
The Personality AwakensDan Sines, Founder Traitify | @dansines

The phantom userEPISODE I

Name: Darth Maul Age: 28

Occupation: Apprentice

Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi Age: 25

Occupation: Apprentice

Bought on Amazon for $299Bought on eBay for $349 …forced choked the shopping cart

and got it for free.


Attack of SocialEPISODE II

Anakin SkywalkerMother: Shmi Skywalker Father: The Force?BFF: R2D2, Obi-Wan KenobiRelationship Status: Its Complicated

From: Tatooine Lives in: CoruscantStudied at: The Jedi Temple

Likes: Podracing, Lightsabers, Flying, PowerDislikes: Sand, Tusken Raiders, Rules

Corellia 500 only on CBS

The Sith Academy of Darkness

Start your free Apprenticeship Today

Revenge oF the sameEPISODE III

Recommendation Engines

Personalized Homepages

A new hopeEPISODE IV

Detective + Innovator

Personalization Strikes BackEPISODE V

Noble Compassionate


Team Player Funny



Believer + Stunt DoublePersonality Type:

RomanticLaughaholic Nail-biterBeliever Stunt Double

Use Traitify to organize current users based on Personality.

Believer + Stunt Double

Select users who provide the best match.

RomanticLaughaholic Nail-biterBeliever Stunt Double

Believer + Stunt Double


Believer Stunt Double

Analyze the viewing behavior of these users to find commonality in their selections and propose a personalized recommendation.

Believer + Stunt Double

Movie recommendations based on your personality compared with PeopleLikeYou.

Believer + Stunt Double

Return of RelationshipsEPISODE VI

Easy to use API documentation that walks you through integration, allowing you to create custom uses for personality and access deeper data on personality trait information.

This visual assessment is delivered via an easy to use JavaScript widget that can be placed into any application.

The widget is designed to be completely responsive allowing for flexible use on any kind of device.

Responsive Design

You are sociable by nature with an eye for the eclectic. You enjoy being around other people and are especially attracted to the art world. The lead in the play, the artistic mind power behind the big idea, or the singer in the band, you always shine. Others are drawn to you

and admire you. You thrive out in the world and appreciate being surrounded by other people. The only exception to this is when you are working on something artistic, where you

can find yourself completely engrossed in a project for hours at a time.

Inventor + Visionary

Badges and Descriptions are available to convey to the user a deeper insight into their personality and give them actionable data.

Personality Types and Traits

Traits are the building blocks of Personality Types. Each user is a unique constellation of Personality Traits and Types.


Progressive Future-Focused


Creative Daring Prefers

improvement, change and reform.

Original, artistic and imaginative.

Enjoys thinking about and planning for

future events or goals.

Fearless and bold.

The personality awakensEPISODE VII

May The personality Be with YouDan Sines, Founder Traitify | @dansines

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