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---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

Feb 20, 2023



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Page 1: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


O_range Coasi .. -EDI Tl-ON


• Ir He Gets a Star . . ..... • •

' '

Valley Officer 1W iiis Hero Title


OH-duty Lawmen •

A Navy officer from Fountain Valley who maneuvered his fiaming and disabl·

fer out ol the raoe~111,-~;m-­Vietnamese guns has been decorated for " coospicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy."

Commander Ronald R. Zullkoskl, 42, commanding officer of destroyer USS Higbee bomeported in Long Beach, was awarded the Silver Star Medal In a ceremony aboard the Higbee on Wed· nesday.

A citation accompanying the medal praised Zuilkoski for ttiS acti<m April 19 when the destroyer was struck by a bomb dropped from an enemy plane as the ship was bombarding targets m North Vleinam. •

The bomb hit a gun mount, exploded in an ammunition room, and caused a ma­jor fire in the rear section or the ship.

U.S. Navy spokemnen say the expklojon also ruptured the aft fuel tanks, spewing more than 90,000 gallons of highly flam­mable liquid through the rear portion or the ship.

Flames sooo engulfed the entire aft section. and as some of the 600 rounds of ammunition stored there began ex­ploding, Zuilkoslti maneuvered his ship away from enemy coastal batteries still firing on the destroyer.

As the ship fled the North Vietnamese guns Zuilkoslci directed firefighting operations which succeeded In cootrolling the blaze about two boon later.

There was oo loss of life but three members of the crew sustained injuries.

Commander ZUilkookrlho received the · Bronze Star MedaJ for conducting a •

• , • ' ' . ' ~ . "'' '.t

~ ('. ' . · ~·, .. , ~, \.~~~ """'


Costa Mesa's Frank Ov•r•s 11 Not Afraid To Roll Up His Slffves For Peace Corps

'Good Old Days Are Now'

In Tusti;~ jji;awzr---oo:"~r":':~~;:t~ .. 1·---;s;,_;imY.mmziEISK• Valley. with his wife, Jean, and children °' .. ~ "''" St•tt

---1bel--the-goocH1lcl..tay1-11tt-bere-and- home !or the holidays. Now-he-II no"'· waiting for authorization to return.

TWo off-duty policemen allegedly in­volved in a Tustin tavern brawl that led to the death of one patron and the wound­ing of another were suspended from duty Friday pending further investigation of the incident.

Cypl'eS.' Police Sgt. Thomas Baroldi , 26, was klentified as the officer who fired the shot that killed Marine Capt Steven Robinett., 25. of .PhoeniJ:, .Ariz. ~ Ganien Grove narcotic& investigator Jerry L. Gray, 28, was identif»ed as the officer who fired the shot that wounded Sam Campise, 35, Tustin.

Campise was reported slightly improv­ed Friday night but still on the critical list at Tustin Community Hospital. ~tin police said Gray was Ql:J~~­

fng patrons during a narcotics investiga­tion when his gun discharged, wounding Campise.

'Ibey said Robinette was shot and fat­ally wounded in the ensuing scume when Baroldi came to the aid of Gray. Neither officer was hurt in the fracas at tbe Bachelors m bar.

Ann, 12, and Joe. 16. ·

Irvine Girl, 12 Killed by Bullet

A bullet from her grandfather's gun ended the life of a ti-yeaN>ld Irvine girl Friday night in a shooting that occurred shortly after she and her 13-year-old playmate discovered the weapon.

Irvine poHce identified the vlctim as Mary Joanne Lux, 19521 Sierra Soto. They said she was dead when officers arrived at the home.

Po!ice-r<fused· to-klentify-tbe Yictim's playmate or provide further details of the s-.g pending a more ccxnplN lz>. vestigation.

But they coolirmed that the fatal shot was fired by the victim's playmate. The weapon was JdeDtified u a ..2Z ·caliber revolver.

' •

At age 59 most people are already look­ing back On the "good old days."

The future bolds little promise except for a monthly retirement check, a two­"·eek winter holiday in Miami Beach. and the grandchildren on Christmas Eve.

If Frank Overlees, of 320 22nd St., Costa Mesa, were the kind of person who looked back, be could go on daydreaming until he is eligible for Social Security.

He was a ballet dancer with the Ted Shaw men 's group and traveled all over the world. Then he did a stint as an ex· ecutive with a paper company. And when he got tired of that, he becam~ a deep ...ea diver.

Overlees also Y.'Orked as an electrician for the 11.fanhattan project that resulted in the production or the first atomic bomb. He bas been a naval designer, an electrical contractor, and a sportfishing boat operator.

But Overlees, a rugged pipe-smoking man with a penchant for adventure,


So at age 59 he st.-ir ted a new career by A handy man with lools - he built a joining lhc Peace Corps. replica of a country barn in his backyard

•· 1 got bored with doing the same thing for his daughters' horses when they were year in and year out and since the house younger - Overlees works for a 100.bed was paid for , and my two daughters jungle hospital operated by the A1oravian grown and out of college, I applied," says Church. Overlees who is stationed i n His previous jobs a~ an asset because Bilwaskanna , Nicaragua , which is about his job is to teach a ltknan c~w of ln-250-miles removed from quake-tom dians how lo fix things when they break M down . The hospital is self-contained and anagua.

"l know it 50UDds strange, but I'm has no out.side 9ef'Vices. sorry 1 mi!Sed that quake. If 1 had been " We have three generators. a dual there I probably could have been of help. pump system, our own telephone system., Ifs possible that the Peace Corps will a p.a. system. and we even slaughter our

o"'n cows," he explains. send me there temporarily to help with " And in addition to that ...,., have our the reconstruction ."

O\'o'll medical equipment such as the X· O\'erlees. though he was in Managua 32 hours pr ior to the disaste r. missed the ray machines and fluo roscopes. When

earthquake because be decided to come (See PEACE CORPS, Page 2)

State Finance Bill •

Coast School Tax Raw

Calculations Up, Down By CANDACE PEARSON

Of Ille Dally l"lt9t Slaff

Six Orange Coast school districts will be able to lower their tax rates In 1973-74 thanks to the state legislature's latest school finance bill, SB 90, according to calculations made by officials in the orange county 0ePartrnent o'r Education~

But lax rates are projected 10 go up in two other coastal districts and the in the newly unified districts are still uncertain.

Fountain Valley Elementary School District will benefit most of the Orange Coul'8rU district, with a iaoible rate drop of •1.12, from the SUI levied in 1972-73 to a projected 1973-74 estimate of lt.111, (all figures are per llllO assessed valuation ).

The largest decrease m the coonty will come to Garden Grove Unified, which. county offK:ials say, can drop the tax rate by 12.33,·from ~.42 to $3.09.

Altbougb Capistrano Unified wiU get about $1 .3 million more In hue revenue from the state in lt'n.74 than it did this

Magee Jury Seated SArol FRANCISCO (AP)~ A jury was

aealed Friday In the OIUn!er ond kidnap trial of black "'°"let llucbcll Magee.

• - ....!Jbe aeven men and five ~ were · sworn In by &Jpcrlor Court Judge Morton R. Colvin wi.i lmmedialdy orilored th<m _...tued for the duration of the trial , wbfdi lt-eipected to i.iUt. INsl '"""' -111 .

year . the growing district will a lso have the biggest tax rate increase at 52 cents. According to coonty figures, Capo's rate may go from $4 .41 to $4.93.

The effects of SB 90 have been pro­jected for all local districts by Fred Koch, county associate superintendent or business. and Joe Meler, county director of-busti'lc!s $2rvt~s . •

SB 90 is an income bill. Jt provide11 '561 million ror school a id ln 1973-74, witb the following breakdown :

- $229 million for local tax rollbacks. - $225 mUUon for Improvements in

equalizalion aid. - m million for early childl-1 (K-3)

programs. - $8% million for educationally disad­

vantaged. The bill Is designed to lake at least

some tax bm-den olf the property owner and sh.ift a portion of sctw:Jol support to hikes in personal, sale!! and corporatlorl laxes.

Unified School Districts will still receive a $2lJ per student bonus for unt­fytng. But olher than that ciau,., there is little mention in SB 90 of new unified districts.

This leaves calatlatlons up In lbe air ror Irvine. Saddleback Volley and Tuotln Unified Di.Jtrictl creat.ed la5l June.

To tompound the questloo. Koch aid. " the !act that both San Joaquin Elemen­tary and TusUn Union Hlgl) School DlslllcU - t•'O pAreot dillrlcti ~ the three new enlltll!!I - lev~ leq than their allowable lax rates tn Jf72..73.

1iie 11'13-74 tu rJi\ll'e under SB 90 Is -being determined In port by the 1mn

!See TAX l\An3, ""I• II

. ( - .. ~ · .. -





2 Murders

By TOM BARLEY 01 Ille Dlolty l'l lfl ,,...

A cr!tically wounded girl's halting ac­count of a Cerritos shooting that ended y,•ith lhe deaths of her sister and a bystander gave lawmen their first lead l:ite Friday into the possible molive behind the double killing.

Cecelia Vasquez. 17, heavily sed.ltcd and weak from fou r bullet y,·ounds. ga ve investigators flanking her hospital bed their first insight Into an Incident that spread its r ipples to Orange County and claimed the lives of two sberlff'a deputies.

Police mainta ini ng a vigil at the Ce~ r itos hospital said the str icken girl told them that she and her sister , Rosemary, 20. had been shopping and " 'ere followed lo their car in the parking lot by lhe gun­man.

Police in lx>th counties clain1 the gun­man "'as Carl Eckstrom, 23. or 825L Flight Ave., Midway City. Felled by a deputy's bu llets outside his home. he was: ~e~ ~le Frid:ay to be in "rapidly trrlprov1ng condillOll at Orange County Medical Center.

investigators said Cecelia told tbem the gunman grabbed Rosemary by the ann and told both girls he wanted. them to "take us all for a r ide and then he'd let us go."

said both girls pleaded with the man to leave them alone and led him to another car ilfllie pa""fk.lng loflnlheOOpe that the altercation would attract at.­tention.

It did. Michael Jeffries, 27, went to the sisters' aid and wa s dropped in hi.s tracka as the gunman whirled and opened fire on him_

Satisfied that Je£fries was dead, the gunman then swung around and opened fire on the Va9QUC2 sisters.

Hit by four bullets, Cecelia said !ht watched In a daze as her wounded sbter tried to get to her feet and was im­mediately felled by more shots from their assailant.

Police say witnesses told them that the gunman !hen strolled towards car and drove off whlie bystanders summoned police and medical aid.

The car, they claim, " 'as traced to Eckstrom and three Los Angeles C.ounty sheriff's deputies drove to the flight Avenue home.

Two of them died within five minutes of their arrival. Sgt. Carl E. Wil!IOO, 40, was shot at the front door of the homa and Sgt. Donald W. Schnekler , 40, was cut down by a second blast from a Thompson sub machine gun as he ran around to the back of the house.

The gunman now identlfled as Eckstrom was then felled in his tum hy a blast from a shotgwl carried by a third deputy .

Investigators have been told tha' Eckstrom bought both a handgun and tha machine gun just three weeks ago to pro­tect his mother after her tip to local police led to the arrest of several persons and the confiscation of a $lS0,000 mari­juana cache.

And Eck!trom was described by a Long Beach State University lecturer as a -'" gen&Ja..fellow'' ..who just l.bree weeks ago had strongly advocated gun control during a class lecture.

Police confirmed Friday nlght that Eckstrom has now been booked on four counts af Sll!lpicim ol murder.

Orange Coast

Weatber Mostly sunny -y. with sligl>tly

wanrer temperatures along the Oninge Cmst. Highs ol 62 are a ­pected at the beoches, ri!ling to 66 inland. 1"'"" tonlgllt around 40.

INSIDE TODAY .A. man accu.."t'd of mvrder

corrits a butlct tn hil back. Would ft.I rnnoool ~olaU co,r 1titutional. rightl of accuied clgaimt un1'ea&onable search and re1cue~ See 1tory, PaQ, 4.

Allt AllllY ' 1 111wt.i11-' , ... ,, .__ •• -~ ..... ' C.lft.11119111 lt·ff -- • <-•• " ""'··- • c- ..... • ·- 11·11 <- " '** MM1ttt•

..... ---K • UMW bftl! '



Page 2: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


Judge Rules

'Wartime' Sabotage

SAN FRANCISCO tUPt l - A Navy judge nil~ f'rlday that f()r the purpoRS of milit&ry ju$tice the Vietn3m conflict ls a y,·ar.

The ruling by Capt . Jan1es Keyes came $l a pretrial btarlng for 1 sailor cha.raed with ··ubotage In lime of war ."

Tbe military Judge said Patricl. D. Cheno'A·eth. 21 , Puyallup, Wash., may be courtmartialed on the charge - the first time It bas bf.en invoked during lht long Vietnam confiict.

Keyes denied a moOon by Chenoweth's defense attorney to have the chariel denied on grounds the Southeast Asian ('()nflict is not a declared war. The judge held that although Congress has not declared war, the hostiUtles are "a de facto war and therefore the Statute stands."

S.twdq, JWMY ' 1973 \) ....... ~ Kissinger Gets

Nixon Pointers CAMP DAVID, Md. (UP!) - Prlsident

Nixon called his chief Vietnam negotiator to hill mountain retreat today ror an in­tensive review of the U.S. pasilion before diapatchlng hlm lo Paris for another at· tempt at eodlng the war.

O.. Henry A. KW!...,, who will be ""'ltinc hl1 23rd trip to the French capital for taJU with North Vietnamese officiall, waa scbeduled to arrive at Camp Oa•:is this momina for bis fmal session with the President.

In hit only J14Jblic comments about the forthcoming negoliations, NIJ:oo told a meeting of eongressional leaders Friday that he was neither optlm1stic nor

The South Vietnamese embassy in Washington said the two W8Jlted to know lbe ''direction" or U.S. policy. It was ap­parent that South Vietnam ls deeply ewl· cemed that the Nb.on administration, Wl· der pressure from Congress, might chanae Ito po11tlon in the n<lll "'""'1 o[ Paris talks.

'!be Soutb Vietname,. are Jllllstqi that a ,.ttlenlelll recopilie South Vie~ nam as soverttcn over all 11s territory, Iha! there are two Vletnams, that the DemJUtarlud Zone belween North and South Vietnam be restored and that all North Vietnamese trocps be removed from South Vietnam.

No Magazi1ie? -Tliat' s Life

NEW YORK (API - I.Ira ma&ulne't Ju& luut WU Die. ., but does hope spring eternal! • lnllde the mag,ulne JJ • reply c1rd, meant to be returned to Life by potential subscribers.

"Please start sending me Life and bill me later ," the card read. Robert Fisler, circulation· pro­motion director of Time Inc., eJ­plained that the card wa5 a 1

preprint done month! btlore as 1 part of an advertlsina: in&ert.


"Thre wasn't enough Ume to do 1

them aD <lVer agaln," he said. -It wa.a, FUW continued. "an

unhappy teclmk:ality."

From P age 1

TAX RATES . • • pesalmlsUc about changes for achieving Nixon. who has been trying for several amount. The main problem, Koch said. i!i the long sought end to the lndochina days to patch up fences with members of

1 'ed

1 conflict. · Congrus over the war, was quoted as 1 wtuc~ tax rate applies: the ev1 or t 1~ But he told the leglstators he wouJd not telling the leaders Friday he expects to allowable? ·

he deterred by burgeoning antiwar aen- know next week whether the North Viet- 11le county department of education i5 tlment 1n the Congress. name~ are ready to negotiate Oil the organizing a meeting Jan. 15 for

Kisstnger is scheduled to leave !ollowmg major Issues still blocking a 8llperintendents or all county schoql Chenoweth is accused of tossing a paint scraper and several large steel bolts Into the gears ol the aitttaft carrier Ranger at Alameda Nav.aJ..Alr...station.-n...&hl.p was laJd up thtft months for repairs tMt cost $MIO.OOO.

Washlagt.on at 10 1.m. SWlday for Paris settlement, the return of the priJoner1, a d\stricts with Jacque Ross, state deparf-aod on Monday will btgln his sessions supervised cense fire, the right o( th&

=-X:...;j!-,.;· tt.-te-Duc-'fbo;-the-North-Vietnatne9e-South--\4etmm;;;;..,;.:;to;;,cdhoco;;~.~H;;ierin;'...ow:;;;,n-"'""'°"ot'-'L..WicalJon__of!•!XL----Po11tburo member who is en route to government and an agreement to cover ~wers to that and other qum.lona. AJI

Chenoweth, who faces a maximum 30-y,ar sentence if convicted, is charged under a section of the Military Code which has not bee.n used bef<lre or during the Vietnam conflict and was not used at all during the Korean war.

Defense att<lmey Eric A. Seltz argued It applied. on1y to officially declared wars, but prosecutor LI. Howard Golub said "there i1 no nectaslty that war be fonnally dedan.I ...

Keyes also.decided to bold Cbtnoweth's court-martial at two loca11ons - al Subic Bay Naval Station In the Phlllppines , where Ranger crew members will testily, and at Treasure Island In San Franciaco Bay, where civilian witnesses "JU tab the stand.

Six Firms Face Air Pollution Court Actio1i

Picketer• Cool It Striking city and county workers in ~'lilwaukee found it to be cold work Friday, the se<ond day of the public employes strike. These two picketers are appropriately garbed tor the 3 below temperatures. Brrrr.

Three Cabinet Mentbers

Named Super-secretaries

Paris from Hanoi. Laos, Cambodia as well as Vietnam. locll districts are getting more money Ji!! It wJU be the first meeting bttween !)le 1973-74 lban in 1972·73.

two stnce they broke off their talks on - * .A. .A. Jn Orange County, Koch said, about 311 Dec. 13. Klssinlier at that lime accused H H percent of a sehool dislrlct'• Income has the North Vietnamese side of raising been coming from slate sources. frivolous""'" and inteotionally stalling Canada Opposm' g SB llQ ~"just. beginning" In c1Janil111 lhe laJks. The breakdown touched orr that to a 50-50 ratio, he added . It wlU nearly two weeks of the most hr boosl the state's contribution only a fe w temive bombinli al Norlh Vietnam in the Renewed Attacks percentage poinlS in some districls up to en lire war. about five percent more.

Kissinger met in Washington Friday The biggest benefits came to the low with lwo emlssaries of the South Viel· B U S B mhe wealth districts like Fount a In namese government, Bui Diem, fonner y • • 0 rS Valley, Savanna in SanlA Ana, Garden ambassador to the UD.ited States, and Grove and Magnolia in Anaheim. Tran Van Do, former foreign minister. OTTAWA (AP - With support from al No district can have income from the

parties left to rlght, Canada's House of atate more than 15 percent over what it i:r "{:( '1:r Commons has approved a resolution received in 19n.73.

deploring U.S. bombing attacks on the A mathematical deve~ by Hanoi-Haiphong area of North Vietnam. ~

H • c • The resolulion urged the American state officials to determine the amount of WASHINGTON (UPl ) - President secretary-designate of health, education anoi government to abstain from further income gives only a portion to the

Nixon has elevated three members of hill and welfare. and James T. Lynn, bombings of Hanoi 's heartland. The 'A'ealthier basic aid districts than what Is new cabinet to be "counselors to the secretary-designate of housing and urban bolnbing "''as suspended Dec. 29 with an given to the medium <lr low wealth President" with broad powers which cut development . N B b • announcement that secret talks between districfs. Koch said the idea is that <lver across existing department and agency They will still bead thelr own ew om ing the United States and N<lrth Vietnam a nurnber cX years resources will equalize lines. . departmenU. But the>)' "'·ill also now be in could be resumed ,._1onday. Districts over the state

The creati<ln of these super·setretanes charge of committees of department and John Diefenbaker, the former average can still do so. Voters can put carries out part or an e:c.eculive branch agency ht:ads dealing with broad Over North Conservative prime minister, made the through tax overrides. reorganization which Nixon proposed to categories of government affairs. Butz only expression of opposition to the resolu- SB oo cut out 27 of the 34 permissiv.e Congress .in bis 1971 State or the Unloo l'oiJI have natural resources: Weinberger, lion Friday. He argued that the action override taxes flaxes okayed by voters: message, but which Congress has never human resources, Lynn, community SAIGON (AP) - The U.S. Command v."Ould represent the first time that the for special categories ), leaving ooes Ukg

Lawyers for I Costa P.1esa firm cbarg- passed. . · . development. denied today llanoi's charges that U.S. House had passed a resoluti<ln criticizing earthquake safety, state school buil~i ed with ''fiolatlng Orange County's clean Announcing his move Fnday. Nixon Wi1h George P. Shultz. secretary of the warplanes had resumed bombing above "our great neighbor to' the south." loan and bond interest and redemption . fl afr>stabdarcb pleaded Mt' guilty .Fr1day .said hi?.. was going as far .a.s he cou.ld treasury, wbo had already been given North Vietnam's 20lh parallel . But a Foreign Secretary ~1itchell Sharp plac- Most of the 27 permissives, Koch said, and fttt ordered to race Further oourt legally on his own authority. lte shll the added title of "assistant to the spokesman refused to comment on recon- ed the resolution before the House at the y.·ere actually Incorporated into the

_ _.!•~d~lon~JF[le!l!b~. jJJin!n._jSan~!!!l!IALJ\a-'!!!!llil:iNL-,w~an~ts~~COo~·~gr<~":___:to:__~pa~s=•::--t~he~:;fu;:ll:--~Pre~s~ld~eRnl~"Piand~'ap~l~ace;'J;d~in~eha];'ijlr~g~e ~o~f ;ial~l-jinaijls~samn~ceHo ations in tbe Northern ur in of the c a e. ,- court. · tho~! econoouc program!, ese our now are cart an t inc u Hanoi and at party on Thursday gave ils support Co-tive 1eg:"lation is in the y.•orb -·· . ··Nanied' as 11Counselors ," v .. ith au 11 Y th top I of N. • H · hon "~ w

uo eyer lions new a1p g. ·~--"to_ the mioority Llberal government, now. Koch said. to clear up some eltr ~-_J)ldj[OJ!'UUlulUel~ d1te for to"1>Vtrsee-a-wkte-nlnge-of-domestic-~ bureaocra . ~--riOi'Ul--vtelnamese foreign rrun1stry saying 1{ would not back any vote of non- ceptions SB 90 doesn 't cover. Metropolitan West Inc., 1261 Logan Ave., grams, we-re Earl Butz. ~l'f~~ 0

Nixon said the counselors will be able issued a statement broadcast by Radio confidence to topple Prime Minister But. the county estimates of 1973-74 tax while accepting noJo contendre (neither agriculture; Casper W. e er, to settle dispuleS among cabinet Haool charging that U.S. planes attacked Elliott Trudeau. rates and sta le income are pretty close guilty nor Innocent) pleas from three of departments which previously had to be above the 20th Parallel Friday, ~i<llating Sharp said Canadians have been· to final, he added. n~ other firms fac••• td•• Ucal cha-es. .A. A '1:l arbitrated by lhe President or his im- President Nixon's public commitment dis1ressed for many years by the war.

' '" .. ,. l;U · • H w di £1 I k ha he hal · th bo Implications of SB 90 in coastal All are accused ln the action lnitla.ted me ate sta · ast wee t t was ting e m- but had been plirticularly "shaken" by districts according to the county figures

I S • Jn his 1971 reorganization plan, Nixon bing in that region. The bombing halt the resumption o( air raids last month on are : by the Orange County Air Pollution O:ln- Socia ecunty had proposed that seven existing cabinet was tied lo a resumption of the private Hanoi and Haiphong. tral Dlstr1ct of "ellltting unlawful departments be replaced by four super- peace talks in Paris. He said that as terrible as these ra ids amounts ol air contaminants into the at- departments_ natural resources. hwna.n North Vletn~m also charged that the were, they constituted only part of the mospbere." Chief Resigns; resources, community development and United States was continuing recon- general "''ar in Southeast Asia and the

Metropolitan West manufacture! economic affairs. The new job naissance <lperallons above the 20th "abhorrent disregard'' by all sides for printed cin:uit boards for computers at • d assignments parallel those divisions. Parallel, including Hanoi. 1be U.S. c!Yilians. its Logan Avenue plant. Chan!!e Prom.ISe Command refused comment, but other New Democrat Andrew Bre"'·in said his

Noh> contendre pleas were filed by the u American Informants confirmed the party wanted a stronger statement, but Nevllle CbemJcal Company of Anaheim. W'"IIlNGTON CAP) _ The White · From Page J reamnalssance operations, which have said it _, more important that it pass Kimberly <lark Olrp. of Fullerton and Ho:;: confirmed Friday thal Robert Ball been customary during past bombing with support from all parties. the We.t Americn Rubber Company ot Soci 1 Security ad· PEACE CORPS pauses. He said lbe 'A'!r had caused "horror Orange. Neville and West Americalt wUI~ , is. ~tepp1\ni _921}~1...Ma "theft will be • • Hanoi's statement charged that U.S. and n!vul&lon" throughout the world, end be aeut.eoced Feb..._2 IM lOmberty-Qark _rrun1stra ot.«U\l..v'v'......,... 1 warplanes bombed "many populated that It was appropriate that Canadians wru be 1entenced Feb. 6. new directioo" of the vast 90Cll in- one of those breaks down v.-iiy out In the area1" in Hoa Binh province, which is lake a stand publicly and cxmmunicate ~··c1 · the ul I I II ·~- surance system. jungles. you don'I run down to the comer just above the 2:0lh Parallel and il to the Unlted States. '"""'


1• 1911 90. m 1 Pe a egauul!4 p-98 ·-refary n-nald L. Ziegler said d lh f H ·

of UJ\lawfUJ emissions carries a possible •<: <K.'- JW I f rug store and buy a part!" sou west o ano1 . A Conservative. Claude Wagner <lf penaJty of $500 for each violation and a Nixon bas accepted Ball's res gna ion Overlees is happily married to his wife Several <Xlmn1and spokesmen insisted Quebec, said his party approved the probaUon period which includes strict ''with appreciation for his services and Pat, o counselor at Kaiser School. but he there was no planned bombing campaign resolution because it wanted to take the aurvelllance by APCD{fleers. contributions" in his decade as head of ·left her behind to go on his mission. above the 20th Pralle!. They reported, side of humanity. not because it wanted

La'1"Yers ror Los Alamitos General Social Security. "Pat gets lonesome and she misses however, that heavy raids were con- to sid' with any nation tnvolvcd. Hospital pleaded not aullty and were But he refused to say whether Ball. in . me. But she's willing to sacrifice because tinuing below the 20th Parallel, an area A Social Credit party member. Gerard ordered to mum for further action Feb. submitting the pro f<lrma resignation,had she believes in Y.'hat I'm doing. I'm not "''hich covers four provinces stretching Laprise, said his party supported the mo-5. An Identical plea by Western expressed a desire to continue a goYem· out playing around, " he says. from Thanh Hoa 200 mile& southward to tion but 'A'OU.ld have liked an additi<lnal Sandbl8Jtin.g 1nc. of Santa Ana led to the ment career whicb dates from the New \Vhen he completes his l\\'O-year hitch the Demilitarized Zone. clause asking North Vietnam to halt Its aeUJoa ct a Feb. 2 court date. Deal days. "The commissioner b return- y.•ith the Peace Corps, Overlees plans on The U.S. Command acknowledged "gueniUe subversJon" and calling on

PZ'OleCutlon of all six companies was mg to private life . .. that's all I have taking his wife back to Nicaragua "''ith raids by B$2 bombers within five miles o( Russia and China to end their roles in the ordered by the district attorney's new to say," Ziegler responded when asked him. "I'll probably go back to serve in the 20tb Parallel, but a spokesman added : war. En'firoomental Protection Division. why Nixon is replacing him. some capacity, I doubt if I'll e\'er come "We announced that bomblng had been Canada has been proposed as one of

Ziegler also announced the President back here full time,·· is his prediction. limlted to south of the 20th Parallel the countriea: which would send observers has a~pled hwitb deep regret" the Overlees says that there is a trend There'a no change. 1 can't to supervise any truce that ts reached in

OIANH com IT resignation of Andrew E. Gibson as lo"·ard older. more experienced Peace deny anythlng, but to the best of my Vietnam. assistant secretary <lf commerce for Corps volunteers. The host countries knowledge we are not C<lnducting aerial domestic and intemaµonal bu~. themselves request them because the)' bombardn).l!llll north <lf the 20lb Gibson previously served as mant1me need skilled tradesmen such as Parallel." administrator. He v.•UI return to private machinists, welders. and electricians. Based on past similar situations, this life, Ziegler said. "The younger people are , generalists left open sev,ral possibilities. Some

DAILY PILOT 'JM Ol'Wiift c..t DAILY l'IU7T, W11ill wMdlli h --- .. Nwt-~ • ,...,.,....., IN' --__ _._: i..;;: . • ,..,. ld1111n& - Mlbl""*l. ...... ., ~ "''*'• fw M.... .....,..,, ..... H....,_ ~~tellt V'll~, i....,... ..... lmwhM"'*lll: W Mii a.n-tW ""' n. Qpblr-. A 9'ftele '91Jlc:INI lldlllM .. published Sit'""" "" s.....,,.

and they sUll perform a valuable.functlor1. strlket were so c)o.,e to the 20tbe Parallel, But the Peace Corps elso wants older lhat North Vlttnarn interpreted -thelD-a1 .... people with lots of professlooal ex· being above the line ; the charges are

Charge Dropped, Soug.Jit-fo Prof In Ambush Case

Th9 """""' •llfllrlt plent II •t ,_ W ... . ~ ~ "'"'· ~ ftQI.

lob.rt N. Wt.d l'rftlHnt •NII ~

J•c• R. Curl.,-Vlct l'1'9)f9nt Wiii 09fttrf,j M~

Tltom•• K•••~ ••ltw

lh•in•1 A. Mwphi"• • M~ l!•IW'

Q11f .. H. Le" Riclrt tr.1 P, Nirl Al9iltwit ~ ldltert ·-

Ttl•• • • •• rnc> '4J..4U1 Cl WW Muc rt ' I MJ..MTI

""""-..... .,..,.. ............. l'9dl -- ........ ,.

Guy Le Pierre,

Ex-restaurant '

Operator, Dead Funeral services: " 'ere scheduled to­

day for Guy Le Pierre. A IO.year Cosh~ ~1esa resident and former <lwner <lf a Los Angeles restaurant who dlt!d Thursday af the age of 73.

~tr . Le Pierre 'tl·as born in FrlllCe. Re ope.rated Jene's French .Restaurant at lhe comer ()f 7th Street and Vermont Avenue In Los Angeles.

Ht was a mtmbe:r of the Senior Cltlztns R«ttalkm C.Oler in Newport Beach. the Mar Vista Ma10nlc Lodge of the Harbor Aru and the Gold Cj>asl Shrlners Lodae.

He leaves bls wlfr. Suianne, of the family home, 1108 Valley Clrcl'; two

-·· ""' "''"" """' ...,.~., daJlllhfw Jacqucllne S<urln of Ct/Tllo& ~~-"':9~":11C: - -- 1uKf C1aud~ttt Rathbun of Gl'f/lnada Riils: :=-•.,"'==· ~ _.. ,..,. sbc grandcbildr~n. and three brothers and

~...-on-~ .. ,.,.,_ .. _ .. .... ,ue

- -...::::= - ., - - rour 1ts1er1 Uvtilg In Franct. , ~1•='"• """•:,:, ~~""= Servicel will be at noon at PaciOc VN!w _ ,...._.,..,...,..,.. ....... ......_ ___ l-_..l:~OL.Blu:lalJllL(ollow 111.'~lalCll

at ..Pacrdc View Memorial Park.

• ,

perience who can teach their skills and si mply propq:anda; American bombers then let the nalives take over," be says. struck above the 20th Parallel and the

1'1 gut!ss our most impartant goal is to U.S. Command will not icinowledge \\'Ork ourselYes out ()f a job if "''e can." them.

Nude Waiters? Niglitclub Tries Out New Angle

110 7\0 LULU CAP J - A Honolulu nightclub owner. concerned over saaglng lnter,st in topless and bottomless "'altrcsses , is offering a new twist -nude waiters.

" It's really giving business a shot In the ann," said Jack Cione. He says his Dunu nightclub is the flrrt establish· ment In th& United States to te.ature welters in the buff.

Ck>ne unveiled the new approach 'l'hurfday at a luncheon show wl>lch drew a capacity audlenCe of 350 pe:rm1. more than half or them W<lmen.

He said Friday bt'll ropoat the leaturo each Tburaday "u long •• people bcp coming, and I think tliat 'U bt quit• a wbllt." __

At Thursday's luncheon, lhe nude

' .

1tal1tts"' which the cluo bas been f<aturlng for months worked along with the newly hir<d nltm.

" We offer a Utile IOl!lethlng for everyone," C\oDe IQ'I.

The show flllurea nude female dancers. ·

Clone uld he decided to hire nuda waiters bectu,., '1tankly, lite tople,. and bottomlea waitresses bit has aboot ha<f it:•

Reaction from women members of the audience was mixed. ,,,,,.

"J\fy face Is sUll burning," said one young secretary ., she ten.

Another woman, aoked If she Eanned lo atlend the IWl<heon again, piled . "Ob DO. LVLa!M aveiytblnlJ- i now, havtn'l I?"

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Tbe govern· ment dropped c:barges Frlday against fin.I Stanford Ptol. H. Bruce Franklin and three other Vtnceremos radicals w!>lle federal if!llld jury lndlctmento ar~ llOllght.

u .s . Al\I'. Dlvld S.ncron said Ihe pro-1ee11Uon pre!STllCI to )>!'OCttd with secr.t grand Jury heannp r.lher fhan betiln ~Ung the case in ope.a court as Pl'ffClibecl In cues where there Is no ln­dlctmeill

Franklin !llld three olher men were charged with hatborlnJ IUJllllve convict Ronald Wayne Beaty, wliooe ambuah escape laat Oct. I In San 8emArdlno lell

• a prim l\W'd Ibo! to <lath. lle1ly wia amrted Dec. It afler police

chtoed him a~ the San Francilco Boy Bridge. An FBI alfldavlt laler alleg­ed that told the lletalls of his l'Jetpe and said the four rll'en helped pro. tcct ltim. B<aty flnpr<d Franklin 11 tho mastermind, tht 1-~aratflda~lt said.

Ftanklin's llwyt!r Charle1 Garry ()~ jecled vohemenlly to the dlunlsS81 pro­cedure, telllna reportors 111er the federal government prefers to Hek btdictments ~t cannol..f ... ........,..

amlnatioo. •

EOUNTAJN VALLEY' The 1972-73 tax rate is $3.61. In 1973·74 ii will drop lQ $1.79. The base ~venue in 1972·73 was $S n1iltion and in 1973-74 will increase lo $9 million.

HUNTINGTON BEACH ( CI T Y ) ELEtttENTARY: The 1972·73 tax rate iI $2.95. In 1973-74 it will g<l down to $2.60.1

Bsse state revenue irr 1972-73 ls $5.9 milliOn and ln 1973-74 "'ii be $6.5 million.

OCEAN VIEW ON HUNTINGTON BEACH): The 19n.73 tax rate if $3.74. Jn 1973-74 it will be $2.67. Base revenue in 1972·73 is $9.8 million . It will go up to $11.1 million in 1973-74.

SEAL BEACH : In 1972·73, the tax rate is $2.13. It \l'ill go up by a maximum or 4kents to $2.53. Base revenue in 1972·73 was $1.1 million. Base revenue from the state in 1973-74 will go up to $1.2 million.

HUNnNGTON BEACH HIGllo The lf72..73 tax rate Is $2.92. In 1973-74, It will decrease to $2.80. Base revenue In 1972-73 'A1lS $20.8 mlllioo. In 1973-74 this will go up to $23 million.

CAPISTRANO UNIFIED' In 1972-73, the tax rale is $4 .41. The 1973-74 ta1 rate will go up to $4.93. Base revenue in 1972-73 was $8.8 million and in 1973-74, will be $10.1 million.

- 1.AGllNA Bl>ACll UNIFIJID. In 1m. 73 the lax rate was $3.34. In 1973-74 It will be $3.06. Base reYenue In 1972-73, was $3.4 million.

NEWPORT·MESA UNIFIED' In 1972-73. the tax rate was $4 .61. In 1973-74, il will be $4 .58. Base revenue ln 1972-73 wrui S28.8 million. In 1973.74 lt will be $30.8 . million.

Deputies Not Taking Chance

SANTA CRUZ (UPI) - Santa Crui shertff'1 depuU" bad to take l\11'111 Fndsy burning 1,500 pound• of marijuana.

The fumes from tho bl ... lt<Pl blowinf out of the lnclnmtor >rhen the door wa.s opened to stuff In more wetd contlscated ln recent raids. •

Since some -ot the sinoke was being trapped ln1lde a fe:nce around lht burner. leaving 1 pungent aroma, depuUe1 decided to tab short lhl!t1 as a preventaUve _......__

"L Srr Ac Lo

N. Sl

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• ~ .. ,, • ~

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Page 3: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

Saturd11y, January 6, 1q7) DAIL V PILOT :J


Praise the Lord~ Pass ·the· Sledge j


" Like Paul, we've become tent makers," said the balding Rev. Chuck Smith as he took another swipe at a tent stake a sledge hammer. Actually, the tent maker was the canvas Spe<:,iaJty. C.Ompany or East Los Angeles, but Rev. Smith and members or C.Osta Mesa's Calvary

Trio Dismissed

Chapel did provide m06l or the muscle for the raising or the congre­gation's giant. 45-foot high canvas church at Fairvie'v Road and Sun· flower Avenue. IL was cold and rain y Thursday afternoon when the ne\v tent was raised. It replaced a smaller one blown down by heavy \\'inds

• •

' .

that blew in the Ne\v Year. The job took about four hours, but SmitJ1 and the parishioners got the new tent up in time for serv ices that night..

San Onofre Center '

NASA Begins Slash Job

On Payrolls WASHINGTON (AP ) ~ The Nationa l

Aeronautics and Space Administralion will begin immediately to cut back its operations and trim some 700 civil servants from its payroll in order to meet President Nixon's bttdget rtstric­tions, a NASA spokesman announced Fri· day.

Girl Speaks ~o Potential

Jurors in Pentagon Case

Leary Making Antidrug Film In Austria

VfENNA (AP) - Dr. Timothy Leary,

Nuclear Reactor Delay

ff it by Edison. Official the rormer drug-advocating professor

~laureen ~1autino that their contact with wanted by U.S. authorities, arri ved two By JOHN VALTERZA ting to a $4 million monthly cost to the girl \\'as not their fault . The govern· days ago to participate in an antidrug 01 .,. Dfn, ..,.., '"" Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric ment asked that the ~ be excused movie, his daughter Joanna said Friday \\'ith the Mart of hearing, only a few Company. for cause in caSe the cooversaUon had night. daf! away rerr the bllDon-do\lar t"o/in And now that the Coastal Initiative has

· d·--• th teary. who was not available ror com- rtactors at San Onofre, utility spokesmen i.~

LOS ANGELES (AP ) - Three poten­tial jurors in ~ Pentagon Papers trial were discharged Friday after they revealed in court that a young v•orker for the defense team had tried to talk to preJU IL"l,."\.I em. ment, took .m residence at the plush uo..-..::n passed, the utility aide forecast tb US D. t · Court J d .. tt B .. '"' Friday made yet another stab Into the d 1 11 · tm outside court about the case. . . is r1ct u ge 111a yrne wn Im rial Hotel. He came from even more e ays to a ow presentation

Airman Guilty In Ship Rioting

SAN OTEGO (AP ) - A young airman has pleaded guilty to assault and rioting aboard the carrier Kitty Hawk and said be and other .black crewmen met earlier and decided "to assault passersby."

A six-man jury including a black of· ficer Friday, then listened to testimony before sentencing Airman Appren. Franklin Roundtree, 20, of Philadelphia.

- In two-.previou.Lcourts·martial~Jh .. , _ 4 first of 21 defendanls denied taking part in a race riot at sea Oct. 12-13 as the Navy claimed.

The Judge, Capt. Bobby O. Bryant, asked Roundtree if he and other blaclts had met to plan a disturbance in which other crewmen would be hit.

"Yes. I guess," Roundtree replied. Bryant asked at another point: "Why

did you assemble?" "To assault passersby," s a i d



Is gw.v.anttfd

~-'l'llNYI II "" .. Nil WY'I """ ,..,... ., t 111 ~"'" c1n .,.. .-• ~ -~• M """""I 19 r"· C•MI . ,. IM.911 ""Iii ,,,. '-"" ~ ., ,,,,...,! If ""' • Ml ••• 1 ... ,...., <t ll'f' 11y ' • ·"'· S.hlrCty, ... I 1.M, ~•p, Cllt INI • ... ,, wlll ... .......,.., 19 )H. Ct"'- lft lfftfl 1111111 11 ' ·""

TtltP/lolltl Cra:y Q11ilts MO\I Or•ntt COUllTV Arlll · MZ .. l:ZI HOt.,:.••;:.==-:-.. ~ .. 140.1zzt .J.\llan and Ernestine Green of South Lagoni prepare dJsplay or an-"'<- _,,.,. •-· tiques and old quilt! for U1e Country Bed and Board Show at the ::.i~= =..""""~,2•4420 Laguna Beach Art J.ltll'etun. The show «;>~ns joda~ and runs througll

l_..i:::=========::l- J'an. 21!, Wl~reens~soo quill! on cliSPlay. •



Rites Conducted

For Inventor

Patrick Tabor Private funeral services for Patrick

ftlacDonald Tabor. a South Laguna inven· tor and businessman. were held this v.·eek. ~tr . Tabor. 56, was the founder of P.1\.l

Tabor Protcc1ive Devices. Inc .. of Costa 1\.Iesa. He was the inventor and patent holder of many protective devices such as fiberglas armer, dart guns firing tranquilizer or dye-making projectiles and b.omb ...carrying. ,.. and ~isposal equipment .

Many of the protective equipment pieces such as armored vehicles are in use by the U.S. State Department and other eotmtries. Mr. Tabor is listed in 1'Who's Who in the West."

Described as a "self-made man" by associates, Mr. Tabor was a World War II l\.farine. oil and mining engineer, director of a research and development division for a hydrolics C1Jmpany.

He founded his company in 1967 in Laguna Beach and moved tbe business to Coeta P..tesa about two years ago . . He served as a v.·orking president of the firm.

Mr. Tabor recently completed work cm a bomb transport trailer and previously had invented the '' bomb basket" used by the Orange County Sherifrs explosive disPosal unit for handling suspected bombs.

·"He could look at a problem, and find a practical solution to it that DO one el~ could. His pursuit of excellence was 111'111

que among peOple ," Richard Grover, company vice president sald.

Surrivon are·' hls widow, carol: sons, Patrick, Bartlett, and Clifford. He was a seven-year resident of Monarch Bay.

Mr. Tabor's activities Included service on U1e National mne ~iallon board. salllng, bunllllg and markmaJfshlp.

• • OA!l Y f"llOT Sl1tt ......

Cal11i After z:t:ae Stortla This placid scene was snapped on the SboreclHfs 110If course In San Clemente after a break 1ll the week's rain. l>uclts enjoy a -moon­light swim on the golf cou"" pond.


Page 4: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

·. .. -- -·- ... .. ,,- -- ·-....., -· . .. ~-.


- •• "''"*'' ._, • ..... . 1 • Ptcnf'IOlll 1-1111 plCTfffOUI 14111._

JtAMI ST~ . ..n<• TO°"""°" • ...... -~ .. UM1 l'fATIMlltT ."f!- ......... ,.,_ 6- .... ....... llll'••IOS CCllUeT CM\ l'M• n. ............ It ..... !Ml.. - ,._ ,.. -

Bullet Back Key Issue Ill • ' lfATW Ofll' CALI ....... ,,_ • · Tiit u.5t"'f."' .. i:o~=-= ...... Tiii• COMNTY Ofl ........ • M.UI ••HOH NA.NIUA lxn.ACT ~ ~ GAlJ.f•Y m

Would Removal of Slug Violate Searcli Laws? CA. nd. , ' 1 #llfM, hie• of Hlr.-,t·l=IC• ICHWAlZ. ~it.!:'~ ... ......,_ ~· -. A-· ..-. , ...... ct«t: ""2 ..... ,.

W1W- IC . ....... tnl ........ Cir- 0-., WA•HUJl!NM.lfllJOJI 111.ANIJ,AC· •OMrt T. tm I& _. """ ' ...... t.?·· CA--'1rdt NOTICI ti Hl•llY 01¥lN N "" TUIUNO CO. Of ~IPOMllA. ... ~. •IOI» ~ 11¥ 11t ~ ............ fllllMf ~ ~ C.,.,.Mlfl. 11tll Glllf"' J.- I. l..-il. 12» S.. .,, A..,.., ll'ldJ ..._.Iii ...... ~~ .-IMI flt A-. s.itt ..._ ... Nt '110$ ~ c:.itf. •tw

ATLANTA, 0.. (AP) - A aw> "°' eured ol- murder arrt.. a bulleC- tn bta back. The state allegea It was fired fn lelf-defMSe by a woman before she and her husband were kllled. May tbt slug be removed for UJe as evidence l&linst the defendant!

Or would surgical retrieval of the bullet violate the accused's constlWUonal rights against unreasonable acarch and ~lturc as well as self-incrimination?

That constitutional question ls at issue In the case of James EdwArd Crtamer. one of seven persons charged with murdering Or. Warren B. Matthews and his physician wife ~lay , 1971.

THE GEORGIA SUPREME COURT bat: ruled t h e surgery may be perfonned. but defense laywers have served notice they will appeal the case to the U.S. Supremt: Court. The surgery hrui: betn held up until the matter is settled.

The MatthewSe11 were slain ln an Bl)' parent attempt to rob them at their Cobb County home outside the Atlanta suburb af Marietta. Matthews "'as shbt in the back and struck: repeatedly on lbe head . ~Us wife \YWS found shot in the bead. Her .38-ealibet pistol was nearby. ..

Creamer, a 42-year~ld drifter. from GrM:nvlUe, S. C .. was arresteG later by • lM-Gounly (-Atlanta)-polica.... unttlated charge. He Was sentenced to 26 years lmprisooment for robbery anB auto theft. Nothing at that time connected him even remotely with the killings.

A YEAR LATER, HOWEVE'Jt, in August 1972, the investigation into the killings turned up an infonner willing to tum state's evidence against the killers .

Your Boros~-;

The lntonoer, a v.·oman who claJmed - .. ha .. -- .,, .. tbe crime,

Creamtt. She Jald he had been shot in the hack by Mrs. Matthews Wore bts bullets cut her down.

Superior Court Judge Luther C. Hame1 J t. of Cobb County told Cru.mer or the charges and also that he was thought to be carrytn3 a bullet In his back. The judge said pe was contempl1tin' isl..!anct of a search warrant to allo.,. ex· cision of the 11111.

"I do have • bullet," blurted out Creamer, who bad no lawyer with him at

DefetUe la"'fler• • •II thev'll appeal •11rgery appro-1 I> e f o r e S11-pret11e Court.

the bearing. "But I can prove where It came.from.. So this is all ridiculous. 1 am ·not going to SUbmlt to any type of ex· amination, regardless."

Creamer was allowed to call a lawyer, who vigorously objected to the surgery. After bearing out the lawyer, Hames dl~ted the examination Ot: Cre8mer at '!'almadge Memorial Hosp!tal in Augusta,

Doctors reported they detected metal in Creamer's back and that removal of the lump of lead would be relatively simple, requiring ooly a local anesthetic.

HillES PROMPTLY ORDERED the surgery, but Creamer's lawyers im­mediately obtained a restraining order from the Georgia Supreme Court.

... ..,. K. ...... / ..... ......, .... ,....,.. .. flit tMill'I. 'T11i. ........ " ~ ~ • ~ ,. ..... .....,.... ...... ~"" Ill Defense lawyers argued that Hame1'1 c ,.,... "'......,,.,.,,.. ....., ..,. 1t1t ~ .... ,.. .,.. .....,,. _,.,.., "' "" ~ ,......_ _ +~· 1 ~

order far-aurgery· "contraYtneS the-tplrtt .~.~ •:=.v :-:= ~ "':. Wllltltd ~ ~;JdJAIGttt. Tllil• • .:::,.;., ... WUfl .,. (Gijftty

and valldtty of tbt: defeodant'I privilege CLIO. ""T .... M. •11n11. ~ "'*"""' .. ~ llNIWlll11J" .. ,,.,, • .., Tlllt .. ,._....,,OM •Ith""' C"!'!" Gift ~.?'-"', .c.r:' .:: .. ~'ZT~ II

· r~ l1"' ll'rtill. U!li9 AM, ~ ft101 , ty CW\ ill Dr*'flt Cor.lfll'I' ~ '" lt1'3. W41AM • .,-agaiJllt H ·incrimination." 1-J. '"~,;,°':'I; c-tt otll't "'"'· 'frlMdt , • .._ ~ « ..,_ et "?' 1tn, · c:LO.IC. ay ,..,... M. w.,.i, ~

Tbev .DOted that the state's con- '""""" ' .,,, H.> =:-.:'::' •11 _:.: ==:.i~,._ mJe; Pttnt ,.,.,...,... Ot•• cout o.11y "*·

ltitutfon a document more liberal In PUBLIClllOJ'ICE -- fftW' w.. ""' PllfllkttlM °' t111t MAMT'-"KA a uacr.:av. AttYt. J..,.......,. .. ii.». 21, 1•n u.,, ' llOllC* - ................. ... ,.,.

some aapecta than the federal O:lnstltu- o.tld ~ 1>. tm i.- ...,.... ca.:-\._ NOTICE tlon. provides that, '1No person 1ha11 be "~,./.~"::' =:... • .. ~,.::. ~ .. o;;;r ~~ 1r~:, ___ P_us __ Ll~C=-==----"'---compeu~ to give teatimoriy tending in .J"' ,....._ '*"°"' It~ MIMI• «,........,. __. .....,., .; m:;:~.:M.i~ · •· ..-oc:: any tnaMer to incrtmiBate himself.'' IUH GLAS$, an Wtrw. ~ ~:.-:.:· 1c,:.•:::.. PUBLIC r..'OTJC£ ':r1,:r~.::,:.w:r - 1be keystone of the state's rebuttal ~ c~n:'' uitse, .., w"'*, =-,,t;-.=-- ""' Ttw ~ o. 11w-:r C»rfOy nwi was a UM Supreme COurt. dee.Won """"~ ~ CA. ...-..., .. .,. ,_ tw11UM. ceuaT °' nil 1hff' •r• "" ,....,._ • e-'•

1 .. _ 1- J blood I '--- TMI ~ b bitlflt ~ 1ty art f'WIMMll Or.... eo.t °""' Ji'llol, lfATI Oii' CM.1 ... •t.l P~ _,_lolllp IMI II !IOI• IMI,_. •THE ~ w-o.Wwg Ula aamp e 1iv111 ll'ldl¥1dulA.. _. 1._ n. ., 1,12 .... J-.,., " nt9 coctWTT °' OUJt•• c•TY -' a10 w..1 o.oi- A.,._., "'

a man accused of drunken driving in Tlllt :Z-ltMti't~.._.u: • .,. c....v 1m . MO-n wntet~~~ P&Tn'ION :.~.,,. ri.:'T· ~'r ..... ~U: Callfoml.a. Anotbtr element of the rebut· c1«11 .. 0r:r c.u...~ en1 J_.,,. 1. PUBIJC NO'nCE ,o-. .,.,. Ha ~ "' ~ .. "" ...._,. tal Wll a federal appeals comt refusal to ~.::~• Tiii!'!. !f =t :::::!" ~~ .. Jl:1e 'TAI ~- :.f".w:!~ nW:.:'*""" --.. .. prevent surgery In I case almllar to -nm. llH'llllCNI C'041af OP C:ALINC.NIA HOTtcll IS HE~EIV CJNEN lflll ()AAHOE COLIHTY H.Ol'f:llTllES. ~--mer' 11'\tdltlMd or._ c ... t DtMy ,..._ COVWTY °' OllMMI Gl.!:HlrlA TUEl PlICJC Ml Mell Mftlll IHC , 1 C...lonlll C......._ ao '-'4 ~ S. JlllUlt'J' f,, 11, a b, Im ».7.' M (' .... c-., Dflw.t' • ,.tttltl ftf' _,,,...,,.,. « Wiii lfllll W a..~ftso. Drtft. Ollll..... ClllfonH

u.11 .... ~ ,__." lAlftwf ,. ..... ~ '° ~ ,...,.. TJIE GEORGIA SUPREME COURT PUBUC N<mCE J.,~.,c:~=•=J ~ ~ "'.,.::, "~ w ,ID~::.~':';..!~~ l~' • .,:-;

ruled Sept. 26 that the a:urgery would not ---- ..... • In ,.. ~ « p. I It I 11111, : pll('.tJ ~= ::.-... "!.~ti: :: IEllff mi '""'· .... YwL ,... Y•k Y010late ~---r's --•tltut'·--· rights ......... " II THEOOOll o. SAVAGE. Jll ........ JlllUlltY ' .. ' .. Id 1oott. ""'~ ... ...._. IUU~U • MAMI ITATIMeJllT 11_,......, VICICI llOllN IAYAGI ~ ef ~I-If M \ MITll~ITAH Lll"E IMSUllAHCE In each caR cited by the defense, sa.Jd Tiii ,... .... . ,.,,..,.,. It .... ~ To ... R......_.1 ,.... ,..itt ...... llM ~c: _.,._c ~~~ ...... 11'1 COMl"AHY •• ""' YWll , ........ the court ""-'end I ed t M : nlM I,.,., ... _...,.. .,,,,,,, fl!ill'r\lfll, ,,... .... • I. -im-.,- ·~ . OM MldilOll A,,.,... ""' Ycrt, ..... • a Uel ant was requ r 0 l..UCAI AND ASSOCIATES. 2't ,..,, """' _.,. ..... wrlltwl ,......,. 'WltMrl • DI J.-y a., It JOHN Yll'k 10010 perform some act - drive a truck upon i~, s~~ •ldl .. c.tto ,.... ...,.. 1111 "" uti1 -.. w1 MMllM " ~~L~..,.; Tiii• c11r11tk11w 11 •1*11ted • ,.._. •

I la bi In hoe ,,,_ ' ,_, _,,.. Cll'I '1'W< II fOV ~ 9t flll' ""1ttelll lllYeY ,.. tl'wl:r. of -btt~lp lfl ltlt llll'tMnllfp.

sea es, p ce s foot a s track, edWfll 1''*"- Luc•L Vt E. 17* 11 .. ~ wlltilt11 ·tK11 t11N. YM ,...""" ~ ._..' o. ..,, ao111 dly o1 NO\O__, 1m. etC " Cel.11 Mtwo, Cllll. '2621 mey bf .,......, ltlf lflof CCIWf may _,._,. W llM s.111 ... l QllANG! COUNTY

.;U d the t ted b 1 .. !I:iu~· 1' Ml11t Cll'ld dtll ll<t " 1 ~ c:ot1l•llll111 k-llVMHW.,, oltlll' :::: _...... ~,... 4 PROP!llTll$, IMC. n er argumen presen y rdwi T Ol'IMl'1 C011Un>1111 c11v111o11 111 pniptrty, T•h ttut .,,..,. • cwt101"•11ao1

counsel, fingerprints could no longer be Tiii• .,,,.;;...i ~:''w1r11 t11t c:_.ty =--:.:!:!~ C::, '~~· !:'!"' ::t; ~"""...., :f~·;;=· taken, f.botograpJis oc; lineups could not = :i °':11' C-.ty on: J--.. 2, °"*' r91f .... !MY 119 1r•ntM lrf rn. l'\lblhMcl ~ Cotrt-- ~l'I' P:',; Mwll11 DrobK be lega , nor could.a prboner be directed cWkt 'tt1

TIIW!. 'J. :.,~· :.=.,."!" ai:';.. ....,. ,. .... "" MW'k• « .. a1. J•,..,., '" " 1,. .n ' tE~·~~t1~~~*'Eci'u1T 1e:1

to appear during t trial far identification ~1.,... 0r·~ c- .,,~ ,_ .,,.. .....,. 1111 tMt --· YI' -... ,. .. PUBUC NO'l1CE co•PORATIDH ,. . • .-·-"'-!'"r.! .-:; •• , ~ .. tflll .- ~"-,...,...... H • ~1llon - . ........,........... ..... -...Cwf•';::;;;;;;;;;. ---

Jt contained: ""You cannot force a o.JM '""' 1t. tm • ,,_ .... Alli•'•'" v1~ PUBlJC NOTICE WIU..IAM IE . IT JOHN. NOTH:• OP t.AL• OP ....... ....... - R. M. lirlmou defendant to act, bot you can, ,\Wier PfOr-i---===~==~-- (lef11 t•TY •T H IWATI ua.a Anbtlftf s.tnt"Y per clrcumstancel, produce evlelence PIC'TtTIOUS IUllNIQ • ., 0- GlbtloM, ..... ..,.. MET•()ll'Ol..tT.U. l.IPI

his MAMI JTATeMIWT a Lii ......... • Sllpfl'lw' C-1 ef 1'111 It ... ot C•llf'llml• IHSV.AHCI: COMP.I.HY

from · penon." Tiii lollowl 1 - Ml ... ~ ADAl tor ""' c-tv « OrlflOI. 1t1 ""' Ml"-' • uiilor•KDll

Cr dded tbe I 1t • "I ""'°" 1 _. AtlwMy II Llw Ill .,_ !-tlllol .. Ct.>.AENCE STitOHG F. E. llnl eamer, a court. must on y . AA WELDING 11511 llNdl ll't'd. '"' w.actltl on...., Sllttt nt Wll..LL'MS. .. ~ .. CUJt£NC'l $. v~

submit "his body for the purpose of haV· 111119 .O, HUii"- 9uell, c..tlf mQ ......... ,,,.,-_, ........... ~ WILltAM.S· ~. ...... .. ..... lllll E1!1N ,IMtldlll . the 0 d ·-• H . not f ....._ A. E,,..,, I.MM CAmlUI Ll'I T 1 NOflc9 I• '*""" 91..., ,,., -r J . M. St.lnnwtltf' 1ng eVI ence remov~. e IS ore- w .. tfl'lltlllolr CMlt • ,_, .. ,.,....., flW '"""'*"' Mtllo• WI• Mii 11 otWat. stll. 111 or .usi111n1,,. ed to himself remove it, and therein Iles TM1 l:Ml,.U 11 .-... c..our;tld: ~ • l'Wllll'lllCI 0r-. '°'" DlllY 1"1'111. •ttw IN,,,.. RY o1 JllW'fY. 1f7I. it"" (5EAll

the d'.st1·nct.,· n m· th1·s ca••." 11\df~ . " Dlc:llmtlll ,., im •""' J-.rv " 1J. JO. lfllClt °' Mt;Owtn. Cil'Mfl ...i SyMt. "° Dl*I: OIC9"ltllr ' ' · 1971

"" Al9• A. 1'7) JS1t-n E. (:hlprna11 Ave., SI•. A. OrlNI• ATTEST : ' Tillll Jll""'*'I ....., wltll lhl COUtlty Clllforllll ,,.._. C-ty ol Or..,.. $111• of WILL IAM E. ST JO+-IN

C11rk 111 °''"" Counl'f Gii : o.e. t1. 1•n. PUBLIC NO'l1CE c.11torn11. to'"'"'""''""" bt1t l:llOIMr. c-ty a.rt. 111C1 Cllrli of""

l- .. ----~---c-=-,,,,------' WIU..IAM · e . ST JDHM, COUNTY •""' 1u0l9CI to cOftflrrntllon by ulcl Sv!Mrkw" Covrt ol lhl """

De.t" ·'°'Oty-• ct..p:K, IY TlllreM M. W""' o.p.ny, MOTICI TO c:aeDrro«.$ Sllp«lor C-'• •II !Ill r19111, tlllt lf'Oll 111' o1 Clllloml• lt1 and for l • ""~ nnn SUPlllOI: C:OLl•T 0, TM• ,.,.,, ol Mid Cl«e•std ., 11'11 """' llf 11'11 County ol Orl/1111 -__ ...::::..=;;,;;c;~.:.:--=--:j!~""";l~ er ..... C-t ~lty Piiot, STll.TI Ofll'-C'Al.IPOlltHIA •Ollt dfflfl •""'Ill""" riflll, tltte Ind lllfe!'NI Tlwftl M.. w ... d.

HEuat ~ .. :tr, JO, ll:A .. J-.,., .. 13 TM• COUllfY o• OUM•• "'-' llM .... ,. ol wld -= .. ~.~~~ ~ G-ot O. Miiie._ lttMdMt ot J _,,.;;; UW- ~ 1S31·ri H•. A•141ll q~ t1y ..,.11en M ·II'# or o1,........ st.fotmlf!I filed Wllfl IM Covnf'I' Cllrtc of HUit; dli. o1 ~<1-..V:·§ Ell-It of ELEANOll 1<1tlGHT $HEP. olflll' tl\lfl., lt1 lddlllaft to !Mot wld *°' ~ COW\l'f Otl Dtc.emllm'" 21 , 1tn. Swv!Wd ll't' -· Kf!Wll!tl Hftldc. PUBUC"NO'J1CE PARO. tlw llllcl'#OI 11 ELiAHOll K. tMMll. 11tMtime111-.1tt, lt1 11111 to lll~TATE OF CALIFORNIA I Hlll11 d•UQtllolt", MrL 8elty ., $Hl!Pl"A•O. 0-Wd. IN (.lfllltn RMI ~ al~ I" llWi )N Fields, i.eo- H~ - tf" .o"OCI OP PUil.iC MIA.IMO NOTICE 1$ HEREBY (;!VEN lo tl'll dty tlf T1iltlt11 COUnl"f « Ora"9I Stalt ot C~H~ O~A~:~A~ tht

S . dlllghlefl ltWn or111t-<:l!lklr9ft. ~ NOTtCE IS HE•E•V GIVEN fMI cr.clllort of lhl ltlove Mrned ~ C1Ufort11•. P¥11C\11•11Y dete•ltted .. ""61r•-·m I N~M ... Pllbllt lt1 ~rid for

erVlce Ml'WI~ lodly SltvnltY, 2 PM, out.I 111111 •II ,_...... ........... di!• egfk\ll fM follows 90-'W'lt · ' • • McCorm°ldl LIO~n.f hid! CM!lel, ._,!fl COlltlt llHrll'QI •Ill bf IWld by ,,,_ C1ty Mkl dlclclltll _,. rlqlflrld t. fill ~ u,f tr ol Tr.ct No. 2'2' . lt1 ,,,_ COii!!- Nld 11•1•, l*Wn•llY ISIPllNd Wllllltn

F at ·or Skiirily Men in

Depen,ds on Sign J ltw wmhim R Ellw tll l.utllw~ ciwn:tl OU!ldl ot 1111 CllY of c.o.11 M.w on wltl! .,.. nKnMry ~. lt1 "" otflc. "' Cll Or•ft9' 119._ 111 C•llfoml• 1, Plf' Mllll05. kl'IWft1 10 "" to 119 fM Vici Pl'tll· ol Hi. c , ·LIQVNI Hiii• olllcl•llll9 Jil'Klllry 15. 1973, 11 lfll llo<ll' of • :30 p.m .. o1 .,.. t l"11; of !hi •bll¥9 enlln.d r;;ourt or P ,_,..:. In 9oo11. t7 PIOl'5 311 -s clltlt •NI Mlrtlt1 Or~ knll'#l'I to nw to G 1 nict.'°!.;....i El Tor~ Clmitery: or 11 _., 1111,...ftolt" 11 ti. mlllll' tMY to fMm. wlll! 1f11 ~'l' ;:' ol MIM:llll"'4!Ut ~ !fl "" offl~ 119 !hi Aul1t111! S11;r.t1ry ol ORAHGE

A' h I B ~ ~ o1 llli11r• wonci bl IM•rd, lt1 1111 Council Cl'llmbll' ol lhl 'o'W(hlf' .. to ttw "'"'"'i.I""" 11 12t-,1, .,_ counl'I rtCOnlll' ot Mid Collnl'f, COUNTY PROPERTIES, IMC., 1111 COi"· 1rman 1\11 ~ I e • M I "",,..... ••-"" , ... L &llCll Clty H1H, n F•lr Drlv•, , .. ,. Miii , 5«1111 l"rlmr- AV'll'IW. MotltWI•. °' .. ·~ - .. moni commortty """°""'" WlllOl'I tMI IJ:ICUlld ,,.. •lll'lltl ....

Scb art f Mr Edith Mon c """ ...._..._orm'""' lllllll Cllltol'NI on tllt f!ltlowt1111 · Clll""1b t1016. Whldl I tfll ptec:e o1 "' pr..,...." t II 1lrvmtt1! 11'111 tr.nown lo ml lo 119 tlll w z, son 0 s. Mortu1ry, Dlr«'L:WRY l"llOl'QiEo UllGENCY. ORDIMAHCE ~ ol tlw lllldlnlo~ lt1 tll mill ..... ~ ... ~,.'· E. WINllOI'" Ll"'f. ""' ti.~ "'"° •Je<:11tM 11'11 wllflltl in..


M. Schwartz of 694 N. Coast Gr•tt c ._. rv R~t of Lllun• !11"•1111119 • n1Mty41y •.....,•Ion to Plr1•11111"9 10 tN "'•'- o1 wld ... .....,.. ,..,.,.,. o1 ' 1111 c•ll'I lt1 l•wllll ll'IOMY of 1tnlfTMt1! on 1191'1111 ol 111d coroaranon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): l~ighway, Laguna Beach, has BNClll d.1. ,; O..tr1. ,_,ry 1, 1tl'3. ~~~ ~S,,FJR'f.:f'.5'rrv~r::r:i ;:.111; ~ =""' •llff,,.. Hr1t Plolllllu- .... Ullli.d s111 .. on conflrmtllorl ol .. ,,, :."" ~=·~~::' c:~E '°c~lo:;:

Bring forth c r e a 1 1· v e graduated at Lowry AFB ~~!~ :!.en~ ~.;1"-:i,J:! · 11111 11 .... llnd p11e1 • ...,. anc1 •" Plf'.IOl'll o 111111

o, :·. m 11, r 1 1 , 1 t 1 2 • .:"~ ~~ ;~=."' 0.: Pl'll'lel'"lhlp 11111 1~1K1111d 111e •lthl~ 1".

Col f th . ' ' '

1 p,o,i; 1"191'9111d l'l'llY •PP"r Incl 119 llffrd by ROBEllT It. HANLEY ti llotd lln noit o1 llnflllltll, •nd ac:knollriedg9d lo rM lfllll

resources. Gain indicated If o., rom e U.S. Air Force ~11 kt~ .:::at~ wu1i "'-city'°"""'' o1 '""ct,.,. ot c"'• AMs1 GE1t:T1.uoe LtNosAY on tM ~~ :,_,"" w1~ """' c:orPOf"1•1or> •Jtntted •I'll M1"1'141 11 you stick to your own style. supply inventory specialist R•v."P"r.intp =.11111 of "'· ~ •. , :;d1_: •tot-llctMd ~ ~)(="'°'"' ot 1111 Ett1i. •-;;' .. °"",.. 1o w lt1 wrn1.,. ""'" !~f:';: _;: ""'' wc11 Plffntr$111p

Others will attempt ·- course conducted by lhe Air Epl~I Ch\ll'Cll , L19- Hllll. of• EiLEEN P. PHINNEY ........ II . .. ..:..,- l'llmtd dlC.cllnl i. rkl'l¥'ICI II"" •lorftlld ~ 11 l"Y WITNESS my 1wNt •lld otnclll Mii.

ARIES (M h 21 A ·1 Jg\ w Tr . fld 11tr1Q. 1111....,.._1, V1IN1ll CllMltrf, CJty Cltrt ot fM ttt-A Slwlll Prl ,_A - """ •""' tM first ,.,ml\ttHOtl Mrtot 11\d Luft!• M B•rry . arc • pr1 : dissuade yoo. But best course a1ning Command. s.11 F11"1W1N1o v11i.y. Mceonn1ct1,.. cav of '"'• ~ ~ c..-.:.i. ti•r, 1191.,. di+. o1 w11. No11rv P\ibik 1t1 1nc1 1or

Frie~p now requir_es c»- is •• do -~-t __ nat••ally. The airman trained to in· ••Id! MOrt\rlry, e'O~~or1. P11111 1~ OrAl'lff c11s1 D•R'I' Pt101. T•uu1 1S1o1t11, 1111 p,. p., v= :· ~[2LIAMS AJIJMCll C0t.intv -•ation M __ oy "Ull ....,......,.. .... ' ..._. Jlfll•••Y 6. 1m 41·1l AftwrwlY .., •~ · My commlulot! •ltplrn ¥,_.. . eansyoug1vecu1U }.1eans don't make net?d1ess ~~n_:o~,_suppU~ by use1~! ~~"='r o'!i.~~"'~=:.,,.~,!,~ PUBLIC NOTICE P11trH"*f 0r.,... eo.11 o11iv l"llot. ~::~Sid. CSEAt.,""°"'' J1 , 1914 neel~DeHc:ate_~,nuqt .... o:nQtSSton.,. ~ .... "'" d a' a ~s ..... Servlc" Wll'e IWld ,r1c1 • ., . J-ry s. 1 ~ n. ». tm - J_.,,. .. ll. MtOWIN. ...... AMO IYLVl.l $TATE OF NEW YORK I ~be..mamtained'111~ re.~ ~ "". -. -.... • · JMdlJf>es 1s ~~ """· Mceormkll L....,.,.. &Ndl C'-4.

1 UJJ..n m .-.. ~ a'lll. I•• --w ~- ~:RP O ~ y.. __ L_ ' • , wlll! Rw. NomW1 L. Bt-1 of 1'1Vn'IOUlll SCP l' OrMf1. (' .... ntU COUNTY OF NEW YORK I - p. viac: Y J (Oct. ·~ .~ uae AFB, ArlZ., wlfll c°""r~ltot\tl Chllt'<l'I, NIJWPO'I euc:11. , ·Ptc'TITIOUI 1¥11l1111 PUBUC NOTICE _ .... m4J OUM on "" 21>111 Illy o1 H0vtmber 1m.

eOukt act in surpri!inl mlfti. nd of matter is 1ta · . a unit of the Tactica Mi ' ~=~: :C~ t=" "'.!!c~ n. fdtc!t".:1:.:!~:'::!. bWMu • .,., 11.~.., .;:::.•= ~itof iiot, = ;;-~~ .... "':!:,'~t. :.=.~ ner. Be lenient, tolerant. You Q:anclusion is reached. What is mand which provide.s air sup. MortYtrv. Olr9don. ••;. suP111101: coun °" TMI ~ ». SI. 1m •NI J•t111trv " 11J>pffr• J , • · COlll'lnrl, k- 10 ""to will aon comp-•-• -·-·. •••I finally ,., acknowled • ~ f bat unlta J us Ml•llT DAISY II AUOCIATeS. LTD •• , tTATI OP' C''Ofl,.IA ll'Oll 1tn ~ asu-n~ Vk:.e-Prnklotnt tnd 11. M.

--,--... l~la!U ............. _ ,..... or COlD. •• W.r!on l., .. _ . AIMI 11, flf m w. a.y •ldhlH ... _ ""'"' ..;.:. • ZI ' 'ID .... lo Ill- 1111 A.slllll"'

l "Y'l . ,npri• 1 ,..,,. ......... v.. grouna rorces .... "" 1-• ·1 .., · ·-.- ".""."' -:. • --·-·~ • . - • "'°ntU:j • 1 11"'~- • -


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A:.:_., ·- •• •t!i>ti' ..t.•t . ding fo_ r future. Ap . -~- - ....:... ·~ - .. .,, •. Dr. ~YfW ~· COlll• Mtw: Jjftn konvrlllf', '"" ..,,. ....... Tltl'"· fltOTIC'I Ofll ••• ,... °" PITITto• .. - ---- - aJR ' "" --por•llOtl 11111 ••. 9_. u ioMJG . , -- Wtl!Otl P. Mfffit, P!Orldl! l'WI 1l111r1, rtaJ, Cor11111 dll M•r POR ll>llff&TS OP WILL MO POtl L.,~ZOft_._ .. ~ _• __ ~.--~Ill'" I~! lll'ld llllCIWn

11-----i~turet.-ui ir-reJationshi~a ,.;:;..-- -n ' .., ~-•Ml ilHI o.11r..•1 .... bath"' 41111 bl,., _ _.._....,. coud«"d b'f- 1-M-tTlttt-fffTAMSNT•• - C11•M1.k'"ttl~ll ~-~~.,,..__. . ........,.,.K•••ote••"'"'"·----- -_, '' 008 COil r"0Ug ,.~ S-- U.S. Air rorct Staff ~geat Nori!\ D1kol•1 MY1n 9r1MC:llfld,....1 two 1 Um119d pertllolt"Mlp. E1l•I• of HENRY A. POPJIEN, NOTICll OP P TH~ CITY OP llVIN• wltr.I" ln1tr11m111t °" t.11111 of Mid COi'· 'llocW affair There is grand edifices. Family ~""'ber Jolla D M kham son ...1 oni1t11r1lldtfllldrfll. Mlmorl•I Nrvk •• JlltlN KOHWlSEll:, O.CMMll M•lD IY . ,...,.11111, wld corpor111on bell"9 known I'll



' I I


It 'f t he d · i:;r:-· • ar ' UJ '111111 bt l\el(I Mond1y. 3 PM. 8111 0-11 ... ,,,..., NOTtCE IS HEREIV GIVEN thtl, A. l"LAH•n•o CO#IW.llSIOH OH TH; mtl *° bt - ol 1111 p.1rt111rs M THE

opportuQ y I you dlvenlfy. mus ma e to rea1ac: you Mrs. Mary PalSOn ·or 2617C, lrol(!w1y Ch1pM, wllll Dr. Owl'(lll l . Tllll st1l11Mt1I flltd wltll Ille County VAN KLEY, ... mid lt1 IN Wiii •• FLOYD P•Of'Ot.~D UHO VSI ~$TIUC CtTY. "" P1rln1rthlo ll'llt •lttcllled !hi Show that you can be do have life of your own to Del ~ H tl B b, "''"''I Dtt1c1111r19. tn,.,mtt1t 111 C••P1r. Clri of 0r11111 ,.....,..,. on: o.c. 20, itn. VAN KLEY tits Hied •11t1 • .,.1111°" tor CK.II.MO wlt11lt1 lt11trum•"'· •nd 11;kl'IOwled$.cl to V.rsatlte. At"'. dlspt.y sense

live. ay, Wl ngton eac Wyoml119. ••U 8rOldWIJ' Morlll•r'Y · By T11tr ... M. Wt.rd. Depvty COU!lty l"l'llbol" of WIU Ind IOr ll1111roc1 of lit· Plll"Wll\I to Ille ~..: 'o.Nltt!°'C11~ .... 11111 WCll COfPOl"lllOtl 1xec11ltd """ has arrived for duty at Olrectori. c1.n.. 1.,. T .. 11met1t1ry 10 tM p1111i- ~,:... .. *' ·.~,. ~'"1,,:'on tlOltc. 11 11m~1 MKh l>lff'*' ....ct tt1.11 tlldl

Of hUUIOr Saglttart Id PARKER mus ....i ... tM. to wllldl II ~ for fUrtMr "' ,..,ftt '"" ' p.lrl 1lllp ••toe:ultd lhl Wmtl

· an cou SAGrrfARIUS (Nov.%2-Dec. McCord AFB Wash. lenl• s . Ptrl!•r. Formtr c1vk LIMie• ' · 1coTT JACUON P1rtlcvl1n •""' 11111 tM """' 11111 ~ l'lertlrf v1 ..... ~!..r'J! -·ifll wiu w WIT ess my h•r>d •NI ollklf1·,.., •·ve si~1· 11·cant plans ,._ !I) St·'dy Sc 1 Sc t M kh •"" 041t R1g1n1 ot a..-ryt1, 11 nt10111 Atty. 11 uw -• '" 1 ' ''" • • - .., lllkl ..,. Mid c......,. , Ot1

1 P'•n pre- , J°""'" P , Brac:k1n · 1111 &0· .... : .,, orp o message. rgean ar am, a corn- Aesldtn1 ot LeguM Hms: d•t. or ae. 111• •• N..,.,. c111w er .. ii. . ,,. "' .,. "' M""' '':"1 _,,,, tor po11119 to •11'\fftd s1c:111N( Dl•hitl M•111 Nor•ry PllD!ic, s11,, 01 volving you. Don' t be discouraged by one puter operator is as.signed to J1t1U1ry l. itn. s11rv1.....s b'I 1wv -· .._,.,. •..m c• n... ~!_,~~~1'0t 1 ~::n..!.':° ,.'o.mi' Jt1 .:": t•s •• •NI '° o1 .,.. Or•'(l'

1 c-tv t on· New Yorti. No. 001010

G~ftNJ {May 21-June 20): who is ultraconservative . Give a unit of the ·~1ilitary Airlift ~~.s . ~·~-;· h :U~";'°"ic1~it,1 ~, 0:'::~311 ~::' ~'"f::W.~'Z 1 ~ 11:· :'~;;'o1100~1v1~'"~••11::~· W•H, lt1 ic":n~;. 11 •rn111dtd. rafll• covni.,., ~N1~:!1~t1!l!!d"~Nr::"~Ork

Good lunar aspect now com· • Ideas tun· e to develop. OlSCU. ss Command whi·ch p r 0 v 1· d es orllnCkttlldnin· • w o orM1..c1111c1r..., 1m • • nTI ,; 1• • • • · l•ld p1.,. 11 dftl~•i.ct C•11 "'- n-zc• COU!ltv. M, CCll'M'lllllOtl ,_.1 wvic" Mond•Y 11 AM.. • ....; • Oilld o.c""""' " · lt1'J (hctltHI Dhtrld MIPI ••s .., llld IOI ••Piffl M1rd'I lll, 1'73

cides with journey, unusual matters ci concern with global airlift for U.S. miU• .. ..., lt1t.,....,.,, S1t1t• 11ro.r1 ·,-.. ..,. s.,,.. PUBLIC NOTICE w1L.L1AM e. SI '°"N •lld ~ to chi• from ttM A·l STATE OF NEW Y01t1t ' • - ' < ··-·· _,,. ' , __ < •-• ' • C-l'f Cit.- "~II .. rkl,14h,lrll"" Oh tr kt lo IN l"C Ju correspondence, ability to neighbors, relatives. Short forces . He prevtously served ,·~r; C~';.,"' C'~. r .. oi. Mcow•N. M•1N AHo 1n.v111. "P~ '""""'"l'ly" 0111rtct 0t .,. ., COVP(TY oF HEw YORK 1

learn through special studies. w ...... ey is blghlinM-" .- Re-- at Norton AFB fkl1n,,.. McCormick LIVllM e1ac:" ...,... ,,. 1 .. 1 '"'""" "- proprl•• c~1•1 Dlstrld .. '*'" °" "" 20ll'I 11~!-'!.,_~~ ""· ,..,........ 6''K."" ' - Mol1vll'y Olf'K'°" SUPl•tolt COU•T 0.. TN• Dr ..... CA nlM lllflld VflllliA .._ Or•llll -COUnlY corn.. b!forl ""' "'- ...__.... • No!1r:y

Open new creative horizons. main flexible. Leo Is in pie- -- ' ,.0 ,11i1E•oT 1T11.t1 o• c.t.u.aitHIA "°"' Ttl: 1n4J m-11• pr.itlMlvw Iolll.,.. coo. .. ad.,itd irr l"Ulllle lt1 111c1 for ....., 111.11, ,,.,_1.., Don't be sati.1fied 0 th tat t . G-ot T Pomlt"O'f Alll to ol .. , O.r· THI C:OO•TY OP OlltANOI • .,........ .... """- ,.....,_., l'f"QP«fy It loc1IM on !hi lppfft"ld F. E. l !rd • ._to - to bl

WI s us ure. Airman Loa11 A. Conni Jr-. ... n St .• 'c.o.11 Mft.. 01i. of 1111111. "9 ~ PVllll$111111 er .... COMI Diiiy l'llol, -lhffltertv tcmlf' ol Zit Strffl ... ""'f.A4'rtlkl!ttt ..... , ..... FlfttrKftlg quo. Live up to potential. CAPRICORN ( Dec.

22.Jan. son of t.1r and P.1rs LoulJ A J_.., s. 19'3. surv1Vld tl'I' '°"' ElllllM HOT+cl o• H1u:111110 °" PllTll'tON Declmllft" :», J1 , 1tn 1n11 Jlr!VlrY ' · c•,,,._ Orlvw 111 "" '""of 1rv1.,.. , .. , •• M '"', NOWtllr, __,,to,,.,. to 119 . . ',._...,., C•l1 Mftl ; ton:ttl'lll' . C:irl •Ollt Pla.&TI o• WIU. AlillD ~Im l51l-72 h.O"llld lly: lrvlnl l"lfMlnl Clrn- I 11 1t1t1t S•cr•l1ry ol

CANC~ (J~e 21...J~ly 22 ): 191:.. Good . news lnd.Jcated Corona of 6611 Sutton Ave..,,_.,., ""1tloltei .....,. GfftrvCll LITTl1t:s TIJTAMIHTARY c•0110 m1111an , ~.,f~1TAN LIF'E INSURANCE Study .(ien1r-' ""4-11a,. Ope W tmin·'-- •- been · G~ p 1t1d,n1 1 11,,.,, WAIVID) p1TDI IC NarJCE Stld Pllbllc hffrlflO Cit 1111 Nr\11 ,,._ • "" COfllW•I""" !hit necuttd

. - ... _ TI ( ~· m61fef1 tj I dxk.'ef1Jed. es -.-, U.llS ~ ;rM*ht~ : two ........ 11\dtlllklrl!I. l!1!1l1 ol CLl!OTA MADGl! ENCEl.L. ........... ~ ""' wllf O."lleld., 7;30p.ot., or'ft "" ....... II"""-''~._ to rM..,

dialogue with mate, _ business You get what you need. Ac- ed to Chanute AFB, Ill., after c...,.citMn MN1eft w1t1 119 "9ld T111tc11y, 1111 cL•O'TA GOODOEll !HCELl. 1u •-1Toous ,.,, ... , - 111er .. ".,.•m." ~111 .... ~ ... ~_,Y· J:.~~,~-"""11 RMutld., • ""•1~ rtn G t T ke

1- . 10 AM. Gt'endw'l""" C..-ntlffY, Glllldll1 MADGE OOOOGfll 0.C..lld. "'' J1t1....,.., I&, n• '""' I M torpor•!....,, pa er. e accounting. a cent Is OD per s 0na1 comp1t:ting Air Force basic ..... lroldwly MOrtlli.rv °""•"'* . NOTICl! IS HEii:EIY GIVIN ll'llol lillAMI STATIMlllT rnll+lnt ,_ ot"" City of ln19' ,,_ Mid :'l:lllM bllnf -- lo,,.,. to 119 Inventory. Be •ware of whal TV'i. ssessKJ· ns, va1u· ables, abo.lity training· ' · JUNi cJ1A10 """'""*"'ti, p111n(ltl Thi to1lowl11V Pll'""'" •• dol"' .,,,.,"'"' 1111"9 c-1n1on. tootn c.m • . 001 °"',,, 1>1r1Mo "' ',.HE c1TY, ""' n- . for ...,_,_ ot WJ:ll tftd fw ll,llll'IQ' -Of M l C•~ Drive, l•vllll, Ctllfonll•. •I Ptrln«shlp 111111 P•tcvl9d thl '#llhlft 111-

ltgaJ docu_ meats contain. • ... put pu·-•e,.r.· ··ecea •~ether . During his six weeks at the BAL-BERGERON L1llM1 T .. 11m1nt•ry Id P•tllt- CLUI. •AJA CA.LlFOftNIA I.A. (or! ~ "- .... ""'<.I '" Pl!'....,. .,rt!lll' ,lt'-'· lfld ~ to rM lhet ·-- ... tell w - .... Al Tr I c d ' ·- ,....._. ff W!llc:tt 11 m.w. for 11,JrttMr Ct.Va IA.IA (or ) CLUI IA.IA CALll'OA. M-1ftt ., ""'proflOIH plan~ ~ ~ ltll """ .. ~1R;OA1e is t, , ,ng to you Cancer indi dual provides r ain ng o m m an a FUNERAL HOME p1r11rtr11,.., ....; ""' "" ,,,,.,. •1'111 p11c. NIA (orl FR.toMl(t.tH J. &AHKS DIA w111 _. "'" tt " ,_,..'" !Mt - wcti "'''*' •...S,. !Nf~Mldl P'rtMntllCI something Listen ' Gemini r1· t ·n1 . Lackland AFB Tex. he Co d 1 M M• ~so ot · 11Nr1nt t111 ~ 11u tlNll _ .. 1 w cLve &AJA CALIF .. m l!f!'lllrtld ••Y· .m"'" ,........ .. to Ill" Jllltlllc Milt• 111- ...-1c11i.. 1111 """'· · · ' pe lfleR 1 OnnatJon. ,. ' : , N:IDI t Ir· • 1.rft J1-rv- U. tt~, at t :OO 11.m., lt1 "tt. -c...v- B1ac:I\, Ct. "'51 '9UM11ttld to lfll Pllflnll'tll Cornrit[HIOll WITMESS my 1111\d Ind oltkl1l -.I. Vlrgo persons are featured :- studied the . .\Ir Force rruss1on1 Costa M '"'!Of coum-· o1 1 Ho. 2 ot wld ctw ••I• c1ntor1111- ,111e;. 1-9 •""""" pr11t ,. ""....,.,. d•M. J°"l>ll P. &rlf)ft111

LEO (July 23-Aug· . 22- )•. L'e AQUARIUS ~Jan . 20..Feb. org" anlzbtlon and customs and esa co.wt. 11 100 Clv' Cllitll' Orlve Wnt. I" 91y, Ll911M IH<h. c • • tll6il ,., ""1lltr cllhlll r111rc11ne ·11kl pro- Nol•rv PWllt, St11t· o1 " 181 Th re ill be m • - City ol ••nt• Ari• C•lltornl• Tlll1 llullflnl 11 111-1"' tondutllld by • flOllod ,,..,., •II lt1,.,11twd "'"°"I • •• !ti· N-. Y~. No. 41431101•

low. Do more listening than : e. w . ore received special instruction in BELL BROADWAY Dllld J1"""'Y J. 19n • eorpor•tton. "'""' to u.n •t "" ottk• o1 "" Ctty o1 ~:l.'i~c 1 1 "11~, .. 1 C:oun!'f. - lau"l.ter 1n your life Whal h . WILLIAM E "' 'OHH TllOml' J . 8"*1, 1rv1 .... p~ °"Plr"!mlll'· '201 C1m1>Ui • • ti N•• Vortr. talking. ~1ake peace with '""' · · uman relattons. MORTUARY County ci...- v1,, P"$1d1111 Orf.,., 11._ m 1n-1nt. c1n1orn1., •lltr• ~::tv· ~ Comm1111on family member. Don•t attempt was burden could become The airman has been assign· Ill ~.-,.,Colla Me11 .... Lii Ao.t.111 Tlll1 1111wm1n1 fl11d wo11 ..,. COlll'lt1 Mid.........,°"" I•.,,..." ••Mllbl' ....,. • ..,..~'*Mi· mi lll, lt7J

SOurce of amusement Lunar . . . ...."""""' / 11...._, 11 LN c11r11; of Or1"91 c°"""' on: o.c. 21 . 1m. tor tMililk "'"""'11on. M11tt1,. 0..,.... a"'''""" to force views. Stress . . ed \o the Technical Trammg LI WU3 Utl W..k•f( °'1'11'1 ..... ,. WILLIAM£. 5' JO+tN, COUNTY CU:JlK CITY 01' l•V1NE m W•I Slllfllt ll!'Mt

dtplomacy. You l·eam now by , cycle remains favorable. Be Center at Chanute f 0 r e N.....-t ~ c1t1i.r.11 nu. by Tholt"ftl M w1n1, o.p,,1y. PLAMHIMG COMM1s110H L" ,.,......_ c.11..,., ... 1,

fid I Let th Imo l'•h cn41 60-22» ll'mJ1 JE•I L. WIUON

analyzing opinions of etl>eNk con 1 en · o ers w speclall!ed training iri alrcrart A-lcCORMICK LAGUNA &lfwwlY tw l'tttt....,. l'vlllllhld Or•JIOO c ... 1 Dl!l'f ~1o1. ASStST"Atn" SEClllET.t.JtY Pu1>11s11ec1 0r1noe oiuy•·~::t - . -, Libra pe-• ,,;.. :::. where_ you __ stand. Yoo are due malntenahce BEACH MORTUARY flVlllWIM 0r...,.. cont Dlll'f p11o1, Dtc:trr'IOolt" n JO. 1tn and J_,.," 1i. PllHI.,_. Or•1111 c1111 0111y PUoi. Oec•mtitr u. 30, 1, 71 '"" Jent.i•rv , ii' • - uo , _..,. ... .. ... to ll . J1flllltY s. " u, 1912 21 .n "" n.n J-.itr1 " 1tn lS62·n 1tn JSis.ri Ptdure. pin .. ics. 17115 LI ~- Rd · • -- gua -Y•• · l'UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC ISOTICE PIJBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE • VffiGO (Aag. 23-Sept. 22 ): PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcli 20): Navy Petty OfAcer First U!-Mll ll---:::==::;-:~=---,·===-====:-::::::--::::--=;;--;:==,-----,-...,,.----..:_=..:_-

Pt:reeive actual needs. A void Check details. Be thorough. Class Lewis E. Cormier, hua- e ot:OIH.ute:I NO. n-• et S«llOll mo.• ot 1111 Mllfll<1HI Cedt « JACK HAMMETT 1111r""'' OIUld .,,., •• , whole wishful thinlcthg . See persons, Follow through on what you · band of the former Miss PACIFIC VIEW All o.01Ha111C1 °" 111• c:1TY <OUN· ""c11y oi cos11 M~"· Me9 °'1 """"°'"""'Cl" 11 • nq1111r ll'!fttll'QI o1 wkl ,,..,. COUl'ICtt C:IL OP TMI C:ITY OP COSTA M•SA. M tlll Cl'V OI Cotl1 MIM Ii ,.,....,., tlf COii• M.... 1111<1 Ot1 "'- it111 Illy ot J_.,., ltl'3,. by

situaUons as tbey actually ex- hear from " inner voice." One Georgina Landers of 2067 MEMORIAL PARK CALIPOfllMIA. CMAlillOINO TMI ZON· l"M!lded b'f n.. - 1t1on ~" "" ATTEST : 1111 1o+1ow1t111 ni11 c111 ..,,,.: · M · · · Wall A Cost M 1•1 Ott A l'Oll'ION O• LOT » OP CltM:P •tt1 OllUI- 111 Sl<llon I MHGI. EILIEEN P. PHINNEY AYf S COUNCILMEN:'lltt, 1st. a1ntaln I.ow )rofile . in position behind acenes im· ace ve.. a esa . Cemetery l\1ortuary NIWPO.,T "''°"" ••OM ti , 0 lfCTtON 1. T1111 0rttf111t1C• .ri.n ,:::• City Cllr'll o1 ~ Jordlt1. P111t1ey, wi110t1, lt9Citl Piacea person could play parts Wormation of value. completed the advanced Fire Cblptl uu. ::=:;: ~:;' ~M ~:~~111":'~(-:Aor 1 fi'It': C:..11~r,iOA:NtA 1 :~:N~~~1~~~ ,._ bignificanl role. Ooe who Scorpio, Leo indiviauals play Control Tec}mician School at 3500 PacHk View Drtve Ti. ,,..,. - 11 of 1111 City ol Cost• "" 1l!Plr•llon ot """" (IS} di.,.. .,...... COUNTY Of Oil.ANGE )u IN WITN ESS WHEREOF H: H-·-- k ho f. . G t Llk Ill Mnl .._....,...,-If\ .. follows: 1111 Pllltlll ""'"°' SNl11 ... "'*""*' CITY M CO&TA MESA ) HI • ',.,.,. IMt"tb',r 81Jo.J"3 wor • bby Interests signi 1cant roles. What was rea ~. . Newport Beac•. CalllomJa ll!:CTIOH 1. AIL ""' llOrflon ol 1111 lll'IC't "' ""' OA4NGE COA.lf DAILY 1, ~ILl'EN , , PHINNEY, ' '"', .. rt; CllV m:,~,llnd lll lxld ""'S..l 1111'111 makes m· tereslln """" I hidden beco s tslbl ... Mii to11ow11"9 11eai111111 ,..1 property 11 PILOT, • --- of ..,... .. ~ w ~ o.rt1 «"" c1,., Cowod1 o1 J•Mlll 1" • ........ "'

11 • 0 dl'f o1

g P•v,...-Sa · me v e. PUBLIC NOTICE ~· .....,...,, ptKICll 1nc1 lnc:llldld 1fl n. ltKI" 11en, pttn19111 •NI 111111111Md 1fl "" City .; ltw Clf'f 11 Gott~ ,..,..,, ...,..,. '""""' "'E•t~EN '" PHtNN • • • #

1~: ~l-1Y .o,... or Lot.It o1 -~i:a ~=:,ct: c':.a'*':t,:' ~ .:'..=::!:..!":.~:! c~~1trk '1t1c1 •••~•o

Top Beaaiie8 Liberationiit 01i List

SAN DIECO tAP ) - Gk>ria Steinem: Mio· with otll<r women's liberationlst-. decries IJte trl!atment of 'Women as sex objects f1ld criticizes the emphasis men seem to place on a woman'• be11uty, is one of the lnte.maUonal Society of Girl Watchers' 10 most watchable women for 1972.

:Joe Beagtn, founder and pre!!Ktent of the 12.year-0Jd qantzation, said the winncn were picked ''not ooly for attr.:tlve, penonal appearaoce but also for outstanding

' accompltsbm<nta In the cat<gorlcs nam<il. '' The aodely'a moot watcl!a!Me _ , --JOAD Kcnnody. Singe!' - Jullt Andrews. Model - CybU SheponL Femfoial - MIM Ste!nem. A--Mary Tyler M..,... Wile - Imelda Marcoo, wife of PblUppine Presldtnt

Ferdinand Mama. Poll6clan ·- ')lep.-elect Yvoone llratbwalle Butte

(l>:.cro Ill.) -Joumalbl - Calllle Mactln ol NBC N~ , - '

PEtt·FAMfLY flhil*f•Hi!Otlts. ilt(_. ,,,_,,_IM W llroid t0tlt11t.,.. M..... ....... ltd* 'Y:_ llC!lon " 1 ,...,._r - W-thrO!f't:iMlf:n COLONIAL FUNERAL -1fllllltrty 11s fttl "'-t.ot. PA.SSEO ... No ADOPTED lfll• ""' m "'"""' 111 11w Qt:r C:""'<tl 1M!ld on "" Pllblr.:!ct "'-~ltv o1 Cost• .....,

HOME ll!CTIOH 2. PIWWI to Ill'! orovlllw et 'MlllM'Y• 1m *" 4'lt .. o.tuillMir. im. """ JlhUlry" ltJl 1

"119 c..-1 O.Uy ":':;

'1111 Bolla Ave. Westminster 8t3-35%S



. -. ..

.. " . ~, ::;;:: .. =::;,~ =,, 3!L< ~

.~ i .. ~ -~·

ErecuUve - Joanne B<uer, ..i.erttalllll ud prtlllll>­tlon - ol Del """' li'eihlon Squan In Ton-anct.

1--'•-11i-.,.,...:":-c··...,,...-=--Candko..btzlct..rLfaclllc...Soulhw..t ' ~ ..Alrllnet..


. . ,, - ~ - . .. . . --


.. •• •

-. •

' .. ' '


. ' . ' I I


I I 1--


Page 5: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

3 Gar~en · 1 Gar~i-Jm~ Winners ·Slipped .4t(?ay·

DEWSBQRY. ~ 1-crO'wned (UPI) - Mn. • AUoe . W~w'i&irdiji ~ber -pride iiii(rw j!ii_m .Tu ...

By E L ARONSON day. Tht w o r k m t n » • ""' ""'°I ilo!nolllbeil an old · mlU ,

All.Amer!< time 11 ht~ next .so.ii:· Wllhout the i In - - lnne f llanl<Jna ·~ o( l\>4 I · aga · •- w n or, Im mill the eot)[!! g11rd9>1lld '

are a hybrid "'Juaah named down 1 If roi\rJlol>e". . [ Arlstocrat, Zttinla Peter Pan . •. • --~ Scarlet and J.larlgold Ham •••lllli••••• Face. · ... .' ~

W~keruler ... tardetters'


SCpl~y •


Silenced By ANQY LANG

iJ> .....,...,",..

Q. 1 jllll fOt lhrough reading a magazine artkle about how to halt squeaks in a woodl!n Door by goln( Into the ~ ment and driving wed~ between the lli'Dnoorlng and the jol!ts. Ftnt, but what about a squeaky second n~r. There ire several squeaks in the noon or one or our upstairs bedrooms. Row do I go about fixing them.

A. Locate the are.a or each squeak, then drive n a i I s th.rough the flooring into the

The squash )\'Oil a Qivnie medal for ill earliness, pro­lific Yields aod green, glos~ quality . Aristocrat, we ai:t told, won't fatten up and. spoll · as rapidly as other zucchini.a:. First fruits are ready within 48 days of sowing ~ dirtotly into the garden. The fruit IS straight.

The large, ..,!ly handled seeds are best Jlaoted in groups of three a four spac­ed 2\1 feet apart in fertile soil after danger of frost is past . They like sun and germinate in about 10 days. It ls recom­mended that seedlings in each group be thinned to one healthy plant .

· joists. Use threaded Cinlshlng Here are some things to be nails. To avoid damaging the

thinkilg aboot this weekend Door, drive each nail ralrly e Plant a d e c i d u o u s close to the surface of the

Mag:doUa oow for a sudden floor, then use a nallset lo and spectacular burst of 'i:!rtve it the rest of the way. bloom when the "1ather _starts Finish by sinking it a fraction to warm. · or an inch below the surface,

e Violas and paniies can later fill ing the indentation still be set out over a bu1b bed. with ~·ood putty or plastic J.,or an early spring border \n wood. Drive the nails in pairs

MALE AND femele nowers shaded areas. use F a i r. y about 2 inches from each otber

Double · 1J se

!--~~..:-The Prlmrosea - in wbite, remale flowers product the lavender. the points jll!t about meet in· fruit after poJlioatlon from a • F~'-:Yourseliers, the side the wood. In other words,

• .

.. ..

· ~ •• ~ .. '



i• I

' ' , l

' ' • ' I I • l '

' ' • I I I

i r • t

ma1e flower. · pereMla! veg et ab I es - when dMven In all the way, The big yellow flowers of asparagus. articbokea and each pair ol nails will resemble

Zucchini squash are edlb~- · rhubarb ;_ are available at a V. Pick them early in the mom· nurseMes and the divisions. or * ing and fry them in batter. roots, are easy to set~t in

Peter Pan Scarlet Zinni.I of· the garden. fers large flowers on dwarf -• Watch roses !or.signs that plants, ei:cellent for the small biids are begi.pning tG swell . plot. The plants average •00\lt When they do, sharpen tbe a foot tall and the flowefs. prunlng clippers and go lo ttlree-to-four inches aCl'08J'.~ · wort. The plants my CiJli1PaCI . • Swett Peas mar. tie and neat and put on II s~ planted. now from seed. They all summer. . prefer an. early Ctait,.so· they

Peter Pan Scarleto • silver miy germinate while the medal winner, jolnl Peter Pan weather is still Cool. Plum and Pink, 1971 }gold medal winners .

Paraffin Helps

Unstick Drawer



Harbar Baulnard . ~f CaN

~;;; ~1~ ·~~;E~SITY ·ROBIN~. ~RD.' OLDSMOBILE ·-· . . . ... .. .

~ . ~ ., ... , ~ ·


HARBOR •BLVD. HARaOR "ilLVO. . . .... -. . " .

Q. - Several months ago I clipped out ot the paper a story ycu wrote about renting tools. I recently dug up the cUpping because I am in the market for sev.eral tooJs, but 1 w11 disappointed . to see that ~oli . mcntioqed only a few prices. l intend to ren\ these to6ls - a quarter-lnch electric drill, a noor sander, a ~root extension ladder, a pipe cutter and one of tho$e guns which shoots pins through wood into a concrete wall. Can you give me some idea of the rental rosts.

GOOD BOTH FOR SNACKS AND KNICKKNACKS FiM Pro ject For Amateur Home Carpenter

Fun~tional? Tips for Furniture

fill a IU'td. And lhis bedside ta~e serves mor(' needs lhan tnOOl· !he - Q~'''"

Bedside tables ha\'e never

, 'entire week for $6'. rnore des!renhle to have a prQ-* LA ( Otlllt\· per I y-designed c~nvenieoee lnble The nnr p1 cturrd here Q. - When we shut ofr the hn~ fl larlir top su il f1blt1 for a

cold water faucet in our .i d ll'lmp and knickkna cks. No!ice:

kitchen, there is a su den Ai' des E' 'e too. that there is a sv.·inging hammering noise. \Ve don't tray for 1vriting or for mind the noise too much, since •' breakfast After n 111cal. the

1 it stops almost instantly, but Rai·e 0 f fci• tray sv.· inr~ huck under the we are concerned a b o u t I top \\'here u·s out of the 11ay. whether it v.•ill damage the water lines. Will ii? If 1ou ncl'd end t:ibles for


1ivin~ rocun . t,hcse may A. -;- tr continued over a r.-1rs. Harry \\' i n r h 1' s t f' r nlsn he used on t'ither end of

period of time, it may cause a Robinson says thf': county c:in vour couch or beside a chair . leak It appears that an air have her 8' · ·1cre Beverly The lillle swinging shelf is chamber is required . This is a Rills estat.e for an arboretum perfect for snacking v.·hile piece of pipe connected to the and botanic garden ~fter her walching T.V. The full-size Wl!_t~ line e,:i near to the · death. . pauern shows ho~· to make ratk.'tot as p>!!lble. A cap is Mrs . . Robinson, whose bus- the sbclf swing out either to "placed over lbeend or lie pipe band was president or the J . the right or left side. Here is a that slicks up~ from the supply W. Robinson Co. from 1924 un- project any Amateur ho!J'le lil'le. This air chamber absorbs 111hisdeathin1932, made the carpenter can undertake with the force of the water when offer Tuesday and said she success. the raucel is clo.sed. You'd bet- would provide $1 million in her A lisl of required materials ter have the trouble checked will for maintenance of the is included , along with Jots of j

"'=='======'':::':::=====;;:··====;::::=;::.!....:b'.'.:y'....:a..'p'.'.lum::'.'.:'.ber.:,. ___ property, cy>ntaining fei;ns and illustrations . "1ld e a..s y · t _ , _. rare tropical plants. to--understand direc.tions .

County s u Per v I 'o r s in- To obtain the bedside table


structed Chief Administrative pattern number 344. send SI Officer Arthur G. Will and by currency. check or money Arboreta Director Francis order to : Ching to· study the offer.

·· J'm 95 now," ~frs . Steve Ellingson


!!:\IOKF.O \\'HITF.>' ISH>:S • 5:\IO.:t;D S.\LMO~ - Jl-Q.4:'00 l'l'IN>: HJ:RRISG • CAE.\")tED llEf\KISG -l ;tsH MOUsst:·s




ASSOktED HOT ktM J"' · ~RtAbS - BB(;EUI • DAN ISll



e - ,. .

' -

_ otllJiuN UNOll •I



421 l AST 17th STREIT COST~ttlS,\,~.

• -·

Robinson said. " Everyone Orange C.Oast Daily Pilot knows that. I've Uved in this P. O. Box 2383 hoUst ·r<>r 61 years. It has so \fan Nuys. Calif. 91409 many rooms that I've never --counted them." 1,.-..,...,,,...._...,. __ ....,

Coa~st Wise Coastwise, no one is more


GUIDE coast wise than Tom II' ________ ..,. .. Murphine. He's the DAILY e MATTRESSES

- PEbO'P's-managing editor-and fli'i""'il.' .,;;.ioi;ii:,,;,iiii;;ii...,_.iii virtu,aUy a lifelong resident or the Orange Coast. (;he(k out his column, "Just Coasting," an abpost daily fe41µire of the DAILY PILOT. Warning: It could be habit forming.

MATTRESSES toAfS HOMU TU. ILl l S • ..,...,. a.,. Cette M ... MottNll C:o.

11H N...,.rt It"'. Liberty 8-1303 .....,.,....



Sat11rday Jan11ary b. 147) DAILY PILOT 5

. Gardens Historic ()_xford Schedules Unique Course

'nle oldest botanical garden lo Great Britaln - University Botanical Gardens al University or Oxford - wlll be the alte ol a unique lhrt.>e-week coune ooit summer for both amateur gardeners a n d specialists in botanical fields.

The course. scheduled for July 3-20. is part of an annual pro gram presented cooperali\'ely by Univer5llY of Oxford and Universily Ex · tension. Uni \'Cr sit y of C31ifomia , Berkeley.

The gardens were the first In Great Britain to b c established £or the so I e purpose of research, and tbey pro\'ide a wealth of historical and botanical information. It was at Oxford that Thomas t.1illington discovered th e secret or pollen, and ii ~·as there that the 18th century botanist John Sibthorp >A'rO!c h i s monu1nental "Flora Graeca ."

mer class "'h1ch will deal ~· 1 th a broad specl rum of botanical studies lncluolng landscaping , and design concerns. Jnstruc· lion is In small seminars and tutorial meet in gs , and s1uden1s will be encouraged to pursue their individual in­terests .

THE COURSE inc lude s visits to the fan1ous don1csUc gardens at Oxford colleges and to Nuni:han1 Arboretu1n, a

TltE BOTANIC garden "''as SO-acre country estate founded fOWlded in 1621 and has 1830- :and Lakcn-Wlder malntained si nce then to university managen1ent i n display a vast range of plants 1962. The arboretum 1 s from throughout lhc world. especially noted for its display Ylhile part of the gardens are or North American conifers

which contains aome or the oldest u well as IO!lle of the most modem buildings at Ox· ford. Some or !he bullding!I date back to the 13th century and are loc1ted in a spacious setting of fields and gardens .

Enrollment In the course is open to Any adult who can benefit f r om In-residence, tutorial lmtruetlon in the Ox· ford tradition. A background in botany is not required, altbough thooe who wish t.o earn academic credit for their "'Ork may receive six quaMer units in botany I h r o u gh Cniversily of California Ex­tension.

Further information about tuition, 1ravel arrangements, a n d accommodations is available from 0 x f ord • Berkeley Program, Dept. G. UC Extension, Univenity of Californi'a, 134.>rkeley, Callf. 9'7'20.

Use Righ t Tool In leveling a ...£.Qtl r e I e

mixture, use a metal trowel lo obtain a smooth finish, a v.•ooden noa t for a rough finish.

open to the public, they are and for naturaJ areas of in-1---- - ------- - -­primarily used for inst ructiOfl digenous trees, shrubs, and and research, and a number or ~·ooclland plan ts. plots .- in what is called t~e Participants in the program genetic garden - are o~gan1z- will live at Worcester College ed lo shov.· !he c\' olut 1onary 1-:miiiitiij~~~ ... --~I aspects or various p I a n q~ species. GREENERY

ARDEN The experimental genetic garden also has one of the v.· orid~s largest collections of varie1ated plant&, arrangedll·---;P"'L.J"'A'N"T.--­according to the causes of ''ariegation. STRAWBERRIES

Another area or the botanic garden is devoted to tile oMgin of garden roses from thei r v.·iid ancestors and their development through h~· bridization and polyploidy. Other areas display he rbaceous. rock, and water

NOW fOl $,RING --- 11

lest price •f tM , .. , BARE ROOT

ROSES • nd

TREES plants; " 'all plants ; trees and. ! \·-M-':-"'::'-:':-' "-:":-":o":::::'-::::c'::'::~-·- I shrubs : and glass house 19121 llOOIHUlST plants. HUNTINGTON IUCH

J.K. Burras, superintendent M'- ""'- • G•ni.111 of the gardens, and member! 962-4200 il f staff will teach the sum-

AMLING'S Newport N11r••r7 1 I DO •• • I ce te t . • l 1 k w1 r " • "•••I l 11 c~ . 1:• ll t•t• l 1 l1 l1 ,R1• 1 171CJ • 1J · lllJ



SUNDAY, 9 to S


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lridl Gold Lowell Til•-51111- s ........

Paw:oll e I . A.. Ylktorlo


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1.98 A.II 0 1r l of.n A.,. • t ~ - lite Yory hit

GUAUNTEED TO WORK ON . ANY TYPE OF LAWN Preven t\ crobg ro11, onnv(ll b luegro\s, p1gweed and other pesky weeds. IC.ill' law n in­Hcl5 and ferllhzes )'DUI' lown,

- -- llG ==~= , '9.98 ~~-1-1·1·1-~~ - ----··-


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Pick a sunny spot and plant ...

. . .

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P.age •

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I • •

Has Many Obstacles Vietnam Peace t

Opportunities for Combat End'less By ARTHUR ffiGBE! ~'.f'Me .............

Vietnam enten 197' preparlne to ex­cbaqe the h::irn:n ot war for the un­<ertilntleJ of peace.

Many Vietnam.,. upected 19?2 to be the year peace woukl come. For them, nine IJ 1 fateful nwnber and the <OW1try bu ta.ken h1atoric turning• every nine )'Uri alnce IMS, when Ho Clll Minh dec1artd Vietnam independent from France.

A cenen:Uon of warfare foUowtd, with a brief interrupUOO nine years later in 19$4, when the Geneva agreement divid­ed Vietnam In two and the United States moved in to buttress the southern, non· Oommunlat half.

nothJnl of the other war yearJ, deepened the lon&inc of most vtetm.mcse for peace. For on March 30, a gener1tlon of guerrilla w1r audden!y turned into fl.ill­scale convcnUonal war.

NORm VIETNAlllESE ooldle'1 anned with IAlW and the 130mm '8MOll, pro­bably the world's mosl •=•te Ion&· ranje (17 miles) artillery weapon, overwhelmed all or Quang Tri Provlnce up against the north-south boundary, laid siege to An Loe onJy eo miles from Saigon, and rampaged through the Cen· tral Highlands.

One week tater the United Slates reswned full«ale alr war aga.IDlt North Vietnam, more intensively than ever. U.S. jets uaed new radar and laser-guid-

turned a mllllon civilians into refugees. forces renewed their an­

nual 1ur1e lhrotJj:h Laos, and roamed almost at wlll through Cambodia. The Communllt "llllctuarles" In Cambodia. so pal.nstak.lnl:ly uprooted by a combined American and Soulb V!Mamtse forct in the spring of 1971, were re-established.

Cambodia '• JpOkmnan, Lon Nol, dhaolved parliament and had bhmelf ei«ted pr"ldenl He uplalned that a JOV<mment ftgbUng for Ill life could not Afford the luxury o1 democracy.

SOlml VIETNAM'S President Nguyen Van Thteu got the National Assembly to vote him emerrency powen to deal with the Communist offenalve. He used these powers, among other things, to eliminate most opposition newspapers in Saigon, and to put an end to South Vietnam's





a rA

Ben Franklin B ys the La«Jr­A Single Rose

Nine yea.n after that , In 198.1, South Vietnam'• ftnt presldenl, Ngo Dinh Diem, w11 overthrown and slain. Now nine more Yttt:Ll!IYLpamj) aruLlhe war at long lut seemed lo be ending.

""- ,.. ___ L 09 -.. ,...~~onl~y;w~or~.M~~lonn~~ol!!!,!d~!!!!i!racl!!i!+..!the!!\L~I-~~~~--~--~~-'~-~~-.;~-.,..-,, ... ~,. ,-.~-· vlllige elect ns t I been tra tional , __ _

mOVGR MOST Vietnamese wekomed tht tbouiht of peace, many doubted It

t lon of guerrill41 eear • ...i. •Ince the 17th c:entury. Auumln& the 0 end" of. the war, who

denl11 t urned i nto f11U. won? Not the Americans, whose most could Ion( endure.

By HERB CA.EN A real settlement w\ll be far more '°"'ptu than In 111$4. In 1951, Vietnam

SAN FRANCISCO - Nice peeople! wat brutally cut in haU. In simple tenns.

•ea•- - - t•--• - . aophlltlcated ted111olo1Y wu outwitted ""' ......,. -~· and outmaneuveml. Not the South Viet-

namese, who probably wou1d not have 1U1Vived without American airpower. And certalnly not the North Vietnamest, who after eight montm of horrendous bombing of their homeland and terrible casualties ln the IOUth, sUll had managed lo coptuni only ooe province c:apltal and at most a dozen out of %50 district


Nina Shamray of Fireman's Fund wu those wlth Communist sympathies "'"""R" ed "smart bombs" to knock out bridges d I · IOI I 1 k ~ ·uwiu that had survived hundreds of air raids r vrng on as wee ~·.~n a ruY up in North Vietnam, thole with anti-in a Honeywell van pulled alongside c.onununilt feelioaJ in the south. in the four years of Lyndon Johnson's air and motioned to her to roll down her Jn a stand-IUD truce, the opportunities war. window and when she did he tossed for local commanders on ellher side to Quang Tri City, a province capital, fell In 8 ~age o( white carnations and clalm disputed territory and to fight over to the North Vietnamese on May I. A drove oo . . A fair visitor named It are endless, and beyond the power of week after that , Richard Nixon declared Mogda Vlllle d1«ked oul cl the Mart 8llJ' truce supmilory force lo police thot he wu mining Norlb · VletQamese Ind into a cab to take her to the air- wttb full eftectlveneu. porll - a further escalation that Johnson pert and on the way lhe driver sud· C:OOtrol of bi&hways, Lssuance of cur- had never dared. dMly stopped at a sidewalk Oower rency, releue of. poUUcal prisoners, tax The Russians and Chinese accepted the stand, bouiht a tingle perfect red collectlon, voter quallllcatlons - all . harbor mining with relaUve equanimity. nee, lnCI presented It to her. But these provide occasions for frlctlon and 1be reason was soon obvlOU!. Despite the wa!t a minute, that's not the best combet. mining, North Vietnamese trains, buJCs, part! Maida wu on her way back to sampans, oxcarts, bicycles and barefoot Phlladelphla and the cab driver's THE PRECEDENTS are not pro- porter• kept an endless stream of .!ll~ rwne was Benjamin Prankllnl Now mllinl· The Geneva agreement of 1954 plies moving to Communist forces in arm1t )'OU glad you didn't ro away? wu ln a state of colJapse before It wu South Vietnam. 1

ever publlabed, though It wu a fairly IF YOU'RE tlred of Geo~e cltlJ'..cul document that called for EVEN SO, the Communist offensive

Lemont'• one-linen that have IJ>- dlviakm d. Vietnam Into two halves, and eventually ran out of steam. Quang Tri

capltala:. If there la doubt aboot who won or lost

al th.- and of the lllloo!lng. thert <an be no doubt that American Jnwlvement in Vietnam will continue. In the course of the year U.S. troop strength shrank from 154,000 men to 25,000. But U.S. Air Force strength In Thailand and on Guam, and U.S. Navy strength In the south China Sea. ju1t about doubled.

Even in South Vietnam, it is expected that as the U.S. military and technicians go home, they will be replac­ed with thou!and! of "civilian" experts:.

"A cease-fire is simple," he says. "Peace will be difficult. We can't cross our arms. We'll have to work bard. peace can only succeed ii men of good will take the lead on both sides."

As one of Sooth Vietnam's elder peartd here for IO many yean (I'm a vote on reunlncatlon within two yean. City was the only province capital to be THERE'S NO pror;pect in sight for an not !) , we've dilcovered a new talent But the als-mlle-detp "demilitarized occupied. An Loe died as a city but stood end to U.S. economic aid to South Viel· statesmen put it, asking no identification, named Din Bunker. who will be&in by IOnl'' between north and aouth was aoon as a symbol. The former i.mperiaJ capital nam, currently running about $600 South Vietnamese civil servants will defining a hornet. 11lt'1 what the poUce funntl=a.:f'"' ID botb dlrectlOlll noo- of Hue came under artillery fire million a year. On the contrary, with the have to cleanse themselves of their Ille to lnlH ltlwt"alkm la. tbe l&op ; IClldilra wen <M:I. tbetr way throu&'hout most of the summer, but by advent of peace. President Nixon has pervasive corruption, and the South Viet-Toaderloln" . . .• 1 oee. ~bow abo!al _,. - - Vlelnam'a pnaldenl !all Jbe Communist gunners had been pledged a 17.5 billion aid program for the namese military will have lo end Its too-118'1w me a 90Jdf_er,. ,a;i;ai~'":•=lll=•;f;~·!Uo=~Dlll~li~" IMeal..-,lt ctar he had no ~ttriTtn ,back deep into the Annamite two Vietnams, $2.5 billion of that fer the frequent practice of looting its own ~and I'll 1~ - .............. ll ~»' -..: ~ .an ., !DC!ezt ... well out of<range. ' ""North. -- -- - people, if the pe1ce is to work.


r SalgOl'I

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with a shriveled right leg and who sup­ports him.sell as a porter and car­watcher, peace will mean he can travel freely to see his family in Nba Trang, 200 miles northeast of Saigon, without being constantly stopped by the police and ask· ed for his identity papen, or without risking being shot on the road.

A correspondent visiting the P..1ekong Delta in mid-December, asked villagers what peace would mean to them.

"When peace comes, our sons will come home," one man said.

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W.-rer"'? Or, "l..Ut Wttfl caug!lt an' reunlflcaUon and ax: tfntted States back· The casual~ies were stQrnacb-tum.lng. With all the past, present and future "WHEN PEACE comes, I ~· ill be able

=~~~~-~~:~~ .. ~·~"";•~w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~-~~;kinE·~1~ure~~~"TH~llB;~e~EJ1~1~oe1b1ZEe..<1e1"""t-wi.11-be--to--ste""""'....,Mh"*'lri1'~...,,'1"'op1<,__~-i!._~~ brtaklnr in"? .•• .. 'htr'' '·--~'~ l:lllod.llo eight months of lhe ouom1 ... ·-f"WIC'l-"OCk is somethlrlg ll.e Vietnalnese loollng for work," tbe ~tOIDWl nmnillg away clloQI the war," "another ~ ~lii{~vll-w · ac:ootdlDg to.-;beit_oWJ1-lijpuu.-l'lley sball-have-lo-do-f<~es;"--in-tre--sa~-is-boc .. .,,...__ · • •

~ wallnlliit uked " Would ~ lite -. .J- il ltlJ1 IOIDI ~ claimed 100,000 Communists kllled. The words of one non-communist member of are problems whertver YoU • " "When peace C'OlJ\es, \ft can eat more

rant t.ny?," didn't be JUe:t aay, 0 Aw -- •""-~ r - •· fl htln •111·• bo yeate:d;:y'a wUI be all rlabt"? o; i;. •~1 80, Wllll ._"'n o l 1u.A, w say I I• eu t usand! of civilians and the opposition in the National Assembly. For Le Ngoc Dang, 27, who wu born rice," a third ad;ded . ...,,.. lie did. Don's that kind of guy.

5!~~~?£~ )Private Colleges Require More State Help elderly woman wearing right-on Gloria Steinem sunglasses and a ponytall-mlt·

=:--~~;~~~~~] As Schools Boost Tuition to Stay Afloat, Students_ Turn Elsewhere me to hitchhike four years ago and y'know what? I haven't taken 1 bus since!" .... A few minutes later, an old car driven by a considerably older man rattled lo a slop. Swinging open the bock door. ht barked "You kids wait - let that old lady in first ." AJ soon as she entered, he slammed the door, chortled "Heeheehee" and drove off, leaving young Carol and Davi with their bare thwnbe: banging out. U..utllul Berkeley.

THE INCREDIBLE "R" rat1111 bestOwed on Fellini's "Roina" by Jack Valenti and his knot head.I tlmply proves again that to the Hollywood mind, se1. is more obecene than vii> 1...,.. Actually, the movie la free of either explicit se1 or violence and wl\b that oboervaUoo I ban probably killed It at ibe bo1 offK:e • . . Meanwhile, people a re stayin~ away from "Slaughterhouse Five· because the ti­tle makes them think il's gory. It isn 'l. It's glorious.

BODKINS' ODDS: 'I11e new Royal Bakery in Mendocino, just opened by Charles Surendorf 111 , boasts an elegant sign painted by his renown~ fatber , Artist Charles JJ, who Jives in Columbia. It 1A·as there just last ~·eek that \Vild Charlie's teen-age daughter asked him to \vr1te an excuse to her teacher and then neglected to read It on the way to sehool. Th1' ~ill teach her a le!!On, for the nole from Fathtr SUrendorf rend "P!rnse excuse Cindy tomorrow - she is going to pose for Playboy." Denied.

DAN LEWIS, the former s.r~ . advertising wtilz (and t-.faryon Davie! Le\v1s' ex-husband ), Is sh'lrhng a new 1d 11gency in Manh:lttan , wlth Baltimore's fad ing superst.-ir . Johnny Unitat. B$ full partner.

WELL. 111£ ORIGINAL Old Vl<'s - the Trader'• flrat "•tore" at ISth and San Pablo In Oakland - 11 now cl- ,..,.,,.., and hll ""'· bynn, ll1ade an alarming d-"l' upon I"· Ung ready to move ctrtaln artlfl\ctt to the new E. Bay branch 1t W1ter1ate: the Ihm shrunken heodl In the lobby are moulct,1 While Ibey are bell11 cleaned, let Jne re<all lbat In '39 &r so, the Trader held 1 ""'teal for a one­

. lino •Jin to be pllood under_ lbese awful.I~ - · Ind I WIS the w!nntt wjilt,"Mt, that ~ WAS 1 ~ marilnll '. . .!l!«bt. llaftll't Will\8i 81\)'tliJiia .. pa ....

By CHARLES M<F ADD EN AnldnM ..,..H Wrltw

· The state must come up with more money tor California's private collegea and wdversiUes to keep lhem ln busiQe8S and avoid higher cost! Jn public in· stltuUons, private education leaders say.

Dr. M. Norvel Young, chancellor of Pepperdine University in Los Angeles, says as the private 11cboob hike tuition ch·arges tn an effort to stay afloat fina·n­ciallj 'they fOrce µtore· studints lQ. enter public tnatttuttona such as the Univenity of caJilornla. ·

Undergraduate enrollment in the 49 member campuses of the Association of Independent C.IUomla Colleges dropped 1.7 percent this fall, the flnt decline In 20 years, Young says.

"Surely, It would serve no usef\ll purpose for the st.ate to concentrate II• subsidies on students ln the public ln­stituUons to the degree that such sub&ldlu indlredly force independent colleges and universities out or

busines&," he said at a recent meeting <lf the state's Coordinating C<luncil for Higher Education.

CALD'ORNIA'S 52 private colleges and univenlties account for 14 percent of the state's students in higher educaUon.

' 'A diminished · independent segment would mean a loss of educational quality and-diversity within the state, le.'!! choice foi studtntl ·selecting college, a shift of more students to public institOtlons and~ additlonal cost to the state," Young said.

Stanford University's governing board last month voted an increase in tuition for the I97So'14 academic year. Tuition will increase by $285, to $3,135 a year and room and board will go !rom the current II~ a year lo 11,425.

BUt ~nd BacchetU. Stanford·s vice provost for budget and planning, said a ltudy showed only about one in four or the pro&pective freshmen ~'ho declined Slanford·s <lffer of admission


picked a public university With lower tui· lloo.

YOUNG SAYS there is a 11.800 gap between student charges in private and public instJtuUons. He says the average &Mual tultioo and fee charges at private institutions are $2.279 now, compared wllh 1615 at.UC and llS7 at the tulticn­free cattfornia State Unlvers1ty and College. · One method of closin'g the gap, Young

says, Is to provide needy students with state money and then allow them to decide whether they want a private or public college.

A !~month study <onducted for the C!'Ordinating council backs UP. Young's view that private colleges are heading for stormy fmMCial seas.

"The nonpublic instltuUons will con­tinue to face severe income-expenditure gaps and will require increasing amounts of state funds If they are to continue

How You as Individual Can Help Conserve Power By LOUIS CASSEl.'I """" """' l•terMn.MI

There are things yoo a1 an Indiv idual can do to ease the Impact and reduee the cost of America's growing energy shortage.

1'te White House otfice of Emera:ency Preparednes5 has: been loc*ln& at the Prtsident'1 rtquest for pr 1 c t I c 1 1 measure• to conserve 5Ub8tantlal quan­titiel of oil, gas and electric power.

The 11e1tth It tpumd by alarming pro­jections ol U.S. energy <OlllUlll)Jllon. lut Year, we used II quadrlWon BTU'1. B1U - for Briu.11 Thmnal Unlll, .. lnternac.Oal Jtandard uted by lldon­llstJ to ~ tnerl)'.

BY '*· without vl(orouo <OnfffVlllOn etfarta, our tner1Y contumption 11 el­pected lo rile lo 116 quadrill ion llTU'a, an lncrtase or 3t percenl.

Even If our output of nuclear power crows at the fastui -lblo nl._ moot ol the iD<reuod _,., d<mand would ""- 10 bt IDOi by 1Jnport1111 lar1er qulD-

•. llUel ol oll lllim Ille Middle ~ nle ,..._ w1n1110 minim!,. our

deJ>'Ddel><e or thla ...,.... of e""'1

becauae (1 ) It I.I costly and would lead to rises 11'! consumer prices of such things a1 electr14U)' and gasoline; (2) it would IJ'UtlY NlftlV&te our lnleroaUonal batall&!t of payments moncy-outnow pro­blem: lDd (!) It Y.'Ou1d increase our mllllary and diplomatic vulnerability ln Mldeut power maneuvers.

SO EVERY American has rea'°'1 to cooperate in energy conserva t ion measure&.

Here ere: aome suggestions by the Of. Ike of JCmeriency Preparedness (OEP) for ltodlvldllals.

-UM ama!Jer automobiles, and teep them _.-fy tuned so that you g•I mu.lmum rtllea'e per gallon of gas.

- Improve the 1nSUlation of your bome; koep your f"""" cltan or ropla« II U It 's •et" add stonn windows il n•ed· ed. k .. p your lbennoatal at tho most ecoDOmfca.I futl-uae level ar'!Sirtent with comfil't. - II all llolhom_ .. .,.,,.,,.,. would aet their thtrtllOllC.U IM cJocr- lower during the winter beating ,....., one! two


degrees hlgber during the summer air condlUoning season, tbe energy savings would be equivalent to 600,000 bam1s of oil l>O<. doy.

11iE OEP also offen numerous energy conservauon suuestJoos to business, in­dustry and government.

-Shift lntercity freight wherever prac· tlCll trom highway to n il. Trucks con­tume more energy than trains per ton· mile of frel&ht tranoported.

- Tluou&h taxes or rate changes, In­duce mare intercity pauengers to travel by train or bus lnsteod Iii plane.

- Alr travel is far less "-.Y· etru:lml" than bus er train 1r1vel.

-BUILD or lmpnm: mbl.n rapid tran­llt 11111ems ., aoon IU"Jlllble and late wbalevet lllUIWU are needed to penuade commutm to use transit ,rather than drive their:_ own cars to and from -k.

II - toot. ll!otlJ and other al'J)I lo _... 1!D61Y, lhe OEP llllmilll that our need for lorelp--oll .,..Jd be nduced as much u two-thinla by 19!0.

their essential role in higher education," the study report says.

But , the report added, if there is more state money there will be more "ac­count.ability" to the state.

Additional state funds "will impose a need for more effective organiz.ation of the nonpublic institutiom and an im­proved accountability to the it.ate and its


planning," the report says. Coordinating Council President Charles

F. Horne s.ays " there is pretty general agreement among most of I.II on most of the .substance of the report."

Young represents private Institutions on ' the council, an advisory body on higher education to the governor and state lawmakers.

Survey Says Most People In World Lack Freedom

By Tbe Assodated Prus Tv.·o-third! of the world's 3.3 bUl!on

people "suffer severe political and civil deprivations." Freedom House reports.

In Africa, only Gambia was credited "'ith a high level of personal freedom. In the f\.1iddle East, ooly Lebanon and Israel ~·ere shown as free.

\Vestern Europe, Nonh America, India, Australi~ Ne!f 7.ea~apd-l Japan, a scat- .. !erlng of islands, and .evmr nau .... 1n Latin America, lncludlng Chile, were also listed as free. The rest of the world was depicted as partly free or not free.

Freedom House describes ltseU as a nonpartisan national o r g a n I i a t I on devoted to the strengthening of free societies.

TBE COMPAIU11VE Survey of Freedom, Freedom House President Dr. Harry D. Gidti0nse said, ••represent.I the mosl detailed examination yet un· dertaken of the changing status ol ~ dividual freedom - an essenU•t bench­mark as the world t:nters an m Of transit ion."

The survey called 1972 "a yNir of high­stake Md hlgb-risk investment" for freedom. " The stake was lasting world stabilily and peace; the risk, concessions by frte world natkm to acllleve it. "

Major criteria for determl::! dvil rights In the survey wtre " f m of the P"'"' lht Impartiality of the Judklary. freedom from banb and u"usual punishments and torturt, and a dellned nnd mtr1cted sphere of . govemmenti1 aCliviry.••

l)R. RAYMOND 0 . Castll, one of the d.aip'1 of the tRJrVcy, m.ado lbesc loncull for 1171:

- " AJ1"111na should move lllto .the

free column ne1t spring if all goes as planned.

- "Bangladesh should be firmly in the free column if its elections next spring are successful and civil rights are fully restored.' '

- "The Philippines will move into the 'not free' column in 1973 if present restrictions are not lifted and there is no return to constitutlonal rule."

Bre1king-00wtt the-worht's-populatlon . t,029,910,000 persons " 'ere considered free: 720,630,000 were partly free , and 1,583,000 were not free.

South VieUlam was characterized as partly free , with a trend toward less freedom ; North Vietnam '"as not free, with no tttnd In eilher direction in-dicated. •

The analysis said 1972 ms "not 1 hap­py year for freedom in Africa" with "an almott imversible trend toward more mllltary and one-party !!tates on the con­tintnt."


----Saturday, January 6, 19'13

The comment page ol the Daily Pilot seeks lo lnlorm and stimulate rea~ers by presenting a variely of com­mentary on topics of Inter­est and signiilcance from · lnlormed observers a n d spokesmen.

R.ab1rt N. WM, Putafl"'9r . .

' "' ~ Mo



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Page 7: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

Good morning, girl 's ' n' boys. Uncle Len and Andy and C.rol all hope that your New Year's weekend was u good u ever.

Here we are starting off a brand new year. and we've done it with a quite a bang. I received numerous drawing contest 'nlrles from all along the Orange Coast. But I am disturbed because we have been receiving so few poems and riddles.

Some of you seem to specialize in riddles or poems. or in both, but none of those persons entered lhe corn· petition tbi.s week.

Carol ls not sure whether it Is the topic that Is not in­apirlng you, or whether it is just more fun to draw than to write.

1---,At-anrnretl'tls Week we have a gbod topic for drawings AND .POEMS so I will expect many good ones. We received some excellent entries in the last . weeks of 1972, but precious few in the first week of the ne"' year. And that's no way to start it off. Carol "·ill think Some of you don't care about him.

The subjecl is snow. Up in Pasadena they got sorr..: sn O\\'

this week for the first :ime in 20 years. Back in the ~1idwest the snow and ice stonns have left thousands of families without power and heat. The snow is pretty, especially in country scenes, but It can be ViciOWJ too.

Your mission this 'A'eek ill to write a poem about snow , a light, lovely fall sno\Y, or a deep ....;nter's blizzard, and/or to draw a picture of a snow scene.

Fortunately. we here in Southern California don't have to deal with too much snow (some recent nights oave been almost cold enough, though ). but most of you probably have visited the mountains and seen pictures enough to know what it looks like.



Otano John-. 12, 9616 Nlghtlnt•I•, Fount1ln Volley

Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's ContS.. Here's all you do: (1) draw picture on piece cX. plain, white paper 511.i inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make -lines black. (2 ) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your 0\\'11 wort. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. fl.fall it to UIX'le Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Cost.a Mesa 82626. Entries must be reeci.ved by noon on Thursday for productklo on the follO\\'ing Saturday. Winner tAiJ\ , receive Kennedy half dollar.

Now, the- riddles. These can be oo any subject. Of c:ourse, it 13 nice it they have somethlng ,to do with the sulr ject or the week. But any one

thinks it's great. Something for you to klok (orward to next week: the announcement or another local winner in the

Ask Andy contest. Have a good \\'eek back in

school and don't £oriel Andy and Carol and their contests.

will do, and just think of how .---------------------. many laughs your one joke can gel if you send it in and it becomes a winner!

Now, I laugh at every one. but when the "'inner's joke is printed. thousands of Famil·t Page fans read it and maybe pass it on to their friends.

Some of you probably have e\'en had people tell you your own joke after they 've rt>acl it in the DAILY PILOT.

By the way, thet"ve been getting some snow up north uf us too. in Oregon, and that


Oh the skies are blue and the fields are green, There'll be some never to be sieen. NO\\' I knO\\' ho\\' sad it is, to V.'ait and wait and

\vajt and "'·, And to send his package never k:nO\\ing if it'll be

his. No\\' I knov.• how sad you \\'Ould be too, if you never

never knev.•.

- A - Ill I ltlfw '""" LMJlto 1"1tt111, l f , IJf °'11 ..... P'lll . 1w fief' l1lfler, H..,,. CIMr . .......... ~ .... Ml """ 1ttlt1"'9 111 v-..- IW !wt , .. ,.. -.n WI ,..,., • . n. lamllY Neel ..... _,., • few llWll!tlt ..,_.. ftl.ll CIMr. P'itnll 111111 ....... Ith -!Ids.

playful bear shOW!J be low ~--------------------~

~~-i?f~=f!arofj Corner RIDDLES and JOKES

hM ,.., """' .. ,. Asa: ..... , . Teacher: If plants breath oxygen dur­ing the day, what do they breathe at night?

• •I• 0,.... C.... Defir rta.t, 1o1 1161. C111t11 w .... Celff. * ArwJy 1e<'ldl • t Dmpl•!• ?IJ.volwme

W Qf tl'\t M1rll Sl\ldenll Ertey'tlgpecJ I• to W9ftdy E1', .ge 11, Of Col .. MK.I , for 11..,.1111111 :

What kind of anlmal 11 the loris'!

Liziness is about the best word to describe the loris. Long ago, Dutch explorers found him in the jungles of Asia. To them, he was a strange new animal. After o.bserving him for a. while, they named him the loris, from a Dutch word meaning "sloth". or downright laziness .

The people of fl.1alay, who · have known him for a very, very long tfme. call him the bashful cat. This is because the furry, cat·si2ed fellow often covers hi! race with his monkey·type band&.

The monkeys, as we know. are frisky acrobats and very fond or monkey company. They fill their days with noisy gossiping and restless activity. No sell-respecting mookey \\'OUld wanl to recognize a lazy cousin who moves in 5low mo­tion and dous all day. Nevertheles s. human zoologists insist that the lazy loris- belon8S in nobl Order of Primat~s - which includes the s pr i g h t I y monkeys and the dignified great apes.

Alter a lot of searching. v.'C might lind the loris In certain steamy jungles of Asia . Dur­

perhaps he notices a moth . resting .on a lea!. The lazy hunter mov~s a lazy hand,


Bright kid: Nitrogen.

then a lazy fo.ot. Not a leaf Is L~===================='.J rustled as he inches toward his prey.

When he gets close enough , he makes a lunge and grebs· the moth in his hand. takes care of his exercise ror one night, at least. tt is said that sometimes he catches a lizard . though this seems hard to believe.

The SO:Called slow . loris grows to be JS inches long, He is quite chubby and there is a black stripe down 'the back of his fawn-colored coat. He is at home in the jungles or Southeast Asia. The sO<"ailed slender loris of India and Ceylon is dark grey and mere­ly eight inches long.

The female loris beers a single baby at a time, about six months afler mating. Not much is known about her family life. except that junior leaves her before the next baby arrives. Like all his. kin- ~·"\> folk . he lives a solitary life. . . Naturally such a slowpoke ts_l)ds to vojd accid n ._with ~·~±:.~::!!~-~~'f" :::..:=-=:::.::::: luck. he can expect a life span of about ten years.

Andr Mnd1 110 to l.., !onm!lft. ~ 12, Cl! il'lreYfPOl'I, L• .. tor hl1 qvtS!IOll :

Where does the wattr go at low ttdt!

ing the day, he is fast asleep. The heaving tides must be wtth hi! furry face nestled in viewed on a global scale. Thi& his furry tummy and his little is a watery world, where monkey hands gr~sping a lofty oceans cover thr~uarters of bough. the surface. Two high and two 1 Except for his mookey·lype low tide! occur during a eaten· fingers , you might mistake dar day. but this parade of ups him for a sleeping IUtten with and downs chases around the thick , soft ru;- pf _ e:rey Of globe. "3. this happens, the brown. ~\DJ~. ~ lazy level of lhe world ocean is lot:is llo1'l1:.-ver1,Me>Wlx com· beaV«I up and lowered several es awake and t'Mnkl of foQd, feet. Alter the low tide

As he uncurls. you notice his recedes from your favorite small rounded ean and the beach, yuir local part or the big hazy eyes that stare from ocean begins to rise wllh the hit lltUe poinled l1ct. But ho next high 1ldc. still Iookt oomewhat like • r..... TbLt global parad6 of bunlpo ' ry, bo!Hollod kitttn. ;tt1at...t.. and -~ 11, or coune, unW hi iWll to111ove., rovem<d oy"the moon and Ille and e.pecially kltttn1 lovt to rotating' eal1h. As the moon le1p, bolince ahd pounce at passes overhead. its gravity high st>e<d. The tazy loris doe1 heaves up a high lid• In the everythl"I In super •10\t mo- ~an be~ 11: This lmge Uon. hUIJ'IP' or water leave-. a trough.

He dtnu On eaves, fruit and of low waler on both ·sides. tt insect!. Slowly, very slowly he . allO eal129 the ocean to heave l'Olches up lo 1roap 1 berry or up a matching high tide on thc a helping of greenery. Then opposite side of the earth.


Tossln' atad Turnin' -A pollTbeaTat Portland zoo-I! right at home in the seven inches ol snow that !ell in the area recently. He begins his roll . at top, puts his paws over his eyes, and ~inda up staring at the photographer.

Cleared for Take-off? Jeffrey Hobbs. 5, of San Rafael , gives thun1bs·up sign to his faU1er Richard liobbs. as Dad s pin.'> the 1JrnPCller- on a -nrodC't-or--an·-ot(f--(1;erman--r<'otker D·\' lII that he built for his son Jeff for Chris tinas.



<, aJJ ed " ~lic helle" (after Je ff's gr il friend l. the plane has a 10·foot 'vingspan ;ind ·· ~· ill fly i f pu.c.hed over a-tim." :><cording m-Jts-builder. tt;-tool<- two mo~ths to construc.: l.

Amazon Purer Than Most U.S. Water - · al dl'velopment.

The Amazon 1s by far the , This has been pro\ rd by ill· fa!ed attempts in tunes pns! to car\'e fanns out of the rain forest by clearing lhl' land ul IU: age-old tree cover. TI1e forests were luxuriant, so "''hy wouldn' t the land be. once the trees were got out of the way?

greatest river on earth . 1t drains 2.3 mill ion square miles of land , Including the world's largest raln forest. I t s drainage basin is near!)' three-quarters the size of the United St.ates before Alaska and Hawall.

Nevertheless:, according to a m::ent report by the U.S. Geological Survey, its waters arc purer than " most ()f lhe tap u•atcr in the Cnited States."

fn son1e places accord ing to the Survey, Amaron samples were round to ha ve "a chemical purity near I y equivalent to that of distilled \\'' '

HOW CAN TJUS be the case in view of the fact that the Amawn is 3,900 miles long and is !ed by more ~an 200

more than 1.000. miles in len th?

One reason is that f()r a . period of perhaps millions of years heavy rainfall - now around 'so to 120 inches a year - has "almost completely leached the S<lil of readily soluble mlnerals that arrect the chemical purity of a river.' ' according In the Geological Surve}'.

It turned out that the ripe

JtrO 'o\'lh or the richly 'A'8l('f('cl rain forests \\·as !>ttsla1ncd largely by ~ hei r ow n Rt'· hum us, a resourc,. that \•anished \\'hen the Lrees "'cnt down. 11\C clea red land ""'as baked by the sun into latcrite. a rrtlneral a." ~rd as concrete and· as inhospitable lo ille .

~EVERTllEl ... : "iS, the Arna · zon is a laSC'1na11ng rJ\'1•r and its hasin a pr>trnllelly r1ch source of 'A't'alth 1f pro1)1.·~ty exploited F'or sotnt· yt>ars C.S. Geological Sur\'t'Y ~cient1sts have been \\'ork ing wilh thrir Brazilian counterparts I o measure the river's stupen­dous flow.

The sol! in lht> AnH11on basin, the Survey sr1 id. has been '° thoroughly leach.etl ..ol mineral content " that ii is nnt sufficiently fertile for n\0-.1 agricultural crops:." 0 n I } along the flood plains is the soil rich enough for agricultur·

OAILY P'I LOT l"Mlw., "•lrldl O'Dlnllell

f:lose-11p On an excursion of the San Diego Zoo recently, a photographer passed up man y of the exotic animals for an expressi ve profile shot of one of those ahun · dant littl e American creatures - a gopher.





' ' ~,1 :ia.Y'\ ~ C\ ncl . ~ ~o

~c\r-w ~' "J)OTIU'-~~M


Page 8: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

8 DAILY "LOT Saturd111, J....,., 6. 1975

Pulpit & Pew Countians Honored ,

. ..,.. .. , Phi lllplllt cbrck ol

1-111111, 11 !4621 Moulton Pl!Wy.; """lee Sunday at 11 a.m., church llChool at 9:4S; aermon "The Time ol <lw' Llves," by the Rev. tvan B. Bell; Bible l\udY Wednesday al 7 p.m.

Harilor Trhalty · Bapti>I CH,.., at WO Baker St., Costa Mesa: 1ervloo Sunday

at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.1 Church scheot II t :IS; ........ "wk<. the Man atld Bia .!Uatory," by the-iltlr. Cormle Sa1loJ.

c-.reptlwl Coroaa del Mir Commaolty

Church,•tloaal, •t t11 Heliotrope Ave.,; Service and church scheol SUnday at 10 a.m.; sermon "The Shape of Tomorrow," by the Rev. Philip G. Murray.

e Oraoce County ts an- the st tallamedto._i ...

I Jilver pm f;r 1 ~

p ,, .... ~ IJoacrel•ueo.l E""'lurJ di - "' the a.artk o1 Newport Harbor. at t'°'1al Cllurch ol Ult SUI Broad St., Newport ounquare ~. llarbor; _ st(Vl<e and churcb Pmentatloll 11111 loo -school &andily at 10 a.m.i 1.,.. the fRMn...._,, sermon by th• R<>. Paul i>ldeii JubU.....,_ hb. Flnktnblnder, Latin American :141 In the j)lmil cburch,

·evangelist. Agenlue Temple, Loa Angetea, • It '81d Dr. II'. Ill. Van Cleave, .-ut et-•• Santa Ana, dtltrtcl supervllor

Cbrt1t Lud.eran Qlurck. at of Foursqµare ehurchet. 7llO Victoria · oervlce ~unday · Mrs. J . O. (Wilma) Kirk, co-

• pastor with her huablod or ' (~PULPIT, Page 9) Buentl Park Fo ursquar e

O!urob, and Rev. Wei~ £. Mlchol, plllor ol Ille :IMla Ana .......... amr.b .... to

be service award noclpimto, ..,. to Dr. Van Cleave.

DR. llAROLD W. Jefferies, ewport U..cb, former Santa

Ana resident and district supervllor tn thls area, will chalr the conclave, expected to attract several thousand delegates, lncludlog J)JSlors, e v a n gelfatl, tnmionaries, youth leaden and laymen Crom around the world.

Or. Van Cleave noted that there are more than 800

... cliurthtt of Iha -mlnadoa In tbe UnllOd Slaltt aml Conada, IDd r .... llll)<r Blhle colltgtS, with iqlatooarla In ovtr 30 dillerent-tolllllrleo, all a ...Wt from the loundlna ol tbe denQrninatloo 50 yeer< qo by the late Aimee Mcl'l>lnaa.

Dr. Hobttt Scbulltt, poltOI' Garden Grove Community Church, Is ont of th• principal speakers for the week·long ccnclave.

Ol.snryland Hotel wlll be the scene on Saturday, Feb. 24, for the LIFE Bibi• College Alumni AslOCiatlon annual reunion breakfast.

CONCLAVE CHAIRMAN Dt-. Harold Jefferffl

Show Slated Fot Deaf A demallllrallOll of the

T.T.Y. "'°''Ot1er ll)'llemd fort comm- by •• pel'90lll wm be glvm el the w-ter Ftrsl llaptllt Olurcb on sundly 1:30 , .m.

It will be followed by JD awarda program for the deaf and those who work with them at the church.

The system to be on dlspl•Y will involve communlcat!On by telephone and toletype •

The accompanying letture "111 be given by a represen­tative of the finn that manufacturers the equipment.

at IC .. b)I

! at a. ••• lie!


c 3& Ck 10 .., .

NEWPORT CHRISTIAN CENTER FlftHnth ind Monrovi1 Strfffl

1:30 A:M. I. 11:00 A.M. -Morning Worship B••lc Human Behavior-Leviticus 23

"KEEPING THE , OF TIME" 9:45 A.M.'....sunday School








Main & Adams Streets Huntington Beoch ·

l lble School I Mor"h19 Wor1hip 9:00 I 10 :3 0 A.M.

A Cordial W •!come from

THE UNITm METHODIST CHURCH NEWPORT CENTER w...w,_t:tt A.M. Af 111....._ ...........

11111 A.M. •St. Mk.._.., .........c ..... M•l'lffflte at Poclflc YMw 0.

c., ........ ,._.: f75·0tSO

H1111ti119tetl le1ch FIRST UNITED

METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. ll6-l5l7 S1rvic•• - 9111 I 10:3 0 HUrlll'l' Clre AH MornlnV Church School - 9:15

tht Bil gr, Mc II< Be


JANUARY 7, 1973

Cotti Mtsa-Flrst Church of Christ, Scl1ntl1t 2110 "-- , .. Dr .. Colte .....

Yo11th Gro11pt ••• , .• 6:.00 p.111.

Evenln9 Wor1hlp • , •• 7:00 p.111.

Nlff'Mni' c.ert PFll'l'JoNd el a.II 11n1lmt 1---111---=o=;c<'.=, ,=,=:Mo;=,=,.===---=Hllll'tl,,,mr-IHclt-~ FIRST UNITED COMMUNITY

I Cb Ne

- di] n.rllt.y- 7:30 P.M . s,.., _ 7:00 P.M.


ClhrMt a CW C:.. AMlleWI ffll .. ~I Dr. George O. •Wood, P11tor · 646-7117

FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 140 E. 22nd St., Co•lt Mola-54"3761

E-. W. Phillip•, P11tor SUNDAY SlutCIS

9:11 A.M.--S11tMy Sc .... C._ tAR ... , CHILD CAii AVAIU.ILI Cl ttn I)

10:50 A.M.-"llrttNHtb" ,..., ...... Spffll1911

»OO r.M~·o..--· P•tor PWlll,. ,,...1 ..

K.- tf M1111 ........ I P.M .~offtil ...... Cy Holm••· Director

HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Co1t1 - 541-4704

Y. L HRTWICI, ,...., .... LaN ' · M•ll'TW•CK C.llL e1ENTllY ,......., If ,...... -..... .. Mlltlc

- SUNDAY lll'llCIS -

9:4S A.M-s.Mlr w..1

10tll .... _..,.. w..-Of°"'......,. .. J ~ •• t s... .,\...,. . ..,,.,.... . .

.-.~tMt::a&k "

· 'COSTA MESA"l:HRtSTtAN~L Pr9-ld1tl' - ....... - 11111111117 ,- OIM•Wt

CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH 23rd StrMI 11 Orange, Costa - - ~303

,.,...: .....,. ... l••pl• YMfll ,__ - FrM M_.

M ..... WMllllfi 1 O:JO &a --41111., kllMI t ..., ....._ INM .. W.nlil~7:ff , .• .-rr.y. Moett.f WH,..7:00 ,.-.


harbor reform temple RABBI BERNARD P.XJNG

meeting at St. Jimes Epl6COpal Church o 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach

For Information: Call 675-7230

Sn4crp Sdiool - 9!11 A.M. c••rc• Senke - 11 :oe A.M. ............ 2150 ..... ,.,. o,.

Huntington Bt1ch-First Church of Christ, Scltntftt

'"'a 011 ... H•""..,.. 1eec11 S...i., Sdool - t :30 & 11 :00 A.M. Cllltt'Clt- 9:30 I 11 :00 A.M. ........... - lll ... St.

Newport Be1c~Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist J303 Via Udo, Newport IHcll C1incti I S111day Sdloel 9:00.10:30 A.M. ...... 1..., Jl1S Yffl Ud•

Ntwporl Botch-Second Church of Christ, Sclontl1t Jl 00 Paclftc Yin Dr .. Coro.. .. M• Cltltrctt I S1'"'-f ScltHI - I 0:00 A.M. le.dl19 loo• - 3500.1 Coost HWJ. (bfrw Nardt:lal

W9d. 1 .... 1 .. TMtl111011Y .. ...,.,. - I p.11to - All ~

All Of'e cordlallt1 invited to atwut the church 1ervice1 and en;o11 tl1e privtlege.s of the

Reading Rooms

CltSM C.. Prorldod AT ALL SllVICU

0, NIWPOh HACH - CDhcl,a.I ........... ....., At U,,..- lay loyt Chlll

2111 Tftft• A .. ., C_,. ....

Sunday School '. .................. . 9:30 A.M. • (",..,' t •

?\lorrun Worshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ,, .. .. ...., .,~ .... "9wldo4



• .. ........ lecrHtf• C.9'«

25100 MHtoltMe Dr. 611 HELIOTROPE Mlulff VJ.I• w.m1, - 10 A.M.

SIM7!17 , ... J711 CMtdi kM9I - 10 .t..M.

Phil ArRold, Mhtitfe•


- -- -ST. JAMES, 1209 Yla Ude, Hew,.n leoc•

7:JO A.M.-Holy IHIMnht 9:00 I 11 :00 A.M.....,_lly Wonlll,

AltftHt9 H .. y IKllerbt Ir ... ,.1 .. ,,.,., Nonery prO\'lded.

MW0 W ... Holy C-•••loo I H .. 11119 5"rkn

TMldcry - lO:JO A.M. WedMlffy -1:00 P.M •

TIMI 1 ... Joli• P. AllMy II. Rectof- Pllo•: 675-0210

ST. JOHN THE DfVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sund1y1 1:00 I 9:30 Church Xkool - 9:3 0

ff. Howanl Mon C.rtwri9lrt, ·Ylcar-f'llctw 54141126

Phan•= "'2•21-2·<----'"- sai11rMicHaerAliirA11 Angel~ Epi'scoparCliurc Minister: Dr. D. IV. McEJroy ~


'-'-- H.,._r M hlm.w • SUNOAY MORN ING fllllE STUDY , •••••••• , , • •• , • 9:41 A.M.

SUNDAY MORN ING WORSHIP I COMM UNION •••• 10:41 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP • , ••••••.•• , .•• , • • • • i :OO P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE-NING l lllLE STUDY •• , •• , •••••• , • 7:30 P.M.

NUISllY CAll PIOYIDED w. Wlllt ...m .. ~.

Minl1t•r ... ~

M111icel Dir•cfor

Phone: 64S.3191 Day or Night

lnl P-.ffk Y&rtw Drt.., CoNM .. M• S111cfoyti·l:OO A.M • • 9:10 A.M •• SclMMl/HnMrY·9:10 A.M.

T11......,._7:DO A.M. Wfftleldirp-9:10 A.M. The In. Johll IOf«S Dcnll, lKtot - n.... 644-H&J

ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1236 lllh St., H•oti99fOll .._.

fJnt r..t of Aw P.i.tsl 1:00 A.M.-Holy COfll1t1ut1ion 9:10 A.M.-f1milr Servic• & Ch11reh School IN11rt•rv C•r•I

11 100 A.M.-Mo"'int Worthip IN11rtery Cer•I 7:00 P.M.-Fe1tiv1I b1n1on9 & S.r,..on

Epitcop•I Yovrtg Ch11reh,..en fllt' Cl'lurdl II etw.n •v•ll•ble !Or Holy Mlrrllilt

J1111e, C. Cel•y, Pe1tor - 962-7512 R11.1 516-4061


¢ TEMPLE SHARftN '':!~~M~~~~~=L LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER j v • IS•fl oi.,. fr .... .," c111 ..... - Left ... ftlldlebon) 798 Dovtr Dr. LI s.3631 2900 Pacific Vitw Or.

... H•NONll,. "''lllM t.. ... ~ • ln. llo• MMI-, ...... Co•ont del Mu fftlr• Hsrhr AtH "'It'- 9 :30 A.M. Sunday School for all atn "- 1" · ,,_ G. llala,

11 00 ' 11tw Riv. P•11I Rom•I•, D.O.

617 W•t H.,.ltM, COlttl MIH : A.M. MornflHJ Worship I t:OO A.M.--s--- Ci.rd • • • HUIUt:IY CA•a ,.OYIOl!O AT IOTH HOUIS Eet., Worihip 1 :00 ...... -r

All Jewlth l1mii11 ere l11'llt•d to join 1uin • truly mee11inglul ,..., IRtwin•tlN Cltllcffllllltl Othlr MM!lnn C•ll U).1111 C' E ...... THE CHURCH FOR YOUR FAMILY 11rlttie11 duc1t io 11 9 :15 • .m. 10:00 A."-W..,.tp •~--

$AIU.TH IYININI; SEIYICl5-fllDAY AT 1:15 P.M. F · W h ~~ --.1.1111i.i.. wttll 1M lullU 0-rli CMtlf"ence e1t1ve on ip , 10 :]0 e.11'1. Nur11ry for •111•11 ehlldre11

s,lrttNI La4*t- Rebbl hnoo hff.- llF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ill provid•d '46-5552 Te.,.ple Sher6111 Choir - 0 11et Shibot Nursery Care Availabl e Phone 644-2664

JllYICU.-10:00 .... -4 f :lt , ••. ............ , ....... ... .... , ...... COAST BIBLE CHURCH

MAICO FOmD JI. Hl6H. SAii JUAN CAPISTUNO 4fJ·194f 4 ... 1141 UM407


Hel Clfft Orl_N....,.,.. aMCll •01441 Dr.,, K ........... ......,

........ Sdltot - ti4S AJA. WlnlllJ - 1hll ~ .. 11• "IA. .,..._..., Prl"' semc1 1ra P.M.

CAPISTRANO VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH 3201~~,· ~~~,~=,~~~ .....

I...,. Oltle ktMlll - t i • Cllt111M!I Tr•llifll - I .. Ill • .... ,....., Pnrar - 1: 11 """ •

""IW WHMIM IM'f....,n, I.A.. M.ll.I'., M. OfY. ..,,.,Ml

CHU.RC.H OF CHRIST • ,., ft•ltl!ilfoll st .. " ......... "9dll , .

.....,. c...... - 11111 u . ......., - teiSf A.M. & • 11t '.M. w ,,.,, "" '""'- - UoW'1 °''' UtllJI v ..... frwtll Tfftlltt ..,. .~

... MlfeH, ..... - .... ,

CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE "'--.. "--- C...,,. I'- et at TM .,_ ,...,., ..,,..~. o.o. - .... ,.,

""~ ....... , ... ~ SUltlDAf RlYtcl - t & ti A.M.

.it. CllWcfl & YWltl ~ - t A.M. O.IJ'

IRVlll-E COMM'UNtTY CHURCH C .... AM,.......,, et Sall C..,.. Mt)

A llBLE TEACHING CHURC!i ....,..,.__11 A.M. 17P.M. ........ ,_,,.., .... .... ----

Seventh-Day Adventist Church 271 ArocMo St,. c..t. w ...

hlepll F. J.ff,..s. Paltof - ,..._ S4W596

Sa bl.1th School • , , • •••••• • , ••••• , ••••••• , . ••••••• 9 :10 e.m. MarniftlJ Wor1hip ••• , • . •• , • , • •••• , • •• ••• , , , , , , . , • 11 :00 e .m. Pr•y•r M1•fi1MJ W.dne-.dey • •• •••••• • •• ••• , ••••••• • 7:3 0


, , !;YAN_GEltC~ ·~:,;cT. · 610 S. Cont Hlfltway at M .,._,.. BIBLE CENTERED MINISTRY

9:00 A.M.--5nday k'99f fof All A ... 10:00 A.M.-M9rWI .. Wonlllp

( NIWHfY c .. f'NwWod 6:00 P.M.-1,..1119 a.Mee,., All 7:00 P.M.-HIP ScllMI ....:.coll•••

' Pntor Tff I . IAppet-491-4422 . .... M.,...,._Yolltll DINc*'


340 St. A•'• Pa.c. at G~ J• M . ..,,,.. Ml•httt

P'nl 11 .... r MM .... Ml•hNf

Femlly W....., I Clllncll ScllMJ-10 A.M.

...... .... Of - ... ,,..... s...... ~ .... ,.., .. ..., . 4'4oCOll

'Pl~inouth Con8r~ational Church ef Jkwrirt Har~r

10:00 A..M-Mel'ftlllf \lf•rth-op "Ut. ,,.._ ~"

JOHN A. LINDVAU. PAJtOt- llN PIAZll, INThN MINISm 1261 ..... St.. " •• ,... .... - f.U.17 .... ..,7J- "~ 9f.-Ti~



760 VktoM St, CalN ..... l.elltar Y. Terww, '-­

Hl-5404 w.n1111 ~"' 1111 • n "..M. hlMrt kt!Mt. t 1a A.M.

,..,. 1;w. c1.1 .. 1 , , . "..M. amtl• 11 .... ,., SdlMI - 141 1161


University P1rk, Irvine .... ........ N.N..,_

S....., SchoJ-9:00 A.Ill. G11tm s-.k• - 9:00 A.M. A••_,, ... c...,-10A.M. w • .....,-11A.M. 11J·1211 N•nery c_.. IJJ.J14'

PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M .. We,. DrfYe A ... " C.6. ...... c.llf.

ANDttlW C. "NOllSON, ,._,... - llCMAllD ' ACGaSIEftl, lfltft

Sunoly Sdlool: f ; JQ a.m. - ""°"'"" Wonlllp : • : ...... 11100 • • in.

Prine• of Peece lufh•r•1t School - Miu Etther O lto111, Prl•clpel

Offic• Phon11 5-'9·0S21 Sdtbol "'6ne1 549-0562

METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. I H•rlxir 91 ... d. 6662 H•il A"•· 142-4461

WMIM, Wordiip - 9 I 10:10 9:10. 11:00 ....... L Ls. I • 00 ·M

Church School - t :lO A.M. Cnurcn cnoo - : ,... •

Cott• Me•• NorH1 MESA VERDE

METHODIST CHURCH Mei• Verde I l•k•r St.

549°2719 Worthip I Church School

9:30 A.M •. _ _ _

hu11te l11 V•ll•v FIRST UNITED

METHODIST CHURCH 11225 lu1h1rd

962-2591 Worship A Church School

9 I 10 :30 A.M. Mini1ter

Ford R. Mill 1r

lrvh1e - Ee1t Bluff


11]·12] ] I 1422 Culver 11.oed 11 Unlwnlty Ori.,.

Worihip & Ch11rch School 9 & 10:10 A.M.

let11n• leeclt METHODIST CHURCH

21632 w.,1 • ., Drlvo In SClvth Ui;rUM

Watihip e"d Chvrch School - I 0 A.M.


N1wpori l1ech

CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 W. 01lboe Blvd. 671·3105

Wor1hip-9 :l0 A.M. Chvrch Schaol-9 :JO & l I A.M.

This Sunday Worsh ip in

'St.Andrrw's Presbyterian Clune Ii

nu me Hi

I Chi Dr SUI ...

I ( 1

St. 429 a.. Sui

1 not me "Tl Clu vid: dw

1 wil c"' vid

600 St. Andrews Road • N,ewport Beach

D~ . Ch1rlet H. Oi•r1.nfi114, P•llor

~~l!ll--flfltlf'~'L' -+-----1----*" n Nie

ermo• •1•• •1 .... , • • ~ li1te11 to KOCM-FM, 7:10 A.M. S11"d1v

ldan11cal Services: 8 .-.M. 9.30 AM and 11 AM Child care and chlld1en·1 S11nd11y Sehoo1 •I 11111er11!ces

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian

20112 M...-tkl _Cl!few Admlllll H ........ hecli ...... DoHW l. labtrtt. ,_,.,

Sud.-y Wonfl;lp: 9:10 A.M. ~ ScllMI: 9:Jt A.M. Oflw: 20112 MapeHe St. "'-o: 961-'940

Church of the Covenant 2150 hlnkw load, Cct1ta Mne .......... ,....,,..,

5Hday W...W, Ir CIMlrdi $cllCJol- l :JO Ir 10:00 A.M. ,.._: 557.JMO

Community Presbyterian Church 411 .... t ... .,.. .. , l.atllH ....

Rr1. Attll.r J. Tollll.,.., - In. ANMrrt O. H!wp9 s..., w ....... 1,: 9:00. 10:30 A.M. Cllnc• Schol 9100 A.Ill.

,....: 494-7555

St. Mark Presbyterian Church C.... Jom• 1 ... & hdWoff·Dme, CotM9111i1 M•

-- ........ llrk, ,ntor Wol'lldp • Cllllfd Sc ... t- 9 I 10:JO A.M.

.... : 644-1)41

Trinity United Presbyterian Church 17 .. 1 ....,_,, s.t.Alla C\IJ ..... ef ....... Pwy.I

W..W, Ir Ctr.rd Scllool - 9:00 a 10:31 A.M. .... Gfff'9I' A. ,. .... , .... tor


Attend Church This ,Sunday.


IUNDAT IE•VICI & SUNO...Y SCHOOL ... .......... .......... . ., 11 ilt A.M. Mllllfl" •• . • t:IN- C. JKIJ-

141 C.... St., C..te w ... 546·1012

nMPLE HILLEL 6662 Heil Ave.. Huntini:lOn Beach

S36-1417 c.,...,...ttve Cont,.,.tlon Rabbi Pincm Goodblatt-cAntor. Paul R. Levins

,,....., ......... S«-ricet - • ,. .M. Abe SMM" ... •el-- SC-..

Newport Unity l..Oftbl D. P"UCIClttOIElt. ........

o. .. tt11 .. S..r'- 11 A.M • S•itel.y $clttnl for e ll •l•J - 9:00 W'I. ........ ,_. __

0Mcie-14f,.1111 DIA&..A~IAYU 644-mJ


11:11 A.M. -SvrMl•y Morning W•rshlp 111eo A.M.-SvnrMy Schootf tor an.,..

(7141 61Me11 ., 17141 UM11f






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Page 9: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


Pulpit: & Pew Anaheini Confab

(c..tlaod lnm Page I)

at t:l.5 and Jl ~.m., church acbool and Bible clas1 at i:IO; &ennon " Let There Be Light " by the Rev. LotJu•r V, To1'QOW. -8t. Paul's Lutheran Claurcb at 429 Cypres1 Drive, Lagun; Beach; 1ervlce Sunday at 10 a.m., church &ehool .at to· stnhOn "'Mic Wise eame Seellina Christ;• by the Rev. Roy Gesch; church council in­stallation.

tllr1tt Lutheran Cburril, at 35522 Camino Caplstrano, San Clemente; service Sunday at 10 a.m., church school at 11 · sermon "Under Author\ty," by the Rev. J. Emory Ack~rman · Bible class al 11 a.m.; con: gregation leaders to meet ~tonday al 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. John Bruneer or Ule Lc>ng Beaeh district.

Anderson, <:hurcb ICbool at 9:30; Key 73 commJtmenl &.... dlJ'.

Red .. 111!( Lotllo ... Church, at 163Sr Sprlngd• SL1 !fun• Ungton Beach: ~ llllnda1 · at 3: 15 all\I 10: 45 a.m,. cliwch school 1t ! :30; sennon uvour Place In God'a World," by the Rev. Eu1ene Schramm.

Lathona Chureb or the M.11ter, ~t !900 Pacific View Drive, Corona cit! Mar; 9el"Yice luDday at 10 a.m.; sermon ''On the Alert," by the Rev. Paul Romeis; nat'Ylwide television special today at 4: so p.m., Channel 5, on •·Key 73 -Faith In Action."

Metltodut l\1esa Verde l ' e 1 t e d

church school at 9; sermon "New HorUons,'' by lhe Rev. llenry Gerhard.

Cruwn Val ley Covtn.111.t Church, :it 24600 Lu Plata Drive, J..nguna N1b'UCl ; servi<'e Sunday at 11 &1 .1n ., church school at 10; se rm on "Spiritual Asplratlons (or 1973." by the Rev. llobert A. lionootte.

St. Jainrs Epltcopal C11un:lt, at 3209 Via Lido, Newpon Beach; RrVice Sonday at 7:!11'1. g and 11 a.m.; sennoo on lht: Anglican Communion, by Ul6 Rev. Canon Gregory Blaxland, administrative assistant to the Anglican Bishop of Chili.

Nr"'J>Ort Unity Cenkr of CrratlYe Llvlng, at 15th :ind Irvine; ser\Pice Sunday at 10 a .. m.; sermon .. Prayl'r nnd Praise ," by the Rev. Loren D. Flickinger.

Planned Anaheim will be ~ site

of 11 two day 1973 Stale Evan­gellsin Conference in JMuary and 1-~ebruary .

Fa.llowing the ttwme "The Spirit Filled \\11tnesising Ufe.'' the conluence is designed to magnify ways a Christian may share bis witness in hls dally life.

The conferenet wUI meet at the · Euclid Street Baptist Cllurch, I~ So. Euclid St., Anabeiru, Jan. 15-16.

NeWJIOrt Harbor Luthrrnn Church, al 798 Dover Or!ve, Newport Beach; service Sun-

--day--at-8--and 10:~""11-:m.: scr­mm "A Retum to Funda­mentals," by the Rev. Elmer Hjortland.

l\1etbodist Church, at 1701 Bak~r St., Costa Mesa; service and church achoo! Sun­day at 9:30 a.m. and church; sermon "From Creation to Cloning," by the Rev. ll..:...____Dl_fou~ Church nt LOlhatr Green. 1734 Orange, Costa ~tesa ;

Daily sessions will be con­ducted at 9 a.rn. and 1:45 p.m., whh evening sesslon3 beginning at 7 p . m . Participating ln the Anaheim Conference will be more than 300 Southern Baptist Churches fr-0m Los Angeles, Crescent Bay. San Fernando Valley, the High Desert and all of San Bernardino County.

The sessio.n will feature six Biblesfucfies on fbe tfoly Spirit. Dr. Charles L. ~1acK.ay, pastor of First So. Baptist Church 0£ Stocksdale. Ariz. and retired secretary for the Arizona Convention. will be the teacher. Or. ~1acKay is author of the recently publish· ed OOok entitled .. A Primer on the Holy Splrlt ."

Prince of Peace Lut'!teran Church. 2987 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa; services Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m.: :sennon by the Rev. Andrew C.

St. Paul's l 11.stallation

On Sunday The 1973 church council of

St. Paul's Lulhcran Church, 4l9 Cypress Drive, Laguna Beach, will be installed in this Sunday's 10 a.m. service.

The Rev. Roy Oesch an­nounces that the sermon message on Sunday Is "The Wise Came Seeking Christ ." Nursery care is p~ vided for preschool children during this service.

The church councll for 1973 will consist of Roland Wetzel, chairman: Robert Bachmann, vict! president; G eo r ge

Newport Cr:ottr United ~fethodlst t'burcb, a t 9 a.m. at Balboa lsland Chapel. 115 Agate, and 11 :15 a.m. 111 St. J\fichaels and All Angels Church. Pacific View Drive and ~1arguerite A v e n u e . Corona de! Mar, sermon "Three Words for the Ne\v Year," by the Rev. Juhu It Knox.

Presflwterie11 SL Andrew's Prttbyttraln

Church, at 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach; service Sunday at S. 9:30 and 11 a .m .. : sermon "Walking Through Closed Doors," by the Rev. Charles H. Dierenfield.

Presbytrrlao Church of lbe Covenant, at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa: service and church school Sunday at 8:30 and 10 a.m.; sermon "Business as Usual." bY the Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie.


CongregatlOllS Temple Beth Dafld of

Orange County. at 6100 .. Hefley

sen-ice Sunday at 11, church school at 9: 45; sermon " New Year 's l~esolutions" by the Rev. Robert Jacobs: Sun­day at 7 p.m. " His Kids" youth cho~r and band to perform; youth service at 5:45 p.m.

Eckankar LectID·es Scheduled The Orange County Satsang

Society of Eckankar will be giving two free lectures in the Orange County area this week. 1'he fir!)1 will be at Mission Vie jo on :\londay al 8, at Dcnvney Savings and Loan: 25972 ~1urlands ,

The second lecture will be on \Vt.>dnesday at Fullerton Savings and Loan, 1203 E. Yorba Linda, in Placentia .

The lecture will include the topics of sou l travel, rein­carnation . li\'es, karma, the sound L'Urrenl and other subjects the Eckankor

Several of America's b<•st kno"'"'" preachers and t·On· lerence I ea d c rs u·11l participate in the conference<;: ~peakers include Jack Taylor. John Havlik. and Frank Poutch.

~fusic will be a part or each conference. Dr. John Jackson Associate Professor of Church ~fusic at Golden Gate Seminary, Y.1 ill direct the music in AnahC'im.

Ninf'!y·minute small group inter1•st ('Onfcrences will be conducted each afternoon from 3:30 to 5·30. p.m. Includ­ed \\'ill be ('{)nfcrences on lay e\'angelism, e \' an g e I i s n1 teams. tiay camp evangelism. conservalion of evangelism and renewal of evangelism. Sunday school o u tr ea c h leaders. college s t u d e n t rvangeUsm. su mmer outreach minist ries. church bu s tvangelism anil the

Nie!hols, treasurer · ' a r I ·· Phillips, finandal Secretary• day ~t 8:15.p.m.; se b~ Book! will ~ avallnb~ ~t nm conferences on Tucsdtiy

1--wmii1n1am Garmon, Gr a n T-Rabb1--Henr1 E .. Fron~g--t:he-ieeture gl\lwg-the--80ler-H!--E"Ytfti.~g-wtU-bave-a-yguth-em-.. Wetzel, Keith Conway, and Shabbat fol\ow1ng; service teaching or Eck and "Tltten phasis. Scott liutchlnson, elders, and honors builders of new temp!e. by the founder or. the Child care for children Howard Holder , Ewald Hubb, Ec~nkar movc1nent. Sri PauJ under four will be provided in and Paul Inman, trustees. Church of Religious Sclence Tw1tche\l. ~II sessions of each of the

0th er offices a n d ol Laguna Beach, at 20062 For further information con- eight conferences. There will chairmanships in the con-- Laguna Canyon Road ; service tact the Eck Center. 376 Ocean be interpreting for the deaf al gregalion are appointive. Sunday at 9 and 11 a .m.. A\Pe .. Laguna Beach, 494-4910. all of these conferences .

Leader Fights Unknowi1 f 01· His Life By GEORGE CORNELL

A~ lleOt lM Writ.r

NEW YORK - A Nlng, new leader oo the American reiiglowl sceoe has been mysteriously put out o! action.

He is the Rev. Dr. Kent S. Knutson, who only tv:o years ago emerged from the academic realm to become president of the American Lutheran Oturch and an in· creasingly innuentlal figure in interdenominational affairs.

But last Odcber, he begun suit.ring from a puzzling ailment. Doctors have been oompletcly bafOed at diagnos· ing it. The effects steadily have wors- .., en ed.

TllE CAUSE IS unknown," say medical authorities at the ~faYo Clinic, Rochester, Minn ., aflel' weeks of tests in an unsuccessful effort to determine y,i\at 's causing tbe · problem. '1bere ~ "" is no specific treatment available."

Under the ctn:umstancel, the cooncil ol his 2.S.million-member d .. ' nomination last v.-eek. in a decision '111E:us reached by croM country telephone conference, concluded he oo longer is able io !ill the duties of office.

To take them over, the church's vice president. the Rev. Dr. David Preus, pastor of the University Lutheran Oiurch of Hope, hiinneapolis. Minn., was designated act­ing president on an lnterim basis.

Considered a canS&Va1ive in cburdi matter.s .. he bad been among competing candidatCs for the presidency at the time ol the election in 1970 of the broad-viewed Dr, Knutson, regarded a moderate.

It had been Dr. Knutson's even-tempered approach to various churdl issues, including ecumenical relations and application ol the gospel to aocial coocerns. that bad given hJm a growing stature In tile religious world.

BOTH AN ENGAGING, easy-mannered diplomat and a hlghly traiiied ocholar, he had become a rallying point . for rt.'COllCiling divergent views both in Lutheran and inter• Oiristian aflairl.

ms own dcnomln~tlon, a mlddle-roed communion be-­tween the other major branches o( Lutheran1sm In this Ctlllnt.ry. had becomt: tncrea5'ngly an axl1 (or deepening relatioll'hips among thorn.

Altogether there are nearly 9 mUHoo Lutbenlns in the. counlr)'. including tile 2.3 million in the "'"""'au .. Urtll­,... Clllll'Ch-Mls>OW't Synod and 3.1 mll\lOn In tile more

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURClt 428 P1rk Avenue, L1guna Beach - . THE FEAST OF UGHTS Slturday, Januory 6, 7:30 p.m.

,..,...,., ... ,..,._, Cats~ l/lll kil ..,.... Dfu .rte ..... .., 11.a.i..,•---c..,.._. • ..,

.c. 1111

liberal Lutheran Olurch in America. Just last fall. whm talks seeking unity among them

broke down. ii was a mediating plan pU1 forward by Dr. Knutson that revived the ('{)nservations on a modified basis. • His new book on clarifying theology in modern times, "1"le Shape of the Question," issued by Augsburg Press, also has gained considerable attention.

IN REPLACING RIM', Dr. Preus. will remain Viti! president, but assume the £unctions or president. He is a cousin of the head of the controversy-beset Missouri Synod deoomination, the Rev. Dr. J. A. 0 . Preus.

MeanwhUe, Dr. Knutson. a relatively young man of 48 and with all the· bright proin.ise ol his recently begun CC· clesiaatical leadership. has been knocked oot o{ it by his strange affliction.

It fi rst began bothering him after he returned from a world tpur lasl JuJy and August on which be had visited church institutions and attended meetings in Indonesia, Hong Kong, New Guinea. Australia and India .

The initial symptom was a low.grade fever which he couldn't shake off. He presided over his denomination's convenUoo Oct . 4-10 Y.'ithout not1ceable trouble, but gradu­ally he found his reflexes and muscular controls hampered, particularly in speaking.

He entered St. r.1arys llospital. used by doctors of ~fayo Clinic, Oct. 2.1 And observations and analyses since then have failed to identify the ailment. The doctors sav only 1t is an \'unusual disorder oT the cen[raT nCrvous sySlem."

THE ~IAJN SY!\-fPTOM has been inability to formu· late words orally, or write them out by hand, although he can stJIJ move his limbs, and at times. sit up. Doctors say his condition has COlll inucd to deteriorate.

Born In Goldfield. Iowa, he was theology professor at Luther Seminary, St. PauJ , and president of Wartburg Seminary. Dubuque, lOVi·a, prior to becoming his denomin­ation's president

His y,·ife, Norma, who ha!\ kept an almost coostant vigil at his bed.side, in 41 letter to lhe denomination's past"":

·· ~·l cdically. the news or Kent 's batUe is grim. The doctors can do nothing to stem the destructive pl"OCHS which is qulekly taking his life. In my confusion and dea­pair, I throw -myself on Jesus Chris!, my Lortl , v.·ho is Kent's Lord and the Lord ol tht Church. and put every· thing In hls hands . , . "

.... : 'l' t · nvrA f(emorinl pork

Th• Southland's Mosl Bt"'41ifu1 llltmorials

... vsolru,,_ • cou1MU..t 1UM • CtM'hrlT I

~~,TR~~.~}.;~~~9~? On Faimtw AurnUf • 538-!191

• - ! J • ~ .;i ........ ..

• ' •

S.1t11rday J.anuar, 6 1 q13 DAILY PlLOT 9

'Not a Prophet,

G1·al1am Explains

Suppo1·t of Nixon DALI. AS iUPll

1'.:vanRclist Billy Grahatn says one reason ht has no! tr1l"<1 tb influence Prcsldcul Nixon to stop the bombing ur Norlh \ ' 11.! t.nam Is that " Llod ha!> call­rd me to be a New Test.auient e~anglist . not an Old Testa~ n1ent prophet "

"While some may lnterpret ;1n evangelist to be primarily a M>Cia l reformer or political ac· 11\' l~I. I do not." C.raham sa id In a ::;t1n11n<'nl written ex­cluslvtly for The Dallas ~1orn· lng News. ''An evangelist is a proclaimer of the messagr of God's grace and love in Jesus Christ <ind the ntt<'!lsitv of r<' IX'lll.1n('e and faith ." ·

Groh:im SAid he would not dlvul11e nny conversations he hnd h:td 'ol.llh live J1residents blll has .. allenlpled to avoid is.sut>s that 11re strictly poht1cal. Out at the same lln1e I h.avc spoken and c.'Ontlnue to :-opt.•ak on issues on y,·hlch I feel a defuulc n1oral Issue ls lr.­'fll\'td."

Televi~ ion

Evangelist To Lecture

GRAHA.\f IS rlo!!e to rresi- RPX I lun1hartl . l l'lC\'ISIOt drnt Nixon. although ln th!'


t t p::istor, is S<: hctlulcd for ; s a ement he d1selaimed being personal appearunl'C in thi a "White House evangelist." Anaheim Convention Center 11 Jn view of hi! relationship Anaheim for 3 l•llt ... nigb' \\'Ith the President , he has been criticized for not speak· cvangelistlc service, called :. Ing out against (he"fumb~in~g-. ~v. rally, on Sundlll' • a.n . .L.-.

The progran\ begins at 3 :3 1

·-ltlarble Master

Dr. Ernest T. Campbell, p.m. Admission is free. minister of New York's The 53-year-old Arka~· Riverside Church, delivered a born pastor and evangelist ha sennon Sunday entitled. " An an hour-long Swlday sen-ic• Open Letter to Billy Graham." from the 5,000 seat Cathcdr1 In implorlng Graham to in- of Tomorrow. in Akron . Ohio lercede with the White House,. It is televised each w~k o Campbell referred to a nearly 400 stations throughot telegram sent Graham by Dr. the United Stale!, Canada an

Priscilla Grazioli lifedici, who runs the factory that does most of the Vatican's marble restoration, stands amid some of her Y.'ork. At 29, she is director of ~1edici ~1arble t'o .. \rhich she says i.s the last firn1 capable of ,,·orking \\·ith marble the y.·ay Renais­sance n1asters used to.

Henry Vt' . Anderson. a se\'eral foreign lands. LaGrange, Ill., Presb,1erian lie is seen in the Annhelr minister . · area on KTLA-TV. Channel !

The telegram said in part : at S a.m. every Sunday 1non

Churches Meeti1ig On Key 73 Ca1npaig11

" .. . If you deplore the born- ing. and at I I p.m. Sund.a bing also, J beg you lo raise evenings. ~· our voice as a prophel, like Appearing al the AnaheiJ Nathan of old, in protest to the Convention Center with J{UD'l President. imploring hi1n to bard will be Maude Aimee, It ~p the bombing ... to beat wife and featut'('d vocalist. an 1

the Vietnamese to their knees. the Cathedr31 Singers, Gosp · and to kill lhousands more in singing group, along y,·ith th · lht name nf J'K'ace, just so u·e nine-piece orcheslra .

Sc\'eral chu rches in Costa Mesa and Newport Beal·h have been meeting together as a part of the nation\\·ide evangelisllc outreach knoY. n t'IS Kc, 73.

Pastors and Jay people from the foUowing churches met LOgether Jasl Tuesday :

Costa ~fesa - Prince of Peace Lutheran. Church or lhe Nazarene, Harbor Assemblv nf Cod . . First A5iembly of Cr0e1. I ~arbor Christian, First Barr

list. ~C..\'i'.porLReach ~.s.Lh_mCl'I

Episcopal, Newport Christian C('nler, Plymouth Congrega­tional.

Al <;o represented \Y as Miss ionaries at I lomc. Inc. fron1 Santa Ana .

The gathering IOAClher of these churches has be€'n more of a spontaneous movetnent r.lthcr than an organized,

Je,v ScQres

Evangelism NEW YORK (AP-) - A top

Jey,•ish leader has urged Christians to e u r b '· fun­damentalist" evangelistic ef· forts aimed at con\Perting young Jews to Christianity.

Rabbi Dr. Maurice Eisen­drath, president of the Union of American }febrew Congregatiom, said such ef­forts "could dama~e the carefully culllvatcd roots of Christian.Jewish relations Jn our society and destroy the fabric of pluralism .a n d religiOU! freedom."

lie singled out the forthcom­ing yea r-long evangellsm carn-1>11 ign. "Key '73," planned by 130 denominations, and also the college-be!ted "campus t..:rusade for Christ" as foster· ing attempts to convert Jews.

Although they are "not directed specifically at Jews," he said, they are "nc\·erlbelesi. putting wiwar­ranted and u n n e c es s a r y presaure upon Jewish young people which boOl distresses and disturbs us."

planned meeting . One church ~H' artl \I hat another church was doing to distribute Bibles <t :j ~ part of Key 73 and sug­,1!'.estM that th!'y get together to y,·ork on a cooperative basis.

Other churches heard about this and suggested that we all get together to see what ""'e could do to share the Gospel ln the harbor area .

\Veekl y meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 8:30 a .m. for a er. discussion and brea1tfart al llow J son's Restaurant, 2750 Harbor. C05fil Mesa. Pastors ..uMfrew C. Anderson {Prince of Peace) and Connie Sali05 (Harbor Trinity ) are coordinating the meetings.


Worslii11 Suspended

can ha\'r our \.\<l}' . is Mr. Humbard "·ill deliver . outrageous.·· Bible-centered tnessage.

GRAJIAM ISSUED his state­ment to the News as a "clarification of my position on the way. my relationship to national lenders and my definition of my o w n minislry."

llwnbard can1e lo Akron I 1953. " 'here he €'venlut1lly bul the Cathedral of Tomorrot" the world's largest no denominational rhurch. lt 1

from this 5.000-seat sanctuaJ that ~lumbdtd sends his SUI day service into the homes 1 •

more than 20 million peraons "The first J was ever aware of the American commilment to SoutheaM Asia came from President Kennedy. r ... days F ellowshi before he was inau urated Pttsi ent o the • Unit Stales." Graham said . T £" - £ "l pl~';,"c,"'"lm""i"n - ..l.JO--\AJll e1:

F1orida. !rt lhe locker room "'e. got into quite" a discussion about the problem he faced in Southeast Asia . He said. ' \Ve ca nnot afford to lose Laos.' "

Graham said the only remark he could remember making that might be con­strued as su pport for the war was an offhand remark when the wa r was in Its early stages and lhert: was no indication the United States would ever beron1e dt'eply involved.

"BIBJLJCAL lruths indicate

The Women's Fellowship 1

the l'~irst Baptist Church. 245:. l-.1oulton Parkway, l.agw· Hdls will meet in tl Fellowship Hall at 10:30 a .n Monday. Mrs. John Overfiel•' president, will preside at ti business meeting.

\\"ASJ{l~GTO~ (AP ) y,·e " 'ill always have wars on Secretarv of Defrnse Melvin the earth unlil the coming of R. Laird Friday ordered an the Prince of Peace." Graham end to con1pulsory attendance said. "Nevertheless, I have at religious services at never advocated war ! I

~frs. Geo. Davis will give devotional which will I followed by Dr. Kenne\ Longmore, speaking c behalr o1 Key '13, wbk is a united effort on the pa · of most denominations 1 reach every home in ti 1•

United States with ti message of salvation durlr. the year or 1973.

military academies tin d deplore the v Io 1 enc e elsey,·hcre in the armed everywhere in the \\'Orld that

At the close of tho..progra: a luncheon will be served, ; ' about noon . All women a mMt cordially Invited to 1

tend the meeting and Ju serv1.ces. . . evidences man's inhumanity

Laird said 1n a memor~n· ~to man ... t hope and pray dum to the service secretaries for an early armistice." cheon. that he was acllr.g in llght of --- _ _ Supreme Coort act Ion .--------~---------'"-:...;.::; upholding an appeals court decision that regulations re­quiring attendance al religious services at military academics violate the Constitution's F'1rsl AmendmcnL

However, Laird directf'd that those who wish to worship volunta rily should have the ~p­portun1ty to do so.

Citing the Supreme Court action Dec. 18. Laird said :

'' In view of the above . I direct !hat appropriate actinn be taken to confr·rm your regulation°' Jn kN>pln~ with the 5µir1t . .and the leUer of the. court's opinion. This decision means !hat attendance JI re\igio~s service! shall not be rcqu ir.:-cl at 1he mililnry

How does Christian Science heal?

Listen as people tell firsthand were healed, This week's program:


how they

7:15 A. M. WOCM ·fM - lOJ.1. HI. 7 A.M. 9Cfl.HO- L A,, 1:45 A.M. WMPC 0 71 0 - L A.

ffll•ory 7, 1t7l •


academies or elsewhere wilhlnJ-----°'======~--'::...:==-°'-''--­

His plea, delivered at a meeting of his organization'!! board of trustees, Saturday night came amid growing ac­tivity In the '' Je sus movement" among young ~ pie to tnvoJYe Jews in ii .

mllitary commandi: . " It must be noted that the

court's opinion In no \vay diminishes the impcrtance o( Divine Servlct'!. Therefore. the avt1 illbillly and ... op­portunity for \l.'Orship shall continue to be provldro .

l I

"Jews for JesUJ.'' the slogan goe!I In that sector .

ledi ""' T ... It ,a,,,_~ 1e9 .. WI01 All IM,..mrt Series Of lKtwtt 0 • TM ,,._1, i.

btl Techtlffft Of The Sc.Jffff Of Ma.; At ,....., I• 1" U11tt.4 C•ttU Of hlhJlfft Sclffu


I Me"'iler Church •f tht U11!t.d Ch11rch ef ll.ell9io11• Sci•nce, Lai A119el1• l

"""'" ,., •• IM"'f THI am1tHI A.LlllT IUll(I •• "'- tint .~ tfl:h ...... w. ,. ...


l 1t1ffy. '-1iitt:I J, llP - lfi'Jf A. M. IH'-Y ka...e _.,. • tM,.. tt..


MIYOHI '' wnco Mii



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Page 10: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

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Page 11: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


Saturday, January 6, iq73 DAILY PILOT J

Stockton Holds ·LA· Le·ad; Trevino Misses · Cut Long Beach Suffers 1st

Hoop Defeat SAN JOSE - Johnnie Skinner led

with rt points as Sao Jose State upset filth-ranked Cal State (Long Beach) gs. 151, in college basketball Friday night. )t was the first loss ror the 49en after

11 straight victories this season and mark~ a setback in their conference opener in their hope of winning a rourtb straight Pacific Coast Athletic Wocia· l!<Jn title.

The Spartans, now U , moved ahead for the first time 51-50 with 8:52 left and built up an eight-point margin befort going into a stall in the final four minutes.

J side for some good shots in the closing minutes while Long Beach was unable to move inside for its shots.

Long Beach led 38-33 at halftime and held an eight-point bulge early in the game.

Reports Denied

Keino Not Quitting _, - ~ ~ _ _.- - ... -- -- ~ _..


Hula Gridders Square Off HONOLULU (AP) - some names few

people have beard will be making their fmal bid for a pro football career 1"daY Jn Ute :l'ltb annual Hula Bowl Classie.

People like linebaeker Jim Y0ungblood of ~-Tech, receiver Clinton Graves cl Temple Mid ldcking specialist Rqliert Macorltti of Wooster will be on tbO lllOrlh '"""· along witll - beUer·

: - ~ u BelsmlD 'tropey win­ner ~~iii N-and All· AJDerkan quaHilrliack Jolln Huln11el of """' a.r... .. '•

ooqltlood;-1lfml-tllf· Macot ttd·• hopldt 'ID follow 1 coo.pie ol _, Hull . Bowl ..itrans htto the prv rankJ.

"fl"*< lllr<»l, the -··-! 11'"

kicker for the Green Bay Packen, was relatively wtknown when be came to last year's bowl from tiny Hillsdale College.

Mike Siani of Villanov~ . who made it

Rhode island, and holds three Temple career records.

"It's a tremendous experience coming here to play in the Hula Bowl." Graves said. "It's a good opportunity to meet other ball playen. the ones you read about all the time."

Amoclg !be pro scouls -.. town !or the HUia Bowl game ii Oakland Raider bead

as~a -wide 1~dvtr with lbe oakland Cooch Jolm Madden, who figures his flr>t Raldt.n. allO Plti)'ed here last year. round draft choice is somewhere oo the

. itacorl~\l. a Cin~an citizen who was roster. • horn in Jlortb !\ab', booted a poir of 48- " I don 't know who It Is," Madden said , Y.•rcl filld goals qaillst Kenyon C.Uego "but I 'll bet )le~~."

,ee . ltftofoottd-M11COrifti-a1lio- -'l'h<·playen f1vur1he""small-school51fil ltd the ,Ohio c.nt...enee In punting. havo quite a bit of competition for lhe

Graves shared an NCAA rteord !or S]lOtllgbt - the .. ''" 13 All·Alllerlcans catdiina U - In ooe ~ against ticktted for the Hula Bo~!.

Boros One Stroke Back;

Nicklaus in Contention '

LOS ANGELES (AP \ - Dave Stockton scrambled out of trees and trouble with a 69 to take the second round lead Friday while Lee Trevino failed to make the cut in the $135,000 Los Angeles Open golf tournament.

The 31-year-old Stockton post.ed a 3&­hole total or 136, six under par. on the 7,028-yurd Riviera CoW'ltry Club course.

That put hirn one stroke in front of Julius Boros, the 52-year-old .. Old Man River" of the pro tour. Boros ambled in with a 70 for 137 and was alone in second place for this event tha t inaugurates a 12-month tour schedule.

Tied for third at 138 were Australinn

David Graham. Vietnam war hero Buddy Allin and Don Bies, a nonwinning tour regular. Allin had a spar~Ung 67 whil' Bies and Crahanl matched C?s.

Player of the year Jack Nickl::iu1 ~ mained in strong contention with a ~l3~ and was lied with host pro Mac Hunter and Australian Bruce Devlin. Devlin

011 TV Today Cl1a1111el 2 at·,2 f

matched thr course record at 66 and Hunter hnd a 69.

It took a St'Ore of 147 or better to qualify for the fina l two rounds Saturday and Sunday and Trevino, the British Open champion, missed by a single

McKay Denies "~~ino could m•n•g• only a 72 lor 143 as he missed the cut for t he first time

--B since 1971 . England's Tony Jacklin was

~~ci-'t"'t:1,,.,.__ roy-t:Ll> e!-~~~~~•~notlle~O'oT.r ~c;as~u~a~lt~y=·~ta~k~in~g~a~7S~lo~r;lr,43~.-,,,,.-,u Arnold Palmer, m anger alter an ---opening 75. improved to a par 71 and just

G • d D made it in his bid for a re tum to the r1 ynasty form that made him the most feared rompetitor of his era .


Stockton. a former University of Southern California golf captain fron1 \\'cstlake Village. Calif.. used so~ 1niraculous putting to take sole control of the lead he shared Ydth Boros and John· ny Miller at the end of Thursday's round, ti.-1iller dropped back vdth a 73-140.

Stockton used only 28 slrokes on the near-perfect greens as he scrambled out of the trees three times and once got a lucky bounce off a cart path.


NORTHRIDGE - ,.tike Carnahan won t v.•o events and Thomas Boughey pJactd first in the 1,000-freestyle and second tn the 500 but coach Ed Newland 's UC Irvine sy,·imming team dropped a 62·34 decision to host Cal State (Northridge I i-~riday afternoon in opening swimming action.

The Anteaters also won the «IO­freestyle relay with Brett Bernard. BrUce - Black, Frank Gardner and Carnahan as the only other UCI victory or the day. )

Newland brings the Anteaters swim· ming team to a peak at the time of tbe NCAA championships in March and most of the UCI team members have not yet roundedai$1t<isbal>e ro~ competition. . ·

Other finishers £or the Anteaters in· eluded Bernard second in the 00 free and third in the 100; G8rdner third in the 200 back: and freshman Brad Lynn third in the 200 individual medley .

' '"j' • Television film-of-the·eotton-Bm<l game-sllows·'fuxas- -mies slll~ :r)>laytr1Jut of bound&when a playw-f

quarterback Alan Lowry stepping on the oul of or a ball in hia possession - touches a bounduf

It's .Too Late Notv


bouna. line dwing his 34-yard nm for U\e winning line. touchdown in a 17-13 victory over Alabama. NCAA

• 't


. ~

Page 12: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

.. ;

D.\Jl.V PILOT ~. Janilll1 .. 1973

King-si~ed Breaks Save CdM, ~3-52 • •

By GLENN WHITE ot .... ~ "'*' , ....

\lndelealed de! Mar got two fanWlic btta.ks in overtime lo take 1

much deserved win away lrojn boot Estancia Friday night In Irvine League b•n-11 p1oy.

vader1. But ln the heat of battle the Eqles coiled um. out. &t, they bad - loll IO a 1'""""'"1 Alut WU clJarged agalnJt them.

Cuey Jones, lneffecllve throughout lhe evenlng 11 the teoahloos Eagles deferu;e held him to five points, fang in his sixth polllt on the lree throw for lhe technical .

It 1tlll wasn't over. Estancla ·mlsstd 1 rbot but M1gner wu rowed. He had two shots from the .... throw llDe with 19 secondl lo 80 and narrowly mWecl on eaeb attempt.

Corooa de! Mar rebounded and JIUC·

cesstully ran out the clock.

with the Eagles clUllllng !0.8 pet«lll of their field goal trit1 and CdM 44.4 percent of lls.

But they both went cold aft• thlt and there were only three buckets recorded between them In the llnal 11 minutes.

For Corona del rt1ar lt wa.s 1t1att Keough and Jeff Wharton who did it all, ><0ring 20 and 19 polllts .

lt'll 10 down 11 a ss.5t win for the Sea Kings and a fl!'St rate beaJ1..breaker far

• the Eagles, who bad played '° well , fought ao bard and come so close lo lhe O<ao&e County upset of the decade.

Eollncla was leading ~ wlth less than a minute lo go and Mike Magner had ~ lllolen the ball from the in-

Thal made II IUI and Corona still had the ball. 1be Sea Kings were unable to hlt a bucket and Eslancla rebounded.

But again things went awry aa officials called a fool away from the play. Given new me again, Corona del Mar's Jell Wharton canned both free throws to make it 5.1-52 with Sl M!CODds to go.

E>tancla also bad a dJuce lo win the game In rogutatlon but Todd COiiins mllaed a !roe throw with ... leClllld left lo lleDd the duel ID edn tlme. It WU I close 1truggle tl!nJuibout wllh

neither tel!l\ able IOlead by -e than five after the lint quart«. For lbr<e perioda II WU I 11"11ng ahooUng show

Cdlrtt ce)lt I lit EllNICll !l .. ~ r\11141"" 1 0 r : co1n:::, l 11 ~~· !!·~~:::.. ! =- '11 I 1 '""" • ~"':it· 23 ; I ~ JS Ta!lft 22 I 11 SJ

65-43 Breeze For Marina Over Western

By HOW ARD L HANDY Of "" o.1tr ·'""" ltatt

_,,_ '-- .,.1 ,.., 10 11 'I , ,_,, flt91'1C141 14 I! I • ~

Mark Ford scored 16 points and Ron Swanson added 11 to lead the Marina Vikings to a fM3 victory oYf!!' Westem's



'*•rons Roll, 61-40

7 Fountain Valley Slams t•'I

.. ,~

Edison in Lid-lifter . ~

' By HANK WESCH • M Of tN Dally PHM Steff

•Jo Fountain Valley played deliberate ball ~and mininUzed errors lo put aw.,. Edison ~1-40 in the opening Irvine League ,f)asketball game of the sea.900 for both ~ams Frtday at Edison. ::v_ Coach Dave Brown's Barons notched

W win In 13 games by exp&oiting a \'!Ultage to Its runest and ahrug-

1111P>'• a lull · coort

Reider worked his way free along the base " llne for five to 10-foot shots and rtpeatedly put them in during the perkld. The senior center scored half his points in the stanza.

For the quarler Founlain Valley blt nioe of 11 field goal attempts, while Edison was jammed up attem{:ting to go inside on the tall Barons and hit only three of 11 shots.

Edison first appHeO: full court pressure in the second ~iod, and although il

baskelhall_1Clioo oo the winner's court. Coa<b Jim Sl<!pbens played everybody

on the lHnln roster including llljured Bob Losner.

Loaner made bis first appearance aince the se«JOCI game ol the recent Covina tournament as he played for seven mlnutes ol. tbe second balC with the Vik­ings well in froot.

He made a pair of free throws but was still bobbling en a badly spn11ned ankle and unable to abate loose for more than one shot from the field.

"We'll need him when we play Loara a week from Wednesday," Stephens'tald.

" l thought we looked a little ragged again tonight on offense but our defense did a good job, especially In the first half.'~

The Vikings moved quickly in front and never trailed alt.bough the Pioneers tied it at Mi for a brief span of 28 seconds. Alter that, Marina ran off a string of 14 points in the next four minutes and with 5:'tl left in lbe half, was in front, 20-6 .

The Marina llllllH<Hnan defense held the Pioneers to 18 shots from the noor in the first ball and western hit only five of that number. Meanwhile, the Viies were hitting ts ol 3l attempts.

<•II WHltnl If' lilff11I• ft~I•

!! 2•1Cmt ,,, • 16 Tlttlefl~ 2 D • •

•0 1·1- l''' DI w.tlrlcllll Oj•

S 1 0 111lobwllo l' o l2llF-a•n 20 • 11t • I 1 2 Allan 1 l '

adjusted to keep Edison from making Ed i f i -~~\"-.1'/"l--m,ueb--heedwar.--Tf>e-Ohargers-put-the- --e- e--1-e--

press away then until Relaer fou led out, Toi••1 21~ ~ o.!= ,, ,, 1• '3

but by that time Fountain Valley had a :'.:',:'" 'l 1: ll ~



50-34 advantage and wa5 able to cruise home.

Dan Malane and Tlm Hill helped Reider out on the boards as Fountain Valley rnainlalned control or the re­bounds.

Edison was disadvantaged when top re­bounder Dan Winchell got in foul trouble trying to keep Reider away from the boards and eventually fouled out with 7:4-0 to go Ill the third period.

* Saddlebaclt College's basketball team

seeks to get into lhe win column of MiMioo Conference standings ~ht ... ,_., ... "~ 'tl1 e.•1- l11"-' ._ when the GaucOO., host Grossnlcllt '-; . AcNms 1 "f :" wi110n • • •

College's Griffins at Mission Viejo Hii!l.~ L.-1 ~ 1-j· I~ ~:rl ! ! I It' 8 ' I k ""~ ' ' - ~~' ' l l" s an o c oc game. , •1 " oJ•WI ' 11

·Coach Roy Steverui' uatiohos opened ~~. 1• 1d r • f~=:o l 0 j the Mission season Wednesday 1::,~t~ ~ S l ' night with a 13-59 setback to Citrus wbllt ,.0111

• 21 ~ ~ Q~~=~ 11

I• n '° Grossmont downed Palomar, 65-64. . ='" v1u" '~ 1~ \t 1~

- - , .. J :.. - ". ' . . . .

SA Valley ~ights. Way

Past Mus~s, .62-54 By DENNIS CAMPBELL

Of ... INiltf N9t Slaff But some baskets underneath by Page

and a coople cl. way~t shots by Bokosky OUthustled, outshot and outpunch put the game out of reach.

visiting Costa Mesa High School dropped Costa Mesa got a good shooting its Irvine League opener, 62-54, to a \performance from PhiJ Salazar, who rowdy basketball team from Santa Ana scored 15, but he got 10 or those in the Valley Friday night.

The game was spiced by a fight in· first half and his toueh disappeared in volvi"I M'11a'• Johll' Ownmil)ll and' a the ~ hall wider the, baleful glar< free-swtng~) from Valley called R. B. of M~. . Jamison late tn the third period. ' Boko9ky and Januson, both a PIU: of

Jamison was pulled from the contut Oashy performers, had J7 and 14 points for _a_~ tPtl~i~.)l!JJls_ ~while Page....L~t a!.E-oliceable but just 11 Valley•1 lh!, 21$-pound Wayne Moore ' illective, TullTe<I IS.

manag_ed to do some verbal iDUmidalinf (ft. MMe~5J11 111 s.1111 Alll Vllr•'1'" ot his own. , , r I J•mflOn , \' But tb[e ~ns have o.p.Iy thet111elvu 1 ' 1 ao1cot1t' 1 1

lo l>laiDe for the 'delta~ lo a ll•htly ' I t l ll Sil'..,, t I l 'l . ' Ill' 'j W:ilflltf 1 J tecarded Santa Ana V1Uey team. The 2 ~: • , Mustangs we re gutlty ol numerous • 11 ,, ~ cJm:.~ i. , ii

defenshie lapses and 'lack of movement f•"' ~ "' 'I 1 II .._.. 00

offense. MTt• Ml -v111tY .. , " o .....

Newport Bid Fails, 60-53

By ROGER CARLSON Of t111 Daity Ntt Sllfl

Newport Harbor Hlgh's Sailors made a del<!nnlned bid to overhaul the Loara Saxons Friday night Ill Sunset League basketball play but fell short and droi>­ped a 66-53 decision to the hosts before t,300 rans.

Coach Dale Hagey's Sailon played near-perfect defense g~ Loera and allowed the winnen no free throws.

Bu\ the Saxons' tenacioos press caused 25 Newport turnovers and therein lay the Sailors' basJc "ptDbleJn. . · .

Hagey's Bluejacket.s connected on 24 of 53 shots for a 45.3 percent , but the winners got 2{) more attempts rrom the floor and it paid off wilh so buckets in 73 tries ror 31.1 percent.

Newport led only brieOy in the first period. but the score was tied twice in the third quarter at 32 and 38.

However, tto quicl< Newport turnovers at that point burl the S&llors cause. Loara cashed In twice and COICh Tom Voigt's team, now U..2 for the sealOn and 2-0 ln circuit action, were not to be en-dangered again. ,

The Saxons worked the lead up lo SG-4-0 and 56-46 and eased In u th? wtnners.

Jaime Holmes proved to be Newport's only serioUs offensive threat, scoring 211 <p0ints for hi!" seuon•bigh. Five times he picked oU an offensive carom and turned It Into two points.

Loara's Kirk Parge, Kevin Flynn and _Stevt. Petuson_ were_ im_presslve with

their all......t play.

NfWllM't "..t;' ~-'l l.Nr1 'l t ~ " ~"'\"" I I I 'r i=;- I .!

I , !'\l!r~" j'I O P1roe "! ' - '' l " f"IWlfl 1 l& ~..... 2' kJ. t o.= ~ . 11 '°

Newport "'" 17 11 11 l>-JJ L01 r1 tt I I' 1......0

DAILY PILOT l'llt ... ~, LM P•r•




Uni, Dolphins Suffer Losses To Loop Foes

Cold shooting University caught host Saddleback on a hot scoring night and dropped a 41-31 decision, while Dana Hills fell to invading El Dorado 71-M in Orange League ba~ketball Friday.

The loss left University at t..J. in league play and Dana Hills is winless in two outings.

" We did a good job or rebounding and got good shots. but we just didn't shoot well all night,' ' University coach John Driscoll said. " They shot well, especially In the flnt quarter and were very polieot with the ball."

The height of frustration £or the Tro­jans came in the final quarter when they mmed nine straight field goal attempts, four of them from within eight to 10 fett of the basket.

.U~til t~at time the Trojans had hung w1thm six of the Roadrunners, with forward ScU.t Kafesjlan scoring nine point! to lead the'wat . ~ ·

Dana Hills dogged the heels of a hot El Dorado team for the first half, but couldn't keep up with a blistering

-iboollng Peroentoge-in the second-half. The Dolphins trailed 21·19 just before

haUtime, and were close again at 32-28 early In lhe second hat{. But El Dorado finished the !!1gbt hitting 26 of SI field goal attemJ)lS and pulled awaf.

Bill Springman turned In a good game on the boards for Dana Hills, grabbing r.tne · caroms, and Mark Schrey led the K'Oring with 20.

Costa Mesa, a winner in five of it.I last six pmeo, clicked "" ils 111'1 tlree shoU from the: field, cooled considerable after tllat tJul 111!1.managed a If.JO lead an.r ·Diablos Defense Does It., 45-41

El ·- ·· H Je!! Van Winkle led his team with 32 pointa a.nd II ttbounds.

ooe quarter. But ValleY bl)lterod the Must.op l&-7

In ll>e ~ quarter with a lot o( the comlnl on layup1 against a na~ phlc Meta deleose and a lot more , on ~amllCln'i mll .. blgJ! Jump shota.

lo Iha leCIJlld ball It WU Mike Bolroolly tllllb hlJ kl!Jl·J'llll• shootlna and a couple ot fancy dr!Vef along With the Stesdy In· side worJt of Moore and Larry Page th11

- lie us! 8 •t b<IY. In the · final two quarters, and

portlcularly the Iasf (follow1ng the scul· ·--tt•lr-tlle -Falcooa _.. bnltal__....Jha

boardl aplnlt the baitant Mutlanp, although Costa M,.. pulled to within fQor 1t•"41.

By CRAIG SHEFF Of "'9 0.ltr PMM llllft

Mission Viejo High's sagging mne defense shut off Orange's Inside game helplng--the Dlablos pull off a 1$-41 CrtstVliw Leegue basketball upset vic­tory over the invading° Panthers Friday

.,,1gh1, Th~ victory upped th"!' Diablos' loop

record to 1·1. Orangt, slxth-renked In the @ n!YJ hat tllc sam~ mark.

c.oach Pat Rohcns· MIS310n VM!jO out: fit limited Orange's two big men - &-1 Ruben llelicl< and tH Brad Mcl'llerlm>- •

• ..

UlllWnolty Ull hMillltdt IUJ

to Jmt nine total polnta tn..tbe game with own on the boards wilh the taller Pan· Mluion Viejo's accuracy at the free ""'*' ," ," r !" e>,.., ~ ~ ": ~ both out in the fourth quarter In thers. throw line was another factor. Tbe kolt 1 o 2 ' 11""1,.1 3 1 1 • trustnUOo. Dl:ablos hit 11 of 17 charltf'touel while ~1•• • •

1 1 11.. • 1 • 11

Or , I

1 .. _ Rudcllll wu actually forced to take up Oranae could only nail thrte of slx. K=1•" ~ : ; : = f : f ~

ange • ns ...c game was so the slack lefl by Afilslon Viejo's outside •-& • VI 1 . D'AflL'Nrlllo 1 2 o • 1rw1,. 1 • 1 2 frustrtted that Bellck Wll held to just shooters, who werei Wlusually cold. The o~Jy other M.ls1non ejo P ayer m :.~ ~ : ~ ~ nlne &hots ln the enUre game and - Althou&D lha ~.Olablol. held lhe lt!Ad double hgure1 wu Mlke Bowen who cacr .J•l•I• 11 , 11 n Tot••• McPherton - wbo sat out a little over 8 tbl1H.lgb most of th&-. pme, they really oed 10. ~lktl Mazzulo was the only un1.,.,..irv: kiw• ~ Oll•ntn

quarter's playing lime - was limited to dldn't put 11 a,.ay lllllll 42 semnds ro- Panther Ill twin figurer (10). - '"'" ' !I ii 11 l::li

1~~ .. ~:11sholS-•nd-cO<\ld~ score ~~~~.~ ...... It was Rudesill ~r.~·-1\:'f ri: 1 r~t l! em;'.,'.""1'.lll'rl~ IS- ""''ll'll! 1 l: tt wu the Dlablos' tallest starter - t-s With Mlsslqn Viejo Oii toP. the Diablos 11;£ , I •:i. : l 1! 6."='°'" j' t. <r:ft - 1j'

forwatel s.te.YlllludOllll - '1!119~ the - Nllklr -1o111ed ~· pa1r or"""-" ~ - I Si5 1'1- !=.,__ l' S:J Victory. 1 '1hrow1. Twenty iee:Ona& later he hit En;. 1~ ! il •' Ttt... 111111'.t F L , · '

Rudmill ~ only took pme scoring 'lno~r cblrt\y to 1 So slve Rober\J' club lettls kfPll .,. ....._, 1~' , .. ,,," ,, Jt)•J.'_ M hooor1 wllh ll pollll• but abo betd his a IW& lead and the triumph. ~ v... ii II 'I !tjl - 1 " ii tJ=ll

11 llS4l





Page 13: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


Racing Entries

JC, Prep Blics Slap Pierce; Basketball

GW C Th.umped Standings Pf~~•ll CM. CONi''l1•rr~· l1~

Orange Coast ColJege stop­ped a four-game losing ,,,.ale with a 7U$ victory over Pierce Collece. and Golden

state . JC champion Santa Monica once 6-5 Corsair forward James Mason let loose in the steond half.

w .. t dropped its IOOOOd A control type game on of· Southern cal Conference ga..Me feMe kept Golden West close In lllccession, 7IH3 to Santa through the llrst hall and the Monica in basketball action Rustlers went into the iJl. Friday. termission trailing only 19-14.

Orange Coast ovmame an But P.fa900 scored 12 of his early Brahmas advantage teams fint 1~ points in the se­Wlth • full court press and cond half.went on to tally 26 to some bot Outside shooting to lead all scorers and the get on the track of its eighth t.orsalr$ put led away . The vie­win in 11 g~. tory was the second in a T'tlw

With Pierce leadillg 20-lt. in circuit play for &inla orange Coast put the press on ~fonka . and out......i the bolts 23-2 to cruise to 8 40-29 halftime lead. Golden West was led by Jeff

The Pirates maintained St. Clair, who had 11 points on

rki u 131 Monie• 1 '~

Wllal I I~ I() ~tC 0 US ''S

U. S.OUltlwMI 0 1U 1)9 JrlfaJ'I k-t

s ... 11 MOnlc• 111~, Gcll:tttl Wfll "I ltlo Ol>dG 1'. kvlHWftl 11

··- ,, , 'fprlU tl LAM. I.ACM W ....... Y'1G­

(Vl)!'."4, ,, GolOtft ~· ..... '"'"!t:li:.'ol:' ..,,_ LACC 11 It [ 111 LA 11 ,.,, 1(1

comfortable leads whlcb the night and garnered four Ttt l l D 1 .,c1 _ s ""r oio. a. ua. reached as many 88 11 points rebounds. Gary Orgill and ttU!Sl'Y11!W Lr~o~I!""" ,..,

s.t Y•rG<S. Allow•nc:• . Puo• '1 .,500. Randy Slatte- also made It to , ,, , 0 ,_ -Go Mlttv Jot1 (TrNwr•l 1y in the second ball before ' ·· 1:~~1 n• 2 o 1~ 1 ii I'm EtrlY 11ucn.,....1 1 Pi tarted I ,, II double figures. scorlng 10 each • s~" ,.. 1 e,.,..n·~ 11• 11 , ...... , l(lnQ Horn (CrOlb\< t 11' erce s a Bio:: ra y. (or the Rustler!!. M lnior. Yle•O 1'1) 10.

='lo 0 llnlnt1 n: F"oo!hlU 1 1 117 \)!


There is 1 time and pl1c1 to w~: on your BOii c•mt. Thi time Is during practic• ~·.s.slons; the place is on the practice range. .

Nevt( experiment durin& actual com,P91:ition. On the course, your onty objective is to shoot the best score possible.

Don't t hink about your swing while playing. If you do, you will score badly and t>tcome dis­couraged. More important, you r swln~ ~~ufler. Attend to your swing on the prac~qt • . not on the tou rse. SIMlrt A.oc~•t L1


11' The losers trim~ the Jead "''""'~ ·~· ..,

A.hDIMlin 1 •rdoui! 122 to five points in the final two E* ~n• ~ ~ l;i l); '""'""'~·~-':1t1~l~n~u~tes~~be~fo~re~jOr":'~~e~Coast~:':\--~-,-;:-:::~:::-;:--;:------'-'~"•'•'~'•''11!''1~-,··~~-· ~~'!"~·~~ '""""""""""",..""""""""""""""""'•'•·" ... ;;;;;;"';";;;;;~;~:;;:-""':;;~;"':;;:;;1

rildt. ~::;~~r"'lf..o0::dL t It• SC 0 re tWO tJOl!lSWered una l.'~lnn Vlt •a1 •5. 0•1..: •I

Fqr Me ON y (A'tli:., ) J" ba k IC " lell• 60, S•n r1e.....,1e Sl Min pMJ. hi• tW•l10nl 17 s el8 to put the game away. T""tt" u Yllt• P~rk ~ MIH Good !Uni CllcNrdl;) JU fh,..,,.,,. ""-,.. _1,,,b·1....i .,..,......,,, 01-1 Mr.;" .., ~1 117 ..,, .... ~e ~~ e.u1.1 11.CQ a e1 ~1 ,, ~1~§1at1 v1t11a

Mu 111e11. .. 1s.i.rn1 111 bal need · g attac" with In 65 ~·~11 " •1 0' 1"°" Tiny j•mtl Ir } lU a SCOMD •• -47 S6r1 CMl,.....te 11 Tustin SDl"inl n' MhMr ( llrlMml lit 81J five Starters reaching dolJ- Vll!1 P•rk 11 Foolnill

,_I. ''" fSmlll'I "' ble figures . The Pirates were GA•OEN G•OVE LEAOllE ktnl of Lime (P~ltl 117

Fi.m"" ~ Tt.i~ ,,. led by John Seymour with 16. L• 0v1n11 :' ol ~io "~ ~·m um Te1ent (AIUsot11 "' The Pirales open conference T • h ~.:= ~~~~:io. l g ~! ~ oJ,1 :'!. ~~!.~.~ur°':'f.';d. ~ear action Wednesday at f.1ount r1ump ~::;:;:, : : ~ ,~~ ~1=::-dsu.'f!'c}~~~,,o lll San Antonio. ~;!uo,.~1~- ~ ~ r:J lri Ml&I Uttt• e1c1 1!.m11t11 llt Gold W t h.I ''Id•"'• •c ....... J1'ffllwll9!' "'-' ITruwr• ) 111 en es • meanw I e. 8 DAN HAVES G•nM!n Grow !4' , Bol•• r.t1nae 5C Mtsn T• 1.1.111-. ) 1u ,was no match for defending Y L• c-ur"'• o. P6( lrica £4 N- Cllarqe/,Adl l\I >'lit Of Ille 0.llY 1'1111 llllf Sinll9g0 S&. lot Amlp SS F'Uoht 109 {l 1lf11m 7 • T-'•"'t G•..,.,

SIXTM uc1'~ y1r111. 3 .,..r lf ... Laguna Beach, exploding to G ... - G•ow •' PKlllc• old1 &- uo. Cl•lmlnt. Pur .. '7.lDD. L~ fltil ,,1• a t Lot Aml<tM c111mln11 Prlc. ~ cout ·IFJ.,1 " ~ ,, a Jg..(! first quarter lead, went S•ntlll90 •' ll •nct>o Al1m11,,. Mr;,!.f!/* B~r (Waltonf llt "'

e...~~· 11::~ ... '~~~1 rn ~~ :' 11 l~ on to a, ~1. victory ;'~=1!f"1~·=~usl 11; l.;::' .s f 1 ll over Brea on the y.•iruier 's Mr. A"l'O 1t 1 tu 90Cl<l9ri l •, ,• n leot•'1 01111 I ru1ure) 1,lJ M91Mnhtlm• ·t court Friday night in Orange Hy SlrlnQltr eurMHf Worllly O O ' Andy Go CAd~~ ll~llM 122 vv:i~. 3! ~ I~ ~ League basketball action. c-\lft1r•n {Wdoht 1,ll Pi.rct lt.IJ The Artists, now l·l in AH PillSYn! {.I.di,, .. " .. 'I ~::g..•c:::ri: 1~~~::J.1 ll: . Fi\'~. ~ : i } 11 league play had to struggle for

St:VIEHTH IACI - .11'0 v1rcl1 . l YH• olds &- uo. Anaw1nc:1 . Punt T111111 Tr11<:er (ll!>Nml SOrr.i Hoot (MYliltl SaYllMilh Rlb.i (Nk0dam1>1! Sc;11ree1 '1r1 (C•rclo11J -Countv •/"°"' l "claln Chill 6tr Smith) Aulft!• l•rs (W•T11111)


"' "' '" "' "' "'

•til::i1z ~ 1 l 11 the win as Brea pulled to ll-Y ~3$11 01vld..,.., 1 a 2 2 within five points before Mc:Mully I 2 I 4

Goodsen o 1 l 1 Laguna Beach regrouped. Tottl1 2' 13 20 •5 H11111me 1Car• Ot..-.oe. cws• .C.19. The frustrated \Vildcats,

''" IC Yl l ,_ $1 , Cl•lr ·­Oroln

~"911 W•I (~ II .+ I• 0 1 J I 1 0 0 2

j ? t ,: I 0 1 1 ··­e1111 i G ~ ·~ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 HllYH .,. .....

Mcll. lnMY M•tlerY


1 g l i • J i 1i I" I• lS •

Sllft Mll{e l'lj ff .. .... .,. 20J

missing two injured starters. began horrendously by com· milting eight turnovers in the opening four minules of play and missing their first 11 fie1d goal attempts. The Artists' stingy defense finally allowed Brea to score with l :S& le!t in the first quarttr .... pair of free throw!: • · '

BUMI P4 r ~ F"ull«tcn ,,,, LI Mlllrl SUM¥ Hiii! Konne::l v ,_, .... _

Lightweight Results For Area Basketball

SOl'KOMO•IE L~lll l••c~ (0) IA) l:f OorHoo

Al ln 1n1 F ( U) Sl"'ll'«! LlflHtrom Il l F (111 Won.el l tll ( 11 )1 Cr•w1ora McCtll• 121 G 111 GH!..-Wt•ver Cl ) G 12) Sl'ltf"O.C:-llQ""" Scaorlno "'M. O.iby • . MOt •

9'" 2. El Oor- "''" · B•"""' I H1lllime ' El Oar- 7"·ZJ

JV llP1tball

,.., ' ' ' G G

M•U•.., Vol ft 11Sl lllt ••' (l j K1t1~~dY l)\ $•h•• 1111 1-i1ll •11P U I CO • \

f "and• K O< •ll(I IUDS. Llll \J'I! ?. "'" t< o•n ?. Fl.,.,l!\Q l

,,.1,~ v 1e1a . Aclam1 J. ll: ot• ?. Solv• 2.

Et•Hfl Ull LloV 11• 1 F•trfll !11 llt~I ' 0 l ulltY (\II Wtlf .. t Cl&I

' ' ' G G

(11 I C"tl M•~ (If 0•"8" !JI Br•" (~I t< a !hnft" !I I Splr>ll 101 l(oll

t .. ) Wt11mlftllt< J' l ll J"ll•S G ltCt P•tle• >O'I c; 01> EnuPC111 C C 11 Gl•H G I 11 W• ll""

.Scorlt>o SlfM• EO!oon - Miii' Il l. Mltr•nu• (IL wu1 ... 1ns1.. H1t~., '°" 111. w.1_, 1•1 . H~ttlome ,SCorr; Wf'1 lmln1t•• l 1·2l

Elli- 1 .. 1 LIOY 11) F•"""' 111

1711 s. l'•w ...... F (Ill Torr lc~Ul G ll t ) Htn'°"

Tulln C16J G 111l ~ l • 0 • incr ib y turned the TltldlY'• 01- Ectle' (• I F 16 1 Swttn~ Y G ! • l 0 ·11,111, U t'l•br• II Buen. Pilfk Louvier 116) F (IQ ) .Sml•ll


SDDset. Aetloo

Oilers W ih, 50-46;

Lions Nip Saint,s Huntington Beaell ltlgh's

Oilers re.maJned perfect ln Ute Sunset Lea&ue basketball r11ce fo' riday night. but were ex· !ended by 1:'11nless Anaheim be-fore escaping \vlth u ~46 dC<"i~IOll .

And \Yestminster's Lions ctllne through with a 66-64 tnun1ph over host Santa Ana to up their circuit m11rk to J. \

llun11ngton Bt:ach coach

60-53 Loss For Tritons

Elmer Co1nbs ctilled f'lis ICfllll 's effori lhe poorM( or lh<' se1190n, but alao lauded )11 Anah4,1i1n effort for keepinl the 8<"0n: ~ chiee Q it WU. H~t~ 1ngton Beach was 1 beaV)' fa\·orne.

Coach Doug Stockhal'D'" Lions took. advantage 0( P ll'chnical foul on Santa Ana "'ith seven SC!COnds lelt to nail the Sainli .

\\1estminstcr hnd taken tht

uutiative with a one-point lead nt 63-62 when a Santa Ana player failed to report to the scor1ng table and his team 14·as levied wllh the techniceJ.

Phil Thompooo connecttd on tht' crucial free throw to gtvr \Vestmi.nstcr a' 64.Q Jead and

San Clemente •ligh 's 1'ritons tht•n Dan Accomando was tn· h•ll IJchind quickly to un· tcnlionally !oulM wlJh (b'c> <i l•fcated K11tclla Friday nlgh~ . seconds left He hit boin""~;' but held on. refused to panic or his gifl and tl}en

11 nd came back to lose by a \Vei1tmlnsler si n1ply sat back ret;Jlel>ta~iskm--in--and !er S<mtnt\nn score to-no·-----1 Cn•slvlew League basketball avail. actiun . Dave \\lalsh IL>d nll sC<lrt'rs

The I~ drops coach John \.•:ilh 30 points for the Llons. Baker's Trltons into a l·I hitting 10 field goals and 10 situation while K<ltella is 2.(l free lhro"·s Gary Andre\11s and 15--0 for the season. also chip!X'd in 13 counters.

Sub.5titutc Charlie Dargan \Yas one of San C1emente·s bri~htest spots. coming off the benrh in lhe fourlti period to score eight points.

J,.cnding San Clemente's scoring was Danny Nau and Ton1 Hof(rnan with II points api+..-ce. But their output " 'as eoough to offsel the Katella horde with ~1ike Dunn leading tilt' way with 17 counters.

Katella hit from inside and outside , defensed San Clemente with a dcrensc and whipped out to a 29·12 halftime lead before sel· tting down in the latter stages.

Sift Ckmet1lt (U)

" " " " ,, .. • l ' " IC t"~~ , ' • • • •~101~ • • ' ' Voo!"' I , • ,, Holt"'•" • l , '~' • ' • ' r• ra1n , • ' ' 0ttm•n , • ' • w~111 ' • l ,

Tolt1, Klltll• CiOI

~ " .. " " " ,,

o .... ft • ' • , .. cGu·•~ ' ' , Wtlsl\tn• '

, ' ·-· ' • l

"•(l>O ' ' • l.:l<hkotl • • ' Wh11ICloft • ' • 81,11 11n • • ' Oovl• • St. Cl1ir • Ho wf'll

Scott Hankin nod J im Weir led llunlington's sluggish of· fcnse " 'Llh l2 and IO points apiece

Combs' llunt lng!on quinlc1 St!emcd rontenl to sit on an eigh_l·to--10 point thn>4gh the third and mosl of the founh quarter before coach Emil Neeme's Anaheim crew chipped away in the Jailer stages.

Anaheim's tactics were a zone defense all the way until the final t"·o minutes when Huntington Beach forced it In· lo a man·to--man defense with a delay type orfcnse.

A"llrtw• Pdr~tr Wt rd W~hh A ( <!°omot!da l llOmOlOA


Wn!"' lllll• I")

• , ' " ' ' 111111 ..... t'4?1

"' " ,. ,. 1 ) IJ

' . ' . ' . 10 2 lO

' ' ' ' , ' '° n .,.

OiKhl\e• Rot>in.on Freder1CkM)tl M •rlln11 llrlll Chlom1n

1 ~ ' , ' ' •

·-· •r 't..., .. !.tr.!!?...,_:. lit =o~ 13!-lJ_ft gaihe into a close contest in l---H1nlf.5 V1oa~fd~-,~,,---i1lf-tv1nt O I l!fie secofid [r&me, after

M10Hto1 MJk:.~wl~ibl• 111 fl:l~~v I ~ 1 1 trailing JS-0 late in the opening

Kemec!w...t:Lflil~l~·rton~,------- C111rlt'"1ti __ ,,__ __ ,.,,., •N••e"''"i ~--S1:1'rtn9-!utir.-Eo11on-- ltl!Ottlll t t t. S<.iotly Hnl1 11 l-111 GI~ 12) G UO I O'OOflnell Pur""ll «•L W~ll' 16); Soulh P1..,d en ~ Trav II S.Ytllna "'"ndt•AI 00 G 1191 Frt;~l l ng - Cll•ll 11•1.


P•HllO Mill• csmlth) l,',', w'•"•'•• •, ', '• '• period. The Wildcats went on SUNSET LE.I.GOE Newoor' i.corlng sul>~ F r•n~l ·n 1, HJ!fl lme Scor• :

All'"fll Tao B•r IAd1lr! W L PF l',l 1011JIOS 1 0 17• 106 I I 124 106 1 I 14' UI I I 1!9 121

~P•nul•r ?. V•l~I 1 l?·l1 .

CALYPSO ~~\~:. T""' c1n F"ty IG•••• > 111 To111t1 33 'll 10 a spurt that outscored the v 1 rn Nvmoll CWrloM! 111 H•l!!lmt: S1n111 M0nk1. lt·h . Artists. 16-5, and cut the

H11n tlnqton BtlCh•

H11Ulmt· LOllt• , 24·11

Alamiws Results l'IUDAY'S aESULTi

CLl! ,l • & l".l.ST l' llST aACI!. lSll y1rcl1. ).ff•r.-old1.

i~~l=· t~MILl~ 1,.70 7.60 !·C lotl of Bolls, ltoblnlOl't 1 OQ.. l 40 r .. Cee's Cllok•. AkNrds ~.oo

Tln>1 - 11.M. Also ra11 - ~ Teut, Sb's 511., ...

!'Incl Pa11ts. PHVIUI Mollfl. AUllY J•n. S.C0111fo e.r. Gel A.uc1v.

Scrll'CNd - Sllatll Rock.,, Rkli.llY, Dvoe't Nl,...., H1rik 't Mote.

12 EltKlil t-Tlw MISW Look &-2-l.oh.. ot aoott. Olld 1n.:ro.

SRCOftD lACI. a ,1,.. J.\oelr· 111~ a. uo. c1.imln11. Purw 11.Jieo: P•rr 81r, NlcQmus ~ .to l .111 2.60 Ol•I arar.dy, AlllllOl'I 2 aa 2.-IO ear TOOlll•i.A.lthlnU 1.1

I IPl'lf - 111 .... lso r•n - Ao11100ut• · 81tT011 !"·

S'-'" tM V111, Trltlll ••r, .SlrloCn Ip, No xr•l<:hn. T HlltO l ACI: . a Y•rill. 3 ...... r~1.

Atlowt- Plll'M SI .IQO, C-- ll:lo. H•l"I 7.40 3.60 1' 001111 Around, MYies l .00 l! 4'>tllk AttKk. CerdOi• ......,.

Tl,,.._21US. . ,tiolllO ''1' - H•vll'llflSIY, TN:

Moomhilltt': Olltowaddl ty, 51. lOU11' Girl, S11m'1 Wondlr M•n, S...:i.,-1 $Kr., , Three H11ts

Scrt!f:°'ftd - C,...y Wilch. FDUITH R,lCI: . 110 v•rdt. ::J.veor·

Field Gauchos

Aquatics Teams

olcl• &- 1111. Cl•lml1111. Purse SIAOO. O l clltY l•Y air . A.Obi""°" U.211 1.00 j·'° Paco i..mmy S.CO, Alll111n J,QIO .-IO Gw F"H, Wr!Ohl • .211

T lmt - 4'.11 . .1.llO r•n - MluJ>e , Gi!'.l'll'l"f

llilr, Go Floan/• Go, MIOW•V Tom, M<-.Ptr1oNJl!y. ~~!Cf'led - ~ C-1, Too

Fr;.,;'Nl(~l'?Jo~.,d~.~.4)1!1& &- uo. Cl1lmln&I. Pww 12,100. llttl• Didi 9". H,lrt l.IO 3.111 2.olG Ml .. Trt-ln, Wiltsorl 1.a 00 AM P IPOln, Mr- UI

Il:' r;~ 1!.~t- ~ 11111. Go ow.­bl• Go, Dlx}e C111$.t. Tri Pit-~ Man, Tur1yloc!':i'; lllcl Who.

~.~~·.~\. G VVds. J.YM1'-old1.

~:. v.~ .!.r.r"':-;.'~iDlf Ano C.11~ l.lll U0 2.10 Aitlltl Ooll!~l:IPMm . 10.20 t1G ""'fr:: ~20'°'.2b.Sml tli . A

Al!iO ran - T~rTrltd, JOl'tn's Nole, 0.llellnl!ff . ..!'!"' .Blf"l'.I MMlo fl• Nitto. .......,.. • M1- Alk. -

lolO.JCl"ilk:llea. ~ . ~ M

S5 El~ll )-OUIMll'll'dl & 6-lllbtl

°11~.J: .. 'rf."lfte. a v•rd,. ~•r· olds. Pllf'M S3AIO. Tht 1:1 Pr11~ Dlf Ana Dfftlv tflah (kcond O YlslOlll Oelf1, HkodcilT'f.ll ff,2011AO '·'° Too Mester, UidlMI 1'-211 •..20 Go Chickie Go: 'Tr .. tu.. 2.111

l'lm. - 20.l2. AIM! rttn - 5olJI 81111¥1 ChM11h'I On.

Al'f'lll"lot9'1 OrMm. PW or Olce, 81~ lot, Fl,,.I Mighty Smootll.

~fGlffi:C~,M:s. 400 r-,.,tdl. ).y1ar·

1':-~~M-1'Jn:1 ~,°" Byou llrd, C.-dOU ._,. 2M 2.10

Saddleback. CoUege will have ~~.'l:= uo J:U . . nd I I T!IN - 20.U. swunrrung a wa er po o "'"''° • .., - c11111111 £«It, ~IM beg . · t r 11 the itociwtff, toc:Mt Taoetft: °"'"'°'' teams 1nnmg nex a · Petk:Mi. oi1,., ~. G••v OMc ....

board of trustees decided c.,.,.,..., o_,.,. ·1~·--Thursday. • '"'" llACIE. 350 ¥•rch. ,..,..,.olds

De ·1 •••rva11·ons !:_"",.· "••~"=°·' !~ "•""'•· · · - ,.., sp1 e some r.___ .. vek ,_, , ,oo -Jo ..,.,,,., r_.. Glru s.a.60 11..00

about the costs involved - "'1'h'•""'· r...._.. 1..111 tiOOl • rerttlit of t.',000 ""J>lUS ... 4Jm. "';~~ --..11~

· Pi11r~ , WUW GoW, .. j;;n· 09119iittd, transportation to away games Glllti.n-t Jtt . c- con.c:1, IN. ,..,.

and pro-rated salary of a part· •fcr tKlled -'• air,. E•· time coach - trustees ac- Olcllno 10 Flv, "'*''' Sur• Miki,

.... nt.ed-the. plan.... ---~-".Tr"", e~.~~u.t . .aQClte:t-'...blo_ ...._ :&:MITiil•oii:'.iilGSl.:uuD.

-­..... •


Harbor Baulmvard af Cars

LOOI POI , .. IM"'°' AT

CONNELL I JOHNSON .. SON HiVROLiT- -Llncol...Morcury


deficit to five . 21-16, with two minutes left before intenn i£. sion.

The second quarter saw Laguna Beach hit on only four of 20 field goal attempts, the consequence of which was the Artists inability to set up their press which tonnented Brea early in the game.

In the second hall the Artists took off to a quick HJ.­point lc!'ld and never looked back to the fatigued Wildcats. Sparked by the energetic play of little Danny Collen and the board work of big Norm Bedell, the Artists regained their Iirst quarter style of play and assumed a 20-point ad· yantage at one jw:acture i~ the final quarrer.

The Artists, 'SS usual, bad balanced scoring with David KieS9elbach leading with 15 points, followed by Bedell who threw in 14.

Brea hit on 37 percent of their 5hott from the field , while the Lagunaos managed to shoot at only e 30 percent clip.

* * * a,.. C411

M1rll\d Newport Ha'llOI' Wttlmlnster ~1er" An•llelm

~"'• .1..t\11

1 ~ 10'2 lrl 0 1 101 !•S 011n115

Fr1Ny '1 5(11r"tl H1>11!int!on Beach 5(1, An1nelm 46 WH!mln•l•r 66, Se"•• "'n• 114 Lo.1r1 llO, "'~' H1rbor ~l M1rln1 M. Weilern C

WllllMlder'1 01""" H11t1tl'1910n a1ac11 If ,,._PO'"I 1-iMOOf Marin• 11 We"1 •ml"'1er WH r• •n •t• An1~m 1t S.n111 ,ln.1

NH Vaulter

In Indoor


,,,.,. ..... "' 11"11 "'" Tturn1..,.111

M1ri111 !611 IH) lol'1 K•l'tHlr Alr••lldff I Ul F l 4 ) 51"1*" L1wrlft(t (IS! F I 61 L•<'M<loll L- IU C f 4 ) Ois!anlil.O Olm\l«I OJ G (Ill Broctmier

We.not!! l"I G 00) Becker korlng Subt · M1rlN - L•c• o 12 1.

Wlttm n !. Tll•<P (lt ; NPWSIOI"! Cli"U· at11ll'tllll (l), Crute !•!

Httll lmt · M1r lA1, Jl · li

C~•-*'illl.-M1rln1 OU lffl Wlll•r• Alt!•l-r PO! f CU I M!,ll f L~"" '""'"" HI F Cll) GUYllf 1.- c• l c ( • 1 Tr>oreoolO!'O Wencltll CU! G I 2J w .. c1 WU- C4 ) G t 3) 9•t"

Sc.0tln9 SUbl : 1Mrln1 - ll un (II. Hontl!ll (4). Lldlo ii), Mlllfr 14 1. Ol"'1i ld 111. Oteooc1 CSJ, khwskr !II; Wt'l"n - Stier (S), J.tet­!11.

H•U u ... e KOft • M•• lfll , Je. 71.

l'A•IMM.l.N l.Ull:ETB.l.LL G•rdell G,..... T.vr1111n>11!

E1l•MI• c•n fttl l.ol A"""9' ICronnteldl Pl! F Pl GOfl1al•1 to• f 111 Mort10c11 McC11)tkY 1'1'9) ( /Sf LO<>ODrl•

• . 8 1tch00 C)) G 101 Whllt . T9ll1 D1stapi.$lao of Newport Nlllw•n 111 G !721 C011r•11

lfarbor Hi"'" Schoiol wilt be. E11•11CJ• "°'11111 .w.i,.: ten•~· 9. !§.' ' • Vin Horii l , LIAue ' ·

one ol four outstanding prep -pole vaulters competing in the Sunkist Indoor Invitational track meet at the Sports Arena in Los Angeles Saturday, Jan. 20.

Oistanislao has 14.S outdoors and

•n~ e. .... , ... -~ """"N ....... ~:s.

'I " • • • • • • ' , • ' . ...

facing Notre Dame H.igh's Tim CUJTan along with two other Orange County vaulters. Curran has cleared 15-6 oot­doors and 14111 attempt to 1 :; erase former Warttn High's

, ,; star Paul Wilson's indoor i : mark or 16-0 1'~. the current ·l 'i ..Natiooal - lnlerscholastio- in­n ,, door record. "'" " s

Lff1111t BNCJto Cf:!I ff Steve Pulvers (lf-0) of Gar. _.,.. __ .._ .. C.rft~r 7l ! '! r; den Grove High and Mike ~r1':irom } : Baker (lf.1) oi K!!*' com· IMW',1111_._. =bKh ~-.., 2 \1Pretetoo s r-s uooeo. nela. PLUS OTHER ~~= ~ J 1 : The prep competition should DUm ANDING ACTS! ~11

Scww .,. OH~ n u '-1 help set the stage for the open Ii ~ ••Kh 1: {& ~i 11

_..7 action where world~las.s au..

i-.....s letes like Kjell l!a~n of • I ] : ~ ~~~ Sweden and the U.S. s Steve [ ] • ~

Coll • Smith and Bob Seagren will I I .. ~ • ..,_ I egiate, atrempt to crack the IS.foot • _ :

Pro Scores barrier. : ,_,__ lW !z ~-:

· • U1'I,. TllCllU llMl'l .... 1 • Orange O:>unty wtll Mve 20 : • ...,,. t1UUws ...... : individuals involved in. the ............. ......... ~ .......... · -~ meet in addition to three re­lay teams. sania Ana and Garden Grove are In the MC> •

ond heat ol the 640-yard relay ! "'tMTlftltUSSIKIWMIC

and Sanla Ana Valley Is In !._'iiiji" ljtl' ~jiljiiiiiijliiiijliiiJii• the first heal.


197 3 '.'·~iii..·,,". ']'" ,. ,, .. , i1;· ' ~\lri• ~,.,,,-.. .,,.,,..~

. ' .. : 1 :i l; ·,.,'I,,

."I. • 'o· I(. 1" !.'

Junlff Y1rslh

Ed''°" un u11 "''"""' 0t1 LI OY n n F (1!1 lh~u • Ftrrell (7! F Pl! 1<1,,.uton ll•t111~ I (!I) G l I) "'"""'''°" TulltY (Hl G ( 61 eaw11<d• W• ll1t1 17\ G ( 51 WU.on !

!,.coring 51>0\ Edl•Gn - Pv•nerl (II; Verbum Del - G••nl 11 !. MOl!f'l! I Cltl.

H11llti~ : fG iSO!'O , J.l·ll

• T

s,..,11t.r T1 S1llor In Kllln 17141 '45-7010

CllY'"'9 l1Hlnt ANKl• llH " Nirw" C•I ts's

11 .11 - !tow/II•# H y N....,..11 e ....... e M1rin• Dll •llY

(7H! '41·71M 1r "' !JU) n).IJJI


Some Of Their Lifetime RecCJrds s w

KAWUH IAfl .. ,. IYOUllRO ,. ' CHA .. Offll IAfll "

,, J!T CHAftQf" ,. ,, OIAQf JlOCJ<IT " I

,, COMlllX "


I • • ~ATNllAY TO GO » ,, IOME KINDA MAN I " • 'AfllRMMI

I " • 00 CHICKll 00 " ' lllotaY DlNUloo • • .

Tiw-. he.. I 0, "72

p s $1Won

> 3 319.f71

' I ....... ' ' 209 817

• • 115.81 1 5 I 1&3,712

• ' 151,193

' ' ,. ..... ' ' 1t0,37S

' . • J07.Jl_4 2 ' ...... • ' ...... ' D "''" 0 0 I0,910

HN!od G1•-d ..r Oubhol.M. Gi"llt 1l.rt 1Mlai d"'1g.

For,.. ...... - (213)431.onz OI' (714) 527-4471. 1lcket• & fnfom\.lllion (213) 431·1361 0t (714) HS..123"4.

LOS AUMTQ8..,­-llOl5 FW'f

Page 14: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


.... L ..


- •

" ~ . ... "" "' "" " ' 4•i ... •n

Page 15: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

.. •

S.tunllj, J .. Ultl' 6, 1973 DAILV PILOT f 5 •

AMERICAN STOCK EXOIANGE Week's and Year's High, ~w,

Over·lh~ounter Listings, Frida ' January 5, 1973




' ..

Page 16: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach



J DAILY PILOT ·s. .. ...,, _.,, 6, 1973


CBS D 1:00 .- Children's Film Festival. A movie from England called "Scramble" about a delinquent boy who gives up a lite of crime for the challenge of motor<ycle &crambllng.

KBSC !fl 8:00 - "Isle of Fury." Humphrey Bo­gart and Margaret Lindsay star in this drama from the ar<hlvu of 1936.

NBC 0 9:00 - "Whal Did You Do in the War, Daddy!" A 1966 comedy about American Gls sta· tioned in World War II llaly who find themselves involv'ed in a local wine festival. James Coburn, Dick Shawn, Aldo Ray are featured.

KCET l1!l 9:00 - "The Resolution of Mossie Wax." Kate Harrington plays an aged W09'1an strug­gling !Or independence in the lace of poverty.

ABC 0 10:00 - Population - Boom or Doom? ABC oorrespondents Herbert Kaplow and Virginia Sherwood report on the population growth in the United States and some or the problems it has created.

KHJ D 12:00 - "Invasion or the Body Snatch­ers." Kevin McCarthy batUes an extraterrestrial scourage of strange pods which take over human bodies in this 1956 thriller. Dana Wynter and Car· olyn Jones are featttred.


1:00 II ([) All hi Ult F•llllJ o o m EMtf1111CJ "Driml" .lollnll)' G111 Is dtt•rmlntd to do

Evening .somettiin1 driven who won't JANu••y

15 )'ltld t111 1i1ht of w111 to ~flrt Md

"" risc11e Mhidts.

c:00a 1-.., "'"" .,.,.. o mm m ""' """ '"' D {)}Cl) fB "911.U•IMI ltwl- Jlnts "The Cltmt llllnt ln1redlenl" ... Ttw Chris Schenkel ind 1U·limt m Alfr.d Hltthcod: Pmlnb bowllnt 11111 BlllY Welu wUI MM CD Ch•plot.W, Wmtllnt n commtnltton for lht 1!111 ts of EE IJlcll• l1brl tM $65,000 Sm JoM Open, Ne1rty &I lllowM: "1111 ol f111f" (drt) '36 a Mllllol doll111 In prizi money ~umphrey Bo11rt, M1r11rt1 Lind-will ba 11 st1M on th• 13·Mnl tour SIJ. wltll thl 111tlon'1 oubt.ndln1 bowl· 1:.1011 lridttl Uni ltrMI .,, COfRClltinl. • 0 UCU llukltlMU Bruins n . Ore-g D Ml IOI' St.Ill Buw11 •I P1uley P1wil· m Finl i\awbrl• ii l•pnrisiq ioa. £3 ........ LnlH (I) lukttbll Ofeeon Statt 11

lfl Vokl ol - OCLA 4:30 8 ...... : "T..,. T....,... (lcN) Ill TV Mlllkal

~Johnny Weluullt1. 1:00 8 llarJ TytH MMft Sllew

D - Hoot 'AM! "'"" w111 D Ill Ill Ille """" "°"'' -li!U Mrricn tv1llablt to the (t) (2'hllt) 1'lllt DW YH DI 11

~"' .. ~ .. '"""'' ...... -~ ~·­- "-"""' • .. m~"iii-,,;,o ·,_ , ....... __ ....

, ljl.LNEW! Where's ,Joli~s Aodienee. :: The joyfu( soogfu\ wonc!erfu( stay

of the life and rrusic of Johann Strauss! :.

Andrews Show Critical Hit~ but Ratings Disrnal ~ both coast.I. • them. of COU'lf• I lhlni , J " Bui th<re an plea5't

1~p~,fw1A/'£ffv.t •;rN:f'IM..ctu• IHEGREATWAl.TT

" \'.

Slril\fmst 9..00.7. t.-IAA'IW:.!A. Nf.'LI f'AfRXX ~ MTCI Cll G . ...- ·JSliw ROS~i'£>BAA7ll

lyr~.nJMT...-::11 ~alo1; tl)' ROBERT CRAr: \V1~(J H lr¥l CI.ooG: fcmtsT Ct1 lruT~ o1 XliANN Sl RAUSS ¥d ~.t. Ol.I• w,14'~ "I bv O'INA WHH[.

rtlf!l\Pl1:JO.Vd<n1~C<:Jb•/A"OiI:WLS1~[ l'Af'.l.l.'11 'O°'fM:TROCClOl

~.!.~. ~ o


of the big quesUon marks or the lt72-7S television season: Why hasn't the Julie Andrews Show attracted a bigger au­dience?

The variety hour h a s generally drawn c r i t i c a I huzzahs as being the classiest attraction to hit w e e t I y television in years. But lbe ratings have been dismal. The show bas bumped along most weeks in the bottom dozen of all network programs.

'Ille 1bantsgiving s h o w featuring Walt O i s n e y characters placed 13th in the Nielsen audience sun•ey. It was presented at 8::Kl instead of the regular 10 p.m. time on


1. c .... .a .. . .a .. . 541·1552

2. H1lltfetto1 hoclll • S1rf • ·IJ6-tJt6

3. AN9-l111 • lrookh.nt • 772· '446

4. Gor .... Groff • Groff • 537-6'00

s. o~ . Ylllo . 6l•-0066

6. Mlulo11 Viejo· Cl•IM VWjo • IJ0-1231

........... ..... .. ,, _ ............ ·­..... _. _ _ ., ____ _ -' ''The sharpest, gentlest, funni·

est film-of the year - Barbra ~i .. ..t..eillerges a• charming,


Some rating analysts lhlnk would hear about it. If ~ were aurprises, 100. One or lhe~ that ABC erred In ICheduling ... .... a ull ba the slnging. I adore OF the Andrews sOOw et to. after ..wing readf Y dly: BUI slnglnc. lt'1 such a delight~ the ~times of her youthCul . I've had no ba8alt (rorn ABC. know that each week 1111 h@ "' followers who loved "Mary They •m to bi ptoud o1 the a Pr"lt.Y oolo wllh a lovtlf.,. Poppins" and "The Sow.Id of show· lhelr only Instructions orchestra to sing wlth. ~· Music." The network ts mak- ag~.~. ~.ust ~eep making ii "NEXT SEASON - if~ lni some ameods by switching Is a next season - I ex . N the llbow to .U.11 Salun1ay at t, SHE RET~S in three won't anempl to do oo m ,

IF JULIE Andrews Is con· weeks to 18pe lhe final tight on the show. '!his year rite ctmed about her perforQUlnce shows. Then &be ud ber bus- worked· wJth au the guesif. in the ratings It doesn(tlhow. ' band, Blake F.dwartls, wUI because I felt th.,t was w~J

" I know ~t lhe stion have ' film ' 'The Tamarind Seed," a should do. I think it would j!t been good," she said. " I can romadtlc drama :which will be unwise to conUnue that way!'..:. tell· that from my own reelina:o n.nanoed by Engli9b TV tycoon Will there be anollltr sea~· and fl"Om the reaction of other Sir Lew Grad.e as pan of .the for the Julie Andrews Show)! people in the Industry. It conu,ct to . 1 ~1.1Ce her into Jf rati1'gs improve with -. , to be a parUcul~ wettlr telev1SJ011. at s in Canada. It IW Rl'"'1 favorite among thole in tOO ~t bas she learned about new time period. It woulcthiie trade: they r«<>gnize tbat It Is TV? - a good cl@nce. Shown ~ not one of your average get- '"Ibat it's even harder work coosisten6y in the top f!{t lhrough-it<iulckly shows. than I anticipated. At the shows. and ratings in E(lg\~

" Ratings? I don't ask about outset, l "had hoped that I have been excellent. ~:-..~ them - but that doesn't stop would be able to clivlde my people from telling me about · limeJr between .the show

lrr.:;~~;;;~~I and family. It )las been 1 rr:w>" like 90-10. •


ATl'MUfe~ ................... "Vanishing

Wild,rness" SHOW TIMES

Tllws., Fri., MM., THI. 5:00 ° 7:00. t :OO

"WllA rs UP DOC ?'' I S'""°lld ...i O'NHI

7 - 10:50 , .• .


Now, Afttr 16 Rio 0111 Wttlu At P1cific'1

Hlwty l• Drl• t -111 -Y o11 C111 s .. It Htrtl . 'Woody All111'1




- NoOY .. - , tt--~- i'l1iliN1161llll ...._ .... a.w 1 iff<IALI TM latllltiN rl

'ttfwl. Tio!• - s a far fUnnier film u,..;.WIHlt"-Up-o.c..'-Nffe-i

the ultimate woman's picture.'' -INGENUE , .,.... .,_ Wu K1t1 H1rrlnito11 stirs

e ~... as 111 qed woman st ru181ln1 for US Bin..- lncltl)tndtnce ln Ille f1Ct of pover1J : _. w..u, In· this film by Stephen fort mtll. l:Ot 8 Wlllt'1 111111 DI Wllll Willie 111 O Sflow dt I.tee ¥11dti

w. ' t:JOBhbMewbartSMw 8 llllp...., U. AnpltS Kinp 8 ._ ft. MffllleotL • lhlritJ C...llitJ' l1l 111- 10:00 a c .•• 11.-... e....,. .,...... •• w..w a rn w m 119cw: 1 ,.,.. m ... : "ltMI llltrt tllll llltrriet" 11911, 11• or DINI! (c:oni) 'U-.11111 Arthur, Joe~ Mc· • 0 TetAql Trialt. . ..., m---•-- fllC...-.Altl ,.... &I lex de Maki ~ lhale 1H Iii lullliflll ... CE Cflintse V1r1tty "°"' om. . m t11t eordH Sfllw !: .... .. lD:JO 0 kb11; Woedt1 S111W WI c-trJ P1ICI 0 Twilifhl l.111

&11• m""' s-Jll m- • "'""'"'" m ... .,..... .. ..,. tR>

' '"One of the 10 best pictures of the year. Thanks to Paul Zin· del's incisively funny screen­play ond a tremendously believ· able and touching performance by Barbra Streisand, 'Up the Sandbox' is one of the most out· spoken, outrageous and image..

1shattering film experiences in years.''

· PETER T)lA V ERS, Readers Digest <Ed u)

O IJJ - 11'oou mo oo - PREMIERE 11l _ , - ,,..,. 1"'1 .,. e """' !Cl ..... .., .. ,., ii;W'l!fil.. ORANGE COUNTY RUN ~>i!wo ''"""· •1t• ,.,.. t•us1 •......,;m o.;, . ~~!i!!!~iiilii,I :. 2nd TOP ATTRACTION O stera.. Jttk Carson. Ill OUMllllll Wlf'W rI'I M111hll DllJoll : •••• H••T"• •••• J: LEE ''PRIME CUT'' ~ENE 1.11 •••• 848 · 3102 •••• ~ 91 ...... : (C) " flllffy" (com)·~ 0 ltrb llrlotf Pttltllb I H A"•0 " A T " 0 ••• .coat"' ""' '"' MARVIN HACKMAN Tony R1nd1ll, Shirley Jones. m Molle: '1h Mot1 t1M" fD Tiii Afttattl (com) '43-Jean Artlfur, Joel Me-e Cal ti t11t Wiii Cre1. m s,.i a..r ID 1t1tt1rJ11 a11hl111.11

l:OOGDl!lm- ID""'• (j) Hirtl Cbplml 11:15 Ci) MM: "'Ima for Mr ,,_.. 0 Tiit 11u1 ... Stttlt SMw dent" (CGm) '64-fred MacMurtlJ, ID Tiii Ptnuftn Polly krren. Ui)TulrttWSabldt 11:20 8Mtwtt: '11tU It f1r HtlMS" EE 1'1lfM Stilep$ (dr1) '62--Stew McQuten.

~••o- 11,•a-rn s,n m 1tttt.1 @ .... : "NiPt ea111r FrNI ouw D IOllC """ ConftrtllCt Bob Spica" (scl·fi) '65-John Snon. Holle flltlls. 0 Morie: (C) ...... Tristtnt• fll Acc'- CMcNt (R) (dr1) 'S8--01Yid Nivtn, Ottiom fD D Sifl' • W up r S.liNs Kerr. tr;) Melldnl leMntiM (() MoM: (() "TH YH 11 ._.._. m"" Hn C.rnntff" (dr1) '6~t Buct.-

7:00 8 Cll IWO lloli, Glna lollobricida. m ... _ ~-

l.~~·==·•:-::•:•:· •:-~·~•:•:-:::•:H:•:•:•::::::::::::::~::::::::=::::::::::::~==::1ll

"Is s~ooth and entertaining as 'Butch Cassidy', , what with Newman pr011din1 dandy brnura per·

formance. It's all my movie - movie with nen that happy eadin1 we schmallz !oms Inf! so well." Wlfl(riR HICTodayShow

"I lruly tapnatch camic pertormHce bJ Paul Newman. I Jood time is what you will baYI " - """'· l ' Hew Ycrl: H1w5

~l .. lt\13\iMIM


"It the level of brute physical action-John Boor­man's ' DELIYERIN~E' is an absolute lr li1st-rate piece of moYie·maki ng. lou can tasle the fea1 and hear !he hammerinf hea rts. It is an uncom­monlr admirab le undertaking."

(HAl!lES (HAMf'Lfl. lO$ Angeles firne~

What~~ppen.on,;) '2 'j 0 tbeCahalawaweR1YW?

-- - o.-... - Gi•"""- CCl..!lM ti 11 .. TIMES OF

00 s,.rtl CW.11p Q11et111" (Mtv) '0-1-iedy LI man. 0 Tiii Ptnlll I•• EE Child:......_ Slllw GDNllY...,lkip f.mJau.i t8 LnftllCt Wtl: Sllow 61) Cl11tma J4 ID ft Tllltt 11\Mf 12:00 0 to Ylarrte• fl) VhlMI thrtiallrt 0 frllht Nifllt: .. lmsln If the fl:!,..,.,..... TtWthkll T\ldJI IMy" (SCi·fi) '56-01111 "PGtt'1 G•trM ~ (R) Wynl tr, Carolyn Jones. m .... " S111Mt a r .. • • Slltw @D Lnlil ll:lO di li&twM: "1111 Y111q .1111 Ult lll Stu! Sttttt 111¥1" (dr1) '63-Roiy C.lllolHI,

1:JO (}) llMI Aiwittltllrtr AiehJ1d Jatekt1. 0 Tiit llhllttl fldtly Gue1I llolf 1:00 9 Mtrit: "SaltJ O'R1111tt" (ll'lp) ""' Beny Ulmina tile 1olden Up '4S-Alln LNd, Gail RllSSt ll. ol tilt •ulomobilt.. (iJ ()) News

9"""" 19 q.'""° -. """"o1 "" D Lit'• .... hll Mttte_r. .. .,.,. KW - ..... " .... 0-1- IZM "Tiii "i - ""'" Cmbuto" bt" (lllY') '14-Jlttn S..on. m MMt: ........ ....... .. ID llMl ._.., (lnyi) '5'-"iffitll Jona. P•tncil .......... lllltry l1fl1n.





Starring: Jacqueline Bisset - John Huston • Stacy Keach - Roddy McDowall-ha Gardner

... ~ ~..,., .. ,.., McF«Schn I Stnt• An. • 1531·1271

Lineotn o\.\Olrlu9 W. of knon a-. ' '"'• s21.222:i




• ,

"THE GITAWAY" p .Ii 'Bonnie and C~de' brought up to dale and en­hnA~d 11th. the spec!acular action sequences from . Bullitt . ltutely suspenseful and inlensely eic1t1ng slam-1J;n1 movie. McQueen and Mac­Graw 1enerate as muc~ eleclricity as any of the fable• screen teams of the past." "'" '"""'

lPS4r¥fit1 Jlr-.,



-. • •

., • t

.·-. I

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. • .. . . • " • , " . . •

' '

• ' • .

Page 17: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

.. ~ . ' •



To Life!

Latin American Censors Wield Macl1ete on Movie Imports

• y • • WINNIR! 3r..: ·'fiddler


RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -"Stanley Kubrick l<l1dl h~ reaards," the U.S. mollon pic­tin rtpresentatlve t o I d Bru n•s top ctn!IOr.

" Send him a 'Clockwork' hug," replied Gen. Nllo CSntpa, head or Brulllan federal police and the man ln

·- -CINFOOMF 10 .. .. i=......:.11:·.~'l.·".1.._,

·- -CINIUOMF lf , 0. 4 :;:::"_,;;:' 'l _ I ', l~l

-- - ..

charge of censorship. The ctYPtic excba:n&e wu

the kiss of death for Kubrick's "A Cloekwork Orange," as for more than a doien films which ended up .in lhe past year on the censors cutting roon1 floor in Latin America's biggest movie market.

"·"~ ""S•OWI ALL IXl"•llS" StAOIUM ' I . .. _..."~ ... -- • ~:;;:::;;;;;:~--"T;_;H;;<;_;•;;A;_:ltllPOOT IEXllCUTIVt! ..

'"IOUHDt:•" -- - ·"' '' ... lt~Ml'lll N""111 ..

u.c. MAio! CALLI D HOISll"

l!':=:::~===----~ .. JUDGI •Ov l lAH" ... "THIE lll!VIENO£RS"

STAOIUM,l :, ' - · ...... ..-i-- --- - ,,,, StAOIDM •J . .. -·.l.·· ~ •. ~--


Film censorship la one of the was banned in Bratil. The o~ Another film by Cocta millt.ry rt&ime's most tightly flaial explanation : " lt offends Gavru, ''The C»nfcsslon ," nnliced areas. Conlroverslal the government of a friendly was cut In one or Its crucial .... nation." scenes when ils hero, Jo~rench f ilms including "A ·~~~;;;;;;;;~~~~;.:~~;~~~~~;;;;;;; ~~ ~;:'·~~-,.;.";:~I "UP THE SANDBOX IS A JOY!" ,_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*.

acW>r Yves Monland, declares his faith in communb m "despite the occaslonaJ devla­t1onli of the system,"

(:ablnet rft!nJsten, top generals Barbra Streisand's Sixth Film is Her Sixth Hit! and even the ION of President Howord Thomp\on Ni:w York Times

Emilio G. Medlcl, belore being definltcly reject.ed or "ap­proved with cuts" by federal censors .

Braz.llian censors cite two reasons for banning films -" atlackl against morality and good custom" or "attacks against national security."

Since a 1964 military coup, Brazil has been a target of foreign criticism charging torture and repression. Any film distantly portraying torture or physical duress In a poliUcal situation hat1 been banned .

"Z," the French political thriller about the In vestigation of the murder of a Greek

PACIFIC DRIVE-INS llOll~t1 L ••l • t•••· ~ t• T • ilfll. O. t • l•• • .a.

, .... l l t iM•UllMlllllll _


BARGAINS GALOllI S.tvnlay & Su•tlllY All hy

I A.M. to4 P.M. •t •A•Sf II # ! &...,._..._

" PLAY IT AGAIN, UM" politician, had a high box Of· l -,,,~:::;;;;:;;;;;;~~~;;;;~;::::::;;;;:::::::~~~~_l__'.ll~· ce:_:in'.'.."A":rg~c:'.ntina and ChUe. ll

.. ·-. .

• •




tc1ar-"'""'9tt Saturd1 • · t: 1

.;. -. :

. -. "


Walta' Matthau B~.ett .

-1ri-... ···--·-·

"Pete'n'Tillie" - .......... '-" "*' -·....., ..... .l_ wl,( f ... 1 .. _ . ,_. ~




1-1c-· ---1-6'1&-NEWPGRf-AVE~~--1~·-----1 . COSTA MESA 642·8293 'Hid~ ~Gs'


• . . •



. 4:30 p.m. TO 6:30 p.m. BAllOONS • CAKES • EXPRESSION TIME

(A~ EapJmllidl)

H~ If ITl(I ........... 'JI... breolh-

1•11, holrbr• adth fllthl ond the ' clo•h• t with crool• ond cop • · or' btavfffv!Jv ~ by Som PK~ pah . l'Ollll rir-.n-.N~ - -STEVE

IVh:CJlJl:'.l:'.1,1 .






/( 1 3i'20 · 5'41i · l -1().;1 5




wa. LYNl'f -


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Max von Sydow. Liv Ullmann

The Emigrants

.~ f....trl'.L r P'HWI .....

"soUMDER" Pl•t l••t. •14for• .. HOT lOCI"


••• ,,, •1·•· , k . • I Qa1M n

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N••- 1 , ....... ~ ., I• ~ •• SI.

M'!o·l lll TWO lll&TMO'tlUI

SUBURBAN WIVE$ (I) rt•l• ( k.. •

BAIT MAlll (l)

w.,,, .. A•• -"' ·' ...... ......

16 7. ) '!of l

OILIYll ANCI t• I "McCAii l MAS. MILL . . ..

WM.i1rs 0'°"' 6 • ·-...ell 11 ,._


EDWARDS AARBOR ,1::.2 "••to• lk'ID AT WJLIOfil IT,

cosr• • tt.• Ma.Gill



Page 18: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

• •


I AMBLER ,.,.....nT""--r----......

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' . - AUN



1 Co~ units Y11terday'1 P1.1ule Solved:

I TM heed 52 Kiin min: Abbr. 63 Whlt'a-hil·

10 Niel " neme l-t. --·· lutgO: 55 BHr fAtUr9 • Good·bf'I 57 BOit

1DSou\t'I 'eCceuoiy - · · .c. A! eo.ttapperiing

. '

• 16 Engllth 1g1in compoMt IS2 Weapon

·-~ 1TStr•nve 64 M1nhob1n'1 -lUDGE PARKER

.... ... __.

11 Count · neighbor·: 20· Bev1r1'g1 Abbr. 21 Palf 66 E11t 23 le• 1k1t1 lnditn nutM

t11turtt lie Surp111 24 Dou wrong 87 Sin;er Lily 21 Oirlciion 26 DumH


"" --........... ...... .. D_ 3fi M11e:hank1I

""''""' 17C-Cljiluty

38 Ugalhold 31 Hangman'•

41 SMdt of

'"" ~'-'·Coop. Adm in.

~ Milt 1nim1I ~- T'Mr1trom

46 Glri In 1 IOltQ 48 OluvowH 1



118 Thrndb1r1 19 Feminln1 clothing name

69 Unken,pt 22 Me11ning DOWN 2• Animal pelt

1 Talk 25 God 2 Che1t soond 26 Men and

country 45 V't0lent


• 1 Failures 49 Rowdies 3 lerge i.nd boy&

mass 51 "···•·II 4 Female holy 27 City in New Born·•

peqon1Abbr, York 53 Garment 5 More re1dHy 28 Take

1vallable f~iously 54 Blood: 8 Polite word 29 Corrode Preli., 7 Skin 31 Big name ilt 55 Fr1n~ 8 Bird the UN 56 Barrier t~Oenee 32~-5'7~fbi111'8ftf

10 Jeweler'• corpor1I 58 Sink 1 te1 unit 33 Terminated shot

11 Tow11dthe '36 Aqu11ernion 59 Have 1rus1 mouth 40 Pronoun 61 " .. · Big Gi rl

12 FHd the kitty •1 Religlou1 Now" 13 Sediment gro~ 63 Toot

• 9

" .,, "

" • . .. ..

by DollCJ Wiidey

by Tom K. Ryan


by Al Smith

, .. by Dale Hale



by Charles M. Schulz r.:,.::i3!~;!£1!-~!!'!~!'"""---i 1JIANl( 'DI


1 t1111 11(1 lll 1111111 11111 1!



. .


CANr Pia< A llOSS O"



. '

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•' •• ••

by Rater lradfl•llt ''.I

' iotl dear - to micla for 'It Is -more b1essed to &Ive thn

• . •

• B


• -


I • ! ~­• • . ' • •

Page 19: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

' Saturday, January b, l<J73 DAILY PILOT J'9 •





BUY YOUR NEW CAPRI F '-"'-".M.......,,U....._S ~~ _ _ 197 3 ~~~~~~~~~l~~D WE WILL FREE! ~~i~oo~,~~""~""'~ R B RQU ~~:C~:!T!~p To YOUR ORDER 460 V-8 eng., auto. speed control, AM-

FM mul!i plex. 6 way pwr. twin comfo" lo unge seats, stee l bh. rad. tires, elec. $


•-• tr-a@ .. PANT.RA! . '



1972 DATSUN 240Z $4588 V-8, outo. Irons., factory oir con-

6 cyl. outo. trans., fotto~y air.. ' · · ditioning, power steering, power conditioning, rodip, heater. Just windows, radio, heater, whitewall

,;;;lik;;;;;e ";;;;'wi!t'. (l !i!27f~Zf)!""'!"!!"!!!"'~"!!!"'!!!~!"'--I tires, vinyl roof, wheel covers.

1970 CAD. CPE DEV. 309AFV

V-8, oulo. Irons., loctory oir

~onditioning, power stt~ring, $3988 power (disc) brakes, rodibYheot-er, whitewall tires, vin'(1. roof. 770BES . .

1969 CAD. ElDO,. CPE. V-B. auto. trans .• factory air s33as 1 conditionirig, radio, heotei:, whi- · tewotl tires. landau top. (XVJ- . ~ on _ . - .

-- 197TC0UGAR. 2 Dr. H.T. V-6. outo. Iran<. air $2988 conditiooing,'power stee·ring, radio, heoter, whitewcill tires, vinyl roof. (624-0ff)

1968 PONT. 8 NN .. 4·or. H.T. V-8. auto. trans., focto- .

ing, radio, heater, whitewall tires, ry air conditioning, power steer- $1388 tinted glass. "low mileage" (XBS·

- - -. ,1967 T-BIRD 1969 IMPERIAL


~ \ -

locks, pwr. steer., brakes, and windows, tinted gloss, vinyl roof, cornering lomp5, til t whl., appearance protection group and much, much more! (518953) WINDOW PRICE $6699. OUR PR ICE 15601



$698 FROM



400 V-8. Pwr. slttr., ood brokn. oir tond., in­srru group wilti loch, 11.19 rock, wfw 1;res, clh rod w•th reor ;p ~ rs. lint. g lo~~ . di• . whl. co ~er~ ond m1K ll mQre (S04J23/

1970 FORD MAVERICK 6 cyl. outo. frons .• radio. h~oter . s 1 S 8 8 "low Mileage! (330-ASl ) Wagon, oulo. Irons., foctory air $19 8 8

conditioning, radio. heote r. 1926

AsHi t--~1"""96 ... 8~l"""IN"""t!'-4"""D!""'R!'-. """SE~D-. -




' 1971 TRIUMPH: G.T.6

V-8, oulo. trans., factory air con-

ditioning. power steering. power $1 s 8 8 windows, power seats, radio, hearer, whitewall tires, londou lop. (WfK-411 I

1968 v.w. Squo~e B~ck. Wog_. factory a ir $ '1288 cond1t1onrng, radio, heat!r.

• (WM6174 -· . . .

1968-PLY; FURY Ill 2 0r.H.T. V-6,outo.trons.,loctory $1 188 air conditioning, power sleering, radio, heater, whitewall tires, vinyl roof.(XDL-573)

-$1888 " ~ -4 speed. (913-CZU)

MON·.fAI 7 130 · 10 - .

IAT.8130•9100 IUN, i 0-8

. .

' -~ .

Page 20: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

l' l ! . . I



• J •

\ n 0411 y ;nm •

DAI LY Pl LOT CLAS Everyone Hai Something That

Someone Else W1nt1 ·rhe Biggest Marketplace on the 'Orange Coast-.Dial G42-5678 for Fas

~~~ I -··s. l~I --Wt I~ I --.. I~ I

..l h•

ell It, , 1Trade It

W'rth . J' Went Ad •

/ ;Gei;;ij""iii;''~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGeniiiiior~o~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir/ ~Gen:.:::~··~·~·~~~~~~Ge::::n~o~ro~l~~~~~- l ·Gen'-'-~"-''-'~.....:~~~-Geno~ . .;.:;;~•~•I;.._~~~~~ -;Gen;:";'~'':;;;;:;;:;:, j:;;;:;;;:::;::::;;;;:;~';:;;;;:;o.n....;;:;;;;1 ::;;;;:;;;;;;;;:::;;;1

* * * * * * ~-~ * TAY10R CO.* ~R::



• .o\ lovely home overlooking the blue Pacific ! A most desirable location. 3 Bdrms, family rm, fonnal dining, 4 baths & H&F pool. Sep­arate bonus rm suitable for s tudio. n1aid 's rm . rumpus room or? Fireplace in LR & mas ter bedroom. Indoor barbeque. llurrv! 4521 ORRINGTON OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5:00

BRAND NEWl-LINDA ISLE Luxurious ! Long view of lagoon. Contemp. Mediterranean home with 5 bedrooms, d<!n,

PERRY ZIMMERMAN MARGE MORGAN buge billiard room, formal dining room & 4'h TOP SALES PERSONNEL at COATS '& baths. Rich plush carpeting. expensive wall WAI.I .ACE for NO'i.ember and Oecembet-.r ~apers , maz:ble baths & Uel Piso t ile en~ry. spectively, were MARGE MORGAN ane.dc..+-Su. perb-quality--thruout. ~; PERRY ZIMMERMAN. Our sincerest con- POPULAR LIDO ISLE gratulatlons to both. And what do Ibey sar Warm & friendly! A real family home with about 1973-"\Vhat a great year we'll have' . 4 bedrooms + space for study. 3 Baths, sun Need help? Call MARGE or PERRY they' re deck. loads of storage area & space for boat. PROS. ' 40' Lot. Street to strada . S79,500



I ~141

~ .. ,

* Open .J.Jou:Je:J * SunJa'l t-Sp.m.


~~·Q~~·~~,\\Q~· Jilj. ,'-_sfi~~

A R . 3llOO SURJl'VIEW 4 BHi Fam. Rm. $74,500 978 SANDCASTLE 4 BR/ Vu/ Pool $83,500


LINOA ISLE 54 LINDA ISLE DR. 5 BR/ Fam./waterfront

* * * * * LIDO ISLE OPPORTUNITY OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5. 133 VIA WAZIERS. 3 BR .. 3 ba., sep. din. rm. Lovely front patio. Owner has purchased another home! ! Eugene Vreeland

OPEN SUNOAY 1-5 P.M. 1847 PORT MARGATE-HARBOR VIEW HOME. Popular portofino model. Plans avail. for .bonus room. 3 Bdrms., 2'h baths. Prof. decorated & lal\dscaped. 189,000. Kathryn Raulston

BAYSHORES-OPEN HOUSE Spacious 4 bdrm. widen, formal din. rm. It breakfast room. Low leasehold: Owner wanls sale! $67,500. 2752 CIRCLE. OPEN SUN. P .M. M. Harvey ·

DOVER SHORES BEST .BUY VALU E CONSCIOUS? If so. you should in­spect this 4 bdrm., 2-story borne. Exciting view of Back Bay. $118,500 - Fee. Edie Olson

60' ON WATER Great family borne ; 5 BR., 4'h ba. heated pool , pier & slip tO accomodate lg


e. boat. $175.000. Exclusive area of Newport . Triona Bergin

HARBOR VIEW HILLS BEAUTY 5 BR., 3 ba. home; lge. Cam. rm. & formal dining. Lavish lndscpg., with canyon & some ocean view. 3 Car gar . Fee land. $107,000. Harriett Davies ' _, ~

2500 SQUARE FEET .. of pure dratna & pleasure . can be yours in Universi ty Park for only $49,500. 4 Bdrms . 2¥.a ba 's. , lam. rm . Prime greenbelt Joe. Toni Escobar

OCEANFRONT-CAMEO SHORES Breathtaking vtew w/complete privacy, Beautiful tiled pool w/therapy, jacuzzi, fountain & waterlall . 4 BR., 4 Ba. & powder rm. Priv. beach. $350,000. Carol Tatum

' ATTENTION BEACH LOVERS Please contact rrte U you ere interested ln Beacon Bay proprty. Mary Lou Marion

SPYGLASS SPECTACULAR See· the view from lhe lop-this 5 bdrm. family home !1 waiting for y<lU . Large cor­ner lot. Great wet bar . 2 Cozy fireplaces. Only fll9,000. LaVera Burns

13M700 --Coldwell, Banker • ~ . .

.---•• -. Catr64!.;5&78 .


LINDA ISLE--424S,DDD Luxurious custom-built 4 bedroom home on lagoon. Huge famil y rm \V/ \vet bar formal dining rm, ~ame rm & 411l baths . P


rolected patio, pier & slip for up to 65' boat. Built-in vacuum. Impressive 2-story entry · ,- -50 LINDA ISLE DR. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5'.00

BIG CANYON - $117,500 . A_n unusual contemporary home on a pool­SlZCd lot. L~e. rooms. 4 Bdrms., family rm. & formal dining rm. NeW' & ready to move into. 3 Car garage. On quiet street. 29 AUGUSTA LN. OPEN SAT/ SUN. 1-5

BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Beautiful near-new .f bedroom residence In thi s exclusive area surrounded by elite B.C. Country Club. Sunken conversation area in li ving rm. Lge dining rm, farn rm with frplace & many extra features . View of area & gol f course. Priced ri ght at $119.000

CORONA DEL MAR "OWN·YOUR-OWN" On ~e water ! ~ant.astic view & pride of own­ership bldg. Private marina, pool. jacuzzi & security guard. A}~l"I· :4_ Bdr~IJlS , 2 baths. Va~h • • $8llj~



lllllNDNfi WOIJll HANfi


Is renting a drag? Are you throwing money away? At Walnut Square,

your month ly payment gives you substantlal tax deducations, and builds equity. So untie yourself.

Come see us today.

$19.910 $1,000 Down, No Closing Costa.

2 &3 Bedroom Townhomea (714)551-4041


644·7270 . * Nature whispe1·s ...

... with this view IN CAMEO HIGllLANDS-Just remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath. dining room (or family room ), fireplace, cheerful buUt-m kitchen with inviting SUNDECK for your entertain­ment pleasure , overlooking the canyon & view of the ocean. One-of-a-kind. Just re-


lluced to . .. .. -: .-.. -. S64,



Auilln-Smllh GonMn,

RHll111·~· ......

to announce that BARBARA TRESSEN has joined our &tall.

BARB.<\RA is a specialist in the Harbor View Homes area where she and her family reside.

BARBARA iJ very active .in community affairs, being a member of Big Canyon Coun­try Club and lhe Thursday Morning Women'• Club of Newport Beach.

BARBARA invites her cllenls and friends to call on her at Austin-Smlth & Go~._

ea!t.Orr28281:;-CoasrHwy;-Corona- Q81 Mar. (714) 644-7270. ~ Elegant condo •.•

RON haa ~tJy joined the 1taff aruur--new-ot.;--­ficet. lie tias ~ in­volved ln ReaJ Eilt&te In the Cotta Mesa Newport Beach an>A for ftie put fl~ years. WitD !hit wide varie ty · of ('Xperience, )'OU Y. ill find h i$ friendly, proll'!!~looal ACrvice a 1o:r1.>at hl'l!I 1r1 l"C!SOlvlng

Gener ii Genorol . . . in the Bluffs

IN THE NEW SECTION - This Beautifully decorated (completely upgraded ) 3 bedroom, formal dining room, a £ireplace, 21/2 baths, 2 patios plus a solariu1n. on the gorgeous greenbell . . . . . . . . . . . 182,500


Deluxe Duplex ... . . . Corona del Mar

Spanish architecture prevails in this delight· Cul DUPLEX - TRI-LEVEL. 4 Bedroom. 2'h batht fir!'Place1 built-in kitchen. B A C K UN~ ~· I bath. Enjoy your 3 ter-

- tac~ ..... : .. This . is_ a be"'.'1'y :Jii~~c;z. ,,'

Orange Coast REAL ESTATE 644 4141

2600 E. Coa1t Hwv .• Coron• del tMr



Qj)CJI 110\l.K" Sunday 1-~

114 Riviera \Vay







OPEN HOME I lo 5, SAT. & SUN. 19802 Pro vldeoce. HunUncton lkach ..... It Is a pleasure lo ahow thia colorful 4 BPrlruom llont('. New eJC­ler ior paint. upgraded Clltpe!lng, cuatom fireplace. large patio and room tor a pool. ... All tbia for $31,S50. Call Anytime, ~ . NEWPORT HEIGHTS

4-Plex. Very Sha.rp and 111 the Prime Rental Area. You Chvn 1he Land. Each are 2 Bedroom. Ideal lor Owner Occup&Dt.-y tar one unlt is Extra L8rge. Seller May Help 8U,Yi!r to Finance. Of· ' .

* BAYSllO~S * Dpon Sat. '& Sun. 1-S

2500 fo\ARINO START the New Year rlibt with this ~. Attractive C\l5tom -built home k>cMed on lge. irregular cw . . lot;·

ovenlze Uv. roQm, lie. tam. toom plua nice. dining area. 2 bedrooms; 2 bath&, bit-Ins, · copper plumblna, covered patio, dbl. gara~ plus carport for boat - Vacant • ASKING $59,500.

ALSO ATTR. 3 BR,'1., Jge. Uv. nn., din. area, ek!t. bltna . w/w carp. A drapes, nJce patio. Xlnt rond. Low leasehold. Priced at $53,<XXI


224 W. <»ut Hwy -=i Nev.'JlOff. Beach Eve~

Parle Hlllltil!C)ton 5 BR. + FR. + DEN

$56~SO for $52,950


$19,500 I ~·mnry baqaln . BEACH Prlvat~ puk \I.1th ~. ten. TOWN lottdottl ASSUM£ nls ~a, plays::round and exh1tln& ntA io.n $11.800! elobhoUJt. OUerine thla pm-

].to. payment $107 ·' urRl&I ==~ 2~~~ed wtth percentqe rate 5149'1 formal dlnlN: ._TOOrn , and Craokllna brkt fftp.laoe. .epant• famiT1 room lotAJ­Ptivate PA.LIO. JMMACU· tng 2IOO 1q. ft. tor only , LATE IOW!lhout•. Pool . C.U W ,IOO. Q1o9le >OW' finln-toda,y • Sf.5..<m3, cine, Pl@ut call .

!"""' ' "I I' i''--.,. , . , , -, -~

. ' °""~ . Need a " Pad"f Place an adl

~ . . ..


400 CARLOTIA (off of Vista Cajon ) END UN ITE-PLAN, on beautiful , wide greenbelt. 2200 Sq. ft.. 2 bdrms., 1-22 baths, 15x24 fl !ainily rm. w/wet l>ar. $63,liOC).



lllG CANYON Unusual 4BR, FR, study, pool & jacuzzi. Picturesque setting overlooking lhe greens, lakes, Country Club & Fashion Island. $194,500. Lois Miller 642-8235. (Wl9)

EASTBLUFF SBR Spacious family home. Steps to schools, churches & shopping. FR-formal DR-­fenced rear yard-3-car garage. Quick oc­cupancy. Jack Howell 644-6200. (W20)

DOVER SHORES-VIEW Custom designed. , FR, bar, lanai, pool & jacuzz~ electric roof. 2 fireplaces-raised LR & DR-panoramic view of lhe bay! OPEN HOUSE Sat. t. Sun. 1-5 p:m.r 1424 Galaxy Drive. (Wzl)

LINDA ISLE llAY VIEW ·Superb new custom designed Mediterran­ean 4BR, 4\t bath, formal DR, large FR, separate game room. Slip for yacht. Dave Cook 642-8235. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 p.m.-#46 Linda Isle. (W22)

. IRVJNJ; TE.RRACE • 4BR home near TenniS Courts & Park. LR, FR. & kitchen overlook heated pool. Brick terrace. Children's play yard. $73,500 fee. OPEN Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. 1915 Chubasco. (W23)

Yi ACRE VIEW ESTATE TiHany jewel quall!f! 3BR r.rsonallty home w/ garden setting. He en Wood ~. (W24)

A DREAM ON LIDO ISLE Vi&uall7.e 5000 sq. ft . on the Bay-mansured roof-wrought Iron gates-indoor pool sur­rounded by lush planting. F1oor to ceiling glass to 811 the panoramlc beauty of New­port Harbor. Spiral stairway or elevator t'o 2nd'Door living_ 2BR. $375,000. lmrb11H Auna 642-8235. (W25)

TURT\.EROCK TERllACEI VIEW! Elegant President home - superb condl­t!on. 4BR, DR, FR, cul-d,,.sac JocaUon. Large low malnt. yard! Luzlo Sbarkan,y 644-6200. (W26)

BALBOA ISLAND CHARMEL Beautilul condition, never rented. cOsy fireplace, DR, large paUo, 3BR's, 11'\ baths + studio w / fireplace & 'h bath. Cop­per plumbing. Newly8ainted. '84,000. Dona Cblchester 642-8235, PEN Slln. ~ p.m. -22ll ¥>ethyst. (W27)

NEW llAYl'RONT: Owner's Door contains LR, 'DR, kltcht11 •

maslA!r l\lftei guest'• Door -. talna 3 BR's ., living area: Pier • sllp privilege. Sweeping b••VTEW

-'-in the heart of Newport Ifatbor. .350. OPEN DAILY- 1653 Bayside Drive. (W40)

' '

I l~ne 1----,--1 IOI°'"'°''" t4t•IUI




\ 1•

r . ,

• I


• • I

• I

Page 21: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


. ' I


DIRECTORY ......... ,.... .......... ~. t •• .,.. ....... 'le;. .......................... .. ~- .,...._,.\f Mew# '11 •ekes .. ....., .. DAILT "LOT WANT ADS.,..... ........... Man ........ ., .. ,.., ................................ w ....... .....,, .... ..., ......... .


111 Via Vella (Udo Isle) NB '-• $58,500 ($at. & Sun. 1·5)

12 BR •nd FM RM DR DENl 20211 Port Provence Pl. (HVuHomes) NB

644·6249 $54.SOO (Sat. & SUn. 12·5) 4521 Tremone (Cameo Sbores) CdM

644·6200 (Sat. & Sun. 1-6) * l!OO Somerset (WeslcliU) NB

642·8235 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 2030 Port Cardi!! nNuHomes) NB

675-6900 $57.000 (Sun. 1·5)

13 Bodroom)

1647 Pt. Margate. Newport Beach 644-2480 $69,000 · (Sun 1·5)

133 Via Waziers (Lido Isle) NB 644·2430 $71,500 1sat & Sun 1·51

2000 Altura Dr nrvine Terr) CdM 644-2430 $59,500 , (Sun 1·5)

227ltucy-Ave.lfaJooarsrand-' -673·1488 $71,500 (Sat. & Sun. 1-4)

2926 Dorn Court, Laguna Beach 494-6517 $69,500 (Sun. I-dusk)

419 Irvine (N'pt Hghts) NB 673-6510 $41,000 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5)

1720 Kings Rd. (N'pt. Hghts) NB 673·9060 $82,000 !Sat. & Sun. 1·5)

232 Costa Mesa St. , Costa Mesa 545-8424 $26,500 (Sun. 1·5)

723 Cameo Highlands, Corona del Mar • 644-7270 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5)

16214 Shasta, Fountain Valley 646-0555 $33,950 (Sun. 1·51

:!IUO Margaret, Newpdri Beach " 64114040 $48,900 (Sat. & Sun. 1·51 ** # 106 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) NB

675-6900 $128,000 (Sun. 1·5) 8921 Comel Circle, Wesln1inster

557-4861 (Sun. 12-4:30) 303 Orchid, Old Corona del Mar

675-6000 $67.500 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5)

* 1158 Manzanita . Manhattan Beach 3711-3425 $38,750 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5)

(4 8.clroom & Family Room or ~n) 2024 Ba.leartc Dr (Mesa Verde) CM

54M577 $46,950 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1900 Highland, Newport Beach

545-6424 $42,500 (Sat & Sun l·5) 2752 Circle (Bayshores) NB

644-2430 $87,:SOO (Sun 1·5) 3500 Surfvie"'• Corona de! Mar

644-2430 $74,500 (Sun 1·5) **11153 Bayside Dr (Yachtsman's Cove)

Corona del Mar 67~1935 1Dally)

969~ Marigold , !' ountain Valley 870-4650 $31,500 \Sun 1·5)

334 Tours Ln (Newport Riviera) CM 540-1720 $32,800 !Sat & Sun 1·51

5392 Sierra Roja !Turtle Rock) Irvine 540·1720 $45,000 \Sat & Sun 1·5)

1907 Leeward (Baycresl I NB 644-6200 $79,950 (Sun I ·5)

# 20 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) NB 644·6200 (Sat & Sun I ·5) * lJU5 Clwbasco (lrv.ine Terr.) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

17441 Kurt Lane, Huntington Beach 642-8004 $41,500 !Sat & Sun 12·5)

436 · 18th Place, Newport Heights 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

4620 \Vayne Road, Corona del fl.far 673-2222 $99,500 !Sat & Sun 1·51

368 Santa Isabel , East Costa Mesa 673-3683 675-8531 (Sun 1-4)

* 2028 S. Capella Ct. (Mesa Verde) CM 645-6500 $50,950 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

1924 Beryl Ln (Back Bay) NB 642-3364 $62,500 !Sun 1·5)

29 Augusta Ln (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 $117,500 1Sat & Sun 1·5)

271 Rochester St., Costa Mesa 5411-7516 $38.450 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

** # 50 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 $245,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

20221 Big Bend, Huntington Beach 962-5511 $55,000 iSWl 10·5)

* 4639 Fairfield \Ca meo Shores) CdM 675-3000 $125,000 \Sun 1·5)

1221 Keel , Newport Beach 640-0020 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

115-0 Manzanita. ~1anhattan Beach 3711-3425 $39,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5;

(3 Bodroom & F1mily Roo'!' or Deni 1720 Skylark (Baycrest ) NB 827 Via Lido Nord, (Lido Isle) NB 642·8235 (Sun 1·5)

642-5200 $11-1 ,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2008 Altura (Irvine Terr. ) CdM * 2323 Private Road, Newport Beach 833·9293 (Sat & Sun 1-5)

642-5200 $56,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) .. 515 Rocklord Pl (Cameo Highlands) CdM * 2007 Holiday Rd (Baycrest) NB 675-6000 $69.500 tSun 1·5)

842·5200 $'r,j,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 716 Cameo Highlands Dr. " 1141\lv~a- W , .~wport Beach (Cameo Highlands) CdM

~~--.(S<EO--J..~--~OOQ<~i&'l;!iOO-----fl,..,,..-H>j-' 960 1 Ci'earbr , 'Huntington Beadl 20TI Leeward i,,;ne (Baycrest) NB

6~$42.000 (Sull--14->---675-6000 $'19,500 Sun-l-5)-9882 Cornerbrook, Huntington Beach -is 8edroom1il

962-8865 $41 ,500 (Sun 1·5) 5711 Castle Drive, Huntington Beach 1946 Port Bishop Pl. (HVuHomes) Nil

962·1373 $32,000 (Sat 1·5) 644-1957 (Sat & Sun 11-4) 9691 Star. Huntington Beach (5 Bedroom & Familv Room or Den)

962·8865 $42,500 (Sun 1·5) **54 Linda Isle Dr (Linda Isle ) NB * 2536 Columbia, Costa Mesa 644·2430 6r 833·0700 1Sun l-4 )

540·1120 $32,950 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **46 Linda Isle. Linda Isle 1633 Corsica Pl.- (Mesa Verde) CM 642-8235 1Sal & Sun 1·51

557-0375 $31,950 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) **3 Linda Isle , Linda Isle 006 Alder (Eastblufl) NB 642-8235 1Sat & Sun 1·51

644-6200 $53,900 (Sat. 1·5) 2318 Arbutus (East hlufl) NB 4521 Orrington Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sun 1·51

1 644-4910 $117,000 (Sal & Sun. 1·5) # 52 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) NB 2290 Redlands Dr. Newport Beach 644·6200 (Sun 1-51

642·1771 $39,9SO (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 28 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) NB 1242 Conway (Halcrest ) CM 675-6900 5195,000 (Sun 1·5)

Mll-4141 $29,950 (Sun. 2·5) 3801 Ocean Birch (Spyglass Hill ) CdM 17860 Los Alamitos. Fountain Valley 644-2430 $119,000 (Sun 1·5)

962-5511 $35,000 (Sat. & Sun. 10.5) 1819 N'pt Hills Dr. East (HVH) NB 218 Via Palermo (Lido Isle) NB 675-3000 (Sun 1·5)

$79,950 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 2121 s ;tlia (Eastbluff) NB . " 1732 Candlest!l:l< rmycreSt) NB " . . . . 67S-&IOO $72,500 (Sun 1·5)

642-8235 (Sal & Sun. 1·5) * 1424 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) -NB CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE

644-6200 '(Sat. & Sun. 1·5) (2 Bedroom) 1842 Pt. Stanhope (HVuHomes) NB * 2400 Elden, #9, Costa Mesa

642-8235 $55,900 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 963-2187 (Sat & sun 12·4.30) 19382 Bethany, Irvine

642-8235 (Sat. & Sun. 1-4) (3 BR & FM RMI * 1927 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB * 3163 College. Costa Mesa

644·7662 $81,000 \Sun 1·5) 557-4130 $25.500 !Sun 1·5) 142 Masters Circle, Costa Mesa

673·9060 $47,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 12 & 3 Bedrooms) 3245 New York, Costa Mesa **4411 \Vest Coast H\\)', Newport Beach

557-4130 (Sun J-51 642-5200 1Sat & Sun 1·5l 17961 Orkney Circle, Huntington Beach

557-4130 $34,500 (Sun 1·5) 17932 Cedar Tree (Univ Pk) Irvine

55:1-7500 $53,500 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 2207 Waterfront, Corona del Mar

.671-3000. $87,500 • (Sun-l·S) 3927 Sandune Ln. nNuHills) CdM

644-2430 $79,900 (Sun 1·5) 322 Poinsettia, Old Corona de! Mai

675·6000 $86,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1363 Galuy Dr., (Dovec Shores) NB 676-6000 $137,500 (Sun 1·5)

18231 Santa C.ecllla IGreenbrook) Ft. Vlly. 962-1373 $42,000 (Sun 1-5)

308 Otero, Newport Beath 640-00'.IO (Sat & Sun 1-5)

14 Bodrooml * 978 Sandcastle , Corona del Mar

644-2430 $63,500 (Sun 1-5) 10472 Morning Glory, Fountain Valley

962·1373 $32,900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 337 Magnolia , Costa Men

642-8310 '39,500 (Dally) 224 Via lthica. Lido l&1e

64z..3871 $73,500 (Sat " Sun 1-4) 106 Via Dijon (Lido Isle) NB

044-4910 $79,500 (Sat .&: Sun 1-5) 21192 Breton. Huntington Beach

96:1-5511 $!1~ .900 (Sun lZ.S) 220 Amethyst, Balboa Wand

642-823~ (Sun 12·5) **501 Eveoing Star (Dovor Shores) NB

642-8235 -(Sun 1·5) 19802 .Provfdence. Huntington Beach

646-0555 $31.BM (Sat & Sun 1-5)

DUPLEXES FOR SALE 515 ?tlonterey, Huntington Beach

371h1425 $49,800 (Sal & Sun 1·5)

13 BR ind 2 BRJ 220 • 20\h St., Newport Beach

673-9060 $68,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

(4 BR & 1 BRI 711 Jasmine, Corona del A1ar

644-7270 (Sun


117 E. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach 673-6210 !Sat & Sun 12·5!

12 BR •nd BACH. APT. ) Sll Acacia, Corona del Mar . 67&-3000 $61;500 (Sun 1·51 515 Begonia, Corona del Mar ~20 (Sat & Sun 1 ·5 I

!House & Duplu) * 2057 Tustin, COSU Mesa

1146-5880 (Sat & Sun)


5408 Seashore. NewpoH. Beach 673-9060 6411-7767 (Sat & Sun ..... ... w ........ ..

*** ..... ,. ..... .

Pete Barrell Jea/bJ ' pmen.b

UDO ISLE CORNER • RUSTIC CHARM - Massive fireplace adds

('()Rlfort to tbJs roomr 3 bedroom ho1ne. Un· usual ma!llter suite \\ '1th separate den/ sitti ng roon1 could be used as dormitory, \Yith con· neeting study /play area .... .... $114.000. 827 Via Lido Nord, N.8. Open Sat & Sun 1-S

BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE COMMUNITY NESTLED IN NEWPORT BEACH - Newly decorated & comfortable - 3 BR .and din· ing room. Pool. putting green , shuffle board - all in your OY.'n lo\'ely park .... $56.000. 2323 Prlv1t• Rood, N.B. Opon S•t & Sun 1-S

BAYCREST BUYERS ATIENTION SEE THIS ON~ - 3 Bedroom, dining room, fanlily room and pool plus n1any olher fme features. Price to se ll now at . . . $75,500. CALL 642-4353.

DOVER SHORES BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME - for lhe discr im· inating. Over 3300 sq. ft. of private and secluded li vin g. 4 large bedroo1ns. beam reilinged family room, formal dining~m. and pool \vith jacuzzi. Afany more exclusive features, $129.500. Sho\vn by appointment onl y.

HALF ACRE. EMERALD BAY FANTASTIC VIEW LOT - In upper Emerald Bav. \.' iew fron1 Dana Point to Irvine Cove. ExCellent . sli ghtl y s I o pi n g bui lding si te

. . . . . . . . . ..... $90,000.

Office Open Saturdays & Sundays

PETE BARRETT REAL TY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B.



s,zJ.~ - :rr.itk-d /ii-I :! Ledroorn, diniJi& 100111, larti:l' !lvirui: roon1. l::xt-ellt>ut r• ·n· till , J1wlOOM 1111·~1· 'J 1,.'11r i:nrnac - h Ul;'.l' "orkshop pl111 c11rport .

OR I $"27.J{() - ~OIM'ti lt-2 • liuild 7

I IUUlS \lllh no \ ', Ulfllll'I'. !Illa

l'OlY l'Ul ! 11~1· "U

111\L.t• 1\ CftE: f{en!!'- .1t $17'.1 flt 'r n111n!l1

DON'T llf:~ITATE 1·.1l! t" 1la:. • &IJ..-0.103

. -IOI!! \I J OISO\

N:At • TO/;/:l



I J\•n r1 \\ l' ll,<; Olh"-l<IOI), 011

lnt).!l' "Fe(> :-:1111pl"" 1t--.1. l'h:11·n11n~ Ir'" ' !1111'{1 l11n1' 1n rnl<'~I an •n. ()\\n, •rJ' n1r,\111i::;

I Ens t. dl' ~Ll'f' Pt"Ulpt sa l1· . l'ri (~ · JU"1 1~~h1l·1~ I tu S!l:t,000. A sµotlo ·!O; !H1!1lf' ln

1 Ou! J\ l :1ntlin~ 111•1i.:hhorh•ol! I rn1ult111l,v . 11.~ r~ ·d 11) •

.. ·~~ ....

' &st D~~r 2414 Vhna d<>l l)l'u

:'1.1•\\'p<ll'I Hl':u•h 64$-1133 1\N Y1'1i\.1 E

I Meredith Gardens 4 Bedrooms,

2 t;, Baths 3 Car Gara9e

I 1.u._)k ut Liil• con1tiin1111nn or r('fl l\IN'" 111 tl11s ho11tt·~ lllii,:l' "11lnu! pnnclt>d rarnlly roon1 I\ i1 h ~tone rire11lnl'1'. forn1a t d1nln~ 1't~1111, rr('shly pi.11n11'(t lnsidr und ouL-.1d1•. l..1X'atf'{I In prt•s-tii;.:t• ncighbrlrlOJ(J,

I Gener11 very elo.'>{' to (·l~nll' ntu ry

1.:.:=.:.:.._____ ~·hool. p:irk, lc nnis eour1s 1-------- Beach Town and hc11ch. J~·frr In M!ll

EASTSIDE qu1r kly. $4!1.!.IOO. Please 4 Bedrooms iihorl(' 546-2313.

$27.950. I oPfNTllll • HS ~!JNr()BEN(;f•

Tt~~~ ~~lc)'~~r bl~.r;1°r~1 f~;; \\'0\V! 1!i~~(:~?oO~t:AClf! I t'~ ~ profit! lJON 'T RENT any NL\\' P ,\I NT~ Nf<:\V 1 longcr, \\"IW'n rnily $1400. "'ill , C,\RPF:T.S~ Chc•1•ry kileht·n • gl't you inlo th is IX'l\Uty . NO I 1n Iron!. . IJININLi P.OOi\.I! 41--:~\·~h('~R~;;r~; ~~~~ ~~Cs~1z,..L_.-it;;ectr~~1m~1~ * OPEN SUN. 1-4 * huilt1n dish11·n~!wr. M r~1nn1 tr11i lt· r door from hllc-k or 368 SANTA ISABEL cahlll(l1S und lovely carPf'ls. ~arn~r to back ~an\ . CIOsP Ju~t OVf' r lhl' N'pl. Rl.·~ch \\"llY \\"A[T'.' to shoppini:: llnrl school ~. I " litV' '" ln E11s t (.l·r.;ta i\lt~ .

- 5#-4141-~n Ev1nin s


B,\nE i\11 :\"l~JU ~ I 00\\'N 4 BR., 211 Im., f;unlly r n1.

Tr\h.1-:S IT! llun)' · C<1ll t'Qndo. l.1y1n1:: r111. " '/lrplt· .. 645--0303. Of>Pn& to rea r pa tio a.N'a.

l 'roper1y in ht•aulilul eon· dition & offered nt jus1

675-8531 ~!I.

associated BROKERS-R EALTORS lOZ'i W Bolboo •7 J ·3~•>

' --- ---- - --I VIEW HOME




G:W:l S1Jver\li'Ood-Ueautiful 3 13edroo1n . B8Q 1n Kitchen. f..1 re~t1~e .\rca . ·un . 847-6010 57 11 ll cil- 3 Uedro111 . l 'ool + Jacuzzi . l''an1-ily Area. 1\ cross lron1 <..,;olf Cour~J1nn1acu­latc llon1e. lnst::i nt l 'ossess1011 . S39.750. Sat. &12-2535 17051 St . Andre\\!'.> - 4 Uedroo1n. J•'a1nily ll.oon1 . Tri-level. l-'re~t1gc Are~ . $46,950. Sun 8-17-0010 20031 U1 g Bend-4 liedroo1n . 1:a1nily roon1, Dining Hoo1n, S & S ·· tleln1!'.> 1nan'• ·rri-tevel. Large Fn1n1ly lloon1. l .. arge lot. Best Buy In :\rea. $49.000. S1u1 . 5-lti-2313 20931 S1)1 ndri!l-4 Hedroom, Fa1nily Room, Dining rioo1n , 1\,,o Story. Large Fami ly Room \\ '1th Fireplace . (~ u i e l cul-de-sac. $4-0 ,900. Sun. 541).2:113

NEWPORT BEACH 14:24: Irvine - 3 fledroon1 . Large ltunlf>US Roo1n. werlliir:Tirej}la(.-e~aleil & Fil te red l.lool. ll arbor HighlaJ!dS. Su 11 . 646--7 171 240i \Vind\\ ard-4 lledroo111. l''wnily Roon1 , fJining Roon1 . $69,500. Sa t Sun. 646--7 171 115 ~!arbor Island ltd.-\Vater F'ront . 3 + Guest . Space for :l Large l~oats. $135,000. S"L Sun. til:l-8550

CORONA DEL MAR 3li Poinseltia-3 Uedroon1. l''amil)' Room, Charnung llome & Guest :\ pt . in Old COA·I. $69,500. Sat/ Sun. 673-8550 315 Cloldenrod - 3 Bedroom. Den, Lovely La rge R·2 Lol. Ocean side of ll ighway. $54,000 !.at1Sun. 673-8550 . 322 Larkspur-2 13edroo1n 1 Uacl1elor Apt . $65.000. Sat/Sun. 673-8550

BALBOA PENISULA 2019 E. Ocean Blvd.-l Bed room , l"amlly Room. $82.500. ~at1Sun . 673-8550

COSTA MESA 3202 Ne\v ' 'ork-4 Bedroon1, Vie\\' of Mesa Verde Coun try Club. $36.900. Sun. 546-2313 2243 Rutgers - F'a nla stic Triplex, Pride of Q\\•nersh ip , Close to all Schools. Shoppin~ & F'reeways. Vacancy }<'ac tor almost Nothing. Lo\v J\1a1ntenance. $47.500. Sun . ~231 3

SEAL BEACH 4749 Elder-Decorators Paradise 1-lome, 4 Bedrooms. Formal Uining Room. Close to Count ry Club. S4 1,990. Sun. 847-6010

FOUNTAIN VALLEY 8751 Otla\va River Ci r .-4 Bedroom, Interior Decorator Touches. 15x21 Fa1nily Roo1n, Greatly Up-G raded. Sun. B-12·2535


DEL MAR - . • "''""'"' ·~1 '"""'Y room c F COLESWORTHY & co


REDUCED $5,000. a Units. 6-2 bedroom with 2 baths/2 bache­lors y,iith I bath. Completely air conditioned. Close to freeways, shopping etc. No vacan­cy factor . 7 ' ' ears old. Call 546-4141


Rancho La Questa , San Miguel model \V/ full Patio across rear of home. Large family room ~: ith fireplace. ga rden kitchen . formal dining room. Upgraded carpets and drapes . Only $45.500. CALL 962-4454

WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? 2 Bedroom• 2 baths. fireplace . buiJtin kit­chen. carpets. drapes , double ga rage and a POOL. All THIS for S23.500. CALL 564-4141


Shnply one of the greatest ho~es offered in 1-luntingt.on Beach. Fantastic covered patio surrounded by ra ised decking a nd loads -of Oagatooe.. & ·Concre~ Perf~y laid out for leisure-low maintenance hv1ng at it 's best. A super sharp 3 bedroom home with fireplace comes with this outdoor Jiv. ing combined with nearby ocean, pa rk and shopping. CALL 962-4454


I bu il t hv J,usk 11.nd bl•Ht·r • • • l hl.UI 11('


\\' . l)~:Can Vif'W fron1 lan11ly roon1, forn1al rhn1ni:; l't)l)n1. maslrr IX'<lroon1, kitchr>n ar11! brrakfasl an'a. ~ • .:rOO and you o"'" I IH." lantl. Opcn Sat. & Sun. l -~1

1 ~27 KC1' I f)r . 111H ln l(' I Dr.I

1 Col\\·c ll P ropert ies, I nc. j6T.r7?Q

• Fixer Upper • Three Uni" I'd on lo~e · Easfs1'11'

Cosln ~lc!Ul Int \\ ith 100111 for 3 mort• uni l ic. ln1,·f' a!or's dt•light ··•:i!h loodll of pule11· tiu l. T.fon1c 11Ci'd" l'l' lll()tfr·I· in11. 80 bri111r: you!' hamnH" ' and p11 inl brui.h. Cnll us ror t'fllnpll't1• deta ils. hu l hurn. . \\-nn'I ltts t loni:.: 5-16-~ (flJ"ll'n F.v<.>~ . )


• • • Bing Boka

138D Dunning Dr. Laguna Beach

You a1't the winner or 2 t 1ck1•!s to thl'

Sports, Vacation & R• creation•I Veh icle ­

Show I'll 1hc

Anahei m Convention Center

J<tllllal") -,. J I PlcH"I! r•.:;ll fl 12 ~ii till. t' \I . ::i I J1< ·1\1 1•t·t1 9 .v J pul Ito 1·lu1111 )t•\11 ' t1•·ko•1-.. 1~,1rth Cou11ry f!ill·f)"l •i fllJLl1!11'1' l,'i; ,) W} 12.~lt


NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPLIT LEVEL Fine example or contemporary design with ample use of wood and glass. Three large bedrooms, room Jor the pool .table in .the fa1nily roo1n. Separate childrens wing. Bright built-in kitchen. Easy landscaping. Priced right at $44.750 \vith low property taxes.

BEST BLUFFS CONDO OPEN ljOIJSf. 1 :.00 til 5:00 .

. 308 OTERO Vacant and ready for you r inspection. Large 3 bedroom. fa mily room. for1nal dj raJng area. (:et used to the easy life in a ll lu!fs Condo. This unit is designed for .act ive fan1 ily living and gracious entertaining. Out of to"'" o\vn~r asking jus t $61 ,250.

CORONA DEL MAR - HOME AND INCOME South of the hi ~h\\·ay and just a short " 'alk to the beach. Q\~·ners uni t has \\VO spacious bedrooms and t\\o t)(lths plus detached bach­elor income unit. Ju .-; t repainted throughout . !\love in condition. l·:xceltenl rental record . Sli3,!IOO.

FOUR BEDROOM PLUS Ideal Back Bay ne ighborhood close to the Irvine Crunpus. Separate family room, gar· den kitchen ,,·ith eating area , £orn1al dining roo1n. wet ba r . 2112 bath. 2 fireplaces , pro-

• fessionaly decorated, aocl so mucb more. Quick possession possible. f{educed to $52,900 a nd \\1orth it~

BAYCREST- FOR THE PERFECTIONIST Gorgeous single level Ivan \Veil s home fea· turing 3 bedrooms, for n1<1l din ing room, mas­sive n1aster suite. and convenient a ll built.·in kitchen. 1'exa!i :-;11.c heated pool for the utti-111nte in gracious enterta ini ng. Separate 1en('Ccl chil rlrens pla) area \"ou O\v n the land . .a>l.500

640-0020 Beautiful 2 1tory 3 bedroon1 plus den, with a fanta stic 38' x 18' pool. on a great cul-deo. sac street in Easts ide ('osta J\1esa . It' s in '"move-in ' ' condition with ne\v paint thruout . Hurry on t his one! ! Another new Coats & Wallace exclusive listing priced at $45,000. CALL 540-4141

i''.x lr.'t !'hnrp 3 hrl'<trrYlln honl" j lf'IC'fllr'rl ru1 ~ rornrr l•lt. nu ... h>l111t"' ... 1)1)\\~ prirk• of iG' "'e-n1- ,-. o-l -----G.eneral

Oll'll"r!lh1p, I' II m p Ir I (" l y l-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 urigrn~leil throughout v.•1 th !•


su!)f'r +"\JW'n~!Vf' 1 h a g c11 rpet11;. ~ lt am you'll

g:r, It 132. '"°· 841-61\0.


Best buy in area. lmmac. 4 bdrm., 2 ba th single story home. l .. a rge patio, room for pool. Ne"'•ly redecoralcd _ View of bay & ocean. Lo\\' lease. 865.000 .... Mesa Verde--$36,SOO

l ">»lii(hllul :t Br .. 2 811 ll'"ln1n!

SERVING ORANGE COUNTY SINCE ' ~;~. ~·::.·,"~;..,,~~';,;"·~';';; BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR -1963 - I \\'

1 1w1lfl l In~,,,. & 1'1111 ann

At Atlant• & M•gnoll• At Ha rbor & Baktr I '"""" '"""'' "' '"'"" ·~:. 1 34l Btysidt Or., Suitt 1, N.8 . ' ttprlnkl<' ... & f'l<'('I ~IU'A1((' 1---... ---........... ~ .... ,.,., .............. 1

Hunti~:.~B .. ch Co~!:!.. It:;. 0 'C."i,' . ~"" t~0'"' for Action -... Call -64M678 _______________ .. ! Rl'ailor~. ~


' '

Page 22: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach



S.t"""'1. ,_, 1'111 •

HI THERE! you readilt& a Unique Homes ad ' Don t be embamssed; thousands do it every night. It's a release~ expression, it's fun ! And honestly. \Ve eDJoy writing these ads-­it's like tallclng you! Glacf -you enjoy it loo!

Unique invites you to have your ·next real estate affair with us . \Vhether buying or sell­ing, the Uni~ue people. the service, the re­sult> will dehgbt you. Look at all the others on th1J page. then think of us - aren't we Unique?


C:OIK>HA D!l MAR, 175«JOQ • MESA VERDE. 5'1-~ • NEWPORT IEACH, 645-6500 • CALLUS

• General

The Art1'1

Top Profe11ioilal1

Art at Your Service

CORONA DEL MAR-2 UNITS Located So. of Hwy. Attr. 2 bdrm. cottage -.Pi'!' bachelor apt. to help with expenses. '61 MO '

~ ' . '

FSn~~~'!.~p~a~~:.!~~~~D I desirabl& l!OCatio~, with. Sp~k!ing ,popj. , & 1 panoramic ocean View. Spacious 4 bdrm. &

· family rm. hom&-3 baths--0ver 3,000 sq. It . of living space. $125,000.

675-3m :m sAv °. . ~

- - - -


TUmN ;..,ooo r.oll.

'X ~ 1 In-come 1880 baled upon 3

7 bedroom f$210) ·2 bed ($160) , After ~ed expcn1e1 and , Joan pB¥menls $868. Sched· ' u1ed cub 1pendablc which , la 13.37 caab plus 8.3:.1. equlty buildup. TotaJ return 21.n. All this and a swimming

-, pool. too! CONTACT


Elmore Company R/ E Div.

Ml~ Viejo $41,500

3 Bl. & 'Family Gorweow 1.Tlulon V I e j o area! A trl-tevel De&ne home.· Giant livina "l'OOm.

t O'acklina fireplace. ~FAMI­LY ROOM· 23' LONG!

•--F O'"R M A L DINE. 3 bredroond. 3 bfttht. New atr cood!Uoner and dial'lwa.sher! Cub 1acruu .. Include POOL and TEN!j!S COUR't:S! Call tut- OWNER VERY ANX· IOUS-645-0003.

1111; I \I L llh!J\ , ,



futrila id "' fndO: · cli.!lhct and 1llver. NEW water heater. NEW shag carpels! Boat • trailer 1toraae. Out· 1id4' 1hower 1or swimmers. Low care yllTd. Alley tlC'·


'*"-· I 0111 \I I Ol \O\

p ~ • • < ;.;>

COM~ANY JtEAL'l:OR$ 'SINCE 19 4 613-4400 • ..

OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 1 to 5 Harbor View Homes

2030 Port Cordill, N-rt Beach Extensively upgraded Monaco, 2 BR. plus· den, beaut. landscaped w/ super large, comp!. priv. rear yard. '57,000. Fee.

Big Canyon 28 Royal St. Gaorge, Newport BNch

:,Outstanding, sppcious, ,custom built home on !a!J:way lot. Petfect -game rm .. plu• 5 BR.: 3 lrplcs. + + + ·$195,000.

#106 Linda lsle-$128,000 2900 Sq. ft. single story. 3 BR, 3 BA. 40' Dock. Immediate Occupancy. Open Sat & Sun 1-5.

2845 E. Coast Highway Corona del ~r 67~900

·-- --·

* 7344 * 1770 Oran;c Avenue Coll& Mesa

Free Coast lo Coa..!lt Callog



TARBELL 2955 Harbor. Costa r.-teAA



Pride of ownership: 1-bdi-m., l ba. ea. unll Ouiltmu gilt price of $54,500.

Call : 6n.3663 673-6688 Evea.

associated B AOk.E AS-REA L TORS 2025 W 8alboo l 1l•J6t.J


EXECUTIVES Lo\'cly spacioos 4 bedroom, 3 bath, formal dinin& room, v:ith pool - lhl& I.ii a ~tac· ular hon1c f~~tutaln in. A large MB1t i\fll~ make for con1fbrt~e· ~ ''' I n g .

PENINSULA PT. Attractive 2-st.v. 3 Bdrm. & 1len. 2 baths. f"rplc.; fd patio; 2 Cllt' garqe V>'/door opener. 11' 81.k. to ocean. $69.500.

Call: 613-3663 675-«!25 Evt!a.

associated BR OK ER S-REA L TORS l02S W Bolboo 47J•l 46 l

I :, : '

' .,.. . ··.

l l


' 9



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Page 23: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

OAU.Y PllOT ,23

I ..... __ .. ........ -· )[j] [ .___"'.:.._ .. _~"~i[i[ ~·, I~ I -·- I~ lncomo Properly 1661...:... P~r1y • 166 I~" Fvrnlthocl 300


• Lido Ille

EUG~NT )l~i~ B~~~-·=:~ ltANCHO U. QUESTA SPECIAL """'pa11o oU Uvlao • dln-4 BR. I BA. 1m1. din, latft WE HAV1! A llEAL l'Rl%£ ~"::ci s~ •;:~k 4 na., ..u-. °""' ...... WINN ER •If &RE, BR.! bu. l'IUIO. OPEN I Cl'PU >l - prof 1-. LOCATED ON LAGUNA'S lo 4, Sol, Sun. 224 Via

I' F A M. E 0 ft I V I E R A Jthace 642.-38TI COASTUNE . . De tatted ..._ ___ ...,_

1 ...

Contien\porary daip " 'fall m.- 119 ,..,

IMl ADAMS, HB. "'OOd exterior A e11:tenaive BY ~must .U-lovely $ 96)-24:)6 557-3403 UR ol & WeU ~ ,t' Br. Mt.aa del )Sar, ~ta, " , '*t=a. ' I bdnn. & DEN !or 3 ""'""' b!Mlll. all type•

... '~·~ BDRM.) floor plan ""' financtnc ... .cy 137,900. .CD •N~R "''"' shag w/ w ..,..,. 5'~1857.

nA '""'°"'· llUGE MSTR .t-"'==-----aftd Jttmal mt.,- SUITE W IPATtO, ha ~ Meu Verde ,.'alnu\ pa~ dtn w/lUfll hlt·ln vanity A: ~·!'-"=;...;..:.;.;;,:, ___ _ CU'Pll. • 4 ~ 'Pl~ DEN llAS l>"LR.. TO CEIL,. TAKE OVER V.A. LOAN. 3 bdtma.,, w/3 baths. $47.SOO. INC FIREPUCE. 1be 2nd BR, 2 bath, dieo, formal dln-

* OCEAM VIEW * 2 -Uait.1 plu. cot~. just SliPpl ti b6111thl G<o1 IWl1JlW' ttntal IU'l!a. SQ.500

G ib Walk•r RNlty 33:i6-G Via Udo. N''pl. Bc:ach * •1s.520ll *

Harbor Vu Homa, BeaulifUl tl(>IH h1 ~ dc11lrable 1 rM. So eMy to n\8lntaln. Sprinklers, stU ele&nlng oven, much more! , Rea11sllc11lly pricl!d. · -E·BLUFF BEST BUY

Spl\clous 3 br, 2 bft, rrc tam rm, k1r. Uperadt'd dtcor. flooring, llhutlers. Br1stit. clean. Olol·ocr · 149,IQI. •


p n.E. . , , ·J9:4!95 I e v t I futurff ~ lng room, be a u t i f u I 9" · Owner FranCllean STEP DOWN !JV, RM. landtcapcd yanb, doublo •·"""'41M, 2' .,,.. old, '- 4 \VJTH BitASSIVE EXPOSED pr11;re v.1th b u 11 t - I n

~·- ljlliU CROSS TIMBERS. I.CE. '#OC'bhoo llf\"a. Completol.y lfARBOR Vifl,\' Homes. ~ Br, Br,

2 BA, f.amlly room SLU~IPSTONE Fl RE. cnrpcttd '1ld drapes each Somen;ct n.todcl. Prot

••/cathfidrn.I dng 11

Parquet PLACE A: extensive UR ol room. Qu~t nt:lgbborhood. llnWc11.ped !: decora1f'd . ~ 8haa: ~ ~· al&u \\°/ OCEAN Vl'E\\'. \S block Ad11m11 Elem. ()prn houlll' J1tn. 1/6 & 1/7,

CoMomfnlurns for ....

Condominiums llG lor ....



PHASE THREE • No Cloai"t Costa e Frff Upgrod• Ctrl"'I • lmmedl•t• Po,ses1ion e $1000 MovH You In


, ..

Santa Ana Fwy. to Culver, right about ~ mlle lo Walnut ilst road on left~ left 1 mile to " Walnut Square": or San Diego Fwy. to Culver, left about 3 n1iles to \Yalnut. right to "Walnut Square" or call 714/551-4041.

COMMERCIAL : 6 offices : Dr. \\•;11 lrade for T.0 . 's or ? FOUR stores . liar. Liquor store, Printers & auto parts . S IX stores plus room for future develop­tnent. RAC.,; TRACK, 2 mi. & 1,1 mi ., grandstand, snack bar, house. office . Creat for leasing to Groups. Auto racing. Campers etc. 48 1\crcs . Elsinore.

LOTS : C-1- IOOxlBO. Beach Blvd. $75,000. R·2-96xl96. alley. $23.000. R·2-216xl68. Corner. 3 BR house. MAKE offer . A·l - 100."'300 across from ritile sq . golf course. \t'ariance possible . C4-2".!9x#I , Beach Blvd. I.ET US KNOW YOli!l NEEDS, if we don't have it \\'e'll find it . dMtm.~ ~te ' sato~ ~~egl~~v~c~l~eB~ ~~:- ~i~ r~ ~~~ IOP~a~m. ~ ~

Sun. ' OVEN. DISJl\VASHER, etc. medlatt-iy. 9 7 9- I G 1 4 . &44-19.17. liy ~'tW!r. j!~~~~~~~~~~C~ondom~;~in~1:u~m~1:"''""~: "-L "IV like "New England'', cozy \V/ OC'F..AN \'IE\V, Custom $4&,950-By °"'ner \\'nlk 10 beach. Lge. 3 Hft. ...._,_'* ---------=---=--~- ~

\YAU< LO .,..•ltt. $91 Bach~lol'. $l~ d1.ullex. 2 Br.



Roni-A-Hou.. m.M30 W•1tmln1ter

1 2·3 BR bcAul turn, 2 Bl\. • A/C. nr beucb &. CSU!.

I ltll(' or re111. S2JiO Cum/$2%1 unfurn. 892·1Sl3

'----=o 1 Hou•n Unfurn. 305


FREEll Landlord5·0wntr5

\\'r will rcfrr IC1llll111i lo yot.J . fftr:r~ ot cllan:1" . . 1"1A-ny t.ll•i. Li't1blt.' h' nttnts: on our! " 11111111( lls• i

ALA Rentals • 645-3900


&¥!¥. e ~'1' r:1•s to B~1 1l'h! llugr l

1u1·11. Bach. !'cl ok. UIJI ' 3 · BR DOLIJIOUSE-Lookt & .,,..,,. 10 diniog .,... <°"""'"" NEWPORT SHORES I' J[.e j ~-'°-r_,._1·-~-~-=-H'"0 ' 968-4433 vrw~ .. 21968-4433 bright kltchen, 2 vanity draperie11 thruout. 2 Ball'Oll)' Open house Sa.t & Sun, l-5pm ._Sly. 2~. balha. Blt·ina. ~ 11 baths plus a huae open Ii\'· VIEW DECKS. Thi.I unique Just off l\1ulliple 4BR. l\IUST SELL! $42,500 NEW WATERFRONT ina room alld a den. E-Z · ho i B e OJtJ(;JIT J.· C11'-'l'I'}'! Spac temui and k>w, low rnonlbly l'IC\\'tt n\c sour" uy of 2~~Ba, den, fonn din rm , nu CAYWOOD R.EALTY S C '.! and 3 bt'\h'U0111 homes on Lot5 for Sale - 170 I J. :/f'id;"

1 pcrllDn. Snil Jx>t ,

P&Ylnts. BRR &55u. ~~;.nth;yt,L PRICE ~an~Dr.Jg o~t, 1~~ * S41-l290 * an Juan apiitra~ 'JI ~1~·~1:"!t ~~. · ,C:~'~~i~ \\'ATERF'RONT, :io· hoat si°;; [ fin.nciaf ,~ L:1i l 111<" $I Li.

i114·I. $110.

~OSSESSIONS SEE TODA\' meuaae •t. ~Tl Harbor V iew Home1 FOR sale by ownr, 3 Br, • fully a11pointE'd \\'ith n\an,y in Balhoa. Lot 1 Colh1t" Isl· - ~ e NI-;EDS Love! 1 + Den. . ~ation and locaOon GONE TOMORRO\\' 2 Br + [)(on. Charming, pr!· BA, ti',( trans loan, $3000. t!Xlras. • and, 6iJ-7770. I lius:;t• rm. Kida. 1126. ,, 1 ~ ... VA homes. MISSION REAL TY \'alt, low maint . fe<> l1tnd. th\\·n. S33.~. 341681 C<irrc 4411 \\'e~t Coas1 Highw1ay, NB Mobil• Hom•/ •

1 '1'" " n.I' • 985 So Coast Ji La Form Din. + NOOk, Lush Terra, -193..sllS. 1 Oprn Sa1 & Sun 1·5 lnve,tment • l'\l::Alt SC'~la! _. Br f'nc contact • SAllA l'hoM (714 ·~~7~j l.odacpd. Jmmcd. Oc~; '....f!~l'E-BARRf; Tr•ll., .P•rka 1n -~ity------flO.Lor· ml (or k"'" 1110.

~ pn. Q Y . · •v- · 4.'<40 StarfUgt\t, l BR furn W· J e !<:PARKLl~G Vu~ I Br. ~ ... ' 1st•.. "2 "44 VICTORIA BEACH Pore Provence PL, 644-6249. 1teatE1tat•. -REALTOR- both. 10x30 Cabana can be Vacant Investment 1.n i;:uflll . Kids /Pc1s OK. ' OPEN SUN. lM I.__ Rumpus BAYFRONT ""'•' ........ 1r200 BR. Ne•,. "'ts. d-s I tx.111 Site .... ,500 $157 .. ------

COME AND SEE 170 McAul•y -- C.ri:r family home + 2 ~•~ '""' ou1. P.:'mll» ·p;.rl<. (>riv. z R-l ,_,,;:• 29700 r -••'· •- shall> e--1~ 4 "'"··•,eh s'de; ,w, ateh the. . Room - Pool Bedroom a pa rt n1 en t . ~ IJClllch, boat docks avt.11. Ask ·~,~i~nble f~r 10-u·n;/11 . A':i1 ·,\~ . e ltl'.:.ALLY 1'1r,., ! 2 Br. fiK"fl uedn;;::"huge kit~~ %or \\ashln& sa_M from lb~ Just ~ns 10 l<'ll 1~ story PriVllte beach. Tenni11 rourL AcreaS. for •ale 150 ' LADIES $4.000. Spiit-e renr SG:>. dillniiAJ 19,soo sq. fl . nvi.y tX" ynl . Lncl ~n1" KKis/pt_•t, to $40,<m. homes, for cozy, be~ulllully tt!Uote<l about thil N~'POr1 ~eh 4 romn1unity docks. o,,.llE"I'. 1Mn1'1 "·rar hin1 out doing N°(!\iport Reh., 646--6500 or f\vll!lah te tor 7 rnor(' Unlt11. St'iO.c. ------$28.000. CALL 8-l2-1418, early Cn.111., open be:ims &: home. An exciling pool iidr 673-8203 Investors/Builders YM"I " 'ork · 1nove 1n10 a 58&-sm2. °"-'· no · r i\lny C:u~" f '11ll • SPllL.\DJNG Roo1n! 3 llr, PATii \VALKER R. E. frplc ., 3 hl1rn1. cotta,ltt'. n1mos~re thhl Oolol'S 3 BR, :? BA In !!arbor Thirll'\'n acrr-5 citrus 'Nt)l.1ro11 1'tuwlominium 11 00 Real Estate ,\n,,·11n1e 646-0C-..1.i . hi! fni'(I ~rt\, kirl~/(1('1. f.!00.

Elee. eye garage. F.~ lhroogh the l11rgr rum1>11s IJighland! . 2 hlks tron1 I P.~111:11wls - t<;E C'Om('r nf kt...-p him H~ n fl('I. Total('..'(· E xchange 112 Vac•nt c .2 Building AMERICAN DREAM r~.nw.oo & nagstone patw. room with rireph'ce nnd l\.l11rin('1'5 Elt'o1. :n-W Bery l, I Tl' tulll PIOOL'f'r ll'nor n1111n1'-'rnttn'. 101al Site $2.50/ sq. ft . \\'E 11.\\·t: l.oTS l\IORF:

This " bedm1 , 1~ bath •int tl111eo{fercd. $5.(1,500. !llt'P dolol'll lo\'l'I bar. Thrtt l Forap1115-\S-7020,0\\'l_K'!"- Previously llOld nt $8.0CKI t•lrt trLt' hlllnii ,\,, iur-rond. CO)lt.IERCIAL ProJl('Hi~ &> ill'I. fl . IJolo\·1110\\n ALL l'HIC'E~ & SIZES! retre&.t is richly decorated BE~CHSIOE-North bedroon\I. 646-n7t. I • The Bluffs . 3 BR. 2•:, ba .. dollars per - but deal C.:hOk't;' r~ ·~I" llrf' l'lf'M' on ~·'r\'U'f' s1a1iono:, LEASED Ouno Business District.

11 . fll'('(I help C'Bll lodl\y

in wann Early American Spanlun· new. Some ~w Ol'£N 1/L I• IT'! FUN 10 BE NfCE ! upgradt'd. "D" plan. 1 yr. I fell out - No1v offt'."ttd iOr the mnrkct 1 to 4 Bd~n111 . 1 l\.hn1 rt-turn. 3 1,,~ net, ™''· I Nf'XI to Pon10na Fl"'"-' "''RY Al.Au Rental' • 64.5-3900 lo •--·--VA•·· nJ from penthouse 3 Oversized. ~ «1 500 Ow "'" ••30 quick saJe al $70,3ll - In- Qui<'k po!'\.~"~sion . VA/1-JIA, ne! l\. IW!I be _ good lluve Olfran1p. .'lear Ontario I d CM SJris;...~"'CAl:.L ~l~ lxlrms., ~ ~lu.xe- bat~. , lflljlij~· ~Du. ,.:..., nearfll'r. ~ ....... ~ . '-'iudes wtll, near exl11ling !¥,{. FRO~l $Zi,950. I b';'-Yt-n to S%l0.000. Cn!l 1 lntt'."r11atlo11RI At r port 1 1'48 Newport B Y •

1 REt) CARPE:r RLTRS. Fonnal dining. FamU,y nn. -;o.:··-·,·- .P,- , ·-· "~R ili" homes • Srt\fll hou8t on pro. larwin realty inc. \\ heel1•r, Sangst(>t ll.E. o"'fl('r fl.lay Carry. Call

\\'/brick !rplc., fa c: ~ s I J !.u ei MU.,..,n, e or petty • owner n:mrloo11 lo 968-4405 532-2'100 Anytlrnt-~. I = • • I 2

1h: BLKS TO BEACH garden. Exqulaile carpet. II • 673-8563 * sell. Prieto sm.200. Call Real Estate W•nted tu Building Site Plu5 '

OJte litUe house in gel. Plu1nbed hobby ahop. See it Peci. Pt. OC!Mnfront . Newport Haights s.16-lfiOO 11 Ouplexe5/ Units Home With View qbrbl. lJ.9.950. SCO'l'T today. $91.0CKI. Chance of a \l!eUme 10 - ., _ INVESTMENT DIVISION 5ale 162 * "uick Cash * Zollt"d R-1. Approximately 2 • REAL, TY 536-M Ph. LAGUNA CANYON pu-1·•,. lhi• ·n·-· of oll HOUSE OPENT1Lt • lt'SFUH10B£NICE• ,.. f • --• I 1r 1 ••·"'- 24 '-- "'- "' ' ' """ \Vll l bu" )'Ollr pro""rly. All Acn.>tJ ? ....,,,.., one- 18 _..,. ...... e •uOJ. 2 HouHs on 1/ 3 Acre oet"anrront locations for the BEAUTIFUL [ ~ San Clemente h '


. - ., h C 11

ove rlooking Chenv l.akt', Buy Now- En1"oy Later· Open beams &: "·arn1 \\.'oOl'l OE'\\' year. This charming 3 111th no! a care in the rlls " ' 9611!',_~!~ 1· rs. 8 ""llh

8 Nf•.,vpo_ rt lJi.aC'h Ad·

"R. ') '-· t •--k Steps lron1 !he front doors of . • """ 0

_ _._ outstanding: Pool + 4 BR's. f'!ll'l"ll!i your very soul in u - u.nt 1 hOU)!{> OVt'r....v ~ \\ Ol'lcl . A Viclotian I0\~11 · lhl'St' i.-, units is th!.' nwst dress. 1-::,.1s11ng 4 <X"\uvvm, Super Clean! $.".0.500. J.IUN- !his humble 3 bdrm. country !he OC:f'llll & ha~hor f'n- hou!lt' \\'ith the ullimale In ht.t1utiful lillll' cove! The i 2 Hath \' iew ilon1r. Sultat>le TIW'~ ,\N' ,Jusi ,\ Fe"'' Of TINGTOK BEAOI 1{~\L- hon1e. Dog tun, brick BBQ. trani"f' , A r.11-e llRling RI <'lL<;} 1naintenance inside & _.... •• •••r- for 11 Additlf'IM.I Exclusi'~ ANY RENTALS

\ " - hi •- ·-• 1 •• IUO ~, l 0, "· • • * orii,: innl o"·~n; ltl'Ollscd jlll~I 5,_1_ Fan,,.1,, D"''"'ilir•"s. Our i\I .1 · • • TY. ::.= """"'-. . uura e ...,an..,., - 0.iurrn. ·"""· out. . oum1s .. con\'1'?1 . ...,u, • .," IVV\

1 I

1 .. ,. <- .. ' "' *

- ~' Lo1"1 Pl•tfoot '1',.r .. ..,,uuu !t!rc as )'(!air, Off· ,-! f<• ~ ••.. ~. C• ll 1 1

., h -1 C'Oltll""' \\' /corner .. .,.c., t11n1n~ plus a super c'Ozy ,- ·~ .. •~~., VIAi ..

1 "fERIDffil Ga t dens ..,- 11 ilhnu t 11un1mer rtnta ~. A,,,,1,-. .,,.., """"· r!VI _ ('!)l\.I. Furn1s 1{'( C' , •• . · • nL'"'<t door. lor \.""' parent" f,m ;I," no. 2014 A O n A"e " .... .....,..,,,,.,., "' ok Be If I G.llrrl.

honlC' 4 • • ra e• ..- . \\'hit! a spot for an 0\\1lt't TO BRO··- INC. . 1v/k•' tchcn. GIU'8gC' Pel au 1.u ·. nr rent it at Sl~il n10. li'ir i;t JONES OPEN SAT/ SUN. 1-5 ~ c BR. 2

' ba 2800 "' fl Pric I Costa Me1a nianage~ All furnished unit~ * · 2 · · · · - , lin"M' Offt'n>d. $19,500. 436 16th PLACE · -P-RI - I - Id ho ' •••••• •;m

erl to sell. By 01\•1icr. . ti-1-T;i.Sl REALTI' IM:.. You i ll1-' 1hc> \\ 1nlll'f ol and crio~ t h8\'l ' ocean 'ic "'·~ .' , ply \\'an .S 0 er .nu or ' Iii~ I~ $120 . OLf)J-:f l I lir. Alone on

962-1722. f.SC.wb kJil~ ~~· ~ S 2 t1 l'ktV·1~ hi •!1•· & Call~6T.r:S g~~r =~r c!1::i~ l:isf:::~ _!, ___ .. _ I lot . 1-\Kls/pt'Oi. "''l' lronle INVESTMENT AT 17141673-•210 • e t I ports, •••hon •-;m dopk» - M. "'""''"'· j " • " :71 *

- THE &EACH - ~· Recreational Vehicle Ii' 1 I~ &16-8226 r . ;r I $1.lO . l'rf' 2 nr. Rltns Upgraded oldrr honll" w/~p Newpott200l..:.;,=::s.2MO I __ 4:-.;...,._ jj_ l Show tj CASl l for YOOT eq . Behinri In 5u1s104,.., Of '"l cotwru co. Crpts, k1d/'*s/51"¥"1es. rental. $26,001. J. L. YOUNG • LIDl.1JRY LlVINC •

1 3629 E. CNl!ll lf"·y., Cd:\1 IH lhl' , · • L~ paymenlK ok. Also, guam. Mo

1 , -·

2 •• I , 'O'"T

1 \ST'

1 R '>

RE.ALTY 847·Ul~ or~ In this i;auL 3 bclnn., 3 bath * 675-5930 * 1 Anaheim Convention .. !: __ , sales plan. Mk tor Jim ney .o ..u.n _, SlS.:1 · \\ .~ '"' · · r ., -:::+:e OPEN SAT/ SUN 1 5 C N • 1 I Ba. Bl1ns. Patio. Kids ok. 'SUPER oean --l~ am.. brick borne ;+'ilh many custom - WN I enter iUUfOt,t,lf Of !Kl COi.Wru (0. BRroo,, m .. l" .. _.:~,'"""'1. rt .. I! I a 1 TD L bANOLORDil:

pado" -1. asiwn<\ '~ ''"'"''°''""'"Uh'"'"'"" ,,,,,.,,_ $4,loo Do J""""" ~ 14 1 14 u ·ts " ·~ st oans S190);: ~f.T".l. "See •Mc! at I It sl Id in g door 11, 172U r\.INGS RD. 1Plus normal CO!tsl, ,,,.i ll Pica.~ ('aU ~2·:.&78, i>XI. 314 ftl r· · 1':NTAL SF: 'l~E ' ' ' f •

M-2 balht. • ,.,.. , pm • " , , ""' • """ I I~ .

20sd %'f0-1NTEl;,RoE:asT

11. * quJn. ,.n 12 noon dail,y, BBQ, RAinb!nls. ' ""°" & '""" ~ -• ""• • yom· 1'ck• l•.(~o"th Connly I d<"" to '°"'h '°'"· Will

1 ,._,

1• . "* 64>0111

Cchtl'r & any more \\.tinder· -20th..SIREE:L,,.,..J.->e::'4!!1~9c:l'fR~;V~l'!:N!!E'D-D""--l-"'"-"""..nwnhce..1a ~l220Ji:-om;~1-itSt deeds fer . I LANDLORDS! family rm .. dining rm. Xtra l!ll ure-s. u 3 BR. & 2 BR. duplex. $6il.500 Open Sat un. • • • 1'f * 1 00.\71. SZl3,000. full pncr. I ';iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;.:;~ii eallrc area in kltehcn, brk, refrlg ... washer & dryer. 142 MASTERS CIR. Univer1ity Realty B I p o~rty 154 Walker & Lee 1• Lo•\es1 ra1ei1 Ornnt?e Co. ! \\'t- SpeclaJlze in Ne"\\•port $30 950 ln41 962--886S. Home pnced at S84,500 wilh G 1 r 3001 E. Cst. ""'Y 673--fillO us nH

5 r ,.-- B "WE BUY TD'S" Brnch e Corona dt' I ~f 1.r •

' extra lot a ll landscaped Adjarl'tlt S.A.C.C. o T\\'O UYl'S T 0 m. Reallors u0s lness t •t 200 oi; 1.Aguna.. Our He11lul Ser·

QWNER ~1q1t ~ave. S~ish arlja('('nt ' to horoe- for CO?t'M), 3

& ram . rnl. • CHAR1"1ING • IO.l'x209' CuotCE 1,oc,\ ·. S45-7131 ppor uni_ Y - I Sattler Mtg. Co. • v\(.'(' is fJlEE to You! Try desip, tiled roofhal, amlly $20 000 $1?,500. AUTIIENTIC-OLD ST'rl..E TIO'", lluntln°ton Bc1t.l'h, , ·r.11· RF"'Cfl OUPLEXF:~ 1 PART TIME 642-2171 .541: A.I.) I Nu·VICYo" en., den, e ntry hl I, brk, '* NORTH E.'lD * S4')8 SEASHORE -1 Bedrn1, 2 Bath House " .... " ' ,,,_, NTALS 131.950 (7l

4) ~I. llome with 2 bdrm. apt. & 2 Ne"'· duplex Roonu1 .~~fore Roon1s! 7._0,NED .BUSINE:.;;;.s .• _PR?: ALL l'lf'\\' rl<'luxt' ,i ~r & ~ br NO SELLING 1 Servtni llarbor area 21 y~. NU-VIEW RE

OWNER movtna-. 4 bedrm., 3 rm. guest apt. \\talk to 4 RR. & 2 BR .. for !'('Ill I Priced to Sell Ill $3S.300 f F.SS!Of';AL OR OJ- f ~s~-~ I ('t\f'h. A.'llboa~ Penin. ;'l;.B .. 11'(.'0\IJ:: UNLJ;\flTEO I _... - 250 l)i:J-'IOJI) or •t94-.121S bat\M!, dlnins: , rn1. family '--•·ch & , 1_ 001..,. cent..-. DAVIDSON REAL TY :Hli--37&:> 6-lli-1919 $17.500 ea. TER.\1S \\1 llr . Bal Isle Ir 1-.l br Ir 4 br on

110 11 kl 1-.:iisy & Money Want<sg - N C do' On Bay

I l brk ut'.n "' "'> KANPAK, 1993 Kihei Rd . !l"f';;nlri inr. ~711 l nr · · rs "''"' Y· · I . ew on nu., poo • .J"'CUZZ • ' Ocean vie\v, Projecting an 673-9060 646-7767 LOVEL )'. custorn bit 3BR Kihei 1'1aui Ha.waii Gl(l-().)32 Don Tilompson p!l'11 ~1n l, rt>plncm;;: 1111'1' !~CREASE your 111tf'rcsr in· !Jt>at i1!1p an1! deluxe extras. $46,900. {?14l 846-()00.I. annual income of $7,860. honl{' in !\C'11')J01't•igh!s. --- ' , nkl' . ehaoch~ nt L'On11111ny Sf'· 1 ('Oflll'' !fa\'t' thrl?(· lst Trust Four 111 ('hOR from . 2 & 3

O\VNER sac t If ice. 4 Priced 11.t 175.000. RARE FIND Prof lndscped, Eoclosed HO_ us~ wned C-2. \\'tll lrnw - •'Ul'!'ll rrlail SIOl't'.'1 . \\'ork Det'l'.'I ~ . approx. $2:i,OO'.I f'at·h, I U., ·droo111s. OP"n houM.' Sat bedrn1.s.: 3 l>aths, rear living * SHARP + EASTBLUFF palio \\' gas frpl c & Bar·b- "' ' option lo ~LL)', or 6<'11. Slil~F.ll d4:lu.'\ SpanL~h .~1~lr hnm your homC'. Car nc<·- on lli inR;ll' !amily homes in & Sun _ Rralior at 4411 rm., d1n1og rm .. swim poot 2 Bdm1.. 2 ba!h homf' que. Side yrd !or boa! Low do\\'" &16-5337. l~upl t'X, t~!lf ?Coosla .?\leAA. f'~ary. r-.oo1 \'1•ndinl(. lnves• · 1 COISta )!('58. , 1•i lo 8 p('I. \\'es! Coast llighlo\'a)'. N.B. bl'1cz $38,900. (n4l 962-ll73. \\'/decks & patio. Only 3 yr!L Beaut. 3 BR home compl. srorage. $42.!lOO. 54&-2405 CLEA.'1 income prop, cent , F--ach 3 Br,. - BA . "/shu~ n1cnt of S!Ol. Full moot>y int.. Ch\·nt;>n; financially j BA RR ET T R EAL T \'

Otn'QI Haven Marina.JSR, old. Prir ed for immediate lo\' /a fornial dining r1n. & a CHARl\tlNG Ranch St)1e 2 C.)I. By owner. $-15,t:m. E-Z crpt.. All t'll'Ct .kitchen. hack !,.'llW1u1tel'. Call :\Ir. I !!lahle. 1 542.5200 Evrs: 673-~. 2BA Xlnt cond. Brick fenot" sale. $38,000. lrg. fam rm .. IO\'cly lndscpg bdrm. shake roof, ~ 1rm11. &1;;!I or &12~. ! sn"" "1"r.h I cf<orotH2-~ngnard llunt ~Ion lhru .-n. co~ Roy Mccardle, Realtor II \RBOR \ Tll"'\\' ltllls Cd~I 3 • f:rple. Appliances. $32.00>, * AIOOERN • and neat as a pin. All of this brick firepl . Remock>led. • ca .s ate. · LECT. (415~ 467-1052.. 'ti Cl\ . / · ' , ' . 846--9056 3 Bdrm., 2 baths; high beam for only "'54.lm. CALL to Commercial , OL, UXE: lgt- 2 BR 1 1~ ha ! - --EACH 1 l>tJO Newnort Bl" " · f. I BR .. lam nn ., vie"'· Lge.

·r lots f lus 3 ,..,., 1050 $32,0CKI. O"·ner. &&-1+16 I p r1v 158 1 d •1 • N ly · crpt'd NEWPORT B 54-n29 vit-v.· 101. ~Mo. & F'rwya. 3 cei s.,


g · · see, "':r · San Juan Capl,trano rope .• , rt~cxblh~s f~k ("t'IC'l g:ar' fl.!11.rine Contracting firm l BAL90A Island; 3 BR.. 2 Ba. BR:,-'.---2--.....bQ"',L ~~ crpts. Dcd<s. Compare this: at ~ J STORES ! rndl~nt .heat'r: Balbo8 Finest e q u IP men I &: I 2 Car g•~· $375 l\1o. -drpt, fiylci $21,980.

897~· $4l3X)E. NGLUND IV SJC P . ~~~9 \\-'&terfront location. 35 Yr. l~ D. t'rankhn Rllr. 673-... u.i; 0\\-'NE'i'CL& Cuesta, 4 Br. 2 - · '''21 Excellent location near

1 i·nin. · ! old comp!l.ny. Space avail. """-t:far..,. fl! J

Ba. tam rm, blf.lnl. $41,500. REAL ESTATE ~ Horse .Country N•wport Posl Offioe. ""'"' 11 p rty lM I far hoal. """ & oepaln. I Bock B•y ~4 htiilt11ngs. owr 1)(8' lit!· fl . ncome rope 1 BILL GRUNDY RL TR. ~=c.,.;-''-----

- ' 3J8' 11IAUA -tsS-sool San Juan Capistrano n acre Coult! not be l'l'placed for - 67.s.6161 HOUlff Furnl,hed 300 2 BDR?\I duplex, crp111, lrvlne A PEACH f"!i:lales. 10 acres. Entire the prltt. $6'9,500. No 2ndB I garba51:e disposal, bltn 11tow, 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TREES + QCEAN ~ + property ls bu i 1 dab I e. or tnt• s· I BAR & Ht'sl11.urant. yr gr ap- * • • 5145. 5-15-1506. , Lovely Garden Home ~RlrACTi 3 BR, VI ~·On Pesch Tree Ln. Sharp Gentle slopes -with view of GRA11A~1 RLTY &16-24 11 prox $84.000., Price S39.000. Richard Forrester I B•lbo• l1l1nd

pot ess. n upper ctona custoin built 4 bclnn!I.. \'8.111'.'y. This horse c.'O\lntty Rl'ttlfy Company ONLY 2nd lland Furn & Ap- II W Enjoy the pleaaures of thl.s Bene~. FuUy furn. ~cw family nn .. dining rm .. 21.i proJl('rty has room for 22 Condominium& TRIPLEX pliance In area. "'<ell known. 4216 H aria ay I

3 BDRi\i,

2 BA. dshwshr,

highly upgraded 3 bdrm .. 2 ~wed1sh t2rp1k, d! ... ~~l , rOn>gl , be.Uu; l\Iodern is Jan d home11 and ready fOT' for ••I• 160 ., .• , , .• "'"'· !rn'OrnP bear!..,.. Yi· .c:r '.{2i\of, out5tanding pr·>- Newport S.ach 1,.,.., _ _. air hl' i•I , ,.....,

15, d ...... , b&. bome with no ellort on .. ·washer. ge .. "'''" Y kilch:..., bltn d-p <-•·, bu'ldlo• or hold for in- u ""' .. .,. '"' y r th ··--of u . .. -..... .. .,. •1·v

ly ld $59 500 · '" ' '" ....... " 1

' &ach I01·n1)on. Ont• 3BR. sfl('<: · ou 8 l' cw .... .._-, :! cnr garage w/xl.ra bath & ~~ part~W:. mos~~ d • · patio &: a sparkling pool. vestment . 3 ht"droom nlder Spacious 'l story 2 BR, 1 1~ '"''o ZHR- 2 i>llth f'aeh . Ttt· ~ ar ean1pground. 81t mo 1:r 2 ticke1s To the IA't\shrooin. ~llll'ried, malurc landl'.dt.pi~ is complete. LOVE, CARE + A UTILE $52,:iOO. I home

00 property . Priet' BA. 8lt· ins, frpl c. S<'pru-Hl1• rifi<' loc11.tion !1Jr sum· ~u~~· Rft~ . ~=-1'tark 11

1 Sport5, Vacation & adults only~ Avail fcb. 1st.

$41950 1~1AGINATION is all this CALL ~ 646 · 2414 1 $22:j,OOO. ~~~'slON i;::arage Pool , recrent.1011 I n1rr / wln4('r !'f1'113J ~ Recreational Vehicle Yrty Ist>. 67J.-Ull. ' · fixer- per needs Great 91\:1'-' INVE'SJ?o ..i llM 10 l!IE NtCEI room laun•lr9 rac11\llt'!I dulr. lklly Kc1T 64-1~. Show ired h•11 oc:e&nupvie..-. t sR., 1 BA __ ........, Ol'ENTIL•·p Quiet' adults only. No l\\'36 i Gla11!1 & IK'rC't'n hus. at the Capi5trano Beach I Up.'!ltairs + 1 BR. 1 BA 1-IALT"Y I ~ · ·~~111·~1 ehlldren uncler 15. 2-400 GOLDEN WEST Furntttu? store - anxloul • Anahe im Convention f\'E\V

3 BR. Crpts, doubl«! ~ flpt. Steps to bea!=fl ii N1•r New,•rt •••t ortlee

1 !' 't Elden. C.111 . 9 6 l - 2 l 8 i .


TRIPLEX HOLLAND Bui. Salas Center gnta'l'.c-. 1t.ppliance1 &: srear lawn. S3

7.SCO. BACK BAY 11 --·-·• •._ $2l,!IOO. . 1..J>r11tcd in 90uth CoroM del ITI6 Orange, CM 64.\-4170 January >l-4 \'k>w! $250 011 JMM. Z1191

REALTY REEF REALTY OCEAN Vi-:W Co•klos m l.a l\lar, just bal'l'ly north ol fS&lesma.n NeOOcd) Ple~ L'all 642

. j678, ext. 31 4

1 Calle Alta Vlsla, Capo Bch. A company with Vision 497'·1111 JEWEL Fast rdUlts are jusl a phone I Costa. Xln t lrrn1~. Agent. ! thf' highway and ea.stern bt'l"'('('O 9 & 5 pm to clain1 , :flo.."W 3 BR 2 BA home,

Univ. Park Center, lrvine H•rbor Highland• ArH c:all away . 642-5678. I Rill Leonard. &G--0579. looking t'OOlJgh lo be BEER, wittt", food, pool. Bch your lickcls . fNorth. County I cptd, "'' ibltne. $10Zi, ~~AM ~PM GRACIOUS • • • Compl. remodeled " redcc. l . 1 ~ ~~.Sf~· Lois !\tiller I~~. v~~se~~ Bi:'.r, toU ·fr~. num.ber 111. ~12201 , \\.•kdy111 &.9 P~f or wkncls. J!!!'!'!l'"i!!"'!!"'"'"'""~'!""'! I· . Jiving lhls im- inside&: out . 3 Br&: den or INVESTOR~ d 1 Ma

'1~~=. ::"!,,..' :=::. c1!:'.,!a~~ t:m.~:;.~·~~,:,.'~ Mobile Homes lill!I 2BR .!.!I~~l:!:N ... fL. )(J~~:~~~t;e: ... c .. t.-. 'r~:ro"~ .. ,y~ 2 ~. frpl. vered shutters. Air cond.. Laguna ~ Private wet bar + nlOl"e ex· . _ ,• - 'ltTlOT. -COWUbUilif"ftlf)I · Uiw o.'.head. 7)11. T-BR trter-, tnm ;---Sl30 mer. utlt "ifWfiH:7"" cpf. ·rtfp!!, ~. Goldeo G~i.. rJ:!. '1;: ow!m,;;.~ pool for """ ~,;,..,· •o :!m ~ Mobile H°"'" w '°"' "t"" varlanoe. The ~!BJ~,~~., "''" ~ .. 'Jio<' Blk bay & •"'·

' Old, vacant. Asking $26,500. ~tt ~W~~. Call r24~!~,_!Y °"'ner, MoF~~e ~:•' 125 For S•la 125 fi~1.0 J11c~1. 111::

1!°i\ REAR hou.~. t Bedroom. 1 \olARMtNG 2 BR. 1 RA. ~l. t'I" R j 642-8235. {\Y15J peraon alnne, putly furnish- w/frplc, fronl &- Tear ya.qt, L-.... 11Mc11 ~ 1,,, _ BACK BAY P ' RK ' Matar Home enta s "'· ;ia-m;. • ...... 12%. fi75-<iOOl) • -.~·- ..,,/TO~~,~ GREENLEAF "

1 Al LY - s:r.-.0-2 r~r IJ!'lllhou.St'. No prt~ .

' •OCEANFRONT REAL ESTATE Caoettte condo llvlog, 4 BR, A REAUTff\J J, PRIVATE SALES I. LEASING Ul-4200 L•gun• BHth 417 "''"""'" Call~-COMMUNITY ••/Master 1>11.ite 22', 3 DA. 1~~~~l!l~l\1~~. tull aeTVico facility 64l-8l3S ' $11."i • lit II Pd. fiar.h n

4•t1r I Cos~Meu

l..GE. family home ~I). Ull f:;~'*""9 ~-J, Big kit('h., fonnl din. nn.. if I rffii1e5 all Da u..tor Homes . bl'ach. Polio . .... 11 cooking;. 1--:;,;c.;,;,.;:..;;c,_ ____ , ' ltcDt. odghborbood. 's. BR., 3 49'-9473 ~·16 front room " den. 2 car ill- J nu~~ .. ul I~ 11il l! f fus,; nmar '"9l Tax Shelter $151'1 - tall N . I Br. ~. 2 1~~.:0R:\I ll~USE, crpts, be., Hast livirv r m.. MAGNIFICENT lacht'd Rllr, lrg rec


1 10 fi •21x&1. rrtc:" from PILOT l..n11;uM . , .HNI. Patio. <ll'fl'!I. n•Ji,;:1•. t1 1io po1111I. 1dnKIC

w/lrpfe. Format dirt nn. OCEAN v1&w~ Ol;mpic pool, From tTl.500 I 114.500 10 123.500. Come ~ 531 ·6800 4 UNITS.COSTA MESA Child/pr! '" .,,, $16'. No chll<h'l"" Let. wdl· ~eQutpped kitchen, from thi1 oondo~nlum + • 133,S"JI. lO~ down.. 9l!e our wonderful park, SIZ - I Ar. F'rplc. Patio. no l>t' 1 ~-centrally localtd.. Recrca- the bm beAch ever+ 3 BR.. If 646-'i9M bct.,'t'en ,.am " 6 8'X3.i PARAMOtTh'T In Costa : ~~ vr::";:;; ~amt. Gt1 mgl!. S.·A-ut. OCf'Qn vie.· Roy McCardle Re•ltor lion, rrTL Over ~ft. ~ 3 BA, ttftpl~ patio, dl!ck pm. Mesa, fully furnished, ~ • Max . JDC. Tax Savings & loc:. 1810 :'\<'v.por1 Blvd., C.M. OllLitwl. - l C1181om fumil.,.,- The 531-tlll 1-1 UJ-5UI awning, •<ryclcan. !22SO.


30 NU-VIEW RENTALS 541-7729

:t'" .:;""tu!J:!!: "':t dtroclloo of tho':"" .1:1',; - CLEAN · COOL Atnerican !i6"Hl39ll CERTIFIED ORANGE 612-<030 "' "'4-32>18 TOWNOHOUSE ' Bdrm, I\, platmtd' homt. ~ tor ~ OCXllhe ~. _. . OPEWSUN 1--4 Huntington Beach. L 11 t t- ·n 20x'3' Full awning, skirt. Income Propertie' 2 BR. t BA, ""•lk to bnch. Bit, 2 eu a111'l&t, Greenbtn.

·eeoLii:~.. WDCASTU S17 351h STREET ~.!~~~"='·~ ~~ ~~t'~ 6.1 x GROSS ~- lb;~ .'1:'6~: ~~";,":',,,_ Ylly

..._.__ IEAL ESTATE Nt!W dllplet, l BR. 2 Ba .• , adult parka. law space rent. 546-1764 or 557-1848. ll<1Utt' Ir Duplex btr.'ttn COAST'S Wk.f'nda, 714 : 494-«i89. 2 BR. ft~ )'ard, dbl 11.Q~ trplcs., blt·lns, dtlhWlhrs.. Xlnt ~ I: teins. MOBlLE home 1972. 21x4.1, 2 H•rbor Ir: Newport Blvd. 1·2 RE&10DELED oot1*o l prp:~ Cblldren, 111'1\1 pet

~ 494-802l ••. "'1ll 1 Bill Io Lido 830-9110 BR, I ..... ' Stor "'"'· poll RR. """''" + 2-2 BR ...... Nr bo•ch • - · ok. N" IJth • J\ollenon =-~= ~b Wa)k.,. R .. lty 24x00 FUMtNGO 2 BR. OK. Selline due to health. Duplex un\11. Rectntly Utll. pd. $715 mo. lit. ~. A~. $2Z. ~;::::::=.· ,.........,.., ,... .. .....,..a- LW. 11.. 33$.i-G vm. Udq, N'pt Bmch 2SA, F&rllib' room. bit In •!JS..~ recondlttor:lfM. Street Real '94-59115. aB~iif"°'Be, unlque in-WOOIJI COVE. Cwl:torn lge 2 .. ,. DEN 67.s.5200 ber. bookcaSI' v.1th desk, 1971 MO&lLE hon'lt'; 2 ~'ln Comp. 833-2948 or L'tdo late te-rtr>r, food )'d, crpts, bltns, BR. t BA home by O\l!bH' • t BR. • lx30 . enclosed porch . bdrm., 2 ~. pet secUon, I d• ~ S11rn•1ra, ~tesa Verde. 1~ bib to ocun. beam1: fdc&I t.amUy hoTTie YOU' RE INVITED Carport, llldS, pets. 1\dull11. lldult park. call 847-roTl TRl·Plt!x 2 Br, sharp )tnlts ea 1ng

2 Brl.2 BA °'-

4 Br/den,

4 S2-i0. 54;;-13.)9,

vice drdc. Hiaga _lot. 45 Fi'QI lot-:: $79,950 Near the bl!'acb. -Ow?fiJna 5 ~ bel\\.'Ctll Tl $M &: 4 .Rm- W•lde~A $41.~0· ~w tJownC II Ba. v.intcr. ()p('n 2J) Via l Bfl. Houet. large t l.aed -.ueo, m~PMrt.......aL LOWEST PRICED .,, BR.. 3 be .. dtn. lomtal din. 1970 24.'<6Ct>Pond4'!n:u. 2 BR, '7"1 RamnM cuinom 3 Br, 2 or tr11,..., up •J """' eq. "- Eboll. sr:;...$i7, ll l : yard. Chl'dren/ptfl alt ••

~i'OUM>WN A.P't ., lt9flle oo Udo. t BR. • ;. 2 1rc0~ ~~~~ lBA, llfC! f&m rn1, 2 stO!'ftAl" ~r=~ Pr~ 1~ ~~:S ~~e~-1~"'J!Orl 4.19--4,'66. ~~C.·n 1~.:m~ mo'a.

-- end. ""~ 121,llOO: ,,.lh4.~Qu~ """ Of .... ... 332- CATALINA -.. !l:.f = ·T·"'=' F .,ny pork - 2 110\JSES, I lot, r ... 1>rid• Marketplace Vocencles .... .....,,, RM Wal- L. Nd!. -· Ion<!. R, EAL..,. G"M ~~ ~~- ~k " ' · 2 . · Xlnt -1a11. 2BR ,. •• •175 your -· •Pl., ''°" • Ocran vu. 1 BR. '2BA. et-tSl&. LI • ·~ .- .... ~ """""'" ma '-- · SKYLINE ~ awn1~. ' """ ... • bldit •• etc. thru a ['laU)' PUot f'ltct k11C'h. lam nn. ~1 Watch the 3317 V-• Lido, N'pt Stach 1610 w. eo.. Hwy., NB MS-2'706.. J li"ully Mlup, Ira·~· $68j0, ~ .!!~xu .• ~ ~ ClwHk!d-M 96J..1604.,.. .._.114 O~ c01umn: 67Si REAL1'0Rll - · . . , l SllS"9m; ~ r' "~ ~•7- -.~. ·~ .

Page 24: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

... ~.,,. ......... _ .. ..- - ,,.,.. r"--- ·-~ ... .

HouM1 Unfum. "5 ..._ U""""' ' :IOS Townh..,.. Ullfum.

Costa Mou Latuna NI~ Nawport -h Co•ll Mesa

.. " .. . ....... -- .... . ---. - ,.._ ,·., .....- .. ;; •

.... ~ ·· - .. (,_

-MESA Del M.,, •_!!,' taqi ""'- Monarch JlaY, 'en,., * Adulla Preforffd * C:- ft Oro rm, crt'. drpa. p-1;, mo. new S BR. Prtvalct ('001· l SR., 2~ balha. blln11 carpi ALL UTILll"IES PAID w/XJ.n'I option. 5&-0IWl'. murtlty. Gutlrd I ate I • drPt. Pool. 2 Cu 1ar. $3IXI Com~ befOre )'OU "'nt

• ~2 bt. cklan ..... _ 3U2 Prlva1e aooea to beaab. Mo. RllT. 548-{1966. C • - ••• ~ 1 1~ .:i J&O • AW!! •=""Ca.II ~tlon C11.1.b, Inc. 1ennls. D 1

F ••s u11Dnl ~,.,..~. ea : lm 66-&4ll • ........ ' "'lnunltlf, volley ball. elf. up •xff urn. - • Spackxla ldtchta wllh

J • · A\•aU. Mil.r. 8.'W!-36:ff. Be H direct llabtina


Furnf- & Unfvml-Adult Llvlnt

HARBOR .GREENS P'umlahad & Unfumlshe4


WllKINDI. AVAIL. now 2 Br &: 3 br, v" ·a•\' le NL;W 2 llr J Newport •c • Stparate dln't ll'<'I bltns yard Sl65-S235 ""~ "" ui;q. '"' • e Jlome·llkc &tora,gr.

DIJhwuber color coordinated appliances -Plush sba& carpet. mtrrured wardrobe doors­indirect lf&htlng ln kitchen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio • plush landscap­ing • brick Bar·B-Ques - large heated pools & lanai . Air conditioning.

From $130 to $21S mo

Bachalort • 1 Bdrm• 2 Bdrm• • 3 Bdrma

WbULDN'T YOU? ' ~ 545-9491 John. · Un. on Golt Count>. S5X> OCEANFRONT llPPl!f 2 Br, e Prlvutc 111tlo11

' ' nlO. Call ~2m0. Avail to June 20th UOO. mo, e Closed irarage w/1totaa:e JBR, 28A. bltlM, crpts, drps Adults. (ll3) 1'191!. e M11rble pu,llnum • trplc, fl-1!5 mo. 64)-•. Afl Lido Isle Du f u f ' 350 e l<ing-.ez Bdm1s

It's all he" tor you to en)oy Saturdays and Sunday• llbd ~ week long, too.

' 6. MS--0-161 p eJCff n urn. • Pool • Barbeqn<!s • sur-$250/MO. 3 BR, lg:ti. fenced TOWNHOUSE ~~ .... £t & Batbo. P•nlniul• rounded 1,vith plu11h land· y11.rd. iNtw cpts. Good Joe. study. 2\~ ba. Y1 1J-_,., mo .. ~.:;;::.;;..;.~;;;,;;;:,;;;...__ ar1tplfll: , 1'00 t~. ~t. 83(Hi1)3(1, ReMpons.lble adltK. 673--o&l I. 2 BR. den, 2 ba, in bUc bch & Adult living at Its beat

3BR. 2BA, 111' yard, s tove in· M V .. _ bl;y. $325 mo. yrty. USG E. LARGE l UH. $190 cltded'$225 n\O. 11• ervw Balboa Blvd ., Apt A No Peh1

979-5327 3 BR. 2, den, formal fd\\•IUU's l , ~3518 or 365 \V. \Vlhon 6-12-1971 Apts. Furn. El Toro DR, beautiful la""':::..::1008:;::;·----- NEW ap111 f.or adulta: only.

. \V111 r r nnd gardeoer incl. Coron• del Mar Balconlmi, flreplllCe!I, beam· Huntington BNch 3 BR, 2 BA, (.'J>lg/drps. kil Near shoppina, SO ~l\Y. td cellinp, wood paneling, l BR furn condo, 2 car gur. bhins, 2 gllJ' gar, lettS(', S26.'i 1, block Adams Elr.1n 3 BR, den, 2 BA, 2 lewl!!, carpeting, drapes. ff.ecrea. .._.. .,.

8 nt0. ~- School. Coinplt>iely carpetl'd each 8Cp. entrance. $300._ llon building with pool. ~~trl~t. 'iiJ~7fl. lSI

Founteln Valley und drrtpt'!S. Avull. immed. ~97-25'1!1 . 494-604.'i. >·u.rn & untum. BachekJr & 979--1614 jQw 1 C M I bdrms. from $135. 140 W. N•wport BHch

rw.·r · osta eta \\'UIOn (Ju1t West of New· 4 BR, 21-W Ba . Fri1ll'. 1:::;:;;;;..:,;.;;;::;o._____ I 129 ~ ~ W • & U 1 BR dshv.·11hr. bltns. S285/nM>. Newport Beach l..RG 2 br nlet' & Jt-ea.n. Gar, port B vd .l •ON ...,,,r ee P· •

Call 968--361'; pvt, nr shops. \V1tler pd. Unbeliev•bly Beautiful 2 BR & bachelors. Color TV,

31 01 So. Brl1tol St., Santi An• 557.a200 COLDWELL, BANKER & CO.


360 Apt. Unfurn. 365

Costa MH8

* * * R ing Brothlrs


I \'J or 2 Full llalh1

A1uter size bedrooms w/ hi&h beam ceutnu. larae ilvlnK room w7Ju ot wood" bumina; nreplace. Con~nlent laundry area OU kllchen. Encloaed pa· tioL 2 sv.·Jmmina: pools, aauna, recrearton facUl­Ur1. Security g1.1ard. No .....

Modala Opsn 10 tll 7 pm

2700 Peterson Way, CM nr H•rbor Blvd •

'7!!0,000 health. spa! 71R!mmlnJ pools, 7 lli!lt· ed tennis court&, b cycte frail&, pultinl green, shulllel>oltd, croquet Spacious lurilor 1'1 ttom $17 .. 50 moothly, pl., .1 or !.bedroom plans and 2-st.ory town bOulM with. z or a )>ed.. """""· AU wtt.b eledrlc tltclHml, private bal· cony or patlo, carpeting, draperies. Subler· ranean parking, elevators, opUonal n!ald ..,. vi~. Gourmet food market, dry cleaner, beauty 1alon on grounds. See beautl!u!Jy l\Ir­nlJhed models today, 9 a.m. to 6 p .m . Other Umes by appointment. Just north of Fasblon Island at Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Road.

$160 - Rare 2 Br. House. Acllts. Z178 Jllaccnlla. S14 j \' AL D'JSERE Garden Apt.t. m15

ald "'Nrv., pool .lllThcd MNea~ , SOME APARTMENTS Huntington B .. e;h N rt H · htt Stove 5-18--0051 4 N. C\l.'port v ·• .,,.. 1:.;.;.;;:.;;,;:r.;.;.. __ ..;...___ ~~ ~,c"'1ar 'yard ' mo. . Adults • no JX'l.S. f'' lowen ~- AVAILABLE PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EXECUTIVF. re .. 06 • '-''!" • ' • ** 2 BR IJUPLEX prlv everywhere. Stream. &

2 YR old, prof. d~nted $~n~; Br.l'l~~a. 1~~~ : 1 yard & garage, near' schl.~ . W!'terfall, 43' pool Rec. Rm. 2 ~!h~";~1:u:~~~t! FOR IMMEDIATE

on th• boy Telephone 1714) 644-1900 for rent1I Information.

546·0370 lionre w/Kitcl!, D f' n' OtUd/Pf't . $165 mo. 998'-ll•IG. Sauna, Sgla 1·2 Bdrm., or $25(1 mo. 130 46th St. See OCCUP NCY ~·onna1 Din Rm. l;lv Rnl, $375 _ New · 3 + Den. Frplc. 2 BR. hlt-lrui, rfrlg, crpta, =Un~:Ml. ~rompar!,~ Nov 24·26 or phone A Park-Like Surrounding 4BR & !JM. 1h mile from Garaae. View of CN.-ea.n, drp1, \ child, .oo pelS. $16S. .,,.....__ 213128.S-4215. (Reservations accepted QUIET DELUXE

Apt. Unlurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365

ocean. In Huntington ~ Lido .... Bay! 646·=23QO, vt•..:JV•V OD others ) 1, 2 & 3 BR APTS Huntington Beech Newport B11ch

fl.!!1-.,, ,~~ts~~~~i NU-VIEW RENTALS Huntington hech £1 Puerto Mesa 4~ ~vi~hM:; 11i: ~nu~~~ At Pvt Patkla • Htd Pool ,: ~ry 1 br apt.

'bi'.t. "';.blnc11;-worlr · .,........,._ - nl1-•1'3ll&- UP ~rorn:-n...,.,ns. mallll'C cple MEDITERRANEAN N~•~*S:.'\:'.'':;::'' • Dl1hwuhen etc. Wal" • '"'"' monthly EASTBLUFF IMMED. OCCUPANCY Unfurn. & Furn. only, a.i.. N•wport Bch Martinique Apts. e Cholc• o1 2 color lcl>cm" )'llrd ff"t paid. t~,: .. re; Separate houle, •u•""dsual New 3 Br ~ ~ .1'\0· All lJtllltlff P•id ()Ca';.~ ~NT o~ ~lllSB. VILLA GE 1m •- · 1a •·a Av•S<iCM • Custom carpeting min. 0 year, a _.., large '1 bedroom. rr ~ ~. Dbl saraae dihwaHt Pool & Recreation £1nl,c....... ~ ~ r, An address of dJsUnc- ~ ~.... • Jacuzzi mo. or leue-purchue ~ Family n>?~ plm Iaree 331 Oswti:o. H.B. 1959 Maple Ave., U\i avail 6 mo or yrly. Jl65. mo. tton in Costa M e

8 a Mar Apt 113 5542 e Heated pool

lion. 5,l6.9m. formal duung room. 53'-1360 Al8o garages tor rent or $200. on yrly lse. Utll pd. LOVEI..Y 2 Bdrm, W/W e Dead·bolt kx:ks 3 BR 2 BA, cll-c R/0, FA Complete privacy with Phone 548-1830 adjacent to Newport 1 i:iod 0 d e Only St40 .,, mo. ht, '~/v.• CTPt1 &: d!J:· dbl f'nc~ rear and front 1 BR, F_um. 2 lrg .. closeLa, 1 BR. Fuml1hed w/utllilles Beach, Balboa and the ~ct No ;:!::: ~:!; BAHIA PUERTO pr! tncd. lndsci>d,.;.,.x~~t loc. yards. U:lvely prdeh n. No ~port B••ch ~rm" s~ ... ~ :!~s~i & attachM R' a rage. Southland's finest com- Adult&. 2200 Placentia Ave. 2810 17th Si.. H.B.

• S2l5 mo. AGT: :llW"t'ln or (M!ts. $475 per mont · ... · ·• · $UIO/mo. !i03 Irvine Ave. munities. Reasonable 536-48U or 536--9535 ;,4&-8I03 Call 673-6568 or 546-:liSS NEWLY decor · 3 BR, 2 BA, gar w/ storage. AduJts only, PH &45-44&1 ,:.::::::::::::=~-~~- iiii&&iiiii.iiiiiiiii.;;.,. J

· · Swcdlsh !rpl, 1 blk ocean. no pet1 : · 2 BR. Qu)et Center St loca-2' BR, elec bltin R/0, FA ht , LUXURY Oceanrront~New & Yearly. Child ok. $200 2035 Fullerton C.M '\'ATERFRONT 3 BR. Jndry UNFURNISHED Lion. Near park & ahop'g. OVER 62 ??? w/w crpla & drps, dbl gar. Dramatic 4 BDRM. Dining ~. ' ' rm .• gar, winter. $285/mo. 1 bedroom from $160 Crpts, drps, bltns. 1 1tory RETIRED ???

, f('nced & Iandsc1tped. Xlnt RM. $600/MO. Yearly. b $32.50 WK & UP. Studio & 1 2 BR. $775 yrly. 544-2013 aft l bdrm. ·•- den from $l8S Bblkrldg. $145/mo. 675-1573. SOCIAL SECURITY ?? loc. tnl/mo. ACT : Davf', 6i:rl972 or 49'HJ615. NE\V Oup}ex. 3 r, 2 ba BR Apts. Linen1, maid acrv "'';..· ~===~=~= "

I tG-4f7l or 546-8103. 3 BR. 2 BA .. All families ~l'omo heh ~fl.l:r ~~a! avail. Ulll, ph. aerv., child· OCEANFRONT, 3 BR, 2 BA. The charm of Old BA0u:i..oR. 1 &: 2 Br PENSION ??? '~·- 3BR 2%ha ndo I 1225 --. . I • · ron l pet sect. 2376 New· lplc. Call Bing, d a yo VILLA YORBA ~tO beadt, $250 ·~mo: R":nf.~Houff 91':1QO ,642.-7\IJ4. , . port Blvd., 548-9755, 645-3967 838-1491 and eves. ~2949 World Spain awaits you w/furn. avail. Heated pool. wanta·to con&u, to 'bic Jov. NEWPORT SHORES 2. 0~ Sente·\lna Heights , ~RGE 1 BR Sl'"/mo. + 1n Costa Mesa at I.ting Sl20 1

5 i1p. Adu1ts. 853 842-9622 ll'13 "'"" "'~ 'W BACH. $1Zi, 111 June 28th. B •" , M d it Center t. 645--896.5. 1 BR • $123

I ed. 536- • . d 2 BA I & club pr! · 1 1 BDRM d I Ad llJI I dep. Carport & I au n dry Utll Incl " BR. $300 row.l_ers e e r - 2 BDRM apt. Patio. 2048 2 BIL • $144 3BR, 1'4 ba. bltlhl, dbl car N~~·beactt'. 1;'00. 646-2'118. v · $1JO. m~. up me. u on y, faclt. Nr. fi'Yt')' & ahop'g. 998 ABBEY REALTY 642-3800 r a n ea n Vlllage. The Garden Lane, C.M. $190. 1\10

3 BR._ $l&4

~ gar, Ii fenced yrd, frptc, BEAUT 11 2300 642--0445 El Camino, Apt 1• C.M. LRG 1 Br on the Bay, for country is the settin g &12-1121 01· 548-3763. AU. UTILITIES PAID ' laund room, $250 mo, AvaU vu go ~I Le sq, &l&--04Sl. quiet girl. $150 mo, furn or where quaint cobble-

Immed 80-4258. ft. 3

Br, 3

Ba m · ue Duplexes, NEW 1 &:2 BR's from $180 to unfurn. 548-9418 stone courtyards and NE\V 1 & 2 BR'1 from $170 10 • lwlOVE IN TODAY * - NO FE~·3BR. 2BA, near $495.


. 557


· . Fum. or Unfum. 355 $205. Adulf11. Nr. beach & $139 A MO, ~ BLUFFS baytront Exec 1 BR-Oceantront4lfi.j pe'r' pathways wind over S180. Nr. beach & shop'g. i new City Park. H,:i~ lot, 0ne--1ev.e1 2 BR 2 .ba din. Newport &.ach shop'g. 114 E. 20th St .. Cl\l. mo. 1R20 \V. Oceanfront . streams and pands t o Aclulls. ll •I E. :.nth St., Cl\L Spac. 2 & 3 Br. in 4-plex.

wHb all bJtlN. - /mo. ....~ ....... ·• · 548--0137. Cal l '""~. 0 ' '"137 °-v·-1 avall. A" EX-BKR. 96)-SrSll rm. $525 Mo. ~. E .,...........,"" the door oi your villa :.:':.:'~:..;:::::· "'. =~==~- ~ ~ · ~ ' . R FIR DIR 2 Bil Pool 1 Bdr + den, Swedish * $25 PER W EK* BACllELOR for empl. man, e TROPICAL POOL e TRAS. Pool, ree bldg. Kids

3 BR Condo, l~ii BAt;J:"'l11, 4 B: • ' ' flreplace 1~ bath S22:i & Up. Pool & maid service. Utll• pd 1125. •-· Sat., ~1 apartment. 2 Be ''"dk>, Iii Ba, lrpl, sprl " 'e\come. From Sl3!1. See

--OCE"AN ana­

HARIOR VIEW ' 'Wh•r• Cong1n l1 llty

Pr•Y•fl1'' Eltgant apartmenls dcsiKned with a ~1as ler·s •ouch, IJU· perh house &eeurlly , exclu· sive versa.rues Club and pool with unique, foontaln11 nllci tom1aJ gar. dens. All part 01 !he South Coast's finest apartn1ent comn1unity.

1 Bedroom/ studios from $195 2 Bedroom trom S.305

Models open 9 A.M. ti! duak



From Ne"'{Xlrt Blvd., tum at Hosp!tal Rood (I block above Pacific Coast H"'YI to entrance. 900 Cagney Lane, Newport B"ach, ca. 92660. Telephone: 1n<11 &ta.0060 lo dbl nr pnv. Harbor Vu Homes · ' • · ~.,, """ ~I

7373 ,_ B"

pat • gar, • $450 ·AlllO a 3 Br. 83.'k1894. mo . • Yearly 67l-2912 Kltchens avan. Mot.<'! T~hltl 40th SI , N.B _Fireplaces wet bars. strcase. Gu & wtr.pd. 145 1· gr . t Kee..,..,n •· . l , ocean. 53&-1515 S pm. · • -=-. ~ 1."0rner Harbor & Victoria. B•' "O' ~.,, 1 . rpt I b ed .

1•. gs wood E. tilth No. 9, 54&-1168. blk \\' . or Beach Blvd. oft Yearly Bayf~

4 e 2 be. 15x2J' ram rm. 2 & 3. BR. - ..... /$300 "1.oD " .-- o: \\' "' c .... earn ce1 m , staler. 968-7510 or 847-4260. • 1v111

. r •. lll 4: B!k IChl p;o' Yearly Walk lo beach ]~ 2 Bit Furn. Crpts, drpi.. 11"\1• drps. furn . Yc>ur\y rat<' paneling SJ.JO up spac 2 br/ 3 br l'iii bll I 3 Lovely new unl\lrn. apts. • flrep ~·1,..,,. ' · r . .... -..1 'n-alty u•.1290 I •·- 1 r R ~ " hi Ins. Pool. Childre',l ok. Sec SJ 15 n10. 842-8148. F hi 'd d 'gned JKIOI, cpl/dri>. bltn, plygrnd. * FRESH AIR ? & 2 BR 2 ha each p,·.,

Call ~ ..uv. .......,, .......... no: .na ........ imen' ot ''" Mar. 126 lofonte Vista, No. - as one es1 19!Mi l<.fanle, Np. J . •• 60-3m3 " ., . . S C.. ~ S Cl t I n1· t d · ,. \Valle 3 blocks 10 Beach & slip. Many exrras. Immed.

~lf;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ll~•~nti~ma~ ... ~· ~~~:1: ll, Ot. an •men • co or-coo ma e m· 22J2Ctillcge, No. 5 ... 646-4273 L 2 , 3 • N 1 ~· Irvin• t . 'th t rg "" BR. .\pts. cw y occu, 3 BR. 2 BA. bltns, shag cptg, Apts. Furn 360 2,.~_:..~Laor~~tially turn. FURNISJIEO Bachelor apt, er1ors, Wt carpe 5 LOVELY 2 BR. 2 BA. nr decorattd, " '/w crpta, drps, Call : 673.J663 673-8086 Evet.

j'Ba. water & great view, $300., • ...... ...,. .. Uuui,- $105. mo. 492--0318. 774-3967, and drapes. lll'hls, sh6fping & !re1vys, no bltns, except refrig. S1fil & .. , ~~a,&: ~'j':~~ :::f; 49"-1605. . d ~: B«lt;Mta .• Island . .·, 1 .. ru..1™°.ta '¥'a ~io22 _ af.1 ~r S: ?.ll. . -Private patios and ~Ji~ per n10. call ~in~~ s~les, t: 7f· • 3 BR. 2'.ba ...... . ... .;,':l32S Sa M - 1., ~t•· J.. a .., -' ···-'! Bachl. LRG. sun!»' '. ~ : BR. P8ftly' Apt. Unlurn. 365 - bCalommc oniume•:;:._ Center ll60mo,_ 21!R. I -""' ~ts, NR. HUNT. HARBOR . J 3 1 •• 2 baths. Nt'W~:· ''1 • •r. " 1r:,t.if ·'":.i ~l:'~, v'<~i ., ~.... • · .· · ·- '".:.-"':: 1. • · .· -• " ·1' ~- _ 1• 1----------1

1-- - .21=4\i Aval!~ ~a,n: . ,Fned can ov.•ncl'!I 61$-2967 ~..rul $150.- Yng · mllTied lU'Cf. 'v1 w .. , Ave Of, cntl for appt , agC. · -~Utc t ~· • , · 0 BR.2ha.~! , • ._.: . rear ' ~· ·toa~:Pet! ok. ~6: 0D. - 646-8226. p'ENN PoinL 1 blk to heh, biWardandpingpong 646-7615. 'lll) '34-8249. a. • . ·.m~

.._ __ ..,J 2

BR. n ••••• lBR, Bayfronl, pt1 patkl, ruttl'f, :I "1:u"'- • Apt. rw1. BCilut modc.>m 2BR> gar, ---i"00Ml5. ~!Br Apt. Near t-OR LEA"SE HouHs furn. or View, _ parkfng, )1!arly or to Close to shops. Adults, no sund('('k, yrl,y, adll.I, $210 -3 swimming po o 1 s OCC & UCJ. No pets. $135 N;f, 1~al~ ~~ H'~'-:in:fu~ Luxury Bayfront Apts.

Unfurn. ltO June ?J). 400 .so. Ba)'front. pets. $160/mo. mo. 673·9169. outdoor whirlpool, 4 mo. CaJl 979-0134. center . $ 1 6 0 m

0. J & 2 BR! . $350 to $550

_.!~~~---~~J ,,;"iiB'iio'iiRi'jM~S,°";;uufii1;'-';pdi',';..,...;;;,;;;. l911 Pomona, C.M. DELUX"E Dupll-'X, 2 Br., 1\li night lighted tennis ~lBR apt. 1 w/gar. Adtts, 714:828-Ml7. George Wllll1mson Newport Be•ch Yrly rentttl. $265 mo. BEAUT FURN 2 BR $175 up Bf.. Blt·ins, car, drp11, courts. no pclJI, v.·ater & gardener DELUXE

2 Bedroom apt.


Realtor _ _.. _______ , 12131 3$-(i1S5 Utll pd, Htd pool. Adlts. no encl.sci gar, lrplc, laundry -Health spa with gym- furn SIIO/ mo. 548-6954a Bnth private backyard, * 548-4570 *

"SINCE 1946" LIDO Sands, 3 Bd, 2 BA, Balbo• Pen)nsul1 pets. &42-~:W . rm. No pets. 838-49.19. nasium and separate [2 Bil. Ad~lls, no pets ~ BAY garage, close to beach. - - ---·------ 1 W lBn Bank Bldg frplc, l.rg yrd, nu crpts, [ l BR. S140 & $135. Large. d I Mir , d , f\.1EADO\\S APT. 387 \V. 536-70'J9 3 BR, 2 BA Duplex. u~vc:ity.Park., J~ drps, dshw~, $340 yrly BR AN o New-Luxuriously Adults only. 1993 Church St. Coron• • men s an v.•omen s , Bay St. CM. 646!0013 . 3 b 2 b Dsh\\'hr, frplc. ocean view. I D•ys 552-7000 Nlnht1 leaue. 5600 Rtvtr Ave, NB. r urn I !I he d Ba Y v Jew 548-9633. ~acilities, i n C l U d - 2 BR. unfl.ll'n. Crpts, drps, N&~\' b~~ ;::1$is5 ~ mo: S32:i per mo. 2().1•,,. l3rd St.

I~ • 646-7M6. Bachelor. Private Beach. SJ-IARP! Bacbelor, util pd. Ing sauna baths. bllns, nnnl. children ok. 126 26 2 H B ~= "°"" &12-al20 Days : 6 4 6 - 6 114 f. NT Dock ail $205 y ly ., """' '1 1st St. . . ~ or • VEA1RLV & '!I_ chE~~ Le •67•, 21· 62 · car 1145 mo, $50 cl•anlng r.e. ,..a_;._ -A security system to l\lont<' Vil!ta No. 11, ·01. 846-:Un . e1·es .

~ 3 BR. 2 ba. bonus rm . .. S400 f'tnC'I' ~mes~ Ma th ....... .,a 8.AC. r · Nr. OCC & UCI, 557- 7168 insure your privacy. 2 BR, unfurn. Crplll, drps. WALK TO BEACH WESTO.IFF 2 BR, 1% BA. • 2 BR. l'M. be. ..... . ... .. $225 ·Biii C nd fl.I on675-616l SPACIOUS 1 Br. beach apt. AVAIL. now 1 & 2 ·bdrm -ConvenienUy Iocat- ranee/oven, reh1g. No pets. t-;'ew

1 &

2 Br. cpl/drps, Townhouse. Bltns, p v 1

· 2 BR. 1'14 ba. Air Cond .• $265 ru Y tr. Lrg. porch. Gar. UtU. Incl. apts, heated pool, rec. ed t o all of Southern $140/mo. 968-1455. d"•hr, trpl. 316 16

th . patios, adults only, no pets. - 2 BR. 2 Ba . . .... . . . .... $300 OCEANFRONT 2 BR. Open hse. Fri, Sat, SUn. 207 room. Adults only. &is.-0632. ON TEN ACRES LOVELY

2 BR. d 8'1?-39S7. 1728 Bedford Ln. $225 per

3 BR. 2 ba. , • .. $325/360/375 $300/mo. Ytarly. E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. IMMAC btaut 2 BR pool Apt1J. furn./unfUrn . Lease California , just min- bltins, gar, ~~· l1.~ mo. 548-7533.,,__. -~---I 4 B:· i~tl~roMc ··• ··· f: "Call SGIS90S OCEAN view mod apt. ~iet atmosphere &


b1tlM'. Firepla<'e / prlv. pattoe. ~s from JheNPacific tac .. nr shopplnit. 54(H)m. 2 B~t!uxe1 apt, ~,!;:re RESJDENTIAL • · 2 :fi· i <is . , . am r~ ,· ·1 ·,~11 Co;~::inlum~ 315 ~:~nf510 ~Bai~ e~'f. s~t~~!· TRAILER ::~~~~. ~~~t'~~~i Be:~, an overt~:; L~~ · ~~r.Sth':,~ :t~~·i!:o~ ~u1u. $21~~~. c. ~:=a"t:.t -1 ~·:~r"l,:'. •- red I H ti ' t 8 h N.8125 . .. ~ • 132 \V. \Vih1on t?<.fiK:AithW' nr Coast ""'Y) the Costa Mesa Coun· 1978 Maple. 645-6647. 2~~~~ 'L~~i!'!'· ~lrpbirc~ d1nclepe~~3t-~man. S200 utll ,, un ng on NC • " "· ur On Oeettn • 645-1.530 • try Club. ~.. .............. -"'"'-' ,,~::..::::'~"'-' -----1

l.ovel,y ,Ba:ch. BR·Roon11 3 Bedroom 2 LARGE 2 BR, crpt.s, drps, Adults, $210. 846--0259. SEACLJIT M A 2 1• REAL't.Y FANTASTIC furnished t BR. Maid sc'rvlce. Pool - Utll Pd QUt~ 1 BR. apt. Quiet rrtitf. ROOMY · bath, liours: 9: 30 to S:30 nr. Estancia Hi school. c~ lB'R., like nu, shag, anor pts. I . Condo. Neu PQOl. Walk- to . e Call 675-8740 e dle &&e tenant only. ground 0~ ~ ptbed'onth Older pref'd, .$135. 673-8145.. dnpeg, bltins, laundry, ~~ $164. ~I, !fft>~· d~ u~~~~c~:~~. ~~~;e ~jjch~~w~~~ :.~Yor,:-t~ CS~~sy. ""'1213"1"s11J.8'2928. u,1~··pdo3' Immaclllat~ sm. util. ~~~tat:.'1";v1i: ~nvate~~ Daily •.a~.E~Yt*'~ ~~.2BcrpR.t .Cl~S: $130. 847-5384. PJa"!no!arA~e. ~· ~~t

Call Anytime, 833-0820 month to responsible tenant. M--~i La Mlrad ea'i • ··l drp lrance. $200 pr month. Bolh O!rt'Ctions to 1'.fedlterranean So Coest Plaza ,. • .,_........, 2 BDRlwf. duplex downto~•n , our d!8COunt. 543-2682. Office hours 8 AM to 6 PM Call 5.'l&-23?5. "'"""a. a, · :!t~~igQWfle~·AS1~~. ~~ units ntxt to park & tennis, Village : From the San Oteao · · .... ....--~J. carpets . drapes&: 1tove. No 2 BDRM Duplex, ~; blk 10 l BR. Close to Occ?an. $175 · call BaUey 613-i550 Act. Jontewaji: 1-larbor Blvd. , 2 BR: Bit-ins, crpts. 130 pela. $l50 per mo., 536-3507. beach, furn or unfurn. LEASE 2 BR. 2 BA ConUdonfumlnt"'ml 'MO IMnclude& uu1 ..... ~lo.;~ .. 10

2928Mo. 1 B

1Rlo .. Jurn

11._ Crp

1 ts0

, Pcriv81tc1

2 BR. Stove, refrig., lrplc. nu South 2 milts. Or from Nel'>'· 0Al


6•rt,mP, 1



3172) 5954436 or 2 BR. Studio. Patio, yard, Frp1c, beam clng, potk>, Jge

: ~ townhouse. fo"rplc, w/w rn. ~1. ake.o!fer. l~) no- • pa · ~ m. a decor. \V/\V crpfg. View. port Blvd., turn North on garagt?. $150/mo. Infant ok, Gara.g1?, yard . Yrly or thru crpt, d&h"'hr, I a r a Be· C t '"--- Coron• del Mir &l2--MOQ. Adults, no ~t. $225. 10 to 4 Harbor Blvd. 2BR. 11Jb8, crpt1, drpA, gar, no JX'lS. Av\. no"'· ~2-4349 . ~ 30. 673-fi640. landacaped b&.ck yard. Pool os I ~ e TROPICAL POOL e 322 Heliotrope, Apt. B. MEDITERRANEAN sn1I pal io. $160 mo. 651'n SEAO.IFF l\fanor Apt~ 1

t & re<:. tacUltie&. $.'OJ. mo. BACHELOR apt. N r w I y 1 Br furn $145. Gu & "1r pd. Cd~t. \\'est 18th St. 6Ta--6048 aft 5. 2BR, crpts, drps, 2BA, fncd $ . lat._ + SIOO. te<:Urlty. lw1ESA Verde N~2 BR. rw11ish l'd .. No 145 E. 18th No. 9 M8-116S. VILLAGE yrd , garage, lttund tac, Sl95. BR. 143.50 Pool. f'f:ta:·

5.J2-o112 Condo. Private pauo. Pool. Sl lO 1 Pel R · N~V, dehtx<' 3 BR. & den, 2400 H•rbor Blvd., DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BATH 801 florida, HB. drps, bl.Ins, garb. daapl. 325 v U Attached garage. Crpt.1, • .,.. ,, 1mo09 . 442 Begon ia. NICELY rum. lrg. 1 BR. nr. Chlna CoVt?. SfAkJ lwfo.: Co t M

1 Calif

92626 S2fi0. 7511 W. 18th St., c. ~I. SI•nlce 2 Br in 4--plex sngl PlllCCd~~ Av~~..!-~ .. about

I .3 Bcdroofn.!, I?' baths. vlng drps, blt·ins. *8711. ti,...., · encl ~ Quiet. Adult!, no lge. 2 BR. , nr. CdJi.f High I a I I , • 1-637·5978. • ,;;°"':=:"-O"'v":un~I:..· ::~~-~;.._~- ! room, fanuly rk om ' H tlngt lffch I BDRM garage apt. bii. J'IC'l !I. Elden 64&-2768. S'l75. Now! (714) 557..8020 3 B<lnn. 2 icy.New carpet & ~~. c~.R/O. gar. No I NEWLY decorated 2 Br.

' !f~'·~u~~. d~~h~~ un on ' ~ "182or ~· w/prage. D1n1 Point LGH~IEPinr3 h;BnRRll,•. ha67H3921rplc H':~,t~gUOp'poh:.iu~~es cd',', ,J><!,!,_~. le. S21Xl/mo. Laguna •·ach ~~ & ~~?;Sey. •ar!Clooey $175"' water aoflener sprinklers In FOR 1'1.'n4. 3BR condo. 1 !! oi.r\I • ' ' ' ' """ovv' P.- r,7;,.....1911 Bk:.' · · yard ~mo' ~111 Estate bB, din rm. 2 Il ly, pools, $1~5 - Incl. urll. Bllch for LIVE in the all new Dana crpts, drps, bltns. Bay v\ew. * * * SlZ-1 1no. 1 BR. dbl sink.

, r Mani.~nt Co. ~S7-1493. patio, 21'2 gar, bl.t ins, r_-efrit. S1na:l.e 1\1.ale. No pets. No Point Harbor a l the S. of · Hwy. S 3 2 5 Im 0 · disposal, prking area. 917 UNIQLIE Laguna Castle 3 BR, 2 BA Duplex. O.hwhr,

' 0 Af"t... bell crpts, drps, nr 3hoppmg & cooking. m-6737. beautiful Alirtrina lM ?-1.olel, 6T..-41J.l8. \\'. 19th SI. 673--5729. i\J>U. \\'ide ocean views. Irplc...,.~an view. $325 per n ..,..,r green ,' schll. Oilldren/pets ok. 2 bib to Big Corona. & ch. 34902 Del Obispo St 2 bedrooms each. Bltlns. H , y B d ? f Acres or gardens. Close to mo. ~!., 33.rd St. 64!-2020 He.~ model, 3 br, ~ '4 962-4i39 Sl60 & $175 utJI pd \'rly. •4~2353) . Kitchens, cf· carpetg & dntpes, choice ow s our u get S150, 2 BR. rplc, crpt.. lx>ach &: stlCJpping. 2 .eR. 2 I>a,s: M&-61.14 eves.

' ba . Cal~ml cell. "or I i l adult no pet 645-1624 ficil' ncies & a.partnl<'ntf.l, locatlo.n. Lease S2'.XI pr. Greal , when YoU get your Enclosed yard. Small dog ba., lge. rooms. custom NE\V Deluxe Ocean front l lease 0 unHl f Serf!M ~UA. rv ne C t ,.\. . heated pool, direct dial month. Call 673-&550 RLTR. money 's worth at the Ven· ok. 6T:H>467. '"a llpaP<'rs, chnndellers. Apt£. 2-3 or 4. BR'11. Frplc'•·

j· 833-JOt ask ~or · · an· NE\V \\'tilnut Square Ctindo. os 1 N phones, televf&lon. saun11. 2 BR. fri:>lc, new cpts &: drps. dome. Jlandy IOC'ation \\'ilh 2 BR, crpts. drps, bllnll, nr mosaic tile, shutters. $430 Crpts, bltns. _ y~,n,y __ or

non. R.esid. ~'1835. l BRr 2-BA crpft drp& • btllh, laundry tacllit~. Pool. IA.oft~ $250:- Near· - iats ot--n6rby-ttt'.'tivtms·mr Fairview. I.. &kec.- AdWtJ Mo._,a.rUally.-furn. AISG mOnllil,Y.0'1S='l9~ ..,.. rirmr, '-2" be, Univ <Park off all bltna. W;h/dyr fum. tn LIVE LIKE A KING meeting room, close to Snn everyth~ng, 613-3850. llte kids . . • plug Pit.>' and only. No pet!'. 56-188'1. avail, soon, other apts. $2:>0 • B 2

CUiver Or. Avail Jan. 1. o\\·n laundry room. Central Clemente and Laguna * GREAT VIEW _ 2 BR. * pool area. Inside : 2BR, crpts, stw, dah/wah, to S6SO ~ionth. 49M653. ~;ly ~~~~w 633-9300 ext 195 wkdys; h<'aHng, cable TV, pool & At Budget Prices! lk>nch. Olmc play In our Frp!c, bltnf!r, st.indecks. pool * 100> square reet 703 Shalima.r. O::wta Mesa, s PA C IO U·S 1 BR. Call 673-29Jl 552-9314 Sot ,\ Sun. garage. $240. mo. See al FURNISl-IED • hurbnr • su rf Ing , p 10 up. 644-&44, m.3535. * 3 Bedrooms $160. Call 962-8936. \\•/panoramic vl<'ll" <' Pl .

·· 3 BDRM, 21:,i BA., bonus nn. J.\r.83 C.oldcn Gltn or call UNrURNISHEO ~porWJlhine1 11hopplng and ieR le•. 1,.,, d'•po••I, *Big IJving room " 'ith dl'pL Adults. UtU. pd. $195 ~~1 TB1LUJ<'F-. l BR. Upper.

$360. mo. Vlllagn tTI . tROO \ 64'1·1101, open & rellAumnBrl tJ: $50hl w~k andnd ••!lo, ,·;.,., ~ly. xi';t k:c. . fireplace_ E11t Bluff · mo. 213: 925-8295. ~e fo:. r 1 c,. $1.& Call 645-2996 Sun. * POOLS up .. ng 1 8 ...... n '"' ,,. \ ()Urs from $195 u n e1v OCEAN vrev.• lt-ase • 2 & :; I , app ·

L.gun. •each rettlve S5 off on rirst 703 Acacia. S.18-SJOG. Ille a't " ' . SPAC. 2 BR, 2 SA, llE.ACll 1u 2 3 , 4 n.• u Laguna Niguel * ENCLOSED week's mit. BR, 2 BA. New. Blk to heh. ; :-ea.; - ... D.1- s.

j;:;;;.:<,;""'....:;.=::....---·l"'"'-r.::.;::..;.,:;,o;;;:::...,. ___ I Cost• MeM THE VENOOME Twl'lhouM'!, 1!00 unit. pe.Uo, $200 up. -19-1-3383, 4.~-233!'1 . I \ rly. AlllO ~. No fee. Sl60 • Utll N.. 1 131'. ~. 3 BDRM .. 2 Baths. n~· . GARAGES ! Hu~tln9~ poo~-~tlull'I, no pets. t •d I l .ABBEY REALTY 64!-3800

Laguna . Patio. \Vooday hfoaut. view, on goU ccul"M!. * CONVENIENT 1 $135. 11845 AnaheJin A\ cnuc 644-.-.a I O 1 e S.lOO Per Mo. 3

Br new ' Sf'tt ing. ~If chig ovr•n, shllg crpt, TO ALI~ BEACH'ES .JJ.4& - $lG5 GtGANTIC l BDR..\ I. Call Mn. PbilUPt S40-07Sl Huntington &.Kh UPSTAIRS 2 BR, 2 8'\, I duplex, 2 ba.. 1 Blk lo bch . • $210 · 2 Rr.

11P' · 11us:r drek.

11"h" !W. ~28-1177. FROM $140 MONTH e,ArpCHEUlRtc·• . ,~ ", •. '•Ba'!.:.!.!'~ \ "oo Rt't It's undcrprlctd! ti1i1..neli.BnU ~1 crptA, clri-, lrplc. Adlt1. no Yriy ronta.l. 1'13-M17.

Go1·1cou._~ oceun vl t'W' .. , B h ' ' ·--..L.. ,_ ...,.;;;;o :.Pll .ifiil •'"" 1 -382< $400 - 4 + Bonu!I ~m. 2 "ewport e1c ADULTS PLEASE i)ivkled bath & lots nf Thal'!! "''l\Y lhui IJ)l v.'On'I ON BEACH! pets. ,..,J ease. o•.,... . BAI.BOA Pmln. 2 Br. Frplc.

I •• n. hall ~ & last kina. CplA, "'--. stovie TWO· 2 Bdrm . ..... . . S185. ... _ port D-• .-1. Pr!.tlo Dshwahr Near F'rl)lc''" 3 13•lht. Beaut. Bl..UFTS • Saytront, outsl41C VILLA PO' "'NA c OM!.- • .,.,.,., & retrla~ Lots ot :::.::.;n lawn. BHutttut 1.pll. \\1/ prtvate n.w --.~ ocan'. Y.-.rly. &i2.-8148.

Vff'w. ExaipUoMl! unit. 3 BR. 21.S BA. trpl, MV pool tables, MIW11 bnth11. Covt 'd "'Adulll Uo pool

!-~•ew0~eN~~ ii: :.~·N~~.~: ri~0:~~~2!~ Eir~J!:?~.t~~} ~·:~:;it:.~ ~i~~.02tr~d~'. MA~::~~!eue *~.:.:e:,F::.: 2Cii ~~ ~vin~ BEAtrr. 3 Bdrm .• :I batht; ~=iAI :~Pm~ 235 ~7848 1 Blk So. ol Bay, C.M.) * 64M686. * of 2 BR.. :1 BA rum. Apt. ADULT GARDEN HOMES ll85. l BR. Y.'tl lertropt, =

1., IUllY 01111tted • ""'""'· • • · WEE KL Y·MONTHLY LRG, BR. ... m .,..u. Crpt. Gl2-i690. · New Duplex- Covered Partdng. Large lRYlNE AVE. AT MESA ·- 1 docck. »<! ' CUstom patio c:omplete with mR, 2BA. lllXUr)' VU. CXIOdo. Executlv• Suftet twpos FOR SINGLE LADY - •- Heattd Poot Saunu and AlO\-e in w/ ckpoaiu: only ........ mn 87S-.f!MjfRJ • 1

open f.rplc. Locl161 on t~ on Newparl Bl,y, pool, chlj· bl~ls, :r'A1:~ d • Sparidlnc 2BR duDltx, rtr • 2 Bdrm, 1 BA •••. . • S195. Recre&tlon Room. • l or. S160 2 Br. $2XI Ml'» flDlq, •

I 8th t&hway ol .,,it ""'"'"· patio, boat dock, .... 20llll Newport Blvd. ""?.· Nu 1-1 ' ·' "' Hll.,.n So. " Wtatclltf c;,n. ~ 3 Bdrm, 2 BA . . . . .. 1295. HUNTINGTON o.y A NIJlht Stcurlty, Pool, 1185 Mo. Yr1>' 2 Br, I blk - Plu11rt phone terr an ea n. pr lt In I , Costa M.u pe... r OIP· -· mo. 1- 1 blk fro »-1...i..... Beaut., apa~s apts • Jo'ounttJns. Rec. Bldg. w/ from OOl!an.

f Mt. Mallory 1133-9'22 w/•l<vston. 96l-M30. 642-2611 17676 Comuon. S<Hm. ·•· · m ~ .,.. F•nctd yards, potl<>s and PACIFIC ...rcltle nn, bllll•rdl. col• Call 6~ START 1llE NEW YEAR Idtal loc. Stocun!, sate, mm· I prt ----=;;:..;=='---


OCEAN tront MUie avail. Townhouse UnfUm. J3S STUDIOS & 1 BR'S"- at the beach. Ott 5~8100 rate plcte privE~· Elec. r•rCp. dr. ~(:t 642~~>'· Adults, 00 n1 OCEAN Ave., H.B. :-~ ~'""~P~ .. ~c:I~ s.n -Mkt' J•n. 2 Bit, 2 bM, b'plc . • Flt.EE Linen& $l7$. per mo. St\ldio compl. c;roner. ~. rtu1&e. la. · · lfl4) 5364481 • ....... 54,S./

, ;~1:~;~~.e~;.~·:~ L~pun. Nlg~I. _ : !:~~~~!~'' ~9910~113 1 Ml·~ or. pl~ii~~ ch1~ren.J!~':: ,:O,.Jt=~~!a~~Y &~1o~z.~0e&. ;'~:Zo~:X:·n:rs~ Nn'it.~: .. t°:;,1~ 1 tceftll! V'llklmi Btfteh. "5M. 3 sn ... 1l~~ bi.;';2 . trplct . e 1-!eitf'd Pool 6'12-1264 00?1.fE ~ • rtal prdfn 2 V.'eeb Ft'ee Rent too! cable TV, $150..-4160., !JO

• mo. Qnnrry 21. $9794. Bal~)', octa~!: v~w & e l.11.undl")' F"aclttlif'!t BACHELOR. pool, $ill~ ' 'ntE CABLF...S" a pl/ Uke Uvtng In a home ~ nil. north of HunlJ.nRton Pool. Rel:. Slda, dthwhr. Del Mar, SC. ~U19 . ... _.-.. - .. -N'--' = = ~'eekend• a TV ' mafd S<'rv awil ino. UUI pd , No peti.

1 j 2 Or. l Ba. w/aw. Adltt. for Slil>/mo. 2 BR, l"' BA. neach. S140. 2 DR. Bltn~ vi~f'-0~· .. ~ ~8.11 W•stmlnt .. r f -f;:!!!~.;!!!ll:=~---J~!;:!~~~~':J.~. !!_J e Phon< s.rvi.. ct.,..... 842"5192· Cri>u. N<w """· Bltna. 2 Prk1 p....,, priv pallotl A crpt.t, drpo, l>OOI, pl"f ,an!. -·:::.:.:,;:;;:;;.:; ___ _ ~ BR, $27S. mo. lat IM Jut, Uke to tnde7 OU.r 'J'radft'• MEN • Small bNch h:>tf!I. Fncd: yrtl wfptillo, \Vtr pd~ f'l'C: 11'8,4- 1r0i0o Cardens, Lndry lacll A carportg. Cpt 6CiANFRONT Jae 3 BR. 2 FREE n>M until Jan U Im· plus eleanlirw ~· Pandbe column ft ror YOU! Daily Pilot \V~nt Ad!J ha1Jt ~IA S85/rno. Ro o 111 s 63&-.fl~ on Wllaon SI., \Y. Of Hari,,,.;.:. .._ 2 aml children mt. No ba. tl'Plc. bllnl. P.;2$£n"P.:.1_rn..c:...,t.BR._ SJ.j0. t sa. SJ25

_ flli.0:;1, i 11;,.,, s~ tor $ bu<k•, ...... _ .. ,ll .. k. ......... J UI 0ranp.A"9. No. F .. 11'8 HI.. Call M24;A. ""· -- -·-=e.· =-::..:::.:1~=----..l






, _ ,_ ' ~-~ - .. - . . . - - - --

Page 25: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

- - ~ '

(~~~~~!!~=~~~~~~~~~ 1·~~~~~~~= \!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'ii!"' ' SaWrdU, JlftUMY b. 191l DAll.Y PILOT ZJ

1'~1 ·~~ . ... ~ ... ;:;l~~[ ......................... ~lrtJ~•~ l :.I ~-~I~~. ! .... lt:B ~I ~ .. -~ .. ~~1~~: :1 ~1~~-~-~-~~;;l=ISJ;: 1---~l~~l -~-~-~l~~I !!!"'"'!!!''-!!!iiiiiiiiiiii~l[Il Aph.F , ' Apti., Room• 400 Offlco Rentol 440 p0,..,..1, 530 los t 555 Botlltub ropo lr Pa lnll- & Holp Wontod, M & F 71

um. or Unlum. 370 Fur n . or Unlum. 370 1._=.C...----- ~:;_-----= & ,..lln loh l09 ... DELUX&Pvt mtnru, be, 2 ADJOlNlNC Ofo"Fla::S, C•ptalns Car Carel REWARD - Paparh•~ln9 ANS y,.• ER I N G StrN

,.eo....,._1a_ Mou _____ ___ Cost1 Mew______ ma1d ait:rvlce. No amoRn.. busy lnter11Ct::Uon C.~t $90. REFIN ISll In 11ih.Jtf' or rokir Op._ratnr nttdtd. \Vlll trab

1 - -10 or 548--n.97. Ulll'1 inc.~ We Y.'Uh It: ""'LX oonipletelr. GN>y,"bro11o•n f~ma..le Cennu ln )'OUr Mme or bu~rnrsll . CUSTOM PA INTING but wUI pay for exr.riona .,, ,-...., custom A dct&d .,'Ot'k. "'c Sbfr..t.a...1 MOTHER OF 9 ....... u.7 T J PRIV. home, him rm PROF'ESSIONAL Suite ready plck·up_ & ~liver. Call A-""K->u, ........,.. 0 l'I' . ltlC'. nterll'.xttr. Unfum. mll.'r . 155 Rochester, C.~ •

• •

.· •

•. 1 ,

, IMECPl l lll l!Yll U, lO n l IUJll l , •• °"' .SOO I• ... Mid 10 lltMmt e r.•!• • Nlul119 a .tting. Wood dfi;:k1, two plll/ot brl n<J 111• High l lf" .. Into ~I ,.._ a.,ac:!Ove 1. or 2·bedr1Mm 1111den 111an111•11t. ' ool, M UllU , jael.IUI • I'd bll­ll1rdl . Small 0111 ok. from SIM , F111nllurt 1"All1b11. MOO.le open t ,00 10 7:00. 2300 fthvlew Rd. 111 Oa.11 M"• · Pro-: 64$.tlOo.

Aptl., . its ., Furn. o r Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfum.

Hunt ington B•ach Huntington Beach

HUNTINGTON BEACH'S FINEST Spanish Country Estate Living


2 Ac res. Be a utiful park-like surround ings . Sunken Pool. Sp a rkling Spanish Fou n tains .

• Spacious R oom s • Sep arate Dining • \ Va lk in Closets

• tlome-like K itchens & Cabine ts 1 BDRM. Unfurn . $165. Furn. $185. 2 BDRM. Unfurn . $185. Furn. $215. TOWNHOUSE 2 BR, ! ~Ba ., 1400 sq. fl

Unfurnished $200.

All UTILITIES FREE W a lk to H untin gtol'I Center

Adults, No pets

IA QUINTA HERMOSA 16211 P•rkslele Lane, H . B.

714: 847-5441 ' . (4 blks. So. of San Dieg o Frwy. on Beach, 1 blk. W. on Holt to 16211 Parkside Lane).

Apt1., Furn. or Unfurn .

Apts., 370 Furn. or Unfurn . 370

'f'/bllh. ki t priv. M.WklJI to IQ. Heil at 8olsa Qi.lea. 646-363.2 or ~17!1 fur :1~ A~~ 1~ch· J~: Carpeontar &IM'\'. pncf'. 1-'rt-t< l'Olor con· ASSEMBLY Tralnen Viejo. t10-4232 alt 6 pm. H.B. $2n/roo. M&-ll23. !we u tlmate. H.B. l)elperate! 847-8618 ~~fl~ & f'!i t. Ut•. Ina. $11i1ng ahllt. No ~xp. 1'11!11 R & Board 40.5 400 SQ F'T N""POl"t Blvd, S I I Ct b .535 a.Her S pm, ot 6U-fl21, Ext. \\iOOOY.'OltK, Jl an e 11 n & • \\ on t be unde-rbld. 642-6005. but ha\'f! il'OO<I eye l~t t

oom centl"r ~~ea. ~ 1 _oc_~•-"-•-•----'--'- ,7'"°::,:·==-~---~ cHblnt>1 " · o'',·1uv:1.0 ·~~n · 1 * WANollllP'"'A"p""eR finger ~~xte9ntr · 3App SAJI BOARD & romn or room on- Ii A C. --· i-~IND YOURSEU~ 1: l'l!pa l'I. u l' DVl.4tka, * 1x•n1011 1rt . • , at ly In nice ~et hOmc, t:rnpl Bus lneu Rental JN SOMEX>N£ ELSE SIA?.1ESE w/blue sapphire 6'ki-T:i:l3. Y.'hton you call " ~lac" Advnntt"ll Ptcba:hi&.


,_ •••~ C M 445 DISCOVER rollar, na.~taAR Oldl <-'!'~: All l\1X'S uf >1.11·1#& if&.lTI.1 South Grant A, .,... Sil.Il l Vll:nl. .,,,,.... . . THE F - ' new hni '""° vf' . <' ....._ • C \HJ>E,TR\ Aoa

Hotels, Mot.It 410 " acl01')' . ha.'I llhOPfl DISCOVERY 1-.:.~1rella. SC 4 9 2- 1 4 8 l 1 •' ' . . * '* PAINTING & An iqual O p p 0 r 1 u n '1 t avail, ln t~ mall ra~ing n 4.~ 713.387.3393 f'\'t"/vl'knd . Duy, colla·l I _ _ , ._._~ni . 536-l&l!I P APERHANGING Empleyer ·

ROOMS 118 wk up w/ kU. from $M)Jmo. idelll for 640-Hl60. R(!W11rd. !Carpet Service fnlt r & t :i-;ter. uc·,1. In~ . , $32.50 wk \lP a plt, Chlldr~ smoke lhop, lropkal fillh Travel ..... 5'.lALL ~i... . ........ • .. h - c; 1111 rn. c11 u ~llltT is, Gt!-1:ii8 Auenihll•r Elt•1· Ut111h! & pet teeUon 237S NewpoM 1hop, etc. ,125 l'.>th SL, I ---------~-- "'-.-J ltl'l')

1• JOHN 'S Carpet & Upholi1\t'l'Y . . :-Ohu>l pui.l!Ci.s 11. bui

8 MS. 4 64.>39&'1' Newport Beach. 673--9606. ft•male w/~rt can <Cair n Dri ·Sl~mpoo r r \' c Scot· 11\'T ~ 1--XT 1>a 1n!ln1:. p11)X'r kooll:l{'(lj;(\' "' i•l\•i·tronit

lvd. CM . 9755, , OFFICE STO~ ierr. 1 Jost in N. COl!lll·~ chl(u&rd tSotl lt·tard t.I J hanging, na.tural .,., nod ailembly prul."til."l' ti & pn Gut1t Home 415 4JlalttrcitL Pls ca 11 ~~aM A 1:aJJ ~'OloC tiniahl~. ~i-1900 ,,~urt• . ~Un . 2 ,yn ~'f'1

• • • M. 0 . Kl09

1S9S Via Conlu Laguna Beach

You are fhe wlnne:r of 2 ticket• to the

Sports, Vacation & Recreation•! V•h lcle

Show a t !ht'

Anaheim Convention Canter

J11.nuary S.14 Please call 642-5678, ext. 314 between 9 & 5 pm lo claim )'OW' tickets. !North Count)' toll-lree number la ~122())

• • • Prlvoto Room *

1 .. Ambu1atory 't.ady or Man

Good. nutrlUoua Food . Nice:, cheerful atmo1phere.

* cau MS-4153 •

Newpon 4 Ba.Y Center ~2 SET SAIL ~l&-32-12 . H.t'Ward. briahte.ner1 A JO minute tNT . .l E.'(tl'r. Accoua. cell· t').p. Day 5h.llt . A111ily I Newport Blvdi252CM. Util. TAHITI YEU.OW Labrador, 18 moa bleaeh lor whit¢ C&rJ)tta. lnp I JU"l.)-ed. Uc., Jn1. ptl"90n • Stt Je.rry " rlul.!IOI pd. PM&. 646- · Grand 3 Muttd Schociner, old. \'le. ot G&rh<'ld & Savr )'our money by_ 1a v1na Local relA. ~. Chuek. Vta:a Eltetronies. DX! \\'t i

2 STORES nr. N'pl Poet" Of· crew A ruHl lh. COl1a. t.l~Ua, H.B. Ana "J O("O". uic- extra trl ii•· \\'W clean THE HANGMEN Y.'e attl \\'arner, Santa Ana. fice ~ Greyhound depot, 598 (213) )11..1239 ~or MHUl ask for hvllli mi .. dlnlna: rm. A 100, 1000'1 of v1nY1 511.mplrl. AUTO

~.flJ:~u~. 300 aq. ft . 185. Bill. ~~·ti Sflo. ~h!1r ~~· lJS~~: .!:,or home appt. 511-s..i'6. - SALESMAN LOST SanlOyl'd pup, exp. ts " 'h. 11 roun1s, not EXT SPECIAL $199

lnduttrl•I Rental 450 l Wt.:t Ola:ht LAX'. F'ranktun I 16 '4· k~ . \ 'i<· Brookhurst I ml'thocl. J 1ln 11i 11rk Tll)'.5elf. l Hr. 1.k" IM. nG-67~ 11\1\\' A~f'llC), pr 0 d II(' Jan g $130 · Garl1eltl, t'. \ '. H. e \.\' a rd Good l'\'- f. ~11 -OIOI kno11o·lf'dt.:1• 11npor111.1lt. &

1300 sq ft ?t1·1 Space. w. rront · ' ~ ' 9b"2-..'«172. · C C-- APT. JNTF.RJOH Hob t:r1•v11•r at ofc, l~ rear door. $170 mo. I :~~~~~~~~~~ IJ),... . •mint , o nc rete Crpr Shampooing & i:ltaning CREV IER BMW 1793 Whl ti S r~ 1 s, ornnge & v.•h1tC' niale ~ .

' er t, ......,.,,., 1 slnped e11t. " &un". \ 'le I CONCltl- rE \\'nrk. PatlQfl, • &t2·1059 * Ntle>!I • Sl•l'\'ll't" · l..o•fl."' 111 J.: Mel&. ALSO IS::O IQ ft, 1240. I J[g], R1\10khurst & Elli!!, F .V 1·1·100\ 't' hlktop driveway1, P la.,ter, P•tch, Repai r ~'08 \\'. 1 ~ 1

SI · Snn \11 Ana

mo l m Whlttitt St ., C. ~t . I.Mt - - I' o• ~ "'1 83'3171 M6-M33 D 64&--0681 Eve .e11i·arc . .,._..,.. L I H<;:11nu.r In l ii n r r 1• t 1, . r a,ys, . I(' A I R l'i Te rr1l' r·female .. 1.,...16.!0. * PATCH l' l .. A1)1t~ Jtlt\G llABYStTTEll tor I child,

REAQY FEB. 1st, 1973 \ \'heaton . color, rcscmblt·s i P ATIOS-PLANTERS AU l)' IK'ii . f"n'."t:.• r~tlnu1 t1's oin .. 1,1 , San1·3::;i1\nn, ,\101 LAGUNA NIGUEL "~· · Cnh ._ 1 Old I Found (fr" ads) 5SO ....... vtt1c-. VIC. !'t1('sa Verde 1..-1. All toncrl"ll' iHirk Bnck r'1·1 X nt t'h , J.:(IO( pa~

M · l 1- - - -------- ~ward! 5-1~21).H/&15--05.19.

1 sluniµllloni · wk . ~J.l.'.15.1:\. · Plumbing Prr f oldtr , n11t. t\ll'l!', v.·onuu

um SQ. FT. &- UP. LRG white w/ brown sh1:irt Bl.ACK/ 1 It b ---· - - !'t1U6t hve own tra.rupor!J On San Dleio F'rttWay h&lr dOK lBul•.1-/Boxt>r \\' I c1 rwn Austr~I· PATIOS, walk11 , dl't\'t'S . Sa"·· PLUi\tBING REPAJR lion M&-~ aft 3· 30

.....,. tan male shepherd. Vte. , break, remo,·c & replace No '"h 100 11m&ll · · Call 831·16CX'I mlx1l Male. Vic : \V1tnier le Hatbor/ Adan1s. 5-16-3642 or l'Oncrete. ~~S668 lor e1>I. • .r6.i2-Sl28 * BABYSIT I lite hou.!(l\\'Orl

FOR LEASE M- l unill , l»> Bushard l-"V • Vl' ry v.·ell Sti-1114. • . • f.1on thru Fri 8 10 4. Bcgi .---x.oo sq~ll:--&nlti Ana- trained Sll-7853 tccill&r It. (11~~1 Ctri.IEN1' \\ 'ORK DH.AINS uneloggM - $7.50 1/29. Own 1runa. Reh Owner n4198)-3196. tfe& collar). - MANS diamond ring, VW. l>rh--es, WALKS, pntio11: Srw·er hnt" ro-~ts. "Ne .... tport tkach a re .

Westclllt pliua 'i\1arkt>t Pool dL'<'k!i. Don . 54.2-851 4. • 5-49-250'1 .. o.•05~. Stor1ge 455 FOUND. Young female' cat Bukttl (1/ 5) {.kttpsake1 =~:.:~::,.::•:::::~=~----;,;,;.;.;c=-----= ;:!~ e:cphyl~';.'!~· ~ Llberal ~w&rdJ ~124. Contr•ctor Sewlng / Alterafl">nl BARYSIITEK fnr t"On Eut Santa Ana . LOST': Oluaa·Lucha Bini I - _ 1nunity l'f'Nnt

1tr pl'Of{rlinl?

Wl'dc month or ye&r .... .. Costa t.lcaa SI .. C.M. Phone · J AC<' T uJ D.-~ t.a~ ·- N11ucl hbt'n

'!!!!!""'ll!!O'""'""""'""''""'""~ ed. Ii, • r-v• ~HU2 or 645--8913. fC?'.aY w·Rtd thl'Ofl t. U~n11. ... n nne -1..::., Alter•tlont-642·5145 • - - t!M-943I '

mo', >acha1'ed1 '11'a'1n<ed1•-.. $10 pn-Ol , <'QU'' D ···hlte -k·•·~ Point arta. R ft w <l rd . I n>mod .. R<ld11 . 20 )'I'!> . f'xp iNra1 .11 tunltt 20 yeara f'XP wqet. .

LOVING care. Nutrl. meala. ..,. ~OJ . r •~ .. ...... 496-1J61 . We'd. i\ly \\'a)' Co. 517-ooJ6.


S . . . . BABYSIITER v.-·nntffl t-.!01 Priy./1<-t. Near ahopc, 9"5, 54&--4.118 aft 5. I 11o•/rcd collar. f emale. le • ~ - ogns • Wed ·~ 'I ho O '" RE.WARD, small gl't'\ tiuo>r Draft ing _ · r • •· "}' mf'. w JMlf'k &: Ubr . JI.ten & ¥>'Omen. Llncoln It: Huntington St ., lltM.....t 1 ..:.. .. <:"

1 tranll. Call at 6 pm

5'M)-2$2. Rentals Wanted 460 H.B. 536-1339. ......~. ll\R f" (.'Il l. ''-" ~ _, • . . 1s1GN PA INTING, TruC'k li"t- 5-IS-1592. ----- -·-"'---'-' Jnr. Vic 30.12 !larding Wi:y, PLA1'S·l louses, R cm o d s, 1criri~ i. at i s f 11 1; t l 0 0 - -- -------

LOVELY Guest HCIWit: now t.10THER, 4S, 2 children MAN'S Bike, found on Green C. M. 833-:llOO or 557-4339. R,?On~ Acldltians. ~ ~P~j 1o:uara.:i1t.,,1, :;-0141:J6. ~JJ\'S l rrF.R to sit In m. open for elder ly. Pvt le .eml ne-a18 tlOuse in !'t1onte Villt& belt. Uniw l"ll lty Park betore SMALL ''orksh ' T .. . ~7-0626 a.:J7-9&0 ld~I hon1c lor 15 "'°· ol, pvt. 544--0TJG. school dist. by Jan 15. ~:'.'3· Call to Identify, IU\~r. hick & tai: Viee~1~11~ <Gardening Television Rep•ir ~~:~1 or 2 days 11o·cck. Ph

Vac1tlon R.ental1 425 Perm. incoml', ex:. l'\'ls. i\na Ave. N.B. Ears just , .::.:.:..;:::c:~· --- ----$Liil. 646-1818. LRG. white dog from Palm elipf)l'd 6-16-t?A», BOB'S GARJ)ENING COLOR T.V, repalttrl ln BABYSIT Monda.ya 1:31).5:.'.ll

BIG Bell!' 2 sl ry 2 lplr 2BA , I R'°OO~MMA~"--=T°-'EC'_.'---7ed~. 71,-m-a-lf', Springs. I Newport Baeh LOST Blk 1 Lab d & l.ANUSCAPlNG your home or thttt is no my home on beach In Nwp play rm. Nr ski !ft. Lr or on beach, yr round, Sl.25. area). Vets No. on tags ! Retriever ~~ise to rQ: Res1den~1al &: Commt'rclal rost to YoU· All brant1i. Sch. 11.50 hr . ~76. ~•mle::.~""°"c;:~P~·~871c:.:.,-~7l~<~8--= I mo. 645-3538 btwn H eve. 646--5'793. Ht>11o•a!'d, ' IE;1staide Cost~ I 1

""C':m r::iu•trtal 638-8487. BABYSITTER needed fo R1ntal1 to Shart 430 I ~~~~~~~~~~~ !FOUND In Weatclif l Salt & ftlesa I 6"6-U27. I 501-4299 ~,xe!is COL.Ort TV Cal-1'ronit•s odd hours for lJ mo. 011 - - 1- pt"ppet lerule kitten. v.·ith I Clfl LDRENS pet l /:?/TI. -- e! pm~ 769 \\'. 20th, Costa ~lesa bah)', )'our home. 673-72'l7. Wll..L ahart' Pllfk Newpnrt I 11 - 1 p1nk collar. 673-692.) or VI .. 0 .. 100 1 1 nd Off .1 STOR~t DAr--1 AGE &>rvtee,_,C~·~ll~S~l~O.c.:::6~1 6-<ll-"'~"'-- BAllYSl1TER . • _ .• ,.,.,,.,.., apt. 2 Br . 2 ha, fur n. r en1. Announcemt!lntl 673-3643. , c . '·"' a s a · " it I P rolc111dona l Gnrrlener, Tree - , •JUU 640-018 25-35. 1133 mn + uh!. Call . FOUND black ,.,_ " 'hite ~,~1~:;r::~a;!~:7~ipoo, ~~~n~, ~,r~cing, Cl!•an;~ps . ]Tr!!_.S•rv.1ce ~;·~01. hl1i 3.1, ·

640-l480. I aheepdog Dt'~. 2:'h \' ic~n i l)' 1 1lt1s11 Settf'r. fem. :l nlo. \'ic dorn1nn~ sp7aC:. 00(;~r1;~ TREE TRli\1 ~11 NG BAR ~1 ,\ IDS \\'i\NTE D

2 working girls 2--1 &: 2:5, need Announcements 500 Warner & Nf'~l!lnrl, fooun- 19th/Oct'an front, N . B. 1 &16-5!193. R.l'mo,·nl. Drnnn1enta l v.·ork. nt The Lotus Room. Exp 3rd to sharr 3 BR. apt. I blk -· taln VallPy, !!-l.~16 . I Rrii·11.i ·d. 675'-6..'f.JS ' l "XP II 1. G _ , 1 ,~~C~ol~l ~D~a~'~o~6~13-~ll~66~~1 rleCt'Mflry . Neat inHs:J> lrom ~ach . $100/n'IO. + • 'It * f'Q • ' ~ . llW&. Jan l'h-ut'rlt' r. U il Pl

"'"~~2 , I liND )Oung ilal'hshurwl 1 OST· , 101• , 18 b & Complet , ,,~ n . pear an cc. 5 4 . 1 · i: .,.,,. .. ,, .. eves. J im Moses I vicinity 1'. I F d I,, & ' · · 1

" ·- ., ml'S(', l'n I ' '"e s er v · 119- 9:>7' • 1 c I\ ! ; bclKt'. Vic 1-.tcsa V rd ( \I Ka 111 A I an 1 6 4 6-4676 1 l[II]l l ~='c'-~~·~· ~~---~

1-2 ~ys. Cool 2 Bdrm h,q• 15311 Reims C ircle f.d~ardi;, Hun' 1 n I: tun 5.l5-l403. · · e e, · 6"2-11.17, ' ' 11 ipo i I BARMA ID·f'ull or part ttme 20:Ji l\1eycr Pl. C. ~1 . off \\' Irv ine Be.ich, R-'6-·1107. iiiit . .,._yuwtt f Undf'r :\0. \\' Il l tniln. Appl> !!Ith at " !'tlcDorialds. " General Services You are !hc w'iMe1' of ~·ouND 5n1all ni a I c after ?pn1, Three

GIRL 25-30 to shal'f' 3 hr S t v · & Slatrr + Magnoha 11 ll ~ r •r• 0

•n • ma • B M ID ' • N ho


por s , ac•t1on .,.,2 __ !0 or • t" """<. • · · lnstructiotl Wt wuh ,i;,. v.•a.x conipletol>. ARi A , age ~l-3.i. c.

CHEAP. 2 tickrts 10 the l~IC'-type, bh1c.k. \ 'tr. I I~ Cept• ins Ca C I J b W lod "-I 700 lllO Nf>v.•port Blvd, C.1\1 .

N" 'Pt Bc:h me on v.·ater h R I I "" ,,,,~ ~" J 120

675-3823 acreat ona Vehicle · . Cl.L'Jton1 & detail work. We s.\1.E..~ M~'T • !lire t r a I n costume. _ Huntington Beach Huntington Beach une. S · · Show FND: Dec. 24th, Brv.·n & wht pick-up & deliver. Call moUvated alsmn. develop Call 646-993.l

1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; !GIRL to share apt. %i blk. at the Beagle type puppy, male. School & 646--3632 or 645-1791 for sales mk1. 4-!I pn1

11 from Newport Beach. Anaheim Conv-tion call lo ldentify, Mii-8866 OT' s frt•e f'SUniate. 961-5MO BRANCH MANAGER





MAND NEW ()v.'O room. Call 67!">-M.l'I. • 11 ~MG--0909 lnstructlont 575 A arttr opportunity for ex

-. • .._. W"-ED .. ~·Ing~~ ~d Center_ ' . HANDYt.lAN • All .kinds ol Job W1nted, Female 702 c 11 1 . '= r?o' ' . ""~ • '"'VI""' ~ .. ., ... - J FOUND. Around Orantt & INTRODUCTION to mu1lc~ - 11.'0rk. small .)Obr. a per. AAv n~ ."- o an

t---+-~-'~'-· -·111 ' 1~S--lt-1 f11-l"=---~-~'~'"~d~e~n~t.~O~•~~~~rn~~'0·:;wN~·~w=pttl_~!~- ~·~"t," uary:·~:-~~~~-tl4~~~~!~f~o~o~•o~V~'~"~•;·~y~ou~n~•~n~ta~lo~j'~""°~"~·~no~t~e~re~o~d l~ngf"i,~""!f-l'~"·~~'pec~~ial~~~·~979-~~'6~36~.~>~16-'723~~~SEC~~·y~Co~m~pa~n~ion~·~p~re~~~ra~b~l~y~~~~~f. .. ~l~~~''~·ri~S~o~bulre~m~•~t m!o~'::~~;""';•~:~---l U IV 11 bcl"'el'.n 9 & 5 pm to claim Look.' like Settr.r "S_,..,""' nt" c e a sary . bered t I • ~-· nu , .. , .., .......... , YOUNG feniale wlll 5harc 3 your tickets. INorth County · ..., ~. 494-5700. cum ma ure V.'OmM o ClaMil~ ad no 557 clo

Luxury Garden AptS. in HuntilfgtmrBe-ath ... r . ho1ne wt"Mm~. $100 100r - tmr. ttcl'! number Is 540=1Z20; rFGUND She-ltie-!ype--le male- ... . n ... cleanup ,u-ee shnplng ex~ llent baekgrd. &16-7445, Da ll" uuot._P. ,Q~x 'JB~---• Bachelor, 1 &2 BR's. 540-8078. * · * , * dog. Vic. Sunflov.•(' r & or rt>moval. \Veeding, trash txt 34. a na, ~&Ul. 91626.

FROM $135 l\1AN to shnre new 3 br dplx Auto Triniportitlon 525 ~~r:.,~1,6 R al'•'~.,·~ ... Jk'tl collar. [ ......,. ... -1~ hauling, . bushe~ trimmed, NEED help at home'.' \Ve &o.t BullcHrt nr OC('ll.n . Bal Penin. Sl29 ti! """ . . ~ lawn mn1nt. 962-861.2. have A ide~ . Nu r se a , ASSEMBLY

• Heated Pool • Saunas • Rec. Room J une 15. 673-3006. NEED daily ride to Rl"d Hill FND. Blk kitten ft!rn. 4 n10. SKJPLOAOER .~ dump truck HouM!keepe:r!!, Companlorui, TOUCHUP • J acuzzi • P ool T a bles e Volleyball f'EMALE Ro o mm a t e & McArthur from .Lagu na old. Rc.'1 collar - \\'ar ncr & \.\'Ork. Concrete, uphalt, ~~:aktrs, UP j

0 h n • Clipper Marine Corp.

e Gym & more ! Fur n . & Unfurn . wanted ; 3 BR Beach Beach. Share expense. Ros11 H.B. 847-2·190 (fnd. I- * * * sawing, breaking. M&-n 10. · 1919 Ea1t Occidt nlal St. Ad u lts Only, No Pet s House. S75 + Utils. 642-3347 494-2996. 2-73>. [ J. Scott YARD, garsge c leanups. YOUr\G J apanese Adul ts Santa Ana , Calif.

IMMEDIATE Gar-• for Rent '35 FOU. N"U on Estancit> r o 8351 Ce1tllian Dr. Remove trees, dirt, Ivy. need home v.·/ A me r . BOAT REPAIRMEN -.- D M'-··'- o~ve- _,,_ 847 """""' lamlly. Exch for hou&ehold

OCCUPANCY [ ~ rive, ='"'"Viejo, v.·hl!r Huntington Beach ' ' - ~~· .,_cavu,... -.......... dut it> 11 _ be.bysi!Un Ph · Mu.rt hA~ wa lt!rfront boat 1 B99l Florid• St. NE\V storage garages, 3 f1wr1on1k I Samoyed 1YPt' dog on Y• 111 art> the wlnnf' r of 1-IAULl:-IG & cleanup by exp S.18-2.>19 g. · hard exp. inc I u d \ n iC

(lh blk. \V. o f G a r f ie ld & Beac h ) sizea, for mobile homes, :;;;;;;;~~~ _!i3/T.l. 8.17-2-147. 2 tfckC'ts to the college student, lge trk. WllL ~ t - . aulouts, mechanlea l " hull boa~ & misc. 548-9766,


FOUND. Beige Pomeranian. I Sports, V•cation & 534-1~16 or 5.H-2161. h yping, 9Cwtng, repairs. Good j()bs for top 644-1061. o..,, .... , moy cla•"n> ... ,,, R H I ' . o u se w o r k. Llmltfd men BLACKlE·s BOAT .... ~ Kraetional Vehicle au 1ng E 1· h Ph K s · ~ ·

217 AVOCADO, C.t-.1. 450 SQ Personals 530 po s i 11 v e identification . S 55i!~· · yung uk· YARD, 2-114 N•111·port Blvd., Apt1., Furn.

Apts., or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfum. 370- rr. $50. CALL &16-8811 OR ·---- - ---= Phone~. how GEN. Uaullng. Tree/111\rub . _N_._B_. _673-Q3<~--· - - --

968-4593 AGT. * HINDU SPIRITUALIST * Jo'OUND large ft,,uile bul f I h &I the trim. Gar & yd cleanup. DAY Work, references , own e BOAT BUILDE RS 21 7 Avocado, no 7. 450 sq. ft. ~~hiosuU~k ~~f~ oolol"l'd dog v.·i th chain eol- Ana ei~ Ctonvention E..<!l. s:G-2ll3, 557-6004. :n:ti· ~= ~u;_~ avaU : ~~'TERS S50 mo. belier Profl'ssional advice lar. \lici nltv Newport Pit"!'. en er HousaclNnlnt - . R ARCIJl.llG. ~93 Cail 61;>-1336. January 5-1 4 DAY work. "General cleaning. e ~LY lN PERSON

1 --'-'--~~c.;;,;.;.;.:....;.:..:_

Huntington Beach Cost• Mesa

THE EXCT:ING l BR. Adults. 1 bik I'> beach. PALM MESA APTS. Sha& crptg. , drpa, No peu. Jl.UNUTES TO NP'l'. BCH. Sl35. 202 14th St. , 53&-0352. Offlct R1nt11

FURN. OR UNFURN. Lanuna B1•c1' Unbelievably laree epls, 1 -"~•;;.;.:;_;~;;.;.;_ ___ OFFICE • a:rx40', p."lneltd, huge pool, J acur:i elect bit· HEART of Lazuna. Blk Bch, window frontage , wl w Jll'!W

Ins, shag crptll, drps, sauna 1 BR apt.. S174. furn, $165 not carpet, air-cond., bath. l!lc. Adults, no pets. · Adlts, 49l-l03l , >19.:t--9794. (>lenty of parking. $175. per SINGLES from $150 mo. Shl:'N'o&I ShOpping l BEDR!'t1. t 'rom SlliO Newport Be1ch Center, 821 So. Brookhur!lt. 2 BE DRM. Fron1 $180 - -'-- - - - --- Suite 9 IBrookhursl & Ba\ll

Unlum Apts A1all fo' rom SIO t)!EW 2 B<l nn unfurn. apt Call l\1 r . McNamce. 962-1·171 to $15 LESS. $210 mo., 2 Bdrm furnished or 546-8103. You're r ight, they're under· apt. S.~ mo. annual lease. i -~,-0-R~O-N-A-~D~E~l-MA--R-priced! 1561 t. lesn Dr. 511 \V. Bay - Newport A 1200 " Ill Be h c II o...,_.o..., d pprox. sq. '" o ce

{5 blks lrom Ne"·port Blvd. I ac · a ~ ays space tai lored to your de· 5"G-9&.J CS.on Bernardino) or slKJi. Full 9eCW'ity bldg.

Under New 88.l-29"3 ~oe.:c"::.""'~·==~ .... ·ith ample parklna. Monegomont *LA PARISIENNE* Ask tor Chri,. lne

CASA VICTOP.IA 2 BR, 2 BA, Furn & Unfum. BOYD REAL TORS rn.5930 1 & 2 Br. Furn & Unfum Sl90 &: $225. Fireplace. Htd.

CailX'IS, drapes, 0 \\', TV Pool. Adu1~1268 ant. Pool etc. Come By & Acro!ts h'Om Golf O>one Inquire about our MoVC'·ln 4lWJ2 Sanla Ana Ave. Allov.·ance. 52'5 Victoria St. at Harbor. C~I. 642~. • STEPS ro OCEA.."i *

YEARLY : 2 3, 4 BR. apts. 2 1 BR, patio apt . part . furn . ba's .• lrom UXI to $300. s tve, l't'frig, dah/ Wlh, 703 Winter : OCE'anfront 2 BR .. 1 Shalln1ar, Coeta ~1esa, 1130, ba. S250 (Furn,) Agt. ca11 962--8936. rr~1912 6'1H073

- l '1JOR?.l. nte: mcrpfus . . v r..n. YDl& 2BR aj)(;" yea.r-call 673-1674 f!- ller 5 pm round. $275. Pvt pty. Days \l.'kdays or anytime v.·knd,. 642-6667/Evea: Gra-0641

Dana Point

Nt1w Waterfront Offtcn Jn the ls.lander Bid&:.

$150 ~1onth Prime Location

341 Bayside Or., N'pt Beach Bill Grundy Rltr . 675'-6161

Huntington lloac:h R 400 __ ooms DESK space available $50 mo. WIU pnwlde fumitUtt flt S5 mo. Anl\\'CrinJit service AVRUabl.!. 17875 Bcllch Blvd. Huntlncton Beach. 642-4321.

$2'T A UP. Incl utll . Some


Jo"urnish(!(i .l UnlumlMJOO All Utilities Paid

• Charmina: rtreplacn e Spacious Rooms &: Oosel.t • Gym, ~ Pooll. e Pulling G~

PR l \' AT E enl r artt, Pmployed , $20 wk: w/klt. privl. $2.j, 646--7513.

ROOM for rel iable man tbmitun 11vall. m3 E. SiD Per month. 275 f'low(' r ,.._,.. H CdM I~ St ...ull.ll\ °NY•, I • l'e

.. Co&ta Mal. lt6-9Uli suite H. Ph. 639-835 or UPSTAIRS fllrn. llY rm. BR m.6M4. • BA. " P entry, no cook· =1"'6"-11;::.,,W~E~S=T~C=l~l~F~F~ ing. $8Sfmo. S:.3489. 12JO .q. ft. Cpt, air cond.

BDRM, Ira cloee:t, w/w cpta, Ample pq, ulil. janllor. ..U flee home. Kit. Pli'::\: ,185 llatJntiartln<r • l!K. SIJ.0032

6551 Wamor, Hn!g Bch me. !lin/Wltttdl 646-..., ~ESK SDaee Avail. Ill!) per 147.e526 ROOM · w/lt!I prMI, $20 "1t. mo, Will pt'IWld>! !ltnt at I>

~lo>'td only, Nr. 19th A mo. AN 1tr av.UL S25 No. • Ora ..... CM 60-'1340. Newport ljl. N.B. M&-llll2

HUNTtNG10N 0 a rd en a WANT lady '6 or tNr b' AP 4 or !5 ofc auttes $3lS. Of· ApiL !loll ot 11oba Cltloa. lovelY N.B. bm. Pvt be, It!! !Ice 119, Dhk spoca '41). !-f6-t323. . - Sre prtvd. m mo.~ w / lt r te h Iba t h . ~· what you 'rt ml.W~. F'r. LRG • 1ell tum. room. Pvt ba ~-~'"'-'~------Jllll - ~· ~ !lfttlo. l\lalttn0 adlL 2 ROOMS. $111.00 me prtv.

on life. Lie. Readings daily. P call 642-5678, vet. 314 ri.l ESA Cleaning, .... - . . Rf'liable. Transportation. D 1ttD'Ull"- Donal&.on 10 Al\f-10 P M. 492--l3136. CARD cnse w/mirror Vic. bf.t11o·een 9 & 5 pm to claim \\'indoWI, Doon1, - et c-. 543-~. Se:a Boa.I Co. 126 160! CM. 492-9034, 312 No. El Camino Par king Lot S a v o n - tick N Real, San Clemente. \\'e11tchff. 67:,..(1.l!l-I. your etll . I orth County Reaid I comm'!. ' 557"6742. MATURE typllt wants Y.'Ork BCK>KKEEPER - Fu 11

tolJ.ftte numDer is 540-JZ{IJ J.18-4W . in Inc. Tax office, ex· charge lhru P&L. Capable co5

_NSl, .. P,~~}NG 10

gomg,· Re'°· M1 ALE ch•

11t W

1 hl/bhllkk 4 w!'ll • * * - • LADY -wantl houaecl-"·-'- perienced. 894-3SlJ of preparing f I n an c ta I

.. '-"" ...., ...,, .,.. e ace· """lee B b ·11· --~ •tatementa ·-I o ! 11 c e ,. .. _ a y11 1n9 \\' o r k , e.xperienced, own COMPANION • 1,· ht •-k , · -· ~ve~I.,ion;,:,•,~ Saf~,:-ttiarntioen, Corona de1 ~tar. 673-l J.53. lrllftlpoMal ion. S4l -J637. 10 ls.dy ooly •~ti~ 13••hPr managemeh nt llf . mul~~nldt

. .. F'OUND: Gi rl11 b i e y c J e Licensed Babysitter . · · · c&r v.·as Of>''t& hon, n•:ll -money, for better health. \\'oodlands School nrcn. Call Day care for 1 child. Infant - , DAYWOKK S:tl Dl)j - Days, 642-2l89. . quartered in Hunt~on ~ P.O. Box 3673. Tijuana. to identify. !>IS-M. 4 """'· Full fln•• F- ' ed & TRANSPORTATI N H•lp Wanted, M & F -710 Beach. ·11oul'8 nexlble. t. !'tll'xico. 714-4~3li03. ext 8. J·~ '""- • s.1 1-«Wl • SaJ 841--M-3 ..

FOUND 11mall black cat with yard & 2 playtnatcs. !lot -~~--~ · a.ry open. :J.. • ORANGE v.·hUc pav.·s and ches!, 1'.lesa lun1~h. snack~ . Vista View Dedicated Cle•ning Accountinn Clerk BUSBOYS need«! . Nitch ts &:

Swinging Couplet drl !'tlar af'<'a. 919-<J63.I. ~~;hool ors1r1cf. FV. * ~~-~EVERYTHING * For gen'l ledier. Exptr. v.Sh-eeke'nda. Apply In person. v.·ishlng to ml't'I new frie nds. FOUND, Feni. Kitttn, ap- south of Edinger off Ma&· ~. ree l'lt. 646-2839 voucher system & a era.ton Bch Inn, llun1ln1· J43.7664 or 64~. prox s 11o·ks, Vic Costa r-.tesa nol111.. Nr . San Dieio Fr'lli')'. RELIABLE hotl('tl lady self starter. 10 $100 -'-""-'-'S.=•~ch~·------

PROBLEM Pregnancy. C.On- Policr Dept . 919-2639. 5.57-4861. ~ltts 3 day• work. R.efB. Fee Paid Cafettrla Per1onnel fident, 1 y mp at h e t ic OOBER~lAN Pincher _ THE Youngf'st School , ages 5U-8'781 a ft('r 5 pm. P•yroll Cler k Counler ,\ Cashlt'r peopk . pregnancy counseling. Abor- Female \lie: 23rd SL, C.l\1. 2~. open ~7: 30pm. _Ma~rv Union ~porta. E xp In EDP. All holldA)'I & ..,,•kndA ntf. Uon & adoptlona rel. AP- 646-2095. Prof. tt'&Chers. S20 wkly. -- ;..G. Also lite l't'Cept. dut ies. Work1ng hn. 6 am·2:30 pm. CARE. 642-4436. 64&-3106 or 66-1057. Brick-Block-Stone To S625c f ee Paid Call 833"'8666.

FOUND Siame!lt' cat, rnale, A / P Cl =~~~------SWINGING SINGLE.S Call Jim. 2 to 8 p.m.


1\lesa Verde area. Call and WILL 8'\BYSJT IN l\f\. =-~~__c66-8266 erk CAPABLE plea.'Uint .,.,'Oman id('ntify, ~J&-4.llB . MESA VERDE HOt.1E. Painting & Lltc- Typing to SSOO who loves childl'f'n. cook1.

COUPLE.S PARTIES FOUND Ne'4' ,·ears rvt> Call Phil 2 to 8 P~1 llmall mfl!c Germ a n

5.l9-3J.W Shepherd mi.x. Sl6-t9,1',

ALMOST Hlmal11.yan cat PAU1 & CARD READINGS found vie. E. 17lh St. Idr:n-Telb Past, Preeent & Future ti 66-61 J,213L6M-1350 F\#lr 11c. ty to clalm. ~

'CAI.RN TlTrlf!T', '11:'-~ffartxn" ALCOHOi.JCS Anonymous. & Baker. C. ~1. Call 54.5-Gl46. Phone 50-7217 or v.Tit f!: P.O. Box 1223, C.Osta ?>.lesa.



FND Bk & while fm1 kitten vie Westclllt An!a, 642--1129.

lost 555

RE'f\'ARD $!0. Lost female Alaha.n. lawn w blk mask, Canyon Dr area, 0.1. 642-2320

31., mo. r .. n1ale pup. v.·/ col· Lie colorings. 113/73. Need.11

mNl lclnr. \' le. \ ' lctorla, Cl\1 Reward S.lG-0038.

:~~­S.\fAU. m.11.Jc- bla<'k & v.·hil f'

J111Ja"4.'5t' SJ)lln1rl. Reward for n:-ium. ;,,')6-6()35 H.B.

SMALL Oiri11tm11.1 Puppy black &:. bnnr.'ft. Mesa Verde area. 545-7427.

DAYS A/ P & A/ R Clerk t.lon· Fr i. 3-7 prn. 67.Hl:JJ 919-5291 Paperhanging To $."!25 ;)(t'; Frf' Rrimb. rvP. Tidy former teacher

BabysiUing - i\ly Mme. PAPERHANGERS Or. Ofc Frnt/ Bck ""-"~··-··-·--------t>.1csa Del Mar area. Redured rates for Uie oII Jo.:xpt>r. l'lluat know In.. CAR.PET CLEANF.R

~;;:;;;;;;•::55~7;;-845;;;;:;'~•;';;:;::;;;;.:..~":uon:;:~·;;g_,;~;;· ;64&-;;;"';;;";· ;;;;;;;;~llive ln)ectKlna. $600 Helper wanted : $2.50 per F'ee Rr-imbut'Sl'd hour. Call 67l-7162. f)'f'e &: Fee Positions ())ef, $1000 per nlonth . - ~ . NIGUEL - 'The so,,.-.,...., Pertonnel Agency 673-9004 aft 4 pin

Zi'635 Forbes ltd. Ct. EA NI NG h e Ip . Trader's Paradise

TRJ\DE $55.000 eqty in 12 units for eqty In 2, l Qr ·I mit1 or !"! Balboa Pen· tnsula prefe?T1'd.

Chl·oer 673-14.1).1

lines times dollars

Laguna NJguol QUALIFIED, futld~ll In· 831-14n dlv!dual -.·ho 11 proflclf'nl l.n

detallhtg a penon'a home ADMINISTRATOR 67J-0270 or~.

l lome OWncn All8oclatkln, C LER I CAlrMntun? ofc. Orangf' Co. Rcponslble for w o r k e r . K n o " ' I t d K r organ1l1~ & roordinalinii: mt."dk!Alln·ul<IK'•"'° bill ing & r" r reahonal ectivltleit, bkkpng & ii:rn '! ofc. dutlrt. ,:upcrv1111ng 01aln1 . ron· fiarl1rlri Conv. Ho!!p., 1781

' tracl!I &: 1tdmln\Jill.'nng 1la1 · Garfir td A\'f' ., 11.B. ly hu.~llll'Q . 1if~t '18\'t•l,,c'=O-C"""-"'--'-'-=---1 Pl"l'\' iou!I t>xper. or t'ducll• CLE':llCAt. Jlelp, p/Um4!. 1JOMI t111c~n:Mmd for Typmi.; a 01u111. 11nr 8-12,

.\1 .1 lnromt' prop./for 3 bd- )lllnlf'. P\t>a.s<> rorv.·Rrd 1iton;-F'rl. \\'om:\n tlvt"t' Z rm hou5e 11i 2 10 3 ar-r"" T'ellume including salAry P"'' tl Call ~Inn nr Wed, S. Cahl only. Ph : 17141 rrqwrrments to 182'26 SAn- Mt.~!I Romf'lro 6W_·l~Zl0=·-- o l82-5QIJ5 or P.O. Box 1'00, la Ad(>la Cr, }o"ounlaln COOKS • ln1crvlNing notf C\JC'amonga, Calll. 9tn:l. \'alley, Ca 92708. lor hrol!C'I' , 2nd cook & ~

BLACK cal w/whltc neck • C~I. Vic. Verde East. ~-2833.

llA\'E CUSn:l!t.f TRI·PLEX ARROWHEAD Ch a If' 1, Adwrtlttlna Sales try man .,.. 'hotel or club 1M:a I Costa t.1esa. T'r1tde for Hem~ UnHa s Diego llCtw F'~r Yellow PAI:e or expcr. Call 811: Canyoo T'ruil Otecls or Beat' h Prop- Rtv Hl1 vu &01 for la:e. boa1 : magazine IJ)ClCt' c x JI , Coontry Club lor appt.



ORANGE long-haired n111,lf' cut, Laguna Beach. 4!M-7398 or 494--89--12 a.m. I eW".

l\lAl..E I\ Golden Rf!'trif'\'f't \; l rilh Stttf.'r Vie. S. San Clen1enl<!', reward 492--0'197.

• • t.tALF. ldl!en, bKt, 4 mo. old, Rn•ant, Heil & ftoM,


erty, 1-637-5978 E\•es or in<' , ntlr hm or ? Box 6.141. l\fatun' malf' or fl'Tnale ~I . \.\'knd!I. Mn Diego 97106, 2'22-2923. Con1miulon only. Call for 1 -"-''-"'e""'c"oo=~K~.~.~-- I

Cl..F.AR comm. nlajor ror· <\NSAPllONES, val 1150. '70 •PPt St&-«\36. \\'oman de!l1rf'd 10 Nn klt-orr lot, """ Ill, Palm Hond• 3lO SL. ,.., $000 '1\6 Are You Look'1ng For r h ... Exp """'""'l'· Desert . 1n t~l'cl in local I r\V Camper, val $1150.· ·n ~1r. Barr, 673·:50U N.B. or S.D County. \Vlll partki · f()n:I v11n, S600f.>q . For Pf'l'lp, ICOOK expcr. Alao, food lt'.l"-P0.11'. 0....'Tlf' r 9&1 ·.1219. pllOtO C'Q, fum or? G'l5-m7. A New Future? ... ICI" \VOrkc.'TII , Beverly MatlOt l BR + 2 Studio ap11, Palm l.(kc to tratlt'! Our Tr11.l1l'r '!l , Conv. 110!!lp, Lquna Hills., S-pNnp, nr shoPs A: sch!,. PArArll11erolu.mnll foryo11 ' 6 to 10 PM Ev••·• KHp" '°m"'"'--:,:;;~·~~----- 1




' • -DELUXE. Ap l • pr!v. pa tM>. fm-131» CdM. t!Ql a ba. flS wkly (Rini· Ma k I

M\Wc, 6 poolt 11uftl, teon~ ROOM/SemJ btlth. lady pri) No. CM. Adult~ r et ace $130. - ""'"""' .,.r. .,. COt>Slder """"' S<&-'1211$. Buiw;alow $150.. U&-02S!---- c-nl/yatd....,... &0 Diil ~-;=-.::od=,..,..--... - .-.-. -~-- _ __:7I._-==='.._ __

LOST', Lrg Blk Labrador, vie. of 16th It. Tu1tin. RE\\'ARO! MH68l.

for Inc. or hmc. Orange Co. I s (~'I your pre1t"f lob while Z5 prefd 11&ij•i;;;t·:::. $37,500. TRADE 26~1 f<l'Y· ~ hoos


'1coUNTER · t

&*3928 Lachenmeyer Rl tr. ror s bucb. you laam. Mt· Ford MS·28!!tl. O,pca1m Bakecy ,1-----J

-----·----------·J.--~1~4~1':!!9'0~0!!.....:::____ m E. 11th. CM. '

\ • . ~ - --- .... --·-

I - I -- . . . . . . . - . - .

Page 26: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach



• ' •


DAILY PILOT ••• It's a ·Rather·


Spl<ial , ·;package.

. . . •

1 --,~QJe· ... Of ~ts


1:.1l ~ I· h"l1na ' 1"' ·~1;. '/;•1"' ~ iT: i,.> ' ~ JqA. .<;nu~· ..rt »-e , , · ... p; ,,.~ "




.. ·' ' ' :

From the front page-topping Sunday Special, itself, to other ma­jor stories of and for the Orange Coast, the Sunday e d it i o n abounds with special news and sports stories told as only DAILY

PILOT staffers can tell them. '

OPINIONS , ' · . '

Co]~s. by Bari:.,. ~ol_d_w11ter and S. I. Hayakawa, editorial car-·toon- y ' Pulitze.f Prize 'winner Jeff MacNell')', a waekly 'report on Cafifli'rniil's ccrngrl,.umen ·and on what's doing in Sacramento. That'1 .jµst Page A7. Great commentary by great journalists ap­pearr throughout the -Sunday paper.

" . . . . •

BUSINESS -From Qrange <;oast real estate to New York's Wall Street, the Sunday edition. really me~ns busi~eu . The DAILY PILOT covers it all. 'Al .• Y:1thead" ~4rket ne'(ts ·includes analysis of the past week'•

·U~ ;11 nci:1 owns, vorume, tren s and new stocks on' both the Ameri­<;an an'a New York 'exchanges.

,._ , f-

. ''. '

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Ahl>h1~tt( ' .

The focu• i• on you and your neighbon - on all kind• of people - through •everal different kind• of "only.on Sunday" features. People/ Quotes , Good Deed People, At Yo~.r Service (the column that fights City Hall) and each we.ek's .variety of ·feature stories about people you know - or wish yo_u df:d: ·

.• _ _: . ' .

THEARtS .'. - .;,: .... ~ ··--- .. -~·~~ ~-- ·" - ·. · ~-· ... ~ -I :. "i~'"f ~_ I \i'" '"'~4 . .... ,. :· -·

Pr1/m-)lttl,Jt:!i*~~~ce of R~d ' s ~~'~b'~~~~lum~'.~~· ~~~m­pr.~1!.8 • .'!!lv~~V.~tfo'llm~o~~Y J.~P.R.t~ r ~no · f!~e:;1 ente;<t~inm,nt re­pQrts, the S!lnd\ly, ; entertarn~!.nil -pag~s · ( p_(us-other .f!l:atures scat­tered in other pa rts of the paper) prese.rit cove'rage of the liv:ely arts. . .. ,

TRAVEL At least one. page , of every Sunda·y's· p'ap_e! i•, .. devoted to . travel, at home .. and abroad. Stan Dplilp).6_n!i'1.A~l~ ('li~ ca11 ;t,!lke you any­wl!ere ln. th~ world. -Stories by ·loi;:al readl!rt' often tljke· you along on a "favorite voc11ti'on." Eveft t~ ads are fun. to read. .. .,

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Page 27: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

Satllrday, J111uary &>. 19.'l OAJLV PILOT !7

t Jl:a n:a mJ ~r .. • .s'•..--;;1[11)=' • ,, , 11 1 1[Il) _1 _, ",_,_1(Il]-•• 1 -· .. ., • lllll 1 (. ;r: lf§l 1 .......... Jr§) ~' _ ............ ;;;'~~1 Help*-· M & , 711 Hef W...W, M & , 711 ~ W~ M & ,-,.. w......_ M & F 710 Help Wantod, M & F 710 Help Wo1ti.d, M & F 711 A!!f!lo.- a021

.F_u_m_i1_u, ____ 1_1_0 Mlacell•-tn 111

DELICATESSEN Mu. - DlllED. ~ ... ~15 MmlANIC-.,1"..... ...... c:.ntNI - TYPIST" Girt - h. MOl<n!S NEW l><'I<"' · >;ioVING !ITEltEO, 1973 Garrard ~tuUU.dnea.t I; depm. Lldiel full or p/Umit. Pald ~. Coeca Mela artL Seh1Mer to $151 LEGAL accountants ofc. £xper. O'Kec.kt & ?ttcrritt gu t. lus1 iw•U l'Oml>lt't<' 2 BR ap1 IJ'IO()el. $ a•to

Jim. J:U nw. See Tmy wkly. Earn atra money or MHJ&1 r .. Pakl/Alao Fee Jolll SECRET .. "Y tJTtme. 54&'"8544.. stove, ooppertone, 2 O\'t' llS, rum. 9' be.i~c Olvan le OttG- chan.ger, ~ watt amltm '!'.. r . 1 ... ~ Ir•~·~ ~ ':..!° ~For.,. M1i1:•i It__. y..,. cau Mn. SChmldt "" UPHOLSTERY ttOon arW. uM.'d vt'ry little! iruu1, Nu $7SO . SeU $150. a'l'Celver. Jen• en g:),. iw ~ ""'9~ .-:-. "'llPIW'f"lllt' _._ ,.,::l, ........oi-__,...'11 WllCcUtt SANTA ANA . New $459. Sell J300 or Offl•r , Avocado ru:lUJth dbl hide a d:r.n'~fi1 •r::!f• .!w WU D.££ntl:RY ot D Al Ly .. 'TD. ~ - ...... )'Oii doa I Perloontl ~ Top firiil Dffdll ~ "°" 6*4634 ~1TI7 or 67:r3250. b«tl, StOO, Rl"-•hner Chr $35, box. \Vas lclt unclaimed on P_nm.' IMMED. ope~ fot'.1~~ ~ sm-=-wbea~W: 1851 E. EdiliU.' SA. retary tor lbarP )'OWtg at· L:M. john:O.. 1.JJtCE double door 1'l'fr1g, '1 l'"'n 1~. S20 ea, 1 ~en l!Lyaway. Now, Sl:U. Cft<tJt

Guiret in. IAe ot a ~~en':': tb1I ~-- Friendl,y <Km~) !Onley. Muat have ClliL 111 1~ Piece rr;;r, =: N~™-~e$~~: C~iuJ·~ · {l~ae~;n cb::t dept . t714J m-«i01. W11DD or Van. O:lntaet Mr. •'.m.t. I AM tUl f:30 = In beau~ SNet : RMI lit• S.'- ~~~ 1'Y· Costa M.M trade tor au. 548-4928. A; roup . $• Bar 41001. SnJtt; 2~~:~ ~ '1:, 181~ey, DJ Wtat Ba)' PM. . • <tau Pru ~Dt'W ~ fllrr , S.l.S. ~ , You are the winner of KENMORE \.\'Uher and poster Qed, & 1\Hic. Ht.rbour ronditlioner Sl2:5 14 \l.'alnut

·• Mesa. INSURANCa SIC'Y Ai Dmala1~ Aceoey Kt TEMPORARY SE1t.VJCE 2 llcketl to the dryrr. 8 yn <lld . F:xct"Jlent L.i~hts Apts 71-t-~1CXXI oi· I b 1 , s m I c 0 n 10 1 e DENTAL ASSISTM!T P, .. lme., t .... 1 pu. Xln't otlrWlt, '2082 '~ Dr. 1 ~SO. Gtud, S.A. M7-5736 Sports, Vacation & \.l'Orklng condition $50 . • -'~"c,·"'==~~•m,.-'.---~= phoi~aph. P.1l!I<-

QWraldc, alt do9.'fl . 54 or typbt,_ tome ' tb. lnltlattvt MEDICAL ASStsrAN'I' • LlcieMe Tr1lnlntl SECREl'Al\Y, £Xf.CU'l'IVE Recreational V9hicle .»7-1576. LO\\'REY organ, model 1\15. ltt> rns. 17!161 Buttonv.'OOd, :~=nced ....... 5~ =am•. B«A~Bldc. Exp'd pNile:r"d lo train th Llmttecl Time Only Shorthandl>wpm, 1YP\"l ti0 Show REFRIGERATOR 5 years 2 speakl'Mi, $·125: 7· gn'f"n rv. 963-1698. Nftl)Ol't Center. e. Pb: ,bttwn 9 A 12, a1*11:7, 4~ day Wl'Q. no f'amoua IJoeaa coune DQW wpm acQU'lttel)'. 1 yr. al !he old \'ery ch:'ltn. cooch $35 ; Yt•l\O\.I' phud 188 \ .AllOS lile bt:lite Mag

· ; Sat'a.s»-5890. •valllbktt.bnlWCUD· ~I b•ckgro.'und An•helm Convention ~ ~~.~,:~~u:;to:~~ c1u1M?t, $2. yl.l.~area 0~, ~·- 1 ::,.~ n~: ~~~ ~-~~-~-lorn ~:wl=~ =~ t!~fuf. u 1

ll ngo Ctnter 0~~:0~as~. ~· $20; Maa11avox stef'(.IO radio ~glh~= wown ~ ~Some Sat.a. Call lf\.YM"IC. ..... ...,... - \lu.... _.. Job tncludH belna:· ~ , January S.-14 • nt · · co1nb., floor n\Odel, $'.XJ. drapes, room · dlvlden, · • ~ pm . )'Oii ut reliable A Jooldnc New Of ~td u.kt ~nt-' -•ft•.....,,. •- Pie••• eall °''·"678, ext. 314 M5-0780. IH+-0191. I

-, · «Ill N"N"~ b' st ........ _.. .. _.... In I ~ vallabi~ nu ··--~· • ....,... vu ";;'-"i:"--== -;c-:= hani:ins:: Utt, wa 1 lamp. DENT" •·-· ~ .Al\JA...C.> _ ..-.T ......... .,,~ ·peop e. a · u MU u a between 9 & 5 pin to claim LATE model auto. washer &: Lrv. nrn .. hai-, 2 cani- ,~~'.•'"

""'" ~ Y· • 1

......... 1lo ...,..,.._ FOUi> Complete program. ' I -~- I I°" · k N h Cou t I d (~) A I nd ' •• lc'o-'r~'0C-'"'-c-,--,--.,,,,..--c Ex;er. or callep. l!l!r 'PAID r.:.~-v··.n-. =-w"u"'11, tMH .,.,, .. ,, __ ...... _., ........,.. ~ "'°"'nia or IN your he ets. ! ort n y e ec. rycr .uv - co , mot!~. cofft>t> !bl, used crib ~ r11iili - ..,_.T '-U' ~ 1ru•-., -- ,.,r_. pmp1e a. 1'l;ll1'Y <lther - tic. toU-frt>e number is ~UXIJ $-15 ea . 646-::i.~8. & nlnllr, l5nlm carne:ru . !"ORT. dish\\•asher $10 .. 2

• Exec Stcrttary to SIOO Ell1a Aw., F.V. tullides. Call Mr. Sloan al l'QPOhlibillt1et. * * * 552_7143. l'!ts bunk beds $1 5. eACh. DESIGNER.GRAPHICS Sfctttary $650 MEN wanted • ftume tor m.s.MO. Contact Cl.thy El2M tor Cooks Furniture 810 Auto " 'asher & el~. clryt'r

Eatabli&bed Interior Design Sec'ytPublilhUw to $650 vanou. car walb duties. 11 TARBELL appt. Vega Electronics, Waitresses & Garage Sele 812 $40. t;ich, n au It a h yd e F1rtn In Nlne~...._..Beacb Bkkpr/Glrl ftiaay $600+ )'O(I ue rel.iaNe • looldnc 540-Q222, ext U. COve

1; lBJ ~IE>..,CAN dining room lK' t, •iETAL

1 .. , •• , Band kl!chcn booth \\'/table $100.

&rea now p .... ~ ex. Stenos I 1 to $S50 tor lteady wor1t, apply ln ar 11 r. Table .\: 6 chaln;, butft> I, " ""'' IAV.', S.1&-3467. ~~ ~ designer. Oerk Typl!Upurcbu $460 penon to manaatt. Lido REALTORS SECRETARY 279 E. 17th St., CM sm. Dinette set, Dnnlsh. lnlpatt wrench, ln1pQc1 ~,.-R-E~N~O~,-P-r-,,,, 1-0 .-0-v-.-1 d- 1-n-lng Exp d m d 1 mens Ion a I Inventory O:witrl Ork $460 ear Wuh. 481 E. 17th St., REAL ESTATE SALES Are you ca.pable of managing See !\tanager ml •table. hlk/\.l•ht uphol 1·hijjl•l, paint gtiDll, A· frame table S·IO. 55 yrdi Nykln

~~11;~~0r 1~ ~~~· to .Jf:. Cotta Mesa. INCOME PROPERTY ~~;arp~1~e~,1= WAITRESSES chrs - 4 s100 C'.ocktail tbl. ~f.,.1 . ~~~:;l,nf:lx~~.'d w~~ tvory ervtin1t. s1 JK't )Td, ~- 250 f'l&cher Costa N ...... ...._A W $500 MOTEL Maida wanted, Ap- e EXCELLENT sk1Ull 1: administra1ive Night Shift $60. 646--0957. hiuTt)""" lunlbrr, s,s gnl Pt>Nlan Lan1b ooat. naturi.I Mesa. ' ' ., .... ~......,::ff Pot:Wons ply in pl!l'IOn only. 0>sta POTENTIAJ,.i EARNINGS ability. Start $600. call -Apply in penon 3 SETS; T'"•in bed, cornt>r drun1 JOw oil, air ron1- s!l\'i'l' gray, $250. All )\Int

488 P lTth at •-•-) CM Meaa Inn, n:& Harbor Blvd, e SUCCESSFUL SALES A Sally Hart. 54 0- 6 O 5 5 , Howii rd '1 Re1taur1nt grouping. Tables, cu111on1 pressor. & AtlSC. 646-5788, torw1 . 675-4174. DESK Cleric Po• i Ii on ~ " .... ...,.. CM. USftNG PROGRAM Personnel Agency, 4001 w. Coast J-f"''Y-. N.B. COVE-rs, bolsters. Ideal space 22"5 Pacific, Costa ~feiw BROWN sofa. good cond ~valla.,:e 511e~o~ Beach _L_ 1470 MOTHER'S Qfe, liw in. 5 e OOlJ'FH ORANGE 2790 H¢m Blvd ., C.At WAITRESS-Dinner House ex· =~~~ rond. Si5 per r..10 VING sale s._,1 &: SUn 10 Sl25. ,..,_,, 6 h Pine benches ~~• put; pp ,._A_.penon. ~~ ~ 3 dUkittn pvt room&. COUNTY • Sec')'S, varft.ty to S800 per pret'd. 21 or Over. Ap- · · an1 at 963 Victoria, Coata $35. ea. Hard Plutlc cartop .-u..w aciHc ....,...... Hwy,/ bath.


Laguna eCh, ~1258 557-tnl e Ottk Typists to $450 W th pel'!!On only, 843 w. CORNER ~uch w·tablcs, • 1\1esa. Dining tbl. roaster, earrler, adj .. u5'ed once $35. HB. JANITORIAL Malatenance . CERnlll&D .._Accbl&-Oerb---lo-$500- :i9thfi?M . , ..roakta __ t)!.' lll beds. Mapl broilff, <.'Off(>(> poi, ndn'OI', l\.llsc........Caznping_Equlp~mt.

- DLSllWASlt~......_-N~.-..t.- N....,._l"l':'_ INCOME * JOQOI FREE* ' · co= tthell, Maple Cobbi°'• phooe tbl, " '""to ""!ling ><i>-3774C.M. peraion Mesa Verde Omv Some exper. pret'd . BOYS & 'GIRLS , I O WAI'l'ttESSES~e<l. Apply bench & end tables. 54&-8221 eat tr~ l)t't canier suit· DECORATOR has tupet Hosp '661 Center St, CM. lnte?VWI 2-5 pm. IUcbard'I 10 r!?. A older PROPERTIES Uz Reinder'• A&ency (n r)ltrWn. · ~llJl Beach or 549-2842. C88e8, t s .... -eate;. elec heavy plush shag ('atpf't ~. . W:. Manet, 3433 Via Udo. DAILY PlOJ REAL ESTNl'E- 4500 Cl.mpua Dr. Inn. }Juntlnif.00 J!eltft. ~ solid dark Oak massager, elc. 968-21U leftover. Royal blue 30 yn.

OOMFSI'IC - EXP'D LlVt'-In SALESMEN • Wh,y not M>l'k. ~2ll8 Newport Beach WANTED n::!i: ·1lfeU8.1_1t. Medl1eranean Bedroom set. EASTBLUFI-~ Gan.Re Sale : Harbor blue 3.5 yda. Pirate O>uple W/local refereras. JANITOJP.AL MakU. perm. in the hottest area Huntlng. SECRETARY. p/thne for reliable, ex need gttl 6 pes iRCld Door Chest & Child's "''hile desk k g<fld 39 yd&. Tobacco 52 MU8i speak English. Salary p/time,, 8 am·U noon on Routtt Open tan Beach/Fountain Valley. miall dtvenlfied lnveatment b' better ~ part King sz headboant 4 mo dres.'>t'r, some r°"'et' tooh1, )'tis. Great value. 548-4654. Operi. TI4:540-7000 btwn 8 Th~--6 pm·lO_pm Mon thru Saft Clemente and let us train you! Call bus~. ltr15 Hrs per wk. time. M6-09'10. ..,... old. $850. 968-791.9 Jan1ps, maple drum table, WAYNE 30" tiding sweeper, a.m.-1 pm. -- 83>-419t. Caff Mr 9~ .. L Phil MeNarnee, VIU.AGE Flexible work schedule, Sh, WELCOME WAGON SALE~t ~IAPLF. - Hutch G.E. rutisserie oven I Olhl."r Jacobsen 84" 1 r i - p I ex

*DRAPERY OPRS * JOBS • REAL ESTATE. 962-44n. typing ex_per. pref'd. Reply SUPERVISOR base <'ab. ti<'r table, odds & <"nrls. Sat only! 2437 n10\\'er, 5'x14' ta.ndem axle • TABLER E I ..,..,.· URGENTLY NEEDED • • 492 .e.ezo • e REG. Nurse ll-7 OB. 3-11 & to Cla.~ilied ad 558 _cto tor Orange Cnty, Ca)'('('r bre. akfa<;t table. end !ables, Bamboo St. Nt>\.l'P(lrt Beach. trailer, 100 ital mobile spray

· xper en,..,._,. • Sec91t.arle11 ...,.. 11-7 ICU, 11·7 Nurse &d, Dally Pilot, P. O. Box 1560. Oppty, Supeivisory E."p nite stand. AU. Llh."E NE\V \\'ASl-ll·: ll, $25. Gas 0ryl'r, rig:. 548-341•1. Cl...A.SffiC DRAPERIES e Kejpunch ()ptraton New~per Cartien CSR exp. 3nl, San Costa Mesa, Ca 92626. req'd. Salary + Con1n1. In· • :N~l. $2.i llide-A-&•d $15. % Roll· r -,~,~1G_l_D_A-IRE~-,-. .,- • .,-. -.-x-tra

385.1 Birch St., Ne\.l'JX)rl • Solderen/Wltt wre;p IOYS & GIRLS Oemente Gcn'l Hospital SERVICE Statio 11 a -way b<'d, SlO. Double bed, Beach, 546-1431 e B' 0 rk 'l"uftlst n • tervlewing Jan. 9, 10, - · ~'IEDITI. dhl dresser \vith lg. tub, 9 1nos. old, $145. 1.4::. DRAPERY Installett-Free livi e ·~"' ~ 10 yn &nd oldtr. •1122, ext f/time eve shift. ~lust have Kathleen Okell, 778-1700. mirror. hdlxl, nL tables. n1att r('ss, box springs & grn J"t!('Jlner $45. Boe ex.

5.l:l--2322 W. N~~ Beach area. RESIDENT Mana&:er • Re· lite mecb. knowledge. Neat ,)Vl-10 \\'ANTS TO \VORK"? Birch 1ahlc, 4 chairs, Good head!Jl?ard, $25. 184 5 cond. Twin bed, comp. $25. ~=· C:to~m:: ;;; A.L_i£2!_. ~ =·· ~~.n~ Mr. a'~ 1-n-SaneClol emmanape n t e5. ;re=m,~~~1.Al\t SJ DRIVE A CAB! buy! Ph. 837-5620. ~ ~pt 6-A, C.l\1. I ~-~~16$5=·------0range Co. Top pay. • .... .__Tu...., ~ • . • --. ~"',.....,,_ ~--12. SHARP-GALS .~ CHOOSE your hours, work KINGSIZE \\"alnut head- TIOMQCKER THRIFT ~3900 E'VeS, collect. SaJnm.en.: ~15. --.u.i. ...,_ - · N•'CJV for younell, be your own board, triple dresser, mir- GARAGE sale: ~ Retrig, SHOP EAST. All•n•y Mom. N-- -•• _ _ :.. ... - . NOW hlrblr 3 women in this R. E. 'till~I l.ookirti Jar perm poalHbn 1n boss Men or ..vomen. Can be ror. man's ehe!I $150. dinette set. erpt; much d\51! ~'t price. Sale •tarts ~ .. -.._.. _..,. - ..---. ... ~ 8"* • ~ or full time Brok · lo ~ Mies. FU1l 4: p/ slightly handicapped. Vb, 546-1833. mor\"'. 9 to 4 Sat. 4.'\23 ~1on. 120 E. 19th St, eo.ta. auto route, Huntington , new c:utbXiien tor tbe • R. E. er • 1 -' · 11 t tired 21 70 W i nterswect, University Beach. $225. mo. approx. 211' ~y Pnm. 'l'hll ls mt a ~· ~.!.~A-~nd,._<;f'Pf~ ~ tnJn • sponaor for t me ....,..oons llva . or re . . Age to , sup- MAH 0 GAN Y chin a P rk ~'c:'cc''"7'-~~~~-~-Hn ...... day. MT·ZJ» ~,.. route and does A- ~=--T;._ ...... ~ license. Cali betwn 10 am I: exper. people. plement YoUl' Income. Orid ve Secretary Cabinet S200 a · 26" Man's & Ladles Colum- I

!'.:::. . _ .. ou· or in.-. ~ 3 ., • ., 1124 Call for Appl. a cab 6 hnl or more a ay. * 540-9919 ' * ' GARAGE Sale - Come .It get bla 3 spd BlkPS. •-. each. EXP't> Counter G i r I. /~i. ... _._ude collect1nc ': 148-3874 ff.a ' pm, ,,.,,,. • THE LOOK 644-6500 Apply in pe'n!On, Yellow Cab G · it. Furn .. <"ar &: misc. l Ladleis, left · ~ golf l Highlander Oeanen:, 3(MJ46 ~--..-..,.. ... .., ~ur Nvne1 N1edicl RELIEF cook It kitchen Co., 186 E. 16th SI., Costa IRLS \.l'hile bt'droom_ stl, week only, 10102 Edy(! Dr .. I cl ubs, used once $75. Sota ' CoaJt Hwy So. Laguna Svbsa! ~fesa. sgl bed. dre11!er, '"'/ min-or, lf.B. 968--49'1J. Bed, Gold, •et:.. ~1427 __ ..:... ____ ·- after school and 8 on 11-7 & Other Shifts belC, top wages. country ntute WO~lAN: part time. Apply desk. SEO. 548-:>9:)9. ..,,, • ~.~wcmr• S.turda,y. We have er= Top pv.t dvty pay du • See chef at HBen p rty FOSTER FREEZE, * ~1UST Sacrifi("('! Sofa & H h Id Good 814 KJNSr.tAN Organ $2"75. Anti· •j e Ate Clerk ~~ .. :m ~eyareu ~ Immed. ~· tor floor d~. ~n;'~~~.:.a~l106 Coast wy, rope 899 West 19th St., C.~f. loveseat, 4 mo'11 old. CaJI ouse o S que dropleat table, 4 Cane •

• ColJnh• wide Need RN .__...... Guard 5.1tHi&ll FRI. SAT: Choice 1-·umlturc: rha.irs & buffet, $200. Red l • Clerk Typist ly. You must be out of v· · • Restaurant Exper \\"ORKING manager for rof- · velvet hideabed, Twn beds, JICbool by 3 PM to LVN . Aides. Lesooulie • f('t;' shOp. Exper. Plt>ase *** Sofa & lovtseat, never J!Jboy Oicst of d\\TS, Head llkis, 548-4479 • Sr Typist £rte ExDerier>eeJ Nunea: Registry 35l HOll· Cal'lhler, W&ters or \Vait- Huntington Btach Sl"'nd resume P. O. Box 162'.l, used, ~th for SHiO, usually walnut Exec. Desk, Duncan

• • h Typl Wn pr I 0r1 t y. pital Rd., N.B. ci.obby Parle resses & Bus Help. See Miu u . H" h Sch I Ney,>nnrt Beach, 92660. home, 968-7910. Phyfe Din. table. King BAR/roonl divider. 2 •tools, Tee • st .· Li& Bid,.) 642-9955 <lr BM~ alt311J Sopm.. ,.~~ nlOn 19 00 ·- headboard, Lamps, books, coff~ tbl, match. lamp tbl, e R-- Typist J,..,...._,...,.an 1 ; ...... h ..... Ma· 541}.9954. . .., ... ~.... vo..,A .....,_, District ~DINING room suite, custom toys & Misc. 306 Abalone roll&\\'ay bed, swivel ~r. i -r'"" ~~~Nigbt;:i~. J6 NURSING·Dlrector <ll Hwy., Laguna .rx;h. YNG. l\tAN ,. neat appearing, desi&ne<t. CO!>t $1300. Best Ave, Balboa l.!!le, 673-9013 Philco rclrlg., mapz:tne

e Accnt Cledll hr. wk. Xlnt O,mpeey Ben. Jifuraes. LVN 3-ll lhUt. RN relief ni&hts. ll·7:30 Has openings for substitute wi~ !rain in F\CQ' Co~; Olfer, ~. Mi1cella'"lOU8 111 rack, Trumpet S-10 01da. 1 t a... N~ Ak}ec. day lh1ft. Beverly Manor Conv property guard, Start! ~um. cpt::llc.-All~ \~ ~· Qua!. Crib, mattr, _ misc. 96>-1000.

• lookkl- & "'u~ald.· er:i':"~ ~ Gmleld 0)119, Hosp., mt H"'Pital. ~186. salaiy Int"""t . ~~ .- own ·w g !able. Pald , f!'ll, . POOL 'MBLES APPLIANCES & Ooth.,, r-- ,._., dUfiek1 A H B SALESMEN appllcan~ report for the hngton Beach a pt-e .. Ai. $68. 644--2386. WHOLESALE new & wrod. Sz ' U-U. tm· • Secretaries DAILY PILOT . - - w., . . written test on Jan. 12, at Steady work,;; 15 or alt CIRCULAR rug, wool, 8'. SLATE & NON-SLATE ported dtesse«. Sat A Sun 12

~ Ask tor Larry Miller NURSES Aidet, all ahitts, Growing alarm ()On'lpatiy re-


• commer-FURN. LR set, lamps, BR CCM,,__· ,,---,--,,.,.--,,,.--

, d-in:--nu 8el. 2"'1'V'r. -1--Mem~hip-Newport l-•---­Potted plants. &15--1135. Harbor Athlec ic Oub. %

fl.IISC furn, c I o t h I n g Price. Call 838-6464 days.

u ... WT,Jt rh. oc1.n~~ I


Nite 838-5612 . .1otlassware, 9-5 Sat. & Son. o"=c=~o""=~-~- I Jj()7 Kathlt't!n N.B. ; HErRLOC~I Glass Boxn ~

4 BLACK vinyl bar stools. Good condition. Reasonable. IJ.12-1709

TRAVELING Busi n t-1111 Cards. Magnetic Signs. $1(). $25 pair. 645-2449.

16 Cu Ft Kunin & Sons Freezer Xlnt. rond. Must sell . Sax!. 645-5734.

mfg to you. ?t.tadc to order. 1

Lo"'est Prices. West Caaat ~ \Vood Specialtie!, 893-1S12. ~

FOR Sa.Je--PO\VER TRIMM ; EOCER 6 mo old. $50 or J best offer. Good cond. • &l&-0388 •

DINETfE set table & 4 ~ chairs. $10. Philco Refrlg. .

• S.1.i 847-6257

TOP Qaullty Oval Braided Rug, ll',"'x15', Browns & orange, $75. !m--3982.

S.11 IM!1 bid otult. Buy 'ffi. new 111ptt.

• •


'l1'e D•ILY PILOT It •ay. Jost che<k tk,.,09ko .. tN clauifMcf sectlow for '"ach'" llstl .. wl111R.r1' ""'"- If yn fl•d your - lust call '41·5'71, ht. l14, .,.,_. t e .a. alHf 1 p.M. to tnolle •rT•le"'"" to pie• •P your

• • • • • • • • • • • • • tkkm at_, ...... 1 .. t DAILY rlLOT oi&..

Jlll.5·14 DODllS llPOI WIHDIDS 12 "OD" WUIDATS 2 P JI.


Page 28: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

• v ~., . .. ' • •

..,. •

! o.iLY PILOT s.i.._, ._, " 197}

t • 1· 1 Ill ~ [ ... •• ~ •

. 'Out fam~s .,.. !.,...,__":" :"~":"' _.._ 1111_1

• MJ111l •n11J1 II .. ~ ll- Sfnlth

1312 SaifttOnolo Torr. c-•IM.r

YOO art 1he wln.nt.r of J tickets to the

Sport&. v ... 11on & RocrNtioMI Vohlclo

Show ..... An.lholm Cornwntlon

Center J MUIU')' ~ 14

Plcue call 6-U-!ilm, exl. 314 betwttn 9 & 5 pm to claim )'OW' l idtetR. tNor ih Coun\y toll·h-et> num bC'r is 540- 123'.l !

• • •

• " DIM ·A·LI ES Ill • ~ 'llmot,.$2.0I Boot1;'M•lnl./

I G~ lbQ. n>aJt, lf·~S.~rv;;lcl~jO"D~~ V!CIOR ~- .. llOll calt • ' ,. .............. 1- AJoo ""°1<·A·Poodlc,lrowuNE MAID l't'ftlter. !_1:11QC ~ bek»w , • m&fe, ,2 )'l"I. ~ p>d honll!. s, 1ooal ell p e t t • n c e d

800$50. ~~ ~- t\I ~old l!otoolm wuhl"' 2 TWIN bfd.115 e..a. Yaliow KEYS'IDNE 11' :..0. ~ WONDER -· rocldn& -· ' bwo1-. ·- ·-- - ~~" mach'b.. 115. flollaway bed ..ct .-n nwrsl61o IWln NEW .oU whit. '°"" -•lea - llilll !'"Wt !=- Deo -· la'1t lho $10. SW. 2 n:ll, I - pupploo. Hall ll6Hl38 lilt. The Buur~~~ at SlD. Rotary lawn mower SS. covt>tltta, I.Oct: new$.\ t'll:h. $15~ Ne.w wt.11 butW mall jur 8mm150 inowt camera eltlC!bic , ~ I: ~ Sbtpb. Half Ter- Bolts, Power YorldowQ, H.B. )JUo-AW. Ktna:1lze rauan headboard Groen and~ ~u'1 tulip box. ff. Lat'l't ' door TV S2ri, edhor N w~th ~lbti', t'OOMeey $10. bbearn elec- rier. IOQl,.

GAS SIOW', 4 bw'Det, IOOd J7,SC} Betre upbolstirtt<I twfn roverleta, llkt new S15 cu~ cablriet, Vtr'Y sood of ~. lt" podabJe 1V l.rfc m1w' plu Cfl,11.rt bowl, t'OCKAPOO ttmale &et to 24' 19'12 $£ARAY, Uke new, <ond. 125. UoriDI Pluo. chal<.17.60, hllo •w!na $ll). pr. Grt<n tl)at Nlflet ~pr. :.,bar if!io""f.'',= with 1\and DJ. U........... - 165 ..U for $lQ. - ..,_ :i.noe. child""" wttb l1ytnc brldco. dual con-Good cond. $100. -!!f-3171. 0.-~ f.l5i 1413 V•- 12. 1493 Mjmn:a ~-~ 545-0'm 1tarodarcl -tor. (IOOd 1118-UIL C.U ID-32ii. 1101a. 2Z C>evy VI enaine. ,

Mlscellaneoui ' 'l\llft' Way, CdM. Saturday Dr., CM StS-U2'J. .lE * · condition Ja" Cu radkll SlO '62 CA.DlLLAC atr con- p.Uey, bu.d.• all car,.~. W tod 820

aed ~.Gf4..1175 T\VfN be<Paod In.mer SIO. Cf ."'- $1 0. Good 4 each. Proctor Sile¥ toPl.CJ" dlUoner or niar fod or QJ"fat ~~\i ytan Slip -avail. $9,950. OR will an GiR!:SSP)lder.u~ bike PO. Vieyl beige couch SlO. bu~r Wfth tf'Cnlu arlll dlr· $5. Col~man 2 burnt•r camp. motor $25. ~I» S3. Motor • ~ * trade ror smaUtr boat.

LUD\VIG double Bua Drum 604kl5 ! 548--llT or •9114. ty ru ltoW: .$25.. lrom1tc Ing stove like new SlO, parta Sl-$1.5. '66 s.r.cuda Sl5-4619. ironer ·>"hll oemer pt, like Sean deluxe e I e c 1 r I e air condjUooar or rtU end 4 YE.AR old black male toy 1 -3-1.-CH~Rl~S~Cahl--n~O\llott---top

ll(:I. Roten chf(lme d)/na· DOUBLE box 11pr1f11 ft~. FRONT suspension for new $251 GQo(t Kenmor. Wt'- baieboftd t.altr 1 year old $25. Doon or trunk lid $15. tlOQdle. U yr blk min. ShaP' twin e- 1'dkt llOlllc Snttte, 3 Tom Torn•, Maureu $15. Corvair &: TRA m each. ~bo-x .~~I'~. o 1b~ l15. Shella.nd floor pol11her Hood p)_' Motor ~ lemaJe ~. 596-a H.B. 11,._: ........ "' .;~.,. tuU' S ZlldJlan Cyml>&IL $525. MATCHING nrw washable 557-4062. ,........., l''u• .a..5: bOu m ., ..,. $8. N 11 .. 9'i11: Radii. ...,..,.,., ui: ...... "'., • Call ..,,... o1u:1 II h bl lndbre •- =""'~-,.-=c~--- • -,d- •H~. Doub'- ._ rog l)C)Orllr • t w -..w. tor 1 5 . CUTE pupp)tt, part Lab 4 '!' galley, mariy %tru. aleep16

.,.,,..._., · g t ue .,,,. a.-. ... BRJGGS and Stratton power 1ic • IN K: MelmM: dilhH oom~tE' ae:z..ssso. FREE. 1n comfort. Simi. f75.15TT. WANTED: V'IV boQy 61-64 or n\edium and lar&e $7. each. mo..,.a-, u;. Pul lq ~e oon1rol 1hu1dlnt I a 1 terVlce for 4 s 2, vw map $22 palr new Tr- 557.auo complete vw, numhla: or 642-1573 rlng11, save $18. 13() Albert , bun1e.r S20, workt ~7-9187. Wntlnghou&e detu.xe ste~ Spllf'ttt Tonuu u( New Tr ''n DELTA, l'l' Tri hull, 130

PRlVATE party mu• 1 not . s.M-3417. 8 & w portable RCA TV., '°'°'"'''------~ 217$ Oranre. ~ iron $8. Brown ~I top boot S6. Saburu roll her n.urn bUc. doi. very -1· h" Volvo ena. ·10, lmmac u.lTitice nne art collection Offlca Furn iture/ red, with atand, excellent 1 Vw parta: starter Jl.5. 048 1wlvel chair no. Pretty klopb.e headboard S4. Car SU. Pontiac tri power tedlonatt 10 mo. old cond. Will ucrif, 831.$14 ruvt tumiture. All ltf'ms E i 124 condition S25. 56J-M15 Wlndahield fT, Baja front \11omens wet t1zie 12 top carrier ftta amall can manllold $6. 842-78tl. Fe~, .,._7539. ,,att,...,6,._,wk~..,.._=;'=-.,--::-,-:I 50% or lt's.s of appra!M.'d 9 u P• EVINRUDE 4 hp outboard fenders $12. 8'' whl'oela $15 $20. Plf bed p , 8U-l.M2 • $11. Grten/whtte dlnttte ttt OLD d $25. Child dt k TWO J..O~~ ~ 16' eo.ton Whaler EutpJrt value. Chinese Clolsonne THERr..tAFAX C09Y machine $25. 671-2490 each. !Ate model headlighl 1963 CORVAJR Mol'l:ta for with 4 Chairs S'lO. Twin mt.l· It ha~ii Xlnt --2i .. i...4- CATS. FREE TO COOO model without motor, $1400. '°" d bo I - Sid """' ' '' - ·~ •168 treu aover-7$c. 4 white dou· c • \NlNIUVll, HOME. 644-1875 CoII: De .. ' lt'KM "'~t cood. u eep 1o1.· .-..... ney $75. NEW \Vili;on T'JDOO .meta! 11UC -"· .,........, • part•! Eniine $25. 4 1~ ble btd cheeU n 2S ejlc:h. 3 kltchen table • 2 c:baln $11. LOVABLE

11 , ·b u ..... ~ r"rt - .,. - ""'

YBrtl sea.~a~ ll "xl)" $!00. 49-~. or 494-&>92 tc:nnla racquet $20. 673--2490 '66 1'fGB eQ(ine and body traJWD.iaidon $25. Outch $25. , ... 4 blrd cqe11 tt 2$ each 2 ~ ··n ~Kp • .;•.:=,,·~=::.·---~-='1 Pair aign£-d Japa~ color • ..., ··-·' -'--•· parts $.S--,$2;. Ml-77()'l. Radio $15. 'tlr!1 $3 each. P811

1r .... ~h.ite..Jet.,chen ~11• old chairs Ke~. S~ll puppy. i-~emale. 5 mos. old. 16 Ft. Loblttt akltf w(197'J Pn."'" !<".,.: " 1~. Waln"t SEC. chi's $1)-.-.., wuuu ...,,...s ST'ONE, 2 yards $1 for all. • ;o~~~""7"7-"'-CC,- .,..,... rut Pl.Ill 4Jl;• .., Call ·~ ~, I

...... ' "' "' • 'YI lll'I ._ b uo - w "tlOLLAWAY .. . .. ,,..M Rl'st of car ~- 19$8 Volvo •t•n• •-men1 child-; table for kitchen With .....,.,, .... ·1 65 HP Mercury. 12 V. etc-chlna cablllC"I S13S. Walnut ....,..._, 5....,, ca -mi · ""' • 546-3631 ""'· 5"""" oun· " ·v , .. ,,. dreSiier SlOO. 2 elegant 19th C~t. Pll'ree, 642-3-U. TWIN rnaureu, box ,pr1,g, dnion Sl O. Call aft er 4 p.n1• ownen ~t '6~ on- c)Olhl~· 25c-$2. '2 TV •tand

5rollt>n $4.50. Book cases 4 Ii: ~ ,!?P puU

5cr. SU'.lO finn.

""'l't'!kdAvs 646-2909 ly 49'Hr.lll or 4....,,..., ... Call 11 • . • u~ -w boy• she.Ives SS e&ch. 2 siau ~ ....,._ .. , ah P'1· hanging lamps $125 for pair. GOOD small metal ottlce clee.n, --i condition 110 ...,. · · Sat"~ bet 5 nd 6 •< ·~ old IS ch Old Iron I I ~

E 18 S .......... ~uay wce.n a i..-.... .. n ...... .,bo .._,M 5i M0 4u auea ea . 14' Runabout \Voodllu• While chair S25. PIU5 many desk. $50. 138 . th I. , each.JlealthwAv.=·e ht Bet RADIAL tires, new 1·1 inch g .. -•a b<i--n 4 d "'"" -· r uuu.,. a 711 ''""'' ~ ~• • 1nm•-,.,. ht1 ... - • • -- Dod p.m. , .... ., Y ... "" l:lJl cost $12 k'l tor ~A . Bova ....::-..... 11~~2 I>•~ ,_ -• d11-e Trier, l8hp. Evlnrude, teer· other misc. Hems ot C.M. 548-4485. and barbell& $25. ~- ge motor home a:aa 5 pm NO ~ER TIME" • .,... ~ uucuu mps K ••• - _ _ 1 ·-c;loaonne (:lus 1\M>r urch tank, lit a trucks $25. VW 12 · · v'" · · · 1ront lacing boots &ize 4'1 $3 ch ·536-8296 "• · lna: contro s. xtras . .,_,. pri· 10y1. 13.'• bike 'sw. Cali Pi1no1/0r~ns 826 12' Anticz,ue oe.k ch pew volt starter $15. ClO(hes une SPEAKERS, like n•• $2. 27ll36 tormka table $3. ea · · .I 20P"'>cc·co"'=-.,-591=7'-c-~~~. 64H631. ""'"""o-e"'GAN ... ,_H_O_B_B_Y __ I ~:· t:i~~e =~ ~koS~d poles $5. 12 volt water pump 1~. $25 a pair. 2-lxl8xl0, \VeallngbouR coffee pol ROY AL stand&rd l)'Pewriter Pet1, Gener I aso 18 Ft. Lapstake Runabout

PRtVATE .......... mu at shade -.. 3 rooms lined $2.5. 55-67 Chevy headers &lJ each. 4.9&-'M26, Dave. $1.50. 536-4338 or 847-1107. $22.50. Clotbing glrla tii.e AKC REG Be·"•· champlor1 Cl~lc. 1.955 Century mod. ~ ' ' - 125 ~, ~10 C RPET al bl ,~411 7..S, mens large size, game11, ..., no~ ~~ .. - r.~ .. -·

Mtritke ftne art collocUon, drapes $%!. Hand edii:er -'--'~· ~~~·~~-·----- 1907 DELEGATE medal $5. A , roy ue ..-.... books pUnl old hauock bade eround, ~ like to :c~=c.· "-="'-0-'•~=.o•=•w....,= All Items 50% or 1esl of ap. Don 't buy any . c .gan until mower S3. '46--0469 CRAM &£TS Old gas oxyaen torcb $5. hi-lo, ~ condiUon $12, t~. 968--~. meet male Be a g 1 e Bolts, S.11 909 or&IHtL.Yalue.J:.hl.n_eae " ea.it_.p1""'!...Non;..t .... en. nnra with -att...,.,- ••- ~lda'- reM,...rator 968-4358. .• WI...,...... ,.....t....t·'"'mi~ Ooisonnr 12" deep brown we'irome to 7"end free......., work ~ $25. 8nun :Vie · - • - $20:-14 ·drllfY$7.r.l ton SNOW tN.iaf,. ,,.._, ~r u~ MARBLE & br&U fernrrtand PICkoliltter~~ - PURCRASINGluxumurlm m. Ja,panese b r.o D :le lhops. For Jnfoimatlon projector $15. lronrite ANSWERS Hydta!Jllc jack $10. 61H258. ed 14:7-.'J;• $10. Large $22.50. Antique fireside GROOM &. ooAi'lD. 1.1 "'· 1,•"1~ .. ~ .. ,,·, ·"""'111 00~ ..... ~uxl. ~ated 1""'' lamp in form of Coo'-" , Tom Dieterl-~ ---10 - . - ~~. 1- · ...... _ L.. .u _,,...,. '---h - 23" ----' .. _.,,I all b-~ ~ l<u ! .....,.,., w tlalUl:c ...... ,. ._.. ...,.. .,..,"&" ......, ~ u"""' SINGER aewing . machine .... o•:lT)' uu.uet. . ......... .,.,,.,,, ,._, IVU11U """v~ · .. ·~~; & '""" Pie p. or more full lhare pe.rtntn, ~~~·.,~Jab!!_':: C I MMi-2151 l_ I • ·~Ith or. HB I IS model lHl.' Ht"ad, foot condition $25. Hiehchalr, edmod mitrolrl ,ISc, 11Da~ish2 Sh.e7 s, Poodlt> pups Write Clasall""' No. 4111 _ ~--.. ·~ 14.. !"'";,-;;-..,,. Olll UI C ~rv ce ONE wheel tra ler S . PlW'Jie - Blton - Ranch - pedal and ail atta.cbments nowcr pattern xlnt oondlliOn H1l co · t'e aine ··"'· avail. ~&-28'18. Da\lv Pilot, P . o. Box U60 "' viu• '"' e ..... N - Bl d. t ll"~r 11:.tD ..., .. "" Female - BEER MUGS lf'K .......___=-i $10 """"nnt>rs table latnps SS !'ac:·h. J Sidney Yard seaacape n·• x ew-~ v •• ... ...., ' ::c-=.:"'-"'==--~~- - _.-,.;h,u.. · ...,..; ........ si Gold/whlte pnle lanip PARAKEE"!'S · 2:i ""' Aviary Costa Mesa, 92626, Give •r" flN\

0 , ·-• -~- oil Costa Mesa APARTMENT or trailer size A ..ophlaticated piano act : 10 SPEED Am ~ ~ •• 1 orran. .... •• nnen mu c, $" 50 Doubl .. _ • .,., & nc11lln& box1·i1, ."!ingles $2 A"'"', occupaUon, aailing

.w ' """' ~a u.Neiu · The pianist plays the Stein eiican ~ e good tone l25. Call r.tarxie '-"· · e '"""NE!!' .... J . h • .,-59 ~· ~ pain~ 1125. Manu other *PIANOS.ORGANS four bumel' stove $15. }{jng Son . h B E bov's blke, 'l"I" ,_i oondi· d 962 AAAA lifatch! .... bevel min'or $20. eac · J"t ·«• · e~p., ., .......... no. ·v ti b@CI fr es $20 Call g wrt two empty E R # ..,.. .......... aya .......,.... "'*' miac. tema Of Clobonne, Coln& Ogt Fot" Buslnea 11 e am · MUGS tion $25. 675-3115. ' · Double bed bookcue head- PERKY Cockateel with 16 Foot \Vindmlll, main and slan, silver, etc. Mwt lff Best quality . prices • serv. 646-79(6 anytime . Sl'UDIO couch trundle bed KNIGHT-EtCO 232 V'IV?\1 boUd $1.S. Night stand large Chrome cage. $2.i. jib, with traJlf'r. to aPJl('eelate. Cl.II 644-6631. kawai·Steinway-Baldwtn{ etc. KING size bed, good con· OVERHEAD projeclor, UK'd $25 926- $25 each. Garden tool.'! $12.50. Gold/wbl~ hanging After s pm-548-QSl $400. 644-'Z199

NEARLY new w-•-··t wall Pla,yer Ptanos &: Roi 1 dltlon $25. 645-8946 for in· by ICR.chet', lecturen $25. · 73.'il. (new) $2-SS Large 4' band lamp S7 50 Gold be.thr'Qom 852 1 Sailboa

--t~ •-•·, ::t.':'..11 .. Rentala ....... We Buy-Sell formation Lens syslem $1!>. Prism DOUBLE bed spring and uw is. UV ·battt-ry chuiter rugs s1.5o pair. Ptnk Cati fl: on,,tgmneboary lO' 1• W· ,...,..., ""' ...._ ..... ~nr • D U 10-6 SU 12-5 5 mlrrora SlS. Cooling fan and mattreu $20. 18" TV $6. Portable room cooler hRmper 14. Twin spread $5. ."!II. ."! & t cover, nr. new, lhelvea. ldea1 fot' stereo. a Y n KENMORE washer S 2 . foc"~1 ..... rack system $lO ,_.table '25. 10.. TV

1 l 110 Dou"'- 81._ __ .. , ~.,,. _, P£RSlAN kittl'IU. o~A reg., 67rr2896, 673-4187.

O.t over $300. Rll $95. 2 nEl.D'S PIANOS ~1S98. I used'i':ice cost $llr> ' ""' new . <m: ......., ~'"-· ahola, xlnt. Unes. ~ 26' Lude:rs ii~ Xllit sails &. matched \btll ce r a m ic Costa Mesa <n-4) ~ 2 '86. BARA.CUDA t.Ackeb 531-7566 , Or port•ble nf!Sd• workIBSl°sa>3 ~w;to~·s~~=~ 3 SPEED bike ll!S. OIUda • 89'l-297D • , equip. Xlnt racing MX!fd, decorator table lamps $15. *PIANOS*°RG~ aeeta $15. 2 ' '67 Caaillae' =~~-~---= ~a:!~ , If:: ~ .. ' wld~ I new I t;.. , .c:o1tt c~r I able & chair Cl. Good con. HlMAl..AYAN FI am e pt . fleet champ. MS-0844. a 2 Ja:e walnut end tbla H~ ~aru 'nfm\y bucket seats $2) lq)iece NJ:~b '~' b •,<IJ :.n s'/o' 31!>:!lbtf ..tiltror $2. 391014 (nl!'W)· $5. RCA Marine dilion, Dawn &Us, 'clolhes, Fem. 5 m08, shot.I, Aw~s. LIDO 14 w/hlghway trailtt,

$1!. ea. lotodem walnut .....t..iN ' ciUr.nce 962--6650. t i .Jf• . '-' .....__ 1 PL N 8 61, 1.,,... acceuorin ~ Shoe bag Good ~•- & ~.n mirror $,15. ~ ~·· cV each. Ive. $4 each. ...... .. rme • · .,. ~. ndk>-phone- $25. Gattla 35 SOc. Girls put'le 50c e&ch. • ~........ ~· ....... ..w· 2 !'Jet saiil, 1 new. $1050. At on now! The best deala a!'f AMERICAN' rncenUve lo Lampe $3 , ind $2. Llvimg DESIGNER dn."Uel •b:e 7-9 apln reel (new) $5. Penn 500 Assorted glll11e8 SOe--Sl. ly. Alt 6 pm, 537-7947. 64&-5938.

ORIENT .Rue Sale: J.0% a.lwlt,YS at Reed Program Course, book room tablea S15. Students SS each. Tennll dresses $5 jigmaaltl' SlO. Pe.nn 4.0 reel Polaroid !JWinger oamera TWO Male Sealpoinl kittens. 12' Snowbird, re c ent I y :,~u::~"tnWOr!8've W1lrtchs Music City ot lessons Ii: complete desk l lO. Draperies 25c. each. 14 K gold charms $11 and pole $25. Sma11 AM/FM with case $5. Tape recorder Sl5 each. ref!nishl'd Ready to aall .

... ".,..t 1 nae 54Q.21UO record.a. Or1glnal COBt ovtt Plales and glaues 20c--$l. each. Leather handbap S4 radk>s $5--$1.0. Large leather $10. Outboard motor prop • 548-76ll • SIT:). 645-8615. County. Expert clnnlnr A South Coast Plaza _ SlOO, ucraifice $25. Slicing Lavoratorie1 SO to a ch. each. Two Oriental pearl• suit case $2. Eltclrlc drill s.;. Fishing reels SS each. ---=~=---· ! ~ ol the aame. Shop, Sportlnn Good1 130 machine, hand operated, Saturday and Sunday pe--u, mate"~ - , motor ta Scncon:'-Elco 625 Dogs 854 SABOT compare slllndby A: 11ave at ··• aimoat new SIO. 846-5675. .,.,. ., • .,~ • '"'" •..::u ...., . 885 842-7623. - $169 DI ~ ---• 'N Shah - So ~. pair. 873-5276. tester!! S2S. WYS xl4 T. 962 V UANT I DOG. OBEDIENCE ~ 'SS . . . . . ane, u• .rwu<o1 .-..., ' •~ · SKIS-Kl Hollda,y 190 cm BACK 1ssue1 Playboy lOc 2 _ _ ST_ IN_G_RA_Y __ b_;k-.,-,-2'1~" I ='=""'-=--'='-c---- Tire $5. 2 Alumlnum camp 1 A ' oot runn ng 1.,.l.I• z PIVER 24• Maln Santa AM 557-1212 w/Nevada bind'•- ~-1 ftrO -.11: TEEN clothes, 1o1.'00I coat.'!, -•· S8. H•althki't tranami't· $25. Tin!s are 'NOrth pri1.."E'. Sl'ARTING SAT. JAN. 13TII. • or ~7340 ln CdM. $50 548-6659 .. ,.... AU• each . .....,...."""". girl 's $8. 24" boy' a SlO. VW .skirt!!, formals etc. all like ~"'-~ Set bunk bed• S25. S1eroo ENROLL NOW. CLASS $900. 30'·$5(XX). X tr a•·

· ' BOOKCASE $9. End table S4. bumpers S3 each. 646-3680. n1'W ~$10. Wool blanket s, tl' r $lO. Small hand tools wilh am/fm radio, needs SIZE LIMITED, PICA- 3085 or 64&-8TI.6. G•r ... w•ter cooler A good want ad 1a a aood in. VW door $6. Bumper $4 , GIRL'S 26" bike $12.50. Old full size perfect rondition ~~$5. 490 C.OSta Mesa St., work $12.50. Call ~7~. TPlETNC. T10oo;N9BAEADACHMSooJ~ Boats, Sllps/ Dock1 910

$40 * 648 8349 \lftt.l:neot. Deck lid $4. Whttl $2. electric guitar $15. Amp $5. $3. 675-39-59. I :-e=o.-,,..,...-..,-.,-,-,..,-- all day Sal. & Sun., 85n , "'""-=""'~~=~~~: l·---'--'-'--'-----1 847-4913. Stand S3.50. 2-2 hp 2 cyele CHILDS school desk nc\'e r NE\V Salton electric juicer Ree .. Way, Midway City, 1iJBE:DIENCE to start SUP for . ~'·26' Sailboat_

mower motors for $15. mar hi~ top with book $5. Walnut finish coffee off Bo!~ & Nl'\Vland. \\'ed. J an. 31, 7:30 pm, in ~at facility In Newport -

!::~;1~1~~£.Yb1~·. b~ s torage while they last ~l~:r ~le ~i~ ~'dz! A:!I~~~ ~;{;:.~s pa~11$~~ ~~8.N~=~~ ~~~= :OG'0µ~;,,--P~ar-k....,°'~·~-I = ~ lC~r as.~~ ' 'H~1AN-7·~'°0-· _613-_mo-~-:-· ~15~.-88-ck~l>-p $1~ eac~ . Old J~~ lea set, 15 5 mo. old. 54&-4928. SLIP for large boat. $2.50 ft. .~ w rugs :)C Cl!.C . piece. fill . 494--8763. G~n •UM s~halr po'"ICI" incl power, water, storqe "White lead nate 5 pounds for lawnmower sharpener $15. Gla1ses, dishes, kitchen .c.nJ., ...... , ,.,,, w "

'15C . Induitiial hand walt'r Power rriOWPr, needs work i1ems 5c-50c each. 3 .FRAf'!!'.JSCAN ' ' De 11 er l ~~no papers, y,•ks nn,, lhwr. 675-5085 aJt 6. pump-$25. Y.ellow paint lnt. $5. 2 hp pa engine, runs ·~ mbprw; bowla s;i .50. Rose • l2·plecc ~ sci. dl4 "' C: pUJ;tly shot $.JO. NEWPORT Bch. Sl.50 ft (up'


th •


• • • \.1 -pint, lOe~ Large batt ·baa ,~ .-$&. .. I>oubta. eut ln>n RO.sting' pan $1 . Cbildrena $20. Modern gu\d ~ ~ 7 l . .- to 25' )_ Sdi! tie , oh ·~ Alto

t.1~~~1?~~~-~~~TO~R~::::;:=r:,,~b~lof' ~m~odic~l~.~ ....... ~'~""""~' ~·~15~·~.~-~~~~~;;.:;t:~:J'~"~lo~vo'.Jil'~·_)ii"'~w~,~$1~0~. ['S;J~~g=~~~ ti!!:;:;:==t-- -j-- cij-11 (-- ----t----f .... "''t-WOl'tOl---~t-flll--yOY>ld~~~':'!'.!! '4-1Rll1-I- • -~-W!lfltnntinc~~ muslniJ jf>"''tl boxes n t'!Sf

.> Call Mwy 6'2~71, u:t, 330 cablnet, $225. 64~1619. • man rubber raft, Wied once rose SJ. Nltt deer Milers, each. Wood • ~ 25c equipment, condenser Ne1o1.-port Beach, 675-212-4 K2· Four Skis, 200 ce~ $25. Dani, seaui, pump atld ScnlO\Jnlnntl'd !!~ Girls Z" bike, each. Other puzzles 5c each. checker $20. Signal tracer BRITTANY Spaniel, female, DOCK FOR RENT

T-w...,,. "'-! 1' -'-·ARk- tlmet•n, ~nd ..,w, never motor mount for raft $15. hw •Ui· l.a.Y.'n 5'\Yeeper Magaiine and books lOc Pl. audio generator DJ. 1 AKC 0 d - r- """9l'T ..uua •• _, !'!!' ClU., Larae red na"""'~·...:ie sofa l'll'eds bag SS. 1513 Orange each. 10 volume Young Peo- vacuum cleaner $5. M8-a225 yr, · g ° Call 6'75-2930

mountcu. ~· $25. Nt>ptune ~;"'hp out· Ave., C.fl.1. 642-5666. ples \Vorld encyclopedia $5. SPRAY aun compressor ({iJ~~d.{:W.,, Beat oiler, Boats, SfH!td & Slit 911 SKIS; Kneisel, :klCI CJ'of, Riek· board n10tor $25. 646-Jm PROFESSIONAL hair dryer H('(..<ord!i 25<.' each. Barbie Seanl $25. Finl!: Volt viking • er Boob, n. 9. Never aued, Sunday a.ttemoon only. $25. 2 bar stool• $5 eRC'h. items 75c to $1 .50 each. $5. Divers knile $6. Skill LABRADOR Retriever pups FIBERGLAS$ lnboard ski· $40 ea. 552-7793. VW Corv I J;f. I Brome Spanish \\'llll hang. Toys 50c- Sl. 545-4954. Kaw-case $15. Meat 11llcer 6 wka. A.KC. XI n t boat. Damaged by wind and

bS'°'t .... --.- R..-.1-:lc-•-u"'ro".'n-ctc-,-- Sl-$25. v~~fnau I ~~ ing $10. 1'1en's sport jacket.'!, KING size ho:< spring and $10. Party grill $12. 642-80)2 show/pet/Male & fem. water. Sell for aalvaae.

B •'" . 42 • ., SI ks ~- -. Adorable. 830-4794 I~ Caladn! St., ~ ar _... 968-001-4 or 837 . sue reg~· ac ....... - $1. mattress....,_ 646--5753. CRIB & mattress-good con- ST. Bernard JI mo. old male. Phone 923-4495. 1963 Cl·IEVY II automatic Women'r ciothl'!, small ATTENHOFER A·l.S ikis, 'dlllotl 15. 968-6274 ·ned

DELI and Retilaurant Equip- tran11 $15. Radio $5. l-050x13 sb:e11 ~SS. Ice crusher $h $25. Size 10~ Rieker .Id REFRIGERATOR $'2Q. B & AKC, prof. obcd. tra1 . 16' Fibergl&Ss '64, 90hp ment for sale. For details C>vt:>n broiler St. 642-3422. $50. 496-4102. Johnson all elec. F\111 Call 49&-34l3. tltta on O'Jevy II or Corvair OOots $25. Ski poles $5. Elt"C- W 26" TV f.11 . Single bed AKC, Chlhuahuo.s, ,show quaJ. covers, trli-. F'\lUy recond,

rims SS each. Alternalor FIREPL.ACE gas Jog set $:'). Irie broom $6. Crib and $10. 675-2388 ity, 6 wks old. lmmed. de- Xln't. $1350. $42-!ISOO or TV, Radio, HIFI, and regulator $10. 01evy 54!r-1827. m11t!res! $3'.l. Old Singer COUCH $15. Blue chip books livery, 4942742. 673--~. I

Sttreo 836 generator $5. 2-15" Ford TV, Zenltb l!t" p:>rtable B/ \V $10. Sin;..oe.r le&lher weight s2.50. Book.cue headboe.rd

• • • Htrbort H. Jorden 117 N. B•yfront

Balboo 1 tland You are U1e wlrutt':r ol

2 ticl<t'tl to the Sports, Vacation &

Racreetlonal Vehlclt Show nt th~

AnaHelm Convention Center

JWJIJ.iilj' a-14 Pleu~ call 641-5678, • ~t. 314 behvcen 9 & 5 pm to claim youl' Uckets. jNor1h County toU-lrce nunlbcr ls 54Q.J'U))

• * • SI'EREO 1BO watt AMfFM ttereo receiver with 8 track A quad input, with 2 Jenson to.m ftont &ir suspension walnut cabinet speakers & processional alze turntable with wood bue, dustcover, needle I: cartridge. Regu!Br­ly $368. Inventory clearance

You'll low )'OUf' lf!t and price $199.96. USA Stereo he'll love hls! Easy<rochet! F,rejgbt Ll~tors _179 ~

! Do a\e takef Criichct 17th St., COita Mesa. lUs and Her bettt.t and Jong 64.5--2442. scar:vca.Jn viv\d. ea.Q ppM? t=""'rr11=·-:-&'"°'R"C"A-;;;T•"l-:o...,--.,,--.k>:::::ne design In 3 colon, Uae knlt· at drastic prlre reductions.

rr·s YOR CltOtCE - mak:t> Ung ~-onted. Patbtt'ft 70l5: All modeil prlct'CI to clear It with calUal JCAI1 or till In nicn'•. wometl '• S. M, L Incl . durfn& out end nf year sale. neckline with pearll. Sew S£\' &NJ'Y-1'1VE Cl'l.N1'I 3 )'l' picture tube, 1 yr parts thla zip.front, ~lne tor ~•ch pattcm - ·ftCld" & s:ervice warranty. CRsh 90 skim now for spring! cenfs for each pa1tern "for Plan or ten'rut to 36 . rm,

Prlnred Patlttn 9405: 1'EW Air Mall and SpecUll Hafldl!. }furry for hill selectk>n. Half Slzet lD'ii, 12, 1A~. 1~ I~· otbu:wfte tblrdo('i.. AntenMs :oold or ins!alled at J.l~i. 2014. Sba l41Ai (bust 37} deliwfY wlU take ,r~ l'OSt with any color tet takes 1 111 yard.I GO-Inch. week.& or more, '.trrjl;I ~ purchased. ABC Color TV,

8EVl!!'fTY,PJVE CENTS Allee B.ronkt, tM:-DfUL 9021 Allanta at Magnolia for each )lrllWll .. add 2$ b;~'eox~, 6\~ Huntington Beach, 968-3329'. cents tor each patttm klr Station New York, N.Y. STEREO trl\de-l~Your ~ Air Mail and :Special Hand1· 10011 , Print NanM. "~· c:qulpment wUJ save )'OU S ina: otbtrw!M: thlrd-clau Ztp "-tWn N•mbs. ou purchue or MY new delJvery wW lake thret' N E E 0 L F. CIV.f'T '7'2! system ln U. stoM- USA .. "eeks or more. Send to croc:Mt. knit, ttc. 1"e Stert0 Frela;ht LlquidRtora, Marian Manin, the DAil.Y dl~Llons, 50c, 179 E . 17th St., Costa Mf!1&, PU.DT, '42:, Pattern Dept, tr.Wit Macrame 8'oL. 645-2442. 232 Weit Uth St., Hew Buie, fancJ knots. Ptit·J -LUD:.=,::,Wl;oCo--.,.-,~~bua-~dntmc­!:r~ N.~ ~ ttms. $1.00. 1et, ~ chrome .... ,_ l iutaarl Omehet ... - dynssonl~ 111\11.~. 3 Tom ZIP, 11%11 and STYLE team by plct~•I Pat· Tomi, 5 Zlldjlan cymbals. ~ORE Q u I c II: lm'll. SJ,00. $525 or !:mt otffl'. 494-811&1. Faabk>nl and chooee one -~~OI~~ MOVING! Paclw'd Bell pal!tt'l . fret trom our $1.00 BltW TV tr tlert"O tn· Sprlnl.SUmme!' CttalOK. AU ~pteea Aftbe aooa; _ t!rtalmntnt centtt. 646-~

- --.1 Only !Oc. $1.00. oft 3. INSTANT SEWING BOOK 11 Jlrty • c -. · SOc. SAi'i-iN,;;SUl:=Tu:-ner~a-me-. ~,-:,-pr-.

""' today, wear toa:non'OW. 9ool or II Prbe •«Pa• 1plcn. TUC tapetl<~nwOC!d 'ii.srANT F A 8 H l 0 N lllk. horn. Dour· ~"'" llOOlt. • J .... edt 0 I q,dH .... t - 16 oatlttnl. * WA!f?ED * ,,,_, - II. ~;...... Quilt - I - SWul Oji DJ Si>Cak<'n

DOl'j G Q til>lpl llJ<, " . ,..._ "IJll"tJ. "t'zsc. >Alp ~,.. _.. U..,. '72 s..n poitable .. 1or TV

• I Ill ~ .. lli.iC'-1--Jj 1*o!W po- US" - ~Ql.-Apl.


·-- ------chrome rims SS. 2-16 Inch x 1969, exoellent oondit1on $25. $14. Melnl foJd-away table ~- Lamp $1.50. Low bar AIREDA4E Puppies, AKC,

~~Pa=:c 6"\~; Matching atand ~ ·642-2267. ~~ablemt-'Co:,~::: .~· 3228 Oakot.a, C.M. champ. &is:a~am- f ,............... llrft} $25'. Boat ra• tank sto. BOX tpNg and math'eu for ....... , site 10~ ss. Baseball . 6i1l-G4l4. r- single bl;-d. Uk~ new $25. ~ $3 each . Towint- Jnir. EL p~,¢.· Kneeboard OCHNA.UZSud£R pt.I~. haebrkn , 1;~jiiiij;;i;;;;;;;:;:1 .7-==:-=.,:-..,-,--,--"~< f lie&dboatd ' ahd base for · Sl5. 644--6495 ·- •. shOts. t sel"Vlce, groom-50 DODGE pickup for parts ror l3. 267 Santo ma.s, 1 tenna (714l 522-3366 S1..s:25. 60 or later Valiant double bed '5. '42-3341 . "C.r.t. 54&-8749 alter 9 AM CHEST 10 draWtti ''25. Bike ng, · · Cam-1 S.le/ Rtntt20

ANTIQUE -n coll- wh,.11 .. 1 tires $5. Auto 'Gemwl Shepherd for aale r-• ' radiator SS. 57 Ford Station .... - ...... VW Ba.ja · lit pew: rear ~ "Iron -'"'I •• Call \\'ai:on, di;>t>sn 't run $25. 2 table, RCA TV, 23 inch. an. fenders Sll. Nole pieee $18. wheels ~~ ...U. ets .,.. f.!!73 GMC antique basins $7.50 each. llque yam winder S2:i eacl\. Hood ns. Radio controlled each. l1* poUshe( Sl5. BB 646-76SO Antkjue bethtub .,,,·ilh claw Playboy magazines lOc car parts n -$%i. 96l Union. glove ~· Bar stool 1o1.•llh OOBERMAN PlNSCHER !e-- • feet $8. S43-8109. • . f:~1~ s1i:'°~at1ometatabll .. . P8.ndHo Oi 543-4473: . ~: 119· B Mth N:B. :~~ :~i~.or oUer. CAMPER SPECIALS

GIRLS bike 13" $8. Toy box· " ~ electric· ltlotor, t\\'O cs $4. Tap RhOes slu! 121i benches $10. E I e c t r I c POWER mower $25. Ha_nd LONG Haired Dachshund $2. Childs phonograph $7. vn.cuum $.$. Milk can SS. spt'!ed, new s;s, cost $58. mower ~· , Port.ab.le d1ah puppies .. f'\KC, with shots. 3 HER£ NOW

,..flecord."! SOe-. Bi£ lhot Phono reeord lOc. Table 5.1l-T;i66 or 548-72.u. \\· Uher $25. 62 Falcon parts moe. 637-8906. _ • PoJarold camera $8, Com lamp $3. Mahogany drum POLAROID copier still In Sl to p). Luaage raclu 15.. 1 red 0 30 % 1 .. i ... i... pop- $1 ~ l!nndbap •.t table $25. ~!en·s · medium Cll.rton ~. c&it S20. ~-1'566 ·Electric motor $2. 646-5848. DACHSHUNDS for Ila e, VC'r • • Ion _.. .. pc

"'"' ·""· ""'· 169" \V. ~h St. C.M. miniatures. 1 male. 1 fem. 1n stock. Toya Sc-$1, Oiilds navy AM large sport shirts 50c. or a-48-7243. n ""1 -Q85 ah 5 LOOK TH 5 wool coat alze 6, medium oil Uphols1ered chair $25. LIGIIT meter $.10, cott S3J. '63 Ford y, ton PU $35 ea. 557 · AT I ! pafntina 34':x49" $:)41. 2 W~n rocker $20. 675--7892. perl~ 5.3l-T;i66 or 54&--'1243. transrnl.uion 3 speed heavy S 1i E PH ER 0 /Na1aroute '73 GMC " wldeside pickup swivel black kitchen cha.In LOMBER, 4x4, 12 ft. lo"il: 25t: duly $~. ,\.t .!lhape. 334 Puppies, ~~- ltS. radio heater cu.storn cab' $9. Serving trays 5Qc4l. 11. Tll'l'1I 650x13, 88.Sx14 POLARolD cli.mfra Sl8 and Alva ~."'~ * ~" * S75xl~ tlberilaas belt tlres: :::~s ~umes coatt1e~ P-s.;. 540-6728. :e~~:.~O::~J13'. NE\V Campbell lnOW cha.ins DOXIE MALE, RED. power steering, powe r

LAZY boy rocker reclint't - S12. Size 700 x 14, 6SO x 15. AKC, 10 \\'ks, fJ.t6.1026 brakes, beautiful /UM"''s""ER2Sc-$3l •. ,.~13' 1$. 12. P5· Chair $10. Twin h<>dg 250$7.~s2 ~~!,,P''i'a'cksni c~12: 550 x 16. Motorcycle "Nob- A.KC German Shepbetd pup- gold with dual camper, mil'-._. - u-' . romplcte S2'i each . Girl'a .......... _, by" ti~ 400 x 19 :M-~ x pies 6 weeks old. ron & HD shocks .&~ 1-4x.10xl3' SlO. 1 Mtla.l lfufty stingray $12. 847-53St each. 700x.l5 tlret, llOOCi 17. $4-$6. Larxe leather • ~185 powered by a big $50 VO cabinet 85xlh24 deep SlO. BOY'S J;" 3 speed bike, rac- cases. "°me tread $4 each. ~k!!..., SID. Helmet ' $9. HorlM- - ' 856 ~..;....· ml G.V.W. Suill 2-1/3 HP motors $5 eac~ . in&: handl~. bars, exttlll'nl ~SC&-=""'69~.-0-:-..,--,,,--,.. -- -Eureka Door· polisher ~. 4 rond!Uon $25 727 w 20th s t WlDE ana:l lens t.or Miranda. t'OLOR TV $25. Birch wall EXCE·LLENT BUYI $3695 blade aluminum boa~p ..-CM .:!.l~A7 · • · tiUi many carneraa wlU1 d - ~ 3 ~ -10" $2. Medicine cabfnets ..,....-......, ' d esk -'· >IV'" 0 r-.... ...... 75c each. MahogAll)' door HEAVY duty axle 6 ft. J:f a e.pter, fll.'vrr used US, Drl?&sing table $).0. New Gentle but spirited Sorrel, FULL PRICE akin -11---Botlom 1.4~ Out ;.i ~h,. ll&ht v.'ei&ht....E rost $63. S.31·7566 or dlnett.f' ctatrs $20. £xerciM:r quarter &: thorob~ mare.

dOor $1. Hardware inchidtd. rlms and balloon tires S12. 548-1'243: ... - ..... 2'll!i01· RLS!f93:'2l•l~l·lc7t• =~. 2!gr;t~sr:t>~. -1·1L1• BARR·Y' zwo Reptlblic. &U-7R.• • 968-T.XJ3 or :1>11 Charles St. lifIRANDA magnllyinr vtew. ....J COi! ..,..., L BfCYa..ES, g\rlt 20 .. $.20. CM Apt. F . in11: hood. rteV«uaed $5, 4X11t 10-14, good. Conditicx! f1. 100 REG. Arab gr;ldlne. spirited, GMC·PONTIAC·FIAT \\"omms $25. ~ble r.::ler ~faple double bed $l9. 5.11-7566 or 5f8-7243. NaOonal Geograplrics $20. gentle. Trained \\C!alt>m, ls S S.A record play,er SS. Scooter $2. . . Portable typewriter SlO. SUPER XC8 viewer and Set 13 Olildcralt bookl SU. could go ErcUsh. S!Dl. ( 1 I. at · f'rfo'y .} Lawn mdftr SlO. Rttlwood apte bench $15. 549-2708. reWfndt Sii, cost S42, Near new ski.le Board $5. 548--8574 mi E. Ut St., Santa Ana

--' I "1 _,,,, r.·•o--•~ uo OO'l'J • 7~-· • -b -~-W-. 508-1000 hanging planter baskeu COUCH, 7~ ft. S25. Play IA'l'ec . .JoJ -,.,.,., or '""' ' n.>· .,.,,...,_,... .... .:::,• .~ .. Ra- KINr.. of t)}e d 8' l old SOc-$1. LUe jacket• $1.50 Da.y 8011 cart $7. 6 golf lroru1 BABY buggy SlO. Lumber 12" Gl'ffll trteytli, !Ure new t, .,........, jUmpg. we• .,.. ttht roe.SI Jr · each. Electric portabkl $5. Argui ~rnm projector ?'ftc.k for pickup $15. $5. 557~UJ! ~ 14- '. ·$12(4.. 1'""37·7l58. tilled 3 es.~ !, S'IW, hf'atcr llS. Ftttplace i'J'8.te $12.50. 557-7733. 646--9249, FLY rod-red-UM $20. F . \V, QRTR Hone, Matt, 8 yrs. ~_. bolnax;_ A · ~ $2. Mailboxes 1 NtBl Sl.5CI. Garcia -n reels $5 Penn Gent.le, SHiuty. $300. Tack M""~~m ... ~. w, ~~ 1 dccorallve $2. Ftre~lace NEW 'ru'.t' Iron desk and j DRA\VER chest of drav:ers "'"' T bl Incl ·- •168 H 8 ..,

cha' ~• wt 1 $10. Hair d-, table '"""' Glgrnaster 1~(). a e · ~ · · 1.-~~-~~---tools SS. Dining room MlP r •.w· ve widrer be.r SlO M2!1 iil.fbo A 'Ji.ii radlo-phOnogtaPh KiFI $16. WEEKDiDER eaa,,er, Sips $5. Swfti lamp $"1 5. stool $4. 64)-1414. ,.u at .if,. r. ll1 • AM/FM tn.ble ndb $6.• ~ 5, SttU cont. Like new. Mt.11)' Hollaway beds 39" SZ. 30" SOFA Sl5. Chair $3. Coffee .!1!' t 'i $15. Camera/cue $ 5. [ -- I a. JI Xtru W/1968 GMC 314 T $.~~ t1·1:-:x1bul~lli~yas~bltoboae si. and encl tablea $10. D@sk B

11fYo ~· rD:i Bkt'Ondlt~~ MS-9832 ...._,., :lillnt . le. Truck. Lo ndle&&f!, &4W!S'l.

and chairSlO. I>resserDJ. 4 . ......... caae8• r~1o1.· .., L"-'C '"'-··-·.box ·~··c o ~---~11r t.tlscelle.MCM.11 S 0 c- $ 5. dtaWt!r chelrt $5. Ve.nity $2. each-t2 end tnbles $l eAch f\.U~ , . .... u ..,._ ·- · ' ......, .. ,...... ,..,.- · Drapery fabric new off .New amall site n,. ... 1 .-.1 .c. 580 Hamilton. CM sprtng ar«i ' triune $25. truck. DelW1:• eqprnt. $100. white St 75 yard. 847-1933. - · .. ._ -. 642--0935 '' Bo.ts, GWral 900 T.0.P . 645-<542.

Pl'.w.-er drill $5. Boat winch TV, lllXld iilcture and 81Uod TRUCK Tl RES CAMPER SHEU. HOOVER floor pol1dler new $6. 191'-3 Monrov11., CM .$25. V11CU~lank type ~' llh 15 ... G pb', l Ike n ew 18' S!!EED boat w/outboM'I FOR PIO<t.JP $125. In a box 125. Tlttany ~· ~- part.a $12. ms. $12.50 each. ~275& l5Q. 25' Cuak , inboard e 648 Ott • Ing lamp $17. SWede Jackel BOOTS, ladles good quality ·• too YE otd~~ GOLD r.· .. --s. • ..a.. _, ,,..h w/traller $1000. :ZS Dle•e.I c-1 ... Blk .. Iona rrtnre 6ldt tara:e S25. dark brown leath!r- wt th 11e.....i;&,. -.....w.- -rroct 01 naue .... "'"~ _,..... . CharacU'r tugbolt $1500. 14' , • Nt>W ~Mis ahots tn08t sllel woodt1:n hcell, 1.bout ~ "l::'"rr.::· ,..._ S25. Portable phomlraph ~ Power Cat ~· 25' OM.ns Scooters 915 SJ 50. ~- •7• •• ~ u·- ~= condl '$25. Bal-2261!._ ~ - - ••· Out wl __ .,_ , ____ _ .....,...,......,_J

· ·-- .,...w ......... ' "s hlah 11,nd la~ up the front, ROCKING _.......,.,. "'-noel .,.,_,,, .......,. "° ~Ll.....,c 1-wilh rims SZ. Neechl 8eW· •lze Ii. wor1h '"'°· sell for . hMv SS. ~";';d mirror OOUBL& bid box Jl)rln~ $200. 3-18' aallboata $25. ~ f~:_ *·= tn3 ma:1~$25. ~·· SU. Zenith portablt' TV, %" 36''x,&r; · -J:i Tvplnt( 12$. Mattress=· Frame S3. ~•ch. 18' Orryaltt O\lt<l:rfve, ~422 ~ ca. !ir;. ~«>nu.yo (Qloal About 4 yeari old, needs .:.. .. !.1 .... . Rern 1..:_. n .. - BrlM plat<!d h<>adbolrd ST, ltlnt cond+ S2500. C•U • e I'll"" •-..... _ 11 i<oa .. I ...... buo a!Jt"bc< good $25. ·--- ·~ ··• ·-~ Bowling ball W be& $20. -lalay&"' 1111111 YAMAHA 19!1), t.2S Endun>. f~~ter $9.Jl.S·FP::~ Hand blowfr lyptr ·Mir S°~~~ Sir~ sc.\-10 a• o.-...·ax.,.t aloe~~ new Only 1CIO ml, bNudtlill ~ po.llah(: 1 Kirby dl')'Cr $6. Non'Clo eleelric 25c-S1 •• tOllf · Mlitaitnca 2 BAR atooll. • ." high, f\&&f\IOlil. canvu, floor, d\Uon • .fl2'-0.Yli. ~ J~. ~= ~~ SS. ·Stereo hl)•a

0d 10c-!::Dc... l"oldin; d n o.r ,....lwl. t~lle hiP bade New1r decorated. Mmt ... !t't HONDA' 50 MIN 1'ftJl..

shll.R: v.'flt ttl \Valtreu .,. ..... ..... , MM' new . 29·'~·· S2. Door Z4''x19" $15 eacti, IOOd cOniltdon. to blUew. aa-aD. .. Hot 90 cub. $100. llhoell 91~9 $4. Skirt •Ile 1.2 ~ .. Sa1ts Ana, $1. Door ~l\"x'JS1)" $1 .50.. ~'IJ tlw table, blonde St Vacat1eies CCIII mone.vt- Rent Call ... ,.,.. alnlmll new $4. Shar Rl't'l GA! lQll' hi &tiOPY lawn i'nlnk ~2l>''X3.f" $2. 'TN.Ink 54&-.1851 alt 5PM .&0-1900 1 bOUlf, apt. """ H•ve IQmtth\nl lQa want IO "'"' wlil> - ...!& --.nd -i-.tio-um 9'ldl-.s&"-$4. 2214 Eldon SIC! - · bot*lo;-tll-; r,n::ttwTOllly· 1 Cl• .. llod-.cta- tlo tt -% $15. - 121. - ·· Avt., CM 5'Ml43. 644-2:11& Oapd""' At!. MWi1l ...U · call NOW..,._,


I •


Page 29: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

S.ttlilfda), January 6, l~il 0 ILV PILOT 29

l~Y!t.'"'~·~··!!!~~1~ ... ~· -~'25~ Trudct M2 A-. t_...i 970._, !1 .. 1rt.. A-, !Jo!!!M! 970 AU..., ~od 970 Autot, Imported 970 Autot, Imported 970 Autos, lmportacl 970

~ ,,.,,, "-1~ cycles ·~~~~ ~ .';". TOY OT A CAPll MAZDA MGI SAAB TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN

* BULTA 0 * ....... ,., -· ··~- January' c•-~r--''!:x~ air -tiom.c . .,u'i.;;:: - -- YOU'U IE ·n lllAZDA ROT ARY ·n MGB -.. 111aze xJAt •n DEMO '68 VW " .......,. ~-New· -·~ •- HO. SALE W•- -~ all', ' eond . Al>I radio. CLEARANCE TOYOTA'S -r'l:,."16 · puts A ... =~i;, ;., I l ~"!': All Now '71'1 DEUGHTED :J::'." ....U.';'~ter, ...SW lusfaae/ oki rock, dial"' 'ft 99E. AWFM radio, vinyl Stj)UAREIACK

HONDA • • YAMAHA P0~\.~.2,AVE ROSS All Oamot nlAT . ..... <O<dtod. (h< '13 NAB'f!'.FJ)CAD. ILLAC !2;l00. (16).192$ at>cr $ ,... <op. •1400. '73's R4dlo. Fuel Injection, Dlac TRIUMPll "'-· - U.- CA1'RI !t "'°""S American .... 'C1 MC&GT. Xln! cond. $2995 Bnll< ... No. TA 1'(1)11.

Up .. IO~ dlloount. BIEftv~::. Cotta Mesa. $46-8011 .,, TOYOTA .......... 12199 • Gustal ... L!noolll Alm- ~- 1!'J'O n.-~;. • Very ......... Make olfu Now at '72 Prices! $1195 - u.~ Bl q;uvtl tbru l/1/73. Corona ...,.

0 9"EDJ, -<d. Ul'Y I> = C&prta. It'J .....,.,. lQell ...,,,,....11» 4!»-41M

- ~-~ vd., C.M. '1U J -~ •• ... •• IE & 616-2428 EEP WAGONEER AT, ndlo. ~ ~ - ... Ibo MERCEDES NZ '70 MGB/GT, .... deck, MANY MODELS

~ BSA 6lO CU.tom w•aoo. vs. '12 TOYOTA ......... . $<199 American ..... - · Pkelll~ xlnt cond. 12.000. & COLORS I m'e~..t. ., ............. 1 cc Lla;hlnlng. automatic. DCN'tr ~ L.C. wen .• 1821'\\'Q, Gm/ •n CAPRI~ wmt AIR. SED Eves• \\'knds, 6'7S-a93t. l'WI ""'P ..:?Ju ........ "'

m> ml., xlnt cond. -llOO or alr OOOd., • .,heel <lrivo. "'111o, hubt, AM rodlo. !800101 $2189 50 U SACRIFICFr'n MG CONV Immediate l .l>. ..,. w. e.. .':l':'X. ~+ aaume pmta. Su.., perfect. !T62BQO '12 TOYOTA .......... $1199 GUiiet- Linc Marc MERCEDES """ o""r or talce """ Delivery ' ~ - - . '

• S3G99 DAVE ROSS PON· Cortina, M2EYZ, WbJte. 4 16SOO Beach at Warner 1 ~~ 1438 I .... YAMARA·360 Enduro, J:!~C, 2480 IW-bor Blvd., l]ld., radio. HWltl- Beach ON DISPLAY paymen ' · ~ SUNBEAM AT " " ' ' Run• '°""· '1U ""'·

ln perfect runnlrli ordtt ..,..,.fa Mm, 54&i017 Ef· * 838844 * (2131 Sft2.5Mt PORSCHE ~· fl · i"ou'll Buy It C' ll'an, $'100. 866 \Vest w/~ $625. or best fectlve thru tnm.. ·n TOYOTA •• ••••• •• • $2999 ''l-lorne ot• tile Vlklnc" Sh•rp New C•r . 1967 Sunbeam Alplne i \\ ilson, Costa Mesa. ~r. '12 Courier- all extru A L.C., !IT, 812DFC. (ll'ffD. •n< 2000 Tr ..... ln1 '71 PORSCHE SJ.I(). Cati !162·6'11 ' -f\••,. l••..:• I '68 vw tlHtl•. ""tomatic ~ Radb.TV equipment Ir innall camper. <:onakfeJ' radk>, huba. Low m11eqe · ora.nae : Coming In &very Day TOYOTA lUwn. UlllO 1ran1. S900. supplk!a. Trade for Honda trade tor older truck "TI. TOYOTA ......... . $1799 )'t.llow White 'interior deool' '69 2*>$1. <069ll'FXI .• ~ 914 JOY -194-9817 l'fS...350. 490 Costa Mesa St, 673-6813. HI lwc •• 295CQT, )'tllow, KTOUP: Dun~ r&dlals. Mlnl :10 250C Cpe 1959EllFJ $5950 Alr Condlllonin&'. Full Ap. OJA 1 ~I lJST St-111 '64 Van pa.nlal CM. . 1955 Dodge Pick Up Rwa , rad~ cond. Prl"va.te Pa.rt '1 n 280SE Sedan pearance Group A~f·l-"lof '10 ~tark II \\'agon Xlnl I l"antpt>r Body, e~!ne \ 't.f'Y

honepower chaJn saw iOO(f; Good tlfta, • Good lJ,..;,.i.Y~A ~·· 11399 M&-«JOI. 1642CRZl ·• $6TI3 2960\.L. ' ' cood. ta~ deck ~ 1!'66 l-lllrbor, c. ~I . &16 ~JO:l good. 54:>-35!14 enaine, mounted on body, $115. 536--2951. H.B. AT. radio. " . •yellow, CITIOEN .::: ~:~QUTE ~ Incl. Air Sl'/'95. '70 TOYOTA C1'0wn 4 Dr. ti \ '.\\'. BUS. 7 pas!I, sunrf. Min!b\kt frame $40. Runs Jo~RD Rancbero, 1966, new '70 TOYOTA . ......... S2l99 • [i-..1.;jJ~ · sedan. 6 c y 11ndel'· 1 am·fm !itereo, bed. $2950.

irreatl ~ t-11J, titts, batt. Needs HI Jux., OllCRH, )'dlow. C..._- Ma ti Used Mercedff Lease ~<IUI 1969 CORONA 4 dr, :<:In! nutomalic. a !r ti>nd •• \/lnyl 64a-l-"79 1968. aocc YAMAHA paint, $625., 493-351L '10 TOYOTA ....... . .. $1199 tfTiill'Wft let'CI Pl•nt uoo w Clllll upk~p. iOCX! tires, air. '?P· lo niilC"ag". 12398101 o.67~"'°'v'°'60"°. ooo=-m,..i. 'Gc-ood.,,.,cond~.

w:lth larp trail gprockt.t 1!160 Ford TruCJc $325, MKII Cpt 298Bl.W t..i&f H of I rts Nlllpcrt ~ radio, Sl250. 55Ml-l-I . Krlley suggcsttd T'('lall S85() or best otff'r Must aell m. 544-3417 needs a little work.R'i:i ~!FM. 'Ar, AC. • • AWARD WINNING OU.. mpo ' . TOYOTA 19n ~lark II . 4 dr, I $1980 Sale price ' $1499. ~10 aft 6·30.. .

HONDA 305 SCRAJ.tBERS loam, aft 6pm, 642-{629 ' TO TOYTOA •••••·• ••• $1D99 LUXURY CAR Inc:.. n PORSCHE 914. xlnt cond, auto ln.n.s, lo mlles. 1 l DAVE ROSS PONTIAC, e '66 VW Sunroof • Xlnt • $200 1or both. V Mk n "·an 67398E arey 6862 ~ranchester; Buena. Park wlU1 extru. ~take otfer. owner. $1400. 6-l;)..().190. 2-iSO llarho1· Bl\'d .. Co!ta ncl Lo • . N ti

,,._ .......,. ans 963 radio AT le ' , ' R d & R II ........ __ 673-2590. •n lttLUX P u R&JI ' ,,... I r.t<'sa. !>'6-&'117. Effectl\'e Rco di. s.::'. mc"11 ~~~ ... ~s. ~ :1 ,

70 • • • o• · • ye '"'"""' on the Santa. Ana Ft\\')' · · • ' '"· thru 1/7173. a o. '""· a '""""''u• .

' 7t> Honda 350, new reblt trig. '68 CnEY VAN Mk tgYOTA • "5.iiBQN" $1899 m.1'250 '61 Porsche Co~ Reblt 1:0 she'll & mag " 'ht.els. $149:). - ·~9 V\V Sunroof, ua:ly body,

Rlllll well. 1315. 64<>-1922, V8 t tl PS (~·- radio ,"'.~· , "'1, Oranre Coun>y'1 Ol.._,t Dlt. '67 MERCEDES '11""600· ~"to- • Ut. co . "1-51!0;. TRIUMPH '""' w•ll. W-1"'2. M().(11'2. •au oma c, · -••uu) , • .,..... 1609 Pomona Ave. · u•~J. . 1971 TOYOTA Corolla, auto, '

'68 ""' ~--. m1·n1 cone!. SAVE $$$ 7D TOYOTA .••••••• ••• $U99 O»ta Mna 714-548-3559 230S 'TO Porsche 911 T. air. id radio. red, 2 dr sedan. $1175 .. --.. ----- Vacancies cost money! Rent e--,

0,..,-.' HOWARD Chevrolet Con>Ua 2 dr., '197AYB. ft.I· cond " ·/ xtra.s. $5250. Eves 962-7645. . . rO TRIU~IPll 500 your house, apt.. store

- = N a-- low, AT. DATSUN t-OOor Sedan, Air C.On· (I t wknds 835-$76. l:xCt:"llc-nt condition bid!!:., etc. thru a Daily Pilot 962-t202 ewport '70 TOYOTA • ••••••••• S1199 dltionina. Power Stfffing, \\'ant ad results .. , 642·5678 I SS2S. * ~ Claa111fl~ Ad. 642-56TS.

•n Honda CB 1TS. Like new MacArttmr·BlvttrJarn ·°""'1a~F:;;illiiW · •71

DATSUN -1 .. 100. be 1111 T, . 1o 'Trvcb 962 ' i'T;;;;:iF.'======;9iii•t.-l~,uii.~,======"'o:96i'>~ -condition. $395. Ca 1 I UU.SSS f spd., ndlo. ' AM-F?tf Radio, New Nylon mile~. 5 spd, l'ltl'nl"OOI, -;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;ru;c;• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~• ~- 'TI DODGE Ii TON VAN '10 TOYOTA .......... 11399 240% Tien, US0118. C.oruni Blue 169Q0 • .6>Hl068. F

JJ1l O$A 250 Pio~r. low X,!int. =~-= ~~:·· 066BEJ, white, SpotJm Finish, $2295 \~ :~rr:U! :~no~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! =· Call alter 6 pm, ROSS PONTIAC, U80 ''TO TOYOTA ••••••••• • $1699 Sadd1e LeatheRtte lnlt.rtor, m i: g~~ Kent Allen. 831'-4800. Harbor Blvd., Costa M.,. Mk n • dr., '196BQC, &<>Id, Al• Condltlonl1'(1, Radio, -..i. ~----- ·a; ,,..._ 912. Good co•• BRAND NEW 1973 GMC

•n Suzuki, 185cc, Enduro. 546-8017 EUective lhn1 AT, radio. Alloy \\'httls, New, 4',""'l diUon. 'i!ES'T OFFER. Lll«r nu cone!., 655 actual 111m. '70 TOYOTA .......... $1099 On the Shows ·2~95' 299CFV. 'O' - '".='::t:J. • Call 541-0!10 • S"9rt & Long Vint, Spo•t V1n1, 4 WhHI mDn. Sfil-212'1'. ,..,.. CHEV T Corolla. 2 dr., 8CHBEK, yel· 4 9 I · Drive Pickups, Crew Cabt arid Jlmmys ,., · · ~ · Van Pan- I AT radlo. 'U PofliCtle 14, x n t con-'Tl Ka1,~sil:."" Dirt eted, cp('d, mags, blti tires, .;-ToYOTA .......... 11899 rT-µipnrt %._ ... ....:._UJ ·53

1 t.ierced

1 es, !M,_~.:.-~!~I dltlon. Call 642_8001 1 At Old 1972 Prices!

54&-5866 A~l·fM. Sharpest you'll Mk II wen.. yellow, AT, ~ 'W<J.UIUll ors tern, "ft>'UaUJVU y I ' ' '" Must aoc, $3300. or radio. ·~· .,.. w . .,_ - j ~~M';<l"I cond. llOO/otlor. 1910 Poncho 914-6, -.u,..rb 1973 GMC 3fia TON PICKUP

'n 750 HONDA, like new. offer. 847·3nl or 543-2993. ·- TOYOT ........, ~ '41-M«i ~ cood. ~Jag,11, XAS radlals.1 •• A .......... $1699'1 ===:::;:==~~~ ·""'=;.--...,-~~I Less than 4000 mi's. Sa.c. '64 V\V Van. Xlnt oond. ?ilk U cpe., 078CCJ. turq., I· '61 220 SE. AC. leather, P/B, AM/FM. $4600. 833-1 144

$1100 or brt. ofr. 645-1309. Rebuilt englnt". New tires, AT. radio. '69 DATSUN Just (lftrbauled. '63 Ponchi. l':i6. SC 1600. 1

1 Motor Homa clutch, transaxie, tram, etc. 'TO TOYOTA •••••.••.• $1099 •E"AN • 548-1235 * Run•- perfect. lleeda paint,

S.!e/Rant . $900 ftrm. S4(Hl(Q! alt 5 pm. Coro!!t "'• "·· 01•• "'1, • .. .. '71 MERCEDES ~·93-66"-="'16"'''=(!"'"'· ===-1--"'-----9-'40 '69 Fon! Super van, euat 101 IJ!d., radoo. Alt Cond., Radio, .. speed. '71 PORSCHE '

1 Sh • & map. 30'l Stick, $2400 bt1 '70 TOYOTA •••••• •• •• $1099 ZSE28L 25().C Coupe, Air Conditioned,

St Owing 100l'alt5645-8889 Torolla ...., .. 997CXW, rel. Full Power, Super Cleao, 911T 'S4 DODGE VAN. paneUed . . 4 spd. , radio. r~llJ!dt1 latsun} Low Atiles, 99SDOV _ 5-Spted. f artory ~lags, A~ I ·

~ ~~~=r.tan! ~12.=t ~Belt Otter, '69 TOYOTA •••••••.•• Sll99 ·~ ..:=.·=~ fi::ff ...a.. :Jt........,i16) r~t . Super Clrnn, L~S3<1. of the oldett Recreational Corona cpe., YCR221., blue, • • f""l .ioDU't"" j $6395 B !kl·- 1 ~• , 1962 Ford van, good rond .. AT, radio, AC. ,,,71 DATSUN °'"Z. xlnt l' -"'°"-"- -

" - " ""~UCO • C11rpel, curtains, bed. Sbort ~ TOYOTA 11199 w - ,.._ Iii ,-ear- h·.· -]4_m,_p_n_rta""'; New 20, Motor Home block 1912. 963-2838. ~ .......... cone!, ak, AM/Fl>! '''"'° . _ .... . Coroll& spr'., >..'Tt..072, turq., radio, new !Ires & mag >--------'69 GMC CAMPER-VAN, ~6 , 4 apd., rad.JO, AT. whls. 33.00J miles. PriCt'd to I~ 12CIO w. Co.I ~

that sleeps 6. Rear dinette T, V·8, auto, R&lt, $2500. 69 TOYOTA · •• · • .. ••• $ll99 aell! $3375. Call .,vn, MG ~J ~-&WI ~·MOI • I with bl& 6 cubic foot refrit· Cdl\1 673-7078. Corona 4 dr., YXP62.8, \\'lrltt, 675--028L era.tor standard. More wat@r ·n GMC Van, V-8, paneled, ·a1TTO, rY"'OTlo.A $14991 ,·69;;:.::.D,::.A:::TS;:...UN~,-.. -w-.,.-.. -.. -.,, '69 Yellow f\IG. Take ovtr SUBARU capacity, larger holding crpted, mags, must see! ,..?__ ;;.;;.;.;,~.. Radial tires amlbn radio ~:85as?Coodatt cond6 !Uon. tank le 50 gal zas tank. 536-7020 t..UIVna 4 ctr., .._ .. i_., sreeri. tuuage rad. U.095. call .. pm. standard. All on a AT, radio, AC. MG-'1852 MGA ·n SUBARU nation wagon. 4 Brand new ·n Dodge 360, Autos Wented 968 '69 TOYOTA •••••••••• 112991.:::::::;o;:;.· ~..,..,=,.,.,..,.- apt't!'d, radio. beater, 23,000 V.S,p>wercb..,l•wltbpow- Corona4dr., 080BEK, belae. '69 DATSUN 1-------- miles. !219COUl $"'9DAVE tr atttrina;, p:>wer brakefii, REWARD AT, radlo, AC. C MGA '60 Roadattr 1600 cc. ROSS PONTIAC. 2-llKI alt cond .. •utomartc tran.. '69 TOYOTA ......... . 1899 Pl K·UP Mech. xht'L Body-t•p aoad· l!orllor Blvd.1• C~ta Meaa, mlsaiop and J>lMll Wbeels. Corolla 2 dr., YBFM4, red, New 6 PR Nylon Tim. Rad.I.>. S315. 9&8-n~. H.B. 54&-8017. Euecuve lhru (NO. 1:"

1 • • 4 spd., radio. Radk>, Step Rear Bumper, Put a. UtUt- ''loot" ·in )WI' .:li1=113:;o·c._~~==~

1k 'Lil' Huatlt.t'., YXS321. Levis-tell, thole ~bits lot Any day is the BF;ST' DAY io ..........

ped, S•ri•I #504312 ,


Also full line of Vans • Campers . Motor Homes Mini Homu • Conversions At Big Discount Pr ices. Nobody Beats Our Flnanc· Ing 111

3:-::-~-t-,;.;:;;~;;~~;;,;;,,-f-{:~~~~::::-~iiii!~~~Good~~"""~~11-1 ... ..,~~~~-~· ;;;;.1i======::::;+i1· .. ~ea~1~!tod~11ona~·y~ME~=S67=•8=·::~:J::'ii~iii~~E:::::::ii~iil~~========~~~;;;J=::::=::=::=.f_~~~___j - ' ' '68 TOYOTA .......... 11099 ,.,..,~ ~--·) V h' I 956 V hi I 956 FULL PRICE low mllHge domea- Corona 4 dr .. \\'lFOSi, blue, i :UWUUU I IC es • C es 956

Introductory Offer tics, 'Imports, trucks or radii), AT. ! rm. 1000w. co. ..._, j "'iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiii;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij / BILL B'ARRY camp11r1. t ·~ ....,_. e.t MU40D_ II ..

GMC.PONTIAC-F~T CallDAvEROsS"'er ;:~~~;.'\\iiiio:·,J~l~.67;:""'~~=~-=R/=ll'=':."ll~.=~=. ='c=~.::!~ Motor Homes By o· anmar ~ t~{~~ PONTIAC ~~~~ Tmi:·ir!: -~~,,,u;:"~";:'-c,,.,.....k . ....,$68;_·_. ~A-"='· .

·n 240Z, Sharp. Lo mi, AfC.

PACE ARROW 2408 Horbor Blvd. S.o It-You'll buy 111 ~~~'x:..w~.·':,~ TIOGA Costa MaH -17 f\ •. y l . ·n Dai.uo Pick Up. 8,3511


AND C\lllPERS 1966 H..-tior. c.M. 646-9303 WAGON San Juan Capistrano for used can & tnlcka, just IMW Original lnslde & Out , Radio,

Alonpide SA.n Diego f'r\vy. call us for free ntlm.atH. I---...;;..;.;;....;;.. ___ I \\.'i lh. Tape Player. Roof; =c: !37-4800 GROTH CH£YROLEJ Vi>lt .,.. mw borne! \\"~.l'ew Tire•. ~Doon,

io•i·.~~ALS Mk f<>r Sat., Manager G ~1195 , lO' PRIDE-A JOYS lBlll Blvd. G..,i thru 1-1

YAN· <X>NVERSIONS' H~ Beich i Sal .. • s....i .. • ' Rental• u1-6081 • Kl g.3331 ROY CARVIR, Inc:. j Nf11111ort latmnt , * Danmar Inc:. * wE PAY TOP ooLLAR

FOR TOP USED CARS 234 E. lltb St. ll&J1 Harbor' Blvd., G.G. Ir your car Is extra clean, Cotta Mesa ' 546-44"1 '::;;;:!:;;~;;;~=~

. 531-8800 r.- I· RAT Next to G.G. D~tsurt see us 1'""~· Good "lelection of BAUER BUlCX

1972 E:xl!Clltlve 28'. Perfect 2925 Harbor Blvd. uaed BMW'a condition. Radial ply tlre5. Costa Men 979-2500 'All Extras! Better than new =,:::..:~°=-~.;."-= condition. SJ9,500. &44-1630 Cash For Clean """ or 613-

1636 """· Used Can &

·n Spyder. Perlect cond, xtra hard top. 3 yr auar 00 4 new tirts. $1500. 96.1-4068.

JAGUAR Rant A Motor Homo for yilur Vacation Trudcs CREVIER BMW !3> im JAGUAR vu ... 4 * UM301 * How•rd Chevrolet Salews • ServtStce • Leasln& ~ ~:~~~. fa.;'if:ii ' - ... wport ·- __ .. 208 . lat .. Santa Ana .... -~ .... ~ ..... , z• PaceArrow '72, Self con- • ....., IMtrW'I au.3171 tires, leather Inter Io r


talned alps 6, r6of air, 5000 MacArthur Blvd~ Jamboree telescopina atttrtna wheel.

I, watt ... mtch " raclc. AM55' CAPRI 1.000 "' 11,000 m11es. "' 1ow

•-...&:.742. r- a• (0'180BWl 16553. ' ~· • - • IMPORTS WANTED . NABERS CADILLAC i Trallon,.UHllty M7 '°"'-~ SPECIAL 2000 Harbor Blvd.

TANDEM CAR TRAILl':R BILL TOi.l'.J:v TOYOTA ALLOTMENT O!cla M... ~00 . ~ - 197-l--CAPR ·nnJ_~~

Auto Service, Parts M9 $ For JWll<ed ..- "1<Clled ARE NOW HERE. 1963 H.- 81'"'· C.M. ...... ~/!IC-1227. * CHRYSLER REM I - ... «II :111111. READY FOR tm Xj6-4 dr Jaguar. 1~000 ~,;,::96..,.,"'.;i..:~ 'g,~ Autoo, lf:.port.. 970 IMMEDIATE ~~h:~riHoo~' 84Ul4S. ALFA ROMEO DELIVERY 1970 JAGUAR XJ6. Perfect.

COMPARE 24,000 mlJeL Red. $6500 Call

l [ l§J '67 Alpha Romoo, Gullia. 642--4391 or ~2789. _.... '"' Super. Webe ... 5 '""' STANDARD MAZDA

. 1.:;;;;;;;;;;;-~~ ~h~;:,. 5 =-.:; .. call •• ~1!~N.!.. * AT * Ant~/C'-lcs 953 ·a1 Atta Romeo, Spydor 2: P:."'n:i'o~ s::i;;

model. Red convertUJe, 3. StYte Steel 'Wheel

A~E1eH·~:r.i~~ ~motor, xlnt coocl.- .. 3 l'olnt Rfftraint Systtm LAST • ftbl! motor, n e w I y '!2 Alla Spla.r, lo llll'L flat S. ~ Guards Front .t

·~· Tap & side ..-.rnunr. . 6. - Seals Wliiiliin $395. 9IWlll CJH131 1. Rodlol Ply Titts

1958 ro..I, Sl(yllner, br<IO>p 'II Alfa - 11'1. L Racll A Pinion - • • • - E>rcol · ••• d. AM/FM - - llllJ L - ~ lnnllllllC U. $UID. - ...... 10. • t ... "faOICrain MIU• "",,.,..,., AUDI - J'wl 11mam

VeliW• 956 U. Anti~ llUI '12 Audi 100 J.S. !Aw ALL llAYfliOOR IMMID!ATI

'121:1DDFOrd-camperVM mJin&t . . Air. Am·I''" o...t.._ L ... Mtrc. DILIVE"Y -fJD".,.mn!: J': = ........ MOit ..U. -. lllOO B!od> BM. at - HUNTIN9TON 81.ACff Mlelldln ·- ..... •le, 131-1111. H ....... - M (1Y) llH!ll. . AUSTIN"ltlAUT ..:::.:· "'~ =" AZD A

urr-Aiiillli- lliiil<J. GdOd '12llilill IDDD CC. I~ lmHIACH-81.VO. !\ft% ton PU.~ TOp Coad. Elle not ..-.. Fiil tU!NO. DMar · . • M' •urea ....

.._, I' bit!, 3llO - llUe att«. ll&'l-3!&. OID - - V. - - '11 -~ Eftlj a:M&I ' u. old 111111 u. ... ,_ MJ: 'flt 9'!I Idle - ••• - 1bt l'!!!f -· d'iMllfiil Mi .. . 14!611

------- -

• •

TIT AN 24 OR 28 Bold dynam ic styling, out1id• •n9in• • cc•ssibility with front , lift.up door pan•I. unique s•ndy-beige eluminum siding •c· cent~ with rich pebble-woodgrain aluminum pan•ls, !arger 1cen1.capturin9 windows, vista-view windshield for b•tt•r visi~ility, beautiful h19 h·fa1hion decorator interior, l•rge 91lley featuriruJ four-burner range, refrigerator and double

. tteinless•steal sink, bath with tvb a nd overhead shower, sleeps up to shr, availtble in 2•• and 21' len9th1 .

PRIDE & JOY Luxury Mini Motor Home

Fully self contained, includes du•I wheels, dual battery sys· tem, AM/ FM rad io, spare tir• & wh••I, 360 Dodge, power disc brekes , ma ny other fe1ture1, standard 1t no extra cost.

Built With The Strength of Slee

Special Sale Prices During The A11aheim R. Y. Show

T-RAYCO 27' of lnuty & Elegance

The Travco 270 Motor Home

FULLY LUXURY EQUIPPED WITH A;, Cond;tiontr. 12 ,000 ITU/ I IO·v(llt, roof mount Extr• Battery with Dual Switch 225 Amp. Powtr Pl1nt, Electric-Onan 6,000 W , 2 cyl./ air' c.ooltcl Power Vent in b•throom/ Prewired for 2nd roof air cond itioner/ REAR Refrigerator, 1 cu. ft. in lieu of std/ New TraYco AM/ FM Stereo Comb./ Tire, Spart, std. nylon includ· Inf ltumper mt. & eover/Toilet-Aircr•ft in litu of sfd. end ehomic.ol/ C....orlor·lO Alllp. In lieu of Botlory Chorgor/ Fumec.-l0,000 BTU in lieu of 1td/ Air Conditioner, 18,000

ITU, Adomotive. • 11 l . '17,295 SALES • ,SERVICE • RENTALS



I • I


Page 30: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

OAILV PILOl S•, "-''1 6, 19lJ

-·.. 1§1! --- .J~I -.!- U~! -~-· · i§J! --· · I~

GREAT USED CARS 1971 VW BUG ............•..... $1495 1968 VW BUG Vlo\fi l~ltl' . , b(l)D, Ho.I.,, Likt New. ~YI Vinyl !Iller., "Nill, H•tltr. See & Orlvt Tlllt 0,., WTF!tl

---------1965 VW BUG .......... . ... .. $695 1967 DATSUN 1600 ROADSTER $695 - ------

$549 $595 1964 VW BUG ........ . \/l~Y1 lnl., ., l:OCl\o. Ht&\., , Prk;W la Stoll PCll4H 1965 INTERNAT'L TRAVELALL

1965 VW BUG ......... .. · .... . $675 1966 DATSUN PICK-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . $995

1966 VW BUG . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . $775 1971 VW SUPER BUG ....... . SAVE

1970 OPEL STA. WGN •... ......... $795 ~ Sllftd. Lll6l(lt9t A•c-_. _x_.,_, C~I-'""-·-'"'"-'--------- 1967 VW BUG ............ ... .... $999

\ll•'IVI In!.,., Atcllo, HNI.,, llt'lin.c11!•1t Ct<-. XDU6' 1968 VW CAMPER . ..... . ..... . . $1795

1959 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE . . . . . . $595 1970 VW FASTBACK ..... . ~1388 Bug IY .. loot.> 6. A11ni GOl'd . G6Wll91 -- ' ------------

1969 VW CAMPER .. ........ ..... $1996 llltdlo, lieilltr. Eat1llMI ll.\/ . ZWJlS76

1968 VW FASTBACK ............ $1095

I -·- l§J I --~ . J§J [ -·· ]~I ~,.z-~ 1§1 ' AutM, I-""" f70 ' Uted 990. Aut0t, Utod ~ 1 "'~"', .. ~·~"'°"-ifti;;;;'ii~~t

VOLKSWAGEN UICK CADILLAC , 'CHrVIOL!r '68 YW '" Buick L.•S.bre . '67 CADILLAC ';f.,~~ ~. v;: 1

9.1.nroof Rlldio U:athtteue .a door. autometlc ttalul, •lr CJM' de vuie~ Lltndau noof, autorna!,lc. pil)Wf:r •emnr. ! \VYL7&4. • ' coocUtionhtc. • Wt ! ~raw Stl!reo Tilt Whl<d, A!r brJ~1 awtomaUc,

$995 ..._,, rf"1 °" PY· El<· COOd ' l'ull Powe< ll'CL till whoo,., ~ air, Ani· eelltnt t:ilUWpOrta(lop.. XIR- Door., l...OdcS & Vctll•. FM t&er9o m= very

~T!: .......... ~~i w. s8•• UNC4!li. 51895 ' ~n·:r·cADILlAc:

-... : .... ~ ..... '+"" ~"' .s.e ii-. v ... ·.11 buy 111 ~--~ °""" ::i:llrll9<'.81'tio.s100

- " - ~· I •. ..!. -..!."11!lJ '71 VEGA PANEL. t ip<ed,

'66 VW IUG . , uuii. !''"!!,.,.~..,! ~AV~~-~ , 8....- -.11- Vftl Vft .,._ ~J 2-iso 1-larbor Blvd., - C.oata • ~· ·-· '-"'- A . 1"'-111 "- r.tHlllT m-• clean one. CZRT887) ONLY Ul66 Harbor CM · ~ '73 FLEETWOOD rh;;'.inrll. ...::uve

$895 '6T BUICK 's~W.X. Fae- BROUGHAM .. CHEV IMP. HOWARD. Chevrolet tory ah', outomatk!, power Faclory t'Xccutlvc car. ~ \VAGON vs. automatic, PS,

Newport Beach atcering, oower brakes, than 6.IXXI n11li!H. ~ult air (l.6.l.5A) ONLY A1ae.Arthur Blvd & JanliJOree radkt. healtt, \.Aµie "''llll pov.-er . factory air, vinyl ·

833-0555 . :«ret. lea. than 29,IXIO mllel. lop. Medici interior. All op. $795 t'IS6DLHl. """'" tullffilll . HOWARD Chevrolet

'69 vw van. Sliding aide"'°' ' NABERS CADILLAC $8444 Newport Beech windows, empk>)w tumllh- 2600 Harbor Blvd C I.Ji& new van ror me. !.lust Costa Me11:1. 54()...9100 NABERS CADILLA Ma.cArthur Blvd Ii: Jamboree ~II. prl. pt}'. n,150. Will . 2600 HarbOr Blvd. IJJ.0.555 11(,'Cept older car aa partial 'TI • Riw;r;i - y~ won't Costa 1\.11!'$8 . 5"1l>-9lOO ·ss Malibu, 321 eng. A/C, J>DYlnent. 645-1219. f:a1:J ~= ~ -~oo0 '70 Cad Cpe. DeVll. gold e1s i. auto. Body & eng

MUST aeU 1965 W Qunper miles' : perfect condition. w/blk leathr inter. Blk lop. good cond. call 67~ aft y,•/lenl. Just spent $682 Qn 40,in:t mile · guarani~ Loaded. ~ mi's. 1 O\li•ner .. ~•=p"'m'=ll'°OOO"=. ==-~~=I all nu t!rel, erw, etc. ht MlchelinHervice record• lmn1ac. $4.100 llrm. S-lS-82-W 19n OIEVEU.E No 350. $595 caab takl:s I\. Ph days available. Call wknds & or M&-489.). • auto, air conditio11. radkt 541-533.1, eves 49oH8'10. night. 675-0&41; day 1 17 TO CHOOSE FROM heater w/s. ~.too· miles.

1970 vw BuJ<, Xlnt rond. · ~IH661. ' 67 to •n EL DORADOS 12,800, 847~. R/1-1, W/W Ums. Owne'r '10 RIVIERA Custom. Full All bavc full po•,;er, factory '65 Chev 2 dr Impala V-8, oU nluat sc!l. Reasonable. power, conditioning, air conditionin&. l with ell"C. "'h. blk vinyl, new tit'U. Gd 640-1419. vinyl.:.i_'fOr\ . ~l.o -.ts. sunroof, convertible and oond. Loe pvt ply. i575.

'65 VW Oun.per, new ena, (MIJAu--) DAVE hardtops. OJoice of interiors 4 PAI 49t-SOO'J.

--~~1~.9~6~9::V~W~B~U:::S~. ~· ~· ~· =· ·=·=·=·=·=·=·=· =· =· =· =· ·=·=$=1=9=95=~1=9~7~0~VW~~C~A=MP=E=R=·=·=·=·=·=· =· =· =· =· =· =· =· =· ·=$=2=1=9=-5-~ :;::;~· +~. =~· ~ ... ~ nl'2~ • .:. j:;l&~s CADI '"~1.2.:r_.._:1 ... 1~""· . ZOl -645="4'112: ~ffC'tive lbru 2600 HarbOl'Blvd. '1:. paint. PIS, a ft 6pm '63 vw Camp bua-400l ml on 1nm. · , · Costa Pifeaa ~9100 ~1284.




Full fo ctory Equ ipped wifh Soft Rov Tinted Gloss, Coli! . Emission T esl , 3 Speed fully Sychronized Transmission. Bock Up Lights. 2 Speed W~er. Vmyi Interior, flow Through Ventilalion. Order 'tours Now

'71 DATSUN 1200 Cpe. 4 Speed. radio, hellh•r. J:JS-CQT


,,, 11:r, •• .... , ... ''" ''"' •rkt b $2240.00 l"cl. T11 I Uc. Dtt.rrd ,..,_,,, prlc1 i1 S27nM Ntcl. l11ttff1t, Tt• & l l c1111. A111111l P1rc111t111 l1t1 l111.t7

51188 V-8, auto. trnrui .. rec. air , virtY I I 69 EL CANINO 51388 rool. radio. h1'01t•r, J)\l' l'. sti.'Cring. ( i\H'i'O:JE ~

I 66 ~~~"C?,!l"t~!_~,R;°'.,"'' ' ;"' radio, heattr. \SY\V9.-J6• $688

' . '71 TOYOTA CPE. $1188 Radio. heater, 4 !pt.'Cd. l3:.!6~XSl

-- -- -~71

VEGA COUPE 51188 4 SJ)('e(I, radio, ht•alcr. m2-1)8\V

_'66 RAMILER AMERICAN 5488 6 eyl., rn<t io. hc>llll'r (J-"UUO)G 1

$8169 ~~NTH Pl.US TAX lllC.



,,, "'' 41 ....... ''" , ••• ,rice i1 $3161.40 111cl. t. .11 I lie. D1f1rT"14 ,.yMttit pric1 i1 $3t21 .J7 i•cl. h1t1rt1I, t. ll & llc11111. A••••l ••rct•l•t• l1t110.t7

'69 Stution \Vngon, V-8, nutornnlie. 5988 11.s .. air. 667-AEZ

'63 FOlD YAN 6 c~I .. st~ck shift. 18:!SiJ ll f 5588 '69 DODGE $1188 Super IWI' CouJ.11•. V-~.

;\ utoma ti('. p:s .. YP\V·0.1'.I

'68 YW IUS 51288 - Radio. hL11 ter, <I sp(!rd. {956~KTI


'69 CHEVY 1/2 TON 51888 Pickup. Auton1atic, P.S,. radio, h1•s tur, H. O. camper l'<JUll)m('nt. 130797t!


'67 CADILLAC Coupo doYIJJo 51588 full 1111\\"(•r. ttir. radio1. hPa tc•r. 1Tf-i:i6fi


• (


new, fact. w8l'J'8Jlteed q., '63 Buick 4 door .Pff,, P/B, 1966 1'1~tw·ood Brough. R~~t 1962 Otevy lf Sta.lion ,Wagon~ tent etc. xlnt oond Auto ~·· radAll!.t. ]~ter, eng. tJew. tires & hr~. •$.DJ. $150. . XJr'lt trans~Uon

557-3.522 Runt tine. USO. M:Hitilft. 645-1679. ·cur. 7!M soott Pl, C.'M. ·

'65 Volk ..... cn >'a c Io r y 'CADILLAC '1' ltL Dorado sunroof, '13 CHRYSLER Camper. New power. Many lie. ~! Immac.! Take l---·------I ~b.-' nsoo. YOUR ONL y trade• u.- book. &M-<;111.

'65 OeVillc, new tires, full power, Am·Fm stereo. A1ake Offer. 91U-8717.

199) Chrysler delwce waaon-1 ~'her, 82,000 mi. Air cond. & fully equip'd. Good cond. tifust sell. 642-2917.

CAMARO '08 Camaro 396 Racing equip. Air &hocks, map, new pa.Int. 6Thr7630.


Cpe. VS, automatic, PS, nlr, b11Cket seats, AM-FM radio. (ZYK1C6l ONLY

$2695 HOWARD Chevrolet

Newport B••ch MacArthur Blvd & Jamboree


'71 VEGA 4 spcl., radio. 5MCTN.


'68 CHRYSLER 300, I owner, full powe:r, radial tires, must see this one. 546-4784.

COMET 1966 CorNA VS. good con­dition. Best otltr.

495--5389 aft 6 pm

CONTINENTAL 1972 MAR IV, white on white leather. till whl, cruise con­trol. tull reclna: seat, stereo, Int. w/s wipen. rear

defrost , bumper guards, side n\Old .. ~tichelin radlah1. illl, orig/only driver. Reasonable, 673-3073

: 'T.l CAD. CJ>l' de Ville, Gold 68 V.W. Bug Re-bit eng. w-Ork. GJ'(o'en vinyl top. b'OOd tires. fi::iO. Laguna Loaded w.Jw.:ury extras. •I

_Beach. 494-3288. mos. 10.000 .miles. ~. '66 VW Bus, ootfHted ror Emergency, 646--tOSI. ~:l:f.· .Uldng !900. Call '61 COUPE DE VlLLE

Sec It - You'll Bey II

hlw ·4'. ~va .. 1966 Harbor C.J\.t OCl3

'65 CON'flNENTAL. sun Gold, all P\Yf. air. xJnt. con. sm. \Viii accept older car as pru1iRI peyment or bids. pri. P'Y· 645-1219.

'67 Lincoln Continental Load­ed Xlnl ' col'Ki. lo miles 837-391-1 a.(l 6 wkdays.

'64 Linc;. ConU~ Full

'flG VW Kannann G Ii. clean, $725.

1911 Yellow Supl!f Bug. Excellent condition . $1550. Ph: IWG-1640.


radio. (WXN857). automa , PS. air. radkl.

$2333 :::. =:ioo~~·. 8 ply DUNE bugay builders, 1962

NABERS CADILLAC $2395. 4•pd, C:O...air Mom.a. Run• 2600 Harbor Blvd. $65. 846-2587.

n..ta Me"' 54<>-9100 HOWARD Che .. olel CORVETTE I Xlnt cood. $800. 644-1033 1958 CADILJ..AC, .73 plates. Newport Be•ch 1---------I

new smog, $130. ~facArthur Bl\'d & Jambof'('(! '6l Corvette 327, 340 hp, 2 VOLVO



67:Hl174 or 896-jlfil =-:c='"B:;JJ.0~55:=;5=~- tops, runs slrong, AM/FM, '70 ELDORAOO--C-ou-p<-. '73 t.tONTE CARLO Cpe. 4 spcl, ~s 80me body Loaded. Miners gold wttll Less than J,OO'l n1 i J e 5 . ~~....E,aM>· bef 10 or aft 5, black vieyl top. t I 18BBKl Burgwkly wirh black vinyl ,~=='~~=~,---$4799. DAVE ROSS PON· lop, po\\·er s teertt11r, factory COUGAR TlAC. 2-480 Harbor Blvd.. air, radial tires.. factory -----~---Costa ft.leaa, 546-8011 cf- 1\·arranty a \' a J I a b I e . HERE NOW! fe::.tive thru l/7n3. fJ H57'H3K4Em0'7l SALE * ·n COUGAR. Xlnt co1xl.

• • •n COUPE DE VILLE PRICED. DAVE ROSS ~~~34s01r. P/S, P/B. $2850. Come lft test Drive Vinyl top. leathtt interior, PONTIAC, 2480 Harbor --~------

To Rlvd., Costa MeSR , 546-8017 DODGE DAY! ~~:er· factory air, etc. eUcctfve' 1hnl 1/7/73. ------·---

$5999 ·71 Chev. Townsman wng, Full pwr + air OOQJ. Xln't

NABERS.CADILLAC rond. 1.o m;·s. m.1010. Custom Spon,uuan Sundial 2600 Harbor Bl\.'d. '&I CHEV. Nova Station camper & tent V8,

~-, M ""9100 automatic, PS, extra clean,· '-'- a 81. .......,.. \Vagon. Fair cond. $225. '68 COUPE DE VILLE. Full A1oving, must sell. 549--0102. winter specia1. (VTS890).

See ll - You'll Buy It

;Dt41llJAN - VOLVO


powe•, factory air, power 1963 Chev V-8, R111. aulO SAVE $ $ $ 1966 1-farbor, C.At 646-9300 '"

1'1ndo\\'I ! .. lo11eats,!WUAMc:.._FM

15) tnul!I, P/S, Ocan, R~ for HOWARD Chevrolet

s ereo . , .... · .--v 1973 Bargain SI40 842-"72'1 Newport D-•ch '6&-122 Volvo. xlnt cond Kelley suggested reWl • ' · " · Y9 R/H. Make offer. New $2900 Sale price $2.199 DAVE 196.'> Chcv<elle SS. PW, PB, AtacArthur Blvd&: Jam~ radials. 642-7246 eve/ Day ROSS PONTIAC, 2480 PS. Super Clean. Reblt VB. IJl..0555 486-4748. Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. fj;J(J/oUer. 6'16-;i63. '70 Dodge Chal~gt"r R.T.

'57 444 SHARP! New paint, S.16-8017 Effective thru '62 Olev. Good motor, good aulfl tmna. P/S, P/B, brakes &. hyd cyl., tit"ell, lt7m. l ire1 $225. Zl29 Harbor, 01 A/C, I '1\\' llCT, Orange cni,:. 0. H. 979-6366. ·n EL DORADO Apt 10. w/ivory vh1yl top. Under

·s.-, \IQIYO 2 dr t2"lS Very Fully cqp'd-l..ike new-17,000 1001 Che\'. Impala, nuio 11 ·n.rra1~ SJlXJO. 5-16-4760 or good cond. ' ' n1ilc~ Spqc. f ir c· n1 i !'It trans., PIS, good cond. $2'.lO -"'~'~-.c452o.·"'l.~~~---

5o'1-2727 11tereo tape or bMtl offer. 616--01.10. '67 Dodgt Van Autos, Used 990 $6850. 642-4782. ·so . good cond. :\lnt i\leelWliciU oond. Load-

1---'--------' Fast reMllt1 att JUSt a phone Needs minor 00 trnns ed "'1cxlns. $1550. 65-4562 call away, 642-5678. pump. MRke offer, 846-8527. Cla...siiied Ads ... 642-5678 • • •

Kathy Kelly 2250 Chonnol Rd.

. . Bolboo

Autot, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autot, New 9IO

You lll't' the wlnnt:'r o( 2 tickets to the

Sports, VoC<illon &


_ Rtcr1•ti~I lsl•-111-----:=::;;;;;;;;~il Sfiow at U>e

Anaheim Convention Center

January 5-1·1 Plt>ase ~all 642·&678, ext. 314 ht'"-'ctn 9 & 5 pn1 to c lahn your tickets. iNort h Counly JJt v ... 4 ••L C&!11. ,.,.. ..,.., .. toH- ' rce nu111hcr Is 5-1)..l?all 1"'1lk. AM '""' 111r CMOI .. ....,.

• • • strt-. -- .,.....,,. ~ " " _ .,.. ........... -- nnn. I • ·- .. ~~-~a~---. 110..,.00_ . .:n" • .,--·11 ""° a.ct ,,. ••· ,.... c1 i.c ..... ·-·.. llfftl•, .... .... w . ....... 111ta.

ONLY $4088 "~· '" I Loe.

• '64 !\1GB, $100, Rung 01t0•1t TOUltS NOW &11Hl815


'6lr RIVIERA Cpe. FUU poy,."Cr Ir: factory nlr. Mag wheels, all v1"y) Interior, beige exte.riot' \•Ith contra1Una blk Interior. SH~ . •

$1046 S.. 11-Yo(l'A· ... y 111

t...u mma



' '

·- - • J

' ..






.. . :• ' " ., :•

Page 31: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach

• • • • ' ---

511 ............... b. 1973 DAILY PILOT J

1§11 --- ]§] 1

I ........ \[~\ [ -. ... w. ]~' [ --WI 1§11 I .. .,....... ]§] [ .......... I§] iiiiiiiilliiiil -· .... _,,,

lrillot,=:...N;.;._;.;;... __ ..,:990.:::,:A:;:utot.:,::::_::N~.-:='.-- 990 utot, Uood 990 AU!Go, llMd 990 Autos, UMCI 990 Autos, UHd OLDSMOBILE -0-'-LDS-M-~--LE--

99o Autos, UHd

PONTIAC 990 Autoo, Us..t 990




MK Ill $5889

7 1 TORONAOOS 3' to chooee ~O\: Full powC't'. lactory atr, :.AM-11'}.t steroo,

PONTIAC .. GRAND PRIX. V8, powtt •rtr,-. •tr co11dltili'1nc, Ult wheel, vinyl top, !Xll'?.O~l\ Kl11ey ~led retall fl670 Sale price 11999 DAVE ROSS l>ONnAC, 2-'80 Harbor Blvd., Cmta Meu, 546-MllT EfttctJve thro 1nm.

) T-llRD 'tO 'IOMNEVl1L£ 4 Dr. T -BIJW '63, Nb Olnd., ,SOO&n. ~r 11Wrlna, Good llanlp CW'. $G). or )Xl'\\'er \1:1ndovn, air concf.. bt''' nfWr. IH2.-6721 11.8,


v\nyl root. Oloice of t.'OIOJ"l. WANT AD Cloth or~ lnlenor. Aa mlleep. (743ADEI Kolley N°"' a " Porl"! I'm<'<"" od ! 642-5678 fow .. $39t t

'QI l-~-85. VB, Pis. Good oond. Orta OWN!J', muat aell. ms.

NABERS CADILLAC PINTO 2600 u ... 1>q< Bl,,., , --------,...

virl,YI top, l'~eept 10nally lo I !':f!"led retail ~ Sale Call &IH678.

PONTI~ ~~VE 11~~ ;;Ac.u;..t°'"'-' .:.I m=po.:.rt;.c:ed:;,__.;.97:.,0:..,:A.;.u;;t.:.°'::·.:.'.:.'"::.!pomcl:;;:.:.:.:;::........:;;.. I Blvd., ~le~. ~17



Harbar Baulward · afC.....




Cl>otall<la' ' ......s!OO ' 1972 PINTO, <I apd, Alr, btJ F'u1ly tac.Uy tQUlpped, with. 61 Olcll Vi•t• Cruiser eni.i:. Sacrifltt $.iO over oul a doubt one of the flnut 9 PASS \VAGON Vil \\'hlsa.le. 96l-2667. buy• "1ywhere. Three m aulDmatlc, PS, ak: nck: PLYMOUTH lo choole lrom. (Ser. Priced unck'r wholesale nev.· Cl\'89A842626). bnlu?!I & drun\ll. (WA\J660 )


Gorv;oous 1964 UNCOL."'I HOWARD with low miles. Tnity a find Newport Be.ich

2 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic 11-am.., po\.\l'r stNrin&:, VB, \'Ul)'I top. XTK»I .


'T2 fl'lnF..BIRD. Dtten beige v.·lth matching interior, ecor.>my 6 cyllndl"r, pov.-et 1leerine. au tom at le. (OOlIXRl $3299 DAVE ROS.S PONTlAC. 2'80 llarbor BM! .. Cos1a ~tesa. ~17 Efft>ell\'C thru l /7 /i3. PO~T '65 Ventura 2 dr bdt, a.ulo. PS, PB. Mr, $650. or 1 ~·s1 olfer !ii7~ after ~: 30

EUccttve thMJ 1n11a. ·10 GitAND 1 '1t 1 x·~ .. _~~:1-,'1!u


with bluck \'inyl top. Powf'r • ·lndO\l."!I; fnt·ff>I)' llir ('()D­

dil loning. tli:lt,\l'Ol szrrn DAVI-: R0~5: PO~TI.\(", I 2·11(1 Harbor Blvrl., Cn!lta '-1 t"sa ;.11;..~1 7 l-:llectlvl.' IJU'u 111113.

Wag. 3 s..-. ,1 ~. PIS, air, ...... ~;;· 25,0C(I nu's, s:t l95. 54S-09Qj, -

·n Ponuac U.·:\11111~ Sin.

1 ""'-· -~~-~ RAMBLER 'li.ll - l.r~tan1, VS, 350 eng, 2 --------­

for thole who 1lep up. F\IUy MacArthur Bl\'d & Jambon'C factory equipped. You' ll 133-0SSS Scf' It . You' U Buy It

drive lhb: one home. $989. '72 OLDS ~ "'S" ~ l , ~1:~ Linc Marc OM.lpe. Vinyl top, _vinyl in- tOJU tlr, ht, ps, r/h, 11ir, WA¥

under 10-hk . 968--26.30. Pri. Ply. terlot, VI, automatic, power YOTA

16800 Beach at Warner lleerl.rJir • braket1 • windov.·s Huntington Beach factory air AM·t"'M stereO 'Tl Grand Prix. lull pwr, all

842-8344 .. (2131 592-5514 Y.'ilh l8f)t', ~pot1 \Vheel8, f''< · 1966 liarbor, C. ~f. fi46..930'J f!Xll'aJI, r.fichel\n fires. "' Home of lhf' Vlkl~ trrn1el~ Ill\\ n11ics !i"9-I· LO\V nlill'llgf' 1968 PlynVJu1h Bl\ll\11 11· lx•1J.:1• Landau top.

1967 Unc Cont. 1 dr fully FYR 1. \1P 4 dr. ll.T. 11 1!h l"in_1l 4!f.l--{l1'.!2~.=~=~c--.,-loodf>d, Good con'! $\Jj(), ~ABE R S CADILLAC ~I. Ah· f'l1ndl1lo n1n,L:, radi•1, ~Pnnl GTO. "11\>:' v..,.:: au!n,

'67 REBE L \\ ,1!!•1 11 . 6 ryl A/ C, P Iii, cle11n. Sj(),).

Ce II 97!H:J92l

T·BIRD '66

THUNDERBIRD 5'11--0269/&lrl0.1-1 . 2600 Harbor Blvd. he11. !(•r . E:\<~·lh'tlt ('Ondinon. air, very c ll'11.n. 01' ig owner. ~;.;.=.-...="'-----'990;,;,: Autos. Used 990 Coeta i\tesa. 540-9100 Privn 11• pur•y . . prl!'l' CdM, 644-500.i. l...andAu T11p. Air C1\n

1 FALCON FO"D MERCURY '62 OLDS w~ . P/S, P/B, .!!.·O!Y.I 11:\7:!2::~. '72 GRAND PRTX. I.ow di!lon1n)\'. F11ll POl\'l' f , Tnp(• " - A I c R /II p I \\' i\fODEL s BarraCU(1.t 19fr;:, n11IC'll~f'. fully looc1c·d. Pl'!V I 'layer, SVZ>!i4

'611'A:tCON--$100 ot best oJ. fer, tlnn. 962-6650.


-,. . _ . ___ MERCURY __ f:\·f'~·l_t}I~ fac air, radio, au1 0 1rarL~. 1'1 ,,·. f; l 7-4-1~12. _$995 1r FORD '69 COUGAR ~· 962-4381-:- . ··- mags, ne'""'. parnl.f~JiI oo'""n•-,-... ~~Poo-Ha-c-. ~ea-1o-lina-. -.-,,-.+--

SparkHn:r Ortr1naJ In.tide le. P JS. PIB R/H . Extras! SllOO., 492--0309. Slim. &1-1-867:>. t!.9"""' STATION . 116 F-~. Air rond. auto, !ICats. Prieed quick sall' low mlle!l£t' . tn1nutculate. F.ftj ;.-,,_-:if---1J·= \VAGON, Air Conditioning, Out, Air Conditioning, AM· $400. Call 644--1195 1 ·6.5 PLYl\1. 2 dr, '428', 4 1prl. !L~. _ ... ·-· c:.t ._,_.._ -

)------- -- Power Steering, Auto nt Stereo Radio. Disc a Black ~·/ Blk I nt . Good A rooc1 want ac.t ll a iOO(l in· -~1 M&-MOI '67 . FORD VAN Trana., 317CEL ~-IOO. New Belted 1'"1re. aulried Adll . . , &12-51l7o;; 1· rond. 540-5J:l3. vestment.

, ea.,..r Modified °"'""' $795 "0""· 230A$2lv95 Autoo, New 980 Autos, New 980 ' ~A""ut"os"',"""N-ew---~980~ Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980Autos, UMd

' Club Wagon, Wood Paneled, Sink I Water Pump, Ice- It ]_. ~ """ Double Bed, 0vem"d ear.I , tnµOun I-latch, '-1ag Wheel.a:, t'uli e -GOO ~ .=. Curt&int, R.iullo. 9'l9ASJ .

' $1595

I ~nnort matmnii ,... .~ .. c..i. ­

·~ .......... ..,....a,

65 Ford l/ 2 ton Pickup I~:::::::::::;;::::=:::::: Camper shell, automatJc, PS. '72 COLO/'\'Y PM,tK \\1agon. A nice rig. ( l..36878) ONLY Lo mUe11:ge. Full pcl\.\'t'r,

$1195 faclory a1r, mot: rack, cx­crllent condition. t028FS0l

HOWARD Chevrolet 14699 DAVE ROSS PON-'67 MUSTANG VS, Newport S.ach TIAC, 2481\ ~bor Blvd., automatic, air ooncl\tlonlng, ~facArthur Blvd & J amboree Costa Mesa, !>W-8017 Ef-~ top. (VUT805) $109!! 833-0555 fecth-ie thN 1/7/73.

UM H=Bl~NT~~ MECHANIC'S ".:R~cf~~s Mela, 546-8017 Effective SPECIAL Full power, factory air, vinyl lhru 117/73. top, tapelilty interior, dul\J

'70 LTD, 2 dr, dlx Brou,iham, '59 FORD 2-DR. a>mfort seats. A~l-F'M air, stereo. Ortg cost SS,000, Good body & interior. 6 cyl, stereo radio, lilt wheel , low Le11 t han whlslt:.i auto. ~fo!or bail but ha\"(' mlles. t6RJE.\FI. $2,000. 644-13t!i good extiru nw1or. You NABERS CADILLAC

'71 LTD 2 dr hardtop. Immac change. fl :,O. f1nn. 2600 Harbor Blvrt. c:ond. Fw:lly equipped, ~lust e 54.1·3691 e CO!lta MPAa 540-9HIO

sell $2595. S.1&-0648 '68 FORD Country Squire ·n MONTEREY 4 Dr. 11.T. '69 FORD, Gab: 500, 4 dr, :n. V8, automatic, Automatic, VII , povoer win-Good tnNp car, Belt. Otter, • heater, power steer· dowa. &tr cond .. vinyl top. 548-116!, N.B. in& and brakes, roof rack, (156COJ) $2699 DAVE ROSS

'67 FORD LTD OM.ipe. Vlnyl factory air, radial white PONTIAC ~ Harbor top, brou&bam interior, ~ tlres, very low miles. Blvd coSta Mesa 546--all7 autorQ&Uc~ pe!' steering- ' CBE>. .., • • i.. ~ve thru 11im ........... ; AM.mradlo, NAJE RS CA,; ... -c 19'10 . MERCJJRY .W..i.. ~·~--"t'' ~nortifta- , 12600 Harbor• ·oo ivyt!Dv,':."'1¥lnyl~ top, " . (UPTQ37). FORD · 1964 daa&'ie 2 dtXr NW ttrn. immac cOO:i.

C D LLAC steer-pwr brakes auto ~~·"E~veo~,::..,:;:-;;:-::::·;...,~~- ~,----=--=--2600 HarbOr Blvd. . air ortg. oo-ner ss;roJ ,....... "l C XR 7

Costa M 540-9100 ml eXCC'ptional coild. thru· l;JI}., " er_c. ougar · • esa out. 73 plates. 1698 PS{PB/!'lT- Orlt gm w-

"10 FORD LTD 4 Dr. H.T. Madagascar can be white vtnyl top. S2,000. Call Full po\\:er , factory air, lo Ml('n after 6·30 pm. alt 5 pm . or wknds. mileage, excellent condltlon. IMP.ERIAL 1.83;=o.7-0"l"31-"."7."'..,.,---o--cc-(600DSL). $2'J9!l DAVE r.1ust 11ell this ""'l't'kC'nd ! RO~ PONTIAC, 24M - - -------\•70 MERC Colony Park. F.P . Harbor Blvd .. eo.ta lltellll, '71 IMPERIAL + air. 9 pa111. $2499. Pv1 546-«117 EUectlve lhMJ LE BARON 642-9006 1nm. F II I air . I =Pl>=:-· ~-:--;-c-=~= ~~-------.,. · u po•-er, actory . Vlny 72 9 pass stat v;gn ~tere.

'QI THUNDERBIRD LAN· top, Al\1-FM st!'rro, c~ise ~1lontjgo MX. ~·ac air, 17,IXXl DAU Coupe. Full pov.·er , control, all popular opllons. n1i. Some p\.\T. $37JO cash. factory atr, tUt whttl, Am- (ll0844 J. 962-1"'57. FM .....,. radio, leu lhan ·$4222 =..='--~---44,IXO miles. (XPP129). • 1971 l\1en:: l\t a r q u 1 s . NABERS CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC brougham 1200 below blu

2600 Harbor Blvd. 2600 Harbor Blvd. book. 847-i1.l82 Coda Ii~ . ~9100 CoBta Mesa Ml).9100 '71l - VEru* Cullom JEEP '69 Marquia 10 p.,., wa ..

full pwt, rack, air, Am-Fm. =:.; ~l:71~ ~~ '63 'roYOTA Land Cru!Jer, Pvt pty,, $Wl. .5JH,6-ll.





• • • . ._• • c..

tn•1r.; .. W..e 'atick ... ehltb -MIL. ~ pes~ 771 f.MtchlNcb

lce-.t--5199 °MM!1r.~' $11'clJ(~lQftLY Alfi'~


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l .241) Harbor Blvd. , O»t& 644-tm. \Vagon. Ohf' owner, StS50. Mesa. ~17 Efiec:th1~ 541--0269 I M&-1044.

Visit Our Large Recreaflonaf Vehicle ' Dept. New GMC Trucks Large S.lectloa

. ' .

thrll 1/7/73. LINCOLN '65 Mereul')' w1100 • Xlnt '72 l'ORD GaPfi, 8000 ml!l'5, shape, $550. 91™ \V. 18th

blue metallic. while inl. 2000 CHECK OUR SI. C.M. 548-1627 cc-· eng. $2800. lmmac.

m-2368• PRICE MUSTANG ·ro FORD 500, vinyl hdtop. All power . Alr-rorlll Xlnl BNU"~',, o,R973 ~!ARK YrvOUR '67 MUSl'ANG - Shelby GT

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cond. 11700. 961H818.

$1995.. 546-3739 Bcac~. Your new moto_nng shocks. New paint . $1495. '61 Frird Gal&."'()' 4 Dr. R/H. expencnce Is now y,•a1Unc 833--0144 After 4 P .?i-1. Good condition. for you at ·

$225. * 646-ti8li5. -Gust•fson Linc Mere 'fi6 Mustang GT, lo ml. Xltlt ·'°ro"°Qountry;,--,--,...,....,._ ""Xl"n'°'t~oo~nd7. 16800 Beach at Warner ~~ ALSO J~p .~~~ La m.1'1. $2300. Call 586-3174 Huntington Beach '""""" enc. wo ....... ~ att &pm. * SC-8844 * l2U) SB2-SW 1,;,'""'~·0----~~,-,-~

1966 FORD \VAGON " Hoqie of the Viking" 'TI r.1ustang Fastback V-8 Netd1 qlne $150. Sell the old stull. Buy the Air/Concl, P/S, P/B, auto

'69 v.w. Bug

ll&H, ........ (Xl5tJll


'67 Camaro

Cpe. a&H, vlflrl 1"t•rllfr. CTQNtnl


'70 Chev.

8el41r S.., VI, l•M .• 11,I. 1or. l" .S., ltH




'70 TORONADO Vinyl roor, AM/ FM ittrto, r11ll pwt., r .. c.t. •ir. 1707179)


. '68 OLDS 4·4-2 1 Dr. H.T. \II , po.,..•r 1+11ri11 9, r•d io, ht•ltr, .,..; , ; .. ,vinyl top. IYDZ 9 111



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to"Y • ir. !WAE lSIJ 1715 EIM J (Olld1 (\1\10 )9)) '71 GMC CHASSIS MOUNT ·i auto tran1, air, R&:H, $800.


e 87 CAiii TO' CHOOSIE FRDM • .•

'72 Veg• ~"°P" ·,,· 9.80 • • q1., •11te. ,,..,,;... 111u wrp 11t11e car. A...iwM to. No. ltlCPK

'72 Plym. Sat. Cou~ lnt. 1 •19rllll0t ~~ .. •lollO.~tnt., IKNJ'r •Ir anlltlon-.... .

'69 ,...,.... c. .. H. 4 ...... • llttle Wflltt llttut~ r""1Ctd -. Ho. XITIP2

Leavina: country. 548-TI16. --'7D~BOSS 30

New eoetne. Must ~II . S1896. Call 646-4596

115 Qmv V""8 auto Pitt. P/b ilr, new J8int, ball, $635. Pvt pty 55J..1592 &her 6 pm.

e '66 Mustang conv. 289 Auto Alr/cond. P/S, etc. Xlnt oond $195. ~s.


Cpe. V8,, PS, air, vlnYl root,' bucket _.ata. C32IDFBI ONUY

$1495 HOWARD C"'1vrolet

NowporlhKll MacArthur Blvd 6 Jambcftc


- --$966 -$966 $966-

'67 OLDS 98 '66 PONTIAC '65 MERC. WAGON 4 Or. H.T. R&H, •ulo., P.S .. V1ntu•• · 1 Dr. H.T .. Jl:IH., 1uto. R&H, t uto., P.S .. t it ( Ond,

f1c:t . tir, lt!ld•u roof. (WKC SJll I ROE 4141

$466 $466 $466


I l

.,.~ 'S:' c~:::~· . S1,...e95 IC.EJOJI 1209721 07



7:30 'Tl L 5:30


Page 32: ---K • UMW bftl! - City of Newport Beach


. .

~",~~' ANNUAL



'72 COURIER ECONOMY PICKUP 1800 CC. 4'*"8-syndwllMlh, chroinl...,..,,.WSW, sttp ......... 11>1Ciol





00 """""-"'"'" OWGB I TAX I lK9tSt



~73 PINTO 2DOORSEDAN 1600 CC, cltlux• b11111J1•r trlKlp, Am•rk•'• hot 111Unt KOft01111 ·••· 3R10Wll9010


. • , 1rr. power stnring. pow lwabs. fodio. h.atw. vinyl roof. (143ASH)




.'73 T-BIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP 460 CID4VV-IS, vinyl 1ool, fi"l)er lop 19tld conrrol, 1~1 slffring wheel, Ml power.

'6-t..,.·w/iop.,o;r.cerid:rmucft!llOft:-3"87 A 1·191-9 .






_!_73 PICKUP 3/4 TON CUSTOM STYLESIDE 360 y.a, crvist+motic. .iiat out sport tio-1 carrier S '-"Y .,, .... ,. ,.ig ... powtrstttme, xncooling rodiaf«. f2SYRQ6981S.



Continental. Full pow1r, ·vfrtyl n1of, AM/FM Steno. (366Df'A)

nus DtllEI l'REPARAflON CHAAGlS & TAX & llCENst

'69 Chevrolei Caprice '69 FORD Galax ~ '


'73 PINTO SQUIRE 2 Dr. Station Wagon 2000 CC. AM/fM Hereo, ~·rock. NU irt oe_ti0.\.tllfld_glrw..triluing..huw.­

- l"O't. 3R12Xl 2S047



$3499.. ""'"""'""''"'"" OIAaG8 & r.u.i. UClNSl.



'72 Club. Wagon 8-PASSENGER PKG. 8 302 Y-a. limed glost. S hta¥J Wty tim ~ 1nmn. xn coolklg l'Olfnr E21GHQ7632.


(1(.1.RGIS & IA~ & LIClliSf



2 o,, H .. dtop. V8,ioot"Y ,;,, pow. $2177 er 1t11rin9, redio, he eler, "'!nyl roof, prictd b.low merket. CZCK 28'41



!,~.~:;~~ .. ::: .. -::k~~~1°JJ_ . soo:.0r.V-8: ,, ... .,. .. po-~ .... $1 177 PICKUP,. spud, ndlo, heoltt. $1677 roof, $ow mileoge.145W ' ~ ;J. mg' , rodio, htollf (ZXJ6S.1) ..:_ (9S4CIN) · • ' .. ,, .. . __


'73 l.T.D. BROUGHAM 4 Door Hardtop :ltCI04V-V-8rM!ted-WSW;-tJt-steftlg'111i!tlf;-AM1'M"l1ttto;1i]tt,,..,..,-..,-

d,,ding seot, much mort 3J67Nl23S31 , .




.. R~NDNEW .

... '73' PICKUP 1/2 TON CUSTOM STYLESIDE 302 V-8, •tro cOoling rudiotor. tNist+f!lllfic. ~duty Iron! sprirl;s. ouxlby reor spr ings, slid• ovt 1p1r1 lirt cotritr, power 11111ing,. 5000 GVW: f\OGRQ04S63.


Corona 4 Door. Rodio one! heoter. (XXF002)


'68 Pontiac Ventura

4 Doo<. V8,out~tc l~n>-~~ o<. - $ 8 7 7 w steering, r~io. healer. (4208Elfl , .. -.

..... B_L_li_E_B,.o,_o....,K-...v .. A_l.,.u .. E..,$-~-:'l-4-5 ... ·-B-L_U_E_B_O __ O_K_V_A_L_U_E_S_1_4_6_5._ ...... B~ E BOOK\VALUE 1980 BLUE BOOK VALUE

'66 MUSTANG '6'7 M'USTANG '70 FURY 11• . . : - - ·,71 VW BUG . , .. 1485

2 Dr. H«dlop. Rod'• & heol". 1 ''""' ""· $999 Yat1 lfl.ISI see thi' one! (THM696) .



!tick sh:lt, foctory ,;,, "dio. h"llr, $127 7 (VZZ77l)


Ya. slick shift, rodio, heoier. <TKW·BOO)



C"""' Sq"''" Aolomofa, lo<too, $207 7 eir, power •l••rin9, redio, heeter. (91 6 DNX} •

'70 MUSTANG • _ .. _. - 11---- - --~ - ... __....._.

'68 T·BIRD •

F,11 pow"• w:Oh """ ..,,:bO. H· $1877 tre. Nie••• new. IVHB 4921 •

2 Dr. HT. VS. A,to. """· I~~'"· $15 7 7 poww steering, rodio, heoltr. (531APB)



Town & Co11ntry. 11 pe11. F11ll po•· .,..-Goocf nlv•. IXK-1-1.JO}


4 1peed. Red iel tiret. Ferreri rte• in9 9r1111. I 76'4 FTCI

Rodio, heoler and 4 spHd Irons. $12 7 7 (181FFJ)


. '72 PINTO 2 DR

Rodio ood heolt~ <Ml"' rrm (lS70SC) $ 2 2 7 7 •


WlllLIMMDOWllPAYMINT Alll l'llMS AllTlll AYAIUIU. •:nlll CAii DO RllR. ....... '

\ . \

• -- . - .. .

