The Loser

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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Differs greatly from the conventional/ideal cinematic romantic male (Clooney, RIGHT)

An ‘Average Joe’ – not attractive, physically fit, wealthy or successful

Depictions of the slacker/juvenile, irresponsible loser male/men in emotional trauma: objects of ridicule

Disinterested in work/education orientated goals Narrative shows a white male fantasy – Loser as

victorious, overcoming obstacles and ‘getting the girl’ Comedy constructed from male

inadequacies/failures/lack of responsibility/lack of ‘traditionally’ heroic qualities

Often depict an all male ‘escape’ – a safe and supportive world away from the judgemental female

Depict ‘Guy Love’ – close male friendships which generate comedy

Show women in the Post Feminist era – ambitious, career driven

Film: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

As you watch the introduction; make a note of the equlibrium and disequlibrium as it is established.

Also take notes on how Peter is established as a typical Loser stereotype. In opposition to typical notions of masculinity.

• Peter displayed as naked: vulnerable• Average male body• No traditional ‘phallic power’• Female Gaze is repulsed (female viewer & Sarah Marshall)• The emotional male: Comedy derived from Peters’ emotional turmoil

Aldous is Peter’s ‘binary opposite’ (35 – 37 mins)

Task: Make a list of the binary opposites that exist between these two men.

• Occupation in ‘The Arts’ – Composer or ‘Musician’, requires no Physical Strength/Power• Displays ‘Stereotypical’ Female traits: Highly emotional: Cries after intercourse• No sexual ‘prowess’ – poor sexual performance

Spiritual/experiencedThe classic ‘Bad Boy’; has a history; tattooed; rock starLion’s wild ‘mane’ of black hair/Wears black leather/studded/figure hugging clothingSelf references Brand’s own personaUses sexual innuendo – i.e. his Charity single ‘We gotta DO something’

Film: Knocked Up

Comparative Analysis: Pretty Woman & Knocked Up

Follows a distinct narrative pattern:

EQUILIBRIUM: Men established as failures, incapable, unstable, vulnerable, loser-esque

Show INTRO!!

Grown men engaged in juvenile activity

Connotations of the boxing gloves are subverted

Follows a distinct narrative pattern:

RE-EQUILIBRIUM: Loser proves that he is okay. Loser emerges victorious, loved and appreciated

DISRUPTION: Judgemental & Disappointed Female Antagonist provides obstacle for the male, provoking feelings of insecurity. Loser embarks on a journey of self discovery.

MASCULINITY in the ‘Traditional’ Rom-Com•Men have a higher status (business

exec, tycoon, celebrity, athlete) and are less likely to be shown in the home – the fast paced world of business is common.

•Masculinity is associated with efficiency, competition, ruthlessness, not in touch with feelings

•The male hero is strong, aggressive, assertive, takes the initiative, is independent, competitive and ambitious.

Clip: Pretty WomanIntro to Edward’s

Edward’s (Richard Gere) introduced as a ‘man of mystery’; High Angle shots pan behind him

As you watch the two clips make notes on how Masculinity is represented by the differing films. (I fully understand that this is motivated by genre for the most part)

Ben’s pale, out of shape physique; sexually inadequate

Edward’s (Richard Gere) hunky, muscular, idealised torso – the dominant sexual male/protective embrace

Gastrosexual – Gordon Ramsay Mentertainers – Come Dine With Me Mad Men Tiger Woods/Philanderers/Tabloids Earl & Tiger:

Old Spice – The Man your Man could smell like. (see screenagers)

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