Year 5 Home Learning Activities – Week beg: · Year 5 Home Learning Activities – Week beg: 11.5.20 Hi Year 5! It’s now

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Year 5 Home Learning Activities – Week beg: 11.5.20 

Hi Year 5! 

It’s now the fourth week of home learning in the summer term, time really is flying! We’re missing you all lots though and wish that you were back in class with us but we do have another action packed home learning pack with lots of fun activities to keep you busy.  

We are continuing with The Tempest and this week we will be learning about part 3 of the story ‘Exploring the island’ . We hope that you are enjoying the story so far. Make sure you watch the videos on ‘The Tempest Online’ website to remind yourself of what has happened.  

We’re so pleased that lots of you are listening to the story ‘Wonder’. It really is an inspirational book and Auggie is an extremely brave and resilient little boy.  

Keep sharing your fantastic work with us on Seesaw, we love to see what you have been doing at home.  

Enjoy and have fun!   

Jo, Lucy, Katy and Sharon                   

Reading activity 1: Read through the third part of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and look up any tricky words. 





Reading activity 2: Find and circle each of the words from the list below. Words may appear forwards or backwards, horizontally, vertically or diagonally in the grid.  


Reading activity 3: Watch the Primary Shakespeare Company’s video of the third part of The Tempest, Exploring the Island, then take the quiz. How did you do? Let us know on Seesaw!  Reading activity 4: Complete the crossword  



Reading activity 5: 


Other reading activities: 

● Find a funny place to read a book - it could be up a tree, under the bed or in a den. Take a photo and post it on Seesaw.   

● Write down any unfamiliar words from the chapter you have read. Explore the meanings of these words by using a dictionary or reading around the sentence. 

● Read something around the house that isn’t a book e.g. a magazine, recipe book etc. 



















Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)  


Useful video: 

Activity 1: Add a semi colon to each sentence so that it makes sense.  




Activity 2: modal verbs 


Useful video: 

Circle or underline the modal verb in each sentence.   





This week you are going to be writing a short play script (one scene) yourself based on the action in The Tempest. There are some important things to include (or to leave out!) when you write a play instead of a story. There is a really useful checklist below, for you to use when you are writing yours. 


Activity 1: What is a play script? Watch this short video that explains the key features you will need to include: 




Can you identify the features of a play script? The instructions and play script are below:   
















Activity 2: planning your play script using the template  

Now you are clear what features you need to include , you can get planning! Use the templates and ideas given below to help you, 

There are 3 ideas below for scenes from The Tempest for you to base your script on. As it is only one scene that you need to write, it’s probably a good idea to choose one of those suggested by the Primary Shakespeare Company. 


















Play script plan: Here is a plan you can use to write down your ideas or notes.  






Activity 3: Today, start with describing the setting, characters and the stage directions. Use the template above or you can make up your own if it is more helpful. Also you can write a brief introduction to the scene which can be read by a narrator. 


Activity 4: Now it is time to write the scene itself. Try acting it out loud as you are going along to see if the dialogue sounds the way you want it to. 

You will need to edit it carefully, including stage directions and sound effects. 


Ask members of your family if they would like to take part in your production! If that is not possible, perhaps you can use the Art Activity this week to perform it as a puppet show. 

Whatever you do, enjoy it and have fun! 


Activity 5: You need to add to your character list from last week. Which new characters have entered the story since then?  



















Art - puppet making 

You can use any materials available to make the puppet characters for your scene that you have created in the writing activity this week. 

If possible, ask someone to video your show and put it onto Seesaw for us all to applaud! 












Instructions for how to make a puppet: 














● Useful advice from the NRICH maths team about maths at home - 

● NCETM –Visit to find two new areas of the website designed to support parents/carers of primary and secondary school children throughout the period of school closures. All the resources are free to access and do not require a login. 


Maths- Year 5 

AMAZING MATHS LESSONS - Watch these mini maths challenge lessons for Years 5 and 6, which are posted daily online. Everything is explained really clearly and you can easily join in at home. There are activities that 

you can complete too linked to the maths lesson. Enjoy! .  

Are you enjoying these lessons? Tell us what you have learnt on seesaw.  


● Practise times tables using Times Table Rockstars (your logins are in your homework book). You can also logon to Numbots using your TT Rockstars login details. 

● Watch Countdown and try to solve the maths problems just like we do in class. Maybe you could play against one of your family members and see if you can win!   

 This week some of our maths activities will be based around ‘The Tempest’         

Activity 1: Adding 4 digit numbers 

  Use column addition to find out whose character name is worth the most.  Before you start…  Predict:   Whose name will be worth the most?   Whose name will be worth the least?   Give reasons for your predictions.  







    Activity 2: Subtracting decimals within 1  Watch this video - Lesson 2 on White Rose maths which explains how to subtract decimals. It starts with a mini maths meeting. Have a go at answering the questions.   Then watch the rest of the video, which will explain how to subtract decimals. You will be asked to pause the video at different points so you can answer the questions below.  








  You can mark your work by looking at the answers on the website: via the link: 


Activity 3 - Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places  

Watch the video (lesson 3) and don’t forget to pause when it tells you to so you can answer the questions below. 












Activity 4 - Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places  

Watch lesson 4 video - 

















Activity 5 - Let’s reason and problem solve - Mathematics is a creative subject. It involves spotting patterns, making connections, and finding new ways of looking at things. Creative mathematicians play with ideas, draw pictures, have the courage to experiment and ask good questions. 

Strike it out for two! 


You can make your own easily with a ruler and a piece of paper. Mark the numbers at equal intervals e.g. 2cm apart.   








Science: Living things and their habitats 

Session 4 - Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.   

Key vocabulary: Life cycle, reproduce, fertilises, egg, embryo, live young, mammal. 


Human life cycle 


Below are some stages in the human life cycle. Label each stage below with everything you know or think that happens. 

Walt: understand the stages of the human life cycle. 





































Discuss each stage with a family member. 

Human Life cycle wheel: Draw one stage of the human life cycle in each space on the bottom circle. Write a title on the top circle. Cut out both circles. Place the circle with the small window on top of the stages circle. Attach the two circles in the center then spin the wheel to reveal the stages!  


Can you use the draw tool in Seesaw to draw a scene from The Tempest? Remember to select the pen or pencil you want using the icons at the bottom of the page: 




P.E. long jump  

Our focus for PE this summer term is athletics and cricket. This week we will be thinking about the long jump. - Watch Mike Powell break the world record for the longest distance at 8.95m. The record has not been broken for over 20 years! How far can you jump? Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be using the long jump technique, we’ll practise that when we get back to school. Measure your distance, can you jump further than your family?   Other ideas:  ● Join Joe Wick’s for his PE lesson every weekday ● Just Dance - can you find your favourite tune? 

● Try a daily Joe Wicks 5 minute mover video  

● Have a go at these workouts to keep fit at home - 

● Relax with some yoga - 

● ● Take a look at Go Noodle (You will need to create a login)  

Strengthen your focus - Wake up Stretch - Bring it down -   


History: Food! 

As you can imagine, in Shakespeare’s time health, hygiene and eating well were not thought about in the same way we do today. In fact, they ate and drank many things that we would consider very bad for us today and pretty revolting too! 

Write a menu for a banquet held for the Queen after her visit to the Globe to watch Shakespeare’s first production of The Tempest.





PSHE: Being thankful  

Write a letter or a poem to someone in your home or a family member or friend that you miss. Tell them why you’re thankful for having them in your life. What you are looking forward to doing together after the lockdown is over.  

Can you find out the meaning of the word ‘gratitude’, you’ve probably heard people say it recently in the news or your family members.   



Other useful resources: 

KS2 BBC bitesize -   

Mathematics Shed -   

Nrich -  

Topmarks - 

Fun art activities - 




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