Think Like Spark: Some Spark Concepts and a Use Case

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Think Like Spark Some Spark Concepts & A Use Case

Who am I?

• Software engineer, data scientist, and Spark enthusiast at Alpine Data (SF Based Analytics Company)

• Co – Author High Performance Spark

Linked in:

• Slide share:

• Github : rachelwarren. Code for this talk

• Twitter: @warre_n_peace


• A little Spark architecture: How are Spark jobs evaluated?

Why does that matter for performance?

• Execution context: driver, executors, partitions, cores

• Spark Application hierarchy: jobs/stages/tasks

• Actions vs. Transformations (lazy evaluation)

• Wide vs. Narrow Transformations (shuffles & data locality)

• Apply what we have learned with four versions of the

same algorithm to find rank statistics

What is Spark?

Distributed computing framework. Must run in tandem with a data storage system

- Standalone (For Local Testing)

- Cloud (S3, EC2)

- Distributed storage, with cluster manager,

- (Hadoop Yarn, Apache Messos)

Built around and abstraction called RDDs “Resilient, Distributed, Datasets”

- Lazily evaluated, immutable, distributed collection of partition objects

What happens when I launch

a Spark Application?



ExecutorExecutor Executor Executor

Stable storage e.g. HDFS

All instructions come from driver (arrows

show instructions not transfer of records)

Cluster manager helps

coordinate actual transfer of

records between nodes

One node may

have several

executors, but

each executor

must fit on one


One Spark Executor

• One JVM for in memory computations / storage

• Partitions care computed on executors

• Tasks correspond to partitions

• dynamically allocated slots for running tasks

(max concurrent tasks = executor cores x executors)

• Caching takes up space on executors Partitions / Tasks


Two Most common cases of failures

1. Failure during shuffle stage

Moving data between Partitions requires communication with the driver

Moving data between nodes required reading and writing shuffle files

2. Out of memory errors on executors and driver

The driver and each executor have a static amount of memory*

*dynamic allocation allows changing the number of executors

How are Jobs Evaluated?

API Call Execution Element

Computation to evaluation one partition (combine

narrow transforms)

Wide transformations (sort, groupByKey)

Actions (e.g. collect, saveAsTextFile)

Spark Context Object Spark




Task Task

StageExecuted in


Executed in


Types Of Spark Operations



• Force execution: Each job ends in exactly one action

• Three Kinds

• Move data to driver: collect, take, count

• Move data to external system Write / Save

• Force evaluation: foreach



• Lazily evaluated

• Can be combined and

executed in one pass of

the data

• Computed on Spark


Implications of Lazy Evaluation


• Debugging =

• Lineage graph is built backwards from action to reading in data or persist/ cache/ checkpoint if you aren’t careful you will repeat computations *

* some times we get help from shuffle files


• Spark can combine some types of transformations and execute them in a single task

• We only compute partitions that we need

Types of Transformations


• Never require a shuffle

• map, mapPartitions, filter

• coalesce*

• Input partitions >= output partitions

• & output partitions known at design time

• A sequence of narrow transformations are combined and executed in one stage as several tasks


• May require a shuffle

• sort, groupByKey, reduceByKey, join

• Requires data movement

• Partitioning depends on data it self (not known at design time)

• Cause stage boundary: Stage 2 cannot be computed until all the partitions in Stage 1 are computed.

Partition Dependencies for

input and output partitions

Narrow Wide

Implications of Shuffles

• Narrow transformations are faster/ more parallelizable

• Narrow transformation must be written so that they can

be computed on any subset of records

• Narrow transformations can rely on some partitioning

information (partition remains constant in each stage)*

• Wide transformations may distribute data unevenly across

machines (depends on value of the key)

• Shuffle files can prevent re-computation

*we can loose partitioning information with map or

mapPartitions(preservesPartitioner = false)

The “Goldilocks Use Case”

Rank Statistics on Wide Data

Design an application that would takes an arbitrary list of

longs `n1`...`nk` and return the `nth` best element in each

column of a DataFrame of doubles.

For example, if the input list is (8, 1000, and 20 million),

our function would need to return the 8th, 1000th and 20

millionth largest element in each column.

Input Data

If we were looking for 2 and 4th elements, result would be:

V0: Iterative solution

Loop through each column:

• map to value in the one column

• Sort the column

• Zip with index and filter for the correct rank statistic (i.e.

nth element)

• Add the result for each column to a map

def findRankStatistics(

dataFrame: DataFrame, ranks: List[Long]): Map[Int, Iterable[Double]] = {

val numberOfColumns = dataFrame.schema.length

var i = 0

var result = Map[Int, Iterable[Double]]()


while(i < numberOfColumns){

val col = => row.getDouble(i))

val sortedCol : RDD[(Double, Long)] =

col.sortBy(v => v).zipWithIndex()

val ranksOnly = sortedCol.filter{

//rank statistics are indexed from one

case (colValue, index) => ranks.contains(index + 1)


val list = ranksOnly.collect()

result += (i -> list)





Persist prevents

multiple data reads

SortBy is Spark’s sort

V0 = Too Many Sorts

• Turtle Picture

• One distributed sort

per column

(800 cols = 800 sorts)

• Each of these sorts

is executed in


• Cannot save

partitioning data

between sorts

300 Million rows

takes days!

V1: Parallelize by Column

• The work to sort each column can be done without

information about the other columns

• Can map the data to (column index, value) pairs

• GroupByKey on column index

• Sort each group

• Filter for desired rank statistics

Get (Col Index, Value Pairs)

private def getValueColumnPairs(dataFrame : DataFrame): RDD[(Double,

Int)] = {


row: Row =>{

case (v, index) =>

(v.toString.toDouble, index)}



Flatmap is a narrow transformation

Column Index Value

1 15.0

1 2.0

.. …

GroupByKey Solution

• def findRankStatistics(dataFrame: DataFrame ,ranks: List[Long]): Map[Int, Iterable[Double]] = {require(ranks.forall(_ > 0))//Map to column index, value pairsval pairRDD: RDD[(Int, Double)] = mapToKeyValuePairs(dataFrame)

val groupColumns: RDD[(Int, Iterable[Double])] = pairRDD.groupByKey()groupColumns.mapValues(

iter => {//convert to an array and sortval sortedIter = iter.toArray.sorted

sortedIter.toIterable.zipWithIndex.flatMap({case (colValue, index) =>if (ranks.contains(index + 1))




V1. Faster on Small Data fails on Big Data

300 K rows = quick

300 M rows = fails

Problems with V1

• GroupByKey puts records from all the columns with the

same hash value on the same partition THEN loads them

into memory

• All columns with the same hash value have to fit in

memory on each executor

• Can’t start the sorting until after the groupByKey phase

has finished


• Takes a custom partitioner, partitions data according to

that partitioner and then on each partition sorts data by

the implicit ordering of the keys

• Pushes some of the sorting work for each partition into

the shuffle stage

• Partitioning can be different from ordering (e.g. partition

on part of a key)

• SortByKey uses this function with a range partitioner

V2 : Secondary Sort Style

1. Define a custom partitioner which partitions on column


2. Map to pairs to ((columnIndex, cellValue), 1) so that the

key is the column index AND cellvalue.

3. Use ‘partitionAndSortWithinPartitions’: with the

custom partitioner to sort all records on each partition

by column index and then value

4. Use mapPartitions to filter for the correct rank statistics


With Map Partitions

• Iterators are not collections. They are a routine for

accessing each element

• Allows Spark to selectively spill to disk

• Don’t need to put all elements into memory

In our case: Prevents loading each column into memory

after the sorting stage

• class ColumnIndexPartition(override val numPartitions: Int)

extends Partitioner {

require(numPartitions >= 0, s"Number of partitions " +

s"($numPartitions) cannot be negative.")

override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {

val k = key.asInstanceOf[(Int, Double)]

Math.abs(k._1) % numPartitions //hashcode of column index



Define a custom partition which partitions according to

Hash Value of the column index (first half of key)

def findRankStatistics(pairRDD: RDD[(Int, Double)],

targetRanks: List[Long], partitions: Int) = {

val partitioner = new ColumnIndexPartition(partitions)

val sorted =



V2: Secondary Sort

Repartition + sort using

Hash Partitioner

val filterForTargetIndex = sorted.mapPartitions(iter => {

var currentColumnIndex = -1

var runningTotal = 0


case (((colIndex, value), _)) =>

if (colIndex != currentColumnIndex) { //new column

//reset to the new column index

currentColumnIndex = colIndex runningTotal = 1

} else {

runningTotal += 1


if (targetRanks.contains(runningTotal)) {

Iterator((colIndex, value))

} else {




}, preservesPartitioning = true)



V2: Secondary Sort



flatMap can be like both

map and filter

V2: Still Fails

We don’t have put each column into memory on on


but columns with the same hash value still have to be able

to fit on one partition

Back to the drawing board

• Narrow transformations are quick and easy to parallelize

• Partition locality can be retained across narrow transformations

• Wide transformations are best with many unique keys.

• Using iterator-to-iterator transforms in mapPartitions prevents

whole partitions from being loaded into memory

• We can rely on shuffle files to prevent re-computation of a

wide transformations be several subsequent actions

We can solve the problem with one sortByKey and three map


V3: Mo Parallel, Mo Better

1. Map to (cell value, column index) pairs

2. Do one very large sortByKey

3. Use mapPartitions to count the values per column on each partition

4. (Locally) using the results of 3 compute location of each rank statistic on each partition

5. Revisit each partition and find the correct rank statistics using the information from step 4.

e.g. If the first partition has 10 elements from one column . The13th element will be the third element on the second partition in that column.

def findRankStatistics(dataFrame: DataFrame, targetRanks: List[Long]):

Map[Int, Iterable[Double]] = {

val valueColumnPairs: RDD[(Double, Int)] = getValueColumnPairs(dataFrame)

val sortedValueColumnPairs = valueColumnPairs.sortByKey()


val numOfColumns = dataFrame.schema.length

val partitionColumnsFreq =

getColumnsFreqPerPartition(sortedValueColumnPairs, numOfColumns)

val ranksLocations =

getRanksLocationsWithinEachPart(targetRanks, partitionColumnsFreq, numOfColumns)

val targetRanksValues = findTargetRanksIteratively(sortedValueColumnPairs, ranksLocations)



Complete code here:


1. Map to (val, col) pairs

2. Sort

3. Count per partition


5. Filter for element

computed in 4

Complete code here:





V3: Still Blows up!

• First partitions show lots of failures and straggler tasks

• Jobs lags or fails in the sort stage and fails in final

mapPartitions stage

More digging reveled data was not evenly distributed

Data skew¼ of columns are zero

V4: Distinct values per Partition

• Instead of mapping from (value, column index pairs),

map to ((value, column index), count) pairs on each


e. g. if on a given partition, there are ten rows with 0.0 in

the 2nd column, we could save just one tuple:

(0.0, 2), 10)

• Use same sort and mapPartitions routines, but adjusted

for counts of records not unique records.

Different Key

column0 column2

2.0 3.0

0.0 3.0

0.0 1.0

0.0 0.0

(value, column Index), count)

((2.0, 0), 1)

(2.0,0), 3)

(3.0, 1), 2) ….

V4: Get (value, o

• Code for V4

def getAggregatedValueColumnPairs(dataFrame : DataFrame) : RDD[((Double, Int),

Long)] = {

val aggregatedValueColumnRDD = dataFrame.rdd.mapPartitions(rows => {

val valueColumnMap = new mutable.HashMap[(Double, Int), Long]()

rows.foreach(row => {


case (value, columnIndex) =>

val key = (value.toString.toDouble, columnIndex)

val count = valueColumnMap.getOrElseUpdate(key, 0)

valueColumnMap.update(key, count + 1)







Map to ((value, column Index) ,count)

Using a hashmap to keep track of uniques

Code for V4

• Lots more code to complete the whole algorithm






V4: Success!

• 4 times faster than previous

solution on small data

• More robust, more

parallelizable! Scaling to

billions of rows!

Happy Goldilocks!

Why is V4: Better


• Sorting 75% of original records

• Most keys are distinct

• No stragglers, easy to parallelize

• Can parallelize in many different ways


• Sometimes performance looks ugly

• Best unit of parallelization? Not always the most intuitive

• Shuffle Less

• Push work into narrow transformations

• leverage data locality to prevent shuffles

• Shuffle Better

• Shuffle fewer records

• Use narrow transformations to filter or reduce before shuffling

• Shuffle across keys that are well distributed

• Best if records associated with one key fit in memory

• Know you data

Before We Part …

• Alpine Data is hiring!

• Buy my book!

Also contact me if you are interested in being a reviewer

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