The Simple SEO Checklist - Kristen Checklist No more cringing at the thought of SEO or hard to follow strategies

Post on 09-May-2018






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Transcript SEO Checklist

The Simple SEO Checklist

Increase Your Website Traffic With This Simple Step By Step SEO Checklist SEO Checklist

No more cringing at the thought of SEO or hard to follow strategies that leave you feeling dazed and confused. This simple15-minute on Page SEO Strategy will increase your traffic and help more people find your content! Before you get started you need to have 3 things in place:

1. SEO by Yoast Plugin 2. A Gmail account so you can log into the Google Keyword Planner 3. 301 Redirect plugin so you can redirect the old permalink to the

updated permalink and not have any broken links!

STEP ONE: Locate your most popular content

Go into your Google analytics account and click on Behavior and then on Site Content then All Pages.

Change the date range to 90 days like this:

Locate and make a list of your top performing posts and start with those!

STEP TWO: Go to the Google Keyword Planner and enter your page URL.

Open the keyword planner and copy in the URL of your post. The Keyword planner will analyze and come up with a list of suggested keywords for you. SEO Checklist

STEP THREE: Use the Keyword planner to strategize your keywords.

Find keywords with between 300- 700 searches with medium or low competition. These will work best for your purposes.

If you don’t find one that fits, use the suggested keywords and start drilling down using the keyword planner.

The point is to just get this done and don’t obsess over the perfect keyword!

STEP FOUR: Update your content with your new keywords.

Make these changes:

a. Update your permalink with the new keyword

b. Add it to your title SEO Checklist

c. Add it into your content preferably in the

first few sentences, in a subtitle and at the end of your blog post. Remember you don’t want to stuff keywords, rather add them in where they fit naturally.

d. Change the alt text of your featured image to include you new keyword.

STEP FIVE: Set up your re-direct- no one wants a broken link!

Use the 301 redirect plugin to set up your redirect if you have previously published this article or linked to it from somewhere else.

STEP SIX: Publish or update your post

Now you’re ready to hit update or publish.

STEP SEVEN: Promote out on Social Media

Yes its smart to promote your content again on Social Media, even if you have published it out there before. A good idea is to go through your post if it is old and give it a good thorough edit, change the image and then add these words at the top: Last updated on (enter date)

About Kristen Poborsky

Get More Traffic…Build a BIG List…Sell More Products & Services We’re here to help entrepreneurs and small business owners just like you make this happen! Our team is on a mission help you do all that and have a life you enjoy! Want more tips on Getting More Traffic? Find them right here:


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