The Middle East Prior to WWI. Background on the Middle East (ME) Territory: Turkey to Afghanistan & part of N. Africa Birthplace for 3 monotheist rel.:

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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The Middle The Middle East East

Prior to WWIPrior to WWI

Background on the Middle East (ME)

• Territory: Turkey to Afghanistan & part of N. Africa

• Birthplace for 3 monotheist rel.: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

• Ottomans: 500 yrs–Aft. WWI=Turkey–Great Britain (GB)=Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq

–Fr=Syria, Lebanon

Nation Building

• Turkey: 1st republic in ME (1923)

–Theocracy (Koran)

–Mustafa Kemal “Father of the Turks”

• Persia: controlled by GB and Russia (RU)

–Never under Ottoman control



Mustafa Kemal

“Father of the


• Saudi Arabia–Bedouin: Shaykh–Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud

• Palestine (PAL)–Jews: 586 BCE Chaldeans

•Returned to PAL by Persians• Israel taken off map in AD 6

–Fled PAL or stayed w/ Otto. & Arabs

– Jewish nationalist=homeland=


– Kibbutzim: social farming communities

Anti-Semitism BeginsAnti-Semitism Begins

1.Pogroms in E. Europe & RU forced many to FR, GB, GER, US, PAL

2.1894 Capt Alfred Dreyfus

–Jew in FR army & officer

–Secrets to GER wh/= 12 yrs. in prison

–Dreyfus Affair

• Balfour Declaration (1917)

– Sir Arthur Balfour: both Jews and Pal. w/ homeland

– Ea. side believed they had GB support

– 85,000 (1914) to 445,000 (1930) ¼ of pop.

– Riots broke out; immigration limited

The Middle The Middle East East

WWII-present WWII-present


•What is happening in this photograph?

•Who are the people that are blindfolded?

•Why is this event significant?

ProcessingProcessing• People are being

taken hostage.

• American citizens

• Iranian Hostage Crisis

– Still have a bad relationship with them today; view ea. other as threat

Israel• 1948 recreated as ind. Nation

• PAL felt Jews had best land wh/ = war w/ Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria

• Arab refugees•PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)

•Yasser Arafat: 1988 said PAL ind. Nation

•PAL not recognized by the global community

Yasser Arafat Died November 11, 2004 at the age of 75. The exact cause of his illness is unknown.

–1978 border dispute btw. Egypt and Israel finally settled•Anwar Sadat: Egypt•Menachim Begin: Israel•Jimmy Carter: US

–Nobel Peace Prize 2002–Still working in ME

On 6 October 1981, Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade in Cairo. The assassination had been planned by Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the U.S. for his role in the 1993 World trade Center bombing.

The officers in charge of the parade security for Sadat were on hajj to Mecca. As the air force jets flew overhead, distracting the crowd, a troop truck halted before the presidential reviewing stand, and a lieutenant strode forward. Sadat stood to receive his salute, whereupon the assassins rose from the truck, throwing grenades and firing assault rifle rounds. The attack lasted about two minutes.

Culture & conflicts

• Economy

– Oil: Organization of Petroleum Exports (OPEC)

• Rt. Price for their product

• Oil crisis 1973: shortages & increased prices wh/ forced options



Making the connection

• The recent oil crisis (2007 to present) has forced what new options?

• Why do you think the US is reluctant to reduce its dependence on foreign oil?


•1975 Persian Gulf countries w/ highest per capita income in the world=blending of old & new

•Islamic fundamentalist

–Obedience to the basic laws of the religion


–Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi wanted modernization like the west; great friend of US

–Conservative Muslims= ayatollahs wanted an Islamic republic in strict obedience to Koran

–Ayatollah Khomeini:

• “Death to the Shah” “Down with America” 1979 Shah fled to US & AK to power 1979 US embassy taking 60 AM hostage for 444days;

•Released in 1981 when Reagan cam to power

–Demand: Shah be returned to Iran for trial

October 22, 1979 received treatment in NY

Died in Egypt on July 27th, 1980, aged 60.

Ayatollah Khomeini

Ronald Reagan

• Iraq

– War w/ Iran over rel. differences

– Saddam Hussein in power in Iraq wh/ = secular leadership

• Hussein

–Opposed W. influence & wanted to lead an United Arab World against Israel

–1979: 20 cabinet members executed wh/ = total obedience due to fear

–“Sword of the Arabs”

Iraq under Hussein

• Testing new world order

• Charter of Paris 1990

• August 2, 1990 Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait

–w/I 1 hr. 100,000 Iraqi soldiers @capt. Kuwait city

–President George Bush = “naked aggression”

Saddam Hussein


President George Bush

• Kuwait

1.War w/ Iran = $80 bil debt

2.120 mile shoreline w/ best deep H20 port

3.2 islands blocked Iraq fr. Gulf

4.Wanted oil reserves

5.Good position to invade Saudi Arabia

• President George Bush

1.No 1 nation can dominate the ME

2.Production of nuclear weapons threatened Israel wh/ = war

3. Upset global balance of power

– Hussein compared to Hitler

– Gather allies

– Operation Desert Shield

– Congress voted for war 01-16-1991

– Operation Desert Storm=Persian Gulf War

– Kuwait City freed 02-27-1991

1993 attack on World Trade Center*News footage video*

What is happening

in this picture?

•September 11, 2001

–Attack on the World Trade Center, New York City


–Osama Bin Laden


–Saddam Hussein: Iraq

Osama bin Laden

President Bush addresses a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001

•President George W. Bush–Weapons of mass destruction

–2nd Persian Gulf War

–8 years of fighting

President Obama•Slowly w/drawing troops•Leaving 33,000 troops there for undetermined amount of time

•Concerned w/ Iran•Sworn to protect Israel

Making the Connection

How old were you when 09/11 happened?

How has 09/11 directly affected you?



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