
Making new friends

Heaton Avenue Primary School South ParadeCleckheatonBD19 3AEENGLAND

Ecole Fundamentale LEON MAISTRIAUJurbiseMonsBELGIUM

Aims of this visit:• To build pupils’ life skills• To add value to the learning of foreign languages,

i.e.French• Improves ICT skills. Children to produce presentations

about themselves. • To broaden children’s horizons and understanding of other

countries and cultures. Improves skills, knowledge and motivation.

• Develops a greater understanding of people and places outside the UK.

• To provide a practical and lively context for learning, as children enjoy finding out about life in other countries by communicating directly with their peers. Partnership work also improves pupils’ ICT, language and social abilities.

• To help our school become eligible for the DCSF International School Award for curriculum-based international work

4.55 Meet at school. Minibus leaves at 5.00am  

07:50 Ryanair Flight FR3238 from Manchester  

10:15 Arrive in Charleroi  

11.00 Minibus to Holiday Home La Ligule Rue Léon Polart 40, 7070 Mignault, Belgium


12.00 Lunch and unpack  

13.00 Eco walk around the area  

14.00 Prepare gifts, write letters, quick catch up on conversational French


16.00 Games on the field  

17.00 Minibus to the local town for dinner, Mignault  

19.00 Return to Holiday Home La Ligule  

19.15 ‘Late night’ swim Diary/Workbook  

20.15 Shower, hot chocolate, bed, diary  


Wednesday 17th June

When we arrived at the gites we were very tired but excited. We left our cases and went straight outside to explore. We walked into the village where there was a tiny school, a church and a boulangerie – but nothing else. It was beautiful!!!

… the first little pig built his house of straw…

The gites looked very old but were, in fact, only three years old.

Everything fitted in with our ECO-PALS project. The gites were made from wood and straw. These benches were cool!

The grounds were of the gite were simple but pretty, but there was nowhere to eat. So, we got dressed up and went into Mons. We had a typical Belgian meal … pizza! Well, almost typical!

7.00 Up, wash, dress  

7.15 Continental breakfast  

8.30 Minibus to the school  

9.00 European classroom – to be arranged  


12.00 Packed lunch with the children  

13.00 European classroom – to be arranged  


14.45 Drink and snack before leaving the school  

15.30 Train to Mons  

16.00 Cultural evening with photo opportunities. Walk to the town of Mons, the European city of culture 2015

Visit Van Gogh’s house (museum) showing some of his works of art

Visit ‘the monkey’ and hear the story

Walk back into town, climb the many steps up to the belfry and the garden of the Mayor.

Sit in the town square and listen to the story of the Doudou Fest, this took place on the weekend beginning the 29th May 2015.

If it is open, visit the collegiate church to see the carriage.

Time to shop for Belgian chocolate


19.00 Dinner in a local restaurant  

20.30 Return to Holiday Home La Ligule by minibus  

21.00 Shower/pack, hot chocolate and bed



Thursday 18th June

At school we mixed with our new friends.

In maths we made origami frogs. What a great way to learn about angles.

To share our languages we played


We had to count in French and they had to count in English. It was good fun.

Christopher had prepared a presentation about his family and about places of interest near Cleckheaton.

It was very interesting. He had written in both English and French and read it out in both languages.

Madame Anne-Sophie said, ‘Tres bien!’

Alicia never stopped talking all lunchtime! It’s amazing how we can all still communicate even though we do not speak the same language.

Games can be played by anyone and everyone.

For lunch we had: soup; fish, rice and beans and finished with a fresh peach. It was lovely!

This is the town hall in Jurbise. It was just across the road from the school.

Because there isn’t a field at L’ecole Leon Maistriau, they have their games lessons in the park behind this lovely building.

We shared the park with children from a special school. They had a barbecue and played a game that looked like rounders.

We played beach volley ball on a sandy court.

At the end, we sank down into the sand and laughed and laughed. We had had a busy but exciting time.

We were sad to leave the school but we all agreed that this was an experience we would never forget.

In the evening we went shopping and sight seeing in Mons. We heard all about the Doudou fest and looked at some photographs of the huge dragon.

We shopped for chocolates for our families and friends and stroked the monkey’s head with our left hand to bring us luck.

Finally, we finished our day with a huge steak, chips and mayonnaise - this time a typically Belgian meal!

   4.30 Minibus to Charleroi07:00 Return Flight FR3239 from Charleroi07:25 Land at Manchester airport9.30 Approximate arrival at school for you to collect your

intrepid explorers with their cases packed full of expensive chocolates!


Friday 19th June

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