story goes, I guess, that,

in the U.S., we are more individualistic, which I knew, compared to the more collectivist

perspective that a lot of people in Asia are taking. But I was surprised that you then translate

that into different styles of communication, that in the U.S. more direct and independent of

context, and in Asia communication tends to be more indirect and context dependent. Can

you just elaborate on that a little bit, to give us a sense of what that means?

MITZI MONTOYA: Yes. And actually there’s been extensive research, which was an

interesting area to learn about as we moved into this space, that very tightly links

communication style to national culture. Now these are generalizations, and it’s a

continuum, and you find differences even within any single country, but these difference in

communication style can create challenges for virtual teams. One of the most common

problems you hear in virtual teams, the two things almost always mentioned will be, they

have trouble coordinating, and they have communication problems. And the communication

problems are almost always communication style differences. So whether you are more

direct or indirect. Are you more [alert?] or more succinct? And are you more personal in your

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communications, or is it more about the context that you’re studying? And is it more about

the task or how you feel about what you’re doing? Right? There’s not a right or a wrong

about those different dichotomies; they are simply differences. And when you have

opposites meeting and working together, that can cause conflict that leads to breakdown in

team process.

So not only do we have individual differences along those lines, a lot of research shows that

different countries have general tendencies. And so, as one example that comes up in a

virtual team is when you have members from different countries, who speak different

languages, you will find that not only is language a problem, but their communication style

can come into play. And so you can use the technology to facilitate or, I should say, support

multiple styles of communication, if you know and are aware of the fact that your different

team members have different communication styles. And that’s one of the advantages,

actually, that a technology-supported team can have over a face-to-face team.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I had a really interesting discussion on Metanomics back in

December, with Victoria Coleman, vice president of a research group for Samsung

Electronics, a Korean company. She was running a group that was actually headed in

San Jose, and they were trying to use conference calls with their Korean counterparts. One

of the big problems they ran into was that they had to do it in English, of course, because

the English speakers didn’t know any Korean at all. But the Koreans didn’t have sufficient

command of English, and so they didn’t feel comfortable using a phone conference call. So

Victoria took them into Second Life, where they could talk there, and there they had a

surprise. Here I’ll just quote from what she said to me on the show. She said, “The same

Korean people that were really reluctant to get on the phone and were very shy and

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wouldn’t say anything would show up in the Virtual World environment, decked out in

completely fantastic outfits. They would be very sociable, very talkative. It was really like

talking to a completely different set of people.” So her conclusion is, she says the fact that

Second Life created this medium that let them connect with us, but in a way that amplified

their skills versus making the lack of English into a central point, all of a sudden became a

truly empowering experience for them. I mean I guess if I interpret that through the lens of

the cultural differences you just emphasized, it would be that Second Life gave the Koreans,

who prefer more context for their communications, a benefit that maybe Americans wouldn’t

have gotten. Am I on the right track?

MITZI MONTOYA: Yeah, that’s a great example in fact. And another example, another way

that you could see this would be something we saw illustrated in our studies where we had

Chinese participants, and the language was English in this case, although it could have

been reversed. We could have had Americans working, and they speak Chinese. It’s

obviously not their native language, but, if you make the medium then text-based, one thing

that a lot of research shows is that people can write and read generally better in a foreign

language than they speak or hear. So if you reduce the speaking requirement and you move

toward a text-based communication, that actually benefits the non-native speaker so that

they can express themselves more clearly. So those are both examples of how a different

medium for communication can reduce some of the communication challenges that the

team might have been facing.

And, to answer a question that was posed, which is a good one, is that, yes, a team leader

or team facilitator should, in fact, help raise awareness of the different communication styles

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and then ideally be aware of the technology affordances that could be utilized to address

those differences and reduce the barriers to communication that might exist due to those


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. And that takes us fairly naturally then to this notion of

virtual presence. Regular viewers of Metanomics have heard a lot of people define what a

Virtual World is, and does it need this capability or that capability. But you’ve taken a more

empirical approach where you have been trying to assess how present users feel in Virtual

Worlds. Can you talk a little bit, I guess, first just about the scale, what are the dimension of

the scale that you are trying to capture?

MITZI MONTOYA: So yes. And part of what started us down this path, as my colleague

Anne Massey and I started looking at Virtual Worlds, is, we started looking at the research,

much of which has been done in the gaming and military simulation context. One thing you

see is this idea of presence seems to be a desirable attribute as some kind of self-evident

goal and a pervasive belief that more sense of presence is good. But we could not find any

consistent way to assess that, like there were many different measures and studies from all

sorts of angles, but no validation using fairly standard measurement development


So part of what we started doing is, we looked at the literature which suggests that presence

is a very complex notion, and we started talking about it as presence as metadata. It really

has everything to do with your sense of the context around you and the information around

you and others around you and how those things are all interrelated. Presence includes

input from multiple sources so it’s not just sound or text or visual; all of these things can

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create a sense of presence. And so this is a very individual factor. The more we studied

what others were looking at and what has been said, we’ve broken it down into three major

dimensions of factors that we think sit underneath this concept of collaborative virtual

presence. And our focus is on collaborative so not just my sense of awareness in a virtual

space, that I’m here to work with someone else. So my ability to collaborate in the

collaborative virtual presence that might be a part of that.

So we’ve broken it down into three pieces and the idea that there are three relationships

that are essential to collaborative work and how presence might contribute to that. And that

is the relationship between self and the environment, and that’s described as immersion,

and it’s the degree to which I am immersed in the environment and feel myself to be there.

And second is the relationship between myself and the task, and we call that absorption,

and that’s the degree to which I get lost in what I’m doing and what I’m working on with you

in this virtual environment. And then the third dimension has to do with the relationship

between self and others, so that’s my awareness of others in this space with me. And so

we’re defining collaborative virtual presence along these three dimensions: immersion,

awareness and absorption, which are a function of my relationship to other things: people,

the task and the environment.

And our study thus far relates back to something Tony mentioned at the outset. The NSF

VOSS program, as well as the NSF CDI program, are both programs that have provided

preliminary support for our work, and we have additional proposals underway. What we are

doing is, we have developed the scale. We started with some 50-odd measures. We’ve

reduced it down to 29. This is involved data collection with, to date, 190 people participating

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in exercises in Second Life. We have another 145-ish participating in exercises in

Wonderland. We are collecting data with participants in ProtoSphere because an important

part of having a valid measurement scale is that you validate across platforms and with

different affordances provided by the environment, to understand what drives perceptions of

collaborative virtual presence.

And we’re also collecting additional sensory data, including eye-tracking data, as well as

physiological response data, to understand the relationship to what you feel what you say,

which is what we typically capture as perceptual measures, but also how you are

responding physically to your perception in a space.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: So I guess to summarize, you have these three dimensions of

this collaborative presence: It’s to what extent are you in the space, to what extent are you

in the task, and to what extent do you feel like you’re really with other people. Am I close

enough summarizing it that way?

MITZI MONTOYA: That’s exactly right. Yes, that’s right.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Have you gotten enough data to figure out whether these are

positively or negatively correlated? You talked about one of the things groups do is engage

in social interaction, which is off task. I think a lot of people have worried that you come into

a place, like Second Life, it’s not just that the place itself is game-like, but that you may be

tempted to interact with people off task. Are you going to be able to get a sense of whether

that’s the case?

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MITZI MONTOYA: Right. So a couple of things that we’ve done in our first preliminary

studies, we do see a positive relationship with performance. That’s an overarching

statement. But then, when you break it down and look at what people are doing and what

the benefits are to performance, one of those studies we’ve run is, we’ve allowed people to

choose which tools they want to use for their team work. So providing a whole suite of

Web 2.0 tools plus Virtual World access. You provide a whole suite of tools, allow teams to

choose and make sure they all have sufficient training and experience with these various

technologies. And, interestingly enough, they all gravitate toward, or I should say the best

performing teams all gravitate toward Virtual World technologies for the social/relational

piece of teamwork, and that is important for their performance. So for teams that don’t do

that and don’t, in fact, establish a relationship among team members, they have lower

performance, and the Virtual World tools appear to be highly effective for that.

So a big part of what we’re doing now is breaking down then which of the dimensions of

collaborative virtual presence contribute most significantly to performance. And I can tell you

my advanced guess, my hypothesis is that it’s going to depend on the task. Right? There

are lots of different types of tasks, as we know from past research so, depending on what

the team is trying to do, should have a significant impact on what matters in terms of my

sense of being there in a Virtual World.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Let me ask, there’s already in chat people are asking for the

paper. I understand you’re revising the first paper that really lays out the scale right now.

When do you think we’ll be able to see it in a working-paper form?

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MITZI MONTOYA: Well, we hope that, if any reviewers are listening, very soon. We’re in

second-round revisions here. Well, we just completed second round so we’re in third review

on the paper. We are very hopeful that we will be able to release the paper shortly, which

should mean in the next month or two. By end of summer, we expect to be able to post the

working paper because we should be through the worst part of running the gauntlet of


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. I know what that is like, and best of luck with that process.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I am not your reviewer, just in case you were wondering. I guess

there’s another question. You were talking about giving people the options of tools, and

Valiant Westland actually had a question early on, which this is a good time to get to. He

asks, “You acknowledged using the intranet tool, Lotus Notes, to help work together as a

team. Do you see the integration of this type of toolset in the Virtual World client as an

essential element for a Virtual World collaboration success?” I mean right now it seems to

me you really can’t, you know, there’s nothing like Lotus Notes built into really any of these

Worlds that you’ve mentioned, in an effective way.

MITZI MONTOYA: And my answer is, I absolutely do see the integration of the tools to be

important, particularly in the context that I’m interested in, which is collaborative work in an

enterprise setting, although that concept applies to education as well. If you want people to

work collaboratively on project teams, then this is less about forcing people into one tool as

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if it is the hammer that will solve all their problems, but rather the technologies, the tools,

should support teamwork. And we know a lot about teamwork, and right now what teams

have to do is, we have to kluge together multiple different tools, to get the right set and the

right combination.

Yeah, and IBM Sametime is another example. Right? It’s a great example of a certain set of

tools, but it certainly does not have a virtual environment, Virtual World component to it, not

that it couldn’t. But, again, yes, integration of tools. So it’s not about the tool; it’s about

matching the capability of the technology to the purpose of use as required in any given

context or situation by a team.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Are you willing to tell us what you see is the future of these Virtual

World platforms? You mentioned you’ve been working with Sun’s Wonderland and

ProtonMedia’s ProtoSphere, as well as Linden Lab’s Second Life. I guess I’m just

wondering, first, without getting specific on any platforms, are you bullish on the industry?

And then, if you have any thoughts on particular platforms, I think people would love to hear


MITZI MONTOYA: Definitely bullish on the industry, although I think, in current form, it’s

better suited for some purposes than others. And I think right now, from a training and

education standpoint, some are easier to use than others because, if you think about the

types of content we have to present, to do training and/or education, whether that’s K-12 or

university or corporate, some of these tools make it more or less difficult to port in content

that you might want to share. So for example, to get ready to be on your show today, I had

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to have help putting on hair. Right? So it’s a great example of not necessarily being

user-friendly and makes it difficult for us to have an opportunity to interact. And, if I had

wanted to bring PowerPoints, in the event I wanted to do death by PowerPoint, for example,

that would not have been simple for me to do, although we have people who could


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Actually that’s one of the advantages of Second Life. I totally

agree. Second Life is definitely not user-friendly enough. I’m using it for some enterprise

work, but that is the big hurdle that we have to get over. Do you find ProtoSphere a big step

up on that dimension?

MITZI MONTOYA: It’s a step up on the dimension of easy to use in terms of integration with

current applications that are commonly used. On the other hand, when you’re using those

applications, why do you need to be in a Virtual World? Right? I don’t really need to feel

your avatar next to me if we’re looking at a shared document. So those are the things that--

I’m not bullish on the technology and that I think it will be the future of work necessarily. I

think, before we go that far, we need to understand the nature of work and then use the

appropriate tools to support the work. And I do think Virtual Worlds and Virtual World

technologies do serve a purpose that has previously not been tapped by any other

technologies. So I think that’s the key is that we have to match technologies and tasks, and,

when you do that, then I believe this is going to be an important tool, to give that sense of

presence that no other tool does right now.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. We are pretty much out of time, but one last question I’d

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like to ask, which is: What’s next for you? What’s on the top of your agenda?

MITZI MONTOYA: Well, that’s a great question. Next for me are application areas, and I

am particularly interested these days in health care and the application of virtual

environments in health-care space. So that is a significant area of research for me right

now, and particularly sort of the reinvention and rebirth of telemedicine. And I believe this

environment provides an interesting new opportunity to address that space in any number of


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Wait. The rebirth? Has telemedicine come and gone, and I

missed it?

MITZI MONTOYA: Well, the telemedicine is your new levels that we can achieve in

telemedicine beyond what has traditionally been thought of as telemedicine. And, with the

increased opportunities that we have for interactions between patients and doctors, which is

not something really that we’ve seen previously, this becomes an opportunity with new

virtual environment technologies to really change the nature of the patient/provider

interaction. And that could be an important opportunity and change when you think about

global health, rural health, people who previously have not had access and in a way that

does still provide a sense of a doctor/patient relationship. It’s a whole new opportunity.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. It’s pretty easy for me to think of your three dimensions,

how present are people in the space, in the task. I’d like the doctor to be very present,

thinking about my illnesses. And then how present is the other person? How close of a

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connection do you have with them? And it’s pretty easy to see the application of that to

telemedicine. Good luck. On behalf of all of us who may someday need a doctor, but not

want to drive to an office.

MITZI MONTOYA: Hopefully, you’ll see a real one. That will be good.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Mitzi Montoya, of North

Carolina State University. And I hope we will see you back on Metanomics sometime soon.

MITZI MONTOYA: Well, thank you for having me on, Rob.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now it is time for our regular closing comment, Connecting The

Dots. With our focus on virtual teams and collaboration, it made sense to bring in

Erica Driver, of ThinkBalm, who just yesterday published a new report The Immersive

Internet Business Value Study. The study has lessons for all of us interested in enterprise

uses of Virtual Worlds, and, rather than have me talk about someone else’s work, I am

delighted to have Erica here herself to tell us what we can learn. Erica, thanks for coming on

to Metanomics. And, take it away.

ERICA DRIVER: Thank you, Rob, and thank you for having me on the show, at such a

last-minute notice. I’m chagrined to tell you that I have PowerPoints. I’m hoping that you’ll

stick with me for the six minutes that I have, and I’ll try to redeem myself by letting you know

that one of the projects that I’m working on is building a brand new ThinkBalm island out

that will be an immersive data experience, where we’ll be able to bring you, to come and

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give you an experience of the data that I’ll be talking with you about now.

So the study that Rob just mentioned was published yesterday, and the core question that

we set out to answer was: What is the business value of using immersive technologies in

the workplace? I’m an industry analyst. I focus exclusively on this area of work-related use

of immersive technology. So to do this research, we conducted an online anonymous survey

of 66 highly qualified practitioners who are using this technology, and we conducted 15

in-depth interviews. So what I’m going to do is to first share with you some of the positive

findings. First, the sentiment that people have, the feeling they have toward the projects that

they worked on last year and the beginning of this year is highly positive. Ninety-four

percent of the survey respondents reported some level of project success.

So about a third of them said that the actual project data showed success. Another

two-thirds, almost, said that the project is ongoing, and there’s no real data, but that it feels

like a success. And we didn’t ask them to define what they mean by success, but we did

gain insight into that through open-ended questions, as well as through the interviews. And

just a few of the metrics that came up quite a lot were: improved employee productivity,

increased revenues and increased employee retention rate.

We then asked about the economic benefit and asked people to try to quantify that for us. I

mean this is the million dollar question, right? It comes up all the time, and we found that

more than 40 percent of respondents saw positive economic benefit from the investments

they made in this technology last year and early this year. And you’ll see that, as you look

across this chart, there’s quite a spread. The quantification of this value ranged from less

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than $10,000 USD on the low end up to more than a million dollars on the high end, and

there are many reasons for this, one of them being that the business value depends on the

use case. And the use cases varied quite widely. Also, business value depends on the

maturity and the breadth of the rollout, and many of the projects people talked about are still

ongoing, and many of them are experiments and pilots, so very early-stage market that

we’re talking about here.

If we shift focus a little bit to what people are doing with this technology, we heard a lot in

the earlier discussion about training and learning and meetings, and you’ll see again yet

another point of evidence here that people are picking this low-hanging fruit, particularly

learning and training, followed by meetings. And they’re doing exactly what Mitzi was talking

about. They’re trying to find other ways to have face-to-face time--we call it face

time--without being together in person. And you’ll see on a coming slide that the number of

people who value this is very, very high. So learning and training, meetings. A couple of

interesting things here, one of them was that we asked an open-ended question about

usage, and, through that question, we found that about twice as many respondents used

this technology for internal meetings versus external meetings, and that’s probably due to

security issues, training issues which I’ll talk about in a minute.

We also, at the last minute, before putting our survey up, we separated out conferences

from meetings, and we’re glad we did because, as you can see from this chart, conferences

is the third bar down and quite a few fewer participants actually selected that as a use case

compared to meetings. And one of the reasons for this is that there’s some scalability issues

with the technology, with much of the technology today that really gets in the way of having

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200, 500, 5,000 people together in the same place at the same time.

So let’s talk a little bit about the market as a whole, when we look at the big picture. When

ThinkBalm published our first analyst report in--and I understand from someone on the web

that they can’t see the charts; it’s too bad. But we published a report in November, showing

this technology adoption life cycle, and we positioned the immersive internet in the very

seedling or innovator stage at that time, and, in the short six months since then, we now see

us being in the early adopter phase. And not only are we in the early adopter phase, but we

are looking across this grand gaping chasm.

Now why do I say that we’ve moved into the early adopter phase? Well, one reason is that

it’s no longer just Virtual World geeks, like myself, or technology people who are

evangelizing and promoting and using this technology, but it’s moved into the business

realms. So for example, at the 3D TLC Conference that Tony O’Driscoll chaired last month

in D.C., a lot of the panelists were actually businesspeople. They were in HR. They were in

marketing, sales, and they had become evangelists for immersive technology because the

technology delivered business value. It helped them solve real business problems. So we’re

starting to see this shift into people who are recognizing benefit, who aren’t necessarily the

people who have created this technology.

So let’s talk about the chasm. If you would like to see some detail about these barriers--this

is huge. This is huge. While the payoff can be great, we face a lot of issues and challenges

ahead of us. The main one or the most common one according to our survey is that the

target users tend to have inadequate hardware. I have experienced it. Many of you probably

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have as well. The typical corporate laptop does not have an adequate graphics card. Many

people at work don’t have headsets yet so they can’t really use voice. So there are a lot of

hardware issues that prevent people from fully experiencing this.

Second on the list was corporate security restrictions, and this comes up all the time. In fact,

one of the people we interviewed for this research was Eric Hackathorn, works for NOAA,

and he made a comment that 95 percent of U.S. government employees can’t get to

YouTube, never mind Second Life. And so that’s partly because of security restrictions, and

there are other issues too, so this is just enormous. Any time you have to look at opening up

a port in the firewall to let this immersive technology through, you’ll face serious resistance.

And then you’ll see a couple of other bars here. So getting people interested in this

technology and the effort required to train people, both of these are big issues. We heard

about some perception problems earlier, and those persist. Training: I do a lot of this myself,

with the ThinkBalm innovation community, and it’s very difficult when someone comes into

an environment, and they can hear a voice, but they say, “Well, what do you mean turn

around? Why can’t I see you? What do you mean?” So it’s a very, very different way of

working, of communicating.

But here’s the ending note I’d like to leave you with, which is that despite these issues,

despite the early-stage nature of this market, despite all the challenges before us, nearly

three-quarters of the people we surveyed said that their organization either might or will

increase their investment in this area in 2009 and ’10. So if you look at the data, over a

third--36 percent--said they definitely will increase their investment, compared to 2008 in the

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first quarter of ’09. And 38 percent said that they might. So again, here’s a wonderful thing,

which is that the people who are wrestling with these issues are finding enough value out of

their experiments and pilots and investments, that they’ll continue to spend in this area.

And the reasons for it are the benefits. So if you take a look at this last chart, what we’ve

done is ranked the benefits that people report from their investments in their projects last

year, in order, so at the very top of the list is face time. Right? It’s enabling people, who are

in disparate locations, to spend time together. And second on the list is increased

innovation. This one we did not expect to see. It was a really nice surprise because what I

thought would happen is that the only people who would choose this answer option would

be the people who were on formal innovation teams or part of R&D, and that wasn’t the

case at all. Our survey respondents were from all kinds of functional units and all sorts of job


And then the third at the top of this list here is costs savings or avoidance, and this was not

a surprise. We found that a large chunk of our respondents said that the immersive

technology was less expensive than the alternatives. They, on average, spent less than 25

or 35,000, not on average, but a good chunk of them spent less than 25 or $35,000 U.S.,

and a big portion spent less than 160 person hours on their projects, so it’s not a huge

investment you’re looking at, to get your feet wet with this technology and to derive some

serious business value.

So I encourage you to visit our website, The full 36-page report is there, and

you’re welcome to download it. And I’m happy to answer any questions. I’ll post my email

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address here in the text chat. So back to you, Rob.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Thank you, Erica Driver, of ThinkBalm, and I do encourage

all of you to take a look at that report. This has been a week devoted to data and largely

quantitative research. We’re going to be changing gears next week, and we’re going to be

talking with anthropologist Thomas Malaby about his new book Making Virtual Worlds:

Linden Lab and Second Life.

So please do join us next week for that show. We’ll kick it off with an opening segment from

Metanomic cultural correspondent Bettina Tizzy, and we will be getting an inside look at

Linden Lab, as well as an anthropologist’s view of how the making of Second Life and the

making of Linden Lab have lessons for actually democracy and political engagement,

among other topics in the Real World. So please do join us. I think you’ll find it very

interesting and maybe learn some things about Linden Lab you didn’t know.

This is Robert Bloomfield signing off. Take care. And I’ll see next Wednesday.

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