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Environment Land sutability for establishing rainswater harvesting systems for fighting wildfires

México, al igual que otros países, se ha visto impactado por la creciente ocurrencia de incendios forestales; así, entre otras acciones, se lleva a cabo el control aéreo…

Environment The hyporheic handbook

The hyporheic (groundwater) zone is like an undiscovered universe of specially-adapted organisms. The organisms are found in porous strata and stream sediment.

Environment Natural Disasters: A comprehensive Presentation

This is a comprehensive presentation on Natural Disasters.

Environment Asia Rising Industrial dynamism barometer - Environmental Technology

With conditions in the developed markets of Europe and North America likely to remain weak in the near term, business is increasingly looking to Asia for growth. Growth will…

Environment Geotourism and Australia's National Landscapes

Australia’s National Landscapes, geotrails and geoparks are key places where geotourism is centre stage. Australia offers a big future for geotourism particularly given…