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Software IonGAP - an Integrated Genome Assembly Platform for Ion Torrent Data

Computer Engineer Degree Final Project. Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, July 2014. Ion Torrent technology allows genome sequencing with reduced costs; however, its major…

Software How to build your query engine in spark

An over-ambitious introduction to Spark programming, test and deployment. This slide tries to cover most core technologies and design patterns used in SpookyStuff, the fastest…

Software How to break data from one column into two columns in excel 2010 - learn more from my Excel course on Excel is by far the most favorite software to keep lists of people. Sometimes however you want to separate…

Software Principles of PHP Package Design - DomCode, first monthly meeting

Slides for my talk "Principles of PHP Package Design" at the first monthly meeting of DomCode:

Software A Modern Take on the Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto was published in 2001 and much has changed since then. Read on for an opportunity to rethink the Agile Manifesto. View Agile in a new light and deconstruct…

Software Qlync RD 第三屆讀書會候選清單

1. Refactoring 2. Unit Test 3. Scalable Web Site Structure 4. RESTful Web Service

Software Sassでちょっと楽しよう

第16回 岡山Ruby, Ruby on Rails勉強会での発表資料

Software Virtual Datacenter Infection: Attacking VDI from the Endpoint

Many organizations have implemented VDI as a solution to desktop manageability and security concerns, believing that running desktops on a central server will improve security.…

Software Is Quality the new Freemium?

When we talk of freemium, our mental model is that we provide a limited functionality free of cost to a large number of users and provide premium features on paid basis that…