Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles. Pre-text Discussion Text A: True Height Post-text exercise Further Discussion.

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles

Si gn I n

Pre-text Discussion

Text A: True Height

Post-text exercise

Further Discussion


Pre-text Discussion

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Netiquette Netizen


Bear out:

Evidence bears out the idea that students learn best in small









SprintMiddle distanceLong distancesRelay racesHurdlesSteeplechase ( 障碍赛)


pommel horse

The Rings

Uneven Bars


all-around competition

the balance beam


RecurCursive CursoryPrecursorConcurrence




Animal words (adj)

Canine BovineLeonineAquilineAsininePorcineVulpine






aphorism,adage, watchword, proverb, byword


They played a few bars, then stopped.

After repeatedly failing his examinations, he was eventually called to the bar in the Inner Temple.

Her killer was finally put behind bars .

They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.

to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something

bar somebody

from (doing) something

All five men were ____from entering France for three years.

A.debarred B. disbarred

A bay of hay

A flock of____A herd of ____A fit of ____ A peal of ____A flash of ____ A display of ____

A litter of ____A handful of ____ A troupe of ____A pack of ____ A bundle of ____A spiral of ____A stroke of ____

A flock of birds A herd of elephants A fit of anger A peal of applause A flash of hope/light A display of courage/force/power/

skill/ fireworks

A litter of kittens A handful of soil A troupe of actorsA pack of lies A bundle of firewoodA spiral of mosquito incense A stroke of laughter

A ear of ____ A fleet of ____A constellation of ____A congregation of ____A suite of ____A grove of ____A cluster of ____A board of ____A choir of ____

A ear of corn A fleet of shipsA constellation of Hollywood stars A congregation of ChristiansA suite of followersA grove of maples A cluster of grapesA board of trustees A choir of singers


Compare: intensive and intense

involving or needing a lot of energy, knowledge etc

capital-intensive, labor-intensiveHe is still in intensive care in Bristol

General Hospital.


The pain was so intense I couldn't sleep.

He took an intense interest in all religious matters.

At least 3000 people were killed in a week of intense fighting.

having a very strong effect or felt very stronglyserious, uses a lot of effort


Text A


Pun: One shop announced: DARWIN IS

RIGHT—INSIDE. (This is J.R. Darwin’s Everything to Wear Store)

Uncle Sam waved his arms in the international arena.

Pun words: row, power.

A bird’s eye view

Root: spect vis



To smile in a silly or affected way: simper

to move in an awkward clumsy way: shuffle

to say something rapidly and incoherently without pause: babble


Hover: Dart:cruise


if something happens on alternate days, weeks etc, it happens on one day etc and not the next, and continues in this pattern

alternate Mondays/weekends etc The service runs on alternate days.


(vt&vi)1. alternate between She alternated between outrage and s



2.alternate with Periods of depression alternate

with excited behavior.3. alternate something and/with

something Twist your body, alternating

right and left stretches.


1 Have you any alternative suggestions ?

An alternative route is along the Via Unione.

2 alternative music/theatre etc Tucson’s alternative radio

3. Acupuncture is widely used by practitioners of alternative medicine.

alternative medicine/therapies (=medical treatment that is not based on the usual western methods)

Human poses

Perch: Bobby had perched himself on a tall wooden stool.SquatCrouch: crouching Tiger and Hidden Drago

nProstrate: to lie on your front Prone: adj to lie on your front Supine: adj lying on your back


address utter, articulate, murmur, whisper, stammer stutter babble:

Speak: acknowledge, admit add affirm allege agree announce argue ask assert boast claim complain concede challenge consider confess contradict conclude contend declare deny disagree disclose elaborate emphasize explain imply enquire insist joke maintain object observe promise pledge protest repeat remark reply refute retort reveal state stress suggest

Ped(e)- foot

PedestrianPedant Impede


ShameSham The elections were a complete

sham.It all turned out to be sham and


Paradox (P 149 line 68)

My heart leaps up when I behold.A rainbow in the sky:So was it when my life began,So is it now I am a man,So be it when I shall grow old Or let me die!The Child is father of the ManAnd I could wish my day to be Bound each to each by natural piety.

Oxymoron: Juliet: (When she was told that Romeo killed her brother)

O Serpent heart, hid with a flow’ring face!Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical?Dove-feather’d raven! Wolfish-ravening lamb!Despised substance of divinest show!Just opposite to what thou justly seem’st,A damned saint, an honourable villain!

Oxymoron: 1. A living death Conspicuous absence Tearful joy Jarring concord2. Cold pleasant manner Poor rich guys 3. Dully bright Mercifully fatal4. Hasten slowly Shine darkly5. A love-hate relationship

Familiar (Adj. Introduction)

Alive aloud awake ablaze asleep

Adj. Positions

The members presentThe present members

The person responsibleA responsible person

People concerned\involved\interested (only)

The concerned\involved\interested party=The party concerned\involved\interested

People + 后置 adj (only in this form)


off period/season etcIn the off season, there's hardly

anyone staying at the hotel.off the coasta small island off the coast of

Scotlandpresent members

Animal sound

a pig gruntsA calf bleats a bull bellowsA cock crowsAn elephant

trumpetsa lion roars

A lamb bleatsa rat squeaks A sheep bleats (baas) a tiger growlsa wild-goose honksA cow moos

A bee hums (buzzes) A cat miaows A dog yaps (yelps, b

arks, snarls) A dove\ pigeon coosA fly hums (buzzes,

drones) A horse neighs

A mosquito hums (buzzes)A snake hisses A wolf howls


1. 具体的或特定场合写表现的动作或行为

He likes a quiet smoke after supper.

He was admitted to the university after a three-year wait.

Using the metal (titanium) to its best advantage calls for a thorough rethink of metal-working methods.

2. 表示动作的结果

This film is a remake.We had to do six takes for this particul

ar scene. ( in movie-making: take a scene)

Will he score a goal this time? No, no it's a miss.

The match was basically a repeat of last year's game at Wembley.

3. Cognates ( 同源词)的对比

Command---commandmentcombine --- combinationexhaust --- exhaustion Divide --- division

4. 转化为动作行为的主体:

A boreA cheatA sneakA trampA coachA good kick A crack shot

5. 右分支结构:

The breakdown of the car was annoying.

The break-up of their marriage was known to us all.

The take-off of the plane was smooth and efficient.

The cave-in of the roof caused a number of injuries among the miner.

6. 左分支结构:

The outbreak of the disease threw the village into confusion.

The overflow of the water posed a threat to the crops.

The first onrush the SARS epidemic happened in late 2002 unnoticed .

The input of information is carefully controlled

Most of the money is spent on the upkeep of the building.

an airport with a weekly throughput of 100,000 passengers.


动作主客体关系:A department decisionA drug addict

状语与谓语的关系:Impulse buying (buying on impulse)Instrument flying (flying via the naviaga

tion of the instrument)Insulation tape (tape for insulating)


A supplier countryA member stateHis lawyer relativeIntercepter planeDjector seatA recipient country.Debtor countriesCreditor countries

Bankruptcy lawyer

Economy measureEfficiency expertObesity specialistRiot policeCapacity audience

Bankrupt businessmanEconomic measuresEfficient workerObese specialistRiotous policeCapacious room

Advocacy journalism is new in name only. Basically it rests on the belief that the reporter should not be merely a disinterested observer and re-counter but the engaged advocator of social doctrine.

He arose one morning filled with inspiration to market a new line of celebrity ashtrays.


I was brought back to life by the deafening firecrackers in proximity, spotting the bean-sized yellowish light and hearing more bangs of firecrackers. It must have been the sacrificial ceremony in Fourth Uncle’s house. It was around ? o’clock. In the morning haze, indistinct undulating firecrackers came in, composing a dense cover of a whole day’s dins and clamors, with dancing snowflakes, embracing the whole town.

Embraced in the dins, I felt lazy and cozy. A whole day or even the early night’s apprehension was driven away by the sacrificial air. Left was only a hunch that the gods of heaven and earth, enjoying the sacrifice and incense, staggering with intoxication in the air, must be ready to grant all the townees boundless bliss.

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