The very hungry caterpillar

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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2 lessons for 6 year-old children



Laura González

Project data Pupils’ age: 6 Objectives of the lesson:1) to increase the vocabulary related to

food2) to express likes and dislikes3) to listen to and sing the song about fruit4) to listen to the story and invent another

one Time: 2 lessons 45 minutes each


Warm up Magic box – the teacher takes out a cook

hat or an apron and puts it on

The t. asks the children about the topic The t. shows a poster of a supermarket

and asks whether they know any words presented in it

Presentation The t. presents the vocabulary using

flashcards - FRUIT-PALAKT.docx Game „Teacher’s guesses” – all the

flashcards are put on the board; one pupil choses the flashcard; the teacher can’t see them and then he/she has to guess which one has been chosen

Language Acquisition

Practice Repeating the words Pass the flashcard – the pupils have flashcards

and they have to pass them when music is on; when it is off, they have to stop and say who has got what

TPR activity – „Eat an apple/ Peel a banana, etc.”

Worksheet – follow teacher’s instructions: „Colour the apple red” - 009-food-coloring-page-free.gif

Language Use in a Creative Context

Production Song:

Reproducing the song with other food products

Performance Action


Warm up Feely bag Singing the song with the names of the

things which are in the bag

Process and Product Orientation

Presentation The teacher presents the structures: I like

and I don’t like and I’m hungry through the story „The very hungry caterpillar” (using the flashcards)

Language Acquisition

Practice Miming – the t. says the sentences and

the pupils put up „I like” or „I don’t like” signs

Changing places – the pupils have to draw 3 things they like and 3 things they don’t like and then they listen to the t. and play the game

Language Use in Creative ContextPerformance Action

Production Creating another story about a different

animal eating different food (cut, paste&draw, in pairs)

Telling a new version of the story along with the teacher

Creative Oral PresentationVisualisation of Results

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