Tryptophan-Derived Metabolites Are Required for …...Tryptophan-Derived Metabolites Are Required for Antifungal Defense in the Arabidopsis mlo2 Mutant1[C][W][OA] Chiara Consonni,

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Tryptophan-Derived Metabolites Are Requiredfor Antifungal Defense in the Arabidopsismlo2 Mutant1[C][W][OA]

Chiara Consonni, Paweł Bednarek, Matt Humphry, Fedra Francocci, Simone Ferrari, Anne Harzen,Emiel Ver Loren van Themaat, and Ralph Panstruga*

Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions (C.C., P.B., M.H., E.V.L.v.T., R.P.) and Mass Spectrometry Group(A.H.), Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, D–50829 Cologne, Germany; and Dipartimento diBiologia Vegetale, Sapienza Universita di Roma, 00185 Rome, Italy (F.F., S.F.)

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genes MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O2 (MLO2), MLO6, and MLO12 exhibit unequalgenetic redundancy with respect to the modulation of defense responses against powdery mildew fungi and the control ofdevelopmental phenotypes such as premature leaf decay. We show that early chlorosis and necrosis of rosette leaves in mlo2mlo6 mlo12mutants reflects an authentic but untimely leaf senescence program. Comparative transcriptional profiling revealedthat transcripts of several genes encoding tryptophan biosynthetic and metabolic enzymes hyperaccumulate during vegetativedevelopment in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant. Elevated expression levels of these genes correlate with altered steady-state levelsof several indolic metabolites, including the phytoalexin camalexin and indolic glucosinolates, during development in the mlo2single mutant and the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant. Results of genetic epistasis analysis suggest a decisive role for indolicmetabolites in mlo2-conditioned antifungal defense against both biotrophic powdery mildews and a camalexin-sensitive strainof the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. The wound- and pathogen-responsive callose synthase POWDERY MILDEWRESISTANCE4/GLUCAN SYNTHASE-LIKE5 was found to be responsible for the spontaneous callose deposits in mlo2mutantplants but dispensable for mlo2-conditioned penetration resistance. Our data strengthen the notion that powdery mildewresistance of mlo2 genotypes is based on the same defense execution machinery as innate antifungal immune responses thatrestrict the invasion of nonadapted fungal pathogens.

Powdery mildews represent a group of widespreadascomycete phytopathogens that can colonize a broadrange of angiosperm plant species. Attempted fungalpenetration into epidermal host cells triggers mul-tifaceted plant defense-related responses, such asthe transcriptional activation of PATHOGENESIS-RELATED (PR) genes, de novo cell wall biosynthesisunderneath fungal contact sites (papillae), as well thebiosynthesis and local extrusion of antimicrobial mol-ecules (for review, see Eichmann and Huckelhoven,2008). The toxic principles that ultimately cause abor-

tion of fungal pathogenesis, however, remain largelyenigmatic.

Pathogen-induced plant secondary metaboliteswith antimicrobial activity, also known as phyto-alexins, are low Mr compounds that are structurallydiverse and often restricted in their occurrence to alimited number of plant species (Glawischnig, 2007).At present, the only phytoalexin known in Arabidop-sis (Arabidopsis thaliana) is the indole derivative3-thiazol-2#-yl-indole, also known as camalexin (Tsujiet al., 1992). Camalexin is derived from indole-3-acetaldoxime (Glawischnig et al., 2004), which inturn is synthesized from Trp by the functionallyredundant CYTOCHROME P450 monooxygenasesCYP79B2 and CYP79B3 (Hull et al., 2000; Mikkelsenet al., 2000). The reaction catalyzed by CYP79B2 andCYP79B3 is the sole entry point for a range of biosyn-thetic pathways leading to diverse indolic metabolites,including camalexin and indole glucosinolates (1-thio-b-D-glucosides; Supplemental Fig. S1). Consistently,cyp79B2 cyp79B3 double mutant plants are unable toaccumulate these metabolites (Zhao et al., 2002; Gla-wischnig et al., 2004).

In a genetic screen for camalexin-deficient mutants,phytoalexin deficient3 (pad3) was isolated (Glazebrookand Ausubel, 1994) and subsequently shown tobe defective in another cytochrome P450 enzyme,CYP71B15, which catalyzes the final step of camalexin

1 This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft (grant no. PA861/4) and theMax-Planck Society to R.P. and bya postdoctoral fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foun-dation to M.H.

* Corresponding author; e-mail author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the

findings presented in this article in accordance with the policydescribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is:Ralph Panstruga (

[C] Some figures in this article are displayed in color online but inblack and white in the print edition.

[W] The online version of this article contains Web-only data.[OA] Open Access articles can be viewed online without a sub-

1544 Plant Physiology�, March 2010, Vol. 152, pp. 1544–1561, � 2009 American Society of Plant Biologists www.plantphysiol.orgon June 1, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from

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biosynthesis (Zhou et al., 1999; Schuhegger et al., 2006;Supplemental Fig. S1). pad3 mutants have been exten-sively used to study the role of camalexin in plant-pathogen interactions, leading to the proposition thatcamalexin contributes to resistance against necrotro-phic pathogens but not against biotrophs (for review,see Glazebrook, 2005). For instance, attack by thepowdery mildew fungus Golovinomyces orontii, one ofseveral powdery mildew species that are virulent onArabidopsis (Micali et al., 2008), does not triggercamalexin accumulation, and pad3 mutants do notexhibit enhanced susceptibility at the macroscopiclevel (Reuber et al., 1998).In barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Arabidopsis, pene-

tration attempts of powdery mildew fungi typicallyinduce the localized formation of callose-containingcell wall appositions (papillae; Aist, 1976; Zeyen et al.,2002). Callose is a polymeric (1/3)-b-D-glucan that issynthesized by plasma membrane-resident GLUCANSYNTHASE-LIKE (GSL) proteins. Callose depositionin papillae has been implicated in the highly efficientpowdery mildew resistance of barley mildew resistancelocus o (mlo) mutants, supposedly by contributing as aphysical barrier to impede fungal entry into host cells(Skou, 1982, 1985; Bayles et al., 1990). However, recentgenetic studies in Arabidopsis challenged a decisiverole for papillary callose in antifungal defense. ThePOWDERYMILDEWRESISTANT4 (PMR4) gene, orig-inally identified in a genetic screen for Arabidopsismutants that are resistant to adapted powdery mil-dews, was found to encode GSL5. In rosette leaves,GSL5-generated callose is primarily deposited atwound sites and in pathogen-triggered papillae, sug-gesting that a lack of callose deposition in papillaedoes not compromise antifungal defense (Jacobs et al.,2003; Nishimura et al., 2003).In the genetic screen leading to the identification of

pmr4, further pmr mutants were isolated (Vogel andSomerville, 2000). One of these is defective in PMR2,which is allelic to MLO2, encoding a member of theseven-transmembrane-domain MLO protein family(Devoto et al., 2003). Mutant versions of the founderof this protein family, barley Mlo, are known to conferbroad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew fungi(Jørgensen, 1992; Buschges et al., 1997). ArabidopsisMLO2 and its closest homologs, MLO6 and MLO12,were found to be required for full susceptibility againstpowdery mildews in Arabidopsis (Consonni et al.,2006). While mutations in MLO2 alone confer partialresistance against G. orontii and Golovinomyces cichora-cearum, additional mutations in MLO6 and MLO12resulted in full immunity, which is characterized byearly termination of fungal pathogenesis before suc-cessful penetration of the host cell wall (Consonni et al.,2006). This infection phenotype is reminiscent of fullyresistant barley mlo single mutants. Collectively, thesefindings suggest that distantly related powderymildewspecies rely on functionally conserved host proteins indicot and monocot plants for successful pathogenesis(Panstruga, 2005).

Partial mlo2 resistance in Arabidopsis depends onthree PENETRATION (PEN) genes that were originallydiscovered based on their requirement for effective ex-tracellular defense responses against the nonadaptedpowdery mildews Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei andErysiphe pisi (Collins et al., 2003; Lipka et al., 2005;Stein et al., 2006). PEN1 encodes a plasma membrane-resident syntaxin (t-SNARE) involved in exocytosis(Collins et al., 2003; Kwon et al., 2008). PEN2 codesfor an atypical myrosinase (Bednarek et al., 2009)and cofunctions with the plasma membrane-residentPEN3 ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter ina parallel extracellular defense pathway, presumablyby targeted delivery of indole glucosinolate-derivedantimicrobial metabolites into the apoplastic space(Lipka et al., 2005; Stein et al., 2006; Bednarek et al.,2009). Besides their supposed antimicrobial capacity,indolic glucosinolates may have an additional role assignaling molecules during innate immune responses(Clay et al., 2009).

Mutations in MLO genes result not only in resis-tance against powdery mildew fungi but also inadditional, developmentally controlled pleiotropicphenotypes. Spontaneous accumulation of callose inleaf mesophyll cells and early leaf chlorosis/necrosisthat is reminiscent of senescence was observed both inbarley and Arabidopsis mlo mutants (Wolter et al.,1993; Piffanelli et al., 2002; Consonni et al., 2006). InArabidopsis, this phenotype is fully dependent onsalicylic acid (SA) accumulation but independent ofjasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) biosynthesis andsignaling (Consonni et al., 2006), demonstrating sep-arate requirements for the desired disease resistancetrait and undesired leaf chlorosis/necrosis in mlomutant plants.

Here, we employed comparative global gene ex-pression analysis and performed targeted metaboliteprofiling to obtain deeper insights into the molecularbasis of the pleiotropic phenotypes in the Arabidopsismlo2 single mutant and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant.We found aberrant accumulation patterns of indolicsecondary metabolites in the single and triple mutantsduring the appearance of the mlo2-conditioned earlyleaf senescence phenotype. Genetic analysis revealed acritical contribution of indolics, including camalexinand glucosinolates, in mlo2-mediated resistance.


Developmentally Controlled Leaf Chlorosis and NecrosisReflects Early Senescence of mlo2 Mutants

We recently reported that Arabidopsis mlo2 mu-tants, like barley mlo mutants, exhibit a developmen-tally determined phenotype resembling early leafsenescence. This phenotype is exacerbated in themlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant (Consonni et al., 2006)and varies in the timing of occurrence depending ongrowth conditions: although plants grown in long

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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days (16 h of light) start to show leaf chlorosis andnecrosis at around 6 weeks after sowing, this appear-ance arises considerably later (from 9 weeks onward)in plants grown in short-day conditions (10 h of light;data not shown).

To find out whether this phenotype is an authenticsenescence process, we measured plant photosyn-thetic performance (photochemical efficiency of PSII[Fv/Fm]) to assess functional leaf longevity (Maxwelland Johnson, 2000; Oh et al., 2003; Kusaba et al., 2007).The Fv/Fm ratio reflects the quantity of light energyabsorbed by PSII that is used for photosynthesis(photochemical efficiency). The optimal value for thisparameter is expected to be around 0.83 for leaves ofyoung and healthy plants and decreases with plantage, owing to senescence (Woo et al., 2001; Kim et al.,2006). Photosynthetic performance was measured ondefined rosette leaves (leaf 7) of intact plants every 2 to6 d starting from 24 d after sowing until day 46,corresponding to a rosette of 50% final size (growthstage 3.50) to midflowering (growth stage 6.50; Boyeset al., 2001), respectively. Excellent photosyntheticperformance (Fv/Fm . 0.8) was observed for bothwild-type and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 plants at the beginningof the time course (24–38 d; Fig. 1A; Supplemental Fig.S2A), indicating that photochemical efficiency is notconstitutively impaired in the mlo triple mutant. Fromday 40 onward, the Fv/Fm ratio declined in bothgenotypes, although somewhat faster in the mlo2mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant (Fig. 1A; Supplemental Fig.S2A). However, this difference was not statisticallysignificant.

We determined the chlorophyll content in ecotypeColumbia (Col-0) wild type and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12mutant plants throughout development by processingthe same leaves that were used for measuring photo-synthetic performance. Chlorophyll levels continu-ously decreased from day 28 onward in bothwild-type and mutant plants. However, chlorophylldecay occurred faster in mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 comparedwith the wild type, signifying accelerated chlorophyllcatabolism in the mlo triple mutant (Fig. 1B; Supple-mental Fig. S2B). Taken together, these results revealthat typical senescence-associated physiological mark-ers such as photosynthetic performance and chloro-phyll content exhibit a trend toward a more rapiddecline in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant, suggest-ing that mlo-conditioned leaf chlorosis and necrosis inArabidopsis might be mechanistically related or iden-tical to leaf senescence.

A developmental program that, despite some dif-ferences, largely phenocopies the authentic senescenceprocesses of intact plants in time lapse is induced uponplacing detached leaves in the dark (so-called dark-induced senescence; Weaver and Amasino, 2001). Incomparison with natural senescence, this procedurehas the advantage that the initiation of senescence issynchronized among individuals and genotypes.Thus, to further test whether the early leaf chlorosisand necrosis of mlo mutants resembles genuine senes-

cence, we comparatively analyzed natural whole plantdevelopment and artificial dark-induced senescence ofdetached leaves in Col-0 wild-type, mlo2 single mu-tant, and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant plants. At thewhole plant level, 7-week-old mlo2 mutants showedthe previously reported early leaf chlorosis and necro-sis that is exacerbated in mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 plants(Consonni et al., 2006; Fig. 1C, top row). To triggerdark-induced senescence, the fifth leaf of 4-week-oldplants grown in long-day conditions was detachedand kept in the dark at 22�C. After 4 d of incubation,leaves of Col-0 plants were still largely green, whileleaves of the mlo2 single mutant and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12triple mutant plants exhibited mild and variable (mlo2)or pronounced and consistent (mlo2 mlo6 mlo12) chlo-rosis (Fig. 1C, bottom row; see also Figs. 4B and 6Cbelow). This finding further strengthens the notionthat the mlo2-associated phenotype represents authen-tic but untimely leaf senescence and in addition pro-vides further support for accelerated progression ofthe senescence process in themlo2 andmlo2 mlo6 mlo12mutants.

Transcript Accumulation of MLO2 Peaks around theOnset of Leaf Senescence

The expression pattern of Arabidopsis MLO genes,including MLO2, was recently studied by compilingdata from transgenic promoter::GUS reporter lines,reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis, and publiclyaccessible microarray experiments (Chen et al., 2006).To expand this work, we used a transgenic line har-boring an MLO2 promoter::GUS reporter gene con-struct to temporally and spatially resolve MLO2promoter-driven gene expression during vegetativedevelopment of Arabidopsis plants grown in short-day (10 h of light) conditions. At 3 weeks after sowing,we observed GUS activity predominantly in the coty-ledons and the margins of rosette leaves (Fig. 2A).Intensity and coverage of GUS staining in rosetteleaves increased with leaf and plant age, peaking in6-week-old plants, approximately around the onset ofspontaneous callose deposition in the mlo2 mutant(Consonni et al., 2006). Thereafter, we noted an overallslight decrease in GUS staining intensity. Consistentwith publicly accessible microarray data (Schmidet al., 2005; Winter et al., 2007), younger rosette leavesconsistently showed less GUS staining throughoutvegetative development than older leaves (Fig. 2). Insum, these findings are reminiscent of the observedkinetics of Mlo transcript accumulation in barley(Piffanelli et al., 2002) and corroborate a potentialfunctional role for these monocot and dicot Mloorthologs in senescence-associated physiology.

Transcriptomic Approaches to Unravel the MolecularBasis of mlo-Associated Pleiotropic Phenotypes

To gain further knowledge on the molecular mech-anisms that underlie the untimely leaf senescence

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phenotype of the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant, we per-formed global gene expression profiling of leaf mate-rial collected at different developmental stages usingAffymetrix ATH1 GeneChips. Spontaneous callosedeposition is a convenient marker for the onset ofmlo-conditioned leaf senescence and was observedfrom 6 weeks onward in healthy plants grown inshort-day conditions (10 h of light; Consonni et al.,2006). Therefore, we collected mature rosette leavesfrom unchallenged wild-type and triple mutant plantsat 5, 6, and 7 weeks after sowing, signifying timepoints before (5 weeks), at (6 weeks), and after(7 weeks) the onset of spontaneous callose depositionin the mutant. During this time period, no othersignatures of leaf senescence, such as chlorosis andnecrosis, were visible in the wild type or the mlo triplemutant. Total RNAs extracted from these leaves werelabeled with fluorescent dyes and employed in a singlehybridization experiment using Affymetrix ATH1 ol-igonucleotide arrays (for details, see “Materials andMethods”).

Consistent with the occurrence of callose deposits at6 and 7 weeks, unsupervised clustering of the six datasets showed that transcript accumulation in leaves ofwild-type and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant plants wasmost similar in 5-week-old plants and exhibited in-creasing differences in 6- and 7-week-old plants (Sup-plemental Fig. S3). We analyzed the data to identifycandidate genes that exhibit differential transcriptlevels between wild-type and mutant plants duringthe developmental period considered. Based on twodistinct computational approaches, we generated tworesult lists, one sorting all 22,810 genes (list A) and theother representing a set of 98 selected genes (list B;Supplemental Table S1). List A is focused on genesmore highly expressed in the mutant compared withthe wild-type plants when comparing weeks 6 and 7with week 5. For list B, only those genes were selectedwith elevated transcript levels specific to the mutantplants at week 7 compared with week 5, while makingsure fold changes and absolute intensities are high (fordetails about the selection criteria and computationprocedure, see “Materials and Methods”).

In list B as well as in the top approximately 120genes of list A, we noted a high prevalence of geneswhose products are related to the biosynthesis of Trpand Trp-derived (indolic) metabolites. Consistently,

Figure 1. Developmentally controlled mlo2-associated leaf chlorosisand necrosis resembles an authentic leaf senescence program. A, Time-course analysis of photosynthetic performance (Fv/Fm) of Col-0 wild-type (black circles) andmlo2 mlo6 mlo12 (white circles) mutant plants.Data represent means 6 SD of four independent rosette leaves (leaf 7)measured at the time points indicated (days after sowing). Plants weregrown in long-day conditions. The experiment was repeated twice withsimilar results (Supplemental Fig. S2; data not shown). B, Time-courseanalysis of chlorophyll content in leaves of Col-0 wild-type (blackcircles) and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 (white circles) mutant plants. Datarepresent means 6 SD of two independent rosette leaves (leaf 7)collected at the time points indicated (days after sowing) and measured

with three technical replicates. Plants were grown in long-day condi-tions. Note that the very same leaves were taken for measuringchlorophyll content and for determining photosynthetic performance.The experiment was repeated once with similar results (SupplementalFig. S2). FW, Fresh weight. Asterisks denote statistically significantdifferences (P , 0.05; Student’s t test) from the Col-0 wild type. C,Habitus of representative unchallenged (pathogen-free) plants at 7weeks after sowing (top row) and macroscopic phenotypes of detachedleaves (leaf 5) from 4-week-old plants dark treated for 4 d (bottom row).Plants were grown in long-day conditions. The experiment was re-peated four times with similar results.

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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we found a significant enrichment of genes with theGene Ontology (GO) term “indole derivative biosyn-thetic process” in list A (adjusted P = 0.009) and in listB (P = 0.03; for details about the calculation procedure,see “Materials and Methods”). With respect to Trpbiosynthesis, these comprised the genes encoding theanthranilate synthase ASA1, phosphoribosylanthrani-late transferase (PAT1), the Trp synthase a-subunitTSA1, and indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase

(IGPS). With regard to indole/camalexin/glucosino-late biosynthesis, the genes encoding the cytochromeP450 monooxygenases CYP79B2, CYP71B15/PAD3,CYP71A13, CYP81F2, and CYP83B1 as well as thesulfotransferase SOT16 and theUDP-glucosyltransferaseUGT74B1 were included. Finally, the transcription fac-tor MYB51, a key regulator of the genes encoding in-dole glucosinolate biosynthesis enzymes (Gigolashviliet al., 2007), was found in the top of list A (Table I;Supplemental Table S1). Together, these findings indi-cate a potential role for indolic secondary metabolitesin the mlo2-associated deregulated leaf senescencephenotype. Among the identified genes in list B, twoare known to be specifically related to early leafsenescence (WRKY53 and SAG13; Lohman et al.,1994; Hinderhofer and Zentgraf, 2001; Miao et al.,2004), suggesting that a senescence-related processmight have become initiated in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12mutant but not yet in wild-type plants (Table I; Sup-plemental Table S1).

To validate the altered transcript levels of this set ofgenes in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant, we exem-plarily compared expression levels of a subset of theseby real-time RT-PCR in mature rosette leaves of mu-tant and wild-type plants. Besides genes that werefound at both the top of list A and in list B (CYP79B2,PAD3, and WRKY53), we included SAG13, a charac-teristic marker of early leaf senescence (Lohman et al.,1994), which occurred in list B but was ranked at alower position in list A (Table I). Consistent with themicroarray data, at the late time point (7 weeks) alltested genes showed considerably higher transcriptaccumulation in the mlo triple mutant compared withthe wild type (Fig. 3A; Supplemental Fig. S4). In sum,the results of the quantitative RT-PCR analysis corrob-orate themicroarray data, indicating elevated transcriptlevels of genes of the Trp biosynthesis and metabolismpathways as well as initiation of a senescence-relateddevelopmental program in mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutantplants.

We extended the quantitative RT-PCR analysis toinvestigate whether a similar transcript pattern forthe selected genes also occurred in plants grown inlong-day conditions. In this experiment, mature ro-sette leaves were collected at early (4 weeks) and late(5 weeks) time points from plants grown in a pathogen-free environment with a 16-h-light/8-h-dark cycle. Theexpression patterns of the genes considered weresimilar to those observed in short-day-grown plants,indicating that the elevated transcript accumulation ofthese genes in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant isindependent of short- or long-day growth conditionsbut dependent on the developmental stage and thegenetic background (Fig. 3A).

Comparative Proteomic and Metabolomic Analysis ofWild-Type and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 Plants

To study whether the observed changes in the tran-scriptome would concur with detectable alterations in

Figure 2. Transcript accumulation of MLO2 peaks around the onset ofleaf senescence. A, Time-course analysis of MLO2 promoter-drivenGUS expression in a transgenic Col-0 wild-type plant during vegetativedevelopment. Plants were grown in short-day conditions (10 h of light),and entire plants of the indicated ages were stained for GUS activity.The photographs depict exemplary plants from one experiment; similarresults were obtained in two independent replicate experiments. B,Schematic representation of AtMLO2 expression data on publiclyaccessible microarray databases. The cartoon represents leaves atvarious developmental stages, color codedwith the respectiveAtMLO2expression level (according to the reference color bar shown at thebottom). Microarray source data are from the AtGenExpress project(Schmid et al., 2005). The pictograph is a screenshot from theArabidopsis eFP browser (; Winter et al., 2007). c, Cauline leaf; s, senescent leaf.

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the leaf proteome, we performed comparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of total soluble proteinextracts obtained from rosette leaves of 7-week-oldplants grown under short-day conditions. This analysisrevealed no obvious differences between the mlo2 mlo6mlo12 triple mutant and the Col-0 wild type, demon-strating that at this level of resolution deregulated leafsenescence does not correlate with altered proteinsteady-state levels (Supplemental Fig. S5).Finally, we conducted a comparative metabolite

profile of the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant and wild-typeplants. Guided by the results of the microarray anal-ysis, we focused this approach on indolic metabolites.Leaf material (leaf 7) was collected from plants grownin short-day conditions at 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks aftersowing. Crude leaf extracts were analyzed by HPLCcoupled to a diode array detector or a fluorescencedetector. Consistent with the elevated PAD3 transcriptlevels (see above), we found a trend toward highercamalexin concentrations in the triple mutant than inthe wild type from 6 weeks after sowing onward (Fig.3B). Similarly, an unknown derivative of camalexinwas found at higher levels in the triple mutant at alltime points tested (statistically significant at 8 weeks;Supplemental Fig. S6A). A differential pattern similarto the one observed for camalexin and its derivativewas also detected for another Trp-derived com-pound, indol-3-yl-methylamine (I3A; statistically sig-nificant at 7 and 8 weeks), which was recently foundto be an indole glucosinolate metabolism productthat is indirectly linked to plant defense responses(Bednarek et al., 2009). Unlike I3A, two indole glucosi-nolates, indol-3-yl-methyl glucosinolate (I3G) and its4-methoxylated derivative 4-methoxy-indol-3-yl-methylglucosinolate (4MI3G), had lower levels in the triplemutant compared with the wild type (statistically

significant at 5, 6, and 8 weeks [I3G] and 6 and 8weeks [4MI3G]). Taken together, these results indicatethat a globally altered profile of Trp-derived metabo-lites precedes deregulated leaf senescence in the mlotriple mutant, raising the possibility that perturbedlevels of indolics could be responsible for the latterphenotype.

To find out to what extent the developmentallycontrolled hyperaccumulation of the Trp-derived me-tabolites camalexin and I3A is different in the mlo2mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant and the mlo2 single mutant,we examined leaves of 7-week-old plants of thesemutant genotypes and of Col-0 wild type. This anal-ysis revealed similar trends but higher absolute levelsin the triple mutant than in the mlo2 single mutant forboth metabolites (Fig. 4A). This finding is reminiscentof the quantitative differences in powdery mildewresistance and premature leaf senescence in these twogenotypes (Consonni et al., 2006; Fig. 1C) and opensup the possibility to dissect the genetic requirementsfor the altered accumulation of indolic compounds inthe more genetically tractable mlo2 single mutant.

Trp-Derived Compounds Hyperaccumulating in themlo2 Mutant Originate from the ConventionalBiosynthetic Route

To examine the contribution of known biosyntheticenzymes to the altered levels of indolics in the mlo2mutant, we generated the mlo2 pad3 double mutantand the mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3 triple mutant. The pad3single mutant and mlo2 pad3 double mutant revealedquantities of camalexin and its derivative that wereclose to the detection limit, whereas I3A, I3G, and4MI3G levels were variable but similar overall to Col-0wild-type plants and the mlo2 single mutant (Fig. 4A;

Table I. Selected genes identified by microarray analysis

Genes related to Trp biosynthesis/metabolism and early leaf senescence were selected by manual inspection of the top of list A (top 150 genes) andlist B (Supplemental Table S1).



Initiative No.

Gene NameBiochemical Activity of

Encoded ProteinProcess

Fold Change between

Week 7 and Week 5Rank


List A



List B?Col-0 mlo2 mlo6 mlo12

At5g05730 ASA1 Synthase Trp biosynthesis 0.636 1.485 73 NoAt2g04400 IGPS Synthase Trp biosynthesis 0.738 1.5 32 NoAt5g17990 PAT1 Acyltransferase Trp biosynthesis 0.577 1.138 78 NoAt3g54640 TSA2 Synthase Trp biosynthesis 0.851 3.267 58 YesAt4g39950 CYP79B2 Cytochrome P450 Indole glucosinolate and

camalexin biosynthesis1.389 4.327 117 Yes

At5g57220 CYP81F2 Cytochrome P450 Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis 0.416 1.157 12 NoAt4g31500 CYP83B1 Cytochrome P450 Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis 0.859 1.654 89 NoAt1g18570 MYB51 Transcriptional regulator Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis 0.668 2.28 13 NoAt1g74100 SOT16 Sulfotransferase Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis 0.704 1.593 22 NoAt1g24100 UGT74B1 UDP-glucosyltransferase Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis 0.488 1.123 76 NoAt2g30770 CYP71A13 Cytochrome P450 Camalexin biosynthesis 0.964 3.679 34 YesAt3g26830 CYP71B15 (PAD3) Cytochrome P450 Camalexin biosynthesis 0.797 6.239 3 YesAt2g29350 SAG13 Oxidoreductase Leaf senescence 1.717 3.759 1,468 YesAt4g23810 WRKY53 Transcriptional regulator Leaf senescence 0.914 4.902 7 Yes

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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Supplemental Fig. S6B). As expected, themlo2 cyp79B2cyp79B3 triple mutant exhibited undetectable levels ofall compounds considered (Fig. 4A; Supplemental Fig.S6B). These results demonstrate that the Trp-derivedcompounds hyperaccumulating in the mlo2 mutantoriginate from their conventional biosynthetic routeand that the respective double and triple mutants canbe used to assess the role of indolic compounds inmlo2-associated premature leaf senescence.

It was recently shown that PEN2 acts as a myro-sinase that hydrolyzes both nonsubstituted and4-methoxylated indole glucosinolates and that is essen-tial for the pathogen-inducible accumulation of the glu-cosinolate hydrolysis product, I3A (Bednarek et al.,2009). To test whether the mlo2-associated increase inlevels of this compound is also dependent on PEN2activity, the mlo2 pen2 double mutant was analyzed.This double mutant indeed exhibited levels of I3Acomparable to the pen2 single mutant (Fig. 4A), dem-onstrating the requirement of PEN2 activity for themlo2-mediated I3A hyperaccumulation.

We also examined whether a mutation in the well-characterized senescence-related gene WRKY53, whichwas found to have elevated transcript levels in themlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant (Fig. 2A), was sufficientto restore wild-type levels of Trp derivatives in a mlo2genetic background. Therefore, we generated a mlo2wrky53 double mutant and performed metabolic pro-filing. This revealed mlo2-like metabolite levels, sug-gesting that the perturbation of indolic compounds inthe mlo2mutant is unlikely to be a direct or an indirectconsequence of altered WRKY53 transcript accumula-tion (Fig. 4A). However, resolution of this analysis islimited, since the differences in indolic metabolitelevels between the wild type and the mlo2 mutantwere not statistically significant.

mlo2-Associated Early Leaf Senescence Can BeUncoupled from the Accumulation ofIndolic Metabolites

To determine the role of Trp-derived compounds inmlo2-associated early leaf senescence, both wholeplant and dark-induced senescence phenotypes wereanalyzed for the set of mutants described above. Noobvious differences were observed between mlo2 sin-gle and mlo2 pad3 double mutants, whereas a slightenhancement of leaf senescence symptoms was foundin the mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3 triple mutant (Fig. 4B).Notably, amutation in the gene encoding the senescenceregulator WRKY53 did not suppress mlo2-associatedleaf chlorosis and necrosis (Fig. 4B), indicating that

Figure 3. Altered gene expression levels and secondary metaboliteaccumulation in the Arabidopsis mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant. A, Expres-sion patterns of genes involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesisand of senescence-associated genes are altered in the mlo2 mlo6mlo12 mutant compared with the Col-0 wild type (wt). Gene expres-sion levels determined by quantitative RT-PCR are each presentedrelative to the expression level in the wild type at the early time point.Values shown represent means 6 SD of a representative experimentcomprising at least three technical replicates per genotype and timepoint. Leaf samples of plants grown in short-day conditions werecollected at 5 weeks (early time point) and 7 weeks (late time point)after sowing; leaf samples of plants grown in long-day conditions werecollected at 4 weeks (early time point) and 5 weeks (late time point)after sowing. Light gray bars show early time point; dark gray bars showlate time point. Similar results were obtained in an independentbiological experiment (Supplemental Fig. S3). B, Secondary metaboliteprofile of leaves of the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant compared withthe Col-0 wild type. Rosette leaf 7 of independent plants grown inshort-day conditions was collected at 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks after sowing

and used for metabolite analysis. The graphs show the average6 SD of arepresentative experiment comprising three leaf samples. The experi-ment was repeated once with similar results. The left y axis refers tocamalexin and I3A, whereas the right y axis applies to I3G and 4MI3G.A statistically significant difference from Col-0 is indicated either by anasterisk (P , 0.01; Student’s t test) or the number sign (P , 0.05;Student’s t test). FW, Fresh weight.

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the pathway leading to mlo2-conditioned prematuresenescence is either not under the control of WRKY53or that redundancy in gene functions masks the con-

tribution of this transcriptional regulator in the contextof mlo2. Early leaf senescence of mlo2 mutants thusdiffers at least in this respect from conventional leaf

Figure 4. Altered levels of indolic metabolite in leaves ofmlomutant plants depend on the conventional biosynthetic route andare not the primary cause of the early leaf senescence phenotype. A, Leaf 7 from nine independent plants grown in short-dayconditions was collected at 7 weeks after sowing, and HPLC analysis was performed on metabolite extracts. The graphs showaverages 6 SD of a representative experiment comprising three technical replicates. One typical experiment out of three isshown. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences (P, 0.05; Student’s t test) from the Col-0 wild type, and number signsdenote statistically significant differences (P , 0.05; Student’s t test) from the mlo2 mutant. FW, Fresh weight. B, Habitus ofrepresentative unchallenged (pathogen-free) plants at 7 weeks after sowing (top row) and macroscopic phenotypes of detachedleaf 5 from 4-week-old plants dark treated for 4 d (bottom row). Plants were grown in long-day conditions. The experiment wasrepeated once (except for Col-0, mlo2, and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12, which had five replicates) with similar results.

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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senescence (Hinderhofer and Zentgraf, 2001). Takentogether, these data suggest that altered levels ofTrp-derived metabolites and/or aberrant WRKY53activity are not the major cause of mlo2-associatedearly senescence.

mlo2-Mediated Pathogen Resistance Depends on theBiosynthesis of Indolic Secondary Metabolites

Given the key role of indolic metabolites in defenseagainst nonadapted powdery mildew fungi (Bednareket al., 2009), we next investigated the functional con-tribution of Trp-derived compounds in mlo2-mediatedpowdery mildew resistance. We challenged the mlo2pad3 double mutant and the mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3triple mutant with the adapted pathogen G. orontii andquantified infection success by microscopic analysisof fungal host cell entry and conidiophore produc-tion (Consonni et al., 2006). The mlo2 pad3 doublemutant displayed partially restored host cell entry andconidiation compared with the mlo2 single mutant,suggesting a requirement for camalexin for full mlo2resistance. Remarkably, the triple mutantmlo2 cyp79B2cyp79B3 exhibited an infection phenotype that wassimilar to the Col-0 wild type, indicating that bothcamalexin and other indolic metabolites are majordeterminants of mlo2 resistance against the adaptedpowdery mildew pathogen (Fig. 5, A and B). Withrespect to host cell entry, similar results were alsoobtained with the nonadapted pea (Pisum sativum)powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe pisi (Fig. 5C).However, this plant-pathogen constellation in addi-tion reveals the effect of the cyp79B2 cyp79B3 doublemutant in the context of MLO2, which owing tosaturating fungal entry levels is masked upon chal-lenge with the adapted powdery mildew pathogen G.orontii (Fig. 5, compare B and C). In sum, these dataindicate that Trp-derived compounds, including ca-malexin, are crucial for preinvasion and postinvasionresistance against both adapted and nonadapted pow-dery mildew fungi in wild-type plants as well as inmlo2 mutant plants.

The phytoalexin camalexin is known to contributeto defense against necrotrophic fungi (Glazebrook,2005). It was recently shown that sensitivity of Botry-tis cinerea to camalexin is isolate specific and that thisnecrotrophic fungus also exhibits variable sensitivityto indolic glucosinolates (Kliebenstein et al., 2005).We inoculated 4-week-old wild-type and mutantplants with a camalexin-sensitive isolate of B. cinerea.Compared with the susceptible Col-0 wild type, themlo2 single mutant and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutantwere highly resistant, as no spreading lesions weredetected upon pathogen treatment (Fig. 6). To testwhether this phenotype was also dependent onindolic metabolites, the double mutant mlo2 pad3and the triple mutant mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3 wereinoculated with the same B. cinerea isolate. Consistentwith the effect of these mutations in a wild-typebackground on camalexin-sensitive B. cinerea strains

(Kliebenstein et al., 2005), mutations in these genesfully reverted mlo2-conditioned resistance (Fig. 6),suggesting that Trp-derived compounds play a majorrole in mlo2-mediated resistance against both biotro-phic and necrotrophic fungi.

mlo2 Resistance Is Independent ofPMR4/GSL5-Mediated Callose Deposition

mlo2 mutants spontaneously accumulate callose de-positions during later developmental stages, beforethe onset of macroscopically visible signs of early leafsenescence (Consonni et al., 2006). We reasoned thatthe PMR4/GSL5 callose synthase, which mediateswound and papillary callose deposition in Arabidop-sis rosette leaves (Jacobs et al., 2003; Nishimura et al.,2003), could be responsible for this phenotype. To testthis hypothesis, the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant wasgenerated and spontaneous callose deposition wasanalyzed in a time-course experiment using plantsthat were not challenged by any pathogen. Lack of themlo2-characteristic callose deposits in rosette leaves of6-week-old mlo2 pmr4 double mutant plants demon-strates that the PMR4 glucan synthase-like polypep-tide is accountable for the developmentally controlledbiosynthesis of callose in mlo2 (Fig. 7A).

pmr4 plants are macroscopically resistant againstpowdery mildew attack (Jacobs et al., 2003; Nishimuraet al., 2003). In these studies, however, it was notquantitatively resolved at which stage of fungal path-ogenesis that resistance in the pmr4 mutant becomeseffective. We challenged control and pmr4 mutantplants with G. orontii and microscopically scoredhost cell entry and conidiophore formation. Thisrevealed a fungal host cell entry rate in the pmr4mutant that is comparable to wild-type plants. Incontrast, further development of fungal colonies wasfound to be severely impaired, resulting in a signifi-cant reduction of conidiophore formation (Fig. 7B). Adefense response that becomes effective at the post-penetration stage is thus the primary reason for themacroscopic resistance phenotype of the pmr4mutant.To investigate whether local pathogen-triggeredPMR4-dependent callose deposition in cell wall appo-sitions is required for the mlo2-conditioned powderymildew resistance, the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant wasassessed upon G. orontii challenge. Intriguingly, nodifferences between mlo2 single and mlo2 pmr4 doublemutant plants were observed with respect to bothpenetration rate and the level of conidiophore forma-tion (Fig. 7B). This finding indicates that mlo2 resis-tance is fully independent of PMR4-mediated callosedeposition.

pmr4 mutants were described to constitutively hy-peraccumulate SA, and mutations in components ofthe SA pathway, such as npr1 and pad4, as well asexpression of the bacterial salicylate hydroxylase gene,NahG, were reported to suppress resistance of pmr4mutants against G. cichoracearum (Nishimura et al.,2003). To investigate whether powdery mildew resis-

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tance retained in the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant was theresult of pmr4-dependent SA hyperaccumulation,mlo2pmr4 plants were crossed with the sid2 mutant, whichis defective in defense-associated SA biosynthesis(Wildermuth et al., 2001), to generate a mlo2 pmr4sid2 triple mutant. Both macroscopic and quantitativemicroscopic analyses of mlo2 pmr4 sid2 plants chal-lenged with the adapted G. orontii revealed a mlo2-likephenotype, demonstrating that the resistance retainedin the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant is independent of SAaccumulation (Fig. 7B).

Since callose deposition strictly precedes macro-scopically visible signs of early leaf senescence in themlo2 mutant (Consonni et al., 2006; Supplemental Fig.S7), we reasoned that a causal relationship may dictatethe sequential order of the two events. If true, then agenetic block in callose deposition should alleviate theearly leaf senescence phenotype of mlo2 plants. Wefirst assessed the pmr4 mutant with respect to naturaland dark-induced leaf senescence and observed earlyleaf chlorosis and necrosis that is reminiscent of themlo2 mutant phenotype (Fig. 7C). This phenomenonwas exaggerated in the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant,suggesting that the phenotypes of the mlo2 and pmr4mutants are additive and excluding a direct causal linkbetween callose deposition and mlo2-conditionedearly leaf senescence. To test whether the exaggeratedphenotype of the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant is an effectof the combined SA hyperaccumulation that is knownto take place in mlo2 as well as pmr4 mutant plants(Nishimura et al., 2003; Consonni et al., 2006), weanalyzed whole rosette and dark-induced senescenceof the mlo2 pmr4 sid2 triple mutant. Indeed, lack ofSID2 function partially suppressed both types of se-nescence in the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant, suggestingthat SA (hyper)accumulation is in part the cause forthis phenotype (Fig. 7C).


mlo2-Mediated Powdery Mildew Resistance Requires

Trp-Derived Secondary Metabolites

In this study, we found that mlo2 single and mlo2mlo6 mlo12 triple mutants accumulate aberrant levelsof a subset of Trp-derived compounds during vegeta-tive development (Figs. 3B and 4A). The consistentlylower glucosinolate (I3G) but higher glucosinolatebreakdown product (I3A) levels in the mlo2 mlo6mlo12 mutant compared with wild-type plants pointto enhanced glucosinolate turnover being one of thedefects in the mlo triple mutant (Figs. 3B and 4A). Aperturbed profile of indolic metabolites was also re-cently detected in systemic leaves of the aux1 mutant,

Figure 5. Indolic secondary metabolites are essential for mlo2-mediated powdery mildew resistance. A, Representative photographsdepicting macroscopic infection phenotypes of wild-type and mutantplants upon challenge with G. orontii. Images were taken at 10 dpostinoculation. B, Quantitative analysis of G. orontii host cell entry(determined at 48 h postinoculation; gray bars) and conidiophoreformation (determined at 7 d postinoculation; black bars). Resultsrepresent means 6 SD of four to eight independent experiments pergenotype. Statistically significant differences from the Col-0 wild typeare indicated by asterisks (*** P, 0.01, * P, 0.05; Student’s t test), andstatistically significant differences from mlo2 are indicated by numbersigns (### P, 0.01, # P, 0.05; Student’s t test). C, Quantitative analysisof E. pisi entry into Arabidopsis epidermal cells determined at 7 dpostinoculation. Results represent means 6 SD of three to six samplesper genotype derived from at least three independent experiments.Statistically significant differences from the Col-0 wild type are indi-cated by asterisks (*** P , 0.01, * P , 0.05; Student’s t test), and

statistically significant differences from mlo2 are indicated by numbersigns (### P , 0.01, # P , 0.05; Student’s t test).

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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which is defective in the auxin influx transporterAUX1, during the establishment of systemic acquiredresistance (Truman et al., 2010).

Among plant secondary metabolites, few indolederivatives have been functionally associated withbiotic stress responses. These include the indolicglucosinolates, a class of metabolites restricted to theBrassicales that has been implicated in combatinginsects (for review, see Halkier and Gershenzon,2006). Additionally, in Arabidopsis, the phytoalexincamalexin was shown to contribute to resistanceagainst necrotrophic fungi, such as Alternaria brassici-cola and B. cinerea (Thomma et al., 1999b; Ferrari et al.,2003; for review, see Glazebrook, 2005). In contrast, thebiotrophic fungus G. orontii was reported to be insen-sitive to camalexin (Reuber et al., 1998). Recently,however, glucosinolate breakdown products with pre-sumptive antimicrobial activity were found to be re-quired for penetration resistance against nonadaptedpowdery mildew fungi in Arabidopsis, suggestingthat at least some indolic compounds contribute todefense against a subset of biotrophic pathogens(Bednarek et al., 2009). In addition to their presump-tive direct antimicrobial activity, these metabolitesmay also have a signaling role in plant innate immu-nity (Clay et al., 2009). To investigate the contributionof Trp-derived molecules in mlo2-associated pheno-types in detail, we generated and analyzed an infor-mative set of Trp metabolism mutants in combinationwith the mlo2 single mutant.

We reasoned that altered accumulation patterns ofindolic compounds that become apparent duringvegetative development (Figs. 3 and 4) might alsocontribute to the powdery mildew resistance of themlo2 mutant. Experimental support for this hypoth-esis comes from the partially and fully restoredsusceptibility (host cell entry and conidiation) to G.orontii in the mlo2 pad3 and mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3mutants, respectively (Fig. 5, A and B). Furthermore,mutations in PAD3 or CYP79B2/CYP79B3 resulted inmoderately (pad3) or substantially (cyp79B2 cyp79B3)increased penetration rates of the nonadapted pow-dery mildew pathogen E. pisi, both in the presenceand absence of MLO2 (Fig. 5C). These findings dem-onstrate that indolic metabolites, including camalex-in, contribute to both preinvasive and postinvasivedefense against adapted as well as nonadapted pow-dery mildew fungi in Arabidopsis. Notably, geneticanalyses in the context of systemic acquired resis-tance indicated that CYP79B2/CYP79B3 are also re-quired for the establishment of this type of plantimmunity, suggesting that indolic metabolites (andpossibly the indole-derived phytohormone auxin)contribute either to long-distance signaling or theexecution of systemic immune responses (Trumanet al., 2010).

This broad indole-mediated antifungal capacity isseemingly masked by the high pathogen success ratein compatible powdery mildew interactions, possiblyas a consequence of the ability of adapted pathogens todetoxify these compounds or to suppress pathwaysthat lead to their accumulation. This would explainwhy the cyp79B2 cyp79B3 mutant exhibits only a

Figure 6. Camalexin is essential for mlo2-mediated resistance againstB. cinerea. A, Representative photographs depicting macroscopicinfection phenotypes on leaves of wild-type and mutant plants uponchallenge with a camalexin-sensitive strain of B. cinerea. Detachedleaves of 4-week-old plants grown in 16-h-light/8-h-dark cycles (lowlight intensity and humidity) were inoculated with two 5-mL droplets ofa suspension containing 53 105 spores mL21. Images were taken at 2 dpostinoculation. The experiment was repeated twice with similarresults. B, Quantitative assessment of lesion diameter determined at2 d postinoculation with B. cinerea. Results originate from one exper-iment and represent means 6 SD of at least nine lesions per genotype.Statistically significant differences from the Col-0 wild type are indi-cated by asterisks (*** P , 0.01, * P , 0.05; Student’s t test), andstatistically significant differences from mlo2 are indicated by numbersigns (P , 0.01; Student’s t test). The experiment was repeated twicewith similar results.

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subtle, if any, effect on colonization by the adaptedpowdery mildew pathogen G. orontii (Fig. 5, A and B),while it causes a dramatic increase in plant cell entryby the nonadapted pea powdery mildew pathogen(Fig. 5C). The indolic toxic compounds that, besidescamalexin, contribute to defense against powderymildews currently remain elusive. Metabolomic anal-yses in the context of powdery mildew-nonhostinteractions suggest that a conversion product of4-methoxylated indole glucosinolate could be the ma-jor toxic principle (Bednarek et al., 2009).It is remarkable that resistance in the mlo2 mutant is

already effective in young plants (5 weeks or younger),before considerable differences in the accumulation ofindolic metabolites and the abundance of transcriptsthat encode for the respective biosynthetic enzymes

become evident (Supplemental Fig. S7). One possibil-ity is that substantial cell type-specific differences thatmay exist between young wild-type and mlo2 seed-lings are diluted in whole leaf-based transcriptomicand metabolomic analyses. Alternatively, despite sim-ilar steady-state levels in unchallenged plants, meta-bolic pathways leading to indolic compounds mightbe more rapidly activated in mlo2 mutant plants uponchallenge with powdery mildew fungi.

Camalexin Is Required for mlo2-Mediated Resistanceto B. cinerea

Among plant pathogens with a necrotrophic life-style, B. cinerea is one of the best studied. In Arabi-dopsis, the well-characterized JA- and ET-dependent

Figure 7. The GSL5/PMR4 callose syn-thase is required for spontaneous cal-lose deposition but dispensable forpenetration resistance of the mlo2mutant. A, Representative micrographsof spontaneous callose deposition inunchallenged (pathogen-free) plantsgrown in long-day conditions. Leaveswere collected at the time points indi-cated. The experiment was repeatedonce and additionally performed oncewith plants grown in short-day condi-tions, yielding similar results. Bar = 50mm. B, Quantitative analysis of G.orontii host cell entry (determined at48 h postinoculation; gray bars) andconidiophore formation (determined at7 d postinoculation; black bars). Re-sults represent means 6 SD of three toeight independent experiments pergenotype. Statistically significant dif-ferences from the Col-0 wild type areindicated by asterisks (*** P , 0.01,* P , 0.05; Student’s t test), and sta-tistically significant differences frommlo2 are indicated by number signs(### P , 0.01, # P , 0.05; Student’st test). C, Habitus of representativeunchallenged (pathogen-free) plantsat 7 weeks after sowing (top row) andmacroscopic phenotypes of detachedleaf 5 from 4-week-old plants dark-treated for 4 d (bottom row). In bothexperiments, plants were grown inlong-day conditions. The experimentwas repeated twice with similar results.

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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defense signaling pathways have been shown to con-tribute to basal resistance against B. cinerea, sincemutants in these pathways showed increased suscep-tibility to this pathogen (Thomma et al., 1998, 1999a;Ferrari et al., 2003). Additionally, the Arabidopsis-specific phytoalexin camalexin contributes to resis-tance against B. cinerea, as indicated by the increasedsusceptibility of camalexin-deficient mutants (Ferrariet al., 2003; Kliebenstein et al., 2005; van Baarlen et al.,2007). However, not all isolates of B. cinerea arecamalexin sensitive (Thomma et al., 1999b; Ferrariet al., 2003); different strains vary in their camalexintolerance, and this difference determines the ability ofthe fungal pathogen to proliferate and produce lesionson camalexin-deficient mutants (Kliebenstein et al.,2005). Inoculation of Arabidopsis mlo2 and mlo2 mlo6mlo12 mutants with the necrotrophic fungus B. cinerearesulted in severely reduced disease symptoms com-pared with Col-0 wild-type plants (Fig. 6). This findingis of note since it is, to the best of our knowledge, thefirst report of enhanced resistance of a mlo mutantagainst a pathogen other than powdery mildews(Jørgensen, 1977; Consonni et al., 2006). Rather con-versely, it was previously observed that barley andArabidopsis mlo mutants tend to be more susceptibleand/or to show more disease symptoms upon chal-lenge with hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic patho-gens, respectively (Jarosch et al., 1999; Kumar et al.,2001; Consonni et al., 2006). The Botrytis strain used inour work is camalexin sensitive (Ferrari et al., 2003),suggesting that the increased resistance observed inmlo plants might be caused by altered constitutive orpathogen-triggered accumulation patterns of the phy-toalexin in these mutants. This hypothesis was sup-ported by the reinstated susceptibility ofmlo2 pad3 andmlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3 double and triple mutants (Fig.6). Given this finding, it would be interesting to studythe infection phenotypes of the Arabidopsis mlo mu-tants upon challenge with a broader range of phyto-pathogens, preferentially those that are known to besensitive to camalexin.

mlo2-Associated Leaf Chlorosis/Necrosis Corresponds to

a Premature Senescence Program

It has been previously speculated that the develop-mentally controlled leaf chlorosis and necrosis of bar-ley and Arabidopsis mlo mutants corresponds to anauthentic senescence process. A comparative time-course analysis performed in the context of a distinctstudy revealed a premature decay of leaf pigmentsconcomitant with a decline of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase and an increase in ubiquitin transcriptaccumulation in barley mlo mutant plants (Piffanelliet al., 2002). These results suggest that the early leafcell-death phenotype of barley mlo mutants reflectsgenuine senescence. We expanded this type of analysisto the Arabidopsis mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant andfound, in addition to conservation of accelerated chlo-rophyll catabolism across plant clades, a trend toward

an earlier decrease in photochemical efficiency in themutant plants compared with wild-type plants (Fig. 1,A and B). Moreover, we observed a genotype-specificresemblance of whole plant leaf chlorosis phenotypesupon induction of synchronized artificial (dark-induced)senescence in detached leaves (Fig. 1C). Taken to-gether, these findings strongly suggest that the earlyleaf chlorosis in barley and Arabidopsis mlo mutantplants reflects the premature initiation and possiblyaccelerated progression of an authentic leaf senescenceprogram. This senescence program might be based onperturbed autophagic processes, since autophagy-deficient mutants atg2 and atg5 resemble the SA-dependent early leaf chlorosis/necrosis phenotype ofmlo mutants (Yoshimoto et al., 2009).

We further investigated the effect of premature leafsenescence in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant at both thetranscriptional and proteomic levels. Among the dif-ferentially expressed genes are WRKY53 and SAG13,two marker genes of early leaf senescence. WRKY53 isa transcriptional regulator with a well-established rolein the control of leaf senescence; mutants in WRKY53show delayed onset of senescence, while WRKY53overexpression results in early senescence (Hinderhoferand Zentgraf, 2001; Miao et al., 2004). Genetic epistasisanalysis suggests that hyperaccumulation of WRKY53transcripts in the mlo2 mutant background is not re-sponsible for mlo2-associated leaf senescence (Fig. 3B).Transcription of WRKY53 is activated by SA (Donget al., 2003), and the function of WRKY53 in regulatingleaf senescence is dependent on the JA/SA equilibrium(Miao and Zentgraf, 2007). Since 7-week-old mlo2 mlo6mlo12 mutants were previously shown to possess highlevels of SA (Consonni et al., 2006), elevated transcriptaccumulation of WRKY53 in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mu-

Figure 8. Proposed model for MLO-mediated control of defense topowdery mildew fungi and early leaf senescence/callose deposition.The model integrates previous data (Consonni et al., 2006) and findingsof this work. The font size of the components symbolizes the weight oftheir functional contributions. Components marked by red crosses arenot required for a given pathway. [See online article for color version ofthis figure.]

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tant could thus be a consequence of the aberrant SAlevels in the triple mutant.Based on the results of metabolite profiling, we

speculated that the developmentally controlled hyper-accumulation of indolic metabolites might drive mlomutants into early leaf senescence. However, even acomplete block in the biosynthesis of indolic metabo-lites (such as in the mlo2 cyp79B2 cyp79B3 triple mu-tant) did not reverse the early senescence phenotype ofmlo2 mutants, suggesting that deregulated accumula-tion of these compounds is not the primary cause forthe early senescence phenotype of mlo2 mutants. Itremains a future challenge to further disentangle themolecular events that lead to this mlo-associated phe-notype.

Callose Biosynthesis Is Not Required for mlo2 Resistance

Cell wall appositions have long been thought tolocally reinforce the cell wall during pathogen attackand were assumed to represent an essential first phys-ical barrier to prevent fungal ingress (Schmelzer, 2002).In this context, callose was for a long time believed toprovide a structural reinforcement of papillae (Smartet al., 1986). Nevertheless, recent experiments havequestioned the role of callose in plant defense againstdiverse pathogen classes (Jacobs et al., 2003; Nishimuraet al., 2003; Galletti et al., 2008).Analysis of the mlo2 pmr4 double mutant revealed

that PMR4 activity is required for spontaneous callosedeposition in the mlo2 mutant (Fig. 7A). However,mlo2-mediated resistance against G. orontii was notaffected in this double mutant, suggesting that localcallose deposition at attempted fungal entry sites is notobligatory for mlo2-mediated penetration resistanceagainst powdery mildews in Arabidopsis (Fig. 7B). Thepowdery mildew resistance retained in the mlo2 pmr4double mutant is not because of a pmr4-conditionedhyperactivation of SA-dependent defense reactions,since an additional mutation in the SA biosynthesisgene, SID2, likewise resulted in unaffected mlo2-likeresistance in the mlo2 pmr4 sid2 triple mutant (Fig. 7B).In sum, these data suggest that, contrary to commonbelief, callose deposition in papillae is not causativefor antifungal penetration resistance.


We previously hypothesized that resistance con-ferred by innate immune pathways and mlo-mediatedpowdery mildew resistance share common defenseexecution machinery (Humphry et al., 2006). Theresults obtained in this study substantiate this notionand further highlight the crucial contribution of in-dolic metabolites in both preinvasive and postinvasiveantifungal defense in Arabidopsis. The fact that mu-tations in PEN2 restore powderymildew susceptibilityin the mlo2 mutant to a similar extent as a completeblock of biosynthesis of indole-type secondary metab-

olites (cyp79B2 cyp79B3 mutant) suggests that PEN2catalyzes a rate-limiting step in this defense pathwaythat leads to the major toxic principle(s). The findingthat transcripts of the very same genes that are crucialfor antifungal defense accumulate during the estab-lishment of early leaf senescence in the mlo2 mutantprovides additional support for the molecular link andpotential cross talk between these two processes(Schenk et al., 2005). We propose a model in whichMLO proteins negatively regulate both pathways (Fig.8). Further work is required to unravel how thishypothesized negative regulation is exerted and howthe various processes modulated by MLO proteins areinterconnected.


Plant Material and Growth Conditions

Plants were soil grown in controlled-environment chambers under a

regime of either a 10-h (short-day) or 16-h (long-day) light period at 150 to

200 mmol m22 s21, 22�C, and 65% relative humidity, unless otherwise indi-

cated. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) wild-type Col-0, mlo2 (mlo2-5), mlo2

mlo6 mlo12 (mlo2-5 mlo6-2 mlo12-1; Consonni et al., 2006), pad3 (pad3-1;

Glazebrook and Ausubel, 1994), cyp79B2 cyp79B3 (Zhao et al., 2002), wrky53

(Miao et al., 2004), pen2 (pen2-1; Lipka et al., 2005), and pmr4 (pmr4-1;

Nishimura et al., 2003) mutants have been previously described. Homozygous

double and triple mutants were selected by PCR analysis from intermutant

crosses using these lines as parents. Homozygous insertion mutants were

identified by PCR using T-DNA- and gene-specific primer sets as described on

the T-DNA Express Web site (

Primer sequences are available on request. The transgenic MLO2 promoter::

GUS reporter line has been described before (Chen et al., 2006). Four-week-old

plants were used for Golovinomyces orontii, Erysiphe pisi, and Botrytis cinerea

inoculation experiments.


Powdery mildews used in this study were the isolates of G. orontii and E.

pisi kept at the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (Lipka et al.,

2005). The camalexin-sensitive B. cinerea strain was originally isolated from

Brassica oleracea (Ferrari et al., 2003; J. Plotnikova, unpublished results).

Inoculation of Arabidopsis with B. cinerea was performed as described

previously (Ferrari et al., 2003).

Microarray Experiment and Data Analysis

Mature rosette leaves (six per genotype and time point) were harvested at

5, 6, and 7 weeks after sowing. Total RNA was extracted using the Trizol

reagent and purified with the RNeasy Plant RNA Purification kit (Qiagen).

Copy RNA (cRNA) was prepared following the manufacturer’s instructions


Labeled cRNA transcripts were purified using the sample cleanup module

(Affymetrix). Fragmentation of cRNA transcripts, hybridization, and scanning

of the high-density oligonucleotide microarrays (Arabidopsis ATH1 genome

array; Affymetrix) were performed according to the manufacturer’s GeneChip

Expression Analysis Technical Manual. A single experiment with one micro-

array per time point and genotype was performed. Quality of the data was

evaluated at probe level by examining the arrays for spatial effects, distribu-

tion of absent and present calls, and the intensity of spike-in controls. We used

the robust multiarray average procedure (Irizarry et al., 2003) to correct for

background effects and chip effects and to summarize the probe values into

probe set values, resulting in 22,810 normalized expression values per array.

The raw and normalized data have been deposited in the Gene Expression

Omnibus ( and are accessible through

Gene Expression Omnibus record GSE17875. R/Bioconductor (Gentleman

et al., 2004) was used to preprocess the raw microarray data.

Indolic Metabolites in Atmlo2-Mediated Antifungal Defense

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To identify candidate genes with potentially altered transcript accumula-

tion in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant during development, we performed

two different computations. In one procedure, we first calculated the ratio of

the mean expression values at 6 and 7 weeks to the expression values at week

5 for both the wild type and the mutant. We then calculated the ratio of the

respective values for the mutant and the wild type and generated a list ranked

by descending ratios based on this result. The produced list (list A) contains all

22,810 genes and provides a full overview of the genes for which the average

transcript levels in weeks 6 and 7 increased disproportionately in the triple

mutant in comparison with week 5, irrespective of the actual absolute

transcript levels. The reported ratios and expression values in list A are on

an arithmetic scale, while computations were performed on a logarithmic

scale. In the second procedure, we generated a hit list (list B) that represents a

fraction of the original gene number (22,810 genes) by subsequently applying

the following criteria. First, we selected genes that at 7 weeks showed an at

least 2-fold higher transcript accumulation in the mutant than in the wild type

(M7 . 23 C7; 326 genes in total). Within these 326 genes, we then selected

those that exhibited at least 2-fold microarray values at 7 weeks compared

with 5 weeks in the triple mutant (M7. 23M5; 181 genes). Next, we selected

those for which the increase in transcript levels in the mutant from 5 to

7 weeks was at least 2-fold higher comparedwith the respective increase in the

wild type [(M7/M5) . 23 (C7/C5); 135 genes]. Finally, we eliminated those

genes for which all six microarray values were below 40, resulting in a final list

with a total of 98 genes. This list (list B) represents genes with elevated

transcript levels specific to the mutant at week 7 in comparison with week 5

while ensuring that absolute fold changes and transcript levels are high.

To find differentially regulated pathways, we first obtained predefined sets

of genes with the same GO term ( as defined in

the ath1121501 annotation library available from R/Bioconductor. We then

used a Wilcoxon rank test, as implemented in the function “geneSetTest” of

the Limma package (Smyth, 2005), to test whether genes with the same GO

term are more highly ranked in list A compared with randomly selected

genes. A Fisher’s exact test, as implemented in GOstat (Beißbarth and Speed,

2004), was used to test for overrepresented GO terms in the 98 genes of list B.

Correction for multiple testing was done in both cases by controlling the false

discovery rate (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995).

RNA Isolation, cDNA Synthesis, andQuantitative RT-PCR

Total RNA was isolated using the Trizol reagent according to the manu-

facturer’s instructions (Invitrogen). The isolated RNA was further purified

using RNeasy mini columns (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s in-

structions. cDNA was synthesized using SuperScript RTII reverse transcrip-

tase according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen).

To quantify gene expression using real timeRT-PCR, the forward and reverse

primers of each gene were as follows: 5#-ACGATCATTTAACCGCTTGG-3# and5#-CAAACATTGCTTCCATGTGC-3# for CYP79B2 (At4g15110); 5#-ACGAG-



GTGGTGAC-3# for SAG13 (At2g29350); 5#-AAACTGTTGGGCAACGAAAC-3#and 5#-AATGGCTGGTTTGACTCTGG-3# for WRKY53 (At4g23810); and


(At3g18780).Actin2was used as an internal control to normalize gene expression

across different samples. The reactions were conducted on a 7500 Real-Time

PCR system (Applied Biosystems) using SYBRGreen (Applied Biosystems)with

the following conditions: 95�C for 10min (13); 95�C for 15 s and 56.5�C for 1min

(403); followed by the dissociation curve analysis to verify the presence of a

single amplicon in each reaction. The fold change in the target gene, normalized

to Actin2 and relative to the gene expression in the control sample, was

calculated according to the comparative cycle threshold (DDct) method as

described (Libault et al., 2007).

Protein Extraction and Two-Dimensional PAGE

Total protein extracts from rosette leaves of 7-week-old plants grown in

short-day conditions were prepared as described (Noir et al., 2009). Briefly,

plant material was ground in liquid nitrogen, and 1 mL of extraction buffer

(50 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 10 mM EDTA, 10 mM dithiothreitol, 0.5% CHAPS, and one

protease inhibitor cocktail tablet [Roche]) was added. Proteins were extracted

by repeated cycles of vortexing and chilling. Cell debris was removed by

centrifugation, and the supernatant was subjected to TCA/acetone precipita-

tion. Two-dimensional PAGE and protein staining were performed as de-

scribed (Noir et al., 2009) except that 100 mg of protein was loaded per gel.

SeeBlue Plus2 prestained standard was used for estimating Mr values. False-

colored protein pattern overlays were generated using Proteomeweaver two-

dimensional analysis software version 4.0 (Bio-Rad).

Extraction of Secondary Metabolites and HPLC Analysis

Rosette leaves (leaf 7) of Col-0 and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant plants

were collected and frozen in liquid nitrogen. After addition of dimethyl

sulfoxide (50 mL 20 mg21 fresh weight), the tissue was homogenized using

zirconia beads (1 mm; Roth) in a Mini-Beadbeater-8 (Biospec Products) and

centrifuged for 15 min at 20,000g. The supernatants were collected and

subjected to HPLC on an Agilent 1100 HPLC system equipped with diode

array detector and fluorescence detector. Samples were analyzed on an

Atlantis T3 C18 column (150 mm 3 2.1 mm, 3 mm; Waters) using 0.1%

trifluoroacetic acid as solvent A and 98% acetonitrile/0.1% trifluoroacetic acid

as solvent B at a flow rate of 0.25 mL min21 at 22�C (gradient of solvent A:

100% at 0 min, 100% at 2 min, 90% at 9 min, 72% at 30 min, 50% at 33 min, 20%

at 40 min, and 100% at 41 min). Camalexin was analyzed on a Zorbax Extend-

C18 column (1003 2.1 mm, 3.5 mm; Agilent) using water as solvent A and 98%

acetonitrile as solvent B at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min21 at 22�C (gradient of

solvent A: 96% at 0 min, 96% at 3 min, 70% at 20 min, 20% at 33 min, and 0% at

34 min). The concentrations of the metabolites of interest were quantified

based on the comparison of their peak areas with those obtained during HPLC

analyses of known amounts of the respective compounds purified from plant

tissue (I3G) or synthetic (I3A, camalexin) standards.

Analysis of Chlorophyll Content

Approximately 20 wild-type and mutant plants were grown on soil in

long-day conditions. Three independent samples of leaf 7 were taken for each

genotype and time point, starting from 28 d after sowing, with intervals

ranging from 2 to 6 d. Chlorophyll was isolated from leaf tissue by homog-

enization in liquid nitrogen and subsequent extraction into 80% (v/v) acetone

saturated with KOH. After centrifugation (10 min, 13,000g), chlorophyll

concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically at 664, 647, and 750

nm (Strain et al., 1971; Pruzinska et al., 2005).

Fv/Fm Measurements

Fv/Fm was measured in vivo using a pulse amplitude modulation 101/103

fluorometer (Walz), starting from 28 d after sowing, at intervals of 2 to 6 d.

After 30 min of incubation in the dark, saturating pulses of white light (0.8 s,

6,000 mmol photons m22 s21) were applied and Fv/Fm was calculated (Varotto

et al., 2000; Pesaresi et al., 2002; Oh et al., 2003; Ihnatowicz et al., 2004). Leaf 7

of four independent plants grown in long-day conditions was used per

genotype and time point.

Dark-Induced Senescence

Leaf 5 from 4-week-old Arabidopsis plants grown in long-day conditions

were excised and placed on moisturized filter paper in petri dishes with the

adaxial side facing up. The plates were kept in darkness at 22�C and controlled

conditions for 4 d (Pruzinska et al., 2005; Guo and Gan, 2006).

Callose Deposition

For visualization of callose, samples were stained with aniline blue as

described (Adam and Somerville, 1996). Data were obtained from two inde-

pendent experiments with five plants each per genotype and experiment.

Quantification of Fungal Infection Success

For visualization of epiphytic fungal structures, specimens were briefly

stained in 0.6% Coomassie Brilliant Blue (in ethanol) and then rinsed with

water. Due to the small size of respective haustoria, differentiation of elon-

gating secondary hyphae served as an approximation of penetration success

in the powdery mildew species G. orontii and E. pisi. Data were obtained from

Consonni et al.

1558 Plant Physiol. Vol. 152, 2010 www.plantphysiol.orgon June 1, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from

Copyright © 2010 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

a minimum of three independent experiments with five plants each per

genotype and experiment.

Supplemental Data

The following materials are available in the online version of this article.

Supplemental Figure S1. Scheme of the Trp and indole biosynthetic


Supplemental Figure S2. Independent biological replicate of the analysis

of photosynthetic performance and chlorophyll content shown in

Figure 1A.

Supplemental Figure S3. Unsupervised hierarchical cluster of the micro-

array data.

Supplemental Figure S4. Independent biological replicate of the RT-PCR

analysis shown in Figure 3A.

Supplemental Figure S5. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis reveals no

differences between the proteomes of wild-type and mlo2 mlo6 mlo12

mutant plants.

Supplemental Figure S6. Accumulation of an unknown camalexin deriv-

ative in wild-type and mutant plants.

Supplemental Figure S7. Timing of events and phenotypes in the mlo2 or

mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant.

Supplemental Table S1. Genes identified as differentially regulated in the

mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant throughout development.


We thank Anja Reinstadler and Corinna Liller for excellent technical

assistance and Ania Ihnatowicz for help with the pulse amplitude modula-

tion measurement. We also acknowledge Dr. Imre Somssich for providing

seeds of the wrky53 mutant.

Received October 27, 2009; accepted December 14, 2009; published December

18, 2009.


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