
RYLC 2013


RYLC 2013

RYLC 2013

What is GIP ?

RYLC 2013

GIP is one of the program delivered by AIESEC, where we provide job opportunities to all young professional individuals to work in a global working environment and have a cross-cultural experience.

RYLC 2013

Global Internship ProgramiGIPoGIP

RYLC 2013


RYLC 2013

We want to create responsible

entrepreneurial leaders by enabling young people to work in global environment and enhance their professional skills.

RYLC 2013

oGIP|relevant in India

RYLC 2013

Purpose :Global Internship Program is an opportunity for

young professionals to gain valuable international experience.

You will be given a chance to explore internships throughout the world, depending on your capabilities you will have the privilege of working internationally.

RYLC 2013






RYLC 2013

The aim of a traineeship shall be to provide the Experience Participant with following:A positive learning experiencePractical skills in a foreign environment to complement

his/her educationInteraction with social issues in the host community and

country and/or territoryInteraction with a new social and cultural environmentPreparation for future management responsibilitiesOpportunity to apply skills, attitudes and values at work

and in the communityAwareness and knowledge of social issues and different

practices in the host country

RYLC 2013

WHAT it gives?

RYLC 2013

Opportunity for Young

Individualsto develop

Entrepreneurial and

responsible leadership

By living a cross-cultural professional development experience

We provide a practical learning and development experience to a young person, who takes part in a team and takes responsibilities towards managing AIESEC’s performance and the delivery of its experiences.

RYLC 2013

Global Exposure

Professional Development

Cross Cultural Experience

Networking in Corporate Sector


RYLC 2013

RYLC 2013

We do GIP because living a powerful exchange experience develops strong leadership.

RYLC 2013

Impact on the EP

RYLC 2013

Personal Developme


Work Cultu


Real Time


RYLC 2013

See You Tomorrow

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