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03-07-2013 Chalice

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 03-07-2013 Chalice


    The Chalice

    A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    CONNECTIONVol. 5 No. 9 March 7, 2013

    Our Future StoryBy Brenda Peterson,Vision Team Co-Moderator

    Join us this Sunday as the Visioning Task Force

    presents Our Future Storyin the 8:15,

    9:00 and 11:00 AM worship services. This

    process started with the summer of 2011 re:New

    discussions, when we gathered at tables and shared

    our thoughts on what our church does well and

    what we would like to see done better in the future.

    We then went one step further last fall with Prayer

    Triads when over 120 of us gathered in small

    groups for seven sessions of Bible study, prayer

    and discernment listening to Gods calling for our

    congregation. Through these events of sharing,

    listening and dreaming, we focused on our vision

    for the future of First Christian Church.

    Billy Harrison and I have co-moderated this Visioning Task

    Force along with Ellen Chitwood, Molly Haley, Bruce Jackson,Terry Kerr, Robbi Kinnaird, Bethany Shipley, Wayne Warner,

    Molly Larrison and Brian Cavanaugh. We have listened and

    studied the results of re:New and the Prayer Triads and based

    on what weve heard from you the congregation - we have

    prepared Our Future Story - the story of First Christian

    Church of Edmond. Our church has a wonderful history anwe know that God has exciting things in store for our FCC

    church family. You dont want to miss this join us Sunday!

    Continue to celebr40 Days of

    Compassion withus. Here are somevents for the nexfew days:

    Friday, March

    8 GreenCompassion: Ra

    Barrel Worksho

    From 6-7 PM, we will show you how you can simply and cheamake your own barrel as we create one for the ChildrensGarden. (Contact: Sarah Combs)

    Saturday, March 9 Childrens GardenJoin us 9 AM tonoon - lets get our Childrens Garden ready for a new season ogrowing! Bring simple garden tools. (Contact: Janet Helms)

    Come by the 40 Days of Compassion table on Sunday in throtunda and see even MORE opportunities still available!

    Farewell Reception for

    Rev. Greg BuntonAssociate Minister of Student Ministr ies

    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    10:00 am

    Fellowship Hall Library

    Please join us for a farewell reception,

    honoring Greg and Julie Bunton.

    We will gather to celebrate 17 years

    of friendships, faith and youth ministry!

  • 7/29/2019 03-07-2013 Chalice


    Save Your Pennies!The children of FCC havestarted a penny drive duringthe 40 Days of Compassionfor Lent - and they have beenworking hard! Have you seenthe BIG jar of pennies in therotunda or in Ms. Michellesoffice? The collected moneywill be going to The Weekof Compassion - the relief,refugee and developmentmission fund of the ChristianChurch (Disciples of Christ).

    The children will be collecting pennies throughout the 40Days, so if you have extra pennies, find a child! They will beglad to take them because EVERY PENNY COUNTS.

    Sign Up for the Easter Prayer Vigil

    Jesus looked toward heaven and prayed. (John 17:1)

    The Elders of First Christian Edmond invite you to take part in one of the most

    important traditions we celebrate each yearour Annual Easter Prayer Vigil. Families

    or individuals may select a time and sign up on our Prayer Vigil sign-up board in the

    Rotunda. Times begin at 7 pm Good Friday, March 29, and conclude at 6 am on Easter

    Sunday morning, March 31.

    We invite you to join our family of faith as we continue the legacy of praying begun

    long ago by our Savior. Come and pray!

    Do you or a loved one need prayer? Please share your prayer concerns with us.

    Contact Rev. Jerry Black at 341-3544, ext. 109 or by email [email protected]

    Remember Loved Ones with an Easter LilyBring the beauty of Easter into our worship spaces with beautiful white Easter lilies!

    These beautiful flowers symbolize new life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Honor the memory of a loved one by sharing a lily with your church family. Each

    plant is $15 and lilies will be available for purchase through March 24.

    There are three ways you can order an Easter lily:

    1) Complete an online form at

    2) Complete an order form found in worship bulletins, or,

    3) Contact Iris Muno Jordan at 341-3544, ext. 110.

    Sales of Easter Lilies help fund youth summer mission trips and other youth

    projects. Thanks for your support!

    Extra Items to Get Out of Your Way?The Youth Garage Sale is coming up very soon (in May) start saving your donatable items now! Watch the ChaliceConnection for more information. If you have questions about the garage sale, contact Mark Taylor at [email protected].

  • 7/29/2019 03-07-2013 Chalice


    P lease jo in us for a Br idal Shower honor ing

    Lauren Love & Sarah C ombsSunday, March 10 at 2:00 PM

    Registered at Target, Macys, William Sonoma - or - you may make a donation to the favorite

    charity of your choice. The wedding will be held in New York City, Brooklyn.

    More information can be found [email protected]

    Hostesses are Julie Bunton, Ellen Chitwood, Donna Clark, Mary Foreman, Susan Huffer,

    Robbi Kinnaird, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Quade, Sherrye VanOsdol, and Connie Westhof

    Welcome Others to

    First ChristianDo you have a passion and gift formaking people feel welcome? Isntit great when others make you feelthat way? If so, please consider theministry of greeting both our guestsand members at any one of theentrances to our church on Sunday

    morning for the worship of yourchoice. By giving just 15-20 minutesof your time, you participate in oneof the most important ministriesof our churchthe ministry ofhospitality. Visit with Randy HustonJennifer Cain, or Jerry Black at yourconvenience or sign up at the smallround table in the Fellowship Hall.

    Thanks for making all people feewarm and welcomed.

    - Your Open Doors

    (Evangelism) Ministry Team

    Happy Birthday!3/10 Dene Smith, Brooke Medley,

    Braxton Coil, Alicia Galyon

    3/11 Barbara Pope, Pat Wathen, KalliWedlake, Rachel VanOsdol

    3/12 Florine Shirley3/13 Bill Parks, Brad Boweres3/14 Karen Baldridge, Addy Bowers,

    Wayne Haigler, Edna Blunk,Charles Shorow, Karl Holliman

    3/15 Rebecca Hurst Larson, AshleyBernhardt, Timi Moffatt, SydneySnow, Tracie Rivera, TaylorMullins

    3/16 David Watts, Chris Shorow, KanPate, Amy Roberts, Isabelle

    Young, John Wilkinson3/17 Stacy Luton


    Nancy Gallop in Baptist Integris; Virginia ONiel in St.Anthony; Betsy Jones in OK Heart

    THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Randy Clark, Gabe Wiechmann (Don & JennyWiechmanns son), Ed Berry, Loree Rice, Dale Wehr (Connie LaRues brother),Judy Joy, Phyllis Jarrett, Gayle Jones (Jennifer Cains mom), Samantha Branscum(Michelle Fritzs sister), Lori Snider (Loretta Parks daughter), Cynthia David(Winnie Halls daughter), Bill & Mary Lou Womble

    Summer Internships Available

    for Student and Childrens MinistriesOne for Childrens Ministries and

    Three for Youth Ministries!

    The Childrens and Youth Education Committees are pleasedto announce its summer internship program for ChildrensMinistries (ages birth-5th grade) and Student Ministries (grades



    6-12). The internship is open to college students that grew up at First Christian Churchof Edmond and participated in the Children and Youth programs.

    The purpose of the internship is as follows:

    n To provide our college students the opportunity to give back to the church andprograms that nurtured them as children and teenagers

    n To provide the opportunity to be a positive role model to our children andyouth, and to the life of our Children and Student Ministries.

    n To provide the opportunity for our college students to hone their leadershipskills as they help to plan and implement various programs and ministries.

    The Childrens Education Committee will be hiring one intern for the summer, and theYouth Education Committee will be hiring up to 3 interns for the summer. If you areinterested in finding out more about these internships, or want to apply for one of them,go to Application deadline is March 31. Selectedinterns will be notified by Sunday, April 14.

    FCC Board

    MeetingSunday, March 10

    5:30 pm

    Room 116

    All are welcome to attend.

  • 7/29/2019 03-07-2013 Chalice


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Jennifer Humphrey, [email protected]

    Read News Online@

    Submit Articles [email protected]




    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    March 10, 20134th Sunday of LentPresentation ofOur Future Story(in each worship service)

    March 17, 20135th Sunday of LentMessage: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black

    Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: Matthew 5:6

    The mens Wild at HeaBoot Camp is ThursdaApril 11, through Sunda

    April 14, 2013.This camp is limited

    to men, ages 19 and oldFor details and sign-upinformation, go to:

    www.truenorthokc.coor, contact Barry Gagnowith any questions at

    [email protected]

    or (405) 326-9019.

    Look Whats Coming Up - Save The Dates!

    Sunday, April 7Join the Classics on an outing to the Armstrong Auditorium to seethe Byron Berline Band, with FCCs own Greg Burgess!

    Sunday, April 28 Blood Drive! FCC Edmond will be saving lives in Fellowship Hall

    North from 8:30 am to Noon. Dont bring money just your best vein!

    Friday, June 21 FCCs Annual Golf Tournament, Kickingbird Golf Course, 1 pm.

    Coming Soon: Keep an eye out for Summer Christian Church Camp information! Theregistration process has changed slightly - and we are reviewing the changes and will getthe details to you very soon. Thank you for your patience.