What was so radical about the Renaissance?

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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What was so radical about the Renaissance?. L/O – To identify why new ideas were being developed during the Tudor Period. Starter – What was Britain like in 1485?. So, what’s new?. At the start of the Tudor period, many new ideas were starting to appear in Europe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What was so radical about the Renaissance?

L/O – To identify why new ideas were being developed during the Tudor Period

Starter – What was Britain like in 1485?

So, what’s new?• At the start of the Tudor period,

many new ideas were starting to appear in Europe.

• Old medieval attitudes were being questioned by some people, and new modern ideas were being developed which changed important parts of people’s lives.

• As a result, people at the time called this period of history the ‘Renaissance’ which means ‘rebirth’.

Group 1: Explorers‘We developed better,

stronger ships and better compasses so we sailors

could travel further. I tried to sail all the way round the

world. I was the first European explorer to sail

into the Pacific. I wanted to bring home spices and

luxuries to make me rich.’

‘I wanted to explore the world. I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. I was looking for a quicker way to get to India

and China but I discovered a new continent. I took Spanish people to settle there. I made new maps to show other ships

how to get there.’

VASCO DA GAMA1460-1524



Write a sentence to sum up one of the ‘new ideas’

Group 2: Artists‘Paintings used to look

flat and unrealistic. But I was a good observer

and a skilled artist so my art looed very lifelike. Many people wanted

me to paint for them – but my greatest triumph was to cover the whole

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with paintings of

Christian stories.’

‘I was an artist but I wanted to have a go at everything else

too! I designed war machines, flying machines, canals, water pumps. Yet I also found time to paint the most famous picture

in history – the Mona Lisa.’




‘Instead of just painting religious art like painters

used to I also painted pictures of

ancient Greek myths. Some of my

paintings were burned because the

Church said they were pagan.’

Write a sentence to sum up one of the

‘new ideas’

Group 3: Scientists

‘People used to say that the Sun orbits the Earth. I studied the skies carefully and from the movements

of the planets I said for certain that was not the case. The Earth and all

the other planets go round the Sun. Earth is not the centre of the universe. The Sun is!’



‘With my improved telescope I proved that Copernicus was right about the Sun. I also did other science experiments – it’s important to find things out for yourself, not just to

believe what people tell you. But it got me into trouble. My

books were banned by the Pope but he could not stop

the ideas spreading.’


‘People used to say that it was wrong to dissect

dead bodies. But I dissected bodies to find out for myself how the

muscles, bones and organs connect to each other. I made detailed drawings which were

published as a book so any doctor could see inside a body without

cutting it up for themselves.’

Write a sentence to sum up one of the ‘new ideas’

Group 4: Miscellaneous

‘I was a monk, then I became a protester. I hated the way the

Catholic Church distorted the truth of Christianity. I wrote books

explaining what the Bible really said. The Pope ordered them to be



Write a sentence to sum up one of the

‘new ideas’

‘All books used to be written out by

hand. But I brought the first printing press to Europe. Once we could

make books by the thousand all the other new ideas

spread much more quickly than




‘I carefully observed what made a successful ruler and I wrote a book of advice for kings and princes on how to keep and use power. I said they had to be strong and ruthless but they

had to be fair.’

What ‘idea’ helped spread the other

new ideas?


1. Who was the first Tudor king?2. Was there such thing as the UK in 1485?3. What does the ‘Renaissance’ mean?

4. Which new idea was the most important?5. Which new idea helped other ideas spread?

6. Which was the most dangerous new idea that would have caused serious arguments?

Did we meet our learning objective?

L/O – To examine what Britain was like in 1485 and to identify why new ideas were being developed

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