Tips to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Naturally Whiten your Teeth

Having white teeth is very important for your beautiful smile. To maintain your beautiful smile follow this tips….

Try to have crunchy foods like cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, apples because these removes sugars and chemicals from your teeth which causes strain and cavities.

Always rinse your mouth after having food because it will help you to prevent strain and decay.

According to recent studies, eating a bit of cheese after having food is really good for the teeth. It prevents tooth decay and promote enamel re-mineralization. In addition, Milk and yogurt are also helpful to keep your teeth cavity free.

Brush and Floss really plays an important role to prevent your teeth from discoloration.

Baking Soda

You can also use “Baking Soda” as a teeth whitener because it not only bleaches your teeth but also cleans your teeth. For that you have to make a paste contains little bit of baking soda, water and salt.

Chew sugar free Xylitol gum because, it helps to prevent plaque as well as neutralize pH levels in the mouth and also increases saliva production.

Sparkles R Us offers the best teeth whitening services in Perth. You will fill confidant with our services. We are the only dental clinic in Perth offers cost effective, painless, long lasting and fast dental treatment. Customers utmost satisfaction is our main motto. Effective and safe ICANS technology we use for teeth whitening.

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