
Shavasana, Savasana Yoga (Corpse Pose) Benefits and Steps

The Sanskrit word shava means corpse. This pose looks like sleeping pose. It is very simple and everyone can do this asana. But friends this pose needs lots of concentration. You have to concentrate on each part of the body.Beneficial for improving concentration, curing insomnia, calming mind, releasing stress,fatigue and depression.Steps for Shavasana Corpse Pose1. Lie flat on your back, like our sleeping pose. Legs should be separated.2. Keep your arms at your side and your palms facing up. Just relax.3. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.4. Start concentrating from your head to your feet. This means you are consciously relaxing your each part of the body. Dont move ahead without relaxing particular part of the body.5. On each inhaling and exhaling (breathing) think that your body is totally relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression and worry run away on each exhaling.6. Those having good concentrations can practice for a long time and others can practice for 3-5 minutes.Benefits of Shavasana Corpse Pose1. It relaxes your whole body.2. Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension.3. Improves concentration.4. Cures insomnia.5. Relaxes your muscles.6. Calms the mind and improves mental health.7. Excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation.8. Beneficial for those suffering from neurological problem, asthma, constipation, diabetes, indigestion.Tips1. While practicing shavasana, if you feel drowsy or sleepy you can breathe a bit faster and deeper.2. Always start shavasana before practicing other yogasana and after ending yogasana.3. Those finding difficult to practice in the morning or evening can practice while sleeping at night.4. Concentration is important.Ardha Matsyendrasana, Half Twist Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

Friends, lets understand the meaning of Ardha Matsyendrasana.In Sanskrit language ardha means half, matsya means fish, indra means king and asana means pose or posture. So it is called as Ardha Matsyendrasana. Basically it is stretching of entire spinal cord. Effective in strengthening the spine and bringing flexibility.Meanings of Ardha Matsyendrasana as belowArdha = HalfMatsya = FishIndra = KingAsana = PostureBenefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana, Half Twist Pose1. Good for increasing the flexibility and function of vertebrae of the spine.2. Stretches back muscle and spine.3. Cures constipation and indigestion.4. Helps to increases oxygen supply to the lungs.5. Releases stiffness of hip joints.6. Beneficial for slipped disc patient.7. Cures back problems.8. Increases blood circulation to pelvic region as well as improves the function of reproductive organs.9. Effective to cure menstrual problems in women.10. Helpful in treatment of diabetes, constipation, spinal problems, Cervical Spondylitis, Urinary tract disorder.Steps for Half Twist Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana1. Sit in vajrasana position or sit straight with stretching your legs in front of you.2. Bend your left leg and try to touch your feet to your right buttock as shown in the above image.3. Bring your right leg outside of the left knee. Touch your feet to the ground. Keep your spine erect.4. Exhale and turn your upper body to the right. Hold your right feet with left hand and place your right hand behind you are on the ground as shown in the above image.5. Breathe normally and hold this posture for 20 to 30 seconds. After practicing you can hold this posture for 3 to 5 minutes.6. Now release this posture and repeat this cycle with bending right leg and bringing left leg outside of the right knee. (i.e. Twisting the opposite direction).Precautions for Half twist pose1. Should be avoided during pregnancy and periods.2. Heart problems patient and abdominal surgery should not practice this asana.3. Those suffering from severe spinal problems should not practice.4. Should be done under expert guidance and consult a doctor before practicing any exercise.Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance) Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

Nat means Dance and Raja Means King. So this pose is called as Nataraja Pose. This pose helps to improve the balance of the body, concentration. Strengthens the muscles of hip, thighs and chest.Steps for Natarajasana1. Stand straight on your yoga mat and arms by your sides.2. While inhaling bend your right leg backwards and hold with your right ankle with right hand as shown in fig.3. Try to move your right leg upwards as much as you can.4. Extend your left arm straight out in front. In the beginning you can take help another person.5. Hold this posture for 20 30 seconds and keep breathing normally. Now slowly come back to starting position.6. Repeat this with left leg then right leg. Like this you can practice for 3-4 repetition.Benefits of Natarajasana1. Strengthens legs hips, ankles and chest.2. Helps to reduce weight.3. Stretches the thighs, groin, and abdominal organs.4. Improves posture and your balance.5. Improves digestive system.6. Good for Improving concentration.7. Releases stress and calms the mind.Precautions for Natarajasana1. Those suffering from low blood pressure should not practice Natarajana.2. In the beginning take the support of your friend to maintain proper balance.3. Doctor advice is must before practice any exercise.4. Practice under expert guidance.Bridge Pose, Setu Bandhasana Yoga Pose, Benefits and Steps

In sanskrit Bridge means Setu, Bandha means Lock and Asana means Pose. The poses look like the shape of the bridge, so this pose is called as bridge poses i.e. Setubandhasana. Basically this pose is effective in relaxing the body and reducing stress. It stretches the chest, spinal cord and neck.Benefits of bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)1. Strengthens legs, back neck and chest.2. Relaxes whole body.3. Reduces stress.4. Calms the brain and reduces anxiety.5. Good for pregnant women.6. Improves digestion.7. Cures back pain.8. Cures insomnia.9. Maintains the normal blood pressure.10. Improves blood circulation.Steps for bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)1. Lie flat on the ground and keep your arms at your sides.2. Now lift your hips upwards as shown in fig as much you can (Should not over-stretch) with the help of pressing your palms.3. Keep breathing deeply in this position for some time for 20-30 seconds.4. Now relax by touching your hips to the ground i.e. your starting position.5. Repeat this cycle for 3-4 times.Precaution for bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)1. Pregnant women should practice carefully and should not practice with full force during pregnancy.2. Should be practiced under expert guidance.3. Legs and feet should be parallel.4. Those having injuries to the neck, shoulder and spine problem should not practice.5. Always consult a doctor before practicing any exercise.6. Pregnant women should always consult a doctor in the last 6-9 months of pregnancy before practicing Bridge pose to avoid any complications.Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose) Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

Half Plough Poseis similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack abs as well as curing stomach disorder.Ardha means half and Hala means Plough so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose).Steps for Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)1. In Ardha Halasana (Half Plogh Pose) you can raise your one leg at a time or both legs perpendicular to the ground.2. While lying on yoga mat just relax for a few seconds then inhale slowly to raise your both legs upwards as shown in the above image3. Your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend.4. Hold your breath and posture for a few seconds.5. Now exhale slowly and bring your legs again towards the ground.6. Repeat this for 3 4 cycles.7. You can practice this by completing one cycle by left leg then the right leg.Benefits of Ardha Halasana (HalfPlough pose)1. Good for building six pack abs.2. Improves digestion and appetite.3. Improves the function of blood circulation.4. Cures menstruation disorders.5. Stimulates abdominal organs.6. Reduces belly fats and lose weight.7. Cures stomach disorders.8. Improve the function of digestion and removes gases.9. Tone the thigh and hip muscles overall abdominal muscles.10. Good to prevent hernias.11. Useful to cure arthritis and lumbar spondylosis.Precaution Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)1. Those suffering from severe heart problem, severe back pain or high blood pressure should not practice Ardha halasana.2. Should practice under expert guidance.3. Women should not practice ardha halasana after the second month of pregnancy or should consult a doctor before practice.Naukasana, Boat Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

In Sanskrit Nauka means Boat and Asana means Pose. So this asana is called as Naukasana. While practicing boat pose you will see the entire body takes a shape of a boat. This boat pose is beneficial to cure many physical disorders. Basically naukasana helps to strengthen the lungs, liver and pancreas. Helps to increases the circulation of blood and maintain the sugar level.Benefits of Naukasana (Boat-Pose)1. Helps to reduce belly fat.2. Improve the function of digestion.3. Good for developing six pack ABS.4. Regulates the function of pancreas, liver and lungs.5. Strengthens abdominal muscles.6. Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level.7. Improves the blood circulation.8. Strengthens the muscles of thigh, hips, necks and shoulder.9. Improves the function of kidney, thyroids and prostate glands.Steps for Naukasana (Boat-Pose)1. Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat with your arms by your side.2. Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing normally.3. Now inhale slowly and lift your both legs as per shown in the above image.4. Keep legs straight and should not be bent.5. Raise your upper body to touch your legs with both hands.6. Try to maintain the angle of 45 degrees.7. Hold your breath and the posture for 10-15 seconds. You can increase the time of holding posture by practicing regularly.8. Now exhale slowly and get back to your starting position.Duration3-4 repetitions daily but should not overdo.Precautions for Naukasana (Boat-Pose)1. Suffering from low or high blood pressure, hip joint pain, arthritis,severe headache, migraine, hernia and ulcer patients should not practice naukasana (Boat pose).2. Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance.3. Pregnant women should not practice this boat pose.4. Avoid practicing during periods but if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.Uttanpadasana, Leg Raised Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

Raised leg pose is beneficial for those having back pain and stomach disorder. Uttanpadasana is highly recommended for stomach abs. People for flat stomach and for strong ABS love this exercise. It is good for strengthening the abdominal muscles. You can practice this asana by raising one leg at a time also.Benefits of Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose)1. Cures stomach disorders like acidity, indigestion and constipation2. Strengthens the abdominal organs.3. Strengthens the back and hip and thigh muscles.4. Helpful for those suffering from gas problems, acidity, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain.5. Cures back pain.6. Helps to reduce tone the stomach muscles.7. Helpful for loosing weight.8. Good for diabetes patients.9. Improve the function of digestive systems.10. Remove gases from the intestine.11. Good for increasing blood circulation around the body.12. Help to reduce weight in the abdomen area, thighs and hips.13. Excellent for 6 packs abs.14. Improve the function of reproductive organs.Steps for Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose)1. Lie flat on your back as shown in the above image and breathe normally.2. Place your hand on either side and palms should be facing down.3. Inhale slowly and lift the legs at 45 60 degree from the ground.4. Hold this posture for some time (15-20 sec) to feel pressure in lower abs.5. While exhaling (Breath out ) relaxes your posture by lowering legs i.e. (Starting position)6. Repeat this for 3-4 times daily.Precautions for Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose)1. Pregnant women should avoidUttanpadasana for first few months. Should consult a doctor before practicing this asana in the third trimester. Can take the support of wall while practicing.2. Those suffering from high blood pressure, slip disc, ulcer, or abdominal surgery should not do this asana.3. Should not practice in days of periods. But if you are comfortable doing this then there is no problem. Keep on doing it.4. PracticeUttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose) should be practice under expert guidance.5. Should consult a doctor before practicing any exercises.Camel Pose, Ushtrasana Yoga Pose Benefits and Steps

Ushtrasana pose known as camel pose. In Sanskrit ushtra means Camel. The body looks like the shape of camel so it is called as Ushtrasana. Specially good for a back problem, relaxing mind, blood circulation, respiratory system, endocrine and nervous system.Steps for Ushtrasana yoga pose (Camel pose)1. Sit on knees and bend backwards.2. Hold right ankles or heel with right hand and left ankle or heel with left hand.3. Now bend your neck and head backwards as much as you can and push waist area slightly forward.4. Breathing should be normal for 6 to 10 seconds in this position.5. After 6 to 10 seconds return to the first position by bending forward. Release your hands from heels. This is your one round of Ushtra Asana. Repeat this for some more rounds.Benefits for Ushtrasana yoga pose (Camel pose)1. Helps to increase chest size and lungs capacity.2. Brings flexibility in chest, abdomen and neck.3. Stimulates abdomen organs.4. Improve the function of the respiratory system. Beneficial for Asthma patient.5. Activate whole respiratory organs and nerves.6. Cures problems related to Neck, Shoulders and back.7. Cures Vata, Pitta and kapha dosha.8. Strengthens the back muscles.9. Stimulate thyroid gland.10. Releases back pain.11. Increases blood circulation to brain.12. Helps to improve Posture.13. Reduce the fats on the stomach.14. Improve digestion.Precautions for Ushtrasana (camel) yoga pose1. Those having problems related to neck, knee and back injury should not perform this asana.2. Lower back pain patients should avoid this asana.3. Person suffering from high or low blood pressure and migraine should avoid this asana.4. Insomnia (Sleeping disorder) patient should avoid.5. Practice under expert guidance. Because this pose may cause back pain or neck injuries.6. Consult a doctor before practicing yogasana to find the root cause of your problem.Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) Benefits

Vajrasana is the simple asana which can be practiced after lunch or dinner also. Vajrasana is also known as diamond pose which is best for practicing breathing exercises and meditation. Regular practice makes you stronger and healthier.Steps1. Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs as shown in the above image.2. Keep the spine straight and close the eyes.3. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.4. Now start to inhale slowly then exhale.5. When you exhale try to think that your disorders are coming out from your nose.6. Repeat these steps for 5 minutes and take a rest. You can increase the time for 15 minutes.Benefits of Vajrasana1. Calms the mind and bring stability in mind.2. Cures constipation, acidity, increases digestion process.3. Those suffering from gas problems can practice immediately after lunch or dinner.4. Helps to get rid of back pain.5. Cures stomach disorder.6. Cures urinary problems.7. Strengthens the sexual organs.8. Increases blood circulation.9. It is preferred for meditation and concentration.10. Helps to reduce obesity.11. Strengthens the thigh muscles.12. Acts as pain killer in arthritis patients.DurationPractice vajrasana for 15 to 20 minutes after lunch or dinner. You can increase the period as long as you can. You can practice before having food also.Precautions1. A person suffering from joint pain should not practice this asana.2. Should practice under expert guidance.Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) Benefits

Excellent exercise for pregnant women. This pose looks like a soldier in the position of war so it is Called as Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose). Lets see how to practice and what are the benefits.Steps for Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)1. Stand straight with your legs by keeping distance 3-4 feet between each other.2. Inhale and raise the both hands parallel to ground and turn your head to the right.3. While exhaling slowly turn your right foot at 90 degrees to the right.4. Slowly bend your right knee. Keep in mind that right thigh should be parallel to the ground. Stay in this position for some time. Breathe deeply for 4 times.5. After this come to your original standing position breathe normally. And perform the same steps for left leg by turning head to left.6. Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times.Benefits Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)1. Gives flexibility to the entire body.2. Gives strength to the legs, arms, lower back and tones your lower body.3. Strengthen the abdominal organ.4. Improve blood circulation throughout the body.5. Act as a stress reliever.6. Relieve pain during menstruation days in women.7. Relieve back pain.8. Increases stamina and improve balance in the body.9. Virabhadrasana calms the mind and improve concentration.Precautions for Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)1. Person suffering from high blood pressure should not do this.2. Pregnant women should perform this asana under expert guidance.3. Pregnant women should stand near a wall so you can support yourself if necessary to balance your body.4. Those suffering from hypertension should not practice.5. Pregnant women should not over do and should maintain the balance.6. Those suffering from spinal problem should not practice virabhadrasana.7. Those suffering from neck problem need not to turn left or right. You can keep looking forward.8. Person suffering from Diarrhea should not practice.9. Consult a doctor before practicing virabhadrasana (warrior Pose) to avoid any complication if you are suffering from any spinal disorder.Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Benefits(see mozilla web toolbar)

Trikona means Three angles and Asana means Pose in Sanskrit. This asana look like the triangle shape so it is called as Trikonasana. This asana stretches the muscles and improve the functions of the body. This is a good exercise for pregnant women.Steps for Trikonasana (Triangle pose)1. First to stand by keeping distance between two feet as shown in the above image.2. Now turn your right leg at around 90 degrees as shown in fig.3. While inhaling raise the both hands in the upward direction in such a way that they will be parallel to the ground and palms facing downwards.4. Now bend at right side while exhaling and your left hand facing towards the ceiling and right hand touching your right toe as shown in fig.5. Keep your eyes facing towards the ceiling (towards the left palm) and do not bend forward or backward. Pregnant women should take care of her balance. You can take support of a wall or your friend to maintain the balance.6. Keep inhaling deeply and while exhaling relax the body more and more.7. Stay for 1-2 minutes in this posture.8. Now inhale and get back to original position.9. Repeat from bending left side then the right side.Duration Repeat 3-5 times from both sides.Benefits of Trikonasana(Triangle pose)1. Stimulate and improve the function of blood through the entire body.2. Strengthens and stretches the hips, back, arms, thighs and leg.3. Reduces blood pressure, stress and anxiety.4. Cure indigestion.5. Gives flexibility to groins, hamstrings and hips.6. Transactional calm the mind.7. Stimulate the function of kidney.8. Helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs.9. This asana improve the balance and increases concentration.Precaution1. Low or High blood pressure patient should not practice trikonasana.2. Those suffering from back and spinal injuries should not perform trikonasana.3. Practice under expert guidance and consult a doctor before practice asana. Especially pregnant women if there are any complications.Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend Pose) Benefits

Paschima means your back and Uttana means stretching. This asana covers the stretching of the whole body from head to heels so it is called as Paschimottanasna.Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)1. It acts as a stress reliever.2. Reduces fatty deposits in the abdomen.3. Remove anxiety, anger and irritability.4. Calms the mind.5. Stretches the spine and brings flexibility.6. Good for constipation and digestive disorder.7. Useful for increasing height.8. Regular practice cure impotency and enhance the sexual power.9. Tones the abdominal pelvic organs.10. Balance the menstrual cycles.11. This asana is recommended especially for women after delivery.Steps for Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)1. Sit down straight with your legs together by stretching in front of you. keep your head neck and spine erect.2. Place the palms on your respective knees.3. Now bend your head and trunk slowly forward to catch the toes with the thumb, index and middle fingers without bending knees.4. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Try to touch your head to your both knees as shown in above image.5. Bend the arm and try to touch the elbow on the floor.6. Exhale completely and holding out your breath stay in this posture for a few seconds.7. After few seconds slowly return to your starting position.8. breathe normally.9. Repeat this for 3-4 times.Precautions for Forward Bend Pose1. Pregnant women should not practice Paschimottanasana.2. Person suffering from slip disc orsciatica problem, asthma should avoid Paschimottanasana.3. Ulcer patient should not practice.Balasana (Childs Pose) Benefits(see mozilla web toolbar)

Excellent yoga exercise for those suffering from Back pain. The pose is know as Balasana (Child Pose). This pose stretches and relaxes the spine.Steps for Balasana (Childs Pose)1. To start the asana first sit on knees with buttocks touching on your heels.2. Place your hand on thighs and palms down. Maintain the position of thighs as shown in the above image.3. While exhaling slowly bring your chest between your knees and swinging hands forward as shown in the above image.4. Breathe gently and hold the posture for 2 to 3 minutes.5. After this inhale slowly and return to starting position.6. Repeat this asana for 5 to 10 times.Benefits Balasana (Childs Pose)1. Stretches and Strengthens muscle of hips, thighs and ankles2. Helps to relieve stress and fatigue.3. Increases blood circulation.4. Helps to cure back pain.Precautions1. You can use pillows under your forehead if it is difficult to place on the floor.2. If suffering from knees injuries or diarrhea should not do this asana.3. Those suffering from high blood pressure should not practice.Marjariasana Cat Pose Benefits(see mozilla web toolbar)

Marjari means Cat and asana means pose so it is called Marjarisana (cat pose). From cat also we can learn the lesson in yoga. Marjari incorporate excellent stretch in yoga workout.Step for Marjariasana Cat Pose1. Build a pose like a cat as shown in the above picture.2. Arms should be perpendicular to the ground and hand should be flat to on a ground.3. Look straight.4. While inhaling raise your head back and push your navel downwards.5. Hold this cat position and take a deep breath.6. As you exhale curl your head inward and press the middle of your back towards the ceiling, rounding your spine upward.7. Hold this position for some seconds before you come to table like stage.8. Continue for 5 to 6 round.Benefits of Marjariasana (Cat Pose)1. Give flexibility to the spine.2. Improve digestion.3. Improve your blood circulation.4. It relaxes the mind.5. Releases back pain.6. It tones the abdomen.PrecautionPlease practicemarjariasana in expert guidance or consult a doctor if you are suffering from any abdominal, back or neck problem.Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand Pose Benefits

Sarvanga means whole body part and asana means pose. This asana provides benefits to whole body so in Sanskrit it is called Sarvangasana. It is also known as shoulder stand pose.Steps for Sarvangasana1. Lie on your back. Join the legs together and relax whole body.2. Keep the palm flat on the ground.3. With the help of pressing palm on the ground raise both the legs upwards straight at 90 degree angle from the floor.4. Now raise your back and legs up into the vertical position taking support of hand by touching your chin to your chest.5. Breathe gently in this position.6. Maintain the posture for 1 to 3 minutes.7. Repeat this cycle for 2-3 times.Benefits of Sarvangasana1. Sarvangasana Improves Overall Health.2. It improves blood circulation.3. Its good for the digestive system.4. It strengthens and cures back pain.5. Helpful in sexual disorder. Improve function of sex organ.6. It improves the resistance power of the body.7. Improve function of reproductive organ in both men and women.8. Regular practicing of Sarvangasana helps in weight loss.9. It controls the blood sugar level and correct the improper functioning of pancreas.10. Those suffering from sleep disorder it promotes deep restful sleep.11. Cures thyroid problems.12. Improve function of digestion13. Beneficial for those who suffer from headaches but should not practice at the time of the headache.14. It improves the function of the ovaries.15. Itincreases efficiency of the reproductive organs.16. It keeps your face bright and remove dark circle.Precaution1. People suffering from eye problems, blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease should avoid this asana.2. Should be avoided during pregnancy and periods.3. Should be practiced on an empty stomach.4. Consult your doctor before practicing Sarvangasana and practice under expert guidance.Baddha Konasana Butterfly Pose Benefits and Steps

Benefits of Baddha Konasana Butterfly Pose1. This asana is very beneficial for pregnant women in easy and smooth delivery.2. Stimulate and improve the function of reproductive system in men and women.3. Cures health of reproductive system.4. Improves blood circulation.5. It helps to stimulate the abdominal organs, prostate glands, bladder and kidneys.6. It acts as a stress reliever.7. It helps in curing menstruation problems.8. Improve flexibility in the groin and in the hip region and gives a good stretch for inner thighs, groins and knees.Steps for Baddha konasana Butterfly Pose1. Sit straight on the floor with erect spine and bend your knees by bringing feet as close as possible. Try to touch the soles of your feet each other.2. Hold your feet tightly with your hands.3. Inhale deeply. While exhaling press the thighs and knees downward toward the floor by pressing your elbows on thighs or on the knees.4. Keep breathing normally and start flapping like a butter fly by bringing thighs up and down slowly.

Baddha Konasana is the best exercise for pregnant women. For easy and smooth delivery you have to practice some simple and safe yoga poses.This is very well known best exercise for pregnant women. It looks like a butterfly flapping its wings so this pose is called as butterfly pose.Precautions1. A person suffering from groin and knee injury should not perform this asana. If you are able to perform then keep the blanket under your thighs for support.2. Avoid Baddha Konasna in menstruation days or practice it with expert guidance.3. Sciatica patients should not practice this pose or you can use pillows to sit.Pavanamuktasana Wind Removing Pose Benefits

Pawana muktasana knows as Wind Removing Pose. It is beneficial to cure gas problems and poor digestion. Regular practice of Pawanmuktasana help to stimulate bowel movement which is very necessary for removing waste material.Steps of Pawanmuktasana1. Lie flat on your back and keep the legs straight and relax breath deeply and rhythmically.2. Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend in the knee. Bring upwards to the chest till your thigh touches to stomach3. Hug your knees in place and lock your fingers.4. Try to touch the knee with your nose tip. This is not easy in first time. But regular practice you can do this. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. You can extend it till 1 minute as per your capability.5. Now exhale slowly and come back to the original position that is Shavasana (Lie straight)6. This is very beneficial for stomach abs. The results are very impressive.7. Practice 3 to 5 cycles each day.Benefits Pavanamuktasana1. Pavanamuktasana cures acidity Indigestion and Constipation.2. pavanamuktasanais very good for all abdominal organs.3. Regular practicepavanamuktasana cures gastrointestinal problems.4. Helpful for those suffering from gas problems, acidity, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain.5. Strengthens back muscle and cures back pain.6. It gives flat stomach. Everyone should practice this asana for flat stomach.7. Pavanamuktasanais very beneficial for reproductive organ and for menstruation disorder.Pracaution:Those suffering for high blood pressure, Slip disc, Ulcer should not do this asana. In pregnancy and menstruation women should not practice this.Halasana Plow Pose Yoga Benefits

In Sanskrit Hala means Plough and asana means pose. So it is known as Halasana (Plough pose). In this position body shows the shape of the Plough. This pose gives flexibility to spine as well asstrengthens the back muscles. The steps and benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose) as follows.Steps1. Lie on your back. Join the legs together. Relax the whole body (Shavasana position).2. Keep the palm flat on the ground. Keep breathing normally.3. While exhaling press the palm on ground and raise both the legs upwards straight then try to touch the ground just behind.4. Breathe slowly and hold the posture for several minutes (1-2 minutes).5. Now slowly release the pose to return to Shavasana.6. Repeat this for 3-5 times.Note: For maximum benefits Practice Bhujangasana immediately after Halasana (Plow Pose)Benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose)1. Improves digestion and appetite.2. Effective in Weight Loss.3. Strengthens the abdominal muscles.4. Beneficial for diabetic people. Those people should do this regularly.5. It helps to make spinal cord strong and flexible.6. Cures the symptoms of menopause.7. It helps to reduce stress.8. It normalizes blood-glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.9. It stimulates the reproductive organs.Precaution:1. Those suffering from hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, arthritis of the neck, high blood pressure or any serious back problem, should not do practice halasana.2. Should practice under expert supervision. In days of periods women should not practice this asana.3. Pregnant women should not practice halasana.Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation yoga benefits

Surya means sun and Namaskar Means Salutation. Suryanamaskar is the complete body workout. It is Very effective in weight loss program. Only in suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) there are 12 different yoga poses which gives total exercise to whole body. By practicing the sun salutation regularly, we can become active and strong in our whole life.Morning is the best time to practice Suryanamskar (Sun Salutation). But dont eat anything for 5 hours prior to Surya NamaskarSteps for Surya NamaskarSurya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)is the combination of 12 different asana (Yoga poses).1. PranamasanaStand straight and erect in such a way that your face is in the direction of the sun. Both feet should be touching each other. Bring your hands close to your chest by touching palm to palm called Namaskar ( Salutation).2. HastauttanasanaTake a deep breath and raise your hand in upward direction.3. PadahastasanaNow breathe out slowly and bend forward. Hands should be lined with your feet and head touching your knees.4. Ashwa SanchalanasanaInhale slowly and extend the right leg back and drop the knee to the ground. Bend the left knee and hands should be firm with the ground.5. ParvatasanaDuring exhaling bring the right leg back to join the left leg. Raise your buttocks upwards forming triangle.6. Ashtanga NamaskarExhale until your feet, knees, hands, chest, forehead touches the ground. Hold the breath.7. BhujangasanaOn inhaling raise your head in an upward direction and bend in backward direction as much you can. It is called bhujagasana pose.8. ParvatasanaNow exhale slowly and make upward arc as shown in fig.9. Ashwa SanchalanasanaInhale slowly and extend the right leg back and drop the knee to the ground. Bend the left knee and hands should be firm with the ground.10. PadahastasanaNow breathe out slowly and bend forward. Hands should be lined with your feet and head touching your knees.11. HastauttanasanaTake a deep breath and raise your hand in upward direction.12. PranamasanaStand straight and erect in such a way that your face is in the direction of the sun. Both feet should be touching each other. Bring your hands close to your chest by touching palm to palm called Namaskar ( Salutation).Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)1. Effective in weight loss.2. Increase the size of the chest and gives perfect shape.3. Improved digestion and appetite.4. Cures constipation.5. Increases body flexibility.6. Cure your digestive, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.7. Helps to Reduce stress and stay calm.8. It strengthens the arms, back, shoulders and legs, hips, quads and calves.9. Improve posture.10. It gives physical and mental strength.11. In one word it is one of the excellent asana for entire body.Precaution1. Pregnant women should not practice Suryanamaskar.2. Those suffering from high blood pressure and hernia should not practice Suryanamaskar.3. During menses women should avoid Suryanamaskar.4. Those suffering from back pain should take expert guidance. All asana should perform under expert guidance.Bhujangasana Cobra Pose Yoga Benefits

Bhujangasana is also famous as a cobra pose in yoga. Bhujangasana is the excellent exercise for those suffering from a stomach disorder, spinal cord problem, back pain, respiratory disorder and obesity (weight gain).Steps for Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)1. Lie down on your stomach and feel relax.2. Stretch and joint the legs. So that knees of both the leg touches each other.3. Place the palm near the chest facing the ground. Keep in mind that elbow should be straight.4. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body like head neck, shoulders, chest upwards as shown in the above image. In this position your all weights of the upper body will come on your hands and thighs.5. In bhujangasana your inhaling and exhaling plays an important role.6. So now try to move your head back as much you can.7. Stretch as much you can but dont overdo or overstrain.8. Hold your breath for some time in this position.9. Now exhale slowly and bring your stomach, chest, shoulder and head to the ground.10. Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times daily.Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)1. It cures acidity Indigestion and Constipation.2. Improves the function of liver, kidney, pancreas and gall bladder.3. It cures back pain, Spondylitis, Slip disc.4. It strengthens the arms and shoulders.5. Helps to lose weight.6. Helps to improve blood circulation.7. It expands chest.8. Effective in uterine disorder.9. Improves the function of reproductive organ.10. Brings flexibility in upper and middle back.11. Relax the body muscle and give strength to Spinal cord.12. Releases stress and fatigue.13. Useful for those suffering from respiratory disorder such as asthma.Precautions1. Pregnant women, and those are suffering from ulcer, heart problem or any surgeries like spine brain or lungs should not do this asana.2. Avoid practices asana during periods.3. Practice all these yogasana under expert guidance.Dhanurasana Bow Pose Yoga Benefits

Dhanurasana is very effective in weight loss program. It is a basic posture of Hatha yoga. In this exercise our body pose look like the shape of the Dhanush (bow). So it is called as Dhanurasana in Sanskrit. It helps to reduce belly fat fast. It Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord.Steps for Dhanurasana (Bow pose)1. Lie on the ground (on stomach) facing downwards.2. Relax completely with 2-3 breaths.3. Inhale slowly and starts bending your legs backwards and catch the ankles with the hands as shown in the above image.4. You will see that your body is now in the shape of a bow.5. In this position your whole weight will come on your abdomen. Only your stomach and pelvic area will touch the ground.6. Hold this position for few 15-20 seconds and continue taking a deep breath. You can increase the time after practicing this.7. Now after 15-20 seconds exhale slowly and come back to starting position.8. Repeat this cycle for 4- 5 times daily.Benefits of Dhanurasana1. Effective in weight loss.2. Improves digestion and appetite.3. Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.4. Cures constipation.5. Improves blood circulation.6. Gives flexibility to the back.7. Strengthens back muscles.8. Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.9. Act as a stress reliever.10. Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.11. Cure menstruationdisorder.12. Improve function of kidney and liver.13. It improves posture.14. Releases back pain.15. Cures respiratory disorder like asthama.16. Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.17. Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.Precaution1. The person suffering from high blood pressure, back pain, hernia, headache, migraine or abdomen surgery should not do practice dhanurasana.2. Ladies should not practice yoga during pregnancy and in periods.Kapalbhati Pranayama, Weight Loss Exercise

Kapalbhati pranayama is very effective in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many problems related to stomach. Those trying to loose weight can practice Kapalbhati regularly and see 100% results. lets see its benefits and how to do kapalbhati Pranayama.Steps for Kapalbhati Pranayama1. Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. keep the spine straight and close the eyes.2. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.3. Now take a deep breath and exhale with all your force so your stomach will go deep inside.4. When you exhale with hissing sound try to think that your disorders are coming out of your nose.5. Do not stress on inhaling. Inhalation should not involve any effort. Inhaling will be done automatically after each exhaling.6. Repeat these steps for 5 minute and take rest. You can increase the time for 15 30 minutes.7. Should not practice very fast. Speed of practice should be medium.Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama.1. It improves the function of the lungs and other respiratory system.2. Improves the function of reproductive system. Cures erectile dysfunction naturally.3. Improves the function of pancreas. Helps to produce insulin hormone naturally.4. It removes toxins from the body and helps to clean the internal system.5. Calms the mind and bring stability in mind.6. Very effective in weight loss.7. Cures breast cancer.8. Helpful in reducing weight (Belly fat).9. Keeps depression away and brings positive thoughts.10. Helpful in curing respiratory diseases as asthma, allergies, and sinus.11. Cure for constipation, acidity, diabetes, Asthma and all kinds of Respiratory troubles, sinus and even hair loss.12. Cures kidney problems and lower down the high creatinine level.13. Improve the function of kidneys.Precaution1. Those are heart patient should do this slowly while exhaling. You can do kapalbhati pranayama in morning or evening both the time, but keep in mind that you should do this on empty stomach.2. Pregnant women should not do this.3. High blood pressure patient should practice kapalbhati at a slow rate. Means 3 exhalations per 5 seconds and force of exhalation should be reduced.4. Practice pranayama in the supervision of an expert yoga teacher after informing about your whole health.5. Those womens feel comfortable practicing pranayama during periods can go ahead otherwise avoid it.

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