



  • Monday, October 19, 2015

    7:32 AM

    It was another dreary day in Gloomville, Montana. Dark

    clouds crept across the sky as a cold autumn breeze

    whistled through the leafless trees surrounding Maple High

    School. As students slowly filtered into the building, a

    young man with messy brown hair stood at the front gates.

    His name was Evan Hawthorne, a sixteen-year-old junior

    in a gray hooded sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. As

    he made his way to the building, tension mounted within him

    as dead leaves blew across the ground. It was his first day

    at the school, as his family had moved from Long Beach,

    California only recently. As he approached the front

    entrance, a thin, friendly-looking girl stopped in front of


    Well, now. Youre a new face, she said. Evan looked

    over to her.

    Yeah. We just moved here last week, he replied.

    Thought so, she said, soon looking to a slip of

    paper in his hand. Looking for your first class, huh?

    Lets take a look, she said, suddenly sidling up next to

    him. Evan froze, taken aback as the girl peered down at his

    class itinerary from mere inches away. He blinked, heart

  • suddenly pounding in his chest as he looked to the

    attractive girl before him, the scent of her perfume

    filling the air as the breeze again picked up, causing the

    girl to hold her hair from her eyes.

    Oh my gosh! she said, suddenly looking back to him.

    We have the same first period class! What are the odds?

    she asked with a smile.

    Wow. Must be a small school, Evan replied.

    Yeah. Theres only about two hundred or so students.

    Im Claire, by the way, she said.

    Evan, he replied.

    Well, want me to show you the way? You dont want to

    be late on your first day, do you? Claire asked, soon

    escorting Evan into the building.

    Claire Fairweather was a pretty young junior of

    average height wearing a stylish red fleece pullover and a

    black miniskirt that matched her thigh high stockings and

    black loafers. She had light brown hair and green eyes and

    wore a red hairband across her head. As the two walked

    through the halls, Claire and a girl dressed in all black

    bumped into each other upon turning a corner.

    Ugh. Excuse you? Claire said. The girl said nothing

    in reply, shooting her a brief glance before continuing on

    her way. Damn creep. Just look at how shes dressed,

  • Claire said venomously, arriving at a classroom soon after.

    She then turned around, smiling at Evan. Here we are, she


    Thanks, Claire, he replied.

    Dont mention it. We dont do assigned seats here, so

    just take a seat anywhere, Claire said before heading to

    her usual seat near a group of friends. Evan looked around,

    heading to an empty desk near the back of the room. After

    several moments, the bell rang, and the teacher began

    taking roll. As he neared the end of the list, one final

    student entered the class, heading to the back and taking

    an empty desk next to Evan.

    Late again, Miss Rozenthal? Youre making this quite

    a habit as of late, the teacher said.

    Sorry, the girl replied in a voice no higher than a


    Thats detention for you again, young lady, the

    teacher remarked. The girl said nothing, however, sulking

    back into her chair as the room looked over to her.

    She was a peculiar looking girl with straight black

    hair down to her lower back wearing a white ladies trench

    coat and matching beanie with tight black pants that

    matched her gloves and heeled leather boots. She was

    unusually lanky for a girl, standing almost as high as Evan

  • who stood five feet ten inches tall, and she hid nearly

    half her face beneath a black silk scarf around her neck.

    The rest of the class went by with little ado, and an

    hour later, the class let out. As the students gathered

    their things, Evan looked over to the girl who had come in

    late, suddenly noticing a bruise peeking out from beneath

    her scarf. She looked over to him, hastily readjusting her

    scarf before hurrying off. Evan paused, a sick feeling

    suddenly washing over him as he began wondering how she

    could have gotten such an injury. As he headed toward the

    door, Claire came over to him.

    Well, there goes your first class at Maple High. What

    do think of our little school so far? she asked.

    Oh, its fine. It doesnt seem too different from my

    last school, he replied, eyeing the girl with the bruise

    as she left the room. Claire looked back.

    Oh, dont mind her. Thats just Willow. She comes in

    late a lot and never talks to anyone. Shes sort of the

    class weirdo, Claire said.

    I see..., Evan replied, still concerned about the

    wound on her neck.

    So, what class do you have next? Claire asked. Evan

    looked to his paper.

    It says... Mister Wright?

  • Oh, him? I have that douche for my fourth class. I

    dont have time to take you there, but I can give you

    directions, she said, telling Evan the way there.

    Thanks again, Claire. Youve been a big help, he

    said. Claire paused, shyly looking away moments later.

    ...Its okay. Well, gotta go. Catch ya later, she

    said, heading off to her next class.

    Evan did the same, following Claires directions

    before finding his second period class. It passed with

    little fanfare, and soon, third period rolled around. This

    time, Evan was on his own finding it, and accordingly,

    entered it just before the late bell rang. He quickly

    looked around, spotting an empty desk at the side of the

    room. He headed over to it, taking a seat as the teacher

    entered the room and closed the door. As class began, Evan

    looked to his left, noticing a familiar looking girl

    sitting next to him, soon recognizing her as the same

    student Claire had bumped into earlier.

    As the teacher took roll, Evan learned that her name

    was Natalie Lockett, a curious yet attractive young woman

    in distinctly Gothic attire, wearing a dress that was black

    from top to bottom and covered almost her entire body. Her

    hair was the same color, tied into a high ponytail that

  • elegantly hung down all around her head, covering her left

    eye entirely. The teacher then stood up.

    Alright, everyone. Take out your history books and

    turn to page forty-two, he said, suddenly realizing Evan

    didnt have one yet. Oh, dear. Im afraid we havent got

    any extras, either. Im afraid youll just have to share

    with someone. Natalie, would you mind pushing your desks

    together and sharing with our new student until we can find

    him a book of his own? the teacher asked. Natalie remained

    silent, looking over to Evan as Evan did the same to her.

    Sorry, he said quietly, slowly pushing his desk next

    to hers. Natalie remained silent, opening her book and

    sliding it half onto Evans desk. The two sat in awkward

    silence as the lesson began, occasionally stealing glances

    at one another.

    Today, well be discussing the Goths of ancient

    Germany, the teacher said. Evan paused, slightly looking

    over to Natalie. She looked back at him.

    Dont, she said. Evan smiled, also detecting a faint

    look of amusement on Natalies face as the class continued

    on, concluding an hour later.

    Thanks, Natalie. Sorry you were forced to share your

    book with me, Evan said, moving his desk back.

  • Its alright. It wasnt your fault, she replied.

    Evan then looked to the itinerary.

    Next is lunch, is it? I dont even know where to go,

    Evan said with embarrassment. Natalie looked over to him.

    I..., she said hesitantly. I can show you the way,

    she concluded shyly.

    Oh, dont trouble yourself, Natalie. Youve helped me

    enough for one day, Evan replied.

    Its no trouble. Im headed that way, anyway, she


    Yeah? Well alright then, if you really dont mind,

    Evan said, the two leaving the room soon after. They made

    their way down the hallways, soon approaching a large glass


    This is the cafeteria, Natalie said, entering along

    with Evan.

    Wow. So small, he remarked.

    Its a small school. And besides, hardly anyone ever

    takes lunch in here, anyway. Most choose to loiter around

    the courtyard or surrounding halls during the lunch break,

    Natalie explained.

    I see, Evan replied, moving down the short line

    assembled before getting a sandwich and a bag of chips.

  • Natalie didnt take a tray, choosing instead to merely grab

    an apple. Thats all youre getting? Evan asked.

    Yes. This is all I ever get, she replied. Evan

    slightly frowned, looking her over. Natalie was fairly

    thin, so it came as little surprise to him that this was

    all she was eating. The two then moved to a table, sitting

    across from each other.

    Oh... sorry. Did you want to be alone? Evan asked.

    Natalie quietly looked up, shaking her head soon after.

    Evan smiled. Im glad to hear it. The truth is, I dont

    really know anyone here yet. Id probably have to have

    lunch by myself if it wasnt for you, he said.

    Youre new here?

    Yeah. We just moved here from California last week.

    Really? What made you move to Gloomville of all


    Good question. It was my sisters idea. Shes sort of

    the head of the household, nowadays. To be honest, shes

    not my real sister. I was adopted by the Hawthornes when I

    was five. My mother has been in a bad state since father

    divorced her, and sis thought moving to the countryside

    would be good for her, Evan explained.

    I see, Natalie replied.

  • What about you, Natalie? Have you always lived in

    this town? Evan asked. Natalie suddenly fell silent,

    slowly looking off to the side. Oh. Sorry... I dont mean

    to pry, Evan said warily. Natalie looked back to him,

    shaking her head.

    No. Its alright. You told me about yourself, after

    all. I guess its only right that I tell you a bit about

    me. But..., she said, again hesitating.

    Its alright. We can talk about something else if you

    want, Evan said. Natalie frowned.

    Im sorry. Its just... hard for me to discuss my

    past, she said softly.

    No need to apologize, Evan said. The two spent the

    rest of the lunch break with each other, exchanging idle

    pleasantries until it was time for fourth period. When the

    bell rang, they left the cafeteria.

    Thanks for lunch today, Natalie. Maybe we can do it

    again, sometime? Evan said.

    Sure, Natalie replied, the two parting ways soon


    Evan found his way to his fourth and fifth period

    classes, both of which passed normally. When the sixth and

    final class of the day came around, he entered the

    classroom, surprised to see someone familiar as he entered.

  • Evan! We meet again. Looks like we have the same

    first and last period classes, Claire said with a smile.

    Oh, hey again, Claire. Yeah, looks that way, he

    replied, taking a seat at the front row next to her. As the

    room slowly filled with students, a tall, rough-looking

    student entered the room.

    Oh, no, Claire said under her breath.

    What is it? Evan asked.

    That guy... I was hoping he would be absent again, as

    usual. Thats Todd, probably the schools worst bully. Even

    the seniors are scared of him, Claire whispered. Evan

    turned to him, watching as Todd scowled at the room from

    the head of the class, suddenly noticing Evan.

    ...Who the hell are you? he asked.

    Evan, he replied.

    You new or somethin?


    Thought so. Id have remembered a fuck face like

    you, Todd said snidely. Evan remained silent, Claire

    watching tensely from nearby as Todd sneered before making

    his way to the desk at the far end of the room, the seat

    furthest away from the teachers desk.

    Soon after, the bell rang, and class started up. The

    hour passed slowly as Todd continually disturbed and

  • interrupted the class before finally being written up and

    sent to the front office by the teacher. As the final bell

    sounded, the students gathered their belongings and

    prepared to leave as Claire looked over to Evan.

    Dont let him get to you. He does that to everyone.

    You were right not to rise to his taunts, she said.

    Its alright. Every school has at least one of his

    kind, I suppose, Evan replied.

    I wouldnt be so sure. Todd is a little different

    from your average bully. Last year, he sent someone to the

    hospital after getting into a fight with him. Theres even

    rumors that he raped a girl, Claire explained grimly.

    No way...! Evan said in surprise.

    Seriously. Id steer clear of that guy if I were

    you, she replied, heading out the door along with Evan.

    Will do. Thanks for all your help today, Claire,

    Evan said. Claire smiled.

    No problem. Welcome to Maple High, Evan. Hope ya like

    it! Claire said, waving goodbye before heading off with

    two of her nearby friends.

    Evan made his way through the hustle and bustle of the

    halls, heading to the gates and leaving the school. His

    house was within walking distance, so he didnt take the

    bus or a car. As he traipsed through the grass next to the

  • road and made his way home, he reflected on the events of

    the day, and on everyone he had met over the past several


    Claire seemed like a very nice person, though when

    Evan looked into her eyes, he somehow sensed a faint air of

    sadness about her, almost as if she was doing her best to

    suppress something deep inside herself. He was certainly

    grateful for all the help she had given him, however, as he

    would have certainly been lost on his first day without her


    Natalie was cold on the outside, but seemed like a

    warm and friendly girl once she got to know someone. Evan

    recalled their conversation over lunch, and found himself

    intrigued by both her mysterious appearance as well as her

    past which she seemed reluctant to talk about.

    Todd, on the other hand, seemed like trouble. He

    reminded Evan of another bully he had at his previous

    school, though that one wasnt nearly as threatening as

    Todd was, nor were the rumors surrounding him.

    As Evan continued his trek home, the person he found

    himself thinking about the most, however, was Willow. The

    bruise on her neck troubled him to no end, and seemed to

    indicate domestic abuse of some sort.

  • As Evan worriedly mulled over what could have happened

    to her, he arrived at his house, a small, three bedroom

    house tucked away in the woods. He approached the front

    door, noticing his sisters bright red convertible parked

    out front before entering the house. He looked around,

    noticing the house was completely dark as he headed into

    the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of

    water. As he turned around, he jumped.

    Yo, little bro, Evans sister Madilyn said casually.

    Damn! Would you stop doing that...? Evan said in


    Doing what?

    Sneaking up on people.

    Oh. Did I...? Sorry. Its not my fault youre a spaz,

    though, Madilyn replied.

    Madilyn Hawthorne was a sleek, slender beauty, twenty-

    two years old and with wavy blond hair and blue eyes. She

    wore a pair of tight fitting white pants and a matching

    white belly shirt with a light, open lavender coat over it

    and a pair of brown sandals. As Evan stood in the kitchen,

    Madilyn looked to him.

    So, how was your first day? she asked.

    ...Fine, he replied warily. Madilyn paused, tilting

    her head at him.

  • Come now, Evan. Youre holding something back on me.

    Tell big sis what it is, she said with a smirk. Evan

    turned to her, hesitating before starting to speak.

    ...Well. During my first period class, I noticed this

    girl next to me with a sizable bruise on her neck. I

    couldnt tell for sure, but... it looked like domestic

    violence of some sort, he explained worriedly.

    I see. Sounds like her old man likes using her as his

    personal punching bag, she replied.

    Madilyn! Evan said.

    Sorry, but its probably true. A girl that age with

    marks like that is almost certainly taking a beating from

    someone, most likely her father, she explained. She then

    curiously looked to Evan. Why are you so interested,

    anyway? Do you... like this girl? she asked with a grin.

    What!? No! I mean... I guess shes kind of cute,

    but... I dont even know her! Evan replied clumsily.

    Madilyn shrugged.

    Well, if youre that worried about her, you could

    always just ask her yourself. I doubt shed tell you the

    truth about it, though. Shed likely say something like she

    ran into a car door or something. Shes unlikely to open up

    to a stranger about something so personal, but if you got

    to know her a bit, she may be willing to confide in you,

  • Madilyn said. As Evan paused in thought, Madilyn walked

    past him, grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter.

    Youre going out? he asked.

    Yes. I may be gone for a few days. Theres some

    leftover lasagna in there that should last you until I get

    back. Also, its unlikely that shell leave her room, but

    if mom should come out here for anything... keep an eye on

    her, okay? Madilyn asked, leaving the room moments later.

    Evan hesitantly followed her to the door.

    ...Where are you going? Evan asked warily. Madilyn

    froze, looking to the floor before turning to him with


    Evan. How many times have I told you not to ask me

    that? In case youve forgotten, dad left us, mom is a

    basket case, and weve got bills to pay around here. Never

    you mind where Im going, she said, leaving the house soon

    after. Evan approached the window, watching as his sister

    got in her car and drove off.

    As her car vanished from sight, that old familiar

    feeling of worry came over Evan as he stared silently out

    the window. It was now over a year since their father had

    walked out on them, leaving their mother for a woman half

    her age. This left their mother a wreck and unable to work,

    much less leave the house. Accordingly, Madilyn became the

  • sole breadwinner of the house, and was saddled with looking

    after both their mother and Evan himself, something which

    racked him with guilt. He wished he could do something to

    help her out, and had offered on numerous occasions to drop

    out of school and get a job. Madilyn refused, however,

    insisting that he finish his education.

    At first it was hard, as the family received no

    financial support from their father. After awhile, though,

    Madilyn seemed to make more and more money, eventually

    saving up enough to not only buy herself a car, but to

    purchase an entire house in a single payment. This begged

    the question that had nagged at Evan for almost a year.

    How was she making so much money...?

    It was something he wanted to know from Madilyn more than

    anything else, yet each time he would ask, she would become

    defensive and quickly change the subject. He as well as

    their mother were both concerned about what she was doing,

    and both were at a loss at to what it could be. At the time

    of the divorce, Madilyn was studying to become a

    psychologist, but was soon forced to drop out in order to

    support the family. She was highly athletic, and enjoyed

    activities such as running and tennis, but neither of those

  • could possibly pay her the amount she seemed to be getting.

    At the end of the day, Evan couldnt help but worry that

    his sister was into something shady, and he cringed to

    think what it could be. Madilyn was indeed a beautiful

    young blond, and he worried that she could possibly be

    engaged in dancing or even prostitution. Evan knew Madilyn

    as a person of integrity, however, and doubted that either

    of those were the case.

    If not that, though, then what? What could it possibly

    be that was earning her so much cash? It was a question

    that continued to haunt Evan day after day. He sighed,

    walking away from the window and back to his room.

  • Tuesday, October 20, 2015

    7:00 AM

    Evan awoke to the sound of his digital alarm clock going

    off, worried thoughts of both his sister and Willow soon

    filling his mind as he switched off the alarm and prepared

    to leave. He headed out the front door, arriving at the

    schools gates twenty minutes later.

    He entered his first period class, noticing Claire

    busy talking with her friends as he made his way to his

    seat. As class began, the teacher called roll, and Evan was

    soon disturbed to find that Willow was absent. He recalled

    her coming in late the previous day, and thought the same

    thing might happen again, but alas, she never appeared, and

    the entire class went by with no sign of Willow.

    Second period rolled around, and crept by painfully

    slowly as Evan started to worry for Willows well being.

    When third period came around, Evan entered the class, half

    lost in thought as he took a seat next to Natalie.

    You okay? she asked. Evan suddenly looked up,

    turning to her soon after.

    Oh. Hey, Natalie. Yeah, Im fine. I just... didnt

    get much sleep last night, he replied, forcing half a

  • smile. Natalie frowned, looking to him with concern as the

    bell rang and class began.

    Once the hour passed, the two headed to the cafeteria,

    Evan still looking worried as the two got some food and

    took a seat at the same table they did the day before.

    Are you sure youre alright? You seem really out of

    it today, Natalie said. Evan remained silent, looking

    around before looking over to Natalie.

    ...Can you keep a secret? he asked quietly. Natalie

    perked up, looking to him with interest.

    Sure, she said.

    ...Well, the other day, there was this girl in my

    first period class sitting next to me with a bruise on her

    neck. Yesterday, she came in late, and today, she was

    absent entirely. Im not certain, but I think she may be

    taking abuse from someone, Evan explained.

    Oh, my. Who is she? Natalie asked curiously. Evan

    hesitated, again looking around.

    You promise this stays between us? he asked.

    Of course, she replied.

    ...Her name is Willow, Evan said quietly. Natalie

    suddenly sat back.

    Oh. Her? she asked.

    You know her?

  • Not really. Shes in my fourth period class, though,

    Natalie said. Why are you so concerned about her, anyway?

    she asked. Evan paused, slowly shaking his head.

    My sister asked the same question. Shes the only

    person Ive told this to besides you, and the truth is, I

    really dont know. Its just... ever since seeing her

    injury, I cant help but worry about her. Maybe shes

    suffering in silence, you know? Evan said. Natalie lightly


    Yeah. But what could we possibly do? she asked.

    Well, I was thinking of asking her about it, but

    figured it would be rude seeing as how I dont even know

    her, he replied. Natalie remained silent, warily looking

    to Evan, wondering why he was so worried about this strange

    girl. The remainder of the lunch break ended, and the two

    again parted ways, Evan heading to his fourth period class

    while Natalie headed to hers in the opposite direction.

    As she arrived, she looked around the room, suddenly

    surprised to see Willow sitting at her usual seat in the

    corner of the room despite Evan telling her she had been

    absent from first period. Natalie took a seat at her usual

    desk at the other end of the room, eyeing Willow from afar

    as the room slowly filled with students. Natalie blinked,

    tapping her fingers atop the surface of her desk as an idea

  • suddenly came to her. Though she felt bad for Willows

    injury, she had little interest in her, otherwise. She knew

    that Evan seemed concerned about her, however, and figured

    she should try and help him out by finding out more about

    her. She paused, taking a deep breath before getting up,

    heading over to an empty desk next to Willow before taking

    a seat.

    Excuse me, Natalie said. Willow paused, looking to

    her left.

    ...Yes? she asked softly.

    Im sorry to bother you, but I couldnt help but

    admire that scarf of yours. As you can tell, I really like

    to wear black, but Ive never tried wearing a scarf,

    before. Would you mind if I tried yours on real quick?

    Natalie asked, stealthily inspecting Willows neck from

    afar as Willow looked to her in slight surprise. She

    blinked, soon slipping off her scarf and handing it to

    Natalie. She took it from her, trying in vain to spot any

    sign of bruising on her neck as she faked interest in the

    scarf shed just been handed.

    ...Silk, huh? Nice. Maybe I should get a scarf like

    this, she said, soon handing it back.

    Im sure it would look good on you, Willow said

    quietly, taking back her scarf and putting on. Natalie

  • paused, suddenly feeling guilty about what she was doing.

    Willow seemed like a nice person, and here Natalie was,

    prodding her like a science experiment in an attempt to

    find a wound on her neck. Still, she couldnt help but feel

    ever more curious the more she talked to her.

    I thought you were absent, today, Natalie said.

    I overslept, Willow replied.

    I see. I used to do that a lot, myself, especially

    after soccer practice or something exhausting like that. Do

    you play any sports? Natalie asked, fabricating a story in

    an attempt to see if she got hurt playing sports.

    No, Willow replied.

    I dont blame you. I really hated soccer, especially

    when my parents would show up to cheer me on from the

    sidelines. It was so embarrassing. Do you have parents like

    that, too? Natalie asked, telling another lie in an

    attempt to determine what kind of parents she had, and if

    they could potentially be abusing her. Willow looked

    sideways, eyeing her before again turning back.

    ...No, she replied once more. By now, Natalie could

    detect the suspicion in Willows demeanor at all of her odd

    questions. Natalie sighed, ready to give up. Just then, she

    noticed a pencil sitting at the corner of her desk. She

  • paused, soon purposely knocking it over and onto the floor

    next to Willow.

    Oh, dear. Sorry about that. Do you mind getting that

    for me...? Natalie asked. Willow hesitated, looking to the

    pencil before reaching for it. As she bent over to pick it

    up, Natalie froze, at last noticing the nasty looking

    bruise on the side of Willows neck. She frowned, sadly

    looking to her as Willow handed the pencil back to her.

    ...Thanks, Natalie said somberly, heading back to

    her seat just before the bell rang. She wanted to ask her

    more, but by now, felt guilty for barraging her with

    questions under false pretenses, especially after catching

    a glimpse of her wound.

    The rest of the day went by normally, and as the final

    bell rang, Evan left his sixth period class, heading for

    the exit soon after. As he approached the front gates, two

    men came over to him.

    Excuse me, one of them said. Evan turned around.

    Yes? he asked.

    Im Detective Briggs, and this is Detective Hopkins.

    Wed like to ask you a few questions, Briggs said,

    flashing his badge. He was a tall, lanky man with broad

    shoulders and chiseled features. He had short brown hair

  • and wore a long, dark gray trench coat and a pair of black


    About what? Evan asked cautiously. Hopkins stepped


    Do you recognize this young woman? he asked, holding

    out a picture of a vacuous looking girl with curly brunette


    No. Im new here, Evan replied. Hopkins raised a


    Is that so? he asked, producing a notepad from his

    jacket. Hopkins was a short, stocky man, bald and with

    thick, circular, black rimmed glasses and a dry smile. He

    wore a black leather police jacket and a pair of brown

    trousers, scribbling something away at his notepad as Evan

    stood tensely from nearby.

    Relax, son. Youre not in any trouble. We just want

    to ask you a few questions regarding the disappearance of

    this young woman. Her name was Tiffany Irvine, and she was

    last seen leaving this school on Friday, October 9, exactly

    eleven days ago. Do you or anyone you know have any idea as

    to where she may have gone? Briggs asked. Evan stood in

    surprise, shaking his head soon after.

    I dont know. Ive never seen her before, he said.

  • I see. Well, if you think of anything, let us know,

    Briggs said, taking his leave along with Hopkins.

    As the two detectives began questioning another

    student, Evan left, surprised to learn that someone had

    recently gone missing from the school. After about twenty

    minutes, he arrived at his house, finding it eerily quiet

    with the absence of his sister and his mother still locked

    away in her room. He headed to the couch, flipping on the

    TV and searching for something to watch, finally settling

    on a local news program.

    despite terrorism not being suspected as a cause of

    the senators mysterious death. In other news, a local

    family is still holding out hope that their missing

    daughter will return home alive. Sixteen-year-old Tiffany

    Irvine was last seen leaving the grounds of Maple High

    School shortly after classes let out on Friday, October 9.

    The teenager was known for staying out late and partying

    until early morning hours, but the family says that shed

    never been gone this long before, and her mother pleaded

    for her to come home, claiming that neither she nor her

    stepfather were angry with her, the news anchor said. Evan

    folded his arms, listening with interest at the report of

    the missing girl hed earlier been told about by the pair

    of detectives. Though he felt concern for her, in truth, he

  • was still more worried about his sister and Willow. The

    fact that Willow was absent from first period left a sick

    feeling in the pit of his stomach, and the rest of the

    night crept by slowly as worried thoughts of both her and

    Madilyn circled around Evans mind.

  • Wednesday, October 21, 2015

    11:23 AM

    Evan slowly opened his eyes, noticing the TV was still on

    as he realized he had fallen asleep on the couch. As he

    looked around, he froze, noticing his mother sitting on the

    sofa nearby.

    Mom! he said in surprise, slowly sitting up. Evans

    mother sat in silence, blankly staring at the TV in her

    dirty bathrobe, her short blond hair disheveled.

    ...Wheres your sister? she asked in a scraggly


    I dont know. She took off two days ago and didnt

    say where she was going, Evan replied. After a moments

    pause, his mother stood up, shuffling back to her room

    before snapping the door shut. Evan sat in bewilderment.

    Since the divorce, shed sunk into a deep depression, and

    it was rare for her to even leave her room, much less talk

    to anyone. Evan then looked to a nearby clock, eyes

    widening as he realized what time it was. He shot to his

    feet, hurrying to his room and getting ready before racing

    out of the house, walking as fast as he could to school.

    Upon arrival, he noticed the courtyard and surrounding

    corridors filled with the hustle and bustle of the lunch

  • break. He sighed, annoyed that hed overslept so much as he

    slowly traipsed through the gates and across the courtyard.

    As he looked around, he suddenly spotted a familiar girl

    sitting by herself at an old picnic table near some trees

    at the edge of the school grounds. It was Willow, arms and

    legs folded as she sat facing away from the table, staring

    stoically ahead at the overcast alpine landscape.

    Evan paused, realizing that this might be an

    opportunity to get to know her, and maybe ask her about her

    wound. He turned to her, making his way across the

    courtyard and over to the picnic table Willow was sitting

    on. As he approached, Willow sat in silence, face half

    hidden beneath her scarf as she stared blankly ahead at the


    Excuse me... Willow? Evan said. Willows eyes

    suddenly met his as her body remained motionless. I... Im

    sorry to bother you, but... we have the same first period

    class. My name is Evan. Do you mind if I sit down? he

    asked. Willow sat in silence, staring him down before

    turning her eyes away, lightly shaking her head moments

    later. Thanks, Evan said with relief, taking a seat next

    to her. He then looked around, noticing no signs of food

    anywhere near her. You didnt get lunch? he asked.

    ...I dont have any money, she said softly.

  • That makes two of us, then, Evan replied, recalling

    how hed forgotten to take any money with him in his haste

    to leave the house. As he looked over to Willow, a cold

    breeze blew by, causing her hair to blow to the side. Evan

    froze, suddenly finding himself captivated by just how

    beautiful she was, her cold, dark blue eyes staring off

    into the distance as her thin, pale silhouette cascaded

    with the unsettling scenery of the overcast horizon behind

    her. As Evan was lost in the sight of her, she suddenly

    looked over to him, causing him to quickly snap out of his

    trance and look away. He blinked, shyly looking to the side

    before starting to speak.


    Youre new here, arent you? she asked in a blunt

    tone of voice, suddenly interrupting Evan.

    Yeah. We just moved here about a week ago, he


    I see. Im sorry to hear that, she said. Evan

    paused, looking to her in confusion.

    ...Huh? Why? he asked. Willow paused, slowly turning

    to Evan before looking him square in the eyes.

    Dont you know? This is where people come to die,

    she said coldly.

  • Evan froze, a chill suddenly running down his spine as he

    stared back at Willow in bewilderment, thunder rolling in

    from the distance.

    ...What? What do you mean? he asked warily. Willow

    again paused, looking back to the horizon moments later.

    This town is death. Its like a pool of stagnant

    water that gets dirtier and more corrupt with each passing

    day. Nothing good ever happens here, and once youve


    theres no hope for you, she explained, standing up as the

    bell sounded off in the distance soon after. As she headed

    back toward the school, Evan blinked, quickly standing up.

    Whered you get that bruise? he asked suddenly.

    Willow froze in place, slowly turning back to him before

    eyeing him suspiciously.

    ...What bruise? she asked, pushing up her scarf with

    her shoulders.

    The one on your neck. I noticed it the other day when

    you came in late. What happened, Willow? he asked with

    concern. Willow remained silent, looking away moments


    ...I hit a cabinet, she said, again walking off.

  • Thats not the truth, is it? Evan asked. Willow

    cringed, again looking back at him.

    What do you care? Who the hell are you, anyway?

    Asking such things out of nowhere!? she asked in

    annoyance. As Willow glared at Evan, he frowned, his

    reaction catching her off guard as he slowly walked over to


    Willow... Im sorry to pry. Its just, I... Im

    worried about you, thats all, Evan said shyly. Willow

    suddenly froze, weakly staring at him as a cold breeze

    whipped by. She blinked, slowly looking away.

    Evan... please. Dont get involved, she said softly,

    voice trembling.


    Please! Willow said, tears forming in her eyes as

    she stared back at Evan. Please... I beg of you, she

    concluded, swiftly composing herself before turning around

    and heading back to the school. Evan looked on in silence,

    a pained look on his face as he watched her disappear from


    The rest of the day went by slowly as Evan replayed

    his encounter with Willow again and again in his mind. It

    was just as Madilyn had predicted: Willow was in full

    denial about how shed gotten hurt, claiming that shed

  • merely hit a cabinet. Evan knew full well that wasnt the

    case, however. He wanted to help her, to save her from

    whoever it was that was physically abusing her, but Willow

    had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want his

    interference. As the final bell rang, Evan left the school

    and headed home, idling away the rest of the night.

  • Thursday, October 22, 2015

    7:45 AM

    Evan arrived at school, noticing the halls starting to fill

    up with autumn decorations promoting the upcoming fall

    dance that was to take place at the school in a weeks

    time. He entered his first period class, taking a seat as

    the room slowly filled with students. Just before the late

    bell sounded, Willow entered the room, taking her usual

    seat next to Evan. The two looked to each other, briefly

    meeting eyes before shyly looking away.

    ...Hey, Willow, Evan said shyly.

    ...Hi, she replied quietly.

    Im really sorry about yesterday. I had no right

    poking my nose where it doesnt belong, he said. Willow

    paused, lightly frowning and looking away.

    ...No. Its alright. I appreciate your concern, but

    theres no need to worry. I just get a bit clumsy,

    sometimes, she replied, still holding fast to the cabinet

    story. Evan frowned.

    Well, if you ever want someone to talk to, Im here

    for you, Willow. Anything you need, just ask, he said,

    trying his best to help her out. Willow shyly turned to

  • him, blinking in surprise before again turning away,

    slightly blushing as class soon started up.

    First and second periods both went by, and Evan soon

    entered his third period class, taking his usual seat as

    Natalie entered the room soon after, taking her usual seat

    next to him.

    Hey, Natalie, Evan said.

    Hey. Where were you yesterday? Natalie asked.

    Oh, I passed out on the couch the previous night and

    overslept big time. I guess I was more tired than I had

    realized, he replied in embarrassment.

    Oh..., Natalie replied, sounding slightly dejected

    as the teacher entered the room and class began. After the

    bell rang, Evan and Natalie again headed to the cafeteria,

    getting some food before taking a seat at their usual table

    as Evan looked out the nearby glass window at the decorated

    hallways outside.

    Looks like the dance is fast approaching, he said.

    Yeah. I dont really care, though. I dont dance,

    she replied.

    I hear you. Enlightened feet have got no rhythm,

    dont you think? he asked. Natalie half smiled.

    Totally, she said.

  • By the way, did you hear about the girl who went

    missing recently? Evan asked.

    Oh, Tiffany? Yeah. Good riddance, I say, Natalie



    Well, it may sound cold to speak ill of someone whos

    gone missing, but to be honest, I never really liked her.

    She was a bit of a bully, not to mention a snob, she


    I see. Now that you mention it, a pair of detectives

    showed me a picture of her when they questioned me about

    her disappearance as I was leaving school the other day,

    and she did sort of give off that vibe, Evan replied.

    Natalie suddenly paused, looking over to him in surprise.

    ...Detectives? she asked warily.

    Yeah. I was a bit surprised, myself. They came over

    to me as I was leaving, and asked me if Id ever seen her

    before. I told them no, and they seemed vaguely interested

    in the fact that I was new here before going off to

    question someone else, he said. Natalie slowly cringed,

    turning her eyes to the side.

    ...Damn cops. Dont those maggots have anything

    better to do...? she asked with quiet disdain. Evan

    paused, taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor.

  • ...It was no big deal. I guess theyre just trying to

    get to the bottom of Tiffanys disappearance. She has been

    gone for eleven days, after all, Evan remarked. Natalie

    looked back at him.

    I know. Its just... I hate government types, thats

    all, she replied.

    How come? Evan asked. Natalie slowly shook her head.

    Forget it, she replied. Evan looked to her with

    confusion, once more intrigued by her curious behavior.

    As he watched her sitting before him, Natalie remained

    silent, staring down at her untouched apple, gently

    twirling it around with one hand while staring down at it,

    apparently lost in thought. As Evan looked on at her, he

    suddenly found himself lost in her eyes. They were like two

    deep pools of midnight surrounded by a thin layer of dark

    purple mascara, her pupils as black as the clothes she wore

    as her bangs half covered her left eye. As Evan sat in awed

    silence, he soon realized something. She was cute. In fact,

    she was very cute. If it werent for the Gothic attire she

    seemed so keen on covering herself with, shed likely be

    the cutest girl in school. Or maybe her attire was part of

    the reason why Evan found her so attractive. As Natalie

    caught eyes with him, he blinked, quickly looking away

    moments later.

  • The rest of the lunch break went by, as did the rest

    of the day, and soon, the final bell rang. Evan gathered

    his things and left the building, leaving the school

    grounds soon after. As he walked along the side of the

    road, a fancy, black town car pulled up next to him,

    rolling the window down.

    Hey, you! Claire said from the drivers seat.

    Claire! Evan said in surprise.

    Dont tell me you walk to and from school every day?

    she said.

    I do. My house isnt far from here, he replied.

    Aww, you poor thing. You shouldnt have to do that.

    Hop in! she said chipperly. Evan paused, soon getting into

    the spacious vehicle.

    Nice car, he said, looking around the interior.

    Thanks. Its all mine, too! Claire said with pride.

    So, wheres your house, anyway? she asked.

    Just up the road a bit, he explained, giving her

    directions as she drove him to his house. Upon arrival,

    Claire looked it over.

    Aww. Such a cute little house, she said with a


    Yeah, I think so, too. Thanks for the ride, Claire,

    he said.

  • No prob. I pass by this way on the way to school, by

    the way. If youre out here at around half past seven, I

    can pick you up if ya like, she said.

    You dont have to do that, Claire, Evan replied.

    Oh, come on! Its really no trouble, she said.

    ...Well, if youre really sure its alright, then I

    gladly take you up on your offer, Evan said.

    Great! See ya tomorrow, then. Bye, Evan! she said,

    the two waving goodbye as Claire drove off. Evan went into

    the house, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV to

    the same channel hed left it on the previous day, noticing

    a news anchor in the middle of interviewing a conspiracy

    theorist over a recent story.

    ...Im telling you, the assassination of Senator

    Everett was not the doing of a foreign agency, but rather,

    the work of a secretive network of assassins working from

    within the United States! the theorist explained.

    Mister Higgins, with due respect, youre theories

    have often been criticized as outlandish and based on no

    scientific evidence. What proof do you have to support your

    claims? the anchor asked.

    The proof is right in front of you! Open your eyes,

    Jim! Everett, just before his death, was in the middle of

    investigating this shady group of contract killers when

  • shortly thereafter, he turns up dead in a hotel room of an

    alleged heart attack. Coincidence? I think not! the

    theorist declared. Evan rolled his eyes, changing the

    channel several times before eventually shutting the TV off

    and heading to his room.

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