We have reached the morning and at this very time unto ...3 Allah swt He is the Owner, He is worthy of the praise, He is the Owner of everything and He will bring you the best of everything

Post on 28-Oct-2020






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Chapter (59) sūrat l-ḥashr (The Gathering) Sister Eman al Obaid Class 9 – Nov 9th 2019

Pure Knowledge May Allah swt open our hearts to receive the knowledge, the most purest of knowledge, Kalamullah. Kalamullah is something which comes from the sky, something which you can take higher when you are submitting to Allah swt. This knowledge will exalt you and bring you the best. We want to change so we need to open our hearts to listen and receive the word of Allah swt. We need to believe that Allah swt is Ar Rabb, the Lord, He is the Nurturer and He is the Reformer.

The Dominion Allah swt is Al Malik – the King, the One in whose Hands is everything. Nothing is uttered in this world without Allah swt taking care of it or owning it. When Allah swt brought the human being into this life, Allah swt owns everything that it needs. When you wake up in the morning all the dominion belongs to Allah swt. We don’t own anything that we have in this life. Everything belongs to Allah swt, He is the One Who gives to you and everything will go back to Him. Allah swt entrusts everything to you to use to reach to the best which is Firdaus al Ala – Paradise.

Paradise When Allah swt guides you, when Allah swt brings you closer to Him there is so much goodness. People have different targets in their life. But you were only created to reach Paradise. You were created to reach the best because you were created from the best; and you were created with the best so for sure you want to reach to the best. And the best is only belonging to Allah swt. Don’t forget where you came from and don’t forget where you are going. In the middle we are just meeting each other and doing so many things but don’t forget from where you came and where you are going. Allah swt gave you the fitrah, gave you the best because you will return, so do everything in your life to please Allah swt.

We have reached the morning and at this very time unto Allah belongs all

sovereignty, and all praise is for Allah. None has the right to be

worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, There is no one like Allah swt.


Surat al Ikhlas Surat al Ikhlas is so pure as it does not mention the dunya or the akhirah. This surah does not mention what Allah swt gave you in the dunya and does not mention the akhirah. This surah is telling you what is the main purpose of the dunya and the akhirah. don’t forget Allah swt is above dunya and the akhirah. Sometimes we only focus on the akhirah but our goal is something higher than this, it is Allah swt. Surat al Ikhlas is telling you of something so pure so it is not mentioning the akhirah or the dunya, it is not mentioning forgiveness or Hellfire. It is only telling you to remember Allah swt. Sometimes we get so caught up with paradise, hellfire, forgiveness etc. and we forget Allah swt, so then we are not pure.

Allah swt is Pleased with you Sometimes you see someone doing their worship but their focus is not Allah swt. Some people want to go to paradise but they will do so many things which violate what we are supposed to do in this life. It is not about the dunya and the akhirah, it is about the One above all this, Allah swt, this is what makes you pure. We all want to be pure, to be clean, to deal with everything with purity, and what is extracted from the one who is clean and who is pure is the tayyab, it is Allah swt being pleased. Focus on Allah swt, then Allah swt will give you the dunya. But if you focus on the dunya, and then when you go to the akhirah where is Allah swt in your life. You will forget what you are here for.

La illaha illAllah The kuffar wanted the Prophet saws to define his Lord. Chapter (112) sūrat l-ikhlāṣ (Sincerity) 112:1 Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One, This is very basic, but we forget this. When we focus on the decree, the legislation etc. we forget Allah swt, He is Wahid, He is Samad, He swt doesn’t need anything from us. Allah swt just wants us to be pure. Forget about titles, forget about what you do and what you think, focus on Allah swt. This is ihsan, ihsan is not just focusing on the quality of my deeds. Our main purpose is Allah swt. The one who says La illaha illAllah purely from their heart, they will enter Paradise, Allah swt will free them from Hellfire. Imagine if your sins will fill the earth and you come to Allah swt without associating partners to Allah swt, Allah swt will change the sins into forgiveness.

AlhamduliLlah Just ‘AlhamduliLlah’ fills the scale. It is all about Allah swt, the Most exalted, the Most High to Whom belong the most beautiful Names and Attributes. Call Allah swt by the most beautiful Names and Attributes. Allah swt is the Owner of everything. If you own anything it is praiseworthy because it is for you. Everything that is owned by Allah swt for sure is praiseworthy. This means nothing is dispraised. Allah swt is the Owner of everything and all praise is due to Him.

lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa ‘ala kulli shayin qadeer, Allah swt can do anything. But everything belongs to Allah so all praise is due to Him because He is able to do anything. We ask Allah swt for the best each day. We don’t know where is the khair but


Allah swt He is the Owner, He is worthy of the praise, He is the Owner of everything and He will bring you the best of everything in life.

rabbi as-aluka khayra ma fee hatha-alyawmi, wakhayra ma ba‘daho, wa-

a‘oothu bika min sharri hatha-alyawmi, washarri ma ba‘daho, I don’t know what is the evil in this life, I don’t know what is good for me, I don’t know what threats there are in my life. Allah swt is the one because all the Dominion belongs to Him, all the praise belongs to Him, and Allah swt is able to do everything. Nobody can bring the best for you except Allah swt and nobody can protect you from the evil expect Allah swt. You want to go back to Allah swt as a slave, pure, enjoying the company of Allah swt and His Messengers. It is all about Allah swt. In Surat al Hashr Allah swt solves and unites every confusion in our life, unifying the many confusions in our life to form a pattern. ‘Hashr’ is when things are mixed up but Allah swt organises it for us. In life Allah swt is able to unite and organise everything in our life. In the end, everything is gathered but in the middle there is confusion. In life we want the harmony and truthfulness, but we need ‘Sultan an Nasira’. We need the authority and we need the evidence. So many things in life cause us confusion. Allah swt will make everything good and right. That is why truthfulness is a very important value. We are talking about truthfulness today because today’s ayat is about the munafiqeen. So far we have been talking about people with truthfulness.

The Muhajireen were taken out of disbelief to belief, from falsehood into truthfulness. Their exit was truthful because they want to be better.

The Yuhud were taken out of their dwellings and this was truthful.

Ukhriju (Expelled) This word is repeated in Surat al Hashr. This action belongs to Allah swt. We ask Allah swt

To take us out of the Hellfire

Take us out from the disbelief

to take us out of the shirk

to take us out of any problem May Allah swt never take us out of the obedience, never take us out of the good things and the good deeds. May Allah swt take us out of the bad things and take us out of the sicknesses. It is about what is inside of you, and it is beyond your expectations. When are in the shirk we want to be taken out – it is all about the entering and the exiting. Shaitan takes people out of the light into the darkness. Allah swt always takes you out of the darkness from the light. But if people are only following their desires they will be taken out of the light into the darkness. Desire is ‘hashr’. Belief is so much clearer when you believe in Allah swt. 59:2 It is He who expelled the ones who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture from their homes at the first gathering. You did not think they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah; They thought their fortresses would protect them. No one can protect you except only Allah swt. You will see people deeply rooted in disbelief, they are surrounded by the disbeliever’s but Allah swt will take them out of this disbelief.


And you will also see families deeply rooted in belief, they are Muslimeen but they will be taken out of belief. You cannot rely on your fortresses, you can rely on your family, you cannot rely on anything. Belief is important. Allah swt is able to take you out of your problems and disbelief. You cannot rely on your alarms, your fortresses etc., Allah swt will come between your heart. but [the decree of] Allah came upon them from where they had not expected, and He cast terror into their hearts [so] they destroyed their houses by their [own] hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning, O people of vision. And then they destroyed their own homes. The Muhajireen were also ‘taken out’ – Ukhriju was truthful by taking them away from the disbeliever’s and the shirk. Their ‘hijra’ expiated their sins so that they are pure like a new born baby. 59:8 For the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and [His] approval and supporting Allah and His Messenger, [there is also a share]. Those are the truthful. You have two pictures here. Believe in Allah swt and you will exit any matter with truthfulness – will take you from the darkness into light as long as you follow Allah swt and don’t follow your desires.

The Hypocrites Role (were) hypocrites,

Sequence of events that created ‘hashr’

Outer challenge - people asking why did they cut down the trees We don’t know what is behind this event. Don’t give power to the people – Allah swt has a purpose. It is difficult to accept except their actions except for those whom Allah swt guides.

Internal challenge – the ‘fai’ (booty) This is about the obedience. Obeying Nabi saws. We can have outer problems (i.e. at work) and inner problems (i.e. in our home). There are so many beautiful Names of Allah swt in this surah so it has so much to teach us. There are two groups of people:

- The believer’s - From the believer’s you have the hypocrite’s

Both these two groups read the Qur’an. And among the believer’s you have groups: - Sabiqeen – those who make sacrifices - Muflihun - Those who accept people and hosts them

Everyone has a role. You don’t want to be a burden on someone. And those who are hosting strangers in their homes should have a pure heart. And the ones who come, the later generations need to have even more purer hearts as they didn’t see the groups who came before. Usually people who come after don’t appreciate those who came before. Anyone foremost in faith has to be foremost. Daud AS came before Sulaiman AS and Daud AS worshipped Allah swt so much more than Sulaiman AS. You can recognise the munafiqeen by their words. The believer does not say anything. Chapter (24) sūrat l-nūr (The Light)


24:12 Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another and say, "This is an obvious falsehood"? You cannot accuse those who are good based on rumour’s as you don’t know. The munafiqeen made accusations against Aisha RA. Situations in life show who are the believers and who are the hypocrites, who doesn’t believe. The believer does good deeds, the munafiqeen are busy with talking. The believer does not get involved in things that don’t concern them as it leads to the fitnah. You cannot always fight the fitnah. But what can protect you from trials?

- Good deeds - Love - Du’a

Ayat 11 to 14 show us the characteristics of the munafiqeen.

lakādhibūna (are) surely liars. They lie not by their tongue

but by their condition. 59:11 Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you." But Allah testifies that they are liars.

Lā yunṣarūna – not help you. Allah swt will give you the

victory as He is your Wali. The munafiqeen are wali of the people and they will not keep their word.

59:12 If they are expelled, they will not leave with them, and if they are fought, they will not aid them. And [even] if they should aid them, they will surely turn their backs; then [thereafter] they will not be aided.

Lā yafqahūna (who do) not understand. To be out of disbelief you need to know the details of your

faith to avoid falling into nifaq – a protection from hypocrisy. For the fiqh you need to understand the matter of it, what initiated it, what is the point of it, what are the conditions and what is the result of it. Fiqh is not just the worship, you also need understanding. 59:13 You [believers] are more fearful within their breasts than Allah. That is because they are a people who do not understand.

Lā yaʿqilūna – do not reason. They are not using their akhal for elevation, they use their brain to

plot, to bring people down, they use their reason only for themselves. 59:14 They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason. May Allah swt always grant us sidq in all our matters and actions. Chapter (17) sūrat l-isrā (The Night Journey) 17:80 And say, "My Lord, cause me to enter a sound entrance and to exit a sound exit and grant me from Yourself a supporting authority." May Allah swt gives us the understanding, increase us in knowledge and give us the akhal to use the knowledge for good and not to follow our desires. The ‘hashr’ – the confusion in our life is when we don’t have understanding. And the ‘hashr’ in life brings out the best in people or brings out the worst in people. The disbelievers were expelled from


their homes when it was never expected to happen; the muhajireen were expelled because they were sadiqeen. Living with Kalamullah you will see things you never imagined. The Qur’an is in line with your condition, in line with the Universe; always current and relevant at all times. These ayats are showing us our sicknesses, they are not to be used to accuse others, but are for us to be purified and to increase in faith. If the heart is clean it will take the Qur’an, take the word of Allah swt which is so pure. The Qur’an ‘dissolves’ into you and you will live a harmonious life. It is Allah swt Who makes you to listen and learn the Qur’an so don’t feel defeated, you can move forward. No one is perfect, we won’t learn anything if we think we are so perfect. We need to feel that we need Allah swt guidance, and that we need purification – this is what keeps us going. We need to keep going to Allah swt. Imagine being able to see the truth 59:11 Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you." But Allah testifies that they are liars.

do you not see – this is when you hear something but it makes you to see the truth. You want to see what Allah swt see’s, as if you see it with your own eyes.

(were) hypocrites, - hypocrisy is hidden but it can be recognised so that a person has the foresight to see beyond it. It is as if you see it with your own eyes. For example the sahabah could smell paradise as if they were seeing it. When you have a strong

faith it is as if you can see it, there is no confusion. ‘Alam tara’ clears the hashr in our life – this is Allah swt action. How will you see their hypocrisy? Through their words. What will the munafiqeen say? saying to their brothers who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture,

The munafiqeen are always talking. Who are they talking to? They are talking to their brothers, the disbeliever’s from the People of the Book. They are disbeliever’s because they disbelieve in their own book which says Nabi saws is their Prophet. They don’t believe in everything in their book.

their friends – the ones who support them, friends who say the right words. When you have friends with the same belief you will be in harmony together.

The Promise "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you,

The Yuhud need to leave with honour. But the munafiqeen said they would also leave with them. The munafiqeen made false promises. The munafiqeen make the problems worse. They didn’t need to say anything to the Yuhud, but they just wanted to please them. The munafiqeen don’t have any faith so they are not loyal to the believer’s, they try to demolish the believer’s through any opportunity which comes their way. If someone really believes inside their heart then they would not behave like this. They hate the believer’s. They grab any opportunity and make it bigger – they are deceptive and cowardly. The goal of both parties is to demolish the religion, the Yuhud want to demolish the religion from the outside, and the munafiq from inside. The munafiq brings out the best in the believer’s, so everyone has a role.


and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever;

This is to give the Yuhud confidence. They will not obey anyone to give them the victory, they will just take sides with the Yuhud. They are not believer’s, they hate the truth, they are using their tongue to increase the problems. and if you are fought, we will surely aid you."

They are not on the side of the Yuhud, and they are very confident in themselves. In the two scenarios the Munafiqeen said they will be with the Yuhud:

- If the Yuhud are expelled the munafiq will join them - If they are attacked the munafiq will help them

But this just adds to the problem as it causes confusion and makes everything very complicated.

supporting authority Allah swt gives the victory to you to enter a matter with truthfulness and to exit a matter with truthfulness.

But Allah testifies that they are liars.

They are liars because they will not leave their homes with the Yuhud, they will obey someone else so they will not give the Yuhud the victory as they are cowards. They just want to please the disbeliever’s and deceive them. The real support is with actions, not with words.

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