Turkle and the Robots

Post on 09-May-2015






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Partial summary of Sherry Turkle's Alone Together book


Turkle and The Robots

Overview of Alone TogetherDr. R. Redekopp

Robots as Companions

“We reduce relationship and come to see this as the norm” (p.55)

Robots as Companions

Alterity – seeing the world through the eyes of someone else

Robots as Companions

“Without alterity, there can be no empathy.”

Robots as Companions

“Children need to be with people to develop mutuality and empathy” (p. 56)

Robots as Companions

Attachment without responsibility – artificial emotion.

Robots as Companions

A robot “promises friendship but can only deliver performance” (p. 101)

Robots as Companions

Confiding very personal info – like a confession booth?

Robots as Companions

“We put robots on a terrain of meaning, but they don’t know what they mean. And they don’t mean anything at all.” (p. 124)

Robots as Companions

Robots make it easier to leave the elderly alone – without the guilt.

Robots as Companions

We try to cover for the robots to make them seem better than they are.

Robots as Companions

The more robots can do, the more we attribute ‘caring’ to them.

We interpret the robot’s emotions for them.

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