Vipul Bhai Matter

Post on 08-Aug-2018






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  • 8/22/2019 Vipul Bhai Matter


    Jandos Rothstein, Designing Magazines: Inside Periodical Design, Redesign,

    and Branding

    Allworth Press | 2007 | ISBN: 1581154992 | 208 pages | File type: PDF | 13


    How does a designer create graphic solutions to the behind-the-scenes

    editorial challenges at a magazine? Designing Magazines is the complete

    guide to understanding the inner workings of magazines and their day-to-day

    managementand a great guide to using that knowledge to create visually

    stunning, editorially effective magazines, in both new designs and

    rebranding. Thirty-five experienced editors, designers, and consultants, all at

    the top of their fields, present their insights on the goals and process of

    magazine design. Chapters focus on problems faced by designers, ethical

    considerations, the future of the field, and many more relevant but rarely

    discussed issues. A look at magazines that have risen above the crowd to

    achieve special social importanceand how design has been a part of thatsuccessprovides additional inspiration for magazine designers everywhere.

  • 8/22/2019 Vipul Bhai Matter


    Earlier this month I was commissioned by the people at Sync City magazine

    to art direct and design their exciting first issue (due to release 1st February

    2013). From the very beginning, I thought I would shed some light on some

    of the design details and thought processes behind the creation of Sync City


    THE PLANNING remember the thumbnails and flat plans!

    A few weeks ago I illustrated a diagram of the Creative Process of Creating

    a Magazine I know each creative job will be different but the majority of

    them and structure will be more or less like the one I drew up in

    my introduction post here. In my last post I shared with you Stage Two:

    concept creationprocess and what that involved you can read the shared

    post here. In todays blog post I will be moving onto the next stages of

    developing a magazine which will be Design Development and Content

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    In my design brief (stage one), the client pointed out how they wanted this

    exciting new magazine for Sheffield to be friendly, warm, inviting,

    engaging and inspiring. To inspire people, building confidence and

    encouraging people to dream. We believe in happy people not just being

    happy people but making happy people too!and for it to become a

    real, peoples publication.Therefore, I wanted the magazine to mimic that

    idea and flow. Having areas to visually build with interest as the stories

    progressed and then counteract that with space to breathe and read easy. The

    magazine needed to be presented in a way that was not overwhelming, yet it

    needed to remain interesting.

    A designers first concept(s) or set of visuals are always still in working.

    There is always room for improvement, tweaks and refinements. The

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    selected concept (from stage two) were then worked up with all details

    implemented. Because there was so much text I knew I had a challenge to

    overcome. But I was ready for it.

    Some of the articles were more visual than others so some of the notes

    included where I thought images should be and what I thought they should

    be had to be scrapped. This stage can often seem a bit random. I find it the

    most lengthy stage of the whole design process but an important point to

    bear in mind is that this stage is an organic process and details can be

    changed if necessary. A more detailed specification of the design of the

    magazine for production planning and final costing was also created at this

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  • 8/22/2019 Vipul Bhai Matter


    A sneaky peep of the new pages to some of Sync City's exciting regular


    THE DEVELOPMENT page shuffles, amends, and re-works!

    It is my job, in this stage, Design Development to make sure that the pages

    meets the editors intent, the features objective and also guide Sync City

    readers eye. The elements of graphic design are used, and often combined,

    to create graphic works. This can be done through several techniques (please

    see page visuals Ive shared above):1. Choosing a final aesthetic for Sync City magazine how the

    magazine looks will define its brand almost as much as the

    content itself. This was achieved by some of the points below:

    2. Defining a grid/layout system

    3. Use of white space

    4. Choice of fonts (typefaces), size, alignment, color, and spacing

    all come into play

    5. Use of illustrations, photography and supporting imagery

    6. Use of graphical elements lines and shapes

    7. The choice of paper stock printed on glossy or matte paper?

    Throughout this stage I always had to make sure what I was doing was

    matching with the publications ethos. In other words, to know and

    understand their readership and their expectations! Amended PDFs,

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    prototypes and revisions of graphics/pages are emailed to and fro until both

    parties are happy.

    Some people say that the magazine is a dead art form. It isnt. I believe

    people still very much enjoy the pleasure of reading the magazine format.

    What matters more is the topic and articles.

    My next and final stage will be Publishing your magazine where

    well be taking a look at the print production stage. Look out for the post

    later this week.

    Fresh print off the press. Sync City's Kat with Evolution Print's Corey. PaperCity!

    It was extremely exciting seeing and meeting the people who printed Sync

    City Magazine the place where ink and paper fall in love. A big thank you

    to Evolution Print in Sheffield for letting us go behind the scenes. The noise

    and smell was captivating. Litho printing truly is a craft in and of itself.

    Often being a designer, I dont get to see the multiple stages involved in

    print production: the mixing of ink colours, consideration of the right

    printing method to suit the design, and required drying time between steps.

    I cant explain just HOW different it all looks printed, from the touch of the

    uncoated paper stock right through to the colours and fold, and all I can say

    is, its better than I hoped and my love for print has been even further

    confirmed if anyone says Print is Dead they need shooting!

    It was a great experience working with Sync City and Evolution Print to put

    together a fantastic magazine for the Sheffield community and meeting new

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    people from different backgrounds who each play a role in creating such a

    colourful and energetic publication.

    Do give Print Evolution a call if you have printing enquiries, and support

    independent printers and small businesses. You can find more of what they

    offer, including large format printing on the Evolution Print website.
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    Graphic design is a creative process, one most often involving a client and

    a designer, and traditionally completed in conjunction with producers of

    form (printers, sign makers, etc.). In the 21st century, however, graphic

    design may be applied directly to websites, eliminating the need for an

    intermediary. Graphic design is undertaken to convey a specific message (or

    messages) to a targeted audience, usually from the client, known as the

    'brief'. The term "graphic design" can also refer to a number of artistic and

    professional disciplines that focus on visual communication and

    presentation. The field as a whole is also often referred to as Visual

    CommunicationorCommunication Design. Various methods are used to

    create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual

    representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use a
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    combination oftypography, visual arts andpage layout techniques to

    produce a balanced, focused and symmetrical final result. Graphic design

    often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is

    created and the products (designs) which are generated.

    Common uses of graphic design include identity (logos and branding),

    publications (magazines, newspapers and books), advertisements and

    product packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or

    other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and

    color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important

    features of graphic design, especially when using pre-existing materials or

    diverse elements.


    While Graphic Design as a discipline has a relatively recent history, with the

    term "graphic design" first coined by William Addison Dwiggins in 1922,
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    [2] graphic design-like activities span the history of humankind: from the

    caves ofLascaux, to Rome's Trajan's Columnto the illuminated

    manuscripts of the Middle Ages, to the dazzling neons ofGinza. In both this

    lengthy history and in the relatively recent explosion ofvisual

    communication in the 20th and 21st centuries, there is sometimes a blurring

    distinction and over-lapping ofadvertisingart, graphic design and fine art.

    After all, they share many of the same elements, theories, principles,

    practices and languages, and sometimes the same benefactor or client.

    In advertising art the ultimate objective is the sale of goods and services. In

    graphic design, "the essence is to give order to information, form to ideas,

    expression and feeling to artifacts that document human experience."

    The advent of printing[

    Main article:History of printing

    During the Tang Dynasty (618907) between the 7th and 9th century AD,

    wood blocks were cut to print on textiles and later to reproduce Buddhist

    texts. A Buddhist scripture printed in 868 is the earliest known printed book.

    Beginning in the 11th century, longer scrolls and books were produced using

    movable type printing making books widely available during the Song

    dynasty (9601279). Sometime around 1450, Johann Gutenberg's printing

    press made books widely available in Europe. The book design ofAldus

    Manutius developed the book structure which would become the foundation

    of western publication design. This era of graphic design is

    called Humanist or Old Style.

    Emergence of the design industry

    In late 19th-century Europe, especially in the United Kingdom, the

    movement began to separate graphic design from fine art.'s_Column's_Column
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    In 1849, Henry Cole became one of the major forces in design education in

    Great Britain, informing the government of the importance of design in

    hisJournal of Design and Manufactures. He organized the Great

    Exhibition as a celebration of modern industrial technology and Victorian


    From 1891 to 1896, William Morris' Kelmscott Press published books that

    are some of the most significant of the graphic design products of the Arts

    and Crafts movement, and made a very lucrative business of creating books

    of great stylistic refinement and selling them to the wealthy for a premium.

    Morris proved that a market existed for works of graphic design in their own

    right and helped pioneer the separation of design from production and from

    fine art. The work of the Kelmscott Press is characterized by its obsession

    with historical styles. This historicism was, however, important as it

    amounted to the first significant reaction to the stale state of nineteenth-

    century graphic design. Morris' work, along with the rest of the Private

    Press movement, directly influenced Art Nouveau and is indirectly

    responsible for developments in early twentieth century graphic design in


    Twentieth century design

    A Boeing 747 aircraft with liverydesignating it as Air Force One. The cyan

    forms, the US flag,presidential seal and theCaslon lettering were all
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    designed at different times and combined by designerRaymond Loewy in

    this one final design.

    The name "Graphic Design" first appeared in print in the 1922 essay "New

    Kind of Printing Calls for New Design" by William Addison Dwiggins, an

    American book designer in the early 20th century.

    Raffe's Graphic Design, published in 1927, is considered to be the first book

    to use "Graphic Design" in its title.

    The signage in the London Underground is a classic design example[8] of the

    modern era and used a typeface designed by Edward Johnston in 1916.

    In the 1920s, Soviet constructivism applied 'intellectual production' in

    different spheres of production. The movement saw individualistic art as

    useless in revolutionary Russia and thus moved towards creating objects for

    utilitarian purposes. They designed buildings, theater sets, posters, fabrics,

    clothing, furniture, logos, menus, etc.[citation needed]

    Jan Tschichold codified the principles ofmodern typography in his 1928

    book,New Typography. He later repudiated the philosophy he espoused in

    this book as being fascistic, but it remained very influential.[citation

    needed] Tschichold, Bauhaus typographers such asHerbert Bayerand Laszlo

    Moholy-Nagy, and El Lissitzky have greatly influenced graphic design as

    we know it today. They pioneered production techniques[citation needed] and

    stylistic devices used throughout the twentieth century. The following years

    saw graphic design in the modern style gain widespread acceptance and

    application.[9] A booming post-World War II American economy established

    a greater need for graphic design, mainly advertising and packaging. The

    emigration of the German Bauhaus school of design to Chicago in 1937
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    brought a "mass-produced" minimalism to America; sparking a wild fire of

    "modern" architecture and design. Notable names in mid-century modern

    design include Adrian Frutiger, designer of the and Frutiger; Paul Rand,

    who, from the late 1930s until his death in 1996, took the principles of the

    Bauhaus and applied them to popular advertising and logo design, helping to

    create a uniquely American approach to European minimalism while

    becoming one of the principal pioneers of the subset of graphic design

    known as corporate identity; and Josef Mller- Brockmann, who designed

    posters in a severe yet accessible manner typical of the 1950s and 1970s era.

    The growth of the professional graphic design industry has grown in parallel

    with the rise ofconsumerism. This has raised some concerns and criticisms,

    notably from within the graphic design community with the First Things

    First manifesto. First launched by Ken Garland in 1964, it was re-published

    as the First Things First 2000 manifesto in 1999 in the

    magazineEmigre 51[10] stating "We propose a reversal of priorities in favor

    of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication - a

    mindshift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and

    production of a new kind of meaning. The scope of debate is shrinking; it

    must expand. Consumerism is running uncontested; it must be challenged by

    other perspectives expressed, in part, through the visual languages and

    resources of design."[11] Both editions attracted signatures from respected

    design practitioners and thinkers, for example; Rudy VanderLans, Erik

    Spiekermann, Ellen Lupton and Rick Poynor. The 2000 manifesto was also

    notably published in Adbusters, known for its strong critiques of visual


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    From road signs to technical schematics, from interoffice memorandums to

    reference manuals, graphic design enhances transfer ofknowledge and visual

    messages. Readability and legibility is enhanced by improving the visual

    presentation and layout of text.

    Design can also aid in selling aproduct oridea through effective visual

    communication. It is applied to products and elements of company identity

    like logos, colors,packaging, and text. Together these are definedasbranding (see also advertising). Branding has increasingly become

    important in the range of services offered by many graphic designers,

    alongside corporate identity. Whilst the terms are often used

    interchangeably, branding is more strictly related to the identifying mark or

    trade name for a product or service, whereas corporate identity can have a

    broader meaning relating to the structure and ethos of a company, as well as

    to the company's external image. Graphic designers will often form part of a

    team working on corporate identity and branding projects. Other members of

    that team can include marketing professionals, communications consultants

    and commercial writers.
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    Textbooks are designed to present subjects such as geography, science, and

    math. These publications have layouts which illustratetheories and diagrams.

    A common example of graphics in use to educate is diagrams ofhuman

    anatomy. Graphic design is also applied to layout and formatting of

    educational material to make the information more accessible and more

    readily understandable.

    Graphic design is applied in the entertainment industry in decoration,

    scenery, and visual story telling. Other examples of design for entertainment

    purposes include novels, comic books, DVD covers, opening

    credits and closing credits in filmmaking, and programs and props on stage.

    This could also include artwork used for t-shirts and other items

    screenprinted for sale.

    From scientific journals to news reporting, the presentation of opinion and

    facts is often improved with graphics and thoughtful compositions of visual

    information - known asinformation design. Newspapers, magazines, blogs,

    television and film documentaries may use graphic design to inform andentertain. With the advent of the web, information designers with experience

    in interactive tools such as Adobe Flash are increasingly being used to

    illustrate the background to news stories.


    A graphic design project may involve the stylization and presentation of

    existing text and either preexisting imagery or images developed by the

    graphic designer. For example, a newspaper story begins with the journalists

    and photojournalists and then becomes the graphic designer's job to organize

    the page into a reasonable layout and determine if any other graphic

    elements should be required. In a magazine article or advertisement, often
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    the graphic designer or art director will commission photographers or

    illustrators to create original pieces just to be incorporated into the design

    layout. Or the designer may utilize stock imagery or photography.

    Contemporary design practice has been extended to the modern computer,

    for example in the use ofWYSIWYG user interfaces, often referred to

    as interactive design, ormultimedia design.

    Visual arts design

    Main article: Visual arts

    Before any graphic elements may be applied to a design, the graphic

    elements must be originated by means of visual art skills. These graphics are

    often (but not always) developed by a graphic designer. Visual arts include

    works which are primarily visual in nature using anything from traditional

    media, to photography orcomputer generated art. Graphic design principles

    may be applied to each graphic art element individually as well as to the

    final composition.


    Main article: Typography

    Typography is the art, craft and techniques of type design, modifying

    type glyphs, and arranging type. Type glyphs (characters) are created and

    modified using a variety of illustration techniques. The arrangement of type

    is the selection of typefaces, point size, tracking (the space between all

    characters used), kerning (the space between two specific characters), and

    leading (line spacing).

    Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic

    artists, art directors, and clerical workers. Until the Digital Age, typography
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    was a specialized occupation. Digitization opened up typography to new

    generations of visual designers and lay users.

    Page layout

    Main article:Page layout

    The page layout aspect of graphic design deals with the arrangement of

    elements (content) on a page, such as image placement, and text layout and

    style. Beginning from earlyilluminated pages in hand-copied books of

    the Middle Ages and proceeding down to intricate modern magazine and

    catalogue layouts, structured page design has long been a consideration in

    printed material. With print media, elements usually consist

    oftype (text), images (pictures), and occasionally place-holder graphics for

    elements that are not printed with ink such as die/laser cutting, foil

    stamping orblind embossing.

    Interface design

    Main article: User interface design

    Since the advent of the World Wide Web and computer software

    development, many graphic designers have become involved in interface

    design. This has included web design andsoftware design, when end

    userinteractivity is a design consideration of the layout or interface.

    Combining visual communication skills with the interactive communication

    skills of user interaction and online branding, graphic designers often work

    with software developers and web developers to create both the look and

    feel of a web site orsoftware applicationand enhance the interactive

    experience of the user or web site visitor. An important aspect of interface

    design is icon design.
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    User experience design[edit]

    Main article: User experience design

    Considers how a user interacts with and responds to an interface, service or

    product and adjusts it accordingly.


    Main article:Printmaking

    Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing onpaperand

    other materials or surfaces. Except in the case of monotyping, the process is

    capable of producing multiples of the same piece, which is called a print.

    Each piece is not a copy but an original since it is not a reproduction of

    another work of art and is technically known as an impression. Painting or

    drawing, on the other hand, create a unique original piece of artwork. Prints

    are created from a single original surface, known technically as a matrix.

    Common types of matrices include: plates of metal, usually copper or zinc

    for engraving or etching; stone, used for lithography; blocks of wood for

    woodcuts, linoleum for linocuts and fabric plates for screen-printing. But

    there are many other kinds, discussed below. Works printed from a single

    plate create an edition, in modern times usually each signed and numbered to

    form a limited edition. Prints may also be published in book form, as artist's

    books. A single print could be the product of one or multiple techniques.

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    Thepencil is one of the most basic graphic design tools.

    The mind is an important graphic design tool. Aside from technology,

    graphic design requiresjudgment and creativity. Critical, observational,

    quantitative and analytic thinking are required for design layouts

    and rendering. If the executor is merely following a solution (e.g. sketch,

    script or instructions) provided by another designer (such as an art director),

    then the executor is not usually considered the designer.

    The method of presentation (e.g. arrangement, style, medium) may be

    equally important to the design. The appropriate development and

    presentation tools can substantially change how an audience perceives a

    project. The image or layout is produced using externaltraditional

    media and guides, ordigital image editing tools on computers. Tools in

    computer graphics often take on traditional names such as "scissors" or

    "pen." Some graphic design tools such as a grid are used in both traditional

    and digital form.

    In the mid-1980s, the arrival ofdesktop publishing and graphic art software

    applications introduced a generation of designers to computer image

    manipulation and creation that had previously been manually executed.

    Computer graphic design enabled designers to instantly see the effects of

    layout or typographic changes, and to simulate the effects of traditional
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    media without requiring a lot of space. However, traditional tools such

    aspencils ormarkers are useful even when computers are used for

    finalization; a designer or art director may hand sketch numerous concepts

    as part of the creative process. Some of these sketches may even be shown to

    a client for early stage approval, before the designer develops the idea

    further using a computer and graphic design software tools.

    Computers are considered an indispensable tool in the graphic design

    industry. Computers and software applications are generally seen by creative

    professionals as more effective production tools than traditional methods.

    However, some designers continue to use manual and traditional tools for

    production, such as Milton Glaser.

    New ideas can come by way of experimenting with tools and methods.

    Some designers explore ideas using pencil and paper. [12] Others use many

    different mark-making tools and resources from computers to sculpture as a

    means of inspiring creativity. One of the key features of graphic design is

    that it makes a tool out of appropriate image selection in order to possiblyconvey meaning.[13]

    Computers and the creative process

    There is some debate whether computers enhance the creative process of

    graphic design.[14] Rapid production from the computer allows many

    designers to explore multiple ideas quickly with more detail than what could

    be achieved by traditional hand-rendering orpaste-up on paper, moving the

    designer through the creative process more quickly.[15]However, being faced

    with limitless choices does not help isolate the best design solution and can

    lead to endless iterations with no clear design outcome.
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    A graphic designer may use sketches to explore multiple or complex ideas

    quickly[16] without the distractions and complications of software.[citation

    needed] Hand-rendered compsare often used to get approval for an idea

    execution before a designer invests time to produce finished visuals on a

    computer or in paste-up. The same thumbnail sketches or rough drafts on

    paper may be used to rapidly refine and produce the idea on the computer in

    a hybrid process. This hybrid process is especially useful

    in logo design[17] where a softwarelearning curve may detract from a creative

    thought process. The traditional-design/computer-production hybrid process

    may be used for freeing one's creativity inpage layout orimage

    development as well.[citation needed] In the early days of computer publishing,

    many "traditional" graphic designers relied on computer-savvyproduction

    artists to produce their ideas from sketches, without needing to learn the

    computer skills themselves. However, this practice has been increasingly

    less common since the advent ofdesktop publishingover 30 years ago. The

    use of computers and graphics software is now taught in most graphic design


    Nearly all of the popular and "industry standard" software programs used for

    graphic design since the early 1990s are products ofAdobe

    Systems Incorporated. They are AdobePhotoshop (a raster-based program

    for photo editing), Adobe Illustrator(a vector-based program for

    drawing), Adobe InDesign (a page layout program), and Adobe

    Dreamweaver(for Web page design). Another major page layout tool

    is QuarkXpress (a product of Quark, Inc., a separate company from Adobe).

    Both QuarkXpress and Adobe InDesign are often used in the final stage of

    the electronic design process. Raster images may have been edited in Adobe
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    Photoshop, logos and illustrations in Adobe Illustrator, and the final product

    assembled in one of the major page layout programs. Most graphic designers

    entering the field since about 1990 are expected to be proficient in at least

    one or two of these programs.


    Main article: Graphic design occupations

    Graphic design career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum and often

    overlap. The main job responsibility of a Graphic Designer is the

    arrangement of visual elements in some type of media. The main job titles

    within the industry can vary and are often country specific. They can

    include graphic designer, art director, creative director, and the entry

    levelproduction artist. Depending on the industry served, the responsibilities

    may have different titles such as "DTP Associate" or "Graphic Artist", but

    despite changes in title, graphic design principles remain consistent. The

    responsibilities may come from, or lead to, specialized skills such

    as illustration,photography orinteractive design. Today's graduating graphic

    design students are normally exposed to all of these areas of graphic design

    and urged to become familiar with all of them as well in order to be


    Graphic designers can work in a variety of environments. Whilst many will

    work within companies devoted specifically to the industry, such as design

    consultancies or branding agencies, others may work within publishing,

    marketing or other communications companies. Increasingly, especially

    since the introduction of personal computers to the industry, many graphic

    designers have found themselves working within non-design oriented
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    organizations, as in-house designers. Graphic designers may also work as

    free-lance designers, working on their own terms, prices, ideas, etc.

    A graphic designer reports to the art director, creative directororsenior

    media creative. As a designer becomes more senior, they may spend less

    time designing media and more time leading and directing other designers

    on broader creative activities, such asbrand development and corporate

    identity development. They are often expected to interact more directly with

    clients, for example taking and interpreting briefs.

    Art director

    General role and job description

    Various artists may create or develop specific parts of an art piece or scene;

    but it is the charge of a sole art director to supervise and unify the vision. In

    particular, the art director is in charge of the overall visual appearance and

    how it communicates visually, stimulates moods, contrasts features, and

    psychologically appeals to a target audience. The art director makes

    decisions about visual elements used, what artistic style to use, and when to

    use motion.

    One of the most difficult problems that art directors face is to translate

    desired moods, messages, concepts, and underdeveloped ideas into imagery.

    During the brainstorming process, art directors, co-workers, and clients are

    engaged in imagining what the finished piece or scene might look like. At

    times, an art director is ultimately responsible for solidifying the vision of

    the collective imagination while resolving conflicting agenda and

    inconsistencies between the various individual inputs.

    Interfacing between information technologies and marketing activities
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    A coordination among the different professionals in the mentioned areas is

    wanted, under the supervision of an experienced leader who will decide the

    last characteristics of the final promotional products in the services

    companies. The art director activities and responsibility will avoid the

    possible loops in the development of the products, with some wasting of

    time and productivity, throughout the statement of some guidelines defining

    the most suitable features of that products.

    In advertising

    Despite the title, an advertising art director is not necessarily the head of an

    art department. In modern advertising practice, an art director typically

    works in tandem with acopywriter. The team usually works together to

    devise an overall concept (also known as the "creative" or "big idea") for the

    commercial, mailer, brochure, or other advertisement. The copywriter is

    responsible for the textual content, the art director for the visual aspects. But

    the art director may come up with the headline or other copy, and the

    copywriter may suggest a visual or the aesthetic approach. Each person

    usually welcomes suggestions and constructive criticism from the other.

    Ideally, the words and visual should not parrot each other; each should

    enhance or enlarge the other's meaning and effect.

    Although a good art director is expected to have graphic design judgment

    and technical knowledge of production, it may notbe necessary for an art

    director to hand-rendercomprehensive layouts (or even be able to draw),

    now that virtually all but the most preliminary work is done on computer.

    Except in the smallest organizations, the art director/copywriter team is

    overseen by a creative director, senior media creative, chief creative director.

    In a large organization, an art director may oversee other art directors and a
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    team of juniordesigners, image developers and/orproduction artists, and

    coordinates with a separate production department. In a smaller

    organization, the art director may fill all these roles, including oversight of

    printing and other production.

    In film

    An art director, in the hierarchical structure of a film art department, works

    directly below theproduction designer, in collaboration with the set

    decorator, and above the set designers. A large part of their duties include

    the administrative aspects of the art department. They are responsible for

    assigning tasks topersonnel such as the Art Department Coordinator, and

    the Leadman, keeping track of the art department budget and scheduling (i.e.

    Prep/Wrap Schedule) as well as overall quality control. They are often also a

    liaison to other departments; especially Construction, Special FX, Property,

    Transportation (graphics), and Locations Departments. The Art Director also

    attends all production meetings and tech scouts in order to provide

    information to the set designers in preparation for all departments to have a

    visual floor plan of each location visited.

    In the past, the title of art director was used to denote the head of the art

    department (hence the Academy Award for Best Art Direction). On the

    movie Gone with the Wind, David O. Selznick felt that William Cameron

    Menzies had such a significant role in the look of the film, that the title Art

    Director was not sufficient, and so he gave Menzies the title of Production

    Designer.[2] The title has become more common, and now Production

    Designer is commonly used as the title for the head of the Art Department,

    although the title actually implies control over every visual aspect of a film,

    including costumes.
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    In publishing

    Art directors inpublishing typically work with the publications editors.

    Together, they work on a concept for sections and pages of a publication.

    Individually, the art director is mostly responsible for the visual look and

    feel of the publication, and the editor has ultimate responsibility for the

    publication's verbal and textual content.

    In Japanese animation

    In Japanese animation productions, the role of art director ( , bijutsu

    kantoku) refers specifically to thebackground artist in charge of producingbackground art for the animation, either personally or by directing a team of


    See also[edit]

    VFX Creative Director


    1. ^


    2. ^ Preston, Ward (1994). What an Art Director Does. Silman-James

    Press. p. 150. ISBN1-879505-18-5.

    Creative director

    A creative director is a position often found within the graphic

    design, film, music, fashion, advertising, media orentertainment industries,

    but may be useful in other creative organizations such as web

    development and software development firms as well.
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    A creative director is a vital role in all of the arts and entertainment

    industries. In another sense, they can be seen as another element in any

    product development process. The creative director may also assume the

    roles of an art director, copywriter, or lead designer. The responsibilities of a

    creative director include leading the communication design, interactive

    design, and concept forward in any work assigned. For example, this

    responsibility is often seen in industries related to advertisement. The

    creative director is known to guide a team of employees with skills and

    experience related to graphic design, fine arts, motion graphics, and other

    creative industry fields. Some example works can include visual layout,

    brainstorming, and copy writing. Before one assumes the role of a creative

    director, one must have a preset of experience beforehand. Like anyone else,

    these types of artists start up from the very beginning in fields that can relate

    to motion graphics, advertisement in television, and/or book (or magazine)

    publishing. It takes years of experience and professionalism for an artist to

    grow and eventually take the job as a creative director. If one shows

    exceptional skills in visual and team leading projects, they may be

    considered to be promoted to the role.[1]

    A creative director needs to possess a wide range of general skills when

    working with projects that involve collaborating with a large team. The

    director is the lead person so he or she is in charge of what ideas and

    concepts go forward. In order to perform effectively, one must have a wide

    attention and listening span, especially with large projects and teams. It is

    the responsibility of the creative director to fully understand the ideas and

    opinions of his or her team in a respectful/critical manner (providing

    constructive criticism, turning small ideas into larger concepts, etc.). The
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    creative director must be able to make decisions in a deadline driven

    environment in the most efficient way as possible. Coordinating his or her

    team in an accurate conceptual direction of where the project needs to go

    and involving their team in constant creative/brainstorming sessions is

    crucial. Also another important key part is being able to learn new skills and

    strategies from fellow workers and how to apply those to future projects.[2]

    A creative director is ultimately responsible for the quality of the final

    creative work. For this reason, they get the lion's share of acclaim when their

    team's efforts win awards, but conversely, the creative director shoulders the

    negativity (and the blame) when a project goes wrong, response falls short of

    expectations, or an important individual on the client's side dislikes or vetos

    an idea.

    Communication design

    In the communication design fields of work, creative directors are usually

    considered to be one of the highest/most active authorities in a creative

    agency firm. Main goals will include watching out over activities and

    agendas that his or her creative team may come across. One must consider

    every option and idea that is conceptualized by their team. The management

    comprises professional individuals who specialize in communication design

    which can include graphic designer, illustrators, drawing artists, copy

    writers, photographers, etc. One thing that is important to know is that

    producing creative works and ideas with the assistance of a team is not the

    only important responsibility at hand. Aside from leading a team, the

    creative director must always have an open mind and plan new, innovative,

    and interesting ways of translating ideas out into reality. As mentioned in

    other fields of creative directors, exceptional interpersonal skills are key as
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    well as studying different ideas that others conceptualize and knowing what

    idea is good or bad.[3]Creative directors are also determined to work closely

    with clients (holding meetings or sessions directly with them). It is their job

    to understand the goals and objectives of their clients and to deliver

    outstanding results. During the entire production process of a design or

    product, the creative director must review/finalize the concluding aspects of

    it and prepare to present it to the client(s). This role is deemed as a very

    challenging and stressful job since it involves a great deal of attention to



    In the advertising industry, a creative director is determined to develop

    various marketing schemes and strategies for a company or client that he or

    she is hired by. Assuming one is hired by a company that is fairly well

    known and established, there would be some type of creative department or

    management that the director would work with. The creative director would

    also serve as the project manager that works directly with employers and inmost circumstances they would be responsible for designing concepts for

    advertisements and other promotional needs for their client(s). Some

    examples of their duties involve Copy Writing and laying out chronological

    advertisement plans which explain the ongoing process of a project. It is

    important for an advertisement creative director to meet their goals at

    specific deadline with maximum efficiency as possible. To do so, they must

    be able to guide the creative department effectively from start to finish.

    Educational requirements of this position involve a blending of skills in

    business and journalism (skills in design arts and extensive use of computer

    programs such as Adobe Creative Suite would be a beneficial addition as
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    well). To even be considered as a creative director, one would need to have a

    couple of years of experience in advertising (as little as five to as much as

    ten years).[4]

    Advertising creative directors are usually promoted from copywriting or art

    directing positions. Familiarity with film-making techniques is also

    common. Creative directors rise to become executive creative directors or

    chief creative officers, a position with executive responsibility for the entire

    creative department, and some progress to chairman of a firm.

    Creative directors usually possess a VFX Movie,[5]communication

    design orfine arts degree. Copywriters may have degrees

    injournalism, language arts, or Media Innovation, or may develop more

    emphasis on advertising copywriting while pursuing a communication

    design degree.

    Video games

    Main article: Video game producer

    With the increased team sizes and more specialised disciplines in the games

    industry, certain game designers are titled as 'creative director', 'executive

    designer' or 'game director'. A creative director in a videogame company is

    usually responsible for product development across a number of titles and is

    generally regarded as the prime design authority across the company's

    product range. Some examples are Peter Molyneux, Alex Hutchinson

    orShigeru Miyamoto whose influence extends across more than one project.

    The video game industry is very important when it comes to the roles of

    creative directors. The creative director has a very important responsibility

    in this industry because video games are all visual and motion graphic
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    driven. The director must devise ideas to lead a video game project forward

    and many responsibilities involve working with various individuals or teams

    spread out within the entire project/video game production. This can include

    collaborating with motion graphic artists, 2D/3D animation developers,

    various illustrator artists and much more. Academically speaking, a creative

    director must have a bachelors degree, but there are some circumstances

    where a high school education strongly focusing on aspects such as art,

    graphics, computer science, and math can be acceptable and provide some

    valuable insight to students who hope to aspire in this field of work. Some

    skills that a creative director working in the video game industry must have

    include proficiency in computer programming, graphic development

    (illustrations, fine art), excellent interpersonal and writing skills (since they

    deal with many other clients and management leaders). Once a concept has

    been decided and agreed upon, it is up to the creative director to recruit a

    responsible and skilled team. The magnitude of video game development is

    incredibly large and expensive and most of the time requires an enormous

    team of skilled people with experience in graphic, animation, illustration art

    work, and programming. As usual, the position of a creative director is not

    an entry spot. One would have to earn that role by showing their skills and

    development over a period of years. Creative directors have done their share

    of lower level startup positions such as internships or assisting other

    directors in art related work fields. It is all about advancing through the

    career chain and once one has earned the position a creative director, they

    may be eligible to work for larger and more popular game developing

    companies depending on how successful they have been with past

    collaborative projects.

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    The creative director involved in the film industry carries a large

    responsibility of managing the arts and props of a movie. The job is similar

    to a creative director's role in the video game industry in that they manage a

    team of employees and have to consistently develop new ideas and methods

    of working. It is vital that creative director's in this field are able to produce

    expressive/creative ideas and translating them into something cinematic.

    Usually a certain sum of funds is distributed among different departments in

    the production of a film (in this case, the art department). Creative directors

    must decide on how to distribute and use the funds in the most efficient and

    effective way to ensure maximum quality in the films art department. An

    example can include the structuring of scenes and sets once a film begins to

    undergo the shooting process. During this process, it is important for

    creative directors to understand what props and effects should be used and

    how they should be used among various sets and scenes of the film. Some

    important qualifications that one should have include being able to manageteams, having expertise on design (specifically in theatre and interior sets

    and art design), being open minded to new ideas and methods in regards to

    organizing film sets, and having an understanding of coordinating among

    different departments in order to move a project towards success. A creative

    director in the film industry usually starts out in lower ranks of the chain

    such as an assistant to other art directors and/or as a Draughtsman.


    Creative directors in the field of music can be broken down into various key

    roles that make up the whole (it may be said that one can be known as a

    'music director'). It is in this artistic field where the individual, the director,
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    must master tasks that are relatable to one another. An orchestral conductor

    is a prime example (but not exclusive) of this role and how one would direct

    music and harmonize symphonies as well as guide/direct other musicians in

    an ensemble. The three roles in this sense can consist of: the active

    musician, the musical art director, and the instructor that teaches and informs

    music for society. The main requirements one would need to have is an

    extensive background and knowledge of music (being able to master one or

    more instrument), understanding the principles and theories behind music

    composition, developing an understanding and connection with musicians

    that the director would be working with to communicate music in a

    harmonic and creative sense and most importantly being able to develop

    leadership skills among other musicians.


    Creative director is the highest creative position in a fashion house. The

    creative director does not design clothes, but instead formulates and

    impresses upon the designers an overarching concept or concepts for a

    certain collection and the label as a whole. A fashion creative director's main

    role is to establish what designs should be created, what will appeal to the

    target market and how the concepts will be applied and distributed in

    collaboration with fashion designers who are responsible for creating the

    clothing and fabrics.

    See also[edit]

    Art director

    VFX creative director

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    Video game


    ^ "Artists and Related Workers ." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

    ^ "Art Directors." O*NET Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

    ^ Davis, Shari. Design Professionals: Australia wide. n.d.: Career

    FAQs, 2006. p. 50-54.

    ^ "Advertising Creative Director Job Description, Salary, and

    Training Information." 300+ Job Descriptions: Find Your Dream Job

    in 2011. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.


    ^"VFX Creative Director".

    ^ Careers in focus:computer and video game design. 2nd ed. New

    York: Ferguson, 2009. p.17-24.

    ^ "Art Department - Skillset." Welcome to Skillset - Skillset. N.p.,

    n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

    ^ "Traits and Skills of a Music Director - League of American

    Orchestras." Home - League of American Orchestras. N.p., n.d. Web.

    2 Dec. 2011.
  • 8/22/2019 Vipul Bhai Matter


    ^ "Fashion Director: Inside Jobs." Discover new career opportunities

    and paths that can take you there: Inside Jobs. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec.

    2011. .

    Desktop publishing

    Desktop publishing (abbreviated DTP) is the creation of documents

    usingpage layout skills on apersonal computer. When used skillfully,

    desktop publishing software can produce text and images with attractive

    layouts and typographic quality comparable to

    traditional typography andprinting, so DTP is also the main reference

    fordigital typography. This technology allows individuals, businesses, and

    other organizations to self-publish a wide range of printed matter

    frommenus and local newsletters to books, magazines, and newspapers

    without the sometimes-prohibitive expense of commercial printing.

    Desktop publishing combines apersonal computerand WYSIWYG page

    layout software to createpublicationdocumentson a computer for

    eitherlarge scale publishing or small scale local multifunction

    peripheral output and distribution. Desktop publishing methods provide

    more control over design, layout, and typography than word

    processing does. However, word processing software has evolved to include

    some, though by no means all, capabilities previously available only with

    professional printing or desktop publishing.

    The same DTP skills and software used for common paper and book

    publishing are sometimes used to create graphics forpoint of sale

    displays,promotional items, trade show exhibits, retail package
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    designs and outdoor signs. Although what is classified as "DTP software" is

    usually limited to print and PDF publications, DTP skills aren't limited to

    print. The content produced by desktop publishers may also be exported and

    used forelectronic media. The job descriptions that include "DTP" such

    as DTP artist often require skills using software for producing e-books, web

    content, and web pages, which may involve web design oruser interface

    design for any graphical user interface.


    Desktop publishing began in 1983 with a program developed by [1] That

    program, Type Processor One, ran on an PC using a graphics card for

    a WYSIWYG display and was offered commercially by Best info in 1984.

    [2] (Desktop typesetting, with only limited page makeup facilities, had arrived

    in 19789 with the introduction ofTeX, and was extended in the early 1980s

    by LaTeX.) The DTP market exploded in 1985 with the introduction in

    January of the AppleLaserWriterprinter, and later in July with the

    introduction ofPageMakersoftware from Aldus which rapidly became the

    DTP industry standard software.

    The term "desktop publishing" is attributed to Aldus

    Corporation founderPaul Brainerd,[3] who sought a marketing catch-phrase

    to describe the small size and relative affordability of this suite of products

    in contrast to the expensive commercialphototypesetting equipment of the


    By the standards of today, early desktop publishing was a primitive affair.

    Users of the PageMaker-LaserWriter-Macintosh 512K system endured

    frequent software crashes,[4]cramped display on the Mac's tiny 512 x 342 1-

    bit monochrome screen, the inability to control letter spacing, kerning (the

top related