WHS 1961 Imperator

Post on 11-Sep-2021






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From The


To the Fu ture Alumni of \,Vooster High School:

Tennyson once wrOlC, "The old order challgclh. yield ing place to the new, And God Cui· fills himself in Ill .my ways, lest one good custom shou ld corrupt the world." So it is here at \',,"cosler High School. YOll are holding the new order ; the Impera lo)' has succeeded the Gen­em / - II 1'1 11 1Ifl I as the official school yea rbook.

\'''hen the Class or 196 1 was just appearing in the world, lhe first G eneml-l1 nl1l1al was published. superseding the OllsCI1}(: 1' and selling many Ilew traditio ns. Ovcr the following years, illlprovements advanced the Cenerol - A lin un! to the pinnacle of perfection.

Bul a good climber never slands st ill , for there is always another mount'l ill . \Ve have staned lip a vi rgi n peak with a Ilew expediti on . the I m.perator. A major tragcd y befell li S

begi nning with the loss of our two able guides. i\( iss Ncsbiu and Mr. l\Joore. ~'Ir. Lade!, how­ever, replaced them to point the way.

In choosing the path to follow, the staff decided on "A nt ics ill Antiquit y." By glancing: th rough the book, you G ill readily see some or the "novel" ideas that we incorpOl' ltcd. To " play with the P,15t," we drew material from old \'VoostCT High yearbooks with odd names - Ob­sellJ(: /', Tnl.ler , Tlu1 Anmwl. I would like to th ank the sta ffs of these hooks for their contri· butions to our thcme.

To all those who helped me ill any way on this book, I g ive YOLI an inadequa te "Thank You!" This work could no t have beell done wi thOll t your :i'isistancc and ingen uit y. A spe­cia l "Thank You " I give to the staff heads, wh o attended III:my a we.uy meeti llg at llIan y a weary hour. And from the entire slafr, we wish ~rr. Ladd 0 111' sincere best for it terrific job as adviser.

In closing, llIay I wish all the students of \'VoostCI' High School the 11I0St luck possib le in the future. Your cUllllllunity. your eliuc<Hion, yO lll' po tcntial all contribute to n iTer ),O ll a heautiful horizon.

And to the graduales o[ the GLORIOUS CLASS OF 196 1 - \\'e ll. lel's face it, we \\' ill ne"el' be mat ched. The namc "U nLOuchables" truly fits the entire class, for the men who made the name were just a S'llll ple of the whole. In every field - ;tlhl etics, dramatics, IIllisic, speech, publica tions, .md, most important. academics, we are ·· un touchable." \ IVe se t fan · lastic records thaL will never be broken . To )'U II men .md women of this clas!o,. this book is a grear, ye t in adequate. tribute. I heartily wish you the greatest possible happin ess in the ),ears to come, and hope lhat a ll ),our dreams come true.

Si nccrcly,

lIill \'o<lra

Ed itor-i n -chid I mperatf)r, IY6 1

Table of Contents IMPERATOR 1%1


The Admjnistration and the Faculty ........ ...................... ......... ..... 6

The Graduates ..... ..... .. ...... ...... ... ..... ......... .... .... ........ ..... .. ....... ....... 20

The Underclassmen .............. .. .. ................... ........ ....... ................. . 50

The Organizations ..... ............... .... ............. ...................... ........ ..... 62

The Drama and the Oratories .... ..... .... ................... .... .................. 81>

The Musics ..... .................. .... ... ..... ..... .. ................ ........ ............ ..... . 98

The Athletics ......... .............. .. ............ ....... ..... .............. ......... ........ 106

The Features and the Advertisers . ....... ....... ...... .... .... .... ..... ... .. ..... 138

Row I-Gene Myers. Dave Warner. Bill Vodr3, Kathy Treat. Frank Ellsworth Row 2- Kathy Rearick. Pat Burnsteen , Mary Kaye Heisler, Ed Bucher, D oug Shamp. Ly nne Miller




Robert I'vfoore is one of the most highly res pected cit izens of ' ""ooster. A teacher a t "Vaos­ler High School for 31 yea rs, he become well-kno wn bo th in school and out. He has pl ayed a grea t part in the growth o( this school acadcmi(:ally and physica lI y.

Zanesv ille. Ohio is the home of this man, be:ing b 0 J11 and reared there. At Denison Uni­versitv, he earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in science. Later. he wen l on to do fur­ther ~vork al Ohio State Uni versity.

1\fl". i\ Ioore began leaching in the la te 1920's at \Vooster H igh School. For a short per­iod o f lillie, he taught English, but his first lo ve soon caught lip with him. The fi eld of his­LOry became his number o ne lime-consumer. From p as t education, fro m persona l experiences, from vast supplies o[ books, he drew materia l to make one of the finest history courses in the sta te. It is well-known that the qua lity o [ his teaching was of the highest ca liber.

Beyond the scholas tic contributions lO the school, i\fr. i\ loore lent his guiding hand to many difficult tasks. For a grea t number of ye ars, he was adviser to the Genera l newspape r ; he aided National Honor Society immeasurably; and for twenty-fi ve years, he acted as .business manager and technical adviser for the General - Annual. Continually year <ther year he quite ca pabl y Ixd anc.ed the ledger of the yearbook so that there was an annu al profit .

Regretfull y for bo th the school and himself, ~ lr. i\l oore was forced to ta ke a leave oC ab­sence las t year because o f illness. \Ve are confndent, though, that he will return to the d ass­room soon.

In both publica tions, the nallle of 1\ lr. i\ Ioore is looked upon with the greates t respect. His out.standing contribu tions will not be [orgo tLc n by many. It is with a ll sincerity that we dedi· ca te the 1961 Impera toI' to Mr. i\foore.


One uf the best loved and 11IOSl respected members of the faculty of Wooster High School is~ f iss Luci le Ncsbiu. As a teacher, she has educa ted perhaps more pupils than any o ther si ngle instructor in the school: as an adviser, she has not on ly guided the yearbooK for over two decades, but also ass isted in many other organiz.nions; as an individual, she has befriend· nl her share of comrades many times over, and has continued to increase that number.

~ ri ss Nesbitt's history began in Ohio, as o ne of four daughters of a Presbyteria n minister. Afler living several years in her birthpl ace of Frazeysburg. Ohio, she moved to New Castle, Pennsylvania . 1n 1920, the Nesbitt family ca llie 10 \'Vooster, and has remained here ever since.

Craduated from high school in New Castle. Miss Nesbitt a ttended college "up on Lhe hill " here in \IYooster, where she received her Bachelor's Degree in English. FroJ1l the College of \'YoosLer, she wenL LO \ 'Yestern Reserve University to ohta in her ~Iaster's Degree. BUl our English tcachcr did no t stop her educat ion thcn, fo r she studied Latin a t Akron, Ohio Statc and Columbia Universities.

Hcr teaching career began in 1924 ri/.{ht h ere at \l\foosLcr High School. In the succeeding yem's, she taught English on all leve ls, finally sculing down to senior English.

One o[ Miss Nesb iu 's interes ts has t .. ,ken her to all ends o[ the earth. An avid traveler, ~he has ventured throughout the Ullited States and Ca nada, and has spent a SUlllIner in Eur· ope and thc Bri t ish Isles. ]\fost rccent ly. the tourist jouJ11eyed around the world with t\\'o other \ 'Vooster teachers.

In addition to her teaching and traveling, she served on the advisory commiuec of Nation­al Honor Society, providing great influence there.

But most importanL.ly. she was advisor to the Annu al for 22 years. 1n th a l time. she de· veloped a truly remarkable book - the General · Annual. After so many yea rs of outstand· ing books. she retired from the staff last year. 1960. Beca use of her tremendous work and e£. fort on Gcneml· An1l1la/s, we chose this yea r to change the name and give the era o f that h<x>k solely to her and ~ Ir. Moore.

It is in appreciation for all she has done [or the Annual and for \ ,Vooster High School it· self that we dedicate this volume of the I mpera/,())' to l\Iiss Nesbitt.


The Administration


The Faculty


To [he Class o[ J 961 :


Message From The

Superintendent of

Wooster City School



O ur democra tic wa y of life demands edu cated, self-disciplined. and well-informed citizens for its continued existence. As YO ll pass thro ugh these doors for the las t l ime, iL is our hope thal you will find yourselves adequate ly prepared Cor the li fe that awa its you . IL is also our hope that this future life will be a happy usefu l one, contr ibuting to the gTca ter good of our society. Those of YO LI who arc capa ble 01 pos itive leadership, exercise your talents. Those of YO LI who will assume the fo llower ro le, cxam:i ne ca refull y the ideas, principles, and men whom you will follow.

Education is a cOlltinuing process, begin ning with your first breath and lasting through­Ollt lire. The fac t that you have received your high school diploma does no t rnean tha t you are through learning. T ake advantage of a ll avenu es open to you to make this continued learning process a beu er on . Learn a trade, go to college, a tlend adult education cl asses, read, think, and best of all act! Act in such a manner that your nation will be the beneractors of the knowledge and skill tha t you have ass imilated here in the last four years.

Hest Wishes,

L. V. Raslllussen,

Supcr inr clldenl of Schools

The Principal


1\1r. Roland Sayre is perhaps the busies t. individual in " Vooster High School.

His responsibilities exemplify th e work h e must do. For examp le, the principal

has the duty of caring for a ll the financial Inatters of the school, the charge DE all

curricular assignments. the carctakership of the sch ool building. and o th er ad­

ministrative tasks. However. his job is not just business. He also acts as an

agent for cooperation between the fa culty .md the parents, as a counselor for

students, as a good wi ll agent for th e school, and as the moral leader [or the en ­

tire student bod y. ]n a ll th ese tasks, ]\ 11'. Sa yre ca pably handles himseJ( and his



Dr. Howard MacMillan , Mr. George Groop. Dr. John Chittum. Mr. Chester Shamel. Mr. Roy Miller, clerk, Rev. J ohn Klndsvntter.

Board of Education

To the students o{ \,Voostcr High School:

Our congratulations: \ IVe note wi th pride your ma ny accomplishments, first in scholarship, but also in athletics, music, forensic and club act ivities.

Our "/levy: \ 'Vith all o ( your accomplishments, have you been preparing for citizenship in the coming decades with your full potentia l o( knowledge, skills, wisdom, persona lity and character? Have you souglll some easy choices, without rea lizing that there are no short-cu ts to gelli ng a good education? Have you rea lized that "prtlctice makes perfect" and that rigor­ous selr-discipline of the mind and character :is essenti al? Have you shown your gratitude to the COlllllHlllity by the ex tent to wh ich yo u have received that which has been offered to you?

0111' challenge: Learning is a cha llenge, an exciting adven ture, a doorway to new hori ­ZOlIS, and we urge you to make learning a part o( every day's r Oll tine. \'Vithout lea rning, we vegel;:Ile, and life becomes dry, worthless, and without flavor. \ IVith learning we li ve, an d our minds are sharpened and excited by the many stimuli wh ich education ac ti vily generates. Ed ucation is it "cradle-to-the-grave" process com posed of many and varied ex periences which develop the person and prepare him for the n ex t step. Each succeeding genera tion in herits new l<isks, dangers and opportuniLies - Tl ew c hallenges for it new day.

Olll' best wishes: ~ I ay you listen more attent ively, work harder, stud y longer, open your minds wider and spread YOllr enthusiaslll . i\(~t y you prepare even more carefully and joyously for the ad ult living thaL is jusL ahead. i\ lay each o [ you. on gradua tion day. move out with confidence to whal lies before you. i\ lay e:u:h of you rea lize to the full the God-given poten­tial Lh;1t is within you.

T he Koard o( Education

School Construction Next year when school «gain begin s for man y of LI S, we will be as lost as the freshman .

The school is now in the process of making ma ny cha nges. ~liss ' '\f illiam' room is going' 10

become a science seminar and Mrs. Myers's and. J\ 1r. Scolaro's rooms will also be dedicated to science. The projection r OOHl, where movies are shown, will have the floor taken O llt , and will then contai n business machines. i\lr. Ladd's room, 270, is being tu rned into a short h'lnd and typing room. An will occupy the rooms of i\ lrs. Sidle and Miss Ncsbiu, after the wall divid­ing the roolll" is Lurn down. The I ibnu")' wi ll be en larged with the addition of study hall 264. There will be booths at one end of the r oo l11 fo r language students to listen to tapes wh ich will be ava ilabl e to them. i\liss Ca rro ll's room will be added to the chcmistry room on the second fl oor. It will bc made into one large roolll by relllOving the partition between the two roo l11 s. The music rOOI11 that is now loca ted over the I ib rary ,viII move to thc o ld co-cd r OO Il1 in thc bascnlclH. In the fo llowi ng year.; a vocal rOOI1:1, pract ice room, and instrument room will be added. The radio and televisioll studio will 1l:1OVe upstairs and occupy a portion o f the space thell will be vacated by the music IllclIlbt:TS. .tll new c.af(~ tcria is ah:o vne of the projects on the agenda . Jt is a lread y under construction , and can be seen hetween the junior high and senior high. It wi ll be circular i~l shape and wi ll be able to sea t around 384 people a t one time. The ca feteria is going to serve two purposes, Ollie, as an ea ting place, and also as a make-shift stud y ha ll before and aher mea ls. The langu age deparunellt is invading the junior high and will occupy their library and large study hall. It will contain new learning devices such as tape rcorders and individual booths for each stu dent. ""hat abou t the o ld ca feteria? \<Vell it will serve many purposes. A boys' and a gi rls' rest rooms afC taking part of thc old ca [eteri a and the remaining room goes to the [cachers. T here will be .a fa culty Itlnch, a work room for teachers to prepare lessons, and a clirricululll lab which ",iii con tain magazines and books for the teadlcrs. Business ed ucation and bookkecping wi ll be Illoved to room 172. 167 and 169 will be typing rooms and will have forty- two typewrit ers. 164 and 166 arc the new counsel­ing o ffi ces and will a l ~o cOllta in a slllall clinic at onc end of the roolll . Here will be loca ted two cots and a place where [\Irs. Snow call g ive tests. Yes, many changes are being made. The advantages will ~ lIrel y olltweigh the dust we choed 0 11 and the noise we endured.




The Assistant


T he " man-behind-the-sccncs" III

the ''''ooster school system is J\l r. Beechy. His work in ha ndling' the a f­fa irs of busin ess for the city schoo ls is quile exceptio na l and c ' ·en Il lOrc lalldab l ~ .

------- G J/"? .---- ---

The Director

of Guidance

and Psychological

Services Comlllonly called "the tes ting d i­

rector ," ]\11'. Bartlen handles the ad­ministering of all " psychologica l and apt illlde tests" fo r the school system, <IS well as the working O llt of sugges t­ed changes in curriculum, counseling, and o ther school fields. In just twO

vea rs, Mr. 13anleu has earned the re­spect and admiration of the faculty and slUden ts o f \Vooster H igh School.


The Assistant Principal

One of the busies t \rorkers in the "ichoul , M r. H artley handles the At­lcnli<tn ce Office and the school cal ­end,1I among other things. H e is U lil y descrving of ail the credi t that co uld be g iven hilll .




The Counselors

Since the counseling office was created two years ago, it has handled an enormous ~mount of work. Mrs. J oss and "Mr. Harper, besides their regu lar tasks of a iding in co ll ege se­lection, of guiding cho ices of voca­I ions, o f testing students for a pliwde and mental capabilities, are always read y to assist a student in a Lillie o f need . Their work is highly commend­a hle.


English Sealed: Miss Ann Teel, Miss Lucile Nesbitl, "Miss Ludlle

Carroll , JvJrs. Ruth Buchman , Mrs. Sara i\lJoore. Standing: ]\Jiss Charlo tle \lVilliams, Miss Ann Schofield,

Mrs. ?\fary Alice \'Villiams


Mr. Robert Pollock



Mrs. Beryl Denn)'

Mrs. Martha Sidle

English Sealed: Miss Ann Teel, Miss Lucile Nesbitl, "Miss Ludlle

Carroll , JvJrs. Ruth Buchman , Mrs. Sara i\lJoore. Standing: ]\Jiss Charlo tle \lVilliams, Miss Ann Schofield,

Mrs. ?\fary Alice \'Villiams


Mr. Robert Pollock



Mrs. Beryl Denn)'

Mrs. Martha Sidle

Commercial Courses

Seated: Miss Ada Wile\', Miss G ladys Jacobs .

SLa nding: Mr. Gordo n Downie, ·Miss Virginia Ca rson, Mr. Ron· aId Ca labria

Physical Education

Mr. John McCreary, Miss Betty Basnett, Miss Elizabeth H eub· ner, Mr. Ro man Majerczak

Drivers Education l\Ir. Paul Batdorl

Mr. Dave Ga llapoo




~frs. j\rarilyn Campos

Music ]\[r. 1.. G. Hurst l\Ir. David Boltz ~ I r. .lack Emig

Math ~Ir. William Glass ,\ Irs. Alice Carroll

.\Ir. William Sadler ~ rrs. lVfiriam Myers '\fr. David Tho mas

Home Economics

Miss Es ther F;'llisilaligh i\ frs. Nane tte ,\I OXO I1

i\ Jrs. Carolyn \'\loods


J\liss Enn Cl Hudson

Senior Social


Mr. Nicho las DeJlerba ~ 1 rs. Belly Slaebcll


Agriculture J\Ir. Glen Boling


Modern Foreign

Languages \ Ir. Lloyd F lanigan

\Ir. Dom in ic Scolaro Mrs. Ruth Trump

Mechanical Arts

~ Ir. Paul Spangler ]\ i r. Orin Beechy ~ Ir. .lames Shelley

Physical Sciences

Mr. Floyd Maurer ~Ir. James Byrd

]\,(r , David Blauch Mr. Kenneth Zu ercher Mr. \IVayne Hostetl er ;\frs. Jud y Vall \'Vie

Political Sciences Mr. Don La ke

M r. Don Welsh ,\Ir. Paul Ladd

Study Mc)nitor

!\frs. E lizabeth "" a lters


,0 N\I\"£'c;, 10

Sf. N \O~ ( . P •• / \

e 0'1. 50(\ ~ \.. -

,0 N\I\"£'c;, 10

Sf. N \O~ ( . P •• / \

e 0'1. 50(\ ~ \.. -


Seated- Dennis Howman, Richard Noble, Mady Miller, Kathy Vaughan Standing- Larry Snyder, Mr, Byrd, ShIrley Quigley. Mrs. Woods

Senior Class Officers

.... _ ............... _. __ . _____ ....................... __ ... ______ ... ____ .. __ ..... ___ Ri ch .. nl Nobll'

I' ice-P resirl elll Delln is I-I ow ma n

St'c I'ela,)' .". __ ."_,,. __ .. __ ...... ____ .. __ ... ____ .... ______ .. _ . ____ ..... __ . ____ . ________ ... ____ . ____ .... __ .. __ .. MOldy !\fille r

Tn'(l.fllrt',. __ .. ____ ............. __ ........... _____ .. _____ . __ •. ____ ... _________ . ________ . ____ ..... ________ . Kathy Va ughn

Co-Sorial el",i,.",t'" -.-.--........... - .. ----............. -... -------------.. --.. --............ - ~ Sh~~?~tllli~(:;;

Advisen ..... __ . ______________ . __________ ....... ___ ................ ____ . ________ . __ .. ______ . ~ l\lrs. l\~;.r~;.::c:v;.~;

KAREN JEAN ACKERMAN DtII"k t!yt's , dink Iwh, slJfeads juy

t'tle/J'wlieft'. (;t'IIt!ml Business M;IIl <lgcr 4'

Gt'IIt!ml ;Hh 'c r tisillg staff 3; SIlI ­dell t Counci l I , 3. 4; Nationa! HOllo I' Socie ty 3. 'I; F r .\ 2. 3.4, Song Leader 4: T ri - I-I i-Y 2. 3, ·1; La tin Club I ; La tin Club II. sec· retary: Spa nish Cluh 3, 'I ; CA A 2. 3. 4; App rent ice C lub I; :\A U\\" Washing toll Seminar 3; District ~ llI s i c Cont est 3; I Rolling: Sta le ~ llI s i c Cont cst )1; I Ratin g Senior Choi r 2. )1, 'I.

JOHN LANG ANDERSON El}t!IJ' why h"th (I wh,.refore , Orches tra I. 2.

WILLIAM A. 8ALLOON A li ttle t iger IIOW alUi I lu' lI lIef)t!r

h"rt: •• Stuli elll COllnci l I. 2; Hi·Y 3, 4;

Boys " W " 2, 3, 4: Wres tling 2. 3, 4, leltcr 2, 3. 4; Swimmin g I; Foo t­ba ll 1,2; Baschal! 11\allagel' 1, 2 .

KENNETH NORMAN BAUER T ht: /J esl WI'), 10 kllock fl chil)

Off (I /Ilan's .f/lO ldder is 10 1H11 h;1II OIl Iltt: /Jack.

Hi·Y 2. 3, 'I; Lat in Cl uh I: La lin Club II ; Lib ra ry Club 4: Foo tball I, 2, 3; Wrcst ling 2; Baseba ll I. 2.

NEIL HENRY nAUM Cht:el'fl' / II(!,\'J Jlllullll'e,~ I ht: mild

of l ift: · SlIIdCl1t Council 2; Hi -Y 2. 3, 4;

I.a tin Club I: La tin Club II : Spa ll ­ish Club 3, 'I; no)'s " W" 3. 4; Math Club 1. 4; ~Iu A lpha The ta 4: Foo Lba ll I. 2. 3. 4, lett er 3, 4: Wrestling 2, 3, 4 , lelte l' 3. 'I; T I"lcl.: J, 2: Swim ming I .

EDMUND I'AUL Ai\flCARELLI YOII ell/ lll ot pili Ihe ,HII III' ,~ //Oe 011

l.'1II: I')' fool. SL. Charles H U ,'I'U Ill L'( ) 1-1 igh

School. Wickliffe. O hio , I; Latin C lui> II ; nr.CA 4; Track 2,

WARREN THO~fAS BARNES /-I e majol'f' {{ i" lI l ihiogmIJII)' . Hi -Y 2, 3, 4; Boys " W" 3. 4; Co if

3, 4, lett er 3 . .t "

THOl\fAS WALTER BATES L ook how cfo,\"t: 111111 idiol is d riv­

illg " flead of lilt!.

I-li -\' 3. 'I; llo)'s " W " 4 ; Swim ­m ing I, 2. 3, 4; Track 3. 4: Foo t­hall manage!' 4, lett e r 4: Ba nd I.

JANETTE MARrE BAUGHMAN A good 11('(11'/ is II'O/'t" gOff/ .

FHA I , 2: Lihn lr)' C lllh 2, 3.

HAROLD VICTOR BEERS I d,.illk to IiiI' (;('lIt'l'{I l of l ite

ta flle. Hi -\, 2, 3, 4 ; Lati n Club I: Lal in

C lub II ; Boys " W " 3. 4: Footba ll I. 2, 3, 4, le llc i' 3, 'I; T rack 1. 2. 3. 4.


HARVEY EDWARD BELL, JR. JIlt: dOIl'1 w t/III 11 ;111 (1/1)' /oll ger;

III" .~ IOJlg ellol/gll ("n~lId)'.

Student CO\lncil 4; I-li -Y 2. II. 4; I..uin C lub I: Lati n Club II : Math Club I. 2. 3. 4; Basketba ll I; Tnlek 2; Ba nd I. 2. 3. 4; Senior Choir 4: Mu :\I pha Theta 3. 4: Junior Red Cmss Counci l 2; iJi st rict-Stale Scho lars h ip T es ts 3.

JOYCE ANN BIERY A IIIcn), llearl Itlllgils fll C(l rc.

!'err)' High Sehou l. l'e lT)'. Iowa I. ~ .

WILL[AM MORRIS BODE M t'll of /ell ' tl'OI'f/s ort' I/IC In' sl


(;cm: mf Sports EdilOr 2; (; tmt!mf As."istant Business Manage r 3; Stu­dent Coli nci I I. 4; Inler -Clu b Com­mitt ee 4: Latin Clu b I; Latin Cl ub II : WHSV 2. 3. 4; Thespian 3. 4. p residellt 4; Soc and I\usk il l 2. 3. 4: "O ld Doc" 2: N FL. I. 2; Degree of Merit 2; Deba te I. 2; n and I . 2. 3. 4: Orchestra I. 2, 3, 4: All O hio na ys' Band: Science Fai r I. 2. 3, 4; State Science Fai r 3: State Music Contes t I. 2. 3. 4. I Rating, I. 2. 3. 4.

THEODORE R. BOGNER S1/;/>.\ (llIri s1/(/iI.l· (fIuf IJIIP!J)' dogs'

I(dk Hi-Y 2, 3. 4; Latin C lub I: l .. 1t il l

Cluh II ; no)'s " W " 2. 3. 4; Swim ­ming Manager 1.2. 3. 4. letter 2. 3. 4: Footba ll I, 2. 3: Track 2. 3; Uaschall ~ I anager I.

SUE ANN nRENNEMAN Slie is quiet bil l Cl iff I' cJWf'I'fll l . AIIII/wl typist 4: FH .\ I. 2: Tri ­

Hi·Y 4; C.\ .·\ 3. 4.


ROB ERTA JA NE BELL Sf/(' 1/(/.( (/ 11(' 11 1'1 1//(1/ ; \ .w lltI(1 a.1

(j /It'll. FI-I.\ I. 2. 3. ,\.

DAVID ALLAN BIXLER T" ou lI r l (/ fdlow 0/ gUOfI 1'(: ­

.(pert. Latin Cluh I; \\'IISV I. 2. 3. 4.

e ngi neer 1. 2. 3. 'I.

JOHN BOGGS Uf'wflre! I lIIighl do s(JIIU' lliillg

.\·Iarllillg !

(; e tl (' /'{II carloo ni st 4. reporter ,I: L.ttin Club I; Latin Club II : T hes· p ian 2. 3. 4: I-I Ollor T hespia n 3, 4; Soc alli l Buskin 2. 3. 4; " Fathe r o r th e l!ridc" 2; "Our I-I earts Wcre Young and Ga )''' 3; .. ~ I clod )' l ones" 3; "J anuaq' Thaw" 4; Amlutl Busi. css staff 'I; na nd 2. 3. 4; District solo and ensemhle Con test 3. 4: 01'­ches t ..... 1, 2. 3, 4; Sc iel1 ce I:ai r J. 3. 4; Sta te Science F;li r exce llent ra tiu g 3; Math C lub II. 4: Mil Al­pha The ta 4.


wmlh. Mont peli er H igh School. :\1011 1-

pciie r. Ind ia na I . 2. Amlllol ad verti sing stilff 4.

TERRY LISA nREN NE R As ullcollqlle/'{ll1!e (IS clu'wing

g llll/.

Genual repo rt er 3: FT. \ 2: T ri ­H i-Y 2. 3. 4: La tin Cluh I ; Lal in Club II ; French Club 3. 4. socia l cha irman 4; GAA 1, 2. 3. 4. AClJU<l ­cade 4; Leaders C lu b 3. 4: Gids "W' 3. 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4; Appren tice Club I.

ZOE ANN BREWER As blls), a.s a bee w i /llollt fI .~ ting.

FHA I, 2, 3. 4, treasurer 4: Tri ­)-li -Y 2. 3, 4; Senior Choir 2. 3. 4.

J UDV KA V BROOKS Smoo/II are lhe walers w here lite

bnlOhs nm deel}. FHA I. 2; GAA I.

J UDIT H ELAINE BROWN A 1J/ell.nmt disposilion ;s rfllhn

10 be had tluw greal riches.

FHA ) , 2, 3, 4. "icc-pl't.'siden t 2 3: C:\:\ I. 2.

CLYDE J AV BUNT Siudy halls are made for stlldy­

iug; nigh ts are made for sleep . Footba ll I ; Swimming I, 2; FFt\

I. 2. 3.

ALBERT LAVERN BURGER T ime sl )ellt ;11 hlllgllter is welf

inlJes lell . Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Lati n Club I; Lati n

Clu b II ; Track 2; Band I. 2. 3. 4; Ju nior Rotator 4.

GEORGIANA BROOKS A ga l who's filiI", a ga l who's

jol/y, op/)osed to all that's me/all­cllO/y.

NOI,thwcstcrn High School. West Sa lem, O hio I. 2.

French C lub 4; GA .-\ 3, 4.

NANCY L EE BROOKS A 'Iuiet. hill(l of beauty OWl

lI'liis/)er.f /l eve,' shouts.

New London High Schoo l, New London , O h io I. 2.

Amlllal a(h'ertising staff 4; T ri · Hi -Y 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.

EDWARD ANDREW BUCHER I o/Ie" quole myself - it adds

10 III)' COllvt!rsalioll.

Amwal Boys Sports Ed itor 4; Gellera l Boys Spons Ed itor 3; Na­tional Honor Socie ty 3. 4; Hi-Y 2: Germa n Club 3, 4; WHSV 2, 3, 4; T hesp ia n 2, 3, 4; Honor T hespia n 3, 4; Soc and Buskin 2, 3, 4; "Our Hearts Were Young a nd Cay" 3; " Melody Jones" 3; Appren tice Clu b I ; NFL I, 2. 3. 4, Degrec of Excel· le nce 2, 3. 4, Degrce or Distinction 2, 3. 4; Math Club I, 2. 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3, 4; District-Sla te Scholarship T ests I. 2. 3, 4: Na· tiona l Me ri t Semi-Fina lis t 3, 4.

ROSALIE FAYE BUNT A good wonl tII l/heill tile fleart

glfl(l . I:HA I. 2, 3, 4. Degree Chair·

mall 4. J unior Oegl"Ce 3; Chapler n eg ree 3; GAA 4; AIII/llni T ypist ~.


EVER ETT CARL BURGESS lIe'lI talte fllme 's ladder all i"

Ollt' l efl l ). La lin Club I; Lat in Club II ,

t reasurer; Boys " W" I . 2. 3, 4; Football I, 2; Swimm ing I. 2. 3. 1. le tter I. 2. 3, 4; Track I, 2. 3. lett er 3: I\ la th CitdJ I. 2.



JOHN CRISTIAN CAGLE Not Ch,.is Cring/e, Iml. clU.H! .

Football 3; Track 2.

LOUIE THOMAS CARTER H e believes ill Cod; )'011 alii lell

by the Wll)' he drives. Lati n C lub I ; Latin Clu h II ;

Football I, 2; Wrcslling I.

DIANE ELAINE CHAP~(AN As warm alld friel/dly as Iht:

clutch of a little girl's hUt/d. FTA 3, 4; T ri -Hi -Y 4; French

Club 3, 4, vicc-prc..'Sidcllt 4; WH SV 2, 3, 4, music chairman 4; T ht"Spian 3, 4; Soc and Buskin 2, 3, 4; "Melody Jones" 3; " Mother \Vas A Freshmall " 4; Apprentice Club I ; NFL 2, 3, 4; Degree of Meril 2, 3, 4; Library Club 2, 3, 4, secretary- treasurer 4; Band I, 2, 3, ol; Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 4; District-State Music Conlests 2. 3, 4.

CAROL LOUISE CHENEVEY She goes right when lhillgs go

wrong. FTr\ 2, 3, 4; Latin Club I; Latin

Club II ; French Club 3, 4.


KA \ ' LOU ISE BUSS She feds mont at h01ll1' wi,It a

/)111011 i" her hmlds IIIl/I1 lIIosl IJeo-1)le d o willi a fJeucil.

Ct'Ilefal reporter 3; .. - r A I . 2; Tr i-Hi -Y 2, 3, 4, treasurcr 2; Lat in Club I; Lati n Cl ub II ; German Club 3. 4; CAA I, 2, 3. 4; G irls " W" 4: T hespian 3. 4; Soc and Buski n 2. 3, 4; "Old Ooe" !~; Ap­prenticc C lub I; Band I. 2. 3. 'I; ~Iajorelt c 2. 3. 4: Orches tra 3: Sen­io r Choi r 2. 3. 4; DiSlri cl Music C OIII CS( 2. 3.

SAVOY IIYRD The /IIe ll who il/Tlellierl wtJl'li

sliou/d Ilflve fillis lu:d il.

GENE CANTLEBERRY Olle loday is worth 111'0 10Il/u/,-

H i lUS.

Football 2, Ic tter 2: Sen ior Cho ir 2, 3.

LI HUI CHANG o quid tau, thert: lI/'t! few wllo

hnow Ihe t reasures hid i" YOII. Math Club 4.

IMOGENE LUCILLE CHAPMAN Cheerfllin ess is as 11(I11I1'{t/ 10 her

liS Iht! colm' of lu!1' cheeks. Shreve High School, Shreve, O hi o

I; FH A 2.


FHA 3. 4, ncws re po rt er 3: GAA I; Library Club 2, 3, 4.

FRANCIS E. CICCONETTI 1'11e taken my fIlii w h ere I'vc

fOl/l/a i/. SwdcOl Council 2, 3, 4; I-li -Y 2.

3,4, cha plain 2: Lati n C lub I; Lat ­in Club 11 , vice-pn.'Sidclll; Boys "W" 2, 3, 4; Football I . 2, :1. 4. le ll er 3, 4: Baseball I. 2, 3, 4, let ­ter 2, 3, 4; Basketba ll I. 2.

DARRELL JAMES COOTS The CtIll I,jOIlS seldom el"J' .

Latin Club I; Latin C lub II : Spanish Club 3, 4; DECA 4. l reas­urer 4.





Filmbrcakcrs 4.

ROBERT ELLIS CHITTENDEN Never I.rouvles Iwuvle. Smithville High School , Smit h­

ville, Ohio I, 2.

SEDINA ANN COLLINS Quie/ (II/(I sll)' VII / cll/chi'S the

i)'e_ FTA I.

CATHERINE COPPOLA Wor(h (I re c asy like Ihe w illd_ Tri -Hi -Y 2, 3; GAA 2.

RONALD E. CRAGO M ell are bul chihlrell of l/ larger

grow lh . MOllnt Vernon High Schoo l, Mt.

Vcrnon, Ohio I, 2; Wa yncdalc High School, first semcs ter 3.

nECA 4.

PATRICIA L. CULBERTSON M eel public etlergy tlllmber olle. Ce11l!ml Excha nge editor 3, 4;

Gi:tleml reponer 2: National Hon­or Socie ty 3, 4, president 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; Tri-H i-Y 2, 3, 4; Latin Clu b I; Latin Cillb II ; Spani sh Club 3, 4; GAA I. 2, 3, 4; Leaders Club 4: Gi rls "W " 4: WHSV 2. 3, 4. publicit y chairma n 3, gellcra l manager 4; Thcspian 2. 3. 4, sec­rc tary-trcas urer 3; Soc and Buskin 2. 3, 4; " Our Hcart s Were Young and Gay" 3; " Mother Was A Fresh­man " 4; Apprenlice C lub I; NF L I, 2, 3. 4, socia l chai rma n 3, vice· prcsidelll 4; Dcgr.ec of Meril I. De­gree of Honor I, Degree of Excel­lence 2. Degree of Di st inction 2, 3. 4, De ba tc I, 2, 3, 4; i\lath Club 3. 4: Mu Alpha T heta 3, 4; Science Fair I, 3.


ROBERT C. CULBERTSON H t's short , bill so was Nfl/Jo/eoll,

Gt1m: I'al Circulati on Manager 4; SlIIdCIll Coundl 3, 4; Inl er·Club Commillec 4: National HOlloI' So­cicty 3. 4. treasurer 4; Hi ·" 2. 3, .1. chaplain 4; Gcrm:1II C lub 3. 4, president 4; NFL I. 2. 3, 'I; Dc­grcc of Merit I, Degree o f H OllOI' 2. Degree of Exce lle nce 3, Degree of Distinction 4; Debate I, 2, 3, 'I; Math Clu b 2, 3, 4; Wrest lin g 2: Coif 2, 3: Mu " Ipha Theta 3, 'l; Science Fair 2, 3.

DOROTHY VIRGINIA DlETZ no,, ', be silly officu ; who'd gil/t,

lilt: (/ lict:lISe? (;ellt'n tl reponer 4: F'r .. \ 2. 3;

F~:\ I. ·1; T r i -Hi-Y 2. 'I ; Latin Club I; Latin Club 11; G .. \:\ I . 2. 3, 4: f\pprcllIicc Club I .

SANDRA SUE DITCH As cheerful flS (I SI",bctl ll/. Westfie ld High School, Le ro),.

Ohio 1. Tri · Hi ·Y 2. 3, 4; Latin Club II ;

Soc a nd Buskin 4 .

GEORGE DUST~fAN II If/lUIS (/ might)' CO /l ch'u/iow:

11101/ /0 le lf whelher he·.~ fi red 01"

jlls i 1(11.)"

Hi-Y 2. 3. 4; Latin Club I ; Lat ­in Club II ; Track 4.

ERNEST E. ELIAS / call ' l cOllce ,,(m/e - Ihe kllol

vI III)' a/fen/ia ll k eel )s co miug ,m­lil'(l .

L.!tin Club J; Latin Club II. pro­gram chai rman; French Club 3, 4; Cel/eral circulation s taff 4, rcport ­er 3; A IlIl/1al busi ncss staff 4 ; Track I , 4; Apprellt ice Club I ; H i- Y 2. 3, 4, program chairman j; Junior Ret! Cross I.


JOYCE ELIZABETH CULLER ' -It'/" J'eciIJt~ lor hlWillg fric lI({s is

10 he (J ilt: .

FHA I. 2. 3; CA .\ 4.

LARRY DWAINE DILLON Sillct, brevit)' h Ill e .Hml of 1I' i l, will iJ I' hrief. fF.\ I. 2. 3; Foo tba ll 2: Track 3.

JAMES MICHAEL DRUSHAL I f lit: rtm'l d o, ii , 110 Olle rtll/ .

Hi -Y 3. 4: latin Club I. program chairman ; Lalin Club II ; Math Club 2. 3. 'I; Mu Alpha Thc ta 3, 4; Hand I. 2. 3. ' 4. presidclll 'I; 0 1"­ches tra I. 2: $cnior Choi r 3. 4: Di ­Strict Scholarships I , 2; Districl Stale Music Coul t-os ts 3. 4.

UEVERLY MARIE ECKSTEIN II'.{ nice 10 In! "olum/ if ) '0 1"1"(.'

'Ullllmll)' lI ice.

Am/lUlI ad,'c rlising staff 4; FNA J: T ri-Hi -Y 2. 3. 4, so-c:ial chairman 2: L"llin Club I ; La tin Club II ; French Club 3; GAA I. 2. 3, 4: leatJe rs Club 4; Apprentice Club I.

DONNA JEANNE ELLIOTT Lml,. is 1//(:1"(:1), (/ I1ll1d"e.u. FNA I. 2. 3, 4; FHA 2. 3. 4;

La tin Cluo I ; ("'Hin Clu h II ; WH o SV 3; Senior Choir 4.

PEGG Y J EAN ELLIS Her .~ I/I i lt: ;s l ike f/i e .HI1I (j l/d

s lli" t:.~ 011 all alike.

Studelll Cou nci l I. 2, 3. 'I, cor· respond ing secre ta ry 11. cxcculivc com mi ttee 4; Get/em f adverti sin g staff 2. IHlsincs-'i ma nager 3, specia l hel per 4; Cheerleader 1. 2. 3, 4; T ri -t-U-Y 2, 3, 4; F"r A 2; ~J a lh Cl ub 4; M il A lp ha Theta 4; I..;lIin Clu b I: Lat in Clu b II , secreta r), ; App ren tice Cluh J; Soc and Buski n 2: GAA I, 2, 3, 4, All SIal' hockey 3, 4: Leaders Club 1. 2, 3, 4; " W" Girls 3. 4, co-social cha in n an 4: Class secre tary 2: Homecoming 01 1-tend ant 3: Pro m altcnd alll 3; H i­Y Swcc thc,l r! 4.

SARAH MA E El\fLONG A lillie "OIlSt' ll se 1'lV1l' (/lui Iflt'll

is relillu:(l fly III(' 111'.\/ of /IIetl.

"- fA 2; T ri -l-li -Y 2. 3. 4: Llt ill Clll h I; L ni n C lub II ; O ECA 1.2. 3, 4; Sc-'x: ;1Ilt! Uuski l1 2: Appn: n licc Clu h I.

RICHARI) LEE EPPLEY II a Iltillg iJ illl/JOss;'''e, II'l',~ do

ii ,

(;t:ll(>l"(l l Ih ird page edito r 3. as­sistalll et.IilOr 4; Student Cou nci l 3, 4; liner-Club Commill ee 4; H i· Y 2.3, 4; La t in Cluh I : Lat in Cl ub II ; Germ an Club 3: WHSV 2. 3. 4: T hespi an I , 2. 3, 4: Soc allli Buski n 2. 3. 4, vice-p residellt 3; "/\ ~ I i lld of Her Ow n" I : "Ou r H ea n s \\' e re Youn g and Cay" 3: "Mother Was A Freshman " 4; NFL I. 2. 3. 4, president 4, Degree o f ~ I crit I . De­gree of I-I ollor I . Degree of Dist inc­tion 3: Debate I, 2, 3, 4; Libra ry Club I. 2: Math C lu b I. 2. 3. 4. program cha irm an 3, 4: 1\'111 Alpha T heta 3, 4; Band 3. 4: O rches t ra 3. 4: Honor T hespia n 4.

LINI)A SUE EVANS Cootl Iwi li re is olle of Ih e rich·

l 'sl {milS.

Tri-H i-Y 2. 4; French Cl u h 3.

STEPHEN E. FETZER I'm willing 10 be COIIl,illct:d , 1)111

whu am COl/vince lIIe!

Hi-Y 2; Lat in Cl ub I; La t in C lub II ; Boys " W" 3: Footba ll I, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4, lell er 3: Track I : Sw imm ing I.

FRANK L. ELLSWORTH 1{ 1II 1l,\ic ue ,Ill: food of love,

,)/ny 01/.

All1l11(d ad vertis in g ed itor 4; (;YIIl: ml reporter I, 2, 3, 'I; Class t reasu rer 2; SUH.le n t Cou ncil 2, 3, 4: Ili te r-C luh Colllllli llee 4: H i-Y 2. 3, 4. secreta ry 2. pres ide nt 4; L'lIin Cl ub I; La t in C lu h II : Span­ish Club !~, 4, vice- p residen t 3: Ap­prellt ice Cl u b I : N FL 1, 2. Degree of Mer it: Math Club 4: J\hl A lp ha T he ta 4; Sen ior Choir 2, 3. 4; Dis­trict-S la te Music CO lllests 1, 2. !1. 4, superi o r 3, 4; .Jun ior Red Cross Cn ullci l I .

nOR MERL E NGEL T illie huille/".~ IIII! lIul; il i'lSl

Imsses. Student Co ull cil I; Hi -Y 2. 3, 'I,

p rugra m 2: Boys "W" I, 2, 3. 4; FOO lha ll 3, 4. le it e r 3, ·1; Track I, le it er 1; Baseba ll 'I. !clter 4: Has­ketba ll I.

MARDON JE FFREY E RULA ND Kllowledge i.{ Ihe wing willi

tI ,hicll u'e fly 10 hell1lel/.

Hi-Y 2, 3, 4. p rogra m COllllllitlec 3, 4; La tin Cluh I; La t in C lu b II ; German Club 3, 4; NF L 2, 3. 4, Degrec of Meri t 2; I\fat h Club 3, 4: Science Fa ir Gra nd Award 2: J\ JII Alpha T he ta 3, 4.

RONALD LY NN EVERHART (Jlle, T wo, Three, Fore SlIIdcll l CO lill cil I ; Hi -Y 2, 3,4;

La t in Cl uh I; La t in Cl u b II ; Bo)'s "W" 2. 3, 4; FOOl hali 1, 2; Baskct ­ha ll I, 3: Gol f I , 2, 3, 4, Icu er 2. 3. 4.

FLORENC E SUE FI NLEY A slI/ilt: is /I wli is/)el' of /I luugll. Spa ni sh Club 3: GAA I.


LlNIlA JEANNE FLESHER The wor ld belollgs 10 /lIe eller­

gt'l ic. (;em'fl/ I reporter 2, 3. adverti sing

manager 3; StudCnl Council I, 3, 4; FTA 2; T ri-Hi ·Y 2, 3. 4; Lati n C lu b I; Latin C lub II ; GAA I, 2. 3. 4, Hoske)' manager 'I; All star "o lle),ball 4; All sta r hucke)' 3. 4, 1500 point pin 3; Leaders Club I. 2; Gi d s "W " 2. 3, 4: Soc and ntls­kin 2. 3. 4; Thespian 3. 4; "Old Doc" 2; "Famil y Nobod y Wa nted " 2; "January Thaw" 4; l\pprellLice C lub I; Majorcttc 3, 4; Haml 3, 4: Acqllacadc I , 2. 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Area Studcnt Council Execu · ti ve Commillce 3. 4: Delegat c LO Ohio State Student Council Con­venti on 3: Chairman Ohio Sla te Swdellt Cou nci l Convcntion 4.

THOMAS EDWARD FOSTER lI' i.~~ (/lid slow, Ihey S /III11/J1('

IIwl 1'1111 /OJ /.

Hi -V 3. 'I; Track 3. 'I.

JEANNE WUISE FUNK She's a great bdit.1.H'I· iI/ co­

e(/ IIC(llioll.

Gell eml reponer 3: Tri -Hi -V 2. 3. 4, devotional ch.linnan 4; Lat in C lub I; Latin Club II ; Spanish Club 3, ,I: GAA I , 2, 3. 4. All star hockcy 4; Acq uaC<lde 2, 3. 'I. leader 4; Leade rs C lub 4: Cit- Is " W" 3. 4; Thespian 2. 3, ,I: Soc and )\us­kin 2, 3, 4; Appre nlice C luh I:; Gi rl s Glee I .

.IUDITH ANN GARDNER A good laugh IIIIIk es .HlIIS/, il/l' ill

t ill hOlIl".

FNA J; FHA I : Td-Hi -V 2, 3. 4; GAA I. 2, 3, 4; Lcaders C luh <)

Soc and Buskin 3. 4: Apprcl1 licc Cl ub I; Library C illb I.

I'EGGY LOU GEISELMAN T o gille vl/cllse is 111)1 {(lsI. rlt'.~ht'.

1-"1'1.\ I. 2, 3. 4. d evotional chair­man ,I: Ba nd 2. 3. 4: FilLA I .


MICHELE FLICKINGER Laugil and tile II'o,'/(1 IlIlIg lI ~

wi lit yO I/ .

FNA I, 2, 3. 4: Lat in Club I: Lalill Cluh II ; G'-\A I. 2, 3. 'I.

ALLAN IlAVID FRANKS TIt~ ('ur')' bird ge/J lilt, I"UI"III.

bllt I do,, ', /ike It·O/· /IIS.

(;('IIt:1"a / starr I, 2. 3, 4; G(,lI eml repon e r I , 2: SlIltlcnl Coullci l 'I : Inl e r-Club Commitl L'C 4: t-li -V 2. 3. 4; La lin C lnb I; Latin Cluh II ; WI-ISV 2, 3, 4, mllsic chainn:1II 3; Thespian 2, 3, 4: Soc and Uu skin 2. 3, 4. preside nt 'I: "Our Heart s We re Youn g and Gay" 3; "J anuar), Thaw" 4; Apprentice Cluh I ; N FL I. 2. 3. DcgrL"c of ~I eril I : Debate I, 2, 3; Ubrar), C lu\) I : \land I. 2. 3, 4: Orchestra 3. 4; All Ohio Boys' \land 2. 3, 4: HOllor Thespi ­an 3. 4; District Solo a nd Enscmhlc Conlest I , 2, 3, 4; State Solo a nd Enscmhle Cont est 2, 3, 4.

UERTOLD GAEDE AI/der Slflerllcll~ ", am/ere Mil l'll·

cite" (Otll~ I' cifin, uflll'" gi~ \l urggYlIlnasi ulll Schoo l. Esscn,

Germau )' I, 2. 3. Gellen" rC)X>l"ler 4: Cerman Clu b

4; N FL 4; De batc 4; ~Jath Clu b 4; Track 4.

ROBERT LEROV GAYER A.\· lIIen-y as the ritl)' iJ loug . Smi thville High School. Smith­

vi lle. Ohio I . Hi -V 2. 3, 4.

CHARLES THOMAS GERBER lI'e are gel/l it' mell. H i-Y 2, 3. 4: Boys " W" 4; Track

manager 2. 3, 4, lett er 3.

WILLIAM GORDON (; el lillg the r ig hi, (lim i ll life i.~

t'(f.fit:!' IlulU llUllillg lil t' trigger. Hi·), 2. 3, 4; Lalin Cilib J; Lal ­

in Club II : FOOlball 1: UaskClbaJi I ; Baseba ll 1; Senior Choi r 2,3 . . 1.

JOHN GRISETTI l-Iul)I) ' I all/ f rolll co n': I (1 111

free: why ca ll'l they (III be omlt' ll l· ed like /lie'!

Hi·), 2, 3, 4; La ti n Club I; Lat in Club II ; Uoys ·' W·· 3. 4: Foothall I. 2, 3, lettc r 3; Track I . 2. 3; Wrcstli ng I ; Ilaseball 4; Jll ll io r Red Cross COli nei l I .

SHARON /\ NN GROSEI"IiUURG /JIOIlde.f 1Jrt:fer gtm lfelllell.

FNA 2, 3; Tri -Hi -\' 2. 3. 4; LOll · in Cilib I; Latin C ilib II ; Sp:mi sh Cl ub 3, 4; CAA I, 2. :i; LCOIders Club 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4: Apprcntice Club I.

HARLA N HAMILTON Gelil lemell m·t! hewII 0111 of ,wlid

rel is/ flllce.

Smithvi lle High Schoo L S/Il i lh ­vii1c, O hio L

PAUL HERBERT HARTMAN A lilli/I of silellee i.~ (/ 111(111 of


Hi-\' 2; Lati ll Cluh I : Lalin Club II.

DAVID EDW ARD GRAYSON They .m)' 1I)O/lIt'1l (Ire like .(I(IfJ.

so / '11 kf't' IJ Illem at (I l ele,(coIJic rlil'llIIlce.

In lcr·C luh CoTlllll ill CC 4 ; Hi -V 4; Latin C luh I; Lalin C lu b II ; Library Club I, 2, 3, 4, prcsident 'I.

RICHARD EUGENE GROOP H e fI /tmets frit:II(h a .l· (I lIIag n t'f

allmetJ inm . AII1/U(l1 ad vert ising Siaff 4: Hi ­

\' 3, ,I; treasu rc r 4; FOOlb;. 11 I .

DAVID CLATUS HAMILTON All / kl/ow j,s wllllt / rt!ad ill the

'/f ·wl'lm/Jel's. Gtmeml Sports Editor 4: (; ellenli

repon er 3; H i-V 2, 3, .1. vicc-prt'Si­dent 4; German C lu b 3. 4; Track 3, 4; ' Va shington Seminar 4 . .

JAM ES E. HARMER JIIhat. a voict', wha t {/ lmild.

w hat (l III(III! Coif 3; Track 4; DiSlrict Music

Conlest 3, 4, 1 rati ngs 3. Slate l\lu ­sic Conlesl 3, 4, I rating; MiXl.-'tJ Choir I; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4.

HELE N ELAINE HASTINGS Witit (l vo ice like (I lIigittillg(lle. ( ;ellel'al reporter I; FTA 2, 3, 4;

Tri -Hi-Y 2, 3, 4, vice- presidcnt 3; Latin C lub I; Lat in C lub II ; CAA I, 2, 3: Wl-ISV 2, 3. 4; T hespia n 2, 3, 4; Soc :lnd iJuskill 2, 3, 4; Apprcnli ce I; Senior Choir 2. 3, 4; District Music Cont est 3. 4, ra t­ing I; Stale Music Contt'St 3. 4. ralin g I.


MARY KAYE H"EISLER Ha/J/Jillt:ss pIlls ellt:I'gy el/"a [s

})It:a.sll l·e.

Assistanl business manager of Amllwl 4; Circul ation starr of Cell' era[ I, 2, 3; F ' A I, 2. 3, 4; Tri · Hi -Y 2, 3. 4; L'lIin Club I; Latin Club II ; German Club 3, 4; CAA I . 2. 3, 4. all Sial' swimm ing 3; Leaders Club 4; Girls " W" 4; WHSV 3. 4; Thespian 2. 3, 'I: Soc and Buskin 2. 3, 'I; "0111' Heans Were Young li nd Cay" 3; NFL I. 2. 3. 4, Degree of Meril I. Degree of Hono,r 2, Degree of Exce llence 3. 4; Library Club I; Math C lub 4: Bano 1, 2, 3. 4; Orchest ra I. 2: G irl s Glee I : Honor Thcspia n 4; Dislrict Siale ScholarShip T esl 1.

JACK LEE HILL I'vc never lltme IIol l,i,,' (1m/ I

11'011 ' 1 do it agaill .

Swdelll Council I: Hi -Y 3. 4: Lati n Club I ; Latin C lub II ; Math Club 4 .

NANCY ANN HONAKER E/ficitml (11/(1 ;Illf is/JellSflblc tiS fill

c/'{uer. Louisville High Schoo l, Louis­

vi lle, Oh io I. 2, 3. Tri -Hi ·Y 'I : GAA 4.

MILDRED KAY HOOVER Sltc's 1'cflll)' o- J\(/y. Tri · Hi -Y 2, 3, 4: Ge rman Club

3, 4; GA A I . 2, 3, 'I, All Sial' soc· cer ca ptai n 4; Leaders Club 3, 4; C ir ls " W" 4.

.JOHN ROIIERT HORST ~illl:CI'i(y is tl,,: basis of fri cml-

51Iil), e el/e raf repone r 4; Class presi­

dellt 3: Student Council I. 3. 4, Execlltivc Committee 4; National 1-1 0 110 1' Society 3, ,I; I-li -Y 2, 3, -t.


BONNIE HENNEY .C1wl/t·";ug voltagc [ille (I IUO/If:"

wire. Covelltry High Sc.:hoo l, ,\kroll ,

Ohio I , 2.

FRANK EDWARD HIXON VII Ihe fit!ld he shows his gri l;

uff lhe field he silOtI'.\' his wi/.

Salem High Schoo l. Salem, il ­linois L

H i-Y 3, 4: lloys .o W" 1: f'ootball 3, 'I, IClter 3. 4.

CHARLES WILLIAM HOOVER /' 11/ ·'w i/f'i llg. Hi-Y 2. 3, 4: Wrestling I. 2. 3.

4, leller I ,

TERRY LEE HOOVER A milld uf )'(JIIJ' uw" is worth

fUlir of )'0111' frieucls. I-l i-Y 2, 3: Lalin Club II ; Soc

a nd nLl skili 2. 3: Apprentice I ,

THOMAS GENE HOWARD H e'll m"he a fJwJ)cr IIIllll. G t'liUtI/ circu lation sta ff 3; Hi ­

\' 2. 3, 4: Wrest ling manager 4.

DENNIS GLENN HOW'MAN So iJlOIul, su lali, I/(:,~.f liked b)'

(//1. Vice·president of cla!i>s 4; Student

Cou ncil 3; hll er·Club committee 4; Hi ·Y 2, 3, 4, \,ice'presidcllt 2: Spanish Cl ub 3; Boys '"W" 2. 3, 4, prcsidelll 4; football I, 2. 3, 4. le t­tel' !, 3, 4; Basketball l. 2; Wrest­ling 3, 4; Track I, 2, 3, 4. Icuer 2, 3, 4; Junior Red Cross Coun ci l I.

ANN BARTLETT HUNT The s lIte's l way 1101 to jail is lo

be tietermillt:d 10 sllcceed. Alllilud business staff 4, Proof·

readcr 4; Na tional Society 3, 4, Sec­re tary 4: f'NA I ; ~fri · Hi -Y 2, 3, 4, secretary 2; Lati n Club I: Latin Club II: French Club 3, 4, trcas· urer 4; GAA I. 2, 3, 4. Sports Board A. A ll Star soccer 3, 4, A ll Star hockey 4. All Slar volle)'ball 3. 4. All Star baskctball 4: G irls' "W" 4: WHSV 2, 3. 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3; Apprcntice C lub I ; Band I , 2, 3, 4. secre t all' 4; Ilcp Band 2. 3, 4; Orchestra 4; District Music Con· test 2. 3. 4: Statc Music Contest 2, 3. 4; Dist rict ·Sla tc Scholarship Test I.

PHILLIP JENKINS lJig bu)'s (Ire jrieJl(lIy buys. Hi-Y 3, 4.

ROBERT ALLEN JOLLIFF Tilli e t rll.~ 011 (I II/a/l, eS/Jeciall),

o j!ood Ii 11/(: .

Class co·socia l chai rman 2: St u · dent Coullcil 1: Hi·Y 2, 3. 4; Lat · in Clu b I ; Latin C lub II: Football I . 2: T rack I .

JUDY GRETCHEN KAIN LillIe d ro/)s of waler, Ii I/it,

gmill.{ of sfIIlll

SHARON HUBBARD H er "'oys are tlie ways of "p1t'as­

(HI I IIess.

AlI1l11a/ circulation staff 3; FNA 4; Tri -Hi -Y 2. 3, 4; L<ltin C lub I ; Latin C lub 11 ; GAA I. 2. 3. 4; A ll S[al' hockcy 4, A ll Star soccer 4, A ll Slar vo lleyba ll 4; Aq u<lcadc 4: Girl s "W" 4: Band I . 2. 3.

TED EUGENE HUXLEY E.vel')' f/'ech/e a sJ)t'Ch of wil.

Class vicc-president 3: SIlIde11l Coun ci l 2, 4; Inter·C lub commit · tee 2; Hi ·Y 2, 3, 4. vice-presiden t 3, secre tary 4; Latin Club II . presi· dent; Boys ""W" 3. 4; Football I , 2. 4. letter 4; Basketball I. 2, 3, 4, lellcr 3. 4; Baseball I. 2. 3. 4, le t· leI' 3, 4; Jun ior Red Cross Council I : Prom waitcr J, 2; Junior Rotar­ia n 4.

CLARENCE EUGENE JENTES ' Foll/t' ll I Irme 1101: m:;lliu do

I/{I II: tlit'lII. You lIIiglit coli il 101-t:ra/ioll.

liller-Club comlllill ee 4; FFA I . 2, 3. 4. president 4; Boys "W" 3, 4; Football I. 2. 3, 4. leiter 3, 4; Track I . 2, 3; Wresl li ng 4, letter 4.

WILLIAM EDWARD JORDAN }' Oll hflVt: COllie III II very haIJI)'

lilll t:.

Port smouth High School. Po rts­mout h, Oh io I, 2.

LOU EDWARD KAUFFMAN r Oil /leue )" hI/OW w haf y OIl c(1II

do 'IiI YOIl 11)1. Hi·Y 2. 3, 4; Boys " W " 4; Fool­

ba ll 4. leller 4; Ua ske thall I : Track 3. 4.


MARY ANN KEIL As filII of s/) i ri l as tilt: 1II0lltlt of

M fI)" Jhe'.~ high sleppillg her 111(1),

to f aill e tllIll gIOl')' . AliI/lUll fca ture staff 4; Gelltmd

rcponcr 3, 4; Class president 2; Stmlcnt Council 2. 3. 4; Inle r·C lub Committce 3, 4; German Club 3. 4. president 3; GAA I. 2, 3. 4; WH SV 2. 3. 4, dc\'ot iona l chainnan 4; Thespian I. 2, 3, 4, vice·prcsident 4: "January Thaw" <I; " ~I o th er Was t\ Freshman " 4; Apprentice Club I; NJ:L I. 2. 3. 4. secre lary 3, Degree of ~Ierit I, Degrec of E .. x· ccltcncc 3, ·1; l\'lajorettc I, 2, 3. 4 , head majorctte 4; Homccoming al ­Icnda lll 4.

LORRI£ EUNICE KELLER Slit: is of sllch sfl'ff as (In'alm

art: lIIade of. Sludcnt Council 4; Illt cr ·Clu b

Commiuec 4: FHA I. 2. 3. 4. sec · retary 3, pr~idcnt '1: Tri · I-Ii ·Y .1.

JUDITH KAY KINNEY IV;.fdo/ll ami gQod1lt:s!J' go 11(111(/

;11 hand.

Celiei'll/ rcponcr 4: Tl'i · Hi ·Y 2. 3. 4, secretary 2; Latin Cluh II : French Club 3, -I; Ct\,\ I, 2. 3. 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3; Apprenti ce Club I; Hand I, 2. 3. 4.

ANDREW J. KOBILARCIK /-I e netJa eX(lggemlt'.f; ht: jilsi n:·

IIIclllln: rs IJig.

BOys "W" 2, 3, 4; Football I, 2, 3. 4, leiter 3. 4; Wrestling I, 2, 3. ·1. letter 2, 3, 4; Track I. 2, !J. 4. le iter 2, 3, 4.

PATRICIA ANN KOWALUK It ;s,, 'f of Ie II lliell )'ou li,u/ IJI'llll '

tv (Old bl'flim cOlll bh'e(1 .f0 (I tl .... · t"em llsl), ;11 olle perstm .

(;f'lIeml reporte r 'I; f- rA 2. 3. 4, lihrarian 4; Tri · Hi · Y 2. 3, 4, trcas · urer 3, ,'icc·p resident 4; Latin Cilih I: Lalin Cilib II ; French Club 3. ,I; GAA I. 2. 3. 4, All Star bowling I ; Girls "W" 4; Band I , 2, 3. 4; Orchestra 4: Math Club 4; Mu Alpha Thcta 4: Sciencc Fair 3, 4; Upper 1 % in National ~f crit Scholarship T~t ; Oistrict ~llIsic Cont cst 2, 3, 4.


HARVEY DAVin KEIM A IIIhlH.illg IIIIHI is always slri k·

in.~ for !JOIlle //liug "t'TlI. Fillllbrcakers I. 2, 4; ~1:lIh Cluh

I. 2, 3, 4; ~Iu Alpha Thcta 3. -I .

LONNIE JAMES KING I II lil t: .~/}/";IIg a )'Ulwg IIlfl/l'.{

fClll c), lighlly l/InlS 10 Ihol/gllls 01 ba.u:ludl .

Class social chairman 3: SWdCl lt COllncil 3, 4. ,'ice·president 'I ; h" tcr·C lli b Committ ce 3. 4, president 4; Hi ·Y 2. 3. 4, program ch;,jrma l1 2. presidellt 3; Latin Club I: Lal.in Club II ; Spanish Cluh 3. 4, social chairman 'I; Boys " \\"" ' 'I; I\ascba ll I, 2. 3, 'I. lettcr 2. 3. 4: Baske tball I. 2. 4. Ic lt cr 4; Science fair gr;l11ti prilc winner 2.

80881E JEAN KNEPPER Tilt: wo rld W(IS IIInde lor It/llglt ­


GARY GORDON KOLBE A'em:r serious, solt'",,, ()I' S(lf/ ,

but jl/sl a ha/J/}), gooe/'"Cl/llred Itld .

I .. j · y 2. 3, 4; Golf 2. 3. 4; Has· ke tball I. 2; Band I. 2. 3. 4.

DONALD ALBERT KRAJCJK aile glly w lIOS(' fClre ),011 seldo m

.fee; Ihere's alwCly.~ 1I ctwu:ra in 11'0111 of it.

Shreve High Schoul , Shreve, O hio I , 2.

Gel/emf photographer 4.

l\fEIKE KULK A q!liel g i rl (11/(1 '1l/ile a girl.

High Schoo l for Girls. Rolt er ­dam, Ho ll and I. 2. 3.

T ri -H i·Y 4; Soc and Buskin 4; "January T ha w" 'I.

JOHN DOUG LAS L AIRD HI/wi's Ch(lrles AII(I.~ gol 11/(/1 I

IUlVt;'1I 'I, go l?

St uden t Co unci l I; Hi-Y 4; Lat­in C lub I ; La tin Club II ; T rack I ; Footba ll I , 2; Baske tball I : Wrest­ling 4.

RICHARD L. L1CHTEBERGER A good tiling is SOO ll St/(/Ielll' (/

liP· Hi-Y 2. 3. 4. chaplin 3; Latin

Club I ; Latin C lu b II ; Boys " W " 2, 3. 4; Footba ll manager 2. le iter 2: Football J; Baske tball I ; T rack manager I, 2.

HERMAN H . L UKE, JR. Play is jllsl enjoya ble work . Student Coun cil 2; Hi -Y 2. 3. 4;

L'uin Club I; L'uin Club II ; Bo)'s " W " 3, 4; Footba ll I , 2: Uasc ball 2. 3. 4. IcUcr 3, 4; Tl'ilck I.

KAYLA J EAN MANGES I could I/llve dallce(/ fill nighl. FHA 2, 3, 4, d egree chai rman 4;

Tri -Hi -Y 2, 3, 4: CAA I. 2. 3. 4: Apprentice C lub I : Libra ry Club I, 2; Senior Choi r 3, 4.

DEN NIS WiLLIAM LAHEY Sigh 1/0 more, ladies, sigh /10


Hi-Y 3, 4; La tin C lub I: Lat in Club II ; Boys " W " 4; NFL 2: De­gree of Merit 2: Dehat e 2; Foo tba ll 3, 4, le iter 4; Wreslling 2. 3, 4, let ­tcr 3, 4; T rack 2.

i\fALOA l\flRIAL LAWTON Nol all ellelllY ill IIle ·worfel. Smith ville High Schoo l. Smith ­

ville, Ohio I. T ri -Hi -Y 2, 3. 4; Lati n Cluh II.

J EAN RAE LOCKHART Why sliould I ol)ell my mOil lit,

I breflll, I.hrougll my "osl!. rHA 2.

ROGER ALLEN MAAS Some mllst walch wh ile sOllie

111 liSt sleel); IlllIs nll/s I he world (Ul'll)'.

Loudonvillc High Schoo l. Lou­donville. Ohio I . 2.

JEFFREY BURTE MARCHAND I f (III Ihe world's a slage, let lIIe

1)la), ROil/eo. Hi ·Y 2. 3, 4; La lin Club I: Boys

" W'· 3, 4: Soc and Buskin 3; "Thei r Hea n s were Young and Gay" 3: Foot ball I. 2: Wrest ling I. 2. 3, leite r 3; Swimm ing 4; Track 3: A.\ UW Washington Sem inar 3.


RALPH T, MARCOVECHIO Lillie world, /'11/ ready to COli·


La tin Club I ; Latin Club II ; n ECA 4.

JEANETTE LEE MARTIN Lallghter is all illex/Jt:1l$;ve It 'a)"

/0 imprmJe yOllr l/t;altl,. FNA 3, 4, secre tary 4; Tri · Hi ·Y

3, 4.

DAVID CARL MA URER ( HI/OW /'m /10/ gOOl/·lookil/(I

bill wlll/l'S 111 )' o/,il/iol/ agaillsl mit: liolls of olhers?

Swdent Cou nci l 3; Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Latin Club J; Lati n C lub II ; Boys " W " 2, 3, 4. secretary 4; nase ball I, 2, 3, 4; !cUer 2, 3, 4 .

LARRY McCLARRAN H ow iumliliflil i t is 10 do 110·

liI;IIg alld, then rest aflenvlIrds!

Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Latin Club I; Lat · in Club 11 .

DAVE McKEE For thy sake, lobacco, { would

(10 all)' th ;IIg IJllt d ie. Hi·Y 2, 3. 4; Latin Club I ; Latin

C lub II ; Track 2, 3, 4, lelle r 3, 4.


GREG MARSHALL A '"lll1 is ell l it leel 10 I, ;s OW"

.~ fyle of 1I'm-It.

.10 ANN MASSARO A IIl11ll lll1 fmllllai " of l' I/ergy

(JllfJfdillg (nJt:I" with gaiet y. A ""11l11 fealure staff 4; C lass

treasure r 3; Stude nt Council 2; Int er·C lub CommillCC 'I; F'TA 2. 3, 4. vice·president 4; Tri·H j·Y 2, 3. 4, progra m chai rman 3; presi · dellt 4; Latin Cl ub I ; Latin C luh II. socia l chairman ; German C luh 3, 4, social chairma n 4; G irls " W " 3, 4, sccrc tary 4; Soc a nd lluskin 2. 3, 4; Apprentice C lub 1; Mat h Club 4; Band I, 2. 3, 'I , junior rcpreselllati ve 3; AC(lu3Cade 2, 3. 4; Homccomin g attendant 4; Gi rls ' Slate 3.

GERALD FOULER McC,\RLEY Fifl )' /Jel"ct!IIt of Ille wo,-h/ fI/"f:

U'Olll e ll bill. lil t,), .~/ill salll (/ l/OV ('/'

I )' .

AII,,"al staff of; Hi ·Y 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Junior Rotato r 4.

CAROL MAE McCOMAS Lift' ;s lIot life at till w i/flOlIl

(Ieligllt. F .... A I , 2, 3.

ROBERT LEE McMICHAEL . / go 10 s~hool 10 get Ille gel/emi I(lt' (1 of 111I1IgS.

Hj ·y 2, 3; DLCA 4; Footba ll I ' Uasketball I; Baseba ll 1, 2, 3.

ALFR ED MELLERT r l lt! "ellf' , ' IJet''' hl/I'f hy (wy fhill !!, didll 'f j't'I)' .

n aske lha lJ managcr I.

J ERRY RICHARD MILLER The whist le bleil' Imt IiiI' IHllld

/)Ill ),eti 011.

Spani sh C lub 3. -I: Band I. 2. 3. 4 .

MADELEINE i\HLLER Did )'0/1. etler see (J (!J'l'fl/ll 1110111·


(;e/ll,,.,d feal u re edilor 'I; Sill '

de nt COli nci I I. 3. 4: Jllt er·Cluh Commill ec 2. 'I; Nationa l 1-1 0 1101' Socie ty 3. 'I: FTt\ 2. 3, 4, socia l ch;rinnan 3. presidenL 4; Tri· Hi ·Y 2. 3, pl"(."Sid e llt 2: l ati n C lub I ; Latin C lub II : Frc llch C lub 3, 4; GAA I. 2, 3, 4. A ll sta r soccer 2. 3. 4. A ll sta r hockey 2. 4, j\1I Sial'

Uaskc tball 3, 4, All Si a l' so fth,l lI 2. 3. Aqua cadc 2, 3; Leaders Club 1. 2, 3, 4; G irls " W" 3, 4. treasurer 4; Thespian 2, 3. 4. "icc· president 3; Soc and Huskin 2, 3, 'I; "Old Doc" 2: Appre lltice Club 1: JUII '

ior· Senio r Pro m Court 3; 1·lome· comin g Q uccn 4,

RODERICK J AY MILLER Ami t he edil ol' .Wlt willi his

heml i ll his htl/uis t'), illg In get f/ "Gelle,.,d" idl'o.

(;ellrml boys sport s cditor 3, Edi tor· ill ·chief 4 ; luter·Club COm · mill(.'C 2. 4: H i· Y 2. 3. 4. president 2; Lat in Club I ; Lll in Cluh II : nO)'S " W " 2, 3, 4; Basketball I ; FoOl ball I. 2. 3; Wrest ling 3; Track I. 2. 3, 4. leltc l' 2. 3. 4: Junior Red Cross C.oLlI1 ci l I: Sen· ior Cho ir 2. 3, 4: Dis tr iCI voca l I rat ing 3: Slat e voca l I raling, 3.

SH IRLEY MilER Tu lIIuke Ille lI 'Odfl fI f,i,.,/(I/y

/JllIce . {Jilt! III list .,'how (I /J'it'llr/

ff/(/: ·

DONOVAN R AY MILHAM A kiml 11,'111'1 IInlh lit!. L.ltin Clu h I: Track I, 2.

LYNNE DEANNA MILLER MII.~ic is wdl ~n id /0 be lIlt:

.,·/)e~ch of angels. Am/lltli gi rl 's sport s ed itu r ·1:

( ; /' IIeml staff 3: ~a ti o nal Hunor Society 3, 4: T ri- Hi · Y 2: Lalin Cluh I; Latin C lu h II : French Cl ub 3. 4; G AA I, 2. 3. 'I. .'\11 sial' hockey 3. 4. /\1 1 st;l r soccer 3. 'I. '\(Iu:l c<lde I , 2. 3, A ll star swim· mi ng I. 2. 3, 4: Lead ers Club 3. 4; Cirls " W" ~, ·1: l iiOO Poin t Pill 4 ; WHSV 2. 3. 4: Thespian 3, 4: Soc a nd Huskin 2, 3. 4; Apprent ice Cluh I ; NFL 3. UCgTCC of Meri t 3: I\ lal h Cluh 2; Senio r Choir 2. 3, 4; Disl r ict Music ClI lllpc tilion ral in g 1 3: Sia le Music Competition ra l· ill~ J 3; District Sla lc Scholarship T est I. 2. 3 , 4; Wooster Hi gh Sci· e nce Fail' 2, 3: Kent Stal e Science Fail' 2.

ROBERT MELVIN MaLER Frit'lully mill 1(/ 11 (/tid ( I stll ilt!

fur a/l,

Sllliliwi lle I-Ugh Schoo l, Smith · vi lle. O hio I.

1·li ·Y 2. 3. 4: Latin C lub II : I\ lat h C luh 2. 3. 4; Hand 2, 3. 4; 1\111 Alpha T heta 3, 4; Scicnce r a il ;1, 'I: Dis trict Science Fair 3, 4.

SANDRA KAY MlLLH UFF The j'ky of I,el' 111"(11'1 jJ (lIi,''' )',\

I, rig/ll . .. ~rt\ 2. 3, 4; Tri· Hi · \, 2. 3, 4,

IrC3SUI'C I' 'I; latin Club I; L;lIin C lub II : French Club 3. 4; GA.\ I. 2, 3. 4; Soc owl! Hu skill 2. 3. 4; }\ pprcll ti ce Clu b I ; na nd \, 2, 3, 'I.

ROHEItT ALAN MOKE I 10:11' III)' .~t'l'ioll.~ 1l101/I1)lIt.~, 11111

IIl f') ' ljr~ fell '. Cellt'ml rClxll'tel' 4: Hi ·Y 2. 3.

4: Spa nish C luh I, 2; Cerman C lub :1. 4; Soc a nd Huskin 2: Apprcli ' l icc Cl ub I ; 1\l a lh Cl ub I . 2, 3, 4; Hand I. 2. 3, 4, vice·president 4: Orcheslra 3. 4: Mu Al pha Theta 3. -1 ; Local Sciellcc Fail' 3. 4: Dis· Irict Sc ience Fail' !I; Distric t Slate Scholarshi p Tesls I, 2. 3; Dis tri ct Music u llltests 2, 3, 4; State Mu · s:c Cont csi 3. 'I; .\II ·Ohio Boys nallli 3 . . 1.


DAVID CRAIG MOORE All YOII dOli ' , ex /,eel fwd

" JU oate" A lIIlIIal sta ff 'I; F 1'..\ 2. 3. 4,

treasurer 3, 4; Hi ·Y 4.

CURTIS WAYNE MURRAY T ilt! min or of (I ll "cllrl "esy.

Hi-Y 2. 3, 4; Wrestling 3; lland I, 2, 3, 4; Orches tra 2. 4.

ROBERT EUGENE MYERS Friends/lip is I he 011 /)' cell/ell/

tlwl w ill ever ho ld l/ie worfd /,0 get ller.

Amllw l sta ff 4; (: t!1U!m f report c r 4; Class vice-president 2; Student Council 2, 3: Hi ·Y 2. 3. 4, treasure r 2. secretary 3: Latin C lub I; La tin C lub II ; Math C lub 3. 4: Uanf.l I. 2: Senior Choir 3, 4; Mu Alpha T heta 3, 4; Loca l Science Fai r I, 3, 4; Kent Sla te Science Fai r J: District and Stal e Music Contest I, rating 3, 4.

ARTHUR EDWARD NAU~fAN M y m ;1/(/ 's i n 'he { II /li re; t!w" !!'

where I' ll spc1/cl Ihe n~.~ 1 of tIIy l ife.

Hi-V 2; Math C lub I ; Go lf 3: Swimming 1.

WILLIAM LEWIS NESBITT Size has '10 n:laliull 10 abilil )'. La tin Club I; La tin Club I I.


ALBERT MATTHEW l\fURR /I isu't w lla /. )'()U do, ii 's w lllli

),ou're caug h t d oillg .

Hi ·Y 2.

PAUL DANIEL MURRAY A / ric IUU)' slllih- Iv r fll/ . Foo tba ll I. 2. 3. 4, ICLI cr 4;

T rack I .

VAL NAUJOKS 1-Ie looks {)c/orc lie ft:aJJs; l h ell

sIQ)'S when: Ite i s.

Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Latill Club I : La t· in C lub II ; noys " W " I , 2. 3, 'I ; T rack I, 2, 3, 4. lelt cr I, 2, 3. 'I; Foo tba ll I , 2, 3. 4. lettcr 4; Bas· kc tball I , 2, 3; Math Club 4.

J OYCE IRENE NEAL T nw slle is, (IS she lta.~ In 'ovett

herself-Ge1lt: ml advertisin g staff 4: FT:\

2. 3, 4, parliamc ntarian 4; FH.\ I : Tri · J-1j ·y 2, 3. 4; Spanish Club 3, 4: Leaders Club 4.


H i·Y 2. 3. 4; DECA 4.

RI CHARIJ SCOTT NOIRE II ellch 01 his qlUllities were (I

.~ Io"e, the), wo"fd build (l mmw­/aill.

Western Reserve Academ)'. I-llId ­son. Ohio 2 (2nd semeste l'); Class president 'I; Student Council I . 2, -I; lill er-C lub Committ ec 4; Na­tiolla l Honor Socic lY 3. 4; Hi -Y 2, 4; Latin C lub I; Lalin C luh II : Ge rman Club 3. 4; noys "W" 2. 3. 4, tl'eas\II'cr 4; W HSV 2. 3, 4; Appren ti ce I. presidell t I ; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4; " j\ rolilltl the World in Eight }' Days" I, "Our I-leans Were YOlIlIg a nd Gay" 3; " MOl he r Was a I ~' rcshlllan " 4: T hesp ian 3, 'I; NFL I, 2. 3. 4. n egree of . Dis­till ct io ll 2, Debate I, 2, 3; Foo t­ball I. 2. 3. 4. letter 2, 3, 4; Hasket­ball I, 2. 3. 4 , letter 2. 3. 'I; Track I ; Up pe r I ry" o f Na ti unal Mer it Scholarship T(."l'l t 3; Ad"anced p lacelll elll course 4.

JAM ES RICHARD NOLLETTI QU(lIit)' IIIll.tt be Imill ;/1 10 MflIII'


L.ll in Cluh I; Latin Cl ub II .

RAYMOND REED NORRIS Lile ;s (1.\' II'diOlu (/.{ (I Iwice lohl

lall'. I-li -Y 2. ~!. ,I; French C luh ll . . 1.

co-soci'll ch;linna n 'I; NFL I, 2. 3_ Degree of M cri t &: I-I on()l' I ; Dc· grcc of Excellen ce 2, 3; n eh;lt e I. 2. 3; Track 3, 4, leiter 4.

ALICE ANN PALMER Silt!'11 laugh her 11''' ) ' Ihrough

IiII'· DECA 4; Senior Choir 2, :I. 'I.

PATRICIA ANN PATTERSON /Jclllllillli lact's flrc IIlc)' Ih"l.

wetll' thc light 01 /I 1)lctWIIII .fjJi)';;' Iliere.

Amlllal bu sines.~ staff 4; (;1'1Il'ml advcrtising staff 2; (; ell t!rfll repon ­e l' I ; r'TA 2. ,3, 4; Tri - I-li -Y 2, 3 . . 1. soci;1l chairman 3; Lat in C lu h I; L'Hin Cluh II ; Sp_mish C lub 3. 4; GAA 1, 2, 3. 4, All sta r hockey ·1; Leaders Club 4; Girls " W" 4; WHSV 2, 3, 4; Appren tice I; Soc and Buskin 2, 3, 4; Thespiall I. 2. 3, 4: "~ I i nd of H er Own " I: "Old Doc" 2; N I:L 1. 2, Degrc.:c (If ~Ierit I ; Aqllacadc 3, 4; HOImr T hesp ian 4.

CAROLE ANNE NOLLETT. A dish lit {or lit,. gods I~TA 3, 4; Tri -Hi-Y 2, 3, 'I; Lat­

in C luh I; Latin C luh II ; IlECA J. 2, 3, 4; GAA J. 2, 3. 'I. All Star howling 3. ACltWC;Idc I , 3; Cirls' " W " 3, 4; Appre ntice I ; Soc alld Buskin 2, 3, 4; T hespian 2, 3, 'I; Sell ior Choir 2, 3 . . 1.

BILL NORDSTROM ([uieilless ;.f It;~ 1!;f/lle.

Lati n Club I ; Lati n C lub I I.

_IUUITH ANN OLESKO Neal (IS (l IJill IIIld jlu l (U .I'hlll-IJ· Gelluft! advcrtising manage r 4;

(;e'l eml advenisin~ Starr 3; Tri · H i-Y 2, 3, 'I; Latin Club I; La tin Club II ; GAA, 1. 2. 3; Senior Choi r 3. 'I.

SEATTA KATHYRN PANGLE I_ill! ;.f reltixillg, il ),011 lille righ'_ FTA 2. 3, 4; Td -l-Ii-Y 2, 3. ·1;

GAA I. 2. 3, 4; Apprentice I; Soc and Bllskin 2.

SHERYL GAY PAYN E Quick , gl'(IIJ lite wllul; Ilere

cOllies (/ tret'! (;ell eml repurter 3; Tri-I-Ii -Y 2,

3. 4; La tin Clu b I; Lati n C lub II ; CAA I, 2. 3, 4, treasurer 4, j\q ua­cade 1. 4, -,\11 sta r soccer 4, All star volleyball 4; Girls "W" 3, 'I; 15011 poinL pin 'I.


n ETT\' PETERS A'I)'/liing is IWlll y il )'011 1f1ll/!,11

", il.

DON AU) LYNN PLANT H e, deparling, il'fl lJes lu:llil/d hilll

loolp";nls 01/ Ihe loul/)o l/ lit!hl. SllIdellt Council I, 2; Hi ·Y 2. 3,

'I; Boys "W" 2. 3. 4: FoOl ball I, 2, 3. 4. leiter 3, 4; Track I, 2, 3, 'I, Ic u er 2, 3, 4; Baskctball I , 2.

RUTH ANN POWELL H er vuice t "(U f'Z /eI" soI', gel/ l it',

(111ft loti', /'UI excellt!1I1 I I/iug ill (I U'owall.

Student Cou nci l 3; Tri · Hi ·Y 2. 3, 4; Spanish Cl ub 3, 4; C .'\"\ 1, 2, 3.

SHIRLEY QUIGLEY Her milld i.f (1Iu'll),S Oil Ihe li/1

01 her tougllt:'. GelU:ml publicity head 4; Clas:'.

social chairman 4; Swdellt Cou ncil 2, 3: Inter·C lub Committee 4; FTA 2. 3. 4. sCCI"c la ry 3, co·!~oc ia l chair· man 4: Tri· Hi-Y 2; L.atin Club J; Lalin Club II ; CAA I, 2, 3. 4, so· cial chairma n 2; presidenl 4; ;\11 star hockey 4 , All sta r swimming 2, 3, All star "ollcy ba ll 'I; Leaders C lub 2. 3, 4; Aquacade 1. 2. 3, 4. leader 4: Gi rls " W" 3. 4: WHSV 2, 3, 4; Apprentice I; Soc and nus· kin 2, 3. 'I; Thespian 3, 'I: "Old Doc" 2; nuckcye Ci rls' State 3.

KATHLEEN MOUGEY R EA RICK II slle's II sflmple, wt:" 11 lollt' (I

dou ll . Aml/lfd an editor 'I: (;eneml

reporter 3, 4; FTA 3; Tri -Hi -Y 2. 3, 4, .social chairma n 2. program chai rma n 4; French Club 3, 'I ; GA .·\ 1, 2, 3.4, secrc tary 4, I\ll star soccer 4, Alt star hockey 4, /\qua­c'lde 2. 4; Lcaders Club 3, 4; Gi rls " W" 'I; Thespian 2, 3, 4; Honor T hespian 4; Soc and Hllskin 2, 3, 'I; Apprentice I.


.IOYCE ANN PETTICE A IIlII/dluf 01 life is wOl"lit II

umhef 01 It'aming. Steube nville High School. Stcu ·

bell vill e, Ohio I. 2. 3. rT,'\ 4; Td- Hi -\, 'I ; Orchestra 'I.

GARY LEROY PLYMIRE NeTICI' dislur/Ji/lg, /leTler di~III,.IJ ­

{'fl .

WI'Oit ting I .

UAItUARA ELLEN P URDY A goOf/ (Ieed iJ I/t.1 J(' ,· losl.

fH .\ 2; Tri · Hi ·\' 4.

JANET ARLEEN RA NDALL IVlu:I/ i" dOl/ul , O/Wflp do Ihe

Irie l/dliesl IIIil/g.

STEVEN MICHAEL RENSHAW This boy a/w(/)'s laughs IrISI llll(t

Ihlt's II) lallglt agllill.

Latin C lub I; Lat in C lub II ; na nd I .

SANDRA KAYE RHEIN Always "carly to hefl) j" (j li lllc

deed 0/ mischief. Tri · H i-Y 2; Latin Clu b J; Latin

Club II ; DECA 4; C .·\ .\ I. 2; AI" prentice I .

CANDICE RILEY Tht! grass .11001)$ 1101, she tI"NI(/~'

01/ it 050 liglltfy. Studellt Counci l 4; Inler·Club

Com mill ec4: Tri · Hi ·Y 2, 3. 'I, de· "oliollal chairman 3; DE.CA 4. p"csidellt 1; CAA 1, 2. 3, 4: Lead · crs C lub 4; Apprcllticc C lub I; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4: Thcspian 3, 'I; "The Family NobcxJy Want · ed " 2; "OUI' Hearts Were Young and Gay" 3.

IRENE ROBINSON Ple"t)' u/ 11'01/'( IJOtl'a IJII I //lore

w ill IJOwe,,,

Tri -Hi ·Y 'I.

SYLVIA KAY SAUNDERS A lillt' wire that will ',erl,.'!' lit'

.{/t!jJJJed OIL

Gt: /laaf repon er 3: Student Council I , 2, Tri·Hi ·Y 2. 3: La tin Club I. treaslIl"c r; Latin Club II ; French C lub 3, 4. secretary ;1: GAA J, 2, 3. 4. spon sboa rd 4. j\1I Sial'

soccer I, 2, 3, 4, All Sial' hockey I. 2, 3, 4, All SIa l' volleyba ll 2, 3, All Si al' baske tball 2. 4, All star base· ba ll I. 2, 3, 4; Ll'adel"S C lub 4: Cirls " W" 4; WHSV 2. 3. ·1: AI" prenti ce C lub I; NFL I. 2. 3. 4, Degree of Merit I. Degree of Hon­or 2. Degrec of Exce ll ence 3, Dc· gree of distinction 4: Chccrleadn I, 2, 3. 4: District ,S lale schul ;l\"Ship tes ts 2, 3: Junior Red Cross Coun ­ci l I.

RAYMOND WA.LTER SCHAAF II 's easy 10 be Ilumglll 0/ (1.\

q/liel; OI/(: simply .flop.l ttllkillg. 1·li · Y 2. 3. 4; Latin Clllh I; Lat·

in C lub II ; football I : Swimming 2. 3.

EDITH RICKETT The !tapl)Y way 0/ (Ioillg l/tillSs

is th e ue.{t ullly.

Smit lwi lle H igh Schoo l, Smit h· vil le. Ohio I.

f T .\ 3 4' FNA 3. 4: Tri · l-li · \' 'I. . , ,

MICHELE LOUISE ROBINSON Tile eyes haTle (me /tll/ gllflge


Class socia l chairman 2; Studcnt Cou nci l I ; Inler·Club Commillec 3; Tri · Hi ·Y 2. 3, president 3; Lat ­in Club I ; La tin Club II , president I; GAA I, 2. 3, 4. social chairlllall 4. All sta r swilllming 3: Leadel"~ C lub 2, 3, 4; Girls " W " 3, 4; Ap· prelllice J; Soc alld Busk in 2: Cheerleader 2, 3, 4: Hi · \' Swee t · heart.

RONALD EDWARD ROSE Let the warfel slidf', I'll 1/ 01

ulldge (III i/lcll.

n Ec. \ 4.

SUE ELLEN SAYRE Sweet ali(I IOIldy. General repone r 4 ; F~ . .-\ I , 2. 3;

Tri · Hi -Y 3, 4; Latin Club I : Lal · in Club II ; French C lu b 3, 4: GA.\ 1,2.3.4. All star soccer 1: Leaders Club 4.

CAROLYN JANE SCHAFER Fan' kind (/lid I rile. DEC. \ 4.

4 1

JANET DARLENE SCHAFER If silella : is gohlt' I' . .l'1i ,,'.f glli" )

of hoaH/illg.

ROGER JOHN SCHAFRATH A II/I: "'Y hellr' ,hllt hlllgiis (I f

n tr/! .

Smi th vi ll e Hi gh Schoo l. Smilh ­,·ill e. O hio I.

GEORGE PAUL SCHNEIDER H e was roer rearl), '0 lJt: ( I f rielld . Hi-Y 2; WH SV 2. 3. 4. chief

engineer 4: Math C lub 2. 3. 'I; Track 2: nand I. 2. 3. 4: Orches­tra 4: District-Slate I. 2, 3. 4 : SCll ­ior Cho ir 3.

DOROTHY CAROL SHANK T wo dimples tllck her sm;le ;1110

p lllCt!.

FTA 2. 3. 4: Tri -Hi -Y 2. 3. 4: Fre nch Club 3, 4; CAA I ; Math Club 4.

CAROL JOYCE SHOCK Lifl' is .~ ho)"/. /J il t ' here is (llwu p

till/ I! f or cOll rle.~)'.


JUDITH MARIE SCliAFFTER Her quit" 11 ' (I ),S bl!colll e her. Gelll:m l Iypisl 'I; Tri -Hi -V 2. 3:

G AA 2.

8ARBARA LOUISE SCHELLlN ,\'1,,: is fill t' XCf' lIell/. lll'ee l Iud),. (; em Jral head lyp ist 4. circula ­

tion staff 3. ad \'cnising sta ff 4: FTA 2; FNA 3. 4; T ri -Hi -V 2. 3, 'I; La t in Club II ; CAA 2. 3; Ap­p rcn licc C lub I .

DOUGLAS l . SHAMP I like t ,.ee~· IJt' ("fIIHe l ilt:)' .\.et' /IJ

/J/ore n:sigllt:d '0 Ihe;r wa)' of lill ­jll!; t/tll ll olher Ihi ll 1!.J.

A I/ lllw l busill(.:ss manager <I husiness a nd ad vertising s taffs )1: (;el/ /!/"{/ I adve rtising stotrr 2. ci rcula ­tion and publicit y s taffs 3. repo rt ­er I ; Swdent Council 3. 4: Int e r­Club Committ ee 'I ; Hi -V 2. 3. 4. program committee 4: Latin C lub I: Lat in C lub II : French Club 3. 4. pres id cnt 4; Tht.'Spi:1II Soc ic ty 2. 3. 4: HOllOI' T hespian 4; Soc a nd n llsk in 2. 3. 4; "'January Thaw" ·1; Aprcnti ce C lub I ; ~Iath Club 3; Swimming m a llage .· 2; Sc ie nce Fai r I. 2. 3.

KAREN LEE SHAW Site hul of ,,1/ wuu/d thillk of

lIenelf · ~ II . Health y High Schoo l. Cin·

cinnat i, O hio I. Sllldclll COLI nci I -I ; Int er -C luh

CUllIlllillec 'I ; I; NA 2. 3. 4. pn.'Si de lll 4; Tri -Hi -V 2. 3, 4; C AA 2. 3. 4. co -social chairman 4: A ll star hockey 'I; Leade rs C luh 11. 4; C il'l s " W " 4.

JUlES JOSEPH SIDLE T h e g r/!tll cst tllillg.f lire d Ul/ e b)'

t he help of Sfll l/ ll olles. SlIIdCllt Council ,I; Hi -" 2. 3. -I:

La tin Club I: La t in Club II ; Span ­ish Club 3. 4: Bo}s "W" 3. 4. co­social cha irma n 4: Bask.e tba ll I. 2. 3. 4, letter 3, 4; na scha ll I. 4, let­ter 4; Footba ll I.

LYNN HENRY SIG LER I lIt'Vl!I' I(lug" ,,,,/e.u ~'e(' .Wlllt'­

lhiug I"'''')', FFA I. 2. 3. 4.

EUDENA MARJORIE SM ITH Neuer 100 bll.~.\' 10 help )'01/ ulIl. FHA I . 2. 3. 4. news repon er 2.

historian 2. poin t chail"llian 4: Chap ter Homemaking Degree 2: Tri · Hi ·Y 2. 3. 4; C .\ .'-\ 2. 3. 4.

WAYNE ROY SMITH Furliillde i.~ a v icl tn"y.

Hi -Y 2, 3. 4. pl'Ogram committ ee 4: Spanish Club 3; noys "W" 2. 3, ·1, \'ice-p resitle lH 3: Football I, 2. 3. 4, lener 2. 3. 4: Tr:l ck I. 2.

KENN ETH ROIIERT SNIDER /J eller 10 be SII/II I/ (/lid ,{/, jll e

Ih(/n to be 1(1/1 lIlI(l Ct/s l (/ sJ/(uloltJ.

I-li -Y 2, 3. 4: Go lf 2, 3: Spanish Clnb 3; Swimming 2. 3.

DAVID ALLAN SNOW N t! .~; Is liigh ill nIl ti,t' 111~oI1/e".1

he(II·l s.

Swdent Council 4: lill e r-Club Comm illee 4: I-Ii ·Y 2, 3.4; Spanish Club 3, 4. pres idclIl 4: Boys --W" 3. 4. ,'icc-president 4: Footba ll I. 2. 3. 4, leiter 3, 4: Track I, 2. 3; Junior Red Cross I: All O hio H OIl ­

o rable Ment ion 4: All Ca rdi nal Conference 4: Ha llowee n King 3.

MARK ROWLAND SLATER /:".ssenlinl/y a 1/If11/ ul fl r lhm .

Hi-Y 2, 3. 4.

G LENDON C. SMITH Fall! tried 10 CO/l celll hilll 'I)'

IIflllli/lg him SlIIilll . (; t'nffral reporter 'I: Hi-Y 2. 3. 4,

program collllllill ce 4: Lat in Clnb I: Latin Club II : Hoys " W" 3, 'I . co·socia l chairman 4: Math Club 4; Basketball I. 3. 4. leuer 4: Track I. 2, 3, 4. leiter 2, 3. 4: Football I. 2: Senior Choir 2. 3. 4: Distric t · State Music Cont.c...'St 3. 4: Junior Red Cross Counci l I.

CAROL ANN SMUCKER Acliol/J sJumk IO/ule/" II/(/I/ wUf(I.I.

Tri -Hi -Y 2, 3. 4: Lalin Club I: Latin Clu b II ; Ge rman Clu b 3, 4; GAA 2. 3. 4; C irls " \-\' '' 4: Librar), C lub I, 2, 3. 4. vicc-presidellt 3: Math Club 4: l\ lu ,\I pha The ta 4: Band 1. 2, 3. 4: .\d\":lllced pl:l cc­ment course 4.

GARY LEE SNODDY Tile gf"e(ll esl pOlI'e,' is 01't'11 si/ll-

11lff palit~ /lce _

Alillual advcrt ising starr 4: SIt! ­tl ellt Cou nci l I. 2: Hi ·Y 2. 3, 4: Lalin C lu b I; Latin Cl ub II : I:oc)l ­bull I , 2.

DIANNE MAE SNVDER !le(l-headed alld lalkaliut! is ,~/le­

Ihillks evt:1) 'I/ii/lg is as well as am be.

Tri -Hi-Y ;;, 4: Latin Club I: Latin Cluh II : CA.·\ 2. 3. 'I.


LARRY R USSEL SNYDER WOlllell like (I st rollg sile,,1 mU l"

bl'ClJJlst! Ihey th ink he's listtm iug. Class co·social chairman 4; Hi -V

2. 3. 4: Spanish Club 3, 4. "icc­prt.'Sidcnt 'I: Ho)'s " W" 3, 4; Fool ­ball 1. 2. 3, 4. lcucr 3, 4: Wrest ­ling 3. Ictl cr 3: All Cardinal Con ­fcrcncc 4; All Ohio Football 4.

JO ANNE SOLIDAY I,t" (/1/ lliings be dow: d l:Ce1ltly

(/11(1 i1l order,

FHA I. 2. 3. 4: DECI\ 'I: GA·\ 2: Tri -Hi -Y 4.

TED E. SPERRY H e's Iitlle Iml so is a slick of

dp wmile, Hi ·Y 2. 3, .1. social committec

2; Lalin C ilib I: Lalin C lub II: Bo)'s "W" 2. 3. 4; Wrestling 1. 2. 3, 4, IClt er 2, 3, 'I; Track I, 2, 3.

RICHARD DEAN STAHL E,llel)'OIJe 10 his OW" idea.

Hi-Y 2, 3, 4: Spanish Club 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4: Baske tball J; Swimmi ng 2. 3. 4: Tr.lck 2, 3, 4.

KAREN JO STErNER A s shy (IS a k i lle" and jllsl (IS


f\.lcKinlcy High School, Can ton, OhiO I .

General ad,'crti sing starr 4: FTA :to 3. 4: Tri-Hi -Y 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2. 3,

SUSAN KAY SNYDER l-Ie(lIIell in Ihy Cl'ea lirm did d t'­

crt!e Illat i ll Illy fa ce love sholi/d d ll'I' I/ ,

Tri- Hi -Y 2, 3, 4; La tin C lub I; Lutill Club II : French C lub 3, 4; CrAA 1. 2, 3, 4; Soc ~lIld Buskin 2, 3, 4: App rcnti ce Club I ; BUild I , 2, 3. 'I.

LOIS SPECHT A f riell(/ i.l· 0I1l! who l l ' fli/u ill

w/'t'" Ihe rt'st of Ihe world walks 0111.

AmllIal busincss swff 'I ; Gel/eml report cr I. 2, 3, 4; StudclIl Coun cil ·1: FTA 2. 3. 4. socia l cha irman 4: TJ'i -Hi ·Y 3: Latin Club I; Lat in Cln b II : GAA I. 2. 3, 4, All sta r baseball 2, 3, All slar soccer 4: }\II star baske tball 4: Leaders C lub 4; G irls " W" 4; WHSV 3. 4; T hespian 3, 4; Soc and Buskin 2, 3, 4; Ap­prclllicc Club I : NFL 3, 4. social chairman 4, Degrec of Mcr it 3: De­bate 3; Libra ry C illb 2. 3: f\lath Club 3, 4; G irls' Sta tc 3; Mu Al ­pha T heta 3. 4; Adva nced place­mcnt cnurse 4.

SARA ELIZABETH SPROWlS Th t! ollly way to lim 't: frientis is

10 he (Jlle.

Gel/t'I'flI advertising staff 4; Tri · Hi-Y 2. 3, 4, vice-prt.'S idcnt 2, pro· gram cha innan 4; Latin C lub I: La tin Club 11 : French C lub 3. 4: CAA 1. 2, 3. 4: WHSV 2. 3. 4: Soc und Uliskin 2. 3. 4; " Mclod y J on ­es" 3; Apprenticc C lub I ; Thcs­pian 3, 4; Ho nor Thcspian 4; Li· brary Club 3.

JAMES RUSSELL STEINER Life's 1/(/1'{1 I), lite )'fll'd , bill a

ci"c1/ by lite ill eli .

PHILIP JAMES STlLLO T ltt: derail/iI/eli sll(lll sliccet"t/ .

DONNA M,\RIE STOMBAUGH T lie hnN})' 11)(1)' 0/ doing flii1Jf.!,.'i

is lilt' best wa)'. FNA I ; TI"i-Hi -Y 2. 3. 4; ecr ­

ma n Cluh 3. 4: Math Club 4.

.IEFFREY OVERTON THOi\fAS 1I'1t)' du 100Iay what was (Ille

), l's ierda),.

Hi-\' J, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club I: Latin Club II; Ubriny Club I, 2; Footba ll 3; Uuckc)'c noys' Statc. 3.

J UDY THO)fPSON iJe(l l// ), w i lhoul gmce i.f Ihe hooN

TI' illiolil tlte lJaii.

DONNA JEAN TOl\UlASSETTI COlltill/wl clteerfliit/('.~s - (/ sigll

uf II' i.'>d olll. FNA 3: FHA 2: La t in Cl llh I:

( .. Hill Ci llb II .

GLENDA GAYLE TRAHAN Kill(1 (III(/ few won/.{ (In: (I W(}/II '

1111'S Unl(llllell t .

1'"1-1.\ I, 2: T ri · l-li ·Y 2. 3. ·1; GA t\ I, 2; Lihrary C lub 2, 3. 4. \ ice' presidcllt 'I.

JOA NNE EUZARETH TANNER H er clever I)/"ful ll("t,,)

/l1II.'!,iC llOtes.

Bocoughm llir Secondary School, Edinburgh , Sco tland I .

(;,1I1eral report er 2. 3, 4: FTA 2, 3. 4: Tri ·Hi ·Y 2. 3. 4: La till Cluh II : French C ilib 2; Lcadcr.~ Club 4; WI-ISV 3. -I ; Orchestra 2, 3. 'I; Senior Choir 4; Mi xed Chorlls accompanist 3: Nationa l Me rit Scho larship T<,->Sl Semi -finalist: Dis­trict·State Mllsic CO ll tcst 1 ra tings 2. 3; nistl'ict ·Sta tc Scholarship T ests 3.

PATRICIA DAWN THOMAS P mi.le IOlldl),; U/allle su/II)'.

MARILYN RAE TISSOT (Jlle .~ jllgle gltllice (m/(IIICI'.~· (III

d escri III i01I . Studclll Cou ncil I . 2: FTA I '

Td· H i -Y 2, 3, 4; GAA I. 2. 3. 4, ,'icc-president 4, All sia l' soccer I, All star hockey 4; Leaders Club 2, 3. 4: Girls "W" 3, 4: Soc and Bus· kin 2. 3, 4; Apprenti ce Club I; Cheerleader I . 2, 4 ; Aquacadc I . 2. 3. 'I. leade r 4.

ROGER E. TOMASSETTI H t' s/oOI)S lor /wlltillg Im /. lite

rioor. DECA ·1; Track 2.

KATHARINE TREAT She let.f Iter ligll! shille wi/holll

Ilinlillg the SpOI 011 herself. AmI/wi fcawre cdi tor 'I; busi­

ness staff 3; Class sec re tary 3; Gell­end repor ter 2, 3, 'I; Swdelll COUIl ­I , 2. 3. 4; Na tio nal HOllOI' Society 3. 'I: Tri -H i·Y 3. 4: La tin C lub 1. co·socia l cha irma n <I: French Club !~, 4; GAA 1. 3; Leade rs Club 4; WHSV 2, 3. 4. chi ef annOllncer 3; T hes pian 2. 3. 4; Honor T hespia n ' 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4: Appren ­tice Club I ; :'\' FL 1. 2: Dcgr<.'C of ~ICI'it I . 2; Deba te 1: L ibrary Club I. co·social cha irma n : District· ~t:ltc r.cholarship Tests I .


SARAH LYNNE TRUMP T here's a grelll tleal of rlt:lI i ltl')'

uelleflt h her m i ftl exterior ,

Inter-Club Commi ttee 2; T ri -Hi ­Y 2, 3, 4, prcsidcnt 2: Latin C lub I : latin C lnb II : h e nch C lnh !l. 4; German Clnb 3, 4, social chai r­ma n 3, vicc- presidcnt 4: District · State Schola rship T ests 1. 2. 3.

G. KENNETH TULLOCK Hi;)' wit is (l flHe 10 l iule fWlllbs

of laugh/er. T itusvitle High School. T illls­

ville. PCllnsy lvallia I . 2.

DAN LEE U NGERER U,, (( islll r/Jillg, !/lui isl ll ri)(:d.

FFA I, 2, 3, 4.

KATHYN ASN VA UGHAN T he vl:'ry besl Ih i llg.~ colli e ill

/h(' very slIIallesl l)(Ick(lge.~.

Smithville Hi gh Schoo l. Smith· ville. Ohio 1.

AIIIIIUlI ad vcrti siug sta ff 3: A II­" 'Ull fea ture s taff 4; Class treas lIrer '1; Tri -Hi -Y 2. 3: latin Cl ub II : Frcnch Cluh 3, 4; C AA 2. 3. 4, II st;n hockey 4; Aqu<1cadc 3. -I : WH SV 3, 4.

WILLIAM WILSON VODRA ( :refller 111/'1/ / I/{III I lIIay Itmlf'

lilled , Iml I doubl i l.

Am/lUl l Head pho LOgra phcr 3: pho tographcr I , 2; A 11111la l Editor ­in-chi ef 4: Gel/eral Head pho to· g rapher 3; photographcr I , 2: Stu ­delll Council 4; In ter·C luh Com­mitt ee 4: Hi -Y 2: Latin C lub I: L:llin Club II : W HSV 2. 3. 4; T hespian 2, 3, 4: Honor Thespia n 3, 4: Soc a nd Bliskin 2, 3, 4; " 1\ Mind of He r O WII " I : NFL I , 2. 3, 4. Degrce of Merit I , Degree of Honor 2, Degree of E.xcell ence 3: j\-Ia th Club I. 2. 3, 4; Mil A lpha Thela 3, 1; Buckeye Boys' State 3: Na liona l Mc rit T est scmi -fina lis t: Junior rota tor 4: Ad ,':lIlccd pl acc­ment p rogram 1.



lite mall wlto friel/d .

II/is,..,. UI1 earlll is s{/ve~ 11/) £.'1)1:1'),

A 1II11IfI / ad ve rti sing staff 1; Hi -Y 3. 4: Latin C lnb I: Lalin C lub II ; .\l a lh C lub 2. 3. 4; Footba ll I. 2: Tnlck 2; Swimming 3. 1.

~lARGIE ANN ULRICH Sh e's ti/ways jll s/ herself.

FH A I : Senio r Cho ir 2. 3. 1.

CH /\RLES EDWARD VAUGHN A" hUlIcs/ /l lflll ';)' wort! i.~ aJ gOOfI


Hi -Y 2, 3, 4; Latin C ill O I: lal ­in C lub II ; Boys " W" 2, 3, 4: Swimmin~ J, 2. 3. 4. le tter 2. 3. 4: Footba ll I ; Senio r Choir 2, 3, 4.

ARCHIE FRANK VITALLO { wa ll t, 10 leam fl /mdt!. AI /t' (l.~1

I' ll k llow wht/I, in l} /' 1/1 0111 of,

Baseba ll I .

VINCENT SHELLER VORE J\'ow's (j /i llle whe ll elICI)'O li e

W tl ll ts life, li IJeI'IV, Will {/ r(lr ill wh"-cll 10 j)1lrJlle -hap/)ill t''u.

DEC" 4.

J UDY ANN WADE She k,w1/'s hOTIJ /0 rio III;IIgs (111(1

tloes them. nEe t\ 4. secretary ·1; Tri- Hi ·"

2; l;r\A I .

NANCY R UTH WALKUP I f he!" twire is " lillIe bit 0/

ht'tnJt:1' , iI'l! WOII " /11;11(/ rfy illg.

Elw()(xl High Schoul, Elwood. ImJiana 1, ::!; Anderson High School. .\ ndc rson. Indiana 3.

Gel/end reporter 'I ; Se ni o r C hoir 4,

LANA ROSE WATSON ~/1t: W OII Itf'r /Jooh' u';tlt her l/fIf ·


Tri ·Hi ·Y 2. 3, 4; Latin CllIh , ­Latin Club II ; CAA I. 2. 3, 4; Thespian 4; Soc and I\lIskin 2. 3. ·1; Appre lltice C lub I ; i\lajorctl c 4: Band 4.

THOMAS E. WEIDENHAMER Silt'llce ;s (hol/gh l. Uorromeo High Sc:hou l. Wick ­

liHe, Ohio I . Germa n Clu b 3, 4 ; Math Cluh

4: Mil Alpha Thet;:, 'I; Nationa l Merit Scho larship Test se mi -final ­ist.

ROBERT EUGENE WEILER I 11 1'1)(''' frl III) ' .\/ I/(l je.{ illln/at'

Il' illl m y nilif olirlll .

Hi·" 2. 3. 4: Spanish Club 3: ~Ialh C luh 'I; fOOiba li I ; Uasc hall 1, 2.

PAMELA MARIE WAGNER So milch /)ejJ li('(1 11 /) w illt (/II

IllI ciel's la/ulillg lufa!'l .

FHA I ; Tri · I·li -Y 2. 3. ·1: GA1\ I . 2: g ,1I 1(1 1. 2. 3, 4.

DAVID EARL WARNER /-/ e bi l eJ off mort! tI/(/1I he call

clww (wd ciICI/'J il . All/waf assis lalH ed itor 'I; SIII ­

d e nt Coullcil 3. 4; Illler-Cluh Com­mittcc 4: National HOllOI' $oticl\' 3. 4 ; Hi -Y 3. 4 ; Latill Cluh II': German Club 3, 4. vicc-presid ent 3: Soc and Uuskill 4 ; "J a nuary Thaw" 'I : rhespian Soc ie t)' 4; Math Club 3. 4, pn.'sidelll 4: ~III Alpha The la 3. 4; I:oo lb<lll 4. ICI· tc r 4; Top 1% in Na tio nal Me rit Scho larsh ip Test; .\ d v<llIccd p la ce· me n t course 'I.

HELEN WEAVER I keel) Illy head 011 1 of lite cio llliJ

Jf) I CflII .~ee w ltere /'111 gaillg.

SHARON ANN WEIKER CIUlrtlCl er ;J sim/lly /IfIIl;1 fOll~


FH }-\ I. 2. 3. 4; Latin Club I: GAA 'I; Lihrary Club I , 2. 3.

.IEAN MARIE WEIRIC K .ii/lOr! fml sweet.

FHA I. 2. 3. 4. Ire:lSUl'cr 3; GAA 1. 2 . 4: FHA Statc Con vention 2. ,. H /\ .I uniol' Degrcc 3. HI. \ Chap­tcr Homemaker Degrcc :s.


is ') '

V I ;


SARA ELLEN WELLS SIJt'ah sof t I)' . 1\c,lVerda lll !-!ig h Schoo l. Beavc r­

dam, Ohio I_ (: l;'IIemi typist 4; FN.\ 3. 4; Tri ­

Hi -Y 3, 4 ; G"\"\ I .

LARRY R USSEL WETZ T o .WI)' th e r igh t (h i ll!!, 01 I he

r ig h t li me, keelJ .~ Ii fl m ost of /flf' li lli e.

!laseball 1.

DONNA LOUISE WILSON Tile smi l e Ilia/ wall', COl/it: off.

DEC\ 4; Hand 1, 2. 3.

JACQUELINE LOU WISSINGER Sweet aud ch ar ll/i llg (I re her


FNA I . 2, 3, ·1; T ri · Hi ·\' 2, 3, 'I; l.atin Club J ; Latin Club II.

SANDRA SUE WOHLFORD Sj>ecfl is grllll/ , 1)11/ si ftmcc is

f!, IHller.

FNA I, 2; Ba nd L


1I0NNIE JEAN WERTZ Ifa r iel ), is f lu: slJice of life- lei 's

IInve II I)M /y ,

GA A 1, 2, 3, 4, Aquacade I, 2, 3, 4. manage r 4; All star hockey 4, .-\11 sta r soccer 3, 4, A ll star vOllcy, hall 4; Cheerleader I ; Class socia l cha irman 3; Soc and Buskin 1, 2, 3, 4; Thespian Socie ty 4 : FNA I ; Girls " W· · 2. 3. 4. pres ide nt 4; Lcaders Club I, 2. 3, 4: Spanish Club 3: Swdenl Council 4 : Tri ­Hi -\' 2. 3, 4; Inte r-Club Commi t ~

tee 4.

SUZANNE E. WHITTIER 51/e '(/ mlher IlIlI, 10 (I 111 01/ Ih(1II

(I II (wgel, a ll)' day. SWdcnt Co uncil 3. 4. exccutive

committee 4; I~A 2, 3, 4; T ri· Hi ­Y 2. 3. 4; Latin Club I; L'I tin Club II ; Spanish Club 3; C AA I ; Apprenticc J; NFL I; Libra!")' Club I; Homecoming a ltcndCIil 3; Dis­trict-state scholarship tests I; UN I'ilgrimmagc for Yo ulh 4.

TERRY NOEL WILSON M ml is midway belween allge'l

mId (t b,.IIle. SllIdclil Coullcil 1, 2; Hi -\' 2. 3,

4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Boys " \V " 3, 4 ; I;oolball I. 2; Basketba ll I. 2, R, 4. le tt cr 3, 4; T rack I, 2; Senior Choir 2.

CAROL ANN WITT Cellllille liS (j 1/lIIlIIbJ)rilll.

T ri -Hi -Y 3: L .. 'l tin Clu b I; Ullin Club II ; CAA 2: Lib ra ry Cluh \,

CARL ANGELO YACAPRARO (Jll e of Ih e {!,rea /f'JI /(l /JOI' sfmillg

tieu ;ccs of 10(1(1), is lOll/ arrow. Lllil1 C lub I; Latin C lub II ;

I>Ec' \ 4, rccorder 4; Footba ll I ' Track 2.

MYRNA JOY YOCUM I f (I II'OI//(II/ flllmrt s JIlt:" silt' hf/s

glwmmr: il .~ /It' flflrortJ 1/'U lI/ell . slylt'; if JIIt~ oll/"{/(" I ~ l:l /l:')'UlI l: ,

clWflll .

A ,II/1wl make lip sta ff 2: Gel/em/ Girls' sport.~ ed ito r 3: SllIden t Counci l treasurer 2. presi · den t 'I . execu tive committee I . 3: FT A 2, 3, 4; Tri -I-Ii -Y 2. 3, 4, vicc­pres ident 2; La tin Cluh I. t reas· urer: La Lin Club II : French Cluh 3. 4: GAA I, 2. 3, 4. Aquacade I. 2. 3, 4. danci ng ma nager 4: Lead · ers C lub 2. 3, 4; Gi rls '·W ·· 3, 'I. co-socia l cha irman 4: App rcllti ce I : H i· Y Sweetheart 4; Prom wai t· ress I . 2: Area Student Council 2. 3. 4: Area SllIdcn l Coullcil exccu ­li,'c committce 4; Delegat c to Sta tc St udcnt Counci l Convention 2, 3.

CHARLES WAYNE YORK T ilt, ImuMt! wilh lrouble is IIwl

il fl lwtlp .{ ta r l s 0111 l i ke 'Ull.

Hi-Y 2. 3. 4: Spanish Club 3; Football I. 2. 3; T rack I. 2. 3, 4' District Scicncc Fair I .

CHARLES LEGRO YOUNG A /r ll t' /\t/;gllt.

Senior Choir 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM OTTO YOUNKIN Either I' ll f illd

II/tllu: 0 111'.

(I lI'(I ), or

Math Clu b 3.

~tt ttilrmnriam PA U LI NE B UTLER

NOVE~ IBER 22, 19·J3 - A P RIL 4, 196 1

PAUL RICHARD YODER I I is good 10 ()l' i lllwrell/.

J-·F.\ I. 2. 3. 4.

REVERLY LOU YOUNG U ghl of hil i ,. light of IInlr/.

A/III I/ O/ typist 4: Lihra ry Club 2. 3. 4.

TASIA RAEVENE YOUNG What call )'UII t'xpecl uf a day

tlllI l begim w i lh gelling 'I I) ;11 the IIIomi"g.

Tri · Hi -Y 2, 3. 4: Lat in Club I: La tin C lub II : French C lub 3. 4: CA.\ I. 2. 3. 4: Leaders Club 4; WI-ISV 3. 4; Thespian 3. 4; Hono r Thespian 4; Soc and Buskin 2. 3. 4: App rclltice Cl ub I : NFL 2. 3. 4, Degrcc or Mel'it 2. Degrcc or HOll ­OI' 3. 4: Senior Choir 2. 3. 4.

There is no dea th ! \'Vhat SC::C Ill S so is transit ion ; this life o f monal brea th is In ll a suburh of th e life elys ian. whose portal we ca ll dea th . - Longfellow


The Undergraduates


1\Ir. Dominic Scholal"o

Row 1 - Mr . Scolaro. Nancy BurkeJ _ A ngie Berner. Beth Bishop. Ju y Brookl , Judy Bunt, Naney Bun t . Doro­thy Barnel. Doll ie Brown, Dillne But· le rblluJ,[h , EiI ~cn Baugh man

Row 2 - Sandra Boston. Susie Ar.:nu. Jane Burrit. Connie Bub. Pauline Boreman. Jud y Arnshy, I>a t Burnllcen, Barb Bowman . J udy Bunn. Virginia Boulton

Row 3 - Pau l 8 uehhoh, Ken Bonncil. Rod B)'ler, Dennis Alleman, Richard A sh, Dick Bowman, brry Aber. Pele Bowen

Row oj - Bob Draund. D'l\'e Brooks, Dick Buh, Tom Beck ler, Mark A~e. Paul Boreman. Ronn y Batdorf, Dave BlIird. Don Hilt!!s

"9 ,-

The Junior Class


Row I- Barb Creen. Barb Weiss, Caro lyn Ross, John Wanler

Row 2- Cinuy CicCOIiCtli , Karen Zufall. Mark Levine

Row 3-M rs. Moore. Mr. Shell y

Prf's i ei t!II/ . •••••....... _ .• _ ••.•. _ .... __ ... _ .••. _._ ...... Bill Eaves Vice-Preshlelll ______ ....... _______________ ~I a rk Levine

Trn15uru _ .•........... __ ... _._ .......... Gi nny Cicconctti 'seat:lary ........ ___ ............. ____ ............ _. _ Barb Grccn Pll o /icily Clm;r/lla" __ .. ____ ..... _ ... ____ .... Harb Weiss lle/JOrle,' ...... _ .. _.' .•...•. _ .......... _._. __ K aren Zurall

Co·Social _ } John Wamer

CI/(llr"'f!lI ._ ..... _--- ---_ .. - Ca ro lyn Ross

} Mrs. Sara ~I oore

_ .............. -.. __ ... __ .--_.. Mr. Jamcs Shel ly


Miss Charlolle Williams

Row I _ Miss Will iams, Martha Daw· soo. Nancy Corn. Bonnie Cublrcc. Con a Jane Davis. Sue Crowley. Ginn)' Cicconetti . Brenda Coppola , Jo:Jo n Davis. Carol Danner, Julll1 Emcrlinl(. Patricia Eddy

Row 2 _ PegJ,[y Clark. M ary Cooper. Nancy Chittenden. Terry Chewnlllit. Pa t Dra~'c n5Iou , Phyll is Donaldson. Kathy Chapman . Paula Dodu, Barb Cicconeni . Sandy Crow, M iriam Cat· liff. Sheciah Cranme r

Row 3 Don Dowlinl!. Ray Cline, Roben CoPas. George Domanic, Bruce Eckert. Bruce Collins. Glenn Clouse . Wally Dalbey

Row oj _ Wayne Childers. len tz , John Chapman, Hilt Chri5lupht'f. Charles Cri$(o.

Ray Cob· Eave. . Phil John Cri tcs


Miss Ann Teel

Row I - AldinI.' H orn. Shiela Henner. M ike H ~rr i8. Barbara Frank. Pe~I!Y Gray. Barbara Gree ll. M ary HOIhcm, Ba oou: Gro~jeao. M iss Ted

Row 2 - Jean Flack . Sandy H offm an. M argueritte H ukill. Carol Groscnhaugh. M ar<:ia Holden . Carolc" Hollin"cr. Bob­by Ho mer, Lois Hi mes, Connie H oover, Chariutte H einen

Row 3 - T o m Fiana"an, David Flickcn­~e r. Ward H"stetleT. 13i11 Frank s, Pat flemiste r, Gre" Franks, ji m Flory, T ed Grove , David Funic

Row ~ - Ed Guth rie, Jack Hetm an , D a­\' iJ Hall, T ed fl id cn"..: r , Dean I-f;tv en, M ilee GTi:enawald

Not Picflned - Steve h ·cs


Miss Virginia Carson

Row I- Millie Miller, Sharon McCurdy. Miss Carson

Faye McGraye, Darlene May.

Row 2- Dave Mullen . Richal'd Maur­er, Bill McKee. Paul McCay, Mark McCort. John McClarran

Row 3- Erlc Murphy. J ohn McKay, Roger Miller, Francis McCort. Jerry Moore Bill McGrady , Fred Mathis

Row 4- Rod Maurer, Dan McCul­loch. John Moore

HOME ROO~( 115

1\lr. Uoyd Flanigan

Row I Bobbie j o M athis, C eneva M acke),. Kathie Kirle . S;mdy Lehman. Roben a JenleS. Cre ),a Liechty , Nancy Kieler , Cecdia M aries, P~m Marchard

Row 2 - Kat!' >' Le~"ctl. Donlla Lar.::am p. Rebecca l;I\" lon. Pat Kobilarcilc. Carolyn j .::ntes . Kar .. n Kirschner, P<: ,,~y j .::wel1

Row 3 - Jeff Malarkey, Richard Landis. Randy Leeper , j ohn M acCallum, Owe n Lo!!ce . M ike Lamh . Don Kosier. Ro ­be rt j cntU , Bill la~hinsk c . M r. f-1ana· I(~n

Row 4 - Dick Marle ly, Richa rd Mall!:, M ike Linn. j ohn l uke . T ed Le hman. Cou rtney judd, Bob K ce,,~n. Larry Kraft, M 3rk Levine , An"e Mah~


Row I h~ra Sue

HO~tE ROOM 253

Mr. n on Welsh

Julie Slater. M illie Scih . Bar· &al~. Judy Saurer, l "uilC Siltier. Shell}', C3fOI}'n Ruu, Mabel Stair

Row 2 - Mr . WeLsh. Jill Spitler. o. rol Schar, Suc Stoddard. MarRaret Schuh t, K~l hy Sand5. Ikll y Spil le r, Rila Sprow15

Row 3 - Bob Rutl , Larry Snoddy. Did Suawford, ClurlCi SllIuffer, Bill Siglc:r, Bill Smith. Mike Snodguu, Ronnie Shallenberge r. Terry Smit h, Charlet Smith

Not Picnlred - Robe rt Saurer, Juno.: . Snyder


Mr. Wayne Hostetler

RQ"" I - M arilyn Pottt, Sue Rk hey, Carol Pau ll. Be ... :rly Raa:lcucr , Carolyn Om, M r. H~te!1er

Row 2 - Helen Riehl. Sharon R1ffec. Vield Porter. Sally P~ rreu, SUa N e .... • houK. Kay Raede r

Row 3 - Bill N icolay. Reid Prinkcy . John I'~rker, Dnn PI~5Ierer. Ron Re;!,' or. Jim Ridcr, Ra}' Nel$('Jn

Row ~ - Ken! PalteC8on, Ed Parker, Jerry Ncwman . Allen PurU'r, Richard kobcru. Gary Rhamy. Viclor 05hin5ky

HOM EROOl\f 272

Mr. Ronald Calabr ia

Row I - Sue Yudcr, Pat Wagner, Ebie Yacaprn o, Diane Whitford . D~rlene Wea\'l' r . Cheryl Weirick, Jo Wahoo

Row 2 - Mu Tiltle. Elaine Wood. Dren· dol Zook, Sandra T ufford. Linda Wim· mer. Gary Zuerche r. M r. Cabhria

Row ~ - Tcd Vitaro, AndI Wil50n , Don WC~lrall . Ted T aylor. Ok k Wag· ncr. Ted T riki lis, M ike Warden

Row ~ _ Boh Swart : . J im Vilaro, M ilr;c Zuercher. John Warner, M ilr; e William l, Brian Vau\thn. Charlc, Yanio:c ll", Da\'c Wch~ tc r , Denni. Wdb, Ken Siull

Nut Pic tured _ Karen Zufall. Barh Wei", Linda Tanner, AI Swank

The Sophomore Class

Row I- AI Keifer, Carol Picld ll g. Ri ck Snodd y

Row 2-Mrs. Williams. jane Drtlsllal

Row 3-Mr. BI:m ch


Pn -,.idell l .••..•......... _ .. _ .. _._ ..•......• _ .... Ri ck Sllotltl y

lIiu·P rt',l ide,,1 FI4Hlcic Judd

Surt'( f/ fY' Trnullrer ..... __ .. _ .. _____ J :l IlC I>rtlshal

} AI Keifer

Co-.\ o(';(1/ C1lf1irltlt'PI _._._-_. __ ...• C l rol Pitld ng

1 Mrs. Ma ry ,\ Iice Willi.II11 S

AdJ/;st'f".( ... _ .. _'-.-. Mr. Doyle m auch


Miss Elizabelh Huebner

Row I .- Chris Elb"" urth , Ann Budd , Wilma Collins. Peggy Coou, Ruth Emcrling, MarJ,:afel C risco. Natalie Didcrton, Tamara C;uon

Row 2 - Karen DuJdli, ]a)'ne Drui ha l. Gloria Dunham, Cynthia Dellah\"t, f>,;ancy Buchholz. Wilma C roh . !Xlin­da Brun' , Bonnie BUller, linda Danner. Mi~, H UI:bner

Ro .... } - R andy Emler , Kiln Dcw, Hen· ry Clark. ROj/,cr Huchho l;, J im E ... :l.ns, D ick 8ro",'n, Lynn D unh:l.m

R<)w ~ - Herb Broda, Rot.:.:r Coll icr. Bili CI :l. rk, Lance ('''>II I:l.n ; o, T om Dalll{herly , Dt'ln Coou. Kenny Enltel, Dwij:hl Camp·

"'" NOI PiclUred - M ary Bruhaker


~fr". Doyle Blauch

Ro",' I - ('.c lu ic B:l.kc r , Marci:l. Brenne­m:l.n, Barb3fa Allen , Lola Barnes , Lelaye Allen , Caro lyn 8Iaeh ... el l. Pel/:J.:r B:l.ldo rf. Joanne Ball iI/:, MarICH.::1 Blair. Sharon Iknder

R .. "" 2 - Florence Brinkerho{f, Sandr:l. B:I..1e r' Carol Biery . Sh:l.ron Ikchlel . Cal<) BeCker , linda Bee . M ar)" Lou Beechy, Jean Adamf , M ichele Ande r' lHln, Virl(ini:l. Adam ,

Row j - Mr . Hlauch. J im Bealli!:, H u!:h AnKer t, J im Ik :l. ... er, Ron~ld Baker, John Houtw':! l. Ed Ikll. Sa'ldy Saxuom, Da\'e 8 aab, Cun Abbo t!. John BU lsch

Row ~ - M ilch Arnold, H art>· Benncil . DaMy Aldricll. Da\'id Henninlt\:f. Alan Brenne r. John Bas tin. Stc\'e Bel(en

N ut Pictured . - Gary Bou)thcr, J ulie D:l.uJo(herty, D;u rcl Douon, ROjC!: r Car· WIl . I);:nni. Ciceoncni. M ike Braun· ' Idn



Mr. J am flli Byrd

R ..... · 1 - Pat j c11Iel, Eileen Kail. Gi nnr Homer. Shawn j ust icc. Diann;;: Hallor· an. Vickie Kauffman. Frances j ude! Carla Gro5l;nburl(. Louis..: Hnrn, Dnn· na Kaufman. Brenda Hilt

R.)w 2 - J ~che Hawken. Jane H:gnight . Pat Hennint.:. Cunnie t-Ial(cman , Con· nie Hcnde r~hot, linda H uchner, Suun Ka~r. Judy Ive rt

Ruw 3 - Ph,l In ·in . Dou~ j UllCi, J im Hnrin~lon. R<>g.: r Kecl(cn, j im Hunt O li,-cr Hold.:n. Dean Jolla y. Larr r HeuhherlCCr, Richard ja m':5011, Mr . Byrd



Miss Beryl Denny

R"", 1 - Pamela Gori~ , D~.: u re.!l reli.e , Be,' Gold. n~rh Gold. Pat Flick in l(cr. Clori~ f indley. Cawl Glid" Mr~. D~n· n}'

Row 2 - Cary Cr .. " I', TcrT}' Fa\\"~e ll . ).:an Gi'lI:o:r)', Jan'~e Franks. Slhan Gra yson, Kath r f :nl).:ht. Rita E\"arL~

Ruw j - Brad Frankl. j err}' French, J im Gilmo re, 1I"t-. FIsher . T im Gumpf. Earl Grcenw.~ld . Dar..: f ulle rt"". Stan FISCU S

Not I~ictured Gint her

Wilma Enns. lJoh


Mrs. Ma ry Alice Williams

Row I - Sus~n Mark., Sharol1 Lon}.!. j ean Lang. Luis KlI: ff.: r. Pe).:).:f. Landes. Elizab;·th McAfee, Midi.! McGrad)·, Karen Le~man. Lind~ McComa~

Ruw 1 - Linda Middktnn. Karcn Lon!.:. S1I5~n M ille r . Charknc M C5sn.:r. Susan Mct:1cr . Dnnna M ang. 8nh~ r .. Ke rr , .Ard.:nna Mdlil,,:a, SU~dn liston, Con­ni.: K""lls

Row' - Ron ald Kelt )·. G~ ry Lee , John M cCoy, Chri~ Kinds' ·;ltlcr . Dave Mal' urn, Gar)' M iller, Pau l li)tgctl. J im M norc, Run Le.llherman

Ruw ~ - Jeff Lawh.:~d, Bob McAfee, Kei th Men, Dnn;, Ma$S<lru, Ben Len!, Oun M~rtin. DU lcr Lockharl . Met Kcstm: r . .AI Kide r , L.:u Kli ... ·


Mr. David Thomas

Row I - Judy Mowrer, Norena PHker , Carol Pidcing, Velma Rigsby, Bani Nubin

Row 2 - Inltrid Robc rtJI. Cheryl Mullen, Ruth Schafrath, Betty Raudebaugh, Lucy Murr. Sue Pmcr.an, Pam Parfitt. Jill Porter

Row 3 - Rich Moore, Larry Schave)', Gary Penwell, Clou" Patterson, Mike PUQuarielio, Bob Schubert , Jack Schu­ben, Robe rt Morrison. Stanton Pollard Terry Polinp;. Dennis Pinckard, Don Ratcliff, MacPetty, Mike Oaden, Terry Riley, Harold Nord.,trom

N ot Pictured - Silll)' RobiJOn, Bill Sadler


Miss Lucille Carroll

Row I .- Sherry Ulrich. Loi. \V ilIOn. Linda Walton. Anne Trump, Riu Wal · ton. Joyce Yokoyama, -Corrine Van Sickle . Cheryl Wibon, Connie Trump. hour. Jane We.thafer

Row 2 - Bill Toma.ueui . PellRY Walh· burn, &ndra Yoder. Harb Wi .. inRcr, Kelly Wa~Roncr. Bruce Twicldcr, Doug Wimmer, Kenny Tyw n

Row 1 - Bill Taylor, Rithard Yarnell , Denni. Will iam., R~er Ullom, Tom WerlenberKer, Mike Wallon, Ken Win, Joe Wcidenhamer, Jim Weh. ler

Absent - Di xie YounK, John Tulhx h, Vicki Woodruff


Mr. Don Lake

Row I - Cheryl Schulz, Wynon ... Jackie Solid;ay , Bciillrice Smith , Shira, Judilh Sioot, Pam Smith, jorie Sh ... ffer

Senn. Janet Mar·

Row 2 - Sall y Siall , Betty Shock, Mar· Karet T ... ylor. Nan Sparr, Sherry Sigler. Carol Strocker. Maraarel T aylor, Sle\'e Sh ... piro

Row 1 - Ritk Snoddy, Dan Slaler, Paul Steven., Don Taylor, Jim Snyder, John Sherck. Ma rk Senff

Row " - Ri(:hard Shamp, Ken Shoup, Terry Stout, &I Tate . Dean SUir. Frank Snyder, Adrian Smith, Jim Seniti

Not Pictured - Joan Smilh, Bill Schuch



Mrs. Judy Van Wie

Row 1 - M r.. Van Wie, Ellelyn Adkint, Peggy Amstutz, Phyllis Abney, Supn Albright, Carole Birth, Linda Ashman, Marcella Boreman, Karen Bacr

Row 2 - Bill 80.:11.1, Bob Bowm an. Terry Biddle, Louie Braden, Ken Bern<lrd. Steve Billiar, Jim Bach, Larry Boldman

Row 3 Du.me Auke rman, Martin Adam I, ROj!:cr Bedler. Phil Becker. Perry Bell , Don Balloon, Don Bogner, Bob Baker, Harold Barker, Don Bowen


Mr. Gordon Downie

Row 1 - Becky Endrely, Nancy ('...ornel i­us , Pat Flack, Bonnie Flack. Shirley Dyer , Evel yn Pranks, Linda faith , Helen Elrod, Betty Do mani.:

Row 2 .- Mr . Downie , C .. rol eroy. Lola Elliott, Karen Eildcbe rry, Janice Eicher, Sandra Ernst, Pam f o ringer . Barb Doty, Stephanie Cranme r

Row 3 - Darrell Dillon, Richard Faught , Jim Fiscus, Bob Craig, Donald Daye. Stan Ewan. Jim Dufh-. Mike Fair. Steve Elli l, Bob Dilltard

Row ~ - J im Ed ..... ard3, Jim Crater. Gary Derkovie . John Derkovie. Mike Daugh· erty, Jim Crabtree, John Daulthe rty, Karl Emler. Ken Flanagan

Not PreKnt - Russel Cuwford. Larry Fraley. John DickerlOn


The Fresh:man Class

HOME ROOl\f 104

l\fr'. William Gla<os

Row 1 .- Wilma Caato, Ruby Conn. BeUy BurgelS, Carol Carnahan, Jill Butzer, Katyl Bran on. Mary Bunt, Winnie Caflisch. Vicki Conti

Row 2 - Donna Brown, Sandra Britu. Roberta Brenne r. Faye Cassel. Sunn Brown. Caro lyn Bray. Karen Corbin, Cynthia Bunn, Carol Clouse

Row 3 - Ronald Coppola, Vic C hewning, C harlel Conrad. J im Carl. Richard Can­non. C huck Butler, Terry Chellis).. Lar­ry Camfield. Neal Byrd. Harold .... aplan

Row ;4 - Don Brenneman, Dick Brown, Gary Cornelius , Bill Braund, Bud Chap­man. Rolter Chenevey, Roy Clark. Tom Caltle. Bill Buchwalter . Bill Calc

Not Pictured - Sandra C line

HO~[E ROOM 152

Mrs. Mi..-iam Mye~

Row I Kathleen j olliff . j acquelin King , T onya Houser, Georgian.. Kirch· hofer, Gay j ewell. Peggy Ho. feld, Car· olyn Honaharger, Bonnie Kerr

Row 2 - Suun HUl(hes, Steve Jacoby, Beve rly Kendall , Leslie HolJinl(e r, M ar· ilyn Joll iff. Paul Kinl(. Vicky Iceman, Ro.salind Hudson, Mrs. Myers

Row 1 - Randy Kemp, Jame. Housle, Conway Keillor, David Hooley , Hubert Hothern, jim Hower, Jim Horn, Mike JenninlCs, Gary Janel. T om lannarel li. Rag Irvin

Not Pictured Woods Lidyard

Je rry Botkin , judy


M rs. Ruth T rump

Row 1 - N orma Headley , Kathy Geisel· man. Sharon Hamilton. Carol Funk , Sandy Grosjean. Gretchen Hixon

Row 2 - Pat Headley, Barh Grenert, Mary Hallor~n , Claudia Grassman. Sheryl Hide r, Barh Gerber. Cheryl Hites

Row ) - Rich H.!nderson, Ro(o!er Green· awald, Paul H amilton, Da\'id Hart' man. Su~anne Gano. Judy Hart, Lynda George. Harh Hayes, Sunn Guttman, Vid.: i Hartman, Jerry Henley

Row .. - John Halderm an. Jame. Ken· nedy, George H'!ntcelt. Mike Gordon, Dec Griffi th, J im IhlJoran, T OIll Gihbs, Richard Harpster, Don Harper, Bill Garharre, John Chaffd


Mrs. Ru th Buchman

Row 1 - Lau ren M cAlister, Sharyn Me· Beth. V irJ:: inia Markley, Bnn nie M ar· shall , Natal ie L:.ven, Pat Landaw. Carol Lehman, Barb Lis!e, Cheryl Kirschner, Sue Lyharger

Row 2 - Charles Malta, David M aas, Ka thy Lucaf, Virp; inia Mandolin, Prici1la Levcn, Leanna Liechty, Karen Luke, Darrell Leisure, james Rice, Mra . Buch· m ,"

Row 3 - J im Martin . Fred Ma8laro, Jerry M acFarland, J im M cCay, Ken Kister, Joe Massoni, John Lester, Ore ..... Koontz


HOME Roo~[ 211

Miss Ann Schofield

Row 1 - Tamara Rogus. Marcia Pinnick , Cynthia Saluman, Sunn Sehie. Sandra Ob li nj;(c r , Jackie Parker , Jennifer Saun­den, -Nancy Rikc

Ro ..... 2 - Richard Robinaon . Kenneth Run, Jerri Scon. Betty Reidenbach. Barbara Roohier , Charlene Rose. Ro.se Ross. Betty Shriver , Linda Schlegel. Dottie Pinnick •. Kathy Rockwood

Row 3 - ROJ:cr RO$l, William S,hupp, Edwin Rider. Brian S,hoolroy. T om Pitman. Ed RobilOn. Clifton Schoo!coy . John RobinlOn, Mike Reed. Todd Phippa

RO\>.· " - Robert Seiwert. Larry Schmid. Joel P ratt. John Reynolds. Cha rles Pint, D avid Parker. Steve Schreiber. Bernard S,hafra th. Jerry Shoup



Mr. James Zuercher

Row I (left to ri2ht) - Barbara Nalletti, Linda O~den. AIi.on M cDoujfai l Ginny Odenki rk, Cheryl Q' Haii. Linda M or· ris, Sally Mille r, Barbara Miller

Row 2 - ('.olleen M owrer, Roberta M ow· rer, ]anirc Oakley, Connie Mi&er. Be r­ky Nolt , Eub Number •• Jeanne Noble, Jane Newhouse. Mary Milham, Pal Moats

Row 3 - Rirh~rd Norri., Dean M cnalf, l ack M cClarran. Ginther Naujoks, Ken M o rri •• Charles MrFadden, Gene M ir­arl :::

Row" - M ike McVey, Tom M oore, Jim Miller, Connie Neater, Carl Milel-10, Ron M cKenzie , Ben Mit('hell, Rus­sell Miller, Jeff Nyc, Elden Mowrer, Mr. Zut':n;her

N ot Pictured - Richard Nelson

HOME ROO~[ 212

Mr. William Sadler

Row I - Karen Swart~. Connie Tracy, Louttit. Larry Le"ine. Carl LeBron. Margaret Starr . Jane Tanner. Pam Smith. Pat Terwilliger. Kay Tuttle . Gloria Spencer, Sandril Tittle

Row 2 .- Sue Stonehraker . Mary Starr. Sue Veney, Mary Spij(elmire, Do rothy Stlhl. Sally Snyder. Shuon Starrett. Linda Smith, Pam Snyder

Row 1 - Dick Treat. Ben Toma$leui, Dominic T omassetti. Terry Smith . Bob Smith . Mike Steiner. Randy Snow. Jon Steele. HowHd Tyler

Row 4 - Terry Stombaugh. Gary Thomp. ton. Stan Stromhaul/:h, Rick Simpson. John Sheuman. Don Snyder, Doug Tugue. Pat Tyle r. Tonv Viuo. Mr . SOldIer


Mrs. Martha Sidle

Row 1 - Alida Weirick, Martha W ool­S<!y . Linda Woods, Sheila Williams, Susan Yacapraro , Judy \Vagncr , Eliu­beth Williams

Row 2 - Pat Ward, Nancy WaJ,:ncr. Lissa Wataon, Nancy Younl(. Becky ia"kello, Linda Wiginltton, Margaret Zufall , Kar­en ZarinlZ. Barb W eplcr

Row l - Ron Vura. }c!f Wright , Bill Yund, Bob Wcttfall, Marty Weber , Tom White, Mi1<c Walkup, Jad: WiRht· man. Da\'c \Valu, Mrs. Sidle .

Row ~ _ Bob Wei,", Did: Over. Ron Swartt

Absent _ Ken Zuckerman, C arol \Vol· baugh, Aim Mill s


TIle Organizations


Organizations A good socia l life is acquired in a va rit~ ly oC waY!i. The exper ience of belonging to a

club is one 0 1" these ways.

In Iheory. social life is found at picture shows and <.lances. Actua lly, it is Ul meeting and understa nding people. A person will never be a success if he ca nryol express himsel f to o thers and get a long with those aro llnd him. If he Cilnllot make friend,:hips. life will be lost LO h im. Club membership g ives a person t.he chance to do all of these things.

Service is ano ther aspect o( cl ub membership. T he chance to do someth ing for some· one eh e is always present. A person is hHppies t when he has lIsed his time i:tnd energy to earn a sincere "Thank YOll ,"

P.utici pa ting in a cl ub means responsibili ty. Each person is often asked to perform tasks for the benefit o[ everyone else. Learning wh at the mea ning o f do ing a task quickly and well can also rind its way in LO club act ivit ies. Everyone learns the responsibility o f g iving his own views and opinions (or carrying out the work o( the cl ub.

Thus meeting people, giving service, and accepting responsibility .Ire the va lues of be· cOTn.ing a cl ub member. These are de£inite"ly not th ings to be avoided or cr ilicized .

" 'ooster High has many d ubs to offer its students. Some are primar il y for the purpose of learning; some are for serv ice; some are fo r r('creillion . Pick your club.


Index of Clubs

Student Council .. _____ ._ .... ___ .. _____ . ___ 65

lnterciub Commiltee ___ . ______ . __ 66 Mu Alpha Theta ... _____ ... _ ... __ 80

Na tional Honor Society _. __ .. ___ . 67 Mathematics Club _. ______ 8 1

I mpemt() 1" ____ ...•. __ ._ •.•....•. ____ 68 Latin I . __ . __ ... _ .... _____ ... __ ..... __ 8~

General .. __ .. __ .. ____ .. __ ._ ... _._._ .. 69 Latin II .. __ ... _. __ .... __ .. __ __ . __ 83

Tri·Hi·Y: Sen ior . ___ ........... ____ 70 German C lub . __ .. _ .. _ .. _ ...... ____ .. _ 84

./ uni(lr ... __ ... ____ . . __ ._. 71 Span ish Club .. _ ... _____ . ___ . ____ ... _ 85

Hi·Y: Senior _ __ .. _. ____ ... _._. __ 72 French Club .. _._ .. __ .. __ . ____ .... _ 86

Library Club .. ___ ._ ..... _ ... _ ..... ____ ... 74 Fu rure Teachers . ___ . __________ 87

D.E.C.A. ___ ..... _____ . __ ......... ___ 75 <ltiona l Forensic League ______ 90

Future Farmers .... ___ ... __ ... _ _ ... _ .. 76 Soc and Buskin ... ____ . __ . ___ . _______ 911

Fi lmbreakers .. _ .. _ ........ _ .... _ .... _ ..... _ .. 77 Thespi an Society _ ...... _. _____ ..... _ 96

FULlIre Homemakers _. __ ._ __ 78

Row l-k~~~1 King, Linda Flesher, Myrna Yocum , Sally RobLson, Kathy Treat, Sally Parrett, Sue Whittier, Mrs, Betty

Row 2-Barb Grenert, Suzy Brown, Leslie Hollinger. Natalie Levers. Lois Specht , Rita Sprowls, Ginny Cic:conettl, Mady M1ller, Peggy Ellis, Ann Budd, Nancy Kie-fer

Row 3-Mary Ann Kell. Jayne Drushall . Jeanne Noble, Sally Snyder, Peggy Gray, Al Kiefer, Doug Shamp, Steve Ellis, Jim Gilmore, Reid Prlnky, Phil Irvin

Row "-Bruce Twlckle.r , John Warner, Bob Culbertson , Ted Hux ley, Dick Noble, Dave Warner. Harvey Bell . Dave Park­er, Owen Logee. Bill Yund. John McClarren, Mark SEmff

Student Council

The Student Counci l is the representative body of the high school, working with the stu· dents and faculty to help solve their mutual problems.

The past year was very active for the Student Cou ncil, since Woost er had the honor of being the host schQOI for the Ohio State Student Council Convention that was held April 2i· 29. \I\foostcr is in conjunction with the Area Student Council started plans early in the Cali to make the convention a success,

The Student Council also planlled home,cOlning fes tivities, conducted the annual maga· zinc campaign, set up the monitor systern, and took charge of the orientation progra m in the in the fall. Wooster participated in the following \I\fayne County Area Student Council ac­tivities: record hop. Christmas party, Spring for mal, and membership conference.

P re.f idell l ____ -> ___ • _________ • __________ •• _____ • ____________ ... ___________ Myrna YOCllm

Vice-President ... __ .... _._ ..... ____ . ________________________ .• _ Lonnie King

Recorditlg SeCl'etary ___ .. __ •• ____ . ___________________ Kath y Trea t

COITesponding Seen:lnl)' ______ • ______ . ___ . ___________ . ___ Sally Parrett Treasu rer __ •. _____________ . ____________________ • ____________ .. _________ . Sal ly Robinson

Adv i.fer _. _____ . ____ ._ .. ____ . _____________ . ____ .• ____ ._. ~ll's. Bett y Stacbel l


Seated- Myrna Yocum Standing-Kathy Treat. Sally Robison. Sally Parrett, Lonnie K ing



Row I-Lonnie King Row 2-Candy Riley, Carolyn Ross, Shirley Quigley, Bonnh~ Wertz. Karen Shaw. Jo Ann Massaro, Mady Miller, Dottle

Plnnicks. Suzy Brown Row 3-Bob Culbertson Allan Franks, Rod Miller, Dave Snow, Lorrie Keller, Pat Culbertson, Myrna Yocunl, Mrs. Belty

Staebell Row 4-Bruce Twlckler Ray Cline, Dick Noble, Bill Eaves, Dave Warner, Frank Ellsworth, Doug Shamp, Dave Grayson

Inter-Club Council

The Inter-club council is composed of all the presidents of the clubs of Wooster High School, with the vice-president of Student Counc:il serving as its president.

The purposes are: to plan and co-ordinate the extra-curricular program of the high school, to charter all clubs, to help with any problems that the clubs may have, and to promote bet­ter relationships among the clubs.

This year's council has been successful in its projects. Among these were a leadership tra in­ing program for newly elected club officers and th e organization of Wooster High's Homecom­ing_

OFFICERS Preside,,! .... _ .. __ .... _ .... _____ ... ________________________ .'. __ ... Lollnie Killg

Spot/sor ... _ .. ___ ... ______ ....... _ ............. _ .... ~Irs. Bell)' Staebell

STUDENT COUNCIL CONVENTION COMMITrEE Row 1-5ara Newhouse, Mimi Tissot, Nancy Keiffer, RosaUe Bunt,

Kathy Vaughan, Kathy Rearick Row 2-Jlm Sidle, Doug Shamp. Lynne Miller, Kathy Treat

Row I-Bob Culbertson. Pat Culbertson. Dave Warner. Ann Hunt Row 2-Joanne Tanner, Carolyn Ross. Barb Bowman. Carolee Hollinger. Karen Ackerman. Kathy Treat, Mary Ann Kail.

Paula Dodez, Pat Kowaluk. Sue Sayre, Lynne Miller Row 3-Sally Trump, Sally Parrett, Kay Buss, Mady MUler. Sue Whittier. Mary Kaye Heisler, Sheelah Cramner, Kathy

Sands Lois Himes, Richard Ash, Lois Specht Row 4-John Warner, Art Nauman, Mike Drushal. Ev Burg :::s:;, Bob Moke, Bob Horst, Mardon Erbland, Ed Bucher, Bill

Vodra, Mark Levine Not Pictured-Lonnie King, Mimi Robinson , Carol Smucker. Rich Eppley . Bill Bode. Dick Noble

National HOllor Society

One o[ the most respected clubs is the National Honor Society. It is an honorary organiza­tion for those who have achieved recognition in the fields of scholarshipl leadership, and ser­vice. The student must be active in extra-curricular activities as a leader, and scholastica lly, he must be in the upper third of his class. He is also judged on service and character by vote of the facu lty and students.

Of each class, fifteen per cent are admitted. J;' ive per cent are inducted in the junior year; the remaining tcn per cent, in the senior year.

The beaut ifu l cand lelight induction service is held in the spring, New members are told of the high ideals o[ the society and are challenged to strive toward these goals.

Adviser is Mrs. Sidle. Committee; Mr. Sayre. Miss Nesbitt. Mr. Welsh. Mr. Byrd and Mr. Dellerba.


Presidetlf Pal Culberlsorr

l'icf-1,reside,,' __ _

Secretary _______ .... _.. Ann Hunt

TJ't:.n$II'·er ___________ Bob Cu lbertson

Row I-Sandy Grosjean, Kay Buss, Mary Ann !Gel. Bev Eckstein, Kathy Vaughan, JoAnn Massaro, Nancy Brooks

Row 2-Chrls Ellsworth , Peggy Jewell, Sue Stod­dard, Sh~lah Cramner. Pat Bumsteen, Mimi Robinson, Mary Kaye Heisler

Row 3-Jean Adams, Elizabeth Braden, Ann Hunt, Pat Patterson, Carol Picking, Sally Robison. Leo KJlse

Row 4--John Bastin, Richard GrouP. John Moore, Gary Snoddy. Bob Moke, Mike Drushal. Eric Twickler

The Imperator

The staff wishes to thank all those who helped in any way to put out the 1961 impe"tatur and make it the sliccess that it was.


Edil(),.·;,, ·Chj~/ . __ . __ ... _______ ... ____ .... ____ .... __ .... _ ... nill Vodr3

Ass;sla"t Editor .. '_'.' ____ ... _ .......... _ .. __ ._ ..... Da\"e ' Varner Ft!alurt: Editor _____ • _______ .___________ Kathy Treat /Joys' Sports EdiIQI- . ___ .. _._. _____ . ____ Ed Bucher If rt Editor ______________________ .. Kathy Rearick

Cirl.f' Sports Editor ____________ . ___ . ___ Lynne Miller Adverlisi"g Ma'lOger _____ , ..... _ •.•.• _ .. _ Frank Ellsworth Business !Hallager ... _. ____ •. _ ....... _____ ... ___ ... Doug Shamp Photogra/J/ier ___ •.. _________ .. ___ . ________ . ___ •. ___ Bill Nicolay

Featul'e Staff Gene Myers. Ass- t. Mary Ann Keil )0 Ann Massaro nob Moke Mimi Robinson Margie Shu ltz Kathy Vaughn

Busj'less Staff Mary Kaye Heisler. Ass·1. Pat BUrIlsu_"en, Ass'[. An n Hunt Ernest Elias Allan Franks Pam Wagner John Boggs Lois Spc:cht

Advertisillg Staff Jerry McCarley, Ass·t . I'eggy Jewell Sue Stoddard Rich Group Gary Snoddy Eric Twickler ~ancy Bn)oks Carol I'icking Kay Buss Mike Onishi Libby BntdCIl Glcnll Smilh Sally Robison Jea ll Adams Chris Ellsworth Bev Eckstein John Moore

.\'/101-ts Staff Everell Burgess Da\'c Moore

SlUing-Kathy Treat

Photographers Don Krajick Leo Klise Dale Fullerton Elling-s Sherwood Studio Walmer-s SllIdio Wooster Daily Record

T ),/Jisls Sue Brenneman Nancy Honaker Beverly Young

I' roojretlders Ann Hunt Sail)' Trump Sheelah Cramncr Sandy Grosjean

Standing-Dave Warner, Mr_ Ladd, Doug Shamp, Bill Vodra

Row l-Sue Sayre, Karen Ackerman. Pat Culbert­son. Barb Schellin. Peg Batdorf, Chris Ells­worth

Row 2-Joyce Neal, Judy Olesko, Pat Burnstein. Elaine Wood, Beth Bishop, Lois Himes

Row 3-Kathy Sands, Barb Bowman, Nancy Brooks, Barb Weiss, Sue StoddArd

Row 4-Gene Myers, Bob Horst. John Boggs, Steve Schreiber. Ed Buche.r, Peg Ellis

Row 5-SheeJah Cranmer, John Bastin, Karen Ateiner. Sara Sprowls. Mlram Catllff, Mich­elle Harris

The General Upholding the saying "Variety is the spice of lil'e", the Gellera l of Wooster High "",ne

oul in many different ways. AnlOng the ordinary issue of black and white was an issue of red and white, and an issue in the school color,. blue and gold.

Being "the on ly paper in the world thal cares two whoops Cor Wooster High", the Gtmer­"i remained the voice of the school .and accepted any suggestions or critici ~ ms of the swdents,

A couple of new additions LO the paper were columns such as: "Plain and Chauy" by Jay­ne and Mady, "Slices 01' the Ham" by Dave HarnilLOn, and that always good humor column, "Bert Gaede Speaks", This last column was wriuen by Bert Gaede, our exchange student, and was made up of what Bert thought o[ the United States.

"Sweetheart of the Month" was also a new addition to to this year's G(:nem/, In co-opera­tion with the Senior Hi-Y, the Generlll carried a short story about each month's sweetheart and her activities at Wooster High.

A special thanks goes to our advisor, Mr, Paul Ladd, who helped make the General what it was.

Rod ~Iillcr ........ _______ ....... EditOl"-i,,·cllit1/ Rich Eppley ______ ._._ .... Assistmll Edit&r Mad y Miller .. ____ .... _ .. Fea t lln: Editor Jayne Drushal .... Assisitmt Featlo·t1 Editor Karen I'.lIfall ................ Third PfllJ,t1 Editor Sle\'c Ellis ... _ .... ___ Doys' S/JOrls Editor Cinn)' Cicconelli .. __ Gir!.s' Spor,s Editor I'at Culbertson . ____ . ExchanlJ,t1 Editor

Karen Ackcrman _._ .... Jjusillt1ss Mrmager Jud y Olesko .. _. __ . Advt:r'tisi"g Mrmager Hob Culbenson .. _ CiUUitlliotl M(ltlflger John Boggs ..... ____ .. _............. CflrtoorJist Peggy Ellis ___ . __ ._... S/~cifl l Helper Mr. I'alll Ladd ... ___ ......... _ ... _ .. _ .. Adll;sor

Row I - Steve EUis, Rich Eppley, Mady Miller, Rod Miller, Peggy Ellis

Row 2-Jayne Drushal, Karen Zufall, Nan­cy Brooks, Karen Ackennan

Row 3- Mr. Ladd



Row I - J oyce Neal, J udy Olesko, Barb Purdy , Sara Sprowls. Jeanne Funk. Sharon Hubbard, Pat Kowaluk, Jo Ann Massaro. Kathy Rearick. Sandra Ditch, Sandy MiIIlhuff, Nancy Brooks




2- Karen Steiner. Lana Watson, Tasia Young, Terry Brenner, Mimi Tissot. Kay Bt:ss. Sheryl Payne, Bonnie Wertz. Karen Shaw, Maloa Lawton. Kathy Vaughan, Sue Whittier. Dotty Shank. Kay Hoover

3- Nancy Honaker, Zoe Ann Brewer. Candy Riley. Pam Wagner, Sue Snyder . Sue Sayre, Carol Smucker. Donna Stombaugh. Sally Trump. Jeanette Martin. Barb Sch ellln . Sara Wells, Ginny Dietz. Bev Eckstein, Myrna Yocum

4- Ann Hunt. Glenda Trayhan. Pat Culbertson. Ruth Powell. Helen Hastings, Karen Ackennan. Diane Snyder. Sue Brenneman, Sharon Weiker, Jackie Wissinger. Judy Gardner, Seatta Pangle. Judy Kinney, Kathy Treat, Mimi Robinson

Senior Tri-Hi-Y

The purpose of Tri-Hi-Y is "to create, maintain , and extend throughout the community, high standards of Christian character."

Nlembership is open to any sophomore, junior, or senior girl who is willing to uphold the purpose and the idea ls of the organization .

The annual Big-little Sister Picnic, which was held in the City Park, gave new members a cha nce to become acqua inted with the club.

This year Judy Olesko reigned as the annual Halloween Queen. Just before T hanksgiving the annual city-wide scavenger hunt was held in which food

aml clothing were collected [or n eedy famili es of Wooster.

f'1'esidtmt ____________ . _____________________ Jo Ann Massaro Vice f'resident _____________________________________________________ I'at Kowaluk Secretary _______________________________________ .. __________ • _______________ •. Nancy Brooks Trea.mrer ____________________________________________________________ Sandy M illhuH Social CI/llirma'i _____________ .. __________________ Kath y Rearick Devotional CJlairl11uIl .•. ____ ......... _. _____ . ____ . ___ . __ . ___ •..•.. __ ._ Jeannie Funk Program ClwirmalJ _ .. ________ . _____________________ Sara Sprowls Acilliscr _________________________ . ___________________________ l\'l iss Esther Fausnaugh

Row l-Carolyn Ross, Lois Himes, Margaret Schultz, Peggy Gray, Karen Zufall, Sally Parrett , Jean Ann Flack Row 2-Elalne Wood. Mable Stair, Pat Wagner, Kathy Chapman, Diane Butterbaugh, Dottle Brown, Michele Harris,

Sandy Hoffman Row 3-Sandy Lehman, Diane WhlUord. Pauline Boreman, Rebecca Laughton, Carolyn Jentes. Connie Baab, Helen

Reihl, Sue Stoddard. Peggy Jewell, Pam Marchand. Ma ry Beth Bishop. Cotta Davis, Barb Bowman, Sue Shelly Row 4-Bobby Mathis, Darlene May, Nancy Burkey, MIllie MlIl.er, Vicki Porter, Pat Bumsteen, Kay Raeder, Barb Weiss,

Elsie Yacapraro, Charlotte Hiner, Carol Donner, Kathy Sands, Carol Schar, Kathie Kirk Row 5- Rlta Sprowls, Sharon Rltfee, Peggy Clark, Karen Kirshner, Joanne Walton, Sara Newhouse, Barb Green, Millie

Selb, Freya Leichley. Angie Berner, Paula Dodez, Bobby Kay Homer. Phyllis Donaldson

Junior Tri-Hi-Y

Working with the Hi-Y. Tri-Hi-Y sponsored the Thanksgiving assembly. and all-school Christmas Formal . the Easter Assembly and the Christmils Assembly.

Other affairs were the '""orld Service Starvat ion Banquet, the Father-Daughter Banquet, and the i"fother-Oaughter Tea .

Pn:sirie"l .. _ ... _ ......... _ .•.... _._ ........................................ Carolyn Ross Vict: Preside"l ........... _ ... _ ................................. _ .......... Karen Zurall Secreta,)' . __ .. _ .......... _ ........... _ ................................. _. __ ... Lois Himes Tretlsurer ........... _ .... _ ...... __ .. __ . __ . ____ ..... ___ . Sally Parrett Soci(ll ChairmalJ .. _. __ .............. _ ............................. Margaret Schultz P rogram CIl(lirmau _ .. _._ ....... __ . __ ... __ .. _._ .. _. __ ._ jean Flack CII(lplain ...... __ .. __ ._ ....... _ ............. ___ .. __ ._. ____ I'eggy Gray Advi.jt!/" ______ ... _ .. _ ..... _ ..... _ .... _____ Miss Virginia Carson



Row l - Rich Groop, Bob Culbertson. Ted Huxley, Frank EUsworth Row 2- Ray Schaaf. Bob Miller. Ken Bauer, AI Franks, Dunge Clcconettl , Bud Bell , Tom Bates. Tom Gerber, Bob

Weller Row 3- Bob Moke, Rich Eppley, Mike Drushal . 'red Bogner. Harold Beers. Neil Baum. Ron Everhart , Tom Foster Row 4-Charies Vaughan. Dave Snow, Denny Howman. Larry Snyder, George Dustman. Warren Barnes. Bob Engel.

Chuck York Row 5- Erlc Twlckler, Ken Tulloch. Jeff Thomas, Frank Hixon, Doug Shamp, Ken Snider, Dean Stahl , Jack HUI

Senior Hi-Y T he Senior Hi·Y is a service club open to all boys of the Senior Class. The basic objective

of the organization is "to create, maintain, and extend throughollt the home, schoo l, and com· Illunity high standards of Christian character."

T he Senior Hi-Y this year has been very active. finishing their three years together in a creative fashion . Meetings were held twice a month; one being social and the other, education­al. The cl ub initiated the idea of selecting a "Sweetheart" every momh to honor girls of the class who the boys thought to be deserving of the title. A bulletin board was placed in the ha ll to keep the members posted on the activities. The handsome display case was presented to the school in the fall. (continued on next page)

The Sweethearts of the Month were:

Peggy Ellis ................................................. October M i III i Robi nson ______ . __ . _____________ ._ .. _________ N ovem bel' JVr yrna Yocum _________ ___ _________________ _________ December

Mady Miller .......................... ..................... J anuary Shirley Q uigley ......................................... February Sy I via Sa unders ____________________________ -'. ______ .___ ~f arch Mimi TisSOL ___________________ . __ .. ___ . ____ . ___________ .. __ April

Sara Sprowls ............................... ................... May

Mimi Robinson, M)' rna Yocum , Mad)' Miller. )leggy Ellis

Row I- Bob McMichael , Low Kauffman, Andy Kobllarclk, John Laird, Lon King, Bob Nester, Dennis Lahey, Leroy Gayer

Row 2- Dave Moore, Jeft Marchand , Phil Jenkins, Charles Hoover, Gary Kolbe, Bob Horst, Tom Howard Row 3-Advisor, WiUlam Sadler, Val Nauj oks, Dave Grayson Bob Jolliff, Jerry McCarley, Bill Gordon Row 4-Rod Miller, Art Nauman, Glenn Smith , Terry Wilson , Gary Snoddy, Dave McKee. Gene Myers Row 5-Ted Sperry, John Grissett!. Dick Llchteberger. Wayne Sm ith, Henn Luke , Jim Sidle, Don Plant , Terry Hoover

Senior Hi-Y

The club also LOok charge of the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter assemblies in con­junction with the Tri-Hi-Y. At Thanksgiving the club helped the girls ga ther and distribute baskets for the needy as one of their many service projects for the year. Each· member was giv­en ~he chance to servc himself through serving others.

The club presented a variety of programs to help the members as they prepared themselves for thc future. These were combined with social evenLs !: uch as trips to Cleveland, ;]' hay ride. and a party with the Senior Tri-H i-Y to help the members become better developed ci ti'lens. The Senior Hi-Y of the Class of 1961 closed their year with a banquet.

Mimi Tissol, Sara Sprowls,


Frank Ellswo rth Vice PreJid e"t ________________________ Dave Hamilton

Secretar), ____________ . __________ Ted Hux ley

T I't:asll"er _______________________ Ri ch Croup

C/IfIIJ/rI;n ___________________________ . _____ Bob CIIII)Crtson

Afhl;l'er ____________ . _____________________ ~Ir . William Sad ler



Row l-Betty Shock. Joyce Yokoyama, Nancy Chewning, Glenda Trahan Row 2-Margaret Starr, Jackie King .. Susan Miller, Susan Grayson, Beverly Young, Barbara Rouhier Row 3-Donna Larcamp, Gretchen Hixon, Stephania Cramner, Dolores Frease. Adviser, Erma Hudson Row 4-Roger Keegan, Charles Tommasetti, David Grayson. Mike Lamb Not Pictured - Mitchel1 Arnold, Lawrence Boldman, Diane Butterbaugh, Diane Chapman, J oan Davis, Beverly Gold,

David Hartman, Patricia Landaw, Saron Riffee

Library Club

Truly the silent service of Wooster High is the Library Club. Without the student assist­ants, it would be impossible for the library to operate efficiently. The assistants check students in and out and card, shelve, and inspect books and magazines. They also help students to make full lise of the library's facilities. The members assist in decorating the four bulletin boards, which provide helpful hints for good reading.

Any student who wished to work in the library signs up at the beginning of the year. He then is tra ined during home room period on Wednesday and the study hall periods in which he works.

The club's main socia l events are a fall and a spring potluck supper and the [acuity tea in October at which time the new books are put on display.


Presidtmt Dave Grayson Vice President _. ____________________________________ Glenda T rahan

Secretary-T'reawrer ... ____ ..... ___ . ____ . ______ . ________________________ Rev Gold

Co-Social Chajr",e'l ._ .. _ .. ______ Diane Chapman, Roger Keegan

A dv iser _____ . ____ •. __________________ ._. ___ . ______________ .__ l\I iss Erma Hudson

Row l-Candy Riley, Donna Wilson. Sandy Rhein. Jo Ann Soliday. Pat Thomas, Mr. Ron Calabria Row 2- Archie VitaUo, Vince Vore. Judy Wade. Alice Palmer, Darell Coots Row 3-Harlen Hamilton. Bob Nester. Roger Tomassetti. Ron Crago. Carl Yacaprarn


All students enrolled in distributive education are DECA members. Distributive educa tion trains students for careers in retailing, wholesaling, and service establ ishments. Students attend school part time and also receive supervised work experience under actual working conditions. Train ing stations for the students are local business firms where the student receives on-the-job training and is paid the same rate as a part-time adult.


Preside"t Candy Riley Vice Presidtmt ___________ . ___________ . ______ .. ____________ .... __ Ralph Marcovechio

. Secretary ______________________________________________________________ Judy Wade

Treasll rer ________________________________________ _____ .. ___ ... ___ . _____ Darrell CoolS

lfdT,iser _________________ . _________ . ______ . __ .. ___________ l\'fr. Rona ld Calabria



Kneeling - Clarence J entes, Paul Boreman, Reid Prinkey, P ete Bowen, Gary Miller, Dick Bowman Row I-Ken Rutt, J im Gilmore, Roger Bucholz, Gary Bougher. Ken Bonnell , Jim Snyder, Ron Leatherman, Bob Bow­

man Row 2---John Parker, Paul Bucholz, J ohn McCoy, Larry Hershberger, Charles McKee, William Sigler, Mitchell Arnold,

Pat Tyler Row 3- Bob McAfee, John McCay, Joe Weldenhamer, Dan Ungerer. Lynn Sigler, Charles Crisco, Charles Stauffer, Ron

Kelly. Jim McCay

Future Farmers of America

The Future Fanners of America is a national organization to aid boys in getting started in farming or to train them for a related occupation.

Each year the Future Fanners are engaged in many activities. These include the annual county Parliam entary Procedure Contest. in whidl the vVooster Chapter received a gold rating. This year, the Chapter Public Speaking Contest, various judging contest, wh ich include dairy, sheep and wool, general livestock, and landjudging, were held.

The Wooster Chapter was well represented this past year to the State FFA camp at Camp ~[uskingum, Carrollton. Ohio. Among those members who a ttended were Clarence Jentes. George Gingery, J ohn Parker, Gary Bougher, and Pete Bowen. .

Each month a diHerent FFA committee presented a fifteen minute radio program over WWST.


President . ___ . ____ . __ . __ ._._ .......................... _ ... Clarence J entes "ice President ____ ................... _ ... _ ... _. __ ._ ..... _. ___ . Reid Prinkey S~creili ry ______ .. _ ..... _ ... ____ ...... ____ ... ___ ... ___ ._. ___ ._. __ Rand y Leeper Treasllrer .. _____ . ___ ... ________ ............ ____ . ___ . I'aul Boreman R~p(}rler _____ .. __ . __ ... _. __ ......... _ ................ ____ Pete Bowen S~,,/itlel ___________________ . R ichard Bowman H istorian ______________ ._ William Sigler S/r/de,,1 Adviser _._. _________ . ____ . ___ . Cary Miller A dIl;ser __ .... __ .... _ ...... __ ........ ___ .. __ .. _ ..... _____ ~fr . C len Boling

Row l - David Hall, Bill Boggs, Lan'y Camfield Row 2-Roger Collier, David Keirn, Sandy Baxtrom, Leo Klise Row 3-Mr. Floyd Maurer, Charles McKee. Roger Mille r , Ray Kline

The Filmbreakers Club is a service organization serving the school in many ways. The club operates the visual aids equipment. This service is done by a member or members o[ the club during a study ha ll in which they give up time to work .

T here is a point system in which members can earn points by do ing the things like showing movies or making a trip to the post-office or the library {or films.

Membership is open to any high school boy.


Preside"t .. _ .. _ ....... __ ..................... __ .......... _....................... Ray Cline

l'ice·Preside'll .............................................. _ .... __ ...... _ .. _._ Leo Klisc

Secretary· Treasurer ............................. _ ...................... Charles McKee

Adviser .......................... _ .................. __ ............. _ ... l\lr. Floyd ~1atlrer



Row l-Judy Kain, Zoe Ann Brewer, Barb Gold , Pat Dravenstott, Connie Trumhour, Tammie Carson, Vickie Kauffman , Jo Ann Soliday, Mrs. Woods

Row 2-Mary Beth Starr, Bev Gold, Connie Hendershot, Vlrulnla Adams , Connie Hageman, Vickie Woodruff, Linda Woods, Becky Yankello

Row 3-Carol Wolbaugh, Alida Weirick, Kayla Manges, Betty Domanlc, Roberta Bell, J ean Gingery, Pat Landaw, Linda Middleton, Kay Tuttle

Row 4- Eudena Smith, Elizabeth McAfee . Judy Mowrer, Mary Bunt. Judy Brown. Rosalie Bunt, Winnie CafJish . Carol Ca.mahan . Sandy Ernst, Barbara Doty

Future Homemalkers of America

The Future Homemakers of America is an organization encouraging gir ls to en ter the field of home economics and teaching them to promote a better home and community life.

T he national theme for this year was "The Hub of Good Citizenship." Th is year th e girls worked on different J,lrojects, SUdl as: sell ing cand ied apples, serving

at faculty teas, serving for banquets, and seilIng Christmas cards. The Tri-County project [or this year was collecting money for U N I C £ F. The chapter

collected over $400. The main project was the FHA formal dance. 111 the course o f the year ou r programs have incl uded: speakers. to urs, and other service

projects for the school and community.


Presid e"/. Lorrie Keller Jlirt: Preside"/. _. __ . ______ .• ____ . ______ ._ ...... __ .. _ .. _. ____ ..•.•. _. Pat DavenstOll Secretrlry __________ .. _____ .. _ .... _______________ . __ . _________ Barb Gold

Tre(LSUrer __ _ ______________ . ___ ._. ____ .. Zoe Ann Brcwer N ews R ep orter __________________ Vicki Kaurfm all Progl'am Cliairmall __________________ Linda Danner DnJOtio"al ChairlllQII ____ .______________ Peggy Ceisleman Par/iamentClriall __________ . _______ . ___ ... Tamera Carson SOllg Leader ...... __________ .. _ .. ____ .. _ .. ________ Conllie Trumphour Adv isers ___ • _____ .. ____ Mrs. Caro lyn Woods, Mrs. Nanettc Moxon

Row I-Pat Jentes, Karen Shaw, Jean Flack Row 2-Sharon Hubbard, Sara Newhouse, Millie Selb, Sue Crowley, Brenda Copolla. Sue Marks. Carol Glick , Sally Rob­

inson, Donna Elliot Row 3-Jackie Wissinger, Barb Schellin. Paula Dodez. Nancy Young, Barb Wepler, Connie Baab, Pal Bumsteen, Beth

Bishop Row 4-Sara Wells. Wynonna Senn. Ruth Schalrath. Nancy Bucholtz. Betty Raudebaugh, Donna Mang. Alida Weirick.

Mug Zufall. Mary Kaye Heisler

Future Nurses of America The purpose of Future Nurses of America is to interest the students in the welfare and

health of the community and to encourage them to discover all the personal satisfaction which nursing holds in store.

The club tries to carry out this purpose by serving the Wooster Community Hospital. Ivlembers work as ca ndy.stripers delh ering nowers to the patients' rooms. The Future Nurses also worked as nurses' aids in the school clinic during the school vear. Some of the other club activities included a candlelight induction, films, speakers. and tours

to nursing schools.


Presidnlt Karen Shaw Viet: Preside ,,! _._ .. ___ .. __ . __ . ___ ..... _ .... __ .. _ .. Nalley Kei£er

Secreta,) .... _._ .......... _ .......... _ .. _ ............. _._ .......... Jeanette Martin

Trea.{urer .............. _ ___ ._._ ..... _._ ............... _._ .. _ ....... _._ .. Pal JellIes

Historia" .. _ ... _._ ... _ ...... _._ .... _ ....... _._._ ....... _ ......... _ .. _ .... Jean Flack

Adll;ser _. ___ .............. _ .. _ ...... _ ................... Mrs. Robert Snow. R. N.

CalHlyslriper Jeanette Martin hclps in Ihe hosp ila l by dclivering papers.



Row I-Prggy Ellis Kathy KIrk, Dave Warner, Bob Moke, Kathy Chapman, Susan Yoder Row 2- MI"$. Myers. LI Chang, Carol Grosenbaugh, Elaine Wood, Pat Kowaluk, Lois Specht, Sandra Boston , Paula Dadez, He len Riehl, Pat Culbertson Row 3-Bob Culbertson, Mike Drushal. Ed Bucher, Dave Keirn. Ray Norris, Gene Myers, MIke Lamb, Dave Hall , Art

Nauman Row 4- Nell Baum, John Boggs, Mardon Erbland , Dan McCullough , SUI Eaves, Wally Dalby, Mike Linn, Ted TrlkUls,

Mark Levine Row 5-Rlch Eppley, Tom Weldenhame r , Be rt Gaede, Bob Miller, Bill Va dra , Frank Ellsworth, Jack Hill, Tom Flanigan,

Jerry Newman, Bruce Collins

Mu Alpha Theta

Mu Alpha T heta is the na tiona l high sch ool mathematics dub. Members are juniors and seniors with high academic standings and an interest in mathematics.

The Mu Alpha Theta traveling libary makes accessible information o[ interest to students in mathematics which goes beyond the work of the regular math classes. Such work includes Euler 's nine point circle. twin primes. magic sq uares, mobilis slrips. and electron ic compu ters. T he club also made a trip to the math department at the College of Wooster as one of their projects.


Preside/It Da\'e Warner Vice p,'esic/eul _ ............. _ .. _. __ ...... _ ...... _ ........ _ .... __ Bob Moke

Adviser ___ .. _. ___ .... __ .. _._ ..... _ ... _._ .... _ ............ _ ... i\ l rs. Nl rers







I- Dave Warner, LI Chang, Sue Liston, Peggy Ellis. Cynthj,a Dellafore. Kathy Kirk , Sally Trump Dorothy Shank, Pat Culbertson , Donna Stombaugh, Mary Brubaker. Ka,thy Chapman. Bob Make

2- Mrs. Miriam Myers, Barb Kerr. Carol Grosenbaugh. Sandra Boston, Pat Kowaluk, Lois Specht. Sue Yoder. Helen Riehl. Elaine Woods. Paula Dode7.. Chris Ellsworth, Jean Adams

3-Mike Drushal, Ken Barnard. Dee Griffeth, Tom Gibbs. Steve Shapiro, Ray Norris. Gene Myers, Mike Lamb, Art Nauman, DlC!k Treat

4- Erlc Twlekler . Bill Balloon , Neil B8um, Ed Bucher, George Schneider, Dave Keirn. Bill Eaves, Steve Shreiber. Ken Bauer, Walley Dalbey, Mark Levine, Bob Weiler

5-Jim Halloran, Mardin Erbland, Bob Miller. Bob Culbert.son, Ted Trlkills, Ernest Elias. Bruce Collins, Jerry Neu­man, Mike Linn, Andy Wilson

6- Tom Weldenhamer, Bert Gaede. Mike Greenawald, Dan McCullough, Bill Vodra, John Boggs, Jack Hili, Tom Flannigan , Frank Ellsworth, Rich Eppley, Dave Hall

Knights of the Square Root Table Math Club

Knights o[ the Square Root Table is the mathematics club 01 Wooster High School. The purposes of th is club are: to gain further knowledge of mathematics, to learn the application of mathematics, and to stimulate interest in science.

lVrath Club is open to any student who is taking or has taken Algebra 9 and who is interest· cd in mathematics.

During the year, many interesting programs concerning mathematics are presented and the meetings are often concluded with a challenging mathematical puzzle for the members to solve. In additional, severa l appropriate field trips are included in the year's programs.

With all its interesting and informative programs and activities, wrath Club keeps its memo bers interested and busy.


Preside"t Dave Warner

"ice Preside" t _ .. _._ .. _ ...... _ ......... _ ...... _._ .............. __ .. _ .. _ Bob i\'lokc-

Serrett/ry -Treaslll"t:r ._ .• _ .... __ ... __ . _____ .. _ ..... _ .. __ ._. __ Susan Yoder

U fJ/Jerciass Progl"lllll Chail"lliall . __ ......... _ ... _ ...... Kathy Chapman

Underclass Progl"fl1ll Clmirmall ........ _ ............................ _ .. Steve Ellis Adlliser . __ ....... __ ... _. ___ ...... __ .. ___ . ___ Mrs. Miriam Myers




Row I-Randy Kemp. Jane Newhouse, Eula Numbers, Jennifer Saunders, Lissa Watson, Dottie P innicks

Row 2-Vicki Conti, Lynda George, Caro­line Bray, Rebecca Endsley, Stephanie Cranmer, Patty Flack , Marcella Bore­man, Mary Halloran, Sue Lybarger, Pam Forlnger

Row 3-Georgianna Kirchhofer, Ton y a Houser , Betty Burgess, Shirley Dyer, Natalie Levers, Susan Brown, Barbara Hayes, Terry Biddle, Charles Conrad, Harold Caplan, Larry Levine, Ronnie Coppola, Linda Ashman, Karen Luke

Row 4-George Hencelt, John Halderman, Steve Ellis, Mike Fair, Bud Chapman, Don Balloon, Steve BlIllar, Tom Cagle, Gay Jewell , Carol Funk

Row 5- Dean JoUay, Jim Carl, Dee Grif­fiths, Jim Halloran, David Hooley, Steve Jacoby, Hubert Hothem, John Lester, Bill Braund, Louie Braden, Tom Gibbs, Roger Beckler


Row I - Margaret Starr, Barbara Nolletti . Linda Morris, Linda Ogden, Sheila Williams, Barbara Miller, Lauren Mc ­Alister, Jane Tanner, Betty Shriver

Row 2-J anice Oakley, Nancy Rike, Bar­bara Wepler, Karen Luke, Sally Sny­der, Judy Hart, Ba rbara Lisle, Sharon Starrett, Carole Birch, Roberta Mowrer, Martha Woolsey, Mrs. Sidle

Row 3- Tom Pitman, Ronald Vura, Mike Pratt. Jerry Shoup, Mike Walkup, BUI Yund, Dave Parker, Jim Martin, Joe Massoni, Martin Weber, Gary Thomp­son , Jeff Wright, Ken Zuckerman

Latin Club I

.Membership is the Latin Club is open to st udents taking Latin I. The purpose o[ the club is to gain further knowledge about the life and culture of the an­

cien t Romans a nd their influence on our life to day. The programs this ycar were varied with one socia l event at Christmas, a party with the members of Latin C lub II.

The cl ub is associated with the Junior C lassica l League,


Prcsidellt ,,_ ......... _ ...................... _ ................. _ .... ___ ... Dotl ie Pinn icks Vice President .. _._ .......... _ ..... __ ............ _._._ .. _ ... Eilia Nllm bers Seo 'ctal')' _ .. _. ___ ... _ .. __ . ______ . ____ ._ Lissa Walson T reasurer _. ____ ..... ___________ .. J cnnifer Saundcrs Co·Social Chaairmllll ___ . _____ . _____ ._. Jane Newhousc Co·Social Chairman _._ .. _._._. __ .. ___ . ___ . _____ Randy Kemp Adviser ........ _ .. __ . __ . ______ .. _._. ___ . ~,I rs. Martha Sid le

Latin Cllub II


Row I-Mrs. Beryl Denny, Chris Ellsworth, Jean Adams. Peggy Batdorf. Richard Moore. Bruce Twickler, Rick Snoody

Row 2-Cynthia DeUafave, Eileen Kail, Pat Jentes, Jean Lang, Lucy Murr, Carla Gros­sen burg, Lola Barnes, Judy Mower, Carolyn Blackwell

Row :l-Mel Kestner, Jim Hunt, Jeff Lawhead, Deloras Frease, Sharon Justice. Dianne Hal­loran, Mary Lou Beechy, JuUe Daugherty, Bonnie Butler

Row 4- Dale Fullerton, J im Harringron, Dex­ter Lockhart, Terry Fawcett . Hugh Angert, Jim Moore, Robert Morrison, Herb Broda, Mike Braunstein, John Bastin


Row I - Joyce Pettiee, Jackie SoUday, Beatrice Smith. Lois Wilson, Nancy Buchholz, Pat Flickinger , Pat Henning, Jackie Hawkins, Ma ry Brubaker

R ow 2-Joyce Yokoyama, Carol Picking, In,rid Roberts. Wynona Senn, Susan Kaser, Virgmia Homer, Carol Glick, Pamala Gore

Row 3-Sandra Yoder, Pam Parfitt, Susie Pat­terson, Sally Robinson, Cheryl Schultz, Mike Walton, Al Kiefer, John Sherck , Steve Begert

Row 4-Stan Pollard. Dennis Williams, Bill Taylor. Robert Nordstrom, Dennis Pinkard, Gary Penwell , Elliot Liggett, Sandy Baxtrom. Chris KlndsvaUer, Brad Franks

T he second year Latin Club, Laeti Latini, is composed of sllIdents taking second year Latin. The programs of this club are designed to create more interest in Latin itself and to gain further knowledge about the life, customs, litrature, art, h istory, and cultu re of the ancient Romans. Lali Latini tries to bring out the inlluence of th la nguage in modern art, science, and literature.

The primary interest of the members is in the Roman banquet held at the end of the year.

OFFICERS p,.esiden l ._ .. _ .. ____ ..... _ .. _ ........ _ ....... _ ... _........... Bruce Twickler Fice Preside/l/. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .... _ .... _._ ...... __ .. _._. ___ ........ _ Rick Snoddy Secl'ela)), ... __ ._ .. _ ....... _ .... _. __ .. ____ .. _ •. _ ... _ .. _ ... __ . ___ ._. Jean Adams Co·Social and Pl'Ogl'flll/. Chainllon .. _____ ... _ ...... ___ ._ Peggy Batdorf Co-Social and Program Cha iJ'/Jlall .. __ . _____ . __ ._ Rich Moore Adviser .. __ ._ ... __ .. _ .. _._._._._ .. _._ .... _. __ ............... _ ... _ ... Mrs. Beryl Denny



Row 1-5ally Trump, Angle Berner, Bob Culbertson, Dean ,Jonay Row 2-Donald Daye, Tom Moore, Charlotte Hein2rt , Mary Ann Keil, Kay Buss, Mike Reed, Bob Westfall, Sally Miller.

Todd Phipps Row 3-Jim Hoessle.,Jeff Nye, Donna Stombaugh, Pam GorE~, Mary Kaye Heisler, Ann Trump, Betty Ra udebaugh, Kay

Hoover, Faye Cassel Row 4-Larry Camfield , Mardon Erbland, Nell Baum, Steve Schreiber. Paul Naujoks, Henry Clark, Jim Gilmore, Larry

Schavey, Ken Wlrt. Dave Hall, Mark Levine Row 2-Mr. Flanigan, Tom Weidenhamer, Bert Gaede, Dong Wimmer, Bob Moke, Dan McCullough, Ed Guthrie, Ed

Bucher. Phil Christopher, Bruce Collins, Mike Will.iams. Ted Trikills, John Moore

Germa:n Club

The command of a foreign language opens new avenues of culture, placing us in direct con­tact with an investig-dtion into the life and civilhation of other peoples. Through rhe German Janguage one can came to an effective understanding of the life and literature of the German people. It is the purpose of the Gennan Club "Deutsche Kameraden" to enhance this under­standing and supplement classroom work by conducting informal and entertaining meetings where the opportunity to hear and speak the language cOJ1\'ersasiona lly is provided. Many of the customs and much of the culture and society of Germany are made more meaningful by guest speakers, films, records and studen t partidpation in discussions.


Presidellt .......... _ ........ _._ .................... _ ........ _... ........... Bob Culbertson

"ice Presidefll ._ ....... _ ...... _ .. __ .. _._. __ ... _ ................... Sal ly Trllmp

Secretury· TrelUllrer ... _._._._._._ ....... ___ ._ .......... _ ... Angie Berner

Co·Sodlll Chairman .... _ ................... J o Ann Massaro, Dean Jollay

AlluiM!r ..... _ .. _. ___ ... _._ ..... _ ..... _ .............. _ .. Mr. Lloyd Flanigan

Row 1-5andy Crow, Dave Snow, Larry Snyder, Lonnie King, Sally Parrett Row 2-Barb Bowman, Sue Rickey, Judy Amsby, Mkhelle Harris, Jean Flack , Pat Culbertson, Jeanne Funk , Pat Eddy,

Donna Mang Row 3-Carol Picking, Pat Patterson , Karen Ackerman , Ru th Powell, Nancy Keiffer, Peggy Jewell , Becky Nolt, Linda

Schlegel. Sharon Grosenberg, Joyce Neal, Linda Bee, Barbara Kerr, Sara Newhouse Row 4-Mlke Warden, Darrell Coots. Jack McCla rran , Jim Sidle, Jerry McCarley, Dean Stahl. Vicki Porter, Marl

Schultz, Peg Gray . Kay Raeder, Chuck Butler Row 5-Mlke McKee, Ted Flickinger, Roger Keegan, Frank Ellsworth , Bill Eaves, Ed Parker, John Chapman. Kent Pat·

tenon, Don Harper, John McClarran. Bill Sadler, Kenny Morris, Tim Gompf, Rich Jameson

Los Socios Espanoles

Los Socios Espanoles is a cultural and social club for first and second year Spanish students. Progr-.uns usually featured a movie, slides, or a speaker to increase the members' knowledge or Spanish speaking countries and people.

Specia l events during the year included a Christmas party with the French Club, a trip to Cleveland to attend the opera, and a pizza party.


P" esidtml Dave Snow

";ce·P,·es;deut ._ ....... __ .. __ ... ___ ._............................... Larry Snyder

Secrelary ... _ ... _ .............................. __ ........... _ .. _ ... _ ... _.... Sally Parrett

'rreasurer ___ .. ___ .. _ ...... _ ........ _ ....... _ ..... _ ........... Jeff Malarkey

.~oc;al Cha;rme" .... _ ...... _ .......... _ .. __ Sand)' Crow. Lonnie King

Adtli.ser ____ ._ .... ___ : ... __ . __ . __ ........... _ ... t\lr. Dominic Scolaro


F. T. A. (A-M)

Row I-Joyce Neal , Sandra Boston, Karen Ackennan. Ginny Clcconetti. Jo Ann Massaro. Mady Miller. Shlrel), Quigley, David Moore

Row 2-Sandy MlIlhuff. Carol Chene­vey. Diane Chapman. Peggy Batdorf, Gloria Dunham. Mar y Brubaker. Miche le Harris. Miriam Catllff

Row 3- Mary Hothem, Peggy Gray. Carol Grosenbaugh Cynthia Dellafave Diane Halloran. Lois Keiffer. Pat Henney, Susan Kaser, Carolyn Black­well

Row 4- Judy Bunn, Pat Flickinger. Bonnie Butler. Barb Kerr. Robbl Jentes. Phylls Donaldson

F. T. A. (N-Z)

Row I - Dorothy Shank. Joyce Pettice, J ane Westhafer. Carol Picking. Pam Parfitt. Diane Whitford

Row 2- Karen Zufall. Sue Stoddard, Edith Rickett. Lucy Murr. Susan Pat­tersoJ), MIllie Selb, JuiJe Slater

Row 3-Vlckl Woodruff, Sally Stall. Jo­anne Tanner. Vicki Porter, Seatta Pangle , Linda Tanner, Linda Wim­mer, Brenda Zook , Carol Scharr. Myr­na Yocum.

Row 4- Mlke Greenawald, Kay Raeder, Barb Weiss. Jerry Neuma.n

Future Teachers of America Menlbers of the Future Teachers Club serve the school through the [ollowing actiVities;

grading papers, tak ing attendance in classes, and ushering for different school activities, such as PTA open house.

In the [all, the club sponsored a post-game da nce, proceeds of which wen t to the club's scholarship fund. Clu b mernbers decorated for Baccalaurea te and Commencement. The i\ fay breakfast, wh ich is for the recognition of the sen iors in the club, cl imaxed the year's activit ies.

This yea r the club two delegates, Mady Miller and Ginny C icconetti, to the state conference at Colu mbus . .10 Ann i\lIassaro and Pat Kowaluk represented the club as ushers at the NEOTA convention in Cleveland.

OFFICERS Presiden t . ___ .. __ .. _._. __ ._._ ........... _ ............... _ ...... ___ .. ___ .. _ l\1ady Mi ller Vice·Presiden t ._ ........... _ ....... _ .. ___ ........ _._ .. __ . __ Jo Ann Massaro Suretll'), _____ .. ____ .... ___________ Ginny Cicconeni Trt:as/l,'er _. ______________ ......... ___ ... _ ... _.. David Moore Co-Social Chairman __ ... _. __ .. ______ ...... ___ . __ .... Shir ley Quigley Co·Social Chaihllall .. __ . _____ .. _ ..... ______ . __ .. __ Lois Specht Librariall ___ .. _ .. ___ .... _ ... _ ...... _ ...... _ .... _ ._. __ . _____ ._. I'at Kowalul.:: H i.ftur;a.n .. ___ .... _ ....... ___ ........ _ .. _ ...... _ ... ______ .. Sandra BOSI,Oll

SOllg Lellder .. _ .. ___ ....... __ ... __ . __ . __ .. __ . __ ._. Karen Acl.::ennan Pariillm elltlll'iall ___ . _____ .. _._ .... __ . __ ...... __ .......... _.__ Joyce Neal Adlliser _____________ . __ .. __ ._ ... ______ .. _ l\liss Lucille Ca rrol l


The Drama and

The Oratory


Row I - Lo is Specht, Ba rb Bow man . Pa t C uJbert-,on

Row 2-Mark LevIne. Rich Eppley



The \ '\Tooster High School deba te team is made up primarily o f students who wish to par· t icipa t.e in extra-curricular debates. Th is entai ls a great deal of contest debating, wh ich Lakes place on Saturdays. The season generall y begins around Ihe first week in November, and ends with the sta te tournament the middle of Marcil.

Normally. from four to five tea ms of lour members each participate from yea r to year. This year the extra-<:urricular debaters participa ted in some 150 con tes t dehaters. No exact record is kept. but the usual percentage o l win s is abou t 75% . Two trophies were added to the "Vooster collection this year as a result of severa l "good " Saturdays.

The varsity squad this yea r that rated as' "A" team most of the t ime was composed of Richard .Epp ley. Robert Culbertson, Mark Lev ine. and Pat Culber tson . All but Mark are sen· iors, so some new faces must share the load next yea r.

Row I - Pat Culbertson. Anne Trump. Bar b Kerr . Peggy Landis, J ayne Drushal

Row 2-Richard Ash. Ala n Brenner , Mike Braun­ste in , Bob Culbertson

Ro w 3-Bert Gaede, He rb Broda. J im BeaUle, Ed Bucher


Row I - Carolyn Blackwell, Carolee Hollinger, Tasia Young, Diane Chapman

Row 2- Ann Budd, Anne Trump, Barbara Kerr. Donna Larcamp

Row 3- Freya Leichty. Bert Gaede. Ted Taylor, Randy Snow. Ken Zuckennan

National Forensic League The Nationa l Forensic League of \rVooster High Schoo l has just completed its 30th year

of operation at the local level. Having been chartered by the national office at Ripon, Wis­consin in 1930, Wooster High is one of the few schools in the nation to have maintained both quan ti ty and quality in the field of speech education .

High lights this year included the <l11l11!a l debate LOurney in December. I n February an individual events LO urney and the d istr ict NFL tourney were held at \rVooster. T his is the third conseclitive year that Wooster has p layed host to the Eastern Ohio d istr ict tourney_ Stu­dents who pl ace first in th is contest are eligible for bOl.h the state and national tourneys.

Students q uali fying for the state speech tourney in Columbus this year were Carolyn Black­well, Herb Broda, Ed Bucher, An n Budd, Pat Culbertson, and Mike Lamb.

Presidelll ____ .. ___ .......... _ .. ___________ .. ___________ .________ Rich Eppley Vice President ........ ___ . _____________ .. ____ .. ____ .... ____ . ______ Pat Cul bertson Secreta,), __ ........ _ ... _ .. _._ ........ _ ... __ .. ___________________________ Barb Bowman

, . . . J Lois Specht Co-SLewl Citollmell ----------·--·--.. ·--·--------···· .. ---...... 1 Mark Levine Adviser ____ .... _._._. ___ .. ____ .. __ .. _ .. ___ .. _________ ... __ ... Mr. Robert Ilol lock


Row l-Alan Brenner. Mike Braunstein. Barb Bowman, Pat Culbertson, Mary Ann Keil

Row 2- Mark Le .... ine. Bob Culbertson, Rich Epp· ley, Sylvia Saunders, Mary Heisler

Row 3-Lois Specht. Herb Broda. Mike Lamb. Ed Bucher

9 1


Row I- Mr. Robert Pollock, Jean Flack , George Schneider, Pat Culbertson, Mary Ann Ke ll

Row 2-Ann Budd, Barb Bowman, Helen Hastings, Linda Flesher, Allan Franks

Row 3-Freya Liechty. Carolyn Blackwell, Donna Larcamp, Ann Hunt, Jayne Dl'ushAI. Sandy Baxtrom, Bob Copas

Row 4- Alan Brenner, Dean JoUay, Mike BraWl­stein, Herb Broda, Ed Bucher, Ed Guthrie, David Bixler

Row I - Kathy Treat, Kathy Vaughn, Sue Stod­dard, Shirley Quigley, Sylvia Saunders, Barb Weiss, Sally Stoll

Row 2-Joanne Tanner. Tasia Young, Lynne Mil­ler, Lois Specht, Carolyn Ross, Kathy Sands, Bonnie Wertz

Row 3-Candy Riley, Anne Trump

Row 4- BIll Vodra, Sue Yoder, Gary Rhamey, John Warner, Bill Nicolay. Gary Zurcher, Pat PAtterson

Wooster High Student Voice Sludents at Wooster High School gain experience for radio announcing by joining the

radio club, known as vVHSV, A v;:lriety of activities are incorporated inlto this year's program. Most of the students

get an opportunity to announce over the school public address system for morning announce­ments. Devotions arc also conducted over this vast network of spea kers. \·Vhen assemblies are held, the students get to perfonn before the student body in the auditorium.

Engineers help with the audio eq uipment lin the sound room, at I'vlaurer Field. the new gym, the auditorium, and on trips to the elementary schools.

One project which has a lso become somewhat of a tradition is the radio club assembly program. This generalIy comes in early spring.

\¥ith educational television just around the corner for students in this area, the club is looking forward to additional responsibilities j:n this new medium.

The staf( lor this year included:

Gfmerai Manag"" ._ ......................... __ .. __ ....... _ ... _ ....... I'al CUlbertSOll Chief A'lliouncer .. __ ._ .. __ .. __ ..... _ ..... .. _ ..... _ ..... _._ ..... _ ...... _ ... Jean Flack De1101ionai Cliain1UUI ____ ..... ___ ..... _.~ __ ... __ . _____ ... ___ ._ Mary Ann Ke il

M IUic Chairman ___ ._._. __ ... _ .... _. _____ . ___ ._ .. __ .... Diane Chapman Chief Engilleer __ .. _ ..... . _ .. _ ... _._ ... _. __ .... _ .. _ ... _ ... ____ .. Ceorge Schneider AdTlisf!1" ... _._ .... __ ._._ .... _ ..• _ •..•.•..•. _ •. _ ......... _._._ ... _ ... Atr. Roben Pollock

Row I - Mr. Sayre and Mr. Pollock In front of the trophy case; State speech contestants Mike Lamb, Ann Budd, Pat Culbertson, Carolyn Blackwell

Row 2- Ann Budd with trophy ; Radio Club assembly participants Al Keifer, Rich Eppley, Bob Moke, Frank Ellsworth ; Pat and Bob Culbertson with trophy

Row 3- Pat Culbertson a nd Herb Broda with Wadsworth sweeJ:stakes trophy ; Mike Braunstein, Mark Levine, Rich Epp­ley, Alan Brenner with debate trophy

Speech Action



Soc and Buskin

Kneeling- Mary Ann Kell. Allan Franks, Peggy Gray

Row I-Jeanne Funk, Barb Bowman, Mary Beechy, Peggy Batdorf. Ann Budd, Barb Kerr, Carolee Hollinger

Row 2- Llnda Flesher. PhyHss Donald· son, Terry Brelmer. Mary Kaye Heis­ler, Sheelah Cramner, Pat Bumsteen, Eileen Kail . Harvey Be ll, Miss Ann Schofie ld

Row 3- Dlane Chapman, Judy Bunn, Peggy Jewell. Nancy Kiefer. Judy Arnsby, Patty Kobilarclk, Pat Cul­bertson

Row 4-Helen Hastings, Mike Lamb, Ed Bucher, Herb Broda, Randy Leeper, J ohn Boggs

Row I - Barb Weiss, Sue She lley. Kay Raeder, Kathy Rearick, Kathy Treat. Bonnie Wertz, Carole Nolettl

Row 2- Sue Snyder, Sue Patterson. Carolyn Ross. Kathy Sands, Tasla Young, Anne Trump, Candy Rlely

Row 3- Lynne Miller, Lois Specht, Sally Robinson, Carol PIcking, Sue Stod­dard, Miss Ann Teel

Row 4-Doug Shamp, John Warner, Steve Shrelber. Mark Senff. Brian Vaughn. BHI Vodra

The Soc and Buskin is the center of the d ra ma tic arts of \OVooster High School. The soc is a type of soft moccasin which is the Greek symbol for the comedy. The buskin is the high. heeled, cl umsy boot, also of Greek origin, that sign ifies the drama or tragedy.

\Vorking on the play, both in acting and behind the scenes, gives the members a taste . of the effort that goes into producing a show. Both o f these departments are essential to :the success of a production .

~ I embership is open to any student who has completed one year in the Apprentice group. Three of the meetings, held once a month, are devoted to skits given by the three upper class· es.

A three-act p lay is produced each semester, furn ishing highlights of the school year. "January Thaw" and " Mother Is A Freshman" were two comedies done in the recent months.

{'/"f,'.fide"t ._ ....................... _._._ ..... _ •. _._ ........ _.......... A Ilan Franks "ire Preside"t, _ .... _. __ ... _ ..... _._ .. _____ . ___ ... _ .. Mary Ann Keil Srcrelal)'·Treasll l'cr ... _ ........ _ .. __ ..... _ .. ___ .. ___ ._ Peggy Gra)'

Advi.{trs .. _ ........... _ .... _ .. ____ ... _ .... _ ... _._ .. { MiSS Ann Schofield Miss Ann T eel

Row l-Cindy Bunn. Susan Brown, Harold caplan. Roberta Brenner. Sally Miller Row 2-Caryl Brotton. Wilma Casto. Ginny Odenklrk . Dottie Pinnlcks. Susan Stonebaker. Cheryl

Kirschner Row 3-Jane Newhouse. Sally Snyder. Jeanne Noble. Lauren McAlister

Apprentice Club

The Apprentice Club is an organization for students interes ted in any pan of dralllatics. After serving one year in this group. the members are able to join Soc and Buskin Club.

The Apprentice Club learns essential stage te rms about acting and backstage work . At the end of the year the beginning dramatists help to put on the Spring Play.

Presidellt .... __ ............ _ ..... __ ..... _ ......... _____ . __ ... __ .. __ .... Suz)' Brown

"ice Presidelll ... _ ............... _._._ .... __ ........... _ ............... Wilma Casto

Secreta,)' .... _._ .......... _._ .. _ ... _____ ._._ .... _._._ .. _ ... Dorothy I)innicks







THESPIANS I-Linda Flesher, Connie Baab, Lana Watson, Pat Culbertson, Lois Specht. Mary Ann Keil, Sue Yoder, Jeanne

Funk. Carolyn Ross 2- Mary Kaye Heisler. Candy Riley. Kay Buss, Pat Eiurnsteen . Helen Hastings , Kay Raeder. Sue Shelley, Bonnie

Wertz. Sue Stoddard. Sara Sprowls, D iane Chapman, Peggy Jewell 3-Dlck Noble. Allan Franks. Judy Arnsby. Meike Kulk , Lynne Miller. Barb Bowman, Kathy Sands, Kathy Treat,

Karen Zufall, Judy Bunn, Phylis Donaldson 4-BIII Vodra, Ed Bucher, Al Keifer, Mark Senff, Doug Shamp, Sheelah Cranmer. John Boggs. Randy Leeper, John

.Warner, Alan Brenner, Herb Broda

Thespia:n Society Thespian Society is open to any Inember of the Soc and Buskin Club who has earned ten

points by either acting in the annual fall and spring plays or working backstage on any of the various committees. The Society is an honorary organilation made up of those students who have done outstand ing work in the dramatic field. There are over two thousand chapters of Ihe Society in the United States.

Every spring the Thespians have a formal banquet which is their only meeting all year. At this time new members to the Society are inducted and the senior members are recognized for their achievements. The motto of Thespian Society, "Act well your part ; there all the honor lies," symbolizes the spirit of all the Ill.embers in this national organization.

Preside III, .... __ .. _ .. _ ..... _ .... nill Rode

Vice· Preside,,1 _ .. __ ._ John Boggs

Secretary ..... __ ._ .. Sheelah Cranmer

J Mis.'I Ann Schofield Advisers .......... \. Miss Ann Ted


Row I - Barb Bowman, Mary Ann Ken , Pat Culbertson. Kathy Treat, Diane Chapman

Row 2-Ed Bucher, Mary Kaye Heis ­ler, Lynne Mll1er, Sara Sprowls, Phylis Donaldson

Row 3-Bill Vodra, Allan Franks. Doug Shamp, John Warner, John Bogg!o, Sheelah Cranmer

Row 1-5heelah Cramner, John Warner, and Brian Vaughn rehearse for "J anuary Thaw"; on stage, J ohn Warner Is addressed by Dave Warner

Row 2- An adjustment on the set Is made by Ed Bucher; backstage before the play, Mieke Kulk

Row 3-Miss Teel and Pat Burnsteen chat backstage while Pat Culbertson reads her program; Sue Stoddard makes up Allan Franks while Linda Flesher sits in Allan's lap

Dramatic Action


The Musics


Row I- Ann Hunt. Diane Chapman , Sandy Lehman, Shi r ley Dyer. Natalie Levers. S ue She lle.Y. Pam Pa r fitt , Mary Heisler, Leanna Leighty, Betty Burgess, Jeff Lawhead , Kathy Kirk , Lau ren McAli s te r , Jane Tanne r , Bill Bode, Nancy Rike, Helen Riehl

Row 2- Bob Make, Pat KowaJuk . Carolee Hollinger. Carol GrClsenbaugh. Susan Kaser. Harvey Bell, Lynda George , Pat Ward , Barbara Gerber, Sandy Boston, J ane Westha:fer . Marsha Holden , Bruce Collins, Sally Miller. Bob Westfall . Jim Hunt, Steve Ellis, Allan Franks, Robe rta Jelltes, Donna Elliot . Allan Kiefer. Sandy Yoder, Kathy Chapm an

Row 3-Sandy Millhuff, Carol Smucker. Judy Kinney, Mary Lou Beechy, Harold Caplan , J o Ann Massaro, Sue Snyder. Sharon McCurdy, Darrel Leisure, Pam Wagner. Peggy Amstutz, Nancy Burkey , Bud Berger. Ka ren Baer. Mark Senff, Art Dicker. Ron Sidl!'. Carol Schar. Gary Kolbe, Eula Numbers. Bill Braund, Greg Franks, Pat Henney. Peggy Gray, Nan Sparr, Carol Clouse . Carolyn Lang, Mary SpJegelmlre , Jen Saunders

Row 4- Evelyn Franks, Peggy Batdorf. Sue Me tzler. Karen Cor'bln, Steve Shapiro. Kurt Dew, Gloria Finley , Marily n Jolliff. Marilyn Potts, Peggy Gellseman, Mike Reed, Dick Treat , J erry Miller, Mike Braunstien. Terry Poling, Mike Drushal , Jeanne Noble, John Boggs, Gary Rhamey, Larry Canfield , Marty Weber, Chuck Yankello, Steve Schrieber, Chuck Conrad , Bob Dilgard , Melvin Mille r , John Sleeseman , Jeanne We l.r lck , Ron Harpe r . Susan Ve ney, Rich Eppley. Shery l Hider. Rita Sprowls, John Bastin. Bill Tay lo r . Roger Collier, Ken Tulloch , Bob Mille r

Band This year, aga in under the capable direction of .\lr. Jack Emig, th e "" ooster High School

Ikllld had an outstandi ng season, Playing at al l the hom e football games and man y o [ the ones away from home, the band made Ill<ln y striking and llIemorable appeara nces. Especia l­ly well -liked were Lhe technicall y diHicult drill sho\\'s which the band carried out with preci­sion skill.

The nand then changed from a marching unit to a concen group. 1n Apr il they ga ve a fin e assembly for lhe sllldents at school; hiler, on l\ lay 12, an evening show was presented for Lhe community. All in ali , the band this season did such tremendou5 ",o rk that it earn ed the respect and admirat ion o[ musicians throughout th e Slat e.

Plt'.~i<Je"l ________________________________________ ~Ii kc Drusha l

I' i re- !>resi(/elll ______________________________________ Bo,", ~I okc

~eCrel(lry __________ .. __ , ____ __ _____ . __ . __________________ \lln 1-lulIl

T re(MII )'er ____________ • _____________ .. _______ .. ___ . _____________________ Bill Bode



Kneeling-Head Majorette Mary Ann KeU Standing- Lana Watson, Shirley Dyer, Mary Hothem, Jeanne Noble, Kay Buss, Linda Flesher, Judy Sauer


-o '"

Row I-Paula Dodez, J o Ann Tanner, Carol Beechy, Fred Albright, Linda Ashman , Diane Chapman, Lynn Dodez. Delores Frease Row 2-John Boggs, Sue Sehle. Jean Adams, Sheelah Cramner, Ann Hunt, Helen Riehl, Lauren McAlister, Bill Bode, Kathy Chapman Row 3-Carol Stocker. Bill HeUer. Barb Wepler, Beatrice Smith, Marsha Holder. Sandra Boston, Bruce Colllns, Gary Rhamy, Bob Make, Harvy BQll. Sharon K oser, Ke n Tul­

loch. Rich Eppley, Curt Murray, George Schneider, Mr. Boltz. Al Klefffer, Mike Drushal, Barbara Rouhier Row 4-8111 B oggs, Pat Moats, Dick Treat. AI Franks, Steve Ellis


The Wooster High School Orchestra began the season by playing an animated and inspiring Spring Concert. T his fine musical organ­iza tion was assisted by the junior high orchestra.

The orchestra p layed [or an all -school assembly program. This concert was very enthusias tica lly received b y an appreciative student body. Additional programs 1vere the student council district meeting, bacca laureate, and commencemenl.

Paula Dad ez, a junior, was appointed concert mistress for the 1960-6 1 school year.

o ""

Row I - Nancy Walkup, Margorie Shaffer, Natalie Dickerson. Connie Trumphour, Jayne Drushal, Norena Parker. Mary Lou Beechy, Eileen Kall, Jayne West­hafer. Lucy Murr, Sally Robison. Mary Brubaker, Sandy Guffaro, Sherry Ulrich. Diane Chapman, Karen Steiner, Mr, Glenn Hurst. director

Row 2- Margle Ulrich, Cotta Davis, Carolee Hollinger, Millie Jo Selb. Sandy Lehman, Peggy Gray, Jo Anne Tanner. Kathy Sands, Karen Zufall , Virginia Homer, Carol Glick, Connie Baab. Sara Sprowls, Chris Ellsworth, Susan Marx. Karen Ackerman, Barb Bowman, Ginny Cicconetti

Row 3-Carolyn Ross, Jo Anne Brewer, Kayla Manges. Helen Hastings. Tasia Young, Donna Elliott. Lynne Mlller, Carolyn Jentes, Mimi Tissot, Kay Buss, Linda Flesher, Miriam CaUiff, Lois Himes, Sylvia Saunders, Mady Miller, Barb Scale, Elsie Yacopraro, Judy Olesko

Row 4.-Phil Irvin, Dennis Williams, David Baab. Stan Pollard, Bob Ginther, Doug Jones, Dennis Wells. Bill Gordon, Dan McCallum, Jim Hanner, Glen Smith, Ted Lehman, Chris Kindsvatter, Rod Miller, Ted Flickinger, Bob Fisher, Roger Miller, David Webster

Row 5-Rlch Moore, David Parker. Charles Young. Gene Myers, Chuck Yankello, Mike Drushal, Charles Vaughn, Dale Fullerton, Harvey Bell, Mac Petty, Adrian Smith, Frank Ellsworth, Jeff Thomas. Ron Lethennan, Richard Yarnell, Dennis Alleman, Jeff Lawhead •

Senior Choir The senior choir opened the 1960-61 concert season by singing a varied and inspiring program for the music mothers. For

lheir Thanksgiving assembly the senior vocal organization sang two classic selections composed by Bach. These songs were well received by an intelligent and apprecialive student body.

The Christmas Sing was presented to an overflow ing crowd. The choir's rendiLion of the Hallelujah Chorus was said to be outstanding. This masterful work composed by Handel was accompanied by junior Carolyn Ross.

The senior choir, quite capable o[ singing both a cappella and accompanied music literature, delivered both religious and secular selections o[ classic literature [or the large and enthusiastic audience anending the spring concert.

The concluding concerts were the Commencement and Baccalaureate programs.





I - Tanya Houser, Tamara Carson, Becky YankeUo. Barb Grenert, Karen Luke. Georglanna Klrchoter, Sally Stahl, Nancy Cornelius, Judy Stout, Virginia Adams, Marcia Pinnics. JUI Butzer, Cheryl O 'Hail

2- Cheryl Hider, Thelma Rigsby . Linda Ogden. Connie Hendershot. Lola Elliot, Bev Kendal, Cindy Saltdman. Vicki Woodruff, Vicki Kaufman, Betty Shriver, Betty Reidenbach, Aldlne Horn. Carol Wolabaugh, Carolyn Ortt. Cheryl Weirick, Pat Headly, Phyll1s Abney

3-J ohn Lester, John Reynolds, Dee Griffith , Doug Teague, Eddie Robison, John Robinson, Gary Derkovlc, J ohn Boutwell. John Derkoklc, Ken Rutt, Jim Miller, Jim Louitt

4- Hubert Hothem. William Schupp, Mike Fair, Eugene Mirlcle. Ken Morris, Stanley Stombaugh, Terry Chellis, Mike Gordon; Ken Shoup, Don Bal!oon , Dave Parker, Bernard Schaffrath , Tom Innarelli, Mike Walkup. Mr. Glenn Hurst

Mixed Chorus The mixed chorus numbered over sixty students this year. T h is young enthusiast ic group of vocal students was outstand­

ing throughout the year, The chorus was capably accompanied by Cheryl O'Hail. In add ition to their fine work at the Christmas Sing, the chorus prtsented a varied program of Christmas mllsic for the

lVJusic Mothers Organization.

Row 1-Karen Swartz, Susan Stonebreaker, Jane Newhouse, Sandra Britza, Jen Saunders, Margaret Hosfield, Suzy Veney, Ginny Odenk\rk, Karen Corbin, Sally Snyder, Linda Ashman, Stephanie Cranmer, Nancy Rike, Martha Woolsey

Row 2-5uzy Schie, Pam Foringer, Barb Doty, Linda Wigington, Mary Milham, Susan Guttman, Lauren McCalister, Leslie Hollinger, Connie Koontz, Judy Hart, Patty Flack, Shirely Dyer, Roberta Brenner, Priscilla Levers, Carol Carnahan

Row 3-Jeanne Headly, Ruby Cohn, Marilyn J olliff, Cindy Bunn, Cheryl Mullen, Suzy Brown, Elizabeth Williams, Barb Lisle. Margaret Zufall, Cheryl KJrschner, Mary Splgelmire, Pat Jentes. Pat Ward, Liz Williams, Carol Funk, Becky Nolt

Row 4- Barb Wepier, Elizabeth McAfee, Kathy Faught. Judy Mowrer, Carolyn Blackwell, Alida Weirick, Kathy Chapman, Director: Clenn Hurst

Girls Glee

Clear dic:tion, fine balance, perfect control, and the interpretation of mllsic Iiterallire have never been so well mastered. This was the verdict of the audience who heard the girls glee sing during the 1960-61 season .

The girls, dre~sed in black and white, were charming to watch at the annual spring concert. Their work this year at various concerts has been outstanding,

The Athl~etics

The 1960










Row I- Ted Flickinger, Dunge Cicconctt i, Bob Engle, Tcd Huxley, Andy Kobilar· cik, Wayn.e Smith , Val Naujoks, 1)on l'lalll , manager Tom Bales

Row 2-Max Tittle, Chris Cagle. M ike Zuercher, Larry Snyder, Bill Eaves, Dick Noble, Clarence Jelnes, Owen Logce, Neil 'Baum , I'aul Murray. manager Oren Marlin

Row 3--Loll Kauffman , Harlan Hamihon, Dennis Lahey, Frank Hi xon , Delln y Howman, Dave Warner, Harold n eers. Mike McKee, Steve Fetzer, manager Mark l \xC


Row 2-Max Tittle, Chris Cagle. M ike Zuercher, Larry Snyder, Bill Eaves, Dick Noble, Clarence Jelnes, Owen Logce, Neil 'Baum , I'aul Murray. manager Oren Marlin

Row 3--Loll Kauffman , Harlan Hamihon, Dennis Lahey, Frank Hi xon , Delln y Howman, Dave Warner, Harold n eers. Mike McKee, Steve Fetzer, manager Mark l \xC


Lou Kauffman , Andy Kobilarcik , Dennis Bowman


Denny I-Iowman's touchdown coming after Denny Lahey's pass interception was Ihe only score in this bat­lie of defenses_


As the defense held the tornadoes LO six points, Den­ny Howman bulled his way to the two \Voosfer LOuch­downs.


Don I')allt's 90 yard kickoff return sparked fhe of­feme as the Generals rode rough shod over the North Can LOn Vikings.

Cardinal ConferEmce Champions


Ted Huxley, ~~Vayne Smith


The Generals thrilled the home-coming crowd with a {inc display o( football as they dumped a well-rated Berea team.


Thc luckless New Philly Quakers fell victim to the solid playing of a dctermined team o[ Generals.


While the "Untouchables" held previously undefeat­ed Crestline scoreless, the offense piled up an impressive margin.


Dennis Lahey, Dave Snow, Harold Beers


Ashland was completely overpowered by the oppos­ing Generals who swept lO their seventh victory.


In one of the hardest fought games of the season, a determined band of Generals defeated the powerful Madi · son team for the Cardinal Conference crown.

Frank Hixon , Val Naujollks. Chris Cagle


Ilaul Murray. Neil Baum, Larry Snyder Clarence Jenlcs

Dick Noble. Don Plant, Dave Snow



A strong General squad easily defeated a weak Leh­man team who only scored in the closing millllles against the I"(~~ervc defense.


A mighty Orrville team fell to defeat as the " Un­touchables" slOpped the swift runs of Ty Barnett. Orr­ville's fleet-footed half back. This the General's hardest battle was won by a supreme team cffort lha t will be remembered for ages.


Football Coaches

Mr. Gordon Downie. Mr. Dave Thomas. Mr. Roman Majerczak. Mr. J 0 h n McCreary Mr. Nicholas Dellerba. Mr. Ron Calabria

The coaching staff of the 1960 Generals is a group with varied experience and training. Head coach Roman Majerczak came to \,Vooster with four varsity letters in football from Ohio Wesleyan University. Coach Delerba received his training at Kent State Un iversity; Coach Downie. at Heidelbe:rg; Coach :Mc­Creary at Otterbein; Coach Zuercher. at Findlay; and Coach Ca labr ia. at the Un iversity of Southern California .

Mark Axe, Orin Martin. Tom Bates, Terry Chellis


A ride off the field rewards Coach Majerczak at the end of a perfect season .

Football Managers

\'Vhen one remem·bers the team and the coaches, he often forgets the little man, the rnan· ager. The managers have the job 01 cleaning up the locker room, helping with the equipment conditioning and repairs. as well as keeping the team physically repaired while in contest.

Row l-Shaker Heights player tackling Don Plant : Don Plant eludes the Ashland Arrows; Dennis Lahey says to Val Naujoks, "So near and yet so far."

Row 2- Against Crestline, Don Plant runs downfield; Denny Ho'Wman rides from the field after the Orrville game; and end sweep by Andy Kobilarcik gains yardage against Shak er Heights

Row 3-Dennis Lahey lunges at a loose football; Berea stops Don Plant; After the game Andy Kobilarcik and Dave Snow re­ceive the game trophey

Row 4-Harold Beers readies himself for action against New Philadelphia; Orrville player chases Harold Beers. Denny How­man eludes a tackler; running against Shaker, Denny Bowman breaks away from his opponents

F ootballl Action

11 3


Row I- Dwight Campbell, Mike Warden, Denny Wells, Mike Ogden, Dean Jolley, Gene Tyson Row 2-Dave Massaro, Eddie Bell, Gary Miller, Rick Snoddy, John McCoy, Brad Franks, Rod Byler, Ward Hostetler Row 3--Jeff Malarkey, Kelly Wagner, Jeff French, Don Ratcliff , Rod Mowrer, Bob Braund, Al Porter, Roger Carson

Reserve Football

The future Generals piled up an impressive 6-2 record under the coaching of John Mc­Creary.

Wadsworth served as the first test for the junior Generals. This lest was passed with fly-ing colors as the JV's won by a 36-2 count.

Orrville became the second victim of the reserve gridders by a 12-8 counl.

Quarterback Ted Flickinger next engineered the 14·8 defeat of the Dover Tornadoes.

A fourth victory for the future Generals came easily at the expense of the Ash land AI" rows who [ell by a 36-0 score.

A determined. but overpowered. Medina squad bowed to the JV's in a 14-6 defeat.

\Vhen the reserves met a heavy, experienced, and powerful Barberton squad, they got their first taste of defeat by a 34· 18 margin.

Hays ' Village rell easy victim to the junior Generals who rolled over the Hays' Village squad 34-0.

To end the season, the Generals bowed to defeat at the hands of the i\lIansfieJd Rams 12-6.

Row I - Mike Jennings, Jim Miller , Don Bogner, Gary Jones, Mike Steiner, Ken Rutt, Jack McClarran, Randy Snow Don BaUoon, Da lie Hartman

R ow 2- Rob Craig, Perry Bell , Duane Ackerman, Tom Cagle. Carl Miletto, Dave Parker. Ben Mitchell, Tom Ianerelii. Row 3-Ken Zuckerman, Jim Martin, Cliff Schoolroy, Rick Simpson, Bernard Schafrath , Jim Edwards. Ginther Naujoks.

Eldon Mowrer, Jerry Shoup, Rick Crabtree Row 4-Jim Hoessle. Brian Schoolroy. Jeft Nye, Bill Yund, Charles Piatt, Bill Buchwalter. Mike Fair. Doug Teague,

Jim Carl, Fred Massaro

Freshman Football

Coach Ken Zuercher's freshman team posted a 1-3 record as these boys ga ined their first experiences on the gridiron,

This band of freshm an battlers started the season in foes. Ashland first bowed to the frash in a 6-0 ba ttle. fell victim to the Freshmen as they lost by a I ~~-8 score.

fine fashion by defeating fOllr sturdy An Orrville Red Rider squad next

The Dover frosh nex t tasted defeat at the h:Clnds of the young Generals as the Tornado frosh bowed 23-12, The fOllrth victory came as Don Balloon and Ben Mitchell led the fi Lt year Generals to a 20-0 victory over the Rittman team.

The season ended on a SOliI' note as the young Genera ls dropped three decisions straight. Coach Zuercher's crew first tasted the sting of defeat at the hands of Mansfield Senior by a 46-28 count. The second defea t came at the hands of another l'vransfield team; this time Mans­fi eld - th e score, 12-6. To round out the seaso n, the frosh dropped a heartbreaker 22-20 to the Ashland Arrows.

11 5


Row I-John McCoy, Gary Miller, Dick Noble, Bill Eaves, Ghm Smith, Mac Petty Row 2--Coach Ed Garvin, manager Rod Byler, Ted Flickinger, Terry Wilson , Ted Huxley, Jim Sidle, Lonnie King, Coach

Dave Gallapoo

Varsity BOlsketball

The Generals of the basketball floor followed the example of the football Generals and pulled out one of the finer seasons in vVooster High basketball history. During the season the Generals copped the Cardinal Confert!l1ce crown and ended the season with a record of 16-4.

'Wooster Wooster Wooster \Nooster Wooster Wooster Wooster Wooster

__________________ 51 ____________________ 63 ______________ 56 ____________ __ 45 ___________________ 59 ____________________ 57 ____________________ 66 ____________________ 43

Massillon _________________ 51 Orrville ____________________ 49

Akron Kenmore _____ 40 Shelby ________________________ 36

Mansfield Madison __ 46 Ash land ____________________ 36 Coshocton _. _______________ 51 Dover _______________ _______ 35

Wooster ___________________ 75 Wadsworth _____ . __________ 28

Wooster _________________ 59 T\.-fansfield Madison __ 46 Wooster ____________________ 52 Dover ________________________ 64

Wooster Wooster Wooster \Voostcr Wooster \Vooster \-Vooster

____________________ 42 ____________________ 6g ____________________ 60 ____________________ 50 ____________________ 69 __________________ 49 ____________________ 66

Tournaments Wooster _____ . ___________ 63 Wooster ____________________ 44

Canton South _________ 48 Ashland ____________________ 62

Mansfield Senior _____ 59

Canton Lincoln ______ 63 Berea ___ _____________________ 45

North Canton _________ 35 Canton Central

Cat ho lic _______ _____ 63

Green Twp_ 35 Canton !\-h:Kinlcy ____ 45



Forward DICK i\"OHLE




Among The More Important Games

Wooster 54 Massillon 51

Ted Huxley's four overtime points cinched the season opener over powerful Massillon.

Wooster 68 Ashland 62

.I im Sidle led the way with 26 points as the Generals downed a determined and talented Ashland squad.

Wooster 60 Mansfield Senior 59

The Generals picked lip their second overtime victory of the season over Mans­field Senior.

Wooster 57 Ashland 36

Dick Noble's fine job on defense held down the Ashland scoring ace Bob Sweet to 7 points as the Generals downed Ash­land.



Row I - Jim Sidle tries a lay up against the Dover Tornadoes; Canton Lincoln being attacked by Jim Sidle; Dick Noble shoots against a Cardinal Conference foe.

Row 2--Bill Eaves closes in as Dick Noble drives for a layup against Massillon ; During the Dover game, Mac Petty fires a jump shot; Coach Gallapoo explains a funda:nenta l pass

Row 3-Glen Smith hooks a shot as Noble and Eaves watc h; Jim Sidle gives a Dover Tornado a "pumpkin" head

Basketball Action

Row I - Jim Webster, Randy Leeper, Ed Bell, M~lx Ricker, Terry Fawcett Row 2- Adrian Smith, Mike Zuercher, Owen Log4~, Bill Clark , Roger Carson, Coach Ed Garvin

Reserve Basketball

Although having to do a lremendous job in rebui ld ing the reserve squad, Coach Ed Gar· yin brought the reserve team inlo good shape for the season, Ted Flickinger and Randy Leep· er led the junior Generals to a 12-5 season record.

Wooster ___________________ 4 1 Massi llon __ . __ ... _ ....... 37 Woostcr _________ .. __ . _____ 44 !\'iansfield !\bdison 52 Wooster ____________________ 5ij Orrvi lle .... __________ .... ___ 2~ WoostCl' _ .... ______________ 67 Dover ................. __ ._ .. 54 \Vornllcr _______________ ._._ 54 Akl'On Kcnmore .. ____ 42 Wooster ____ .' ............ _ 29 Call1on South ..... _._ 36 \Voostcr ........... _ ... ____ 6,j Shclb)' ........ _ .. ____ .... _ ... 51 Wooster ... _ .......... ____ 43 Ashland ................ __ . 40 V':oostcr ... _ ...... _ ....... 62 ~'iansfic ld t\hdison __ 29 Wooster ___ ....... ___ ... ___ 4!) Mansfield Senior __ 48 Woostcr ....... _________ 50 Ashla nd ___________ . ___ . ____ 58 Wooster ______ .. ___________ 61 Berea _____ . ___ ._ ......... _ 41 Wooslcr ... _ .. __________ 51 Coshocton _______________ 30 Wooster ____________ __ + 28 North Canton _____ ... 27 \Voostcr ..... ____ .... _ ... _ 57 Dover __________________ 41 Call1on Central \ Voostcr _ ..... _. __ .. _ ..... .54 Wadsworth _ ____ . __ .. __ 33 Wooster _______________ 58 Catholic _______ ... 43



Row I - Tom Wh ite, Randy Snow, Mike Steiner, Dave Park er, Don Ba lloon, Ben Mitchell , J ack McClarran, Jim Mar­tin

Row 2- Manager Louie Braden. Terry Smith, Ken K iester, M ike Jennings, Bob Baker. Bud Chapman . Dee Griffith. Jim Edwards. Jim Hom , Eddie Rob inson

Freshma:n Basketball

The freshman basketball team posted a fin e season mark of 14 wins and 3 defea ts. Lead­ing the team in scoring was Don Balloon with 185 poin ts fo r an average of 10.8 points per game. Dave Parker led the tea m in rebou nd ing with 204 rebounds for an average of 12 per game. Ben Nlilchell proved to be an all around threat with an average oC 9.4 points per game combined with an average of 10.7 rebounds per game.

A heartbreak ing loss opened the season as the young Generals bowed to Massillon 38-30. T he Crosh soon found the win ning tra il and followed it to six consecutive victories. In their six consecutive victories the freshmen raced p as t l\ fansfi eld l\-fadison 43-34. eased by Moun t Vernon 3 1-28, slip ped past Ashland 37-33, won a close contest over Rittman 35-34, ran over Coshocton 45-39, zipped past O rrvill e 39-36_ T he winning skein was broken by the Ashland Arrows as they defeated the Crosh 44 -39. The Barberton T ournament provided the next lest for the young Generals. Wooster proceeded to trounce Cuyahoga Fa lls White 39-24, whi p Northwest 43-35, nick Highland 33-3 1 and then fall to V. L. Light by a 34-37 count. De­spite the loss to V.L. Light. the Crosh pl aced second in lhe tournamen t. T he freshmen aga in found the winning tra il and marched to five vic tories to close the season . 111 this fin al burst the young Genera ls outscored Mansfi eld M adison 6 1-53, cl ip ped the Coshoction crew 46-34, ripped Orrville 33-19, snuck pas t l\lfount Vernon 4 1·38, and fin ally stung Rium an 13-22.

Row I-Bill Hoover Ron Leathennan. Bill SaUoon, Paul N,au joks. Pete Bowen, Ted Sperry, Pau l Buch holz, Fred Mas­saro, Bill Gasbarr e

Row 2-Ken Shoup, Carl Miletto, Gene Tyson, Jeff Malarky, J ohn Parker, Mike Warden, Ed Parker. Jim Beaver, Bill McGrady

Row 3-Manager Sovoy Byrd. Steve Fetzer, Dennis Lahey, Andy Kobilarcik, Neil Baum, Clarence Jentes, Denny Howman, Paul McCay, John Laird, Dwight Campbell. manag,er Tom Howard

Wres;tlinq A splendid 12-2 record. the district runner·-up title. and a n individual state championship,

sta nd as the accomplishments of the 1960-61 Wooster High School wrestling team. After an opening loss ( 0 Massillon by a 20- 17 count, the Generals flattened Canton Catholic 34-8, drop­ped Mansfield Madison 33·8, pinned Mansfield Senior 39·8, outscored Canton Timken 33· 16, smashed Canton Lincoln 40-5, and were victorious over Ashland 38-6.

\Vith a desire for revenge, a determined band of Genera ls stepped on the mats to defeat Mass illon in a rematch 24-1 6. The Generals .added three more victories to their record -over Canton McKi nley 20· 14 , Mansfield Madison 28· 11, and Louisville 23·11 - before meet· ing a powerful team from Beaver Local. In this match with Beaver Local, the Generals met their second defeat as Beaver Local eked out an 18-1 5 victory. Two more matches prepared the Generals for district com petition, the Generals dropped Cuyahoga Falls 24·18 and flatten· ed Ma nsifeld Senior 34·8.

The powerful Wooster squad that wres­tled in the district meet placed second with 59 points to champion Beaver Loca l with 60 points. At the dist rict, three Wooster wrestlers qualified for the state tourna­men t; Andy Kobilarcik qualified as a di­strict champion and Clarence J en tes and Ted Sperry as district runners-up. Andy then climaxed his wrestling career at Woos­ter by winning the sta te championship in Ihe 165 pound weight class while leadi ng the Wooster squad to eleventh place in the 5ta fe.

Denny Lahey grJ.pp les with his opponent



Row l-Ron Covert, Bob Dllgard, Chuck Malta. Darrel LeisurE!. Ken Zuckennan Row 2-Tom Bates. Eric Twlckler. Ev Burgess, Charles Vaughn, Rick Snoddy. Chris Kindsvatter, Ed Gutherie Row 3-Coach John McCreary. Steve Begert, Brad Franks, Dean Stahl. Jeff Marchand. manager Ted Bogner, Frank

Hixon. Dan McCullough, Greg Franks, Rich Jameson Not pictured-Ken Snider

Swimming The 1960-61 swimming team had one of the best seasons in the history of the sport at

Wooster High School. The aquamen compiled an 8-6 record while breaking nine pool rec­ords and all but one school record. Leading the team were senior co-captains Ev Burgess and Charles Vaughn, and sophomore leuerman Rick Snoddy. Ted Hogner was the fourth and final returning letterman.

The swimming team had more bench strength than before, as severa l underclttssmen came through with fine performances. Although the future appeared to be promising, the loss ot seven seniors will require some rebuilding.

Slashing arms pull a Woosler Swimmer through the waler

Bad luck plagued the mermen at dis­tricts, as only Ev Burgess and Charles Vaughn could score any team points. Rick Snoddy, Ken Snider, and Brad Franks did well but could not score. The medley re­lay team of Snoddy, Burgess, Vaughn and Jeff Marchand could have gone to the state meet except for disqualification be­cause of a false start.

Row I-Dave Maurer, Dunge Cicconetti , Bob Engel. Henn Luke, Lonnie King, Jim Sidle, Ted Huxley

Row 2"-Larry Schavy, John McCallum, Eddie Bell, Mac Pet ty. Bill Eaves, Don Kosier, Jim Rider

Row 3--Coach Hartnett, Mike Steiner" Terry Fawcett, Randy Snow, Don Ratcliff, Tom White. Coach Dellerba

Row 4- Manager Ken Rutt. Manager Ed Rider, Roger Chenevy, Jim Edwards. Ken Keister

When baseball practice opened, seven lettermen returned to the diamond, Seven of the nine positions on the field were filled by the returning lettermen, H erm Luke, Ted Huxley, Bill Eaves, Don Kosier, Lonnie King, Dave 1\'lfa urer, and Dunge Cicconetti. "Most of these lettermen were members of the Rubbermaid Hot Stove League team that won the league state championship.

All preliminary reports seem to indicate that Wooster High will be able to be proud 01 its 1960·61 baseball squad.

Among the twenty-three contests facing the Generals are contests with Mansfield "Madison, Ashland, Mansfield, Dover, Massillon, Barberton, Canton McKinley and Galion.



Row I - Mike Braunstein, J im Halloran, Ben TommasseUi . R on Covert, Tom Selb, Clark Patterson R ow 2-Gary Kolbe, Dan McCullough , Greg Frank s, Bill McGrady, J ohn Landis, R ich Moore, Ted Trikilis Row 3- Brad Franks, J ack Sch ubert, Dean J olley , Ron Everha:rt. F red Mathis, Jim Harmer, Art Nauman , Warren Barnes


Twenty-five golfers including three lettermen reported to golf practice when Coach Zuer­cher sounded the call to practice. Tlvo seniors~ Ron Everhart and Warren Barnes. and one junior. Fred Ma this fill ed three varsity posi tions and the fourth posit ion was open for con­tes t.

A large schedule of thirteen varsity ma tches faced the swinging Genera ls.

At press lime, everything seemed to indica te tha t the golfers will have a highly successful season.

Among the teams to be pl ayed are: Mansfield J\lladison, North Can ton. Barberton, 1\Ias­sillon. J ackson. Ashland. Shelby. and O rrville.

Row I - Tom Bates, Dave HamIlton, Val Naujoks. Ray Norris. Rod Miller, Rod Byler, Ken Bonnell Row 2-Andy Koblareik . Don Plant, Chuck York, Dennis Wells, Gary Miller. Elliot Ligget. J im Harrington. Paul Naujoks Row 3-Lou Kauffman, Ken Tulloch. Frank Hixon, Larry Snyder, Gl~nn Smith, Denny Howman , Tom Foster. Ken Tyson.

John McCoy Row 4- Manager Tom Gerber, Coach Downie, Coach Majerezak

Varsity Track

Seeking their second consecutive perfect season, the \ 'Vooster High track team reported to practice ready for action. Ten lettermen are Andy Kobilarcik, Rod i\'liller, Tom Bates, Den­n is "Veils, Ev Burgess, Ken Tullock, Glen Sm ith , Denny Hmvman, Don Pl ant, and Val Nau­joks.

Early reports ind ica te that a profi tabl e season will result, especia lly if some o[ the non­lettermen progn::ss as the season unfo lds.

A series o [ meets against stiH opposition pose with Dover, .Mansfield Nlati ison , North Canton , Ma nsfield and Wooster Relays and the Card inal ule.

a challenge fo r the trttck squad. Mount Vernon, and J\ 'lassillon, as well Conference meet, high light the track

J\'[eets as the sched-



Row I- Bob Schubert, Max Ricker, John Parker, Gary Penwell, Mike Odgen, Fred Massaro, Jim Hoessle, Bob Siewert, Martin Weber, Jim Martin, Tom Iannarel1i

Row 2-John Tulloch , John Chapman, Kent Patterson, Bob Jenies. Rick Snoddy, Bill Gasbarre, Jim Beaver, Jack Mc­Clarran, Russel Miller, Don Balloon, Carl Monetto

Row 3-Dennis Pinckard, Bill Clark. Adrian Smith, Dick Wirt, Dwight Campbell . Ron Leatherman, Tom Cagle, Jeff Nye, Mike Fair, Dave Parker, Ben Mitchell, Mike Jennings, Benard Schafrath, Dick Cannon

Reserve Track

A large number of freshmen and sophomores reported for the reserve track team this year. The underclassmen competed in varsity meets as well as three special reserve track meets.

Early in the season as this book was going to press, it appeared as though the reserve sq uad would have a fine year, and will serve well as next year's varsity.

Row I-Jerry McCarley, Allan Franks, Bob Weiss, Dee Griffith, John Moore, Ed Guthrie, Bert Gaede, Alan Keiffer

Row 2- Mark Levine, Mike Williams. Don McClellan, David Baab, Kurt Dew, Steve Schreiber. Kenny Morris

Row 3- Manager, Louie Braden, Bill Gordon, David Moore, Tom Gibbs, Ted Taylor, Mardon Erbland, coach, Bob WhIs­man


For the first time in severa l years, a new sport was inaugurated at Wooster High School. In 1961 , tennis became a varsity sport at "V.H.S. Twenty hopefuls responded to Coach Whis­man's call to the court.

Seeking to establish Wooster as a powerhouse of tenn is, the team will meet teams from Shelby. Ma nsfield Madisons. Ash land. Galion and Akron Buchtel.

Before the season opened. Bert Gaede appeared to be the sparkplug who would ignite the "Vooster attack, 1£ pre-season reports prove correct, Wooster High will have a successful opening in schoolboy tennis.



Row I-Dave Maurer, Herman Luke, Wayne Smith, Dennis Howman, Dave Snow, Dick Noble , Larry Snyder, Bill Bal· loon, Charles Vaughn, Bob Engle

Row 2-Lonnle King, Dunchie Cicconettl, Don Plant, Andy Gobilarcik, Ted Bogner, John Grissett!, Tom Bates, Chris Cagle, Tom Gerber, Terry Wilson

Row 3-Lou Kaufman, Paul Murray, Dave Warner, Paul Mc:Cay, Jeff Marchand, Ted Huxley. Ted Sperry, Ron Everhart. Jim Sidle. Glen Smith

Row 4-Rick Snoddy, Frank Hixon, Ken Tulloch, Val Naujoks, Bill Eaves, Dennis Lahey, Neil Baum, Harold Beers, Rod Miller, Ken Rutt

Boys "w" .Association

Service to ''''Doster High School in I'mmy areas of scholastic activity was one of the aims of the Boys' "W" A.:oeia lion of 1961.

On top of the program was a new scholarship based on scholastic abi lity. leadership. and charllcter. Although small, thi '} scholarship has set a precedent for following years,

During' the winter, the " \IV" Boys helped to keep order in the new gym, to referee intra­mural wrestling and basketball contests, and to usher at varsity basketball games. This year as a lways the boys sponsored a dance after the annual night relays.

For the third sllccessive year the ""V" Boy~, in cooperation with the Leaders Club, pre­sented an assembly for the student body.

Prl'side1/t ________________ . ___ ... __ .......... ____ ...... ________________ ... Denn y Howman Vice-f',esidelll ... ______ . __ . ____________ . ___ .. ___________ . ______________________ Dave Snow Secre tary ________ .. ____ ... ____ •. ____ ... _________ .. ___ . _____ . ____ .. __________ Dave Mal lrer Social Clwirmllll __________ . __________ . ___ . ___________________________ Larry Snyder Treasurer ______ .. ___ .. ____ ... ____ . _____ . ______ .... _ .. _________________________ Diek Noble Adviser .. ___ .. _____ .. ______ .. _______ .. __ . __ __ .. _____ ...... __ .. _ Mr. Roman Majerczak

Row I - Miss Basnett, Mady Miller, Peggy Ellis, Jo Ann Mas $.tIro, Linda Flesher. Mimi Tissot. Terry Brenner. Myrna Yo .. cum, Mimi Robinson

Row 2-Kay Raeder. Karen Zufall, Barb Weiss, Sue Stoddard. Jean Funk. Sheryl Payne, Shirley Quigley. Lynne Miller. Sylvia Saunders

Row 3- Ginny Clcconettl, Karen Shaw, Millie Seib, Kay Buss:, Kathy Rearick, Diana Whitford, Sue Shelley. Sue Crow­ley, Sharon Hubbard

Row 4-Pat Kobilarclk, Sandy Crow, Pat Patterson , Ann Hu:nt. Pat Kowaluk, Carol Smucker, Kay Hoover, Ginny Deitz. Bev Eckstein

Row 5- Peg Jewell, Judy Bunn, Barb Bowman, Mary Ann Keil, Lois Specht, Pat Culb~rtson, Mary Kaye Heisler

"w" Girls

The honorary club of the Girls' Athletic As sociation is the "\IV" Girls. ln order to be eli­gible [or the "W" Girls a girl must have acquired 1500 points if a freshman, sophomore, or junior and 1 100 points if a senior. Upon earning 1500 and 1800 points. a girl is awarded an honorary "W" pin for outstanding sports achievement. The biggest activity for this group is the annual initiation for new members in the spring.



Mimi Tissot Sylvia Saunders

Peggy Ellis

Ginny Cicconettl Bobby Jo Mathis Judy Bunn

Cheerl4eaders (Writeup on page 162)

FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS Kneeling-Jennifer Saunders, Dottie Pinnicks, Leanna

Leichty Standing- Kathy Rockwood

RESERVE CHEERLEADERS Kneeling-Gloria Dunham, Peggy Landes, Connie Trump­

hour Standing- Lois Keiffer

Row l-Sheryl Payne, Kathy Rearick. Shirley Quigley, Mimi Tissot Row 2-Millie Jo Selb, Judy Bunn. Karen Zufall, Sue Shelley, Barb Bowman Row 3-Linda Flesher, Bonnie Wertz, Myrna Yocum, Mady Miller. Ann Hunt

President .............. ~ .................. _ BOImie Wertz Secre/llr), . ___ .............. _ .. _ .. _._ )0 Ann Massaro Trea5llrer .................... __ ........... ~ I ady ~Iiller

Sccial Chairmen ....... _ ............. ~ Peggy Ellis I. Myrna YOCUIll


Soccer ........... _ ..... _ ... _ ... _ .. ______ .......... An n HIllll Hockey ........... _........................... Linda Flesher Volleyball .............. _ ... _ .. _ ........... l\fillie Jo Seib Swimming .... __ .............................. Karen Zufall nasketball ... _ .................... _ ........... l\lady l\liller Bowling ....................... _ ................... Judy llullll

Aflll3cadc ...................... _ .......... { BOllnie \Venz Mimi Tisso(

Modern Dance ...... _._._..... Myrna Yocum Recreational Sports __ Barb Bowman Softball . __ . __ ._ .. _. ___ .. Sylvia Saunders

GAA Spc>rtsboard Sportsboard. the governing body of GAA. consists of four elected officers and eleven ap­

pointed managers. The purpose of the sportsboard is to promote an active interest in GAA activities and to

plan and carry out a successfu l program fol' the year, Each year the GAA along with the "W" Girls gives .a scholarship to a worthy senior in·

tending to continue in the fields of physical education.

The student gym leaders of the g irls' physical ed ucation classes are chosen by t.he teachers of these classes on the basis of leadership. sportsmanship, ability. and enthusiasm. In gym classes the lead· ers help in various ways such as demon­strations, explanations of rules, a nd by refereeing in classes and in intramural sports at noon,

Row I - Barb Weiss, Mary Ann Keil, Pat Patter­son, Terry Brenner, Miss Basnett, Karen Shaw, Kathy Rearick, SylVia Saunders. Judy Bunn

Row 2- Jeanne Funk Myrna Yocum. Peggy Jewell, Pam Marchand, Barb Bowman, Sue Stoddard, Pat Kobilarcik, Sandy Crow, Shirley Quigley, Kay Buss

Row 3-Mimi Tissot, Tasia Young, Pat Culbertson, Lois Specht, Lynne Miller, Mary Heisler, Geor­glanna Brooks, Carol Danner, Ginny Cicconetti. Millie Seib

Row 4-Peggy Ellis. Sharon Hubbard, Nancy Chittenden , Joanne Tanner, Eileen Kai!, Wyn­onna Senna, Bev Gold, Sherry Wilson, Shellah Cramner

Row 5-Mlchelle Robinson, Mady Miller. Helen Hastings, Kay Hoover, Carol Glick, Paula Dodez, Pat Flickinger, Jayne Drushal, Chris Ellsworth

Row 6--Cheryl Shultz. Francis Judd, Vickie Kauffman

Leaders Club




Row Row

Row Row

Senior G. A. A.

I-Mary Kaye Heisler, Jo Ann Massaro, Shirley Quigley, Terry Brenner, Sheryl Payne. Kay Buss, Mimi Tissot, Bonnie Wertz, Linda Flesher

2- Lynne Miller, Mimi Robinson, Diane Snyder, Sue Sayre, Sue Snyde r . Carol Smucker, Myrna Yocum , Karen Shaw 3- Pat Kowaluk. Nancy Brooks, Mady Miller, Karen Ackennan, Sharon Welker, Tasla Young, Lana Watson .

Sylvia Saunders "-Jeanne Funk, Kathy Rearick , Georglanna Brooks, Sue Brenneman, Peg Ellis, Mary Anr. Keil, Miss Basnett 5- Ann Hunt, Pat Patterson , Judy Bunt. Bev Eckstein, Sharon Hubbard, Sally Ernlong , K ay Hoover, Joanne Tanner

G. A .• A.

Sophomon~ GAA

Row I-Joyce Yocohama, Virginia Adams, Barbara Wissinge.r . Vickie Kauffman, Carol Glick, Carol Picking, Diane Halloran, Sue Marks, Francie Judd

Row 2- Wllma Collins Sue Grayson, Nancy Lee, Natalie Dickerson, Lois Kieffer, Sue Metzler, Pam Parfitt, Carla Gro­senberg, Peggy Landes, Sally Robison

Row 3-Jean Lang , Eileen Kall, Pat Henny, Ginny Homer, Sheryl Schultz, Winona Senn, Vicki Woodruff, Sally StoIl, Jill Porter

Row 4- Tammy Carson , Cheryl Wilson, Connie Trumphouer, :Bev Gold, Jayne Drushal, Phyllis Dunham, Mary Brubaker, Chris Ellsworth, Peggy Batdorf, Jean Adams

Row 5- MicheUe Anderson, Susan Yacapraro, Pat FIlcklnger, ,Jean GinRel')'. Sue Patterson. Lucy Murr. Sandy Yoder, Jo Ann Bat1lg, Julie Daugherty. Miss Huebner

Row 6-Jane Westhafter, Mary Beechy, Miss Basnett







Junior GAA I-Miss Basnett, Sheelah Cranmer, Sue Crowley. Sue Shelley, Kay Raeder, Barb Bowman, Ginny Ci(:conetti, Bob·

by Jo Mathis, Peggy Gray, Karen Zufall , Dottle Brown, Diane Butterbaugh 2-Carolee Hollinger. Judy Saurer. Sue Richey, Carol Paull, Brenda Zook, Kathy Sands, Pat BUrnsteen, Kathy

Kirk, J ean Ann Flack, Jill Spitler, Martha Dawson. Roberta Jentes 3- Pat Dravenstott, Terry Chewning . Connie Hoover, Paula Dodez. Donna Larcamp, Carolyn Ross, Phyllis Donald­

son, Sandy Crow, Pat Kobilarcik, Bobble Homer. Be th Bishop 4-Julle Slater, Elsie Yacapraro, Carol Danner, Saliy Parret. Marie Schultz, Judy Bunn, Pam M:archand, Peg

Jewell, Diane Whitford, Barb Weiss, Pat Eddy, Sue Ag'nes 5-Charlotte He inert. Angie Berner, Carol Schar, Mike Harris, Miriam Catllft. Sheila Henny, Vicki Porter. Joanne

Walton. Mary Hothem. Sara Newhouse, Barb Green 6- Nancy Bunt, Nancy Chittenden. Karen Kirschner. Linda Wimmer, Marcia Holden, Judy Arnsby. Nancy Kelfler,

Sue Stoddard. Millie Seih. Freya Leichty

G. A. A.

(Freshmen G.A.A. identifica tion on page 162)



BLUE K'S RED K'S Kneellng-Mady Miller, Sheryl Payne. Kay Buss. Ginny Cicconetti. Kneeling-Barb Bowman, Sharon Hubbard, Connie

Hoover. Kay Hoover Kathy Rearick Standing-Sally Robinson , Pat Kobilarcik . Barb Weiss, Sandy Crow,

Diane Whitford , Miss Huebner

Standing-Miss Basnett. Karen Zufall. Sheelah Cranmer, Angie Berner, Ann Hunt, Lynne Miller

Not Pictured-Lois Specht

All-Star Soccer

The I-Hue K's battled the Red K's LO a nothing Lo nOlhing lie In the exciting all-~ lar soccer game in the fall.

STARS Kneeling- Peg Ellis. Shirley Quigley, Jayne Drushal ,

Sharon Hubbard, Ginny Clcconetti Standlng-Mady Miller, Barb Weiss, Judy Bunn , Bonnie

Wertz, Kathy Rearick. Carol Picking, Ann Hunt, Miss Basnett

STRIPES Kneellng-Sylvia Saunders, Kathy Vaughn, Jeanne Funk ,

Barb Bowman Standing- L y nne Miller,

Mimi Tissot, Linda Huebner

Sue Stoddard, Pat Patterson , Flesher, Karen Zufall, Miss

All Star Hockey

The all-star hockey teams - the Stars and the Stripes - fought it out to a 2-1 victory [or the Stripes on the hockey field.

HARVARD Kneeling-Lois Specht Standing-Miss Heubner, Sharon Hubbard. Carol Glick.

Mady Miller, Ann Hunt, Mary Ann Keil, Julie Daugherty

YALE Kneeling-Marcia Holden, Milly Selb. Shirley Quigley.

Sylvia Saunders Standing-Miss Bassnett. Betty Burgess, Kay Buss, Judy

Bunn, Ginny Cicconetti

All-Star Basketball

In an excit ing all-star basketball game, Harvard bowed to Yale, 25- 19.

BELLS Kneeling- Carol Picking. Kay Buss. Linda Flesher, Shir­

ley Quigley, Sheelah Cramner Standing-Miss Huebner. Linda George. Bonnie Wertz,

Pam Marchand, Sylvia Saunders. Miss Basnett

HOLLEYS Kneeling- Millie Jo Seib. Sheryl Payne, Sharon Hubbard,

Kay Hoover Standin$C-Terry Chewing, Ann Hunt, Barb Weiss, Sara

Newhouse. Miss Basnett

All-Star V c)lleyball

At Christmas time the Hollies and the Hells lost the holiday Spirit to play an excit ing game on the volleyball court. Out scoring the Hollies, the Bells won 18- 13.



VASSAR Kay Raeder, Pat Kobilarcik. Lucy Murr, Miss Heubner, Judy Bunn, Vicky Kauffman

SMITH Kneeling- Milly Seib, Carol Picking, Bobbie Kay Homer Standing-Sharon Weiker, Vicky Porter, Miss Heubner

All-Star Bowling The girls on the Smith and Vassar lean"l5 tested their bowling prowess III the annua l all ­

still' bowling match. Slnilh won, 1414 to 133i.

Aquac:ade The girls in the 1961 Aquacade swam and danced LO the theme of "Shades of Perfume."

The swimming co-managers were M imi Tisso\ and Bonnie Wertz. Dancing manager was Myrna Yocum.

The show was g iven on Thursday. January 12th and Saturday, January 14th.

Row I - Mimi Tissot. Bonnie Wertz Row 2- Jeanne Funk, Karen Zufall, Shirely Quigley, Barh Weiss Row 3-Sue Stoddard, Jo Ann Massaro, Sue Shelley, Nancy Keiffer

OM 8 R

Row I-Freya Liechty, Karen Corbin, Kathy Vaughan and Kathy Rearick; s::ene from the finale

Row 2-Natalie Levers, Leslie Hollinger, and Pam Parfitt ; Mtmi Tissot. Linda Flesher, Bonnie Wertz, and Myrna Yo­cum; Sue Stonebraker and Barb Green

Row 3--Karen Carafelli, Roberta Brenner, and Shirley Dyer. Bonnie Henny, Sally Stoll. Millie Seib, Sheryl Payne. Terry Brenner, Vickie Porter, and Peggy Jewell

Acquacade Action


The Featl1res



Class History


In the fall of 1958 an exceptionally large class of freshmen a' sembled for the first lime in the halls of Wooster High School. It took a few weeks for the strangeness to wear off and for the "ties that bind" fo form, but ~oon famili arity with. the Ahna "Matcr as well as [riend~hips


The class of '61 began to click, finding' that it was nOI only exceptional in sile but in many other ways. The primary marks of a top quality class could be seen. The goal of being OU[·

standing would only be reached by slow, sure progres'S.

Athletical1y, the freshmen teams rortold future glories by completing successful seasons in their own sports - freshman foothall (4-2), and baskethall (10·3). They also aided the other teams with their abilities. We were especially proud when some of the freshmen football players gOl to dress var-, ity and when those such as Everett Burgess. Bill Balloon, and Val Nau­joks earned varsity letters as freshmen.

Clubwisc, we received our first organization with Dick Noble heading lip Apprentice Club and Mimi Rohinson presiding over the huge Latin Club J.

One has only to look at more than able participants. Girls' Extempore.

the 1958 yearbook's speedl section to see that freshmen were Pat Culbertson qualified for the State Speech Tournament in

Our freshman cheerleaders were Mimi Tissot, Bonnie Wertz, Sylvia Saunders, and Peggy Ellis. Mary Ann KeiI and Pat Giffin represent,ed the freshman dass on the football field as majorettes. We were so proud of them!

Our freshman year came to a dose as Myrna Yocum and Ted Huxley were chmen to be the freshmen waitress and waiter [or the Prom. It was a year we will never forget.

Class History


Over o ll r freshman daze. we en tered high school the fall o f 1959 jtS big bright sophomores. President i\1ary Ann Keil. aided by Vice Preside nt Gene Myers. Secretary Peggy Ell is, Treasurer Frank Ellswonh, and Co-socia l chairmen i\rlimi' Robinson and Bob Jo lliff Jed LI S in a success­lui year.

Co-presidents Sall y T rump and Mady ~ lill c l- started li S in Ollf Tri-Hi·Y (areer. Rod IVliI­Ie I' served as president o f sophomore Hi-Y. T ed Huxley added h is talents as president o f So­cietas Romana. T he Roman banquet was an immense success.

\ Vc as sophomores were active in speech and dramatics. Ed Bucher, Mary Ann Keil , and Pat Cul bertson, attended the Slate Speech T our nament. Kay Buss, Shirley Quigley, Linda Fles· her, Candy Riley - these sophomores appeared in "The Family Nobod y Wanted."

\>Ve shone is spons, too. Nevel- a class witho ut ideas, we sponsor~d a card section at the basketball games. A lo t of work and (un was spent in puuing this together. Dick Noble and Wayne Smith leu ered in football . \lVan'en Ba rnes and Ron Everhart added letters in golf. Val N aujo ks won his second letter in track. T he swimming team g'ave letters to Charles Vaughn, Everett Burgess, and T ed Bogner. Dave Maurer, Dunge Cicconelli , and Lonnie King won letters in bi.seball. Uonnie Wertz, L:inda Flc~herJ and Sue Franl.z received hard· earned W 's.

'Ve picked our class colors - baby hlue and charcoa l. Prom waiters and waitresses were Myrna Yocum, Kathy Treat, Bonnie W e.-tl, 1\<1 imi Robinson, Mady Mi ller, T ed Huxley, Dun· ge Cicconelli, Wayne Smith, Dick Lichteberger, and T ed Sperry.

T he sophomore class ended the year with a tremendous party. The Splash and Dance was d irected by our class officers and advisers, Mrs. Woods and Mr. Byrd.












L---- ___ .-4

Class History


OUT junior year was perhaps our most impor tan t and memorable year, for we wurked hard and produced much. T he seniors, their heads in the clouds at the though t of gradua­I ion, made our cl ass the leader of the school.

T he SlI CCC'iS o f the year, we left in the hands of a capable and hard-working staff oC of­fi cers headed by Hob H orsl. Ted Huxley was vice-presidcllt , Ka thy Treell \vas secretary, .fo Ann Nrassaro was treasurer, and Bonnie Wertz a nd Lonnie King were co-socia l cha irmen , II was their job to make OUT prom the bes t ever - which indeed it was.

' ''' ith th e beginning of school came foot ball and home-coming. Two juniors. Peggy El­lis and Sue \ Vh iltier, were in the court to see Wooster hea L New Philly 14·8. Ba.skctball 's contribution to spo rts excitement was the Genera l's spectacul ar win over sta te-ra ted Ashland 66·6 1. T ed Huxley pl ayed varsity a ll year lo ng.

Academicall y we had much to be proud of. J ohn Boggs won a state superior ra tillg in the science fa ir for his model of an a iTca r and i\!rary Kaye H eisler went to the state speech tourn amen t in hUl1Iorous. G irls' State delega tes were Shirley Q uigley. Lois Specht. and .10 Ann M assaro. Two boys, Bill Vodra and J elf T homas, a ttended Boys' Slale. Karen Acker· man and J eff i" farcha nd went on sem inars to vVashington and New York respectively.

Speaking very well for the abilities 01 ou r grea t cJass l th_ir teen juniors were inducted into Na tional H onor Society, They were: Karen Ackerman, Kathy T reat. Ma ry Ann Keil, Mady M iller, Pat and Bob Culber tson, Ed Bucher , Sue Fram z, Lynne ~Iiller, Ann HUIll, Bob H orsl, Daye Warner, and Dick Noble.

Early in Lhe spring we elected as Presiden t of Student Council , the fi rs t girl in many years, the second girl ever La be presiden t 01" Student Council-Myrna Yocum . Juniors Kathy Treat and Lonnie King served as secretary and vice-presiden t respecti vely,

The most memorable event of lhe ye.a r was the 1960 prom - Le Jard in D'A IIWll1'. The winning theme was submitted by Lo is Specht a nd Doug Shamp, The junior class was repre­sented in the prom cour t by Peggy Ellis and :vlad y i\1illcr. Jt was a bea utiful cl imax to a wonderful year.



Congratulations To Class of '61



CURRY LUMBER COMPANY 331 W. Henry St. Wooster, Ohio



to the

Class of 1961


Class Hiistory


Seniors! That mag,ic wOrd. Here W.15 the climax of lour yean of high school - three long years of being underclassmen. A clas:s 01 lea ders chose Dick Noble as class' pre ident. Vice-president was Denny Howman; secretary Mady .1Vriller; treasurer, Kathy Vaughan; co­social chairmen , Shirley Quigley and Larry Snyder.

Yes, our seniuI' yea1'- \lVe looked forward to it for eleven years and then gOl only one chance to live il. We made the best possible lise of it, though. Our football team started the year spectacularly with an undefeated season., winning all 10 games. Were we proud! It \Va') a senior team - seniors filling many of rhe positions. Denny Howman. Ted Huxley, Lar­ry Snyder. and Andy Kobilarcik are names that were heard long after the season ended. The Cardinal Conference Trophy was not the least of our trophies. Everyone remembers the last game of the season when undefeated Orrville met their Waterloo at Wooster, falling victim 10 the "Untouchables."

rvrady Miller reigned as our lovely Home-coming' Queen. Seniors Mary Ann KeiJ and .1 0 Ann Massaro were in her court.

Again in Sports the basketball team brought home ollr second Cardinal Conference trophy of the year. Senior [acei will be sadly missed next year on the basketball court. The teams were cheered on by Ollf senior dleerJeaders Mimi Tissot, Peggy Ellis, Sylvia Saunders. and Mimi Robinson.

To carryon the il11poS'iibJe example of the football team ''''ooster's gleatest wlestling team in years won 14 of its 16 matches. Our pdde and joy was Andy Kobilarcik, as he won first pla(,e in his weight class in the slate tournanlenl. Adding other wins to the year was the winningest swimming team , 'Vooster had had in a long time, with no little thanks to the sen­ior members.

Rod "Miller as editor of the General .lI1d Bill Vodra as ediLOr of the lmpel'fl tor made excit­ing new change$.

The Hi-Y under the leadership of Frank Ellsworth started to elect its Sweethearts o[ the Month. Eight senior girls - Peggy Ellis, Shirley Quigley, Mady 1\·liller, Myrna Yocum, Sylvia Saunders, Mimi Tissot. Mimi Robison, and Sara Sprowls were honored as sweethearts .

./udy O lesko and nave McKee were our Halloween King and Queen.

Finalbts in the i'vIerit Scholarship Test were Joanne T an ner, Ed Bucher, Ray Norris, Tom vVeidenhammer, and Bill Vodra.

Our class W<:IS fortunate to have two exch ange students - J\'leike Kulk from Holland ~H1d Bert Gaede from Germany. TheY' brought many interesting times to Wooster.

As seniors, "Mimi Robinson and Dave Hamilto n represented \Vooster n the seminars. Sue Whittier W<IS sent on the United Nations seminar during the Slimmer.

Kathy Trea t won second place in the nation in the "J\rbke it yourself with Wool Conlest" in Denver. Colorado in January.

Reigning as Track Queen at the night Relays was Mimi Robin~()J1_ She was elected by Ihe student body.

Rich Eppley qualified to go to the National Speech Tournament in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­vania, for his performancp. a t Student Congress in April.

The senior class made its imprint on Wooster High School that will remain for many years. The exceptionally large class of freshmen that entered in 1958 was an exceptionally la lented class that left in 1961.



Best Wishes To Jrhe Class 01 '61





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Row I - Juniors working on the Prom: Mary Kaye Heisler, J'ohn Boggs, Sharon Hubbard, Sally Trump; Linda Shearer and Steve Woolsey attending the Post Prom party

Row 2- Queen Barb Morgan with escort Ron Sehle ; Junior c:lass co-social chairmen: Lonnie King escorting Sue Whit­tier, Bonnie Wertz with escort John Grisetti

1960 1Prom

On May 27, 1960, the cia" of '61 presented the product of two years' hard work, Le Jar­din d'Amour.

As actual work got under way. everyone could sec that the decoratlons were going to be very detailed. Not only did they have the regulars as the dancing area and the powder room, which was located on the balcony, but also a small side walk cafe in a little nook in the wall. From here refreshments were served.

Bonnie Wertz and Lonnie King, the co-c hairmen, as well as Mr. Byrd and Mrs. Wood~, the cJass advisers, are to be congratulated on a fine job well done.

That night the quaint old hanging lanterns and the twenty-five piece Ohio StaLe Jazz Fo­rum put the finishing touches on the mood in final tribute to the Prom Queen Barbara Mor­gan and her court.

The post-prom party activities did a wonderful job of topping off the evening_ At the Armory the parents carried through the theme by simulating a Paris street with red and white awnings protecting side walk cafes all along it. A five piece combo provided music for danc­ing in the "street." The light breakfast ~erved at the "V" closed the night's festivities.


I 1

Always be Proud

You were a



Opposite Fairgrounds

Congratulations Class of 1961

Buelah Bechtel Shop "Fashions of Distinction"










I-The American Legion carrying the flag at the front of the Homecoming Parade; The Homecoming court ap­plauding Queen Mady Miller

2-The Homecoming Court: senior attendant Jo Ann Massaro, Queen Mady. Senior attendant Mary Ann Keil . Junior attendants Barb Bowman and Ginny Cicone1tti; Rich Eppley, announcer, team co-captains Frank HIxon and Denny Howman

3-Co-captains Denny Howman and Frank Hixon escorting Queen Mady to the stand; Sara Sprowls riding In the Tri-Hi-Y float in the parade

1960 Homecoming (Writeup on page 162)




We Wish for

The Class of '61

a Road lof Life

paved with happiness


L .----


" Roller Skate for health and



4 V2 mi. North of Wooster on State Rt. 3


Monday .. __ ..... ___ .... _ .... Private Party

Tuesday ................. ... 7:30 - 10:30

Wednesday ........ _ ..... __ Private Party

Thursday ........ _ ... ___ .... Private Party

Friday ............................ 7:30 - 10:30

Saturday .... .. ............... .. . 7:30 - 10:30

Sunday .......................... 7:30 - 10:30

Oct. 8 -June 1 .... _ ... ............. Sunday Matinee 2 to 4



______ J


152 ;

United States Burec[u of Census - 1975


Zoe Ann Brewer

Jack Hill

Alice Palmer

!\'Iimi Tissot

Wa)'llc Smith

J erry McCa rlc}t

Jo Ann Turner

Diane SlIydcr

Larry Sil yder

Harlan Hamilton

Ka thy Rearick

,1udy Wade

Charlie Va ughn

Ronnie Rose

Elldcn3 Smith

Roger Schalrath

Harb Schcllin

Charles Smith

Lana \ VatSOIl

L}'nnc !\'lillcr

Vince Vore

Dave ' Varner

Ann Hunt

Ray Norris

Bill Vodra

LOll Kaufm'lI1

Mark Slater

J callm.' Flink

Cheryl " ayalc

Ollngc Cicconetli

Ken Tulloch


OILier ring, Saturn

On the prowl

Wooster Co llege

Wa ldorf·;\Sloria

Grant Street School

Happy 56lc, Ok l:lh()m3

lUue Angel, New York Cil y


Oxford Un iversity

Wi ndy " cak Sanitoril1m

John Powers modeling agenc}'

Hcrrnilsvillc, O hio

C leveland Public Lihrar}'

Wall Street

-Worid Tour

R D 4

Mars Bars Candy Company

Niagara Fa lls

Frcdc l'icksbllrg

Sword swa I lower


Raft in China Sea

Los Angelos



Saraha deser l

Authentic Wrest ling, NBC

U.S,S, Savannah


Rolli ng Hi lls ESlate



Chief chef on Itllcrplall(' tary Space Line

I' llblic cne rn)', N umber

Dean of ' Vomen

Upstairs chamber maid

Kindergarten teacher

Slaving to pay delinqllcnt alimony paymcnts

Night dub en terta incl'

Hcad or House of Dio!'

Hcad Cricket Coach

Vic tim of escroni lIIs

Covcr gi rl


Head Jihrarhll1

Slock brokcr

Champion typist

Sc.ien ti fic fanner

Candy tcslcr

Barrel leSter

,",ortllne teller

Ringling Brothers Circus

eillting Olll hearts ill Scheller's Meat Marke t

Revisi ng Einstein 's theory

First flme in Lawrence 'Velk 's orchestra

J anitor

Left wi ng presidentia l nominee

Lcchlring on " Why I :lIn a bachelor,"

The new Lord La yton


Beachcom her

Millionaire spOrtsman

U,N. Ambassador




to the

To The Class 01 '61






I 153


International Flavor

In ternationa l flavor was prov ided this yea r for \!\Tooster High School by Meike Kulk and Ben Gaede. The Michigan Council of Churches sponsored the exchange of many fo reign stu­dents, among them Meike and Bert.

Bert is staying at the home of Mr. and ~lrs. Victor Vodra; ~ r e ike is spend ing the year with ~ l r. and i\ lrs. Robert Pollock.

Surprisingly enough, when he was asked what he Lhought wao; the most ullusual of Ameri­can customs, Ben replied that this was the white tennis shoes and whi le socks that the gi rls wear. While on the subject o[ customs, Bert was aske.d which of ollr customs he would like to take back to Germany. His answer: co-edu cational schools. This answer is proof that Bert is a trlle American in his fee lings now.

This fall Bert was treated to his first football season. H e liked the sport very much, not hav ing the sport in Germany. He, like the rest of us, thought that the team was terri fic.

On the subject of educa tion , Bert thought that the teaching of such subjects as speech, world problems, and civics is very useful. '' In Germany one can go through four years of ele­mentary school and still know little or nothin g about the workings of the government or the world a bout him."

Comparing German schools with our ow n, Bert said that really you could not properly compare the two because in Germany all ente r elementary school, but in the fourth grade all

are given an exam. The more gifted students, who do well on the lest, are then aUowed to enter high school. The OtllCrs go on to sume sort oC trade school.

A strong approval of extra-curricular activities WilS evident, since in Germany progTams of this sort are non-exislent. Sports were nOl part of the school program. If a person were inter· ested jn .sports, he would jo in a spon s club. Bert, ,a member of the varsity tennis team, was a l'nember of a tennis club at home. He should become a letterman this spring.

One compl aint tha t he had about our activities was that he could not see how some pea· pie could join so many clubs and still be able to serve each effectively. This astute observa­tion has been made by students, teachers. and pare'nls in the past.

''''hen Bert was asked what he w.I1Hcd to do the most, he replied, "1 want to see Ne",,' York ."

Nleike Kulk is from Rotterdam, Holland . Although the language barrier made our school system seem harder to her, she still felt that H olland's schools were rougher There, high school js Hill on a college schedule. not having an 8:30 - 3:30 day, but classes only when they are scheduled.

High schools in H olland arc a lso differellt in the way that the courses are oHered. In 'Head of choosing the subjects that you want to take, the person chooses the school that gives these subjects.

An interesting thing to note ~Ibout "Meike is lh,e w,ays she thinks. She said that, when she is alone. she thinks in Dutch, iHIL when she talks, she does it without translating ideas into h er na tive tongue.

Mieke's interests lie ill dramatics. sewing. and music especially lhe operetta. She was in the play "January Thaw" as her debut on the American stage. H er future interests are in the line o[ becoming' a secretary. or possible work i.n an embassy with her talent in languages.

On arriving in this country Mieke had a little bil o( trouble WiLh aUlOmatic-eye doors, hut she h:ls ca ught onto the idea now.

On the subject of fashions, Mieke is like all other girls the world over. In Holland, girls wear the sa me kind of clothes as we do, but there are several minor diHerences. The girls wear high heels to school, and in the winter they are privileged enough to wear slacks to school. In Holland, the girls have never heard of Bermuda shorts.

Speaking of football, Mieke is like all other girls. She didn 't know one end of the foot· ballfield from the other when she saw her first game.

J'vIieke's fondest wish is l() tnlVel more in this country. She does not feel that she has seen enough or it.

W e in \lVooster give ottr best wishes to 1\'lieke and Bert in all they ever do. Jt has been a most rewarding year for us to have them with u s here in school. We only wish that the. year had not gone so fast.




CONTI'S PIZZA SHOP 1106 Pittsburgh Avenue

RITZI JEWELER 830 Cleveland Road

COCCIA PIZZA HOUSE 764 Pittsburgh Avenue

FOUGHT SIGNS 615 West Liberty

IDEAL DAIRY 133 North Bever Street

DAIRY LAND 304 West Liberty


VAN'S CLEAR SILK 117 West Liberty


DOTTIE'S BEAUTY SALON 1832 Cleveland Road

FRANK WELLS DRUGSTORE 127 East Liberty Street


SNYDER GARDEN CENTER 3649 Cleveland Road

MANN'S LAUNDRY 132 North Bever Street

MciNTIRE CO. FURNITURE STORE 144 West Lberty Street


EARL BOWMAN & SON REAL ESTATE 431 North Market Street

CRATER MOTOR COMPANY 237 East North Street

WAYNE COUNTY IRON & METAL 500 East Henry Street


R. C. YOST AGENCY 421 North Market Street

HOCKENBERRY'S SOHIO SERVo STA. Corner of liberty and Beall

M . A . DAVIS AGENCY 4813 Cleveland Road

WILLIAM'S SERVICE STATION Burbank and Cleveland Roods


Hand H TOOL and MANUFACTURING 1034 Nold Avenue

SILVER BROTHERS CO. 1437 East Bowman Street



WERNER'S FROZEN FOOD CENTER West South and Columbus Avenue



MERLE D. MATZ AND SON 4188 Cleveland

RECORD FILES INC. West lincoln Way

GALLO AND SONS INC. 524 Palmer Street

BOND'S SHOE STORE 136 West Liberty

WOOSTER FlORAL SHOP South Side Public Square

LIVINGSTON FURNITURE 312 East Liberty Street

CLYDE WHITE AGENCY 111 North Buckeye Street

THE TAYLOR AGENCY 307 People Federal Bldg .

WOOSTER IRON & METAL Prairie Lane & Columbus Road

AMSTER SHOE STORE 119 East Liberty






1 PHONE 2-7821 I





COMMISSARY CORPORATION National Headquarters of DAIRY ISLE - Wooster, Ohio 1.-------



Pardon My Picture ...

"'W'e ql __ ys """e .... e a. s~ .. io .. r closs _"

Teddy Bt!o",

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-C.pt'i •• s for"" b, J.I." a.",.

f I I



To T he


of 1961


____________________________ -4

Best 01 Luck 1961 Graduates








Good Luck Seniors



228 West Liberty Street

Phone (AN) 3-1040

Sen,ice Since 1905





517 E Liberty St_ WOOSTER, OHIO



KOLOR KORNER 140 West Liberty Street


BUEHLER'S FOOD MARKET 336 North Market Street

JEWEll MOTOR PARTS 132 South Buckeye Street

WALTER BATES INC. Lincoln Way West

NOLETTI 'S BAKERY 1130 East Bowman Street

A AND W ROOT BEER Cleveland Road

ARDIE'S SNACK SHACK 4771 Cleveland Road


GRACE'S PARTY SHOP 248 West North Street

GERSTENSLAGER 1425 East Bowman Street

HAROLD COOK Lincoln Way West




THOMAS MOLD AND DIE CO. 240 West Henry Street

BORG WARNER CORP. Mansfield Road

MOLLIE MILLER 123 East Liberty Street

PIERCE'S SPORT SHOP 143 East Liberty Street



IIUSS SPORTING GOODS 342 West Liberty Street

JIEWEL BOX Public Square

H. M. HENERY PRINTING 143 North Market Street Rear


!tA Y CROW CLEANERS Grant and North Street

S;CHRADER'S HARDWARE 143 South Market Street






WOOSTER GLASS 419 South Market

S:PUDNUT SHOP 218 East Liberty Street

NICKLES BAKERY 1748 Beall Avenue


MAURER PHARMACY 1827 Cleveland Road

GREEN THUMB FLORAL 1583 Madison Avenue

MciNTIRE FUNERAL HOME 216 East Larwill Streel

(>1FT CORNER Public Square







CHEERLEADERS (continued from page 130)

H YO ll wanted to name some students who have faithfully followed ollr Generals this year, these girls would most certai nly head your list: Peggy Ellis, Sylvia Saunders, and ~Iimi Tissot, who CIrc seniors, and juniors Hobbie .10 Mathis, Judy Bunn, and Ginny Ciccone lti . These girls. with their adviser l\'liss Basneu, lead the cheers for the varsity teams during football and b~!ke,ball.

Their efforts were quite slIccessful, too, fot' the 10-0 football record and the Hi ·-J baketball finish attested to high school spirit.

The reserve and freshman cheerleaders also did their part to bring victories to our school and high morale to the players throughout th e ,;easons.

G. A. A. (continued [rom page 133)

Freshmen GAA

Row l-Cheryl Kirschner. Marltaret Zufall , Carol Lehman , Linda Wigington , Liz Williams, Pat Landaw, Margl'lret Hos­feld, Sharon McBeth , Sandra Brltza. Mary Milham, Lin.da Schlegel. Suzy Schie. Suzy Veney

Row 2- Barb Weple r . Marly Woolsey. Gay Jewell, Carol Clouse, Marilyn Jolliff. Natalie Levers, Karen Eikleberry. Car­olyn Bray, Janice Eicher, Barb Doty, Sandy Tittle, Nancy Fredericks, Becky Nolt, Miss Huebner

Row 3- Mlss Basnett - Instructor, Margaret Starr. J eanne Noble, Nancy Young, Lissa Watson, Faye Cassel , Pat Ward . Ginl Odenklrk, Jane. Newnouse, Suzy Stonebraker, Linda George, Sally Gauweiler. Lynn Franks

Row 4-5uzy Vacapraro, Suzy Hughes. Judy Wagner, Barb GN!·nert. Judy Hart. Pat Flack. Roberta Brenner, Karen Cor­bIn, Shirley Dyer. Carol Funk. Pat Moats, Colleen Mower. Sandy Grosjean, Gretchen Hixon

Row 5- Betty Burgess. Tonya Houser, Georglana Klrchofer. Karen Luke. Mary Bunt. Ruby Cohn, Dottie Stahl . Mary Speigelmlre, Nancy Rlke. Maria Graham. Linda Mo rri!:. Barb Nollettl , Vicki Conti

Row 6-Leanna Leichty. Sally Snyder, Leslie Hol1lnger, WUma Casto. Suzy Brown, Cindy Bunn, Barb Gerber, Cindy Saltsman, Marcia Plnnlcks. Sally Robinson. Susan Guttman, Jane TaTUler, Cheryl O'Hall, Kay Tuttle

Row 7- Kathy Rockwood. Pam Smith , Dottle Pinnlcks, Bonnie Flack, Sandy Ernst, Jen Saunders, Stephanie Craruner. Linda Ashman, Marcella Boreman, Karen Baer, Eu la Numbers. Linda Ogden, Barb Hayes, Nonna Headly

Row 8- Mary Halloran . Sha ron Starrett, Barb Miller, Marce lla Boreman

1960 HOMECOMING icontinued from 150)

A great deal o[ work went into the 1960 Home·coming. Each club decoraled a car [or a parade through town followed by a pep ra lly and bonfire at iVftturer Field the nig'hl before 'he game.

Mady Miller reigned as the 1960 Home·coming Queen on the nights of September 29 and 30. Rod M iller escorted her, and during the haHlime at the game. she was crowned by the football co-ca ptains Frank Hixon and Dennis Howman.

Senior attendants were Jv£ary Ann Keil and.Jo An n .l\1"assaro. Dick Lichtebergcr escorted Mary Ann, and Rich Groop escorted .10 Ann . Junior attendants included Barb Bowman and Ginny Cicconeui. Barb was escorted by John "Va rner; G inny was escorted by i\ Iike Linn .

Before the dash between Berea and "VVoos ler, the Queen and her court rode around the stadium on a Boat designed by the Sludent Council commiltee.

In one of lhe most thriBing games of the season, the Queen and her court saw \Voo,ster de fea t Berea 40 to 14.

the At 'he dance following the game, Queen Mady ~riller and her court were intermission . Following this. lhe Queen Cllt the allnua l Home-coming Gtke. It was a H ome-com ing we' ll never forget.

presented <.Il




Wayne County National Bank


CLEVELAND BEALL OFFICE DOWNTOWN OFFICE "Opposite the H ospi ta l" S. W . Corner Public Square

For Both Locations Phone 3-7015 l ________________________________ ~\












Expert Service Depts. - For D,rapes - Asphalt & Tile Carpets

Compliments of




Phone AN 2-7730 - Wooster, Ohio



Pardon My Picture ...


.. Pri .. ", y IS I ... r4 ,.. f;"d.

,"u"' •••

It y~s I I CI.I'ft

5t .. ,,~ .. '" lJoJ'I p~cs;"c"~'

Wit?" Y .


Best Wishes

FLAIR Travel Consultants 346 E. Bowman St.


"When You Travel, Travel With FLAIR"









McGuire Heating Company 3114 Cleveland Rd. (AN) 2-6085


Congratulations Class of 1961








I I I I 1












Pardon My Picture . . .

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"GET LOsT, KID !!! ..


Pardon My Picture ...

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I I Com" of Lib, ,,y " Bov",










Ted Bogner (Stumpy)

Peg Ellis (Elf)

Sylvia Saunders (Syl)

Senior Convicts


Being chubby

Having a winning smi Ie

Reing too popular

Steve Renshaw (Alfred E.) Being humorous

./0 Ann Massam (Chubby) Giggling

Denny Howman (Horse)

Mary Ann Keil (Flip)

Lonnic King (Ratly)

Shirley Quigley (Quig)

Dick Lichteberger (Lichtey)

Sally Emlong (Oblong)

Clarence Jentes (Smiley)

Pat Patterson (Slim)

Ted Sperry (Mel)

Sara Sprowls (Sam)

Glenn Smith (Elmer)

Nancy Brooks (Nance)

Herm Luke (Worm)

Irene R obinson (Reney)

Rich Group (Dusty)

Judy Brown (Jude)

Driving a model T

Dangerolls curves

Liking "dollies"

Paling with Elmer

Speeding in his .lag

Horsing around

Being too strong

Swimming too well

Being a wit

Having beautiful eyes

Having long legs

Being a lady

Reing a lover

Being fickle

Having a dusty "T" bird

Being quie t

in gym


But I love to ea tl

vVinning what?

How about that!

Tough one to lose, man l

"Giggle g iggle"

Jt Tuns, doe~n ' t it?

No defense needed

Second childhood , I gucss.

\ rVherc's Elmer?

My unclc's a judge.

Say, did you hear the one.

I cat my wheaties.


That's life.

It comes in handyl

I'm a hillbilly.

Who started that?

Sure is fun!

Ain't I the onel

ditl o Denny H ow lllan

It's that n:uural ability Bob Culilenson (Cobbs)

Carol Witt (Popsie)

Carl Yacapraro (Yaco)

Sue Finley (Fin)



Bei ng the

I'll serve my sentence wi lling ly,

handsorn e. .ltali:m type I just grew up that way.

Being in love

Bob Jollifl (Sticka losh) "Being an Amishman

Elizabeth Braden (Libby) Being swcet

1t's a great world, isn't it?

"Sprechen Sie Deutsch?"

1 was born that way

Can You Imagine?

Harold without "heers"?

Helen Hastings without mtlsic?

T om Bales withollt red hair?

Candy Riley without Alan?

Rich Eppley without anything to say?

Pat Kowulak with black hair?

Larry MeClarran tall ?

Senior English withollt .Miss Nesbitt?

Kathy Vaughan being quiet?

Linda Flesher being shy?

Chemistry without tests?

John Grisetti being sad?

Frank Ellsworth without "his" clubs?

Alfred IVleliert being l' 2"?

Study Hall 264 without 1' lrs. \ Val ters?

" vVeeclo" McKee studying?

Rod rvriller without the " General"?

Savoy Byrd wrestling heavywcigh L?

Dean Stahl as a ballet dancer?

Da.rreJl Coots wit.hout books?

Dick Noble as prom queen?

The Cenerals without a winning season?

"Cui" Snow winning th e Nalion al Speech TOllrna.ment?

Ken Bauer without his chubby cheeks?

Dave Grayson funning lhe 3 minule mile?

Sally Trump withoul lhat haircul?

Diane Chapman wilho lll 1\'J ike?

\'Villie Nesbitt as ~1r. America?

Biology minus Mr. Byrd?

Tom Fosler as a dancing' instructor?



The Wayne Building & Loan Co. MORTGAGE LOANS -- Assets $29,601,304.80

4 % on Savings

OFFICERS AND DI RECTORS Daniel C. Funk, ' 13 ______ President Dav id 1\. Funk , '/15 _____________ Director

Funk It.: Funk. :\llorne}'~

Flink & Funk, Atlorneys H e rlllan L. R Clzle r _________ • __ Director R a lph E. Fisher. '21 __ Vice President Senior !'anner, Render l-IanJ wa rc

Sl,lIC Representati ve & Fisher MonulIl ent s K.enne th C . Rhode ___________ D h'ecl or

and A I tonlCY


Neal F . Bowma n , ' 15 . ___ Sl'crefmy Exec. Officer. Lightning Rexl Mutua l Ins.

I Managing OHiccr Co .. Western Reserve i'H ut. Ca.~ . Co. I

J ohn Jr. Landers, '44 __ . Ass't. Sec'". Hon. Ca r] V. Weygand L, '06 ____ Di1'eclur & n ·ells. Cldel Ju,,; ce. Su p" eme Coun uf Oh;o I,

____________________ A_I_e_'H_b_e_r_I_'(_,(_le~·ollle _L_o_"_n_B __ ,,_" _k __________________ ~_

The Young Men's "Alumni Shop" at Nick Amster's

To T he Entire Class of 1961 Our Best W ;shes for Your Success!

NICK AMSTER'S Roland "Barney" Leh man, Owner

Wooster's Fi" e Men's Store Si"ce 1897


1 For New Ideas Visit Our

On Thir·d Floor

FREEDLANDER'S l ________________________ ~l







"WE wuz ROBBI=D! ..

Of F ~i~"tI S I

1I • .,DIf .. _ 5 J

a .. J co .... try'"C' ... "

Pardon My Picture ...

"My p;ct.4t,.~

i. ,. .. c V C4,.­

booh- tfA ! ..

One of 9 million . . --.

real competition

As one of an estimated 9 million students now en·

rolled in our high schools, you have learned many

things - one of the most important is the thrill,

the challenge, the rewards, and disappointments

of good, honest competition.

This same spirited competition will be present in

your future plans, whatever they may be, for com·

petition is the keystone of our democr:acy, of

American business and labor. For these coming

years, may we wish you the success to realize your

fu ll potential - the ambition to achieve your

goals - and the determination to overcome your





Lying in front - Bill Vodka

ImperatC'Jr Stall AFTER ONE YEAR

- _. -. --

Second Row - Pat Burnstein , Kathy Rearick, Gene Myers. Ed Bucher , Slave Warner. Mary Kaye Heisler. Doug Sham, Kathy Treatment , Francis Ell sworth , Lynne Millcr


179 179

top related