
White-tailed Deer

By Nina


• White tailed deer are mammals. They can live for 15 years.

• Males have rack antlers and they grow antlers every year. They belong to a deer family.


• They live near clearings and they live in the forest. They also live near banks of streams and farmland.


• White-tailed deer eat plants. They eat mostly at night. In the fall they eat acorns and mushrooms. And in spring and summer, they eat twigs and buds.


• Baby white-tailed deer are called fawns. Fawns can already stand up when they are born. Fawns weigh as much as a human baby. The mother lays 1 or 2 babies in spring. When fawns start to grow up, they grow spots.

Protection and Enemies

• White-tailed deer have many enemies : cougars , wolfs , lynxes and coyotes. They protect themselves by standing still. They can smell if animal is close by. Their most terrifying enemy is people.

Interesting facts

White-tailed deer have 32 teeth and they chew their cud. They have no top front teeth. Males are called bucks and females are called does.

All about the author

• Hi, my name is Nina. My favorite animal are bunnies. I also like white tailed deer. I like reading and writing. I hope you like my research!!!

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