VIDEO CHEAT Cheat... · Creation. Video SEO. And most importantly, Selling Systems. Without selling systems, you will never have a

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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© 2015


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To create a local video marketing business that gives you freedom, you FIRST need to realize you aren’t selling videos. Whhaaaatttt!?!? I know. I know. You want to create a business selling videos to local business owners, I get it. The only problem is business owners don’t want videos.

Instead, you are going to sell them “Value” – that’s what they want! They want more customers and THAT’S the value you bring. Essentially you are selling them “more customers” and using video to be the vehicle that delivers it to them.

This process is the local video marketing process and it has 3 parts to it: Video Creation. Video SEO. And most importantly, Selling Systems. Without selling systems, you will never have a business. Want one of our selling systems?

Good. Here you go!

We call it the The Review Video Method.

As we go through video 2 and 3, we will dive into this process so you can systemize it and create your local video selling system.

See you in a few days!


STEP 1 Qualify Your Client

STEP 2 Gather Testimonials or Reviews

STEP 3 Put Them in A Montage Style Video

STEP 4 Upload It So It Ranks

STEP 5 Contact Business Owners To Let Them Know About It

STEP 6 Sell It To Them

STEP 7 Schedule Meeting To Deliver Video

STEP 8 Upsell Them The Bigger Package

James Wedmore & Brandon Lucero Co-Founders of Local Video Academy


© 2015

Video #1 gave you the process to run a successful local video business, and you now have it at your fingers. Your success is within grasp and we want to make that success even easier for you to achieve. We want to show you HOW to close the bigger deals (from Step 8) with ease.

STEP 01 Your first step is making sure you're going after the right client. When you target the right client, you can charge more and get them to willingly say YES faster than anyone else. This happens because they are successful and crave the value you’re bringing to them.

The right client consists of these THREE Characteristics:

• They Are Busy and Have Business Coming In Already

• They Have High Lifetime Value Customers

• They Already Advertise Online

STEP 02 This process is called the Profit Maximizer, and without it you will squirm around and around trying to say the right thing to get them to say YES. But, with it you get the business owners to eagerly say YES quickly and easily!

• Show Them The MAJOR Keywords People Search In Google

• Ask What Their Lifetime Value Is On a New Customer

• Multiple It By The Amount Of Searches

• Tell Them The Monthly Value Of The First Page

• Ask Them If They Want It

• Add Scarcity That Someone Will Have It

If you can implement step 1 and 2 effectively, you will close deals faster and easier than you have in the past. This is a game changer for closing deals worth thousands of dollars. But if you close the deal, how do you create the video and get it ranked?

Well that’s the easy part and coming at you in video 3!

Talk soon,


James Wedmore & Brandon Lucero Co-Founders of Local Video Academy


© 2015

In video 2 we covered the 2 steps to easily close bigger video deals, but now it’s time to produce the product. Making and ranking the videos are two separate skills and most people don’t excel at both. And creating beautifully effective, high ranking videos with ease is what this video is all about.

STEP 01 Writing An Effective Script

PART 1: IS CONGRUENCY & COMMITMENT Make sure the video viewer knows they landed on the right video. They were doing a search for a reason, and you need to let them know your video will take care of that reason.

PART 2: IS ENGAGE AND EMPATHIZE By now, the video viewer knows they landed in the right place, and it’s time to let them know that you “get them”. Address their current struggle and let them know you pride yourself on solving that struggle.

PART 3: CREDIBILITY AND BENEFITS Now they know you can help with their struggle you need to ensure they actually trust you to solve it for them. In one to two sentences, you can tell them why you’re a credible figure to solve it for them.

PART 4: IS COMPELLING CALL TO ACTION Time to drive it home! They are ready and need to be told where to go. So… tell them where to go or what to do, and if you really want to make it a no-brainer for them, you should add in an incentive for extra motivation.

STEP 02 Find a Videographer

Simply post an Ad on craigslist for a videographer and offer to pay between $15-$30/hour. You will be able to handpick the perfect videographer for your needs and pay between $150-$300 for a completed video that you charge $1000-$2500+.

Botta Bing, Botta Boom! Video done!



© 2015

STEP 03 Get the Video Ranked

PART 1: BASIC OPTIMIZATION This is Video SEO 101 and the only thing you need to remember is putting your keyword in the title and adding a good, long description on the topic of your video (this includes using your keywords in the description).

PART 2: CHANNEL AUTHORITY This is your digital klout score. Variables such as your video activity, subscriber count, and overall engagement on your video will determine how YouTube decides to perceive your channel.

PART 3: USER BEHAVIOR This is obvious, and we already began to discuss it. A video that has a higher audience retention, more shares, likes and subscribes, gets more love from YouTube! This is one of the reason why following our video script format is so important. It forces your video to get excellent user behavior.

PART 4: AUTHORITY LINKS There are really two parts to this. The first is outgoing Authority. If you simply include links to big authority sites on your video descriptions, this can help with your ranking. And then there is incoming Authority. Getting powerful websites to link to your videos will have an even bigger effect on ranking.

As long as you can do these 4 things, you can start ranking videos. Even if you aren’t Technical... Even if you hate all that back-linking mumbo jumbo…. Or even if you're just starting out and have no idea what the first step to ranking is… You can get first page rankings!

James Wedmore & Brandon Lucero Co-Founders of Local Video Academy

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