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PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

Mar 11, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



____.rash Dea

Pair Arrested.

Kidnap, Rape

~·· .

~ DAILY PILOT . • . . I . • . . :_' * · * n * 10~ * * . * . . . . , ... . . .

y • ~ • • • • • ~ .T. :'4 • • • ' '


Want a Yae

AP Wlr""°'"

.Jimmy Curter is sellin~ the presidenual yacht "Se­quoia" lwcausl' 1t <.:osts taxpayers S800.000 a year and he ncvt•r uses 1l. In fact . Carter has never even seen it. !'\aid While lfouse De puty Press Secretary Rex Granum . Gr:rnum !.aid tht• sale of the ya~hl could bring from $200 , 1 )(~ to 5400.000

IDs Sought

Remains of Crash Dead Back in U.S.

DOVER. Del IAP l With wh11t 11 Pan Am offi cial said w11s " all th<' r<>s fH.'Ct und dignity possibl<'.'' the r't•mmns of 326 vie· ti ms of th<' world 's worst air dis·

• astt'r ar ri ved :II the Dover Air Foret' Bas(' mortuary for iden­tificat ion.

A te:im of 90 Air Force. Army and FBI t'Xpert~ today begins its analysis of the bodies of persons killed in the collision of two Boe-


So the landlord fina lly said you could buy a water ht'c1 . .. now what do you do with your old bed?

" We sold it the first day lhe ad ran in the paper!"

That's the advertisi ng success experienced by a L•guna HIUs couple who placed this classiCied ad :

llrnul. KJnA St l><'cl, 1>olid \\' u lnul , <I po 11 t e r . lll'r"onallv aul fll{rnphcd b) 1\rtlsan '"" ..:xxx.

So if )'ou're changina your lifestyle, or juat have something you'd like to convert to casb, call 642-5678. The Dally PUcit ts the place lo advertise.


ing 747 jets Minch 27 in the Canary Is lands .

A base spokesman said that, once Identified, the bodies pro· bably would be turned over to a team of local funera l directors. They then will be shipped lo the vict ims' families , most of them in California.

Meanwhite: two night data re­corders and two cockpit voice re· corders from the jumbo jets ar­ri ved in Washington for s tudy by lhe National Trans portation Safely Board.

Webster Todd, chairman or the NTSB. said the technical as­sistance was being provided for the Spanish government. whJch has custody or the recorders, and that the board has no plans to re­lease the results. The study is ex· pected to take two to three weeks.

Todd said the boxes contalnJng <See REMAINS, Pa«e A%)

Body Diamembered RJVE'RSIDE <AP> -

AuthorlUea 11)' the latest or sevea victims cuL uo and stuffed tn a J>111Ut baJ hu been ldon­tlrled as an Illegal alien ./tom Mexico. Riverside County of· ficlab said Lbai Arturo M arcue1, 24, died ot a bullet wound ln the head. .

'Angels' Cyclists \

Set Event MADERA tAP > - The Hells

Angels motorcyclists have re­se r ved Will ow Grove Ca mp­ground at Bas& Lake near here for their annual Memorial Day weekend visil.

Each yc11r the ~roup J?ets a permit from the f<'or~st Service to use lht• <.'ampground on the <.'ondition that members provide cht'mlcal toilt'lli .

Ge n era ll y m or<' than 200 Angel s show up but a gang s pokesman said fewer may at­tend ttus year because of low water le\'els ca used by the drought.

Madera Count y officials have expressed <"oncern a bout the Angels ' vacation because the Forest Service has cut funding this }"t'ar for extra lawmen usual­ly em ployed fo r the event.

But Sheriff Ed Bates said oc doesn't expecl 11 ny probiems un· less the Angels drift toward a shopping center near the camp· grounds.

The owner of the shopping center has said he is considering denying the cyclists access to s tores. He was scheduled to meet this week with Bates to discuss the matter .

4 Killed in Cruh OROVILLE CAP> - Four

Oroville resident.I were killed a nd two othete. bb\h small children, were criticatty injured late Sunday when their car s lammed into an oak tree, the California Highway Patrol re­ported.

Tmdeau To Pay Fare

OTTAWA (AP) - Prime Min later Pierre Elliott Trudeau'• office says he will pay Air Canada for any penonal UH ht• wlre

. M ar1aret may ha ye made or her free travel pus.

The announcement fol lowed a mem o to Trudeau from tbe alrllno that Mn. Trudeau can use the pus only for offldal trips .

A apokHman for Air Canada 111ld tho memo wa$ sent ''In view otthepubllcl· ty aurn>undinl Mu. Trudeau '1 tra •lt.


GQ-1, 6, J)ies

1's. Dogs Attaek

A.t· Pal's Dome I




DA&«i~lWIG~I Tot's Body Found in Park

BRECKENRIDGE. Colo. <AP> - A 6-year-old girl died a fte r s he appa rently was a ttacked by dogs while playing at a friend's home, Summit County authorities said .

The victim was identified as Tamara Rhae Newton. daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Harold D. Newton .

He r body was discovered Sunday in the Peak Seven area, a residential deve lopment in a wooded selling west of here. Authorities said Tamara was playing with a young friend when the a ttack ap­parently occurred .

The youngster s uffered severe throat wounds . District Attorney John F. Healy said her clothes were "strewn a ll over the driveway for about 30 or 35 feel. "

Healy said three dogs were impounded and tests were being conducted to determine if their stomachs conta ined human flesh.

Detectives Credited

Huntington Rape Suspects Captured

Detect.iYe work by two young Huntingfon Beach policemen was credited today In the capture or two suspects wb() are charged with the kidnap and rape or a young housewife.

She was abduct ed as she walked home from a corner con­venience market and was ap· parently driven to Newport Beach where the assault oc­curred.

Held on the c harees are Otoree ''Red Jack" Synnot and Paul Hamry, both 18. They are In Huntington Beach City Jail In lieu o( '25,000 bail each, pending issuance of complaint• and ar· raicnmmt.

They are accused of and forcible rape or the 19-year· old woman Saturday night, who was grabbed and forced into a small pickup camper truck.

DeteclJve Virginia KJrkmeyer, of the crimes against persona de· tall, said the wqman WH abduct· ed at Be•ch 8oulevlll'd and Speer

. AveJlue fn the elty'a Llbel'tY Parle district.

No weapon wq UHd ~ tho lddnapen terrtlled their vlcUm aumelently with t!Mlr threa&a that ahe stopped l.lcht•nc. poll~ said.

Stl ll , accordlnc to 1st· vt1tl•atora1 ah• memorlied everythlnc 1ne could about tlle klc!n~p-raptsta and their vehicle, a •ldte JapaneH Import vehicle wltb a camJ)er unit . trubb1t caa9py 1kyll1ht and heavy pfnstrtptn1.

abducted that the two me n- raped her in the camper somewhere in Newport Beach.

She said she counted the time from the point whe re the little truck turned off Pacific Coast fUghway onto what she imagined mu st h ave b ee n Balboa Boulevard.

The victim estimated they turned off onto a side s treel pre· clsely one minute later .

Working with this Information, plus remarks and nan\es used by the two red-haired s uspects , patrolmen J ay Webb and Dan McKerran took the victim back to the general area of the sex as· saulu SUnday afternoon.

One ttportedly worked In a seafood restaurant. so arter

<See RAPE, ~a1e AZ)

Grandma Faces Heroin Rap

QMAHA. Neb. (AP> - A ._ year-old 1randmother with a neck brace and cane haa been charged wllb }Ive counts of poHffllon of h,.r:roln with Intent to deliver.

RMa C. Devers of Om11ha, who receive• Social Security and dis· ability benefi~, livea with her arandchildret\ and hu 11 children tn the Omaha area.

. • '

. .

Head-on 'Worst In City'

Five people died Sunday night In two Orange County traHic ac­cidents. four of them in a head-on collision that Buena Park police labeled the worst accident an lhe city's history.

Buena Park police said toduy they do not yet know what caused n southbou nd car on Beach Boue tvard near Stage Road to cross over the center line and s lam head -on into an auto travel­ing in the opposite direction .

But within three hours of the crunching 10:58 p.m . collis ion near a railway undt.· rpass, the two cars' four occupan~s were dead .

Police identified the driver or the car that a llegedly swerved over Beach Bouclvard's center line as Raymond Ezzell, 17, of 7488 Ridgeway Drive . Buena P ark .

Killed along with Ezzell in the south b<.'und a uto were Tim Bowers, 20, and Tracy Bowers , 17. both of 6360 Arnold St. , Buena Pa rk .

The accident's fourth fatality, Ch arles E . Pavlacky, 60, of 14758 Neartree Road, La Mir.ada, was alone In the auto ) e was driving northbound on Beach Bouetvard.

Police satd traffic was diverted from the thoroughfare between Artesia Bouc tva rd and Stage

<See 5 DIE, Page A2)


Weath e r Mostly fair throu g h

Tuesday wilh some patchy Cog near the coast late tonight and early Tuesday •. Lows tonight 42 t o 52. Highs Tuesday, upper 60s • a l beaches to 70s inland .

INSIDe TODAY A growing number of ~ople · •

are.Cllktng IDMther the contl· . mlfng high colt of /UMroU. are tDOrlh it, M prices continue to 10or. H 11 eitimatec{ Ammcont ~ U biUion a year Oft ft.IMTOU. and burial ar­rcmgem.nt1. See Page A9.


Tbt vtc:tlm told pOltce aft@r t>e. Ina dropped on abouu a.m. Sun·

r daJ near u.. apot ~bero abl wu

Vice officers said the alleged heroln was found at Mrs . Devers' •ome Off. 2. ~r arrest wu de· layed becauao sbe was botpUaU1ed.

' ,. '

Page 2: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



lslqnds· Vote on Secession NANTUCKE'T'. Mess. CAP> -

Chances for success are about as slim as they were 1n colonial days and during the War or 1812 when Nantucket and Martha 's Vineyard islands tried to secede from Massachusetts, but the islanders are going to try a~ain.

About 3,000 registered voters are eligible for the referendum on secession today on this island 22 miles from the Masirnchusetls mainland . The vote will simply

show how they reel about secession - it's not legally bind· ing. ( MapPageA4)

Two towns on M arthu 's Vineyard will debate the issue nt town meetings today~ live other communities on that island 24 mues west ot here will conaider the szune coune at other town meetings scheduled between Aprll 12 and May 17.

Al issue la a question that has agitated New EnglandeTs since the d ays of British colonial rule

- representation. " We still want to remain part

of the commonwealth, but we' re looking for representat ion.'' said John Conway , Nantucket 's repr esentut1vc in the Maasachuaetts legislature . "The islander• feel they are cut off. They feel we are now losing representllUon which we've had since 1696."

A new apportionment bill in Boston, the ~late capita l, will cut

the legislature from 240 to 160 members . It will merge the ls lands' legislative d1Jlr1cls with those on Cape Cod. The 13,000 permanent re.sldent s will be m erged in a district which will have 36,000 persons .

Each island now has one r~presentallve In the legJ.tature and the islanders feel there's about as much chance of an islander being e lected in the mergc.>d distri ct as there is for

Nantucket Sound to freeze over.

" There 1s a certain fun aspect, but th qre is also a serious aspect." said Marie G1frlns. editor of lhe weekly Nontuck.:t Inquirer and Mirror. " lf you don ·1 have someon e t o be a watchdog - to speak up for the island. you sit here, and no one cares what happenl to you."

The population or Nuntuckel booms from about 6.000 to 30.000 in the summer, nol including u

" rlonhng populallQn" or 100,000. said Mitchell Todd . president of the Nuntueket board or selectmen. the lsl und go\ern· ment.

"We have what the m ainland doe11n'l ," said A.J Tipton, a sele~tmlUl In the town of Gosnold on Cuttyhunk Jlland next lo Martha'• Vln~yard . "Pence and quiet. Take the Cupe. They got lughwuys. everything . lt'ti built up, getting c rowded."

Palestinians Issue Sadat Arrives /o,r Carter Talk

Getting a Charge ,., Wlreol!OIO

Stanley Ice. 15. of Albany, Ore., a battery charge1 , got cau~hl with the ju1<'e muscular dystroph y victim. has the bat· running low a nd pulled into the station for tcries m his electric wheelchair charged a quick charge. 01tk lloslcllcr charged at a service station Jee., '"ho has his own the batteries al no chargc


Fro• Page A l

REMAINS • • the recorders appeared to be In f:(ood shape c!espltc some s1gnll or heat and some dents. They ar­rived und<'r lo<'k and sea I

The rt•maim. flown h1•rl' Sun· day \\ l'rC' or pas~cngcrs aboard a Pun Am jet rumml'd hy a Dutch KLM pl;uw on the runway of the ai rp ort at Santa Cru1 de Tencrifl' Tht• cnllb1on killed mon• th.m 570 people

The l\l.~1 pa s.., l'n~t·r~ <1n!I c·r<' w. all of \\hom \41•11 • l.1111·11 "'l're no\\ n to the ;\('thcrlJnd:. for 11lent1fi<'allnn

W11l1 am W.iltrip Pan Am' 11·1· rres1dent Ill ( h,tl 1(1" 1tf up1•1 , I

lions. saul h<' wa.., <·1rnf11lf'nl ;ill the vi<'tlm" would tw 1dcnt1f1f'ri although man~ of the· hod1l'1< 1irl' badly burned and m.1ngled

/\ spok<'s m a n for lh<' .11rhnP said the w 0 r k 0 r l h (' "I 11

patholnJtbb. , dent 1-.ts . lilood S pC'ci~dlsl s. rud1olol!hts .incl fingerprint ex p(•rts was <'>·Pl.'C:t l•d to l;ike a wel.'k or more .

An intcrdenominat1 onnl memor ial sen ll'l' "'ui. hl•l<l Sun da\' "hl•n the hml1l'i- arn'l'd ut the base airfie1d on t\\o Pan 1\m

fn·1ghten,, During the 'len ice . two <Imped ;.uul f111"1•r l.1dt•n n1f fins. represcntJllve of the hun dredll still im,idc th<' plCJne~ . "t'rt' placed in wuitll\g hcar!>es With representallVt'b or lhc uirhnc• looking on, a Catholi c pnt•M. ,1

PrQtestunt rn1n1..,tt·r .ind a r11hh1 made short i.tJtcmenl'I .

The wooden comn" contn1ninR the other bod1c-!' th<'n \\£•r e traMportl'<l to thc- m ortuary

Ruling Slated WAS.ONG'tON (AP> - The

U .S . Suprt>mc Court toda y agreed to decide whether the federal government can protect <'lean air areas by telllng states to impo11e more Rlringenl restric· lions on Industrial pollution than federal laws require.

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Worshippers Open Holiday Services

By The Associated Press Worshippers crowded jnto

~ynagogues and churches over the weekend to observe the start of the Jewish Passm c•r and the Christian PCJlm Sunda\ the 'tart or Easter week . . .

In Italy, the observance beizan "'Ith Pope [!aul VI s a ddrc<1s on ' precar1't>tls and threatened

pettce" 1n th<' "orld In Jerusalc·m . thous.ands of

Christian pilgrim -; v. all..l'd lht> 1 out l' of Christ ·s tnum phal c ntr) to the cit~ on a r oad !>lre" n with palms. al must 2,000 ~ears ago

Vandals Set Diesel Fuel Tank Blaze

\ Jnfl.11'1 "ho opcnC'll th(' \Uht• on .i 5110 ~Jllon diesel ful'I tank .11111 ~ l'I 1\ ,1ftrl· in the• Ah.-,n lka<'h .1rt•.i Su111l:n t'<1use<1 about SSOO dam;i.:(• to runstruct1on f'qulp m••nt Orani::e Counh· f1rrm('n r<' prn lt•cl tod ;._\ ·

In' t•1t1ga\ors su id l hi' t.inl.. "us helng u.'led for a const 1 uctton pm lt'f't on PaC'1fll' Const flili(h" ll\ 2 5 milt·.; no rth nf C'ro" n \:all<•\ PJrk't\:t \ .

Jo'1r~men railed to the stl'ne at 5 22 ti m 'hut off the fl()W of fuel . pu .. hc•<l ttw liu1111ni: mal<·nul int•> a hole ~ind 11\t111gu1:.hccl lh<' blal.t' , hrt-men sa1ri

A !lout s.500 "or th or e lt>rtn<'nl equipment \\3<; lost in the fi re-; 1n­vest11(ators s~ucf

F"iremen said l hf'y do not know who opened the tonk <ind srt the escaping fuel afire

Torch Deaths In Uganda

NAIROBI, Kenya <AP> -Ugandan troops have executed a gang of coffee smugale rs by burning them alive on an island lnJ...ake Victoria. the d a ily NaUon newspaper said today.

The Kenya paper, quolin~ what rf· called r eliable sources' sa id the s mugglers were cap­tured as they were running coftee across the lake from Uganda Into Kenya for shipment abr oad .

The men were taken to .KJl\llU Island by the soldiers "and told to lie down." the Nation said Then " they were covered with empty sacks and petrol was poured over them. They were lbtn aet alight. "

Archbishop Slain?

Jews ~athered in Moscow 's Central Synagogue to worship at lh<' sta rt of thl' season com · mcmorating the escape or the Jews from hondage 1n E~ypt

Thl' !!pint 1n N{·w York . ;i\ in

m Jny American cities. "'a :> ecumenkal

The Gr<'<'k Orthodox <'rlebra. t1on of Palm Sundav coincided with that of Roman Catholics and Protestant:. this yea r . and the s tart of Passover and the Chm,. t1an hohda~ fell togeth<'r for the f1ri.t time since 1974 and the last until 1984

A' Chric;tians began ob· se r\'ances of Holy Week . Pope P11ul e>.prcssed sadnes~ cn·er " sym ptoms and shivers of \\ar" 111 the world.

The Pope delivered his Palm Sundav uddress to a crowd tif 50,000 in St. Peter 's Square.

li e s aid he prayed for " a human, C'ivihied, s piritual pcac<' to mak<' men brethren among thems('IV<'S "

In Jerus11lem . Christians car· nl'd palm fronds and s ang hosan­nas a!> they dl•scended the steep !'.lope of the Mount of Olives and "alked to the w11ll s of J er1111alem·.., Old C1tv .

The milc-lon1e procession. watched by thousar1ds more lin 1nR the rouie. Y.a:. IC'd h) a bro"n ~ rnbl'd, \\hill' heurded !-' ran · c1!'.can monk hN1nn& CJn olt\e branch

The Holy Week ob8er vanccs culm1natl' ·.,..Ith Eas ter cl'lebra tion!. next Sunday

WASHINGTON (AP> - Egyp. tlan President Anwar Sadat. ar· riving today for talks with Presi· dent Carter , stressed at the oul· set the central is:.uc In the Middle Eas t Is lhe future oC the Palesti­nians .

" In your recent public s t ate· m ents you have come very close to the proper re medy." Sadat told Carter, who Is the first American president ever to en· dorse publicly the concept of 'a Palestinian ''homeland."

However. Sadat said in an Hr· riv a l cer e m ony In the White House East Room. " What is nee ded is establishment of a political e ntit y 1n which the Pal.-s tinians, at lon1:, can bt• a communilv or cltiz<'ns instead of a group or"refugees."

Carter, in low-key, welcoming remarks, made no direct men· lion or the Palestinians or any o ther sens1t1\'e aspect of the Arab-lsraeh conflict

He said "there are no easy answers" to the region's pro­blems and that he Intended to e s tabli!>h a " close personal friendstup" with Sudat. the flr!>t Arab leader to meet with him m the Administration 's campaiii(n to reconvene the G(•neva peace conference by the end of the ,·ear. · Sadat, in an ext raord inari ly <'om plimcnt ary trihulc to what he called Carter 's 1deali~m and morality, said th!.' President is " the personlfl<'ation of a new spirit emerging in America to· day ."

Through Egy pt 's long. 7,000· year history of s tatehood. Sadat s aid. it has been "faithful to the values and ideals that re nder life more rewardlnJ.? and fulfilling."

Ironically. Sadat's visit coin · cides with the Jewish festival of Passover which commemorates the freedom J ewish slaves won from Egypt and th t- ir selling forth lo the ·· Promised Land" of I sr :icl.

At the eeremony , held indoors

l'ro"' Pa~ A J

RAPE •.. r oughly pinpointing the location wher e the sex as~aults occurr<'<I. OCflcer Webb escorted the victim into a restaurant In the area .

"Synnot saw them coming end s plit, " sai d Oete<'tiv(' Kirkmeyer . adding lhat the sus· peel. r eleased only a week ago from a JaH sentence in Utah, sur­rendered without incident short· ly afterward.

He was arrested while sitting beside New Port Reach 's Rhinl' Channel. staring at the water, when Webb and McKerran quiet · ly walked up behind him , Delee live Klrkmeycr said

Synnot llsted no home address. police said . although he is from the Huntington Beach area . while Hamry told book ing or­fi<'ers he lives in a Midway City motel.

;";(,., tf ;?w.,Tf ,,,.,,flth Pltttttl" ~•• M

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LONDON (AP) - Thrco wtt ­nessea - a doctor, a nurae and a soldier - say An~llcan Archbishop Jananl Luwum or Usanda wu •hot to death. not killed in a n automobile accldtnt, the Sunday Te1ctraph quoted a rtfugee U1andan blehop as aay­tns.

Water n Jlttlo too funky for domestlc use - reclaimed waat.e water and water from freeway sump pump opera· tlons. ls being used by these trucks to m0Jnt1ln the greenery atong the tr~eways in the San Francllco area. , t1 ~

because or rain, Sadat thanked Carter for "your gallant a ction" in sponsoring nearly Sl b1lhon in economic and food aid for Es:ypt. whose economy is experiencing hard times.

Bul Sadat . referring lo the Palestinian issue, told the Presi­dent that " no progress can be achieved so long as this problem retn~ln11 Wtsolved."

C•rter for h is part, ortered several boosts lo the Egyptian leader, who was the target re­cently of demonstrations across

AP WlrepllOIO

Robot? No, just Gabby Sedillo of the State Department of Transportation who appears half mortal. half machine as he peers through a transit While on a drainage project in Flagstaff, Ariz.

Poker Champ Wim With 9s _

LAS VEGAS IAPl - A pair or· nines earned "Saratoga " Hank Brown or Fort Worth , Tex . $47 ,500 in the winner·tttke-a ll. first annual Marina Poker Cham· pionship.

Rules for the tournament. a preliminary for the World Cham· pionship of Poker sched uled to be~in here April 18. were S2,500 buy -in, no-limit, hold 'em.

Brown went against "Cadill ac" Jack Grim of Abi len<', Tex ., in the final round witb a seven-nine to Grim ' i; ace· jac1C. Brown won early Sunday "he n the open cards turned out to he a queen , a four, a five and a llllle.

~IYPt prompted by increa~ed prices of s taple goods. an action the go\'crnmcnt had to reverse.

" I have nc"er met an Amencan leader who didn ' t come away im· pressed with his sensiti vity, in· telligencc and courage ·· C<1rter :.aid ubout his gucsl.


5 DIE •.. Roud for one hour as rescue workers labored at freeing the victims from the wreckage.

A few hours earlier, a woman was killed and an infant was critically lnJured in a three-car accident in Brea that seemingly to uched off Orango Count y's bloody Sunday night trnlf1c death toll.

In the aftermath of the Rrca accident, one man '-'-LI S arrested and charged ~1th tclony dcuni.. drivin,: and anoth<'r man was ar· rested for being drunk In public.

The felony drunk d riving sus­pect wa!I identified by police as Joseph Hodnguez, 3G, or Baldwin rCJrk .

Police said Rodriguez was at the wheel of a lightweight pickup truck that allegedly ran through a slop si~n at Kraemer Avenue and Birch Street at 7. 30 p. m .

According to po lice, Alicia Ba rlolo. 30, o f 4429 ~2nd SL. Muy wood. wa11 thrown lhrough the windshield of the Rodriguez pickup when it collided with a nother cur .

Then. police said. Miss Bartolo was run over and killed by a third auto Involved in the Intersection m ayhem.

Crihcally injured in the col­Ii s Ion wa s two - month-old Howland Sanfillipo, or Plac«!ntla.

Less seriously injured were t~ infant 's molh<'r. brother and father . The four Sanfilltpos were in tho rar i;truck by th e Rodriguez auto when it allegedly raced lhrough the intersection .

Arrested on drunk in public charJres when he purporledlv became belligerent when taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of inJuries was Sergio Gonzalez. 34. o r Ralclw1n Park, a passenger in Rodnguez '11 car.

A Garden Grove woman died in Palm Harbor Hos pital , late Saturday night. a few hours after being struck by an auto us s he crossed a street pushing a s hop· ping cart ahead of he r .

Police said Mrs . Louise Mer­ritt, 51. was rutally rnjur<'d wh<'ll hit by a car whll<' <.0 ro11sing 9th Street near Col leg<' A venue

The woman was not walking in a marked cros&walk when hit by the car at 6 20 p m .. police said.


West Point Head Retired General

WASHI NGT ON CAP) · Defense Secretary Harold Brown today announced the r eassign­ment of Ll. Oen. Sidney B. Berry. superinte ndent of S<'a ndal marred West Point. and the r e­call o( retired Gen . Andrew J Goodpaster lo replace him .

T he Army said Berry will com · plete a normal three-year tour us su pe r intendent of the t: . S Military Academy In June. His new assignment will be an · nounced later.

Selection of a retired 1eneral lo head the U.S. Military Academy Is unprecedented. officials said.

Brown Hid that Goodpaster. former suprem e Allied com­mander Jin Europe j nd onetime staff 1~cretary t o President Eisenhower, "possesses the uni· que b lend of military ahd educa­ll o na I background and U · perlence deemed necessary for the superintendency today. "

The De(ensc ucretuy also 11Bid that Goodpaster. who wm servo as a lieutenant general when he comes back on acUve duty, • 'reOecte tbo beat qualifi ed individual available to lh t Army at thla Umo."

Martin R. Hotlm an n, who was Army secretary durlnR \be re­cent cheatlna t1candal which In· volv~d 181 c•dcu, aaid late year that the new supertnten· dent'• aulhorlty would be atrenathtntd and thot be would remain In tht post up to el1ht yeara.


Hoffman uld at lh~ time thal Berry would leave on schedule lh1i; !>pring

Berry, who had been regarded as one of the Army 's outstand ing generals and a potential chief or sta ff . faces an uncerta in future. Althou11h he wa11 nol singled out for specific blame in followup In· 'l'l!ti1rnt1ons or the wont scandal in West Point history , many Pen• tagon 0Cfic1als bay they fear his future prospects mlah~ be ad­ver sely affected because It hap­pened during his tour or duly.

Brown 's announcement that GoodpMler would replace Berry in June aald the Army chose the retired general after considering ~1 r ecommendatio n by the Borman Commission that the new superintendent tneet the criterion or .. a demonatraled

bl Illy to provide educallonal and military leadership."

That commission. named by Hoffmann lo look into the 11can­d al, wu c h aired by Frank Borm an, the form er astronaut. who now heade Eastern Airlines. The Borman Commission taat Oec~mber recommended c han1ee ht enforcement of the ' cadet honor code a nd reinstate­ment u soon as po11lb1e or the cadeta impllcattd In the cheat ing . •

Goodp11ttr, a 1939 Weet Point graduate, holds a'hachelor'1 and Ph.D. dttrtt In lnternallonlll rc­latkml from Princeton 11 w•ll as 1 master 1 de•re• ln tnl1net:r­lng.

~ ·;


Page 3: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

-. ..

Orange Uoasi · EDITI O N

Today's Clos~ng. N.Y .. Stoeks


Mistrial De1nanded in Air Noise ·case .. .,.. B)' TOM BARLEY

Ol 1'-0.lly ......... ..

A lawyer representing Orange County demanded a m istrial rul· h~g on developer Harry Rinker 's $200,000 lawsuit against the coun· ty today with the a rgument that trial jurors had been exposed to newspaper publJcity.

" This Is a very s erious mat· ter," Deputy County Counsel Charles Sevier told J udge Frank Domenichinl. "One Daily Pilot

edition last week carri.ed the story with headlines matching • those of the Cana ry Jsla nds air crash disaster. ·'

Sevier pl aced a p i l e o f newspapers contain ing editions of three Orange County publica­tions before Judge Dome nichini a nd pointed out that all the s tories containe d testi mo ny t aken outside the p resence of the jury.

T he stories covered alle~ations

by the plaintiff '$ attorney, Jer­rold Fade m , that aircraft leaving Orange County Airport wer e diverted from their.normal night pa th over the Harbor.Area while the jury was visiting Rinker 's hom e at 2342 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights.

Fadem defended the s tories as " absolutely accurate," and r e· minded Judge Domenichini that the jury had been warned before and during the trial not to read

newspaper accounts of the pro­ceed ings.

Fadem is asking the jury to award Rink~r damages for jet noise that, he claim s , is making life ln the Rinker home intoler a · ble.

Rinke r told lhe j ury that he was assured by county offi cials when he bought his three-acre . property in 1965 that no jet aircraft would ever operate from the airport.

T oday, Hughes Airwest and Air California operate from the county airport.

Judge Domenichini questioned the jury today and learned from five members that they had either seen or been m ade aware of newspaper headlines , but had not read the body of the story.

Judge Domenichini then called a r ecess so he can discuss the situation Individually with those

j urors. He will rule· on Sevler 's motion for a mistrial late r .

Rinkec's lawsuit ls regarded as a test case In the cont..roversial jet noise issue and is be;ng watched by hundreds of Harbor Area residents.

Success rorr Rinker could meafl the trial or lawsuits in which the plaintiffs have de m anded more tha n S30 million in damages from the county.

5 Die in Wrecks Crash Adds to County Toll

Five people died Sunday night in two Orange County tra ffic ac­cidents, four of them in a head -on coll ision that Buena Park police labeled the worst accident in the city's history.

Buena Park police said today they do not yet know what eaused a southbound ca r o n Beach Bo uelvard near St age Road to cross over the center line and s lam head-on into an auto travel · ing in the opposite d irection .

But withm thr<'e hours of the crunching 10:58 p .m . collision near a railway underpass, the two cars' four occupants were dead .


Remains of 326 People Kiiied In World'• Worst Air DlaH ter Returned to U.S.

Pohce identified the driver of the car that alle~edly swerved over Beach Bo ue lvard 's center line as Raymond Ezzell , 17, of

Crash Victims Return 7488 Ridgeway Drive, Buena Park.

Killed a long with Ezzell in th{' s outhbound auto were Tim Bowers. 20. and Tracy Bowers.

<q 17, both of 6360 Arnold St., Buena Park . ...

Military, FBI Begbi TtUk of ldenti/Wation The accident's fourth fa~ality.

Charles E . P 8vlacky, SO. of14758 Neartree Road. I.a Mira~a. was a lone in the a uto he was driving nortl\bour(d On Beach Bouelvard

- DOVER. Del. (A R ) - With what a Pan Am offl clal said was '" all the respect and d ignity possible'.·· the r<.'ma1ni. of 326 v1c· l1ms of th<.' worlcl 's worM air dtS· aster arnH'd etl lhl· Dover Air f orre Rase mortuan for 1den-t1firal1on. ·

A team or 90 /\tr l"or ce. Army and FBI expert s today hef,"tms its ana I) '>IS or lhl• bodit'i; of pcrl>Ons killed in tht• M llts1on of two Boe-

in f? 747 jet s March 27 in the Canary Islands .

A base spokesm a n said that. once 1denllfie<1. lhe bodies pro bably would be turned over to a tea m of local funeral directors They then "'II be l>h1pped to the v1ct1ms· families. most of them in California.

Meanwhile. two night data r e· corders and two cockpit voice re­corders from the Jumbo jets ar

Agitated Islanders Vote on Secession

N/\NTlTKl':T. ~lai.s </\P i Chances for l> U tt·<·-.~ art> <Jbout a-1 l> llm as they "<'rt' in rolonial da) s and rlunnjl th1• War of 11112 "h<•n Nanturkt•t anrl Mart ha ·i. \"in evard i-.lands trt(•cl to sec<odt' rron-i Masl>arhu,Nt., ,• but tht· •~ landers arl' J!O lnlol tot rv a1rnin

A bout 3.000 rt'J( 11.tered ~oter'I are e hJ(tble for th~ reft.>rendom on secessinn today on thr-. 1!1land 22 miles from the Mas<iachusetts mainland The vote will ~imply s h ow how lhl' Y ft•cl dbout sece11sion 1l"s n·ot legally btnd · mg. ( Map Page A4 I

Two t o wn s on Mu nha ·s

Hydraulic Oil Fuels Fire at Irvine Firm

A tire fueled by hydraulic oll caus ed an estimated S12S,OOO damage this morning at the Bertea Cori>orallon in the lrvlno Jndustrlil Complex.

Thirty-five firemen a nd 10 ff N engines and trucks responded to the second-alarm fir e on Von Karman Avenue at 11: 15 a .m . U took the.Jire fighters about 15 minutes to control the blaze.

A spokesrQan from the firm, which manufactures h ydraulic fHght equipment, said most of the d amage lnvolved e xpe.nslve pumplng equipment Just outside t he buUdJng that was burned In tbeblue. . . A portion of the out~r wall of ope of the Berte• buildlnas was b l ackened and eoorche~ b\lt tbere waa onJy s m oke dam aae In· aide.

According to Fire Ch ief Jim Stone, the cause of the fire Is fttl ll under lnvesll.allon. However. he aeld the onatn Is pinpointed to one of the hydraulic oil pumps.

Stone aald an emplo)'e s aid be 11w one of the pumps &purtln«i tM oil at hlah preu ure Into t.M llrt . .....


\'tnc·yaro will d<'bl'it<' lh<' isllU{' al to\. n m<'t·tlngs torla' , fi ve other commumt1es on that 24 m 1 le., west of herl' w1 II <'On.,idt.> r the same <'our•u· at ot h!'r town meeting!! sr hedult•d bet"een April 12 and May 17

Al issue is a question that ha~ a~1tatt'd Ne_. En~l anc1erc; 'itnC<' the days of Rr1hsh colonial rule·

representation ~

" We still '4ant to remain part of the commnnwealth . but \H' re looking for represf'ntat1on."· said J o hn Conway. Nan t ucket "!> r eprei;enta t 1ve 1n th <' Massachusetts leg1sl a tu re "The i slander~ reel they are cut off. They feel we arc now losing representation which we' ve had llincel696."

A new apJSortlonmenl bill in Boston. the .tlate capital. will cul the letislature from 240 to JOO members. It will m e r ge the is la nds' legislative d istricts with those on ·Cape Cod. '[he 13,000 permanent cesldents wlll be mereed ln a dis trict which will have 36,000 peraons.


So Ute landlqrd finally said you could buy a waler ~d ..• now what do you do\ with yolJr bid bed?

" We IC)ld it the first day the ad · r a n In the paper!" -.. That's the advertising success

experienced by a Laguna IUlls couple whet placed tbls clnsslficd ad :

l)cout. Klnf si bed. 11olld W a lnut . 4 p oli t e r . pcn•onnll)' auto11raphcd by Art.lsun. XXX·)l 'C\). .

So it you're changing your lifestyle, or just have som ell\ln«i you 'd like to convert to cash. call 642·5678. The Da.lly Pilot Is the place to advertise.

rlved in Wash ington for s t udy by the Nation a l Transport ation Safety Board

Webster Todd. chairman of the N TSR, said the te<'hn1 cal a s· s1stanC'e was being pr ovided for the Spanish government. which has custody of th<' recorders. and that the board has no plans to re­lease the res ult!.. The s tud y 1s ex· per t ed to takt' two to three weeks.

Todd said the boxes containing the recorders appeared to be in good shupe despit~ some s igns of heat and soml' dcnt11 . They ar· raved 1mder lo<'k and s eal.

The remaan:. rlown he rf.' Sun­aa:v Wl'rt' of passenjlers aboard a Pun Am Jet rammC'd hy a Dutch I\ LM plane on the runw OJY of the ai rp o rt at Santa Cru, d t> Tt•nt>r1f(' T nt• c11llls1011 ki ll ed mor<' tha1. 570 pt•oph•

Tnl" 1\1.l\1 pai.l>t'ngl'r" and CTt•w nil of w.hom \H•r<• k1lll'd . \\ l'rl' rln\\ n to tlw Nt•lhl•rl~nds for u1cnt 1f1t·at 1011

Wilham Waltrip. Pun 1\m nt'e Drt'Sldt•nt In chaq.:c or opera·

(SM- RF.MAIN~. Pa~e A2l

Police said traffic was diverted from the thoroughfare between Artes ia Bouel vard and Stage Road for one hour as r escue workers labored a t freeing the victims from the wreckage

A few hours earlier. a woman was killed and an infant was critically injured in a three-car accident in Brea that seemingly touched oft Orange County 's bloody Sonday night traffic d ecilh toll .

In the aftermath of the Brea accide nt, one m a n was a rrested and charged with felony drunk dri vi ng and anotht•r man was ar· r ested for b~ing d runk in public .

The felony drunk drtvrng su:. pert wa!> identif1l·1l by police as Joseph Hodri gucz , 36. of Baldwin Park.

Poli ce said Rodriguez was at lite wheel of a lightweight pil"kup truck that allegedly ran through <.1 s top siJitn at Krae mer Avenue a nd Birch Street ctl 7 : JO p .m .

According to police. /\hc1a Bartolo. JO. of 4429 52nd St.. Ma vwood. was thrown through

Jimmy Cartc.r ls selling the presidential yacht "Se· quoia" because Jt costs t.$xpayers $800,000 a year and ho nc.ver usee it. In tact, Carter hu never even seen it, said White House Deputy Presa Secretary Rex Oronum. Granum said tbe saJe of the yacht i!Ou.ld brine from $200,000 to $400 ,000. I

the· windshield of the Rodriguez picku p when it collided with a nother car .

T hen, police said. Miss Bartolo was run over and killed by a third a uto involved in the intersection mavhem.

Cr itically injured in the col· lision wa s t wo- m onth-old

Howland Sanfillipo, of Placenti~. Less se ... ous ly injured were t,he

infa n t's mothe r , brothe r a nd father. The four Sanfillipos were in the ca r s truck by the Rodriguez auto when it allegedly raced through the inte rsertion.

Arrested o n drunk in public <See 5 DIE, Page A2>

Worshippers Open Holiday SerVices

By The Associated Press Wors hi ppers c r owded int o

synagogues and c hurches over the weekend to observe the start of lhe J ewis h Passover anct the Christian Palm Sundciy, the start of Easter week.

In Italy. the observa nce began with Pope Paul Vi 's address on " preca riou s cind thr eatened peace" in ~he world.

In Jerusale m . t housands of Chrisltan pilgr im s waJked the route of Christ's triumphal entry lo the cft'y on a road strewn with pa lms , almost 2,000 years ago.

Jews gathered in Moscow·s Central Synagogue to worship at the s tart or the season com· m e m orating the escape of the J ews from bondage in Egypt.

T he spirit in New York. as in man y American c ities, was ecumenical.

The Greek Orthodox celebr a ­tion of Palm Sunday coincided with that of Roman Catholics and Protestants this year , and the s tart of'Passover a nd the Chris-

ti a n holiday fell together for the firs t lime since 1974 and the last until 1984.

As Chr istians began ob · servanccs or Holy Week, Pope Paul expressed sadness ove t ·•symptoms and shi ver s of war " in the world .

The Pope delivered his Palm Sunday address to a crowd of 50,000 In St. Peter·s Sq uare.

He s aid h e prayed for •· a hum a n. civilized . s pir'ttual peace_ to make men brethre n a mong themselves."

I n Jerusalem. Christians car· r ied palm fronds and sang hosan­nas as they descended the steep s lope of the Mount of Olives and wa lk ed t o the walls of Jerusalem 's Old City.

The mil e- Jong procession , wat ched by thousands more lin· ing the route. was led by a brown· r obed, white-bea rd e d Fra n ­ciscan monk bear ing a'n olive branch.

The I loly Werk observances culm inate wit h Easte r cclebra­t ions n{'xt Sunday.

Retired General West Point Head

WASH I NGTON <AP> -Defense Secretary Harold Brown today announced the rea ssign­ment of U . Gen. Sidney B. Berry. s up e rint enden t of sca ndal · marred West Point. and the re· call of retired Gen. Andr ew J . Goodpaster to replace him .

The Army said Berry will com­plete a normal thr ee-yea r tour as s uperint e nd e nt of the U S. Military Academy in June . Ills new assignment wtll be an ­nounced later.

Selection of a retired genernl to head the U.S . Mllit a.ry /\cad{'my is unprecedented. offi cials saul.

Bro wn said that Goodpaster, former s upre me Allied com ­mander In Europ<' and onetim<' s taff sec reta r y to Pres iden t Eisenhower, " possesses the uni· que blend of m ilitar y and educa­ti o n a I b ac kground a nd ex · per1ence deem ed necessary for the s uperintendeney today."

The Defe nse secretar y also said that Goodpaster, who will

Torch.Deaths In Uganda

NAIROBI . Ken ya CAP) Utzandan troops have executed a gang of corree s muggler s by burning them alive on an island in Lake Victoria, the daily Nation ne wspaper said today .

The Kenya pape r . quoting what It called r eliable sources. uid the s mugglers were cap· lured as they were running coffee across the lake from Uganda Into Kenya for shipment abroad.

The ~ were taken to Klgulu bland by tho soldiers " and told to lie down," the NaUon said. The n " they were covered with empty uck• and p etrol w&11 poured over them. They were thmuehlltbt .. 11

serve as a li eutenant general when he comes back on active dut~. " renecls the best qualified individual available to the Army at lhts llml'."

Martin R. lloffmann . who Wali Army s~cretary during the re· cent cheutin~ sc:ind al which in· vol\•cd 151 coidets. sai d )ate last yea r that the new s uperinten­d c n t 's authority w o uld be s trengthc·oed and thal he would r {'main in the post up to eight years.

Hoffman said at the time that Berry would leave on schedule this sprin~.

Be rry, who had been r egarded CSee POI NT, Page A2)

Coas t

We athe r Mos tl y fair t hr o u g h

Tuesday with som e patchy fog near t he coast late tonight and early Tuesday. Lo ws tonight 42 t o 52. · Hig hs Tuesday, uppe r 60s a t beaches to 70s inla nd .

I NSIDE TOD~ Y A gr01D1ng number of people

are aalano whether the conlf· numg high co1t o/ funerob art worth it cu pricta continue to aoar . I t is uti mot ed Americans ~ $4 billion a year on fu1U?rals and burial or· rangement1. See P.age A9.

• ••••

I l

• ••


Page 4: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



Neteport Beaeh

Groups Seek Role Increase

Two of Newport Beach·s en· v1ronmentally oriented citizens g roups are lrylng to get tM city, council to expand their a uthority.

Both groups advise the city council.

One is th!' Citizens Environ·

O•llY P llof Sr .. I Pl!OCO

He's an Eagle

Wa yne Wright. 15, of Troop 330, has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. The Corona dcl Mar H igh Sc h oo l ~ophomorc is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wright ofC'oron<1.del Mar.

Front Page A I

POINT ..• as one of the Army's outstanding gent'rals :ind u po tential c hief of :.taff. faces an unc~rt&1n future . Although he wu:. not s ingled out for s pecific bla m e in followup in­vcstrgallons or the worst scandal in West Point history, many Pen­tagon offid;.il!I s <1 y they fea r hrs future prospects might be ad· ,·crs ely aCfel'led bec ause it hap­pened dursng Im to ur o{ duty.

Brown 's a nnounce ment that Goodpas tt•r would r C'place Berry in June said the J\rmy chose the retired ~cncrul ufter cons idering a r ecomm e ndat ion by th e n o rman Comm1!>-.1on that the new !> Upcnnt C'nde nt meet the crit e rion o f '" a de m oni,tra tcd ability lo prov ide cducal1onal :ind militar~ lrader i.hrp."

Thal comm11>s1on. na med by 1 lofrmann to look into the scan dal, \\ al> c h a ire d by F'rank Borman. the fo rm er as tronaut Y. ho now ht' ad11 Eastern J\rrhnes. The Dormun Co mm1s!>lon last l><' c <'Olh c r re co mmend e d c h;1ng<'S in enforcem ent of Lht> 1· a<lrt honor <:ode und rdnstatc·· m c nt as soon a .... po!>!'l tbl l.' of thc c ;1rt rt~ tmpllc<tl <:d 1n the cheat I l l j!

<; (IOdl)a~ t 1·1· a I !l '.19 W "'' Pot nl gr ;1d11alP. hold" H hathc•lor "an<I l ' h D cl1•gn •1• 111 international re· I al t<inl> Crom Pri n1·eton 11s W<'ll al'. . 1 m a :-. lt•r " d 1·~ n·1• 111 l'O~met· t 1111!

Newport Girl To Finland

Ell e n E \ t• r ,, , .1 17 yt3r·Old Junior nt Coron:.. drl ~hr Jllgh School, Y. 111 bt' s pc nclrng a sum· m e r wtth J f:lm1ly m F'mland ns an cxchungc :.tudc nt 1n the Youth for t:nder!>t and1ng program.

There• arc openings for other s tudrnts mlrrc:1ted 1n an over­<,cai. ad\•enturc Those interl'sled ~hould contu<'l Mrs Pal Krone. fl46 6131. for more Information on the• Youth for l ' nder!ila ndlng pro· >{rum.

Miss Evrrs, 1921 Snbrinu TC' r ra ct• , C'orona drl Mn r , 1s l hf' daui:thler of Dr und Mrs l. crnld 11. Evt•rs .

01\ANOI! CO"tT

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mental Quality Cont rol Advisory Committee which goes by the acronym CEQAC or See-quack.

Committ ee chairman Stan Cole told councilmen he has re­vised his 14·membe r committee into three subcommittees to look into \)Otenllal problem s, s uch as the aLrpOrt, bay pollullon a nd the Irvine coast development ; to r e· view the city's general plan and to review the environmental im· pact reports s ubmitted on pro· jecta throughout the city.

Cole sought and was granted an expansion of the commlttff's powers in a resolution which gives the group a uthority to re · vtew and comment on EIRs before they are given to the plan· "1ng commission, currently the only body with a uthority to re· view ElRs before they go to the city council .

But Suzanne Rudd . chairman of the U tter Control Citizens Ad· vlsory Committee, will have to wait until July 1 to fi nd out lf her group's request for a litter con­trol officer will be agreed to by councilmen.

The l itter com mitt ee :•h as sought a littler control of·

ll~er for the past two years and th rs year has submitted a ~4,980 budget request for an ofClcer and a jeep for him:

Cit y Manager Robert Wynn said the request will be con­s ide red by the council during the ir annual budgeling process which is completed by July 1.

Mrs. R udd ' s co mmitt e e su bmitted proposed revisions of the city's litter laws which the ('Ouncil referred to the city at· lorney and the police departm ent for comment.

Me~a W-:>man lnju'red in Irvine .Crash

A Costa Mes a woman was r e · ported in satisfactory condition today al Tu stin Communi ty · Hospital following a n accident in Irvine Saturday in which the car s lammed into a power pole and then 01ipped over.

I rvine police said Patricia Ann Fite. 'l:l, or 2258 Pacific Ave., s uf­fered numerous c uts on her head, face, legs a nd ha nds .

T he accident occurred at 10:30 p m Saturday on Barra nca Road near Vo n Karman Aven ue . Police said Mrs . Fite ·s car h1l the center road divider. c ras hed into ttie Edison Company power pole and seve r a l trees and then landed on its roor back on thl· center d ivider

;\ witness told police that Mrs File 's car. a small compact that "'as destroved in the wreck . had been lrave.ling errati cally prior lo lh<' collision.

Polic<' i.a1d they <i re !'l t1ll look ing into thr accirl•' "'

Water Board Approves Bid For Mesa Well

The Coi1ta Mesa County Water D1stri<'l has approvt'd a Lo lla hra firm ·s low bid of $59,053 to drill lh l' di s tri c t 's rourth ground"' 4'l<'r well

The wrll. whic h wlll r e;i('h gro undwater le' els of 600 feet "'hen compll'led. will be drilled by Beylik Drilling, Inc Work on the proJect will begin in about 20 d ays. walt' r d1s lra c l officials s aid .

The weU-w1ll be locat ed on the W('St side or Fairview Road JU!>t north oflhe San OieRo r.·r eeway.

Dlstnct officials s aid ('Omple· lton of the well will mean less ex pensive water lo district user<( than is r e ceived fr om th<.• Mctrop()l itan Water Di st rict, amt less dependence on MWD water s upplies.

Tot Rescued From Blaze

A five·month·old Huntlnrton Beach baby has been released from the burn center al UCI Me dical Center after being rescued from a naming house Friday by a pa11serby .

The baby, Anthony Noch, wRs treated for first Rnd second degr~ bums and wu •enl home Saturday, a hospital spokesman aald .

Three others 11yffeted cuta when they fled the fi re throuah wi,ndows at their resld•~e at 14932 Oak Tree Lane.

ffuntlntlon Beac h fir e in · veat11aton uld today the blaze waa caused by chttdrcn playing wllh matthes and a undle ln a closet.



,~f ·LO't:i1

•• $


ColTrans officials are seeking permits from the Coast Guard and the coastal commission for the Coast Hlghway bridge over Upper Newport Beach. The new bridge will carry three lanes each direc·

tion with an additional turn lane for traf· !ic headed_ north on Dover Drive. It will cost an estim ated $5.2 million. Schedule calls for construction to start in early 1978 with completion by the end or 1979.

Celebrities Due For 9-ball Event

NB Seeks Wncession Manager Ho llywood ce)ebr ities will

compete ln nine·ball action Tues­day night at the Registry Hotel in Irvine as the kickoff to the Mako National Invitational Nine-ball Championship Tournament.

Easter Bunny To Visit Me8a

Park Saturday The E aster Bunny a nd Mr. Egg

Man will s upervise an egg hunt at Estancia Adobe Park in Costa Mes a Saturday from noon until 2 p . m .

The egg hunt, a long with an Easter bonnet parade, jelly bean count . marionette show a nd a \'isit from the E aster Bunny, b sponsored by the city 's Depart­m e n t ol Le isure Ser vices.

A musical comedy geared for Easter will be presented by the Bob Baker Marionette Theater prior to the Ea5te r egg hunt.

Children will be separated by age for the hunt in the park and more than 270 pounds of jelly buns will be hidden for Easter hunters.

The Eastl'r Bunny, and Mr. Egg Man w1U ar rive ut the park by helicopter

Thl' day 1s open to <111 Costa Mesa chrldn•n through age 12. For further information, call 556-5300.

Fro• Page AJ

REMAINS • • t ions , s aid he was confide nt all th<' victims would be identified . although ma~ of the bodies ar c barlly hurncd and m a ngled .

/\ spokes man for the airline s alcf t h e work or the 90 patholol'(i s t s, den ti s ts. blood sp€.'ciali:. t s. rndiologi s l s and fln~erprint experts was expected to take a week or more .

An inte rd enom i national memorial S<'rv1ce was held Sun· 1~ay when the bodies a rri ved at t h €' base airfield on two Pan Am fr<'1ghttrs Dunng the s er vicc, two draped and nower· ladtn cor. f1 n 11, representati\"C of the hun· dreds still ins ide the planes , were placed 1r1 "'a1lmg hearses. With representatives of the airline looking on, a Catholic priest. a Protestant minister a nd a rabbi m ade short statements.

The wooden comns cont aining t h t other bodies then were transported to the mortuary.

Billy's Plan Irks Racers

NAPLts, Fl o. CAP > - Billy Curter. the President's brother Is being paid at least Sl0,000 to appear at a swamp bug(y race. and lhe racers ·- who collected only $3, JOO at last year 's race -are furious.

The 70 drivers lined up for the April 24 cancer fu nd benefit vol· f'd to pull out of the event.. which a lso futur'- slock car racea.

" The drtveri are blackmailln~· us ,'' sa id D. L . "St o n ey• Stoneburnet. the sponsor. " They care more a bout pistons thln cancer. Well, some of the at.ock car racers say they'll do It for free, so the swamp bugey racers can 10 and suck their thurnbs ."

As for the paym ent to 8Uly Carter. Stoneburner aald. " I 've olready i>ald the money, and s10,ooo could be only part or it. Why el110 would anyone In tMir rl1ht mind com e here to be pawed?"

Death Probed

Already slgned up for the 7 p .m . celebrity billlards tourney are Jack Carter, Ed Ames, Trini Lopez, Greg Morrls and Bob Hegyes <who plays Epstein on Welcome Back Kotter) . Other stars have been invited, but ha­ven't replied yet.

J. • Ticketa to the celebrity event

are $5.75 and are belna 1old at the Registry Hote l. at Mako Jn . ilustnes. 22861 Lambert St.. Suite 207, El Toro, and at all T lcketron ;lgencies.

From Wednesday ~hrough Saturday, 16 top nine-ball conten. de rs will vie fo r S.SOJ>OO. The purse is reported to be the largest billlards purse ever orrered in the United States. .

Contenders are a rriving this week from a ll over the country and include top nine-ball cham­pions. accordin,:: to the tournu­mentorganizeri;.

Mesa Ensign Perishes in Plane Crash

Me morial ser vices will be held • Thursday in Flor ida for J ohn Mic hael Granzella. 24, a naval ensign from Co:.ta Mesa who die(I Friday in a jet training accident near San Die-go.

The City of Newport 'Beach is looking anew for pe()ple lntere&~ ed ht running the Newpoct Pier conce55ion stand.

City councilmen have acreed to spend $8,000 to rerurblah the out1lde of th4! dilapidated con· cession stand. The e lectrical and waler service lo the stand wi11 be improved and installation a sew age holding tank is planned.

Councilme n also agreed to gel all the permits n~ded to make those improvements. .

City omcials.- a re hopeful the proposal will attracl bidders for the concession which has been closed since September when the previous concessio naire was found in defa ult or his le ase at both the Newport and Balboa Piers .

Replace ments for the con · cessionaire have not com e forth because of the rundown condition of the two stands .

Councilme n agreed to the re ­f u r bis hi n g proj ec t . o n . th e Newport Pier to• see how it works. IC it is successrul in at· tra cting bidders. a -similar plan wlll be adopted for the Balboa Pie r

I Mesa Beauty Pageant Set At Plaza Hotel

The 197Q E!itanc1a High School graduate was scheduled to re­ceive his na val wings April 22. He also pla l\lled to be murrled that day. .. Contestants arc being sought

Granzella leaves hi s parents, for the Miss Costa Mesa Pageant Dr. a nd Mrs . John Granzella two sch<'duled May 5 at South Coast sisters. Jana and Sar a h, 11nd one Plaia Hotel. brother , Jay, a ll of Costa Mesa. Deadline ror contest e nt ries 1:-.

Th e f ami l y will fl y to th i s Frid ay, accordi n g to Pe nsacola, F la .. later this week Pa g ea n t c h a it m an Su c to attend the memoriaJ service. Nicholson, and contestants can

Arter graduating from Eslan· pic k up applications until then at cia lllgh, Granze ll a went to UC California First Bank, 230 E. 17th Santa Barbara, graduating in St. 1975. From there he joined tht' T he pagea nt. sponsored by the naval reser ve . Costa Mesa Chambe r of Com · . He was on a naval flight train- merce and t he Cost a Mesa · mg mission. about 40 miles ca:.t Newport Harbor Lions Club, is of San Diego , when t he jet o pen to unmarried wom en crashed. k illing ham and four between 16 and 22 yea rs of age. others on board . Ent rants must work or live 1n

Cos ta Mesa to be eligible for th<'

Ruling Slated WASIDNGTON CAP > The

U . $ . Supreme Court toda y agreed to decide whether the federal government can protect clean a ir areas by t elling states to Impose more stringent restric· tlons on industrial pollution than federal laws r equire.

more lhan S500 in prizes. For further inform11tion. call

Miss Nicholson at 6'2·1660.

Guards Strike SO MERS , Conn . (J\ P)

Guards have s tru c k Co nnec ti c ut 's 10 prisons and jails alle r rejecting the state's la test con· tract proposal.

Bald is Beautiful

Palestine Future Stressed

W?\SHINGTON <AP > El:YO• ti an President Anwar Sadat. ar· riving today for t~llks wttb Pres1· dent stre1J1ed al the out,.. s et the central lssuo in the Middle Eaal ls the future or the Palci;U~ nlans .

" In your r ecent public s tat .. m ents you have com e very clo~ to the proper r em edy," Sadat told Carter. who is the first American president ever to en· dorse publicly the concept. qf a · Palestinian "homeland." •

However, Sadat said in an~ r ival ce remony in the White House East Room, " What la n eeded is establishment of a politica l entity in which the Palestinians, at long last, can be a community or citizens inatead or a group or refugees ...

Carter , in low·key, welcorninJf r e marks, made no direct men· tion of the Palestinians or any other sensitive aspect. o r th& Arab·l sr aell confiict.

He said " there are no easy a nswers" to the reg ion's pro­ble ms a nd thal he Intended to establis h a "close personal friendship" with Sadat, the first Arab leader t o meet with him irt the Administration's campaign to reconvene the Geneva peace conference by the end or the year.

Sadat. in an extraordlnarily comptlmentary tribute to what he called Carter's Idealis m and m orality, said tbe President is "the personification of a new s pirit emerging in America to­day." Thro~gh Ecypt's long, 7 ,000.

year history of s tatehood, Sadat sald. it has been " ralthlul to the vafues and ideals that render life m~re rewar~ing a nd ful!illing. '.'

Ironically. Sadat's visit coin· cides with the J e wish festival or Passover whlclf comme morates t he freedom Jewish sieves won from Egypt and their setting forth to the " Promised Land .. of Jsrael. \ .

Al the- t'eremony, held indoor~ b€.'cause of r a in, Sadat thanked Carter for " your gallant action" in s ponsorinl'( nearly $1 billion 1n econo~mic a nd food aid for Egypt. whose economy is e xperiencing hard limes .

But Sadat, r e fe rring t o lht Palest inian i15sue. told the Prcsi· dtnt that " no p rogress can be achieved so long as this problen) remains unsolved ."

Carter for h is p art. offered several boosts lo the Egyptian leader. who was the t arget re cently or d€.'monstrations across Egypt prompted by increased pn c<'s or s taple goods , an action the government had to reverse .

•• 1 have never met an American lea de r who didn' t come away im ­prrssf'd with his sensitivity m­telligl'n('t' and ('OUragc." C;r tcr l>ard about his guest.

From Page Al

5 DIE ... c harges wht'n he purportedlv became bell igerent when taken to a nearby hos pital for treatm ent of injunC's w<1s Sergio Gonzalez. 34 , of Oaldwin Park. a passenger in Rodriguez·!! r:.i r .

A Garden Grove woman died in Palm Harbor H ospital late Saturday night, a f<'w hours a fter being struck by an auto as s he crossed u street pushing o shop· oln$t cart ahead of her

· . Police said Mrs. Louise Met­rtlt , S l. wui; fatally Injured when hit by a car while crossing 9th Street near Collc·~e A venue.

L.OSANGELES fAP > - Polle~ er invest1auln1 the beaUn1 death of an e lderly man wbO wu apparenUy killed while t.rylt\a to stop a bur.glary at a neSahbor's a partment •

More than 20 contestants. their hair styles recnlllng the 1'V s~rlcs Kojok. gather at Hodosan Shrjnc north of Tokyo ln the first all.Ja pan .. brl g ht head " contest. Katamua Nomura. head of the J apan

Bright Head F'rlcnd~hip Association, sald the competition was held to help wipe out inf ertority complexes among the bald and to provide a bit or fun ror the aged

Page 5: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



Poster-carrying Farrah Fans Cheer fhelr Favorite on to Victory In Mission Viejo

Fan·ah Hit Viejo • ID a

Whips Cosby in Celebrity TennU Match f'.irr.ih F ,1WC' l'll MJJ•1r-. pro

vt•d Sund ;,i v !> h1· wtts about ;i ,.

good a tl'nnt" pl.i)rt•r ;Js s hC' wuc; a crowrl pll'aS<' I' I ll thr fin.ii ('\t•Ot

of " f'd t•hnt:. Ch:lll <'nl(t' of th<• Scxf's · m M1s-..11n \ ll'Jo

Th(•'" .1t· tou!'i VarrJh lrounC' rd ll'nnt., huff romc•d1 an Bill Cnsbv before• a r rov.d r nnc,t•r vat1\Pl v e~t1matC'd h) ~11 s., 1on VICJO ni f1 e ial :-. Jt 7.000

· ·Th<' v "' 1' rt' J a m m 1• d 1 n everyv.her<'. han~in i: on fence'> and e"erythmg t' l\1'. · s;11d com· pany SJ>Okt'sman Chuck Darean. who said security guards turned away at ll'abt more spec t a tor::. fr o m the M a r g uenle

R et·reatJOn Center . Hecausc of pending ht1 gation.

11vl'r her dec1s1on tn Quit th1•

" Charli e 's Angell\ " tclev1s1on s ho" . 1hc g la morous f'' a rrah dechnro to be interviewed But her agent told news men the size .rnd vigor of the crowd stunned thf' star

The f'a-.cett Ma1ors tenni~ \ 1c tory brought a triumphant <.'lose to an event equal~ in the minds of M1ss1on Viejo officials only by the visit last sutnmer by President GeraJd Ford.

J 0 five days of tapinj, a lotaJ of 24 top television st a rs ~mpeted

Col11111nists Report

_ Chip Carter Eyed •

in 12 quasi·t'Ompct1t1ve sporting f'venl s for the honor of v1ctorv .. nd a guaruntt'{' hi.ISC' s alary of SS.000 Tll('rt' was rvt'n more in i i for the b1J:! nam"' Farrnh re· · pprtedly rarned $30,000

When 11 wa s all ovN. the female stars outPointl'd the male by a tally of seven events to fi ve

Conni e S t t•vens heat f'l1p Wilson in auto racmg . Knsty M <' Nichol beat Dan llaggerty in s kateboardmg. Cindy Williams beat Lloyd Bridges in bike rac· mg, Lola Falaoa beat Ed Asner in m arathon running. Phyllis George beat 0 J . Simpson m ping pong and Stephanie Powers doused Tony Randall in s wim· ming

The me1t't.ion the bowling, golf, billiards. basketball nnci obc;taclc c·ourse evt'nt s .

\ Monday· Af>!ll '· 1971 DAIL v PtLOT AS

One Year Later I r

Hughes' Fortune ..

Scrambles Cou1·ts ...

By UNOA DEUTSCH ··-••t.M l"rnl ., ... ,

Howard Hughes died one year ago this week. And although nc, one weeps for him now . passions aroused by his death continue.

" We bring nothing into this world and we can take nothing out," intoned tbe minis ter at the burial of one or the world 's richest men.

Even as he s poke. the scram­ble for Howard Hughes' fortune badoo'glm.

Now, a s pringtime late r . dis · putes over the disposition of Hughes' wealth clutter the courts o f four states . Would -be in­h e r itors h ave produced 34 separate documents a lleging to be the last will and testament~f Howard Robard Hughes

Distant relatives whose tit's lo ihe family recluse were tenuous for decades have st epped up lo c laim a share of the estate. So has an obscure gas s tation owner from Utah. And two slates which once knew Hughes ai; tn invisible resident a re battling ov<'r which one gets the inheritance taxes.

There is even a dispute ttbout how rich Hughes rea lly was .

And so intense was his isolation that many had believed him dead for years.

" I t ' s tragic,.'' s aid Frank William Gay. pre s ident of Hu ghes 'SummaCorp. " ll's trag tl' Howard Hugh8f> had lo die to prove that he WSS a h Vl' "

At las t , with the guardians of his ck>1ster dis missed, the \'OW of s1lence was broken Ther<' "ere glimpses or the hermit· ... life and confirmation of long· b<'ld s usp1 dons that a dark and ternbll• secret lurked within th<.· pent houses and privat<' planes of Hughes' hidden world.

Hughes , once a t a ll , dashing aviator and Hollywood playboy. di.ed of neglect a p1t1ful. em aciated figure whose demise befitted a pauper. When his aide!'>

• fl ew him to Hous ton from Acapulco. Mexico. on April 5. 1976, il was too late to save him . The man who was dead on ar· riv a l at the airport was a withered s ix-fool-tall. 90·pound co rpse with a long. unkempt beard and an unhealed wound on his head.

An aulopS)' reveal ed th li l Hughe~. ·10. had s uffer<'d from ul · ce rs. 4MWM'er. advanced kidney d isease. unde11nouri~mt'nt. de hydration. a nd hadly decayed tee th

In s ubsequent months. written accounts portrayed llugh<'s' lmH 15 yl'ars as :it nightmare of drug addiction. self-deprivation and ohsessions. of races around lht• globe from one darkt'ncd hotel roo m to ~mother trying to outrun pri\'ale demons.

The first allege<! will was de ltevered -mysteraousJy to the Mormon Church headquarters in Salt J,,ake City, Utah. It left the• I hen .estimated S2.5 hi Il ion to medical r esea r c h but gave shares to Hughes' two ex .wives. his aid<'s and a gas st ution ownt'r named Melvi n Dummar

The 30th "will " lt'ft the cst.ilc to Howard Hu ghe!'> Medi cal Institute.

However, the only purported will heading towa rd a probate trial ii\ lhe hand-written Mormon will. The bizarre scenes in that drama multiply daily. A tnal to determine its va li dity i s scheduled in Las Vegas on July 6.

Hughes' cousin. Richard Gano Ca o Orange County l awyer >. special administrator of the

. .

report on the will search indicat­ing that yet another will existed atoneUme.

Meanwhile, an inventory or Hughe11' assets commissioned by

Seelu Dl"or~e Comedian Mort Sahl has filed in Los Angeles for divorce from h is wife M a rgarcl Lee, an imploye of the Los Angeles Playboy Club. citing irreconcilable differences. Married since October 1974. they have an e1ght-month-0ld son.

Coast Man

Bitten by Rattlesnake

A Corona dei Mar man was lis t· ed in fair condition today at Hoag Me morial Hospital after being bitten by a rattlesnake Sunday afternoon. . Details on the incident were sketchy this morning, but a fire department s pokes man said John Bodrero. 25. of 4351 ~ Carna­tion Ave . was drive n to t he Corona <lei Mar fire statipn by an unidentlf\ed friend .

T he friend told firemen that the· unconscious man had been bitten while walking in the Irvine coast area .

Paramedics were s ummoned to the station to treat the s nake bite victim and he was taken to the hospital.

The f ire d e p ar tment spokesman noted that, because of the dry weather. the s nakes are active. He warned residents to watch out for them.

relatives showed his wealth was only $169 million, a mere fraction of the $2.5 billion estimate. The figure is sure to be challenged in court.

Testimony OnKKK Refused

SAN DIEGO CAP> - The­Department of Justice has re­fused to tell defense attorneys for 14 blacks what is known about lhe ltu Klux Klan in the Marine Corps, one of the lawyers said.

Attorney John Murcko said the defense suit asked for all the in­formation about the Klan availa­ble to government agencies but was turned down .

The trials of nine of the blacks still facing charges as a result of a barracks attack at nearby Camp Pendleton was de layed at least Wllil May 2 by order of the Court of Military Appeals in Washington , D.C.

The Marine Corps was given until then to answer alleJtations that the black leathernecks can't get a fair tri a l a t Camp Pendleton wh e r e s i x white Marines were beaten and stabbed Nov. 13. Attorney~ said the blacks

believed they were break mg up a meeting of the wh itc·supremaey group.

Two of the 19 white Ma rines al Ca mp Pendleton ide nti f ied publicly as Klans men are still al the base. Another has been dis· charged. One is listed as a de-

. serter and the othe rs have been transferred .

Aggravated assault and con­s piracy charges face all nine blacks. In addition. Sgt. William Spencer, 23, of High Point. N.C . • and Pfc. Donald R . Hunter, 22. Win s ton -Sa lem. N.C . , a r e charged with attempted murder.

Alread y c leared are Pfc . Michael G. Guidry Jr .. 21. of Lake Charles. La ., for lack of evidence, and Cpl. Glenn White , 20, of Bayne Acadi a . La .. ac­quitted al a court martial .

Cpl. E .F Henry, 20. of Iva · hoe . N .C . a nd C pl. Dean Edw ards . 20. of Colfax . La . . pleaded ~uilty and ha ve returned to thei r unit s after se r v ­ing three months a t ha rd labor . .

Civilian defense attorneys won re lease of the rest of the accused black Marines after they spent three months or more in the brig awaiting trial. But Ml.u'cko's petition for a joint trial was r (!·

jected by the nation's highest military court.

Visit Ends In Death RIALTO (AP>-Seven victims

of a pla'ne crash 'in the San Bernardino Mountains apparent· ly were returning borne to Utah from a company-sponsored flight t o California, according to authorities investigating the de­aths.

The twin·engine private plane, reportedly owned by E. A. Miller Packing Company of Hyrum, Utah, was found Satarday near Green Valley Lake. Hughes estate, issued a March 15

It had taken off Friday from Orange County Airport, headed for Logan. Utah.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department identified the dead as Ernest A. Miller, 21, of Hyrum ; J erry G. Fackrell, 44, the pilot, of Logan: Gerald W. Gerstner, 28, of Paradise; Don B. Mauchley, 48, of Logan ; Rees M. Bingham,:.>, of Hyrum; Brent H. Clawson, 36, of Logan, and Spencer P. Roper , JS, or Smilhfleld.

classicwalkin9 ALDEN of new england @ • In · Fuel Scandal Mtiil Delivery


• W ASHlN<iT'ON I AP > - Pres1· •nt Carter's son. Chip, i11 OJle of lbout a dozen former empioyes

itht• Gcorgiu Stnte Energy Of. e under serutin)' by federal In­stigators in connection with a ssible fuel·fol'favors scandal, o columnists said today. They said the Investigation s tempora rily ha lted in Nov­ber arter Carter's election

d alter it was «jlia<:ov~red that. p had been a fuel allocation cer for' the state agency from

e 1973 to early 1975.

i e oohunniats, Jack Cloberty

d Bob Owens, qaoted highly ced sou.rcea In lbe Federal ergy Admintatratlon,

tllwever, as saying the Prelll· •nt 's son waa not the main • 1et ol the investi9at1on, whleh ..again tmder way. t'lfrbe Carter na m e " scared ~ryone ort for awhile,' ' sa1d • FEA source, t he columnists "Ported.

The investigation Js being con-ducted by the FEA. .; ·

The columnl!IU said they were unable to reach Chip Carter for comment.

The invesU1alion is said to ceo.ter on the e>Perallon or t.he

stale energy orfice and a former director, Lewis Sprvill, who was appointed to the post by then· Gov . Jimmy C.rte r .

Confidential FEA documents aay the energy office alleg.tdly made highly q u est.ioDable emergency tud allocations to de­a len who were friendly wl'l2 Spruill, die coltltnaiata aatd.

Tbq aid l'CA. invesutatora have evldebce that Spruill re­ceived favors from at leaatoneol tbes• dealers ucf are seekinf to det.ermine lf other aeency em'l~wettinvolved .

Tf!!i,documeats teportedly Say tbe inveltigatton ls now concen­trattni on Spnd.ll) relaUonabJp

t with wnuam Corey of U.S . Transport. a., of Conyers. G•., who w• H6d to have received 21 emer,ency fasolln& allotments, more titan anyone else, acconi­inR tothect1urnnists.

At the white House tod•r· preA ss secretary Jody Powel said, " It is In my opinion an extremely Irresponsible story" and ap· parently " a rather cheap at­tempt to sell a column by Im· pugnlne t.he integrity" of lnno· cent people.

.Reswnea; Dog Threat Ertu1ed

Mail iervfce has returned lo DO('mal in.a West Newport Bead\ neighborhood where residents or one bloclc were without delivery because of a dog.

PMtal officials said today de. llv~ry ~ bee reiMtituted on the 4lOt block of Rtver Avenue a.lnc~ the German shepherd which bad bitten the local postal carrier WU liven away.

Residents or the neighborhood JDlde' saveraJ angry complaints to tbe Riverside Drlve Poet Of. flee when they dlscove-ed that they were without mail delivery two weelts qo.

But wstal oriicials said they would not make deliveries until the doc, w"lch 1had bitten t.he postman 6hd 'Nhich allegedly roamed the Stroot" was either moved or pro~rly c:ontatn~.

A postal spokesman said today the owner or lhe dog gave the animal t.o some friends in the San Fraact1co Bay area and mall de­livery hu returned to normal In the netpborbood.

I •

soft brO'NTl gra1 n u~r.w1th plan­tation crepe e.nd leather tip for lon~rwear .,

I . I • ,.

@)~o~@J§~ . 44 f81hk>n Island, newport center · 844·5070·


Page 6: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


Just ••

t . ' " ' T. ' ' I

' "!_··~ with Tom arpldae


BALBOA BLUES: Peculiar how quiet it seemed along the coastline today when vou con­s ider this was the fir st day of s pring vecation fo r mos t stu­dt'nls.

This used to be the firs t day of a ce lebrat.ion of the rit.cs of spring that w e c alled Ba l Week . R e leased from the rigors and ;i gony of Phyaics I or English :1-B. s tudents s treamed to our coastline by the thousands .

They j ammed every chicken­c·oop rental unit from Seal Beach to San Clemente. The boys came because it was where the girls were and vice versa.

Monday· April • • 1977

·Thirst ..

Ends Bus llijacking

JACKSONVILLE. Flu. <AP> ­A man 's desire for bourbon helped authoritiea end a bus hi· jacking that had k e pt 38 passengers and a driver in cap­tivity for2 1.-2 hours.

Ronnie Thomas Nance, 28, was charged with 39 counts of kidnap­ing Sunday alter police shot out a tire Greyhound bus and an FBI agent overpowered the hi· jacker .

AUTHORJTIES SAID Nance, of Winter Garden, Fla., told the driver of the ·o rlando-to-Toronto bus t.bat he was having domestic trouble and wanted to get to Arkansas.

" I had nothing better to do­seriously,' ' Nance said later.

Authorities said the incident began when a man. who boarded f the b u s in

I .


Restless Islands


Zaire Breaks Cuba Relations

Editor'aNott: Tldt~waafu.d 11ndn~of C1MOJ,,..,.. KINSHASA Zaire (AP) - Preald~t Mobutu. Sele Seko's IOYem·

ment broke r~latlons wlth Cuba today because ot it.a atle1ed baclUq of the Angola-hued rebel invuf6nofShaba Province. . The eovernment radio utd document.a provtng Cuban lnvolve:t ln the lnvaalon were found on an unnamed Cuban diplomat. The o gave no details of the document. former rnlUUamen who foutbt In but sl\Jd Cuban diplomata bave s upport of Moise Tthombe't been ordered to leave the count.ry secessioniat drive in Katanaa in "lo accordance with lntema· the 1980s and were driven back tional usage." into Angola. ·

TKE ZAIRE GOVERNMENT DIPLOMATIC SOURCES also has repeatedly claimed that the r eported that Mobutu hu re. r ebels were being helped by m oved popular Gen. Bumba military advisers, troops, arms Moasso u chief o! the Zl.lrt and equipment from Cuba, a rmy 's general ataff in a Soviet Union and Angola. s hakeup follbWing the lDvulon.

The Russians, Cubans and Bumba told a news conference Angolans have denied any role in last week bis troops bad found the invaaion. Cuban President R u s s 1 a n s , Cu b an a a I'\ d Fidel Castro told a press con- Portuguese among dead enemy· ference in Tanzania last month soldiers. that Mobutu's accusations were 1 n view of Bumba• a " an excuse fo r . getting m~re widespread popularity among

It happened for decades every swim?. Mecca for t he swarmi~i? vouth was always that sandsptl ·P eninsula known as lian>0a -and thll.! the name Bal Week tor s pring vacation.

I N TIIE EARLY days, the law was rather fl exible in Balboa Thus vis iting s tudents could let 'er rip. The cash registers of m erchants, idled during the cold months, began to rang cheerily and often as the Long Green flowed in.

O rl ando, pulled the gun as the bus was about 19 miles south of St. Augustine.

M a r y M oore of C learwater. Fla .. recalled the start :

The 3.000 registered voters on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard were to vote today on whether they prefe~ to secede from Massachusetts. The vote, not legally bm~ ­ing, merely gives islanders a chance to express op1· nions.

military aid from the Yankee tm· za ire troops , Mobutu ha periallsts and European avoided any public announce-neocolonialis ts." ment of his downerading, the ln·

The rebels crossed the Angolan form ant.a said. . • border into Shaba March 8 and Bumba was a llowed to keep bis have seized about one-third of the title as the army's "captaln-prov ince . Mos t of t hem are general'' but was deprived of his

So as cash flowed, the law took it easy. Jack Summers , one of the early Newport cops, used to recall tha t he rounded up only the mos t rowdy vaca tione rs. About midnight, he'd pile them all 0!1 the city fi re truck and head for Ct· ty jail in Central Newport.


" THE HIJAC KER ~asked , 'H ave you ever .been hijacked before?' And the driver replied , ' No.' Then the hijacker said , ' Well,youare now.'

Lights Dim • in Wtirning

pre vious authority as chief of the armed forces immediately under s uoreme commander Mobutu.

APPOINTED NEW chief or staff wu 31-yeai'-old Gen. Babla Zingbi Malobia, a graduate of Belgium's national mllitary academy and director-general of Zaire's Defense Ministry since early last year.

Portland Asked to Anticipate Shortages

The last drunk on the fire tru<'k i::ot to clang the be! 1 as they drove off to the munic ipal hote l.

Balboa got a rea l boost as a vacation ~pot for youth in 1928 when they built th~ Rendezvous Ballroom. an imposi ng dance hall at 608 E. Ocean Front near Balboa Pier.

ALAS IN 1935, som e la t e C'e lebra~t left a s mold e r ing c igarette 1n the uphob tc ry and t he Rendezvous burned down But it was rehu1lt in t ime to pre­sent the Big Band i:.ounds of the 1930s and '40s.

Benny Goodm an, Ph il Harris. Harry J ames, Les Brow~ and G us Arnheim 's b a nd w ith a c rooner named Bing Cros by all played the Rendezvous. Late r <·ame that long run by Stan Ken ton. Still la ter, Dick Dale and his Del Tones with " the Sur fing

~SO'und ." At Balboa 's Rcnde1.vou'>. tl wa:.

each gt'nerat1on to 11 .., <>wn Into th<' 1960s. 1t was estim ated

that on a hot Ba l Weck day, more than 70.000 v1s1tors would Ja m 1 he Penin~ula a lone . Something <' h a nged , howc\ er. as morf' pe rm anent rc<;1dcnts hcJ:an to m ake our <'oasthnl• home La" ••nforcemcnt got t ighter. Fe" <'r hijinks were tole rated.

On the night of March 4!6. ltf64 . so many thoufi:md11 of ki~s were trvinJ.( to n•Hh Balboa .., Ren­c1;.1. ,·11us th at Newport 's n<'w l'ohc(• l'h1t'f .1 .1 m 1·s Gluva<; 1m posed a t ra tr11· hl0<:karl t·. fly 9· 10 p.m .. cars wert• back1•d uv l'lc;ir through Costa Mes a.

By 19f..fl. Bal Wcl'k "s pnpulantv .1ppl'arcd fadini.:. In Apri l o r Jg&:\ . ; 1 newspaper headlin e dl.'chtrt>t.I nal Wcl'k dl'ad , th1• unw.intf'd

c hild of ;motht·r era . HUT 1•· \'OU want to r11np01 nt

t he precise lime of death, try 4 a .m on Aug. 7, 1960. The Balboa s ky turned red and ' moke fill ed 1he air. Once again, t he Ren d €'zvous Ballroom was bumtni;l. T hey didn't rebuild 1l th1s t ime

Th<> next da» . )>Orne vouni;ls ter pi<'ked up a piece of cha rcoal and ~1·rawlNI a<•ro:-' the· r«>m l11ning hrtcks , " Goodb"'· W1• Lmed y 11 11 .. ~

T h al m':lv h a\ l ' l1t•1•11 Ra l" Wc•ek's <'Pll aph

•'The driver was very cool and got off at a whiskey station to get the hijacker some bourbon he wanted."

She sa id as the bus went through St. Augus tine. the hi · Jacke r decided he wanted more whiskey and told the drive r . Rob· b1e L . J ones, to stop and getit.

BUT THE DRIVF.R a lready had alerted police a t the first ~top and officers were waiting at the \.a tor Truck Stop about 25 miles south of Jacksonville when the bus pulled in. .

Near Bayard , however . pohcc s hot out the left front t ire and the hus pulled lo the s ide of the hignway and the hiJacker was ovcrpow~rcd.

PORTLAND. Ore. (A P ) - Will the lights go out in downtown Portland tonight? Or will Oregon Gov. Bob Straub's symbolic call for energy conservation be ig­nored ?

Straub has as ked businesses and residents of some 400 city bl~ in downtown Portland lo turn off their interior and ex­t e rior lights for 20 minutes. beginning at 7:30 p.m., PST.

STRAUB ADMITS it 's a "gim· mick." but says it"s necessary to make people aware that , unless ; they voluntarily cut back use of . el e ctri ci t y, res idents of lhe drou g ht -s t ri c k e n Pa c ifi c Northwest will face mandatorv

Tornados Wipe Out Ho1nes in Michigan

~ By The As~iated Pre~s

" All we have left is what we're wearing. •· s aid Steve Kulikowsk i. one of more than 130 pe rsons who lost home~ this weekend as tornados hit four Lower Michigan count1t'S

State and municipa l offi cials eM1mated damage from the s torm s at mor e than S2 5 million.

KUUKOWSKJ , :?6, like many o th e r s, l os t h o m e and possessions Sa turd ay when a l ~rnado r oared through the Kalamazoo County farming com munity of Augusta . Oamage in

Aui;lust.i a lone was cstamal<!d al more than Sl m illion

'" We'd JUSt sp<'flt all our money on buying food ,'" he s aid . " And now the re frige ra tor 's gone."

The heaviest damage was rc ported in Kal amazoo and Eaton 1·ount1~ Lesser damage ali.o O<'· curred i n Livingston and Oakland counties , authorities 'illd

T U E TWISTERS WER E bl amed for lht> dea th of one chHd ;1 nd 11\JUrll'S to at least 44 other persons . A second death was hlamf'd indirectly on the storm: Donald Merritt. 43. of Eaton Rapids, WH electrocuted Sonday as he cleaned up debris.

Jason McKenzie. s. of Flint. a passenger in a truck s wept from fntersta lt' f)!I nea r Cha rlottt', was lh 1· lone f.ita li h'. The bov's

Cather. Ga ry McKenzie Sr . and younger brothe r . Ry~n . 3,. re­mained hosp1ta hzed in serious condition.

Law enforcement officials is­sued passes to residents Sunday a nd attempted to keep out all but e m ergency workers because cu rious motorists hampered l'leanup work in a few areas. Cr ews from Consumers Power Company said they were unable to reach some downed power lines beca use traffic blocked roud11.

SHERIFF ART Kelsey said damage In Eaton County was ex­pected to total more than $1 5 million.

About 100 dwellin gs were damaged wtlh 13 houses and ~ne mobile homes deatroyed , he sa1d.

One twister touched down near Olivet and s w e pt northeast toward Charlotte . cutt ing a path about a city hlock wide for fiv1> mil es a nd hrtan li( l' ars from highways and dum ping them by the roads ide.

Midwest to Get Snow

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curtailments of electric power this summer and Call.

" It will serve as a demonstra · lion of the fact that voluntarily we can take ac tion if it is needed," s aid Straub 's press aide, Ken Fobes . _

The League of Women Voters , Boy Scouts. J aycees and other volunteers have gone door-to· door. telling downtown bus1· ness men and apartment dwelle rs about Straub's " lights out" plan.

"EVEN JF WE GET normal rainfall the rest of the year, the reservoirs on the Columbia still will be onJy 60 to 70 percent of capacity," Fobes said. "That will guarantee the necessity to e ither purchase power at 10 limes the current price from out· side the region or force a man· datory 10 percent cutback in elec. tricityuse.

Habta and Bumba have le.Jg been known as personal rivals within Zaire's military power structure, although both are ~­s idered intensely loyal to Prest· dent Mobutu. The informants said Bumba has been appointed com mander of Zaire's military hase at Kamina, the mai n s upply against the Katangan rebels.

"There's a c redibility gap out there." Fobes said. ··People have to realize it' s their choice

•• WE HAVE NOT had any whether the cutback is voluntary n e gative responses." Fobes or mandatory."


TRJCENTENNL4L claims. ''We've had pledges of Movie projectors will be run· <'Oope r ation from JC Penney , ning . but t h e marquees at


PayLess. Meier and Frank and downtown the aters w il l be othe r major re tail outlets ." darkened and the lobby lighLci

CAP> - The Universit y of Rhode I s land 's Bicentennial Com­m ission has voted itself out of ex­istence, but not before makmg a com mltment to the nation's tricentennial. .

The problem. Fobes said. is the will be dimmed , according to inability of Northwest reslde_n~s Dewayne Belisle. who manages to believe that an cm•rgy cns1s three of the theaters for the Mann continues to loom. des pite the re· chain . turn of normal rainfall to the re- A DESK CLERK AT the g1on last month . Portland Hllton sa1<1 the hotel's

The Bonnevill e Powe r Ad · outside lights will be t urned off ministration's call for a volun- and a copy o{ Straub's re· t ary 10 percent reduction in the questing the blackout will be

The commission transferred its remaining money - $1.30 -to t he school's development omc~ for investment at 5 percent in· t erest compounded annually.

use of electr1c1ty an the Pac1f1c s lipped beneath the door of each Nort hwest has gone unheeded. __ guest's room .

The commission figures that. by 2076, that investment will be worth $162.81.


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. ..

Page 7: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

. \

Swastika SpaW118 · Violence

SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Passover beean here on an omlnoua note, as special police watch wu made of the cil)''s Jewlsh synagogues ln the wake of violence spawned by the brief openingofaNazibookslore.

By Sunday, the six-day.old Rudolf Hess Bookstore was no more-thework of an angry mob that ransacked then set lire to the premises in a midnight raid .

( Sl'ATE J But the bitter feelings the store

had aroused, on both s ides, slm­meredstiU. Painless

~- April i · 19n DAILY PILOT AS

'Ad Asks Aide Candidate Seeking Running iHate

From AP Dlapatcbes lnt.uest.ed in a $36,000.a-year job requiring no

prlor ~perience and provld.lnl a food chance of ad· vancementT

Contact Dale Parker, a candidate for governor of Florida who is advertising 1n newspapers for a rwmlng mat.e. ,

Parker, an independent who became the sixth person to enter the 1978 election contest, admitted his method of choosing a No. 2 for bis ticket was dif· ferent.

''It's a novel approach, but newspaper ads are used to fill all kinds of highly technical jobs, why not the lieutenant governor's position as well?" asked Parker, 51, a retired aerospace worker living in Orlando.

• Chess Champion Bobby Fischer's $S million in-

vas ion of privacy lawsuit against an author and publisher has been dismissed by U.S. District Court Judge Matt Byrne in Los Angeles.

Fischer, who acted as his own attorney, ac­cused Bnd Danacb, Time-Llfe International and

something Uke an anecdotal history of what the pre­sidency is like."

• The Whittaker Corp. of Los A.nioles elected a

board cbalrman from outllde the ranks of manage· ment. a move wbicb the flrm'a prealdenl bopea wW be trend-setting.

The appointment to the chalrmanahlp 9t Eaton W. Ballard. who retired in January as executive vice president of Carter Hawley H&le Stores Inc .• was announced by Whittaker president JOMpla F. AUbrandl, who will rematn chlef .execuUve of the diversified firm.

Allbrandi said he decided to push for an outside chairman based on his experience as a director and chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran· cisco, where all directors come from outside busi· ness.

• HEW Secretary Joseph A. Callfaao Jr. no

longer has a $12,763-a-year "personal assistant for

.. II you see a swastika, you get all hysterical," said Tauba Weiss, whose husband, Morris, and son, Allan were the only arrests after the melee early Saturday.

Cop• Seelc Kaput

Rock singer David Cassidy says his marriage to actress Kay Lenz Sunday in Las Vegas was " painless." Cassidy tie_d the knot in a s imple, but delayed ceremony after a dnver retrieved the m arriage license left behind at a motel.

Stein and Day Publishers, Inc. l of brealdng written and oral pro­mises not to disclose details of the former world chess cbam· pion's private life.

"I'll not pay a penny of federal income t axes until we get justice in this case," said

special activities" who cooks bis lunch. Now he has a $12,763-a· year ''steward" who cooks h1s lunch.

A spokes man for th e Department of Health, Educ&· lion and Welfare says the secretary's chef, retired Marine Sgt. Wiiey Barnes, was reclassified by the Civil Service Commission al Califano's re· quest.

VENICE (AP) - Police are looking for a rapist who has at­tacked three young girls in the last month, one of whom is stiU hospitallzed from injuries sus­tained in a beating before she was r aped, offi_cials say .

Tot Found at Door

Governor May Seek Presidency Again

Fischer. Darrach wrote the book ,

"Bobby Fischer versus the Rest of the World."

* St. Mary Hospital in Manhattan. Kan .. said Woody Herman, 68, the orchestra leader , will un­dergo surgery Tuesday for repair of a broken ri ght thigh.

' CALIFANO • Los Angeles Times newsmen George H.

Reasons and Mike Goodman have been named win­ners of The Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, distinguished service award in the fi e ld of general reporting , the society announced.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police have taken a three-week-old baby found on a neighbor 's doorstep into protective custody.

, SAUSALITO (AP> - Gov. Edmund C. Drown J r 1s keeping alive

the possibility he might run for pres ident again. Herman was injured when his car collided

head-on with another al Ft. Riley. Kan. He and his

They were cited for their reporting on civic cor· ruption in Long Beach, wh.lcb, Sigma Delta Chi said, "link~ much of the city's problems to direct and surreptitious participation in local govemm~nt affairs by executives of the city's newspaper, the Independent Press· Telegram.••

Michael Perez was found on the doorstep of Sam Eakin In the Glassell Park area early Sunday police sald. The boy's mother, Della Perez, 26, was temporarily living next door to Eakin, she told police, but she could not ex· plain how her son happened to be on E akin's front porch.

Brown, who m ade a s trong showing against Pres ident Carter in the Democratic primarie& last year. said Sunday night in a televised interview be has that consideration "on the back burner."

• Thundering Herd were in the area for a concert at Kansas State University.

S.rflan Act Said Solo LOS ANGELES (AP> - The

lates t probe into a poss ible · 'second gun" theory in the slay­ing of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy concludes that Sirhan B. Sirhan acted alone, The Los Angeles Times reports.

Tbe newspaper qu oted ex · cerpts of a 60-pagc report, s cheduled for release Tuesday by the district attorney 's office.

1'1- KHlftl "'1 Gaa LAWNDALE (AP) - A man

who entered uncle's home un· aware that it was to be fumigated was apparently killed when fumigators hlled the house with poisonous insecticide gas, of.

Talking with Martin Agronsky on station KQED, Brown said running for president again is " not now in the forefront of my mind. My principal concern right n ow i s governing California." He added:

" I HAVE A j ob. I have a responsibility. I try to discharge it. Whal happens after that, as­suming I'm around to reap that particular reward (the presiden ­cy) time will tell.'.'

Brown or his s late came in ahead of Carter in s ix s tate primaries. He was on the ballot in Maryland, Nevada and California and took all three. He was a write-in candidate in Oregon, and backed slates in New Jersey and Delaware.

Brown was asked about the case of Allan Bakke, a wh.lte from Sunnyvale who was denied admission to the medical school of the Univers ity of'Callromia at Davis because of a UC minonty admissions program.

"I THINK the cas e was wrongly decided if you'r e asking me that," said Brown. " I would have voted with the dissent. I don 't thmk it requires reverse discrimination . 1 don 't think il requires quotas."

Brown said " more r oom " should have been made fo r Bakke if possible.

He said, "we have a limited number o f s pa<'e s ( in th e medical school ). We have to find the most hum a n , sens itive method of allocation . And there arc people. whatever their color, wh atever their sex, who are not getting to the university because they don't have the funds to pro· vide places for all the people who want to be doctors."

The Bakke case is now in the U .S. Supreme Court, which will decide the constitutionality of th e university 's s pecial ad ­mi ssions program. The state Supreme Court has s truck down the program •


The hospital described Herman's condition as im­proved, stable and satisfactory but still serious .

* Nancy Hoover, a woman who wouldn't change her mind. says she's s till happy with her decision not to serve any longer as mayor of Del Mar.

The City Council re-elected her March 21 after her term ended . But Mayor Hoover told them th at

. the job should be rotated and that s he didn't want another year.

When they re-elected --------her anyway, she - like ( J Gen. WIJUam Sherman PEOPLE warned the Republi cans

The articles also focused on " the newspaper's failure to report £ully and aggressively on the situa­tion," the society said.

• Overuse of broadcast call-in programs by

President Cuter will " cause an enormous im­balance in the political process," tbe head of CBS Broadcast Group says.

John A. ~bnelder told a Univers ity of Notre Dame audience the network bas no immediate plans to do another call-in program because it doesn·t want to become " the megaphone of the President."

• Salk Institute honored Cambridge. England

biologist Francis Crick with lhtl first Kieckhefer Distinguished Research Proresso'rship.

The new chair was endowed by a $l·million g r a nt by the J . W. Kleckhefer Foundation of

serve. Prescott, Ariz .. which is financing establishment or Councilman John Weare then was elected . the Kieckhefer Center of Molecular Biology.

in 1834 - r efus ed to ..__ ______ _.

* Crick is a research pioneer in DNA and the Former President Gerald R. Ford will discuss basicstructurcofgenetics.

his role as commander-in-chief of the armed forces • dur\_ng his first paid appearance on NBC-TV. says Retired s tate legislator Don Grunsky was re· the president of NBC News. ported in sati sfactory condition after being

During a speech. NBC News President Richard hospitalized with chest pains. Wald said Ford might discuss how he learned about Grunsky, who served in the Assembly for six the Mayaguez incident, what decisions he had to years and the Senate for 24 years , was taken to make, and to whom he gave orders. Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz and was un­

fi cials say. Wald said, " Essentially . . . 1t will center on dergoing observalion . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;_~~~--=:.__:.__~~..;_.......;_:~.:.;_~~

You're invited to our Import \J

Designers' Fashion Show Thursday, April 7, 10 a .m .

Breakfast in the Lido Room

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Page 8: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

. I

· A6


It's time for Oranie County govern­ment to pump more dollars into the county 's aging computerized vote-counting system.

This time, $40,000 is needed to move the machines to the Registrar of Voters' new of -fice in Santa Ana.

According to a report sent to the Board of Supervisors last week by General Services Agency Director Tom Egan.

. .. There is no single circumstance" that die· tales the immediate replacement of the county's often maligned vote-counting machines.

At th~samc time, Egan admits the machines will take about 14 hours -to count the primary and general election ballots ex­pected n ext year - if all goes well.

That m eans Orange County will once again be a t ail-ender in California when it comes to counting votes.

And jt also means the Board of Supervisors will probably spend the $40,000, and continue to dis regard the advice of three grand juries by delaying a decis ion on replacing the aged vote-counting machines.

If so, it would appear that it will take nothing s hort of a serious mechanical breakdown in mid-count lo force the s upe rvisors to hnng Orange County up to modern s tandard:, <i:-i far us vote counting is concernl·cl

Unfair Burden Orange County supervisors have solid

financial r easons for endors ing proposed Congrcssiorw l legis lation that would enable counties lo recoup the cost of ppoviding emerge ncy ml'dical treatment for illegal aliens.

The county foots the bill for treatment of <111 111d1gl'nt paticnL'i at UCl Medical Cl•nter a nd supe rvisor s last week learned that a sta rtling SI .2 million tJf this cost a n mwlly in volvC's medica l care for illegal ~1hc•ns

l nclt·r l'UITl'lll public assistance pro gram:.. l111-. rnunl·~ c.innot bl' rl'covered - so 1t comes out of tht' pcJt·kl'ts of county t ax­payers

As Supervisor Ralph Clark noted, the enforcement o.£ immigration laws and con· trol of illegal alien s is a federal problem. But the counties cannot, from a purely humane point of view, deny treatment to the aliens, any more than to other indigents suf • fcring medical emergencies.

So Supervisor Clark has instructions, when he goes to Washington this week 011 Transit Disti·icl business. to regis ter the county's s upport for legislation that would provide federal funds-to pay for treating ii · legal aliens. And this is as it should be.

Party JJnes? Orange County Supervisor Ralph

Die drich was apparently seized by a spasm of pique recently when another county newspaper. after an exhaustive probe, divulged that Diedrich may have made some political t e lephone calls on his county line .

The alleged amount involved here was $29 over a two-month period. Diedrich promptly labeled this disclosure " a cheap s hot.''

Then , in apparl'nt rNal1:.ition . hl· launched hb own in vc&tig:.ition. Oiedrith gathered telephone bills for county go\ ern menl news l'Cportcrs and had the m checked to determine who the news writers were phoning, when, a nd for what duration .

The supervisor was able to make this kind of investigation because county press room telephone lines used by county r e­porters for all news papers go through the county govern m ent apparatus. Outgoing calls <tre then billed back to each individual paper.

In s pending all that lime checking out telephone numbers on the billings, it is pro­bable tha t Diedrich u sed more in county­paid time on this project tha n th~ $29 he was accused of misspend mg in the hr!>t place.

One mig ht abo ri g htly conclude- and we do that it 1s JUSl plarn none of Diedrich's bus iness "'ho county repot l<'r' ca ll, when and for how long

New Se~uritg Drive

Lid on W ASHlNGTON - There,. has

been a quiet but powerful effort to shut the lid on Cl A scandals.

Three da ys a ft e r Admiral Sta n sfie ld 'l'u rner was s worn in a s the new CIA c hief , h e s poke to Al· t o r n e y General GriI· fin Bell about pluggini: leaks. Turner would like to i mpose c riminal sa n c tion s ugamst governm ent officials who d1sc loscCIA sccrcti...

On Capitol 11111. Senate fn. tt-l l i gencc Chairm an Damel Inouye, O.- ll a w a1 1. told col · leagues that he had no inclination to invest1gall' pa~t scandals. His 1"omm1ttcc had cnoul!h to do, he

CIA Scandals

said, just keeping up with current intelligence operations.

The committee unanimo.usly agreed at a secret meeting not to dwell on the CIA's past. "The committee feels it is not possible with the resources available to investigate all past wrongdo· ings," a spokesman told us.

There is one curious exception to lnouye's disinterest in old CIA skeletons. He directed his staff to proceed cautiously with an in ­vestigation of the John F. Ken· nedy assassination . This was a prom ise, Inouye explained. that he had made to lhe Senate.

But competent sources clll1m Inouye has fall en under the 1n

Th4•n• ;111• IC'~1llmat l' '>l'('rt•t:-. . of 1·our::.l'. "hll'h th1.· ~11vc•rnmc •11t ::.hould proll'l'I . But 1n var111bl). the c l a::.~1f1cat1011 power 1s u~cd to protect i.:ovl•rnmt!nl 0Htc1ab , m)t to protect the country. Jt 1 ~ perilous to cmpow<'r those who direct the people's bus iness to dC'· c.·1dc whi ch facts cannot be divulged, under pain of a prison sentence.

We have broken our share of CIA secrets. ll might be useful to review a few of them as ex­a mples of the secrets that tht· CIA has sought to hide from the populace:

- BACK IN Janu.Jry, 1971. '>'l' rl•vcalcd that tht> C IJ\ had r ec ru1tcd Mafa;1 mnhi.t l·r' l 1t knoc k off Cuba:. Failcl Ca:.t111 We named tht' mob,t l'r' and their CIA contacls

Take 'Education' Out of HEW ,lfluence of the CIA, which ha:.

quietly encouraged him Lo shut off inquiries into pa!>t scandals but to go ahead with a dJ~l· reet in vestigatio n or the Kenned) murder.

THE CIA'S strategy. accord· ing to these sources, is to stymie the House assassination probe. Too close s<:rutiny of the tragedy might embarrass the CIA, which withheld crucial facts from the Warren Commission. The CIA. therefore. would prefer to shift the investigation to lbe Sen.ate back burner.

We n •ported an Marrh . 1!17:'. that lh<' CIA had ploU1•1 I lo l1l1wk left 1st h~adcr Salvador J\ I ll'nd1· from taking power a fl er lw " ;.1 ... elected president of Chill'

We broke lh<' story in Nov· ember , 197 2. th at Lh l· CIA, together with the FBI and Secret Service, had been s pying on pro­minent Americans. We quoted from a secret CIA report on si nger Eartha Kilt as evidence• that the CIA had a s trange tn· terestin her sex life .

WASHINGTON For 12 years, Sen . Abraham Ribicofr <D·Conn .) has been trying to gel the Dcparlmcnl of ll ealth . Education and Welfare - which he once headed \. to divest itself of " Education" a n<1 h ;_1ve a new department established 1n 11\at name.

His projcc·t h.1~ .1m1111nlf'<1 tc1 a we1ghtv bo11l1fr1 .. 1nrl n o"' R 1b 1<.· ofl I h I n k :. h 1•

m1ghl JUSL have cnou~h JIUSh to gel It 10 the top of this seem1n~ ly un s ur · mountahl..: hill and mil· ing .

" Presidcnl Carter 1s the key," R1bicoff said as he introduced his bill for the 51xth time. " In the cam paign he favored th<.' creation of a Depart· menl of EOural1on. and I thank he' ll go Wllh it as Pres ident "

The problem 1s that lh1• f'<.lur ;l t1on d1v1swn of Hl-~W 1s oftt'n l~t in the s wirl of dust <:'rested an th" SU per-depart mt'nt, Ont• (ar l.1ri:1•r now than thl• l'entagon II EW ' 1978 budgt•I 1·oulct tota l $178 bslhon, and " ' thul .1mount perhaps $1() htlhon "'111 1{0 for ed uc at.Jon.

Thal $10 b1lhon. as R1blcolf points out. 1~ ~realer than the budget of the departments of In terlor, C<>mmcrce or State. But wbo has a handle on wbat g~ on m education at HEW?

"Th e HEW soc.-.tary is forever putting out flf'H on welfare, Social Setbtlly or maybe !'laccharln, •• Rlbfcoff

-; says. "How often Gan he · deal •: with ed\lctitlon or sP.ak for It? ,. We need a Secretary of Educa· ' tion for lh11l. , . ' RIGHI' NOW, 136 federal pro· • grams are run by HEW's edUCA·

tion dlvis1on, and tbere arc scores of other tducaUonal pro·

• grams scattered across tbe bureaucfacy. u·a tbo familiar Wasbtngton s tory or con-. ~ressional committees and bureaucrats hatchlng liltle pro-

• grams, tuckine them away lo be nurtured and developed and then one day, suddenly seeing another tangled undergrowth, only

. -. . . . .

. . . . . ..

Dear Gloomy Gus

Ito the reJeolion or the American dlnrmamont proposal by the SoY1el3 and the U.S. reacllon. this cer· talnly wu Zbtp)cw'a of za da1.

J.V • ~ 0.. ftllllMlla_ ..,........, ,,,___ .. Mt~•lWtlly Nlltet IN ............ ....,.. ... ,._ ..... ....,. ... _.. .. Olililflly •• ,_ O•flr ... ....

( THI~CHJ deploring them .

Qnce upon a time. back in tht· Eisenhower days, then· was a s epar ate. 1denhfied Office of Education. But federal involve.' · mcnt with education 1n the mad F'dtie :. wa s s mdll An Eisen hower appointee named Nelson A. Rockefe ller came along and helped consolidate this modest co mponent of bureau<·ran with federal health and welfare acltvit1e~. and lo, '>' C

had HEW. Health and Welfue have

boomed like no other govern· ment programs and threaten to swamp us all. if only in con· fusion . Education, too, has bad enormous growth, particularly since the Title l and Title JI federal aid to education pro· ~rams were passed m the Great Socfoty era.

DESPITE mF. thc- b1ll1ons in f1·deral ald , the American C'duca· t1onal system has had a poor re ('Ord in recent years. As R1b1coff pomts out. the Office of Edu(•a t1on itself released a s tudy ont• year ago showln5e a 10 ye~r decline in reading 5kills among American students. The College Entrance Examination Board then reported that 1975 scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tegt. showed the biggest. drop in 20 years .

"College educators are more

and more concerned about the low reading and writing ability of high school graduates," Ribicof! points out. " Jn one of our major universities. nearly haJf of the freshman class was required to take remedial courses in English."

Rib1coff arttucs that a separate Oepartmt>nt ot F.ducat1on could J?1 \ ' C nation al d 1 rl'<.'l1on to the ~ 1 eat Am c·rtl'<1n endeavor in lea rmng · 'Tlwtt• would be a place ll) focus on education . there would bf' more value for the education dollar . a nd there "ould bl• more acrountab1hty," he says

SCHOOLMEN and labor un· ions like the National Education Assn. have been yelping for more federal buck.& for years, but hide in the closet when someone men­tions that frightening word. "ac­countability." Perh aps with a Department of Education stand· mg there a lone and having to ac · count for itself, Amen can educa l100 would improve .

Ribicoff has 20 en sponsors ror hi s btll. The list includes l>t.>mocrats a nd Republicans. conservatives and liberals from every region . There 1s this feel· ing across lht• republic that s omething 1s wr o ng 1n Washington and something has gone amiss m education. hence. the support he is getting.

Moreover. he a lso has the back· Ing of professional educators who probably see their calling getting more prestige from Cabinet ~talus, without realizing that

their performance might be sub· jected to greater scrutiny as well.

No Senator c11 n move to re­organize a component of govern­ment, as Ribi coff wants t.o. without help from the executivC! hranch. When he first proposed a Department of F; ducat1on in 1965. the Johnson A<1mm1 ~tration was against 1t, and 1n Mic years followi ng the Nixon Administra · lion was also clppo:-.l·rl But now Rib1coff bcltevc' h<· has enough votes to move th <.• bill out or the Governmenta l Affairs Commit· tee. which he heads, a nd get White House back mg as well.

There ts one snag HEW Secretary J oseph Ca lifano 1s somewhat at odds with Ribicoff on the bill. In his confirmation testimony, Califano said he did not think it was "appropriate" for another department to be added to the government " direct· ly reporting t.o the President" because reorganization should reduce the number of depurt­ments.

BUT CALIFANO a ls<> s aid, " The American people did not e le c t Ca lifano, they e lected Carter . (and ) . . my mind is certainly open on any organfaa· taonal issue. espcc1ally when peo· pie hke Sen. R1b1coff who have served at HEW thin k 1t 1s an 1m· portantthmg to do "

Given the public displeasure with the way education 1s going in the school these days, and with the billions being spent on educa· tion, this might well be Sen. Ribicoft's year to get that boulder 'to the top or tho hill.

This is merely one manifesla· t1on of the CIA 's grim, new de termination to keep out of th(' headlines in the future For the CIA is largely behind the dn ve to lighten security in Washington

As a result of this backsta~e pu h. both houses of Congress are preparing to t ake a new look at the secrecy ques tion . There I!> g rowing sentiment on Capitol Hill, led by Rep. Charles Ben· nett, D.·Fla., to give the federal government the power to jai l news leakers. President Carter, meanwhile, is trying to limit the number or people who have ac· cess to secrotdocumcnts.

'Deddy, is IHJ/ng a •lllv• th• um• H IHJing /H>Ol'l'

It's No Fun to Grow Up Poor The other day some nipping

sociologist or other c ame out with some !lipping survey or other wh1ch concluded that the poor aren't popular in this coun· try. The elaboration or the ob­vious is almost the namo of the sociologists' game. They sel out to prove Uurt black is black. and there is always a grant, ~omewfiere. to endow this daunt­less quest.

I spent my life erowinl ap poor. and 1 can tcll )'OU St Is no run. There w a s no welfare a nd no rood stamps when my family wa s poor, save the oc­casional and shaming han· douHrom the St. Vincent de PaulSoclety.

Our poverty WMD~ ft'lndlnl poverty. becadle noae of us had ever known · •~1 better. My parents came from the bo., of Cavan and t.ancford, where th~lr parenta bad often llltapt In blnl with the i>tp. I knew not.hJng about any world other than my own except occuionally from


rumors in the tabloids, about the lives of people like Daddy Brown· Ing and John D. Rockefeller. I really didn't believe there were any rich people. Your wisdom is your experience.

NONE THE more, I knew I was poor and this was in the fabulously atnuent 1920s. I knew lt and I know it aUll, and there is n.otblns on God's acre that •ngers me more than people who get angry with people because lbey doo 't have money.

I know all about the shiftless J>001". aonie of whom aren't. poor at all, who collect welfare in three or fou1" counties. and arc more or ttsS a crtmlnnl elite. But tbe welfare syRtem cannot' be blamed on tho poor. worthy or shiftless. crooked or honest. The kind o( people who seem most to deplore lhe abuses or welfare are. the children for whom the system beaan to be created. i n the Depreaion days ot FDR.. ll4nald ~eaian wu a poor kid, and he has tumed Into a holy bonu on the s~t of lhc poor.

The survey mentioned nbove said Ameri cans ussoclate poverty with "moral failure." Poor people are not. loved by their non-poor contemporaries because the y cos t money . threaten the work ethic and "challenge the comforting notion that the non-poor are not respoMlble for their successes." 1

J have a nrm and old·f ashlcmed belief in free wlll, but there is damned UlUe freo will about who is rtcb and who ll poor. A lot of Mexicans and Puerto Rlcam and Nicara1uan1 are poor not because of any lnberot in­capability of beint rich but because they do'not J)OSSCN ade· quately the language of this country, and because they look funny. A lot or black" nre poor just because they are black.

SOMEONE said to om•body else that the rich are dllterent from us bccuu1e they have money. The poor. and thC>Se who have been poor, ere a hclluvo. tot. more dll!crent from us than that.

Tb• next wont thint to bci.ftc destitute UI belM compelled to llve otf ~harit.y. t1 you have ever undergone the experience, ahd I did so for yeora '!' a child, you


are never going to forgc-t 11 Even to this rla v. one· <1f th<'

grealesl sins in the. world for mt· · 1s thrt>Wlng awa11 monr11. If there

are any 1>eoplc an lht• world I loatbe, it iii the lavish tipper, the big spender, the guy who puts hundred dollar bills in the hands or head waiters so that he can reel secure for an hour or two. 1 even &et mad at people who leave food on their plates; even when the person Is, as occasionally .bap~. rnyself.

BEING SMUG and righteous about the " moral failure" of the J)OOr is something I hope I have ~ver been, and do Indeed hope f shall never be. 1 've been there. and l don't want to get there a.galn. Being outi;uto looking in Is not' the greates t fun in this damned. world.

beina non·poor is mostly lutk. as practically everything else Is. My luck hns run well in the udull years of roy lift'. My childrtn and arandchlldttn almo~t certainly never wm know poverty. and that ts ~tthing. But l know It. ~d aball~nevtr forget Jt. and I diren,y tile reason I am writintt t.beee words is to assuro that 1 shal'-vcr foraot il. The poor aro our brothers.

- In April. 1973, we uncoverc•d the fact that the CfA had at ­tempted to obstruct the 1-' Bf in 'cs t1gat1on of the• Wa tc r f,! atc· scandal We divulged the follow ­ing month that White llouse staff chief H.R lla ldt•m an had cisked the CfA to hamp<'r the tn Vt''>l1ga · tion

We told in M :iv. 1974 . of th<­CIA payoffs to world lt•adC'rs. Wt• followed with a report thal the CIA had also provided visiting leaders with women. Among the recipients or CIA favors. whom we identified, was Jordan's Kulg Hussein.

- Jn February, 1975, w~ told of love traps which the' CIA operat· ed in New York City and San Francisco to blackmail foreign diplomalS. Through hidden one· way mirrors , CIA agents filmed th e sexual ad ventures of the diplomats.

- NOT 1,0NG afterward. we broke the s tory that the CIA had paid the lloward llughcs or ­ganization a fanla st tC· $400 million to recover an obsolete Soviet submarine from the bot­tom of the Pacific.

We have also written that the CIA has been penetrated by the Soviet KGB; that some CIA sta· uon chiefs have taken emolu· ments from foreign nationaJs: that the CIA has abetted the operations or foreign secret agents in Ws country: that CIA operatives have trafficked in opium in Southeast Asia.

These revelations. in our opf. nlon, have nevc-r violated securi­ty. True, we have embarrassed the CIA. We have t'aught the CIA playing the same dirty games as the Soviet KGR. The purpose pre· sum ably was to enhance U.S. in· Ouencc around the globe, but the result has been precisely the op­pORite. It was a mistake. we believe. for the CIA to operate at the KGB level


DAILY PILOT R#rl N. Wttd, PubU&luT

ThOl'rtOI KM>ll. Editor Barbara Krc>lb1ch.

£dllorfol Pogt f:dilM' •

Thr ('(fitnrinl Pill!<' or lhe Oait\i r 11ot 'lee k '> to lnfnrm an& •llmulvlr rr i11ler!C by prcscntint on l111 <; p;iJ:t' <11,er'" rommcntar hn lop1r ... ,,r 1nlt>r1•st hy s\ndu:n rd ('olumn11\t~ :ind cartoont!>l~. bv prnvlo1nii n forum for n·ncirni' \'IC'\\ s :incl by prl·~<!ntrn~ thik ni•wspaper·i; opin1oni. ;md idrtl/> on <'Urrt•nt top1ri1 Tht• Nlitor1:jl op1mon!I of thl' l>ally l'llrtl OJll)('llr only in the C'd• torinl rolumn ;et th!' top of th<' pai:c. Opinions t·~· prr~~rd by th l' rolumm11ts nn~ t11rtoon1st'I and lrltrr write~ an• thrlr o" n :iod no rndol'!lemenl <! thC'1r vie\\ ll by the Daily Plldl. ibould be Interred. l

Monday, Aprll4, 1077

Page 9: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


~ Bil Keane

. r

" I didn' t ask Billy HOW he did it - He wos phoning from the Principal's office to

say he'd split his pants."

Uot a pmbkm" Tliot u·nt(' In l'ot Dunn Pot will c ut red taJ)t', gl'lllTlg tlw ansu.ers and ocl1Un you need to .~0/1'1' tnl'(/Ultwi. in !Jiil l'Tllment und business. Mail your q1u•stw11., In l 'c1t Vu1111 , At Y11ur Seru1ce. Orange Coast [)01/11 / '1/111, I'<> ll•u JS(i() , Costa Mesa. CA 92626 A.~ many ll'llns as pos.\1ble will be answered, but phcmed mquines or letters not including the reader 's full 11ame. address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. 1'h1s column appears dai· ly exupt Sal.urda11s "

•HOlllelllalrer' Need• 'H°"' to' DEAR PAT. I read your column all the time

a nd never thought I 'd b<' wnting lo you. About eight )Cars ago my grandmother ga\'e me her old sewing machinl' IL''> in ~rc:at cond1llon, but I just recently ~lJrt<.'d 11~1ng 1t Jnd find that I nl·cd the miss ing care • ind inslrt1l'l111n munuul I h:.tH' no idea where to ob· tain anolht·r Thi• only tdt>nt1r1c·at1on this IQ.year -old maC'hin<• h,1 ., 1' .1 plLlk l> tL1t1ng " Homemaker -:\<' 111 .J.111.111 Whl•n · do I ~u from here ?

S C . lfunlm~ton Beach Gu tu Sinn·n- !'w~ in~ )hchlne Co., 1878 llarbor

Bl vd .. Co!.ta Mt•,a. o~ n.-r lloward Willingham, or hb rattwr. Wt•,lt•y \\ i llin~ham. will try to track down an in, tru<'lion manual for you. If this is not po~~ible , you will lw "hown how to operate and care for thb mat•hint'. H 1\ \'S h<'a rs rrom any readers ~ho han a llom••m akcr i.ewlng machine who would!)(' willing to lt•nd the instruction book to you, you ' ll he notiri t•d.

Pet Require• Pepping lip'!

DEAH PAT My <log'scoal seems dryanddull. :incl he MTalch<'~ h1 ::. ::.ktn a lot. I 've heard that \ 1tamin~ /\ ,incl n an· su ppo~c·d to be good for these prohl<'m., Should I 1usl J::IV<' him vitamin pills? My mom rl<>l''n 't k nu"' . <incl 'he :.aid to a~k you.

I. P . t ·ounlain Valley \'ou 'hould h<Ht· your dog c hPckcd by a

\ t' l<'rinarian to ma kt• ' urt· t hat dry -.kin il> the only t>rnblt·m t·au~inJ.( thi'> rnndition. Don 't give your dog " human" 'it a min viii, . If )Our vet ag rees,

.1>u rcha.-.1• an \ and I> vita min oil with • •heat germ oil at a JWt ... tori .. This typt' or product, formulated ror pt>l~. ~Ill ... ort1•n lht• ... kin and possibly relieve the itching.

S Magicnl Days at Fashion Island Apri l 5 through 9 -­J:ReJr'°!}ica/Jland of~

Live Actors, Puppets & Magic ma fantasy-setting. ·

The Wizard's Magic Show


Three Shows Daily 11 30 A M 1 30 P.M .•

330 PM






lleofoc; C.0.t H""wty .__ .......... MCI "'-Aftlwf

Mond!y. Apn14. 1977 DAILY PLLOT J\ t

TV 'Series Worthwhi/,e ~Sparkler Ban Ey~d

Shows Look at Six American Families DALY CITY (APl

Fire Chief Keith Schrock bas urged a 1tatewlde ban o n the sale o r fireworks, saying the long droutbt has pushed tbe fire danger to an ex­treme level.

Fire ChJe(s Association, said he is fearful of an outbreak or fires aroumt the Fourth of July bolf; day. By JAY SHARBUTT

LOS ANGELES IAP) - Do yourself a favor. Watc h "Six Arperlcan Families." a new documentary series that starts tonight with a one-hour look at a blue coll ar, Polish-American clan , the Pasciak family or Chicago. (8 p m ., Channel 28>

It's airing on most pubUc TV outlets and five commercial sta· Uons the Group W chain owns in San Francisco, Boston, Phil adelohia, Pittsburl!h. and Baltimore. And it 'i. a Cine start Cor this study or the Ii ves or SIX families of differing back· gro1,1nds in six regions or America.

AS WITH THE other tribes, the family of san itation worker Stanley Pasciak - six kids and the parents - let producer-host Paul Wilkes and hi s camera teams live with them. record their happy and unhappy mo· ments for TV.

As Wilkes put 11 in an in terview, thC' rilmmg had no point of view other than "to ~how what's going on tn this <·ounlQ . what peo1>le ar1• nbout. " 111 tonight 's !'ihow. it 's ubout a l'un fli ct or generations.

The oldc.•r generation , Pasc1;.ik and his wife, Lorraine. still have strong old ·country tic:., s till

(TV REVIEW J believe in the old ways of hard work and a close-knit famil y, have a strong se nse or responsib1Uty, of neighborhood.

PASCIAK, WALKING through a lot filled with big white garbage trucks, 1s content with his lire : " Just working here, being the breadwinner or the family, b satisfaction enough for me ."

Not so his olde!>t son. Gary, 21. a budding actor who's chucked the old, sc~ure ways to nsk his future in Hollywood , totally con· vinced ·- as many like him are -that " I do have talent."

Tbat's his American Dream, even though a younger brother back in Chicago sees it another way : " Whal he's doing is JUSt ltke a cartoon . .. ·

THE PROGRAM FOCUSES on lhl' Pasc1aks at Christmastime-. when Gary fliC's home from llollv\\ood to v1~1t his friends and lamil) hcfon· returning l o h1., f!Ul'St lor f:Jmc, forlun C', <ill the llollywuod chchcs .

And In ii SCl'I C'S or well·Cdlll:d•nt>i. :-.onw ari::ument<1t 1vt•. :.ome happy , ~o mc quietly

thoughtful - we gel good porlra1~ of the family, primanly the parentl>. Gary and his guitar­playing brother, Gerard. 17.

Mrs . PK6c1ak seems the most resistant to change, but takes r1erce pride In being a mot.her.

Schrock1_ president or tbe San Mateo County

"What bothers me is the watershed area.' ' he said. " We could be in bi~ trouble because the a.ea ls a lready tinder-dry."

Iler husband, who comes across-------------------­al. a dcc<'nt, hard-working man. munagt• s to destroy the stereotype or the working stiff as un 1nflcx1blt'. loud · mQuthcd Archie Bunker.

HE SPF.AKS SOFTLY, tries to ens<' tension . not increase It and seems to accept the fact his kids represe nt chan ging times. changing attitudes. He doesn't approve, but he doesn 't con­demn.

The s how, which has its naws. still gives a good. heartening sense or a strong family . Next week 's program s tudies the ef­rect of divorce on an upper mid· die.class Jew1s family an Mill Valley.

The seri es. orrcrcd by San Franc1sro ·~ KQED. cost about SI 2 million. according to Wilkes, who ~avs SS00.000 came from Croup W. the rest lrom the' Unit ­t•d Churd1 of Christ. thl.' Cnilcd l\h•thod1.-.1 C'hun·h and the l>Crtcs' public T\' underwriter . Trav~.' ll'rs ln.-.urance Companies . 1r tor11gh1 ':; upt•nN 1~ indicat1vl', the money was well spent.

$10,000 . for only $155.26,

a ntonth. Whether you need $3.500 or $10.000 get 1t

from the people who lend millions . Commercial Credit. Monthly payment

based on a $10,000 HomeOwner loan, for 120 months. at an annual percentage rate of

14%. Total payment $18.631.20 NO POINTS. NO PREPAYMENT PENALTY.

We find ways to he lp.

. COMME"CIAL Cf\.EDIT CO"PO~ATION @ Homeol.mer llHOt;, A 1, ..,n rl'f \ <•.OlNl ctnd ~·' n•1;\.t ba ~'"' 1h t t-... " l"'mb.tMUun ()f rc.J Jnd ri.·f qn t ptuf'h"tt

Cost.a Metia


• 370 F.. 17th Slr<'cl • 6•15-8700 • 111 ~ Town&. Country Ru. • G47-587l

Suite :?6

Now, Cat·alina's· into tennis!


-. . / I

See their new Tennis collection, a.nd meet Nancy Chaffee Kiner. If you know your tennis greats, you remember . Nancy! Swap tennis talk and see some colorful professional gear while you're et 11. From the group, s~e top, S.M.L. $14 Stretch gabardine shor~. 6-16, $16 Each. polyester / cotton, white with navy or Sienna brown. The two- tone tank top, white with Sienna/yellow or navy/soft blue, S,M,L, $14 Stretch gabar­dine shorts in matching colors, sizes 6-14, $19 Polyester I cotton. Town & Travel Sports Clothes Meet Nancy. Kiner 11:30-3:30: Thursday, April 7.

st\op Mon- Fri.. 10:00-9 :30, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5. But~·· South Coast Plaza. 3333 Brfstol. Coste M-.. phone 666..0611

Page 10: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



Chimps Have Dental Skill

Cblmpanzees h ave been seen to inspect each other's teeth, clean said t eeth with fingers and s m all sticks, and eve!\ extract teeth. And those extracted teeth, examined late r by the zookeepers. mvariably a re de­cayed or broken so as obviously to have been painful. How the chimp with the toothache lets the other chimp know which tooth hurts I ca~'t say. · \.,.

Argument agarn arises ;.is to how many d r inks a good bartende r should know how to mix. Thought that s etUcd. Ability to put together about 150 drinks s hould qualify that mixologist as a firs t -rate expert.

Twice as many little gir ls as little bO)S dream up imaginary playmates .

HOPSCOTCH Q. " I know what the 'hop' m eans in that

children's gam e or hopscotch, but what docs the ' scotch' mean?"

A. That's a li ttle known name for those squarish marks on the ground.

At least a dozen times over the years just before Thanksgiving, somebody has called

m e, an<;! maybe you, a sk­ing for the donallon of a turkey. in effect. lo ht!lp the poor people down the !'. lrcel. A noble gesture on I hl• 1 part of the c:.i ll c r . possibly. But I don't think ~u. Bcnt:volcnt rnd1 v1duals, nrg#lll iZl'd ch<Jriti c!> and mos t p;irticularly govern­ments that propose to com -mit good wocks with other

people 's money just dnn't understand the s ituation. Next s uc h caller is going to hear : "Give your own, turkey." Too testy? All right.

WAISTLINE That year of his life when a m;.in is most

likely to dri ve his l'<ff the farthest is age 26. That year o f he r life when a woman is most likely to d rive her car the farthest is age 53. What else is 1t .ibou l women aged 53? Yes, I re· C'a ll : That 's th e ag e whe n th e aver age women's waistline, ;ift<:r growing larger for so long , tends lo s tart gc•ttmg s maller again. Don 't believe driving h u~ anything to do with 1t , though.

That In g bird knoy, n ;.is the condor does not dine\\ it h n·gul:1nty It may go <t \H•ck

wi thout food . mavbe ;1 month J\s f:ir a s 1t '" conccrm:d . e;iting. 1~ not a regularly sc ht:dult•c! event.

The brakes of any c<.ir th ;.it's drl\ en a full day in city tra ffi c will build up enough ene ri?y to h eat an average house.

QUEENIE By Phil tnterlandr


"Ordinarily you don't see a chamber group that must have reht>arsed in a bar."

Abba Hit

'Queen' Tops Week's Chart

By The Associated Press The followi ng are Billboard 's hot record hits for

lhe week ending April 9 as they appear in next wee k 's issue of Billboard magazine .

HOT SINGLES . 1. DANCING QUEEN - Abba (Atlantic) 2. DON'T GIVE U P ON US - David Soul

(Private Stock) 3. DON'T LEAVE ME TlilS WAY -Thelma

Houston CTamla) 4. RICH GIRL - Daryl Hall & John Oates

(RCA) 5. SOUTHERN NIGHTS - Glen Campbell

(Capitol) 6. THE Tl-UNGS WE DO FOR LOVE - lOcc

(Me rcury> 7. HOTEL CALl FOR NIA - Eagles (Asylum ) 8. I'VE G OT LOVE ON MY MIND - Natalie

Cole (Capito)) 9. EVERGREEN - Barbra Streisand (Colum­

bia > 10. SO IN TO YOU Atlanta Rhythm Section

( Po lydor l

TOPLP'S 1. FLEETWOOD MAC ...,_ Rumors <Warner

Bros.> 2. EAGLES -- Hote l California (Asylum) 3. STEVIE WONDER Songs In The Key Of Life


FERSON - " A Star Is Born" Original Soundtrack R ecording (Columbia )

.DON'T WASTE 1j--...


1·,000,000,000 GALLONS OF WATER!

That's one billion ga11ons of water ... enough to build a stack of gallon water cans half way to the moon! Enough water for hundreds of-thirsty homes for thousands of parched acres.

We in Costa Mesa fortunately have an abundant water supply. Your Water District has worked hard 9ver the years to assure that we have enough.

But saving water is a iuxury no longer. We must reduce water use - or pay dearly for the waste. That is what a local government agency has mandated.

So - please join us in this important conservation effort. Come in for your free c·onservation kit at our new Placentia A venue add~ss. And when a youngster comes to your door with information on ways you can save water, please say yes. We need your help!


costa mesa county water mstrmt ··: YOUR INDEPENDENT WATER AGENCY


PHONE 631-1200 S. KANSAS - Leftove~rt~ur~e~<gK~i~rs~hn~e~t~);:;;;:;:==~===============;::=::::~=========~=========~


For the Record GRt E SME'YE R ,, . .,,,h••tv llftw ,, .;Mtur

1Jh t ff u r r~ u1r ; M f <tr t . 1 , • "I'' .11

l, f,•• tt "' . ,, ' [tro n ,\ • t ~ARLI N

1' I f O\•"f n, •W ~d N''" 11 " 1 ;.. 1 ,\ r~ "• I I ., "·ir·· ,..-,, • • I' fl ' '" r1• T! . , .,.. ' .. ...... I \' hi'• I I I y. 11 • , ! I ..• ,, '1 • ., ···1 •. , .... t

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! ' ' f'\,tr ''' l l)'l•vf. lf'1141'1\t l •ir h ''''' It\ 1 r t • •·•· f1f 1 • I .., I l•1·r+ .,. 1 /

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SMtTM w '''C'(' '"' ' ,. ,~..._,.

1. LL'CILLE Kenny Rogers (United Artist s>

2 . I T C 0 l ' L D N ' T HAVE BEEN ANY BET· TER - Johnny Dunca n 1Columb1a l

3 PAPER ROSI E Gene Watson (Capitol >

4 S llE'S GOT YOU Loretta Lynn \ MCA >

5. DON'T THROW lT ALL AWAY - Dave & Sugar <RCA )


US -- Davis Soul ( Pri\•ate Stock )

2. RJGIIT TIME OF T HE NlGlIT - Jennifer Warnes <Arista)

- C, RAC E A SMITH R•,lmtnt t>' 1 ,. •

M "vt. ( ahfl)r-n•a oA\Y.CI • w itv A11• ' , ,_,, ':,untlwtt t>v t\U\b.lrid J.,~... r ""m1H't )Ott 0.,Yld [. \ rn1f1'1 Of l \ ' ,.I t fO'• l°f4 \t\t• ' f" I"""'" M _, t., ,,.

3 . SOUT HER N N I G H TS - Glen

.,.,.:; ,- Campbell \Capitol > OrAr•o•~ r ., 1f.,.. 111 trnl h 1to1 M · "' ,. ';" f!JI (•-. 11t j f lUJ."M 1 U A (H • I

P lftt f H V l•·w ft\ 11• '' ''' •ff'•·"' 1 1 V1n '#MtrTV•t 11il'-'1H • I" '" I• # •

,.,, t1tm1tv 1J1'11 ... 1 '" "•'

Deaths 4 . SA M - Ol i via

Newton-John (MCA l 5 . WH EN I NE ED

YOU L eu Saye r l\f t•H ttH~ f t'l•;"/1 't r I I <

,4Vl>j0l 0 Elsetf.J/iere fWarne r Rros 1

oonr. ntv 1 ~4'"•1 , "

~~::~ ,M·"~1, f<',~,:.'::·, 1·~; ~ '"' ~.~.7 .. ~~ T(lK\tO NP > Sh irlry 'lrnl)l(j 0 1 ,,, •·• ,,. ,., , t , tw o Graham Du 8-0is , widow

' qranor Mdr··n, ' 11""'"

1 "" "' ' " 1 oC the black America n &r'l l e r mcnt t o bo tlt" l1t "' • ~1,r 1 11n1 W E ,


Cemetery Mortuary Chapel

:lSOO Pacific View Drive Newport. . Cali fornia . 644·2700


Laguna Beach ' • 494-941 5 • . Laguna Hills . 768-0933 . San Juan CaQ1strano I

t 495-1776 I --I

141.n.IHGHOH I


' Cof'ona del Mar 673-9450 • • Costa Mesa 646-2424 ' . -I llUDOADWAY ' ' MOITUARY • t 110 Broadway I

Cost& Mesa • I 642-9150 I • -t SMmt TU'fHfU. UMI • I WISTCWP C.HAf'IL. I <427 E. 17th St.

I eo,..ta Mesa • 6-46-4888 ~a Ana Chapel

i & Hl N. Broadway Senta Ana• 547-41 31

~ -I ...elUOTHHS

I ~MITH'S MOllTUARY 627 Main St.

t Huntington Beach I

536-6539 • • -• ' ,_PAMllY ' ' ~lPVNU.+.t. : NOMI ' Teot Bolaa Ave. • t Westminster . -. 8~525

o""" ~ ..

civil rights lt·:.idPr . . B. Du Bms, d1Ptl m Pek· Ing of cancer . the offici a l Chinese new s agenc y Hsinhua reported today.

WEST LOS ANGELES <AP ) - Actress Patr<'cia Wynant wus found dead in the swimmm~ pool of he r hom<'. poliC'c ~aid . Miss Wynan t 's Cull\ c lothed body was found b y h<• r h usband, Nathanial Brandon , ;1 psychologist.


01 Marriage :::.-::...,.. ·~

F'IN .. LDE CREn F'lltdMorch U

I A, Plfl~'IE , Art~ur and OorolhV L•ll11n• IC VMPH E l'IOUR, P•ttland J•mo, · ROGER S. Na"< y Jon a"'1 (h•~t.r G•oro• ; CAMPBELL, Maryenn Md Jol>n R : OE El'ICIO, M•nu• I Jr. •M Evolyn A<1ulno : PRICE, Conni• S•oo 8<1d RO<l"r Joy ; fRANIC , Jani• M. and FranK T : CtiASE. MilrQOt H. Md Frederic R ; STEl'IERSE N, Me,., e And A,.,..,, H : G41'1>jUSCIO, Liiiian B. Md JO\Ollh M

MC C.OW'IN Mor911r•t Luc Ill• Anf1 Mtc hnol Vinl'•nt , ZUREK. 8arbM~ JoyrP ;o...i 8ry8n; P4 RSONS . Jon W•ll and "~"""" Ann . KI NOIUT. LlnctA L e e ~nd L"''"V' Jame\ ; B4RNES, Lorra•,_ AM and J~m•• Fr•n' I ' ; MAN Gl .. VilU\N O.° S• lvo loro ~nd N•r>ev ; STAFFIERI , JoMSt• .... nendS~lly•nn . l< Ft.LV. Tim and Htlti\ M .: LAN IC FORD. Stmone C . end 11ar old ; W ILLI AMS. Pn~lth l . end Mervin Ledl'n

WA!tSON, Cl•rono H •nd P•lrlcle LOUI\• ; P EEL. B• lly Irene ·~" Robtrl ; OLSON, Jiii Lyl\ 11 a nd Tllomo Eric: BAl(ER. &ob 6 . -Hatef (Im ; REB~ANN , Ma1'9eret An n •nd Mlt hHI lley ; STAHL, D•b Or• ll Ann e nd Eri c : SALT AllELt.I, ThomH ~!chard"""


Rufus featuring Chak a Khan CABC).

2. I 'VE GOT LOVE ON MY MIND ·- Natalie Cole (Capitol)

3. LOVE IS BETI'ER IN T HE A.M. - Johnnie Taylor (Columbia)


S. TRYlNG TO LOVE TWO · Willi a m Be ll \ Mercury .

f"t-r 1 .. l•f\• H U'\ton · ~UCHER , H , V 1r • ,,.,,. Jr t11nd C "'r h t inf' 0 : M C NA UGHTON. R•chrltrd J .. d P•hv II C. RtlZAAO. P•lntla Ch .. r lolt" ~• •lnd Rlc,..rd FIO'ld

LYDON, i.vcme Ann •nd C••I u POWERS Oorotlw An,,. and Jerry ~t MC GOUGH , Jo•n 0 •nd Jam•• 0 • JONES. U!rrv A • ....0 Ota"" P ; RORI( , Sheryl L'ffl'I llnd 113\' ~m'\: l YSTER, Susan LY11n &ftd Ronald LO; OUI NUI N. Gerald J . l(ICI All,. c. WEAVE, JeNiLH•nd Nlchol•\,. G I BBS, L ind• Gene an<S Wayn E.,.reH.

AOAMS. P-l• J unt Wltland Roy Lee; Mci<ENNA. Pernell Anit ... d O•nnl' J-51 WI LLIS. Rolaftd E!. and Htltn L. ; GANNON, Allen ffld O•bre O.; ZASTEllA, ThomM J­Md Ounnt Ltt; WHI TAl(e!I. G¥y G. end £va.-; ROGERS, G9ll ft, •nd EdW- I.. ; LOOMER. BMllMa AM •nd ~ LOrlno ; S1$UNllC, N1ncy J- • nd Plllloman O.vlct; MCMANUS, l!Ytlyn I nd Cll.,lu Wllli•mll.

Zit.LE A, Jo~ A, And Gtor90 F. ; WE AVER. 8 .. b.lra Elleen. etc. 111<1 !llo lr Atlen : PRESSt.EV. aorbaro Al• len • nd Sl•wn F.; SCHULTZ, Oot1ne And Lor,_ W. Jr,; FLINT, P•lr lclo S. and OoUQIAl V.: Wl-!ITE . M1 rl t M •ndEC1War'dP1lrlc1tJr. ,.

HO VC IN. J1me• C.. *"° 1<1t11fetft A ; LEWIS. Jene! G. llnd PAlrl(- I! ; WOOOARO, SNllv A. • nd Oa,.ld C..: SM"H• l't!ylll• M - Donald I! ; ROBERTSON. CMI- 11111 Ffll'lkl• II ; LARSON, P!lylll• A,, ...,, Nerrv T.: lllW", y,,.,. R•v """ 01w11 J1y; LIGMTINIEll. All .. n C•lllll alld Oonlld Cllllord; GOOOMAN, Suon and Steven 11\ark; BVRT. Judltll 41111 ond Robtrl All"'!.

• '

Takeoff. Lose that extra weight.

Trim down and firm up now at Holiday Spa Health Clubs. We've got everything you need to un­veil the trim and firm new you. Plus steam, sauna, whirlpool, even heated swimming pools at key locations for that extra special treat. And for the gals a I ittle extra -Jazznastics-Fun group exercises Cione to uptempo music.

Come on. Here's your chance lo take off those extra pounds and inches.

'Cause a "better tomorrow starts today" at Holiday Spa.

An•helm 510 South Beach Boulevard Sooth of Lincoln Avenue (714) 826-0381 eo ....... 2300 Harbor Boulevard Harbor Center (7t4) 549-3368 8Mlno 17031 Ventura Boulevard West of S.lbo8 (213) 986-6330 ......... ta°" ...... 18585 aln Street Main St. at Beach Blvd. (71 .. ) 842-1~1 Lo-. ...... 4101 Atlantic Boulevard Corner of Carson (213) 428-8874

North & West Vafl•v 9143 De Soto Ave at Nordhoff (213) 882-5912

:::E:':t Katella Avenue West of Tustin Ave. (714)839-2«1 ... e.t111111r 6157 Westminster Avenue ~minster Center (714) 894-3387

=~Blvd. Comer LaBrea Ave. SAFA Medical Center (213) 469-6308


f I




Page 11: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

' \

_Moncl!y-..... ......... A.._pn_1_.c,_1m ....... ______ _.o .... Al-.LY._.Pl .... L ... OT_...,tl..,.I_ •Olm

l, How to Cut ll. iuh Cost 0-t Fun. erat. ~~;t:~t~ ~.~~! ~ 'J crimination lawsuit -rt'cotTA MBA .~ i• Bl~~~&: There also are 103 national cemeteries, about ~~ ~o"l~!epa~d.,_te> ___ Ma. __ 11_14 __ .. _-.

half of which have openings for additional burial of p 0 w e r ca 11 l n g r 0 r Americana spend an eatlmat.ed $4 billion a year eligible veterans and some family members. $887 ,OOO to be paid THE

1on funerala and burial arrangements, and a grow· Aa with coffins, charges run from $100 into the minority employas in Ina number of people are asking wbether the buyers thousands. C~met.eries usually charae $150 to ~ c 0 m p en 5 a t 10 n w a 8 are 1ettm1 their money's worth. !or opening and closing the grave. signed in federal court.

;, .. There are few. ii any, purchases where the ul· Some cemeteries have what is known as an en- The employes, alleced · thnate consumer ls so diaadvantqed or where his dowment care fund. Part of the purchase price of the DWP passed them

or her normal bargaining power ls so diluted in a the cemetery property ls put into a trust fund whose over ror promotions. ' •ituatlon of 1uch Immediate need," said t.he Seattle earnings are used to maintain the grave. Other .....----------• f reclooal office of the Federal Trade Commission cemeteries require purchasers to pay a separate SELL·SELL-SELL after a ltudy of funeral and burial costs. fee for upkeep. those Christmas items

Most cemeteries require the purchase of a from under our grave liner into which the casket ls placed. The DAILY PILOT

· l lln ls CHRISTMAS TREE samp eat er a concrete container. Vaults are· CALL our Christmas ON A NA110NWIDE basis, the FTC has pro­

poaed a aeries of regulations designed to give peopJe more tnfonnatlon about funerals and to protect ~on-

: aumers againat unacrupulouaoperators. · more elabOrate and are supposed to be airtight or Ad· Viser at 642-5678 watertiaht. They will not prevent the deterioration ·'--=:.!.!:~::::::!'..:~~--'~~~~~:!!~~~. of the body. . Many funeral directors have said the regula·

ti.ODS are unnecessary. They say only a rew of the , natton'a 22,000 funeral directors are u.scrupulous.

.. Tbe FTC la trying to smear an e.nt:ire industry for things that occur ln a tiny fraction of cases,"

( · ) said Robert D. Williams,

CONSUMER president or 1ntemat1ona1 - . Funeral Services, Inc., of

Des Moines, Iowa. WHERE DOES THE money go? How can you

cutcoets? The Seattle office of the FTC says consumers

making death arrangements are raced with three major purchases: the funeral, the burial space and

.the grave marker. " All Utese purchases can be prearranged," the

1 agency says, so that consumers are not faced with the task of shopping when they are emotionally up­set.

The FTC office says that people who do make arrangements in advance should make sure to talk

•about plans with their families and leave written in· ' structions for the nel(t of kin. Make sure the instruc­tions are readily available - not in a will or a s afe-deposit box whose contents may not be dis· closed until after burial.

Here are some guidelines about what to look for when planning for a funeral and burial :

THE FUNERAL CEREMONY Funeral ceremonies are not required by law in

the United States, but they have become a custom or most families.

The National Funeral Directors Association says that a funeral "provides social support because grief shared most times is grief diminished ... It. involves a rite or cer emony to permit people to say goodby as the door of life on earth is closed for ·the deceased ... " . Funeral ceremonjes can be held in a funeral 'parlor, a place of worship or a private home. The ceremony may be conducted by the funeral direc­,tor, a clergyman or a friend of the deceased. Churches make no charge for the use of their facilities for funeral services; clergymen usuaJly 'leceive an honorarium. ranging up to about $75. ' The difference between a funeral ceremony and 'a memorial service is that the former takes place before burial, with the body present, while the lat· ter is -conducted without the the presence of the de­ceased.

PRICING There are sever al pricing methods used by

1funeral homes: single-unit, bi-unit and itemization. Single·unil pricing means the customer is given one figure which· incl udes everything. Bi·unit pricing 'means the funeral home divides its bill into two sec­tions, one for services and one for the casket, usual· ly the bigkest item in the package.

Funeral homes which itemize provide a list of the major components of lhe funeral and lhc cost for each one.

The FTC bas proposed requiring fu neral homes to itemize their bills . Mea nwhile, you ca n ask for a detailed list if it is not offered.

Some funeral homes provide services on a "cash advance" basis, paying third parties such as Jlorists directly and billing customers later. Find out if there Ls a service charge for cash. advance items.

THE CASKET The price of a funeral is usually determined by

the price of the CQffin and can run from $100 to several thousand dollars, depending on the material used and the type of lining . Scaler caskets are usually more expensive. They are designed to be airtight or watertight, but they do not prevent de· composition of the remains.

. E MBALMING • · · Replacing the blood with embalming fluid pre· serves the body for several days. ll has no long-

Theater Funding Pledged

Newport Beacb·baled State Mutual Savings and Loan Association haa pledged $10,000 toward South Cout Repertory Theater's $2.S million buildine fund .

Howard Siegel, presl· dent of the savings and loan association, ls ac · t ive with the Costa Mesa theater group as a m ember of the campaign executive cabinet which assists ln raising funds.

Tbe 500-aeat theater is scheduled for completion late thia fall, accordine to SCR campaign chairwoman Harriette F. Witmer,

Centers S~y LOS ANGELES <AP>

- Tile City Council •P· proved an appropriation of "8, 150 for the COft• tlnued operaUoa of nine mulU·Hrvlce senior citizen eenten until JI.tile 80. Tbecentert bad been threatened with cloaure became of a lhortqe of tundl.. . .,_ __________ __


' ··~··~llH"<"': .~-1;t:J~; ~j

~' APWI .........

HIGHCOSTOFOYINGCONTINUESTORISE Americans Spend $4 Bllllon a Year on Funerals

term effect. The FTC notes that embalming requirements

vary from state to stale. Many states require em· balming only if the person has died of a communica­ble disease, if the body is to be transported over state lines or if there is a delay of more than 24 hours between death and burial.

The basic purpose of embalming is to make the corpse presentable for viewing. U there is no view­ing, the process may be unnecessary.


Underground burial is the moat common method ol dlspoeing of a body in a ceJDetery, but there are alternatives, including housing jn a mausoleumil which usually will add several thousand do an to the c0&t of burial.

THE GRAVE MARKER Grave markers are available from the

cemetery where burial will take place or from an independent dealer. The first thing to decide is the type ol material. The most common ones are bronze and granite. The granite is cheapest.

The marker can be elaborate and placed up­right at the grave site or it can be simple and flush to the ground. Cemeteries may have requirements as to materials and size. Check the rules before buy­ing.

The inscription also affects the price. A stan­dard, granite marker, laid flat on the ground, about 12 by 24 inches, usually includes a two-line inscrip­tion, including the person's name and the birth and death dates. Prices run from about $75 up. Installa· tion ls extra.

$2,500 How much will do it for you?

O:mmercial Oedit's been helping ~le for more than sixty years.

So whatever yow need. A few hundred. Or even as much as $5,(XX). hi call us

about a loan. \Ak'll find v.eys to help.

We flnd ways to help.


There are about 9,000 active cemeteries in the United State6, according to the Seattle office of the FTC. More than one-third of the cemeteries are privately owned and operated; the rest are run by municipalities or nonprofit groups and may be cheaper.

Eligible veterans or their families can gel a head stone or grave m arker from the Veterans' Ad· ministration at no charge. The benefit includes the marker, the inscription and transportation to the cemertery. lt does not cover the installation fee.

(A California CorporaUon»

Costa Mesa • 870 E. 17th Street • 6'6-8100

Garbage Teaches

Lesson SEAITLE CAP) - Six ader s at St . Ann e: s School have found a Lenten lesson in the garbage can .

The youngsters went scrounging through their lunchroom garbage cans to see how much food their classmates waste.

Their haul for five da ys wa s 10 6 sandwiches, 5.:; oranges, 56 apples, 31 bananas and 44 desserts - collcc­t i vely valued at about $58, said Siskr Mary Sontgerath, the sc hool principal.

"We were really sur· pr ised, We didn't think people threw away so much food," said Ed Moriarty, 14, one of 220 pupils in the school.

The principal said the youngsters are studying " poverty, need, saving, s haring a nd care or material goods" during Lent.


- Farmer.; ha\'e until 1981 to file statements protectmg their ground water rights from wells under urgent>y legisla · l ion signed by Gov. Ed· mund Brown Jr.

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"Our NATO alliance lies at the heart of the partnership between North America and Westert\ Europe. NATO is the essential in­strument for enhancing our collective se· ouity ..• • I am convinced that NATO's mission and the North Atlantic Alliance are no less important today than when NATO was originally established." For 28 years, free nations of NATO have·voI­

untarily allied themselves to achieve mutual security. Even while continuing to pursue di· verse economic and political interests, NATO's

unified foundation of military strength has suc· cessfully protected its members from communist aggression in Europe. For all those years, Amer­ican support for NATO and its goals has been undiminished.

To honor this unique and long lasting alli­ance, McDonnell Douglas personnel throughout the world are observing a paid holiday as they have for 14 consecutive years, the only organi­zation in the world to do so.

If you would like to learn more about NATO, clip the attached coupon and mail it to us. We will send a free NATO Handbook which tells how NATO is organized and what it

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Page 12: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


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·1 Try

L&M Pins Hope on Dec~-. By MILTON MOSKOWIT'L

1f yO\fllke to root for the underdojl, you have a natur candidate m L1ggelt & Mycn, which Is t.rylna once agam float a new <'1garette brand The company hasn't. been abl to launch a successful new brnnd in 14 years.

The new Liggett <'lgnrette ts Decade, currently being troduced to smokers in the Western and Northeastern p of the country Decade is still another entry 10 the low-t end or the market, which has expanded tremendously on t~. premise that low-tar cigarettes arc le1>)) dangerous to yo health than the h1gh-tar ones.

TOTAL CIGARETTE SAL.ES WERE UP only l percc last year. But sales of low·tar brands (those with lS mill grams or less of tar) increased 58 percent. They are now d mg nearly 20 percent of total cigarette volume.

The low-tar sales leader 1s Vantage, an R J .'Reynol brand. Other contenders are Merit, True. Carlton, No F;ict and the vur1ous low-tar versions of regular brands Winston Lights , Marlboro Lights , Kool Milds, Kent Gold Lights.

Conspicuous by ih .. a b sence from th a I roster 1s any L1ggc>tt &. Myers brand The com· pany 1s, as usual. l ilk getting to the s tar tin i.: gate

Money Tree

A year ago the ('Ompany was testing ID different parts or the counlry a new low tar cigarette called Vello, named for a Liggett & Myers research chemist Vello Norman, who had supposedly spent lhrt>c> year~ trying Lo come up with a low-tar product that also had tach tobacco taste Rather than name the brand "three years," they named 1t .. Vello," the ads explaining t

.. HE PUT THE FLAVOR IN OUR cigarette. We put Jus name on the pack "

Poor Vello. he 1s not going to sec his brcind move beyond the test markets rn Arizona, Florida and Missouri. For il seems that m another part of the corporation they were working on another low-tar c1gart.'tte, one with half the t ar content of the Vello product. And when that cigarette was tested last vear in Portland, Ort.' ., 1l outp<' rformed VeUo.

Liggett & Myers dubbed that c11':arelte "Decade." Why this name 1 Because, the company explained. tl took JO years lo develop a c1gareltl' that delivered strong tobacc<> tas te wh1ll' holding tar content to five mtlhgrams. Vello Norman, )Oil rcnwmhl•r, \\orkt•d onlv three years on h1i,, hab}

\\llATEVER Tii t; l'll~ME, UC.<.t.TT & Myers badl~· needs a ~inner. even <1 ~mt.111 wann(•r <£ n} kind of wrnner , for that matter The company made • t~ la~t !>ucccssful foray in· to the cigarette market in 1903 when 1t hrnuJthl out charcoal fal te red Lark But Lark ha~ been on th t.' ~kids 1>incc 1964 and now has less than 1 percent of the mark t.>t

This 1s the company that once held 2Q pereenlof~U s. c1garelle market with one brand , Chesterfield . Today. aU oC its brands - Chesterfie ld . L&M, Lark and E ve - have a combined share estimated at 3 9 percent From third place in the market, Liggett & Myers went to sixth - dead last. Its brands have been los ing sales every year for JO years. 1

Liggett & Myers was also the company behind the illfat1 ed Eagle brand tested in a number of markets last year. ~ throwback to the depression years, Eagle was a filter cigarette priced Scents l e~!> per pack than regul;.ar brands. It bombed and has bc<'n withdrawn The company couldn 't even sell a brand that had .1 pncc e1dvantage

I SO NOW IT 'S DECAOE'S TURN at the bat for Liggett&

~hers. The com pan v's !>ales h•H c <lwindled to such a Jowl level that 11 Decade man .1g<'s 10 !'."11rt' only l percent of the market. Liggett & Myer' tot.ii 1· 1 ~11r C'ltt• :,.1IC's will rise by ZS percent

;uarket Gives Back Gains From Friday

NEW YORK <AP) The s tock market headed lower to·* day . giving back mosL of the ground it gained in Friday's rally J

The Dow Jones averarte of 30 induslrial s tocks , up 8 23 points Friday, dropped b;i ck 11 80to91556 I

Losers opened up a 5 3 lead over gainers among New ' York Stock Exchange-li sted issues Tradmg was slow 'I

Analysts said a National Assoc1at1on of Purchasing~ Management survey that found an upsur~<' in pri ces of m dustrial r aw materials last month underscored Wall _. Street 's concern over the inflation outlook ~

Brokers also noted th at the market ·s ra lly F"riday had J failed to s tir up much enthusiasm hecH usc 1t came on hght .:' trading volume.

DowJone• A ~~rage11 s':~c:r" '"P> F,,.., 0o ... ..ionu .... ~,~

JO '"" "2~., ~'/.n "~': ~:~\!-1~~ 70 T"' 22• 511?60' n z IS 21l Cb - 0 IS IS UH 107 U 107 U 106 '1 10110• 011 6S St• JOS 11 l01 OS JO? 10 lOl lO l 1• ll'KIU\ I SH '00 'Tron )4' :JOO Utll~ lJ? '00 U Stk 11 .. ,IOO

NEW YORI" I AP p,,..., AdvAnct~ ,!id"" "•~~ ~<llM• ""' 4JI Untl\aro<l"(f ,., .,,. 'tc11•1 ''wo 1~1~ 19'• N•w 1'11 llioh\ II l4 N•w 1t71 tow• 1n ..


'Tocjlty .,.., 210 n1 )70 Ul uz m '°1 IU ,, 11 .. ,.

Page 13: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


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Page 14: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


AP Photo


Kings Get BoDle Advantage DENVER CAP) - Los Angeles

Kings coach Bob Pulford says playmg in fa mil1 <1r surroundings will be important to the Kings when th<'y host Atlanta Tuesday night in the opening round of the National Hockey L eai;:uc playoffs.

Pulford, whose team woo the advantage by beating th e Colorado Rockies 6·4 Sunday night, says playing on home ice is particularly important in com­petition hke the t hree-game first round oflhe NllL playoffs.

"They're deadly, those best-0f-

t hree series," Pulford sa id . The J<jngs' victory ended the

Roc kies fi rst season in the Nfl L with the Colorado team In last place in the Smythe Division with a 20-45-14 record.

The Rockies had buil t a 4·2 lead a t 3:34 of the third period, but Tom my Williams cul the deficit to 4-3 at 5: 13 and center Butch Goring scored his second goal of the game and his 29th of the season to even the score a t 11: 33.

Marcel Dion ne, the Kings ' leading scorer, got his S3rd goal of the l>eason with 1:50 left to put

LA Tops Halos, 3-0

No More Doubts About John's Arm

. " LOS A NGE LE S (A P > -

Dodgers pitcher Tommy John says he finally resolved doubts about his recover y from a rm sur­ger y with those seven scoreless innan~s hC' hurled agai nst the Angeb as the Dodgers wrapped up the Frc•eway Series with a 3.0 Win.

··My arm fC'C'ls m uch better. hut it 's morC' menta l this year than phy).H'al," John sJ1d :.fter the win Sund:J\'

··1 dehmlcly think I hav<' r<' · moved th<' <1u<'-;t1on mark l.a'il year. t'vcn though f said every· thing \\aS fint'. I know therr waor; a question mark <'Very time I pitched. It's like night and day between this spring and a year ago."

J ohn was helped by home runs from Rick Monday and Ste\'e Gar vey as lh<' Dodgers com plet· ed a s weep <> f the three-game series

.. N nlllrally 1t telt gOOd hitting a home run my first time at bat in Dodger Stadium as a Dodger." Monday sai<I. ··People are look· ing at me and asking ' Hey, what's he going to do'' llow's h1• going to hc•lp thC' c lub ?' Of <'ourse, th{• game doe1tn't mean t hat mu<'h. winning or losing, but 1t still fell good hitting 1t out. "

Monday hit his homer In th" second inn1n1? off lost'r '-:olan Ryan, and Gan l'Y hit his in the fourth . It was the s~(·ond homer for Garvey, who was selC'ctt>d the scnt>s' most valuable plJyt'r

Los Angeles added a third run in the sixth whe n 8111 Russell led off with a triple and ca m e home on a sacrifice fl y by Ed Goodson.

The victo r y e n ab led th e Dodgers to take the lead for the first time in the seri es with the Angels.

The triumph was the Dodgers' eigh th in their last nine games <ind their 16th in 22 exhibitions California closed its exhib1lion season with a M 13 record

Los Angeles plays in Ph~n1x t onuiht a_gainst the San f'r an · c1sco Giants and then closes 11~ <'xh1b1t1on schedule Tu<').day 1n Scottsdale against the Chicago Cubs. California leaves today for Seattle. The Angels will work out today and Tuesday In prepara­tion for the American League opener WedMsday night.

Doug Rau, who pitched six in· nings of one·h1t ba ll on Fnday night. was \'Oted the outstanding pitcher in the series .

The Dodgers outs{'ored the /\n~els, 18·3. in s weeping the cam es.

Ron Cey. who suffered a hru1sed right foot in Satu rdety's 10 3 \l{'lOr)' over the Angels. sat out Sunday but should he ready to play torught.

The Dodgers outhit the Angels Sunday 7-5. with Monday collect· ing two of the hits. tie now has 14 runs battt'd in. which leads lht• Dodgers {'lub Garvey, With rour horn<' runs in the spring, leads 1n

that category

Smith, Gottfried Vie Pacific Southwest Finale Set

LOS ANGELES (AP ) - Top­seeded Bri an Gottfried meets fourt h -seeded ve teran Stan Smith nt UCL A 's P a ul ey Pavilion In tonlgbt' t\ final match for the $150,000 Paci fic Southwest tennis champions hip crown.

Gottfried took just over two hours lo win his 37lh m atch In bis las t 40 outings by defeating Roscoe Tanner, 3·6, 7-5, 6·3, SWl· day night.

Smith ousted unseeded Peter Fleming 4·6, 6·4, 6·4 in lhe after­noon semllinala match.

h is first serve in. I st a rted getting on his second serve."

Tanner agreed with Gottfried 's assessment.

" I let Brian back in the match when I started missing m y fi rs t &erve," he said. " And his return

O• r1' T0ttl9llt Dla•llel 2 at 8:30

LA ahead for the first time. Cor­ing completed his hat trick when he converted a pass fr om linemate Mike Murphy at 19:06.

Dionne said the Atlanta team thl• Kings will be facing in this year's playoffs is " much im· proved" over the sq uad the Kings defeated last year . " We have to take the first game."

T-•y .. Gl"'H Al l•"'""' l.O,A"'91lt\ CPH<•CJll')dt NtiNVMlt. hl•ndtr\ M tnn••\')14 •t Ru-ff.t•o TorontOJt P1lht>urqh Th~ \e<Oft.j ,,.,,.,.,,In t"P M\t -ot t"i..-~~ y.--1,...,.wtll

b' otitv~cs Thur'Jddv w•I" ttw ('ln<•f\9 Oott~v-t \61Ut0AY

With Win I NGLEWOOD CA P > - The Los

An geles Lakers sco r ed 12 strai ght points against Detroit in overtime to hand the Pis tons a 115-107 defeat and t ie a National Basketball Associat jon record with 36 homecourt victories for the season.

" I really foll at the beginning of the :.<'ason that the most im· portanl th.m~ for our ball club would be lo win as many games at homC' a~ we possibly could,·· said Lakers coa{'h Jerr y West. " We've done that {'Onl>1stently and I'm ).Ure we 'II contmue lo play good baskcl hall here'.

One Laker who played well Sunday night was Don Ford, who scored s ix of his 12 points in the ove rt.I me period . Kar~m Abdul -J abba r led all

scorers with 33 points. " It showed t hat we can come

back and piny smart in the latter s tai;:t's of t he ga m e," Laker Cuuie Russell said of the win. "Detroit played very we ll. you ca n 't take that away from tht>m . Although we have our d ivision c linched, we don't want to lay down because we want to keep that competitive edge."

Los Angeles led by four points. 98·94. with two minulC's left in re· ~ulati on play . Eric Money 's three-point play cut the margin to just one.

After Russell sank a freethrow to make It 99-97. Detroit center Leon Douglas made two charity s hots to knot the game at 99 each.

Money had attem pted a io-root shot at the buzzer, but failed to hit and the game went mto the overtime period.

The win gave the Lakers a two· game m a r g in ove r th e Phil adelphia 76crs in the battle for the bt>st overall season record in the NBA a nd a homecourt pla yoff advantage.

The Pistons ha ve a magic number of two as they battle Chi cago a nd Kansas City to make post-season competition.

01TllOI T 1!011 -Clrt 7l. H Po•I•• l t»vql" ,, c. '°""' ·~ M._v IS C""•h••O 11, IC Pontt l. S..11...-,. T'&OOl. O•oWf' 10

I.OS AHO ILl!S 11UI - 0 Fo"l 17, ~,,_111'!, Al>dul J-.r 1l C ... "41Y •• T•lum 11. 1(- J, l•m•• I) Abt•,..tftf 2 Newm•nn 1 D••••ll n 1• n u e-101 lo\ lo"'l'fl.. Jl " 1• 11 16-llS

Fouledoot - None Tot.ti tov•• -<>•l?t. Loo lo"'Oeln 16. lo-II . ITS.

Greatest of Career ~

LONG BEACH (AP> - "This is tbe real racLnt. ' · Mario An· drettl declared. " I just love an honest-to-goodness street race. "

Andretti 's affection for the two- mile street course through downtown Long Beach was evl. dent Sunday as he made a relent· less. nawtess pursuit or victory.

Andrettl, who made a daring pass or Jody Scheckter three laps from the finish and held off Niki Laud a by . T13 of a second to win, predicted a bright future for the sometimes beleaguered Long Beach race.

"Tbe drivers, the Europeans. e njoy coming here more than anything else," Andretll said.

Sources said the Formula 1 Constructors Association is in­terested in entering a long-term agreement to insure the future or the event.

Most major sponsors, who put up $350,000 worth or backing this year. indicated eagerness lo re· ne w. The event lost huge sums in 1976, the inaugural running, and was in danger of cancellation un· ti t F'tiday.

" We couldn't have had a better guy win the race than Mario," said Chris Pook . leader of the Long Beach Gra nd Prix Associa­tion . " I couldn 't b e more pleased."

Andretti c<ruldn ' t be more pleased. eithe r . "This Is better than winning at India napolis." he s aid. " It's the greatest point in my career."

The victory was enormously popular with t he fine crowd -es timated conservatively a t 65,000-70,000 b y organize r s. Cheering was deafening and con­tinuous for many m inutes after Andretti made his triumphant victory lap. both hands off the s teering wheel a nd waving, and ba s ked in an emotional victory circle ceremony.

" Mario is j ust such a pro· fcssional r ace driver," gushed t>ar owner Colin Chapman. " lie kt>pt grindrng away, grinding down Jody. It was sensational. "

Scheckter, who reported a flat tire slowed him to third, four seconds back a fter leading the first 76 circuits, also hai led An· dre tti 's driving. " l could never get h im off m y back , no matter what I tried ."

Andrelti, the first American lo win either of his cou ntry's two Grand Prix, responded, " Jody was like a bulle t dow n the straight~way. li e drove one hell o f a race, to m y frustrat ion. But I never gave up. In this business

and then pulled tn evetylhlng but the kitchen slot to get the car stopped and through the corner.• ·

Asked what bis strategy would have been to s tymie Lauda, If he 'd had to, the final three laps, Andretti replied. " My car was gonna get wider and wider and wider ... " ,

Scheckter's crew r eported he had a punctured right front tire the final l8 laps . Andrettl ob· served. " I didn't notice it. If he had a fl at. he was looking pretty good." •

Scheckter made what he called an excellent start to s urprise An·

dretLI and Lauda tor the lead. An. drettJ,1ald, "J thought 11ol ant

f retb well et tbe au rt. I lhoul could pa.u Lauda before

flrtt comer, but Jody then ca Oyln1 through.'' ,_

Did Scheckter. In hls opln1 jump the start?

"I don't know. I was gone w I saw the red light go off," drettl aald.

But aren't you supposed to h<!M until you see the green light?, .. was asked.

" If the red light 1oes oft, t g('een light has to be on," he said with a grin.

AP ......


you never say, 'never'." Do-•---t• eA..,, AAA Recounting the dangerous out- Ir ' "-~ 0 .,,,... • ,vvv

braking manuever that gave him the lead, Andretti said . " I knew I couldn't do anyth1nf! stupi d because I had Niki to worry about . too. I never had much of a chance to pass Jody. But this one time. 1 seemed to be the closest ever going down Shoreline Drive, so I thought now is the time.

" I brought it in there past him

* * * Tt•• flnl,l\of Sondo'< Unlt~d <;!•I•< G••M Prl• w .. ,, wio, fYO"' o• c•r l• O'- cornoltf•rt 4nd wi ,.. nt-,. ·~ <'W""tt~\nHflld

I Md"C> A..n•f'lll Lolu• llO ~6 8• ,,,,,,.. Dt<' hour 1 N1•e1 l Aucttt F t'""""I 40 . J Jody S(.h!"tlt t M' Wolf "° .. PAtr lr k OeoAtlt,.,. TVffttl. 90 \ E"t'\fl'f'\Of"'ftlt•O<lllftl ,Coo<•r\t1t1r . 80.• J,..,... P i,_ , r• JArtf'r Pf"'"• · 1~ 7 Jim,.\ Hunt. M r L1Vttl'\ 1' , 8 Gunrt4" N il\'-Qt'I, Loh" 1•; • J.tC· 111" ''' LAtt1t~ llqler 78 . tn OrlAn H tnlOft M~r<h, 11 ,,\8lrvtt11 r Sut1f"•\ 11

11 Ro.,,,19 Pf•trr\on. TY""'"" 61 ' U Cttty q,.Q•U/l)ni ("''Cl". \1 u .. ~"' S'uc tt o .. ..,,._.,., \l I\ Jo"'" W"''°" 0f'-.tb'14'1"\ u 1b Ali1n Jorw\. \h,u,Ow '"· 11 JO<."'"" M•\\. Mrlar• n )1 11 q,_,,,o l'l'tl \h.,,..,w '1 t? At" " Alf>trro Marc '"i. 1\ 71'1 C .. ttf)\ ~t·ul"'""'"'""· ,,.H4r 1 \ 71 Br•U l 1Jn~r. MIJtr io, • . 11 Viff()I' lo Br•rnbfll• Su<ttM\. I)



(AP> - Chris Ever t me thodical­ly dis posed of Billie Jean King. a longtime pro on the com eback trail, 6·0, ~l. In the finals or an in­tern alional women 's tennis tournament Sunday. .,

Evert played her usual patient gam e from the baseline lo defeat King , who was s ideli ned for five months after undergoing major knee surgery last fall .

The last time the two met in tournament pla y was at the semifinals or the 1975 Wimbledon Champlonahlps, where King de· feated Evert. After wlnntng that championship, King retired from singles tournament play. This week's event was he r first m ajor singles tournament since then.

Confident EdwardS Looks to Future

GREENSBORO, N .C. CAP> -D a nny Edward s look ed f a r beyond his first career v ictory -and he liked what he saw.

·'This is an end to what I 've worked for ," the slightly-built, 25-year-old s aid a fle r his front· running four-stroke triumph in the Greater Gree ns boro Open golf tournament.

" It's a n end - a nd it's a begin· ning. It's a beginning to the goals and dream s I have. Now that I've broken the ice, maybe the others will come."

And those goals are the stuff of dreams.

" l feel I have the kind of game that is suited to the major cham· pionships. It's a consistent, solid game:' I feel like I have built a consistent game on a good roun· dation. learning to qua lify, then make the cuts, then play well. I feel it's a foundation that won't c rumble - will keep me at a level of consistency.

"l'v& a lways set my goals h igh. I'm thinking or a consisten­cy in the major championships, maybe setting records of con-sistency ... " / He paused a m oment. " Here I am. I ' ve just won my fi rst tournament and I'm talking Uke this."

He returned to the dreams or the game's major events - a dream that ls at least one step closer now. HJs Sunday victory, the first of bis three-year career. not only prQVlded him with $47 ,000 from the tota l purse of $235,000. It also:

- Gave him a n exem ption trom quali fying, his firs t, at leas& through 1978. .

- Put him in the prestigious Tournament of Cha mpions.

-Secured him a ticket to Augusta, Ga., a nd this week's Masters, the first time he's~ eligible for that exclusive event .,.

" I think I can go there and play well," Edwards said. " I'm not a very high-strung person. I 'm not that much up from winning, so l won't have much of a letdown .•• \Cont1 I",.,. Greei~ G-.-009<\ Goll T~I on,,,. ........... I'd. - l"I "°'" 0 ... \ Counlry(lul>~...,,,.:

o ...... "'' .000 L•"• Net-. u .n1 c.-o• e.,..., n1 111 O•t.,. Jontt \11.00 Gii Ma<q.111, " ·63\ How••d r..1111y, U'MO RI\ MHWft(loll• . \l,ftO Jim Colbtn U 6'0 Ed0~f UMO G-o• o• Cd• u 6'0 1.fl<l•N~h.UMO AI CHl~•-.0 660 H•I• I rw ln, U MO J•"1 M<O.., \ l ,SU LM E ldt'. \J. \1S 'utr't Zoeller ll. \U P.,., J~Ol>M ... u .su Miii~• Blt'bo!• U '1S M l-t M(CuOOUQh. U ,S2S G• rv Pt~v.i• . \J, \11 Jim Knoll.\7 II• RnF1ovo.n.11• eo11 z.,,"",_ n "' Oob1>yW4lrel.Ul7' Andy a ..... \1. 111 Jim M H\M'IO. U . II• Tom Kil• \1,104 8111 ROOt•\, \1,104 M"t MO•ltV. \I ,lt)f l """• •O "-'o\on, 11,104 J-~"- ,,,,,, Ken SOii ti.Jn Tom"'y .. rort. tl .171 ll009r Melll)le, \l,tn YI~"'" ...... -1. tl ,2,,

' '"·'- · ' ' 711 Ml-I Hiii, \1 ,11) TomJe<>11~. 11.m llOOCu•I t l,7n

.. ..._...n-m 10...,n-11-• Mn•n-2111 12-11).10 .._,.., 11-10.11·~ 14. 1~•' 11-'1·1 .. ll-$ " ,,.,..,_,,.. '~·11..._. 1•-11o10-n. n .... n.n-a. 11-11-10.11-.. 1~1J.1S-1M 1J.l:J.70•~ 1 .. ,,.~~ 11-1 ..... 10-m n .10.n.11 - tn n .1i.11.11-fU 12·1• ·1W.-1'6 1t·l'-1Hl - '2t'I 1,.,.....,,. ...... 11-11o10.n - • n.1~.n-* 1J 10., . ... _"' 67., ..... ,._,.. 1Hl·1M'-i. , .. ,t.lkl-4V 1J.1).1J.6&-491 1\.?0·1- -111 u .11 .... n -111 1MJ.1:J.11--1' .... 1'·1f-­,.,,,.J0.11--11·1 .. 1).1,..... 1J·1•1---1J.1,.....,,..... 1).'1·1'"*-"' ,,.,,....,~

1t-11*1 ....

" I started playing helter when I was almost out or It, " Gottfried said of bis win, " My ga me really picked up after 1 broke back at 4·3 in the second set. In fact, 1 don' t think I lost very many points on service after that. Whe n Roscoe started not getting

or service improved . The d if­ference between the players that are winning and the ones that aren't Is that they win the Ught sets and the three- and five·set matches. This really c harac­t eri%es Gottfried's play ln the last six months."

Pressure No Factor for Whitworth

Sports on TV TONIGHT

6:30p.m . (2) - TENNIS - The s ing les final In the $150,000 Paclnc Southwes t Open from Pauley Pavilion a t UCLA.

6:55 p.m . (11) - OODOER8 BASEBALL-Tho Dodtiers meet the San Francisco Gt ant.a In an ex· blblt.Joo 1amo from Phoenix , Artz.

Smith and Fleming, the former UCLA star, had met twice before and the rubber m atch was much like the others.

Fleming, 22, took advantage of Smith's poor serving ln the nrst set to take it 6-i. Then Smith came back as he has throughout tbe tournament to reca~ture bis power game. win tbe laat two set.a by M scores and advance tn-, to tonight's final.

" I didn ' t do anything partkularlf well, but 1 was able to gut It ou and win the match," uld Smlth, the world's tOP· rankoo player ln 1972.

PALM SPRINGS CAP> -Kathy Whitworth. who's spent 18 of her 38 years on the women's pro golf tour. Is no longer No. 1 player and seem s quite happy she's not.

After domlnllting the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour In the late 1960s and early '708, Whltworth decided not to take the aame quite so seriously.

Even so, she won the women's richest tournament Sunday by ftrfng a clotlng 7l f01' a 289 total and a one-stroke victory over two others ln the Dtno.h Shore Wln­nen Circle.

The $36,000 first prize put Whitworth In the 1977 LPOA money lead. but ahe said af· terwards that she dldn ' t expect to sta y there . •

JoAnne Carner, who had a nnal-round 72 and a 290, and Sal· ly Little, with a 70 for the same tota l , eae?h won $21,500 for finishing second in the tourna· m ent.

The Winners Circle victory was Whltworth's m ost lucrative triumph - and s he's won 78 toumaments - but she said •f· terward that ahe bu oo lnten· tlons or tryln1 to be the top money·wiMer on the tour again.

" I don't want to get baqk Into that where l ' m pressing tor the top spot.'' said the woman who's won more money, some $67S.,OOO, tha n any other lady golfer.

" l still want to win touma· menls, but lf I want to ak.1p a week, I'm going to. In the past, l 'd be afraid that someone would pasa m e on the m oney list."

Leedlflq _..,.y WI_., In llW OIMll S""'9 Wlflo .,."' c;1we 0041 __..,, el ,,,. per·1L U70. ,.,., Ml•~ton Hllllc;ow..l•v Clwt> ( ourw: l(e111v WN~ll. u.~ n ·10•f't.ft-M lelly lit'"-uuoo ''''"''·70-1'0 Je.MMCerfttt, Ul.tilll 1J.7HH2-Cerel Meflf\. \1..000 u.11.1a.1~ J tM ll•IOt•, ,....... TMMMt-7'J l"•ll•ecflW.t• •.. .. n.,..,,.,,._..., """'11-lfl. , •• ,.._.. " ' " '"-"' "'9""'t N r. •uoo 1H1 ..,,._M

Page 15: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l

CIF 4-A Stcl111111ing Oaa•ploas Mission Viejo High 's Diablos, under coach Mike Pelton, collected their thlrd straight CIF 4·A swim championship Saturday night. Back row from left- Vic Vassallo, ¥ ike Woods, Norm Brown, Steve Barnicoat, J eff Scolman, J on Silver, Jim New, Paul Kon­trimas, Bill Swain, Dav,e Bames, Merk Barber , Mike Barnes,

Charlie Ray, Brian Goodell, Pelton. Front row- J ease Vassallo, Steve McDonough, Ray Novotny, Brad Darr, Bob J acobs, Ron Beshk, Rick Robinson, Dave E by, J eff Lee, Mike Weiderman, Terry Hugar, Briant Patterson, Steve Hall .

Bleachers Fall, 17 Hurt Borg, Dibbs Win Terpiis Titles

;TU LSA - A walkway nn an up p~r level or u wooden baseball sta dium collapsed Sunday after· rto on • i n j u r I n g 1 7 pc rs o n s ... tchinf( an exhibition baseball betw ee n th e Houston 1¥.tros and the Tcx&is Ronger:. ""hrecofthl' 17 person:. taken to

tWo area hos pital s were ad­m\tted. Thl'Y ~uffored back 1n­JUries

T h e gumc had jus t been s topped in the :.'<'ro nd i nnin~ because of a r .. 11n amt hail s torm Fans from the lowcr level r e :.erve and box .SN1ts were moving to a covered <Jrl'U when about 25 pe rsons crowded onto .1 wuodc11 wa lkway twhmd !>oml' :.t>at-. .

T he l> lructurc collap:.c·d v.1th some of the fons fallini.: a:-. far as 30 feet onto c·onc-rl'll' Other:- hit grass whil l' n ' ma1n:. of lhl' 10· by-10 fool sec lion fe ll a round them.

T he baseball par k, a t the coun· Ly fairgrou nds, is about 40 years old , and the gam l' wa& the Clr:.t of the season.

Borg Trhm1plu N ICE. l"ranl'l' H1orn llorg

of Sweden surviv1•d a sl11g~1~h :.tart and v. orl· duv. n ti u1 ll1·rrno Vllns of At $:l'nl1nu , (i I. I Ii. Ii 2, fi·O S1111rl;n 111 thl· frnal:- of th<' "11co c:r.11ill l'nx ll:nn1:-. tourn1·, Borg v.on ~ 7~.i1

Tiiw io B ibb• LONDON F:dcllr D1hh-. fllll

lis ted \ '1t.1s r;Prulu1w,, 7·1i, 1: 7 6··1 and 1•,1pl ur1'<I n IHI !(' of $30,000 in Il l\• fin.ti ' of .1 World (:h:imp1on , h1p Tennis tourna ­mt'nt S11ml .1~

The marathon m atch Jn11ted 2 hours &ind 18 minutes

CflcU.t Die• CA 'MPI ANO , It aly - Six

persons. including Ameri ca n motorcyclist Ra ndy Cleek and h1i. American m echanic, Kurt W. Keifer, were killed 1n a head ­on collision bl'lwcen two autos Sunday night near this northern ltll h an town.

Cleek, 23, oC S ha\\nee, Okla. had just competed in t he 200· mile motorcycle race at lmola in which another American. Pat Evan:. of El CaJOn, was cravely inJur ed in a crash.

Police reported the car or­cup1ed by Cleek. Kc1ft'r and an lt a li ;in mec h a ni c. G1useppC' lrcruc1. veered off the road on J

cur ve and collided with an on· com in g auto in wh ich t h ree Italians wer e riding .

Jolln•on Honored LOS AN G E L ES ·- UCL A

basket ball fo r wa r d M arouPs Johnson was selected w1nnc•r <>f the Lo..., An~eles Alhlt•tic Clul,. i. John R . Wooden award Sundav

J he awarCl "as t·rcall'd to honor the nal ion ':. bc•:.l t•ol lci.:1ate baskl.'tball player caC'h \ l'llJ

Sneva Edge• IJn•~r COLLEGE STATJO'I.; , Te;;. -

Tom Sne\·a ~an~ veh•ran Al l ' a lesso n 1n prr'l'>t1rl' f1n1shec; at Tc:1.a' Wo1ld Sp~Nl"oY to thl: t.:St\C i.anl'tioned Te1Cas Grand Pn :1. (or ch..1mp1ons h1p carsSunday

It was Sneva's second vi<.•tory on !ht• championship car circuit since earning l!SAC Rookie of the Year honors in 1973.

Unser. a for mer Indian apolis 500 winner, cum rd 320 points for hi l> second place finish and that boosted hi m into the point lead for the l 'SAC champion ship car Lille With 700.

Culn Robbed SCOTISDALE, Ariz. - Rob­

hNs broke into th e Chicago C ubi.' clubhouse late S&1turday nig ht or early Sunday morning and madl' off \.\1th Sl.400 1n equipment.

A mon1: lhl' ilcms s tolen v. !.'re :.h1rts , hatting hclm cll>. two d ozl' n i.:lcwc·s. bas('hall•:., butt ing ~loves and s wcatshirtl>.

Walt rip ft'ln• DA RLI NGTON, S.C. Dar·

rell Waltrip captured his fir st Gra nd Notion al auto r ace in a wild finish in which the $156,185 Rebel 500 cncied in con tr over sy v.1th the yellow c:rnt1on flag out the ftnal six laps

Pole-c;1ller Da' 1d P ca rson. the dl.'f<'nd1ni.: ch;1mp1on who had captured lh1s C\'Pnt four of the last f1vt> year'>. was leading on the 361 '>t lap v.1th Hobby Allison. fl1 chard Petty <tnd Waltrip each within a second of each other "ht•n 01<' k Brooks' right front tire ble" on the fourth turn

Rrooks' Ford was sl ammed ;1ga1nst th e wall and J . D. Mr Ouff1r 's Chc.'vrolel went spin­ning on the turn ns the four lead<'rs came through .

Rustler s Area Baseball Vanguards Take Two Setbacks

Capture Twin Bill

c:u·:Nn ,\1.~:. Ar11 Goldt'n Wt''' ( ··1111'1-! •' ' wom<•n' '"Ith.ill t1•J n1 mamt.11111•11 11 ' 111111,.,,, .. n fl'l'Orll !'.u11tl.1\ \\II h .1 pa tr or \ 1c·tor11· .. 0\ ··r Glendalt>, h1i.:hh~htNl h\ " comt• frnoi twh1nd H ·1 V1CtOf'.\ in tlw n1i.:ht r.q1 which ~uw 1111 C'tght ewe m arkers coming m t he seventh lnmni:

K at t\y Rosenberry up· ~d her personal record &A> 12·0 in the nl&htcap a11 ~ Rustlers are now n -0-1 for th<' , •. a~nr) (,iaunc J>uttPr t 11•1I thc· jnmc in thc• M'' 1·11th ,, 11 h a b a s<'s luuded 'ln~ I <' a:. 1'Jc ~ 11111c·r:- :.t·111·1•cl :l('ven lim es afl<'r t v." 1111ts

1'111\f O&Mr G W ( t•l f71 Cltnd•I• I Arif I

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So11ttH'rn Ca lifornia l '<1ll 1·~l•:- \' .1n~uard:- arc p r I ' p J. r I n ~ r 0 r Thur 's Orange l'ountv basehall tourna · ment 11t L'C Ir vine ,, it a 1 n ~ t C <1 I S l a t C'

I Fullerton J followin~ a pair of sl't hacks to v1s1l· 1ng Cal State (Dom· inguez H.illsl Sunday.

The Va n guards absorbed 7-4 and 6·2 lac· In f'S ·

In the nightcaf K ent M1 ya11hl r o 11pt> l e d a i.hutout bid with a l" O· run tnplc•

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~ " I II


Checking Banquets Jon Glenn won the out·

sta ndtni: performance award T h ursday night for the soccer teams or J rvlne's t:nlvers11y lflgh at t he school's spor ts awards banquet.

Special award win ncr:. .

V•'"'~ Crclnct\er AwiuC.1 Bren 8 001" O u ht•ndinQ Perform• '"" Jon

' Glenn · Oefef'l\1v@ PIA'i•' o t ine 'V ,,., An4r•• Glltt'\Oh•, OH•tt\1vt Player ()f the Ytllr c ..... ,, .. , Col~: M O'\t .,,.. 0"0"'•0 St.\n H'1m.t\ t\IC)t COelh'\ Aw•rd Jo~ luh Mortnn

J .... 1 .. v., ... , Mo•t V•lout)le !>•m Well lnQ •nd

Cl•ryo11 ....

* Sophomor e Joe Young

was accorded t he most valuable wrestler award al a r ecent d inner honor in g the Orange Coa~;t College mat tea m .

So ph o m ore Don Stir ewal t received the ·cap t i n "s t r o p hy and sop h omo r e Doug St ewa rt won t he Mtkl' F ink le a Big H eart aw a rd- g ive n to t h e wrestler who puts out the m ost effort dunng the season .

• Saddleback College's

Mi ssio n Co nf e r e n ce c h a mpion b aske t ball tea m will be h onored Apr il 19 a t the Holiday Inn in Laguna Hills .

T ickets for the han quet. which bei;:ins al 7 p m ., are available at the college al $7.50 each

Pro Cage, Hockey

Standings N1tlon•t 1a,t11•••~ 11 Auo<••Uon

f. t.ST Elll N CON l' lllle NCE All•nlf 01•1•1'"'

V Pnlleotlr\111• 80\tO,,

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f I, v;ro lAnrt . ff\, , Vl"' 1 t '' 4r-.~1 ti.\~ (.l"lilOf#tlO •

Golf Tourney at FV T he F ountain Valley

Boys Club will benefit from proceeds from t he s e cond a nnual Is a i a h Ro bertson golf tourna·

· ment at Fountain Valley Mlle Square Golf Cou rse Monday, April 11 when a host of celebrtllea and a m ateur ~olfers face a n 8 :30 shotgun s ta r t.

A fie ld of 36 celebr1lil'S a nd 108 a m ateur !! w ill be on h a nd for lhe lourna · m e nt with celebrities ln· c lud i n g P a t H a d e n , R o m a n Gabrie l , G i l Stratton, Jack 11nd Jim Youngblood a nd Deacon Jones among others.

A banquet will follow the tourna m e n t wi t h p r izes awarded to win· ners.

T h e b o y s c lub ben tflted by more than $8,000 from proceeds or the tournament last yea r and with each tee and g r e e n be ing 11p0nsor ed b y a local merchant, the a m ou nt fi g ures t o be e v e n m or e this year .

There a r e still open· lngs for a mateur players al ~ each whic h is t ax dedu ctible. Send entries lo the F ountain Valley Bo ys C lub , 181 3 9 Brookhurt1t St, Foun tain Valley 92708.

,.,.,'" "' otlboln rt

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• : MA YO IODY COMTWOL CINTllt C4I ,.., ,.. ~· ......... ..,., Oho

61 MRA .._ • .,._• 1t 1°1t1"f-·-- 112·1111 NIWPOITUACH

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P OFESSIO AL 126 yeer old hlghlv respected Li ie Insurance Company offer• eltlenalvo tr11lnlng In lhfl estate planning et'ld the business ln11.m1nce arfla Ou11r11nt~ ntary Favorable comp011t1v" 0011tlol'I of ovr compat'ly meant o reater eernlnos for representatives. Possible

.management oooortuntty alter thme yea.rt For personal and conftdent 111 ll'ltervitws call Gary Northcutt 17141913·0334

C7 I 4J 973-0334

\Nhether you need ~1.500 or $10.000 get It from the people who lend millio ns .

Commercial Credit. Monthly pnvmcnt based on a $7 .OQO HomeO..vner loan, for

R4 months. lit an llnnual percentage rate or 15%. Total payment 11 ,345.88.


COMME~IAL Cf\.EDIT COR.POf\.ATION Gl ~""Loan~ ;j,.°'ii A '""" "' ~·1 o()ll •ntf ..- t11u.i boi •Huffd Iv • ".mh""'""' nt tt•I '""" ~•I '"'''""'~

Co1ta MfH • :470 F.. 17th ~trc-<1~

Oranre • 111 1 Town Ii Country Rd. Sulit 26

• •


Girls' Aetlon

6Cage Teams Gain Playoffs

Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley Hleh. !-\chool girls basketba ll teams will enter Cl F 4·A playotf activity T uesday. April 15 as the third and fourth seeded teams with Mater Del High of Santa Aoa the second seeded squ ad.

Hu nti n gto n Beac h , w in ner o f t he Su nse t Leag.ue c hampionshi p w ith a 10·0 record. will play at hom e agai ns t Tustin, runneru p In the Century Leag ue wh ile Fou n tai n Val ley w ill travel to Cypress High/

Mater Dei's Mon ar c hs, co-c h ampio n s oC t he Sunrise circuit with top· seeded St. Joseph H igh of Lakewood, will be at hom e to San Gor~on10

Corona d~I Mar, cham pion or th e South Coast League with a 13·1 re· cord . will be at home In 3 - A compcl1t1on lo Sonora 11.Jgh wh1lt> run· nerup Mission Viejo wi ll t r avel to Mayfair Hi ~ h in L akewood . Mayfa ir 1!-. Subu r ban Lea gue cham· p ion.

Li berty Christ ian of Huntington Beach will be at home to Alta Loma High in 2·A action.

Coac h Joanne K e llogg's Hu nti ngton

For Area

Beach Oiler s hnve lost o nl y o n t ga m e th is sea son to Qu a rtz H ill. c h a m pion or t he GC'>lden League and No. 1 seed In th e 3·A playC'>ffs .

··­Wuren11St . Jo..Oll VtnlU•• • I noou•-00• l orr •net •I LO JO•Cl4" llurro•ohs j Uurb•" ~ ' •I Stl\

Gtbr•tl 'tn•••••I O•\hooAm•t P t clll<t al l'oot~ltt

Blsnoo Mom-•v at "'"'"'"" l'tu1ttol1t Vtlltr 11 CvP••n T YU I• • I H1.,nl .... 01t h ath L 8 Poly .. c.ellr M••• SC.- •I Cr-rnt• V•ll•'f 9 1 P.u! tl Ml••Co-11 !;lml Vt lltf 11 Loul;v1ll1 Ar<e<l1••l 8-'I l o••• .. Lo\ Am loo• i 1 1t ~-· .. ,,,_. .. , 0.1 ,._,. I I M l•""4 •I Oui'll .. 111 c ovln• ti 111_1.,,d )•n Lu"Clot•PO •I !>t"I• f I (l•remoM 11 Aul>IOOu• Arrovo•t At?""""' i'klth ~1lhel M irelttf• M lu t ... Vl• IO • t M•yf•tr I • w flloll at V ''"'"' 11 Art11\i • •f ~t• ~.u 14

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Golf Results E"'''~ . ,,. \ t.U .. .,..•i•bl* ,..,,. 1...­

" '' " .tnf'Nl'tl M•ttr 0.1 qo1t f~,rn.t m1n1 10 bl" "'~<Wif Al ,,..,,,..,. (OA\t

Country (l\lbl')l'I Mo""•" "'"'ii 7\ AU tnow """O• .. '• '"'"1 '"' •~ '""'"'" m•nt l>-"'G'"" E,.,,,, .... ,,,d,y •4,,,,, ,,,,

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For •'1<1U•on~f mff)tm •f•ori tl')nt11tt J1 rrv T -ll'CI" ''"'"''' t11r•c tor 60t'> (,nn11t"' QOtf '0.'" c;.1,,,-._. QH1 n •H\1.-ll c ~rf'>tMv H ', \t,,.' 0' J= "'"''' l> 1tYl'1 , •tt\l,tl( <OOfOln"to, Al I•? I u8

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v1t• l1on•I oenr""' beU•r bait t°"'"" ml'ln' nv•r l6 N)lfll\ t41 M"'il'tOWIM~

(')Urltry Club 1n HufHlnq ton 0&J4't t'I Aorit ,. And t1 <,lo~ .. Fttf1 .- v

A m4'•"~"' "aMlrl\p n 11.-r11nl1AI

ot ' '"" ,, ,,,~K w• ll bl tllnw•d •o, '~'" ,,..,.,\ U'l\•nQ f'lt IO W• "'' ''-•ntlll •O fl')f F~b,l.M\rv M . .trr f\n' "pr•i

Art enlrv ff!il> Of J'ii() it'trlU~4- ')fflfO "

~N", '"d must •uomo•l'\v I~ f'fttrv bl.tntL A.II fl'f'\O•fl .. \hC>uhJ "" ffl<i l h•CI to O+r Iii Tu,,,.., 1""'1' Locu\t \t Orft11q• 916t.1 For •ut1,,,.,. tn•ormeliOI'\ c •It ~l1 \ Ill

HU NTI NGTON Sl!ACl.11'1' CC WtO"f\cM't' I\ ff\f flfht~ «'l.tlf • ., ...

Pf'lhv •n IM HV"'11•'"3iton Y • < t11t Coun try (lvf) ~ .. \1 n•Of\ IOvtNMt-t\I

Th• , ~~mp'~" "°'" .. """' w •ll "" P'-'Vfl'O OW' 16 "Olft'\ •' \.l 1 0 " " P"'• Ot'I 4orlt 11 ~nlj 74 With morf' t~Af\ " 40')

'" or• tt \ M•noou_.,-,.<t P l•ven m~t Ot ovet \0 to tftlf"t

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Reb S•w•t 11tl •nd 01<" ~numAn wnn tkh S1tvrdlH' O•'''"'' 's bfoltru t>..,11 ••vPn1 wltn A t'W' I ~" On ~ulW'IA'f Alll r 6wlri,. And GIO Vnuqh1m W""". ,.,,, w !f'H\flr\ w ltf'I,. f)O l o w 0'0'• \ w•nt to

J1m Edmhtm N"c1 l~,,.v A"uQti -'' rn \.\1v, Cf .\V' , •'HI)''' N in i 1+1 '' "'" \I IC.,,.. f\nr1 lum McC..111n.•\\ w ith

•• WO'-'IEN SllES111 T\

1 llYIN E COAST CC Hom" Al"ld hnmf' w•'" M "'" v""'l'I'

r ( ll')w (jf'O\\ 1 01'"n1 Ch" l"m1'rt WAnd• En.ot• Pet 8ontWtH Phylh '"""19,,bt,.O ) J 1n1\ Wntlf'l\•l't•. M•," f ·Hn•r M t( hl U '°tn 41tf\U ,, ()\f'

T • 111.tu(tu t..O• N • t - 1 M tH lty., /r,nt'

Ern1111\tln• \/.116'-\ lr1111-n1111 8• t • \t-1411'0"' Ounf'I J Phvtll\ Arnnh1 e-.,.n1'• tl".'l~tP\er (l• l ' t' (.alllf'\1, JO•" D• 'f'•\ J Aulh Poi'tlf' M#"J4'"' M rlf• "''" F lol\' (jt~r ti•l~f\ Doody .e M,.,., R•toun 9•rb•'" P•oo H,.,,.,, Op~n_ Jt•n l •v1,,,. \ N ud r Wrt ql'\t ltuth Jo"""'on Vfltdit Srtittfllllv. f( • .,. I'.' at1tv

• M•,tv \ r .. n- ld•r M"''""'" F•c>JuO. Vlrq•ni111 Vhtlt ... J • t:. .. lt Nt••. 1 Jt•" 0'4'• •4 JttAt'I Cuni"1•"0' '"""''OHf" Wo:wt 9,.u., f~,,V" ~ Aon bl~ Smith J,,it,, Afb41tr •• n N•trtlh 11n no 01•.nna L• ve,to" . • Cl'\v Ho11tbttQ M lf'V Thomp\1tft, Dotti• Fr•ft(l)(Of"I Rarblr• AntJftr\o" . t O M.,,,. novtmwort,,, Oot n1 l'\V J"

C-, w "n\OI\, A"" C•t<t "' \vt"t• p,..,,,u, .. I

Mt<l•I Pl•v Tourft•mol\I " A rtoQhl I 8ol>C>ot ~•'1111~ . 11: 1 Chol Oodll• ()•"'11 J•~' ' Wtll!t'lid•, 11.

0 Fll(jl\\ I N I"" Ha ..... n\. It; ' A"lt'f M~nder\tu\ , 11 ; l Mi rO" !:.1oc: ~-· 14 4 f}lttlv M umm,.. ''·

C J.llQhl ' Er r.•\t ln• V.tldl'I'\ n 7 MA ' t')" W•..,..d 1' 1 J1;.,,. JOI'\••\ 1'J A

~,_~n \flflr.l f'r h ~ M dff)t'nt- M u\\ftr. I\

D Fi.ont - t ,,,.,, Mtttllyn Afttl\onv,

~··· Dul"'• 61 l ltlol ll ul~ CM", Snn1 • K•1tov 17 ~ Ll•I• G•mmlll , I) ,

e lO CANYON CC C,ut" t 01tt Tovrn""'~1n t C1 fow b•U \

of t nurVN'ne• · A fllQht fC.'o"I l. r tflt E tl( .. iot\ ' "" ' Pt1Dft fEI Nlqu .... t C •. Pttt Anl<h 0Arint Ch•nm•n thv1n• ('M\t CC• . '~ 1 teatt\1""'"' '-'f'Y"' ()rof" °""" Whit• "'Vin,.. (OA\t CC. t Mr\ RCM. (.,,, •v J•r-. .. Stt,.ier

'' 'v'""'°"''cc• '"' t NeU t V1ro1nlA 0'8,lt'f'I. Jdntt lt1nlr "'"•n.,. (.,.,A\I ((I ti. arrn Win. , .. ,"'"'" Mtt'" •"i ·<. lr \ • Mttt' • " d' er•· qt 1 M•r•• r •'QI') r.,..,.. A ttn C• ndl ewood CCr Dully Whillo•.

6,,hb•tt Lt>nQ<rl'f" ff"° ""Olt1NOOdl (( l. n1 l Ot··YW" H"'""'""\ H fn· OfU .Ot'I , , ,,M\dtv H lfl,, C.Cl EINnof' RO\t• l•f ' ""''• rt1t t\Ol'f Miii\ CC>. 11•

O f:11of\f tGrt)\\I t (.rU M.-n.n. Mf\ AOO.rt SmUI'\ fl rv1nt· Co•\' CC•. M t\ f•fl MA rtln ,.,_,. , R ob4fr t

"· Hdnfl'f ttY·n• (l'hl\t cc •. 1H 1 PfQOY ''""°''"<1"•"' l.4vr• P 1c • 1t't fAMt<M ~llt F"' CC' M .. 'I M,,,V,., • '1•''" '10\•tn\ '"•"<"<> S""la rt CO. 1loll

I N.-n t J.,,,,.. S~rt 8rtty Gonv• IMt•• \lt·rO!t CC, lllhitn\t!y. Edith c.~'"°'"'",. IMI\\~ v1 ... o ((l.

Ill. ' Htlfn "'""""°" &nO\ W•• d IS•nl• """CCI. ll l O•ow\ BarbJr.t Wnor•v IS..nt• An• CCI, tH: l tlltl Jf'11tn M l\HOtv ~,., .. (OO'lfoll\ •E • N iQUf'I CCl MMQ.Hf't Hoc:tqe-. Mf\, W 1IHt11m Ordfll')n l[t NIOuP I ( (1: H,.l1n 6ttW\(ln, Juf'\{I C1n1 fEI N 1olw1 tf°I C~rm"" Pr,,.v, 81tlt .. SIQ't\t l~Anlft l\M CCI. 1)1

r. ~ l1q~t •G•n" ' I. lllrJ M• • ill" Pt\vAf. Mr\ •Ml FA\ftnAn l M i•,,j~ \/l•ln (( 1 tlt>ltn P~Q14H M' \· M '""" "'' t<tnN-rjy IMl\'\10f" v1r10 CC'. An1111 Frir kvw-. Oobby Fat•~v l\ttnlo'I An"'(('. \ f-trov1-r1v ttoOiP . ' '''' M oo,,. •P•l l'I\ Veroit~ ((') 1Qt

' N" n 1 MMV r,,,M,., 00,0l"V Humpf\r1f'1 t@'f f.JIQ~I (r I, Ann Mtr• r1tt At lly Ad•m\ l\.it" G • br1t,I CCI. tll 1 fl ub¥ A n"I R.u ., ,.., Q,11,lvn

",.,,,1,, tew.nt., "n~· ((' 1 r.41 " '"' 11'\Qf\ill"" 8-• ,,.m.,.,.,, t1rv1n1 rn.t•t (.( 1)8 l [ l•IU)ltl ,.. (Mt r 11n~

l•,,nArd I AA "ion Vff'll, (() Lu H 10"""' JO•I'\ 0 C,• r .. I I rv•n• C.O•~t (( I 10

Ba&eball Ec~111ot111n ll1 wb• ll

l tt\ A"'?"'"'' l (1u110,n tO \ o111n 01,..ooitt °"'' '•"d \ \t l~tJI ' P1th0Uf(Jh0 PHhhtJ,~l. TfltMtflt

., " "'\"'' (.ny 1 n.-nirnortt l M ·,..rt••')•.\l1 4 tlAf" M,..n,,.,.11 ,,,, • .,.,y _,, 'i. t N>O (ht t'Y'I ' • ' t f\Mf'\f\'l CIMlnrMfl 1 Pl'\l•Mtelnhl-f. Tr ' "" 1t HMJ\lttn 1 O•lrfht \ N• wYot k fA10 Cl\1• • 00> INI l ~.n ~••Mh«>O 0•" l~nr" M •h••utlrt I \t1 ,.lft118(lf'Wl,.ntj1

1 11m~1 rn

MMM' All popular make cars and trucks ot competitive rotes. Ford, Buick, Cadil· lac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Oldsmobile, GMC trucks. Many '77s on display and ready for immediate delivery, or order now for early factory delivery. FrH loan cars to lease customers.


[f..Ate~;~I U:~=·•· 540-1211ot142·0010

Page 16: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



AJ4 DAIL y PILOT Monday, April 4, 1!!7

Sen. Carpenter Raps 'Deals'

State Senator Dennis Carpenter says he wants to "get lhe bargain basement, let 's -make-a -deal at· mospbere out of the criminal justice system" in California by outlawing plea bargaining.

The Newport Beach Republican's bill CSB 295) aimed at that end has passed lhe Senate Judiciary Commit~e. The measure would prohibit judges and district a ttorneys Crom negotiating with persons charged with a crime until a finding or guilt

· or innocence has been made for that crime . Plea bargaining, or more accurately sentence

bargait)ing, occurs when a judee. district attorney. de fense attorney and defendant agree that the de· fendant will plead guilty to a lesser crime In ex, c hange for a less severe sentence.


Hu ntington Be ac h ) has dredged up and r~­introduced an old bill that would pro vide state aid to beach cities that e nte rtain a lot or out-of-town vis· itors on their s hores.

"The cities are stuck with lhe operations costs of the beaches , but m ost of the people who use them are not local residents." Mangers explained.

His bill (AB 1109) would set up a s tate fund with tidelands oil r evenues from which cities would be r e imbur!>cd at lcult t ~omc of the costs of maintain­ing their public beaches.

The Mangers m eas ure is the same one his pre· decessor , Republican Bob Burke, s teered through the Legis lature in 1974, only lo see it vetoed by lhen­governor Rona ld Reagan .

At lhe time, Reagan said the measure would have set " a da ngerous precedent" by having the s tate help loeul governments with tourist or recrea­tional costs.

Burke tried again in 1975, but the bill died in committee.

Mangers said his measure is co-sponsored by Assemblyman Ronald Cordova (0 -El Toro).

* * * MEANWJULE, IN the nation 's capital, Rep. Mark Hannaford is seeking fundfog by the House Appropriations Committee on Public Works for a

Disabled Aid

County Students Push Tax Breaks

By KATHY CLANCY Oi lht O• ilf Prlol ~l.fff

J\n Orange County eighth g rade c ivics class believes sales tax s hould be banned on wheelchairs, p rescribed medic ines . hearing aides and other equipment needed by the handicapped.

J\nd as a project , t he 16<>-member cla ss at Im­p eri a l Junior High School in La Habra turned their r esearch on the s ubject over to Assemblyman William Danncm<'yer I R-Fullerton ) who in turn in­troduced the lcg1s lallon they want.

STUDENT DARRELL Chamness. who. with four c lass ma tes. plans to travel to Sacramento lo tes tify i!l favor of thei r bill <AB 1009>. s aid the m easure would r es ult in a Sl S m1lhon annual loss in s ta te sa les lax revenue.

But he said the loss would not be a great one to a s t ate with a $15 b1lhon a nnua l budget .

HIS CLASSMATE. St a nley Quinn. s aid the slu· dents l(Ot lht' idea fo r the measure Crom their t eacher . August a Knuth. who learned of a similar m easure passed in New York.

From lhcr t', they conducted research into the propos al , t a lk ed t o handicapped c itize ns and ~ athE'red 1,200 na m es on petitions in favor of the leg is lation.

STUDENT CHRISTY House said. for example, wheelcha irs now cost a minimum of a bout S500 and th e six percent sales tax. adds anothe r S30 to the

. purc hase pn ce . .. J\nd S.10 is a lot of money when you don't have

tl, " she noted . She !>atd resea rch shows two residents in each

1.000 usf' wheelchairs . 11 J)('r 1.000 use canes or walk i n~ sticks a nd two l>(! r 1,000 ui.c walkers .

STUDENT SHELLEY ll agt'dom obser ved that t ht' handicapped oft e n have financia l proble ms a nyway a nd could better s pend the s ales lax ruods for food a nd othe r needed items.

Thre<' days a ft er Oa nne ncyer introduced the legis lation on lhl' s t ude nts' be half a s im ila r m eas ur<' CA R 10821 w as introduced by As· i.c mblywom an Leono Egeland I D·Sa n Jose).

Mrs . Ege la nd r<'porl edly wa-; unaware a s imil ar measure alread y had been a uthored. Usual ­ly s uch duphcal10ns a rc ca ught by the legis laltve COuns('I.

I N T HOSE CASES dua l authors hip sometimes is s uggl'sted sine<' it costs about $2,800 for each bill 1111 roduced r('J(a rdl<'SS or 1ts fa te.

But a f! Pokcs m a n for Dannf' mey<'r's orricc s aid the assemblyman m1~ht prefer maintaining lo ne ;111thorship on beha lf of the La lla bra students who arc gelling a practical lesson In civics .

Nursing Homes Fined SACRAMENTO (AP ) - Two nursing hom es

have paid $1,000 fines for failing to provide proper patient care, the state Department of Health said.

The faciliti es are the 120-bed Pleasant Valley Rehabilitation and Convalescent Hospital in Ox­nard and lhe 74-bed Morro Bay Convalescent Center in Morro Bay.

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Page 17: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l


~ Never Too Young " .. . . To 'Immortalize'

By DENNIS McU: U ,AN CH t,._ O••IY P ilot St.ttt

When the fifth grad l• cluss(•s ;it Pelt•rson St•hool 1n l luntinglon ll<'ach put on u play for thr1r par<'nts thC' usual Wl·ll m t·anin' but bl :rncl " "' LI!> u nll'l' pro i:: r :i m " com mt•nts "'l'r l' not heard

Tht• parC'nls insl<' ad "'<.'rt' non 1plussC'd at th(• qua llt) of the pro

ildur t1on • "Tht•v \H'rc in <l'>'<' that fifth •gradC'r~ d1ci this ... sa id pn nr1pal ,,Conn1f' Wakrf1C'ld " ll 's so p111-fl' sswnal Thal 's the thing that

1gets mt· " • What 's the SUbJ CCl of lhl'SC rave re v ie ws'! Th e sc hoo l ' :-.

· <'laborat<'ly-mount ecl production of Shakespc•are's .. Macbeth ."

: That 's rag ht , the 1 m mortal hard 's clasSil' stor y o f a man ':-.

• hloodthirsty lust for powt•r , .i

<'Ons iderable undc•rtL1k tnf.! for a ; high school or rnllege. h:l alone ' '

-a n elementary school

Despite a minor flu <'p1dcmic lhc week before . I he 50 odd east m<'mbe rs made 1t to all four performanct·s for tht·1r fellow stude nts.

And in the best troupC'r tra<~1 t1on. thev not onh kn< w th<·ir lines to ~rfl·ct1on . ·hut cll-.pla}l'd a remar kable kn o" lcdgt• of th ea trical proJccltun and dramatics

T llE \ 'OUNG PLAYERS '>' crc v is1teci the day artc•r lhP SRO pnformance for their parl'nls It w:is JUSl minut<.•s bl'for c t urtain r ail for the final s how . '>'h1ch would b e vid eo taped for posterity.

The classroom turned make-up room was buzzing with activity. Gouli s h-lookin g witches and royally-attired ladies a nd gentlemen of the court took their turns being made up

Pullin~ the final touches on one young face . fifth grad<' teacher Jovce Jad('r, who 1s director of the drama . com mented . ' T m 1usl in lo\'C "'1th Shak espeare and I lo\'c to have the kids t•xposed to II "

Mrs Jad('r. '>'ho in1ll atrd the t•i. tt•nsl\l' drama unit 1n the sc hool 's MGM program . h;1d done Shakespeare in other school d1:-.tricts

Hut this I'\ PetC'rson School 's f1r~t go al F:ll zahct han drama. and 1t is bv far their m o!>l am · b1l1ous effort

" I fC'cl as lonf,! as W(' ·re going to do a pltlY." why not p1t'k a rc•ally quality !>how'" she sa id, addmg the s tudents had little trouble in understanding the play .

EVE~ THE FIRST graders , who had the benefit of a narrator . "sat totally mesme rized ."

S h e fee l!, cxpos ure t o the classics will stimulate them to do

Teacher-director Joyce Jader adds a touch of the ghoul to 'witch' Suzanne Seibert.

Barely recognizable as witches are Suzanne Seibert, Denise Wong, Ronnie McKeown, Milissa Brandt and Julie D 'Angelo.

BEA ANDERSON, Editor Monday,Ap~ 81

Sandra Jones (Lady Macbeth) and Ted Buckley (Macbeth) tackle leading roles in drama.

their own reading a nd sec other plays

She e:><plainccl that sh(' do<'s an e ntire sem t'!:> lN' with t·n·ut i\'e dramat1rs : actmt{ technique::. , charqctcr 111t<>rpr<>lat1on. , pan· to m ime und history of th1•ater

.. Bv thC' t1m" tht'\' n · n«td~· for the a"ctual p<.·rfnrm :i nC"l'. t h~y ' rt: really togl' th <'r. " !. aid Mrs Jader. '>'hO maJor<:d 1n history but was acll\ e 1n th(•ul (• r " I think I ' m LI fru!>trL1ll•d actress "

The s tudt·nt actors. who now wer c trekk 1nc " ' l' f to th e a uditorum. had rC'ht•arscd for aboul three months Learning the antiquated Elizabethan lan~uage did not present too much of a problem

" The kids really have incredi­ble capabll1t1l•s." !> aid Mri.. J ader. " That ·l> wlrnt 1:-. so neat.

" LEARNING TIU: U NES bas ic :illy is llw t•as1t•st thing. Un­derstanding wha t lhl•ir character is and getting int o tht· mot1vat1on be hind what lht'y ' rc suying is \\ ha ttook time "

Ardis Duey, fourth fifth grade teac her . wa-. as:-.1slant c1irector and s upervised M'4.' nt·r~· and cos· tum es. which '>' t'rl' mad(• by the pare nLc;.

Competit ion for the leading roles of Marbeth and 1.:idy Mac · beth was ket•n Ted n uckley and Sandra Jones landed the prized roles .

TED, ATTIRED IN a hluc cape with a s word al his side. a nd San· dra , looking royal in a purple silk gown. stood by as the a uditorium bee an to fil l.

W ns Sandra nervous ., " I u s ed t o he . bul n o t

Dally Pilot Photos by E. Lee Payne

The jester: Shawn Cannon

anym ore," she said. Ted admitted he was excited.

Nervous? " Yea. a lot. " The house lights dimmed, wind

S<Jund effects fi lled the room and black -dressed witches s wooped

onto lhe s tage as the story of M acbcth began to unfold.

ll w:is immediately obvious the s tudents had lea rned thei r lessons well. The immortal bard would have been proud .

She Still Counts Blessings

Gerda Klein sees beauty in what most take for


By J UDITH OLSON Ofll>e O~lty Polol St~lf

It was a beautiful s pring dly. Several hundred Jewish wo~en had gathered, at the invitation or . the Women 's Di vison of the Unit­ed Jewish Welfare Fund of Orange County. for a brunch honoring the memory of one or their m ost beloved hu m anitarians, Mrs . Lillian Schrager.

T he mood was festive and the women were chattering as large g roups of good friends do.

Gerda Klein, the speaker for the morning, was Introduced. A suTvivor of Nazi concentration carpps during World War II, She had bitter memories .

She hesitated to talk about the past. "Some of you may ask, 'Why spoil the beauty or the morning with horrible tales?'" s he said.

" You can relax . I wlll speak of beauty, love, sharing and ~riendahip."

ll was true. Mrs. Klein did not dwell on the horrors . But as she told her story, it was dircicull to keep tears from the eyes.

Mrs . Klein. now a r esident or Buffalo. N. Y . and holder or an honorary doctorate! from Rosary Hill College, unfolded her story slowly, starting with the present before turning to the pas t .

SHE RECALLED visiting her daughter and new grandchild in Phoenix r ecently, doing all the "earthy" chores such as bathing the dog, before catching a late plane for an important s peech in Washington, D. C.

As s he was driven to the airport, holding her new grandchild, the Infant s pit up partofherdinneron Mrs. Klein 's blouse. , • She had dhosen comfortable clothes for traveling, not expect· Ing to be met at the airport in W ashlngton.

To her horror, a large cont· lngent. of di8llilarles met her at;

the plane and s he disembarked, clutch1ng her coal around her lo hide tbe stajn,

CONflDENT mAT HER suit· case with fres h clothes. which were inadvertently sent to another destination. would ar· rive before her meeting, she re­laxed . By the crucial time, however, it still had not arrived and she had to go and speak lo her dinner-stained blouse.

As she fumed about the " dis· aster." her mind s uddenly flashed back to Dresden in the war years and she chided herself for being upset over a s mall thing like a st ained blouse.

S h e then described the Dresden march, which would lead to death for a ll but 125 of t he 4,000 people involved.

" It was bitter cold. I re· member how cold, tired a nd hun· gry we were. I saw a house off in the diltdce with s moke curling trom the chimney.

" I thought of a m other inside

preparing U\e evening meal for her family. I remember that I, wanted ootbing more than lo be invited inside and given something warm to eat."

Mrs. Kl-n said the terrible stories ol the torture of the Jewish peo,ple "illuminate the greatnesa of m y Jfeople. •'

One ot the gr,at people, she said, was her bMt friend, Jlse, with whom she. was sold on the s lave market.

"She left m e \wo>le Sifts,'' Mrs. Klein staled. .

ONE WAS A raspberry she found in a gutter and carefully saved for her friend. Ge rda. 1'She died in my arm~ and neve r tasted another rasJ>berry," Mrs. Klein said. "She aavt me also the glft of my own ll(e. When s he died she asked me to go on for just one more week. One week later, Lo the day, we were liberated.''

The best. part was yet. to come. When American planes were beard overhead, the people, in

Mrs. Klein 's camp rea lized lhal their dream could come true.

''We were locked into a bar· racks with a time bomb at­tached," Mrs. Klein r e lated. "Out it was miraculous. The bomb never went off. Arter a while we heard s houts in Czech saying the war was over. I recall no feeling at nlL "

She saw ao American jeep coming down the road and felt herself "propelled forward to see the Hrsl American I had ever

• seen." Si n ce 1 he had bee n

brainwashed by the Nazis, s he felt ob l igated lo tell 1.he handsome soldier that the people inside were Jewish.

"So am I," he replied. MRS. KLEIN SAID the young

soldier asked to see lhe other women and as she led him Inside, he opened the door for her. This 11mp1e act, she added, .. restored me to humanity." . .


Page 18: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. \


DEAR ANN LANDERS· I am a (arsl year law student who has worked for the past four s um­m e rs and pc:ud for most of rny books and tuition fee~ . Bul my ba n k account as dwindling

opponwuty to negoUate Uke a l a wyer.

Your fa ther 'r> term• are 1 lit tle 5t lrt , although not totally un· r eHonable. Why not p ut a ctlllng on )'our obligation to repay - up to the a mount of your h ther 's t'X · pe ndltures? With law school C&!'t · ts rwnning what tb.-y 'ft'e tOday~ ~o m e arr a nge m e nt be twee n t hese lines ough t l o hC" to )'our hest intere!'tt . - NE WTON N. MI NOW

Recently, over <lsnner, the tlai. <'u ssion turned lo t he lop1c of finanC IBI IJS!ilStoncc from n'ly father. He madl• the following proposal : He would pick up all costs or my education from now un til graduation. In ri'lurn I am to pay him 10 percent of m y 1n come for the flrs l llH Ct• .)l'lll'" after grad uation.

OE .\lt A:'\N LANDERS · Perhaps this has appe..i"i·cd 111 a previous colirmn, but if ' so, muy we have it again , please'! It sounds like an lnterl'~tlng of·

fer but I haven' t yet decided if I will accept it . Muy I have your advice? - POOfl BUT PROUD

My lG·yl'ar·old daughter ~ind l ue cnguged in a conlanuin~ Rat tic or the lira DO<'S AOtnA braless result in :.agging breasts and a n ;1ching back'?

D E AR P BUT P : Whl'n I a m ~tumped for an an~wer, at. I cer ­tainly was in this imil a nce, I turn to an expert. You a r l' gelling the adv ice of a good fri t>nd of mine who is a one of the nation 's lead­ing attorneys. Here ·~ his a ns\\ rr :

I hope you arc pro-bra becau~e my daughter's appearance cm ­barr:.isses me creatly, espcc1ally ~1nce sh e often wears lrnnsparcnt blouses. Thanks for ~our help - ASKING FOR Sl"l'­l'ORT

D EAR POOR BUT PROl'D: Looks as if thi!. will be your riri.l

Scorp io


By SYDNE Y OMA RR A Rl t:S ( March 21

April 19J: Someone is not bei ng entir ely hones t -wh e r e emotions or m oney are concerned. Key is to look out for your setr, to be grown up, to understand you get noth ing for nothing.

T AURUS <April 20· May 20 >: Finish wha t you start - bring prior ities into foc us. Be s erious about your work, obligations. Study legal ramtfi cation~ or r ights. permissions.

GEMINI <May 21-Junc 20) : Relatives who talk about financial ohllga tions Jrl' thrn'\.\ ang h111t~ a ~ s u ht I l· a s S a n d ,\ Kourux fast h.tlb At·ec•nt n n p 1· r s 11 n a I rC'sponsllul1t11·s. inC'lurl

' 1ng work . nwd1C'~d and dt.•n l:il appo1ntnwnt 'i

(' ,\ N (" t: R 1 Jun l' 2 I .Julv <!:!J <;ood l\f <1on ;1spet·L 1•111nf•1rlt·i. no'.I. with 111\'l'. .1ppr1•n al1on of t·reall\'l' rn<l<'U\ 11r.,, .1 new unckr!.landing or voung f'Cr!>on i'it·\\ :.lJ1 l . addl:d indepcndcnct'. .1

f<'Chng of b<'1ng allH' an• part nf ~our personal ~cenann

Lt:O cJuly23·Aug 221 F11llow through on hurwh lnt111 l1on works

·,,\ l'rltme. OnC' '\.\ho t1'.1l'h1·-, wall hcft H•nd \OU B1• recept1yc . You ton duck t r.tns:icllon .

VIRGO <Au~. 23 SC'pt. :!:l 1 l11ghhi::ht hum1H, \ Prs ;1t1li tv; !>Octal lire Hl'·

n•l l•rat1· ~. Arct'nt on t np.;, 1111·-,sn.:l•s, reuninn w 1 1 h · · t rave I in g rt• 1.111 v1· ·· \\'hat harl bPen h1dclt'11 '' rl' \<'nlc:d . You lo1·:it1• lost art il'lt•

1.lnR,\ (~Cpl 2:1 ()(·t 22 1 Wh .11 -.e<'ms <i n ob .. 1.1l11· \\ 111 bl" re• mo' 1·!1 l'rogn•ss wtll 1·nnt1nu1· Money r1 u<?s t 11111 1, ..,111 VN1 strong po,.,1htl1tv for profit Cll.·

ll> l ' SCO R P IO (Oct 2:1

l\cl\ :.! I J tr vou 0 \'e hern c·raving action. t>'H'll1• mc:>nt. changr, <lii;covcry - the-,e all .1rt• 1111 ar::1·n · da J\('C('nl nn 11N'\OnJl1 t y, {('Oslcm. ah1lttv to bf' al right place al crurl;1l momC'nl

S AGITTARIUS <Nov. 22·Dcc. 21 )· Famil y m embers want you t <> "conform .·· KN•p 1 h t• peace without :ihandon in A pri 1H'1plt'~

CAPRtCOR1' t lh•(' 22.,Jan. l!l l Yn11 1·nml' 111 <·ont nrt with 11111Wthntlox pcrsonc;. -;1tuat1ons. K~y 1s t o evaluate. lo w :ail. liStl'n , ObSC'rVc - rduS(' to be rus hC'd to juclg · menl. Romance 1s in pi r ture.

AQ U A R I US (Jnn . 2 0-F eb. 18) : Your talents, special abili ties are r ecogniied.

PISCES ( F eb. 19· M a r ch 20): F inish r ather then start - accent dis· t r tb u ti o n . d is pl ay . Publish, advertise - get message across to more p e r sons.

HEARING PROBlEM? lc ..... tothose whoW•• t• HIAllMG AID c,... htllt .......



HAL AEllSCHER HEARING AIDS ,.., I. c..t ...,,.

c:.... ........... , .. ,.,,

Betrothals Hill-Brad ley

Earl L. Hill of Newport Beac h ha s announced thl· engagement of his daughter. Carol Lee Hill. and J am es E . Bradley. son of th e Jam e!> Bradleys of Upland.

The couple plan to wed June 25 in St. Michael and All Angels Church, Coronadel Ma r .

Miss 11111 grad uated from the Unt\'ersity or California. Sa nta Barbara amt currc:>ntl~· 1s attending Rl!al Esl<ttc School.

111'.'r fiance is s tud) ing for has degree 1n gl:ology at L'CSH.


Callaghan-Trask St Andrf'w '-,

i-: p 1 s 1· o p <i I l' h u r l' h llonolulu will liL• thl' " L·l ting for tht• J\ug 2i 111.1r riagc of Kathl ('l'n Ann Callaghan and P1•l1•r I .1holtho Tra~k

Tht• announrem1·nl w a " m ad c h \ h 1· 1 11arent5. :\Ir <1nrl \Ir-. Jame::. l' C.1llaghan of ('ost:.1 :\k!>:i f',1n·nh 111 lhr brtdi·groom 10 lw ar1• Mr and Mrs f> .t\ld K Trask of Honolulu

Mi ss Ca llaghan and hl'r f1 ancc will 1orraduatt' in Ma.,. from Hast111~s ColleJ,?e of Law She 1s a i::r.tdu.tll' of E c;ta nc1a J11i:h Sl·hool and l' :1 I I r 0 r n I .1 s I ;J l l '

L nt\ L·ro;1l~. I-'ulli:rton .

Trask is an a lumnus of Ualdw1n ll1gh School , Maui and attended t he l ' n1versity of Jl awni1.


Toso-Johnsen David J ohnsen of Hun·

tington Beach will claim Ruth Toso of Sioux Falls as has bride during May 20 ceremonies in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Minneapolis.

Miss Toso. daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Erwin Toso of Ft. Dauphin . Madagascar. is a student at Auguslana College, Sioux Falls

Her nance 1s the son of the Rev. and Mr~ Paul C . Johnsen. pastor of Grace Lulhrran Church Huntington tleach .

A gradual<' of llu111 111glon B C'nch lli gh School. he '\.\111 grad uah' frorn Dan.t Cullc•j!l' 111 Blair. Neb. next month .

The t·ouµl t• will live 111 !) II b llfJ U l' \\ h l ' l'l' 1 h I'

l1ritkgr1111m 1·ll'< t will h 1· J.! I II " I U d I I' S <I I W ;1r 1 h u r g Luth l' r Jn Thl'olog1t·;tl St•min;1r~

• • • Amburgey-Freeman

Mr. and :\I r' Sam Am burgey of l "o~t .i Mesa hav e Jnnoun~rd lhl: engai;:t·m1·11t of their daughll'f, hJthl·rtnc I Amburi!''' ;111cl H1 r hJrd B Frc:>l·m.m. ""n or Mr ..ind ~J r, JI hl•ll1lt•l h freeman of 1\n,1he1m


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7U 'MH~1

. •

DEAR ASKING: A g reat deal depend s on wb e t h e r your daathter la a 32·A cup or a 35-D. .

G irt. who have been generous · ly endowed NEED the s upport or a bra to prevertt u gglng brea!'t ts and backaches. A-cup •&r D·cup no&whh• '-bdl nl(. see·thl'ough blouses call ror a bra for reasons ofdeceqcy.

·· Ann~ Landers

T he stores a r e lo1ded with newly deslfn~ bru that your daughter shou)d love. They a re designed to let the " 'Or ld know iihe 11 a woman - and also a

When she goes into a public washroom s he helps herself to J hundful of paper towels and t ake& them hom e.

lady. ' . DEAR ANN LANDERS: ls this

stea ling or isn't It ?

T h is woman is ver y honest wouldn't dream of shoplifting from a store . l uy she is stealing . She savs I'm wrong. Wha t do YOU say? - M. BARASSED When my frieTd a nd l have a

meal in a cafet eria sbe t akes a hand ful of pa per napkins instead of one or two. The rest she puts in her purse to take home.

DEAR M.: The roll -and · c racke r scrounging - not very classy, but O.K. The other 1tutf - over the Une. The value ol the napkins and paper towels may be minuscule , but her compuJalve behavior can be a big laconve· nle nce to othe r people who retch for the rack and nnd It empty.

When we go to a r est aur ant she puts th e d inne r r olls and cra~kers that go with the meal in a p lastic bag a nd takes them home.


Mi ss Ambur gc~ {:raduated from Eslan c 1a High School and Lawton Schoo l for :\lC'd1cal Asi;istant:..

lkr f1anl'l' a grarl11,1I<' or Anaheim l lt~h SC'llllol H t t f' n d c· d Co I o r .1 d 11

l • n 1 v <' r !> 1 t y .1 11 d (' a I 1 f n r n 1 :1 · !-. t a t l'

l · n t ver-.1t~ , Long BC'al·h I It· 1~ a fool hall coach :ti C'orona dC'I :\tar ll1gh Se hool

Thi· c-oupll' plan In m :1rn· Aug. 6 an the Fir'il l ' n1ted l\tc:>lh C\d 1:-t Church Costa Mesa

From 8 1

... Blessing "A nd that l1r~1 Aml·ritan 1tHH·cr of

liheralmn b now mv husband · SJnl:l' Mr~ Klein ha :- tn• comc ;.in

/\ m <'rican, rnor<' mi raC'lcs have happened m he r life . Sht· used to dread l'very June 28. hetause on that da y an 1942 she wa:-. ~l'pa raled from hC'r parent s forever

Out on June 28 of lasl vcar. hrr f1rs1 grandch.ald was born in PhCX.n1x. a city of destiny, because ~he , like the legendary bird. rose from the <tshes

L"LTU1AT E LY. the question of survival comes up. Mrs. Klein s aid . " I 'm always asked wh~ l wt•11l on But th<'rl' was a turn· 1ng point sn my hfc when I "as 18 yeari. o!d in la.borcamp.

" I looked at the falling a nd said . ' If one wash could be granted me. what \\ould I \I. ant the mo~t ·• J !>aw 1t taking :.h.ape before mv cy~.'

:. A. picture of an cvc nin~ at homC', in the li\'ing room of my childhood . My father ~mokin~ a pif)l' and reading lhl• paper , my mother doing nl•t•dlcwork . nw and my brother doing our homework

" Thost• wen· lht' en•nang:. I u~Nl to lake lor grantrd. those bcm ni; cvenini(s "

Mrs Kll•tn a skC'cl thl' women in the au d1cncc• to do ont• th1ni.: f<ir hl:r that day .. Whcn you rl:turn to your homes this after · noon. approach thc:>m ~lowly, a~ u ~Lranger wou ld. St!e what 1s thNl'

A:.k yourself lht• ullimall' qucsllon · ' Why am I :-o lutky" Why am I ~o blcs~ed '' \\'hat can I dn"

S(•e the J!rN1lnl•ss of the moment ~o manv of us havl• ll'arncd to take for grant· ed . \Ve must g1\ c the i:ift of ~rutitude."




Get a "Custom Desian11

Tues., April 5 .1 0 a .m.-9 p.m.

Wed., April 6 I 0 a.m.-9 p.m.

Thurs., April 7 I 0 a.m.-9 p.m.

Visit Ow Unlcw- Air lntshlftc) h...t.14..t tM &,.rts. lttt. Lffds ed Ted ~I. Watch o• tlMy DeMOMtnrte the Air lrvlh Teclwilque.


T-SHIRT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • From s10 TANK TOPS .•. .• .••.•.• From

59 * Any pwchaH Afr lruthed

fOf' ' l and up

Use Your JCPenney ChaNJe Card

Tonight's 1V ffighlights

CBS9 8:00 - It•s the Easler ~eagle. Charlie Brown. Linus declines to Join.the other Peanuts kids in their egg colorm~: wa iling lnstead for the " Easter t?eagle to br ing them, ln this cartoon special.

KTLA. 9 8 : 00 - •'The Fly.' ' Vincent Price and Al (David ) lledison stai:: in this 1958 horror fiick obout o scientis t who cha nges places - almost - with a fly. Don't let the llttle kids see the endlng.

NBC 1J 10:00 - Dean Marti n's Red • Hot Scandals of 1926. A nostalgic look at the music and humor of the Twenties with guests Jonathan Winters, Dom DeLuise, Hermione Baddeley a n<! Abe Vigoda.




6:00 O t e 1 ( 111 , 3 ) News 0 1231 t&1 101 EL) lletr\ O (~ 18 ) lltws U ·~ St11 Trek ( f ) Gomer l'yte l'J Gunsmoh CD Partnd&e hmil, m Adam-12 m Eltdric Com~ny m DrirMlic ~ms -.a. M1h Doucb s

-6:30-0 LIVE TENNIS FINALS * PAC/SOUTHWEST OPEN 0 ARCO rx1ht Southwnt Tt11n1s t .. e COVH~&t ol lht lin •• , 1n th11 tennis tour"•m~nl. ( 6 Andy Grllllth CD Oodttr Du1ou11Butb1ll lh~ Ood,.ers v~ G••nt\ Al f'hr t111t, Alll ( 11, r, ) Gun51110h mzoom ( ~ I ) Btw1khe4

7:00 O Ul fl (1 01 m ID News U l1m Club 1 i Illy Three Soiu O )t News t8 1 To Tt" the Truth 0 Concentration Q) The FBI m Achon D11m• ~1 Al1dy Grilhlh m ltlacll1il/lehm lteporl ( 2t1 I 6 1) Tiie h rtrid&t F 1111i)y

-7:30-0 California Buyllne 0 ton Amt11un Sty~ 6 Odd Couple

O let's Make A Dul r eJ ll1rne Tlllt Tulle O The 1"tt's Wild 110 Pritt b ltl&hl ( 11 r3 ) Gosi>tl Sinaln& Jubllee W Dra1111lic Stnts Qt Hoa•n's Heroes m C~ a nnel 21 Tonl1ht "Poll ol M01ny Cokirs • 4 documtnla•y nn lht elltcls. uses ind mtsuns ol lhe dru~ v1hum ( n ' I") The Bu4y BurKh m f1!.nds ot llbn QJ. U11s Club


BROWN/'PEANUTS' fun! D (•in f 3)) m It's tht uster Be111t. Charlie Brown (R) Wh1lt all the other Punul~ perpare for Casl~r. l inus ms1sls lhey need not bother colo1lng because the Casler Beagle d1s111bules them "to 111 the good lillle kids " O 12~ Ce1 ®J m Little .. om on tht P'rJlrle (2hr) "Gold Cou"lry'' Crop ta1lures and money piobltms lortt lht lngAlls and [dwards lam1lie5 lo leave Walnut Gr~e snd hy therr luck 1n lhe rou1h ind dangerous ptospectors camps where • gold lever" is rampant 0 flloorie: (CJ (2hr) "Tiit Fly" (SCI It) ·~-Vincent Puce, Dilv1d Hedlson. (J) Morie: ~ (2111) "Mist W it Tllo111pwn" (dra) '~4 -Ril a Hay· 111rorth. Jose Furer. 0 ca rn> l\fl The 1n1r 1tnd! Hour Rtdd fou, ltobeil Hearn and lhe 01110 Pl1Yt11 IUesl. D Movlt: CC) (2111) "ln1rr" (drJ) '72-Patntia Neal, Scott Jacoby. Q) Ptrry Ma-m Home Orama \2'I Mow11: CC) (2hr) "Tht tlo11" (dra) '6?-Wilham Holden. Couc1M tD Si1 Amt rlun h mlliu "!he Pu.c1ak r im1ly ot Ch1caro" !he tirlt 1n .1 "' pu1 rtorum1•nta1y sN1rs '"'"''nP. rn 1nrtiv1d11al Amertt .1n !1011,PhOlrt\, th•u l•no,1nn~ ~nrt '''~nrth\ fhr f'nll'.h Amrrn ~n JI • • rnk lan11ly, Mv1nP, rtdll•d \ II tho! drtn. ~nw hrut lh•m\tlv .. , riper1rnr.ir1v. lhr r ommon lam1h4I ICMIOn<, whrn th• l•Ml'\l th•ldrpn mov• oul 1nln n• " "0"~ •. lors.1k1n~ had1tron and pJ11·nl~I ddv1Cf €D Prem1t1

-8:30-0 RIKKl·TIKKl-TAVI * Klplinc's Mon100$t 1n

An Anim1ttd Thrlllt rl fl (lft) (l') (I J Rim T1ktl·Tol Based on Rudyard Koplrnfs story of the monr()Ojt wllo is "vrd lrom 1 1tcKm·tosstd d1own1n& by 1 boy and his 1>111nls. 111d becomes lht l1r11· ily's dtlendu •c•1nst Nae end Nagalna, tht drt•d'd cob•as lhll r01m the comp0und

9:00 0 (UJ ffil Cl) Meude (R) M1ude 1s lu11ous Whtn ~f db.COms he1 •1llel ntJU1n1. alter •n ~rKoun • lei wr(h a Wut lndi1n 1n a Ntw YOI~

ub" n H•r ltr•V turns lo nRr whrn 1n .. ... umJn ~ho•~ up 11 the f1ndl•Y lio•me o ((}91 (l ) Qt Most Wanted "I he Oralh Otaler fhe eipto.1on 01 • mun1Mns '''ht .1nd lht rtve(1t1on lhAI thri, arP Oi>)rr tMhrs h1ddtn 111 lh• Or'.rrl VI<, oil ~ • Ave OI ,,1101 ""'" tlu .. ~•d c111d W1llo'ni ~m11he1. 1 ur ,t CD The Vucin1.1n W Su1ko-Dt11 m Th• r1Hllt11

- 9:30-0 ( rt) m ) 19) All's h 1r (Rt Hithard l!Hom•s actuahy a .. are of the a~e d1llerence btlweeo Chadev and hlmsetl and resorts lo dmhc mtaiur~ that m1y aeopardii' thrn rel1honsh1p.

10:00 tJ rm Cl ) lJ the Andres , ,,. ttu Ce01~e Ro~ cut\ts u Gier011 llron. su~ptcted of btinQ a Crttk war < 11m1nal who N.a~ed from Greecr'" 19~~ lo ~Ill,, 1ncoim10. 1n Newt 'fo1k City 0 231 (6) (f_pl Im DNll Marti~'s Rtd Ho4 Sandals of 192' Oun M~11111 1:. ho•t ol lh1s nost1l21c loo~ 61 the music and humoi ot lhe lv.enll's f, alunna guts~ Jonatha" \'llnters Uom Deluise. Hermione R1addty Abe V11Dd&. Gtore•a lnEtl. ( hart•nt k1Jn and lht Goldd1a2ers

0 C'J "''#$ , G l Ctlt brity Revut o ( ~ 11 l) 1)t) Feather ' father f ll~ht to Meu<.o" F eJ1h~1. H.rry

~nd ihrir r.1n~ c onvinct a 1ewet th1tl 10 turn ovc1 hrs stolen Rood~ to thnn1 by mak1n~ him bthcvt !hey can ~mur.Rle him out of 11\e country m $25,000 Py11mld flG CunSl'llOll• fI!) litrbtrt lbytr: The Man and H1J Work Chron1tlPs onP ol the f Pw sui· "V'"' p1Ml•h~m·r~ ol lh~ Gt rman 1!• 'I'" ~h•t<JI 8~uhau• ma l 1tnAm'4o

-10:30-m m m Ntn

11 :00 tJ O (11 (l.7'l (f)) Of) News o '11' t ) "0) m """' 0 lM Amt1iu11 Style ! V Slftflcs ,.,tell UJ D fin111 LJM CD Miry Hartman. Mur Hart111111 0) The ltontytnoontrs ( 11) ' ' ) The Ranch Sllow <.Ml But 114 Cro11d10 m l lack Jourul m Dnmallc Serles

- 11:30-D Ctm m l 00 CllS Late Movie: "lloj1k-llltr• th• Devil llllOWJ.'' (Cl "h• Ntw Hu ltis" (d1a) '72 I eil [rtckson, Robe11 foaworth, l<ale )Qhn~on, Jonathan Lippe. o ~') m 00> m Jo11nny c-n I e) The I'll Club Q (ltJ Sheet• of Su rranclsco CD Metronews O> Sfl. Bllko. 12' Tht 700 Club ( af, (8) ) Lon American Style ft) lltws!Movlt

12:00 0 Best ol GfOlldlo a Moone: fi:) ''Code """' Jic11a1" (ws) '66-Ra, Danton, Pas cale Pehl, Ho<s1 frank. ID Motte: .. Tiie ll·Mn. lndlord" (com) '36- Wilham Powell. m Movlt: "The CJJlt" (dra) '4B­Oou11bs faubanl.s J1~ Maria Monttc. (lltl ())) ScHl Tlltalrt

- 12:30-e at1 .ftrtllt Slltw: "111••? Coo t.'' "he S,anlsh Gardener;• "Cnme of 01. H1ll11"

1 :00 D ~ll <l) (1()1 Tomonow

-3:00-u M0¥1e: re • "At Gunpoint" (w~) "fi6 Audie Murphy, loan Sl~lry


APllll 5 IMlow, for ,ou1 tOt1vtni1nce, are lht day's~

9:30 Q "TlltY cft Mt Coftred" (COin) '43- Bob Hopt .

10:00 QCl CC) "Stm 111• Strlpu Fo11ver" (mus) 'SJ-Clrllon Webb, R•rt W11n1r.

11:00 9 •Ntc. ~•" (drl) 'JS­K1th11lnt Htpbutn .•

12:00 m "Ma&lllflctflt e.r (dr•> • 46-Ctn1e1 11,tri. ·

1:00 a "n1 11-islbi. 11111·• (mf\) '40-Vlnctnt ""'· ta (tl "Thi Mluclt" C du) '59-Carrot ea-''· Roett Moote.

2:00 D CC> "flftC'f P~ '50-Bob Hooe. l ucdlt 8111.

lGO OJ& CC) .. ~ ,. ...., ,,.. OM .._,. lhl l ftitllftc Sil& ll'J" (tOln) '61-Ph1Vis 011111. Bob Ocnvtf, Jot FlyflA.

l :lO • CC> "T\t Sllu t Gu" (•es) '69-ltoJd 8rldtu. Ptrnell Roberts. l4 Be11tr.

KOC~ Television (50)

, \.

Page 19: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l

lOOtB by Wa F. hww ~Mel Cauo11 - '--' ... Ger 1>66~~ .

AINctOI ~2£ A 'b.Ja ~~I'M r .JAO f.y' ....

A LIO Now! ?IGH L£&ALIX.YV'<•'""'" MIO fJ A c.AP21C00t.





~LKING wrrn rm tet&NER, NK:iE.L Bl.Ac.KBO~N !





CAA c..oJ itU... ME WHAT '5 f:IJ lJ-llOUE Aearr"

1Hl5 MALL I N16EL?


b Joe M• llNtt ~ ~'RE RMALL</ CON.Jt.JG



UIRGE5T MAU.. 8JE.R Bt)llT ...

I ' I

REAJ,.11"{ ...

by Tom Batiulc WE'RE Alro -nlE ARST ONE 10 EVER APPL<.> FOR sml'EMOOD/

by J~ Mill~ and BID Hinds




UNITED Feature Syndicate :s.tu•ll•t'• Puu• 5ol'fll<I

ACROSS !>O Leo l(.0 O••Phef •

• 1 Can Pol W.O.ler oerty ~ · Cou elel

5 "Now · •·• ptt1 me OOwn !>• G1vH

9 Heres ho&1>4t1tlly u~rnel 10 tov1mnq !18 Ottel with

t4 C.le au .. '"'"'•"' 15 Motel Hi'QUU!t death 62 Bar 17y 1eg11t movnlaon mun&

16 SIOw 113 New Music Brun,wic~ '

11 ()re,. MIQllW I 9 John O• Sealed

Mauacllu •O'""'enl 11 N<i••• c uflt..-:~.,., 60~~l&e.tural 10 "'•k• "'n u ll'Qr>et! 111

<'()Small ll1<CI 6I M"!er - "' '"~•--"' pt lCe n PoltllUI Meley ' , OtUU<''"ll f' 40 M1g evenla 68 [ncl•OQ w•lll 11 Act""" nv\H~ / l

23 Sul>lllnlla!ed div ano fl• AMI WQ<IC ska I

II Ir~ e9 WHiwl 1) ~'00 "'""' 1"9 '-11•'"1>

25 Blow uD 10 Wilht f11 S 18 AeQtrO•MQ ' I Man 1 name one'a eQO US 2:> N "~' na · 4q C So

20 9 ot>41C1I 10,.,,,.1 ltr1"1 Aon. nerM 71 Wll•tlt.., 1 4 [ uicutes ~~ Ad•PI,

28 OfeQOn'a u 6 21 Arrogant SJ L•1lleunH.) neighbor ... .... pe•&O" 55 Ending w1111

32 Sperkled ~..,.,,,,., :'9 R.c1an9vl11r ,,,., and

31 R~nlall DOWN Ote• toled 38" bllllOn JO CefV1n1 M Trunks of

yt1ra or ao 1 F u!ener 1n1m1! 11vm1n 39 Rapel1t 2 Race""'·ae 31 StronQly 1m llod .. •

........ "'" ..,. ~ ' Seno w1111 a,_e S•enQ preu .,... 41 Place 3 Cllemlea! 32 Ollht ear th nuie

ktcktf'I ~A'I• 33 Ml11l1~ ~ • ·• • CQ(ny '" 3• R•" 1 w as t<ensn dl-f1ce 4 r UOQltS '" ""'· flC•

42 ~d lht .. Bvti~a· ind India '" Avouat l~ ~ ·~• H M~~

quoa abbf 60 T anoen In 46 Clvb or OOuadrtlle 35le!ter

IPlde 2 Ill! 36 Oldest C11an WOfd 1 Asoen ITlilml>er 61 Holland

48 Parly lo 1 8 5,..,. in 40 M&cbe!h p<Oduc! ren111 l~l;'euo '°'one 05 Abtirtct I Of"rMnt 43 USSR Ill · be ing

.--,,...-,..---~, - -...-...-~l!~•~l ~I~) ~









... -.......... ·-

by Mell

,,,. ~,.....,....,. ... w

by T ...... toa and Fonw •

by GeorcJe Lemont

by Ferd .. d Tom Johnson He's NoT i.ALKIN<5

ASouT 7V, <51Rt.IE •• HE1S i,AL~ING A80UT "TV

_.....,......._.~---N DINNERS.


"I "d bcuer not- ii will jult mean listen Ing t.o him go on about bow I kctp him on his feet to much he'll never 1e1 to wear ii . ~


Page 20: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. \

Debates Appeal Refused

WASHINGTON <AP> - The Supreme Court r efused today to hear Eugene McCarthy's con­tentions that televised presidential debates can· not excl ude " major " candidates unleae they provide them with equal a ir time.

The court Jct stand a • ruUng by the Federal Communications Com· mission <FCC> last Oc-

( IN SHORT J .. >'\

tober that lhe debates between Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter were bona fide news evenla and not subject to equal· time provisions of the Federal Communica · tions Act.

Q' ' o.u, ...... $!Mt l'tMC•

RANCHO GANA DA Kl NDEROARTNERS GET A CREATIVE DRAMATICS LESSON .... , -­Terry Rickner, Perent Volunteer, Put• On the Ugly Fee• of • Troll.

HELL OF A WAY TO START A YACHT RACE,' SAY OLD TIMERS Crew Shovea Alegre From NHYC Dock to Stert Cebo Race .

Drama Aids Kids The FCC ruled that

because th e debate s were sponsor ed by a neutral third party - the League of Women Voters · - television and radio broadcasters mere)y had ~hown "bona fide news Judgment" In deciding to cover the events.

Baekward Raee Newport Event Stars in Club Bar

Lake Forest Preschoolers A ct Stories By ALMON LOCKABEV O..lly P iiot 11 .. liftt Writer

limes that would allow ull the yachts ··to finish at once?"

By LAURI E KASPE R Of 111• Diiiy Pll•I Ii.II

A Lake Fores t couple think drama can lead the way back to t he basics which so m any people want emphasized in the schools now.

• Don and Terry Rickner have voluntarily brought creative rlramalics into two kindergarten cl a sses at Rancho Canada F. lementary Sc hool i n Lake Forest.

R ICKNER, WHO tcache1! at Saddleback and Orn nge Coast rnlleges wh1lt' he works toward a PhD in theater and early c·hi ldhood education . has had to i.:1ve up his weekly meeting:. with , he children

Mrs . Rickner. however. has rontinued to give part or her on· ly day off from work t•ach week to the classes. on<' of which in· eludes their son

Parents arc always bei ng as ked to vo lunteer in th e schools . Rut . Mrs . Rickner said. s he 's not one lo sat back and cut t hings out or grade papers . So. instead. she gives to the class her interest and background.

WHEN SHE WAS tn college. s he pl anned to be a d r ama teacher. Now, s he sell!\ small ap· pliances but. !'the• !'tCJtd , " ll 's still my favorite lhang ·

During hl·r "cckly sess ions . I he kinderi.:artner s act out poems fain tall!, , letters . ~ounds and :.tonl'.., thcy create 1 hemsel \'C's ·

Rrrently. thr voungsters act · rel out thl' ' ton of Three Rtllv Goats (;ru(( ~me. thOS(' who portr:l)!'d th<' rocks ancl the hradi::l'. slOO<l s till and solid Uut nl her\ f:N to pul on I ht•1r uJ,Cht>sl faces and mt•anest vo1c1•s to be th1· nasty old troll.

EA('lf YOl1NGSTER played ha.., or hC'r part <l1rfcrently. Some <11<1 bett<'r I han the others i\ 1·asuu l v1~1tor may not haVP qu11·kly cau~hl on lo what wa11 h<tpponing

Rut , Mr:- Rickner i.aid . many things clo happen In this kind of l ' '((' l"<'IS('

S tudv Planned •

The youngsters ar e on their own when t hey begin acting out the "characters, s he said, so they learn to speak for themselves. At the same time, however, they pre sent the view point o f someone else. It gives tham a dif· ferent view of the world , she ex· plained.

ALTHOUGH IT LOOKS like play, Mrs . Rickner said. the youngsters have to think about what they're doing. They have to both speak and act li ke tht char acter and remember the :.tory from beginmng lo end

She said it helps bring out the shy, quiet kids. It also motivates the talkative, dis rupti\'C ones to work .

To those who ar~ue that schools need to pay more atten­tion to the basics {reading. writ · 1ng an d arit h metic), h er husband, whose ~oal b to brin~ c reative dramati<'s into mor<' classrooms , argues . "This 1s thl' basics."

HE REAnILY CITES studies which prove that a youngster learns more when actively in volved inthelesson.

Instead of just reading a social studies book. he explamed, a youngster will get on his feet and play out history. " He's go. ing t.o have t.o know history in or· der to play what he's playing ." he explained.

The dramatics motivate tht> youngsters lo learn. he said. But also, because the youngster puts himself into the satuauon . at pro. vade s a deep<'r kind o f un derstanding. he said

ON THE BROADER scale, he believer; creative dramatics can help people lear n mor e about themselves and communicate with others .

" The important idea is that the <trls do have a very impor · tant role lo play. es pecially in an urbanized society ." he said

Rickner hopes that someday a resourt'e t'entrr Yt 111 be formed an the county to ~erve as o dear Ing hou.~e for the :-.c lectaon of profe!lsional or amall'Ur gr(')up~ to work in schools

Mesa Weighs Ban On Storage Garages Costa Mesa council member~ win consider an emergency ordinance

tonight which would prohibit construction of any more public s torage garaics tn the city. at least unlit a s tudy is comple ted on the spacl'·consumine complexes .

Tht' olnnninll commission made that recomm endation lo the council last week in ll~ht of what one co m m issioner ca lied " n pro llfe ration of :\urh h11s inesscs in the cit)' ..

COM1'11SSION chu1rman C.C. "Cblc" Clarke said he bolleves

'l'o tt'uhlNgfoR Jlm Hartz, former unchor man of th& Today show, hu been named anchor man of the NBC affiliate in Waahlncton, D.C. He wlll continve to do assignments for Today.

Costa Mesa ha:r; reached the saturation point for such storage complexes

He said requcsl" for the com· plexes are usu ally in tandem with requests for variances In' requirements, a :;ltua­tion he says will reappear as a pr~blem in l\ature y~ars.

Doug Clark, the city's chief ad· vance planner, aald about IS0,000 square feet of property has been approved ln the clty for st.orace garases in the tut few years.

AND MOST Of thoee, be Hid, were approved with variances in parking requir e m e nt s. Developers a r gue that the atorace garages are not used Cull · Ume, contending less J')arklng apaces are necesury.

However, planoers did recom· mend app rovat for one d e· veloper's requ08t for a storage ••rage complex. saying the man had already completed plans for the project.

Gerald W. Cross received p~rmlssion t o provide fewer parktng spaces for his atoraee garage complex at JSt Com· mcrclal Woy.

SOME SCHOOLS d o ha ve s pecialis ts in the arts. But if the arts won't Integrate Into the reg· ular curriculum, he s aid. "It's like one little classroom puddle.''

H e believes the r esource center may help spread thia ef· fort by eval uating progra ms and providing them at a cheaper rate

3 Colleges Sending Out One Brochure

.......... rt 40 BELFAST, Northern

Ire land <AP> - Bomb blasts ripped through two do wn town restaurants packed with lunchtime customers to· day, injuring at least 40 persons, includine some children, police report· ed. They blamed the Irish Republican Army for the bombing.

The bombers ap parenUy penetrated the tight security cor don around central Belfast to pl a nt th e charges in Rosemary's Cafe and Isobel 's coffee s hop, two

Most long distance yacht races end at the neare~l bar from the finish line.

The Newport. Harbor Yacht Club proved that things can be different. Its 800-mile Cabo San Lucas race started at the c lub bar - one boat at a lime over a period of over 20 hours.

The race was started on a reverse handicap system with each yacht tak· ing its time allowance at the start rather than al the finish . This meant the re' were nine starting signals with each yacht being shov~d off from the dock by the crew in various stages or sobriety.

IT ALSO MEANT that each skipper and c rew were subJected to a barrage of advice - some good, some bad -from the dockside "spectator fleet " which also kept the club bar doin~ a flour ishing business.

The race ofCicaally got under way Saturday at noo n when J o hn Reynolds' Yankee-38 Ghost U was shoved off the dock t.o the cbeersof the dockside bar patrons - includine the race committee .

The power a llowance was awarded :it the start to a llow the yachts to clear thc Newport Jetty before selling nil.

I RONICALLY, THE only yacht lo leave lhe dock under sail was Dick Steele's motor sailor Jubilee, the escort vessel, about 3 p.m .

The boat to s tart at 8:32 a.m. Sun· day was the sc ratch boat, John Sc ripps' 79-foot k etc h Miramar. Srnpps was still herding his crew out of the club bar three minutes before thc st arting i::un

On lhe serious side, the yachts were l'xperiencing some pretty bgbl air in thl' early staj!l'S of the race .

The usual flu rry of Coastline, pop~ la r lunch -hou r Orange Coast and Golden West meeting places 50 yards College brochures this time of · a P a r t · •• P o l i c r year has been replaced by one · s pokesman said.

To be sure. some purists along the· wa terfront groused that it was a "hell of a way lo run a yacht race" but the instigators of the unusual rules -- in eluding an hour 's power allowance for each yacht - concluded that perhaps long distance racing ought lo be fun for a change.

GHOST II , FOR instance, was liv· mg up to her name as s he ghosted past San Diego. 75 males fro m tFie start at 8. a .m . Sunday · a full half hour before Miramar was leaving the dock. brochure covering a ll three col· T A ,_ ,. d

legcs rooJJ• ac-r-.e Alogre, the second boat to start, had logged 32 miles afte r 16 hours of sail· ing ; Mar; Ale~re 41 m iles in 15 hours :

Residents In the 88-square mile BEIRUT, Lebanon Coast Community College Dis · c A p ) - Palesti n ian trlct should be receiving the con· g uerrillas and leftist densed publica tion sometime Lebanese Mo s lems thiswcek . collt'geofficialssay. ca ll ed fo r 3 "general

T H E BROCH URE will an ­nounce nfae-week and s hort term courses an the district , all or which begin April 18.

)>reviously, each college would design, print and mall its own in· formaUonal brochures.

Some taxpayers complained last year t h ey re ceive d brochures from each of the col· legea in the mail . including some Irvine reaide nts in the Sad· dleback Community College Dis· trict area.

SENDING ONLY one brochure for all three campuses w\11 save the dlstrlct In material. labor and postage.

Distric t public relation s spokesman Richard Simon said tbe action will cul nine maWngs to three and that paper stock will be lighter in weight and of lower grade and that only one color ink wut beuaed.

THE BROCHURE consolida· hon .comes In the wake of an an· nouncement In February that the clistrkt bas $2.S million deficit.

Two other brochures are slated to abare information about the three collegea, lncludtna the sum· mer school schedule and the weekend collece schedule.

Pair Facing

Money Order Case Terms

Two Orange County residents face aentencln& in two federal courts on convlcUons of obtain· Ing more than $11 ,500 by fraudulent conversion of money orders owned by the Fred Harvey Com pany.

Harvey employe Lester JOMpb Nevitt, M, of Santa Ana, wu eon· vlcted ln Phoenix. Ariz., federal court. at cine COG.ftt of consplrac7 and tbr9I eouota of intem.te tramportatlon of falsely made securltle1.

Co-defendant Donoa Mae Raschke, 30, or Anaheim, pleaded iunty tn San Diego federal court to one count of In· tentate t.rantportatlon of falsely m ade aecurlUea. She also is aw1iUn1 eentencln1.

. Nevitt a'1d Mrs . Raschke were indicted by a federal grand jury in Pboenix Sept. 29. ,

They were aceuaed ot stealing money orders from the Fred Harvey flnn, falsely filling them out and cubing them nt a bank at Grand Canyon Village.

Authorities aatd tho two ob­tained •11,soo by cesbtnc 13 money orden In lwo moot.ha in lhefall oCJ.975. ·

mobilization " of their forces in south Lebanon today after r eportin g l h e y re c a pt u r c d the strategic village of Tai be and the adjoining Ru b Talateen hill from the r ight-wing Christians.

A leftist a nnounce · ment said villagers and high sc hool s tudents have been urged to Join "the sacred defense of south Lebanon."

Detroit Rapped NEW YORK CAP) -

White House energy ad­viser James Schlesinger says that unless Detroit automakers s top sales pitc h es ba sed on horsepower, the nation may face "a future in which there will be no gasoline suppltes and no market for automobiles at all.

" I guess that what's good for General Motors is still rrot necessarily what's good for the Unit · ed States," he said.

Need Alleged WASJDNGTON (AP>

- The United States muat keep pace with Ruaaia in ar ms produc. lion or lt will find itself at a dffad vantage in a future crt1ia. a commit· tee led by former top of· ficials ot RepubUcan and Democratic admlnh1tra · tions is warning .

The Committee on the Present Danaer wurn(•d that Russian s uperlorltv in both strateglc nuc lea"r a nd conventional weapons "could enable the ~viel Union to apply decisive pressure on the United Stat es" 1 n a crisis.

They also point out that the reverse handicap start means that all nine boats should finis h about the same time - giving each crl!w more bar ta me at the fina~h .

THE RACE COM1'11TTEE, headed by F red MacDonald, figured as how such a race s hould draw more entries, and handicapper and fl eet measurer Tom Wilder figured out the starting

Mamie 50 miles an 14 hour8: Bandido 41 males in 14 hours, and Regulus. seven miles in Sl•vcn hours .

A puzzlement to the race committee w;is the reports of Hawkeye and Dorothy 0 . Hawkeye started at 2 : 16 CJ m . Sunday und had covered 27 miles an ~•x hour~ Dorothy 0 start~ six m inutes latl·r anrl covered onlv seven mall''- ·

Scotch Mist Leading Guadalupe lslanJ Race

The four boats in the Balboa Yacht Club 's 600-mile Guadalupe Island race picked up a fresh breeze late Sunday afte r undergoing a slow 24 hours off the starting line Saturday at noon.

At the noon roll call Sunday at 10 a .m . Don Anderson's 32·foot Scotch Mist. the s mallest boat in the race, ap· peared to be In the boat-for .boat lead with a position report th at placed her 69 mlles from the start.

The second boat, Ruel Cameron's Columbla·36 Tahuna of the Navy Yacht Club, wu second, 52 nliles from the start, and Red Baron, skip· pered by Bill Hartge, Huntington Harbour Yacht Club, was sailing in sight of Syd Johnson 's Yankee-38 Firelock, Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club. Both were about 48 miles from the start.

A late afternoon contact with Scotch Mis t indicated that the fleet had plckoo up a eood breeze and was sail· Ing at near hull speed .

The racers will round Guadalupe Is l a nd , 300 miles off t he Baj a

('.allfornia coast and head back for a finish at the Newport Bench jetty en · tr ance.

Showdown Cops Offshore Event

.Showdown. ~k ippe red by Ric h Ritcheson of the Capi s trano Bay Yacht _Cluh. was the wanner in the In· lernat1onal Offshore Rul e d ivision of !he Capistrano Bay Yacht Club's in· 1lial Ocean Racing Series Sunday, and the front runner in the Performance

• Handicap Racing Fleet division was Paul Timon's Wmdrunner, alao from t.he host club.

10 R - 1. Showdown ; 2 Little Spirit, Chuck Ayres . DPYC; 3. Crescendo John Ballew, Capo BYC. '

P HRF OVERALL - t . Wlndrun· ne r :. 2. Ari~, R. Burhart. DPYC; J . Loki , J oe Smith, Capo BYC.

CLASS A · l. Aries: 2. Loki : 3. Wandrln' Star , Mike Wathen . Capo BYC; 4. Magic Mushroom, Jack Day, Ca poBYC.

CLASS B 1. Windrunner; 2. Bold F"orbes, Ed Cummins, Capo BYC· 3 Fun ny F'l'elin ', Pele Meade, Cap~ RYC : 4. BoJon~ks , Carlos Wllllami; Capo BYC. '

Santa Barbara E 1'ent

Decision Wins Regatta · Prm•nc N••ed Be~:~·~~ ·R!~i~:~h~~I b~ e!;•uJ CM ORA > and the Harr la Ser.les

BR A z z Av ILLE. two C~·rt •loops Sunday t! ~D the '~rRF), both Of which salted a 45'-Congo Republic (AP> - overall handicap decision tn Lo m e course around Ship Roek. Col. J oachim \'ombl An1ele1 Yach\ Club'• S1-mlle Sant! OveHral l winner in the LltUe Whithcy Opango has been named Barbara Ialand r ace the third of the 0as onobull, co -skipper e d by to s u cceed th e as · tWhohitney Sertee for international Of· c:~~1fiteo ?~a'ccho YaancdhtRColyubCIWldtrr, s a 111 t n ated Mari c n s ro Rule yachts. F , O<c: • amey Ngouabl u pretldent of lam• Cal-40 Flambouy&nt, Loni the Congo RopubUc, the ~hetwoCF·!TI . J ohn Arens' Collon· Beach Yacht Club, waa the PHRF at~te radio announced. tail from Balboa Yacht Club :ind winner In the Harrla SerlH. Diplomatic s ource 11 DennJs Choat.e's Bingo, Lond B~ch '-m"'•"'•••h••"4 110111 d escrib ed h i m &8 a Yacht Club. continued tb:lr own ~~!~'V'.lll ~.,~:::;';.',~,:.~:" 1


- ·

Fr e n c h . e d u c :.a l c d peraonal vendetta and finis hed second !'.l A\~c 1 co11on1111 i R•~.,~ moderetc. and third respecti vely. oi~~" 0

- ' · 0.<••1

1W1 · ' All'l• ••ov•. M1k• K~. ,

'l'a t Dela,,ed LAS VEGAS, Nev .

CAP > - An under around nuclear teat sehodulcd to take place thil morning In lbc dOHrt near here bH been Po1tpooed 24 houri.

It was a slow 11 ht s111,. lleck ••o 1M01tA1 · g ·weather race 011e1tAL1. - ' HOllMu " , ~,,,,, .. ..,. u11• °'*"" with' Equation, sailed by Dick Deaver G•"''•• 1o•vc > l"" £d L'"~"" AllYC. HUJftt U d th b • Cl4U A I HOIM u l ) ~u"l\Y' •h Up J ZIO n er e urgec of Lonie CL"'' fl I Olvoro $1 ., Cnlllln"!Wlh....;~ll•H Beach Yncht Club. tlnlahlng nr5t In t(HYC 1 w'"'" "'"' .,.11(1tvt <u!IOO• l)fotull. i all«htly over 24 hours , Roy Olsney'8 M•a M•m,...,crn~;:, :.~'i::~c;.v,_c,. , Shamrock was second to finl"h "bout ova RALL ' "'4"'1touo"'' i P•y<ll•, o.,, t h behl

., , .. "' lalh~r • . V.YC,) lhtlltH a.bY&ul!O LJl'l'C wo oura nd Equation. CL ASSA 1 "'-"""v•fii » . Pwc,,. : , 1111111· .. ,._

ClASS II I. l,.uMMtlfl, l 1f1 lllo11r~ VYC; 2. WlftCIMI•·

LJGlfl' W 1 .. u . !>\WI 1411lo C1WC. ~

EATHER was also the or- c1.•UJ., 1. l'or1_., "'" St•wnt, ' · 11-c· , dtr of lbe day for the LltUc Whitney t':;~'.· ~ 1(--· PMYc: 1. v11'"' ,_,,.,, eox.

Page 21: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l



NAMI JTATIMINT T,.. 1011ow1no peuon h OOlt>Q bu~I

*"•'· l.ESLIES LTD. 1'U P o n LO<hl•IVf' Pl<IC~. Ntwporl 6Ht n. CA ,1..0

Su• M lr ,.u•ton IHt Por t \.0<ha."" P!Ke, NfWPO'I &eecf\, CA .:..a

Tr.I• l>U~'""" It to...iucrto ll'f"" 111 ()11tUIY4f

'\1J"' M 1t ,,,,.,.,,t)n t n1\> 'tAlflif1'\il•"I ... , hlf!d •It" 1t'M

<oun lY ,,.,, or o .... oe County o n Martll J l•ll PIH• IMl,MAILSON Ill! Ne. ·-•Y Suite ttt s.~u• .... ,A~ Ttl : 11141 t»ti»



TI-. 191'""'9 -- fl Mint ... ti. "'-"••: con• MUA llAVTY IUPl'LV,

).l.J W, ltll\St · '"le~.(A t2UJ "- ltwlty. $0 w. ""' $1., c...i.

MeM. CA.t»P r..1, Miiie• It ~tel •r ..., "'·

dtvldlNI . .. ._..... .. Tl\lt -- Wit llltd • IU. \lie e ..... ,., c1..- e1 0r...,. eev11t, tft

~ell .. ""· .. , ... Pllblilll9d Or- COHI o.ilv P iiot,

Attll 4, I I, •I. H , lt/1 UJ1·1)



T,,. ••-nu "''°" Is Cloll\Q butJ. ""''' ., MtC~l!AM COMP.ANY, l t10 hnl• An• Ave11ut, Suite C, (Mt• Mtw. C• llfot..t• tlU1

P•lrltl a t..t•rk, 1100 E Ouan lllVd .• Nt#OOflBea<ll C41111or~••t'Ml

Tllll Mm.u I\ c-<tetl by ..., 1t1 dl•• clUtl ,

P•lr kla Cle• -'t"I• llM-1 WU 111..S Wflft Ille

C1>11flh Cltrlt 01 Ot.,,~ Count, °" Marcll)O. lt11.

P7JMI ~lllltl\tcl <>•1100 CO•tl o.lty Pl\Ol,

AIH'll 4, II, II. U , 1'11 113'-11

PUBUC NOTICE ....,.,, 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pubn,,,.d °'"""" c ..... , P11o1, '~C:~~c:;::~~·::r

PUBUC NO'l'ICE C~·:int

PICTtnOU\ IUll .. 1\$ ""'-1 nATIMI"'

T .. tollowl"Q -- I\ Otlno IW>'· "IH .,

OllAMAM IHOUtTIUAl. U Lll (.0 ,,..., ~t ·-· ~,.,.Alt•. C4lf lleml• "10$

W111tr J Orlft•m, 1)6'1 Mo tl Ave""°• \olnlt AM, C.111 .. 'll• U IO\

Tfll• Minta I• Uolldutltcl llY Oii l4'o . ,.. ...... Wfltl'J~lfltll\

T"ll ll41t- ... Ill'°' .. 1111 tlle County (1••11 el Oft!IOI Covnly Of\ Moftll2f, ltl1.

PULO~. tlOt.STOt4, IUllllft • M«1etn•10t ly: •~l. IC"9(11\ Alt-'rlllflA• 41MMet.,,.....1 .... k•Ulf Nt•"'1 letc"'• CA t HU Pullll~ Orf"OO Coffl 04111Y P ltot.

Aorll c, 11. 11.1s, "" lllO·Jl




TIM loltowiflt ..,_ • •• ~"t WM ...... ,: &llM$TllONO fNTl!ll~ll tUS.

~ Ave , • I. c.t•• Mtw, CA •un '

t.nllt J .,. ,., ,.,..,,...._ 1111 i1"'• .... , •I. CiMtU1WW. <;"- '761'

l 'tll t.N TelWI. llH ()cltl ~'· Huflll"910ft IMcll, CA. flMI

Tl• I• llutl-n I\ <MflKlfd b" • .. ,_, .. ~. LJ. Anntlr ....

Tlllt •l•t-1 ••• f lled wtlh , ... (ovftl'I' Cler M ot Or.,... C.0..flty °" llUrCll 16, lt11 .. ,,,,. ~l\/Wd Cir ..... C..\I 0 4111 y f'tlOt.

fllUrc ll t i. 2'. ....0 ADtll 4 , 11, 101. HI0·71



......... , lf1J

--,-U-"_tt_l_Oll_ CO_U_•_T_O_P_Ttf_l __ I :~·~~T~A:~~I~ ~~T~i;: STATIOl'CAl.l .. OllNIAPOlt l.ITTa•s OP AOMl .. ISTtlATION THI C:OU~TV' 01' OltANGE WITH 'fM& Will. ANltUllQ

N•, ,ol.tlttl l!llolt ol WILl.I All\ P BOWEii, NOTICI OftHIAltlNOOI' PETITION o.c .. - . PO• P•OIATI OP Wll.l ANO "011 NOTICE I ~ HEllEIY GIVE N IMI LllTTl•t TUTAMINTA• Y ANO P A U L t N A . 8 0 W I! q POlt AUT9'0111J:ATIOI{ TO AO · IU \ l lt td ll Ht1 ln o P •tlllon M I N I 'TI 11 u N D I II T .. I! tor ProD•t• or Wiii •nd fo, r,. INOll'INDIHT AOMINIST•ATION \ VAnt• of Y,19n Of Admlnhtr oll"" 0, ISTATIS A'T IP•OIATI COOi w ltll ,,,. Wltl -Htl lo tllo PollllOfl. •t• "1 ITSIQI lt<tnte to ""40. It - tar lurlller

• Mc.wey. Ap!!l 4, f07T

PtJ8UC NOTICE '9C'flfteul IUllMIU PICflT1out IW$INI t.a

MAMIST•TIM•NT NAMlllTAH ... lllT Tiit ,.......,.. -'°" h delnt IW•f Tiit l.Cro..1119 ""*' ll Ootllt '-'·

Ml• M : M"i ff l • .-.ov ltACtNO. ,., ,.,.,..11.. II NOi.ili oav • &.Ol'MINT COM-l • .... C:.1.1 Mtw. CA mrr P ANY, 1eMt 16M~-- ..._......,. 1 .. ...., l. I~. ttS c;.toftttllf lo<ll. CA..,_ I.JI . Cott.. ...... CA.mP lie""° J , 1o<l f1Mm• , • ll• , l O• I•

Tiii• builnn) , , Ctl\411~1.0 by .... ' " ' IOflYbf-. HullllnqlOtl S.41CI\, CA. 411fvldY•I , '1M6

._,, J e-• n.11 ""'-•It~'".., ... ,,.. Tlllt •a.I- ... ,,, .. Wtfll 11'9 dlridtfaf •

'-IY Oe<1' 11 0.4111tt twnlf.,. ll-J S<r-.rtH• Mfrc"' l"· ..,,, Tiii• "4111Mtf14 . ... llltcl ..... ,,,.

,..,.,. C:.Vlll'I' Cl•f• Of o..,.., Ctvlll\I °" ~l»lltlled Or.,,._ Cllewt Otll¥ ~1"'4, MMC'°'"·"°71,

At><ll 4. II, le. U, ltn lflt· 11 ,,_,,


1P1CT1nou1 etnt111u MAllllll ITAY•MllltT

Tiit ftl_."V ...,.Miii Is dalno tllt\l "'" .s:

(I) n4E ~ON'°ETTI FACTORY 111 T liE CONl'E'Tll PNO OUCTt()fj CO. U I C.OHl'E TTI f'A OOUC TIONISI f l()O(a'l'!Ool\ 0.fve. 'Su•lt )Ct, ,.t'Wo.t a.ec11. C.IJlorftle ttwo

II_,. Jo\.oll OlPtl"'•· OOOCfl'fl ""' Or Ive, kilt• .)41, NtWP0'1 .... II, Coltfornl• •~

Tllll bldfflft\ I• <<l"CNUtd llY att In dlvlelll.i

11-ldJ OIP•l"141 Thlt ,,.,_1 wn Ill"" w 1111 ,,..

Co~"'°" """ ot OrMllJt county on M41rc" )0, tf11,

P1JMJ Publl.i.d Or~ Co41\I O• llY Pl•ot.

A,,,.,I f , 11, II, JS, lf71 U«).T7


P!Ml ..... Or .... Otlly ....... A¥114. 11.1a.u.1m nu.,,





'1C'nnCNt IUllNU\ .....-enATlllllllNT

Tl\t IOl-"I '°"'°" '' llOlnlJ llu•I ....... , AIC. IOO\' SHOP. 1111 Ma,,. lltt

·--.c.a.MeM..Cat ......... ,.,, J9M WtollflllO, nt •'111 $1rffl No

'1, HVll, ........ 9Nc,,, C.lll0<fll4l 'ltl .. flll\ -Ir.It I• (~ltd llf .., In· .,,........ ..... ~ .... Tlllt ,.......,.. wH filed with IM

C-ly Clw'll of Ottfttll ~Wiiiy on Mtrch•ttn. .,,.,..., ,.,.., ... °'.,... C...llt Ditty l"llOI. A~ .. II, ti. tt,. ..,, U'4-'1


M ••<" n. - Apr II 4

• "· •e. 1• 111111•11 Tiie 1e1•owl11t ...,,10!\ '' dolno '"'''·


Etlt1oof ALEX ... NOlllA PA TIUCI A oorllcvl•o. -llWltthellme lflCIPlft• c A .. AT e .. u l 0. • k. A L I (. E OI ht••l"O "" ........ , .,.... HI for C AltA Tt!NUTO, t k41 A l.IC E "P<tl It, ,.11, 11 •0.00 em,. In Ille AAllASZEWSl(I, Ot<towd. t~-.,. 0epen.....,, ... J Of n ld i---------------4



P ICTITIOUS IUSINIS\ NAME T,.. lo4-"0 ...,.\001, ,,,.,.. e~n·

dOft•d lht u\ot o l lhe l l( tltlou.. buMnn1 ftf mt ·

DUHAN A N O OOVl.E I NV!~TME"ITS l "IC. OBA CEN TU iiy ?I Rl!"L EST ... l£ ll100••'IQC A.., ,. nu~. Ohl• Me\• C•I HOf'"l••,..11

TM Fl<•l•iov\ Bu\l,,f'\\ NAMfll ,.

•11rr_.d 10 • l>Ow Wd\ l 1lto •n Or.n~ (')Unly,,,.AIJtlu>1 1• "I\

Ou"•" •~ DoVI• tnv .. \t tn•ftl\ '"c • • C• ll•orn•.i co,oorAt•O'\. 11t0 0••"9~ A"9n"" Co•I• MO f . C•lllornof "1'11

'f\l' W~lniM, wit~ ttwldlKtMI by •• t'l'~">'-il•l')t\

Out\dn 4'\d 0<>1•~

'""'"""""""' ' Int Ch·-n• c:. Ooylq Prfl'\IO-nt

T"" ~··•-1 wn I ll~ ''"'" t!w CouMv (.I-.>, 01 Or.,,90 County "" M•rc11 10, 1'11

""m Publl\l\ed 0rf"QP Coot O•llV P ilot . M•r. i..11. n . -Ai>r 4. ltl1 .. J.,,


l.IMITEO IMPORTS. an eruct ere"'""' · """"*1 lleec11. CA. tt.u M., .. ~ A. Llndrotll, '8U 8 ruce Ct•M:.,,I , .._, S.Kll. CA. tl .. J

Tiii\ bvMMU I• "111C111cted by In,,.. Ol'tldu•I

MfrOar tt A. LI r.erom °tlll\ tl•t ..... nl W•\ fllttd Wl,h tr..

Counw C••r~ of 0••1111• County 011 Mor tr. 16, 1~11

ft1m> l>uDl l\"90 Or- to.111 O•llv P•lot.

M•r<,.)1 ,1' ""d.\Orol~ ti ttlltOJI /1

MOT tCE IS HEAEllV GI VE N '""' t-•· et IOO Clvi< <Af\ter 0.1 .. Wot. ;n IAllllARA J . 011 ... PKtN II•\ Ill.., llltCll'IOIS...toAn41. ~lllOflll a. -·•11•001 lllDrl for Pf'OIMlt of WllUrtd O•t.., M41t<ll JI. 1tn '°' ' " uence ot l•llt•\ THt .... nlMV IO WIU.IAM l . $UOHH, lht Petitioner - fM Aul"°'ltat lOfl to '-VCltfk "dr1llN•,., uncle• the 1""--t Ad• llOllllT A. IASTMAllf m1n l\lr•tu•1 oi E\\olK Act I PrOl>ftt Alt.,,..y_. L.1>or COOt ,'1 et .,.qi rote-en<.t to wlll<ll I\ tttO H•r- If"" , s.llt JU m•d• lor lurl"t• CM•llcul•rJ. ~'"•I CMI• Met•. C•lll~nl• t1'16 ,,,. llme-otoc.eOf Marlnolht ume Ttl l (1'4) Mlo4lll "°' betn ~ lor AOflt 1'. 1'11 •I IO'OO At-yfer: ... tiOMtt • m . II\ ,,,. co,,. lroo'" ol O.Pf rtmrfll P ubl l\llH <>- CofSI O•llv P ilot No I ol 'Wtld C<lur1 ft 700 Civic C~nter Afl'tl I , , , It, 1'17 I J~ 1' Ori•• Wt\I. In IM CllV ol !wnto "n~.

---------------1 C•Htornt• PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE


l"& f ollowlnq per~ h 0()1nq hiJ\• n•\ 14\\

~UNKISS SOLA R HI',\ I ING 11141 Cttm1no ( •Q ·\ft .-tf'lf) .:- 101 L•Q f_1n.­N1')utt C" 92'11

JOSEPH R. WAG,..ER . 1Uot Vl•w ool"t LJnt, Hunttnoro" Bucr1. c " · •H•b

l M\ l>U\I~\\ I\ ~1119 tondut ltO 11'1' an lndiv•~I

.kl1otP'I A W•OM• Tiii \ \1 .. ..-nt llltd • ttr. the C-IY

..:tor k or Or.,~ Cou~ty on M•rt n 16. ltll

P1U14 P u!)ll\....O Or•noe CM\t O•l1v Piiot.

M• r<ll 11 It. -""'II • . 11 , 1917

0At•O M••cll1• ttll WILLI AM I tT JOHN C0..'11¥ Cl.rk

HILL '"Afl£R6IURlll l.l ll OIEllTll OllYOElt AllO<M Y•t1uw to s. ,._.., SI , ,.,., Floer l.e•A-4 ... CA .. 1 u ni•..-• AllWMY\ ... ~1,1onor

Publl\lled OrMl<I" Co~st D••I• Pllol . Ar>r l" S. ""° "· 1'1 I llOO-n



~~S-T_A_T_l_O_P~C-... -L-,,-O~ll-N-1-... -,-0-lt~~ tOJ111



Ne. A•"611 E\l~le o t Ell.IE L . SH O RT .

TM E COUNTY 01' Otlt ... NCa No A·"'2t


E\l•I<' ol <>08£RT ( PA TE 0"CllA\n1

NOTI CE t~ HEREflV' t,;;1VE N 111•1 fl,,AOl'tiV V P/\rE '"" C•tt<ut•h nf "'"' W ill nt P'>ht>rl C rt,1h· h . , fl'Mt .,,.,, ,, •O"llh•"" '"' ·'" ()•n•,,. Aul"O'll '"11 trwi r ,,.,,.Y '" • n• A• r l l'rone111 N ' \U•t,,, M P~ft Co<fr S.·r t •on 01 \ ,,. ,,.,,.,,...f" 10 Whit~ I\ m.e0t1 for •urowr ,,.,. , ,culM,, Ano tnAt IP\t' 11m ... .tnd OIA<t ')' f'leAri nq .,._... \,.,,,,. ""*' l>Nl-n '~' •or Mt\'f '1 1tl/ 411 ft~ ti m In tft~ tf)urcroom o4 0.CMrtment N o J of \••d <oufl 411100 Civic C•nl•r Orlv• Wt\I lfl 111• Cit y OI !>&"I• And, Cal1tornl• .

O•ttO th II, 1~71 Willi AME . SIJOH N.

County ''•'" l(AOISON Pf ... £1.ZliR , •ooo••o OVINNAHOllOSSI ......... "'.'""''" ,,, ... _ .. , WHISl!rtllStrMt lt\A ........ ~11 .... lllll ... IT 'ht : (11~) 4 .. IU• Alto,,...,.,_ . lhKulrl•

l'ubll\l\ed Or...,90 Co.o\I Cally Pol~I. M1r )I . 11. enfl Ao<. ' ltll Ill? 11



No A·t lOl't NOTICE 01' H!•Utl H(;O I' Pl!TI r10"I FOii 1'1109 ... TE 0' WILL ollHO 1'0 11 LFTTEll,TE\TollMEHTAllV

f ',,,. M f fit t\ "4 It l it f)'I Q

(, ' '1

"'"' f 1\ 111 11esv r .. vr14 '-•1 TOWl"I (, \TONrR A. l>AVM1'•10 0 ', T(1,_. r R "-""'" 11t#I ~'""',. O• f11,,,,, f ' p,,. ... 1t Oi W 1 I ~fWJ fl\# \\iil'411'H" I

t 11,.r f,. '",.,..."'' t''t '"tty ,...,.ht10"'"'' t • • ,.,., '' wf\ttr. ·\'"...,,.. tor tur1...,., t HI 11,,1 <1, .,M ltwt -~ I~ ,fint'1Ol1 ' "' h••' '"'I ow \ Am• f\;t' t;. .. ,, ,1• t tot Af\,.11 ft 1071 •f 1,, Qt) I# m 111 flt• t '1rtr~ Of C>-icwtrtm.-"tt H t\ I I \ • •t'f , ••t. •l rft) (11i,w (..,_,,, OrlY_. W .. \I .~

t ,,_ (fl y04:~tt1tA,... C.•llll')f't\ •.t O~ltd M.trtll l"I. tt>t

WI LLI AM Ii. \ I JO HN , Countv (''"''-

9UllTOl'f. OollULOtH THOMSO M & NEL!oOlt •tt-.-.., 1..t .. ,.,. s . ... ,, •• ..,. ..... Wl!lt1tor, ( A ~1

l t lJlt-1 .tittOf'ft•f\ tor ft• l1t.Of'l•r

l>ve<•-.t Or "'"" (o41\t 0•1'' " "'>I 111)<114 \ II ,.,, l)f)I 11


1UPElllOll COU llT 0 .. THI! n A Tl O ' CALI '011NIA l' Olt THI. COU NTV O f' OllAN GI. ... .... ,...

f\t~h" nt A"'•~f\ M! \AA. .4'UI llr O-r • .•\•c1

NOTICE IS Ill llf nv 1, IV( N to'"" (rfl>tfltM\ M ~..- .-tJ'>VP f\Alt\~ ,,.,,."t tMI e lt OH'°"" f'IAv1f\q ,.,""t\ •QAlf\\' tM ...,.,0 °""""""""'' "'" 11.,.,,,"'1, l•J t • .... "' •"" ..... ,_...,~, "' ' "'"''" ,,.... '" tlo!> nt!lt" GI '"° clot- llt IM ,,_.., """" . ....... or IODt""'" ' tMm, •""IM ne<t>"''Y """'"°'" llllM-"O"O" ... , ... 1- nlll(• o l CUMM INS MC ClA114 I. \OI04..D 46)0 C-• O.tvo S..11• )00 M•-• fiu ch, C• "'"'"'• t?&.O . ....,,. ,, ''I,,. l>IA<• tJI ,,,,..,,. .. o l - unOtt\lqtlolld lfl •ti m•tl•rJ ,,...,.,,,. "'° '' ,._ nt..t~ nf Wlll Ot<t""'"' · w ttr.i" , ..,, - "" . .... ,It-.. tlr\I Pl>bll< ttioo> .. lllhflOllt• .

O• lf O JoM<rll I~ "" VI AGINI,\ RE YNO~OS F-.~r"'rtcof1....,W lllnt

'"" •bovtnt,,_..,.,.Odefll . C\IMMINS. M<Cl.AIN .I. WOl.O er: MK-IOM<I<> 4Ut t•m...-. Or , 'un. ttt ....... ,, ....... c .. ~ ... Ttl 11\.41 ,,..,. A"_.,,, ......... ri.

Pt1 .. hl'l"d C>.,. (1l.t1\I Q4•fy r•ttot - tll >l , 1t.....,,\D"14 II lt!I 11011/


SU,..IUOlt COUltT 01' THE n ua ~ CAllPOllNIA POlt lHICOUNTYOPOOoltO~ ......... ,.,.,

£lt•t. al SUSAM r, VtCl(ltEY, •h SU SAM VICl(ltEY. 0.C:M...t,

NOT ICE tt HEllE&V G IVI! .. le,,_ CftdllM\ .,. , ... -· ... _.. ft<tdtfll

""'' •tt "'""'"' "•"'"' <••'"'' .... nit .,.. ~•o Clol'<-1 "" rwQulfM •• 111, h .,,, w1"1 Ille nt<tiW-¥ vOUtller" In .... ollt<t el lite ti•• ol IM •llO .. tfl· llltd <t>VM, orloptt\ttll l"t.,,, wtlflltw ,..< f\M,.,, _,.,.,, , lo ll>e u""'' IQ!lff at UNITIOCAllFOllNt" l""fl(, ,011 N"''" Mtl ll i tr .. t hlll• A fl t , C.tlfofftl• .,rot, '""'<II I\ 1"9 Pl41to ol W''~'" I,_ _ " ......, 1,, • It met M<• oort.tcNnq lo,,.. t\l•tt Of""'' lie· u0tnt. w 1111111 tour "'0"111• •"~' IM ""' - l(• llfllll 8' IM\ ~I(~

UtOTEOCALlf'OllN l4 ~NI(

.~ 4 c,.lllont••Corl'O••llOI' E •~<u•~ l y J A AA(llor fl' if\fQU 1tl'r

c ..... 0".,11,.. t "•'• .,, ,..._ ..... _d_t

I.AW OPPICI\ JUI.I Vt W. '11.0M"N, INt.

'"'" A--Dn ... .... k41<1\, CA .... P-1 (JUI ~14bl '-" ... M'flwl--

PV~UJl!ft Or- CM1t Deity P ti.t. •1t•. 11, 11, 11.i•n tMt 11



, .,, tollCM1nq PP''°"\ ,,,.,..,,.. •b•n· 1j'J,,..d IM ..,.,.., u4: tl'tir ft< I UO\O !>U)l"*h

"'''"t• MM!AN ATH4 C.ON~Tl!U('TION co . e ••1 Hlll" • •d Cr • HU~tln;lon f\f't4tf'\ r A q?~tl\

t "" t • t•ll)IJ' A•h•"I• ,,,.,.,,., rv t#tr r.-d lo tb01~ ...., ,.._ 111\-0 i n O teit\?ft (t)U,..f'(')on C,, Qt 11 f917

W tlt•t~ E Cffh'O . t\81l Lo\ Setl.1no\, W-.1.trt\•n\ 0&81

TMrn•s L- Cl°"" t•O'I ., ,llh<•d Cr .,ununq1"" l\4o..c" CA ~74•~

E•ctonC. Ctoud, '4>Cl41r•l..,..,1•n o""'" c" ~110

J.lmet C . Stlavtr, 31'1 N , l»tt r•. Norco, CA '1160

Tnlt 1111\1,.u wn <~U<ll>d Dy a oone r•t P<lf1r1tr\lloP.

T~LHCIO\l<I Thi\ $l•ltmefll WH llltd _ ,, .. , ...

Ott .. \40 NOTI CE IS. HCll[8V GIVEN to Ille

< redlt0<• ol ,.,. •bo•• ,.. _ _,.<fdelll tP'l•t atl oerW'\\ ft•vO'liQ (l.t1 m\ •01'••"''' '"" S•IO Ot<-nt • rt roqulr•d 10 lite ,.._,.m. w it,, t~ "'f(ill\\l9'1 "°"'tw'' In 1"" office ol '"" c•tr~ oi '"" •bO•• • .,. Utlfdf'IV'f °' tOPl'f'W"' f~m w l 01tf'Mr ~IPC• \\lt""'V Yf"ill'ht,-.. tOtt\t'\lft~~ •I,,.,. lt•">"I<• ol THOM"S L lORO. lll11 Po\eO de Ve1~11t••. Sulle ttl. Laou11a Hill\ C•ll l'>'nl• •i.n. ,.. .. ,,,. I\ t~ 011.c.- of bwt.IM" o• tht uf'\d•f'\IQfted *'' 411 M•Utf\ D' •\ .. lf\•f\Q fO tl'W' fl\tll1t" ttf

'41d 1J1 <~ w lthtn fouf """',,' '°'' •fl•r tM "''' ()UbHf alionOt thl\ ,,Ot 1(.I'.

O•teo Merc " is. 1911 lllCHA AO T "1VOt;£ e • f"(utorot tn•Wltt ot tr.e•tiow> <>41-0 detedenl

THO .. ASl. l.OltD nn1 P•-• Vei.<1<1.t,sultetu u•u~• Hltlt, c.. '1lll ltl : 11141 Ml·J:)Coil An•,.rttrEaec..-

Pu1t11.- Or- Coll'I Oatly Piiot. M••t l\ 21. lt. - """II 4. U. tt1J

ll()t.7' County Cl•'- o l Or•noe Counlv on Maren?•. 1917. 1---------------

PUBUC NOTICE PMllO P ullll•""" ()r.,..09 CCMI,, O~lly Pllol,

M•rcl\ ?9,•no AP'1!4.1t, ti, 1971 1------..,s.,...,.,ii"'1 .. B.-------11•1.n \UPl•tOlt COUllT OPTM•


SUPlll lOllCOU•TOI' THI STATI 01' CALll'O•Nt" POlt


ft•ttt ~· t"1"" ~AV T4.Y lOq -''\O •"''* " .. "loA 'f f1'Yl0fit ~fl'A>O

;;()ft(f' I\ Hf'RF8V (,IV£" to IN ·~l'.f h • ">f '"'- •Mv• n '~ ""t , . .,•"t

l"I ti tll l'li"' ,.n• '°IAWl"'l ''•''"' t()• I" t ·~ ••'t ,._,. .,,.,.. ••• "ft41M1r•d 'I) t

ll'W"' ··'" ,,.. ~,-,, .. ,. vou< ...... u. '" tn• l\H •'" ~ t ,.... t•t"• \ of ,,.. -~~ M Utlfld C'>Ul" I '>' tO,_•.~f'\I tfWM '41¥1,ht .... t1•c,.,,_.,., W"OU< ,.•\ to•"- under\IQ~

.1 1 ia1 w"''"" Ori.• \ult• 111 P•Ow ttort 8•• tP\ C.• ••t11r"\1 1 ''"°· w"t( f\ f\ ffW of V• nf ""1\1llllo•"\ e' ....... Vl'I

""'\•'1""1'tJ 11"1 ,,11 ~··-· o-•t• ,,4"' t() '"-"fl , ttf \••d ,,_C• f'Hl1t t w•fP\lli\ IOU'f rnorit1'- .th~,. ,,..., ,,.,, O'J~lcattDl"I of rnh

""''' ~ O• •f'OM.t,.rl\'H nn E D"" C.E N t TIC.HE. l. t fl'(IJfOf' O'OWW1 Ut>f t¥ Ar_"4 ___ ...

~AUL 0 M<CU.llV Ill IHI ..... 1(1"' ~ -.11t """'"r1 ........ 0 ., ... h i 11 u I ... , OJI an.,,..,, .. , __

P,;f\ '•' "'-"'1 ()>~ Coa't 0.a 1'r .,,,_,. '-A•rt". t .,._,, ~ t 1 11 11. t•11 U I) II

Pt.'15UC NOTICE Cl'.,.

HO,ICE TO Cllll OITOllS tU" f 1ttC)t1t cou• T o" '"£ ~f at l O• (.'I.I l'OllNIA 1'0 11

TM l COV"llY OP'OllANO C ... Aot\lt

r- ,.,. "' •-.uL MAt T( ',n .... • Rofr,c11 ON•.....,

NOT er t<. HE"' llY r-.1vE .. ' " , ... 1...itt0< "' .... •""'9 ,,.._., ,,., """"' lh•t ••• ,...,~ t\il'ltl"fll) "' ' '"'' ~·flll•f HW W •tt .,.,... .....,. M• ,...,_,fff"1 t" flle

..... .., • •""1 """" ,..,.~""'"" ~,..., , .,, '""' ot11«111 M t"- ci..-11. hf t"t <ftMVft ,., 11tttd covn. II<' t00<•""' ,....,.. .. 11~ ,,_ Mt•\"6'" ~f'ti"f\, fO ' ""' vfWM"Oq"tll'(f t i IM IO""Oflo.C•of THOM"S LI.ORO. r,ulte ll l 2U1' Pt '°" dt V411•"' I• l"tu"41 Hill\ C.lllO<"'A t 1'U. - •( " I\ Ille P'~• ol ~l<'ltt> t4 Ille - n lo-d In . ........... ,oert,.tNnq lotM•Uat••• ••Id ct.<•~. wtli,111 IGU• -..lll•el._. , ........ - ... 11 ... of lllltftOll<t.

O•l•d Mor<r. I~. ••n llutll H. K-• E • ..-vtrh II< t"t w rtt ot tho •bOv•

THOMAtLlOltO J¥l1t)IJ Ulll l'•-.. Y•t•<>t l• ..... ,, •• Hiit\ , CA . '1•U Tet · 11141 Mt.,,.. At-•tMY f'er l••<wt'''

Pul)ll•...., C)o •"<r CO••• Dolly Ctllot M41•C .. ll 111 ""d AO• l14 ti 1~11



iVPl•tOll cou•T OP TNI Sf.\TI Ol' CAl.ll'O""'A l'O•

TMIC:OUNTVOPO•ANOI .... A . .... 1


Etl•tt ti IMILttE M. CA•l.SOH ~t l! Mll. t 11! MAlllE CAltLION , °*<• .....

NOTI Clf IS Hl.-18V OtVCN tMf VICKI II Ul'TON .... fltttl ........ t ...," .... ""' ,._ .. Wllt .... "" i..t> 1- tl ~tr•lltft wtn. Wiii ~ ,,...., - .._., ...... 19 ..... ,111 ..... V-r Ille h fu• .. 14 Admllllat•1tl0n °' tUt"'-' 111<1. ""-• ...... ltll It - ltrr tvrti... -11<Utan, .,411 "'-1 ,,,. " "'' - PIK• ol lleert"O l!te .. -""' -n .. , .... Ae<ll 11 ""· ., 10• '° • "' . ,,, 1111 --" °'1Nl•l­Ne. ) "' w td ' ""' ' · II 100 CIYI~ C.111 .. Ot l,.. W..1 lfl IM City t i $.M>la An•, C• tllornl•

O• tee MM'th 1J 1.,1 WtLLtAMl!SI JOH lif Qo.wlly Cle! ..

1.UTMl•l. OOW tlt11.~ . ... ,., ~ ..... CllltwM.t• ... fnll t9f·tm Att--r•· ""4Ml-

f'IMI ..... O'tlltll Coa•I O.Uy ~let.

IMtCA .. " · .... "'"' .. '"' lllt•'1


"- A·-M KOTt,lf Ol'MEAllllfOOF l'ET ITI ON 1'011 PllOllATI OP Will olllf0 FOii 1.ETTlll\ 01' AOMINtU•AT ION WI TH Wll.LAHNl>llO E1u1~ nt 1.EO NA llO tV AN

M(A ,,,,.A'-t !tE ... •ho •no • ,, .\ lEO"IAAOHiAMAN~FN 0« .... d ~OTICE IS HEtltEl!V (';11/fi N '""'

l AU0£LIN ... V H(l!MAN\EN I\•• •d-.d """''"'" • ,.,.., .. ,,,,,.. tor• O'f w II .. ~In.or • """"' "' M..,,.,. ,,,,.,,~ #If l" W 111 ..,...., , edr.tet"f"K•t0 ._,..," 1' *"'•d• IOf' t"'1hff ~tl •(Ul •r\ , •~ l~•t ....., ''"'' - D'.C• GI .,...,,,,'I,,..,.,,... ,.., M •n wt 10< Aprll tt, l\lt •I tO 00

a "' , ' "' ""' (.OUfl't~ oi O.CMlrt~t ~o ) o• ,._, ,d court .tt MO ("ft< (Ant•' Oro,,. w ... 1. on - City Of $11Mo ...... C .etUOr-"'•

O•IOO - r<" tt. 107, WIL i.i .AM I . tt J ONl'f, ( ....... c .... ,

009'•1.0I. HlllUTll"' fttlRl ............. T_ ... 1 . 0t-1t1v• . 1.4'~1-. CA.~ A lie,....,. ... _ .. ._

P\,b4•\,_,, <>- <;M\ t Diiiy P1lol. olle>< ll . ~ It ,.,, ,,.,..,,


NOTICI TOC•IOITOllS ,U ... lllOll cou•T OP TMI

\T"TIOfl(Al.t .. OtlllflA POii THIC0UNTYOPO•A"01

H<I .. .., ..

f•••I., " ' MA fltf,ARET '11GOI MS 0 OONNELL 0.,.•~d

NOTI CE I\ ~Ellf81' l'llV( H '"I"" rr•d•tnf' \ of n- •Mv. M~ ch<. 911•" ' ,,,.,, "" Oii""'°"'' "•viniJ tt •~"'' •Ott l~\t ,,._. ,_..,,, ~,..~ M,. r~"1rM ttJ •lltt ' ""'"" Wilf'I f ... ~f' \Ut.., ~,._.,\. If'\ ,,... eth<t ffl tN> rt••' fll ,,.. •bow """ t ltlf'!d covrt Of' to.,,..,...,,.,,,,..,.,,. w 1ttio, '"""'

... <••W''r_,..,. 1011••-fll-­• I I~• off"• of GEORGE L. 10llt), ollt \11',...'I •I 1..- . ) "'-" .. <II B•Y Plu• !.ulte 10', ~ M'-1• C41hl .. nt• tt•11 .....ictl II - Ola<•.,. ""•IM\\ of ,,_ u _ _.... In • II ""'ti.<t Otfl•t ,.. 1.-q IO -Hl• ltof ~4114 .. <-t, wltl\lfl 10.,, """""' .......... " " ' 9'11111«11 ..... t/l thl~ llOllGt,

O•lttl - di r, ten HARRY Joll...i ESO'OOfCNll.1. E-ulO< o! INWlltot --M-dll<.4'dent

o•O•O•L.OIZO ~ .. Lew ,__....,,...... Ult•it• ~..._..CAtK1'7 Tt4 t l114l*'M11

"'"-••eecvtw P Utllh- Or- (OO\I Oatly Piiot, MtfCll tc, ti. 11-AO••t •.1'17




...,A .. lttl NOTtCI OP MIAlttH c; 01'

PITITlOtt ~ PllOIATI 01" Wll.l ANO l'Olt 1.8ff.llS TISTAMI"• TAllY AMO P04' AUTMOlllJ:ATIOt4 TO ADMINttT•lt UNOllt ,N. INOaPINllCNT ADMINIST•ATIOtf 01' llTAHI ACT Cl'1'09.ATe COO• ltUUIQt

l!Utlt a f 81!'.VEltl V c.-gu oo•oHAltT, .-. lll!V E lllV c. OOIOHA"T. ·-· JANE Clll!SS ooeoH.,.T.~

..onc• '' ... 11aev 01ve:N "'-' ltOtlltT W"LTlll 00£0HAllT. J • • - OONMA IC"Y OOl!OHAllT ll41ve lllff ...... fl • .... f!IOfl IW Pro!Mlte OI Witt .... ,.., 1u.,.,,u •' l•t " " Tti\41-.,_,,loltw .. 111'-'~ 1., ..,._•1•tl0fl to .omw,..., , .,. .. ,. ,. - · ,.,. '""'"-'°' Ad.,,lnlltr-''11ft lit l \lltti Ml l~lt ~- ~I ti ........ _. ,. -'11<1' " ~ .., ~ -'ltut~ ....- 11\al l1't time .... , , _ ............ "" .. ,.,. h .. Mtft Hi, .. A-11 It, 1•n , et It 00 • "'· In ,,,. c-''""' Of o.oot'l- No ) of • • •II covrt . •I JOOQvlc C:."111' Ortve W••t , In t ... City ti S-• N>41. C..lllomlA,

Ofl•d-c'.11)1, Hn WIU.IAM&. IUONN, Cellrll y (itl'\

OAYIO n••uNO TtlltOU• \.AW CIO•POttAnO.. •11t--1c...-0t .. , .... .. ._ ...... ""-·"'" Tett 11141 .... MU .......... ....._.. ~ 0..-.. CMtl Oelty "'°'•

....,.fl t, S. II, tin IUMI


Ll!OAL M0TIC5 "llWl'OllT·llllUA


-le.'"""""' .... NOTICE tS '1EllEllY GIVfi N t ... I IN llo•"'al lduutlO~Ol I"" N~wpn.,. ,..,,. Un1flad S(tw>OI Dl\tr 1 11 0 • tt'\04t (.,Hnft; ( e llt°'""A Wiii ,,, • 1..,., ,.,.ttlj tt•th vo to 11 ~ • m on'" ... ' '"' &.v of .. ()'II 1'1' ltl IM ott l(• Of \ 4•CI !.<MOI Ot\tr1r t. ,_,,tlftCI .t1 llSI Pt• cent1• Av1tnv• Co\tA M•'• C.•IUorf\j a , "' ..,.,,ch 11,... U'd Did• '"'" bt pubtl<lv '>04'"W"tJ • ftd t-..d ,,, ..

TVPE "O" ROTO Cl.(INE!. lrt· O•d t

Att h•OS •••to~ Jrt .cc:o,ae,.c• w ffh (bflt!ltlon\, tn\lrll(tlOlt\, '""" ~H<lllU· "''"' whlth .,. - Oii Ill• 111 tr.. olllt• ,,. ,,.. Pv"<ll.t•ll"J Olrt(IM oi Uld \<- Ohtrlct. •H1 Plttentl• A.,..nw, c .. 1. ~ Cltttorn<•. '101 .

• p~ • ....-.... , .. ,~ .......

411-•h< ............. °'''"'' "• llidtt•....., wit....,,_ Ill, bid"". -to.I OI .," 11- 101 tMy~ 011 .. ltw dot• .. 1,., tllt-1"91....-.

T•• IMnt ti Efv<•lltfl ol tllt ..._.,,Mo>M Ufllfltd $<"-4 OIJl•l<t •-"'h t11e rlQlll 10 rell<t Mr tw •II '*'"'· .,.. M4 nece .... 11, etuot ,,,. -\I bid, ..... '6 •al ... - IMOfftlAll• tve>< .... ..,. .. 11y1n .. ybf4•KtlWM •

OATllO; Motrt'llU. 1•7' MEWPO•T·MH A UMt"llOSCHOOL OISflllC:T 8' Or ..... Coul\1 y. C.A Oor91.., H•r ... y ft"'9r, Pu,,,..,,~ OIN!tlor JY,. )?*)

Pul>ll- Or•n<J" Coul O•lly Piiot • Mar )t,.,,., AOr 4. 1'11 111 .. 11



• 1S COUl4TVOF0111AM Qf! t

I , Artllur C. l(otl\, S.<telary o f Ill• llo•flf "' Olrt<IOU °' lrvlM 'hflt h W•I., Qloflrk t , do lltrtll't <tr111V 1/14'1 1110 ••,..-1119 ll•tqlvllllft w•t duty adOtltM 11¥ Ille ....... II oe .. ~., , of Hid Olltfl<l 9' o "9111111' _,...,. ol

6411d ._. lltld Oii , .. 21111'1 ··~ °' #Mi:.."".- that "•• '4 Ntpted ..,, "" "' 'fttet


NOTl(.E TOCONTllACTOHCA1.UNO P0• 11os Sc llool Olllrl<I: Coest,..l ty Coll<9f 8 1d0t4odll,,. : 2:00o'cloc~p.m. olftw 111110.Val AOfll. 1'17 Plec.e of llld AKtlpl : Ottlce ot 1 ... Pvrt1141\lfl9 AQefli. COUI Comm unity

C.Otltoe Olstrltt, Adml,,htre(loll 8ullcltf19, IJIO A4ftM Awr1ue, CO\t• Me"t Or.._ O>unf•. c.ttrio.,,..

Pn1le<t t""'tlflc.lllOlt Mamt: .. lf'lll'I fftC,_... Educ.t'- Unit I!' 11. He.rtll S<lttntt A#\, t 1 -GolOtft Wn l Colleve, HunllllQICI'\ BtKll, Cdl llornt,, llldMo. '90

P•.tt• Pl_., .. °""~ O>Mt ~tv'cottt0t 0tt1r1<t.Offlcu1 1"" OI<· trlt l Otr..:torOl Plly$IOt Po<lllll" Pt-11\o; TN A•cl'lllKl'\olltce · w 1111...,. L. Ptrtlr• A.-lfl", t_, 04 PO<d AN<! - M«Arthur Boult ... •d . Co•ond .,.., Mar C• " '"'"'• t'lttO. Tel•ol\- 1tC/M4-0t10; , ... Conltructlon M.,...~,., () .. h<t : C.. V. Hold9r, Inc .• !)JO Wei• tttnd StrNt, G<lrdet\f, Ct lltO<n•• 'Hfl'1, to!OP"""e ?l)/111.J>OO. Pl-mn be oetalMd ,I lht COllll"1ttton M•neorr '• Of II(~ ~· , .... .,.,.,. •dd'"' or at , ... Consl•VCllO'I•<M• ' l •••II..- 01\ ""· '"'' ""one .... ~t2or N4411

NOT1c.e IS HEREBV OIVEN .... , the - ·n•m..O S-"°°4 0 1\trtr• ,,. Or••CI<' Cou"lV. Cfll•0<11l o, oc tll>Q ll¥ •ntt t"'ol>gl\ •Ii (;overntnq Bo.rd h"'"elnantt f'tttrr•d to•s " OtST QICT' ·1 w tll re<t1vt ll'O to but l\ot lu•r,. HMn ou lbov•·•lelf!d tlmt. \Hied llld\ for lh~ Jw.,o ol m ulllptttontr•c I> tor 111r • bOvo• DtOi t t t ,

'Tiie v•rlou\ fflt"'°"iff IO be bid ••t K lot~- s.h.tll be bid nYoor ~I" (Ofllr•<I'- Mo <omblMllOfl ol Oll'qll< 10 wit! ht a c< tot td: Coltt~ Ne. Qi-ry OH<rltotltot

t , ~lie E•rtl'lwork-Clo .. 1r>ec-Se,11ononoo. 1. Pllt'19' - $l><llOt10l:IOG. ) , Storm Ortl11t-S.CllOll02~:•....,s.we•-~ctlonctSIO. 4. A-llC-t'lt• f'•vlflO-~tlOllOJtlO. s. llol,.,..,<"'9 Steel - Secllol\Onoo. &. COll<role - Section 0»00. 1, Prtc4lllC:O..Cret1-Sec:INft0)4 I. t11WMlft9Cor\c,...eftd ltOOf Oe<' SYllMl-~cm'lO.

Metal ..._ - c_... OeC'lll"9 - *tton moo. • . C-"""111«11~-S«llOnOtMO.

10, MIKMl-Mttll-SectlonOSJOI. tt. ROUQlll "-lry-S«llon 06•001 ~lnltll ~-Ml~ -

St<tltft °'*I Wl:ICld Ooof'I - Stctl.,. OSIOO. 11. ThtNNll - SooMd ............. - Se<tton 01100. I). Rool ..... -Wllt•~-oell11QSKl.lon07>00, EJMt~

O..: k COet lllQ-S.CtlOn 09100. 11, S-Mtlll - S«t'°"ONOO. H. CAvlklflO - S.CllonOJ900. 14. HOllOWl'Mlll-lt-~l ... ot'ltO;~Waftt-f«U...°"70. " . Roltt"O Slttl Oooo - Soot t Ion OQJt. t i , Plnl\11 Ht<t,.,• rt - S«ltonOOIOO. " · GIKt-Ota1lf19 - S.Ctlon ON~. >O, UllllllQ fncl Plo•letlno- S.CllOI\ ~100 ,I, Tll1 W0<k - S<l<llonOtlOO. n ""''"""' Ftoorino - 5•<tionmJO: C••oeU~"'"""'°° 1l l'~lntl "9 S-0.tlonO"OO 14 M1Ktli41ntOU\ S-l•lllH - S<><tloft 100'0. H. Cftl"boarda...i TeOll04l•Ch - S.C tlOll 10100 1~. Tolle! C~rtm•nh -S.tllOI' tOllO. " · l'olot"O P.011111.,,., - 5'-ctlon 106~. >I. Toltel ll'*'l\A<<9'Wt•• - 1«tlon 10.00

>•. 0•"'-'""'-"'-*""" '""° )0, SUllr>Q- SttllM •t100. )I , lnlt91'11!td(lttl ..... - s.c1lolll1• .U . u .... 111or - S«lfon •c?OO. JJ. Plt.lfnbl"9-itc119ft 1$AOt.. M . ,SO.lnltier l[ .......... -S.CtMll •ftte. JS. ... ....... Y..,.IW!""" A~ c:..-..... 4-IKllMt,_, a.. ·~•-t«tlon •ae..

91AINll .. ~lft ttll ftolCilltlll!'IClf!M*°"_. ....... .,._,llld jlllblkt, .............................. .......

T"'19 WI" .. e llOOM .,_It~ fW ~ ... ef .._ ._" .. Pfll\t ..... """"' ........ ~ ........... ,#yl ......... ~dlle. Oe-'tdlft•-•"'"°DIY"'" .. Cltoellil~ty~Ott:ltkL

la<llbld-~ellllle•ltfN41lllillt .. ttllC!Mlrtd•~ lft<fl bid tM11 • ecc-i..t w ... t«wffy ~!It 111 Ille cetllr~

•~-w\tlltliteftlf'.oM ...... ~ Tiit 01n.-1eT ,..._... ttll rltlM .... toect .w., Weft"'-fl ........ ...., lr-

t'lflllwtltettr .....,_ltt.t lft_, ..... flf lfttllt~ Tiie OtSflttCT ..... wt4'1Md f....., .... 01n<1W ef ... ~Of,,..

1 d11•t.M1""'•111Me...,._,..,...,.111fttrMtof-fltl'llwlfl"lll...,.~ltvt11

1 H wllldl tfllt ..,.,_If lio bf (lff'ftrmtf fer'e-'1 <• .. t flf""" oil won-- to ..... U .. 1YOfl"'""• ..,.e I Ul<lltl H i..W.ct. ,,._ref~ -- flit et Hit OtlTllllCT llfkt loc.8t9G et - ...,.......... 111'0 .......... A-. Oll\tt ....... 0....,. Cw1111. Glll+tf'lll .. eo.i. ""'' be""

I, ... ,,_ C. K ..... , ~ .... ..., ef IM 111- ... t~ Ac-llllM .. , .... ....., .. pt1Mflll"'9i-t11t. lo4lrd el Ol-ttr• .. tr•t11t llt11<ll not ....... ,,..~ ti..,_._ •otn le MMf uPOn " _,.Intl fifY Of W• ltf 01\lt lc t , 00 M•••IY t"lltlll ~1lw•lllt,.,llotlOl'tM_..llM_,,."'9111Mel .. ~lt-""'d CEllTIFYl ... ttlletlleve .. d• ... "'9 ono.f\ttt, It • lull , f l'\lt ...- <t"9C\ (OOy of'" It,....., .. ,......,,""""" COffTitA~ .. ""-"'IM ~41(t , ,

11•\CllllllOll No. ltll·• II Nlf ................. W~.,,HM..,tr'actef ....... 111"'-'-NY,.,.. .. 14"'4111tlot l\lqlltt 41ft• lll el IM --- llH nal ..... 91 Ille '-'Id tot<ll ... t•tt 10 ell ---.........,.. lt't IM"' 111 llllt11K"'IOft Oo -ff'ttd er'-~ '"' (Oflt t .ttl .

O••ltd: ,,,,." "'.IO. mr Ht l'ildti.r - wl!Mt._ " '' llltf fef e ,,..l«f ff fwl't1lvt (OI 11-.. ...... I~ N-~Kl>M Clt'81 .. l!le-119a1Mdt. -"'""'· A ... _....,.._ .... ,,_.llelltfwttt•'"""4..w .. ..-.... tllVfHe lltUtCM ottllt<tM•at. n.....,....._tt lle lftllll.....,wt ,...,,,.,.IMt.irttt._" WU'lllOISflttClailf ~~· ...... ........ ,....."1'•-Pft't« ... 1'-"" tt¥'"'-LW~,.,,.,..., .

M11.-... OrMtt OMl C O•llY P it.I. 9"nltfT,.,.,... AprlH , 11,1"1 ,_,.,, ..... llfledClt9ftOICottt o.llyfll\9'. Mertll .. ll\4A,.'lt4, ttn ,.., "

,. . . . ~ • #

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Page 22: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


.. .\

- OAILVPILOT Monday. Apnl 4, 1917

'Parents Anonymous' Chapters Established

The SaddJeback Com· munity Mental Henllb Clinic bas announced the opening of two chapters ol Parenu Anonymous.

The organization ls a national sell·he lp pro­gram for persons who have di((iculty controll· ing what could be ab u sive behavior towards their children.

LOCALLY, TllE pro·

gram features small, in· t1mate group meetings once a week under the supervision of a trained group leader. Members a lso are available to sup· por t each other and to share parenting responsibilities.

The Sa n Juan Cap i st r<Joo c hapter (492 -8255) meets Wed· nesdays at 7:30 p.m. at


H C H E T I N A I 0 I H M H A l Y S B A I P A M A S E A S S Y R A C E N A 0 S W E J P I L E T I K E L A M A L D E A K 0 l D C A H A I T E A E H I A N I NEPA l 0 EA B IM IM 0 P N~ AC J T L M 0 A B E T H 0 E A L H 0 A T B A I E T S T A M E N S A 1 l N J I L K S H M I D 1 A H I E H L Y A R R H E V E S S A Y R I M C I B A A A C A N A A 0 C T I R A T A S A B M 0 A M A L E J A H A P P I T T B I A M M 0 A 8 l T [ H L A ~ Y E C I N T S E P H I L M E W 0 A I L S S M N T N E S M I E T I N A A N A C E 0 S E L E I H B A M A T M I D S 0 D S A M A P I A P

lnllruc11on• Hodden worch below ;ppca. or ... atd, t.oc ~ w••d. up, down or d,.qon•llv. Find ••th •nd box n 1n.

Amalek1te Chal~a Moab1 te Assyria H l t t 1 te Ph i1 i st i ne " Babylon la Jews Sama r1 tan

., I·

Canaanite M1 d1an1te Semite Tomorr ow: Large Lakes

... . . I ' . , ,,

4 (,l ,lA&IJ\ .. ;: .·. . . • , •.--:• .. .. ,,

' •"" 'to•"

•(JV~ ••V)

I I 1,

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ix1A6a B~" '1 t'l tff , t 'l~ t • 11' I I

~11• ,tf wdh lt\1. • ·' f .,, l

Qllll,K • "' ""' ~'"" 1,1 Inn' \ii' t HI ,\t 11 q., f 'I A!l't I

cj1mtil•~ '' .,,,, I ,. ' ! ••11 "O•r4cJ 1 f\11, • !111 1 1, 1, , I u y ir1 h·i.' h•·t! 1 , , • I' t' lt1 n lll'J <;11r i< lri I

Jump Into This!

SIZES 9 375 e.20 L., 11T"" I._ 1lf w..,.. _

S1 25 I 1 ",, •1 I 1'' '" fl.1,1 ttl'~ I' INIO 'I• •~ 'ltnm )~t ' ' ' 11 11111•' 1 1 ' 111 1 11 l1nrd t111r ~1~ ~ d•P·\1ne tnr a111T1A1I ' "cJ t• ul "• S1nd to day th111 P~1·m n~ z,g 1a1 Stam

nR 1n ltont cirart~ a cleve• vt\I ptf•tl lo tlon&att wa•~t

P11nlrd Pallern 9J7~ M1ssn' '\t/P \ 8 10 11 IC 16. 18. 20

Box t63. Old Ch11lsfla Sta ~1" 11 (bu~t 34) ta ~n z 314 New York NY 10011 Print fards 60 inch tabrtC Name, Addro ss. Zi p .

Alice Brooi.~ Needlecr<Jfl Oepl 10S Oa11vP1lot

Pattern Number. Send SI 2~ IOI each pttlern, MOllE '"'" ever before 2()(1 Add 3!>1 IOI etch pattern for deslsns_plus 3 fret printed In· l•st tlan • 1rtlll1I, h~ndhn&. side N£W 1976 HECOLCCRArT SttHI ta: UTALOC! H.ts every1hln: 75'. Crecht wllll S•uaru S 1.00 CrKht • wardroh • $1.00 NlftJ '1fty Quilts SI 00 alpple Ctocht ROO S•• ~ ~It l ook SI .25 Htt41oolnt l ook S 1.00 Flew er Crochet l 11k S 1 00 Hairpin Crochet l ook \ 1.00 Ina tut C~cll•t l ook S 1.00 Instant M1cr1111e I Hk S LOO lft1t111t Money l ook S 1 00 Ct111plet1 Gfft look S 1.00 C1111plet1 Af&ha11s !'14 Sl.00 1Z l'riH Affht1'1 11 2 50t l•tk ol 18 Qullls i I 50c M1m111 Quilt l ook i2 50t 15 Quilt• far TeNJ• ~I 50c .... el 11 llffJ ••11 50,

Mar11'" Martin Pa11orn Dopt 442 Daily P1101 232 Wo~I 18th St. ~w York , NY 10011 Prin t NAME , ADD RESS. ZIP. SrZt.' i n d S T 'VL[ NUMBER

De rn k111w flow to t•t • pattu11 free? St114 111w for our 11ew rttl·Wlnttr Patter~ C1t1lo&- cllp cor'on Inside for fret pattern · o your enolcc. Send 75• now' Sew • lllllt I to• Sl.25 lnat .. t MolltY Cnf1s $1.00 lnatut Faslllon l oo• S1 • lntunt Stwlllt Ito• SI."

. - . . . ' . ... -

the Teen Mother Center, 211321 Spring.Hill Road.

THE EL TO&O chapter (559-36M) meets Mondays at 9 a.m . at the Chapel Annex. fdar ine Corps Air Station, El Toro.

Addit' , nal Information Is available. by calling Bonnie Heilig, 497·1781.


"CTIT10US • ustHl'\S NAME ST4TU .. l!HT

Tiit I01lo"'41>9 -- I• dofft9 bl.oil· "•"'•' . WA L TEA H TYl.E .. . t,\OTION P ICTU RE . TV CONSUi. TANT, 1'21 ~b""• Teruce, C:O.on. dtt M•r. C4.. '761S

W.lter H T'(ter 1nT ~brln• Te•· ••<• coron.""4"'.,· '4 mis T•"• bu\lnnS " Condutled DV ... I"•

d1vldu•I wartM- H l v•e'

Tnos •tM-t "'H llltd "'''" 11\t County ,,.,, or Or•"<:le Counly on M 1rcl\9 9'1'


Publl\tw-d ()riJnf)I" Co•\t Ottlty P•tof. Mdrcn I• 21 19 .• ,,a Aor11 4, 191'

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Th• fl)llow1,,.q Pf"!• Ii.Of"!~ u•t oolnc~ bu\I

nn"'• '', oe,1.oe ... C.l.EC TR O N IC

DIVISION l?1l M M l 1n Oouql•\ Pl•' " · au1idlr\Q Q, I rvln~ CdllfO, +"Od ,," ..

BELDEN CO R PORATION tO EI. . DOM . I 1000 S 8•1'v•d A•tnue. (,f" l'\li'V•, llltnol\6"()11•

H, •\ t>u°MM)\ ,\ cortduttt-d bY 4 cor oorMlon •

8e !ONICOfoo••l1on A Flier Viet Prol<lenl 1 t~•\utM & Secrrt• rv

ThH1 ' '•lfl'mtnt w4'\ filed w ith tf\t Counlt Clerk ot Or1n91 Counly on Mlrtn • . 1911.

'nus Pubh•~ °'- CCM\t O•llY P iiot

M•rcn 21 . ....S AOrol •.It, If. It// 1116"



r .... .,,,o_,·~ o .. ,\,()rj , •rt ,,.:uttq bu\1

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C.'lU"'V ''"' '-- o f Or.-,QU County on Ma•c~ 10 1417

Fl>OSI Publl•""d Or..,oe COd\t O•llv Piiot

M•r 1' 11 29, d~<l AOril • . 1'11 1011·71



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rlCTITIOUS •USIH£SS N&Mf l M fQllO<Wtnq O!Pf \ or" f'ht\ 4b.e~Md

t h'f ""~ n• tfW U4 ttt•OV"J. tw~•n.t\\ n•m• ST4ACR~FT &UTO ooov ]~t

W*41 w,.,,.,., Av. \.tl'\I• An.t ( A 91104 Th,. • f< hhOV'\ Dv1. •nt ~'\ r1ttm1• ,.

' "'"'"" 10 ADOW w•\ hied tn Or111tn9fll { """'v"" M-111 S 141• O'Y•n T h OM•\ 04110n H~7

< ''"ti Circ.•r• tiVftt •noton 8.-Mh. c:~

·~ "', 'toi • bu\•''''"~' ••\ t twtdl.K tld bv • " '"' o,.,.ov~'

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t.,.. tollOWl"Q R t Y)n' •~• dOi"'O tMn• ~\\'4

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' ""'I*' - C:.•M ,..,,. ltlt Ml\ Ir ' ' Ort"• • " u" t •noto" 91•c. h C.•l1fOf'l'\I \

)OM A ""'"'' '' ••1' P••ll-IM\t, l eU". •dlil C...llfOf'•"U•

00Yld A"'1 \/oCfor•a Cllflntll¥, non K•uvf\ HU"'lt tniQfO"t8eM.", C•t1tor"••

'Il l\ ""'""" I\ C"" Clu<l t<J l>V • QltM f • I o.lftfttf'\l\iO

w,.. A G•ltl\rhl TttJ\ , , .... r"nl'"t """' fHfd w ll " t~

r~,,n•..- ''"'" Of OtM'l91 (.ount~ on M•rc h 10, !ti/


Pub" ' "'"" Or..-o<l (OA\I O~ll y Piiot Mir , 1' ll l8. M1<14or • . 1911 ''0 II


HOT1C• TOCltlOITOltS SU Pl!ltlOlt COUltT 0' THI


"9. A--ttta f!\l•le of 4 1..AN I! GIU Mll!Y, S" " &•• Al.APj f; GltlMll!Y. •-• 4 \.AN

EA P G AIMl.IY. 0.C•-11 NOTICtl 1$ Hl! .. l!tlY 01\llN '8 tN

cNdlt.,, °' tllt - ,....,.._de<'""' ti..I 811 .,..._ IWl"'4"9 <l• I"'' ~l,,tl 11\t Wld ""'""'°' Me '9Q\llM lo Iii. INm. wlll\ IN nt<H_., -111<1. In llW Offke of tN cl«'! ff IN ...... -UllM court, .,,, .. .,,.....,.-. w lUl lM MCH,_,. "°"'fleO. IO flM .....,..,... at 1111 office of JOHN A. OIJH(AN, Al· tor-"91 81 1..ew. no -.,.,, ~·~ O• lve. S;ilt t I S)O, ....._, IUCll, C.lll0<nl• '1MO, wllltJI It Ille .. Ke Of blXlncn el the~_. lft all m•I· ter\ oerU.lnffl9 to tM HIMt t f s&ld • · r<!dtftl . ~1111\ '-~ t tttr lht ""' llUlll l< olll .. of 1111\ftOllCt.

DtltdM¥tlll. IID. UltAH IE \.. O"IMl.EY [tt(llfrh of INWI" Of IN_,,. Mrnttltll( tolenl.

JOMH 4 , 0UNC4N Antr....,t4Uw

'''""-'~°""' .. 11.1 ... .... ~ ..... CA.'"" T ti : Ill 41 ... .,.,. ""'" '" ... •-.CllWI. ~111111\-°""09 C..\I Oally ~II,., Attrll 4, tt, 1f,U, 1'n IOOJ.n

C111142•H71 . Put • I•• word• to work for ou.

6· 4 2 • 5 6 7 8

p I L 0 T

Thll 81gHt Marketplace on the Orin(• Co.•t

DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Vou can Seo tt I Find tt, Trade It With a Wlrnt Ad

::.1:.... I- - eNlll•, ·~ _ M.rchoftctlw ... •• IOOO.tOtt .....••. _..,........ LMt ',__, . ~>Orn ..... & ¥Otllle • · · · • · · · · ~ I •..-. 6000-4oOtt l.,._ftf . . . . . toOO fOtt

fWMu, lmett-..t & ~,_ & ..,._....a..._ ._ .... ···•· •· .5000-*9 ,. • . 100011" rrcin.....,-. . "~'""

Houus For SciM HCMtHs For SaM ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

llUlOltS: Ad•"iilffl GeMnll I 002 GeMf'ol I 00 lllollld check ... fr odt • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••

cWy - report .... ron ,.,......,y. Th:! DAILY PILOT a1wn.1 Ntlbllty for tM first Jn. cornet .......... Oftly.

rubabher'I Notice: All rea l es tate advertusod In this newspaper is :sub­ject to t he Federal Farr !lousing Act of 1!161J which makes it illegal l o advertise " any pre ­feren ce, lim1talion . or discri minauon based on race, color. r eligion. sex, or m•lional origm, or an intention to make any 6UC'h preference, lim1t:i­taon, or discnmlllation. '•

This newspaper w ill not knowingly accept any advert1 s 1n g for rcu l e:.tale which is in ' 11.11 a tJonofthelaw

Houws for Sal~ •••.•..••••..•......... 1002 ....•....•............. -------1


2 Bedrm owner s unit in front. Bachelor r ental in rear. Current income $440 for both.




$117,900 Spanish art•hl-:t and n-d brick pathwa y l'ntry . Awe!>om e ~p.1 ni~h n·d hnck Jrplc ~·ormal tlin m.:. Cheery. c·on\ C'nll'nl'I" kitchen w pulllry Lari:~· famil y room W1odin;: iron slairC<J:>l' to mam moth mas ter wing -hosling private den or of fice! J m ore bdrms. + 3 baths. E -Z care yard. 3


Elegant, 3 DK, 3 I.IA hom e. s unn y 1>Jt1 0 w/pnvutc pool & jucuu1


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f'orced to sacnfu:e th11> Ne wport beauty. Th e 1976 home beautsftcallon award bY the Ne wJ)Ort Chamber. of Comrnl•rce. 3 BR w1th l!lOO approl\. sq . ft. of luxury with Pool & Jacuz11 Owner?> arc m o ' Ing out (I f o r l'J i;oonl.'r thJn 1·~pCl0 t l!d ;\lust sell now' The· pr11·1!

1!> nghl too• Call 516 :!:113 ~ . . . "


HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW l.ur~csl 3 bdrm model :'tlontll'Cllo Condo uvu1lu· l>le . Upgraded with many 1•xtra1> such 11" llUIO gura"e door OjlCllCI ;ind plumbtid lor tiOlt wutor. The prke is i.o re· ah~ tl t you have to c.i ll to fmd out. Hurry! 546·2313

O+l '"' '"' ' ''fi ' ,,, •tt'·"I'


HEATED POOL $86,900.

Tt~·lined cul·de·sac in pnme Back Bay area . Secluded formal ll\·mg r oo m , \\h 1l c brick f1 rcpla1:e. Open planned famrly r oo m . Cher kitchen w ith pantry lltdl• J way ma~tcr :.u1tc pl~ :! dl'l0 orator bulh::. Trop1t•al i:ardcn patio t1\'l'rl1lo lo. i. :.purkl1ni.: he:1ll'd 11001 Owm•r " ill hl•lp l1nJm•e Hurn , C' .111 !)62. 77111!



Newport Beach




20368 Sun Valley Drfu (Ot f Laguna C~myon Hoall al Canyon

J\nimal l lospital ) Large 2 l>drm. 2 bulh. massi\'c slom' firepla<:l· . fon<'ecl wtlh 170 It. of granite rock wall, 220 wiring, s prinkler system. pa~toral view. SI 15.000.

I 028 LA MIRADA Unobstructable view of coastline & Catalina. Spacious 4 bdrm, 3 baths and a bonus room ! Massive timbers span the upper level. Professionally decorated. A delightful, sunny home. $1451000.

* 494-7551 * h,ll.!'J' (or,,&c5 ~6.1.<cir

I 000 Ho. Coast Hwy. LGCJUfta leach




WHITE SANDY HACH VIEW Luxurious 2-story 4 BR home with paneled fam rm, formal dining rm & 4 1h baths. Elegant LR with travertine & s plit s tone frpl. Tall dbl door courtyd entry. Dover Shores. $385,000

2111 San Joacpn Hills Rood NEWPORT CEHTB, H.I . 644-49 IC>

Gettttal 1002 G~Mral 1002 •••••••..•••........•.. ..•. .•..••.•..........•

ATTRACTIVE Linda Is le 5 BR . 41h ba . lam rm & formal dining ; lgc. ltlc patio & waterfront dec k. $350,000

BAY FRONT. pier & float. lots $185.000 lo $325,000, to build your own custom home. Several areas to choose from.


C car garage. Call now to s~. 646·7171

OPftJ 1u q . ,, s 'tJ'' rn t•l ' ' 1 '

[®Im] Chalet

OCEAN BHEEZEon this wood 1>V <'halet type 2

3 41 Bay\1d t> Orovl'. N 8 b75· b l bl

:-.tuo· :i bed r m. 2 bath G I I 002 G I I 002

L A s s I F I E D

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8

Beach Duplex If You Want The

BEST llere 1t 1s' Only 5 mnnlh~ new ,\ prltll· of ownership duple~ that s peaks for it:.ell with ocean view from J magnificent owners unit Don"l wait- This one 1::.

pncedtosell ! Agent SS9·4556

Open house Sat !Sun 2·5 34511 Via Verde Capistrano hoch

home. Clo:.e to pool. t e n ..wra ..wra nt!\ & ri·c ht111 Walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••

lwad1 LJrgc dl•1:k over POOL HOME EXECUTIVE ~arose . For appt. call . MANSION 400ll7" FOR AU C.M. ams

SP AHISH EST ATE 3 IR· $69,950

rrrm e pride o r owners hip area. Almost new. Dramatic entry to huge fam rly MZed living room with crackl1n~ fire pla ce and vaulted

COSTA MESA ceiling. Formal dming. Garden view kitehen

EASTSIDE rnmily room adjoin ~

$56,900. Completely rl·<kt or ,1t.·tl 3 bedroom '.: hJth prnh• o( o" nC'rsh1p hurm· " II h ~J :> UUQ. IJ fl:l" Ul\t•rl'fl pJt10 und muth. muth more P nn•d t111 qUll·k ~.•le- C.\1.1. 7:>1 :1w1




~Upl·rlJllVC Ill e \' (!r\" rr'IX'l't 1c; th 1-; plu'h & rnml11rldhle 4 bdrm. :J h.11 h. \ IP n•,1dl'Ot0 e tn ''•Ul:hl altt•r. t·,c lu!>n 1·

;l.1>t Ul·h Jr<'a Ovc•r Jooo .. q It of 11u.iht y dc~11:n ~· l"rJlt:.mJ nsh1p. Separatt• IJm rm . scp & FORMAL din rm lor "''l'l"Utl\ e cn­tertarnmg. Htn J:r ounds & towt•rmi: trees provide a maJes llc :-.cllm~ for this outMnndtnl! hom e. !>10 81).H or646-77U.


~~::l~ ~oa~~e~~ 1t~C' :o~i -~[ Extra clean 3 hdrm & lush terrace through .wall family rm . Pool horn<' . of glass. Separate wins:

SPRINGTIME Best East::.tdl' locution. for hideaway m aster FRESHNESS brick frph· . . low mam s uite a nd i:uesl quarters .

Exceptional value in th1 ~ ~~· 1 course. Minimum main 1-~-!!!~-~~-~-~·~-!!!!!!!~­l e n:ince yard, fnrmJI

This home is the perfed tcnancc yard S I O'J.500~ !J63-7881. drn1ng plus four n H·c bedroom s. P r ivat e

hlend Of n ewne,s anrl Balboa Bay Prop. • "" 111Q · 11 '' ,.., , ,.,., · 1.-1 • ~ I ma11ler bedroom Fo u1tc

warm dc eo r . W ell R~alton [~ • . Pncedtosellat Sl lS,000. planned 3 bedroom horn<' * 675-7060 • , Call 673 -8~. with family r oom and ----------i '. · 01«1•19 · "\'11'1'H1•1 ,. enclosed yard . Separate . . [ I f.~~·ate offi ce with built 4 ledrm + Family ~ 11~ftiHJ1

$139,000 Large Co...t.1 ;\lei.a homl.' EASTSIDE . '()l ----··-··-w rt h ove r s l led


WAlT..RFRON'T bedroom ... hl'IH Y s hakl' Pool Home ttOME~ roof. tiled entranr c wav

AEALESTATE & fireplarc. Great Inca Newly de corated 4 631-1400 t1onclosc topark . t cnnis bedroom. 2 bath

----------1 courtll and a ll s<'hools charmer with pool m ---------•I JWil listed call 546·5880 great area or Eas t Costa CHARISMA ror rull del.llils. Mes a . Ex l r a I a r g e

Newport -I rvine -Costa garage part converted lo Mesa have It! " Let your play room but easily Imagination run wild ." changed back. New on We have beautiful homes market. for all J>OIOtS of view.I_________ 546·414f Prices from $100,000.

C. F. Colesworthv RIALTORS 640-0010

NOTICE how Daily Pilot Class­lfled ads di!iplay t hcrr messages with l e~1b1llty and Impact? Our ads. we a re proud lo say. really gel r esults . Phone

Woodbrick)e Estates Sou"hl afl('r I~ 1n eo ln M o d ('I - C' onllo :i Bedroom . 21 a bnth~ . Buy now nnd f'nJ OY t ill' lakcindr. $98. 750





GtMrat f 002 GftWraf I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••


This home has been cared for since new by the same owner and in s uper condition . Great area for ch ildren and family. 5 bedroom J bath. Villa J{c of H a rbor Vic'w. $176,500


644-1766 2111 SANJOAOUINHll.LSAO.


642-5678. ~ -~~~~~~~-


Foxy 3 lx'droom. 3 bath Townhome •n a n e w , young, 1>lanncd com · mu'nity . Luxurious amenities lnrlude large . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ clubhouse. pool, jacuzzi '-and much, m uch more. GtMral IOOJIGeMral 1002

Tltflf Intriguing Word Gome with o Cltudfe ------ a.M..., C\AY I , POUMI

• ._ ....... ol ....

'"' IC10..i.i.d --" i... ......... ._ ti~ -do. I HEWKAR


I SHEWO I i--.1---12_,..,...1 i -r--11 ~

I T A V E L I " f~,.. il o'le wre w oy to

I I IC I 1111 11 yov"tu trnok ln"J too . . . . _ . mvc" 1r ye v ceovoh. do you ,.-----~~__, \nnd ov• - "on•I\ ~ • •

I " A p N E D I l--rl '-r.-l l....,,,....-.,.,-...-1 -i 0 C°"'pfft8 •h• chw~I~ ovo•td - • • - • by •1111"0 ~ ,.,.~ "'•"'"0 we>td _...__... ..... .__..._ __ 1°" dt .. loo 1.- ,,.., Nt. ~ b~lqw

Full price $72,500. CALL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •• SS6·2660 c;::: SELECT I PROPERTIES

HAPPYWTER We fowul you can put all your eggs into o n e basket. Enjoy a " bcdrm Condo. Clean , Just paint· t'd. Easy care kitchen. Private yard & patio. Comm. pool. CbUdrcn'11 play area. clubhouse & pllrk. Near So. Coast Pla7.a . Make offer now. Priced at n low $.'13,500. 64!1.$W.

macnab I Irvine realty

THE GOOD LIFE ... can be yours in thiR Deedie ld 28R, 2~ bath townbome. If you're tired or all the upkeep, but s till would like to enjoy the privacy or your own patio + swimming pools & jncuzzls this• should appeal to you ! $691900 feeJ Lila Harper 752·1414. (M57) l

642-1235 644·'200 I 901 Dover Orlw H•rbor View Center '

lrvl"- At Campus Valley C.nttr 7S2·1414


Page 23: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l


' ................................................... ···············---······ ······················· G.....,.ol I 002 G ... ,_ t OOJ a..o. ,..,. I 007

Hou1nForS• ~for Wt Houw6 f1w We ~Monday~!!Jt'.!.• Ap~rt~I ~~·_!19!!n.!._ ____ ----:-_ _.:;:DA;,.;;l:-L Y;...P-:ll.~O~T __ • .....,"f ••••••••••••••••.,_r.,••• •••• •• • ••• •••••• ••••••• ~1 For Sdt Hou••• for Sat. 'HousH For Sat.

~ ....•••••.•••••••.....••••......•............

BEAUTIFUL 5 BDRM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••


Meach hou~. 2 l<ils

0.. ,.... I 026 0.. floltlf I 026 .,. •••• •••• •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• •• •••••••••• • • •• •• • •• ••••••••••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••-••• lrvW.. I 044 Newport hoch t 069 ,.._wport leoch I 069

Mission Viejo. Best & largest, with large raolily rm., formal dining rm., frplc & 3 car garage. This 2850 sq. ft. beauty offered by trans!. owner (or $125,000.,


10 modem offices -r. 3 secretary of­fices, kitchen, 4 baths. air cood 'd .. musk. w alnut panel ing, + lg. law li brary with book s he lving Ample parking & plans avail. for an addi­tional 2,000 sq. fl. of building . Pride of ownership property. schedulred yearly Jncomc $27,000. Asking price $225.000-



900 W. Balboa $145.000 Mar1ball Rlty. ti75·4600

P r o f e .. s 1 o n n I I y ~r. 4b3, wet bu, form ul lami:scuped cornl'r lot din.rm. drn & lam rm 11)1)1(:. allruct 1ve want e r $171*.$00 613 3226 ;;.11d summer. Sparkling -pool enhance~ th•~ pre· COf'OftQ cW M• I 022 st1g1ou:. home. Vaulted ••••••••••••••••••••••• c etling s pro\' ldc 11 dramat ic ennronm('nt ror comrortablu ran11ly hvini: Owm•r,.,IOU6 to :.di and hJ:. 1 t'llut·t•d tht• prict (;ull collect 842·2SJS

u •, 1 • , • 1 ' I '.


the ideal C'Ombinat1on nf a new ho m e 10 an \'!ll ab lt!>hcd ncl"h l'w1rhood. rl•atunng ull lht' latl•i.t klll'hl'n up po1ntmt·n1:.. O\'ers1tcd 11urage, luq~c rooms. 3 bulhs, stop down w et bar. mlni OCt'ttn view. /\II wa l king d11.tancc- to pnvate ~ach.

UGUNAIEACH NOW ONLY Charming home ,gn I Jr.Rt'

lot ; room to add lfo . darl $I 59 .500. fff. log as is . American C:all 644-721 I Home Shield WJrrJnty lo ~ bu) C'r I Udrm • frplc On !:. Bluebird Canyon Hd t~ Sl25,000 • '


' Custom executive hom e with over 3600 sq . ft. or quality construction . that includes oak floors, basement. generous r oom sizes a nd ocean view. Call today to inspect this un­us ual hom e being offe r ed at $225,000. Financing available.

673·3663 642 ~ F:vcs A .. ONCWPOf'TC.tNTtl•lJt•tVL '!>08 11 COSTAMESA Spyglass . view, pool . .. ., ' ' • 1 1 , • Sl 200 ' mo l se option


R~Jror "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I JI 1 de :i w a >: 2 Story . 2 &w 1968 or s.i1 5162 -: bdrm • <. Jpe St•r1es . - -- 496-7711 GltMf'ol 1002 G.-ral 1002 ··•···············•···· .•..•.•.••.......•....•

BLUFFS VIEW OF THE CLAPPER RAIL That 's the Light Footed Clapper Rail. o f course. One or the thousands of birds that flock to the Back Bay and you can be one or the few people with a panoramic view of the Back Bay from this 3 bdrm. 1950 sq. ft. Trina condominium. The original owners took meticulous care of this end unit located across from the pool. It 's on f cc land and subjt·ct of estate sale.

UN I f)U r: fi()M l:S REAL To ns· l.i7!J 6000

24-lJ (a .1 Co.isl H1qhwav. Corona r1 .. t Mor ·•'" ' "' r,1, . , v. " ' ' ,11 1,.i1J !,!J!JO

;,dull c·ondo :"J1·'<I an Eu~:al) plus trf'r!'>, \\ obi g tl ra(!l'. frpll' • l' nl'I ()allo ~.000 i;73 3663 1).12·479!1 f:\ (''

associated BROKERS- REAL TO RS 2 02'. W lolbqo 6 7 l J u 1


$69,950 Th<' one you have h<'C'n w111ttnf! ror ! TO\\ l'rtnl( tn•es ~helter roach' a) leadin~ to th1:. l' \t'l'Ull\ e retreat! l'ottai:c walkway tn :.ccluded l'O· try' Lavish la\' . rm . w us ctl bnd; hearlh • l'ountrv k1t,hl•n w I (' n I' I()-, I' rt pa I I 0 '

Sl·pat ah' hdrm rnmplC\ h r1 U ' l'' I ' " l ' I ' JI I n I! hdrm' • SpJ11..lms: '"m ml'r fun 110111 ' "'''" t l,1-.t' llurr. • l'.111>I17 Wiil ..

BYOWHER SpyglJ'!> 11111. 5259.000 5 . . _ Hr :i Ba. \ 'ww Harbor \ 1ew 11111 .... Sl!1J.500 I llr Dmta Point I 026 1 Dano Point I 026 :? IJ,t Vil·"' hl0 :!9Kl •••••••••••••••••• • •••• • .. •••••••••••••••••••• iQuahrwd Bu\·1·r' Only 1

\ ' EHY :":ICE Uuplt."x So of II"~ On 1·orrwr 2 lrplc., ll rdw<I floor:. ::.1 5 5 , u o u h > o \\ n 1• r ti73 !)O&l

By Ownr. R-2 5165,000 f>.10·8:!5>1

Costa Mesa 1024 ••••••••.............•. Open l!l4!5 Lanai Dr 5Br. xlnl <'OUnt ry clb loc. Man y x t ra:. S-'8 8614 /M0.2018

MESA VERDE Fine 4 5 bdrms, 2 story 2 1 2 h:i home• . :\I UST s1-:1-;1


SURF AND HARBOR VIEW • ..iet)IMt cGINIDIRinium situated °" Dano ,olftt l*tf. Mcay fifte fHhlrel. IMpOrted Hall• th ...try, upcJI oded carpets. liCJM flxhlrft. .ct ctrap.1. Wood ......._ ht b.clroonL A ·nry WCIMft hoMt. COft•1uelty poof, ttlllli1 courts, and jacuz:d •• $151,500

SOUTH LAG\''i.\ 1'1'1· 1'1~2

495-1720 I.\(; LIV r\ llE\C'll l'li ·2~R'l

O\~\ 1'01\:T 1•1:i IUll 2

MESA VERDE - - Costa Mesa I 024 Hwttinqton S.ach I 040 . ...•..•...............•....•.•.•.••••••......

MESA VERDE Cool Pool [\8llHMtl

~~:! .......... !~~~,~~~:! .......... !?.~~ ---------.. ,

lh-puhht·. b<>aul !-opa11 1:...h :.tylC'd home with IJ~t· lot -4 Brlrms 3 bath:. . rhmni: & tam1ly rms & olflt'l' Of krt•d al Sl:!i 500

II :. J peach' Spac1oui. 3 Br 2 Ba. F:im Hm. Sol.11 water heall' r On cp111•1 1·ul lit• :.uc'. " pnn~ \\ 111 nllll! 1>ea1·h lrl't', on II!<' lot llv ownl'I' . l'rir11• On I) S75.000 545 327;J or ~10·3422

Parle Your Boot Sopt'r rint• homl'. ~rl'.11 I uo l'l'nkr prt' .ill- \.int . pool & pa1 l~ IJ.11 I IK-droom!>, IJ1111ly room , lireplal'l-. turmal urning tor m1•r

OR;ICE IUILDING Excellent 2 s tory builclmg. Top Civic Cen ter l~alwn . Sl'l lcr Excha nge. $420,000.


1002 Gmeral 1002 ······· ················ ...................... .


l'n\ alt• lllllrl\ .1111 o·lltl\ h'.tturt'~ 1louhh• 1lo11r 1·11 l1y Ill ~ ll·p 1111\\f\ l ,I\ 11)1!

l!oom \\llh '11l1t•1I lw.1m t't•1hni:~ 1'1oor tu 11•1hn1• f1r1•plnc ·1' ( '1111111 r\ l\1t<·h1•1) "11h rorrn.11 llin in~ llui;t' :\1.1,tr-r ~"''" l41th F amily 11•t1cat l ' all !16.1 t)71l7

Move-ln.Abl~ m 11.irhur \ ,, .,,. I l11m1• J\'f'W fHllllt lfl'lcl•• ,111.t lllJI l 11111,11h•1I I ·" I"'' " ·"I nl\ 1·rini.:' .11111 .tr 'I"'' • ll•·1lrm' Ii.:,. t.11n1h ''""" "' \\ 1•( h.11 ~ '" 111.11 <1111 lllJ! llK)lll ' l-11 q1l.111 '> Vll'W f IO\ 1•1 1•11 I' 11 111 !'-om~·r"'l 111n1ll'f \ k 111;..

" onh Sl1>:1,!t:>11 •~11 • •;11

""~S.IUd ti"~


BUILD I I UNITS .t On l h1s prmw p11•1·1· of

land & en joy ln>c ~h1•llN . appre<'lnt1on & 1nrom1• Bicycle 1lii.tanc·c to llll' beach. frill 771 1

Walker B lee Real lst11t 11

Newporl Exec. F(xer UPDer

11 .. auldul \'-it.w <H' II \('h. H \ 'r l .. 11 1: 1 .

Jll •l" lint.: IJIUh 'l \lt• lf1•r•• ' itn Oflpi•rl lllllt \ lo II th• · •. , •.• ult\~' \\tu• " ·•nl:o-; to ti\ up a hnnw th• · \\ ,, , h1· \\ .1111 .. ll II \llU hJ\I' 1111.1i.:in.il111n th" " )u ' 1 th1• horn; 1111 )Ull \ •111 ti h.-ltn hurr\' •m 1111, mil' · l 'Jll 1>-1:1 llJ41:1


CI\ 1·1 .! I H I 't ti °" " Ill I ,,f .111 l 1~1rr11 ' , t.1to11l111h hurt u t "' I , ' •; "' h t 1 .... 1111> II "tl111 '''" h Jl•llOh'<I & Ill l(t>CYI .oc '"' I )f l••to ti JI "nf\· $Id ' • H1

.>I.- !>4:.11

OCEANFRO..n Triplt"( +- f.:Ul'~t apart mr-nt C.rl'. 11 S11mrnl·r Win11•r 11°111 a I 1-;." y to ' ,"1-1!1,:itkl

associated BA Ol< EAS- AEALTOAS l OH W lolboo 6 I • ••o I

1002 GtMral 1002 ..............................................


En)o,\ thl' fun hit• no lu.,s no IK1thr·r . )C't With plenty ot r0<1m for t hl' I.unity anti m.".1m11m )Jrt\' a<'y 1-;; .... v <t l'l't ''o:. :. lorl's, 1· h11rl'h1· ' .inrl ~t·hool~ ('.II I tor rnf11 11n th" 3 IKlnn 1101111.1 plan !>11!1 ,,(JO




1 •ACRE $64,990 < ul •ll- ,,1e- c•ntn 111 trt•f' hnl''<I 11n\at• tlr.I\ •' lt·Jib lo -.r·pa ralt• i.: ·" J I!•' ~ \\ " I I( .. h (\ p ' I' I I\ J I I' r•1urtv.ircl • lllH> p.1l111 ... \111l!-. \11\11. 111u1 t • 111om t" r 1'001. '

I -,;111·: 1 n ; \ \Ill.I:' 1-. ul pl.1\ h 111 1 · ""' 1""1' lc1>11h• ' ' .1 ~ ... 111 m1·t kilt h1 ·11 • " ' ' Jl I ,1111 1111 • l \1 ~11111noth lld rn" \

0"\ "I ,1.,:.111\ 11fljHOl I 111)11 \ 0

\\1111 l 1,,., t lh• '" t•k••nll ( .tll lH l< 'h. >111 Wlll




All 2 HcJrm:.. ownt• r 's unil has fpll'. fortl'tl air heat. low ma int . ol Y" 1ww.

SI 15,000'h

eu1101u s 0"(" MOUSI. ~LAl rv

t16l()f.,nc1e C~'t• M• _.


A REAL CHARMER l 1,insf1•rrl•d. mu' t ~di. llllllla 1• .I hr ;! hJ , JllHll. ,1 1· 11ntl1·r~1 net ' 11rnk Ii s. lr i: l.1m Im CfUJI <lt•l'OI th1 uout .1 'r' 11111 Sl'" t•1 hdll'\ t ' W.!.000 ">57 2959

L,.1\ rl\ 11rea Cul de c;ac 1-'11r ~.ilc b} 11w1\l'r 3 Br & :! ha lri: kit . dint• rm II\ 1 m. rm . 1thl lrpll' :! l'.1t10:., Si2. ~IO '> Iii !1751 ,oil 5 t- OJ)t'n h 'l' Sat & -..rn 11 :;

'\;1•14 :1hr :! h.1 S7 I !JOO :!:11 l W 1·rnt r,11 . S A. 1" 1.11 511 1 0 1:.?7 1:1t 7:1>n

By Ownr, Vacant "ho" 11 h~ a1111t onb :1h1 , .' 11.1 • <I 11 fl II I- I I ' II I' h

!\8l I tJ11.11t1 I' S.1to ilHI ltiPdtl 1~:"'>11. 7 1or i~ l lt>I:.

----·-.. ·- ,, tl\\n1·r :1111 1h.1 llui:1 lot 1mm ... ~; .•• !loo

8600 SO. FT. \ 11.1n1 ' l>.1• 111u' 11411 ,1111 \ nft1• ,. 111111111111• =--•'.I f ,, ... \ • 17 pl I. ~ ' liJI f•, 10f)rP ft\ .Ill

t on\ ··n11·n1 1·111 nt•r 1111 .1 H ill\ " Im~ ' lo ll ~lll.1 hl1• l<1r m.1nv ,,,,., Z11n1•d ( ' ;.! :"lol'l'<I' 1>aml & t· li-.11)

up, hut l'nfrrl to 't•ll 123-15 w(' ... tmtn\ter. (~ r;

DONALD M . BIRD A\\oc•o••t . •••l'o'' 3 IEDROOM

$59,500 fku u ttlul :t ht•clro11m h<wn(• \.0111 m1•I k1tl'lwn Fi1 m ti v s 1 tNI I 1' 1 n r.: roc1m llui:e rea r ) ard Grcut as~umJhl<' \I \ • pay mf'nlli flf s:!72 Pl'r month Ca II 963 67117

('""''-I 1 oJ • r \ ( 'I ' I ' f I

~> Ill :l!llil\ flt II) 11111\

°''I- \K l'H l•. \'11'. W :!>I h1 .inti 111·w :! ... ion 1\111)11'' W1•.,1-.dt• Cc"t.1 .\11•,,1 \ppt nntv Wnt f' ('la:.slflf'tl \d llCIH Dally l'ilol I' () IW'I\ 1650. ( ' Mt·~a !1".!li2G - ---

MESA DELMAR 1023 PIU-;.<;1010

.1 Ar. 2ha, ram r m, pool, 1nlC'rrom. tire alurm, 'moke ;ilarm . nrw cpl 'g, d~e to schls. ~hops & rrcr<'at111n ~1.500. For ,\ppt <'a ll 5Ui S.1115.

So. Calif R.alty_


1\ rare oe<:us1on • /\ ran t .1.'ll H' M <'!Ill Vl'r<lc :J ll('(!room home with love ly yurd . pool und trcmt'n· dou~ fnm1ly room. Also an 18 by 22 BONUS room. Must ~te to appreciate. C:ill fo r appt.

POTENTIAL + Sll6.500. T arbt:ll, HLTW:i. ('OJll 962·55htl 2 Units, good area, good

package, good pot<inllal. OWNER'S f\ ,\KG /\ I N . 640-9900 Grab IL qu11·k ! rrt•tt y


t470 Jemboree Rd NfM'p<WI 81'!.>-ch


Over :! .000 sq rt J\ 11 Ol'\\ kitchen w hui;<• fmlv rm I hdrm~ & 3 bath~ ~ll'l·I~ decorated hom<· to l'()O wn1cnt lo<:allon ,\skani:: only 58-1. 750 545·9-t!>I -

Walker &lee Reel Estate

MESA VERDE •t Br. den. family SpcC'tacular amenit ies .

SI IU.UOO 8JJ.:l821 1-\·rguson Healtnr:. -- --

Fountain Valley I 0 3 4 ··············•·•·····• Fountain Pnrk 2 sly. 3 Hr cntl unit Twnhme ArlJ :\11le Sq !'ark 562.500 llrm P nnr only. !'llO 031 1 or 5~J .Jti21l

Hwttinqton .. ach I 040 ....................... Sc·C'lll!>llln 1n thl' 1· 1t\ 211r l•t>nth11u~t· t'onclo h~ owner s.'>l).IJOO IS-If> 2t,11n

lly owner. :! sty. 4 Br 2 1 2

Ba . lge family rm, , 2 rplc 's, Wfpvt !>Undcrk Otr li:e rn!>tr bdrm. Formal It v 1ni; & d ining rm . lndscpd. sprklrs, front &

wallpaper. carpel:.. new Lile. pancl1ni: . " bedroom:-. rn odr rn kllcht.'n t hat Mom will love $04 .000. Tarlwll. RJ..TRS, rnll !S-1:? HM~ .

OWNl::H S FIXl::H SJ\t' SSS her<'' I \rr:..1t1lc l> t11roumi. cl1n1ni; k1ll'ht·n. big II\ 111.: ruom. hl'art) I 1 rt•pl ;u ·,•. Ul\

crl'd µatm Clt>,l' to t '\l'r }1htng. ~.700 . Tarht•ll . RLTRS. l'all !lti2 5566

WALK TO BEACH 1r you r an tear yourself awa \' for a 1 l hour from this - lo,•ely . l:i rgl'. one ycor new. :t hl•drnom. 2 1 ~ ha th l'rc :.lry hu11t townhouse. Only S72.uoo. Call now.


(; rcat pool horn<' with r1rc nni: & lol'\ of det'k · 101:. Onl.' ,J m1lr from th<' ON•an l l ui:1• h crlrm:-. , form.ti din1n.:. hu gl' fam1h room . 3 cJ r gar ag« EH·r} I hing for fam1I) fun' Jusl Sllll,Ol>O

Roberts Realty

llU 1 lncb lltd Mu•llflC1tl k&UI

rear, 3 car gar, on cul de ~~~~~~~~~~l Sal' 96.1·8437 art 5PM.

BY OWNER $45.900

BC'3Ullful Con t in<'nla l Townhou!>e. :J Br 2 Ba. rpl<'. Poo t . t ennis, will finance , at 8 ',,, , 20' c down . 897 · 7272

Dutch Haven Marina

La Cuesta 5 bdrm, 3 bath. popular El lujon moclel. 3 car ~arnRe, 140 fom rm + patio. s utim 1L prl'11cnl hnm1· an trude . 968·337 1 or f)ilt) .17:;.a , ...---.

Walker R lee Reel fstat11


• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Oodbridgt Arborlob Cllolce Waterlr0ttt

New 2-level E;)(ec C()ntlo Select carpet & mo\e 111 now Reduced for qu11·k :.ale- S73-2&1 / S48 0122



3 Bdrm., speaker syste m thruout. Family rm. with fireplace. 3 car garage. Call ror appt. $2601000.

and relax m gracious liv Ing an Univer:.ity P.irlr. . 2 sty. townhome. 3 BR, 2 ba .. ram. rm. Walk 11r ll1cycle to pool. ll'nn1:- . gotr. park.'! & :.hopp1n11

. ., '\ ?./,~ l ,IDO HEAl,1'1" C I'.( 3377 Via Lido, Newport lf'Oefr

' 673-7300 .000

Irvine I 044 LOCJ&lna IHch I 041 . ......•......................••..•...•..•..•.

TURTLEtlOCK WANTED! 6U-CUSTOM By an)onc "ho hais a dt·

P rC'!lt ig1ous Turtlero<'k Ii sirt' to own a !urge fam1 Bdrm. rui.tom . Qu1l'I ly ·I bcdrm hnmo with" tr~ hned strC'l'l . G.ill·<l family room .111d Corm:il gardl'n entry . ll u.:t· danani: mom• The Olym ~eparate family room. pie :.1te Po<>I & tennis Formal d1nin11 room cour1.$ a re near and th•• Hnck f rplc. in elei.:ant home and yard are a <k· living room . Large hght 1 It '~ priced to sell' ma:.lcr "mg_ La undry Burr) • Call room Prnfess10nalh Red C~t

Ocean Vistas Stunnin~ !>Ull'>l'l'>, tennis & I014n 1n lht:. :\l )l'\11' ll 1 II s. 2 hd r rn ho m •'. lld"d llr:.. l <1a tl:. of potential Sl:l-l ,500.

landHapl'd 3 1 Jr Realton833-3380

~Jra!(" Only Sl2J.UOO 1----------1 (;jll ltKIU) I 752· 111111

Expansive Sere nil v '> t'<'m:. tu b1• lhl• kt..'mOtl· in lt11., I bdrm \ 11 hom1' 1.ot·;1tt•ll in one 111 llw lw~ t lll'11:hlK1rhoml:. ::.1!11 000

rp, t I• I '• I~ I


Lo•lk111~~ tor 1111·~t11:1ou' U •11.. •, II\ 1111: · Ttwn :. 1•1· lh1' .,,,,,,,,,,...,,,, ----------1 guri:o·nu' Urr .111· t1tt l!Al ESTATI • mod l'I h•>llH' lot .lll·ll ..cio· ~Jt, .

Starter Home! al°rll'!> lri11n ho.JI hllllM' .~:·;M:n==== ... ;:;'::;O):::~ and 1;1kc• l 'ompll'll' \\1th C \,l tl' :! h,•dr m \\1th :! htlrm~. ih-u . rus t om l 1replac 1• & Jinrn i: im , 2 h:ilhl't . ta!>tc.:ful ly l'0\' 111:-ed I ronl ltrci>IJt'l' .iru1 m;iny otht•1

ratio Varel 1s a l' :l.l'lllllJ.: ,.,Ir.ii. O\\lll'I' 11 n cl s <' a P •' rt '' 111 hdp f1nJnt't' !111:1 l•n·!rp1cn• 1 Near n1m cly hornt: . p 11, ·erl to M·ll mun1ty µark a nri pool and tcnm:- l'OUrt ~ Sound nlre" Call Ked Carpet Realtors. 833 3380.


San Juan <lrt·am home. l ' ndcr ('on:-trul· t11111 , dl'· luxt• 1·u:-.tom hullt home on on•• al' rt• t·~talt• n\·.,r· IC1nk 1111: C:a p1 !1 l r:i 11 1' V.;lh-y. -I b1·droom'I , I

- - - ------, __________ ,bath.,, ~OllrfOl't k1tl'(11'1l IRVINE POOL with c\'('rythan~ built 1n.

red hill ~:.:. =

55 2-7500

$69,900 311n·µla1·c:. ~!JO,ooo.

Charmini; lrnnc pool Privacy home (Jull't tree hno·<I Big Fun Patio :,,tref't. Formal din

~ .. ... .... c~~

::i \lon.ird1 ll.1y PIJ t.J l.J J.:U ll,J 'l~ttd

\\OOd pJ1ll'll'•I li\llll: Supt·rhoml·l11rth1•IJm1 rt)(1m l>r11·I.. I ir••plat ,. ly "ho lo\, . .., outdoor LJr!,:l' !>epar,1t1· :\1,"t.-1 parl " :' ' 11 11: t ll\\'rt·d \\1nii Uuiltin ho o k PJt10. ll11\\1 r pl.llllt'"· ----------:.heh t•s. prolt•,, i, i 11 nall~ :.pnnkll·r' front .rnd n ·

496-7222 831 -0836

landM·apl'd ~roun<I:-. + JI .I l11.·1lrtH1m:-.. t•\ 1·11 " lwautirul l..idui·y :-.hJJ>l'd cl.-n .1n•.1 F11rm0tl rh111n1: JXW ll I.Ion I m1:-' th1' Jt lint k I 111 plJ t'l' ~ill. KOii . <mh Slj!I !l\IU f • ,0 1 UK I! . 1 , 1 II.> Ill 17211 7~?.. :~~ · ·~,TIRRELL ®~ " # llnCalifornia!"

• .., • t"IJI CMUtCI'!> -

RARE Ol'l'llHTl ;>.IT\' l.1\1• i11 ll r 3 m .11 11· :! II H h 11 m '" llH'Jll ,tl' l 11!>,.. tho• '>l11 •1'(

l "''I h1· Ir I! "''II oil H' t'' tor 'our l1ll,..lllt'" 111 l hm~ °Fant.1 ,.. t11· \ ll' " " ~1>1;1 ,111111

" Z " II 1•:1\ I.TOH •lfl l·l!I,\ I

--- lfYOU LOWD~. L1:1•E:m· :)1m $60,900 home . Ca n v1111 vu .

Yes, a ARI G ll T :in1l WANT ~lti!l,!100. \j38 · 3•1 •'1 Bt::AliTI 1-'l'l. :! b1•tlrnorn c-ontE'mtH>rary Ii\ in~ at 0" n bkr. _ ~me on a 1·ul dl· ~ at· An I h h f

lb. w,..1,. t '' unw I" i•r L-a Mi,.....I I 052 l'\tra lari.:1· 1111 1;11ud )OU' \\p h.n,1• .1 3 hdhr111h .~: •••• ;.:•••••••••• !o t.irter hotnt'. WUN T :!' ~ u:.i 11114 n111mw \\ II'

LAST ' 1

C'.111 toi.C'e h:.b ;imun1: th 111a11y 1•i. OCEAN VIEW

~ l1Ji. J lurm ,11 11111 1111


58:!.SOO BR. 2ha. lrpk 4!1.IU ft. lo Lhe lrg take Club n ghb. pool. ten111 ' brand · n ew . Try t:'i'. down or 313K. 2ha. 3·rar gar . Entire 2n1I llr ma~ler lolllll'. S!l!l.500. Owner bkr 510·0555 or SKI ·5:l86 -------

C'lll\'l•l'<lalt> 1'1 ;111 -l:l. :1 b<>droom . 2 bath :"(•11

carpcti-. drapes. S7ti,!JOO 552 0545. -------

Woodbridqe Arborlake Super upi:ri.tdC'cl 2 hr . :! ha. lux rondo Ul'n, t111·m dtn . area . :\rar l.1k1· SI I I ,500 StifHHI \' nd1·1 mkt Xlnt t.•rm' .. \,·ail ,1 µpro' . \ pri I :1111 h 4!1S·S906 nr 559· 1833 uy

't'P lam rm 111.1 ~ Moncrch Bay Terrace prim• i:n•1•nlwlt 1111 a th r pool -.11 1•d l o t liun "rt.;oo Sl'.'lK 111111 Hv 11\\n1 .

If 523 CAMPUS Da · lRVIP4E

tii:J Olllll d.1 b l!lti 1,:!j I t •\ • • ,

llJd(' ;t\\JV Ill 1111' •' l.111 t.:. lropw.1l l d ,1· 11~. l·:.1111r'll1· l'U.,tom 111ll·nor, l.1\ "ti ma"lt'r i. "Ut ll'. fl•1•l1•t•• "Ith 1nlt•rC"11m, rC'gal ""l bJr and cnlar ~ ~d s:arai:e ( 'ln:.1• tt> i..rhb & :.hop... SI JO.~HJ .

BOND REALTY Rancho S:1n Joaquin 3Br. !l:ll !Ml I 2':i h..i . San l.111,.. Hl·y. Un - - -- ---i;rn. \'1Pw. 770 11:!77 MONARCH BAY



$60,000-$70,000 In Tustin & Irvine


$69.500 A \'C'ry nice l'l.tr1 i 10 tilt' Ca I 1 ( o r n t .1 h o m 1• .,

Bt•aullfully IJOCl,t'.l)H'll and :-.h.1rph· up 1:rarl1 ·d

JBr, ram rm, 2 1".: h.1 , s uper l' Ui.tnm alm11"l 111.'W. 1'11:-.tdul dt'l'OI' 111 :-.1dc & out. :! patio:.. '"'~ o l mtns /\'k1111: SJ.12,5110.

.J ,\Y W. Yt-:ATS REA L TO llS •lflll 2217

lake Forest 105S ..•....•............... BYOWHER

______ _ 1 lhr<tu~ll11111 llHINli \ OL R OFFl-.1< l'.111 lo


LAKI-: fo'l)l{Jo:ST II Jll-. IH'l ' EI> ' l..1k"1ro111 + tlm·I.. . tllr :rn.1. a11 Siii lll lfl. <>1wn WN·k<>n<b

CUSTOMIZED :'lta1:n1rircnt , e'tpanded " LaSalle" to\\nhomc an Un1vcrs1ty P ark This f ine home ba-; 4 bdrm~ . drn & family rm. & features ceram11· I ill' floonng. VanLwt paper:-. & upgraded earrf't1ni.i T he \ 'Jew from tht.• clen must be SC'en ! Call u i.. we' ll a r rnni:<'1l . Sl29,5Ult

~~·:.000~ VJLL~ REALTORS

RANCH REAL TY 551 -2000 ----

LOCJ&lna hach I 048 . ..•.••.......•.......•

Waterfront Livln9 OOCK ~Dr. 30.i, air, By Cl" n cr. Open W knd :. 5Rl ·ll115 --------

Live 1n ''The W oods" Brand new 4Br, lam & bonus r m . 3 C'a r auto ~ar. wet bar, :! I rpl<'s. Pool, tennis. S600 fmo. 644·11511.'I

Mission Vleio I 06 7 . .......•..••.......•.. IYOWNER

4 '$ l l<'rl rooms. /\l'~<·on Mdl. :.!2tK) <- ~fl It, lll• l(ruclt•d, S!'.111 ,tlUO. C;ill ll30·9816

~· · GE 110111 ILllRS ca.

[~61111 ~

C h oice Jl untlnitlon Rea c h loC'n I Io n llllu r schooli;, s hoppin1ot <Uld Marina. Neal 3 bedrm w /huse family rm, ga11 bltn kit., massive slohe (pi e. A barga in at $67,000.

5 ldnft.Pool / Spa llifthly 11parc1 ·c1 11pac ro m rm. frplc. wet bar, over lk 'si s parklin g flool. $120,000 •

OPt:NSUNDAY 1-5 1813t Brcntwell Circle

Agent 842· 1006



~ 15&.1 MOMARCH IA Y

Exc lus ive Guarde d Community. Stunnin g On e -Story Grecian Contemporary 2 Bedroom 2 Bath. Den. Profess ion a ll y Decorated , Newly Carpete d And Dra ped . Swimming PGOI , Access To Private Beach, Tenn is Cour t s Plu s Clubhouse Pri vileges . $142,500 Leasehold

llf DOYmt DllVI 631-1800


5 IR - POOL Tree lined approach tn RANCH RI.ALTY t his executl\' e ranch . 551·2000 Form1tl e ntr y t o ________ ..._ _ _

dramatic li\'IOfot room Buyer ne<'di' Oplx w ithin s ForrMI d lnmg 1:1 C'nnve mi or CM . W ii l pa y niently scn·t'd from hu1ote around 631· 1"46 count ry stylE'd k1trh<'n

Separole fami ly room ---------• O\'l'rlooks i1pnrl..ll01l pool nn d t errac<'~ . S t o n<' firt•µln<'e . ll ldeowny wing for mat1ter 11u1tc & childre n 's qunurri. 11tyk & grncc cle!'IJ:nt•d on one level. ll 11rry won't last. 963·7881.

Ol'IN Ill q . II 1.111'< 1or1 'Jl('I•

~- '


531·5800 Wnthavttft Realtors

W1 II Metworil MUST SELL. MOVING 2 1tory 2400 sq.n . Jm. mac , E•cs & wknda 068-5400

$58, 900 am. I 044 3 Br + lamH.v. shake •••••••••• ••••••••••••• roof. nrepuuie.

wtSTSIOE RCMCho'S• JoaqMin RW.TY, INC. 2br & den on aolf cou nr. ••• 2323 2Ut\)ng &reen nl back - · dc)or, forl'vcr view. clo:10

....;;;=;;_,;=""'----- to ,tennis c lub. $79.500. Comfort' Ca ll 833-8511 wkdy11 nr

For 0 ~ 840275 el es & wknds

F in e family lio m e, 3 .J;.._~~ b e droom s. din I n ii -­kil<"hcn. lartic llvl nit Calif flm fQr ule b7 room Is 1rHt fnr rnltr owner 3' Br, u pard 'd , ta\nln a . B ia covered lovt!l y lnd ac pd , .ti patio. Only S68,900, cell cou nyd. 113.500. Call 'tarbell, 'RLTRS, IMM8S4 5Sl-245J • .rnnc only.

RANCH REAL TY 551-2000

IRVINE'S FINEST Boutiful Ranc ho San Joa qu in T o wnh om 4• Overlookt green belt & pool. With this home you can forgcl 1ho11e yord chorts & enjoy e lcgnnt llvln~ . Dr ttrr' Hurry' Qi ll 64S-0303


OCEAN VIEW Bdrm. cont.emp. home

o 2 LOTS: OC'enn vtew rrom lgc. patio de~k 1

Cozy l1 v, rm w /C1replaC'<'

S99,500 F ULL PRICF: MISSION REAL TY "'°" 494-07 l 1

OCl.ANVIEW Building :11tl'. exC'lu l\lve> area, /\lltio ik'O <'h ; h•s" than 300 cosy !ltep~ to the u nd ~ 9!0.000

Or<'o n Vl('w, k dwd & Glusi1. :I Vr11 old, 4llt; . 3ba. S2 24 .~00 702 :--t Jomes Pl. tM 2· 428'J owner.


3 IWdrm, 4 beth . AU<l:j l h<>illle + POOt.. C:u1totn bu1 lt on a C'Orn<'r lqt Loli~ of v o.luc for onl)r $13(000. Cnll 645·7221.

CIHTUIY 21 WHtcJlff Realty

Page 24: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l


I HM.n.U~ Houu~ H ... uafwwialled COftdomini""''

OU H-~-'--~ 34"1:. ·················-···· DA!LY PILOT M .......... • ......... _. ....................... ....................... ....................... "" ........ ,., ••24

......__....__.1£..a....a.-. ,.--"- .......... - •• ,.., --o ·.1- n•• .. _.... "'J6t •••••••• ••••••••••••••Cotta~• -~--- --- -- _.. - _... ~ Ba fl······················· • ••••• .................. ........... ...•...• •• .... .... ,.., 2700 .................................................................................................. 1)1-;LUX E 3 B.r 2 () Clb .t.

.._.,,_..._. JOH c:reeptw .. '210 ............. .-.~ • 3 w. s-..,,~m V~enl. .. .BR. 1• . be , YrlY l~. ~mo • Br 2 ....,.roat~k . 4 BK. 2 1:" L. N11uel, Cntry · GUMD OPIMl,.G

....................... , ................. _ MICUYMS rm, frpl, frml cbn. rm cl06e to oc-ean S175 Mil Ba. f'P. 4:iU'.! W,yn51 ll' IL.&. frpl<'. now rrpb ~'"':~ ~901: ..... ~~soc dui:s .eat;B.AU YILLAGf OF AYI ACIES You doft 'l ha Ye to i.e aJf Nr. bch $7$0. 64&·103.\ lorKellb, 968-l.317~Bkr. 91.~or!llM-iMM drps. bltns STOO 644·9932 ~ ~ .. ·.w: _

ae<.'Qlaye to efford lhil or 752.- 3 Br 2 Ba Aliso Vi ii .a tun APAKTMENTS HAUCMVllW $Q ... QOROHA L.... ... -o ~ _ _.. 11~ ~ DOWNTOWNC.M.


PllA.91!:11 ExC'ell e ol v1 t·v. .Full .,.._ ..... r .... "'.w - Brand new 3 bedrm •Jt80'Al..S * BL\J'Ft'S CONOOS do. immar. air , no l)(ll:\ 1 lidrm $240 .., ...,.1·r1·-.. Mdioa~·o . .. u r, B .aq . ft . •--- 1~ acres LANl>ING bom e . 1900 z oR -~ Leas.a'lw( al ~W $J:l() 830-~ '"'· ... ...,7" """ ""' ' .. ., pnci· ~.900 Kit thalmetAD BK.8 n . ...... ...... ...... Jlllodth 3l -----12 owm11•4.,. - .,, ~- cmy deo,itot colld, 7M/~7 17 C'U4)ai.51rf ~ft,.""1hlformal dintng, 28ft . . . . ...... $UIO · A4;eo1ti44 ll TowfthouH Bc:iuti ul park like al· h lllk fl'OD'l·PDOI & 40 ORllZ·l:90 OftSlZ,._ CllW'llU" W1l1WI 1 y r L'>e 4' ZltK ......... ..... ~ umine CTe t' t . P' l Unfuntltfw.d 3525 musvhe rr, pool, 1p11. 3Cr~ or piark, walkltlll--------~-·1---~:;.;:=.;::;:::;;;.. __ , J"l'Wl£Wt81DIJJ:~Jllll .a:llO iier mo. 1nr ldi 2.llll, d110 ••...••.• • tm comm. Gaard('d Gate ....................... Just a few steps to cud distance to sehl. $164 .~. ~OHi •m YA W1J'UMS aJllD(). -2Jtt, .Iba, db ... *1m. JBR .. . ............ $350 New a br. t ba or'? br & 2Br , Occ 11n Vlrw, aar.11un pleteshopplng. • Open ll'>USC Sat .Sun 10 5 your mobile hum~· Si~ :sBT J~ pr, l~ _./dot'l t ~ 3 iltdnn, 2 bath SBlt .•..•...•• . •• . • SiOI> den w/pool, ;rarazz.t, kn deck. 2 µa llul. JlC'IVI Wheelch111rdesljned

· 1335 Port C.:..i rl o w . i\llut1ll t1ei. <1,..ul . t.oine en IS'& fnitd lot, ...._ an.d-.pankln bl>u. ... e in 1;reat SBR ...... . ... . .... ~ n is. $7ZS mo . Ca l l jac unl, :>2:it·ti827, ~an Adulls,nopet.s ~M>481t!UPM ta; to ~hoo.e from. ta• ltv r:a>. ffllk, e~. ,.-ew • .J'~b . •ati a( meifhborlu>od. IJrnined. 3 BR. • •..•.•• •• •• •• ~86 6M-41132. (..'h:m 1111 E. Ulth Street ---------1 XJot&.crmis. BKH Xnll. taw\S. DKR. .a.Jtm> • ..atll~ qpt., .... ...,,mo. llobens 3BR . •• •...•• • ••. . ~ - - - &4G-6816or6'2·0856

IUMGS ROAD (7 t4 > 677~t m.0611.-u ~DID 1lellll\YJNB;J9 aaR ........ ..... ~ OC~ .a..N Unf\lm 1600 Ex closive -P a noramtc OR57l·OSJO OR~ COPS CT~ tBk . .. ..... .. ... ... !1100 liiA ...................... . Ocean view overlk'g all•----------i lR£Al.ll'ORS 4 BR .. . 5500 VIEW flti(). ! Br, dl'n . frplr. I~ Hew,.n. Billy. :;.e boat 1'AXSMIL"Ja? A¥0CADC>S 671-SSll Vacant. 3 BR, l ~t ba, 4BR . • •.. •.. $till() Tl ~ d. i,:i;rdl'll nr Lake Pk ra c e s . Ch r 1 t1 t mu s 4+ ~aiada2Br. Zia cloMl to ocean. $350. A.gk 1l8Jt fom rm, am rm .:: 11 B 5:J6 0111 p <1rade, ~wnue. •UObt~l. Nr Newhall 628 8c:Ji . ftaale.-7..SOO. n.....i,ex. 2 Br J Du, eomp. for'l\elth968·1317 B~ h"' -1. bll.ll:-. . .. ~t lllt1' WaUt w bea<'h JOr, .:iuu . 111111· H· r r uin . $200 /pet _...d l d I .... ,"" " •- t L. • h d

I ;1c L'om11d t•I' some tr.ide. re ecora e • gar• i.m 2 o,Dr J!Olldo. adult com· huae dllC.k. S67S m o. " a ~ '"-" s ,.,."''' e den, wd bar. 2 fl)lo. 2 fnd! yd. Sotl d\JM OK, no plex, pool & rec fo cU. Nr 4:ADL. ••••••••• •• •••••• •••• •• cair t a r. t" prt , dt"CkllH! ~r C.iltt t;1l) 100 i\cs . f'll!lB . $271> + dep . Brookhurst & Adom i.. JACOIS-.U.TY Costa Mesa 3724 ~ lhru-out . Ry owa1•r .._. ... UM ,...., u_,.~1~1 •, rn1 lrom Ca h t. Cit,v ..,..... · ._ _ __ ..,... · s:IOOmo. 847-6400 ----- 61 ... ~a70 •••••••••••••••••••••• • Op tpe, 17%1 Kdl,' Hd -6'S-.a8l8ot"5-.S1~ a I r 1.11•' l \"o ur own EAS1'SJDE3'Br, 28'8 , ~ ~ cln! 2Br. l.Ba condo MODIL ..:>ME S40.00 WlBC & UP

l>O \'ll•· "'C'11. ready tor mo Fnnj yd w ilt to 1 / C U • Studl°.t t B H Apl~ .---------i l ' d e e...a.11 ...... 1 · ' .+poo .$3t5 mo a l>oerf.ut\d. P•.W · 1800 ·""·OUJ ... o . •er +<It n •TV•- " 11l '"t r" 1\' v·· · 1I ..rop~ o m . 1 er 11om ..--~ shops, N a. !.Chls. pel:s "6·2691 eqJl . ..3 :bedcm:?'rualhs .... •• I. OJ M ., • M

l....,.Higlll•nds tr•dt• M ,1Jh and all wlo Rieb. Hat-So CalJI, Uft· children OK. g ar, 325 WH 8 model Supe r bonlc. Wllllt lD O<-A. l' ool •PhooeServ, Htd pool Uotl 't miss tbu> quahly 1.11 offm.• Cllll anytime. dercraumt nwr. 3 are-., Boca~.'42..Jlii!IS Dix 1IOO SA Ct. now .hm~ home With all thr d e· &t.ean. 2376 Newport Blvrl , CM bwlt.4 bedrm home w1Ul 646 :ll' . ev~673"'5T7 ttO acl ags ,er e:cTe & 2br, hv. rm , din i r m . coratm&. wullpapenn&. S550 / Mu. 3 Bckm o n S48·9i55or 64S·39Gl :. park 1 1 n Jt n e w lllP· ~ forces s a le. _. Br, 2 ha. o r . So. Cst fammn . patio ssoo. mo ~pgraded carpe lln i:. Pesun•u l.a, •alt t o , ,.,1 pd -b h -1 d i N balhroom1>. llcau t1 Cul Own«531·7316. •J>iaua, ('J)tll.,bllns._ frplr l an cl util. 53 6 · 6565 , dooki~ e tc. On neat c ul · De.lab. vu · ac · 3 l. 0 c ustom pool by J r vine .._llt,covdpauo. Db 673-Jlli) d e-1>ac t1Lruet. Nevt<r S5 75 / M o. 48r t d en pets Enclgar, $l&.'i

s. Near new 2' br, l lA ha, vatlo. aordea, edits) 111) pell!. 642·1_603_ . __ __,

rn:w l & 2 bcdrm apti.. siso to s:np per mo.

Pn\' patws & i:arai;es . Omt' by 2177 Elden

vr r·.111 Larry. M~

BR. 2 ba. prefer matur~ 111Jull:1 . no r h1ldern or ~·l~._64!;._~ ___ _

FROM S21S Mature 11dul1.B only, no ~·Large 1&2 br apts. Dlhwhr, gas BBQ. $215. mo. Gas pd. 778 ScoU Pl. ~stillor642·50'73

Pooli.. Many c u s tom ted.&tdlt g•uie.S.W. :W9..sl62 bved m . '625tmo llea1te. w ' v1cw 97!:.~-- ~..Wt. features thruoot. Lo ca l w_.... 29.00 ll.15.. 1 '"' dpl.x. garaee. I n c I u d I: p 0 0 I • lllSO/Mo. 89r Ol1 w:.i ter ~ngton S.och 3740 THE BA y LEAF ~ tn Newport llai bor c..t .. y1.ob/ ........................ J 8r,2be~Park Readyaow! Fee g a rde n e r ,ot c. Ag e ot withdockfor~w· boJt ....................... 1 & 2Bdrm, water pd. ll1gtl Sehool D~t. Call Cl'ypb ISOO Private party ....k1 like s.a.oo Maio ~ntalsS40·53iO 546-414.l $750/Mo. A\lt..d AprilU1ru 1 Rr a pt, furn1"'h<'d P atio. F'rom $:! -1 0 Be autiful, 540-1151 •••••-•••• ..... ._. ... t o buy J l() LS units CLOSETOBEACH ---- i\ugw.l On water wit h 1181,J, pool $11111 :-pal·1ous new apts, Pool •

~~HERITAGE . avP 25',, . Wf'slmrnster 8l1·9950 3BRBr,2.bal1naVerde 2Br.formaldinmjl .2 Ba. New 2 BR.S • .in1'Julco, on lloatdock . Hlitl:.!t.iS P\1p.1llll'l.1\\ :11ll l.

· h F I • - 10th l a1r"' U) . Runuho S8 O 'l \\' Sl20' A I It " t o; Ml' rn 'I P<1rk Obi Crypt. a..uerne...a- D"'X -·"i'n S'"c I s ty p>1Uo m e p c <>< 5 ,, o lllll'r. •I l H' ll 1 u ~. 110 ,,c · ,,_, """' ~ ... _,.,, ..., ba & 1 S.a n J0 Jqu 1n $4 !!5. B -a 1 s 3750 .,.,., \ 1 •• •r p,'t pl\' 4Ul·77til 5 rru of CM. Pay aro11nd wet T , tenn1:; poo Mo. m.;wmme r . a y \'ll' lo\ -:r-· ..,...., YtWal o. '- ·" . •---------tc r ypt 1<i0tl. ti l h level , !_l00.000.631 lfWt>_ RoyMcCardl~ U75. st5·3159 :t.lli·l2llO r e n urt. <! B r, frp l• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1;.11;01111:1


............. _ .... 10~ rt PL.USE COME elegantly fu r n 1f beu ALICIAPLAU 'h . .... ,., c ----------i :.111j1k:. Ma~noha Court __..... ..--WfllO Downtown :!BR . Supe r l:Joat t1Ltp<l\1tllablt- -;11•1111 \l •ninla inVw"" l'I · r v. ..:.11 . ~M:o ... ~~ 1 10°/oDOWN l'111 ·1ll1• \.1 t·w lll9 238ti aft CostoMa.§41-7729 C'teen. 6nttls OK. nopdli. l..EAUMIE! SlOOO Mo 2 J!r ~ uc r1 I .iri..t. di\ at.lull l &l! "'a l l' I ptl .. -l i t> ~ ••

• J,"1 - . _,··'7"", ""• .5337 • 2 B1 + Uen 'l'ownhomt• l'"I \ I' • Pl1H·cnl1a l .ti t lict I & .J~ ., " _. ......, ~ ""' ...,.. , .. . 0 1 i. llp ll \ 11 11 , hnuul "rm pt• ·u r n .,. un . lkuul1I ul •I bt-drm . 2" • ----- SI:!!> ~o 1 mo free n •n t • "'" 1 uru tl:l6 41 211 l><ith.~. :1 vrs 11t1"''. IW<•k Cecuurcid 3 bedroom, 2 hath. Open JPAC:CIOUS • 2 Br + ~n Townhoml• rww Ct m mml 1•11 1111

I P -6 1600 W_........,. _ _..._.Om•I l'ool. .1.11 U/11 l l1lllJI d· l\;_i) ar1-.1 Lgl· :tooo Ml l r~ • • y 3102 beam . firc plat·c. c xtrai. 3 br, 2 •ba dupk"~ . pvt $t!i0 ~n t mo fou1 • r unl' ........ ..--. " "' Slll -61!11 or ~1 -1, 1 :111 hon11·nn 1mm<11·ulat1·ly ....................................... - .... •••••• &16~~-. y ard . S pa e'l· f1 1 r 0 3Hr 1 /\1 r; II\ Cdlt6.l1 · 1400 2!1Zll!)l o(' k P•>rl. l ,q l11r1"<•prl_. .wall t•tl <tlr Commcrc1:il lot 11:1 125. top ht"re ' Looking 10 wash !dryr . J chlld ok No 1>tora~c ~(JIJ M o llilb 11•11• 211 Cath1·dral 1•c 1I l!tth & Pomona. $4<1,000 , ., w b have 1 . ~brcc . .., Co~o t.nhs

1 c 3br 1 .,.'5 . .Days tt47-3>tl. eves • 2 Exec'. ofr sultei. 5.TI8 s.,, \

Foichollow Yi1109e 112 1 W W11bun 646-2010 fl.iHN OH UNF'U HN

•:!br I ownhomc w / frpl •L1o:c palm & 1•nc. garage •Allulti., t h1ld 16 & over •$mall pct ok

1111.:,, 121 ;111 l>m·k lpk,, cash. 4!t9·J459 ~;:~· t~· .:.C iook.,,"g ' • •TP"'· en<' patio. SJ6..3638. 8.121 A Michael ~11 ~2 1700 Bu: C<Jnyon . :! RH cundo · ~r),llu ~· ~

~ '~~ ,.' f. ~e ~1~ :-~ tiJ:~~I Condo.;iniums/ Town· fOf'. & all~~oh ,:1·:1\ae-~·:= Dnve [~•«Nm".·' ' \ 1•111' 11~···,N~1,. 1 ~~~att~ual lc~~c7300 ~~~:~ ••• ~?.~~

l >t' luw d own & wulch llmaesforHlit 170.Q ~~forin 0 8C.S-4oo0 mo: ce~ .. ~~t!lS·~ ·S.-ER9MdP ----·- Ocean 'Vu, CXt!(' twnhi.c, 1----------\ UUr m oney dblc each ..... ••••••••• .. •••••••• _ ....:~........ ..---........ . 117 v . 3 Br. 2 ba, f"''-. Di W, 51.,,.,,.,,TO 111:.a.cH Npl Ill'I. Brand new. 2br, · ( I I\ t C"'NDOSPECIALIST * .. M. ._.._ ...,.. ..... ..,..,,._. ~ ""'" Nwpt Cre st. 3 Br 2' -.. Ba , ..,-., o;A t d d / r "•S 't• Jr w n t ' r ~ ..,. utb. OM art llPm cov'd . palm. Bike to bch. 2 BR. l ba, yrly $360 lJl rps, w, p , ..,. li7J· l:'H5 H U . C . M .. •1'' . Vly . • .....__aP._111-:::I- 3107 "'lS m o. 71'-893·57.,.., fpl r. we tbar. fu ll r ce l 6lh l'lac o. $295 t MoJ

- -·- '" .. '' Ca c1I $6SO. 673 2332 2 BH . furn, wn\r. S250 642 S722 • ----------i Tnu t· h s l o n e RI ty. •••••••• ... •-•••••••••• l Dr. $19S. 12 uUl TUBTLEROCK Glen. lgc 2 BR. l ba Wnl r . S300 _____ ...,._ _ _ _ l.\ H (; F: UO\ Erl s llOHt:: S hom l' 11, own agl $2 1!> UIKI O pl ' ll d,111\ l:Jll \ nt 11.:u.i "·') -..ix i~li-1

Lido 15'e :lltr 11 ih.1 :Sl 'i l '4111

II\ ""'"r tii:l 1~11 1

'w;J <11467 - BR excl1tS1 ve P o int IUdsok. Fee ~auW-ully lltt. l~c 3ar. 4 Br. l"um Rm, Drn Rm , 6pyglaas Hui P .iol. view. IA YFROHT l.,t·i-.un• WM Id To" t.>T$ . area .' on beach , ST!iO/ rao. MaMI Rc·nta~ 540-~~ ;~~·t.~~~Y ~~~.;9 v~ 2 U.. . cul de SJ C loc Nr, W OO. m o. ti4-t l!Hi8 or l ' nf 3 UH,~ lw ~:!:-i \t' u. lu'I. II\ ~1t:al!>, maid, 1 year leue or sum mer 122() 2 br . "dra oe. Kids, ss7.8623 tenrus & pool. ltilJO m o. l><i7·5l 62

,,ni: le 6T3.-.454S i73 16ZO " "' S2 5 0 s c· e d < p . A g l. ---·-----ur · d n . 535.000 -.-·1840 ~ :__ __ • pell> ok 7£!.0lS8 2 .Br condo. I" L 41tJultl',

- - - .... r .2 " ". -"'"'I. Ma.w\ff.enLlb. JBr. :!Ba , 2 cur i:oragc. - --- --- -- v.ui.hcr. d ryer rcllll! . W, 1t~r1ronl Bns lol "u .,.. •v..... - -- - ood I t C,,I & · l"tt' 1• c.1 rhb.it1 11 q r urn . 1-· r p I c . W / U . Bd •. • So • 1t or a ion. " MOVE '"'HOW e ncl curport Rl'f b ~1" 1

dshwbr, 2 t'J r ""r. Nn 1.,1 .r!2· ~-u~·~1r. L~ropalcsl _dCllb_:_~l ·I~ _ IBR Condo J\d 111ls:?75 mu per mu 5.51 3:l!M! ,., " II :• hdr m . :! ba th . :-w 1m ,... r ..._ • " '"' " , . vuul. '"""'' · 1,,•·u in. p e l l> S7~0 . ( or ~!Almo~ · 'mZ:! 4br. l'i ba . i:pt:. . drp:,, l8fll<;>f\ Condo,Adlt ~s., 8;, 2 ,dJJdinm~imon

associated aRO" E 11 ~-11 E t\L TORS JOJ~ .,., lalboa •7 i·l•• l

!lo<'I. ", .11l:ihh f 1,.h . !<l< I Apri l May $2000 Ju1c fncd yd . kid~. Pl'L" ok ~It ~ondo ,\ ( , ~?25 Canal "' ifiwll 111 l"'"I & . ----------i ll.. ,,tll Still~~· Hrukl'r ~. Jul~· IH2-00711 l'Vt'' ~001\10 4 Ur :.! S;J , nu Watf' r p d ~;ws 12131 aBH Contlo1\ ( :>:150 t ·nru"' ~50mu li4 1>1>.!ll" Slt'I" 111 lido \11\ :hr j I I i~I '.Wiii uni~ l"PL' blln' 311.1.'l Lurl'fl flYL ~ 2Bfl hom1• ~l5 c . - s;?l\.'1

. Ln r~·t-. ()1\ ~7 1-131 ~- J8Rhonw s:n:; Su11Ur 3 li r. ~ i.: l· tl 11•1• 1 . .i1hJ • f'o:t . mJJ11r)l1-. ... 11 .2000 LA HG~. \ lid ~t t:P" l•1 - Suiterloca1.wn . :11>r 2 h.i . SDRh f kl ~· 11 lk 1 h

BLUfFSHST 1, I~ ilt!H

IAYMUDOWS ; • ::...vac. & 1 heery 2 br ap~ Encl. gar. pool. j .1cu iti1 Adulll> only . No kids o r llt'\c; f'r S:!SO. Av:11 I 1\ pnl h i IH&0073

Ill .ml 1wv. :!br, :!ba i r, 4 . Jllt•'I( , pat in. l a und ry, hltn ' ...:llMI 1.12 1603

fk~1ut Ill ' \\ Jh r , :?h .1 tn"' nh1111,1• Fr pll' . <' 11 1"1. ~ar 111•· ' 11 :-11"1 ti 1:i wo:1

t .. ·tt lg :1 bnr m lit l . 1111llv IK011W.Prqpe'"!1 ......... B<ty1Bdl .\di ll>. n o Pl'l l> :J ht 2 ba, fo m1lv & play cpLl> . dq>..'> . UW. 2 1·ar 3BR h~~~ om 1 ~11,;~ ~1~i;,::~ · 4~: V.t·~~n/1~·;:~, 1 l't ... 111 '"'- 111 \uull 1111

1 m 1·u-11um t-: pl411 .1t ............... • $280 yrly . 813--0072 room :"01"" pam.l -& ('!"pl ga r l'h lld n·n •p e t 11~ , 311n humr s.11 5 A\/c li42 Ti ~5 J>f'ls ~m S!:?~ :! t .;1 1-. t:AST :.. ll>E 2 Hr. 2 ~ ly 'SIJ.1 ,:11~1

39UHrTS;,., 3124 l.>~hwhr , dnl ,.ar, fncd SV.O ' mu. 963·.S 56H · , t. , :urn. tnhumc N~W ~12.'> 16th St '.\ I ll :- hlh 1~ 11 t'h1ldrcnOK. Pool.

r\liEN1 t.111 .~'lf\0 .... .. ,, ... i\n ·· """'I.'"" ' .................... . ... yd. $425 •mo S49 2665 no 11.oe. 3DR tn home NEW ::.125 LI DO l Sl.1::, ) r h SliOIJ , $!1'11 548·0914!_ -'u..., u """'""' ----- -- ----- 2BH,pallohonw M35 available Junl' l .;; Hr i Sl.1·1 Liii pcl. l lapµy •la' "

ROOM FOR BOAT ~; IS.. r he lor uru l" & fA:.tside I br , SttiS ', u111 2 Dr. w /Cnm rm. n e \fly i.u.·ely 3 br. 2 ba w idrp:-., 38 fl home· S.l50 Jiu . lgt' bunny S o u l h h ·c . 1 U1 :. t~d1i00• unf. !200 per

IC! l ·Bd rm unils pd Fee l"t!D'ldl'd. $32S. l 111fanl, fplc. OW, 2 cur gar . i\ nul JDR home l\ /C &ISO pallo. 64_. :!·50(_IZ_or_oiS·o·l2S ~11 H1·11 t ;il'. MO 5~0 ~17i.,;:.>1S1 p<l. S49· 3847 or BUtl.tGIWHDY l\lam Rcnt.:ih;. S lO 5370 no pt•LS . 219'l Maner. Call i m m ed . S 3 7 5 / m o. -Al u.

! ' ,1n1111•1 l oo 111 l ht• 'l' ----- ---- S37:JM' ~Aft fee 4BR homl• ~SO BLUFFS 1 ll•vel v iew JBr,C'lnse lo hl·ach . t1u1t't ----------1 .... u ""~ 1•11:.tnm home,. REAL TOR 6 75-6161 8S I Br . pat•o. r~fr1~ + · "' ··no · 41JR homl' S.150 2 hr 2t;a 1 rt 1 • $r> SO • neighl.IOT"htl(l(I. l1lN1I lor Lge 3 Br 3 Ba, S29S mo. 111 "ll'wporl ll l! hh 31----------1101' mort' Pl '<' Lo\~ly 3 HR.~ DA home Neill. 3 br, 2 ba, dfl)!' . 2 J ORho m1• Sl7fi &+.1-4.2morf.-"l l;11 · single perJ,011 $23S m o Ouldren OK. 988 Valen· H1·1-lg1· IJllnu:- rm. :.!'J -- Small lce . 64>-4~ w lf'TPk' , bltn'-. 11tt8~~ , n\\l school~. 3BH homdJmk1t ~' --- lst & 111!.t + d ep . "' '\Ii, caa.CM. 546·5437 11.1 t11m+1l1n rm-. :!:if.I.I • lil irri·~oSpnng,rluplex ••COMtlfDfnG.-. "ar. & lo; patio L'pt 'd ~hOl>S· A\'ail imm e d . ·WHho m l' S.'\25 Walk to heh . hl'Jt1l 3br, 673 94114 -------''I ft :! :- l11r .' lol• "' !;'~~~1

1 '.~r1~! 1~"1/n1~·~::_~ thN9Ul Ava ll ft{)W oely SUS mo. !163-4569, Agt . .inn homl' VIEW S.550 2bli. lam.rm , bllns. lo\C· - ·1 br, 2 ha upper. Ca.rport.

"•••I ... 111 '" ~ ' "·' ·i..w .. 'i:tli4 H l'(l:l~!ff 1 wpen-e.och ) 169 ~ 00 rtt. 4BR.home ln I\ I ~50 I\' y d no p elt> s4!HJ ~wts So s>Cl'>. S.>75. 1009 D Mis· ••••••••••-••••••• •••• E :JRR home i\ C' ~IO 549 WU 536 2.l7J U fww h d -.ion Ur 7~ 1 :iIDG 11~. "' 111' 111 ... 111 ::...1 •-.---------·~1 1:. \ t lk•u h ' Wun t CURTIS R. • • ._li!'91on 3Rtlhome ocl'Jn Vl ' ~ --·- _or __ ~- •••• ~ •••••

5 •• e•••••• • •••• \ ' l'n L' I' ., h 1, b n ,. lltl2 ~<LS!I .,._i..:;;.~ 3242 48Rh I o· c, ' ., r. 2 a . o

I ,J,l otl , ... ,,1 ,\ ...... .,11.,111 DistreuProperiy! 1..1, l liu l pd C.111 :0-111:111 hOCOOill' oml' . 3 Ur l' l Ba fp 1· n111· Gewerul 3102 \\ .... idt'. Cpls /dr~ /!tt v . :-.1 tlp•·1t "' " I 1 \\i· "'" tuirl ,1 tur ""' 1-·1·1· 64:~"8.HI ) h''>J \ l•rd • ;i 111 .! II.a , ••••••••••••••••••••••• POOL, !.l'A S7UO patio. "1;11 11 to ll· n ni~ •••••••••• •••• •• ••••••• '>!lllmn '•IX'>S!IO ... uol~ I . I lk .. •·h Ill I l' roih.1l1· - * •COftSiYmfrS G11ide F j m ll m I. I\ It m 3 Br. 3 h a lo\l.·nhousc 5RR homl· :'liE\\' ~700 t·rt & pool ~ IOOmo Rt · 1: ' \ I 'I\ '•" ! /. ., Hr I l'r hlln ... " J- r ··<lit• .. n11

1 .111. II Io.!· li,tllk r lll•l• 11 111,...1.,, "' f~ i l'' "" 111 :.bop:,. ~p~irkl1n g nc v. co n~ Ye~ V. t ' hJ\I ' :i!t' f.46~02 ,qil• , 111 , drt•· I.ti\• , ,. u , \. , 1 .. 111 l '.H1 l 11 l'r •I' 1 , .... ,~ •. • . 1 .. , L" •I d · S4 70 Cu ll '' Ll la . sckct1on ul humt·:- lnr 1111 \ \ ·11 1 •,I !>..•?o

:-,1lt · Im 1 "'I'·"' lllll o ~ ~Wd "'""'"' "' " _, ' f l,irl.ior \ 11' \\ l111flw · I hr J• 11)I 1 ht \ 111..1 V. tJl>tl ' ' . • -~~ !.91 I 07 6 m.11 ~..i I .olw · \ \ ' ' .111 ••• ••••• .... ••• •• •••• .... ,.,,,. ™' p.·b. >~I mu lttti· 13i l o r ~li -5 156 l'' cs ~~~'.~'-' F:.~ Jt~,''oi ::1~:~:.~; l,1m rm l'lrn<1 l•• PJI ~ ,\ l\lt;;. n h ..,I '• !4 J. I ~Iii :HH l~I . t..S5 11.'1:!7 ;

....................... . . JlllOI \• lll Ull I·'" \\urlil ~ .1202 .81U(.34':" UEAOll Exe<> ln· lf'\"l'I, :t othc1 ... lh~1 l \l)U m:J\ Ill pool K ult , ... 111101 .. \11 .. 1 Balboa t I d 3806 1-~ ... 1-1111• J BU. :? U1\ , Cvh'. \IHI\ I I Ill 111,1\ l ,' ll 't\ id,. Ur~t·r, blJ ~ .,_ 3 °- fpl •m. L' a m ( d II lh Mu• L~l w;:!."> KJ:I l llb l 5 an l) 1• h .. • h mlrror " d ....................... S?IO 2 lk. lieam < l'lil:,. ..... .-. <: • .,. .. . - • mlerc~ 11 Ill , r.; (' J •••••••••••••••••••• • •• • n ~ ..

I I ll I I 11.\1 \I I ioroe; for rent 1n lit!tl bttns. + m ore PL-<. Nici· llm. 'l(elbar . J(Tdnr :?1 1 Jrvmc til'l!iC.: IALISTS V. JJI;., hcaul tnplcx, cni; 11o-.. 1,:.•I• ( 11111 1111111111 um (' 1 ~· g .....,.,, \ ll .. "ltwpt Jk11Jhl,.. . 3ll r. J hJ. Yrl~ b.r\ \II v. t111m d1•1 k . ,,..U\ tl4S 7s~

6 U it [ /Side an> ...... . Nl>\pt . '" II . $!;,.l lll"eJ 1'' tt IMS-4900 car ar , .,., .. ., I "· r I h rt! I Cl n ' · I .• i:ar. ~ . - ---' 11n"l"t1u1h•d\\h"',1l o•1 n s tW>2tRI S.~ ~ rp t:, a V.l>IK 1"11. no - ur . Ill" I llul C.. ., , 11 fui1t•h,l\,Hl lhi~ , to $ll5'JP4r'!f'IW· • _ •*Con.-nG.Mde ---- - - pelli $425mo . ~SO.ll GarL1gt ~ lJJtt :-.11 & :.. hr,l11e rl inrng rm,cpls ,• ,,, 11 v1 .. 111 ,.11 1o , 1111,.,1 1. .. ' •·I' I' 1 'Cl" n r · m> i., ,.. Al.imito.' a r ea . - - .- , Plush Jbr, 2ba condC'I . 2 ·,·~ 1dng, 11:11111. 1-:"'- BllV. drp1>. pJl10. K1ds olc. $215.'

111 ... l'l l l\lll·.' I<\ 11wrw1~h1p uml' ·Oldie:. 1 .... 1 lh Slf'S I Bi . ) a n J p;tli<l, car o a r . pali o. Slcpt. looccan. 211 r. lll.1 , Juuniln lo111• k up 962 Ut>i 8 • ·" m Ill •1 l - I I • 0 -...tno ' mor •· l'l v C" 'I ' .. r h d ll 11 1.1\l.IO lt :-. h111 1!<ot11f1.,, n •·11r dollhou.,.t· "' ' huge roor ~lie..- Mr.~ 4900' · '" . washer dryer, pool , ten· un urms e ur pi.I r ~ ~too rn" . ind u l1l. - -------

l o!Ji•l~tw l' I.' 11'1 'l\i 1· .. t. •l1 t t 11ll1•rl•rl .1t \ d R1• f n1: in cl. c f'C . .,.. G ........ ru.o;, -$$35. Joon, 8'16·1371 turn, couple~ l)r fa mily f;';520!1'J 4 S l-:1\."0~SAPTS ;\"II , 11110 11 y ,\ I' P e1.i. iehud ok • • onsumirrs 111.., °'846,2597 only. SJSll m o. Ut ll rn · -- --- Spec. 2 br tnhsc, l~ ba, .. Ol~'"l·M i':'\"1 ONL y . . uo-i62.1 - - --- - -- eluded. (7 14 11132·!1871 lalboa PeniMtllla 3807 poot, pvl patio. Adults. '.l.r lwud1 & l 'k \i1•w 1Ur

"II ;1 • " ' I ' I 1 , , r n1

ll••lor .1 11111· mu-i . ..ti -.XO l !HI fl"'n l .0.1 I ~11,"I ttl '.l " kll•h

Gcrrum llelllh_ '.! fir, filed yard Hcfn ~ . tniw :1244 UMCM RUL'TY -R-1- .,- .. --, 2 U M ••••••••••••••••••••••• l"o pets. $25(). mo. 135

l~ 3.206 S>!i!> . View Cat al ina, i.: :ir . ,_.................. SS!l·20'0D ca ..,.arp r + str Walk to wal er . SIMI. Ut1l J oann SL. Mgrapt3 ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• • Sm.&llHue .~ WAtHUTC"'U.llE swtc•. bltni;. bnat shp pd F<"e Lllxur" Bit\. vu~'(, :i n r _ • _•C.-_,.,Guide_.. , - · fulnch S. J . 2 nr + de n. on IB25 mo. :>Sri""'ll!J 1'tarn R.cntali:. 540 ~1:rrn Ouplex. Quiel Eastside i

J Ocan, 5harp 2 bdr m r on• Golf Course w /pnmr v u .. ,- -.---. Ur. bllns, pllt yard. Gar, 2 IM. bh115• f · C'l)h, Nr MESA VERDt; ('( do w 'cent ral air conth· $M0 S4~ 7M4 ' SPOTLESS ,_ Hi· di•n . - :'\1•wly rt·modrl1·<1 rm & lflLh Plore. s:IOO. no pets.

Son Juon d i "~: HJ .~so m u lOOOaq ft. -I Ur. fam. d in , lJoowl!. freshly painl~d. ---' - --- - Ila, Monaco. •nd ~:ml krl 1 • hlk to h1 h. \ 111 p<I. f.4<1 Slllll Copi1trono 1078 ii; t/11 ,ull' f. tto · 1 14~·~1.21~0'.!91 i.l ud, , 2 12 h;i , u•• W r e ady \C'I move 1n1 0 LDCJlllMlleaeh 3248 corc . u \'a1I sr;so m o Stmi &.rcln,ll h

• • •••••• •••• • •••••••••• 1'1U l1t. EA,.., l..,l ll,., lilt II <'Ph dr~• p.11 nl lhru. 0 111. Owncor P<lYS waler. Now•• ••••••••••••••••••••• i\ ~c nl . 6 7 :! li;i lt' 1' ' ~l'\Smu (.~314S lull :ll ) J ltuplt-' "·II Il l• 11.i fH ll 'l.f:\( :t1 1t.1t1 ,:.i1u ••••••••-••••••••••••• ~o1i!'>ll 111 1•1 1>:1111 1 Y. lr u11ly$3i!O, mo . <.:ol ll011ec ! SPl' On•:.infront ' fi41t 67a.l

I ,l'C bat•hclnr. p\'l patio, 1111od lo<' $180. + gas.

fktilnml ·tu. ::lia •1111· ~i-4S41: l'llmhl" J:Jt :i..I~• 1111111 lotrn h tir-1 l k.i l•or I l:J(l r m :! £1.1th. c uslom ~ 1631• ('1 1(1 U r ·1 hr lrpl• " l :l11 JI Uc,,, 11 · l 111 pd

" ..; ,, ,. 'l hr :! b.i. f11k. l>W :! Tustift I 090 111 1 111. , • ., h ~ u . r l'lh r.~ <'Ill"'> :.m.tll fer l> l~11 UIJO I " .. " 1.1r .:.1r • LU1l'- ft n11•11\

111·• I. • 1)0 • '11 ,.., .. '\rl~ \dll' w pct• "" ~t Iii:! :11> 11 · un ;3 t'ro

\1 1 ·~u \ t'rd1·:? hr ups lair!!. '.\.l'W q >h. l<t•f.s . $24111. 4!.18-l!Jltic\l'S

1>i ·1 l'h11111• .~ /11.•I t..t...t>!C2nr "'~'' ' '"'wld Ort tlw l'a la._,cJ~ ~w Sil;OO mo 12t:111ti1. :!7:!:t '11•fnJo! + m ol'l' l'I\ o ,111

....................... _. \ I l 2 11trt1 s:f751m o WIO:J~IUJ N Fnd " fi r ., t l'I fni cl ••Con.Mmler5 GMide $1.W "" " ( 11" tHIW C....*4... 322 ' . - - • eon.a «:tel Meir 3822

I I ... ·1 I' \I I- \ 111 1 \\ ... '"' 'llJll Olo\ 11 71,11 ·~ ••••• ••••••• ............ \ J:\ n.o ftoe ~anl. l'lu'il' Ill l)Cltt'h & " lutt .... r .. ·• I ·1nll11 ·I llr. r' •• b 2 b I u l IUJ ' It\ bops Y I I 491 7079 ° u '" ._. • ••• ... ••••••••••••••••• • "arut•n apl. 2 r . :t.

\ ·~~ ~w1~1•1 lilX UIK:I 1 \It L ~ l:t .\ ll , 1- ,\It j)... !;hJri• ,, home • .sban.o lhe! ~__;__ r y )IC - ' - 21 2 .:! rnr ~ur. lrplt· ----------1 l11•n palm. Mat ure aduli. UI \('I I !I'-•"' 1ldtU1 I' rem S ltr J UA . ll)k. (.tm RAMCMHAL'TY 3 Ur . 2 buCondu Ne!" un w~tbar . poolpr\'li: .. 1\r only .., unit" "' :i 111 • , 11.1 /. rrn. Mnnal dming. tU<.'1!! 1l M11108rch&smmi\ , L ag l~ $600 / m n. C.all (SJ · Mcwlla'cw- Aph 12 ('., C .& ... I m.1~1{'1' urut l 111lu 1·011 J ) ysnl for doea Ori Nwpt 5&14000 N~gucl Adults onlY. r efs IN-1 ·4250_ _ _ ____ 71,, le>':f..~ 275 E. 18th Sl, C .M • .. _..- an.... , 1, PIUUl'I & flfllJ•'l lllrn.. ~ fk h Golf C-Ourn• rtur1t IRVJNE req . S4SO/ mo on ls c . S-Jlumoi 6ll · 300l

~m11lc i;l11r ' " ;? be<ir m 11-.lfl Y l t>r YVtlr '"'Pl'l'tllln J ...... :........11:- !!.'°1.:.:C· t40(). S416·794S Of Z BR. 2Bll .. ... SST!i·'SS2S 49411'!6Vlto5wkda,ys. I c ..... CMO 1278 fpl~· -u•v•r l1tnlbl'up1n 11 ·1 1:. ooo Mar Sh'w a rt. _..........,.._~ - ._

"' etw 3 BR, 2 Ba ... . . $1Z.'i /1800 2~ br, Ocean view. L"\t ha, -••••••-·-• ••••• • m Twatin·i. nl('(!"lt n1m 72l 2lll Jo;lt.ccu 'o i.tems . .....,. .. - S C ·-moruty. Foronly $63.~ --- JBR , a~Bt\ , •fa m rm. ~UPER 4 Br. nr . 11t 3 BR.%~be . .... $475/~ deok, gar , c los e In SECLUDED CONDO !.urgc J>atn> · cl\Ch)tll·t l IU·:A~H UN ITS pnvatu tlldy wtr~pk. hY Ph~'8 . boat.&.ttc, \lacnt, 4-8R,2 '1a Ba . · · SJ35~ IUOl mo. Uayi; art Ll , 2 Br, 2 Ba . hrdwood Ci r J,:J raiie! Can'lhUll ' C.ill SW!ltl lo uco110 Income rm (tr lih rur y ar e a. '475. 7~2-1m. Jearune1 BLUFFS 4!M·l211.eve11 41M·7287 Wood Cpk , m-eat v u.

n ... d C t SUt!I> s1·is 000 Wul tr11de I I I f I bh m-0211 Pit 9485 31JR, 2Ba · · ... · · ..• .$895 -- pool. patio. rpts. <l rps. - ..... '" .., ... ·..,·11 REAJT'V . Ol' U! e~ u..·w u c u llC, - BIGCANYON Oco.n11iew 2 b r ,$.Tl5. l'el bltns .... .,~. 213~ ·2145

Realtor Ill illlO '" c •• 0~ ' ' pool. J11nuu1 & Mtflnls J Br, 1#e fncd yd , 1s t sJ ok F _......, - ti42 ~.'la4or 642·6S78t'IC'll courts. Qillfor apnl. Yr • 3BR . 21.12 8a ..... . ... $700 · tt -----

CORONA OU hlAR E&stside. Freshly dee., ~ :? Br Townhouse. fqM . tm . Adult.sooly, no pet.f., Pool. t ennis. Snm c ucl•.ir1 Pool. l mmed. occupan.· & Cola Jina \'1t•w11. Closo _c_y_. _122S __ M_o_._646-_ _ 1_M_T __

lo !>hop1"ng & C111c. bc11 t h. 1)4.1 2ti 11

tMift tOta - ----- '' last. SUIO lkp. S.150 mo. LAKEJ..OREST Mwn·Ronta ls ,540 5:170 NC'w 3br. 2"~ho , unfu rn Wn Jter Loh for-s• UOO Iv Lil' ll'JO/mlh. New c:p&.s, plumblnJl, <'le, 3 BR.z& .. ........ S.'17S ' llr, WIM~· -·· ,,.

111, ,s liiinll' in tuwnh ou Hc En• I d hi Rt•111drnt1al art &. duplt-1'.

••••••-••••• .. ._....... _,....._................ OO&oE OF'Ml!WPORT 141-449'7 ' ""' "'-" " f(Urag<> , cl~hwhr, d r ps , :! Br:! B11. fo r rn ;.il dining ,

'1l!a~€ R~a' htate .. ., ~ ..... . ~~.

HEAi.TORS llluc bertl C.:anyl)n $WIO frpk , pool lit J ltl'111,1,1 '-: putio. a v1u l 4/1 $400 ID r 67S·SStl C1ean ! 38r 2 Ba . 53541mo. moMr7U*4ufllll'M m i. Uanu llJr hur ~~ mo 7527Kll

Zo rtl'd for lfi un 11" _ _ __ I~ krt'dl. IMaf .school~. 400'\:16() " vurum ce J)().<1s 1hle Ii:! Jllt . 1 1>11 •• 11n1tl<' housc uclgt,1r.»&ae4 3290 )ptm d111h (il1!'! 1 • .hl .. mm1 un1 l1> lla !'I 2 Upl '\ . I gnlot Dbl ~ar tu!tMo. --- ------- CONDO :IBr . 1' .:.llJ , :.ii :' rm 11111 "' h:1 " ' ' hem~• · :.:t'7~00UPnn_only veurlv l!lt' ~Jte 2 Br ~e. Newty 3 Br 2 Bu. u1 r 11ond . 1·h1~r 1achud ~J l,\ A! t \l i.W . b11 Hi•~ '"'" fl 8c ~1\ 1....----------

·l lJ.l'd roo m . :1 IMlh 1 C...tvry~iol Set · p fifs~-26 dttorated. fMd yd. tar...1 tnponl, szood v1 l'" · • 100 l.'Ornor. $33.Smu Hal ·05111 t•a rp f. ril'Jl" ~'>2~ !'o'l n ""-oofOnmgeCounlfs tu mily r m 2111\l ~ll h ltl-.i\l.TOHS 752 ~M.3 ' l\K' rop • '- tt70 1~L/laat. 2~4 l; Jl9• No l)('\.' 8J7~ - --..;_.:._ •-o Scenic P rop 6';i S7:!6 mo!lfbeOIJll\JICJpOl1meit •111.1ht y 1mpro\1•mcnl:- - -- 3 BR, <kn. L.ov~l.Y yerd. Orange. 548·2711 - - Ill A eloXil lop Lu buU o m N e w Ill Unit lot m Cost.a Mesu. So. of hw)'. t60ll •tgoth. :lhr. 2bo condo Dbl Aard --·•• $ 125· 1.k aul :: ll r . 2 ba, commun es. r g c ustom ts h ·. urpe\s, tu.s.ouo. Pnncipe!s onl.Y. Agent &W·41W8 f1oi.ft 8226 .. SZ3 CAMPU'J)a'MvlfE pool .It rec 11 rca . S38 llorning Sun hm. • frpk. hlln• . :: l'ar A•r. Oa salng Wlltl tteoms. ~~· ~~":~t1~i~,u~1~r; SIO-~~m. JBR.2'0..-r,crpts , yr- mon&h. 137·31165 Bt.J! beb. ram rm. cp~ Ja~mint'Mc 1140~~ =;~~~-

- W.Nk to marina fr ,&tc!h!a. ._ ... Br 2 ·--~ 32U drps.. lw. Ille. 2526 S. .......... ,..,...._ -1

S'7l .~. ly. $ ~ • ..a.u-.... 8

•., 3 .. r .. ,.. ov.n.n.. ....,.._.....,..... n.....waADr 5'6-S846 .....,_.,._........,_.,~......,.,,.,.. JOcum.SCUl'I.-. LM9 4J'13.181DAgcnl ...,_. ....... ""'' .,.. '.,... Ba, 'Fldll Rm. '1>i.n Riil . ••••-•••-•••••••••• ......._.. · - - CJ} 2B R a pa ,,-tm cnta

~ueo. Cl Jot S9 by 290. t.. c,tia. ~,ft»Jc. Rec. Life ..,..s. 'Ne9r 1'dlt .& Br, Monarch Day Tcr· Wttl tlAhr 3291 19>-S42S. It O l 8at41rior ondm:9ng~ ~ 540~bM ; eves. 911J-4.888 S27S. 2 br, Ocean view. ftactlltiea . e ~/mo. J>OC)l, sscs mo. ~l & last race llomea. S700 mo. ·-•••••••-·•-••-•• avo1lahlf' $1.iO. uul pud. ~ IOCtll "'91'11S. r--.

Cal.lfomi&Coas t Slngles~pl. Fee C&ll.l?at.Fey,...-Uor +-.., uc. illep. Ast . 497'1.Uf\SPM . a Br. 2be. Lie Jam rm. CdM locations , close to gym.ondvoleyt>al at Properties Maln8entals. S<IO·S370 Cbrial3l·2715• m.olM ~ U,S' new appllanr ei1. cpt 'd , al l. 675·23 11 aak for TheVlloge.MOfeof

Olher ..... fst. 38r~l!a. •111Jk:,-...n sl~ 1'0Vln1Y ~EW. s ome Bra nd n~w twnftme , ' •• :: arealianr~~~en ~~ ~you'relooldrq , •••• .. ••• .. •••••••••••• o.tofc..ty of ~;iPO. 640·57CM -.>..••AB.r~C75 Woodbrici1e. Na~nt . a LEASE·Bcand tiCM' 11100 . ---- for. FumllurelsaVOlabll.~ ~:-- 'roper+f 2150 wkadsLafUPM mo.

41161115 .-. 1~ba..Lakebotlt 'g.&l lllooae 1m wooded area. 3br.J~ba. now (ll>ts,,pnt.&i Cotta 3124 one ond 1Wo Bd'ooln

1100 •••••••••............... !9r ....... ~ UJ4 no o48r, 2 ~Bn . <'Pl11. tlrJlll , dCJ)5. $36S. 898.sooo or ••••-••••••••-••-••• AcSUllLMng. •••-• ... •••-·····-·•· . uui ... . _..,mo. .-.-.~6'1S-M48 ' AC, peHo. eotr. ClnM' to 1924-401 2 Br , unfurn. Fpk, :OO 6 ·~ NA't'H)\'1~1, 211 '. SIJ)fl .. . ..Fe .. - ••4 Sir ea. 'Condo 'bonus I Mblil.111.rt.•OtftOI' oC JUdf(t' enc-I pal.lo t'Pl '1 / drp1 <Jllctsopen 9· '° c·omplett'l v rt•rond. Al ~' C143tom homCli. 3br. , Oholoe l&;a11b~ Wlew~ 'f'fll', 1too1q1'l . eti.ttbed 2 The Ranch . .. . br. J\'t ba; 'Route & Tolctlo Way. . .... dtwub , llik ,> htt> b utt\: Huw f9llllng. bcll<'h. St7QO Cll ll (21.8 > I ' bu, ~9.SOO ·S6S,900. 8medntMrm4lth11111,Y. '4 ear;Cilf, ttoo1n0.~J frl)lc & p()()I. $48$. DeluJC~ Drive by QIUU Cinerl~ ............... J425' Gu & wtr lnuld S.'12:. mo. :187 IN>. ~b1~amood 728-836S or • fltftl """ bit. 2 <fft>~ ! act: •r .... ~e. 4 i.r • • aattl AfC, frplc. Wa y . Or cirtl ( 7 14 l -··-···--·· 7St-193lll>t' f1 :io r:v

1 4t ~k lffttr $369 . Short teases . 5*0le0 ...etdrs 9'5. 11100 .liuawwC_. ---,.\Im to be movejl ~::i: 6

011' :i! 'ltt~~~ .::'"90. P · j "9tl,._..._.. .ll.40 ,.....,_._..15 mo. 2 Br, d en. J~• e.,.dlnirig OELUXE ~ n~ 2 ~·· !'°

'tl\ul:o;r 'n' 31.!IJ<o8 ... wc· ' cm.aob: .. "~ .· Vith1 ·-•••r.-;;••••••••••- 3'e.Wlllow1. Po01 home~ illlLLoJ... ~#t.7 are•,1,001. Jaourz.zl. "1961 ~I!. ~so . Nr ~: <.~t ..,,, .... .,110 ., v - ------ - - 1Cott&MM. 322~ - ·- " l cD .. .. . ,..,. ..... .. a\ ......,,.. liB Malloy R o alt or ..t l la:i:a,h41 11113, u ll .J ...._ --· wmA'rn, .... car .. , , ... r ...... , ...... -cno. •• . "' - . --------- - 1Clau llled ada at•ll bl1 _,, .. dlnfbt, ~. qiiU.d(iie. ,,.._. Bt. 1~ a.tM ~\t~ 9ml a 2 hr. J ba , nrw Double wide :Jllr , 'Q "'° hli. Jt.ema, AIUl_!.ttema •r Cir~- fn 'l JIUt t.oaschl. A'1.-ab.4 • ~~ P~. 3.Br ltuun:e,, '79DD..I&.. IP'OO lflto.- • il>.aJ1 7 uo qp~a. drpa .. No pets . nr bract\. P•ttly f11rn !!!..!tun . ... .wt >CA.II J'll.-. "911. fillllld~ Q8S. c.&l 'IGMiMI. , iJll, MC. MIO mo .aultabl&. an. J11 cn-anwl Ml toibQJ .. 1 ~/mo. 2'297 O r11ngo $14,llllO. AlMMll8 ' --- Cik. -~'9Ut-3 Spm. l"Ml,)llf/.IWill. U'M .. 1 .... r.NftlltOIDlllhini. I ~.4IOOID

'!.. I

Page 25: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l


t. .. Bulld lt.. .Olaper it ... Hammer It •.• Carpet SEA'-.ICE tt ... Cement lt ... Wlre lt...H~ lt..~Clean lt...Move · .1f~ lt-. .. Press lt ... Palnt lt. .. Nalf lt ... Pta ter lt...Flx rt... DIRECTORY

*6'Alu• c.,11hr 1 c:.o.lredor Bectriail G .. Serriut H-1deu t I tt•• up P ' ?'.~ ... ..... ....................... ···················x·· ....................... ..•.............•....•. ....................... ....•..........•.•.•••. ...................... .. ..................... ·•·•······•·•·········· Watter Moma. GeMra.I ~ room adda. ,.. Cui>eatry . Small jo 1 Remodels , Additions. t:l...ECTBJCAL SERVICE HANDYMAN: Carpentry. Houst!cleanlate by reliable P\tepfa~·Ptanten PM y_.ca1l1 OMESAVERS. Plumb-·~. new comtlu Paodlna. doer banalna. PaUoCvra&O-.oekt Any CALLSIUhr. lrSM electrical . plumblna coup le. rl'ferencn BrickConC'..-.Patio A"Wa,.ExtrlSlryl37$ ~·~~~~ .. ~a~~.· IW • bolld.d. No. aooea: Lkeoetr. est. S41,1719 typca of con1tructlon J0~84U:233 9AM to8 PM 84'7 2781 636-61.216or8SWlll Wock WaJls BBQ P1t ~ ~. lntr St¥m .. o ... ....,._ • ._ "' - - ,.~tt--"--- John Mull ins tit Son R4fs. l!l1ns.~ Pn & I 1. &ef'\11<-e Oot A. •t.trchl. ;::;:;:-- -r• _,._... ~afUI ELF.CTR.lClAN. Alllype6 S&vttlme · Sav~MOIM!y Houa«\unJn1 & Window ~I.Ile rMlr· i .. bor lliff0313orlSl-3150. ......... ... .................... olwork. Lk/Boockd, lD· BARBARA'S Cleanlna. GC>od rite& ........... ~,...,. Ouar, wrd. rreeHl -••••••••••••••••• Carpet Ma.nwUlla.yyoursSPECIALI ZlNO In all ll"CS. Freee1tS402'04 SHOPPlNO refs . Call " Biil Lynn·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ted8111t00or&.Sa-Ol34 Rep11r1 .. Replp1n1 A~h••ctural • Struc- or mine. Re pa Ira & typa remod~Ung. 11 yrt Roort SERVJCE ~1863 w 1111 !!xpert palnUnK It paper PETE.RS PAlNTlNG Or1ina cleared. water •-• --- a-.. 1 •. or c~ too! work In area. AU work auar. BIO' . Wrap . Deliver 1n 1 Ctt m worll ., ... 'd R R htl'll, etc. all pl~. Re.a ............. "'""" • at btuer 11vlop. free 962-8314 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Otpeadable, •lltclenl. · .. xpr eaa :ites rate6 Ot t'\ Morre• ..,, caM1tUCUon. Re.Id· ett 845..3114& Linoleum no wax cov. Gn1c1R9 own lran.a H 8 F V materiall 2S 1" expt. Fr"~ Est Call Gene l•l962 1Com 'l/ ln du1t rl al · DUANE HEPPNER . tna. 4r ttpatr aub ' noor ••••••••••••••••••••••• C M .• Npt.Na~. · .. loca l r'9f1 . R1<·hard S51-04SI 1 -:.:_~------..,,.,_ WeCareC..rpetcteaJiers Gener a l Co ntra c:lor . Refs & lie. 498-27\l & Skipk>ader. dump lruck. 96().3J6l ....,.... • .,..,. .. ,....! Steamc:leanor1hamc>00 maintenance, remodel. 661-0446 tree work, s rad· Want a REALLY CLEAN lntenor • !:xtertof palnt· fNTERJORi f:XTR Point ••••••••••••••••••••••• -··-- ••••••••• ••• alsouphollteari·allwork develOIJ(n&. Uc: #m267. G.• I ma. demo.etc. 751..J930 HOUSE! Call Gin1ham Ina, Ou•r aa'l' lfa ... ,,... ~kExJ>r'd tuJlh quality CANOPVTVS!RVICE

" n..1•( C rr a• ,,.,., ......., -·-111 IJ o 1 Fr " "' "'""" wor Super reas • 1tlt!S t.•t RAT .... ~ERVtC ... ~u Umeday eare. U c'd . .. · """' · t! • .,...........,, • "'' ~ " tr eeesta.M~~U3 Fr esta. ~t-2:5.14 Bob 8'1~3181 John ~ "" "' .-.. ReuRat.M~3Tl6 ••••••••••••••••••••-• ._., ----- Atf•1rPnt'e1!.960olW ~l::~~::a.o:;,e~oott , /c:.cnte General Bulldlng.~c. No YARD&LAWNCARE • ••••••••••• ••••••••••• Mr'l Kln~ 1:1 Clean Ing . Proleutonal Palnllntt. In· EXO.NTPAJNTING

••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ boodedia:u~,1~~ Treework , New lawna. tl•Wing. movtna. c leanup pulnllnf, & carpet co tenor/ Exterior. Cree est. b>tr& Extr Reaa ••••••••••••••••••••••• DayC.,.Wanta lo7yn PATtOS · WALKS ~ ~rc~bulld r Qual. Cr ut. Mike $7~. Treework. Reaa. " WE 0 I T ALL" Expr'd.60-0'9 f"rffe.t S48-770llf'RED CERAIUCTIL! New or lft1 home ea.ta Me1a. Phillipa Cement Co. Uc Or.m will ~ME/RMO l~c. ~ l • Crceest84Z-4.597 83.S-JSel PAPER · PAINT PA INTING lntr 1 Ex tr nrmodel f"l'est. 1ml ~ Oall s..aon. & Bonded. For eat call for devt1l•r investor or Expr HawaUao gardener Sonny & Jet". FREE haul· l111C01119 Ta Z Yrs Expr Save SS ~uoaab"'. depeodabi. IW&come ~·a42ll afU.

• d1l1M~ ~1-MSJ aft 6 pm or 1-8 reallor. J oint vc:nturt! Yd cleaoups. prunlna. Ing. cleanup. tree work ....................... Work ruar. (~ ieaL .no f ree eat Cal l Jay -•••••••••••-••••••• am w/land owner OK. Con tnmmi.og. h.aul646-4676 for u.nble Items. Fen · 30 y E AR S EX p R wait. Reis. 642-l~ev•. 64,5.Jg6S CERAMIC TlLE. Tuba. Expst Typing' No .)Ob tact Walter Morns. c /o l'es / bldgs removed bt i · •bowen . ll l\ rbena . bAaortooemall. meat work of all lu.nda. Seott Realty. P.O. Box Exp r ' d J apa n ese ~-2005 Reasona e , or~ppolnt Painting. lntr/ Extr . I WORK GUARANTEE floors, paUOto~·2128

IM&-7GI Reaa. rat.e.Freeesl. 834Hntg8ch Ca. 92648 gardener. Comp! yard meot ln .your me call 1uarantH my wo rk . [Qlr /~ Free r.t. --------~ 750-~ 7~ maintenance. shrub- MOVING & HAULING . 968-8182or~-MS.3 Reasooable prices. Cree Yl"IExp! tu-0285 Trw~ RJ:8VllU! Compiled. Ha et.h1n LEE K . JARVIS bery. lreea. Fr eat . anything. anywhere lnMllatloe e.l.Jim. 9CMM86t. - ..................... .. prepanct. typed. s..u.. vetom ig you want Add1t '1, Rmdl 'g, bl'$8·S ~1630 C:.llanytime. 493-2Sl$ .................... ... "4eo .... y Rvmovala. &rlmmlnf . fad l.on Guaranteed . loeell?Cluai!ledadldo Ph952-3200,Uc:317856 Pro<. JapaneeeLaodscap.. Ha•edeeeisog ProleulooaJly blown LO, p~:'!1,~=~~1tls .................... .. ~~ ::i.rit,cd Ml-1S31 It well. &42·~. Ing & Gardening. Free ................... .... dc>ll·~ict!f.rice1 . Uc. mga. cloeet.a xtra. Roger Wedd1na pbotol(upby , _ _.;:lY:__ _____ _

C .... ~ • ..._ . .. _Dall .. Pllot a.aoncir. est.~7072Geo. lbuab1 IMMACULATE 325018. . 98J.9$46 ~1 Call ror est. or appt. The I --V "99.... , " s CLEANING . Sallsfac· AAA PbototrrapbJ Co.

_.................... " Falt Realllt" Mn1ce how Daily Piiot Class Clnups . Garages, yrds. lion Guaranteed. Call ,..._, EXPERT PlllOt.lng. Fair 1142"4157 CUBTOJll CABINETS dind.or)' y 1f1ed ads display their ha uling. Wkly main Now! 6T3·n76AMWAY •••••••••••••••••••••- prl ces . fl'r ee est . ---------t

Jakbea, 1araae. bath. · out m~gea wlUt leglbllity Treewrk. S4S-4883KenJr Free Est : Blockwal11, flotabliabed. m.4967 ,._._jl.epa6r' ,_...:__..:..;.._ _____ _ pla)'TC)Om. etc. Special Mrriffwour and1mpact !Our ads, we Peoplewhoneedpeople sl umps ton e. brick . ••••••••••••••••••••••• TTtmm101 Remov­

Prwung Reuooa· ble

UU. moaUI on 1ara1e tpedaJty. are proud to say, really "The fut.e6t draw in the should always check the Res/Comm. Reas. lie / · 'lbe fastest draw ln the VERY NEAT PATCH tabln e ll . P'r ee .. t. CalleG-58'78nt. m gel result ~. Ph o n e West . . . a Daily Pilot ServkeOlrect.oryl.n the bond . Bob 7$0 ·93$4 . West .. . a Dally Pilot JO~&TEXTURE m.at7h•• 642-5678. Claaalfied Ad. 642·5678. DAILY PILOT 642·91« Cluail\ed Ad. 642·s&'18. Free Ell. 893-1 ~11 IMd Tony ~Sta&

AJ 1-al1......... Apca lwcat1 .,..,..._ OfflCl9..... 4400 Offb R..t.I 4100 ....... Penoa• 5310 Help Wcmhd 7100 ....................... •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............. ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opp Gil 12iiill:lt 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C... MIN JIZ4 Colto MeM 3824 Solllll L01J1MC1 3116 Dll.UXE OFACES 60' PB SQ FT For lease 1400 sq. n.. of. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Drtnltlng problem• AC ENT. part llm• for ... •••••0 ••• ••........ ....................... ....................... Comm1 & lndsU spaces. 1617 WESTCLlFF-NB rice/warehouse + 4000 Small Oreaa Shop. Prime Call AJ~ HelpUn• portrait pamter Honet"t.

Lie. quiet . luxurious, ex- 200 to 2000 sq. ft . JU low AGT. 541·$032 sq. n.. storage yard In loc:. Inven. & fixtures on- ~ hn a day W-3830 cheerful. r ultul'tld Will -----.... ec. 2 br . 2 ba apt. asa&sq. tl. LagNlguel& lrvlne . Ind. Complex l y . Reaa . S0 -0223, PREGNANT• train ~nd resume to

SMftS"ln(J/ Elevator to scenic priv. Miss ion Viejo a rha . 1501 Wesfcliff Dr. w/avall. key lock iH ~. S8&-S540. C.M. Carin JC confide ntial Ad. 846. Daily Ptlot. P .O. bch. Party & game room. Handy lo S .D. Frwy . _Newport Financial Ctr pump & l!eCY aervlces . ....__to I -- so•s counseling & referral . Box l.Wl. c M 9362IS security. Perfect Call. 83l-l400 Lealilog Office c-.. National Services Co . ._, - • Uvtng or wknd retreat ror Call 00 Sile Man;-- ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Abortion. adoptloD • ~uce Boat Carpen· A winning combination

~ odun OPQf'lmenf homes With tuxury oppolntmtnfS ones

the adventurou1 adult !iO'persq. fl. m4IMZ-llllext244J 4550

llf. 211d&WT.D.~ ~- t.srs f o r rep11r & Slartlna a t SSIS / mo. 4001 Birch - N.B. SkirCllJI LOANSAVIJLABLE E $4'f .2S&J rlberalaH . 188-.5248 al\

tuP9't> recfaotton at o premium locoflon. Tennts • gym • ltleropy

-.2.835 Agt. $41 ·5032 Prtme location In Hunt· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~18m~rtaernt *SHAROlllJ'S* 7'pm 1ngt o n Beach onCOmrn'I storage space. v r ......... '""" " -=.--------

Ocean view, 2 br. Pool Commerc ial Shops. of Brookhunt. 800 square 400 sq fl Avail now. IUO OOt'CAU. MA.SSAG& Artl&t & Model A&eot"y ac:· Laundry. Adu1t.s. No peta fices & storage. From $75 feet. SingJe. garden \ype per mo. 642-~34. ~:JJ 1, T,,.t 5035 498 1234 cept.ana porlfola<>1 & ap· $350. 499-2621 mo 548-7349 Cosla Mesa. store or office Good ex p la" at 1 o n s Ra as t o

EXICU'TIVE posure, assigned park RelltahW..t.d 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *KAR£11i.J•5 * R1chu , Inc . 2$895

spa • swimming • btnlorcJS One & 1Wo Bedn>Om$, Ont Both ~

tng. Call Mr. Plummer ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOllK' 811

.L.. OI .....,.. Marauente Pkwy. Mis · lcryfrCMlfOfflus 963--6767 Sha re hse. btfl Lake W 1ll0 Otn'CAU.MASSAG E alOC'I Vle.)O, Ca 9267$. Ste

••••••••••••••••••••••• PrimeLocaUon .,. I b I •&..-~TD•-- 6PM·2AM 838·1i80 _1r_202 _______ _

~· fa'k~V'9& (i) Qo;:s:

llO Pall11tt1o Awe .• Cotto MIN m-etlS _._ ........ 3388VlaUdo,NwptBch Plaa rarest area, c: u ' utl' -- -,n: ~~s. ~m. or unf. $1~$500 muliYe S:dtH S160. Reep rem S81 ·:U34 Falresl Terms 1tnce 1949 EXOTIC Gla&.S ASS!.MIL y

COlhl MeM 3124 leach 3140 MINUTES TO NPT Secret.artal serv avatl. Office avail. Overlooks Hous111x needed for visit · SalttR' Mf9. Co. Massage & Modehnit r ut 11rowtn1t uateboard ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• BCl l. 250sq. ft. a irport •· mounta i n~ Ing UC I Professors & 642-217 I 545-0611 Outcall 542·31691S43·32.50 manlt IS looking for as Ocean or Bay view ... " sembly worke~ Day &

GRIATCOMDO! ACROSS from HEACll Bach. 1&2BR. l•tu.-...aa..-...- . 2082Mlchelson, lrvtne. Familiea.8 Week pe~~ -1v ... nf'•RTY UHD*&VICKI Naht sh1ft11. Appl~ 1793;! Secluded 2 Br, dplx, frpl, f 1195 • _. ~ 7$2-0234 J~ 12 lhru Aua .-.. '""' ,.. ,.. ,,,_..._~...._:;Ti s

3 br. 2 ba, er:· drps. slv /fng. Sm peL Utll pd Ad:I'ts~ No Pets 61>$820wkdys only. Call 833-5l9l wm pay more ror your ~ - ky Park Cr . t~ G . frplc. walk·lnC06el.s,rvt $36$. Avail April 23. ™l MesaOr. Ofnceordeskspace. 1827 2ndT.D. 642·~ I _t_rv_ine_. _ ____ _

CpaluUobh'o2u11ce•.r gAadrl.t1Pooonl&y Ph :536-2031. <SBl.kaEastof Newport •utJ•CdMI pd dAlxC2 rm, sulkte. Westcllfr Or. NB. Reas. Quleld. depend"! r:obrkdlng ServlqaUOranae Co

d. . I • amp e p g, S48-8614; 540-2018 girl eslres rm "' r an • =+=/ 549-2'1"3 · $.150. M2-l1S$ Blk lo Beach. 2Br. 2Ba. Blv 1 ~. mo to mo. 67S-6900. exch for compartlon.shlp, -•0•=••-. ~ - • · s:mmo. Dbliar.218Ulth 548-9860 OFFICESPACE lite hsokp'g, care ror '--*/ SodalClubl 5400

Pvt 1 be duplel<, fplc, gar, St. 980-34$6 - ra-IEWIU'- ~ Offlus FOR lse . .. in lrvlne . elderly or lonely woman Loet & Foilld ••••••••••••••••••••••• rncd paUo. nlc• area . 5 T "9 1 bllt t.oO.C. Airport . Dix Largest conuauoua begin~ May 1. Call col· •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• SU$.&U-0282 ......_ 3844 2HDUHIT sulles w /c: pls, drpa. ground fir space In lec:l 13031 482·0126 or Loetftro.d 5100 •THEAHSWIR• Ad Side b - - ••••••••••••••••••••••• the II.a..&. ff Ja nitor ial se rv , FM airport area up t.o 12.000 wnte Jane Dykstra, 1901 ••••••••••••••••••••••• If your ' re slnale ond ~t E· .......i

2u{ apta. WOODBRIDGE 111SA11 OU$8 aystm, AU uUI .. a rople sq. ft. CalJ B Wa t ersedg e. F ort SCDlll I rft tired of the bar scene.. p.r • ...,.,.. enew. PINESAPTS Coat.emporary&c:asual pritg No lse req 'd. 2082 Corporate Realty Collln.a.Colo. 80$21. """'1.l.hl wecanshowr,ouawayto

nopeta..644--0878 _ ___ 1. 2 a. 3 bdrm units. ThebeetolNewport'a SE. Brtatol.NBS.S7·7010 Mr. Beckor llK'WrH' meet attract ve & active • J Brdplx, ~. drpa, fplc. Deslaned like early good llfe . Mr Kenworthy ~ft"'-1 single peoplu ol all ag ..

w put, rer1. ~. No Caltrorula bunaalows . •Beamed cellinp MMOFIH '7141558-1701 ...... ,'IRvest/ HawkeT" - Wbose fas t. w,, · ve i:Ot the peta. CIUJd OK. MS-M« r r o m S 2 7 O . 1 1 ~ • 2 pOOla & rec centers F\IU service, lndlvtdual ,._. Valet _ Dampen 4 n • w e r · u t

- ~. OCchn,9--~ :ao •Pluabcrpta& draPC11 olf1c:eg, month to month Fum Ofc. Blink or Coata ••••••••••••••••••••••• SMOKE Vldeovlew.99'7·5400_

~SEMBl.ERS E11pen enced

'"VOLT I """"'l\.IUAU~·J,J.f .:,• t • ,

3141 c..,. Drift . 546-4741

IAcroes fTom Orange Co. Alrport 1

Equal Owc>r Empk>yer Lare•~~o .J ne: :e:':.' :~:~ o.11)' . u .. JUN\ •A.od somocb moro reot lnrlud1ng Recep- Meu Plaza, $95 mo. ~ SOOS n.. ta oa. sure way lo Mesa Verde cc Equity

____ ...........,., _______ , P\am. bad\elor $230 Uon serv, personaUuid ~ ~ ...Y t.ell ll )'OU'nt amolll.n.J too GolC membe rship for - --------alencil. ens. $48-9090 Unlurn. 1 br ~ phone coverage. mall . •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• mucb. If YoU COUll'I do salt1 A J s 1 1133-0349

2BEDROOM - 8l,~~8':~°b~d~~~ HUaaYFOa dlapatcb. underground WISTCU~ARl.A ~lnMs Salee Co. eelb you iend out SMOKE vai . /

· - A.SSl !\TANT nrH.arbihop'gctr , pool. }acuui. tennis llSTS&ICT10M prica. Janlt.oral serv. All NP:WPORT tsEACll bw1ne5se4 In So. Orange alpala! T,,...... S•SO CIVlL ENGINE~R

.:ar. child OK 523~ cowu & lake 675-9:363 or l4J3Super1or UUI exct?pt phone 1400 Sq. rt. two pvt. br's. Co. Restauranta. Bars. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $13'16·'1678 Mo. 64,2.4108 S'7HT72 NewportBeac:b THE EXE CU TIVE ~mo.&42-0200 etc. Buy or sell. Call $100 REWA RD. Gold Swmatr's Europe Stu Bf lnClv1IEn1tneertng

---- ,. .... 451

SUITE 831-0670. <Also Salesmen Charm br acelet. CM, dent Tour. 44 day•. suoo. or E.I T + a muumum HUGE 2 Br. Newly de· ~.... 3141 - •- ~ WUl aut>-leue...., or more waotedl. Nwpt °'Lila Bcb areaa. Ca11ScottM2-4a49 ol 2 yrs exper In Clvll corated, nr pk w /racquet •••••••••••-•••••••••• ._ 4000 N\ ....... t ,.._ ~'-~ aq. ft. "st.oreh w1 • 642·7646 ---------• E~loeenna Request

,,__., _, .... Child ....,. ce .... ce space n ..-la '""'"'ta Mesa opp ng 11'-MIOR STORIS •-------- 11:. 1111 ttlt • o caUooa. CttJ ol San u.u " "'"' ... · am ,..... Bacheaor apt. Sito. Ocean ....................... 111-.. nr Harbor Blvd tn re n l e r . 8 a k e r a l _..,., LOST: Black 6 'WbJte M a~• Juan Ca piatrano, 33400 OK. sa.omo. 7~-T~ view CaJtbet4 & 6ooJy, ROOMS 12$ wk up w1th new s hoppln& center. FaJrv'9w. m-0440 :::::::~ neuteredN u.....gHc!.t.p :211~"· •••••••••••~••••••••• Pa11eo Adel anto. San

.,_......, 312' 494-9tlnaopeta. kitchen. $37 .SO wk up CallM7~ 1'2.000moalh r...... - . ....,.._ ~a Juan Capastrano. Ca . W&--.1 3152 ap&a. 548-9'7M orncE SPACE. 900 sqrt - n<> • .. s II t Tl 4 I ....................... LaiJ-e~ Of'C SU ITE for reat. compl fu rn . Newport Brolter 64().9019 Found : Britta111 t1~ ....,_.._ 7005 "'"" ' o r c a

1•2Brapta. apect.cuJar •••••••• -••••• .... •••• Man. employed d ays, ocean view. lg . baJcooy, Blvd . CM. $3SO mo. ft.IPJG ... ••-y Bnv wht, pink noee. aub ••••••••••••••••••••••• 493-ll71 P'IUoi deadline ocean vtew, very clean, TENNJS•SEA kkchpnvileaes. '13$ mo. upatain w15araae. $500 548-2.616M·F. ... ,..__ tall . 30th61rv. &U-0481 MEN WOMEN _A..:.pr_ l_6_· 1_m __ 5_ M_. __ car. d1bwabr, patio , Walk to the beach rrom 631-067.& mo.~ David Dahl ._._..

4450 Newport Beach. Want TRAIN F0tt

ftomJZ2&.*'M'18 lhlsamashlng 1&2 bdrm . - actlve partnerormaybe Found : F e male dog. -------t apt complex. wttb t.enrua • r....... 4200 EAST C. M. ....................... purchased. Mr. Smltb black longhair. about JS IAJtTEHDIMG IW .... •leeclo 3140 t.-ourt. clubhuUA!!, pool , ........................ Retail or ofc. space. ot LAGUMAIEACH <lOam-4pmHl7S-3080 lb. Part Germ Shep. U&!a TWOWEEKCLASS ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• )acuui, 11una. euodeck '°""' Coron11 dtil Mar 4()--» . Redecor'd .. am 5-11 St/Bal bl, NB. 675-3950 NATlON-WlOE JOB

llU TO IEACH & beautiful landacaplng. 2br hae, blt.m. 3 blka to pie prtr.g., pvt. balhs 1770 C 51 1 '"-•~tu...- N AT U RA L FOO O FOUND: Part'Ol. E. Side PLACEMENT ba t k 1\11 !!h:r kllt"bcn Dis· lx'h ~ Oran@& Ave. Uz846-4871 • - ~ ASSISTANCE

~ 4 br, 3 • rp • hwit!'lber. self c leaninl( - ---- or can be med a. pro- sandwtch bualnea. Fan· CM. & N.8 . CaJI to Iden· GOOOJOS d1hwhr · 11ll. 11ara~e . ovt'n Adult• only No .... to 4300 Olc-&.or-lndstrl , CM feuiona.I office. Localed tastk leaae. Current da1 · Ufy 548·71.llO OPPORTUNITIES ~·b:~·a .~:S:~f:6s':: pvta. 1 brSl7$. 2 tir$32:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl2S. 118$ & $2$5 . · In older shopping com· ly 11roe1 approx IJ()O. FOUND : Tiger striped AMERICAN •ma S..T..,..Aph ~Alaa tw7 ~or6N-3'109 pin. with rustic a t · l.12...500. Tom·cat. Promon tory IAR'TDIDER5

23'731 Mann«. LatN•ii To PtoleMlonally Find Dan a p 0 1 n t / s an =ere. 117~ Mo .• ulil. Ed RJddle. lnc P\., Pac: C.t Hwy. area. SCHOOL Delme pool aide xtra l&e 1714)4813.-05Ql nt.ATRJGIITPF.rtSON Clemente All klndl Incl. palM~JO:r'EALTY 64&-88ll m--0439 U04E. 17lhSt .. SA 2br. ~·Ad~ dabwbr <>m.r. laount to& ~-CllArulJHuMmD dental / m«l. P'n>m $135. 98SS. Cout.Laawia• found Lrg breed male, 834-1980 ~~-~DO peta. Mewpoctleodl 3869 Uk-~~~ ~IMO 494-0731 • PLANTS-Olf"t'S(Anab l vtc Sant.a Ana Hts area SchoolsCoai.t ToCoast ....................... Q) .,.,..~ SH~ RE or e s pl Ct! ~WWt:C~~G~~c':h1~ Call~S. L A . COLL EOE 0 f"

,..., ... ,..._ PAllMIWPOIT 83a·4L:WStncet9'7l Pbotoc:opler . others 4DILUXIOFC'S m.soo. SCHOOL Pvt. ~Smallblackrabblt. MASSAGE. Low <oet Mice la• 3br. fr.t ba. eacbetor1 . 1 or 2 avail. Pvt prkg. &other Coor. rm .• seat 25. all .lr/Sl'HISJsM... V\c 47th & Seashore In De.)' ·E~t Cla51ff In ltpk. tt- pvt yard, encl Bedroom.diToWfthouaee Wanted Female Room amenities Lag. Deb. ~;t2s~: i:~. '~:~ ~l10A.at540-0ll08 NpUkh. Callll42·4281S. S.OUAM Ml-7171 ......,., Nr. Brookhur.t From S34i $0 ate. 3Br. 2ba Apt on c.u. "94 1034 J. _ _ •Hamlhoa...__ S....,.. acular •pa. total Balboa Blvd. 67~ aft -- -- ror':sl urea . Kent BI Cy C L E D "' ... L . e 111111 l"IOJobl W..t.d, 7075 - ---------.11 ~· 7..... OP'P1C!:SPACE rortae Harld.Da .. " ...... ··-· ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••

01 .. ..-..- rocreaUoa pro1ra m "=' · 71·4 _ 1 _ ERSHJPS to be eppolnt· -··-·••••• .. ••••••••• .__.., ._...... . aocial procram lpOOis 8 Cluiatiaa dul I on majo r isl. Coata ....., ._ ed _... Top Blcyclee. flELAXJNOM~GE notch Cntrlr k>Oklng

~/2~Ba. ap.ctoua telda cowta. Ai FuhlOo sh.are m/ .~ ;~em~ =/~~ = .!ren. RETAIL ITOltE Tma. Sportfood.s· etc. HI BobJasnee . for sm rrowth Mtat Co luxwtom~Ml.$. lalud, Jambore41 4' Sao ~ 7808 days, 646 5484 Cootact· ..... · Beacbuu.ueoaq. ft . All Lnc:ome. Cal 7l4·9'1t-3313 U c. MUMW" t h4t wants 11 u~11 rlor

t\NOC'1at.e Rep 1aoaova


tr )'OU're new t.o Orange Co .. temporarily discon· llnuang your edui:auon. r tic-' nlly d1sc bar1ed from the aervtc. or ror any reason •eekmg t.em· porary or t"&reer employ­ment. consider this uni· qtJPC>Pl)Of Youcanearn


BaMd on your produc 11n l)' . Co mm + lnc.nt.ivn " exlra profit boGua. On lhe Job tra1n1ntt. Tr•meadoua pot 11 nt1a l t o r•at"h !lu~rvu1ory " manaae· ~nt po.lllona. Must be penonabl• 4' ambltloui. For :ippo1nLmunt Onl)' ~r~ent:.l~rwy J~nHillaR.oad. eves . aft ~ ea.P...•• IHftJ new lm.p r ovements . AMWAY Dl1lrlbulor Is OutcaJ1d·9494·~11l :::i~~· w 10 o. e11p

1901 St. 2 blk 14,.44-ltoO ElderlywomanwouldUkt1 HI.Id 01.on or Richard Crpt. e uat . llshtln l( . helping professionals & DRJNKINO llO Edlnaer. W /0 BHch Spacious nl' w 2 & 3 to abr lovely hm CdM 1<.t'llwortl\y frp~. e«.:.~uh frlor 1

1bml · othera to eam • 2nd Inc. r reel•, • prvobll'ma. It ~odki kottr1tpneiwniib-u•iRne°!111.!11

1 539·11 H vd. Opo Sat/Sun H . Bdrm1, 2 bath un its wtume. Ref''s. P.O. Boa C714151 .. 1701 croveme,_ + ex e IOHra wk. 673-2223. doant •ol ~ them . Ir ::'..'yourot<or pi~il u"p"& 9t\f4 ·&PM

2014 11c1"0N from oet1•nfront & 73',CdM.92625 eue.6'15-3080<l<MI ue••Ml• ... CtuTY 1ou nod h11lp. c all dcllvtH PA yioll 11 I~~~~~~~~~


2 B 1 b szu new city recreotlonol de •ase. 4 rm aulle w /balh. _. r,.. CARli:Manor Hocspltal ln J 0 u rn a 18 • 0 . L ,\ 11 '-9--------r . a, C · velopment. lmmed. oe · Mature employed person COttOMADB.MAI f' d I I SERVICE AND SALES Oranso 833>"82 ,. • am pet oil. pts. t"upncy. ,amllll"s & to share home or reol Private office In th• 0~~ 0 4!'/tJa rE Tt'rhPS 41 Dealer for J o hn 11'on . · journals, GIL. • qt

. bltftl. (llaM&ll. pela accepted. ~ up room Refs. kltch prtv. Mutual Savina• Bldg. rM . iWlll~de.cora t :: OMC. Mett.Coetalif••· s,lri.......... ly<' 7' 1·a:t64 M sno. mo. Lao IW ITMl118rkr 7519346 Ample perklna . air · ~/1DO. IS73..0l40 lft"mlt. 1815So. &lCamtnoRaal Matur.lady·r9flned-.eka for Jr . S portawear

12 ba aec. aptt. Adult. MOO. 3 br, 2 bll. enc. aar. Dependable roomotcs. 4 condltlonln,~nltortal U• 711 ·374 I San Clemente. P\111)' Ile. to hvtt In aa rompon1on Own Store. ()ppor. fOC' 1.~oo~t.1.;f. /C as

1 Walkto. beh.Bakooy. No pr, w /pool , H B. Sll~ mo. Hrvico Inc . Over STON=R~.':."ea~:~~Pr COflllll•UAa Fwal'J)t.482·'1296 caN. Top ref '• Wnt~ ~~!rta~ens!ia~y~'::' •;· -.7..:.= · pt!:142·1903 '4a util . M2~UO = ~r:sin s-r ~ "05 Bl~M •SUZI'S• ::c1on:~~~u~~~ ::0.urate wtexpu .

.. .... ., Coedo Pool Triplu 2Br . $300 & 131&. Dtv man will reot room OR • or944~ Ow11U wuta t.o retire. Ou&call Jlluaqo V\lc.iupe. Ca Call M1. Cratl

• rtW10au ano No Ut1o H.avn Plue. Cati or 1baro my 3Br. 2i>.. MAR• Lupofftceorahoptpllce little belprequtredl lo.ul·aAM '731 ·14411 714~ ..:mn · lloathnl,...~ Nwpt Twnbu. w /l bac:k of Lai una Sea Ull 711·1741 B£Atmrut.OllU..S 7100~~~1'w~l~n~~-~~~ penoo . Prer rem . Sport1, •1•0. tt•t h I I .-•••-••••••••••••••••r:

............... ~ - WESTCIJPF "1-1950 o# ~ • ... ..-ICM SHOP ~ v ti a n • • t' t 111& ~ to;:--1 ..... - · 2 er. 2 a.. adWta. No - Newport Blvd. C.M. _,,,, meuaai11 about thlt '111..a;Cllrti AVTOt•CMAMIC

W.... .._ • tlDODl.b.l1 lnq..... . Arcade Sult. D Not~YOP~~ON AubetmStucho. S3S-A83 tx~Mor'P.a• Co Fonl1n. a /::.~per. llaln._., MO-UTO l'100Weetdltt0r Ptll ._,... 4310 forlnloorcallMl-3111 ._p t*l~· very baa lmmed ~for a.s.r,..-.. .

•- -----·-•...__· -•-•••••••••• .. ••••••.. low overhead. W.000 .• P'OR LAJ>l!:S WHO want an aptt'd a cct• pa)' / rtt • -~...._;.;....;. _____ ;___ t11. ~br.1. ..,..,,, pool. lJDO SlQl)e l40 731 W NTIQU! ROW 2421 bu)'I &o c.Jk t.o ' 1uy. Ca ll a.rt Olli Mary M&AIO AUJCMOnYI ...-~tala,MO-U70 J br. 2 ba. prdeo. P'.P., ll\b ·~~tta' MHa: Newpot\ Blvd. C.lf. IOO um 711·1741 anztlme. 1-S:Zl.fl.JT at fTWla.lm BIUTISKLSYLA.NO

t-........ -:--:-7'--:--:--"'"1 . .!:b&r=.:..:. llOO~~· "-~·:.:Ml-:=::.!T'.!IT!!J:.._I m.7TIT :.~~·p'!\ ~ ~.: ~ F\eld Mp tne &a· ~ want.ct fM ~ual Oppon !mp'°Y!r' S!J\ VJCC ADVllOR 1• 2br, JbaL bltn1. 2br rum or UDlurn. 1~ or m o . 11 c Nm 1oo · a fo r our act • • sU1 who'• never b.adi.-------•I .. yd. Brooknunt 6 bib &o bob. car 11'1Y ~n Office...... 4400 RIAL TY, 6U· 11&4 or lat!Yid!IO WOf'Ubop. No aft.1. Lota of low Is f>e• Attouolhll BRJTISH LEYLAND milton...... tal. '300.-- . ........ •••••••••••, .. • F ~evH. upr req, '4IO lpv .. t• tlenee nHdwd. Call PllOJICTCOMT1t0L TECHNICIM~

•LOOIATTHtS• s.a.-• 1176 N.8 . Pcrunt1ula.Paull aat mtlll. XIM U»eome poM. 63l·U83afterlpm Q.m BUICK er. 2~Ba. 1padouaapt . ....................... OINcw t6 'X21·. unique ~!.~.~ .. ~?!! ..,-<m THIGOOOUN ()penlns for tnd1v. ... SERVJCE ADVJSOR

Tlltefully decorat· i..,... ct.tu .. ntow adult J =· $2()(). Me-0183 ...... a WIHI H'r. an att.rac:t1ve per 'd ln computer11td Now l&ltlnl appUcaUOM bltna. 11 encloaed br. 2 bll. bltn.a, OC9H vu. Alll'Otrf M.400. Pllt MONTH II.Dale p,1, ,btlwn A/P~atia. tOtt account• tor e11perteaced penoM

2carprnrHunt1 NHt to 1olf courH. 11 .... Ii 8Ncbtowrikle9Uoo l <IQ who Uh• to iDI eoo.tnacuon back· to j()ln OM of Otaa,. F'ffJ, 'llllSlark ..... eacl. aar. bl• D'd you lmow 10U can ~.!!._parkln9, l'tltY&J' .. 711.n41 "'8vel : N11lnl•lhitl00d cr'Oul:ldortt64·~J~•t Count y'• IHdln1 dt·

2 bl)I 110 Ed.Inter, 1.Mt.ta5tmo. lliae9 a claaaln.d ad ln Sq&i7.~;=1tt,y. 3' *'"l'OWd k•tocnett c.116~ .... - •l•rahlp• · App•1 '" .... Blvd. Open A.LIO ibe DallY PUot Servtee ptM_Jn Nit a man wbo do. too, tAM 'Ul NOON penoft lo OW' d~ of

l ·lllar. IG.J01' ON• rift 2 br., DlNd«7 for • whole 88600 nee. prtv. oftlce 6 ,.... ..... .,.,.,.. ptuu wtlte about THl•YNCO. " "'"· ,.... 6 rec. room. bl• -"' for- •• lltU• H ~;:.,Ptr.;:L- TMl't'fllettbe Y'OUJ'Nt It )'OW' ct:rum1 s.:ioNewpof\Ct.r Dr IAU9 MOTCMlS LM&. ... , ....... O'fr' a.ta I*' dayT F'or men rw .._ ' ' DAILY PILOT to aw •t PO Bo• *3. ~ at1ch JM1m·Britlall .. cane dail ec.wcio, ...,_tm. call '52'56-tJ1ia!.,.. 61J..iiMOO IDV1C.IDIRac'l'ORY Na•porl 8ucla, Cl Equal()ppcwSm •9" R ILVO.

....... l4J.58'T8 luOabou&I ,-. A •llA


Page 26: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

t I'

8J0 DAILY NLOT ~~~ .. -.?!~~ ~'f.~~ ..... ?!~ ~.~.~~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~~ ..... ?!~ ~.~~~ ..... ?!~ ~-~~ ...... ?!.~ HttpW.ted 1tOO Hefp W-.ct 71 00 .... W-'M 7100 DRAJ"l'SMA.N/M~b. 1« t11 PREE" S300.000Vol NORSSlOMA&. llTHtllDNISOM .,.., •••••••••••• • •• ••••••• ••••••• •• • •••••••• ••••• •••••••• ••••• .. ••- •••• • ~k mflt f:irp'd. ooly l.n ~le rcP.IY In 2 UXI PIOf'U ? NURSING 1216yrold b1atuy ,...,..ct ~ te .... , ...

_........... ........... lnter•1led In urnln1 LYM'• J.I I F '"- UI • ... -.---, AulO«Mllvt: _,apply. 540-&.m ~· t ...... ! B nvuUnj S200·1lOOO a month In / •- ed e In.urea~ Co .. or ._ by •• '* 1 II N•w Oeta1J Shop nooda ., 8 ol my TV time w /other aper• tlm•• • Wanted fen alenalve lrlllnma In ~ -~ ..__.. ,..

help COTTO .... WOOD COVE ir;UC ecy ;:J•ome l"O rp 1 1 ave a . 1-·or Ambitious.~ resp. adulb IH 11·7 R.a.f the Etuite Pl11nn1n1 • ..-..- - -Top w11aea p11d £ng1nc " advtmkt1 bkl •Ute freedom,callS73-2223. the BusinHS loau.ranc. - to . Ad t 7'0, ""-- I Y•ar around -ort on the ColOC"ado ~ Matl.ll'e/ a1• 3$ t.o u bu.iness asaocla tt>S L-.. .. 7-l f ..._ •r e • Cu a r • n t e « d ~Plot. lea 1160, ~men, eni; P~ n~ra. ~ ·~ 3i0 Allt ror Mlaa Dunham No lnv~'tment. ~et own "" • 1•- --• r bl wrers & pollahers. up· River. Nevada is now ln 3rd & rinal t-oun.. l"all for appt Wed .,..ary avon ° com· ...., tZ61' holatery shampooers. f aj bid •- ls ...- 1.ospertlon 9 C II ........ Aldff peUUve po&ltloo ot our --------t'beck out. pick· up & de- s tage o m or g. program 1:¥ Exptt Stereo Salesman to ~1~ "' prn a All Shllts company mean.a areate.r il Maier /S.am1tt .. a Uvery App!yat now inte rvi e wing couples f~1~ work In rdail outlet INSPECTOR llunungtonVollcy eamln&s for repre en full um" Apply '"

20.'58 llarbOr 81. CM management non management. reta.u FuUUme. chances ror ad Liquor Store Cllt Coovalescent llosplUI t.At1ves. ' penon, Ullman Sa1la, 410 ~ lo,10 sales. merchandise. gen ofc & motel vancemut. S72l S o E f 'd 494 1S33 .,_., N....,....•n .. ve Possible management 29th& Npfkb. fT~O

AtrroMOTlVE PARTS operations on a nine or 12 mo. asas . ~ A. M or · llunL Bch su ~t For personal & <'onflden b . S Id Den TRAINEES ltper pre -- ........ ..,_.,, " 09PQC1urut)' af\ ly"

SALES PERSON To the qualllied applicants. we offer. "" Reh~fVHxf ft' 1~~eflti; ua1 intet"'Vlews. ('all Cary SAW

Action s:tk't!penmn w11nt in addition to salary. paid rent &/or BedrOftlu Buy\l~w Coov ll0t>pita l. NW'liiJ1g Northrutt 7t4 973-<>334 ('d for Auto · Marine living accom .. utilities. boat slip. xlnt P/C loo6dl:Hper 20$S Thurin Ave, CM R .... ~ TE

Port time F•brle ell · penence nee. Call Mary 6464040

Warehouse distributor f i be fits& Id c Uons Conatructlo n exper lmmedlateopentnas now ., • ., .. cr.i: ""' RIAL ESTA Scrv1eecurrentatt'Ount.a rnge net pa va 8 · neceu . Exper . in C'X4tinourmanufactur .,..........., Partllmc 3·1 " tuft. 3 SA&.ISASSOCIATIS SALES. co. upandlns In wowmi;company. Sewd ,....... to PO loll 935 wor\mt'ft '• comp .. group lng facility for Inspection LVH'S/ AldH & day wk 3 S yrs prev1ou11 Highly vl$tble. comforta needs J people to work CO~T t?~7·~;ueoKS Cotta Mna, Calif. 92627 huw-.• peyroll. cash dis· trainees t.o inspect pmtl IOtc....,_ Http exper ~n~~ca- hie offlc~ . CdM Cood p/tlml!. Xlnt oP'PlY for

.,,...,. .,.,.,. buraemcnta. To $1500 ed tircwl boards 11nd G t d .v l it ~· parklnl(: lnnovatlv• peo colleaestudent 847·1206 ... components . Requires ar 1<'1 <.:onv o~p · Community HO!>p1tal pie ll.lghcst comm1ss1on

Auto & Standard Trans re­bullder. exp only XJnl bcnefilli 962 66M

mo. Girt PriC minimum 6 months ex 1781 Garfltild Ave. 118 34451 Via ~trad.i spilt up lo' 100~ for top Saletlady, bper'd W..ttd 7100 ..,..._ W..tecl 7100 pcncnce with prmtcd 847 967l 837~ Ext 279 producers Call for C(>n· For high fa1h1on bouti·

~ Good lypls /quarterly "lrcult boards. com po· f1denu·a1 1nt"'-l"w Sam Ql.M'. l da.,. wit. Ap""y In ......... .............. ....................... = -y~•1 to 0 en'I " M "'CHl ... l '"'T 'l;t .... \;" I "' t" r · ,... rut ,. nent.a. and knowledge or "' " ~ Summey. 673 7601. J>('non. Apropos Lido.

Auto trans fl&R mech CIVIL O N ST n U CT I O N er. To $800. color codes and solderin t1 Set Up & opera le punch 336.1 Via Udo. N B aruc: Exp. own tools. xlnt ENGtNEt:RING AIDE SECRETARY I RECEP· techniques. On-the .)ob presb. tappers. etc 10 Oii FieldSupph<'r t>enefits. 962·&6M S904·Sll02 Mo TIONISTt CUSTOMER OlherClarical tra.uungavailable ltr . 4daywk +overtime I llN'f DIVISION Real Estate SALES-National SPortlnC ---------i High school dt>grc.! +u SERVICE Sm buay of. PoeilJonaAvallable Rosan . Int' . 290 1 W UUUI Goods 1ttks

per In Sob-profes~lonal rice -Send Res um e & NIGUB. Pertecorrerslhcfollow- Coastllwy.N B t:Ot-; OFCORPORATE ltunt1 ng t o n ll e a r h mot111 atcd telephone


Peof*P""°"7 U so. you II enjoy meet mg people while ~lhng world famous AVON Product s Good earn 111gs f1ex1ble hn> Call ~ 7041orZenith7 1359

liar g lrl. att r :>ctlve . Salary + . Collt:gc ok 646~14

engineenng work. Re · salary reqUlremen~ PO '9rtoMtl AC)MICJ mg benefits Cornp1tny MAIDS Wanted M't' 8111 Property Management sales people to t'aJI o1:4 que:;t appllc:allons. City Box 855. C. M 92627 27601 Porbea Rd. ale40 pold med1 c:al , dental. Lloyd San Clerrn:nle Inn. OIL f)tlO Company lookinit for u established & new • c· of San Juan CaplBlrano,1----------- (3FlagsCeot.erl long·term d1sabihty and 492-6103 ..... penenced person tn rent l"OUnll thrUOU l U~. 32400 Paseo Adelanto.•--------•I 8311477 life in s uran ce. 91tt --------- colle<'tions Real Esl~te Salary +t"omm. C . M.i San Juan Capistrano. COOK. EXPER'I> Laguna Niguel ho lidays per ye a r . MAIDS WANTED SUPPLIER license reqwred Some locaUon C..11 9am-4pn:a Ca 9267S Or call (714 l Good co. benertts. Chnstmu wee k s hut Top wa!(es paid• The Inn typing Call Agnes for for lntervw. 979-4123. 493-1171 fo11Jng deadline Apply. J olly Roger down paid, 12 personal at Laguna, 211 N Coa11t llJ-w H&..1-- appt. 963-4567. Apnl 1 ~ 1977. SPM 3333 Pacific Csl Hwy leave days per year a nd Hwy . Lag Bch ""' """J

Newport Beach FEIS PAID modern, carpeted air ~Office CIVI LPRINCIPAL Escrow~y to Sl2 c:ond.IUonedfat ilJUe:;. MAIDSWANTED ReaJ&tateSales Co smetics f'llpr

ENGINEERING AIDE K Needed for conv. F' IC Bookkl't'pcr $12K DonQubote Motel .... - • ROADIUMMH necf!SSary Send resume


$1158-$1410 Mo f>urt'has Clk to 2100 Newport Bl. c M nO I~ va Rr. ... •yy tll t\d 1740. Daily Plk>t. L[Jgh hool d hospital from IOam to PCC IRVI ... "" "'Rr.... ~ ,. sc cgrc.! +- a 6 .~m. f/t1me. L'v..-r 'd ACCOWlllnllClk "'" "' llOA I d t G I Box 1560. C:O.\.a Meu. minimum or 2 yn; exper "")' ""'..... Also l''et! J obs BUSl .... ESS MA.IL DEPT TINE f. rxpan IRJ: o enera 9216216 in Su b -profess1o nal only . Please apply In 1~·1ne Pe'"'""nnel A~ency ""' Rt•al 1'.:stale & needs Ex ---------

R rw>"'6V\ Beverly Manor • • • "" Will tram lndwitnou11 In Eam From per'd s- ·~ roople Top enginecnng work e· ...... ~.. · ...... El7th'·~•- caa SYSTEMS .. ,..., S"' 1 E"--tr"'"" u 1\RM A ID Mel low c 340Vlctona C M ....., .....,.... dlv . to~rate anmserl "omm . Call Col41 .., --IOR~ u • quest appllcatlons. 1ty 1 ___ . -·-·-· __ Sulte224 642147 $200 t $400 ' Full job ll t.uvem w ·~d clas~ !)Ci)- of Sun Juan Cap1strano. i---------•1 lng mac Good working 0 581-7000 llmebl oppartun 1 pie 2 G1rll> needed 32400 Pasco Adelanto. COOKS ~~~~~~~~~ 17021 Von Karman conds & co. benefits. Ap- k --------- fo r sla le. mature de:.pcratt-ly . Days or San Juan Capistrano. OENEHALOFFlCt-.= SantaAna,CalUorn1a ply. National Syste ms per W RECEPTlONIST /SECY person in modem retail

C R k '>'>L "~-• • '""'l Birch St. N u Co bo ~- Very 0 ood workmu cond s tore. Prefer expr. In rules. oot.ict 1c . """' Ca 92675 or call (714 l Ute typing. girl Friday, """., ....., 0 mmLSSions. nuses .,. " " l7lh St. H li off PCll. FIU d di NlGHT SHlfi noSl·l n~.""·-uldbcfam AnEqualOpportunlty <N r . O . C . Airpo rt) benefits. Exper notnec ror dn 1nl e ll11< e nt , cameru TVs & radiM, c""' '"'"" 4931171 m ngPMea me Apply Mon-f'ri 3~pm f """ .;,nud E.O E. Will train <.::i ll Mr Cray. personable & attract Please send resume to .,.,,.,......vv Apnl IS. 1 S · w l o c proc:e urc. Employer M 11-· p e r s o n w I i.: o o d Ad #740. Daily Piiot. Box

U:.ixter& Clc:ero nc('<:lsex Clr."' ... IHG_LA_ D_ Y__ Gorda Liz sMta~l <?tll for 1846nte337rv1 es ~~~~~~~~~MANUFACTUR IN G :i::1~:~~pm. Tues sec retarial s kills ror ~. Cost• Mesa, CA, per'd help for boat c:ov ~ r r • .,.s 17141 · '--·~• Secret- T r a I n e (• · L o t · Real Estate Develop. 921626

•. tuo " 127"''" ALL I WANT FOR 900BaysldeDr. NB ·-- -, estabbshed ro ~eeklng ago AADS ment Co . Ben•• f lt s t'rs "' cu.o; ns .,. ......, EASTER IS AN efflc:1ent. 675-~119 GB4StA1 OFRCE Exper'd. Good typing , 0...-.0 resp 0 n s I b I e . 6 e If ·---------1 Salary i:omeru.urates lo s~..,.. SOtl ..... ~

81': A Profcs.,1o nal capable. compelent. re Equal()ppor. Employer Small electronlts firm. pleasant phone voll"e . motivated person. H1Rh e1<per & ability Call l''or L1ght1ng Fixture C:OCkta1I Wa1trl':.!i Enter liable. reasonable. de Variousofc:&producUo L~tcdcondbkkpn.§ - Xlnt School Educ .Jyrs mCg ~c"'L T.:....H s.<.t>-0300.askrorKathy. S howroom . E11per.! ancxc1t1n1?.prof1table& p e nd able. h o ne s t ,i---------•I duties. 1619 S. Minnie w"' .. lng s . • ~ewport exp. Med . & Denial ...,.....,. "' ....,. helpful . b ut not nee. !(lamou rous pr(l(es:. cheerful t' leanlng lady COOKS Sant.a Ana ~7-4316 Ctrofc Top sal 759-0313 bene's 008-3J6l with at lt>ast 1 yrs exp In ---------•I Wood lighting Fllttur• r A 0 h r Wtrefs ~'8 2381 Nd Sh ____ , pretlSIOn optic:. lo Join Co ~ • ..,..am11114 hr:.r rom pror GeneralShop-A.ssembly& lntervlewers . S arp MASSAGETECH out s tand1n l: firm in RECEPTIONIST .. 2031 SE Main ox, f~1ona :. t e inc art:. o 1---------•1 The J 0 I I y R 0 g e r Mac:lu.ning Small grow· G a I s l o · u r v e y lrvme lndu:.t 'I Park Call I rv 1 n e c Corn" r or'<'hniqut-~ Day CLERICAL R~Uluranl i-. accepllni; Ing co Good advance- Housewives. Call AM . Mr Brown.SS6~ MaC' i\rthur & Ma1111 or eve M~s1on:. . place· applications for Exoer 'd menlforthe rlghtdepen 64(H)5S4 With diploma ror top --------- Sharpi;alw•pleasantap ~2901 menlasSl!tl . j!oOOJobop •TELEPHONE Coo k s. Xlnt rrrnf(e dable person Expe r --------- tlas:.LEG ITIMATl'::spa OPTICSTRAIMEE pearanc:c & lclephone ---- -----pty Ca ll <71 11 751 fl l !;.1 benefits & hours. Apply helpful F/time. 64~ JANITOR Mr G1arn.asso. 7~2 !>561 ~inng to learn trade personality to handle SALES ~o t:all f t:nc ktatl COMPANY• s Co Req'd fo r eve work cord1~s swlt"hboard •- Repr"'"ent.at1ves CM / Fl Wa1ln~s. hu· 17022 Sk" Hwy1n per.;oLan. 400Be . h ast byappt.onJy.""a llJlls ar"a lt .. r~ •MASSAGE Manur dns pcc:t1on to Kl> , "' ....

Parku'l.steC.ln ine,t:~ ....__. •. _ gilun- a-•a• c--•1GENERALOFFICE req 'd .. Ph · 830 3:i21 ~ ~ Tt::Cll Ft::M • Join .:rowin g firm In ~~glhsek1fi~b~~qu?r~ ~~~~.:i~~~C::!;. !.1271-t • "" COIRISPONDENT --- so';. Comm-Guar min Irvine lndu:.t ' I Park. Call Vanety or i;eneral offlct' Profit.ible & permanent.

Personnel ,._,J.sfWa""--s••.. Jewelry FUii & PT work Legit Mr Brown. ~-~200 duties pos1t1on:. op~n to the UOATC1\R Pf':NTl::HS

1-; x p e r 1 •' n c e d ho ii t curpentcrs n~<'d Xtnt ro benefits l'ar1f1c:a l"Jy Kipper Yacht:.. !.128 W 17th St. Costa Mesa

BOOKKEEPER Smull bu.'>)' office seek!> :1 harp c:onsc 1cnllo us person aRe 2~ ~ with 1TUnlmum 3 yrs In typing. pa}'TOll. At P. i\ t R . and I ntcrestlng va ried atmos pher e Southl and I' ropert1e:. 631 2950Carol

B o o k k e c p t• r 1 1 o m c St'(·rc tanal !'>alury OJX'n :"llt'wport!-t·n~r. 640 4~11

lo~ffpH'~~ ~laturc .:ood o rf1rc 'lk tl h . knowlcr!J;t' of H.·14l'lry prt>frrn-<I t:?lJ 1

' ll'.:'4~1 1Jl1175!1 ll ~'l

Hrcuwh fhllt n bulo1 ~

BRANCH OPENING OF NAT'L CORP Distributor Of Industrial T oolt

Imme diate po1itlo"" ~ lllflt Carffr oppty. Worit local In G arden Gfoo,,e are-a. Xlnt co . beftefib & salory. l~1111I op11t.•ar & t.ll l'l Ion IU.ih \'ltncul 'tU\ncl .. rrb. urnh1lmu., & JIOU l'"!llH• ('~II !\Jon 11,1m lpm & T oc•!>t K.1111 10 30p 111

Mr. Colltn' 191-4417

C' 1\f' fo:T f: Rli\ lll•lpt.•r ~hstituk ~hurt hr' :?1 '> tu J llr:. J) n1.'\"tl1.-tl \lu~ t have $3 1 t hr CM NU C''1M 1irt>ns 1\p ply JI Nt'wpoll Mt.•)a l ln1f1t-d & ·hi 1>1:-.1 1-'ood Sen 1R)7 l'la rcn lla , CM ~3213

C AR W ASH HELP f' lt&P I Ovrl7

) I "1<' 11 llon11 Mf:t' l«>CAR WA.') 11 29.'JO I harbor Bl. (' M

C ASHIER Matur1t woman. 1>1t1mt• <'1111 Barbar11 for uppt :>~3280.

- "~ ~· Correspo nd w t hom e J. HERBERT ELITE SPA S.W-81!15 Dishwashen study studl'nts tor our --- -- Painter for Adult Apt Moe-Smo6ler ri g ht p e r i; oo Vour Needed Full & p 11m e. Apply student serv1t·e dept i\p HA.U.JIEWELLERS MAT U R t:: w OM AN Complex 1-.xpt:r nee ab1hlleb can earn you betwn 2Spm. Denney 's pUc:ant must be able to Now lnterv1ew1nl( at S p t1 1mu t o w e lt'ome Call Mr Tannt·r. 54-0IJiS CallMr5 White S!0.000 or mort' for the Immediately ~ /\venida Pico. San compose own letttors. Coast Plaza Location for newcomers & con lac For Lnt.ervlew Appl. first 1st yr Supervisor & Clemcnt.e. type 4~+ wpm & handle eltper'd F 1t1me Sales mcrchant..<i. f1ex1blc hr~ Part time'°!. cnginecnni,: management positions

EXPERIENCED ----- ----- details. We ll estab ' I People 1n fine Jewelry Need car . Ille tYPlng. student. .field inspcr Paul Dosi·er open Call for appt. «714• Cook wanted. lunchidln educational firm. Good Top sal. bene .. & advan ~7-3095 tloru. In So Calif Wiii 768-77111

ONLY ner shift. 40 hr:.. Ma benents. Apply National cement. C.all Mr. Morns . tram Typing required As.soclates. Inc.. 5-A1-.ES-.-S-a_l_/Su_n_&~ Barkers. 212 E 17th St. Systems Corp • 4361 549-1379. Maluru women wanted Call 842-9977 btwn 7&8 COSTA MESA

B h s NB IN OC for hou s e c l e aning AMonly . relief. Mature woman •Customer Rep •Operators

C.M. l.rC t. · · ~ · · ---------• service. car nee. V/Llmu. --------- 556-7075 w / sales uper . Fine ii---------·1 AJrportlE.O. E. IW5-Sl23 J PWelry . 673 -4734. Laborers -------- PAYROLL Equal Oppor Employer lO :ioam ·~m.

4 years recent up


l8 48 Campus Dri •• 546-4741

!/\cros..'I !''tom I )range Co Au·port 1

Equal Qppor Employer

Credit Checker General Office. must work weekends. phone

Bank or finance co ex - 644-0SlONewport Dunes. per Fam1lar w(fRW mactune Imme<.!. open· mg.

Cdl 540.4455 Equal ()ppor Employer

Genera l Oft. Sleno or Clerk typllll Various oft dutJes Involving bkkpng or math & public C'Onlact. Pleasant person1tllty & good appear nee Con ta t.'t M1:1s Adams. New York L.lfe Insurance Co . ~S Harbor Bl. Ste 700, Anaheim, ~ EOE m r

Gener• Ofc, Sh

SfARTNOW'": : · MbECHAk NMIC F' ronl end & BIWHGCLERIC Seamstre11 w/lnduat. Too man y Jobs. not ra es '" 3 yrs exp EXEC SECRETARY, 1---------•1 ma c h . work at hm · enough people! No ex- S1200

645-~ R~nas· t canvas baas. 847·3472; per. needed. AJIJshlfts . MECHANIC WANTED RECEPTIONIST 979-tsoo.

M .. at '- "ertlfled Ray <3l Perm. jobs Now . ror XI f di "'"' ~ ' our new l"OflX)rate oft ln nl opp Y or 1n v

~ .... - ... . . .. . .

_,_ $.llW.Q . Tl MPOAARY H[LP

. - -540-4455

F.qual Oppor Employer

Carey Chevron. 604 S San Juan Ca pis tr a no. w /bkkpng buck ground Coast Hwy. Lal( Bt h T y pin g SS+ . He 11v y

phones Good benef1ti1 MB>ICAL SECRET ARY pkg Salary $800 F'lrm E.xper 'd for plastic sur- localed 1n City or geon m Newport Center Orange Must be ltlnl 1n medical

mg. bookket!pln~ & bill 540-4455 ang Call 644 4900

Sl~MSTRESS Newport Beach Store lfas An Opening l"or A Seamstret111 Ex­per'd In Fine M en's & Women·, Alterations

Plea~ Contact Tal.Jor Shop Manager

644.5070 --------- DELIVERY MAN ror ear·

Must have good skills V1111ed gen ' I oft dulle1. W\JI tram Salary com me ns urate w t expcr Newport Ctr loc. Xlnt benefits New York Life lmuranc:e O> • Call Rita 6-4;& 1230 for

Legal Advertising Clerk·Typist

termlnolllgy. tr11nscnl) ~~~~~

Equal Oppor Employer :--;''' ~)\ \ t\'1-.C l·\11 '-t MEN for LA Times de· p f A ~~~~~~~~~ h\ery Perm .. p / t1me. erlOIWM CJ"'CY ...: CLERICAL

E11pand111 .: Or an ge Count) bu~Nl electronlt' ll'IJ'IUfll{'tUM ng CM1>0ra tK>n n.u 1mmw1all' open · Ill!()> for

rumc CLERK OHu't! t'" Pt'nent~ r~IJt "d to io.h1pp1n11 tr.11H1r lunC\IOM f,I)()(\ I> p1n1t ~lulb r~1w red


I :! '4'llr\ rlrrt r .al c11 pct1cnt·e r ~IJtt'd t o m ,1ter1al prndu<"tlon rontrol runct1<>n11 Mu&t ht> 11hlt• lo npcr11k lO key machine

We oU<'r occllC'nt ~tart Ing 1rn lary and co m prt> hl'M• vt• cm plnyee bmcC1l11 pro.cram '

Fll r 1mml'dlutt• C"OO ~idt'f't1t1on plt•aM.> CDll

ly monunt: L A Times tiome dc-IJ \'Cry route No sollc1lmg. no rnlll't'tlng i\dlts only, 2·~ hr dJily Must ha"c cc:ono c ar 638--0126

$27~ to S3SO per mo. PIX R~st 3723 Birch St. N. B. ~· 1740 lmm ed . open in g for 557·0045

personable. de pendable 1~ Employer

SEAMSTRESS Straight A"ro Marine. Mll-1486,

MORTGAG E BANKER !>(.>rson w/exper on 556 Retained eltpanding co. n.eds ag· dl81 t>oard or equiv . ~~~~~~~~~~!Secretary. m11ture for

DEMONSTR ,\TORS for uppt Equal Oppor . rood . a pp I 1anc:"11 & _E_m_P1,__oY.._e_r _____ _

Position now available (Of part lime ass1sU1nt to Legal Allvertismg Dlrec: tor. 2S houn; per w~k mlrumum. noon·~ 00 PM dally.

gress1ve people In held Rosan, Inc .. 548 ·5533, h edi 1

dept head . Natlo11a l as loan reps. Xlnl income E o E Recepllonist wit • m ca Stock Brokerage firm . for self s tarte r . Will · experience. GP s office. Some llfll ln!S eltper

Jewelry Jo'r1 & Sal. 10·6 G<-n' I Ofl"r~kkpng to key and some other d ays hy t..ouch f/llm~. Call (2131 ~o 7000 or 17 H I MHl80l • 76&-S573

tram. 834·1622, ask for PIX Switchboard Opr Call646·3903 helpfu l but not net". General nfflC"e ex -,_B_ll_I ________ Contact Auditor. Hotel Cherie. 644·91ll

I Laguna. 425 S . Coast ---------peneoce and lghl typing 1250 Mllltfllth 0pr Hwy. Lag Bth 494-1151 RESTAURANT Secretary

----Dental Chu1n1ide Asst

EAper or profes111onal s:hool gr!_d 646 ~

Dental . s1i1uint. 1 2 yn t."Xper Modern ore. llntg &h 898 44.2.'I


Mual have good drafllne kchruques & mechanical nptttude. To de11gn & dralt part changes , run bluepnnt mat"tune. dotu· ment drawmp & senct to c: uat omers. a 1111 boat knowledge helpful App· I.)' at Enctt.on Yal"hts l.!131 Oeerc Ave. Santa Ana

skll hs required 135·40 Call 9'19·7660 Corpot Cite S.Cntary GUARDS wpml. Typing tesl w1ll1---------1 PERM. P/TIME HOSTS Sm . office w t multl · Co.ta be admm1stered lo all GHT CLERK. full lime Printing shop needs responsibilities. ex per

~anent. f\111 &. Part applicants. apply In person only. Ah helper &delivery person req Salary open .. In· ume Phone&lranapre. Baba M o t e l , 22~ 0 Mr Druh~.644 -79SS. HOSTESSES terv lewing will begin q 'd. Retired welcome Eltposure t o and 1o r Newport Blvd. Costa week o r 4 / 111 . Send Call MS 0274. ore hrs 10.2. l(eneral underst.anding of Mesa Re11ume to: Clasr.irted OOMdWedne&day court systems and legal•----------• CASHIERS Adstll8. DaJly P1Jot. PO

filing procedures dcs1ra· NURSES AIDE PHONE SALE- Bolt 1560, Coat• Mesa. GUAADS WAMTED ble. Operungs on days & aftn Ca 92626

Full • P tllme· lrvlne s t\lfts Will tram. Exper Phone S al es pc . area Age 21 & over Automobile necessary prcf 'd . Please ilpply . male or female. l6 to 65 If you're good. we want SECRETARY. p/time ~or Mature men pref 'd . for occasional local dnv Park L.ldo Conv. Ctr. 466 years or age. Guaranteed you Good pay Super co. law firm. Exper. pref d. UnJfonrui rum. No ca&h lng. ExceUent company fl a gs h 1 p Rd . N . B wages or commissions beoe'1ts. Call Judy 833-362? __ _ outlay C..r & phone nee beneCits. 642·8044 2M> East 17th Street. iriu-RIT.a. •y Apply Unlvernl Protec •-.---------i Suite O. Costa Me&a . ~ ~ 1.10n Serv1ce. la W ~th Send short resume orr• betweens oo & t1 :30 p.m A,py I• hnoa AMETEKtAUTOMATBl> S t. Santa Ana . l n · peraona.l to. Nursmg 646-422l .... GMrra MARINE terv1ews M P 10.30am· IH1

1 $7 4 Equal Opportunity INTERNATIONAL noon&l.30-4 .30pm. MikeTlnsley <SfAFFCHGNURSE1 EmployeT 2241 W . CooltHwy F.qual()ppof'Emptoyer

D •1LY PILOT LVH'1 •..414 MeWJIO"'f leodt UMI McCaw. lrvlne llalr Sty bat, with follow· A ~ Mon & 1'uea. 9am·5pm (714 I 540-8270 1ng preferred Morale P.O . IOX 1560 <PRIVATEOUTYI Clerk typist req 'd . $~

1 Booeten1. ~7"788 Co.ta Mna. Ca. AIDES $35 want.ed to throw WPM e1Tor free. Must be D'9hrf ~tor 92626 <PRIVATE DUTY l pots on potters wheel ablo to follow format .

For conv . hospital. Help W8aAntedl . ,must be EqualOpportumty QUALIF'IED NURSt::S Must have produt"tlon CANO'S Call forlntervlew. MSI fPleaM! call. (l l 6»8331 oKenverl 1 k. ~P_.YednCpchl rkson. Employi er MAKE YOUR CHOICE exp. Xlnt pay 642-8766 orappt. uc Y .... c en. ------'--'----1 WE NEEO PRIVATE

OATA DtSHWAStBS Cll Beach LEGAL SECRETARY 0 UT y & ST A F' 1-· SEAFOOD C "'"'H RECElnS CORPORA TIOH tv I M rt · HOSTESS P /t ime over E.xper legal secy wanted RELIEF NURSf;S At.L

- CLERIC ~u:_~1 E.~s~ 21. E"pe;. pr4lf 'd. 'Appt.Y for heavy aen·1 practice; DAYS·HOURS· DEPTs Power Brake RESTAURANT Secretaries 17 141549-6127 ......., CdM In peraon. Ben Brown 1 bookkeeping ex per H 0 SPIT AL S IN

Need lod1v . w/rlcrtul .. - ,. . R.eetaurant. 31106 Coast helpful. Call 640--0800 uk ORANGE co. COME IN Operator e"per. 1J1 tashre~lpl.Sor Equal Opportunity DlSPLAYWlNOOW Hwy. So Laauna. rorl>at.. ONCE TO REGISTER . A1Rece1vable 10 Key by Employer M 1-· TRIMMER ______ ...__ __ , WE WILL MAIL YOUR Must be eltper'd in sheet tooch I~~~~~~~~~ Por Jr . Sportswea r HOTB. LEGAL TIAJHll WEEKLY PAYCllECK metal. close tolerance.

C4 644-Jllt O\ll1n Store. Some exper PUICHASIHG For Newport Ctr Law LISCOUUE dJal caUber. 9A.M '!JI NOON preferred Apply In AG84T FUm. Good typlng ak.llla ..._.Rec)htry

n. IRVIME CO. person " Petrlea", 147 Huvy food. beverage & ~·d. Call 7»()431 .... c .. StrYicff SOONewport Ctr Ur Clerk-Tvnitt _w_jeatm __ in_ls_t_er_M_ a1_1 __ , room e1xper. Leading UFIGUAIDS lsl Cholt-e or the pro-

NCWPort Beach IP'- Distributor interested In N.B. ~el. Call Mon-Fri tesalonal nurse & leading Equal ()ppor Employer Sales y..-.. p/\.lme h>eome ot 11000 9am·Spm. &44-1100 ext & WSI .....,_ton ho1p1uls . :?O yrs o f •-.v.- lOUlr Pedler Hlt1ng now. Lake Forest I h per mo or more + · · • SUo & Sall Club. 1A?5a eLIUcal scrv ce to t e CERAMICTRAINEl!;S for Cl•••lf' ..,., .. dvert•· benefits . Ma t urw . Homeaeeptt·a ld, 8•12• 11 Toledo Way . El Toro. nunlng & healLth ca


. or elteeru: n c ed . -.-. ~ " .., 639-6123 da 13 h Extn I' ..._, professions . Ol"a y mechanically Inclined. Ing Department or the · b Yid', .. ,_ !~,,_ .......,.dm Y ---------1 owned & operated by " rMture. for perm fac Daily Piiot W11ial1oaa· DOGGROOMER.eicper'd t.e .,...,.., .,... . ...,,. aya ; ure.uards·CertHied for dedicated & eJCper 'd tor y po si t 1 on s 111t order deak o r full or p/\.lme C.aer'a ~Ue~. pool & bay duties stalf. w /beneflls . Apply in Ceoeral Advcrtia lng Grooming. Lag. Nlauel. HOUSEKEEPER p/\lm•. Trainees accepted . WlfJ are not 3 chain or penon Vohann of Co ht . Department Mus t be Call 831-0322 or 83l ·t'133 Sday wk. &42·3505 968-0311 franchise from Qut or 3421~ Doheny Park Rg .. nble to type ~ wpm, for Interview. BAYVIEW MANOR ---------•town dtiallng In the Cap1nrano Beach have good phone voice UFE INS. AGENTS l(e~ral labor market.

540.4455 Equal Oppor Employer

NESSMAN 340 F / t 1mc . Coo d Benefits . Mr. Drube . 644·79S5.

a n d a v a I I a b I e Holl!lelteeper. Uve·ln, pvt Major Ltre lnaurance ~l 1105PITAL RO Ou1inlde AMt ror bWly automobile. Eltcellent rm. ba in mobile home ... ~ency~ recruit.a or NEWPORT BEACH HOW IS THI TIMI Pt'do rnictlce 1n Costa company benefit& and OPPOttT'UHITY .. 1. Some cooklna. Must agent.a, can earn 120.000 Park l.Jdo Medical Sida for Job seekers to check MtlN Yr exp In Dental futurei opportunity for ...__ka ,,__ wh•n Y"" dt1ve.11'1Wl11 or spore tbe lat yr. Leada Oround F\oor the Daily Pilot Help field a«. MS·~ tra.lnina ln out.aide sales. """"' ui..,., " v.. fumlabed. (Supervltor5t North Co 540 ~ ---------• use·actUn' DaJly Houaokeeper , five -In , Kcnooenlnp 1 Call for SouthCo'. tu:99SS Wanted clasalfkatlou. If

t'orlntentewcall : PUot Clualhed Acb t.o fat.her put, dlubled & I ··~-~· C!!l1~t4t4~ll~'?88-!:!ii!!a~l-~,~~~~~~~~I tho job you want la not CadUlaettoOo-Carta 6"2'321, utm tt•eh UM Oraqe Cout 100, C.ra buch frotU ..;; """ 1 thereyoumlghtconatder Whatever th F1d market. bome. H&kpna. ra,ealt. 1be r..u.t draw In t he Don't drop the t>.111Ocrt1 offerto1 your aorvlcea

Ren 'em Off the market ~142..xnl waw oriented ad Int • · Weet. • .- l>al11 Pllot job wtth a Jow-~t Dally wttb an ad In UM Job Wtlb a C1u1111ied Ad Equal Opportunity Li HCJ. Rafa. Oood CIHatrled Ad. Phone l>ltot Clualfled Ad . Wanted ca~01"1- Phooe C.llNo-.f '~·5C78 Employer l~~~~~~~~I bult.b.~•,. Ml-5171. Phooeto5118. &CUf18


RESTAURANT Mature stabfe adulta Meded for full & p/llme positions •t Naugles Drlve·Tbru Clun. frlcnd ly •l · mospben Faat movlna It

21401 Brook.hunt. H B 1729 Brook bunt. t ' VlJ


T . ts .. Stat ..

'·Vbl.:.T ., ........ . , ...... ........ '

3141 c ' ............. 146-4741

<Ac:roM From Oranit Co. Airport I ' '

F.qual ()ppor Emplo,._

eeretary. 1 1 c>•t ' d. Ne'Wl)Ol't ctr Loe•°'°" ror Stock Brokera1e rltin. ~1480. ..

UTOTIM SICUTAJtY.fOOL ; C.•aMl.-N......_... Ple111n t per • •,lt

Pod.lona ~n 2nd .tt 3rd w/stronl typtna 41 1ome lhlfta In San Clement. • ah s&illa. F f\.lme.~ La1una Beach. Otber In pttlOCl. Robert , arHt h ave o,,.n l a~a WIWam ....,,., ' alao. No eaper. req d . 1AOl Quall St. N B. Apply at an1 of our ---'"----------....._ Selllnl U1Wnl ~ •

al N..,,art Bl9d. D&l.11 PUCll Clye6ned Aid a.a .._.. &d· la a ~ mau. ... JuetNJJ....,.,

Page 27: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. l

HefpW..-M 7100HetpW-"94 7100HetpW..t.4 7100 Do.- I040 Uhc1l•n• IOIO ....._..._.. Mond!X· Apnl4. t971 1 DAILY PILOT •JJ • ..,. •• • • • • •• • ••••• ••• • • ••• • • •• • • •••••••••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • • • •••••••••••••••••• •• • • • ••• ••••• ••• • • •• • • •••••• ....,,_.. to 1 o .::::::.:.::::::1.:..:.z:;.;.:.~;..:;.:..;.... _______ _.-=-;.;;.;:~-=~-=~--wa.ntoo ex r rof1c1ent Golden Ri:tn c-v" r Pup• SWIMWIMG POOL ....................... ~ ... ,,... • A.tdot W-.4 tS•O AalhK, lllltpOfiild

STOCIUtOOM / Aa$1st operator ror ' :ltro>. HOO Champion lint. AKC SACtunct: ·s PondMi bo•t ens. & .-.we~ tSlO ••••••••••• •••••••••• •• ••• •••••••••••••••• .. •• Secretary Som:, knowl~tlt' of boot word pr n c \' 1, 1 n a 0 F A 8 W It 1 uadln& M fRr " dis NI pwr out dr 11000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WI WlU IUY IMW 971 Z • • ~~n "t~ .. r"Yn:'.!:~1Y 7~ rn., c h In ti 1 n b '!' y 1213 1~ 6380 tnbut.or bas dhc above ttrm M--12$4 • i 4 Int " r n" 11 o n11 I YOUR DATSUM •••••••••••••••••••••••

R....ntiftAJSt .,. 1 .,,. , englllet!nni,: frrm <,oud .. 1 k •1 1 10 ~l'OWld 1wlmml~ pools llarvei.tOf. " • T Camper PAJD f'OR OR NOT ~I'"" "'A ton . .... nlll t rtd ~rdl clencul .. 11 111 ' " ".ii. an " .i J11Jule left nvc r from l !J7 11 to.h.Poww 9040 8pe(' w 1to.,.. · aell ront 'd

Ftonl ofc ~rt1onaht y Rb le d moi. fl'm A KC Re& ••••••••••••••••••••••• .., "'- do A TOf DOU.Al SADD(EBACK . .

BMW- '· Xlnl t yp1nl( & ht':Jvy Sll)('k Room" Ocllvt'r') 11 thty t o ""01 un l' r Champ ltnc Lovu $Cason l., Price • "'' ...... a c:a~per p FOITOfCAIS phonH for tndu,.1 1 r('lll <'ll'tk for t1m:ill mlA plunl preil>ure a lso rl•qulre-d c~m To ed hm only Cuar1.1nte<.>d 1.nstallw11on C!assrr 6' Chrts . Crurt prox l6.000 m1 • LOadt'd l""•WlCK D""TSU .... dt. ok l800 lhutl lkh R94 ~I F.qu11l Op pr ~mplyr soo 640~ & tt>rm11 Cnll 1Anuhc1m 1 Su pe r S port 18 V 8 Must see to appl'('<' 56995 - ... "

S1t1rt1ng S72S to $7511 mo s 3 3 . 3 2 •to Co 11 l' r t w 1G hr. Brts lA>I cond. or ofr Ph Di.ys lil4 l San Ju•n C•oistrono

l~llt.. r Y. I, lo: r II 0 N 1-: C:Jll Mary Ann , Reai.ste~df\cei.hundpup Ouy11le\i.'S Blueboo k *390 0 ·o fr 49flSilU E'e" aft 4. ll•·tl7 5 493- ll75

SOLICITORS 714 7Sl·3820 for jppt pit.'!<. 6 2wks old Easter 67$ )()80 < IQ..t I ~ 0128 HHIHOW! THl6JOCSI

:-... 'r\ 11.:0\\ ,\ \"'X I. \I I \ Wt• nt'«d IO Rlrl' tu set Sun Shown by uppl only . WANTED 11 l''oot Llpstrake GlaH

4 ~--.Dri-----• CASH FOi CAISI

dinner re~rrvatrnM In t21J• 502 3041 or '714 1 TOP CAS I! 0 0 1.l.Af< Boll 4r Ci111.1r $3W. C.all ....,,...... Yel 9550 Top S OollM li pn1ft for

PencM!Mf Apttcy 3723 Birt h Ht .. N It


th•· t'Vl•nlOl( ll llourtv WAREl!nusE 8-16 ~1611 ••••••••••••••••••••••• clean ust'd l'3~ . truc k" & w11i,:1· + honu~ . no :.1·11 HU PEAWI f

1 Rl-Y' O ~ TCY O ~! ~lOl~ all II pm/ Wknds "16 F'ord l-'250. <l ic4 . PS. Cnrveth111. Ask for P out

101: l:.ill 11fll'r J l ' M MANAGER \1al('Colden Rel fori.tult iRT owliC'l·t. c~L'D: 33· ri;a1rllne r Sdn Cnr. PO. air cond. ~h.i rp O'Nctll.


~·~ _ _ 2 Yr~ ohl w ipaper s & S ILV ER SE RVI C E . En& s new. compl eqpd lllS0. 492·4001.49tHl0'70 HOWAIDCtwno•et TELEPHONE Good uµp l y rur 1r11l1v s hoto; . llS lbs Beaut F I NE FURN . & AN · Cruising or flilhlna Sac Dovv &Qua11Sti<

1~7:1 .I OC~·4 !\P''C'l.I .... lh 'unrool c967KLM 1 1!17.J 2002tll Thi!> OOl" I:> loacll•J • ' ' t23llJT<: 1

!()()<{, E rnployer He ta1nt'li w t!xper rn \\llrl'house 49IS·J634 anyllme 'flQUES. 64S·2200 Sl\.000. rirm. 979·2251_ '73 Toyota Land Cruiser. NEWPORT Bt:A<.:ll

SOLICITORS m~mt. Super vi:mry c:x · Fn-to You 1045 - -· aood cond $33'i618f'1>t 1974 CSA Coupe-One of " krnd · IGM.'W ll 1 P 1TIME FllOM HOM E per r eq 'd Oood lwne frt •••••••••••• ••••••••••• L'U!LGAl!!.Et•r-5 3S' Chns Tri·Cnbin. AP. _ol_r_._&46-_ 9_\_6_'7 ____ _

---------1 f () R U N I T F. l> Ilk~ Salary orcn vv • A• s.5. OF. new c pts. 80 hrs c i:; ll 1:-; n HA l. l' A L S y Orw yr old fem Lob mix. from your business card s ince M .0.11 . o n twin i" To)'ot• Landcrsr. SECRETARIES C.Ui\ltANTEl-: D WAC: l•: ~'~~~ '11)8Y<'d o b~c1 1 e n ce ~one card ror each Chrysler ve. See at Slip ml. m int cond. 494·

Mor e jobs than p eo N() EXPER 963·0107 or 968tr~!!c1•d : likes k ids tag plus one s pare. We 3S. Balboa C'..ove11 ir Int _bef __ s_w_a_n~s ____ _ pie!"!! Top SSSSSSSIS 005 481 9 '°" r e turn permanently call (714 1 984·3961 eve. 'il Bl!ue r . air. tllt r As, Many noodt'd now T ype --------- '~,'~~\I.I()( l·\ll \To aood ho m e F' e m a le ~:!~ ~~:s~;c a7:.f1n~ AaldngSJB.exx>ortrade:' Xlnlcond. Sil()O(). !50 wpm or more Sh . no ~ ACJIKY lr1~h Setle r s p ayed. S JD. requi rements Pre· 17 fl Glosspar. 120 HP. 87~ ah. &Uteahok TELEPHONE 3723 BirchSt.N U yr1 . n ee<h f a mrly vent loss & theft ! For a 110 brd Me rcru lser . Tndd 9560

54M455 Equal Oppor Employc•r

INSTAUERS 557-0045 1142 ~ nfl 6 personalized tag enclose S2SOO 962 971111 •••••••••••••••••••••••

100''- Employt•r f r ee Euter Kittens w11llpape.~ . fabr ic or .__._ a-11 9060 Retamed C " Day Glo paper & we - ~ 1976 CHIYY

MAINTAINERS l~~~~~~~~~~I ute. nulfy and lookrng will back & tnm your ••••••••••••• •••••• •••• 'l1TC>t4 PtCKVr 1- for loving home. 847-0788 • ~ac Or l""' t~o "~r .... s EA s p RA V I ~ • 1---------•1 ..,_. • J ... .. .. ..., C amper 1 p et' 1a l

SPLICERS FunWture 8050 backloback Catamaran . " Tuned " Automatic. r•dM>. healer We Have Jobs! •••••••••••••• ••••••••• PRICES ractory demo mdl w / MW & c • m p e r s h I' I I Plus all craft t·utci,:on1•!> w1lh outi.1dc plant or c1•n lral 11ffrcc ei.per llr lo(h

I i: re" n h I g h b a C' k S2 ea or 3 SS aal11. C:Olor1 available 0010729l MUST S ELL TOP S$SS$SSS ehu1r SSS 1 h r~h back 4 'Stags Sl 60 l'a ~ w/lrlr. Save a.100. llus week al

Secretaries rh,ur inc('ds recover 6 9tagsSL50ca CaJIOoua~ OMLY $4500 Typists lr)I( I S3S on $ 100 for lOormoreSJ .i<Jl•j 35' F'OLKBOAT Tech Typists both' Also. I c h mm<' & Sales Tax lnrluded Varnished hull. hnstol MA19UIS TOYOTA

---------•I salJn1::. . good benefit:.. . long term d:.:.ii.;nmcnL.,. SECRETARY PART-TIME

E~ct>llC'nl opportunity ror 1nd1v1<1u.1l deslnnii part. time work l\am noon M1rn thru Fri T yp<.1 90

Call644-3389 9/\ :'¥! ' lll Noon

THE IRVIME CO ~Newport Ctr Ur

Nt>WJ)Ort UN H' h Equal Oppor F.mplnycir

For l mmedr J lc l1 1r1: Call

3848 CGmfMAI Dr 546-4741

t i\cross From l)ran(le Cn i\ lrpurt 1

F.qual Oppor F.m 1>lt•y<>r

p .:lass c cihn1ot h!(hl $<111 NO CARO~ MISSION VlEJO IXO~rators and 1 h all rc ilin g Oraw your own or send co n d w / m on ring 831 -2110495-1210

Autnq Clerics h!olhl $20 Phone 642~l3R_ name. address. phone & &46-04~ lookke.pers we' ll make one card per Deluxe Columbia 36. Why ICeypwteh Oprs SAV I': • M1\RCll SA LE . ta~ i\ddW~ach. bare ioo·r~ of the expen~e Reeetltlonlsts New & u~ed furn .. 1ppl's . Send check or money or· of II luxuriou.'I boot whe n

mist Wilson·~ BarJ:"aln dcrto· you haven't the time to CIHtts Nook 12 Stnn•!l l, :>.is & PILOTPRINTING sari ever yday? Why

TEMPO HM W 19th. t:M f.42 7930 PO Box 1soo post pone your families

'66 Chevy l ton step \'an Windows al l a r o und . hydrauhl.' door. ~.000 rru. on new 6 c yl cm111nc Goud ht' :Jkr. II res. body All ser vice r ec-ord s , S2000 MS-~. 646· 7691:4 Temporary Help & 5-IH 3?ii2 C'-OSla Mesa. Ca 92626 e njoyment oC a full y

Call540- 4 .. 55 **I BUY** •MATTRESSES• e qulppt>d l argH 1970 l ntc rnat1 o n a l t:t1ul11011;Jot Emplo~u GOO(! lt~t·(I 1-'urnalu""' & sailbool ? Here's an op· TravelaH 392 VS. auto,

, •" Single Sets S39 50 por to join 3 families in p IS. p / B. ve r y dun 1\ pphant'l.''l - OH I wll l FullS1ze$44 50 t hei r long standing , Many xtras. Must sell ! lll'll ur SELL for You R&J Mo ll•()\•, f O CI Yy harmonious love arralr Will sac. 494-0198 MASTERS AUCTION oJ8 l i 1 1, , Sr S.A wl• marvelous sailboat. ---------64W616 & 133-9625 ~7 ·56.'lh Sll.000 (only $S0 mo for '68 Dodge Van. 225 cu In 6.

---------•lw omen n c l01I r rl r or Secys/ dldoptl S775 TELEPHONE hooscl'll'at11nA ~cn1l· 1• Acdnq Clks $700 Rabbie 's Rog Mop

-- --- __ __ lheklttyl 17141675-3136 paneling. c pu. 8 trk Cul 'C'lvot sofu & lo\ NEWPOHT BCll TENN IS Make offer . 554·$259 a ft c ~ c tit Ga m e 1 t' l , Cl.l' B l.imill••I M cm Venture 21, brlatol cond, llPM 540-2860days

MC~T it -l.t>i:al $k50 SALES 548-075 7 l!:mµIOyl'r" l'a\ 1\ll ~-. ... ., ----

1.11 Rcmrlcr" A~l·nc· v -1020 H1rl.' h ~I . ~t .. 11~1

Newport lle111·h K3:1 111'10

SECRffARY \~:11 :. I Ill (1fl- \1J ll.lj1l I Ill MllOllf C- llrf' 'i t •\\ nwrlt•rn rn 11 II art•:i nl•t•tl :. t l\rl ,llll l• pt'r ~cin 1·\Pl' I ct 111 .tll 11ha:w :. 111 olc· \\ 111 I.. l'h•J -.l' JIJPI.•• 111 P"I''""'

Sclwlell Corp. 5412 Ml°Ft111d1·n ,\\1• I lunt1n1,'t'ln 1X•ad1 714 / 898-6631

SECRETARY fitner:d lh•ol i-;,.,tato r11· velo11mtnl firm r1·lot'.1t 1ng to nvw flf1· 11t till'<> C Alr porl F d1 .1r~1 · " ''' ' w ;typrn~ & .,1r pr1.f'd ~.ii r ommem.ur.1 1<· " 1' '<l•"r &abili t y f15li 7tH I

S EC R ETi\fi Y. p l1mt> . t!XPt·r '<I l,l\ 1· hk k pn fl. Ph Mr.. n.1r nt"" TU•'" ... r I l' I n .. ,. c1 ~, II II

1\73 r.1111


\boH· .1H•ra i.:1· IA- , i): • l'altl "kl) l n1f11rm & rqu1p turn l '.1 111 ' ·' ' tranii (I t,, t1hnn1· 11 •11 11 Call <:!I .I I .1 1:1 !11 :111 11r wr1ll• l iu<trll'< ~~,,, . ,, ..,

Inc., lllkl :"tl u111t•1 •• ~ ' ""' H.d, ~nntl'rl '' I '.i r k l .1

IH7M I·: 0 ~.

T1n·1I of your a\'l'ntl(c YA C HT ~t\LES:\I AN 11111 of the mlll phone Knowll'dgo or both i..itl & m;,trhrnl( l'Offee t•blc!>. lx•r.,hipe; &U -Oll',o full race with a ll options - ----- ---

wall unit , !.Ofa ta,blus · pl""' more. trailer Ind .. 75 Chevy Luv AM 1FM Jlll•l- • powcr Oc>dl~ ~all·~ exp & l J\LI , US NOW " lie pr!'f'cl 675 11\20 Lumps. naug !\Ota , glass GVIT1\R S!5. Sn.:I ~d s.'200 642-0245. ~33811 s tereo, Ctl' Gd cond

top dinette. rut ve lvet S2S. -t wrouMhl Iron Cal 20 .54 Good Cond S2700 AlJ..8874.S4S-9838 Wnr k 6 hr ' a day 11•11n"Wnl1nJ,: 11 nal 11u1al I} knnlA-n proclm l to rt•s1-1t1•111 ' 111 sn Ca l1r & ''r11'1n:i We provi de pll'.1-. .inl s11rrounrl1nl(s & Jr d u'< ('<l 11tm0:.phc:re

YARDMAN Young man wr:.h1ng lo establis h h 1m :. l· lf an gro w1n ~ l' :.trl• cr Mechanical knowlcdAC beneficial ;\ pply . 19~ Placentia. C M

chair, Knl( or Qn s 11e l!u~~1<1<1b ~ 645 3269. Loaded. $3500. '74 Chev)' .s 4 l01' . 350 v !I lo bdrm !.el . mattrcssl'S, t>IO 1R18 •1~ '"'"" .. 1c T il t h 1 l{IB~'.> & wood roffee 0 .,.~,..,.. mt, '" · w ec • t a h I e !. ALL 1 N St•.Jr,, Elcr 1lr)er wh1lt'. Custom c a b. Radi o .

16' HOBIE w /traile r . new Heater. p IS. I' 18 . Auto EXCEL l~ ENT CON S.i5 kll.. lf "nyl .sufa. tramp, mdders, gauge t rans, To&,Cat Cam""r OITION M4 4760 S.?511 :-~,;! :li(.:!fi ton.'<! $1400 f 0 ,...

- ~ I 3 · 5 g !) • 1~~ 2 1Y~ shell . A · I nd. 646-200

c.oorh. Green & blue plaid Qtmhty I :1fts ll:indt·rafl · hnen, 11 fl rnlitnm modt• l'<I t1y St•111or:. t-: a ~ter _t:va. /Wknd11 2.14_!'10·2184 Clean '72 CMC ..., To n

c 1111 pa'f o, trul'lun· 1s ont• ·M.rchandise s I Th l 11 Pickup ~"SO from ll•""ar!I . Xlnt • 1>1•1·111:. (' loat 1111!'11' -~ <___. • ·..,.. 111 thP tx•,.,1 in tht• bu~• ·• •••••••••••••••••••• • • • 87S·i 1SI ,.,. Gtfl Shop 1711 W Balboa ~ .......- • 9080 Call675-491 l Iles:< Wl· h.1"' a 1-(U;Jran· _....__s SOOS " l1<<l 1" lbou 1> .. nr11uula 1

I .. I d"' ...... """"' n DJ ' ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• i:? Chev Luv. oood Mnd tL'l.'t 11asr :-.a ar·y 1n a 111· ••••••••••••••••••••••• K!nj! si box spnn~ & mat 10 2 T F 1 " 111111 to u t1h.·rnl ho1111:. & 1 r I.' s ., . s 1 m m 0 0 s -~~ r GlasLTOn 1973. deep V hull . Best o ff er 768 ·5228 l'<,mrn111s1on You 1·.in 't Wonderland Bcautyre!ll $100 f'..11-14467 1x8Slute bt"C:I IX>OI t bl tilul.' ur. 302 Ford Enit . 270 Pnvate Party . lol'll'' Of Ant1·ques.• f('lt . perfect rontl. S.100. Volvo m 08 outdrtvo. '74 GMC ...,T--.S,- 8- .-6- C'y l

7 ' Sofa , yc1low / wh 1lc: l'honeil95~1 VM&Ontr lr. xlnt SI C for :! S htfh ,1-.11! .illlc lllJ GE w :Hl•h11u ~C' tapc~try <lcsqrn Xlnl - - - - -- srhno l iSl · 418S or ir; ti c k . s h el l . ma g 3

11 .10 :! JO & :J :10 ~1 :JO five c-ramnw<.I w1lh uwr 54.JO coodS250 f'h5~· !12.'>7 Hnd1n Cont i n i Motlc..t 53a·29V2 AMi FM tape, Xlnt rond tlJ)'>·• " l'l 'k rnu:.1c• hn)(1' " · n11•kc lo planes & hoals. sl'lllng - -- 545 · 4429 , 1850 N e w

dt•on prano:. . i· ir1·u" ,1r 'ipollci<s m•1ir m•w 8' / Sola l' \l'f"Ylh•nf.( t'ht•up Snmu loah. storCIC)e 9090 _:'erser. CM~-l 01111l.H'l 1(1•111••• ltu~:- 1

833-8095 For P~al Interview

TIME-LIFE LllRARIES. IMC . Oppor Employer

~ . 111 " " .1 II t' 1111· k ' ~'i.lO 1" } :,., ;r <"ouc h & nt·H•r usi•d 675 3662 nr •••••••••••••••• ••••••• '75 Ranchero. A/C. 465 hp. .: rundfJlhN c-l u r k ' lhl 100 ('11-.ltlnl7'round f~l~ 221MI Boat Stor :q~e Space AM tFM. 8 lrack stereo. f ru" S:lll Thi ~'fl l .. 1m1~ . Ava1l•bl e Newpo rt ;1M 1n.1l111 i,: .111t1<i111·~ " .,.. .. · lr:ialennu pk••. 6 ma•• ,.... "'" w h rurHllt.-holfll' r:. t'l l' .............. ,, __ ... ""'·-~ ...,.mo .... " .. t o .. .. ., "'cr~1.0c10.""'1 orl ,..w""":........~

1081 IAlln=• · ~ .,.... ""' whlli, crws_v cntrol, shell

i\ lnl1•mJll011t1l t;t.S l-Jtlll ..,,_ w 1sbdt' windows. 25,000 c:allenes, 114021' Kt•lll'r z ('11udll' '> m a l C' hlnJ.: ... .................... Find 'AhOl you 'A llnl rn ml $71mlbsl 64S-0527 in.: St . In 111" ·11·1 hl.·1 ~1· hit· r11·..,1i:n 7' & ~ SSS CASH FOR 0~1.!r!~lasslft<.od~ v- . 1111570 7M-lii1 Open Wc1I thru s1 2::. both (;ct Conli -- .., Sal 9 i\!\1 lv I l'M \'I i.ti ' "'· "' l"''.17 Good used rum / refnl(s T '4 rtat"- •••••••••••••••••••••••

T R • ( 11 ' ' ""I' \1 ""'" "' fnrs & SloYC!'i 546·0768 1 -..p DI ,_., ·1 1•. 1\ ,(, r. ' . In I - ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 Oodgu V8 . Window

~:J':t;.~~n;;;~·1' fl Vi41fl . to J~-~~~~~;s ~·~~1 "~~1:.i~:r1p1 1 Gwd ~.:!..m ao13 ci::"· W./ fua~.1~~~3~~ii·Ps~;~:t~:i Sl pp;n SALi-: 7:,1 i11il •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • !!~~ niter 492 3426 ~11 to40'i nff - -- Co M o 1

TOOL & DIE on 1-\trmturt' . CJmt' tbl w i 1 chr<-. bed nn tn · Mal1c e er. ALASKAN Camper 10·, '72 FORD YAM ,.. 1 S 1 ( 'hi .,, dan•nporl, cir tv I.imp ... organ. exrellenl cond1· ove r head cabinet . New paint, new llrea. 'r)St:t · • 1 \rr, n.. har..tooh <•hr-. fi7:l !H:i7 lion. $600, P .P . 532-1259 . AM/ FM radio , portapot· .. 7so. 6 • 6 .97• 3, .. . M .

MAMER Ht'HHY l 'ITOl>i\'t" - .. .. " I\ ~3tst Sl . ~w1>tlkh 8055

Office~& · ty. xtn drawer. xlnl 64f.809(>

I • h •h ur 1·1" ctn I l ' \ ' I I GGroge Sale e..-i nt 8015 oood. Sl400. ~·03'75 -------·'111·r ' " •i.: ,. ' ' 1 n anrwry 1 •114" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,..pnw 'i4 Ford Surfe r . V8. Auto.

' '"' ' II prnl(r"<is ivr the'> flll I o (' l Ill \1 r I I 0 •••U••••••••••u•••• ~:r:,~a/ I d \hit• 111 work 1nf11 l'l' n Brass led Factory < I 00 r II l ' • C 9150 rel. pane e • !!lereO.

11111111 •-; & h1Ml~ ~wl hni,: stN'I as(• OCllk & S<'C'Y ngs, low mi .. & xlraa. 11t•nlh &h.ll l'ct'411t<1ob S h •l Wr11o m H ll\' 11 l e• h A,... d ..,..."" 1• •1· 1~tll1t1~' l'lll' ll l• So01\' l' air. ltuvu <'00 ...,., ,,.,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ongownr $4995 957·0261 1'11.,111 .111 ••ir11hlt1111 puhlt • llu ' 1l1 r c•d &. n .. ve r UM.•cl 1;75 ;10.,2 or Call631-2ii7,tl:l1·25i0 1974 350 Kawa11ak1 , off --"-- ------

~r\' rt ,. 'll .t " ull't> ll l.i rt STACOSWITCH IHC "'1n 1" S.1:? ~ 1 " t.~ 2200 i\ l J l b l <I- rt- - hwy Good Condition . '72 Chev ~. ton Va n. 350 •·xpi·r cl c.uh I'. \,. ,. & I I.IV H.11!1 ·1 1 ·11,t.1 ~k'J \ ••'lt1n.rn olrt·~~111 ~ lhl. J r u s 8 t· r a 1n8 $400/be!lt 751-M:W standard . Clean, xlras.

5 '"9· 30'" I 1-:n° o .1k l<urrl'l $225. bo:ird / tabll' w l •n:slru · ' Musts~ . ..., • ..,.._ •96·70111 wkml-. N• '-•l .lfll"" '' & .. .. full l1 ·n1tt h h1•\ c• lrtl mlr "' Fi I Ac """ .,.,..~ ., hantl"r11111~ \ppl • .:!11M1 ~.q11 1 I 11p1 .. . r I· mpl11H•r ro • ~ :-;ohcl ll\ .ih"tt .iriv M11rlih• l1111 " ·•'lh~ t .ind mcnls. ne l'lln< · S195. UJ8I Yamaha 125 st of· - --------". ' ·ou.

1-..11 l Ill• ,1 , . , 1 .. Ilk hm•k1n~ SlllS ufl ... r 893 11460 :i fl i pm o r rer All or parts• Off '66 Ford Van. $1050. Runs

•' .. " \l ,tj!ll lf ll \'Ill ' .\111 , 1 ...... k d D""• d d ti h d ;.;Jtlltr.c> 1:io11m r.ill~'.K 1~11i-- wn s llwr . 7M..,.,.... ~oo. g r e11. oy. Si•r \ll<'l' Stu i\\ll•rul.iril TYPIST Horwi 8060 ,... 1017 m$ Ysh11 soo. Super min ft 'H, 768'8843

t''<P''r 'd fo'ull 111 11 lllllt! !'lit 'f'< lr-tl full t tmt• \l u~l Bt.'uuttlul r o unct h od •U•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• condltlon. 1300mr. •74 Dodge Van. P /S t' / B ~lllY /\rt\~\t• tlun 17lh l>t· ,11' ur oh· ""' n ·• <J I• w ' ohd br!'~ h1•.1d\Jruod It ~ fun 10 boorrl your Dbl Yollow head Parrot $1 ,000 Mr> »4 i\M/ l''M. tape, CH. high ~_r~ne, lmm~l tu< k1:rnund S .i"lt s..')5(1 blJ.fl(,..I honlc al Tully llo ~·arma w / <'D Rt: & Coe ka tie I Honda 9-r. SL

70 d blk back scats. s urfer ml.

~vlt'e !-.tu ll l'lp lu ll or tu "1111 ·1 U'> lln u rell K1mb111l duo .irt pl nyn P ipe l"Orruls Si:. Oox !5156-2719 Xlnl clo n2d . S2'01rtflr,: new pa int, ma11s. flares p/\lmr Alltrl JI !1!10 1'. r) rnm m•·O \u ~ .ol l• •r;ind ; xlnt 1·ond -tall• 1 h 1 i: i. " & 11roop 38.000m Sharp' CoHlllW" , N u "" .. . q 11•r1 e1) c ,. ( j ll grll Lrfl"IW<! li14 w II DfV n k.. P'-os•O"JGM 1090 1173-&l.29 suoo Ql llGreg 6429006

' $.~I 5.Ul bewn IO 11 AM or S(> - S9Q llOO W<• eud .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------~ or~·4987 C'li:an Eoi<hsh & Westem i2 SUZUKI TC 125. Xln

S<orvlcc Sl 11 i\lkndanh 2 31' \1 7 Sher aton c11nlnl( rh11lr11 , rid an~ lu'lson!I 17 262 BALDWIN Parlor Grand, - ------W/~Xpct to 1o¥ork ,.,,.,. & ·---------l m~t1 c 1"10, $175 eli New ........ . p V 979 9475 (5/) M.000. cood. Lo nu. ~/bit ofr "M VW KOMBI w1Sp1nt wlcn<b t.tu1l haH• lor ul ~ ,,.,,,... - - 848-8330 545-N9, 87a.J l81 Camper 2000 c c eng nrra. Apply 1n pcrac1n 11 1 Underwn·tina -;:,.,,.-----

1010 r1NTO l(eldlng. s•, yrs,

5111 H-"-----'- 1_

4 ............ Shart> S87SO. SS2·5479

<Jpm. Mon -F'rl . l-' r•·l1 6 *¥F..C•• •how 1 pleasure. $800 . ... ~- v 7 S.llttftt 916 :1131 HnrlxK Bl. t M l••;•tant ••••••••••••••••••••••• T680230eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• I "' .WO. W.t.d 9590

~ REFRlOERATOltS _;.; _____ Brownlnt Safari . boll•~ · •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Service Stotlon Att1·n Xlnl upply for and iv W~HERS·ORVERS Je--"Y 1070 lion, »-OS. cobra slin g, FOi llMT dant, exper'd L>ay & w 3 s )rs w o rkmi·n ·- Rerondrtlons· Heproa & • ••••••• •••• •••••• ••••• Redrleld 1cop" • 197616FT. Eves. f'ull & p llimr Ar> romp upl·r T ) ptnll f'ril l>&magc Guur Dl>I WA .... TED mounts. leather gun GMC MOTottHOMI J>b' , Shell Station. 17th & 50 t. arr uru<'Y 11 rnu&t 29 Yrs l1I Orange Co " cue. like new, make of· r 1 d lrvtnt'. Nn DUNLAP'S TOr C'AS ll DOI.I.AR ft•r 530 5878 Fully sol c o nta n 9

1;,•lll h1.·n .. ( tl f•k !l,•r > I' i\ I I> ... () H y O l; H Weelly & dally rental.a. s~v1rt> l'tn11on i\ll •·n $71JOSilll.1o llllS NewJ>OrtBl, CM H :w1::1.11"'. WA'J'(' ll cS. TV, lodio, CAUTOOAYI

2 L • ' I I CALL~ 7780 ' Him S 1098 OJ\lll , I l r.XIJl.'I t ( ;n ~'~~~ i\flT OH.I l':( wt'S, CiOl.D, "• f...-.o 979•2500 rt!)' ('h('\'r 11n. UO I s f'RfiT OAMMiED llOT ~ 11.v~: tt SERV l (; fo: . •••••••••••••••• • ••••••

(' ni.I ll w y I .1141111.1 J'Oli'IT Snlc• 3:1011 w l-'I N 1': fo' llHN & A N COLORTV·s - ----- ---t U.nt·h ' ' .., 11'1 l\\ \ " "' >< I \I I.., Warrwr nr llorbor, Santa TIQU ~:s 1;.1~ W Ml ZS' OPEN ROAi.>, Full • - RCA·ZENITll·MAGNO self-cont. Reserve no ' !.wlMJ Moch. Oprs P..-.OttMI A~ncy /\na 9'i\J 2921 Livestock 8075 Good Selection Guur f<'ll' Eaater. 644-338$ F:xper!elll'l'll N1•11r ()( ' :r.:t.'l ll1rl'11._t."< .B ELF:CTRIC URYElt. hkl' ••••••••••••••••••••••• PORTADl.F.S&,P..ts

-~lrporl . 5-IO :Mill-l 557~045 11t>w F r11: 1d111n'. SIOll Rei,: Mnrl( 11 nrn11n· . hrok1• CONSOl. t:s &AccH...t.I 9400



~~:J ''"' .. 1•1 '" 11 Ill v r,

11 \ Jtil "'"Ir •ldl f /1 1 II M 1, ' J• I ' ·Vi (J .1.i,



or CLASSICS If your car 1& extrn clean 5ee U!lrl~t.

u.ualUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd .

Costa Mesa 979 2500


TRUCKS• Come in or Call

FUE.,,.....lal Groftt C._,,rote-t 18211 Beach Blvd

RMW 2002:i 1!172 AutomDll<' . . iir

<' '' 11 ft 6t I\ M I f M 112\F'TQ • Hli3 4 :.pc1•d + i.unrool \63():1 I 197!'·4 spce~ · with 3un• roof 1907MFG I 197S-Autom11t1c IOI~ l

OMW~s t97S Autom11t1 C' . air cond &ateroo 10S2Nff 1 1!176-4 speed 1611ROG 1


lfuntmgton Beach 13 I ·2040 495.494' 147-6087 • 549-l3l I - --






COST A M 1-:.c;A






ltHl~SO~ & so~ • 1 tNCOLH· ME RCURY


AMtos, hnpot'ttd .......•..••...•....... 9701 .............•.........

Fun Can From Jim Rlduftan Mtn

B e ntl e y M c rc1a Roadsters 'Sl J ag drt> head coupe IORUPY I '52 Ja ~ 120 Rdstr C219KVT I '53 Sunbeam T albol Cn\ l cONt;~ I ·~ Hf-ntlt•y Sdn RllO 1936PEL 1 ·55 Bentley Snrf. kHD (2~ HIC ! ' 56 Ben ti c y. J am ti l>


$ S11Jc11 Serv1re-Leas1na

Rov Carver.Inc. Koll!! k l)Vl'C BM w

1540JamhOrPe N<'wport lltiach &lO 6444

1971 Bavona 2800. i1 <lr . loadecl , 62 001) m r . $4%01nffer 673 6336 or &12116611

Capri 9715 ..........•.•...•...... ·74 Capn, brown. 'v fi. 4 ~pd . air A M FM 11 trk . <18 .0CAi mi. S2550 673·11544


••·····•·········••·•·· DRIVE A


IARWICIC DATSUN San Juan C11011trano

8 31- 13 75 493.3375


B2tlJ ,1 Door ~ speed. r11d10. 1000PK E 1

MOW$2795 8!SH OOV F.STR t:t::T

Ncur Mar Arthur & Jamboree Roads


TOP BUYER Sec us firs t, & luM • Top dOllar paid lor lmJ>Orls


DATSUN YOW'litSdn (Cl48NKK r 2845 Harbor Blvd · ~1 8u~ cy•· Sprit e Cl'lfita \1ei- ii S-t0-6410 ccUMHAAJt '61 Bentlc)' S«.lun UID. arr ltNQV~• . '112 Ro rt a P S. J a m es Yoong <SCC431 '82 MB 300 Coovert RJID ((SlV870• '63 Jag XK E Rd s tr l lOOH20• '63 &-ntley Sl>dan. RIJO <ENG4KX t 'M Aston OBS Cpe. l.20 . air CSTT97!l l Be ntley Cont l nenta1 Cpcl fo:NG BLA58:«"> 1

'00 l?olls M PW t:pc H II[) 1ENGCHR1803 1 'f;6 Bentley "T " Sedan

i S 280 Z Low mt All xtrlill S ilver Mui.l sell ammt'd 64~ 1107 ---- - -

lcrwlck'• SfMclaf

1976 Dohun 2101 4 s peed . o i r ronct .. AM 1F M & r ear wtndow louvers. c33tNQR 1

ONLY $5995 We have many new ·77 Zs lo chom1e rrom


IARWICK DATSUN RHO. air 1SBll711t! 1 San .lultn Cnp1s1rano '68 Rolls Convert. RHO 831 - 1375 49l·ll75 14IOPF'E l ' 7 :? ~ 0 :? S 0 C C Pc . Cl:ic;~rr '66 Dats un station air1SAMW":? 1 wai?nn Runs good ~50. "74 Roll5 Sedan, Sunroof 6i3·2161S\ (8 175211 -- ---­' :!7 Roils . oldr. ope n '76 Dal3un :?SOZ 4 spd, air. tourer 111LF 1 m:i~~. AM / FM cassette. 'SI Aston Dli2. Chov pwr many olher ext ras Lel>s 10PL844 I lhan ~ ma srooo Ph '62 Sunbeam Alpine Con 1213 __ ifl60_ 9_1_4_J ____ _ vert 14060531 9725 C.all <21l >'79S-2551 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Off' loc~ cafl C.-icK 12 F'1ul t~ Sport C'J'>t' '> ,.~

52 7147 spd. A~ / FM . r ad1t1ls

_.-nOft • Cr 1r n nt Sl200 u r 1

Audi 9707 ~4922nr~M61 _ _ _

••••••••••••••••••••••• ·70 8SO Spader Xtr• low 72 AUDI IOOLS mi. xlnl cond . See to

4 Door. Au~matlc. 1Jlr IM'treve. S1400. 840-3870 c on tl . & • t" t cu Hoftdo 9727 (0otlMUK l.


••••••••••••••••••••••• lrmdMew'77


To ChooM FrOM! toll' . Emph1) 1•r 75lll~aft 61'M to r• <fr llt •lr1v1>. b lk ~lR~~~!~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SHIP /REC'G ·Hf'lul1w11 - -- . p.'tr11du Mnri.;an 11eld1nlo(, vn I poced manufuctur W1llhuyoldrdnl( , appl~ . 1': n 11 • Wt••rn (T l'1 I 7MWt7lhCM . &46·1786 VWENGtNE."

'74 Auct l lOOLS. xtnt. low ml, ,\M/ l-'M. 48pd, $3600 .

- - -------· 496-8228 ---- - ----- UNIVERSITY 101 ta rm d<'tllt l'li am work1nit M not . a lso ~ 1011 USED · RP.:BUll .T bilious, d cpc!ndubh: in WAITJo: ll Wi\ ITltESS llcropmctAI b'i:-.-sisH DerBuggyShop~

' vidual. t:'tpr In truck 11\.~l'(I for 1n1 c•ountry --- MisceHGMOUs 8080 loah & MariH PO ltnl( , par kin1: , c•tr rlutl. 11llrut'll\t'. muturc. Hew Maytag Washer • ••• ••••••••••••••••••• ... ,..... NOruNEU VER r helpful , IJu t not \Int w.1~1 · & h1•nf'fr t s •Gas Oner fk ••••••••••••••••••••••• 134.ts. W1ll trarn. Room for J>lc»w cull 1714 1 10C. S7G7 TIIJS WEEKSSf>t:(; IAI . f ~~tys !nil~~ c~u111prrr:ict"! Geuc1al 90 I 0 ChrlaUanC.,Co.

lo s $599 --1ott. n-tu-, •Ac.nae ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----~------! .. ncement. to1 llng Wailtt!MCS, So Lag, NB & ...._. '""'"' ~·" .,...,. S3 l o S3.50+ ovt>rl1m I pt & Fl. Cofrec BURK£SAPPLIANCF.S - ---- - Two SKIFFS 9 ' uch.

~ly rn person. 9 ) •hop "XP Rnfs plea•e. ll4S D. 83ker St. CM Vlllt 's Lattn lmporu FI berg I a". UO & AllhK Mr S. '""" w 18 h s n ' " ~ .. .., -12 """A734 (\.w•mnn a. round Apr II """-··boat'" tfoldAI, ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• nys ....,, · t · l . Charlie ':-. Cruh Ok til4 l ~ ,,.,..... , ,_ """"' .,_ a Me5o unn•>< i LldoVrl a e Mall, Nwpl 873-1923 .,,.If/

~ ------ Kenmore Washer $1!S. - - ailtkt 9520 ---------•lwartn.-ss Foodi Co<'kta il!I Norge Gas Dryer SSO. l'INAALl-<> 50 lo <'hoose loah. Mai11t111-.c•/ ...................... .

, Guaridel M6 8672 fn111'1 for your 11amc rm s.r.lce f020 • p ... CJ 1 • Personnel Apply aft 4pm, Sid ll nluc At Amu~ement Unfle r ••••••••••••••••••••••• '8 /\. orte1"" a11 c. ll(>f'l, 107 21st l'I.:. N l.J - 0. I040 Gius. 12931 Motn St . SPRING CLF.ANlNO XlM cond. alm°:'l new

l.._._1$, trator 1---------•1••••••••••••••••••••••• GG ~ 2102 II:! h II I ed .l lot. Call art 8 . 30pm. IUlml w m"S"-"S Snmoye-d 3 mo. old m•hl • readveL· your" ""•un -~Sonean Div· 875-~1'7 all d•Y wknd1.

lndlvldusl n~ed w / IO A • - 1 .,._ v=r ~ v e ..


s hota. paper s . rn1mp. """ .rrw• Ina rvice. Complete •a-Hflan .. lrt.ilt'I rl'rrwlin" l'Xf:.r HoatffMt~OYW 2 ... ut .. b u rt " " ISO. 546·3658 man ac,u Y e co underwater y1cbt main· V........._.__ ts•o Xllt bent'flt pk1? Su ary Gulllvvr 's utlaurant "-I ""2 I"'"'" ..__. • ..,en. lntc rvlewlnll Mon lhru ()()GOBEOfENC f: ..... C'll "" """' 1.enance 531·5'121 •••• ••••••••••••••••••• • .,, Thur, hetwn 3·!ipm. Ex· <.:LASSES s larl We~1 Youth be<! SJS, GM JnFonl · ~~~' pcncnred only, ruU·Ume Aprlr 20. 7 . 30 ~ l'M lov~l'lll $12. !\() . W Lunr h&dlnntr. Nwpt1lrvar ca$4G· 9'AI 648•11716

1"482 Mac/\r1hur. lrvlnu - KC- lk L -b 1 GI \.'\I f.:0\ I \ \\( )( t \I h 1--~~~~~~!!I" B 11 pupp o• ~" Boys Huffy . 20" rl~ ' :-'M"IOlll4t Aget1cy Shlll. wormed. 9 wk.3. bl.Ile, S20 ~u 8Ft Gem ,,,_l'/23 Ri l'('h St. N. n You don't n<'fll a l(un to By appt rall MT·251Xt._ Top Sht'lf $200 962 5477_

557-0045 " draw rast " whe 11 you COLLIE P UPS. AKC. n10ermanSllvt1rPnrRdo l<>O'l £mploy\lr ph1«1 11n 11d in the Ontly normal eyt'S, bHut So\Jh.• Stlddle Appr llSOO ASK

R•talned l'llot W•nt Ads' C111J no~ 6 While. S7S in 1200 Ina SUl001~t nfr &42~ &42-56iR 116.US41 btwn IOAM 1SPM

~M9WM DUNE BUCOY. Dirt or • wt 9010 Sand. ~, rau.i duel port ...... f!! ........ •-•• VW. on Cll~moelh fram4'.

Cltm f'eature. ~ hvy Complete Chrysler dty cttm tratlcir . lJ1cd <I manifolds for 318 c. u. VA. l ncludu m•nllolda, llmea S2llOOi Bu Oft rt urs . e Ibo w •. e nd -*" __ l88'7 _ _____ _

pl11lo- everything for .,borll ... 1t. legal VW twin en11nea with 410 ctw. bufty, Cood eottd hours. ms tot•I ~It. '700. llrni.: CAii •flot' •

Call Dale atd6· 112l pm. ~4





3100W. Cat Hwy, NB 642-9405

CAROUTUT c.ltFerC..s

, .... ,.,. Or Met 21.SHARBOR BLVD.

lffarbot • VIMna 1 COST A Mt:l:SA 642-0653




M28 Harbot Blvd COSTA MESA


i3 · IOOLS, air. aten.'O, Sllv11r 1Blu". l m ma c. moo.~

IMW 9711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. CREVIER

& I " 11 "°40.Y SAHfA AHA

838'3171 TMa UUllllAfl DIWM~

0W.Mo11Me Handa Ccrs • CiMC

Trwcb 2.8SO Harbor Blvd.

Cost.II Meu ).40·0&40

~ 9710 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '87 Jaaua r XKE Rdstr. llnl cond. IMOO 122·~ afUPM .

9715 • ••••••••••••••••••••••

•USID IMW•s * Karmann Oh1a iO. 78,000 '7"3.oCSASi RTULWB m l . 11eoo 1or beat

i5saotAHKWT 1-&46-t»~.:.;;.;:..~1~~----'00U10041!pdZXXIJM 'Gii Karmann Ohta . Xlnt '74 2002 <lllpd UULWR Mod lhruout. &1395/ bat '7S 20024'1pd7MNJM oer 01y 63'1 l2:20 ''k for Cao..d 0.. l•d"P Jerry Eve Me-cl688

Umt BMW 2002·MetalUC? 9731 (Jord blue w / hlun In· ••••••••• .... •••••••••• wnor & AM/ f"M tU!NO (lllt!lh:t 18UPQN I ,

l7900 Pvt. l"ly 87Hl53

'70 BMW 2003 Prle9d ,... dllCed ~ MU. I Owft lm cmc. Bo<lY. p&10l tntr 6 m«h. 830-7027

·m i,;a·c-,.e mazdil '· ....,.... .. ...,

c.... ......... ~.700

Page 28: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


. \

I BJ% DAILY PILOT Monday, Aprll '4. 19n ._..,, f•p.....W Alltos, UM4 Alltot, UMCI

....................... ....................... ······••·•········•···· AMfot. IM~ Auto•, lntpcwted Mtos, l•port.d Yat.o tnz Ford '940 ,..._ 9957 ··········••·•········· ..................................................................... ······•·········••····· ...................... . ~edea .. n1 '740 Ponct.e 9750 Toyofo 91'5 OllAMCH COUMTY um t'ord Torino. A1C. '75 PU\to MPt~. wht. air ••••••••••••• • ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• auto. alt xtras. 53.000 mt ~o n d . I 1 k e n e w

MIZRESALES P orsr he 914 i.1 ·1 3 . VOLVO 7~·02349687343 S25SO oer 9611~7G Phot>n1x red. 1990H'U l EXCLUSI Vl!:L Y VOL VO

. 's.flt90SL 2tuno.1<1TXnS) Koms, AM PM, $4650. LargestVolvoOealer ' 73 LTD Cou ntr y S<1 fltymo.ilh 9960

"" ~ 17 ·00·11 d3)':>. Eve & In Orange Count)' • Wagon. AM FM i.t~rt'O . • •••••••••••••••••••••• 'W280SL Auto 123:.!I) A C di • ., o wknd 640·7153 ask for B UY or LEAS!-; • x 1n tr. ~40 '74 PLYMOUTH SADDUIACK

Hyroo DIRECT! call afte1 6 P\l THI MO Ml-3787 i.Lallon wa~ons f'our to

choose from Ma1ntutnt.'ll by the Dally Pilot fleet garat;e i.taff Pr ll·cd rlgbt f ro m $ l ,995 to ~.39S ~c In D,ul> Pilot purk1n11 lot. 330 Wl'bl Dn~ St .. C:o~ta l\Jt.',.u. or cal 6-1 2· 4321 tor m or l' rn formation A&k tor ll1 i:k o r 111 th,• llcct

V AUEY IMPORTS 8 31-2040 495. 4949

L•as• Mew- U1ed

OVER 100


HouH of Import. AUTllOIU Z~: U

MEHCEO ES O~:ALEH 6862 M a nrheSll'f .

Buena P ark 523-7250

On the Santa Ana Fw \'.

1975 MBZ 280 SF.f>AN . One o"ncr r:ir with s t l'rco. P" r "in 11 ow ~ & a 1 r r u n d SPOTLESS' 1~.\I VI I


831 -2040 495-4949

l!l!'>2 \IUZ JOOS ( 'l.1"H' t 'ouJX• One· of only KO orn rltu·t•d H'Jr' Wtll

· ~7 Porsr he Spd:itcr Cm11lt 'y reblt B:.t ofr mer $5000. Call 5S7 2508

RotlsRoyce 9756 ....•...•..•........... "1 DEALER IN U.S.A.


ACCESS/PARTS Holl:. V8en11 '73.2:1M Holl!. \'8 eng '67. ~M ScH~rul rcbw It S2 Vlls llcnl. ti c)'I engine. Mark \ ' I J;ii: J::ng1nes .. ·72 J \'II Hcbu1l t Shadow & <.'loud Tnrns Jo'rt>t,rgla:.:. HR fenders & rockl•r:. J 1 m H 1 c k m a n :\I t r ,, 2 1 :1 795 25!'> l or loc J II,. 1 all C:arloi. CJrri o n 7;)(! 7~7

track for rii.:ht 1·ar rnu~l Subarv 9762 , •. ~ · to Jpprl'<.'tdh:' t•ra •• • • ••••••••••••••••••• 111' !'>Kt 1 1111 NEW SUBARU

.\lc·r n•tll·-. ii. <!~I Sl•cl,111 .11r l'"r. A.\1 F:\I , mini 1·1111cl Dir ina1nt cl :S••Klll l1 r rn . m!l tr.itlO .\I r Vl'11ra

.\TB 'iii l!ll lSI. J! ,\ HE Xlnl rnncl

'511Cll> 1n11 n:1111

*$2847• Ser (937384 l


4x4 Warens NEW '77 WAGON


~:!m tt:m~~, ~:!~~.~= ... !!.~~ .Uy 2025 S M t

71 Maverick 125 ilOOm1 . • 80C 5 er 8 k n t I m I n g \' h J . I n

OR Anaheim 750-2011 Peugot Mopcd , Bsl ofr 9637168 I -

LEASE '75 Volvo 164 E. 14 .000 mi . ----- -lmmnr , loaded PP . Mercury 9950


TOYOTA 111 11 1 1 •· " ' '""' ••••• ,,

HvNoT1" ~"IN If• ' tt



S6800 6"4·M97 ••••• • ••••••••••• • • •• • • • • 1973 Murquis, uec car, nu

1800 cS Splwgn , A / C, rclls. lo m1, no deferred stereo, lo m1. xlnt cond. maint. A grcut b uy .

_&18·29-i ~r ~ 751Hl'>90 or 549·-1955.


Autos,UMd ..•..•.•............... ••••••••••••••••••••••• General 9901

' 66 Pl y m o11 Lh , 2 dr hardtop . auto tr,1ns radio. htr. ~;xrcplionnl $400. Pvt ply 55G-87SI

'71 Plym Cm·kct. Stick :.h1fl. 65,000 n11. 11ood eond $800 &l~·-t317 aft 5 .

Automati c, air cond .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• radio & low mileage Im

'67 Musta ng. Auto, P S. 69.000 Orig . 548-4039

xlnt cond . nu tirel> . m1 $127S.

Mus tang '66. 6c} I. Runs good. XJnt rond.

,.Qltt;ac 9965 ..........•............ ma c ulat e thruout ' * $499 &up* 1617PDJ 1. This week

'iS ront. A~lre Wag Very rlcan Lo mi's. Near new rad1ab Sper. whb. e tc• $2850. 6-16 0661 c \(' i. a rt

ONLY $3395


I s pel'd . air \'•rnd & A .\1 1'' .\I r J d 1 o I m ma c· ulall' lhruout ' 12J0:-IO:'.l t. This "-t·ek

ONLY $2995

$1300 557 3289

Olckmobl~ 99 5 5 •...................... 6. JOpm

·10 Cutia:.:. . Ful l y ~rd 9970 equipped . xl nl cond ••••••• ••••••••• • •••••• Sl200 fi rm . aft 6 pm , SSl -JSOI '65 T · Bird. loaded

Xlntl·ond SK.SO l1 rm ------ '73 Olds Toronal!o 842:!:$;n

AMC 9905 Loaded' Stereo Oni; , 70 -1 29 1-'\('TOll\' ••••••••••••••••••••••• owner $26Stl &IU-46'1G ORIGJ.SJ\J.. ~ISOO firm

1975TOYOTA ' H AMC Spo,rt .abou t 75starlire-V6~ R 11. p s. 581-71197 COROLLA SEDAN Deluxe. 6 ryl, I S. P B, p B, auLo. Oran.ic. i..lnt

2 Or .i :.peed. radio & rec lln1nG ~cats . S2 150. cond. $2950. 846.52111. V• 9974 heater. (llnNAL l. Thi!> 6-12 3379 -- ----- --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• wecok NLY $2295 •·..:ck 9910 '7S Olds Stnrlire. 12.00() '71 Vega. Xlnt cond. New

- mi , like nu coml. S3850or tires. l\ C, new c n g , ••• • ••••• •••••••••••••• hst o fr . 640 ·8208·res. Sl100t bst orr. 646·6537 aft Riviera <:1:i-.l>1r . '69. Air. 557-S!HG-bus 4

~~·.~!~ .......... .l~~.~~!:. ........... I~~!·.~!~ ......•.

Sens~ .... •11rs ·on


5 t o c h oose fr o m White leather rntorior &

Sparkling Royal Blue Clotn or leather w ' matching leather Chore& ot colOf's Fully while leather cabrtOltlt rnte11or Cabnolet to p 9QUIP~ (666RXH) toP. cruise oontrol & & AM ' FM s tereo & As low air AM/ FM IBPO (816NILJ tape (339MMN)

$10,700 $9595 $75'5

'75 EU>0 COUPE '7 3 THUHOERllRD '75 COUGAR XR7 . Full power . leather Mtnt motor home Soll Spar 1<l1ng silver covered seots po we r contained . roo f air ltnts hod w burgundy sunroof & many e J1tras cond & fact da~h l.'llf rntnr1or. pwr spllf seat (0420775) Lit.a new ( 147JFXJ dn11er side. AM/ FM &

tape (265MNG) $7495 $7995 $49'5


Cot1111on White. lull MOKTECARLO Mauvo Ftrem1st Laquer 1111).yl top. ma1ch1ng

Landau Coupe bucllet ltn1sh. low mileage & leather. 60140 power

seats. loaded w 'extra'> l ulty eciu1 pped.~ seats & pnced to sell & low miles 834HHCJ ( 135JSF) (01743021

$8995 $2995 $6'95 .


1'4AIUIS CO. CARS 5 S01>9d lac l J lr Auto trans . fact air. Fu 11 y Eoo •o Pe d AM FM :.lereo radio western mag wneels. w/ aulo lrans lacl air rallye wheel~ w bOJuty & T IOP LIKE NEW! lrom !664NXMI nng., ' 393MCGt I l 79NJMl

$4895 $3995 $7995 I All cars sub1ect to prior sale !

.. Habers Cadillac l

2600 H3rbor Blvd .• Costa Mei.a ( 7 14 1 S40-9 I 00 '

The Blcp1t ~ritttl>IK• on the Oranc• Cout . DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS

• 1!175 .\1 II :!;JU• T np;11. Br arr. \m 1-'\I ' Ullrnof, l11w tflt . ~r,1;,11 \Int c untl 1!17 :111:m

llacl10, T-i,:lai.s, radial lln•!.

Sc.>r 1705795 l

"p.~£Wooo ctJsuBAIU ~


1971 TOYOTA pwr, J\!\1 FM, tape. T· ---------- ---------COROLLA COU,.E h1trh SI 195 -193 1243. _ Autoi, Hew 9100 Autoa, Hew 9100

·I SjX'cd. racho & healer C8i3CBQl This week

Tl llwck 1-:-.tate W oS(on. 9 ••••• • •• •• ••••••••••••• pa~s. Hil l. CC. Pwr. ,

••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.0::.~:.":: ...... !~!~1~~·.~:.": ....... !~.~~ 1~-:t:!~·.~::: ....... !~!~ ; ,; :.!11111.' Lt hlu1• l.!,llt" I mt IA1<Jd1·1! :\Int l0 11nd ~I 3 l~Mt II\ l 1>1 \

t .1111~1;. till:.!.-. SI IS So. Strttt

\lt •rt Prl•'' .'~II SI \Ill\ 11111I U0141 17141 Sl l · 1211

ONLY $1095


831-2880 495-1210

Slo.50 5:16 9Jti6 ; 962·5910

Cadillac 9 9 I 5 ......•••..•••..•....•.

m1•1· h 1101111 1'1111 horl\ ,\

·71 Cpe OeV1llc New tr re'>. mint .\lu~t wl.' Hd 5

9770 4~1 7506 . tHli t;~ti aft ti

p.11111 Lu 1 ·11~ 1111' l.nh Toyota 9765 VolluwCIC)en

~ I • •• • ••• •••••••••••••• • • ·-,._, SD\ ' , \ ' tp. •l1•t l'l11l1t HI \lf , I~ ''l U ' U\ t.•J •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 1

.... 11rn 1.l l :IX '73 VOLKSWAGEN full pwr SJouo II) " SUPER BEETLE ~ ~:n l'H·S.15 SH I:!

t,X .,!)Ill' " .111111 ,tll I'" I - \\I ~\I \Int rntttl lhl

. ,, r l'I' '"•.! ~u;•i

MG ...•.....•.•.......•••• '7 1 MG Midqet.

t:! 1'11:1~>x 1x:M1mak1•11l r

MGB 9744

71 MC; 11 1'1•rft•1•t rnrHI Yl'llow . .\l.11:s. :-:111~.o 1>11 ·Ii Mt 11:1:1 or ;, Ii i 111:1

Pone~ 9750 .•......•....• •. ••••... 1;2 II St' :'\1•\\ 1111. rt•hll 11 ·'"" I IHI.., i.:ootl ~j'j'I) 11 1:1 4'\I'' ,h~ tni.: <;,tXIHt

ill ' •I IT. 111 \t pd \\1 F \I .tllo\ I"'' turwtl . mint c url1I lhl 11 11 1 bt.:1' ~·d

Autos, Used






MARQUIS TOY OT A .\l lS..">10:\ \ IEJO

831·2880 495-1210

Autos, Us~d . ...................... ....••..•....•........•

YAN llt •' 4 \ P"f'O OOWf'' , ... ,., tl'IQ

·•doO "••••t (h•C)f'ftC' -~ 1 n), tHt

OUN lOtllNO v. ' "'0 ,, , ,., ,. , '<>"• "f "' •• ' '""''"CJ 00-' O•\t O" lti •\ Ml . ..,,,

1973 ro•o T0111 NO .. .. ,• ,... .. . , ' ""'

"t ""'"' ' ~·-· "" .... , .. , Ol e• • "°'° ,..., •. ,, 1'1 .. l, A

'1699 P""OW...0-

,,,,r ,., ; , • W)tfft • • "1

<• ·

• ti;' ; \IM"HI .,,,,,. tftl, 16(11.., "fo .. ,., A C:.1t \ htt ,.,~M'-'P t

• 1974 PONTIAC

OUNO ,..,. 2 Ott . H.l . V t av•• '"•"' ••f ~ Y • ..,. OOW'f'• ''"'""V 00..-1 01\. O'••" ~ ... • •N»• \ OO#f' \#f lt AM f M ' t OllO hfl ' t ' l f?Ole*f Q t


- Ml.

~• auto. PG*• ' ' '" """ pow• r " .. " . rM• ,., .,, • "-111-.1n f•tf'\ , whHI CDW'\ CSllHDl I

LTO 2 Ott. H.T. v. •vto .,.,., '•<•• ••I ..,..,.. ''" ""' ....,, bJ••n OOWf" • • ,,. .... ,~ 4M f. M t 60" ,_.,,,., • "t' , .... ,,.,,.., ti"' u1 ~-..~>

1974 AUDI lOOU ' (yt w .. , ... "' ta<tor\' ,.., fonGltiOft1"t AM , M rlOloO twa tit' ''"led g4.4H. MtNOOf, tflOl l!'.I

I 000

~INlO I UN,HOU r .. ... •• • • i • • ,.

...... , • "I .... . J ,..1 ~I\\ ,.._,..,


.. . , . ..... '' •"" '.c "V-t ... , ~ ..., ... ,.,.. , .. .

.... #I>~ • - 1 . \\ ~. 0 ....,.

• ' ' '°"""°' ' f OoO •-.t•• • '"~ ' ' " ..... 0""'' ~ ~)lrl.I; I 1t

•ldoa ~.,,, '"1~ .,.,.. ... , & • ..,. O'ila l t l' f' \ I 10)t1(11\

~-·-t , . ; '-""G f'.cl l(I .._,,, ,

•" ''•t !I 111, , l )U(,9 \1 '

'21M 1971 PottD ""'°WAGON

I <yt • I W)MCJ ract.O, ""Mr • w1fty l '""'''°'· UlKi• Vl

'21M '69 CHIV

Clt ..__ "1 YI Av!o Ir...._ .... .. , 1,.....l

1975 fOID l'9 .....

YI woe "-· •K""1'.ir <-4'•'10n•"I· ~ ,...., ..,., ,..,., O•\t ll'••tt. - fltfC l)JIM )

-I ~peed . II tral·k l>lcn •o & C1\l> "iti Sc\ rill' LoJill·cl low mile:. 1:J IJJ t::S t!iO Hi.OW 011. c rWi>\'


83 I ·2040 495-4949

'iO \'W Bui! . great l'•lnd .

l:J72 C:.idrllal' t'11up1• lk V11lr . f ull y l·qu1ppcd ~IS !\.Hi 79'.>-l alt 5P.\I

.\:\! F'.\t radio. nu pa111t . Cad '70 l'11c lh'\'illl' Bc:.tofr. 7S2 S770 Nf-cds sonw work. thH1r.


Over 125 IN STOCK

Herd to find models

~~~ 7600 WHtmln1ter Blvd Westmln1te r 193-7551

HEW '77 RAlllTS * I 0° o Discount* On Most Models

·,;1 \'W Bl ·~ w · II:> t·n~ Pant• l 1· d 1n'uIal1· d :))450 b' l 11( r ·1!17 2:111:.! t.,,., I~ \ \\ \ ' .111 S.'Mll l ltt•hll l'll).!1111' • \ 1111 t'llllll lll f.(

•·••nd l!l:l i lX!I 1!11 :r.m

"' Sqr~H~ :.!nd •>\\Ill' >.tr ,1 .. 1 .... 111 \ \1 ~· M .

Slll • l lt l:l UI.'\ •i lJ:?.'llU

1;;? Bu' '\11 l'lut1 It .t1 , tnhulnr & lt,111 :! :O. rl'f.! II I' l ' lr.m ::> l~\111 11r ufr M~· i.i:)f)

•iii \ W !'>lantl.1nl. I .Cllk 1

t•nl( ... :!:I IMIO ml t;(H>tl ron<l Sf5U !'>.'i:! 55.111

7l SUPER IHTLE R Pd h I J t' k . 'l t' r ~ •>. Jl'n, en~ SIQ5U \'er) c lc.>an 6i5 3127

'i3 \ ·v; Bug . liocW1 t'<>ntl $1900 hst ofr

6-12 6573

·73 \W Sqrbck Snrf. 111" m1, «Int cond. ~cl' lu JI) prec. 497·1332 or .. JH~:u; Judy ----

·n VW. Uelf?e. 21.000 mr. stereo ca ssellc.> . $2SOO. 64.S·7400. 675 ij6Jg ---

'68 \'W Nu tires , i"M II Irk , ,int cnnd $!\O'S nffer Ca II 546-4~. l'vt 11ty .

Slti.')(). &IS !*J!'>tl

C~vrolet 9920 ..•....••.•.......•..•• ' t)8 Chevy lmµala Con q•rt W J 2i cni.:. goud ruhbL•r . i.:ootl mc.>1•h ' I c· 11nd llca :-.unablc . !lf\2 rn;o

C hl•\elll' ' iH i\.\I F:\l. ::. l1 l' k i.h1fl S.WOo C .r ll

ti75 I!~

72 Chl·\ y l'.1pr11·L•. I dr, .,l'dan . lo mr. man' 'tra~ 1;ncKI l'1101I lln l( "" nr :,::;>110 6 11 33<!5 • f>W Ottli2 nr 55 i 9ff6S

74 (. hl'' :\Ion\(' Carlo 'Int t·111lll 1, Iii 4i'So or : .. 10 0737

'71 El <'am1n11. n1•w patnl & tran!I, good ttrt•s l'lean & run s iioolf S270o 6.Jl Y J2 dll}'it 11r !li!I 6217

""'' '72 Chl'\' Mnhhu ;1~1 V R, ,, ·~. p h. ;u r . \'lnyl top. uut11. I•) m1 · ,.. Sl9511 ;;..;i IKIAA aft 5 ~IUprn

9930 .......... .•........•.. 1975 LINCOLN COHTINEHT Ai. TOWHECOUPE

Full power . puddcd \' tnYI top, leather tnlt·nor & r r u 1 ., t• 1 ri n l r o i l!'lllt :-.1 -.:0 1 Wh11i1·.,~tc hl11chnnit s 1;:;75. our 11nn· 1~


:\ilSSION VIEJO Ul -2180 49S-12 IO

Corveff• 9932 ........•....•...•..... 75 Corvette T top. white. blJr k leather int • P S , ai r . P I W , J\ M l fo' M s t c reo. $7 ,Sr>O :;~9«1233 h('f IPM or art 7PM

DodcJ- 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tm Oodl(e Onrt Sw1nJ(l'r 1 Viny l lop . A ir Con di ­tione r. H en t e r . AM Radio. Low M i leage , Vc.>ry G!,)Od Condition. by owner 53,850 after 6pm or weekrntls

·rovw Bus Sunroof. Mu<t ~ 9940 sc.>IL Bes t ofr 642-3.'i79 or ••••••••• •• •• ••••• •• • •• 7.'il J.11111 P\'

1 9 1 3 _v_w_ T_ h -, n ~ . ~.,_; -FQ. PLH~I L

8 w harcltop, ye llow. $1300 Coodcond _

7 1 t-494 5935 ·----- ----1 60 VW Convert Whil e, nu pa in l & brks S9SO 496-8838 ______ 1

Volvo 9772 •••••••••••••••••••••••

'77 VOLVO lrand new with all the ' 72 G alaxy SOO Auto the atcH•d•rd luxury trans. fronl d isk, T'S / Items that you wotdd /\IC. 5 radl11 1s. 4 dr, txpKt. llOll90J. ~~j:1~htr. 11500. Ph

$6160°0 Plus Tax & License

'68 Ford 9 P1u1~ wag. Runs good. Very clean. Needs m i nor repairs . $750 . Phone 646·121 t .

·72 Pinto, auto, xlnt . 'Must sell Beal Ortcr. PP . 645·5071 ·-------


Hl·21104H~l210 • '7~ Granada Pwr st~r &

Have something to 11f'll ? brakes, Top cond, Sll\.'tlr. Cla~ifled alb do il well low mi 494-7377

• •



Clyde Johnson ... President Dick Johnson ... Vlce Pre~~ent




Well for one thing, we're loaded with Capri 's Four's. V-Sixes. Black. Whites. Reds or whatever you wani and quite a few at the old price too. See for yourself why so many people fro m all over the whole county are shopping the Oldest Lincoln-Mercury Dealership in Orange County .

197' CADILLAC ~.11" I'"' th.t" '' l')()O '°"'''°'' t\t t•il 1.11 \4,,rt111..,.. 9 ,,,1#'°'1 , ,.,, ••. " Woff\ '*'"""••1·"11 ~I f)I• ,.,,,I '11 ~ ·~

'"'\' t\nl •l\h.t·"tf P~fr~-- t"t o "'" w •<i '" f 111 It\• f 1!11'\l'y ,. , . ._~I I.I• lftl"I .. Y 1•t H•O•;•-t ""' ~hl1 fi ft

\11lf'l~ll•h• ~"' 1t N l)w I 1 • '\ft11rt<r


I 972 MARI< IV ltiw mUI'\~ t~ ,...Ai!'.:, ti'tl 1fv ,.. \\ \II '"fl> •' 11'!'14•" h Mf'W'V , l • •l'V l .. f'tv. ,.,.._,. .. J'll 1 \> t .. tl~t·• "'••• "II'

~,._., bl-'· .. '""i ,....,"""" ,...,,,.,..,,,_. ''~" ,, •• ,. 'ti

O""# r\o-' • .,,,., ,f ~.,..,,,.\fl-.. ,,,,. ~ ' .. , f) 9"' '1)-1 V?'-Jf dn •""'I f\t••'•I•_. l •<: t J? .. , /P


1976 CAPRI

1975 CADILLAC (t\ 0~ V•llH ~14J'"'',,<fl Wh+l11 w 111'\ WI'\ I" 1"'.tl"r•

'"".,,.,.,, • """''"'"'"''1 nVl'ft '1 "''" '' ''°"'' ,·• ''' ~I 11l'"' 1o r t1ry otn..,.., VIU W.,Y•CI l'~ no~t I "' tn

l•ntt • ,, llftl')C)t!n L•c •6~fi¥Vf\


1975 MERCURY C.,111 /H X ~7 E'11Jtf\n,_,, w tlrt A~ ~~ •fnr•" r••W"' h1 I•"" 4 \1AM11"W) lo"lll'!yl '"")' • ' C "' I A. l ,., ,,, O"> t ,. ' ~'"Kt


1974 LIHCOLH .. O• ,~ ..... 1

1 .. ""' •• ,,. W•1t\ .,.,,., ... l"lff\l1t\f' """' t tn "1 i'f'I ff)·1f '11 I 8 ""'"-' l'\f .-.,.,, ft •'\1'tt/ I i • •IN •I'"' t~ tt ~1\1 llw 1, .,,,,t/ 1fllf.,, A''

r·M~il '""'"I tJ1'1 ' '"' I •l!li-~W' I(


1974 MERCEDES . ,,, SE1 '••"'11"' ·~· , ,, 1.,, ~ ... ""' .. " n,..,,.,,., ._..., ,,, •'~''' 1•1•w )I ,,,, n .... , f\ I uv ,. I' "M#li •I ... 1 ,11"\ II\ I ')1I I • ..,.., "!"I I'\ "l*l'V Wlf l"'lflt.f' •Jl tf'1 , .• , .q ,.,,,,..,, ' , ,,., l't t!'M '-tt14

I 97l OLDSMOBILE '-m • '"""""1 .. ,...,."V'lt • , r "" ··~*'1 ~~•o \ H w ,._ H it' 111\4,,.,..,.. • Q'•it M~• VIII I , , . .. ~

l l'l'"'l"llY, l\'l'W'I'• ,.,..., .'I tl"'I .,_ •"I"' A ""'w• , ...,..., ""'"......, ""'" ..,, , '\ j ,,,.t. "-•'14 "I: Atflll-1 m·fll~-,f·~ ,.,,, ,..,.,,.. .,,. ., l • IV Qr)

s3595 s2995 useo CAR DEPT. 556-0520



' .. - . .. . . .. .

2626 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa • 540-5630 • Al ,,._..""'Ta...,. Uctt1M Oil ~·ttr C,... • All Mc" lffwct!Yt 72 HWt "'- MllccH• • Aft c.., ~Ta l"rtw Wt ..



Page 29: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


I t

Huntington Beach Fountain "Valley


AJ&ernoen N.Y.Stoeks

! -V~O~L_._10_,_N_o_._9_4,_2_s_e_c_T_1_o_N~S,~2-6_P_A_G_E_s __________________ _;o~R~A~N~G~E::...::C=O=U~N~T~Y~,~C~A~L~l~FO::..:..:R~N~l~:!....--------_::M~O~N~O~A=Y.!.!.:, A~P~R~IL~4~,~1!97~7------------2T~E~N~C=E~N..!..:.TS1 U.3 Million

Huntington_ Hotel Goes Up for Sale

Bold is Beautiful AP WlrtphOto

By ROBERT BARKER OlllW 0•11• r l!Ol 11•11

The financially troubled Hunt­ington Beach Inn , the only hotel in the city, has been offered for s a le , it was teamed today .

C ity Attorney Don Bonfa said he was informed during recent bankruptcy proceedings that the 144-room hotel was put up for s ale for $4.3 million in an ad· ve rtisemenl in the Wall Street Journal.

~tore th;.in 20 contestants. their hair s t v les r ccallin,:! the T V series Kojak . gather at llodosan Shr ine north of Tokvo in the firs t all -Jap a n .. bri g h t h ea d " cont est. Kazamasa Nomura. head of t he J a pa n

Brig ht llcnd Frie nds h ip Ass ociatio n . said the compe tition was h e ld to help wipe o ut infcrio ritv complexes a mong the bald and to provid9 a bit o f fun for the <.1ged .

. Bonfa s aid the prop<'rl y, which tnl'lud<'s the Drlrtwood Mobile llome Park a nd a nine -hole golf <:o urse . was put on the m arket by a p a rtner of th e Huntington Limited Company , the current le aseholder.

He s a id it was Indicated in court th a t there hav e been sever al inquiries but no firm of· fe r s have Ix-en receh•ed .

County Crashes Kill 5 . Meanwhile, bankruptcy hear­ings arc scheduled April 26 in S a nta Ana. Glendal e Federal Savings and l ..oan . the ma~tcr l e a seholde r o f the property , wants to foreclose and cll'ar the way for sale of the• hotel. Head,.on Wreck Worst Ever in Buena Park The hotel and associated busi­nesses are loc ated along Pacific Coas t Highway in fluntin Kton Beac h Th e c ity le ases the fa c ilities and collects r ent.

r iv<' people died Sunday mi:ht in t wo Oruni;:e County traffic ac· c1dl' nls . four of lht•m 1n a head on tolhsion lh11l Bue na Park polic(• la be led the worst acl'idcnt 1n the ci ty 's hi!ilory

Bul'na Park poli('t• s a id tod ay they do not yd know whut c aused a so uth bound ca r on Be a c h Bouelvard nc•ar Sta~c Road to c r oss ovcr lhl' ct·ntt-r line and s lam head -on into an auto travcl­in~ in the opPos ite direclion .

1 But within three hours of the r.Q.Tunchinii to·ss pm. collt i;1on

nca r a r all\\o ay und erpass. the t \\o o cars' four occu pa nts were <katl

Police identified the d river of the car that alle~ed ly s wer ved ovt• r Beach Boue lva rd 's center line as Haym ond E zzell , 17, of 7488 Ridgewa y Dn vc , Bue na P a rk .

Kilkd along with Ezzell in the southbo und aut o w e re Tim Bowers, 20. a nd Tracv Bowe rs. 17. both of 6360 Arnold St. , Bue na Park .

Tl\e accident 's fourth fatality. Charles &. Pavlacky. 60, ol 11758 Neartr~ Road . La Mira da. was alone in the auto he was dnvin~ northbound on Beach Bouelvard.

Police i.aid t r a ffi c was dwertcd fro m the thoroug hfare bet\\ el"fl

'Litigation Threat'

Schools' Secret Meeting Def ended

B y RAYMOND t :STRAOA JR. 0. the O•lf• " •••• \t41ft

An attorn<'Y for thf• llunt1n1ttnn B<"ach t ' ninn ll1~h S1· hool 1>1-. l ric l lod.1~ d1·f('ndt·d h1-. -..·f rt•I m1' l'l 1nj,! w 1I h I ht• ll u .1rcl o f Trusll'<'f. lasi Th ur ' c!U\

The· .1t1 11rn«'\ C'l ,11m -. th .11 th1· M':. ,1011 111\11lv1•cl 111 -. 1111 \ 1lc•1.:c- lo r 11 nfc· 1 ' ' 11 h I r " ' t c· ,. ' 11 n "' lhrt'.1lt•1w<1 111 pt1lc•11t1 .il lit1j!a t1nn

DaH• l..1r"' " thc• cl1 -, 1rtr l ' r ounwl from t he• lt utan ;met Tuck<"r l.1~ r1rm ' :ml hi' '1111 not UJ;!rt•(' Wtlh an llllt' I prt•lJll(IO O(

l h<' Halph M Hro"' n Ar t hy u IUl'ill 1\ ll o r n n · <; <' nc r :i I 's o p inion \\oh lch proh1bil!! closed m <"etin(l" nf p ubhr oHlc inls to d1 'ICU'IS any ma ll er <'"< C<'pt 1w ndin1-? la wsu1b. or pe rsonnel ite ms . called thl' sec r et meet· in st to prl'.scnt a k~al opinion on a food vendor ·s ri~ht~o pince tt Christian .sy ml)()I n d motto on tortilla chip pucka g<' sold to <Ji!;. lrict s tudents .

I.a ri;cn and Hoard President He len Dilll' W<' rt' informed of the poss ible Rrown Ac t violation uflc r the sl'rret m eeting .

f\ district orficial s a id the CX•

<'Cutive session wns not c a lled to discu 11s thr tortilla chip issue earlier that day .


So the landlord finally s aid you fould buy n water bed .. . now what do you do with your old bed ?

" We sold it the firs t day tho ad ran in the pape r !" Tha~'s the advertis ing s ucce&!I

~xpenenccd by a LaRuno IUlls ~ouple who placed this classified ad :

Rraut . Kini: 11z bed. l'Olld W l\ ln111 . I pos t e r , J"IC' rsonall> 11ut1>1'l r11phed h y i\11 1~ 011 XXX •XXXl( ,

So Ir you 're changing your lifestyle, or~t have somclhinft you'd lllu.• to convert to cash, call 842 ~8. he Dally Pilot lit the place to adv t>rtlse.


Larsen told thP boa r d a poten · t1 al l a ~ s ull ha s b ee n ' thre ate n<·d"' 1f ve ndor Sa m

G 1esy was not allo~ Ni to k(' t' P his " mbol and motto on hi:. p rod uct T n d ate no l a~·suit ha s hcc·n fil NI

1.a rsr n s aid for mf'r llunt1ni1ton Reuch l "mon 111.ih Sc hvol 0 1-, 11 ll' l T rusl f' t• c : c•or ~ · · l.OJ.!<ln ttolephonffi him .llH1ul l ht• poten 11 .11 l 1t1J.!al1o n .1n<I ' a id h t· 1 t•p rc~wnled Gte\\

Rut l rduc;t•d to confirm lh" o r 1nd1C'alC' 1f h e '11d rl' JJ reSt•nl G1C'sy C.1<' ' ' lo. a id T hur.;da' he· had not retained an .11 t 11 rn<'' but h ad cont a c t e rt Logan and Huntingto n Beach ot· to rnt'} K<'n Ro bert s ror " act · \ IC' t' "

Tht> boa rd 'oted Thuri;day not to take action on Giesy·s product but plans to develop a Policy on a ll high school vendors pack&~ · inJl by May.

Board Pres ident Helen Dille and Trus tee s Zita Wessa and Doris Allen said they wanted to hold the entire disouss lon on the tortilla chip pacltage issue in public.

Trustees held a private s ession prior to a public dlJcuss\on or tht issue and vote.

Lars en s aid l b<' board dis· cus sed most of the tssue during the public m eelin3.

Torch :Deaths In Ug&JJda

NAIROBI , Kenya CAP) -Ugandan troops llave executed a ga ng of coflee smugglers by burnlng them alive o n an lsl•nd in Lake Victoria. the dally Nation newspaper said today.

The Ka nya paper. quoting whal It called TeUable eounes. sald the tmU,glen! were ~•P· lured u ~Y were running coffee across the l•kefrom Uganda Joto Ken,. for shipment abroad.

The men wtr~ taken to Khtulu bland by the 1oldiers " and told lo lie down,'' the Nellon said. Then "lbe.Y were covered with empty "flcks and petr_ol WA~ pouted over them . They were then ttt ftllihL "


Art <"s 1:.i Bouelva r d a nd Stage n oad for one hou r as rc~cuc workers labored a t freeing the ,·1ct1ms from the wreckage .

A k w hours <'arli l'.' r . a woma n was ktl\cd and a n infa nt was crititally inJUrl'd in a thre<" ·t ar acc ident in Brea that 11c·emingly t o uc h l'd o ff Or a nge County 's blood y Sunday ni ght traffic death toll

Tn lhf' aftermath of the Bre a acr1dent. one m a n was a rrtsted and charged with fe lony d runk drh·ing and anotht'r m a n was ar­r ested ror b<'ing clrunk In public.

Th<' felonv drunk d ri ving sus­pect was ldl'nllf1ed by police as .I O~<'Ph Hoclrtguc1 . 36, ol Ba ldwtn Park . •

Police s aid Rodn guez was at th<' wheel of a hghtwe1ght pickup tr uck that allc~edly ran through a s top Slgn a t Kr aemer Avenue and Birch Street al 7 :30 p .m .

According to police . Ali cia Ba r tolo. 30 . of 4429 52nd St. , Maywood. was thrown through the winds hi c• ld of the Rodriguez p ic kup wl\,oo 1l collided with a nother car .

T ht'n, poh c<' said , Miss Bttrtolo was run ovc•r :mrl k1ll l'd by a third outo involved tn th<' inter section ma vh<'m

Cnt1c•ally inju red in the col ­I "111 n " "s two - m on lh ·old llo~ land Snnf1 lhpo. of Plat'cnt ia.

L<'SS i:.<"noui.l y injur ed were the 1n ran t ·s m otht•r. brothe r a nd r.1 tlwr Th<" four San f1 ll ipos we n • 111 lh l• C'a r !-. tru c k b y ~ h<' Rodnj'lue1 auto~ hen 1t a llegedly 1 ac r d through thl' int<" rs ect1on.

,\ r rc>i> lcd on drunk in public c· h arJ.tes when he ouroo rtedt v hrcam <' b<'lh~erent when t aken to a nl'arby hm.pita l for t reatment 111 1nJUrt<'S ,.,.ns Ser gio Gonzalez. 34. of Ba ldwin Park , a passenger in Rodriguez's car.

J\ Garden Gro\•(• woman died in P a lm Harbor Hos pital lat e Saturday night, a fe w hours afte r being struck by an auto as she c rossed a street pus hing a shop­ping cart ahead of her.

Police s aid Mrs . Louise Mer­ritt , 51, was ff t ally injured when hit by a car while crossing 9th Street near College Avenue .

The woman was not walking in a marked crosswalk when hit by the car at 6. 20 p.m .. Police said.

Councilman Hon She nkm an c r!tic of ~he hotel 's ope ration: s a id there 1s n cha nce that the ci­ty might t ake over operation or the hott'I for a s pecific pe riod and th<"n sell it afte r a re furbishi ng.

He s aid the c it y '" is the landlord of a valuable piece of property which at pres ent Is in a substandard condition ."

He said Lhe hotel 's manage ­ment is d~llnciu.eiat Jn bed laxes and in its water b{ll owed to the


Wins With 9s LAS \'EGAS <AP > - A pa ir of

nin es earned " Sara toga " llMnk Rro wn !Jf F o rt Wo rth , Tex , $;47 ,500 tn · the wlnAer·take·all. f1r!lt annual Marina Poker Cham­p io ns hip.

Rules ror the tournament a prelimin,ry for the World Ch~m ­pionship of Poker s cheduled to be~in here April 18, were $2 500 buy -in, no·limit, hold 'cm. '

Brown w e nt a g ainst " Cadilla c " Jac k Gr i m of Abilene, Te x .• in the fin a l round with a seven-nine to Grlm 's ace· jack. Brown won l'arly Sunday wh<"n the ope n cards turned out to be a q ueen, a four , a fl ve a nd a ni ne .

Grandma Faces Heroin Rap

OMAHA, Neb. CAP > - A 69, year-old grandmother with a neck brace and cane has been c harged with five c ounts or possession or heroin with Intent to deliver. ,. R~sa L. Devers of Omaha, who

r eceives Social Security and dis­abi lity benefits . lives with her g r andchil d ren and has 11 c hildren in the Omaha area .

Vice officers said the a lleged heroin was found at Mrs . Devers' home Dec. 2. Her arrest was de· l aycd because s h e was hospitalized.

Dogs Kill Girl Tot's Body Found in Park . BRECKENRIDGE. Colo. (AP) - A 6-year-old

girl died she apparently was attacked bY dogs wh ile playln~ at n friend's home Summit County authorities said. •

The victim was identified as Tamara Jlbae Newton, daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold D. Newton.

Her body was discovered Sunday i" the Peak Seven area, a residential devetopmeot In a wooded setting west 9f here. Authori~ tald Tamara was playing with a you_ng trlm<t When the attack ap­parcntJy occurred.

The youngster surrered S4'Ver~ throat wounds. District Attorney John F~ Healy said ber clothes were "strewn all oyer the dt:i\ttway for a~t 30 or 35 teet."

Healy said three dOflS were impounded and t"tl were belne collducted tO determ1"e i{ their stomachs contllincd human~h. .._ .

-...... ·r

city. He said that up to 25 percent or

the rooms don' t have furnishings and the air conditioning and plumbing in a number of rooms is in disrepair.

A portion or the money owed to the city has been taken ou~ or a SS0,000 performance bond posted by Glendale Federal.

·~ WlropMIO

Robot? .

No. just Gabby Sedillo of the Stntc Department o f Transportation who appears hair mortal, half machine a s he peers th ro u g h a transit while on a drainage project in Flagstaff. Ariz.

Civil Defense Shelter Funds

Get HB's Eye Huntington Beach Ci ty council

members a nd directors or th<' Public Facilities Co rpora tion will meet tonight at 6 o 'clock to dis cuss financing of the city's e m ergency operations center.

It ha's been learned that the federal govern m ent , whi c h agreed to pay half the cost of a civil defense shelter in the base· mcnt of the civic center building, has as ked the city for Its money bac k unless ce rtain procedures a re followed . · The feder a l gove r n m e nt stipulated that it would pay half the cost if the account we r e handled sepa rately fro m other civic center expenditures a nd be paid by public m oney.

Instead, the PFC paid the costs and now the city and PFC ·arc try ing to work out a n a greement on the matter .

In another m atte r, a public bearing will be held on a pro­posed ttlgh·rise ordinance and a plan to build two senior citize n residential towers at the Five Points Area.

The towers were approved by the planning commiss ion a s a member cha nged her vote in or­ place the issue before the city council.

It had been deadlocked o n a 3 to 3 vote.

Grove Man Stabbed Over Car Accident

A 26-year-old Garden Grove man who Police say was slabbed in the back 10 or 11 times Sunday night was reported In fair condi­tion today in UC l "Medical Center.

In addition to tile stab wounds 1nntcted by his anaUants, J esus Rae, of 12$91 Sunswept St., Oarden Grove, suffered bead In· Jqr1es when struck by a botUc durlnl a lrocaa outai<hl hJs apart. ment.

Accordlng to poUce. (t was a mtnot c:tf JCCldcnt In the apart· n1tftt cocnplex's carport area that led to Rae's woundlnc and a baaty night by what police HY we rt bll ftve attackert.

Ponce aald the ftve young men Who auaulted Rae aped off ln an auto When thelr vleUm collapsed ~-• porth near ht• apartment. wvvr.

The city has drawn about $32,000 out or the bond to pay orr d e bts , and is asking Glenda le to r eple nish that amount, a ccording to Donia.

Last m'?nth ~he court approved,, an a pplt c at1 o n b y r e ceive r • Robe rt A. Fishe r lo employ a n' appraiser lo det ermine the pro .. pe rty's worth . •

HBRape Suspects Captured

De tective work b y two yound Huntingto n Be a c h poli cc m e q was credited today in the captur~ of two s uspects who arc cha rged with the kidnap a nd r a pe of a young housewife . :

She was abdu<'tc d a s s h4 wa lked home from a corne r con, ve n1c ncc m arket a nd was a p­parentl y driven t o Newport Be a c h wher e the a s sault oc1 curred . ·

ll c Jd o n th e c har g('S arc George " H<>d Jac k" Synnot anq Pa ul Hamry . both 18. They arc in Huntington Be a ch City Jail in lieu or $25.000 bail e a ch , pending issuance of complaints and ar · r a ignmenl.

They arc accused of kidnaping ~ a nd forcibl e r ape of the 19-year ­old woman Saturday night, who was grabbed and forced into a s mall pickup camper truck .

Detect ive Virginia Kirkmeyer,~ of the crimes aga inst persons de­tail, said the wo man a bduct · ed at Beach Boulevard and Spee r Ave nue in the city's Liberty Park dis t rict.

No weapon was us<"d but the kidnapers terrified thei r \-iclim . s urri c1cntly wi th the ir threats that she stopped fightin~. police !>!lid .

Still. acco r d in~ torn ­vestlgators. s he m e m orized e verythjng she could about the kidnap-rapists and their vehicle, a white Japanese import vehicle with a camper unit , bubble

<Sec RAPE, Page A2)

Tot Rescued

From Blaze A fi ve-month·old Huntington

Il<'ach baby has been r eleased fro m the burn center a t UCC Me d ical Cente r aft e r be in g ~PSCU<'d from 3 flaming house f nday by a pass<"r by .

The baby, Anthony Noch , wa c; tre ated for firs t a nd second degree burns a nd was sent home Saturday , a hos pita l spokesman said . ..

Three others s uffe r e d cuts w~en they fled the fire through windows at their r esidence at 14932 Oak Tree Lane.

Huntington Beach fire in .. vestigators s aid today the blazo w~s caused by children playing with matches a nd a candle in a closet.

Orange Coast

-• Weather .

Mostly fair through Tuesday with some patchy fog near the coast late tonight and early Tuesday. Lows tonight 42 to 52." Highs Tuesday. upper 60s at beaches to 70s inland .

INSIDE TODAY A growing number of people · ·

. ore Olldng whethtt the contf· ntdng high ca..t of funeroli ore worth U.ta price1 continue to 3Qor . It fl e1Cfma t ed Amerlc:ana apend ·u billion o year on /IOWf'Ola and lnJrlaL ar­rangement a. Sea P.Ofle A9.

' .,a. ,.,.,,_.,. 111• - I.

Page 30: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


Keeping It Green Water a little too funky for domestic use - reclaimed waste water and water from freeway sump pump opera· lions. is being used by these trucks to m aintain the grecnC'ry along the freeway::. in the San Francisco area.

Agitated Islanders Vote on Secession

NANTl'C'KET. Muss CAP > -Chance!\ for !;ucce~!> arc about -. ... ~h m :ii. the~· \\ ere• 10 colonial days and during the Wnr of 1812 when Nantucket und Ma rtha·s Vanoyard is la nds tried to secede from husE'tts. but the 1!\landcrs ur<' J!Oi nl( lo try al(ain

A bout 3,000 rcg1~trred voters a r c eligible for tht• referendum on sec<'ssion today on th1:-. island 22 mile~ from the Muc;~achusctts muanland Th<' vole will simpl y show how thl'\' fP<'I 11hout s c·ct•ss1on it ' \ not ll•ga ll y bind · mi? c !\tap Pngl' A·l 1

Tw o town" on ~t tt rt ha ' s Vinl'yard \\Ill dchat<' the issue ut town mC'et in us today : five othN rom mun it 1es on that island 24 miles we:-.t of h<'re will ronsiclc·r thl' saml• rour:-.t• al otht•r IO\\n mertings s c h (•duled bc· tv. c·cn April 12 and May 17

At iss111• •~ n quc~tion h&'­ai:it:.ilcrl New Englander" .,mCl' th1• days of Hrit1sh colonial rule

rC'preo;C'ntat ion ··we still v.ant to r<'main p:irt

or thC' <"Ommon\\C'alth . h11t v.c· ' r1· look 1ng for rrpr<•S<•nt 11t 1on .. <,,11d John Conw;l\ :'ll.1ntuc kct" r l ' p r (' s l ' n I .• t I \ I ' I II t h ('

S4 ManHeld JJ7hen Car Hits HB Patrol Unit

i\ Santa Ana mnn charl{l'd \\tlh drunkC'n <In \ mg 1s 1n lhl' markl·t for two lll'W c.1r:-. u><lu\ , one for h1mtH!lf and <1n1· for t he- Cit y of llunlington Fil'al'h Poli1·(• 01•p:ir1 m1•nt . fllll•11\ 1ng .1 Sundu\ n1..iht eol lislon

c;C'n<' ,\ nthon' r>11u 27 , nf 1101 W ~tt•1 ens A \l' . ..., a-. arn"1l1·1t a nd booked on -.u!lp1cl()n of <lr11 111g \\hill' IOl(J'(IC' Jl<'Cl HftC'r lht.• rr :ir 1•nc1 C'ta!\h on C:olrl1·11 Wt'M SI reel at Tallwrt \'(·nm

C'alifom1.1 111.:h~JY 1'.11 rol of f1ccr:, . ..., hu 1n\'C"t1g.1t1· uc1·1d{'nh 1 n v o h 1 n .: I . 1 w <· n f o r c e m ,. n t p e rs on n c· I d r 1 ' 1 n g o r f I l' 1 a I 'ch1clci.. h<llrl all parllc::. cscupcd with mmor 1111uril'S

Offlcc.·r Tom <i1lllga11 . who wu <. driving lhP bla<'k and wh1t l' s qu1ul car s topped for n stop s 11tn. and his parllll•r, lteserve Officer Paul Michel. complained of back and neck pain hut did Ml require hosplt11lizat1on.

Both t hl'ir late model patrol ca.! and Ol:i1.' 100!1 111~10 wer e w r itten off as total l osr.r~ follow ing the 9 :30 p.m . car c ras h. Cll P in,vci;tigators s111d.



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Massachusetts legt.slatur e. " The is landers feel t hey are c ut off. T hey feel we a r e now losing repr esentation which we'\'e had since 1696."

A new a pportionment bill in Boston. the state capital, will cut the legis lature from 240 to 160 !""em be r s .• ll wi ll mer ge the islands' legislati\'e dist r icts with those on Cape Cod. The 13,000 pe rmanen t r esid ents wi ll be merged in a district which will ha\'e 36.000 persons .

Each isla nd now h as one representati\ c in lht• legislature an d the islanders reel t here's ahout as much chance of an islander bei ng elected in the merged district as ther e is for Nantucket Sound to freeze over.

" There is a certain fun aspect. but there is a lso a s erious a!- pcct, " sa id Ma r ie Girfins . c·d1tor of the weekl y Nantucket Inquirer anrl Mirror. " I f you don t han· 11ome.onc t o be a ..., at<'hdo~ to speak up for the is land. )Ou sit here. and no one t·ares what happens to you "

The· populat10n of :'\untucket hoomc; from about 6 ,000 to 30.000 1n the summer. not includin~ a ' floalml{ population" of 100.000

o, J1d ~11tch<'ll T<fffi1:- pr<'s1denl or t h e ~anturket board of '-t'IE'rtmen. 1h1• •~lund J:O\Crn · ment

·we have what the ma1nJand doesn t." <1a1d A J . Tipton. a selectman in the town of Gosnold on C'uttyhunk Isl and next to :ltl a rtha's Vineyard. " Peace and quiet Take the Ca pe . They got highways. C\'ery thing. It 's built up. itelltng cro\\ded . "

Fro•Pap AI

RAPE . • cnnopy skyllJiht and hea vy p1nstnp1n1t

The \'!Clim told pol ice aner be in~ dropped off about fl a m Sun d.i\ near the spot ~here she wa o, ;ibducted that the two me n raped her in the camper som~here in '-'<'wport Beach

She <,a1rt -;h<' counl~c1 the lime from lhl' point ~here lhe little truck turned off PacHic Coast lhghwn onto what she imagined mu st have b e en Ba l b oa Boulevard. ·

ThP v ictim e stimated they turned off onto a sid e 11lreet pre· c1sely one minute later.

Working with t his Information, p lus rem ar ki; and n a m es used by thC' two red -h ai r ed s uspect11. patrolmen .Jay Webb and Dan Mc Kerran took the victim back to the g<'ner al area or the sex aR· sau lts Sunday afte rnoon .

One reportedly worked in a SC'a food r estaurant. s o a ftf' r roughly pinpointing t he location w he re the sex assaults occun"ed. Officer Webb escorted the victim into a restaur a nt in the area.

"Synnot saw the m coming and split," sai d Detective ' J\irkmeycr . addin~ that the sus· peel. released only a week ago from a jail sente nce in U tah, sur · r end ered without Incident short· ly afterward.

He was arrested w hile s itting beside Newport Beach ·s Rhine Channel . atarinc at the water . w he n Webb and McKertan q uiet· 1y walked up behind him , Detec · tlve Kirkmeyer said .

Synnot Us ted no hom e address, police 11ald . although he Is from the Hunting t o n Ueach are a.

• while Hamry told boolcll\I Of· fl cer s he lives In a Midway City motel.

Guard. Strike SO MERS, Con n . ( A J' )

G uards have s truck Connec · tlcul'I 10 prtM>n1 a nd Jails f fter rejecting the state'• latest con· tract proposal.

---· ,,,.., ....

Palestine Future Stressed

WASlUNOTON (AP > - E l)'P· tlan President Anwa r Sadat, ar­rivln i today for t a lka w ith P resi­d ent Carter , atreased at the out­set the central leaue In the Middle East Is the fut ure of t he Palesti­nians.

" In your r ecent p ublic st ate­m ents you have co me ve r y close to t he proper re me dy." Sadat told Carte r , wh o is th e firs t Am e rican p resident ever. lo en· dor se publicly the concept o( a Palestinian "hom eland."

However. Sadat said In an ar· riva l cer e mo ny in the Whil e ll ouse E ast Room . " Wh at is need ed Is est ablishm en t of a politica l e ntity In w h ich the Palei.linians, at long last. can be a community o( clliiens Instead of a group of refu1ees ."

Carter . In low.key. welcoming re m a rks, made no direct men · lion of the Pales tinians or a ny oth e r sensitive aspect of the Ar ab -Israeli conflict.

lie said "there a re no easy ani;wers" to the region's pro· ble m s and that he Inte nded to e s t a blis h a "close p e r sonal friends hip" with Sada t , the fit l>t Arab leade r to m eet with him in the Administr ation 's ca mpaign lo reconvene the Ge neva peace conference b y t he e nd of the year.

Sadat. in a n extraordinarily complimentary tribute lo what he called Carter 's Ide alis m and morality. s aid the President is " the personific a tion of a new spirit emerging in Am er ica to· day."

Through Egypt 's lone. 7,000· year history oC s tatehood , Sadat said . It has been " falthtul to the values and ideals that render life more rewarding a nd lulfllUng. "

Ironically. Sad at's visit coin· cides with the J e wish festh"al of Passover which comm em orates the freedom Jewish s laves won from Egypt a nd t heir setting forth to the " Prom ised La nd" of Is r ael.

At the cere mony. he ld Indoors because of rain. Sadat thanked C11rter for "you r gall a nt action" In sponsoring ne arly SJ billion in economic and food a id for Egypt . whose economy is ex pe r iencing hard limes.

But Sad at. r e (e rri ng to the Palestinian issue. told th e Presi · dent that " no progr ess can be achieved so Iona as t his problem remains unsolved."

Carter for his p a rt, offe~ i.everal boosts to the E gypUan lt>ader, who was th e target re· C't'ntly of dl•mon!>lral1ons across Eu pt prompted by increased pnce5 of i.taple goods, an action the go,·ernment had to re\'erse

· · 1 ha\'e never m et an A mertcan leader who didn 'l come awa)' im­prcsi.C'd with h1i. sens1llvity, in· ll•lhgence a nd courage," Car ter i.a1d about his gues t .

Vandals Set Diesel Fuel Tank Blaze

Vandals who opened th e val\le on a 50().gallon diesel fu el tank and s et It a fire In the Aliso Beach area Sunday caused about $500 damage to construction equip · mf'nl. Orange County firemen r e­ported tooay .

l nn·~t1i:ator'l i.a1d the tank was bc m,:: used for a construction pro­Jecl on Pacific Coast H ighwav 2.5 mllt>11 north of C r o wn Valley Purkway.

fo' 1remen callt>d to the scene at 5 · 22 a m . shut off the flow of fuel. pu11hed the burning m aterial Into a hole a nd exUn a u ished t he blaze, fire men said.

About "°° worth of electrical equipment was lost in the (ire, in· vest I gators said.

F iremen said they d o nol know who opened the tan k a nd set the escaping fuel afire.

Prison Plarmed SAN RAFAEL <AP> - St1te

prison o(Oclal1 t entatively plan to build a new pris on south of San DJego and expand the current prison at Chino, say!I a 1roup repr esenting pr ison ers' ri ghts .

Tnuleau To Pay Fare

OTTAWA (AP> - Prime Mll\later Ple rre E lliott Trud e au 's offl ce says he wlll pay Air Canada for any pen onal use hla wife Mar 1•ret may have m ade of l\er lrtttravel pua.

The announ cement followed a me~o to Trude w l retn lh• alrllnt that Mra. Trudeau can ua6 the pus only tor ofrlclal trlpa. •

A spokesman for Air Canada aald t.he memo wu sent "in view ohM publlol· ty 1urrouncun1 Mra . Trudeau' s lta vtila. ••


. ,


Remelnt of 328 People Kiiied In World'• Wor1t Air DIHtter Returned to U.S.

Crash Victim.S Return Military, FBI Begin Ttu1k of Identification

DOVER. Del. CA P > -- With w h at a Pan Am offi('ial ~;11d wu:-. "a ll th e respect and rt11.:r111y possible.·· the n·muin!- of 326 v1<' ti m s of the world 's w11r!-t ;.11r di~· a5ter arrived at the Oovcr Air For ce Base mortuary for iden­tificat ion.

A team of 90 Air Force. Army and FBI experts toda y begins its a~alys_is of the bodies of persons killed IO the Colli:.1on Of lWO ijol'·


ing 747 jets March 27 in the Canary blands.

A b:t..,l' spokesman i.u1d that. Onl'C 1dentiftl'd . lhl· bod1l·i. pro­bably \\Ould be turned over lo a team or local funenil directors. They lhl!n will be shipped to th(· ,·1ct1ms· lamilics. most of them in California.

Meanwhile. two flight clata rr­cordcrs and l\\o c·ockp1l ,·01n• rl'

cordcrs from t he Jumbo jets ar-1'1\ t.'d 111 Wa!-hin.:1011 fcir ~tudy hy 1he National Trans port ation Safety Board .

Wt.•'r Todd. l'hairman of the NTSB. sai d the techni cal a~ ­s1stancc was being pro\'1ded for the Spanish ~overnm ent. wh1l·h ha:. custody of the r 'ccordcrs. and that the board has no plani. to re· lcai.c the results The i.tudv is l'X· pcctl·d to tJke t\\o to. three \I l'l'kS

West Point Head

Todd s~11ct t hl• tx1xes containing the recorders appeared to be in good sh;ipe dei.p1te i.omc s1~ns of hc•:it and somt• dl·nts. The\ ar· rt\'Cd under lock and ·

Thl• rl'muini. flo11 n hen• Sun· day \\ere of pussengers abourd a P an Am ll't ramml'd bv a Oukh KLM plunc on the run~·av of the a1rpo1t at San ta Cr:uz d e Tl'nl'nfc The l'ol h i11on killed mort: thun 570 people.

Retired General WAS HI NGTON ( AP l

Defense Secretary ll urold Hrown today a nnounced t he reassign m ent of Lt. Gen . Sidney Il . Bcrrv, s up e r int endent of sc anda·J. marred West P oint, and the re· call of reti red Gen. Andrew J . Goodpaster to replace him .

The Army said Berry w ill com· p lete a normal th ree-year tour as s u per i ntendenl of lhe U .S. P.til i lary Acad em y in J une. His n ew assignment will be an· nou nced later .

Selection of a r<'tired general to head the U.S. Milltar~ A cadcm~ Is u nprecedented . 0Hic1als !laid .

Brown sau1 that Goodpaster. former suprcml' All1<'d com mander in Europe and onetim<' sta ff secretary to President E isenhower, •· posi.esses t he uni q ue blend of military and educa ­tion a I b a ckground a n d ex · penence deemed necessary for the s uperintendency today ."

The Defense secrctt1ry a lso said that Goodpaster, who will ser ve a s a lieute n a nt general when he comc11 bark on active d uty. ''refl ects the ber; t qualified Ind ividual a vailahle to the Army a t this time ."

Ma rtin R. lloHmann. who was Army secretary durin g th(• r<' cent cheating sca ndal which in· volved lSt cadets, said late las t year that the new s upcrintC'n d ent 's aut hority would b1• strengthened and th a t h<' would rem ain In the Pohl up to c1ghl years.

Mesa Woman Injured in Irvine .Crash

A Costa Mesa wom a n was r<'· ported In satisfactory condition tod ar. a t 1'uslin Comm u n it y Hospital following an accident tn Ir vine Saturday In which the car s lammed Into a power pole and then nllpped over .

I r vine police uld Patricia Ann F ile, 27, of 2258 P acific AV<'. , 11ur fered numerou.c; cuts on her hea<t. face, legs and hands.

The accident occurred ot 10:30 p .m . Saturday on Dar rnnca Rood n e a r Von K a r man A venu e P olice s aid Mrs . l<'lte 's car hit the 'center road divider , c res hed into the Edison Com pany power pole and severa l tree!! and then landed on Ht roof back on the center divider.

/\ wltneas told police t h nl Mrs . File's car. a s m all compact that w11 destroy~ In the wreck, had been lravellnc erratically prior to the collision.

P olice said they are still look· Ing Into the accil1flnt

Arehbiahop ~fain? LONDON CAP > - Three wit­

ne1Mt - a doc lor, a nurae and a 101dhr - uy An allcon Artbbtt hop Jananl Luwum of Utanda was s hot to d eath, not ldlled In an automobile accident. tht Sunday Teltl t • Ph quoted a relo1ee U1al\dan bishop H SA)· int.

Hoffman su1d al th<' time that R('rry would ll·avc on schedule lh1s spri ng.

Berry, who h ad been regarded as one o( the Army's outstandin~ generals and a potential chief or s taff. laces an uncertain future . Although he was not s ingled out for s pecific blame in followup 10-

vefltigatlons of t he worst scandal in West Point hil>lory. many Pen· taa on officials say they fear h'1s future prospects might be ad \'crsely affected because it hap pened during his tour of dut~

BrO\\n ·., annnuncemc.·nt that Goodpa:.ter \\ ould n •ph1ce Berry 1n June sa id thr Armv l'hosc the r etired general after coni;1derang a r ecommt·ndut1on bv th<.· Oorman Comm1ss1on th~l tht.• ncw superintendent meet th<' crilC'non of " a dem oni.tralNI ab1l1ty to pro\'lde cducal1on :.ll and military le adership ·

Thal commission. n:imcd by Hoffmann to look into tht' scan · da I. was chaired by Frank Ror man , the former astronuut who now heads J<:astern Airlines . The Borman Commission l<1st D e c e m b e r r e c o m m c n d t' ct c hanites in enforc<'ment of lhl' cadet honor code anrl reinstall' ment as soon as possible ol the cadets implicated in the cheat · Inf{.

Goodpaster. u 1939 West Point graduate. hold:. u bachc·lor 's and Ph 0 dc•gn'C' 1n int1•rnat1onal n · lat1ons from P rinreton as \\Cll J " a m asll.'r ' ::. deg r el' 1n C'ng mel·• 1ng.

The KLl\t pu'n~ers and ('fl' " all of "horn wc.•1·e killed. wer e Oown to tile Netherlands for idcnt1ficat1on.

Wilham Walt rip. Pan Am vit•e prcs1dt·111 in ch arge or opera l ions. s111d he was C'Onf1d <"nt all the v1ctlmi. would be identified, al though many of the bodies are badly burned and mangled .

A spokesm an for the airllnt sai d the w or k of the 91 p a th o lo~lflls. dentists, blood ~rcc1all:.ti.. r:id1olog1sts and fingl·rprml t'\Pl'rb "'a~ cxpecll'd to I a kl· a \\ Ct'k or more.•.

A n 1ntl'rdenom1nat1onal memorial sen 1ce was h<' ld Sun day when the bodies ;1rr1vcd :ii lhl' ba:-it.· :11rftt•l!I on t...,o Pan /\m l n'1ghtl·r~ Our mg the service·, I wo draped and flower -lade n cnr. fins . reprt•sc.•ntat1ve or lhe hut\ drNls s 111l 1ns1dc the plane:., \~re pland in w:11t111g hl'arses . .\\·1th repn·sental lVl'S or th e airhnt• looking on, a C;ithol1c pries t, a Prote!-tunl minister and u rabbi m Hdl· short ~tatcml'nls.

The wo<xlt•n t·offln s containing lhC' olhl'r bnd1l'S th e n were trans ported to the mortuary.

Held for Fr aud SACl1A1\lf:NTO CAP> - The

Califormu l h ghway Patrol i.ays 1l hos ;irre~tC'<l a third per:.on In w h a 1 a 11 t h '' r 1 t 1 1· <; C' a 11 a mull1m1llw11 d11lh11 in ... urunl'I' fr:1ud :-.rht·nw ll\ M1ddlt· Eastern Ar.1bs hen· on s tudent \ 1s:is.

1 ..... ..

For Sale, Sfght Unseen


Jimmy Carter i~ selllns:t the presidential yacht "Se· quofa" because it costs taxpayer~ $800.000 a ycor and he never uses it In fact. Cal'tcr has never even seen it , said Wlutc House Deputy Pres~ Secretory Rex Granum. Granum said the snlc or the yacht could bring rrom • $200,000 to $400.000. ,


Page 31: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

. l


Today's Clo Ing N.Y. Stoek ·

' I VOL. 70, NO. 94, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA M ONDAY, A P RIL 4, 1977 TEN CENTS l Crash Dead Return; ID Work Starts

DOVER, Del. (AP) - With wha t a Pan Am official s aid was ''a ll the r espel't and dignity possible," the remains or 326 vie· lim s or the world's worst air dis­aster arrived al the Dover Air Foree Base mortuary for iden· lific ation.

A tea m of 90 Air 1-"orce, Army and 1-' BI experts today begins its analysis of the bodies of persons killed in the collis1on of two Boe-

ing 747 jets March 27 in the Cana ry Is lands.

A base spokesman said that . once identified, the bodies pro· bably would be turned over to a team of local funcrul directors . They lhen will be shipped lo the victims' families, most of them in California.

Meanwhile. two flight data re· corders and two cockpit voice re corders from the jumbo jet:, ar

rived In Wa11hington for s tudy by th e National Transportation Safet y Board.

Webster Todd , chairman oflhe NTS B. said the technical as­s istance was being provided for the Spanish go' e rnm ent. which has custody of the recorder:, . and th at the board has no plans to re­lease the results . The study is ex­pected to take t>AO t o three >A eeks

D•llY Pllel Sl•ll "'lto1ot by 11 lt hArd Or•~•

T odd said the boxes containing the r ecorders appeared lo be in good shape des pite som e signs of hea t a nd some dents. They ar· rived und~r lock and sent.

The remains flown here Sun· day were of paslienger s' aboard a Pan Am jet rammed by a Dutch KLM plane on the runway of the airport al Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The <'olhs1on killed more than 570 pl'oplc .

The KLM passenge r s and crew, all of whom were killed . were nown to the Netherlands ror identification .

William Waltrip, Pan Am vice president in c harge of opera· tions. said he was confident all the victims would be Identified. a lthough many of the bodies are badly burned and mangled .

A spokesman for the airline sa id the work of the 90

pa tholog ists , d enti sts, blood. specia li s t s, radiologi!.ts and fingerprint experts was expected lo t ake a week or mor e . .-·

A n int e rd enomina ti o n a l memorial service was he ld Sun· day when the bodies arrived at rhe base airfield on two Pan Am freighters . During the ser vice. two draped and rtower-laden cof­fins, re presentali vc of the hun-

1 See RE MAI NS, P age A2)

5 Die in Wrecks Crash Adds to County Toll

Five peopll• died Sunday night in two Orangt• Cou nty traffil' ac­cidents, four of them in a hcad·on collision that Huena Park polite labeled Uw \\tlr:-l att1dt•nt in the c1ty ·s history.

Buemi !'ark 1>ol1l'l' :-aid today they do not yet know what l·au:.t•d a so uthbound <·ar on Rea ch Bou el vard nl'ar St a~<· Rolld to cross over the cenll'r II n<' and sla m head -on into an auto travel mg in the oppo:-1tt• d1r<'cllon

But within lhre<• htJur!'> of the crunching 10 58 p m rull1 ~ 1on near a railway un1lcrpa-.:-. the l'AO car:, ' four Cll'('Upanl:- 'A-Crt• dl'ad .

Killc.'CI ,along with Ezzell in the so uthbound auto wert' T im Bowers. 20. and Tracy Bowers. 17, both of 6360 Arnold St.. Buena Park .

The accidt•nl"s fourth fatalt ly, Charles E . l'a\lacky. 60. of 14758 Neartree Road. La Mirada, was alone in the auto he was driving northbound on Beach Bouelvard.

Police sa id lrafhl' was diverted from the thoroughfare between Artesia llouelvard and Sta~c Roa d for one hour as rescue "orkers labored <it freeing the ,·1ct1ms from the wrecka~e.

A few hours earlier . a >Aoman

Pollet' 1dt-nt1f1ed lh1· drl\ c•r of th(• car thut allc·gt•dly :-wc .. rvcd ()(;Airport ov er Beach llouc·lvaril's cc•ntcr line as Haymond f:zzell, 17. of

was killt'd and an infa nt was c r itically injurt•d in a three-car accident in Brea that seemingly lou<·hed off Orange County's b loody Sunday night traffic death toll

In the aftl'rmath of the Ilrea accident, one man was arrested a nd charged with fe lony drunk driving and <mother man was ar· rested for being drunk in public.

The felony drunk dri \•ing sus­pl'ct was 1dl'ntif1ed hy police a<> J oseph Rodri guez, 36, of Baldwin Park

Police said Rodriguez was at ISt>e 5 DI E, Page A2l

ERIC ANDERSON, LEFT, STRETCHES FOR BALL DURING PLAYOFF GAME IN IRVINE lrvlne's Earthquakes Win 5-3 Saturday, Advance to 'State Q ua rter Finals'

;;:rsk Ridgt·way l>ri\'l' . nuena Mistrial Delllanded

Irvine Kids' . SoccerTearn -Advances

The Irvine Eurthquakes. a 9 an d IO· yea r old boy:- ~occer team. defeat~d the West Los Angl'les Tigers 5.3 Saturda}. ar1· 'an<'mg in their bid for a sla t<• championship

The Earthquake• <; "'ill play ai;:atn April 16 Jt Turtle• lt(l(·k f:l1•mt·nt.1ry Sc·hool in I rvin1•

W1lh ;about 200 s 1wrtalor' "'att•hing Satun1ay at .the· Turth.· Hoc k School pla ygr<iund . the Earthquakc·s cumc from behind They trailed 2·0 al lht• l1l'g10n1ng of th e gamt'. but scnred two ~oats 111 thl' las t fi n• minull'S 11( play to ddeat the T1~c·rs .

Darr<'n Sa m aha !'irnr1•d thn•r goa ls, Michael S1mp1wn '>l'<1rt•1I one and Grrg Nl•lson .,c·nrt•d nnt•

If thr Earthquak1•., win thl' nl'xt thrC'r gaml''> in tht· final, , lhe," 11 ht'ronw the• ""''" c·ham p111ns The tC'.1m h.1:- ,lln·ad} all \'llnCPd furthc•r than any olht•r 1><1:-t lr>11w \lluth '-tt<Tt•r ti·am

Tl' .• m mt•mh<'r'> inrl ud" f':n1 A111l1•r :-nn . \11 c-hal'I l.ittm.111 Tnm Baumann ll tl\ e Cnrr. S<'ott Julien . Er11• l..1mh1 .1-.v .lot'\ -.:o, 1•!>. I 'l'lt•r J>11t·hc-..... l>.i rrl'n SamJh,1 . MH•h,1t•I S1mp..,on l>.n 1d Voss, Chr1-. l'ollt•v (irt•J.: N<'l,un and Mkh;wl ~ll'lh Tht ('11ad1 "Stl'\C Sam.aha

Body Identified RlVERS I OI-: ! AP>

Authorities say the lah•sl of scv<•n victims c'ut u11 a ncl sluffC'd in a plas\1r hag h11s b1·cn iden -tified 011 a n illl'An l alien from Ml'Xi {'O. RJ\•l•rside Cou nty of ficla ls sni<l th al Arturo Mnrruez, 24. died of a hulll•t w1111nd in the hea d .


ON FIRST DAY So the landlord finnlly ~uid you

could buy a water b<'d . . now \that do you do with your old bed ? -

" We sold it the first day the ad ran in the paper• "

That's the advertising 11uccess ex perienced by a Laguna HJlls couple who placed this classified Jd :

Rcuul. Kin~ 1<1 lwd, solltl w II I n u t . " I> 11 ll t e r . pcr~qnally nuto"rophcd by J\rtlllnll Xl>l( ·XXXX ,

So If you' re changing your ure~tyl e, or Just have somet hing you 'd like to convert to cash, call 642-~78. T he Dally Pilot it1 the place to 1dvertlse.

On Noise Issue By TOM BARl.F:Y

Of Ille D• oly Pilot \till

A lawyer r epresent ing Orange County dem anded a mistrial rul­ing on developer Harry Rinker ·~ $200.000 laws uit against lhe coun · ty today with the argument that trial jurors had been exPQS(!d to newspaper publicity.

" This is a ver y serious mat· ter . ·· Deputy Count y Counsel Charles Scvll'r told J udge Frank Domcr11chini . "One Dally Pilot cd1 t1on last week t·arried the story with headlinl'S mall'hing those of the Canary Is lands a.t r crash d1saslc•r . ··

Sevier placed a pi l e or newspapers t:ontaining editions of three Orange County publica­t ions before Judge Domcnichini <1nd po1nl<•d nut that al l thl' sto ries conlainc•cl tc:-limony

tu ken outside the presence or the jury. _

T he stor ies cover ed alles.?alions by the plaintiff's attorney, Jer­rold 1-~adem, that aircraft leaving Orange County Airport we re diverted from their normal ni ght path over the Har bor Area while the jUry was visiting R111ker 's home at 2342 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana lle1ghts.

1-'ad em defended the stories as "absolutC'l v accurate." and re· minded Judge Domcnichini lhal the jury had been warned before and during the trial not to read newspape r 3Cl.'OUnls of the pro­l'Ced ings .

l''adcm is asking the jury to .iward Hink<-r <1 <1magcs for jel noise that . hC' c laims. 1s making llfo in the ftinkcr hom e inloler a-

(Sce NOISE, P age A2l

SCOTT JULIEN, RIGHT, GOES AFTER BALL IN GAME AGAINST WEST L. A. TEAM Nine and 10-year-olds Come From Behind During Game In Tu rt le Rock

Irvine Firm Burns; Damage $125,000

Atlanii~ l !1lands

Secession Vote Held

A fire fueled by hydraulic 01 1 ca used an est1mall'd S125 ,000 damage this morning a t t he Bertea Corporation in the Irvine Industrial Complex

Thirty-fi ve fire men and 10 fire eng ines and trucks responded to the second-a larm fire on Von Karm an Avenue at 11 15 a. m . It took the fire fighters about 15 m inutes to cont rol t he blaze. NANTL'CKET . Mass ! AP1

Chances for success are about as s lim as they were In colonial days and during the War of 11112 whl'n Nantucket a nd Martha 's Vineyard islands tried to st>cedc• fro m Massachuselti;. but t he islanders arc J?Olnf: to try a~ain .

About 3.000 register ed voters a re eligible for the r ef1•rendum on secession todhy on ttus island 22 miles from the Massachusetts mainland . The vote will si mply s h o w h ow t hey fl'el ahout secession · it's not legally bind· ing. (Ma p Page A4 1

Tw o t ow ns on Ma rt h a '5 Vineyard will debate the issue at town meetings today : f ive other communities on that island 24 mile'! west of here will conctider the same course al other town meetings sc hedul ed between Aprll 12and May 17

At issue is a question that has agitated New Engl anders since the days of British colonial rule - repr esentation.

" We still want lo remain part of the commonwealth, hut we'rl' looking for representation," said • Jo h n <.;onway. Nn ntucket's representative in the Ma s sachusetts legislature. " The islanders feel they are cut off. They feel we are now losing representation which we've had since 1696."

A new app0rtlonmenl bill In Boaton, the s tate capital, will cut

• •

the leg1sl.1turc from 240 lo 160 member s IL \\ill merge the islands· lt•gi !>lat1 ve districts with those on ( 'arc· Cod . The 13,000 permu nl'r1t rt•sl(frnt-. will he merl't<'d in a cllstnct wlll<'h will ha \'C' 36,000 p..rsons.

F:at•h islnncl now ha s one rep re:-<•ntat1 vc 1n the legislature and the 1slundc•rs frcl thC're 's a bout as much chance of an is lander lw1n1t e lected in the mer(lcd distr ict as there is ror Nant ucket ~und to freeze over.

" There is a certain fun aspect . but there 1s also a se r ious aspe{'l, " sai d Mar ie G1ffins. editor of the weekly Nantucket Inquire r and Mirror " If you don ' l have someone to be a walchdol( to s peak up for the island . you sit her e. and no one cares what happens to you."

The populalton of Nant\lcket boom s from aboul 6,000 to 30,000 in the summer. not lncludinll a " Ooatlng popuh1t1on" of 100,000, said Mitchell Todd. president of

4 Killed in Crash OROV I LLE IA P I F'our

Oroville residents W<'fc kllle<1 and two oth e r s, both s mall c hildre n, were criticnlly lnj ur<>d late Sundny wlwn their car s lammed into un oak trr<'. th · California lll ghwuy Patrol re· ported

the N an tuckl•t hoard o! selectmen , the island govern­ment.

A spokesman from the firm, which manufactures hydraulic flight equipment, s aid most of the damage involved expensive pumping e ·•ipment jus t outsidr the building that was burned in the blaze.

" We have whol the mainland doesn 't." s uid l\ .J . Ti pton , a selectma n in the town of (;osnold o n Cutty hunk Is land next lo Martha 's Vineyard . "Peace and quiet. Take the Cape . They got highways. evcr ythinJ!. ll 's built up, l(elling crnwded."

A portion of the outer wall of one of the Rert<•a buildings was blackened a nd sco rche<I but


Dogs~ Kill Girl Tot's Body Fowu/, in Park

BRECKENRIDGE. Colo. CAP > - A 6-year -old gir~ died a~ter s he app_an·~tly was attacked by dogs while playing at a friends home, Summit County authorities sa id .

The victim was identified as Ta m a ra Rhac Newton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Newton.

Her body was discovered Sunday in the Peak Seven ttrea. a residential development In a wooded setting west of he r e. Authorities sa id Tamara was p lay ing with ~ young fr i('nd wtren the a ttack a p· parcntly occurred .

The youngster suff ('red severe throat wounds. District Attorney J ohn F. Healy said her clothes were ''strewn oil over the driveway for about 30 or 35 feet. "

Jtculy ~oid th ree dogs were impounded and tests were being conducted to determine lf their stomachs conta1ncd hur.1al\Ocsb1

there was only s moke damage in­s ide

According to Fir<' Chief J im Stone. the cause of the fire is s till under invcst1gat1on . However , he said the on~in 1:- pinpointed lo one nf the hydraulic oil pumps.

Stone :-aid an <'mploye said he saw one of the pumps spurting the ml at high pres:-ure int." tht• fire .

Hearing Set Tonight on Road Priority

Irvine rC'11ldents will have a chance tonight to te ll city of· f1 cials what they want the city to fix a nd build durln~ the coming fiscal year .

Tran s portation Co m · missioners will be selling a list of priorities for the coming year for {'a p it al improvement projects, s uch as tramc s iRnal s. road widcnlngs and gutte r 1mpro~e· men ts

Residents are Invited to attend the 7: 30 meeting at city hall and tell the commissioners which projects they believe are most import.ant.

T he city has about $800,000 to spend on such projects during the coming year . About Sl.4 million worth of capital Imp rovements projecl°' already have been men· lioned as possibilities .

The commissloner11' recom· mtndaUons wlll bc forwardod to the city council, which wlll then determine final prlortUea when the bud1et l11ct . _1


, .

Page 32: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

. . . t . A2 DAIL V PILOT

Palestine Future Stressed

WASIUNGTON CA P > Eayp-tian President Am\ar Sadat, ar­riving locfay for t alks with Presi­dent Carter. s tressed at the out­set t he ct'nlra l issue in the Middle East Is the future of the Palesti­n ians.

·' In your recent public stale· m ents you hu \'e com e very c lose to the pro~r r e medy," Sudul told Corter . who Is the firs t Am erican preside nt ever to en ­dorse publicly the concept of a Pa " homeland ."

However , Sadat s al~ In an ar · riva l ceremony in the White House Eus t Room , " What is nee ded is establishmen t or a pol itica l enti ty In which the Palestinians. al long lust, can be a community of citizens instead uf a group of refugees "

Carter, 1n low key. welcoming rem arks. made no direct men · lion of the Palcstanaans or any 11l h l·r sens ita ,·e a~pt'ct of the i\ r ab·lsrncli conflict.

He said " ther e are no easy ;mswers" to the re~ lon 's pro­blt•mi. and lhal he intended lo t· :.;tab lish a " cloi.c pt•rsonal fr1t>nd~h1p" with Sudal. thc fi rst 1\rab lt•ader lo meet walh him an thi: Administration 's c ampHign to rc•t·om·enc the liene\'U peace t·onfl'rt•nct: hy the t• ncJ of the ) c ar

Sadat, in a n exln1ordinarlly complimenta ry tribute to whut he ca lled Cartcr·s Idealis m and morality, s aid t he President Is "the pt•rsontfication of a new :.pint emerging in America to­duy " ~

Thr<'fugh Egypt's long, 7.000· ~ t•a r history or statehood , Sad11t ~ai tl , at has hl'en " faithful lo lhe ':iluei. and ideals that render li fe more rewurding and rulfilling."

Ironically, Sadat's visi t coin­c·1cfes with the Jewish festival of Pa:. l>O\'l'f ' 'h1 ch comm c morutci. th<' freedom Jewbh sl<Jves "on from F.gypt and their scllani: forth lo tht· .. P romi..ed L;ind " uf br,1rl

,\t lht· n•n•nH>n\ . hc·ld andoorc; lit•1·au!'-e of ra111 . Suclat thankl'<J Cartt·r for ") our ~all;rnt action" tn :.poni.orinj! nc.irl> SI billion in t•c1mom ir uncl food uicl for Egypt. whosr <'C'Onomy is cxrwrienclng h;.ird ti mt·~

But S.ida t. rd<'rring to thr rall·~t1rna11 1 ~:.uc , told the Prcsi <lt•nl that " 110 pro~rei;s can hr ;1l'hie\'t•d '" long a:1 tht' prohll•m rt: mu in~ unsoh·t·d ''

{'arlr·1· for h1 )o, p;1rt. offered 'l'' eral to th l! Eg)plaan lt•adt•r, v.ho wui; the target re n~ntl y of dl'muni.tral1ons ucross f~g) ol promptcd by increased 1>rit·(':; or :.tuple ~ood!l, an action I ht• l!ll\'t>rnmcnt had to revcrc;t>

" I haH' nc\ t>r mt•t un Amenc:un lea tier v.ho cl11ln l tom<' uv. .1~ 1m· pn·~wd ''1th h1' '''O!!llh 1t~ 111 ll'lli.:l'nn· ;111d l'nurui,:e. · Cdrlt r 'Jiii ahuut 111,. gm .... t

Torch Deaths

In Uganda ~A I R () n I ' K (' n \'ll ' A p l

I ' 1!a11cl11n lroop8 h11v.- PXN'ult·cl a g:lllf1 of roff1•1• s mu11glrrc; h' f111111111a.: ttwm ;all\" on an 1!i! l:11HI 111 I.a l..t• \ 'kt 01 1a . I ht• d .ii b '.il1on Ill'\\ -.p11 1w1 c,;111l 11111a ,\

'I Ill' h l' n) a pa p e r , c1 u o t i n i: '' h;1l 1t 1•alll'd rt:hahle i.oun·eo,, ::. .11tl l lw -.m11g1.d<'r' "''rt· r.1p I un·d Jl> thl'\ \\ ere running n1rf"t' .11 ro's tlw l.1ke from l.' J!an<1111nt11 h•·m a for !-i lt1Pm<'nt abro.ul

Tlw nwn "1·r·· I a k«'n tn l\1~uh1 hi.oriel ll\ llu• '"11111•1-. 111111 told 111 Ill' clo"n ' th1• '\,111on satd Thl'll tht•\ "1'11' l'Cl\'f'fl•ll Wllh • m Pl,. ,,,d.' .1 od pl't rol v. " " po111 t•tl m l'r 1 hl·m The\ we re I hl·rt :.t'l .1lll{hl '

Guards Strike so :\t F. n ~ . r o n n 1 A r 1

C:u.1r<I~ h.1 v1• ~ t ri11·k Connel' l H'ul ' ' IO pn!<IHI~ anti J:.111:. .1flN l'l'Jl'l'lh1.: the stule'i:. lutci.l con· l ral't proposal.


DAILY PILOT f ht0t'Al"t9f' (Ge\I D •lly .... ""' Wilft'#f\1(ftl\(.,._

"""°' d tM ..... , l"'ff\\ I\ l'YbllflMd bV the Qr~ C.&• \t PUllll l\t\11\q (",,Mn.4fll9 ~i>"' •I• ftt ''°"''~'• 0•101•\P\•rt M Ol'td •• tl'lr N~fil •• •31r fM CO"''• ~ ... N,..., ,,_,.,, I••<~ ... ll"l l"Of~ &.~" •OVfll t•H\ Va H•, tr'tlftllt '•drllf0-.ttl v . u .. ., •"'If L\Q\Jf'\4 ... , .. \o ·.Jl.., Ce•'' . , .no '•'JifW'•l•O• ' '-'" 9'ibl •\.,.. \•lvtd,.9'\ ~ ~.... ,,._ Ol+~•Det OuOl+\l'\•I'\• e l• l\I ·~ .tt >JO Wnl 0•¥ '\tt .. I C0'-1• M•u C•"'''"~41t)t.Jt .... , .... ...,

f'r•\•MM •M ~Ot·V'fl

'"' " C.loy Y •t• Ptf\oo+f'U . ,.., 0."'tf .. "'6N .. ,

,,....._ ........ , ,~ ... ,

T-.Mo A M ..... ... ,.. ,._., ,,.Q .. .. <.A.6ttH M \ .. t ••f'N,.,' ... "

A\\o .t . ,.t ~~•O(~(OllOf \

OllleH co,11 ._...,. now,.,1 a.,)"'''

.. \~~~::::~~"'' ~~~';:t'i!!~~,. ~+•f\'4IOV• ll• f UM•t.A•••"*'4'd '' ••n Ol•qe t rw w• t

Telepho"• (114)~ , Clenlfled Adverflll"t Ma.M1t

~oddltNO l/allt f ...... OlllO • ., .. ,,0 PraM t a" C••"91'~

41..otM (Wvrt•t ,.,, Ortn9t Co••t fllUMl \to.1-.e: CfrPt 00•1 Prfo nt'ff\ \ tOtlt\, ltl~ltll*" Mi••t ""' "' ., .,. •• ," .. '"'"" .,,.,, ........ b4J Ufttftu•• •11._•wt ' atct1 I '"""'"'(I" ef ,.,,..,.,ow.,., .. o.., r1a1t .,.,,.,, ••'f at Onto • •• t411f&• •I • t• • U•ftll•~ •• .,,,,., U ft -·~1, ,, .... .. ,. .. -~I ...... 111.,, ••t1Mtl!Oftt .J ,. l'Ntfttf\Jy f ,


Getting a Charge S t an I e y I t e . l 5 • of A I ha 11 ~ , o r t• . , .1

muscular d ) stroph~ v1tt1m, has thL· bat terie.s m hi s e lectri c wheelehair tharged at a service station. lcC'. ''ho ha' hi !-- "" n

battery charger, got caught with the juice running l<m a nd pulled into the s tation fo r a quick churge. Dick Hostetler charged tht• b<itterit.'S a t no charge.

West Point Boss Named App.ointment of Retired General First

WA S HI NGTON <AP> Defense Sccrc•lary ll arold Brov.n today announced the m enl of Lt. Gen. Sidney B Rerr) , superint e ndc•nt of scandal marred West Point , and thl• rt• call of r etired Gen A"drcw J Goodpaster to replace him

The· Army said Re rry v. 1111·11m plete a normal t hree-) ear tour,.., s uperint endent o f the I ' S M1 lttary Academy an Junl' ll b new as~agnment wall ht• an nounl'ed late1

St•lt•t·tion of a r('(1red general to heud lht.> l '.S M1lil11ry Academ y 1:. unµrel·edcnted, officials said

Brn" n ~aid that Goodpastl'r. former :.upremc Allied com mJmlcr 111 Europl' and onel1mt• ~ taff ~elrt.>tary to Pre:.adent f:1 ~t·n , " po!>!>l'l>!les the um qut• blend of military and edul'a­t 10 n a I hJ<'k~rouncl <1nd ex ­pt.>11c•nl·c• det•ml'd nl.'C· e:.~ary for lht• :.11µcrantcndenc~ toctay. '

Thl· l>d1°nM• -.1·1·n·tar' <.tlso \;1111 lh;1t Ooodp:i,lt•r v.ho v.111

Rites Set in Laguna Murder and Suicide

F uneral ser vict·:. wen• pC'ndinl! today for the i,!un~hnt \'1tl1ni-. nf an appurent murdt·r ·)o, UJL 1rlt· 111 l.ag11na Beach l'' nda y

llc· tt~ I. Walhr . 5o. of i>l'l !'>l Ann:. Ort\'(', La,eun;i lleac·h , ,,;a, killed as ~he s;1t an a r ur m1t-.111t• her hom<' nt-ar the high M'hoot a th lNu· fil'lcl

Pohce c;:ud < .. 1rold F: \t1 Cn\ 62. or 3366 Punt a \ll.1 l.Jg1111;i ll 1lls . an un~UcC'esc;ful -.u1t11r npc·nt'd thl' llil""t'n~cr -.11lc- cl1101 "hl'n· 'ht• ~al f1ri ·d ,1 :.18 r.il1ht 1 µ1-.tol al lell'I rour t1m1 <: lh1·11 poinll'cl lht• gun lo Ill, O\\ n 11 •1npl1• .incl f1n·'111m·1·. k1llinl! him-.i If

;\f re; \\ .ilkt•r \\·'"::.I I II( I.. h\ I\\" hullc•l ' . . 11·rord1ng 111 fl'fl11rh . . 111d "a' clN1cl 11n .1rrl\.il :11 Snulh Coao;t Cnmmunll~ lln.;p1t.d

The man m th1• 1· .... " 11 h ht·r F.mm1tt F: ll o~11c'. :w 111 :!~2 Wrt\ t' Strt>el. L.1gu11a llt-.1rh . flc·d

U.S. Oil Need Gets Support

W\!-.111:\CTO'\ \l' t l''or mer &·1 rt'IJ1 \ or St 1111 I 11 nr' I\ 1-.~1ngc•r told ('11nl{rt·s' t11d,1\ lh,11 lh•• l ' nal• ii !'.I.tit ' \\Ill H

rn;i111 ll1·11tntl1•111 1111 1n1 po1t1 1l 1111 for ,II lt'.t <,l lht• rll''(l rl\ I ' \I ar .. .1n<t th,11 .1 m;tJur 1 111•r1t) , "" ' "r' Jllon t•ffort ' ' n1•t•d1•1l

In h1' rir-.1 .1ppe.11.11111• a' .1 ron~res,aondl "11111•" 'inn· 1 • .,,., ang ofr1t· t- \\1th tlw F11rrl .1<1 m I n I .. t r a t I 11 11 " I ' .. I II .: I ' r l' h .11rman of a nt•w 111111•11' ji! roup l0 allt•d r\llltllH'l' Ill ~ll\ I '

f:nl'r~'" said h<' '>uµ pflrtt. rffort~ hy Pr<"sactent Carll•r to !11•\'c:lop ,, !'Om preh<'ns1 u· cnerJ() ton'e'rht t1on pohl'y

-rstifying hcf1>rl' a Scnah• l'ncri::y conser\'u l111n and natur,il r t•so1arl'<'S c;uhrnmm1ltt•t'. K1s~ · 1nj..(er said 01l -prndut1nl( n11 t1onc; retain the potc nt1;,1l to 111~rupt the world l'conomy.

Rock Concert Set

At Irvine Complex T~ens in Irvine are invited to at­

tend an a fternoon Tock concert Tuesday at the Walnut Shoppan~ Cente r.

The free concer t wall bc)lin at 1 p m . and continue until 5 in the parki ng lot of t he s hoppin~ center. IL is being s ponsored by the Youth Ser vices Division of lr\'ine and the Waln ut Shopping Center Merchant s Assoriation.

tltr· ('ar Y.h«'n lh1• ~hooting i:.tarl­l'(I I It• was 1111111un•1I.

~I"" W11lkl'r·, I:! 'c•:ir old ~on . llohln . who ht•ard lhc· shots and 1 .111 lo Im, ti) 1111: motht•r , wa~ m I h4· c·1111• (If 1.aguna lkad1 rc­h1ll\ l'S ltld,I\

Pohc·t• l'11nt1nurd un 10\<'stiga I 11111 of lht• rn111n1· for lht• "tlaytnj;!, h\'lll'\('11lo11Huh1• !ht• gunman Ii 1111111°111 f111 th1· ho\

Polin -..rnt .\ld 'el\. rert•ntlv "Hin" Pel hJcl t .1k<'rt. I he· \ 011ng 1111\ llJ11lt•1 111 ._ WHlJ.: hi' II\\ 11 '""' " c•rt· a.:1"'' 11

Th i• l.t•1 ... u11· \\'111 Id rf'-.11lt·nt rr1·'111t·n1h '0111.!hl t11 l .1kc lh1• 1:111 1111 1111t1na.:-. .rncl v. . .-. at11·mplrnl( tn ht• .1 ">l'tt1111I fulhl'I tu l11m, of r11·1·r-. -..1111

\l1·( 'm ,111d .\Ir-. Walkf'r hnd ~111rn 11t.11h111 tw1 tor .al11111t thn•1• 111011lh~ hut 11·1·1·11th 11!1• \\omun l1n: .111 M't'lll l{ otlwr · ml•ll , pol11·1· 'aid .• 111<1· ''a~ 1dus1n~ to ul 111\\ ht•r 't111 t11wn \\Ith ;\ l d 'm

~twfr1·1 .\l11rt11;11"' nf 1,.;g11n11 B1•ach 1.-. h,111ctl1ng 11 r1 a111{1·mt·nt i;

Fro• Page A I

REMAINS • • d1 •·d •.1t11 111 ~ 111t• lht· plnn1 ·"· \H' l'I •

pl.111 •d Ill \\,11l111a.: IW.11"'' \.\ 1th ••'I''"" 111 111\ ,., 111 111•· .11rhn1· lw1k lllL! 1111 .1 I ·.11 h11ll1 pr ll ''l a l'l"l• ~ l.1111 lllllll ' lt' I ,11ld ,1 IHblij 111.HI• h111 t , 1,111 lll••nl

I h• ""od1·n 11111111 ... n1nl111ning th1 ulh1 1 hod1l'' lhl·n \\l!r1· 11 .. n" I" II I I ti l O I h l' m t)I l 0 a r y

sen ·e as a li eutenant general when he comes buck on acti ve du ly, " reflects lhe bci. l qualified individual available lo the Army al this tame."

Martin R lloffmunn. who was Army secret ary durinR the re­cent cheating scand11I which in­vol\'ed lSl cadets. sa id lale la:.t year that the new supcrintcn dent 's author1tv " u ul d be strengthened and that he would r emain an the pol>t up lo eight years

ll offman ba1d ut thc llml' that Herry would leuvc on !ichedulc this s pranl(.

Bl•rry, v. ht> had been reJ.(arclC'd ,.., one of lhl· Arm y ' ), uutst11nd1 ng 1-!l'nt'ral -. ancl 11 µolt·nt1al l'h1d of s taff. fan·~ an Ull('l'l'la111 fut11n· Al lhou~h h1· "a~ 11111 ~•ng ll•d 1111t for SPl'n f1c blamt• an followup 1n vestlgations of tht• wor~l st· anda l in West l'rnnl ha~lon· . munv Pcn ­luJ.(on offil•1:tl1> :.uv ihl'\' ft.:a r his future pros1H'l'ls · m1utit ht' ad \'l'l'Sl•ly :1ffcl'I C'd hl'taUM' II hap 111•1wcl du rang h1~ tour of duty

II ro" n ' )o, nnnount•t•m cnt that C:oodpaslcr \\llUl<f rt•plm•t• flcrry tn .Junt· saul lht• Arm\ ch11M· the n•t1 rNI .J.:l'Ot•ral artt·r n1n:.11leranll .1 I l' (' (l m OJ t.· n ti ,, I I (I II h \ t h l' llotman Comm1)o,,11111 1h;1t lhl· lit' \\ i.upen nt1·nd1·nt n11·t·t t hl· \ rilt•rion nf · a .il11ht~ 111 pro\ 1d1· t·dutat111n<il .ind m1h111r\' leud1·r~h1p · l'om m1~::.1on , nafRt•d h) 1 lorfmann 111 1011~ 1nt11 th<· "tl'an ctat , v.-a s t ha1n•d hv Frank Borman. lhl' for m er ~1 st ronaut ''ho no'' hl•ach .. t-:a~l crn /\arhncs Th<' Borman Comm1:.s1on la:.t 0 t' l' c m b I! r r 1• <' 11 m m l' n d c d c·hallj.(l'S in corurt't' ml•Ol of th t• eudet honor cmll• :and rl'instlltl' mt•nl a~ !loon as pos~1hlt• of lh•• eudcts im phc:1t cd in the chcul ing .

<; nodpastcr. a t!):J!I Wl·~t Point RracluHtc. holds a hal'hrlor 'i. and Ph 0 dl'gl'Cl' Ill inl t•rnat111nul rt' · l:it11m-. frum 1'111we111n <•S v.1·11 a., a musti:r 's dt·~ 1 t•t• In t•nginc<'r 111 )!

Drought Blamed llEHl\t-; Lt-:\' I \!• 1 Hl'l\\1•1•n

511 111111 antl 1110.111111 gallons of ''alt•• ha\I' ht•t•n lo'\ t cha· lo l1n•ak~ Ill I 1 v. all'I m .11n-. l'cHl"tt 'd mcl1rc•1•tl~ II\ the d1ought , the• Ea!'tl Ha~ :\t11n1 t1 pal l ' l1hty 01~­lrict ~ays

Body Recovered Bold is Beautiful

Senior Citizens

Center Site Decision Due

Irvine sen ior citizens and com· mun1ty services commissioners will s it down together Wednes day night and try to decide where the seniors' perm anent cenler should be located. .

A te mporary fa cility is planned for the Ranc ho San Joaquin Multipurpose CJlnter , but a permanent location st ill has not been pinpointed .

All seniors in Irvine arc anviled to attend the m eeting , which will begin at 7:30 p .m . at city hall.

According to J esse Wa s h ingto n . communit y services director . the best loca­tion is probably the Rancho San J oaquin Multipurpose Center .

Instead of just placing a tern porary facilit y th e r e. com missioners should cons ider build­ing a permanent at that spot, Washington suegesls in a staff report lo the commlsion.

He says that if that site Is p ic ked . a permanent center could be r eady for lhe seniors within a year and a haH, that the s pot is sillialed conveniently for public transportation . and that the architect for that fac ility is still working on the design plans .

However, two othe r locations a r e under consideration , too. One is within the Town Center de­velopment planned for the are a across from UC Irvine on Cam­pus Drive. However, if that site Is picked. the seniors ' center could be three year s away and would probably be a mailer in size due to inflation.

The other site Is Heritage Park . lt has been suizgested that

the sen1or11 ' center be Included within the arts and crafts design pha:1e , bul Washington said that lncludlng the seniors' fa cillly at that park might "impact " the other park fa cilities .

Fro• Page Al

NOISE. • • ble

Ranker lold the Jury that he was a!lsured by county offi cials .... •hen he boui.:ht his three-acre property in 1965 th a t no jct Htrcraft would ever operate from the airport.

Today, Hughes Aarwes t and Air California operate from the county airport .

Judae Domenlchinl questioned the jury today a nd learned from five m e mbers that they h ad either seen or been made awar e of newspaper headlines, but had not r ead the body or the story .

Judge Domenichlnl then called a recess so he can dlscu111 the s ituation individually with those jurors. ·He will rule on Sevier's m otion for a mistrial later.

Rinkcr's lawsuit is regarded as a teat case In the controversial jet noise l ssu f:' nnd is bc;ng watched by hundreds of Harbor Area reaidents.

Succes11 for Rinker could mean the tri al of laws uits In which the plaintiffs hove d emanded more th1rn $30 million in damages from the county.

SB College Hires 29 New Teachers

Sudd leback Collegf:' trustees ha \'l' t<1kL·n s teps t1Jv. ard l'a~in i.: one of the school'i. most t•ritacal problems th e i mb a lance lwtwet-n the number of full timl' a11u pa11 ·llmt.• facult y mc•mh<'rs .

' l'he board has a~rced to hire 29 new full -time tcaclwrs next fal l. n•placlng ~bout 90 p <trl -limc positions.

The school presently employs more than 600 part time teachers and h<1s just over 100 full ti me in­struclurs. This ratio hits been a b<tne of l'Ontention between facul ­t~ und administration .

The Imbalance, according to thl' ud m inl st ratl o n . i i. duc primarily to the phenomt>nal grow th of the Mi ssion \' ie111 'chool. which hall 10 limes as m;iny stude nts today as when ll opened a decade ago.

Rut the full -time tcuchers con· I'

tend th<.' other r eason is that it 111 l·heaper Lu h1r1• part t imer s than perman<.'nt faculty memlwrs. They also l'lmm that the qual ity 11f ll0 ath111g l'an he poor with lt·m pora r y 1n~tr t1l'lor)o, bt-cause uf a lal·k of rom mltnwnt.

The action hy t rustees is cx­Jlt.'C tcd tQ parti tularly s t rengthen the \'t1l'al1on:ll l'<lul'ation area, ''hi ch v. 111 add ani.truclors for auto mechan ics. construction, phuto)!raph y, ~rup hi cs and radao tt.'ll'\ 1s111n

Thrt>e teachers will be added to the business proJtrnm and three mort> an social bl'll·ncc

Two 1nslructor1i e uch will he add ed an art. Engl ish. home l'l'onom1ct. and music and singll' 1ni.tructors v. 111 be a dd ed In 10 otht>r area!.., ln<"luding the add1 · 1111n of a \\llml· n ·~ physical t•d11t-.1llon teJchcr :.111d ll'am c·oach

Celebrities Due For 9-ball Event

tl ollywood ce lebritie s will l'Ompelc in nine-hall a ction Tues­day night ut t he Registry I lotel in I r\'ine as the kickoff lo the Mako N allonul ln\'ita taon al Nine-ball Champion!>hip Tournament

J\lreHdy s igned up for the 7 p m celebrity billaarrb lournc·y ur\' .JaC'I, Cartt>r, Etl Amt·s. Tnn1 1.opt•7 c;, c•g Morrt\ and lloh llt·g~ t ·s l \\hu pla)s f-:ps l<·in 1111

\\' l'lc:om<· Hack Kull er 1. Other stars ha\'e be<'n in\'ltl'CI , hut ha­\' t"n 't r<'phrd yet.

T1<0 kcls to th(' cl'lchrlly C\'ent a re $5 75 and a re being i.olcl at I he· Registry llotcl, at Mako Jn

AP Wlr.,ho lo

oustnt•s 22661 Lambert St .. Su1t1· 207, El ·roro, <11HI at a ll Tickctrun agc ndcs .

From Wednesday through Saturday, 16 top nin e-ball conlcn­cll'rs wall "l' il• fo r SS0,000. The pursl' 1:. rc•porlecl t1J be lhc largest hllliurds pur!-ic C\ er offerl'd in the l'n1lL·d States

Conll'ncler~ arc urrl\ ing lhi' "ct>k from Jll o,·cr the counlr) •ind include top nine.ball cham· paons, according to the tourn:i· mt:nl or~an1lt·r:..

Frott1 Pag~ A I

5 DIE ... the• v.hcel of a lightweight pickup t 1 t11·k thut allci::edly ran throuf.(h a ::. top s ign at Kraemer Avenul' and Ulrch Strcet at 7 :30 p .m .

AC'cordl ng to police. Ali c ia Rartolo, 30, of 4429 52nd St., Ma ywood . was throw n through I h\• w1ntlt1hic lc1 of llu• ltodrl~uez pickup when il col lided with a nother cur.

Thl'n, 1x1lice saicl. Miss Rartolo wus run over und killl'd by a third a uto involvod Ill the intersection nw,·hcm.

Critica lly Injured In lhe col· li s ao n wa s tw o - m o nth -o l d llowlundSanr1ll1po, of Placentia .

Less serious ly inj ured were the infant's mothe r . b r other and fat her. The four Sanfilllpos wero 1n th e ca r s tru c k'. by the Roc1ri11ucz auto when at allegedly raced through the inte r section.

Arrested on drunk In public cha r l{es when he purportedly became belligerent when taken lo u ne arby hospital for treatment or Injuries was Sergio Gonzale7., 34. of Ra ldwin Pork, 1.1 passenger an Rodriguez's c11r .

KEITLEMA N CITY cAr> Di vers heve recovered t he bodv of a truck drivt•r whose rl~ pluneod off Inters tate 1-'lve Into the Catlromla Aqueduct south of here enrly toduy. a uthorities re port.

Mon• than 20 contestants, their hair styles rccullrn.: thl' TV series Kojak, gather a t llndosan Shrine north or T o k.¥0 In the first a ll - J apa n " bright h ca cl " cont est Koiamasa Nomuru. head or the Japa n

Rfi~ht Head FriendRhip Assoc i ation . snid the competition wu~ helc1 to help wipe out infe riority compkxc!'t among the bald and to provide u bit of fun for the aged .

A Garden Grove woman died in Pu l m Harbo r Hos pital late S i.turday nli:ht, a few hours after IH>lng struck by a n auto as t> he (' rORSed U l trcf'l rURhing a ShOp· ping cart uheect o her .

Police 1111(1 Mrs Loul•e Mer· rltt , 51, ~OR fat:ally Injured when hit by a ca r while cros81n1 9th St reel near Collene A venue. -

• >

Page 33: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

. l


Lag11na/South ~Coast EDITION



N.Y. Stoeks



'.Crash Dead Return; ID Work Starts DOVER, Del. CAP> - With

what a Pan Am orricial said was "all the r espect and dignity possible," the remains of 326 vic­tims of the world's worst ai r d is­aster a rrived a t the Dover J\ir Force Base mortuary for iden­tification.

A team of 90 Air Force, Army a nd FBI experts today begins its analysis of the bodies of persons killed in the colhs1on of two Boe·

ing 747 jets Ma r ch 27 in the Canary Islands.

A base spokesman said that , once identified, the bodies pro· bably woold be turnfd over to a t eam of local funeral directors . They then will be shipped to the victims' families, most or them in CaUComia.

Meanwhile, two Olght data re· corders and two cockpit voice re­cord ers from the jumbo jets ar-

r ived in Washington for s tudy by the Nationa l Transportation Safety Board. • ·

Webiter Todd, c hairman of the NTSB, said the technical as­s is t a nce was being provided for the Spal'\isb government, which ha& custody of the r ecorders, a nd that the board has no plans to re­lease the results. The study is ex· peeled to t ake two t o three weeks.

Todd said the boxes containing the r ecorders appeared to be in good shape despite some signs of heat and some dents. They ar· rived under lock and seal.

The re mains nown here Sun· day were of passengers aboard a Pan Am jet rammed by a Dutch KLM plane on the runway of the airport a t Santa C r uz d e T enerife. The collision killed more than 570 people.

The KLM passengers and c r e w, all of whom wer e killed, were flown to the Netherlands for ldenlificatjon .

William Wa ltrip. Pan Am vice president in charge of opera­tions, said he was confident all the victims would be identified, a lthough many or the bodies are badly burned a nd mangled.

A spokesman for the airline said th e work or th e 90

pathologi s t s, dentists, blood s pec ia lis t s, radiologists a nd fingerpr int experts was expected to t ake a week or more.

A n in terdenom in a lion al m emorial service was held Sun­day when the bodies arrived at the base airfield on two Pan Am freighters. During the ser vice, two draped and flower -laden cof­fins. represenlaltve of the hun.

<See REMAINS, Page AZ)

5 Die in Wrecks Crash Adds to County Toll

llp, Up •• • Charlie Gilber t. ahovl', had the form as he executed the Fosbury Flop in the high j ump during the Laguna Beac.h Cit y Track Meet Saturday . But Darcy Linder, be low, had hc.'r O'-\ n i-Ormula for iuccess.

And she won the event in Di vision 3 <youngsters born in 1967 >. Winners will form boys and ~iris track teams represent· ing t he city taler this month.

Employe Pay Plan Tops Capo Agenda

/\ publi<' h ear in g o n an e m ploy<' orgon lzollon 's lnlti ol contract proposal. which could cost $2 million. will follow th~ 11catmg of three trustees on the Capistrano l lnifled School Dis· trict hoard tonight.

T he proposal. sublT\lllcd by the distrit't's t' h apter or th e Ca lifornia School E mployes As­so<'iallon as repres~ntaUve or cl assHlcd C n o n -le ac hiQg )

employes. inC'ludes salary and fr. inge benefit Increases for the fis· cal year beginning July 1·.

l>lstrict Su~nntendenl J e rry Thorrtsley said U-e..,Pay and al· lowances proj)O$alt would cost the district S759. 770. Health and welfare benefit$ and holidays sough\ would result in a n in· creas~ cost to the district of $328.124. he said.

He said a minimum estimate of the cost of other requests in the package fs S'T!i0.000.

29 Ful/,..time Teachers Due AtSaddleback

Sacldlehack Colle~e trustees h.n e takl'n l>t<'PI' toward casing nnl' of the !lchool'!'I most critical prohl<•ms l ht• 1mbalancl' bl'tw('t•n th<' numher of full -time ;tncl purt ·l1mc t;1culty members.

The hoard ha!'> a~rl'cd to hire 29 new full ·t1ml' leurhers next fall. rt.•plac1n~ ubout 90 part ·l1me PO'> I lions

Tlw sdmol prc•M•nlly l.'mploys m11r1• than 600 purl ll mt• tcac•hC'rs and has Just over 100 full ltml' an struetors This n 1t10 ha:- hcen a hon<' of t'Ontt·ntion lwt" P<'n I ..ic-ul t~ .incl ac1m1111strat1nn

Tht• 1mhal.rn<'c' .• •<·c·nrdrn!! to I hl· ,11'1m1 "'"' 11111 . IS dUl' pr1manh to thl' ph<'nl)menal j,! ro" th 11f l ht• .\1 1 s \Hin \: u • 10 '><'hool. whu:h nas Ill times a:; muO\ students toda\ us "'hen 1t opened J dl•cacle ago.

But the full tune teachers con· tend the other reason is that it 1s r h1•a r>t!r to hirc part timers than permanent faculty members . T he) also claim t hat lht• quality of teachmj,! can he poor with tern · porary instructors because of a lack of t'ommii.mcnt.

Thl' action hy trusle<'s is ex · perlC'd to particularly stren~then the vocat1onal l'dut'ation urea. which will add instructors for auto mecha nics. t'onstr uction, photo~raphy . g r aphicti und radio televi!lion

Two instruct.ors each will he added in art. Englis h , home eronom1cs and m usic a nd single instructors will be a dded in JO other areas. including the addi· t 1o n of a wo men 's physical educatio n t eacher and team coach.

Five peoplt• di<'d Sunday night in t.)t'o Orange County traffic ac­cid e nts, four of them in a head.on collision that Buena Park police labeled the worst a ccident in the ci ty's history .

Buena Park police said today they do not yet know what caused a southbound t'ar o n Beach Bouelvard nC'ar Stage Road to cross over the center line and sla m head .on into an auto travel· ing in the opposite d1rect1on.

But within LhrC'e hours of the crunchmi? 10:58 p m . collls1on

near a railway underpass, the two cars' four occupants were dead .

Police ident ifi ed the driver of the car that allegedly swerved over Beach Bouelvard '~ center line as Raymond Ezzell, 17, of 7488 Ridgeway Drive , Buena Park .

Killed along with Ezzell in the southbound auto were Tim Bowers, 20, and Tracy Bowers. 17. both of 6360 Arnold St. , Buena Park .

The accident's fourth fatality,

Rites Set in Laguna Murder .and Suicide

Funeral servic<'s Wt>re pendini? today for the gunshot victims of an apparent murder·su1 cide in Laguna Beach Friday .

Belly L. Walker. 50, of 78S St. Ann·s Drive, Laguna Beach. was killed as she sat in a car outside her home 11e;.i r the hlgh school athletic fll'ld .

Pohcc said Garold E. McCoy, 62. of 3366 Punta J\Jta . Laguna Hills. an uns uccessfu l s uitor, opened the passenger side door where she sat , fired a .38 caliber pistol at least fou r times. then pointed the gun to his own temple and fired once. ki lling himself

Mrs. Walk<'r was struck by two bu lletc;, according to reports, and was dead on arrival at South Coast Community Hospital.

The man in the car with her , Emmitt E . llogue, 50. of 222 Wave Strcl'l, Laguna llc;1ch. fl ed the car when the shooting start· ed . lie was rn111Jured .

Mrs. Walker's 12·year-old son , Bobby. who heard the s hots and ran to his dying mother, was in the tare of Laguna Beach re· latives today.

Police continued an mvestiga. tlon of the motive for the s laying, belie~ lo involve the g unman 's concern for the boy.

Police said McCoy, r ecently widowed. had taken the young boy under his wing -- h is own sons were grown.

Th e Leisur e World resident freq uently sought to take the lad on outings and was attempting to be a second father to h im , of· fi cers said.

McCoy and Mrs. Walker had known each other for about three m onths, but recently the woman began seeing othe r men. police said . and she was refus ing to al· low her son lo go with McCoy.

Sheffer Mortuary of Laguna Be ach is handling arra ngements.

Mistrial Demanded In Air Noise Suit

By TOM Bi\RLF.V Ol 1111 O••IY ""•I Sl•tt

A lawyer representing Or ange County demanded a mistrial rul · ing on developer Ha rry R1nker's $200,000 lawsuit against the coun­ty today with Lhe argument that trial Jurors had been exposed to newspaper publicity

" This is a very serious m at· l<'r." Dl'puty Count y Counsel Charles Sevier told Judge Frank Domenirhini. "One Dai ly Pilot {'di lion last wt'ek cu r ried the ~tory wit h hcud lincs matchin~ those of th <' Canary Is lands air crash disaster. "

Sevier p l ace d a pile of newspapers contai ning editions of three Orange County publlcu­tions befor e Judge Domcnichin1 a nd poi nted out th at a ll the stories contained tes tim ony taken oulside the presence of the j ury.

The stories covered allegations by the plaintiff's attorney, Jer­rold Fadem, that aircraft leaving Orange County Ai r port were diverted from their flormal night path over the Ha rbor Area wt.lie t he jury was visiting Rinker's hom e al 2342 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights.

fadem defended the stories as "absolutely accurate," a nd re­minded Judge Dome nichim that the jury hlld been warned before a nd during the trial not lo read ne ws paper accounts of the pro· ceeclings . • ~

t"adem Is a sking the jury to :lward Rinker damages for jet noise that. he t'lal ms, is making life in the Rinker home Intolera­ble.

Rinker told the jury that he WA$ assured by county offi cials

(See NOISE, Page A2>


ON RRST D.4Y So the landlord finally said YOU

,ould buy a water~ .. , now what do you do with your old bed ?

The meeting will begin when Dr. Robert· Peterson , Orange Cou nty Superintende.nt of Schools, gives the oath of ornce to incumbents Jan Overton and WlUl•m Thompson and Robert Bacheldr, who defeated incum­bent Bob H\lrsl in the March •chool election.

Top Citizen Torch Deaths In Uganda

" We sold it the fi rst day the ad ran in the paper'•·

That's the advt>rlisinf{ success experlent'ed by a Laguna Hilla couple " ho placed this clussifled ld !

R<'Jllt. Kina ~1. hl'd, !<olicl W .1 lnut , •I r•o i. 11'1 . r11·r~1mall\ a11to~rnplH'd hy 1\111,1111 \ll\ XX\\

So If you 're chftnglng your lifestyle, or Just ha ve somcthlni you 'd like to Ct>nvcM to cash call 642·S67(J. The Dally Pilot I~ the place to advertise.

TrUIUes also will elect a prcsi· deot, vtce presldJ?nl and clerk and schedule theh· regular meet­lnR• for lhe next year.

In other action, trustees will conslder approv.lng a confe~n~e for trustees and administrators in San Diego County next year and establishing a ttendan ce boundaries for the district 's elementary schools during the next 1cbool year .

The meeting wfll bcRin at 7 :30 p .m . In lhe dl$lrlct otr1ces al 32972 Calle Perfecto, San Juan Capistrano.

Clemente Honan Manie Howard Massie was named

San Clemente "CiUte n of the Yea r" a nd AntMny Sl11ca was procla ime d " Teacher of the Vear" by the San Cle m e nte C hamber of Comm erce In cer emQnles Saturday .

Willi a m II. Kendall was ln­l'l ta lll!'d as the new Chamber of Com mer ce presldt>rct. AcceptJng the f,?avel from Roy D. Hamm, oulaolng prcsldenl. '

Mass le, a 'Contractor 41nd for m er San Clemente mayor , was ha111!'d for hla work with the South CoMt Area Roys' Club and other civic eflorta. He ls past pre·


s ident of both the San Clemente Optimist Cl ub a nd the Sa n Cle mente Historical Societ y

Sisca, chairman or the San Clemente High School social studies department . ha8 been a teacher for more than 20 years. He has been baseball coach and h is teams have been to CJF c hampi o ns h ip competitions three time&.

New chamber of commerce of. Ileen also fnat.allCd at lhc dlMer dance were Bernard Allen, nm vice prtsldent. George F . Gearn, second vtce president a nd Dorothy Ludvigson, tre&Cs urer.

NAIROBI, Kerha ( AP ) Ugandan troops hhe executed a sang of coffee smugglers by burning them alive on an Island in Lake Victoria, the dally Nation newgpaper said today.

The Ken ya paper, q uoting what It called reliable sources, uld the Am ugglers were cap· taared as they were running corree aetOH the lake from Uganda Into Kenya for s hipment abroAd,

The men were taken to Klgulu Island by the soldiers "and told to Ile down,'' the Nation said. Tt\,en '' they were covered> with e mpty sacks and petrol was Poured over them . Tbey wer e then tet all&ht."

Charles E. Pavlacky, 60, of 14758 Neartree Road, La Mira da. was a lone in t he auto he was driving northbound on Beach Bouelvard.

Police said traffic was diverted from the thoroughfare between Artes ia Bouelvard and Stage Road for one hour as rescue workers labored at frl'eing the v1t' t1ms from the wret'kage.

A f<'w hours earlier. a woman was killed and an infant wa!> c ri tically injured tn a thn·e·car accident rn nrea thal :-.cemrngly

ISc<' 5 DIE, Page i\2l

Trudeau To Pay Fare

OTTAWA <AP > Prime Mini s ter Pierre Elliott Trudeau·s offi ce says he will pay Air Canada for any personal use his wife Ma r garet m ay have made of he r free travel pass.

The a nn ounceme nt f ol l owed a m emo to Trudeau from the airline that Mrs. Trudeau can us<' the p;.iss only for offi cial trips.

A spokesma n for Air Canada s<11d the memo was sent " in view of the publtb­t y su rrou ndin g Mrs. Trudeau 's travcb ...

Vandals Set Diesel Fuel Tank Blaze

j Vandals who opened the valve I

on a SOO·ga llon chescl fu l'I tank and set 1t afire rn thc J\lr:.o Beach art>a Sunclay c-aus("d about S500 dam age to construct ton t•qui P· ment. OranJ!e County firemen rl'· ported today

Investigators said the tank was being used for a con:.t ruction pro· Ject on Pacific Coa!>t I Hghway 2.!'i miles no rth of Crown Va lley Parkway.

Fir emen called to the scene at 5 :22 a .m. s hut off the n ow or fuel , pus hed the burning m<iterial into j a hole and extinguished the blaze, flremt>n said. 1

About $500 worth of clectri <'al equlpm<'nt was lost rn the fire . in· vestigators said.

1-·ir eml'n sa ui they do not know w ho openecl the t ank und ~et th1• esca ping fuel afire


We athe r M ostly fa i r throug h ~

Tuesday with som e patchy fog near the coast late ton ight and early Tuesday. I Lows t oni ght 42 t o 52 . ' Highs Tuesday, upper 60s at beache9 to70s inla nd.

I NSIDE TODAY A growing number of ~op/e

,arc asking whtther the contl· numg htgh coat of funerals ore worth tt a.1 pncea continue to aoar . Jt h est1moted Americans .-pend $4 billion n year on /unerola and bunol or· rongementa. See Page A9

Al Yevt \eM(•

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Page 34: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

• A! DAIL y PILOT use Monday, Apr11 4, 1m

Noi Binding Palestine Islands Vote Future

On Secession Stressed NANTUCKET, Mass. (AP) -

Chances for suc:ccss a rc about as slim as they were in colonial dayg and during the War of 1812 wh en Nantucket and M arthu '!.

Vlneynrd islands t ried to secede from Ma1>sachusl•lts. but the is landers ur<' i::oinA to t ry ~•J.! ain .

About 3,000 registered voters are eligible for the referendum on s ecession today on this island 22 miles from the Massachusetts mainland. The vote will s imply

1hieves Get Receipts at Laguna Eatery

More than $350 in recei pts and e mploye tips. s tuffed into two dogg y ba gs for safekeeping,

' were stolC'n fro m the J.a~una Beach Rib Ca~c n·~taur:rnt. RSA S. Coust Jh ghway, Sunduy, police rcpor1l'd.

The tntcr apparently hid inside the l't'Stuurnnt unti l after closing. No forc~d entry was ::.pp::. r ent.

J1es taUrHnt Op(•rutor~ r eported that the money had been left on l'I cou nter in a locked liq uor i.upply room .

The thief use d a portable power saw to cut a hole in the lower panel of the door , pohcc i.aid . li e cra wl ed throu g h . grabbl-d the doggy bags full of money. and scam pered back through the holt.•.

The thief also managed to c1rcu m"ent thl' alarm systC'm on leil\'ing the restaurant , 1>01tc:c r:. a1d .

GrandmaF aces

Heroin Rap OMAHA. Nrb (A P > - A 69·

yl'a r ·old gr:1 n<1mo thcr with a nl'ck brace· and rnne has hl·l·n t•hargC'd with five ro unl!. or µossc·ss1on of he roin with inll•nt 111 d1•l1ver

Ros:1 L OP\'rr-; of Om:iha. who receives Social Srcurit v and '""· ah1hlv ~n('flti; . II\ 1's with h('r gr a n'd ch 1 Id r i- n an <1 ha ~ I I r htldren in the Omoi ha .1r«a

Vice ofricer-. .., :1 111 t hr• a llf'grd heroin",..., fm1111'f .11 \1 re, 0Pn·r ... · homC' ~' 2 lier .1rrc•..,t " .1"> ch'­la\ 1· d li1•1· .111..,1 • .., ht• "JS hosp1tahlt-cl

Came ra Equipme nt

Stolen Fron1 Car A thlC'f "hn m .1' h.1' P u•wil .1

k1 •\ hrnk<' into the-trunk of :i ca r and s toic $1 ,:12~ in camera equip m 1• n t " h 1 I 1• t h 1• o " n t' r , . 1

rlt'\\'S PillH'r phot ol{raphn. alC' hrl':1kfast 1n u Laguna BeJ<:h rt•.., t aurant S11nrl11v

Sus:1n lh •gan, 2·u, ~ l'n1vers1 t y. co,..ta Mt'ill•. tol rl police th1· thiC'f olo;o ... tnl1• :1ho11t $200 111

l'lothinlit while i.hl' "Js 111s1de th1• rrs t nurnnt In tht• Surf and S.ind lloll'I romplc'<. l~l55 Snuth Co..i."t High way t\m on~ thl' r amn.1 items ''''n' :1 ~1kon rv mcr& . CJr ryinl? C':lll<' •• ind " l '\ erul l1•nM.'' used 1n twr " 11rl. . police i.01d

Mother, T ot Hurt

In Clement~ Cra1h A mothrr and child "f'rt' In

JUred tn San Clt'mcntt' !\aturday when their uulo wenl out of con· trol and rollt'd over 1n the north bound lan('s or the San Dtf'J:O Fr eeway near l\vrnlda Ma1dalcna .

Sun ('J(•ml'nlc firt'm rn Look O l ivia Cont rer as, 27 , anc1 Ch ristopher Conlrc ros. both or San Dir·iw to San Clemrnt c G<'n<•rnl llo.c; pital rnr rmrq~C'ncy trcatmc·nt for rut11 an<I sc rntchcs rec<'i v<'d 1n thf' 5 p m m 1s h ap.


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s how h ow th ey feel about seces$ion - il 's not legally bind­in g . <MapPageM>

Two town s on Martha's Vineyard will debate the Issue al town meetings today: five other communities on that island 24 miles west of he re will consider the sa"'le course at other town m eetings scheduled between Aprll 12 and May 17.

Al issue is a question that has agitated New Englanders since Lhe days of British colonial rule - representation.

W ASIDNGTON CAP) - EtYP· tlan President Anwar Sadat, at'• r1vin1 today for t a lks with Presl· dent Carter. s tressed at the out­set the central issue in the Middle Eas t Is the future of the Pale.stl· n lans .

" In your recent public s tat&­m c nts ) ·ou ha\'e come ver y close to the proper remedy. " Sadat told Car ter. who ls the first American president ever to e n· dorse publicly the concept of a P a lestiruan " homela nd."

" We sUll want lo remain part or the commonwealth, but we're looking for representation ," said J o hn Conway , Nantu c ket 's representativ e in th e Massachusetts legislature. "The isla nders feel they are cut off. T hey feel we are now losing representation which we've had since 1696."


However. Sadat said in an ar· rival c eremony in t he White House East Room . ''What Is needed ls establis hment of a p olitical entity in w h ich the Palestinians. at long last, can ho a community ot c itizens instead of a g roup of refugees.'' Remains of 32! Peopfe Kiiied In World's Worst Air Dl111ter Returned to U.S. Cartt'r , in low-key, welcoming r emarks. made no direct men· tion of the Palestinia ns or any o th e r sens iti ve aspect of the l\rab·ls raeli conflict. A new apportionment bill in

Boston. the s tate capital. will cut the legislatur e from 240 to 160 members . It will mcrj.!e the is la nds' legislative dis tricts with those on Cape Cod . The 13.000 p e rmanent residents will b e mer ged in a di~tricl which will have 36.000 pC'rsons.

Huntington Rape Suspects Captured

Each is land now has one rcpresenlativc in tho legislature a nd the islanders feel there's about as muc h chance of an isla nde r being elected in the mcrg~ district as ther e is for ~ antucket Sound lo freeze over.

" Tf\ere is a certain fun aspect, but there is also a serious a~pect." said Marie Giffins, editor or the weekly Nantucket Inquirer a nd Mirror . " If you don ' t have som eone to be iJ watchdog - Lo speak up for th<' island, vou sit here. and no one cares what happens to you. "

The population or Nantucket booms from about 6.000 to 30.000 1n the ~um mer. not includin!! a " fl oating population" of 100.000. said Mitchell Todd , pres1dcn,t uf tht• Nantuckl't hoar.d o( ~l' lectmen. the •~land g6Hwn·1

ment. " We ha"e what the mainland

doesn 't. " said i\ . .J . Tipt on. n ..,elcclman in the town of Go~nold on Cutt yh un k Is land next ln Ma rtha 's Vineyard . " Peace and qu1el. T ake the Cape. Tht>y JitOl highways. ever ything . It's built up. getting crowded ...

Detective work by two young Hun tington Beach policemen was credited toda y in t he capture of two 1>uspccts who arc charged with the kidnap and rape of a young housewife .

S h e was abdu c ted a s she walked home from a corner con­"cnicncc market and was ap­pa r e nll y drive n to Newport Beach wher e the assault oc­cu r red .

H e ld on the charges ar<' C<'orge " Red Jack " SynnoL and raul Hamry. both 18. They are in llunhngton Bl•ach C1ly Jail in lie u of $25.000 bail each. pending 1i.i.uant•e or complaint!> and ar­rnignmcnt

Thl'Y :m• accu~cd of k1dnapmg :ind forr1blC' rapl' of lhe 19·year· old woman s~1turday night , whu wai. ~rabhed and forced into a ~ma ll pickup camper truck .

Dl•tecll \'1' V1r~1n1u l\irkmeyer. of the cri m es again!>l persons de tail . i.aid the wo man wa!> abduct· rd at Beach BoulC'vard and Speer A\·enul' in the cit y's Liberty Park district.

No weapon was u!>ed but the kidn aP<'rs t<'rrificd their victim i.ufftc1ent+y "1th their thr<'ats that she s topped fightinl?. oolicc

Retired General West Point Head

WASHI NGTON I AP l Oefen!lc Secret<ff) Harold Brown today announced the reassign · ment of U . Gen. Sidney R Berr) . ~uperintendent o f srandal marred West Point . and the rt' ca ll of r t'tt red Gen . Andrew J Goodpaster to replace him

The Army s aid Berry wlll com· plete a normal thrt>t") ear tour us !\Uf)Hi nt endent of the ti S MtlttJrY Aca11t'nw 1n Junt' " " nl'\\ a~::.1gnm ~·nt wlll bt• an nounred lah'1

St'lechon of o rcti r t>d general to h<'ad the l' S Mlht:ir~ Arad<'m) I!> unpreredent1·1t. oft1t•111h ' aid

Hrown sa11I thotl ComtpaMl'r former ..,upreme Allt rd com ­m ;indrr 111 Eurosw- irnd onf'tlmf' ...i Jff "'<'rt' t11 Pre\1dt•n1 t-:1.,<'nhn\\ r1 "'"s '' ':1>l''> tht• uni quv blend of mi11tur) and cdurJ t1o nal bark11?round and "' pnienct' deemed necessary for the superintendency today "

Th e Oeft'nse secrctuy also said that Goodpaster . who will se r \'e as a lieutenant general "hrn he comes back on active duty. " renects the best q~lfiNi Indi vidual available to the r my at this time."

M artln R. Hoffmann , whl) as Army se~rclnry during the re · ce nt cheating scand al which in· volvcd 151 1.·adcts, said late last yea r that the new s uperinte n dent's author it y would b<' str e ngtht'ned a nti that he would remnln in the post up lo Cil!tht years.

Hoffman 1>:1ld :it the time that Rcrn· "ould lca\ C on schedule this spnn~ .

Berry. who h ad been regarded n.; one of the Army 's outstanding .:rnNals and a potential chief of sta ff . focrs an unrc•rt ain future . Although hl' was not s1 7gted out for 11pc•c1fi<' blame m fol owup in· \' C''\h~atlons of thr wors t scandal 111 W t.>st Point his torv . m a ny Pen ­t a~on offic1Jb say 'they foar his future pros pect :11 might be ad · versrly affected hecause It hap· pencd during his tour of duty

Rrc1"n ., .1rtnoun c·cment that (;oodpastt·r "ould rrplacr lkrry 111 .lune '>Lltd the 1\rm ~ chose thl' retired J?cnrral after rnnsldering a r1•c 11mml'ndat1 o n h) thl' Hornrnn C'omm1~!> 1on that lhc '"'" ..,upenntcndent mcCL thl' l'r1trr1o n or " a d e monstrated ah1ltt} to pro\'tde educ:at1oniJI a nd m1htar) lt'.'adcr!lh1p."

Thal commission . named by lloffmann to look into the scan· dAI . was chaired by Frank Horman, the former astronaut who now heads Eastern Airlines. Th e Borman Commission last December r eco mme n d e d changes to enforcement of the cadet honor codr and relnstate­mtnt as soon as possible of the cadets Implicated in the cheal­inl( ,

Goodpas t<'r. a 1939 West Point graduate. holds a bach elor 's and Ph .D. de1:ree In international rc­latlon11 from Princeton as well ai; a master's degree In engineer­ing . -

Dogs Kill Girl Tot's Body Found in Park

BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. (AP> - A 6-year·Old girl died alter she apparently wns attacked by dogs while playing at a friend 's home, Summit County authorities said.

The victim was identified as Tam ara Rhae Newton, d augh ter ot Mr . and Mrs . Harold D. Newton.

Her body was discovered Sunday in the Peak Seven area, a residential development in a wooded settif1g west of here. Authorltles sald Tamara was playing wtth a yount friend when the attack ap· parenlly occurred .

The youngster suffered severe throat wounds. District Attorney John F. Healy said her clothes were "strewn all over tho d riveway for about 30 or 35 reel."

Healy uld three dogs were impounded and teats were belng conducted to determine if their 1tomachs contain«l human neah.


said . Sti l l. according t o in ­

vestigators. s he memorized _ everything s he cou ld about the

kidnap-rapists and their vehicle, a while Japanese import vehicle with a camper unit, bubble c anopy skylltht and heavy plnslriping.

The victim told police after be­ing dropped orr about 6 a .m . Sun· day near the spot where she was abducted that the two men r aped her in the camper somewhere in Newport Beach.

She sajd sh e counted the time from the point where the little truck turned orr Pal'iflc Coa!lt Highway onto what i.he imagined mu s t ha\· e been Balboa Boulevard .

Th e victim est imated thcv turned off onto a side slrcet pre­cisely one minute l11ter.

Wof"klng with this Info rma tion, plus remarks and n a m es w;c.•d liy the two red h u1rl'd s u!>pt•l'l s. p a trolme n J ny Wehh and fhm Mc Kerran took the victim buck to the general area of the sex ai.· sault s Sunday afternoon .

One r eportedly wor ked in a seafood r estaurant . so arter roughly ptnp()intin~ the IOl' il llon "here Lhc i.ex as!iault l) occurred , OHicc•r Wt'bb C!>COrted the v1ct1m Into a rcslaurant in the are;1.

" Synnol saw them coming and s p I i t . · • !> a 1 d I> l' l c l' I 1 v l '

K1rkmeyer. adding thJt the sul. pect. relealled only u week ago from a Jail sl'nlcnn• in l ' tah, ~ur ­rendcrc-d "1thout rn('1dcnt l)hort ly afterward.

He WiJS arrested "hilr ~i lttnfit beside Newport Beach 's Rhim: Channel, s taring at the water. w he n Webb and MrKerr;in qutet · ly walked up behind him . Dctrc· t1ve K1rkmcycr said .

Synnot listrd no home address. police said, although he Is from the ll untington Ue a c h area. whil e llamry told booking of· ficcrs he lives in :.i Midway City m otel.

Front Page Al

NOISE ... when he bought hb thr C<'·acrC' properly 1n 19G5 lhal no Jet aircraft " ould ever opcrute from the a irport.

Today. lfui:hrs A1rwcst and Ai r Califom1a operate from the county airport.

Judge Domenichlni questioned the jury today and learned from five members that they h a d either seen or been m ade aware of newspaper headlines . but had not read the body of the storv.

Judge Domenic hlni then called a recess so he c an discuss the situation lndi"ldually with those jurors. He will rule on Sevicr's m otion for n mis triul later.

R lnkcr's lawsuit ls r <'gnrded as a test case In the contro\'crslal jet nolae Issue and ls bei ng watched by hundreds of Harbor Area residents .

Success for Rinker could mean the tri al of lawsuits In which the pla intiffs have d e m a nded more than $30 m illion in damages Crom lh e county.

Slide Closes Coast Route

A landllide eloted northbound l anes of Pacific Cout Hl1hway In Capistrano Beach today .

Sa n Clem e nte p o lt ce were notltled by a local a m a teur radio e nthualaat • l 5: 14 a .m . or the slide which blocked the outaldo northbound la ne completely and the lnalde partially. Traffic waa r erouted while heavy equ lpmeni was broulht In .

The 11lde.t located between Pall11de1 Koad a nd Camino Caph1trano, 1• In a county atta below coutal blu!f1 aubJeet to aUdtt.


Fro• Page A J

REMAINS • • dreds s till inside the planes. w<'re placed in waiting hearses. Wllh representat ives or the airl ine looking on. a Catholic priest. a Protestant minister and a rabbi made short s tate ments.

The wooden coffin s containing th e other b odies then were transported to the mortuary.

5 DIE ..• t o uched off Orange County's bloody Sunday night traffic d eath toll.

In the aftermath of the Brea accident. one man was arrested and charged with fel on y drunk driving and another man wlis ar· r ested for bt'ing drunk in public.

The felony drunk driving sus­pect was identified hy police as Joseph Rodriguez , 36. of Baldwin Park .

P olice !iai cl Rodriguez was nt the " hcd of a lig htweigh t p1ckur tru ck I hat allc•gedly r an through a stop si~n at Kr:.icmer A\'C•nu1' and Birch Street &l 7 :30 p .m

According to p olice. Alici a Bartolo. 30. of 4429 52nd St.. May wood . was thrown through the windshield of the R.odri~uez pickup when it collided with another car.

Thf'n. pol ice said. Miss Bartolo was run O\'Cr and killed by a third auto m vol\'ed m the 1ntcrsect1on mayhem.

Critically Injured in the col­I 1b 10 n was tw o - mon l h ·ol d llowland Sanfill1po. of Pl acentia .

Less seriously injured wer e the Infant's mother . brother and rather. The four Sanrilllpos were 1n the ca r str uck by th e Rod r iguez auto whe n it a llegedly raced through the inters ection .

Arr ested on drunk in public c ha r ges whe n h e purportedly bec ame belligerent whe n t a ken to a nt>arby hospital for t r eatment of injuries was Sergio Gonzalez. 34 . of Baldwin Park. a passenger In Hodrir.uP7.'s car.


He said " there a re no easy a ns wers" to the region's pro­ble ms and that he Intended to establish a " close p e r sona l fr iends hip" with Sadat. the first Arab leader to meet with him in the Adminbtration 's campaign to reconvene the Geneva pepce conference by the e nd of the year .

Sadat, in an extraor dinarily compli mentary tribute lo ~hat h e called Carter's idealls nrand morallly, snid the President is " the personification of a new s pirit emerging in America lo· day."

Through Egypt's long, 7,000-year history of s tatehood, Sadat said . It h as been " faithful to the va lues and ideals that render lire more re warding and fulCilllng. '.'

I rorucally. Sadat 's \'ls it coin­rides with the J ewish festival of PassO\'er which comme morates the freedom Jewis h s laves won from Egypt and their scttin~ forth to the " l'rum1sed Land" of Israel.

At the ceremony , held indoors hN' iJUSC of r :.iin , Sadat thanked Cart£1r for "your gallant action·• 1n s ponsonn~ nc:.irly $1 bi ll ion in economic and food aid for Egypt. whose economy is ex periencing hard times .

Bu t Sadat, referring to the Palestinian issue, told the Presk d e nt that "no progr ess can ~ achle\'cd so long as this proble rt\ remains unsolved "

$258 Taken From Home

A burglar who kicked in the fro nt door of a San Clemente a p a rtment s tole $2~ w hile the _re­side nt was a way Sunday, police 1> ald .

Cecil lloskin!lon of 107 La Ronda reported the theft of t he ca sh .

Another bur glary occur red at t he home of John Manes. 27512 Del Gado Road. Entry was via an unlocked s liding class d oor . A color television . tape r ecorder a nd $30S In cash were taken .

Tony Allcftretti , 14, of San Clemente, was one of about 60 surfers who competed in the boo~le board l\Urflnc competition this wee k e nd in Huntington Beach. When surf slacked off Saturday, the boogie-boarders finished up on Sunday. The contest was sanctioned by lbe Western Boogie AssoclnUon.

' - - l -

Page 35: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach



Saddleback EDITION



t 1Crash Dead Return; ID 1

DOVER. De l. CAP> - With what a Pan Am official said was "all the respect and dignity possible. ·· the remains of 326 vic· tims of the world ·~ worst ai r dis· aster arHved al the Dover Air Force Base mortuary for iden­tification.

A t eam of 90 Air Force, Army and FBI experts today begins its a¥lysis of the bodies of persons kil1ed in the collision of two Boe·

M ON DAY, A PRIL 4, 1977

Afternoon N.Y. S tocks


Work Starts. ing 747 jets March 27 in the Canary Is lands .

A base spokesman said that, once identified. the bodies pro­bably would be turned over to a team of local funeral directors. They then will be shipped to the victims' families, m ost of tti~ In California.

Meanwhile. two flight data re· corders and two cockpit voice re· corders from the jumbo jets ar·

rived in Washington for s tudy by the National Trans portation Saft>ty Board.

Websf(!r Todd. chairman of the NTSB, said the ~echnical as· sistance was being pro\'1ded for the Spanish govern ment. which has custody of the recorders, and that the board has no plans to re­lease the results The s tudy is ex­pected to t ake two to three

<See REMAINS, Page A2)

5 Die in Wrecks Crash Adds to County Toll

• 'A~ WlNpftOlO


Employes' Contract Due Study

A public hcuring nn an empluye or ganl:wt1on 's initial contract proposul. which coulll cost $2 million, will follow the seating of thr<'<' trustCl'S on the Capistrano Un1f1cd School Oii,­lrict board tonight.

The proposal . s ubmitted by Ute district"s chapter or the

'.....califomia School Employes As­sociation as representative of classi fied 1non · tea c h1n 10 employe::,, includes i.alar y and Ir inge benefit tnCrt'aS('S for the hscal yl'ur begmniniit July 1

SB College Hires 29 New Teachers

Saddleback College trui.tec!. ha\'e taken stepi. toward easin~ one of the school 's most critical problem s the imbalan tl' between lhe number or full -tmw and p;1rt-lime faculty membc-n ..

The board has a~recd to hire 29 n<'w full -timr teachC'ri. next fall. replacing ahout 90 part lime• positions.

The school presently employs more than 600 part time teachcri, and has just ov..-r 100 full hmt· 1n structors. This ratio h:1s heen .1

bon(' of contention between racul ty and administration

pe<'tf.'d to particularly strengthen th{· \'uc-at1on:il l'dutat ion area. \\ h1c-h "111 add ins tructors for a 11111 mechanicc; , ro nst ruction. photography . graphi<:s and ratl111 tl'll'' 1 ~iun .

Thrct• tea<'ht•rs will be added to lht.• husin,.ss program and three more' in ~or1al seit•nrl'

Two instructor!. each will be add l•d 1n art. Englis h , home economic11 and music and single tn!> I ruclor... w1 II bt' ;idded in 10 other urea&, including the add1· t1on or a women 's physical l'durat1on IC'ac her and team roac h

Five people died Sunduy night in two Oranl(r Cou nt y truffle ac ridents. four of thl•m in a heud on collis1on that Buena Park police labeled the worst accident m the c1ty·s history .

But>na Park police said today they do not yet know what caused a southbound car on Beach Bout>lvard near Stage Road to


To Pay Fare OTTAWA <APl · Prime

M 1nister P irrrc Ellioll Trudeau 's ofritc say~ he will pay Air Canada for any peri.onal use his w ife Margaret may have made of her free travel pass.

Thl' announct•mcnl folloWl' d a mcmo to Trudeau fro m the ui rline th<1l Mrl-. Trudeau ca n use the pass only ror oHicial t r ips .

i\ spokrsman for Air Canada said the memo was sent .. IO \'ICW Of the public!· t~ surrounding Mri. Trudeau ·i. tra' lo'ls ··

Airp·ort Noise Issue

cross ovt'r tht' center hne and shi m ht·ad-on int o an auto t ravel­ing in the opposite direction .

But within three hours of the crunchinl( 10:58 p. m . collis10n near a railway underpass. the two cars' four occupants were dead .

Pohce identified the driver of the car that allegedly swerved

over Beuch Bouc l\'ard 's center line as Ravmond Ezzell. 17 , of 7488 R1dgcwa; Urive . Buena Park .

Killed a lon~ with Ezzell in the southbound auto were Tim Bowers. 20, and Tracy Bowers, 17. both of 6360 Arnold St., Buena Park

(See 5 DIE, Page A2>

Rites Set in Laguna Murder and Suicide

Funeral ser\'1ces wert> pcndin~ today for the gunshot v1ct1ms of :m apparent murde r ·su1cide in Laguna Beach Friday .

Betty L. Walker. 50. of 785 St Ann's Drive, Laguna Bea ch , was killed as she sat in a car outside her home near the high school a thl etic field .

Pohce said Garold E . McCoy, 82. of 3386 Punta Alta. Lagunu Hills, an unsuect>ss ful s wtor. opened the passenger side door where she sat, fired a .38 caliber pistol at least four limes. then pointed the gun to his own temple

<tnd fir('d onct' , killing himself Mrs. Walker wu~ struck b~ two

bullets. according to reports, and was dead on arri val a t South Coast Community I l<>spital.

The mun in the c:~r with her . Emmitt E . llogue. 50, of 222 Wave Street, Laguna Reach. fled the enr when tht' shooting start cd . He was ininjurcd.

Mrs. Walker's 12·ycar·old son. Bobby, who heard the s hots and ran to his dying mother, was in~ the care or Laguna Beach re­latives today

Police c·onllnuC'd an invesliga· hon of the motive for the slaying. believed to involve the gunman 's concern for th<' hoy .

District Superintendent J erry Thornsley i,a1d tht' rrny and al lowant•ei, proposals would cost the district S759, 770 Health and " clfarc bt>ncf1ls a nd hollda~ l> sought woulct result 1n an tn· creai.ed cost lo the cl1i.tnct of $.128, lU . he i.a11l

The imbalance. aceordinl? to the adm1n1!>trat1on. 1s due• primarily to t h e phenomenill ~ro~th of the M1 ss1on \'1e10 school which has 10 time~ a., many students toda} as when 1t opened a decade aj?o

But the full -time teachers con tend the other reason 1s that 1t 1 ... cheaper lo hire part timers than permant>nl faclflt y member-. They also claim that the quality of teaching can be poor with lt·m porary instructor-. bccau"l' or •• lack rtf comm11 ment

Mistrial Demand Made Polie"e said McCoy. r ecently

widowed, had t aken tht' younJ? boy undrr his WIOA his O\\ n sons were grown

The Leisure World resident frequently soug'ht to take the Jad on outings and was attempting to be a second father lo him, of­ficers said .

li e said a minimum rst1matt> of the t·ost of ot her r c•quests in the packajlt' IS $750,000.

The mcclinll will begin when Or. Robert Pcll'r~on . OrangP County Superintendent of Sc hoob, j?l\l('S lhc outh of nffil'f' to lncumhc nti. .Jan OH•rton 1111!1

W1lhum Thomp!u>n :incl llnbert Rnch<'lor. "ho clt>fl'al N I incum hc•nl n.1h llur.,t in thr M&rrh M'hool l'll.'l"t 1vn

Trust<'l'S uli.o "111 rl('ct a pn: .,1 dent. \'IC(' Jlrt'' 1111•nt an cl c-lf'rk and schedult• their r ('J,lUl.u ml·c·t lngs for the next .>car .

In other ucllon . trusteefi "'II consider appro\'m~ a confeN'nrl' for trusl<'es and actm 1nlstr ators In San Diego County next ~ear and estabh !> hrng atte ndance boundaries for the d 1strict ·s ele m entary schools during the next school year.

The mt-cling will bcJ!in at 7·JO p .m . m th~ district omce!I ut 32972 Calle Perfecto, San Juan Capistrnno.

Or:~:~i~oast .


\\'e aJber Mostly falr through

Tuesda"y with some pulchy fog near the coast late tonlellt and early Tuesday.

.Lows tonight 42 to 52. Highs Tuesday, upper 60s al beachn to 70s lnlanct.

INSIDE TODA~ A O'°"""O m.tmbitr Of peOJJle

, Ort.CU~ ~t~r tM c:onU• . nutng hlgfa cod o/ /tnwran ore worth U.a1 prfu• oonifftd to 100 r • It i• ••tttnota,d Am•ricaftl ~ M bfllJcm. a 11eor oit fllMroh and btlrtol o,.

' rongefMl'lt1. Sfe P.ogc .u .


The action by trust('r~ rs t.''<

Tcdent Search Produces Nine SJ/ Winners ~In(' \llUngstf'r<, rN'P llth

topped :.bout JO olhrr part1r1 pants in the Saddlrhark \".till·~ Exchange Club' '- <1no11 ;il ~<.arch for Talent rontest

Contest wmner'I in the primary d1v1s 1on were Kel Lee Kalklosch , first place . Jamie MrDonald . seco n d place . and Nissa 01ederich, third place .

Junior di\•1sion winners were Dani.ela Gigi Sindoni. Kristine Eachus and Lance MacDonald and Bukky Stevens. .1 Chri' Mars hall and Dedre Maroney took lirsl place In the senior division. Second and third place were won by David Bush and Melanie Harris.

GrondmaF aces

Heroin Rap OMAHA, Neb. <AP) - A 69·

year·old grandmother with a neck brace and cane has been charged with five counts or possession ot heroin with intent to deliver.

Rosa L. Devers of Omaha, who receives Social Security and dis· a bility benefits, Hves with her irandchildren and has 11 children in Omaha area.

Vice officers said the alleaed htrotn was round at Mrs. Devers' home t>ec. i . Mer arrest wa1 d~ laye d b ecause s he was hospilallted.

Ry TOM BAR J, F.Y O! ,,. D111y "11•1 Sl•ll

A lawyrr rt'prescnling Orange County demanclt>d a mistrial rul· inll on dr\'l'lo1wr Ha rry Rinker 's S200 .000 l11w!'lu1t aj(a 1ns t the coon· ty tod ay with the argument l)lat trial 1uror., had hN•n t'xposed to nt'wspa1wr puhltc11y

.. This 1s a H•ry serio~t· t!'r ," 0<'puly ('1111nty Counsel Ch.1rll·s &•\ ~l'I tolcl .Juclgl' !<' rank nomt'nrt·hin1 · Ont' Dail) Pilot (•cl1t1on l:r'I "t•c•k c·a rrred the "1oq "11h h1o;1dlrn<':-> matching th<l'.l' of tht• C'anJn Islands air <· r .1.,h cl1~a ., l<'r · ·

St•\1er 1>la ccd J pile· of OE'\\ s r1111>t•r\ ('unta in1nl! ed1t1ons of thn·<' Orungt• l'ount} pubhca· t1onr.· before Judgl' Oomemchmi ,incl pointed out that all the !'.loril'S contained te~l1mony taken outside the pre!.cncc of thl' 1ury

The s torici. covered alle.llalions by the plaintiff's attorney. Jer­rold Fadcm. tha t aircraft leaving Orange Count y Airport were diverted from their normal night p a th over the Harbor Area while the jury was vl!liling Rlnker ·s home at 2342 Mesa Drive, Santa Ann Heights.

Fadcm defended the stories as "absolutely accurate." and re· minded Judge Oomenlchinj that the jury hod bee.n warned before and durinit the trial not to read

newspaper accounts of the pro­ceedi ngs .

l<'adem is a sking the jury to award Rinker damages for jel noise that, he clui ms, is making life in the Rinker home intolcra­hlc

Rinker tolct \h(• jury that he wus assurt'd by county offic ials when he bought hi s thrc•e acre properly in 1965 that no jct

JFK Death Tie-in Denied

MIAMI CAP > Th<' daughter of George de Mohrensch1ldt has ctenied that her father had any knowledge of plans to as · sassinate Preside nt John F . Ken­nedy.

Alexandra de Mohrcnschildt , 33. told a Miami te levision s ta­tion that Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans was not correct when he tol d the House Assassinations Commitlt>e her father knew what Let> Harvey Oswald might do.

De Mohrensch lldt. a Dallas 2cologist, had known Oswald a nd his wife, Marina . He took his own life last week in Palm Beach . Authorities said h e shot himself only hours after an invesligutor tried to interview him about his relationship with Oswald.


Dogs Kill Girl , Tot's Bbdy Found in Park

BRECKENRI DGE, Colo. <AP) - A 6-year·old girl dled after she apparently was attacked by dogs while P.laying at a friend's home, Summit County authonties said.

The victim was identified as Tamara Rhae Newton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Harold D. Newton.

Her body was discovered Sunday in the Peak Seven area . a residential development in a wooded setting west of hore. Authorities said Tamara was playlnJt with u young friend when lbe attack ap. parentTy occurred.

The youngster sutrercd severe throat wounds . District Attorney John F. Healy said her clothes were ··strewn oil over the driveway for about 00 or35 feet." .

Healy said three dogs were impounded and tests were being conducted to determine It their atomach.S contained human flesh. . I


a ir e.raft would ever operate from the airport.

Today, Hughes Airwest and I\ ir California operaH!"from the county airport.

Judge Domenichini queslioned the jury today and learned from five members that they h ad C'ither seen or been made aware or newspaper headlines. but had not read the body of the story.

Judge Domenichini then ealled a recess so he can discuss the situation individuall y with those jurors. 1 le will rule on Sevier's motion for a mistrial later.

Rmker's lawsuit is regarded as a test case in the controversial Jet noi se issue and is being watched by hundrcdc; of llarbor Area residents.

Success for R inker could mean the trial of lawsuits in which the plaintiffs have demanded more than $.10 million in damages from lhe county.

Torch Deaths In Uganda

NAIROBI, Kenya (A P > Ugandan troops have executed a gang of coffee s mugi:lers by burhmg them a li ve on an island m Lake Victoria. the d ai ly Nation newspaper said today ,

The Ke n ya pape r . quoting what it called reliable sources, said the sm_ugglers were cap­tured as they were running coffee across the lake from Uganda into Kenya for shipment abroad.

The men were taken to Klgulu Island by the soldiers "and told lo lie down," the Nation said . Then " they were covered with empty sacks a nd petrol wAs poured over them. They were t hen set alight.''

Archbishop Slain? LONDON <AP> - T hree wit·

ncaaes - a dottor, a 11urse and a soldier - soy Anglicon Archbishop Jananl Luwum oC U1anda was shot to death, not killed In •n automobile accident. lhe Sunday Tete11l'aph quotro a refu1ee Ugandan bishop as uy­ing.

McCoy and Mrs. Walker had known each other for ahoul three months. hut r ecently the wornal\ hega n seei ng other m e n, police !.aid . and she was refusing to al­low her son tn go with McCoy.

Shrffcr Mortuary of Laguna Bea ch is handling arrangem ents .

Bus Drivers Win Honors

In 'Roadeo' Three Sadd l cbac k Valley I

Unifie d School Ois tr ict bus drivers won trophies recently for their performanre 1n the 18th a n- ' nual Driver Training Institute Roadeo sponsored by lhe Orange l County School Dus Driver 's As· sociation

Over 100 drivers from count y school districts and private firms did parallel parking, backing up, offset alleys, right and left hand turns. braking a nd written tests .

Linda Taylor took first place in the 85·passengcr bus classifica­tion. Pam Herbcrlch t ook third place in the same category.

The two wom~n with Zack Loukides also won n lcam trophy in the 85 passenger bus competi· tion .


So the landlord finally said you I could buy a water bed .. . now what do you do with your old bed? t

•·w e sold it the first day the ad

1 ran in Ute paper!·· That's the advertising s uccess

experienced by a Laguna Hills I couple who placed this classified id · I

' ~

Genut. KinR 111. lm t , M l id Wulnut . 4 poster. Jl<'r!lonally 011toJ1r1111hrd b)' 1\rthmn. xxx xx xx.

So If you 're chon•lmr your llle11tylt, or Ju!!l b:ive somethln1 you 'd Uke to convert to cash, c•ll 6'2·"618. The Dolly Pilot is~ lhe ploce lo advcrtls~ .


' t I

Page 36: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach


Palestine FU.tore Stressed

WASlilNGTON CAP) - EiYP· tlan President Anwar Sadat, ar· riving today for talks with Prest· dent Carter, s tressed at the out­set the centraJ issue in the Middle East is the future of the Palesti­nians.

"In your rectnt public stale· ments you have com e very close to the proper remedy." Sadat told Carter, who ls the first American president ever lo en­dorse publicly the concept of a Palestinian "homeland."

However, Sadat said in an ar­rival ceremony In the While House E ast Room, " What is needed is es tablis hment or a political e ntity in which the Palestinians , at long last, can be a community of citizens instead of a group of refugees."

Carter, in low-key, welcoming remarks, made no direct men· lion of the Palestinians or any other sensitive Cispect oC the Arab-Israeli conflict.

He said ' ' there arc no easy answers" to the region 's pro­blems and that he intended to establis h a "c lose pl'rs on<il fri endship" with Sadat, the firsl Arab leader lo m eet with him in the Administration's campaign lo rec·onvenC' the Geneva peace conference by the end of the year.

Sadat, in an extraordinnrily com plimentary lnbule to what he ca lled Carter ·~ 1deahs m and morality, said the President is " the person1f1cation of a new spirit emerg1ns in America to· day ."

Through Egypt's long, 7.000· ) ea r history of state hood , Sadat ::.aid. at has been ··faithful to the 'alues and ide al ::. th al r ender life m ore rewarding and fulfilling."

Ironically, Sadat's v1 111 t coin. r ides with the Jewish festival or Pas$over which commemorates thl.' freedom Jewis h slaves won from Egypt and their setting forth lo the " Promised Land " of ls r aC'I.

At the r<'remon .\'. hPld indoor<> because of rain , Sadat thanked Curter for "your ga llant action" In s ponsoring nearly Sl billion 1n economi<' anrl food aid for Egypt. whose N'onomy 1s experiencing hard tim('s.

But Sadat. r e fl·rrang to thf> Palestinian issue. told the Prt>St · dent that " no progress can he achieved so long a" this problem rcm:un:. unsolved "

C'arte:- for ha s p.1rt. oHered scvernl boosts to the Egypt1Jn !code r, \\ho was the target r e­ce ntly of de mons trations across F:i:.\ pt prompted by increased µrtt•t.•s of <;llJpll' goods. an actton lhC' ~overnmcnl hacf to reversl'

'' I hJ\ <'never met a n A mcnt·an IC'adt•r \\ho ciHJn ' t <'Om<' <1wtty 1m­prt•Jo.sed with ha ' sen~111 v1 t y, an t1:lhgenr1• and rouragc, " Cart er ... a1tl a bout ht~ gu<'st

Vandals Set Diesel Fuel Tank Blaze

\ ' anclul ' \\h11 op1•ned thr \,il\ e 1111 , , ~.00- itallon d1e:.€'I Cud tank .• nil wl 1t af11 t' tn lhl' All"o lh•ac h :1n•;1 Sunll.1\ 1· •11l'>l'U uhout $.:it)()

<1:1 n1 ·'It'' tu t:Onst rud111n pq11lp mt·nl Or.oni::r Cnunt v fl n·mrn r" purl 1'<1 to< la \

In ' 1·<;t11(atori; !>a1d thf' lank was lw111~ 11s1'<1fora1·11n,t rurt111n prn lt'l' l on l '.1t·tf1c CoJ'>t ll11th1A.I\ 2 'l milt's north of Crow n V.tlh.•y Park\\a ~

rtrCmt>ll C:JltC'd to the .. cene [tt 5 :22 u.m shut off th<' now of furl. push('d the hurn1n~ m11tcrial lnlo a hole uncl t•xtingu1iihcd the blaz<'. f1r<>m<>n s alt!

About $50(1 worth of e!C'ctrkal equipment wa!t lost In the fir<', an vcstigutors s111d .

Firemen s al<i th('y do not know who opcn<'d the tank and set lhc escapan(( ful'I afir<'. •


DAILY PILOT f"M0'6ft'Jf (MU D• lly ftt NM ... "wtrrt""' "'""" .,,..._tlWfrff• ,...,\\. t\ D~t\Nrd~tN> ()oo .,... (.M\t ~bfl "'l"11 (OrftOa f'l'I ~Afl> •ftlt~, .,,. INOH\""d Mof'ldey ll\tft•10f'I Ft l «U't 10" (tHtt ,.., .... ,.#Of)•f ,. ... , " " "~1 ,.,,,, ,,... "'-...," ,.,,,,,. t•ln V t ll• • ""'"" \ • f'trtl•h" ~ V•H• y ·~

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Te1e,11one (714)M2"4321 CleHlfled AdvertlllfttW·N7'

~••tie• Vtll•Y*MOff~• M1-4'10

Keeping It Green Water a hltle too funk y for domestic use - reclaimed waste water and water from freeway s ump pump opera­tions, is being used by th('SC trucks lo maintain the greenery along the freewa ys in the Sun F'rancisco area.

Worshippers Open Holiday Services

By The Associated Press Wors hippers crowded int o

synagogues and chur<'hes over the weekend to ob~ene the ~tart of lhc Jewish Pasi.over ancl thr Chr1st1an Palm Sunday, lht! start of Easter week.

In Italy. the observ a nee began "1th Pope P;iul VI ·s Jddre'is nn " precari o us and lhrC'al<'ncd pea ce .. an the world .

In Jerusalem, thou~a nds of Christian pilgrim .; walkC'd tht• rout e of Chri!>t ·s lrtumphi!I enlry lo th e city on a road strewn wit h palms. a lmost 2.000 yea rs ;.igo

Jews gathered 1n Mosrnw ·~ Ce ntral Synngogue to worship at the start of the seaso n com memorating the esr apt' of the Jews from honda~<' 1n Egy pt

The spirit in New York, J c; In many American ci t11•-., wa.., ecumemcal

The Greek Orthodox C'Clebr.1

Grove Man Stabbed Over Car Accident

A 26-) car·old Gnrdl'n (;rove man who µolice Sa.\ was ~tabbed an th<' hark 10 or 11 times Sund:i~ night " ·'" r,·p11rt1•1I 111 f.11r rondi li on lodJ\' tn l CJ :\lt•tltt•<tl C<"ntrr ·

In <•dd1t1on to th<' stJ h wounrh tnflirtl'fl h\ his <1<.c;;ul.1nt c;, .11•\tt'> I! ;11•. of l ~!l!ll S11 ns w1•1H St <: ard€'n Grovc•. c;ufft> rNI lw:1<I rn JU r1<•-; when st ru rk h v ;1 hottlt· during a (r.1t· a~ 11uh 1cil• h1~ :.i p;111 m e nt

Arrordtng to polar<> . it \\' ;is ;1 manor r ar ac•nd('nt in th<' ll J"l .trt m r nt eomplt>x ·s rarport 11rr·,1 lha t le<i tn H.w "\\OUn<lanJ! 11nd ;i hasty n1~ht h'.-' wh11t poltt•1· <,[j\

" er€' ha '> hvt· ;1tt.H k,·r .., PnhC'l' c;:ud I hi' '" 1• '011n.1: m<'n

wh<> "'Jo.aulte<l HaP "J*tl off 1n ;in JUto wh(•n thr1r \Wt1m c-nll.1P""'I on a JJQrch ht" .1partm<•nt door

lion of Palm Sunday coincided with that of Roman Catholics and ProtestanL'> this year. and the <; tar' of PassMcr a nd the Chris· t1 a n holiday fell toi::ether for the f1r<;l lime :.ancc 1974 and the last until 19H.l

"" Chr istia ns began o b · ~t·n anccs nf lloly Week. Pope Paul expressed sadness o\'er .. svmptoms and s hin•rs of war" Ill the \\ Orld

The Pop<' cleli\'C'r<'<l his Palm ~unday addr<'~S to a rrowd of ;~1. 000 an St Peter 's SQu<1re .

lit• ~a id he pra yed for " a human. ci\'1ltzed , spiritual peace to rnake ml'n brethren among 1 hr msel ves '·

Jn Jerus<tlem , Chri stians c;.ir­ned palm fronds and 5ang hos an­nas as thev dC'!!Cend1•d the stcC'p slope t)f th~' ~fount of Ohves and w a I k c• d I 11 t h c w a I I s o f J t•ru~Jll·m :. Old Cit)

Th<' mlll' · long pro r ession, " a tr hC'fl h\ tho11<>ancb more ltn· 1ng lht• ICllllC'. " 3.., lt•d by a brriwn· robl•d . IAhtl l.' bearded Fran­t·1-,t·an mun!.. lit·.1nng a n oltn· hr.1nrh

Tht• lloh WN·k oh:.crvances rulm inat•' "1th 1-;."t<'r celehra­l111n' nt•'t Sund.I\

Slide Closes Coast Route

. ·\ landsltd<' clos<'<t northbound l:inrs of Pt1('1f1c C'oust ll ighway 111 C' a p1 <;trano Beach today.

San Cll' mc•nt c po li ce were 11ntif1Nl bv :1 !oral amateur rndio C' lllhuSt<ISl ut 5· M am. or the ' lldf' \\ h1r h hlol'kl•d the outside 1111r1 hho11nd lune romplctely and th<· 11l.,1<1c p;irt1ally Trame was t l'rnt1tl'd "'hale hea\') t•q111pment \\ ,,, hrmtJ!hl in

rh<' s llflf' loca tl'<i between 1'11l1s;Hies Roa d and Ca mano l ':t J"ll"tr.ino. b an ;i <'Ounty ar<'a ht•lo" c·o,1st al bluffs ' ubJcct lo )ltde.,

Voice Sought Vote Set on Secession

NANTUCKET. Mass. IAP l Ch.1111·c:. for sucress ar<' 11 ho11t a~ ~lim as they we re· In colonial clay s and during the War or 1812 whe n Nantuck<.'I and Marth11 ' <; Vineyard isla nds tried to sel·edl• from Mass<•chuselts . but the islunders are going to try aj!aan.

A ooul J .000 registered voters are eligible lor the referendum on secession loday on this island 22 m iles from the Massarhusetts mainland. The vote will simply s how how they feel about secession - it 's n'ot l e~ally bind· Ing . (l\tapPageA4 )

Two towns on Martha 's Vineyard wlll debate the issue at town m<'etings today . fi ve other commUJ'lllies on that Island 24 miles west or here will consider the same course at other town meetings scheduled between April 12 and May 17.

At issue is a question that has agitated New ' Englanders since the days of British colonial rule - representation.

"We still want to remain part of the commonwealth. but we're lookln1 for r epresentation," said JC'>hn Conwny, Nantu<'ket '11 representativr In the Massachusetts leglslatur<'. "The lslander11 feet they ore c ut orr. They feel we are now losln'1 representntion which we've had since 1698."

A ntw apportionment bill in Boston, the state capitol. will cut

the lc~islature from 240 to 160 n11•mbers . It will merge the 1s lunds' legislative dlstrlclll with those on Cape Cod . The 13,000 permanent residents will be merged in a district which will have 36,000 persons .

Each is lanl'I now has one r<'presrntallvc m the legislature and the 1slnnders feel there ·s about as much c hance of an is lander being elet·tcd In the merged d1strl~t as t here is for I'\ ti ntucket Sound to freeze over.

··There is a certain fun aspect, but there 1s a ls o a se rious aspec t , .. said Marie GHflns, editor or the weekly Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror. " If you do n 't ha\'e someone to be a wulchdog - to speak up for the island, you s it here, and no one cares what happens to you."

The population of Nantucket booms from about 6,000 to 30,000 In the summer, not lncludln& a " Ooatlng popul11llon" of 100,000. snid Mitchell Todd, pre~ldent of th<' Nantucket board of s<'lectmen, the island govern· mt'nt

" We have what the mainland doe~n ' l , " said A. J TlplOl'I, a S<'lertmon In the town of Goenold on Cutlyhunk lalund nut to Mo rt h1f8 VI ncy ard. " Puce and quiet. Take the Cap(! . They aot highways, ('vcrythlng. It'll built up, setting crowded."


'Point' Boss ·N a1ned: &tired General to Get Post

WASHINGT ON (AP) -Defense Secret ary Harold Brown t.oday announced tbe reassign· m entofU. Gen. Sidney B. Berry, superin tendent or scandal · marred West Point, and tbe re· call of retired Gen. Andrew J . Goodpaster t.o replace him.

Tbe Army sald Berry will com· plete a normal three.year tour as s up e rintendent o r the U .S . Military Academy in June. JUs new assignment will be an­nounced later.

Ero.Page Al

5 DIE .•• The accident's fourth fatality,

Charles E . Pavlacky, 80, of i•7S8 Neartree Read, La Mirada, was alone in the auto he was driving northbound on Beach Bouelvard .

Police sal~ traffic was diverted from the thoroughfare between Arte$ia Bouetvard and Stage Road for one hour as rescue workers labored at freeing the victims from the wreckage.

A few hours earlier, a woman was kilted and an infant was criticaUy Injured In a three-car accident in Brea that seem ingly touc hed off Orange County's b~dy Sunday night traffic death tol.

n the aftermath of the Bren accident, one man was arrested a nd charged with felony drunk driving and another man was ar· rested for being drunk in public.

The felony drunk driving sus· peel was identified by police as Joseph Rodriguez, 36, of Baldwin Park .

Police said Rodriguez was at the wheel of a lightweight pickup truck that allegedly r an through a stop sign al Kraem~ A venue and Birch Street at 7 :30p.m .

According to police. Alicia Bartolo, 30, of 4429 52nd St


l\1 aywood, was thrown throu~n the windshi<'ld of the Rodriguez pickup whe n it collided with another car.

Then. police s aid. Mis:- Bartolo was run over and killed by a third a uto ln\'olved in the intersection mayhem

Critically tnJurcd in the col -1 i s i on wa s tw o. month -old Howland Sanfillipo, of Placentia.

Less seriously injured were the infant's mother, brother and father. The four Sanfillipos were in the car s tru c k by th<• Rodriguez auto when 1t allegedly raced through the intersection.

Arrested on drunk in public ch a rl.!es when he ouroortedlv be<' a me belltJ!erent whe n takl•n to a nearby hospital for treatment of injuries "as Serg 10 G"nzalet. 34 . or Baldwin Park , a passenger in Rodriguez·s r:1r.

,\Garden Grove womun died in Palm Harbor lf os p1tal late Saturday nis:ht, a few hours aftc:r being struck by an auto as s he crossed a street pu::.hing a shop­ping cart ahead of her.

Police said Mrs. l..ou1s(' Mer­ritt, 51, was fatally injured when hit by a rar while crossing 9th Street near College A venue.

Cop, Gunman Slain in Duel

SAN DIEGO <A P J ·· A IO·year police department ve teran a nswering a dislurban<'e ca ll was .shot and killed in a .1:unfight with a man who answe red the door with a pistol ancl a butcher knife in his hand , officials s a y.

Police s aid the ass ailant also was killed in the weeke nd s hoot· ing .

Policl' said Officer Dennis W. Allen, 34. wcnt lo the apartment of Charles A. Jennings to check a complaint that sc reams and other nois<'s were di::.turbtng J en nings' neighbors.

Sele<'lion of a retired general lo head the U.S. Military Academy is unprecedented, officials sald.

Brown said that Goodpllllter, former supreme Allied com ­mander in Europe and onetiml' staff secretary to President Eisenhower, " possesses the- uni que blend of military and educ<1 · tional background and ex ­perie nce deemed necessary for the superintendency today.''

The Defense sec retary also s aid that Goodpaster. who will serve as a lieutenant general when he comes back on active duty, ".renects the best qualified individual available to the Army at this time."

MartJn R. Hoffmann , who was Army secretary during the re· cent cheating scandal which in· volved 151 cadets, said late last year that the new s uperinten­dent's authority w ould be strengthened and that he would remain in the post up to eight

· years . Hoffman said at lhe lime that

Berry would leave on schedule this spring.

Berry, who had been regarded). as one o! the Army's outslandinl( generals and a potential chief or staff, faces an uncertain future. Although he was not singled out . for specific blame in followup in· vestigations of the worst scandal in West Point history, many Pen­tagon officials say they fear his future prospects rrlight be ad­versely affected because it hap· pened duting his tour or duty.

Brown's announcem e nt that Goodpaster would replace Berry in June said the Army chose the retired general after considering a re comml'ndati on by lh C' Borman Commiss ion that the new superintendent m eet the criter ion of "a dem onstrated ability to pro\'ide educallorDI and military leaders hip.··

Thal commission , named b) Hoffmann to look into the scan­d <1 I, wa s chaired by Frank Horm an. the former a stronaut who now heads Eastt•rn Airlines Th e Borm an Commission lagt December r ecommendl·d changes in enforcement or thC' cad<'t honor code and reins tate ment as soon as possible of the cadets implicated in thi: cheat · ing.

Hel/,s Angels

SetAmwal Obseroance

MADERA (A P ) - The llells Angels motorcyclists ha\'e re­sened Willow Grove Camp­J!round at Bass Lake near hen· for their annual Memorial Day weekend visit.

Each year the izroup gets a permit from the Forest Scr\'i<'e to use the campground on the condition that me mbers provide chl'mical toilets .

G e nerally more th an 200 Angel s s how up but a i:{an~ s pok esman said fewer may al· tend this year beca use of low water lev e ls caused by th e drought.

Madera Countv officials have ex pressed conr.ern about lhC' Angels' vacation becausP lhc Forest Service has cut fu nding th ts vear for extra l<iwmen usual · ly e mployed for the event.

Rut Sheriff Ed Bates said he· doesn 't expect any problems un less the Angels drift t oward a s hopping center near the camp· grounds.

Th l' owner o r the shoppi n~ center has said he is cons1der1ng denying the cyclists access to stores. He was scheduled to meet this week with Bates lo dis<'uss the m atter.

Bald u Beautiful

GoodpastC'r, a 1939 West Point graduate, holds a bac helor's ~nd Ph.D degree in international re. lallons from Princeton as welt as a mJster ·s dec ree an cngin«r­ing.

Celebrities Slated at Nine-ball

Hollywood celebrities will compete in nine-ball action Tues­day night at the Registry Hotel in Irvine as the kickoff to the Mako National Inv1tational Nine-ball Championship Tournament.

Already signed up for the 7 p .m . celebrity billiards tourney are J ack Carter, Ed Ames, Trini Lopez. Greg Morris and Bob Hegyes (who plays Epstein on Welcome Back Kotter ). Other stars have been invited, but ha­ven 't replied yet.

Tickets to the celebrity event are SS.7S and are being sold at the Registrt Ilotel, at Mako In­dustries. 22661 Lambert St., Suite 207, El Toro, and at all Ticketron agencies.

From Wednesday through Saturday. 16 top nine-ball conten­ders will vie for SS0.000. The · purse is reported to be the largest billiards purse ever offered in the Vn1ted States.

· Contenders arc arriving this week from all over the country and include top nine-ball cham­pions, accord1n~ to the tourna­m <·nt organ1wrs

f'rorR Page Al

REMAINS • • Wf'l'kJo.

Todd s:llcl the boxrs rontainanJ! lht• rerordC'rs :appea red to ht' in s.:ood shapt· dl•sptll' !'><>me s igns of heat and some de nt <; They <ir­ri ved under lot•k and seal.

The remains flown here Sun­day wen• or passcn~ers aboard a Pan Am jct ramm<'d hy a Dutch J\LM plan<' on thr runwny of the "i rport al S;1nta Cru?. d e T e nerifc Tht· c·ol11 sion killed more than 570 people.

The KLM p<a sse nge rs and crew. all of whom were killed, were flown to the Netherlands for 1dentiflcalion

Wtlll am Wtillrt p, Pan Am vice president in C'harge of opera­tions. Jo. atrl he wac; confident all the \ 1ct1ms \\ OUl!1 hl· 1dl'nllfird. although man v of th<' hod1C's ar<' hadly burned and mangled

A sr>0kcsman for th<' airltnc sa 1cl th e work o r lh £' 90 palholog 1s ts, dentl sh. bl ood ~ pedal1 :. t Jo.. rad1olog 1s ls and fin l! NJ>rmt t•xrwrts was l'Xpccted t11 t ;1k<.' <• \\et•k or more·

J\ n 1n1 e rel<' 11ominal1 o n a I memorial M·rviC'£' was h('ld Sun· clav when th<' hodir s ~1rrivcd at tht; b11se airfil'lrl on two Pan Am freighters . Duran!! the• Sf'n·i ce . two draped :ind fl ower-laden cof- · fins. repr('sc•ntati \'t' of the hun­drl'ds still insidP thr phtnC's, were placl'd an wailing hr arses. With r e present a t 1 """ of the a i rl inc looktnl! on. a C'utholic priest. a ProtC'stant mm1str r <ino a rabbi mn<1e short st:•tc•mrnt '>

The woodcn ('nffins rontaining th <' o ther lio1l11·~ th <'n wcr<' transport<'d tn lht• mortua r}

Death Probed LOSANGEl .F:SC AP I Police

are invest1gat1ng the bcattng death of an elderly m a n who was apparently killed while trytng to stop a burglary al a nc1ghoor·s apartment.

More than 20 contestants, their hair styles recalling the TV series Kojuk. gather at Hodoson ShrlM north or Tokyo In the first all Jopftn " bright head" contest. Kaumaaa Nomura. head or the Japan

'8ri1tht ltead F'r iend!\hip Assoriahon, said the competition wu~ held to help wipe out inferiority complexes among the bald and to provide a bit or run ror the ftl(('d .


Page 37: PILOT . - City of Newport Beach

AJO DAILY PILOT s ~onday. Aptil4, 1971


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Gta C..t J..ereflllft SAN FRANCISCO (AP> - The cost

of natural gas for Californians has gone up more tha n $681 mllllon s'lncc July 1. 1975, the state Publle Utilities Commission <PUC) said.

Ot this, $522.9 mntion was the r ult or higher prices a uthorized by the Federal Power Commission and the Canadian government.

In the same pcrtod, '158.1 mlllton in annual ttvtnue lncreHel were •p· proved by the PUC to cover bJke$ m operating expensea a nd the hittber prices for California l(as.


Another Try L&M Pins Hope on Decade

By MILTON MOSKOWITZ If you like to root for lh~ und~rdog. you have a natura

candi~le in Liggett & which 1s t.-y1ng once again t noat a new cigarette brancr.'The company hasn't been ab to launch a successful new brand in 14 years.

The new LiggeU. cigarette is Decade, currently being iiv traduced to s mokers in the Western and Northeastern parts of the country. Decade is still another entry in the low.tat end of the m arket , which has expanded tremendously on thl premise that low·tar c igarettes are less dangerous lo you health than the high.tar ones. ,.

TOTAL CIGARETTE SALES WERE UP only 1 percen'i last year But sales of low.tar brands <those with 15 milll grams or less of tar > increased 58 percent. They are now dOAol mg nearly 20 percent of total cigarette volume. ,

The low-tar sales leader 1s Vantage , an R.J . Reynol~ brand. Other contende rs are Merit. True. Carlton, Now,. Fact and the va rious low-t11r· versions of re1'ular brands :. Winston Lights , Marlboro Lights, Kool Milds , 'Kent Golden Lights

Conspicuous by 1ls ab s en c e from th a t roster 1s any L1ggl'tt & Myers brand. The com · pany is. a s us ual , la tt' getting lo lhl' !>lartini.: gate

Money Tree

A year ago the l'Om puny was l~:.ting in different parts of the coWltry a ne\¥-<low-t a r c.-1garelle called Vello, named for a Liggett & Myers r esearch chemist , Vello Norm an, who had s upposedly s pent three yean. trying to come up wit h a low.tar product tha t <1lso h<1d ric h tobacc·o t aste. Rathe r than na me the brand " three year~. ' they named 1t " Vello." the ads explain1n~ :

" ll E PUT THE FLAVOR IN OUR cigarette. We put h1:. name on the pack .·

Poor Vello he 1s not going to 5.Cl' his brand move beyond the test markets an Ari zon1t, f<' lond::i and M1i:.souri . F'or 1t s ee m s that in another pa rt of the corporation they we re working on anothe r low·tar c1garcllc, one with half the l<1r content of the Vello product. And when that cigarette was tes ted last year in P ortland. Ore .. 1t outpe rformed Vello.

Liggett & Myers dubbed that ci garette "Decad £' Why this name? Beca use. the compa ny explained , it LOok 10 years Lo develop a cigarette that deli vered strong tobac<'o taste wrule holding tar conte nt to fi ve m1lli grilms Vello Norman, you r£'m embcr , workt'd only three years on h1~ ha by.

WHATEVE R T HE NAME, LIGG ETT & Myers badly needs a v.1nne r , e ven a s mall winne r . dny kind of winner, for that matter. The compa ny m csde lb las t s ut·cesi1ful fora y in­to the cigarette mc.rke t in IOOJ "hen 1t brought out charcoal· riltc red La rk . But La rk has been on the ; kids since 1964 ;,nc1 now has less t ban l per cent of Lhc market.

Tills 1s the company th aton<'e he ld 20 pt·rcent of the l ' S. c igarette market with one bra nd . Ches terfield . Today, all of its brands Chesterfi eld . L&M. L<t rk a nd Eve - h;, ve a combined s ha n • est1m a tl'd ;i t :i 9 pN ccnt Vrom third place in the market. Liggett & Myers \l.ent to s ixth · dead last. lls brands have been losanJl sa l<'!t every year for 30 years

Liggett & M}crs wa~ a lso the rnmrw ny be hind the 11lfat· Pd Eagle brand tested in a number of murkets last yea r . A . throwback lo lhl• dC'press1on years, Eagll• was a f1ltc•r cigarette priced 5 cents ll•ss per pa l'k th an regul ar brunds. It bombed and ha:. been "1thdrawn. The t·ompuny couldn't even sell a brand th;.il had a rmct.> advant age .

SO NOW IT'S DECAOE'STliRN a t the• b<1t for Liggett& M)ers . The company's ~ al<'s have· dwindl t>d to such a low . level that 1f Dl' Cttdl' mun ages to :.nar<' only I percent of the mark et, Liggett & M ycri. · totul c igarette s ulc:. will n se by ~ ' pe rcent

Of course . if Decad e fail~. J '. 1 i:~ett & Myers will have to do some :;crtous thinking. It m ay have to go back to the laboratory for nnother JO year!. lo come up with a bra nd that ! could then be namcd"Scorc ·

Doivse Doubters Dampen Demand

CUMBERLAND, Maine (AP ) - Norman Leighton 1s sure people whisper behind his baek that he is an eccenlnc o ld man, just because he walks <1round his home hoping a , forked slick will bob earthward.

Leighton 1s a dowser , :o;earchini;: for water with a divin· . ing rod. but despite the drought affecting much of the West and Midwest, he s ays he hasn 't had a JOb in four months .

LEIGIITON~ ft RF.TIRE D ADVERTISING s alesman .. who is president of the Americun Society of Dowsers Inc., s ays he has to dowse a round his house lo keep in practice .

Leighton, 70, will see k water for customers w1lhng to ' pay $50 a day and 15 cents a mil<' tra ve l expenses . For the more thrifty, s ays the jovial 250·poundcr. he' ll do it with map:s from his home in this ~oulhcrn Maine community.

Pubhc doubt about dowsing is what keeps him home.

" We have long gotten over offering our services beC'ause people a re loo damn skeptical and som e that do answer will waste your tim e on fooli sll and frivolous things, •• he says .

L E I G HTON CLA IMS A 91 percent s uccess rate. He even says

a. , he uncovered two veins of water in ~ LEIGHTON England while dows ing by m ap.

There is drought In California, says Leighton, " because people close their eyes to dowsing und don't have any faith in It." He was a disbelieve r himself unti l he tried it 35 years ago.

Dowsing 1s no joke to the 1.700·mcmhcr American Society of Dowsers. who11e headqua rters arc in Danville, Vt. It publishes a quartt!rly digest ca lled ''The American • Dowser ." and its officers and board of trui;tces inclurl<> • s cientists and physicians. engineers and physicists .

THE DIVINING ROD IS A V-SHAPED piece o r meta l. wood or plastic a bout a foot long.

"The dowser will walk over the t r::ict or land in question and when he is aver the vein oC wate r , the rod will turn to the earth." Leighton explains. "Jt's a para·psychological ~ phenonmeno°'" he says. . ~

Dr. HaJTy Leonhardt.. chairman or the Department of' Psychology a~e University of Hart!ord in ConneetJcut. de:" fines para.psyeboJogical phenomenon as a Cleld that in·J eludes extrasen30ry perceptJon and clairvoyance. · ;

·'TllE~E IS A GREAT DEAL OF dout doubt as tol Whether or not the phenomenon reported under these UUes1 does exist," Leonhardt says. " A possible explanation that is J conceiva~te Is that o particular Individual can find wateri du~ t.o othor knowledge he hH about the t.erraln which in a, sen&e works unconsclo~sly ." ~


Loan Talks Reported ~ California Computer ~roducts Inc .. An-.helm , hH re-~

ported that IL is the process of renegotlaUna terms of a re· volvlng credit agreem ent under which it owe.~ $4$ million to a group of four banks conslstin• of.Ci\lbank. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, Flnrt Natton .. 1 B•nk. of Cbtca~<>1 And Wells Fargo Bank.

As • result ot tb neaoUaliona. tbo banks have tem· · porartlJ waived repayment of $U million of Ute loan, wblch 1 would olberwlso bave been payable M llrcb 31.