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- Unit 8 - Reproduction in flowering plants

- Unit 8 - Reproduction in flowering plants

Oct 29, 2021



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Page 1: - Unit 8 - Reproduction in flowering plants

- Unit 8 -

Reproduction in flowering plants

Page 2: - Unit 8 - Reproduction in flowering plants

1 Unit 8

- Unit 8 -

Reproduction in flowering plants

Activity 8.1

1. Use the knowledge that you have gained in class to label the parts as shown in the diagram

below. Use the words in

the word bank.

2. Write down a heading for each box of flower parts.

petal - stigma - anther - style - ovary














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2 Unit 8

Activity 8.2

Use the diagram below and the knowledge you have gained to answer the questions:

1. Which part of the flower produces pollen grains?


2. During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from

the _____________ to the _____________ of the flower.

3. Name the part of the flower where the egg cells are found.


4. Name the part of the flower in which the pollen tube grows

down to meet the egg cell.


5. When the pollen tube reaches the ovule, a male reproductive cell fuses with the egg cell.

What is this process called? ____________________________________________

Think Pair Share

Which bird would be likely to help this plant transfer its pollen? The bird with the long beak or

the bird with a short beak?

1. Think about the question

2. Discuss your answer with your partner.

3. Share your answer with the rest of the class.

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3 Unit 8

Experiment 8.1: To find out why plants disperse their seeds.

Independent variable Dependent variable Controlled variable

What you decide to change in

an experiment.

What you observe or measure Things you keep the same

1. Type of soil: Controlled variable

2. Distance between each seed: _____________________

3. Amount of sunlight: _____________________

4. The growth of the seedlings: ______________________

5. Amount of water: _______________________

6. The size of the pots: _____________________


1. Fill two identical plastic pots with the same amount of soil. Label

them ‘A’ and ‘B”.

2. Place 5 seeds in Pot A and 30 seeds in Pot B.

3. Add 20ml of water to each pot and leave them in a place with


4. Measure 20ml of water and sprinkle it onto the soil of each pot

every day.

5. Observe and compare the growth of the plants in pots A and B

20 days after the seeds are planted.


Two identical

plastic pots

Two cups of

garden soil Seeds

A 50ml

beaker Water

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4 Unit 8

Teacher’s tip

Use the word ‘because’ to explain

why you think it grew better.


1. Draw the plants in pots A and B in the boxes


Activity 8.3

Use the word bank below to help you answer the questions below.

1. Compare the stems of the plants in pots A and B. Explain the differences.




2. In which pot did the plants grow better. Explain your answer.




Plants in Pot A Plants in Pot B

grew - taller - wider - looks stronger - lighter - greener - The plants in - healthier

Stem __ is - overcrowded

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5 Unit 8

Activity 8.4

Draw lines to link the concepts, definitions and examples of seed growth and seed dispersal.

Wind dispersal When too many plants

grow in a small space.


The process where plants

scatter their fruits and

seeds so that their new

plants grow further away

from the parent plants.

Water dispersal

Some ripe fruit split open

to shoot their seeds out

in different directions.

Explosive action

Small and light seeds that

can float in the air are

dispersed in this way.

Fruit and seed


Fruit with spongy,

waterproof covering can

float on water and drift

away from the parent


Think Pair Share

In which way would the following fruit and seeds most likely be dispersed:

1. Blueberries

2. Maple seeds

3. Peas

4. Coconuts

1. Think about the question

2. Discuss your answer with your partner.

3. Share your answer with the rest of the class.

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6 Unit 8

Experiment 8.2: To find out if water is necessary for a seed to germinate.

1. Type of seeds: _________________

2. Distance between each seed: _____________________

3. Amount of sunlight: _____________________

4. The growth of the seedlings: ______________________

5. Amount of water: _______________________

6. The size of the pots: _____________________

7. Type of cotton wool: _______________________


1. Fill two Petri dishes with the same amount of cotton wool. Label

them ‘A and ‘B”.

2. Place 5 seeds in Petri dish A and 5 seeds in Petri dish B.

3. Add 20ml of water to Petri dish A, but no water to Petri dish B

and leave them in a place with sunlight.

4. Measure 20ml of water and sprinkle it onto the cotton wool of

Petri dish A every day.

Independent variable Dependent variable Controlled variable

What you decide to change in

an experiment.

What you observe or measure Things you keep the same


Two Petri

dishes Cotton wool Ten seeds

A 50ml

beaker Water

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7 Unit 8

5. Observe and compare the growth of the seeds in Petri dish A and B

7days after the seeds are planted.


1. Draw the seeds in Petri dish A and B in the boxes



1. What conclusion can you draw from the experiment?



2. What do seeds need to germinate?



Petri dish A Petri dish B

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8 Unit 8

Bonus Activity

Can you draw what is happening in the following stages?

Germination Pollination

Fertilisation Seed dispersal

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- Unit 10 -


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Unit 10

- Unit 10 -



During this unit you have to complete a project about adaptations of living things to their

environment. Please take note that this project will form part of the assessment for this unit.

It is very important that you put extra effort into producing a good project.

Below is the outline of your project: Adaptations project

Create a revision booklet on adaptations. It should be 10 pages long.

First page- The cover title page. Must include your name.

Second page- content page

Third page- Explain what adaptations are and why animals have them. Give examples.

Fourth page- Explain adaptations for breathing in water.

Fifth page and sixth page- explain adaptations of plants.

Seventh page – Adaptations for moving in air.

Eight page- Adaptations for Protection.

Ninth and tenth page- Interesting and weird adaptations. Research on the internet for these.

Must include page numbers.

All pictures must be hand drawn.

Neatness is very important.

* At the end of the unit you will do a 5-minute presentation in front of the class about your booklet*

You will be scored according to the following rubric:

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Unit 10

Activity 10.1

Complete the following questions about the adaptations animals have for moving:

Study the pictures of the three aquatic animals below:

Seahorse Shark Puffer fish

1. Which aquatic animal has the best shape to move quickly through water?


Let’s compare! The word bank can help you.

E.g. The elephant breaks a tree faster than the woodpecker because it is bigger and

has stronger muscles.

2. Why does this animal’s shape help it move quicker through water than the seahorse?




3. Why does this animal’s shape help it move quicker through water than the puffer fish?




streamline - more - longer - sharper - wider - rounder - more upright - than

force - greater - water - body

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Unit 10

3. In the following picture, circle the:

a) part(s) of the animal that help(s) it to keep its balance. Label the parts ‘X’.

b) part(s) of the animal that help(s) it to move forward. Label the part “Y"

Complete the table about adaptations of animals in water:

Adaptation Function Example(s) of animals

To paddle in water. Sea turtles

Webbed feet

To help stay afloat. Fish

To help fish keep their


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Unit 10

4. Study the pictures of the two birds below:

These two birds have the same body parts. However, the parts have a different function for

each bird. With your partner, compare the function of these parts in each bird then complete

the table below:

Adaptation Function in rooster Function in eagle




small pointed


small and



short, sharp


broad and

powerful wing

sharp, hooked


long, sharp claw

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Unit 10

Activity 10.2

1. Classify the following animals according to how they are adapted for breathing under water.

Tadpole Fish Beluga whale

Frog Great diving beetle

Adaptations for breathing in water















Trapping air bubbles














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Unit 10


a) Activity 10.3

Aquatic plants are adapted to life in water and can’t survive on land. Study the two pictures

below and compare the two plants with your partner. Then complete the table on the next page.

Word bank

Water hyacinth Sunflower


Both plants need ______________________________________

Both plants can ________________________________________

Both plants have _______________________________________


Roots are _________________ Roots are _________________

_________________________ ________________________

_________________________ ________________________

Leaf stalks are _____________ Leaf stalks are ____________



Leaves are _________________ Leaves are _______________

Water hyacinth

found in the water · air · sunlight · make their own food (photosynthesis) · found in the soil ·

swollen and filled with air to help the plant float · waxy · non – waxy ·thin ·leaves and flowers

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Unit 10

The pumpkin plant is an example of a creeper. Answer the

following questions about the adaptations of this type of


a) Do creepers have woody or non-woody stems?


b) How do creepers grow to get as much sunlight as possible?



c) Give one more example of a creeper.


Activity 10.3

Write down the adaptations these animals have to survive in their environment.


Adaptations Adaptation 1 _____________________________________




Adaptation 2 _____________________________________




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Unit 10


Adaptations Adaptation 1 ___________________________________




Adaptation 2 ___________________________________




Adaptation 3 __________________________________





Adaptations Adaptation 1 _____________________________________





Adaptations Adaptation 1 ____________________________________




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Unit 10


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- Unit 13 -


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Unit 13

- Unit 13 -


Activity 13.1

Cumulus Height: _________________________________

Appearance: _____________________________

Weather: _______________________________

Stratus Height: _________________________________

Appearance: _____________________________

Weather: _______________________________

Cirrus Height: _________________________________

Appearance: _____________________________

Weather: _______________________________

Cumulonimbus Height: _________________________________

Appearance: _____________________________

Weather: _______________________________

Nimbostratus Height: _________________________________

Appearance: _____________________________

Weather: _______________________________

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Unit 13

Important Words


Water falling from the sky as a liquid (rain) or a solid (hail, snow).


The sun heats up water in rivers, lakes or the ocean and turns it

into water vapour (gas) which rises into the air.


When water vapour (gas) in the air gets cold and changes back into water (liquid).

It forms clouds, fog and dew.

Activity 13.2

Complete the sentences to explain how hail is formed.