Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine … 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine Hara Normalizing the Breath of Humankind When your Lakshya ( aim) aligns with

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Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Hara Normalizing the Breath of Humankind

When your Lakshya ( aim) aligns with the voice

of the soul coming from your Hara, a massive

attention emerges. Due to this massive

attention, massive abundance or Mahalaxmi

enters into your life.

Dr. Yugandhar

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Editor Shares

An attempt to share from my Hara

Love and Light of Diwali!

It gives me immense joy to

present this 3rd issue of Hara

E-Mag in this auspicious

Diwali season. Diwali is the

festival of abundance and

light, thus a wakeup call for

us to remember our Hara.

In this issue we will see deeper insights on Hara,

How Hara can lead to Mahalakshmi (Highest

Abundance), a Zen Parable and insightful QnA

with Dr. Yugandhar.

Feel welcome to share your feedback, suggestions

and creative sharing in form of articles, stories,

pictures and art work on floyd.goa@gmail.com

A big thank you to all sources and contributors!

Keep Calm and Remember Your Hara

Floyd D’Silva


Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Diwali – Light and Abundance

Dr. Yugandhar

Happy Diwali!

Today let me share some insights about the festival of

Diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights and abundance, let us

see how this simple festival reflects the secrets of light and

abundance. There is a great insight hidden in this festival.

The word" Lakshmi " ( Goddess of this Festival) came

from the word 'Lakshya 'which means 'the aim', just

having an aim is never enough, it is attention towards this

aim that is extremely important. Abundance is something

which is holistic, at the physical level it might be about

having good health in all it's dimensions - financial

abundance i.e taking care of your material needs, social

abundance i.e having harmonious relationships and the

spiritual abundance which provides insights and answers

to all your queries and confusions. So, attention leads to

abundance, please remember this. As long as you can give

great attention to details, abundance automatically follows,

where you keep attention is the point, at the physical

health level? or the financial level ? or the spiritual level?

or the social level?, keep your attention where you wish to

have abundance. If you want to have abundance in all it's

dimensions, keep attention on all the dimensions. This is

the meaning of Lakshmi, there is also something higher

called as MahaLakshmi - Maha means 'greater', a greater

aim. When your Lakshya (aim) aligns with the voice of the

soul coming from your hara, a massive attention emerges.

Due to this massive attention, maha (massive) abundance

enters into your life. So, greater the attention, greater the

abundance. Greatest the attention, greatest is the

abundance. So, have maha-lakshya ( great aim) and have

maha ( massive ) abundance. Let the personal evolution

get aligned with planetary evolution.

All the activities that this festival sees like cleaning the

house interiors and exteriors, giving away older clothes

and furniture, burning away the junk, wearing new clothes,

firing crackers, litting lamps etc are put together indicative

of soul expression for abundance and all these attract the

fresh energy of abundance. Thank You Very Much and

Best Wishes to each one of you!

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Hara -Sanctum Sanctorum of


There‟s a place in the body that doesn‟t get much attention.

It‟s way down there below the head and below the heart. It‟s

the center of the body, literally. It‟s the same distance from this

point to the feet, as it is from this point to the head. Being a

natural center, it has an organizing effect on the human system

at every level. The body gets organized here, as does the mind,

the heart and the spirit. This lowly place is actually a lofty

place and it has a deep story.

This center is more a space than a place, for it‟s nonphysical.

It‟s located a little way down from the belly button and a little

way into the body on a subtle level, as a pulse, a seat, as

ground. Its nature is vibratory, its influence pervasive.

The Hara is a seat of power and vitality. Located at the

midway point of the body, the Hara is a natural balancer. We

really move from here because the legs are nearby and are an

extension of the Hara. The mind has a home here too: the Hara

is a place where thoughts cease and the mind becomes unified.

Physical life begins in the belly

Before life can begin, there‟s a vibratory animating force. That

force feeds the fetus through the

mother‟s diet, and continues to „feed‟

the birthed life once the umbilical cord

is removed.

The Hara is our connection to life:

earth, water, fire, air, sunshine, all

living things, the entire biosphere, and

its cosmic counterpart.

We have multiple invisible cords

linking us to all that‟s alive and the

enlivening force itself, and these all

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

culminate in the Hara. The truth that we‟re One with all life

lives in the Hara.

The mind is on a tangent of its own

The mind often visits places that are fabricated and tense. The

rest of us is here. The body is here, the heart is here, our life is

here, breathing. The Hara is also here and can bring the mind

home. The mind has to come home for us to be successful at

anything because home is where our life is taking place.

The Hara centralizes and grounds the mind so its fullness can

be unleashed. A settled and available mind leads to other

significant resources we have.

The mind has true power but at its surface it‟s a runaway train.

You may be on this bumpy ride, or you may be absent even. If

you‟re on it, it‟s none too pleasant. If you‟re absent, there are

much more serious consequences.

The Hara is an organizing principle

It settles the mind and the whole being. It‟s also a seat of

vitality. Vitality is a quality of health and life that‟s often

lacking and misunderstood. Vitality is inborn, it‟s naturally

available as a resource for the body and the whole person.

Working with the Hara makes vitality abundantly available,

flowing properly and easily replenished. If vitality is

chronically low, engaging the Hara will restore it. Vitality is a

core component of all-around health; health that works on all

levels for the whole person.

Remember that life begins in the belly. That core connection to

life continues through the belly as the body develops. The Hara

is always connecting to life, the environment and greater

cosmic forces. The Hara is also an internal distributor for

vitality, feeding body and mind.

Primordial resource

Ultimately the Hara is a primordial resource. Here „primordial‟

means outside of time/space. Hara is about essence. Essence is

the life-giving presence within the body and mind. While it

dwells in the body and mind, this presence is both outside

time/space and outlasts it. Therefore the Hara provides

substantial access to an abiding, eternal and essential part of

human nature.

When thoughts cease and the mind becomes unified in the

Hara, the eternal opens up; the spiritual becomes available. The

spiritual is both innate and personal, and universal. The

universal aspect of spirituality is a dimension that co-exists

with the physical. The personal aspect of spirituality is the

human heart and soul.

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

The Hara is home base for life in physicality, and home base

for all nonphysical but supremely essential ingredients of being

human. Having this one-point to centralize life in all its

multidimensionality makes life manageable and meaningful.

That life can be manageable and meaningful is both great news

and a fundamental orientation for a happy, healthy and

fulfilling existence.

Original nature

In the Hara everyday human emotions and random or unhelpful

thoughts find a resting place, allowing original nature to find

expression. Original nature is the timeless essence of each

person, the part that isn‟t locked into locality or chronology.

Being free in this sense reveals the big picture of subtle reality,

the reality that holds everyday reality in place. Living from the

Hara with full expression of original nature is to be fully

present in everyday reality and transcend it too. Being awake

here only happens when the already awake source is made

conscious. Original nature is already awake. The Hara is the

access point.

In Japanese, Hara literally means “belly.” Hara no aru hito

means “the man (person) with belly.” A person „with belly‟ is a

person with a „center.‟ Lacking a center results in loss of

balance. Having a center brings tranquility, stability,

warmheartedness and a magnanimous, detached response to

life, as well as surety and accurate action.

„Having Hara‟ brings a person into wholeness. Established in

original nature, honoring the body, mind and heart, one is able

to reliably address all spheres of life with equanimity,

equilibrium, depth and precision. Hara living matures both

character and wisdom with a gentle firmness, and is a lifelong

resource for daily existence and beyond.

Source : http://reikihelp.com/blog/2012/03/hara-sacred-center/

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

The Deeper Meaning of Hara

Bronwen and Frans Stiene

The physical space where the hara or tanden is located is a

couple of inches below the navel, inside the body, closer to the

spine than the navel. As mentioned earlier it is not so much the

physical space that matters, but the energetic or spiritual

aspects represented by these words. In this sense, experience of

the hara can be spoken of as simply being hara.

In practical terms we talk of bringing the energy down to the

hara. Yet there are many layers to be discovered within this

concept of hara, so where exactly are we bringing the energy


In training we learn and experience one step at a time.

Therefore to make the study of the hara easier to understand it

is taught that the tanden is the focus point in the belly while

hara is our true nature.

For this reason at a beginner‟s level practices and techniques

guide the mind to focus on the tanden – helping it not to

wander. These practices aid you in gaining a fuller

understanding of the tanden as your mind calms and you

become less distracted. This is the perfect way to begin your

training, and the deeper you go, the more your understanding

1changes and develops.

After what may take many years of practice, you will begin to

experience that the tanden actually becomes hara. This growth

in understanding is interlinked with a clearer understanding of

who you are. At this point your mind is not focused on one

point anymore but merged with everything.

If the mind remains focused at the tanden for your entire

spiritual journey, you will become stuck and restricted.

At the point of hara the mind has no place to stay still for it is

everywhere, completely in union with the universe, no

beginning and no end. It is open and at ease. This is hara, or in

other words, you have realized your true nature. Here your

mind never hesitates or stops; it is like water, when

encountering a rock, it simply flows around obstacles.

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Osho on Hara

Whenever you have nothing to do, just sit silently and move

inside to the place 2 inches below the navel, and remain there.

“Becoming aware of this center is going to help you

tremendously. So the more you abide there, the better. It will

create a great centering in your life energies. You just have to

start looking into it and it will start functioning; you will start

feeling that the whole of life moves around the center. It is

from the hara that life begins, and it is in the hara that life ends.

All our body centers are far away; the hara is exctly in the

center - that is where we are balanced and rooted. So once one

becomes aware of the hara, many things start happening.

For example, there will be less thinking because energy will not

move to the head, it will go to the hara.

The more you think of the hara, the more you concentrate there,

the more you will find a discipline arising in you. That comes

naturally, it has not to be forced.

The more you are aware of the hara, the less you will become

afraid of life and death - because that is the center of life and

death. Once you become attuned to the hara center, you can

live courageously. Courage arises out of it; less thinking, more

silence, less uncontrolled moments, natural discipline, courage

and rootedness, a groundedness. “

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Ask and You Shall Receive Q-n-A with Dr. Yugandhar

Sanjeev Sharma: Please clarify the differences and similarities

between chakras and hara and its physical and non-physical


Dr. Yugandhar: Dear Sanjeev ji, let me share some insights

about the physical and non-

physical aspects of the Hara, the

physical body and the consciousness which is non-

physical forms something called

as an indivisible complex, one cannot actually seperate the

physical and non-physical

entities. They are completely penetrated with each other, and

cannot be seperable as long as

the consicousness lives in the

physical body. For the 60 trillion cells that are existing in

my physical body, I am the God

and for the 60 trillion cells of each person on the planet earth, he is the God. What god says, the 60 trillion cells respond, so whatever

that we think will have to manifest in the physical body, moment to

moment. That is the reason why the psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology complex, the mind, the nervous system, the endocrinal

system and the immune system, put together, functions in such

perfect coordinated way, that we cannot seperate which is superior

and which is inferior, and this complex finally turns into something called as homeostatic mechanism, which balances everything. So, the

physical strata responds through the thought and the chakra system.

Each chakra is a meridian of several energy tubes. Each disease is nothing but a multi-chakra problem. Though we may say that some

disease is related to some chakra but every disease, for example

common cold is one simple disease in which every chakra is affected.

Every cell out of the 16 trillion cells is affected, no single cell is spared, and every disease is an every-cell disease and every-chakra

disease. Every problem is a multi-chakra problem. So, the harmony

between the similarities and dissimilarities, with differences and alignment has to happen. The harmony of everything has to happen,

harmony of all the chakras has to happen and this harmony happens

only at the level of hara and I am providing a picture how each chakra is connected and finally culminating into Hara, from where

the silver cord or sutratma emerges. For many people who get out of

body experiences, the silver cord may be connected from the

forehead or the back of the head but for many as well, when they are very deep, the silver cord takes the filaments from all chakras and

emerge from hara, at the time of death this cord or the sutratma gets

severed and cannot be re-connected and the physical body is declared as dead and the entity goes into its non-physical worlds. So, the 12

stranded DNA which we have been talking about is related to the 12

chakras, we already know the 7 chakras and the 8th one is the center

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

of the solar system, once a person is getting connected to one's hara,

aligned to one's solar system he emerges and gets connected to even higher and deeper level. The journey then moves towards the galactic

center and moves towards the very center of the universe, the

brahmaand - it goes on and on, the awakening process goes on and

on. It doesn't stop anywhere.

Floyd: Why is there so much emphasis on awakening kundalini

in Indian Spiritual Circles?

Dr. Yugandhar: Yes Floyd, there has been so much of emphasis on the

kundalini energy today. let us throw

some light on this. The word 'kundalini' in Sanskrit means 'female

snake', kundala means male snake.

Because the flow of energy from the

mooladhara to the sahasrara via the sushumna nadi resembles the

serpentine fire because it moves like a

snake aggresively, it is called as kundalini - the female snake and the

awakening of kundalini energy

depends upon the convergence of one's consciousness. There are two

schools of thought as far as energy

and consciousness is concerned, the energy based practises, grossly

speaking turn out into a discipline. where the key word is practise or sadhana, another school of thought which emphasize on

consciousness, the main keyword is 'letting-go' - if you observe great

spiritual masters of the world, none of the spiritual masters like Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Lao Tzu and Confucius, Socrates, Plato,

Ramana Mahrshi and many others never talked about kundalini, they

always emphasized on 'letting-go'. Does this mean that these spiritual

masters don't know anything about kundalini? They all know. Based upon this, there are 2 types of experiences - Energy Based and

Consciousness based, Energy based experiences include experiences

like out of body travel, third eye visions, past life visions and many experiences related to extra sensory perception like telepathy,

primordition etc. When it comes to Consciousness based experiences,

it is the insight - the satori, opening of a petal which matters most, which leads to transformation of an individual, which leads to

movement towards one's center. Both are very important but the

consicousness based experiences are most vital because it creates

transformation, while the energy based experiences are very exciting and sensational, they attract and excite you. Many people get stuck

up with this excitement. Many people identify their milestones of

transformation in terms of such experiences that is a big blunder. One should go beyond and get rooted to the center of one's consciousness

that is very important. So 'letting-go' is the keyword in the

consciousness based practises, so when you let go of yourself, you find yourself at your center. Thank you very muc

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine


The Blind Men and the Elephant

Several citizens ran into a hot argument about God and

different religions, and each one could not agree to a common

answer. So they came to the Lord Buddha to find out what

exactly God looks like.

The Buddha asked his disciples to get a large magnificent

elephant and four blind men. He then brought the four blind to

the elephant and told them to find out what the elephant would

“look” like.

The first blind men touched the elephant leg and reported that

it “looked” like a pillar. The second blind man touched the

elephant tummy and said that an elephant was a wall. The third

blind man touched the elephant ear and said that it was a piece

of cloth. The fourth blind man hold on to the tail and described

the elephant as a piece of rope. And all of them ran into a hot

argument about the “appearance” of an elephant.

The Buddha asked the citizens: “Each blind man had touched

the elephant but each of them gives a different description of

the animal. Which answer is right?”


Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine



A path-breaking workshop on

Awakening the Hara Consciousness

Most Powerful, Most Grounding, Ancient and MUST learning

for all the Healers, Spiritual Seekers and for all those who aim

at or enhance Inner Transformation

By Awakening Hara Consciousness, You

* Heal all Physical &

Emotional Maladies

* Activate the Ground-


* Stabilize the Energy


* Deepen the

Connectedness with the

Higher Self

* Enhance the Intuitive


* Destroy Stress & Strain


* Attract what you really

seek in life

* Uproot the deep-seated

fears governing personal


* Transform all the disease

& suffering into a self-

realising phenomenon

* Alignment and

Internalization of Axial


* Come out of where you

are struck emotionally and


* Erase the self-devastating

habitual patterns

* Unravel the truth to see

things as they are

* Get attracted to right

people and right situations

in life

* Develop a Consciousness

of Insightful Living

Hara is the centre of Vitality, Intuition, Immunity and

Longevity. Hara is the Centre of Personal Will, Intent, and

Sexual Energy and is the Core Consciousness of the Whole

Being. Working on Hara is the process of Self-Becoming which

erases the opinions, prejudices and beliefs. Learning the art and

science of Hara unleashes the hidden energies lying dormant

within each one of us! All the truly enlightened masters live

eternally in Hara Consciousness. Hara is not Chakra but the

centre of Consciousness which governs all the Chakras and

connects you to the cosmos

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Hara in Japanese means 'Centre of your being'.

It is a point 2” below the navel and when you are deeply aware,

you find yourself here.

Level I (2hrs) • What is Hara and it's Alignment? • Power of Intent • Consciousness Quotient and it’s enhancement • Meridians of Consciousness • Applications of tapping Hara Consciousness • Pr-Requisites of the Practice • Letting –Go and Letting –In Process • Energising Exercises • Methodologies of connecting to Hara •Sensitisation Methods •Visualisation Method •Energy Breathing Methods

Level II (2hrs) • Applications of Hara Consciousness • Tapping the Universal Energies • Getting connected to the Planetary Hara • Being a Samurai • Utilisation of Energy Meridians for the Awakening of Hara Consciousness • Staying and acting from Hara • Hara Connection in relationships

THE WORLD UNITED is a binding force which connects all individuals and institutions

committed to personal and planetary evolution, working together as one unified whole across

the planet to create a positive global transformation.

THE WORLD UNITED is a wisdom centric model and not a person centric model where in

the teachings are important than the teacher and mastery important than the master. THE

WORLD UNITED teaches that authority should be replaced by authenticity and uniformity

by unity so that the diverse spiritual schools of thought need to be flourished in its own

unique way. THE WORLD UNITED teaches that every individual should find his own way

of getting enlightened though guidance can be taken.

THE WORLD UNITED has recently initiated and organized the historical 1st World

Parliament on Spirituality in Dec 2012.

THE WORLD UNITED was launched in the year 2007 and is registered as society with the

status of IT exemption under section 80G of IT act.

If you want to have a workshop on Hara Consciousness at your place, please contact

theworldunitedteam@gmail.com or +91 9908652789

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine


I have been practising various meditations for the past 6 years or so, however I could not

understand how a person can maintain awareness throughout the day while performing all his

activities. Breath Awareness or awareness of thoughts seemed such a tough task, thus making

me question my 1 hour meditation practises. When Dr. Yugandhar started talking about Hara

Consciousness, I found it very easy to practise as told by him with lots of care and detail.

Maintaining awareness of thoughts, breath and chakras became so natural whenever I started

passively attending to my hara. In moments of physical fatigue, I would start remembering

my hara and suddenly a silence and freshness would dawn upon me. With Hara awareness,

listening to the inner calm and making decisions becomes very easy thus reducing conflicts

and bringing in great clarity. I am very grateful for this beautiful teaching and feel fortunate

to receive it at this vital stage of my life. Thanks! – Floyd D’Silva, Goa

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

Welcome to THE WORLD UNITED’s 7th Annual Conference!

Theme:Holistic and Metaphysical remedies for the establishment of TWU's Spiritual & Holistic Hub.


•Conventional Medicine

Inclusion of the psychological and emotional issues in the conventional medical practices.

Integration and institutionalisation of the conventional and the unconventional therapies.

•Vibrational Medicine

Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Nutrition, Richian

Therapy, Reflexology, Bodywork, Sound Therapy, Aromatherapy, etc.

•Therapeutic Touch Medicine

Reiki, Pranic Healing, EFT, Healing Codes and all energy healing methods.

•Transformational Medicine

Meditation, Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, Yoga, Tai „Chi, Past Life Therapy, etc.

Panel Discussions:

1. How to truly integrate and institutionalize conventional and unconventional health practices?

2. Difficulties in integrating diverse health practices and how to create an efficient and economic

model of health.

This wonderful event is an initiative of The World United - Doctors' & Healers' Association

(TWUDHA), one of the 14 wings of THE WORLD UNITED, makers of the historic 1st World

Parliament on Spirituality.

TWUDHA‟s Vision:

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

1. To merge the wisdom of conventional healthcare, alternative healthcare and the ancient healing

sciences, in order to evolve a holistic model of health that is minimally invasive, safe and economical.

2. To transform existing health practices to include neglected aspects of health like the psychological,

emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

3. To become a resource of information for the multitude of safe and effective healthcare options

available, and to facilitate a worldwide network of wellness centres where holistic remedies are


Registration: For both days: Rs.1500/-, Single day: Rs 1,000/- (inclusive of lunch and refreshments)

Extended meet : Meet up on 16th dec for participants & presenters who wish to join TWUDHA

teams in various cities. TWUDHA membership registrations will be accepted on this day.

If you would like to be a presenter: Please send your 50 word profile, your picture and abstract to

theworldunitedteam@gmail.com ASAP

We eagerly look forward to your esteemed participation!

For more details, Please visit:

www.theworldunited.org/twudha REGISTRATION ONLINE : http://www.meraevents.com/event/the-world-united-cmsecontinued-


Speakers List


Dr Dadashri Ji, Spiritual Master, on Spiritual Healing

Dr Yugandhar GR , Pioneer in Transformational Medicine,

on Healing thru Hara

Dr Varun Raju, Laparoscopic Surgeon, on Sound Healing

Dr Pramod Tripathi, Healer, on

Osho Shivo, Spiritual Alchemist, on Sexual Healing

Allan Chuck, World Representative of Love, Peace &

Harmony Movement on Divine Healing Hands

Darryl D‟Souza, Healer, on Acupressure

Andre Riehl, Yoga Teacher , on Nidra Yoga

Estha Divine, Musician, on Healing thru Music

Neeta Sharma, Spiritual Regressionist, on Conversation with

disease or affected organs

Dr Anil Vasireddy, ENT Surgeon on Genomeopathy

Ajit Saxena, Spiritual Pactitioner, on

Krishnam Raju, Healer, on Nadipathy

Sujata Potay, Psychologist on Spiritual Parenting

Kirti Adhia , Spiritual Practitioner, on Samarpan Meditation

for doctors & healers

Volume 1: Issue 3 A Fortnightly Spiritual E- Magazine

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