Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on Brand Personality ... · Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..... 21 1. Introduction Brand personality

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International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 20

Triggering Impulsive Buying

Based on Brand Personality,

Promotion and Servicescape with

Mediation Shopping Emotion

Qori’atul Adawiyah1, Imam Suroso

2 & M. Dimyati


1Qori’atul Adawiyah, MM

Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Jember

Jember, Indonesia

2Dr. Imam Suroso, S.E., M.Si

Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Jember

Jember, Indonesia

3Dr. M. Dimyati, SE., M.Si

Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Jember

Jember, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to determine the direct influence of brand personality, promotion, and servicescape on

impulse buying through the mediation of wardah shopping emotion products in Roxi Banyuwangi. The research

was also conducted to find out indirect brand personality, promotion, and servicescape knowledge on impulse

buying through wardah shopping emotion in Roxy's Banyuwangi. This study was conducted in Roxi Banyuwangi at

the wardah cosmetic outlet. The population in this study was 140 people. The analytical tool used in this study is

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to determine the direct and indirect effects of independent variables with

dependent variables. The results of this study are that brand personality has a significant effect on shopping

emotion. Promotion has a significant effect on shopping emotion Servicescape has a significant effect on shopping.

Brand personality has a significant effect on impulse buying. Promotion has a significant effect on impulse buying.

Servicescape has a significant effect on impulse buying. Shopping emotion has a significant effect on impulse

buying. Shoping emotion mediation in the influence of brand personality on impulse buying in Roxy Banyuwangi

shows significant and positive effects. Shopping emotion mediation in the influence of promotion on impulse buying

in Roxy Banyuwangi shows significant and positive results. The shopping emotion mediation in the servicescape

influence on impulse buying in Roxy Banyuwangi showed significant results and had a positive effect.

Keywords: Brand Personality, Promotion, Servicescape, Impulse Buying, & Shopping Emotion.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 21

1. Introduction

Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are related to the brand. Brand personality is

important because it can add more value to the eyes of consumers for a brand and is also able to influence

consumer purchasing decisions (Best, 2007). Promotion is one element that has an important role in

marketing. Sales promotion is a form of direct persuasion through the use of various incentive tools to

encourage the purchase of a particular product or service quickly and increase the amount of goods

purchased by consumers (Tjiptono, 2008: 86). The various forms of sales promotion are the best known

POP or point of purchase. POP includes all visual forms created by brand owners, starting from display

installation, floor advertising to product placement with attractive shapes or sequences. Besides POP sales

promotions can also be done in the form of contests. Usually, product brand owners set up their booths and

hold several prize competitions. Another form is to give prizes that can be exchanged directly by making

discounts or providing gifts and samples attached to the products sold. In addition, retailers have the ability

to manipulate store environments in order to encourage impulse buying, one of which is to create a

convenient and attractive shopping environment so that consumers can enjoy shopping activities (Tjiptono,

2008: 97). Emotion shoping also includes one that affects impulse buying. Emotions are generally

triggered by environmental events (Solomon, 2007: 114). A person's mood or emotions or a person's

psychological condition at the time of purchase can have a big impact on what he buys or how he values

his purchases. At present the development of the Indonesian cosmetics industry is relatively solid. Wardah's

cosmetic product sales increase occurred from 2011 to 2012. In 2011, Mustika Ratu's products were the

first place to achieve the biggest sales in the cosmetics category, but Wardah took second place. In 2012

until 2015, Wardah took the position and conversely Mustika Ratu was second after Wardah. Although it

is at the top of 2012 until 2015, Wardah must remain vigilant against its competitors. It can be seen also

from the table above, that Wardah's sales increase was not too significant. For this reason, it is necessary to

carry out various ways so that consumers still decide to buy wardah cosmetic products.

The formulation of the problem in the research is:

a. Does the Brand Personality influence the shopping of consumer emotion and the impulse buying of

wardah products that buy in Roxy Banyuwangi?

b. Does the promotion affect the shopping of consumer emotion and the impulse buying of wardah

products that buy in Roxy Banyuwangi?

c. Does the influential servicescape of shoping emotion consumers and impulse buying wardah products

buy in Roxy Banyuwangi?

d. Does the consumer emotion affect the impulse buying of wardah products that buy in Roxy


2. Literature Review

Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that have relevance to the brand Best, et al (2007)

stating that. Brands with personalities tend to be more impressive and better than brands with no

personality, just as human brands can have various personalities such as being professional or being

competent in Aaker (2008). Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that brand personality is a

characteristic that exists in someone who has a relationship with a brand. Brand personality is important

because it can add value to the eyes of consumers for a brand. Aaker has developed a brand personality

dimension which is a framework for describing and measuring brand personality in five core dimensions.

Promotion is one part of a series of marketing activities for an item. Promotion is an activity in the

field of marketing which is a communication carried out by the company to buyers or consumers that

includes reporting, persuading, and influencing everything about goods and services produced for

consumers, while the activity aims to increase sales volume by attracting consumers' interest in making

decisions buy at the company. To clarify about the notion of promotion, here are some definitions of

promotion (Tjiptono, 2000: 219).

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 22

The Servicescape model shows that there is a balance between the response of customers and

employees. This means the same service environment can have a different impact on various customers,

depending on who the customer is and what he likes and is subjective. Servicescape is a style and physical

appearance of the elements of experience encountered by consumers in service delivery places (Lovelock,


Solomon (2012) Shopping Emotion a person's mood or someone's emotions or psychological

condition at the time of purchase can have a big impact on what is bought or how he judges his purchase.

From this definition it can be seen that emotions consist of three components, namely physiological,

behavioral and cognitive. Emotions which include feelings and moods are important factors in making

decisions by consumers.

Levy (2012) states that impulse buying is a purchase decision made by consumers in the place after

seeing the goods. Impulsive purchases of consumers often buy a product without being planned in advance

and not thinking about the consequences. The desire to buy without being planned often appears in stores

or in retail. Many factors cause consumers to buy goods without being planned. One factor that can cause

unplanned purchases is the display.

3. Methodology

This study uses confirmatory research because it aims to explain and test or prove a theory or

hypothesis to strengthen or reject existing research theories or hypotheses. The influence in question is the

brand personality influence of sales promotion and servicescape on impulse buying with shopping emotion

as an intervening variable. This study uses quuneruner and likert scale measurements to measure research


The population of this research is all consumers of wardah products who are making unplanned

purchases on wardah products in Roxy's Banyuwangi. The sampling technique used in this study is non-

probability sampling, namely the purposive method (purposive sampling) because there are no data, names

and addresses of the population. Purposive sampling, namely choosing a sample so that the sample criteria

obtained are really in accordance with the research that will be conducted. This is done because researchers

have understood that the information needed can be obtained from certain target groups who are able to

provide the desired information because they have such information and they meet the criteria determined

by the researcher. Roescoe (2003) states that more than 30 and less than 500 sample size are appropriate

for research. Ferdinand (2006: 62) states that the determination of a representative sample size depends on

the number of indicators multiplied by 5 for the minimum limit and 10 for the maximum limit. Refer to the

three opinions and based on the above considerations. The total indicator in this study was 21, so this study

used 147 samples (21x7 = 147). However, from the research conducted, samples that met the requirements

were only 140 samples.

Operational variables used in research;

a. Brand Personality (X1), the indicator (X1.1) Satisfaction, (X1.2) Attraction, (X1.3) Excellence, (X1.4)


b. Promotion (X2), the indicator (X2.1) Product tester, (X2.2) Price discount, (X2.3) Contest competition.

c. Servicscape (X3), the indicator (X3.1) Ambient Condition Dimension, (X3.2) Spatial Layout and

Functionality Dimensions, (X3.3) Dimension Signs, Symbols and Artifacts.

d. Shopping Emotion (Y1) indicator (Y1.1) Pleasure, (Y1.2) Arousal, (Y1.3) Dominance.

e. Impulse Buying (Y2) indicator (Y2.1) Urgency to buy, (Y2.2) Positive effect, (Y2.3) Negative effect,

(Y2.4) Looking at the store, (Y2.5) Enjoyment spending, (Y2.6) Time availability, (Y2.7) Availability

of money, (Y2.8) Trend of impulse purchases,

Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS software program, as one of

multivariate analysis techniques, confirmatory allows analysis of a series of simultaneous relationships so

as to provide systematic efficiency.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 23

4. Research Result

4.1 Characteristics of Respondents

The respondents with the most or the majority of respondents who are consumers of Wardah

products are respondents aged between 20-30 years, are 52.86%, while the minority of respondents who

are consumers of Wardah products are respondents aged between 31-40 years 30%, 41-50 year 10.71%

and more than 50 years 6.43%. The majority of wardah users are between the ages of 20-30 years because

young people have a high curiosity so they are very enthusiastic to try a new product other than that it is

supported by endorser from public figures who may be some of their endorsers.

The respondents with the most or the majority of respondents who are consumers of Wardah

products are 57.86% of respondents who work as private employees, while the minority of respondents

who are consumers of Wardah products are respondents who work as civil servants 2.86%, entrepreneurs

19.29% , housewives 17.14% and students 2.86%. Why in terms of characteristics based on the profession,

the majority are private employees because private employees of beauty are important things in supporting

their work. The respondents with the most or the majority of respondents who were consumers of Wardah

products were income earners of between 2 million and 5 million, 67.14%, while the minority of

respondents who were consumers of Wardah products were respondents with income of less than 2 million

5 million 13.57%. Because by looking at this condition Wardah products are demanded by the majority of

middle class people because with a salary of 5 million and above they will tend to look for other products

that are more expensive.

The respondents with the most or the majority of respondents who are consumers of Wardah

products are 56.43% unmarried respondents, while the minority of respondents who are consumers of

Wardah products are 43.57% married. People who are not married tend to want to try new things including

beauty products to support their appearance.

4.2 Instrument Test

The results of validity and reliability test show that the value of t (indicated by the value of C.R) for

loading significance of 0.05 (critical value = 1.96), as well as the probability value is smaller than α (0.05).

So it can be concluded that all variables are significantly related to the construct (all indicators are valid).

The construct reliability is 0.782, 0.654, 0.721, 0.655 and 0.858, above the recommended value of at least

0.6 - 0.7 so all indicators or variables are reliable.

4.3 Structual Equation Modelling Assumptions

a. Normality test

The results of the normality test (assessment of normality (CR) (attachment 5) give a CR value of

1.803 located between -1.96 (-1.96 ≤ 1.803 ≤ 1.96 (α = 0.05), so that it can be said that the data is

normal multivariate, in addition to normal non-variate data also indicated by all critical ratio values of

all indicators between -1.96 (-1.96 ≤ CR ≤ 1.96 (α = 0.05).

b. Multicolinierity test

A very small or near zero determinant value indicates an indication of a multicollinearity or singularity

problem, so that the data cannot be used for research. The determinant of sample covariance matrix is


c. Outliers test

The value of the expensive distance based on the value of Chi Square on the free degree (the number

of indicator variables and variables) at the significance level of 0.05 was 32,671 (based on the X2 df

21 distribution table). The outlier test results showed that none of the cases had Mahalanobis distance

values greater than 32,671, so it could be concluded that there were no multivariate outliers in the


International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 24

4.4 Structual Equation Modelling Analysis a. Model Confirmatory Test (Goodness-Of-Fit Test)

Table 1. Model Suitability Index

Criteria Cutt Off Value Result Explanation

Chi-square Less than (< X

2 with df

149 is 178,485) 158,807 Good

Sig. > 0,05 0,303 Influence

RMSEA ≤ 0,08 0,042 Influence

GFI ≥ 0,90 0,963 Influence

AGFI ≥ 0,90 0,847 Not Influence

CMIN/ DF ≤ 2 or 3 1,065 Influence

TLI ≥ 0,90 0,968 Influence

CFI ≥ 0,90 0,957 Influence

Source: Data Analysis, 2018

Based on Table 1, it is known that out of the eight criteria used to assess whether or not a model is

feasible, there is only one criterion that is declared non-influential, but overall it can be said that the

suitability of the model is good and acceptable which means there is a match between the model and the


b. Causality Test

Figure 2. Results of Structural Equation Modeling

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 25

Table 2. Causality Testing Results

Variable Path CR Probability Explanation

X1 Z 0,349 3,733 0,000 Significant

X2 Z 0,254 2,747 0,000 Significant

X3 Z 0,292 3,173 0,000 Significant

X1 Y 0,327 3,471 0,000 Significant

X2 Y 0,221 2,381 0,002 Significant

X3 Y 0,264 2,815 0,000 Significant

Z Y 0,483 5,155 0,000 Significant

Source: Data Analysis, 2018

Based on the results of testing the path coefficients in Table 2;

Z = 0,349 X1 + 0,254 X2 + 0,292 X3

Y = 0,327 X1 + 0,221 X2 + 0,264 X3 + 0,483 Z

4.3 Direct Effect

Table 3. Direct Effect

Direct Effect Estimate

X1 Z 34,9%

X2 Z 25,4%

X3 Z 29,2%

X1 Y 32,7%

X2 Y 22,1%

X3 Y 26,4%

Z Y 48,3%

Source: Data Analysis, 2018

a) The direct influence of brand personality on shopping emotion for consumers of wardah products in

Roxy Banyuwangi is 34.9%;

b) The direct effect of sales promotions on shopping emotion for consumers of wardah products in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 25.4%;

c) The direct effect of servicescape on shopping emotion for consumers of wardah products in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 29.2%;

d) The direct influence of brand personality on the impulse buying of wardah product consumers in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 32.7%;

e) The direct effect of promotion on the impulse buying of wardah product consumers in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 22.1%;

f) The direct effect of service scape on the impulse buying of wardah product consumers in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 26.4%;

g) The direct effect of shopping emotion on the impulse buying of consumers of wardah products in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 48.3%.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 26

4.4 Indirect Effect

Table 5. Indirect Effect

Indirect Effect Estimate

X1 Z Y 29,6%

X2 Z Y 20,9%

X3 Z Y 23,5%

Source: Data Analysis, 2018

a) The indirect influence of brand personality through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of wardah

product consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi is 29.6%;

b) The indirect effect of sales promotion through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of consumers of

wardah products in Roxy Banyuwangi is 20.9%;

c) The indirect effect of servicescape through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of consumers of

wardah products in Roxy Banyuwangi was 23.5%.

4.5 Total Effect

Table 6. Total Effect

Total Effect Estimate

Z X1 Z Y 45,3%; 62,8%

Z X2 Z Y 30,5%; 44,9%

Z X3 Z Y 39,1%; 53,2%

Source: Data Analysis, 2018

a) The total influence of brand personality on impulse buying is 45.3% and the total influence of brand

personality through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of wardah product consumers in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 62.8%;

b) The total effect of sales promotion on impulse buying is 30.5% and the total effect of sales promotion

through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of consumers of wardah products in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 44.9%;

c) The total effect of service scape on impulse buying is 39.1% and the total effect of service scape

through shopping emotion on the impulse buying of consumers of wardah products in Roxy

Banyuwangi is 53.2%.

5. Discussion

The research conducted shows that the brand personality that exists in the consumers of wardah

products has provided a tendency of influence of 34.9%. Customers who have a connection with wardah

products, of course, will be able to find out that the products in the cosmetics are of good quality.

Customers from wardah cosmetic products that have relevance to the products offered because they have a

good impression will certainly have an effect on these customers to find and buy a new product that they

find useful. Wardah cosmetics products also have a brand that attracts interest from their customers to be

able to buy products offered at Roxy because the products are affordable to their customers. Kosmetik

wardah also has the advantage of giving a halal label to the products it offers so it will still be able to

attract customers to buy and use it. The research shows that the consumer brand personality of wardah

Roxy Banyuwangi cosmetic products has provided an influence tendency of 32.7%. The brand personality

of wardah products offered to its customers will certainly attract interest from its customers to be able to

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 27

buy the products they offer. Wardah products that continue to develop according to the needs of their

customers and follow a growing trend will trigger customers to find out about products that are in trend

and become a necessity for them. When a product is sought according to the trends and needs of its

customers, customers will immediately buy the product even though the product is bought based on a

purchase that was not planned by him beforehand. Wardah products do give a pleasant impression on the

use and appeal of the use of cosmetic products that have been demonstrated by the cosmetic services in

Roxy, customers will see the influence of the use of these products, and often customers immediately

decide to buy them because they have seen results awesome.

The research conducted shows that the sales promotion of wardah products in Roxy Banyuwangi has

provided an influence tendency of 25.4%. Sales promotion is done by giving an example to its customers

to try it, of course it will be felt very beneficial for prospective customers, so that prospective customers

will be able to try and feel then will decide to buy products that suit their needs. Wardah cosmetic products

also provide discounts that are in accordance with the expectations of their customers, so the price offered

will be cheaper than the actual price. Benefit from wardah cosmetic customers is to be able to buy at a

cheaper and affordable price. Sales promotions conducted at Roxy also provide a demo to its customers so

that their customers can try and find out the quality of new products offered so that customers will properly

understand the products being offered to them. The research conducted, showed that sales promotion

carried out by service officers from wardah cosmetic products had provided a tendency of influence of

22.1%. For customers who are looking at wardah cosmetics products for sale, of course the service officers

will provide a tester or trial to their customers. The tester given will determine the next process because the

customer has tried the product as the tester. Customers who are suitable and suitable with the new product

offered by considering the availability of money they have will then quickly decide to buy the product

being offered because the tester with good results, and also an affordable price discount. Customers'

interest in wardah cosmetic products also lies in demonstrations or performances given by cosmetic

officers who provide services and offers to their customers, customers will have more trust when they

know the results of using wardah products that are very good for the face. Customers will not hesitate and

will decide to buy spontaneously for products that have been seen before because they have good results.

The research conducted shows that service scape from wardah products in Roxy Banyuwangi has

provided an influence tendency of 29.2%. The sale of wardah cosmetics products at Roxy is also triggered

by the presence of friendly servants in serving their customers, customers will accept it as a sense of

respect and customers will be very happy with the service. Friendly service by offering certain product

offers will stimulate buying the product even though the product is already owned by its customers, but for

backup products and additions it is a natural thing to be bought by its customers. The place provided in

product offerings is also important in getting its customer, customers who feel comfortable with the place

that is used as a place for demonstrations and good product offerings will certainly provide an appropriate

feeling and provide a good image that wardah cosmetic products have an image place of offer in

accordance with the products it offers. The research conducted shows that the servicescape at wardah

cosmetics product offerings in Roxy has provided an influential tendency of 26.4%. Customers will greatly

consider the existence of friendly service to visitors of products that only find out and then buy it. Service

officers will provide good use instructions to prospective customers to stay interested and buy the product.

Many of the customers, with friendly service and adequate facilities in the location of offering wardah

cosmetic products, are tempted to be able to buy the product, and then buy it. A good arrangement of

places where wardah cosmetics products are offered that do provide an image of beauty and hygiene in a

product will certainly give customers the confidence to be interested and trigger a purchase process that is

not actually planned beforehand. There are also many customers who remain interested because they have

the characteristics of the product to be maintained in wardah packaging and cosmetic products, this will be

a symbol for customers to be able to easily find the original and new products offered. Products with

distinctive features will be able to trigger the purchasing process because customers understand quality

products and new products that suit their needs.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 20 - 31

Zambrut Publication date, 9 November 2018.

Adawiyah, Q., Suroso, I. & Dimyati, M. 2018. Triggering Impulsive Buying Based on ..................... 28

Research shows that shopping emotion from customers of wardah cosmetic products in Roxy

Banyuwangi has provided a tendency of influence of 48.3%. Shopping emotion from wardah cosmetic

product customers is very important in purchasing wardah products. Lots of prospective customers at Roxy

are happy to see a variety of products that are neatly arranged and their hearts are happy, of course, the

existing offers will get a good response from the prospective buyers. Prospective buyers who are feeling

happy will certainly be very easily triggered by a quality product offering with good tester results and

according to the needs of their customers. Customers will not hesitate to buy spontaneously even though

previously they did not plan to buy wardah cosmetic products, but with the pleasure and tester that has

been given, the customers will buy the product without much thought, but the product is still in accordance

with their needs. New products at relatively affordable prices will certainly give good consideration in

triggering the purchase of a new product offered at Roxy. Customers will sympathize with new products at

relatively affordable prices, and customers will continue to buy these products based on prices and new

products that suit their needs.

6. Conclusion

The conclusion of this study are ;

a. This proves that a brand personality that is attractive and provides trust will increase shopping emotion

for consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

b. This proves that sales promotions carried out by giving a tester and also discounts will increase

shopping emotion for wardah consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

c. This proves that servicescape is good and has a characteristic and also the type of layout that will

increase shopping emotion for consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

d. This proves that brand personality that has the attraction and satisfaction created by wardah cosmetics

will increase impulse buying for wardah consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

e. This proves that attractive promotions such as conducting a demo or discount on the latest products will

increase impulse buying for wardah consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

f. This proves that attractive and appropriate servicescape as well as layout according to the type of

cosmetics or friendly service will increase impulse buying for wardah consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

g. This proves that shopping emotion that is fun and creates a good mood will increase impulse buying for

wardah consumers in Roxy Banyuwangi.

7. Recommendation

Recommendation based on the results of this study are ;

a. The provider of wardah cosmetic product is encouraged to increase the brand personality of existing

products and new products offered by their customers.

b. Wardah cosmetics product providers are encouraged to be able to further increase sales promotion by

providing a tester and price offer that is more suitable for the new products they offer.

c. The provider of wardah cosmetic product is encouraged to further evaluate and improve the

servicescape of the services used in the product offerings that have been made to their customers.

d. It is expected that the next researcher can include male respondents because the presence of female

respondents only shows the results that shopping emotion is not so important in the indirect effect.

Maybe with some reason include male consumers because it can be a male person in impulse buying

more using his mood than the factors in the indicator of impulse buying.

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