
Treatment Sheet

5 Seconds Of Summer

“Heartbreak Girl”

Gillian FerriesHartlepool Sixth Form CollegeBrinkburn, Blakelock RoadHartlepool, TS25 Concept

The themes of love and obliviousness will run throughout the video and will illustrate the lyrics of the song clearly within the narrative. “Heartbreak Girl” is about a male whom is in love with one of his friends, but the she doesn’t know it and continuously keeps him in the ‘friend zone’. Luke will take on the role of the love struck male, as well as being a part of the band performances. A female actress will be brought in to play the friend and an extra male will be brought in to play her ex-boyfriend. Throughout the video Luke will be seen to be comforting the girl, or just hanging out with her, but will be looking at her with affection that her character does not recognise. Towards the end of the video the girl will be seen to have developed feeling of more than friendship for Luke’s character, finally reciprocating his feelings. During the video the camera will continuously cut back to the band performing as Luke is not the only artist and 5 Seconds Of Summer are a group, not a singular performer. Creative camera techniques as well as good quality editing are just as important as the actor(s) performance in ensuring that the video is of a good quality as well as being true to the genre and the artist(s) image.

Performance & Narrative

Like the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer’s music videos, their performance and ability to bring their unique personalities to the video will be crucial. As this is an illustrative video combining both performance and narrative Luke will be required to strongly show emotion and feeling towards the lyrics though body language and facial expressions whilst following the narrative. The actress playing the female role must be able to believably portray emotions ranging from heartbroken to joyous depending on which scene is being filmed. The girl’s ex-boyfriend will have to be able to portray a sense of indifference to her tears as he leaves her, and later on argue with the girl to the point of upsetting her again. The rest of the band will look relaxed yet concentrated on what they are doing whilst they tune, practice and play instruments as they do will not be playing key roles in the narrative but are simply being themselves. The narrative will consist of partial performance, but mostly a plotline following Luke and his friend whom he comforts, cares for and spends time. We will see the two walking down the street like regular friends, watching videos on a laptop together and talking over the phone. The video will conclude with the pair finally being more than friends as the end scene will but off right before they kiss.

Camera & Editing

A variety of shots will be used within the video, ranging from artist close-ups that follow genre conventions very closely, to

some wider shots that show more background than is usual. For the performance shots there will be a heavy focus on the instruments rather than the actors in order to showcase and highlight the music and their talent. Narrative shots will be considerably longer than longer than the performance shots, in order to emphasise the importance and shift the majority of the audiences focus onto the narrative side of the video. During the post-production editing process I plan to use performance shots to break-up the narrative footage, either to fill I gaps between ‘scenes’ or to become a sort of ellipses within the same scene between two shots leaving a time gap.


There will be two different ways of lighting used within my video as I have two different strands to it.

For the narrative side I plan to use as much natural light when filming as possible as the narrative is supposed to represent real life events and occurrences, therefor; the use of daylight will relate better to the audiences. Thus drawing them in to the video, catching there interest and attention as it will connect with the readers emotionally, and hopefully receiving a more emotional response.

As for the performance side of the video I will be shooting the footage in the college theatre. This will provide me the opportunity to both adjust the house lights to focus on the band, as well as using studio lights that will be specifically aimed at the band also. This will imitate the usual use of spotlights to direct the audience’s attention to the main subject; the band’s performance.

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