Post on 21-Mar-2022






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••Hull U im Ink.




it •+-M



. . . . %m\

1 VI . II ww}.

\i~lt\nuti sol* i TSWlM and LLuuor Department c.u he fouuil mt ull tiiiu<» *«rfood, oli l l klub U nuombl . price.. Hj NEWSWMklf Md felly pajwn, aoBtlilf iuj[a.iii<»t mitl all tltn


SUSSEX STREET', DOVER, N. J.I U n jMl mMitrnl an ImmniiMt B b»k »f BHOKKH'ft WANTS and, * - UierrwUuit t Cigar Huldun. Hun Cigar Ctuwi, lUuilred* Ml •iykia of llrtor

HE AG AN 8c Co Ihhr The Iron Km,]


IALB AND RETAIL At Urkci Wllllill AetV flMllltttitlOll,— - - " - •:r,\ will, tin. l,«.t «tl

, „ . .._ „ fMKST cniitiilti. AllWMklf Md felly Ptjwn, aoBtlilr lUKa.iiu,., nml all tltn Hiindav JMIIUI-H, whlrli urn ilrend (a H T nerMm within the fidully (re. uf ctiiirue. AllnnkTit l>v.iiiiil I'm-lViiuulCignimiiiiiiUi attended to. JAAMEK H. JdKMCK, lluver, M. J.



Or tULatUL DIU1B1S.Ill T U f i l l MOTtl.

DOVER, N. J.I. JOLLEY. Proprietor.





DOTES, 1 .1 .

T O. DItllftUTH, E. M.

DOVEB, N. J.u u n u of OHM un H n u u ,

•rams or mm.


raniOUH AND 80H0I0I.

ro«T n u m . » . j .



TEAS, COFFEES,to bo found ID this teetlou can to wen at tlic


• t arieH whlnh tr«bound to five entir*MtttfMtlra. Ideal ia nothing but thebwt, tad tki tht pMple throuf hout theTtetaity to CIT* • • • call Mid be ecn>rlictt. K. Y. * CHINA TEA Co.

Hi-it I* A l t t , SI •ajfcHw'a I l « at art.


or EMUU ootmn.m a AT •. •. n a n nou,

SOV1B, H. i.






CENTS, j j j j CENTS,


"illCENTS. 25




gait. • « ! • to won from 110 ap.•WtK


BittoTilnQiiiFiiii!DOVER, N.J .

ornci OTXB w. n. BAEII'S nou.Al«r »—ll4fWUP WOOD !»•!..




limn in n nooi u a» IUU.



J08. Ton ' s BED FRONT.IbsvailWBastasAi

•vsrj »T


miMPINO E\I1I*KS. i m w


I w ; n d Ltibt Ci i inn I . Iron, BMd Pnvaphur nroinn, VnriiBRaat ever: _-•riul.« ! BOILER*, «un.o»UI, mbnlir >nd

Tie Equipment of IronMines a gpccialtjr.


BO yen, n, J.h w.n .wkM wlU .11 kind, of

DRINKS AND SEOARSlhnbMt. ParH*iw«atlB*anjthfBf In hia

IIM un iBvltotl to call.



Spring Mlllitery

Caaaty Cclleetor't Nttlct.Tba C m a t y Collector will be at the Surro-

— ' - dto,MMri«1owi).rort twtfaMictl«. t i' M, oa Thnrnaay of each week, from

_ _ A. M., lo 13 o'clock, H. At) cciii-amteatiOBi for bim ibould bo addreated to

* * * ' HABLON IIOAOL^KD, HM.,L'twUr t'oUeetor.


•LACIWUX » . . DOTH, 1.1.

Slate Rooflnara ILATI l o o n (kNTM Ika mt >JH

•aibiilw IssaIanw


FOR RENT.A KIO noa. mttbk Inr


t*BMl MRSl,Dover, X.J.


• • k tm froe*r, k«, k«(ea«rt ort

RUPTURE•pMdllj n i M on Bodinta tsrai

O I H W O«M In mljjow ol IeT. J. J.t t U O M l U1I


E0V1B, V. Craron, Colored Crayon amiwork nado •feckUle), and *-'

• rates.



: Local Newspaper:


Northern New Jersey.


Atao. dnlrnlgand Job Worl

b ' 8 1 I>nnf, F I n n b t r and Job Worl

mnmvUj .lleBded to. F*Trbink'» 8UA1M KI•UDOhctanir1, p r ice . They t t o h i r e on .ol I b . a m icnle. In rronl o l l b * pl«ce ol

OtO. BtCnAKAlt. J . H. BCQMA


tn. tei n t d o .nil n i . t e m l . uru l . l i .d . All workdcHWtll M l M n u o r a W . prltoi. 17-U




vi-nioi tmi illil nitjti Itli iiiimo.u^ ilmio, it wutt cuiiiiiit'lu,ly liir tliu t:minty scni.n from there to lit! went out

Tu nil the diir.rciit towitH utn'iit,Tu I


D in I'\Vl,u lmlhl,

T l r IOV.!.,!,;,, I

Wlm-r duly it


o uf to

iTo >]<> tli!Allll HilV

nlil ii|i<>

uiiiiti thel



'lull |]|l< J.fOplo |KJi¥)

«>tl tnrhuh wdl wiilt-ijuirj,t eoul.l l,c lovuulv

Jayiluiilit liir proper wiiy)

i K t


P.. t. & W. IIKI'OT, DOVKU, N. J.

Ami kui.w i<xui:llv !iuw tliI'linl wlieu Hit >• iii.1 it tlic

Tlic,v'.l liurn wlin KUH |]H! lowi^tAiHlif iTHiMiiiHililt-iiiiatmoi'lii'y'd my, " tlm jolt Iiilon^a la yOn rxot'iitf! Ilu foutntnl will,Tlmt you cult MIWII.V* t i udy IcilVim |{iive Ji trill) mill hnnont jnliAmi ili.lnnt try lo L-liuit uml rr>li.Hut vniilliirtduiii'f We ciiuuut teitut tiiiw Unite are whit Itm.w fullAmi lliinK it VVM n,it ,i fulr ,K.uo Ili

llmi it Huvort.loturiiig

Ollui -'iit MK"l lN-iui;.ioii[' in IlitiuHiiul wuy


Ami t l i d n




AMOS H. VAN HORN,Huvinp jimt completed liin inimcosr1 nltci'iiliotw of connecting Third nml Foiuti)

loom on MnrhiH Ht., t iming willi Cumitliell Hi., nffors tlm niottt canplelo undl-pest etnefc of CAWEIVI AND FcitKiiVBti that tiuu ever been eflV-mi, we except none,

PARLOR SUITS.Tbo largest displny ever exhibited in any establishment. llH( Parlor Suits, nilI uui> floor, or nil kitulM nnd hlmrtes, covered wttli Si tins, I'luiii HUII Embossedlash, Bi'iin Silk, Himie, Ue\m ntid H»ir Cloth, up.) ftnuit-i of Mihoguiiy, Ebony,BMTJ, Wiiluiit. IMoo rmigo fmm t?HW down us low as £20.

BEDROOM SUITS.150 Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Aih nnd Eun moiled Bed room Suits, nil on one

MI-, mado fxprcsslv for onr Full tin Jo, and of the lith-sl iicHignn, nt 80 per cent,ilow nay bouse in tlm trade, at pritw« from 4?G00 down as low us 813.

CARPETS. CARPETS.Having made our eon (met with tbe mniiufiictiu-ca iu tho Summer wo are enubledsell nt oM price* notwithstanding tlie lute advance in prices. Oar Block con-its of Moquettti, Velvet s< Bodv Brussels, of latest patterns, also a largo stookTupostrv Urnssols, Three pi; nod Two-ply Iuyiflius, beoidua a large stock of

1 ' *• ' " mid • • - - "

<• l " . t n .

• tli'T tli.-y di'l or did not win.I tliuH.. [ii« wlio jot do query,ij- no "nil." van iu t i e EHA,

Or «ny ]HI[HT in tlio townBy wbleli rniuli pmji'ctii wi-tc limJo known,MiiL-li lowimlit]) iniiilu tlieir lumiilH in «u|jciTh,.Hi. ImvcllriK tliioii^l. ttielf luwn to n<lu,K l l i l h i di

ut llmir

jit-pru]uirliiiiiiHl wd lt.illietrnvtilcrstol!

y .1! He rent IOIKIH di> l.-

Ammtl •jiiumi'jrtiiuyrta »!»«<]

In (illn-r tuwtis, (die iiuoiilu wij)Uiirrhtown iiiiil Ho»ltiiw«y-

1'lii'lr »iirim tlioiijili pinhi nro veryg writ ii|iou llin sloul,

mtt^rii rrcim thi^ir broilit^Itut Id iimm far i-xt^l In ltumity

ly !>y iicgl«'t «f diitj)i l d b f

Tlicro in uu ruml miming Hontbeifrom Wiisliiuult)]] that will not affordtho Htudeut of ntituiu or ul' biutory

t field of ]i]c;,MUV, HO lust TJmralihiiiy otiue more to view tho bcuiiesIO »r Hie mriitTslnib'frlos in tlic lul<', I Mhirk'd tip thn tuuiug imLb <Cbf!Kpi>aku & Ohio Cmul wlifcli Inr^o trallic in the cuul from tbuOimi

burliuul aud otljiTf.iuIia'oduuitigii^iotiiliiiiiu Us boiik'ts. TU is caiml HVU.lon« tbu stiiiruii of thu IV-IOUMC fiuan,v miles nml nt lust h-ave tliu Mary-

1111(1 f-ijti Itj1 fl'DSsillg tllL' PutlrlUill! (Ilite Hijiiwluit Jlriilgti ;il (JuiH-yi'towu nVinn thel't} cour t s tbtouyli thu noil."iifiinh., TIJD boats nre of Iho Arkihui'uclcr—UH it rKjiiins two tunma tiirojicl thi'in—fliucxtm furco of horse-

pouvr is luilsoil in n stiiblo ut tliu buv oftho buat-widHfay-lliu diuhiir MIIUOIis ailtllltOtl 11 Ull thl' sluL'jlillt,' IICVllIlHllUll:!Hum file [iliiuwl tit tlio stern, Tho tuii

I iiraltctcil tuRKCvrlaiii, but. judg-ing from tho size tiny wuroiloiiblo the

'ily uf tbt-aldoiw Unit plough youiiu uccuti. The crew uoiibihtn as dt

y<>ur wafts, of it li.iphiiu, un visitor oreiK'oiirngerund conk, hut tlio liviiiintiiiiitioiis aw. b(i itraplc nml cci

vciiiuut (hattliL-y iiiviuoru liku n nt

•liiitiug ectttngu Iliuu « moJo ofctrnviiyftiictsof blnek diuniouds, Iu uuiciibiu I hi'iml Iho bunzing hum of asiugiir nml curiosity proniptcil ma to net

ie pi-rt of jiRPiiiiig Tom. The floor vm'VL'itid with a pretty uurpct, picimvs

mlonird tho tides nml a Rrisoii & Ifnmiiuui'Butj oL'cnpli'd a cony uonk, while onhe carpet a bright cleanly Un-yrnr oldibo WUH tenting lliu meekness of a Inubyit uhitu with tUe yi;uiil,s( loukutuutis-uiiou ii blnck nml tan nns giiziug upon

tlie wfiii'. All the boals am uot uf thiscliurnftcr but nil poeaeBs tho Eitinn s\mclo initkf them us comfortnble. I

Fair/ax Hemioary ; tlicj bave all beonleveled down ami nothing left to showthe skill of tilt* fort builders of the labwar. Now as we look buck at tlio workdone twtiuty years ago to tic civilian

i fHO]Jin- it hg

a ui if (bo tUrowiug up ofdirt nud tho expenditure uf no uiuvliloncy iu biiildiutt forts wns justjueL wanting of OIIIKCIO and moniiH t int' expended in a different directionuuUl huvn Hlioi'toiiiid the war. Some ulIL'SO uustly constructed works) ueverrud ii gnu exei'iit us a wuluto and ubuti

hi! iiuiuGniLt (jru{iplod with the foi',he bud fort Mentions iu bis

ir, (iml di«ii';iiHcd wilh these prnotical'Xiiuij>lcs of West Volnl tbeuriJS, fljing

tuo I mitl mnsttastcn ou

In It «

y y gU xiimild bo of nonin r on own

orthy town.nsluim tiil p

iograitiB, tleuifi niid Bug Curpet.

Bodj Brussels, per yard, 00c.Tapestry Brussels, per yard, 50e.

All-wool Ingrain, per yard, 50c.All other goods nt correspondingly low prices,

MATTRESSES and BEDDING.Onr Mullrcaa ami Itcddimrdepnrlniput is tlio largest in tlic city, nnd consislfl ofI the best cooils nf Huir, Fil>ro, Husk nnd Escolsifir Muttroaun, nt crentlv rn-i.ctd pilcos. Benid.'x uii iDimoii^ Mock «f 1ILANKUTS, QUILT8, 1'ILLOWS,•., nt wLolfsat1) prices.


u th

STOVES.We filnim to liBve tho Inrgmt stnek and beat make ID the State ofUlLOR and COOKINQ 8TOVE9 of all kinds.

OIL CLOTH. OIL CLOTH.J o b L o t , i ' l ' t Inn,ulit u[ l i ; i i , ln i | i l I I . I U T , Uii,l »,•!! aiviiounl goads

iui]er |>rit>(tt un<l will F><I11 tliom [rum fiu. tu 10c, {ict ^uril tiuiltir t i n ; Utrnt

ily tou!usu l l ir tu unN

Alt* l i tf . nlfick or l.oniiB'*<>i H«ak CUM.. Wardrobe., Side-Ckiiraniets and l'l<r Glaue., Marklc T o . T I M H a«a

Ian l'al|wl llf.l I auu (r , #B ; .Ix-fcei Exttmioai' • Ik , Cl OS; Matble Top Takle, «3.«O.

•:- EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. -:•Dfio vo »io iluU-'rmitiEfl to liavc (fin i»mo nluro ot tliia

._ J , hoit BhlfH. lotrrdt prloci, ami being aecjrniuixlatii));tell m tklfvtiriiijf good* piwiplly.uuil )u Road order.



THE DOVER LUMBER CO...n to bailden the best opportnoitiM in the pnrahne ol LtJMBERereiy grade and description including LOW PBICES and tlie greatLvantage of having

Lumber 'Worked to Ordermachinery at the pltee where it is purchased, greatly lessening thecost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Our

(took always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LDMBEB of every description, and especial paint an Uken

to give satisfaction in every particularB of every description, nd esp p

to give satisfaction in every particular.OnuiBioUBM, nwklaiit.W«. H. l u u , Seo'r ud Treu

I. W. 8»u>«. GeD'l



intauil 15 vosr. ID U,tbe Ru.rinlen X

.be public. My mo

BalMon tnddemlcr* InLUlfBEBmrtCOAt. Al*oj oomplHto itoch ol HMII, Xiaon, Bllndi. Mould-ing* ami B(«cket«. Llmo, Cfwcnt, t» t t , liooflnsFelt u d everything JirrUinlDi to tlia biilldlttRtndfl, »nd i t tlio liwut prlcea. BUtu Roubufi %ipscUlty. AUo mil ttia Icbdlnn bniml. uf F^rtill.

Cnntr»pln for liullilln(ii taken froi


iMtulo; ii|>Hiirli a "1H.KIIS",J..1I,Ami limy (thu |M-I>|>I*-) tbenOiy rub,

liDlnw.lfrlnixImilitinntuA Kiiiili* Imiird woviliy Iu iw Hrcn,t'm of nil Iim II)WIIHII1|IH in tliiM loiinty,Wlik-Ii x1iiii'.-it in tlil-, tiK.Bt iiHchil bounty,Itiimluliib Hiirily (akin tlm cnko«,01' utiy lovu thl* HUO tins Sfntcn.L'xtk nmml tint town mnl HOC tlmir work*,lt)<mk«iiUr<lotml»y«micaliirlf,Ti« iikin tliry wfrn'titnt nil pnrtlouliu-,Tlm !><,!,(» not l.dtig THrrtionilituhr.Likn •'l>imi'« Tower," tlitfy iiavon Inan,Vbk-li in unite pliiitily Iu be nccn;WfiiUior licnttm, bwwn ami baw,Tlm toim lint lioiafl miwod off si|«nro.Tlm bimnlM too wiito, autl tnuuh too IflDg,

Anil wlmn "uld buiouH" Loci [.revnilclTlit'y would lint Ktitud-HOrilifibtly nulli-il.Vt'vta Wowu nwuy, uoil aoine wuru lout,Or <liiii|(lcil lodw ly at tlm post.On MIHK) of tlicao Is Rciirccljr mteuA r-ign of nny tiling t in t liwn»n Iim tn ro l e r oil h ! . w«yEither liy nlulit or in tlm .lay.Ami tlicro tbpy Hluntl, mute taonuiucDts,Of tnoiiL'.V watt.ul ami mUniHint jUJIOU tliOHo left, dome Words iln nhow,Tisllhig tlm traveler wliicli way to go.Tho bttor* ttHHiffh won ma.lo no an,allTlmt tnii'flur must be very lullOr li-uvn tlie toaU and drive qitltn nearTi> make nut wbnt did there apiwar,

otlior towim—nnd qoltu a numlter,Tim HIKIIS wore niado witii half tlie 1 amber,

*re'ul no long, woro not m wide,Ami mml.t i. ni'iitnr xljin to guide,And ivuliy tliuy weto jant an goodA« tboriii (iiiiitalnloK no much woml;Tint lettering lew <1I<1 fur eicot

liir«ti und plain andpninted well,licni tiiry used ii tomtiioii Jttunuil

IMnn little l.rtUr ILnn a pencil.I nm iufornif.l thvy pniwud iin a d ,Tu kcq> tin: KUiilo lionrj* well iutucl j1'IIHSD.I Ht tlio (lino mid with thin h mTlm glHtiito tlinat;l) I miver u r .Ami if liy ruiiHnii of neglectTo ket-p Mill HIIMO well Utact ,A Him wnn put upon t h t t townWilcl i lc t tbririraldo board* tu tabh dowu.It nmttwd not who mmlo complaintfliieiluT n Hinnrror n miot

fur we bavo tuuuli to SJO ami but littlitiiiiu to dwell ou minor matlcrs. Tinet'ciiory (iu tbo Virgiuia hitk inami iiicturcKiiiio, Tlio walls of tlio rive1110 bold, poriH'ndicuIiir liliiffs—nick;nud VDvcrml with u^rnwth nffo!twoulj-ilvtiytMi-K—lmtfn« ulil IruLaslam:wln'cii witLstuod tliu bluats bufoto Unwin*. A. triiuiii of nboiit tLrou miles nlonitliu batiks of tlic Potoninc bring us dtho fi|tot wburu oiieo HUKU\ tlio elmin

Tho oM Bliiiclure iss tilings tliiit wei'u," Tlmo in of iron unj of


Crossing tliii; bridgo iibceuding llio bill011 tliu Virgiuiu f-ide about liulf a miltwocoaioto tlio ftuami.-i old Furt EllmnAIL']]. Of nil tk'clmiu of curlliworkiwliicli oui'u pmlnutcil tbe untiouui cupitul, tliis one is in (lie bc»t Htutc of proMurvation iu iminy jiliici-s tliubrcustwurkilinvu IKJOU cut down eitlior for rom'muttiiifr piiriiowa or to make a sliurt cmor by ruml to somu nuiglibtinug pkco.Nuturo IIHH douo mnoli to c o m tbe Bigbi—wliiiili mig'it recall meniurica of tbuIimo of trial—ami tbo upper workaondtri'iicles nro thickly cavcrtid with alioavy gruwth of piuo. lliis was one olthe largest of tbe forln built aud aud it,

its outworks, riflopitn cud rcduubbi

i Commits

WlKToliiwi.nd"Ji:rStill. I Will dosO llliK!

Hy iflvlni: to nur Tnn

Wliidi wimld t»o rlirup Bt miy pricnIflln-y IIIMI ncttiloii tlic linrMWlu-ii they went (.ultin^ up tlm »\Sm,

In tim.K. 1..I>K [>iixt in n little boaV


I rpud in «unln which Dmro did toll

"Whul livixymulo, Hlionld IM> done well."


Ikili IiiKirs.ll* Ntudy of Crime.Col. IiiKOiBol), wlilo nittiuu iu a

Biotu]«ay liDtel, gnzitig iilly iuto tbestreet, a:\w a row between n c.ibnian amia tiootblnck. The bo; -mm urrcatcd, not]

rholl, deeming tbo prisoner In dan-ger »f injustice, went to tlio police courtto bo u witness ami counnclor, Tbo cane

astiii of HO quickly, by tlie liuVditoburgc, that tlio great ngno&lio didnot hnve to open his tuoutb. ID tb<nlisoace of absorbing ia.crest in thimutter wltieii bronnbt bim tberc, Innersoil tamed bis attention to a culpritwlioso ferocity of face and belligerecco'.,if manner were indcej Mriking. Thiaj

follow was tbo keeper of a concert ballof the lowest grnJc, nnJ lie bad been

rcstoil for lieatiug one olhis roitresseB.11 I t {locan't seem posaiblo that be laa

i Mom of reason in bis Iwn8tly make,"immentcil Ingorsoll,Tbo jiistico nskcj tbo woman vberc

[In! prisoner bnd bitlior, ntidebeahowedimpnttlm bnck of ucrbcml, rcmark-: " Ho alwnyn shiaa ua liehind tbo

_ idle." A One of 810 WIIB imposedand paid, Ingersoll burricd to tberaacal.

"Ibegyoi i rpnidun," eaid be, " b a tiho woman siiid you never bit n.iiy of tbewaitrewsGB except at tho back of tlio head.Would yon nrimi telling mo why ?'•

"Becanse I aiii't uu cbuoip,"' was the, :k rcH|ionsi>. *MVbiit for would IjTvlinck 'ctn ID tbo snoot, or nnywliorotint mnlil disfigper 'era ? D o you

io borclin'n • - - -

withcover ronny ncrca of emund. It wasover Hii-sgn/uud the 4tb Bngiidoof the1st Division murcbed to tbobattlo ofBull Him whether they rcttimcil to Ibiapoint liistory Bnitli not. A brisk v.-;»lk ofsix miles briuga 0110 to Fulls Church, a|»retly littlo village or rather city for itbus a full niiiuicii>al organization. Heraare cross 10a J a running through theccutro of the town, Tlio uorthnrly roadleads to Fnii'fai Court Honso( thewesterly road to Tlioroiigbfuro dap,wbile Ihe southerly road is kuowu us theLoesburg nod Alexandria pike. 0»ofoot of 11 coropnsB placed at Fulls Churchmid u oirolo described vith tlio otherwlioso radius will In, fifty miles, will iu-elude tbe flcldi ou which most of thebloody Imttles of the Into witr werefought. Near Fulls Clmrcli nud ou tlioroad to Fairfax Court House, Fitz HughI tbtsn n Lieutenant Colouol, now theoandidsto fur Ouveruor ol Virginia,mado !t diieh wilh his cavalry, manyliven wore lout, both .sides fell back audeuch claimed a strand victory. Eighteen

il from where this occurred to theaoiith-wtat lies VmuBses, und it wuualong tbi3 Lecsbiirg piko Cougrossmou,civilians soldiers, sellers nnd the rug*tag and bobtail undo that famous go us-yon-pkasoracoin 'Gl, which taught asthu ICSSOD tlmt there was n great differ-ence lietwcen a Fourth of July nhiimfight und n gecaiao collisiou for siipro-maoy. Farther on iu the sanio direclioutiftcun units, lies Wammtou nud still iuho sumo direction is Frodm-Joksburg.

To tliouorth-wosttliL- gulkut Phil nindeWinchoster fainoiiD ia song and history,still norlh-woslurly lios—hid among themountains and washml by tlio Sliemii-ilouh aud rotomac—Hiirirere Ferryk the sleep of tho seven sloppcrs.

Tliuu tlieio h Aatietam with its bloolyrecord, Hugarstowu through whosoitreistH Dasliing Killpntrick lend his cav-

ulry repeatedly j AldiuDristno nndCliunlilly where Hcve Jersey lost thonoblest Eoiiiuu uf thvm all—iu tboso

ajE—tho brave Kearney, All thcaelucks nnd many otliers not named, uroithia tlio imifiinnry circle wo linve

traced nnd to thn Rolilicr nf \nw .ToT=t?finfnutry nr e.iViilrj- thu mimtkm of thnsonames must cull up a host of memories.AH f tuiHScil along lliiH niuil tu Alcxfin-drlii I ttiongbt liow mnuy of the Morn's

t l l disfigtbink I want to bo

Do youlot ol wim-

men what's uo vulne? Hit 'em in tUe' c o and you liayo lo keep 'cm oat of

clit a week—entin' tlmir cussed bendsnil the wliilc. Sock 'cm under tbeir

Imck linir nnd tlio lump don'ldo noliurt

iltou Iugrrsnll muncd asbu turuodavay.

" Even bo bit9 the power of reasoning,I have wront'ed him."

ilillcry, Htubbom infiintr; nuO dmu'oro wbnt lie wanted, what bo

iu<l IILJ with them be gavo UN victor;.My tramp was ii nlfiiBuut one, fulliuf crest nml of vnried scenery nml to ton nil I saw and tbo memories itillfd wonM tro^tusH too miicb ii[iDiir upiice wbieli I IIUYO nlrcady douiiL UH brief us I could. I hope BOOIIisit, tnimping tlio fields of HnnasHiid otlioi1 KfntB of like ronowu wluvl\ay iu fiomu future letter give a ilescnon of.

Many of Dover will retucniber a qu:]')l'trumvu geutletunti who rcsideJinibur of yearn nt Afr. Brigbt's liotiii!U. BtuLI. I mot liiiu tbu otber dii bis urtiviil lioru to CDJoy a leuvoaoiiec from bit duties m Consul Oonnl of Cliiiu. Hu baa tilled tlint poeiiu for oigbt years and tbiH is bi3 firssL'iicc ftuni liia post during t int titm; lias a splendid militnry record modiring tbe lute war rising from a

uaut-Coloael to that of Mnjor-Generuid liiu record in his present positiongood tint President Clcrelnud retaim

iim slill as our reproaeutativc at CbiiHo iaqtiirotl omiooHly about tbe Dovciitcs nud Uis friends at Woodport, ui i

SUNOAir I I IKE C l t l .

or A Sl imiOPI MAM U AMD

A Stanhope man tolls tbe following>aru : " I went down to Brooklyn k i tSaturday night. After I got done (*tin«

Iho friend with whom I wug iusiuted on •howiag me tu«

sights and 1 wai rather MXIOU to ae%what changes twenty years bad nsde iatbe city, Fort Green, where I MW th«fireworks go off, on tho Fourth of Julylfti'r tbe war, is vutlj improved sine*:uen, but it would take too long to tellyou all tho chnugesthat have been msde.I vent down Foltou slreet and a

espooU to onjoj some of tlie good braeiug air of Morris Couaty bofora Le ro-turue to bis official dutica.

Mr. and Mrs. 1'ruden bave retarne<fruu their sojourn down tbe river,yivntly benefited by tlieir Tiieation.

Our city ia exceedingly quiet, alioosldull, but tlic present eool spell will sooudrive tliu fii.ibiouublo birda bouie amwilbiu a cotiplo of raoiitbn preparationsfor tbe CuQgreEaioual work will com

L'o ; tliiH will pot WasliiDgtou iu hcifroliubfiuuiDiGod. 1'bo macliinery of t icuiillou moves ou with its accustomciHnioolbuess notwitbatanding thero areouly two Cubinet officcro present Verym;iuy clerks nro now takiug tlieir vactiou jireforring t i e pleasant aatiinwentliur witb the chanco for limbing BIbunting to tho bot sultry wentber ofSimiincr. It tins been very pleasant hereduring tbe btuliid tetm, bat few verybot ilnjs, HO tbat nolbiiif; would bavebeen gaiiiud by lcnviug tbo city duringbo but spell for yoa at tbo NnrtU bavo

Uad more of it than baa been experienced


I'olitical matters in Virginia ore rising:» II fever bunt. BotU tbe candidates forGovernor, Generals Wins and Lee, areboth liiiril ut it on, tbe stump anil as itapproaches election day tberc ia a fairiroapcot of a lively tine.

of tbe magnificent stores. In one waitu auatiou ettlo of watclies. Xliej vcraieliiug a gold watak ailfi chain, or wta*be imctioncer laid you voald not tell

from gold except Itj melting, for fourdollnrn nnd a Imlf, I did not bay a goldwatcb mid cbuiu. In anotbef flue look-iugHtorctiieywero8ellingclotbtng,inoatlygciitleuK'u'iatttuetiou, but I did Mi bearuuy auctioneer. Everjrtbing wm goingoff dirt ulicap. My friend wanted to seaa frock coat; a clerk {rose to Liu in -mediately and took bim to tba dafaut*mont of frock ooati, but i e coald nobtfuit bitoidf, tuougb tlic; offered to Milit to bim for 88. CO. Wlien we « e n

.lining out ono ol tbe gentleimuJj olerfcliid in u stage wuiaper so tfaat ill onr

party heard biiu ; I wish I Urad ia tlwcouDtry." I tbougbt I lad ooabwl alltbe bayaeed oat of my hair Wore I m n l' o tbe oily, but I loppoae I did not aw-:ccd wuen this uniart citjr ebap tvigial

me BO aoen. I bad to bite mf Uf* l»keep IIOIL laagbing, bat I oomld n«4 M ptbinkiog tnat it bardlj paja tmafca^iWto keep impertinent derti. IwaateU>y» gentleman tlie otutrdiy that ha

ijtiit trading at a certain alow bacawabey k«pt a clerk that WMIU MMav a*Ufl

Bbildren wbenever be aeatoM oftktmto the it-ore. He laid tbat folk* did aotliavo to tako tbo abaae of either atoia*icepcrs or clerk! nowadaji^ aad ha

would natber they would avaaral l i »' a at one ol bis children. It pajlto

polite, even to children. It « wnearly 12 o'clock midnight when ve gottome, and I slept aouudly until Mon-iog. Sunaajmorningldfitenriaadtoio' i ToIauJge'i ftbenucle, lo difla* aer-

(ce. IfounJaboildlogneartheMdoCrcbcrnerliorn street, which they toldm«rastlietabernacle. I Tcutla ao«l tbeflntiiut;tb*t attracted my attention waa Ibeft organ whinb filled the tpaee baek ofio platform wbiub the preaeheroomplea.;roe» the face ol tbe organ WM writteaigood RomanOatholio latin ; 'GloriaEtccMa Deo.' UtookmetoiiutilMfind ont wbo wu makiig UM a u t o

iu it, but I finally located him at thaciicher's foot. Tbe aoata are aMsda

Ftcr tlio manner of the aeati in a theatre.> tbe man wbo giti in the teat n o t the

loor need not crane his neck to tee wba*goiog on in front There an a nuabacdoori for tha inuneaae aadieneato, ont of in case of sttampede, and OB*I heat very distinctly every word tba

preacher often, even in the book part of

county Uojs bud th

ed along the Hitmogpath I was then tmuling, almost a qterofacentury ago. Ipietnreu to my-Belt just how Lumbert luoked Foatedevery inch a soldier on lm Umroiighltrod

luMy iirnwn from thn Quartermasterir p;ililely i-onli seated from HOUIO Con-

feilcrato slay at home ttaWe—alertlywatching for somo of the reckless boys"n gray who had a penctiaot for daubingn and as quickly retiring from tho out-

posts tlmt gimrJcd this pike. Then theres Will Wncr, of tlie Harris Light. I'll

veil lure to say lio know every good for-i ]>ltiep from Fairfax Court HODEC

in every dircetioa, nestorly nud South.Foraging wasn't ver towards tinlatter MQH of t'ic war, but v,bun tbe boyslay around tbe country I Imve iiunicilcliickcus aud porkers iirula't mudi of ulease OB life. Every spot of ground largeciiongli to qnnrtcr a regiment within>ur circle lias been a camping ground

anil tn-ilaj not u vestigo of tbeso enciinip-raouts roniiiin. Fields of euro covertnntiy n imndo ground. Wliero oucoitooil a fort witb Ulack-montlicil dogn

of war ready to bent back with lire nndilii'Il tlic mlvftnciug fop, uow are coverudwitb the fruit a of thu tuiler nf tbecmtK.Miiuy meinljeiaoi.'.luUiivitro3t ictucui-ber tlie forls they Lrfpcil to buiUI onMunson'a Hill and uiound und nortli of

«lre HIM m Lhaan.An old minor, with the menaoriea of

" Forty-nine," wben the flrnt great gold-!evcr draw BO many to the £1 Dontlo oflie Sierra Nevada, gives the followingieturoof a m i n i a g n u p in tbotw earlyays:Tlio minoi put all men for once npoaleveL Clotbea, money,tDioiers, fatn-

I ; eonncclioiii, letters of intiodnetlon,ever before counted for so littlo. The'b'rlo community WUB given nubstan-nlly au ovca start in tbo race. Gold•as so abundant, and its aoarcei seemed

fur II time so inexhaustible, that the*Rrnndiiing power ot wealth was mo-eutarily auDihilateil. Social sad flnan-at inequalities between man and manoro together swept ont of sight. Eacbrnngor was welcomed, told to take aiu and pick and go to work foi himself.Tbo iichost miner in tbo crap wu•Idom iiulo to hire a servant; those who

bad formerly been glad to terve otberaforo digging iu their own claims. Tbe

'test grotfohorn wu as liko to uncover> richest taina on Ihe gulob as waa theicst nf ox-profesBora of geology ; mnH,tho other band, the beet claim on tbe

or tuigbt auJdenly " give out," andicver again yield a dollar. Tho poorestiau in Ibe camp cgaU have a bandfal

gold-dust for tbe asking from a more'moeossful neighbor to give him atothet!tart, and kelp bim "bunt for bettericlt." Ntt one was over allowed to

mflVr ; the Ireusuro-vaults of tbe SiorroLTO too near, and seemingly too ex-imtUmTlieir method, however, was sot to

Liiko a helpless comrade more helping!>y charity, luittoenooiinigohim to belp!\m*e\( by simply n littlo lift in tbo rightration. Tbo samo narrator gives an

'st'iuphry MKO :To a little camp of 1818 a lad of six-eu c;irao nno day, footsore, weary,inpry, nuil pcnniloaa. There wereiirty robust and cheerful miners at work

tlio rnvino ; aud the lad snt an tbeink, watching them awhile in silence,s IIIL-U tulliug tbo aid story ol bin for-

jtit's. At hat ono ntalwnrt miner spoke:n his fdbwB, soying,-^

" BoyB, I'll work an hour (OT thaiolinv if you will." W ^

At tlic cnii of the honr n bnndred tiol-lur.s' worth nf gold-dust wan Inid in tboynn th's liiicilkcrcliiof. Tbo minors madeout ii list of tools and necessaries.

"You go," they said, "and bay these,niK.cuaielmck. We'll baves. good claimstaked out for you. Then you've got topudJIu for yourself." Ibus genuine andunconventional was the hospitality ofthe miner's camp.

The Secret* • ' U4d-rello*rshl» ExpwwdWe bave often been tempted to expose

tlio secret of Odd Fellowship; and wecommence by telling outsiders that wehave bi:oa Qnnlly pcnitadod to makepublic some of tlio principal doiugi " ontholuside."

We havo never scon a drunken mat[aside of a lodgo room ; wo bavo neverhcirc! nn oath or profane word there; wehave never heard character abuaeJ, norunjust insinuation!); no gossipors flouriUi there ; tlio songs wo have listened totlicreniQ not unlike tboso we nsulto hearwhen our jiious mother led us by thehnml to tbo liouso of Qod, We bavenever kuowa any Lodgo to neglect, onuny meeting night, to make diligentenquiry foi any of its members whoillicit bn nick or in distress ; nor hnvewe over hoard of a cane of distress tbatWOB nnt> relieved. The cry oftho widow nnd orphan may full uolieedednlsctvherc, lint it is promptly answerediu tiip Odd-Fellows' Ln<lgo room. ThiiorRMiizntinn ntitnliora 5ll0.00f) mon in it;r.mV.—." i'i-frir>rw X. )". 11-r.i'M

if tbo abnvi! ia a trno discription ofOdil-Fellowiibip wo wish there were flvomillion of them in tho TJuitud States.—EuiTOB.

Iho Ubernacle. Be?. Mr.preached for tbe pat** (who waa « fcfemj from Enrope) that day aad ha took»r hia text Jeremiah«, 8,4 : ' Older ya•l(> buckler and abield, and draw Mar

battle. Hanieaa tbe bonea; u d gal, ye bowe^en, u d atand forth wit*

our belnwnu; farbish tba paan. tad' on Uia brtpaadiM*1 Z aUfht aa

•ay ben that they opened pabUaDnhipby •ioglng, 'Praia* Ood fromUom all bleMiogi do*. I heard thaioe of one lady who eat eloaa by a**,ittbeooraet aeeaiadto » e t o drtnm

voice of tbe choir, and fill the wholeise with its music yet aoaefaow it didseem oat of place atnoay that tfcraof

wonbipera. I wondered what la ibaarid tbe preacher waa going to Make of

text, bat before be got Ibroogo halade a very good •ermon out ot it aad!

told this atorjr about the battle ofittytbnrg, wbioh waa new to me. On

lartdayotthe tatttoit beoameeri-lenttoboth Lee and Haadtaat Iittl*BUBII Top was the kay of tba poaitioa.waa held by aooat 80 uea froai HUMid Confederates and Fcdenu wenirgfng to get poMeaaion of it. Tbaanfederatea were loitoandiig it BBAe U&im wen did not know what** tottieat ot Aght, thirty again* ta> tboa-

" j finally one of tbe thirty aea boatlaine shouted 'Cove on boy*I andley dashed t! the Ma tbrnnad art

beld them at bay aaUl tbe Vaka fowaipoaawsion of Little Boand Top,

hink be said only one of ibe thirty[aino men inrvived that sUaghter, bat

lay have dreamed tbat. Ho near wanUnion forces to loaing too battle of:tyaborg. After church, an any waymy friend's house. I noticed t*f«rr wngona peddliag bottled lagerand town. Home of the atoiai wee*a, a blacksmith waa shoeing* bone

Smith Street, and HTeral thiagi wareon wfcicb rather itretcaedtbeoDtt-

tadment ' Remnmber thoa keep holy, Sabbath dar.' After dinner » J

'lend was boand io show me Coaey.'and. By horse can and steam we gt*•ro and the first thing thai attracted- attention waa a great big Jumbo, made:he shape of aa elephant, with a — liii lines-, anil paplu luokiujr

• • • loTmbeenhi iri , BQII f»ajthrongh what ought to fa

Tl t itongh what ought to faav

9. Tliero were goats with wagon at*•hnienta in which children oonll ride

five cents ; there *tn places where»conld shoot with m gun and find o s t

>w Rood a marksnisn he waa; thereire long testers, u d seales on whichtt might ait down in a ehaJr and sea

DW macb voa wc1:;!^, there was one'lowphyiDRwii1 i enormous snakslich crawled s n m d hia neck, nndcr1 arms and darted bis fangs oat theiile; thore was a toting rmk in foil

'last, a switch back railroad, tbe iron'er,u young ladj tinging in Bane-1*atel, and farther no the beach lager

cer was flowing fast to the mutto ol tbacio song, while men and women iathing suits were bathing ia the sort.I sat and looked at these things tbamon of the morniag seemed very u>.jpriate, and I wondered tbat God didit send ' a rushing mighty wind* andalroy Coney Island. Sondaj at Coney

ilandl ThcraianoSanday therel whileon the iron pier, gating at the oeeanamer landed neartr two tbouand

.ile ou the pier. I wonder if the>minle whom I heard preach in tbajrning knew that all theae aboaunatioaa•ro going oa within an boar'a ride ofjcro ho was preachingt There mayime a timo whim in tbe langaage ofiremiuh "Tbo Lori can bear no longertmiiteuf Iho evil of joar doings andcniiso of tho abominations j e hare

immittcd." Thank the Lord I live ini country. Alter sapper I heard a:at hubbub in tbe Btreet and looking

it to iu<]uiro tbe cause I saw a lot offrom S to 16, say, hooting aroundton wbicb seemed to be drawn b j

UIL- 3<A\TOV!, \HVIV. H\ w\iw\v Ata *K\lw«veru* Laiiug a 'Urimken woman to theitation buuse. She was fomehody*!daughter, nnd najbo somebody'amother. nebody's

THE IRON ERA.The Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, l'.t.lssr*.m roruiiB GAME,

I'll.' n.l P

the Iliiit ].ic-llifi K"

lnnly nnticiiiaU'ii » COOIIKUIIII.T of pcujjlr were j iuwut,din it pi mint od, for lite jjiHiic 1ivlifU bulf (.-omiiictoil. Thein the lint, hut were .li-JKrun, loaving White at tbii.l.Orange niita Hurko not liritt1ml WHS j.lniuiv j.ut out ir

l ] i

u)I. Orm.,;.-, r . - wwt n i-untly ut«' for tinuimnn hroiluiit llurko liomt' n

it «ui1 hiiuwtir rwun'tl Ucfiiri- tlt mil. Hud HIP out Wrn nil

mild not iutvi- M-U:

• • Kmilliw.k ball,to M.-ulliiiki'. .if

.wi t . Tin'ilt-ri-

llll ii lefl n

vertlM-rtluil tin-;

with iiiur Xi-wiir.llnrkifin, the

Hr.iokl.viu>, whoNi'Wtun mi Tliui

ii-iiii.Kt tbr i>;uF

of llu Atlipricsin


ivn tin1 flout li ' iranjjp clubruns. lu tbi» sei'ond iiniinj.' tin' DOVITN JJIruu mid Uifir o|ii.nui-utf wcro lilntikrd-tlit' tlniil the 1>»V<TH nvaroA two run* nnliv Colt' anil Keunwy, sui.l sum lire lii IKVHII iiu.1 <'m.k. -MI.1 on- |in*a*.l li.ill.lli<> Bnutii Orungfl Kiilr two men p>l l

LlMU-0 I'D btlllfl tilftt l.inil..l<-.l vil.ll.V III

b;..i ititlol.1 nt ihinl bum-, nml were brimliiiino l.v KitmiiiiK'r. liit. In l!>i' f.mrlbDUV.TM «ijrc liliiuKiil. <'n tl-.- «tln rKitrrrtt Rut l«

K i '

n Hlrikii rnpilal » i . i nv i i .h

wouldWhite r

H y j

t allow it. In tliem-liPil tliinl mill «wmil flehliiiu <if tin'

t tli.>'al for

oft" bis (,'lliinn n |>r wut iImil nn.l tlic r<-luni. Tbi- |.itd

ijui.-kl.v, but tliruwet] n trill" wiiii-, i';iu-itin- littibiT to tiiuki' n liiilf Inni in .iikiiij;llef.m- lie cnnhl (jet lib (.no around It.v.m Iiallrl In, mill Hie cutclirr jmi tlu> IHIH on bwhile bo lay Hut on Mil' 1'iine. Tim ITOVtliilikiiif, tiu>ra WHS Ho iloulil uboiit thorninn ot the run, lintki' out in knnl npjilnuiw fitin- ilnriii;; unit brillimit iilii.v, <>nt wt>Mirprivril n inometit Inter In knrnumpire bad derided Hj-nn nut. Tiwlio wart. iilreadJ 1.Hilly -li^iitisfoniior ili-claiunii mid Die nnijiiri'tt juil«uii'iiou ball* aud Ktrikos, refund In jihiy furtbuiilviM »uotl:ir uuipin- wan jml in Hurk<Jilttcc. uHcring to ullnw tlic Snutb Ormiia|iti»lo to •elect noy otlier tiiuti fi>r tbo JilmHut tbeyrofuMil to jtU; wilb any otlur upire mud Uic* Dovnr* (ftired from Ilio flehiI > to Ibii lime tbo bit* were I'IUMI, belliHired to two in ftivor of 8autb Ormigp, bintbo Dnv^ri were fnr allcml in their Held )ilntliMiclil crnr* ln-ing two to Hivrn in tinfuvor. Kcnrnfy, nhn ft-lt vi'iik and iiorvon( first from \m recent illnPSM, WIIN Hittli

111.' Iniit tl.r.'i' I

(yl<itt. He builthrown two ni


ill IIIK

ut tbintlxniilfii tlmxi- wbii'li Ilir nii)|-iirmil allow. Ityiiti, too, lutil dout< HIIIIII1 Vlirilliuni I'lujfiiK <>t Bi'ioiiil, linnii-c Itulutil tlm Humo truul.le ut Nowtnu liiHt Halliny uuil tlie (i ipiTH nny ttuil tin1 nwiuv tb

iliMIiulo« over bix drmimm, Tho Ho

Orauyu PIHVITH tlii'iiiNi'lvro n]>ii(iir to be

(jaml-tiatuwd bit uf Wya, and il in nndirt

iialofl.iil tb.-y4io.ild iiuvc lbi> troll bit'tin

do nbout tbo uin|iiriut(- Wi'lwliovt' tbat wil

a ji»od unit inipurtiul uti»|ilr« frum untoii

cither town both clubx would |>biy » pirac 1

it timnb mid make it loiitont well worth HCIIII


MH. KIIITOB:—A nbort time itjo t i e 1UHols, i.f Hi. HOIW, iiuil ll.f IlinloH, of UI'lwiaant, pluj.d it KIUUUof lull ut l'ort Oralbat Wforo tbc nixtb Inning WIM finUiril tinKamo wnn tcrtniimUni by rain, The Ilin.l f)ni«bi-il Ibuir pitrt of tbe inniiiK with V,riuiK', the Ked Hottt Imil two tut'u our, willl iutl i lruui. Tlnw the name wn« «li)(li(lyt'uvor ol tbe Dude*, Imt under tU» rule* theunipin' gave it to the Iteil llotti by call innliuck to tbo fifth ianint;, wlicu tbr Uid llolwere Hhfi»il. TliiN i- nil riubt at> far n,ifiwn. Hinco tficn tho DIIIICH were yiven tiHHl(.n.lHn<( by wimn nf tbe Mt. llnne yhiyrtUnit tbo U,d Ilota did uol inland to tbiirlliix plliio UK tbe <li'cinive one ot the xi'riitliut mi^bt follow, iiud v>ic *illiiiK to IK^II•new. On the Bth inst. butli rlul.n |ibi.T<ilKaiuc at Hi. llnpc, wbiib tbe Itotl H.ili. «o

liy 4 niuH. The DUIIH* imkeil wl (lie rot tingame wnulil 1* jilityctl and Hie Kul l lot iuoKwtniil, " We hiiv-c no returu inutfb to jilnylroiiuvehfAten you twti'e mid Hint CIIIIM It.Tin' IMnlm deem tbt- tiunluit of tile Red Hutnretraetion from a dtntctnetit mndr iu «<mfldcDcc and wmb tlie public to know it. TbI)uib?H driiiw to prnvn Ibi'ir ]irnwe»« on nujliround whinbranjr bu mtilimlly H^ied it|Kinliut | . r t fun. iiiroliiiK mi tbu Ouvir KrouiKlwitU ua uni|>ln' from tbut j>We. In enlir Iliriiig abnut unotlirr mcHing Wtwtin Ilirnclub, ami make the Kai»<> mlrrcHtinK, 1bl>nil<!t> offer lu [ddj for 410 worlb nf tiatN amtmlln, or (ire willing to jday A wifial gnuWitliout liaviui; atiytbitii; at Make. We Imptoobtninannticfiirtory nmwer tn tlii* ]iru]Hwlion from tho Red Hoix.



" Bwk " W»rt , li»ve Picmoti, '• HutchWi*K"n«i irnl Mike lionncll.T, all cs|>ert hn!toMen, and all or Newark, donned tbe j(r»jand niaruon unifonn uf Nvvtou laat Sutur-dsy, nod upbeld tlie Lonorof ihc coiiuty neatof Sawwiagftlnrt tho local club from SouthOruntfe. Thm was nt> fuilurc ta ronitfaii time, MM t\en w u on thn Thur»d»y pre-vious. In eonwquenoe of the treacheryConaell, wlto b u probably made hi* liuil•pp«»r«Bc« iu SIIMOK for thu ncBnon. TbKootb Oraige |>oys were nomewbat *tiri>ri«nnt t\ic ontwt tn Anil Hit-j werf ptnTii.j; R—nitionly Inatoad nf SUHMX, nnd \wUtt? Hie;had reraTi^ml tho game Mood ft to 0 ut tbettidntthfl tliiid inning ngsiiitut them. Thettliey mode a rally nod fnr out piny ej tinEHHCX and 8u«wx »1ul. iu tbe 1uM.bnlfi.f11t,li»ut\: They \>i\ed u]» ten ruu* to f\x, butbey started too late ami wen' bout on liy .1•core of 14 to 10. Thti tuukea flip r lnb, l t

Koine CJU-II in tbo MT1I>H, uud tbe Routb <.lrlioy« now being on their «until, will bout tbfeverlaRtinii forks oft of Newton in thocoutent if the latter will liavr tbe founi._vUlt Sonth Orange and i-lny the di-cidinfi

At Newton, on Baturdty, the Newtou Chit.contrifed to win a (tame fmm the SoutbOrauite t*am by importing " Buck" Wnrdl'iomon, Wlegand and Donnelly from thlreitr, H>4M »nn, with the ciwjition of Donnelly, eadekTarcd to p>o rattle tbe viititorrthat t h e ; woubi be unable tn make a «ood-lidHiiig. Si-reral ot tlicJtuit'; OMIIHI- jiUy<TH Ifft ihrtr ]KMition« •nTwiirtiril tbc NewM-kcn that If tbey did nnt desiid tho SouthOrange men would nhow tlietn that they"did not h»T« countrytHD to deal with.1

This threat had the deaircd effect From thispoint out tbo game * u placed on it* merits.Tho vuiltora lud up-hill work however, atthat time, the m n atandlnii 11 to -2. At tbef Blah it waa 14 t* 10 iu favor of tbe hometeam-—Newark Mewa.

Tbe aft. Hone people an miking arrange.Btntt for » gnat day of apart upon theirgronndi nest Wedwrtay. In the morningtbe Hockaway u d Mt Hope flub* will playa trame nf ball and in thn afternoon theDorfra will pUy m R»O» with Home otherolttb<or»priie. TbetuaiagfRwnt are tryine;t* gel the Orange dab or Waverl; club fortheir opponent a. A ireat o>»l of other »portwill be afforded by uck n d running racoa,juniiing, feata of strength ami all kiwla ofathlotio ip»rt«.

The Bowcx K«ginlrr dcnf«i> that "floek'Watd ia m import^ prof™ionaJ. but all tb-VeoplB of tbatown know that he waa hranKhtthen to Hay ball and sWeii aa oaim^rUnttime* aa m bltad. Uomnmt, the Dover*wonld Mrer thiak »f bairiag am out. KrcryBan OM tk* D«rer •!•« nade * a>re hit offUa pltckldg Urt w«-k. and they aw notafraid of a M l wlw cotld only Mriko tinttareo bataajws *nt of betwren thirty unflfoHy wb* faced bin In HJTCB hminga.

We Baannt lean laat "Buck" Ward wantmltbe oontaat with Bouth Oraoge. ealltd an•'HbfbHiM p a n . " W k n " Buck" B.ta allkia prv/eaaicBala la he wanta it to count fnthe aerioa. It waa a gnat pity ho did notBBTO them all in tbe game with Dover onTkHradajretflaetweefc.

" Th(* ?tt"»Um pTtiU'Mmmnim < Jw tobeavr. after all, ekM tbe loeal club of SouthOrange eoold M l kara piled up tea nua onthem la Uw laet half rf UM cawu,|iit.v i

i ]n*r tint imliiy'ii

n. tbo duv tollciw-witliout a run.o thitijiN pn)j"Tl.v

rr. AnIKTU thepri

hiMi Sntiinlu;v ltuy«lv n t



L^llif of !

In tin- Inwii^iifii of Ml OliiOn ihiM'l"V<-iitb<biv i.f tbo

PI* i.iir n«eil iVa I.Tl

ill!' Wilt

(ct;ii yi(Ut idle

i warneil

herd.'.! 1tin! them


t Wl

lit tilllie te

11 hi*tho wi>!-.)<• 11

< licro.IU vimlIolll^S

f wimhKbc.Willie,

o lie e inlxnu dreaiuint;, Hweetly atrepinit

W,••;••[ her wilb bi . «<ir,lH of awratnM»,n

Wooed her witb hi" soft rurewujs."Ami thim wn» bum a child of wouder,Wiltiout it fHtbor, wilb n mutlivr;AiiativnufMt. Olive township,' ' Ibiil'oorOvcrwu-r,




:<Ktb(>nil in

ul never won her

II in niliilinli:li'lililllltit,',i.liil-[-f Ml. /)]|v,ind low In *tutui

lliuu-iii([ tiU1UII HI Illlllllllllll Hd.l.l IIiiii'iiilxr iif tlii' j-rcHt AM..

KxiMti-il wii« Im liy miKwiiaitnl," Hie (jn-iit noli „ ..

A liiiuilly lawyer mid jireut runner,AIM. aThat ii

.v luwveruiHniuln'r vt II..


ilt t.l




dt'fni.lid l>y urcut tuktil.t, it full iiixl Hltiiiih'r eoimttelnr,1st1 inn ii in rijM't'cli nml jreHturi1.

li (In- eitv i.rt.iwii nf Mutt in,And be wuw u W u-hinted nlilyllviiklMHinaii of tl,,- hern,Tlie crcat utorv-teller of Wnrrru,The unvit '• lago" of Mticlue,Al«i tall mill rervriU-iMler;

ill tulkt-riiip.-lt,r.iiui.e>..wan flu' taleiil W'ul in tbi» Inw *> iiulilu NotiN nf MurriK,

Mi'Hinnieri. l»ln.r.T« ami atiinly fiirmcrn,1 (gathered from the stony liill«itii'«

HiK It"Jury, by the bliickwtnithtti&SL

H«l«r». It I

liivkxmitthin little \ -

i'L'itu llii« moral Inw Hd bv our " Kwa*liid"Yfiieriihlo iitfi'd Jiintione Dniki' of Flniidt

inMiiiu like the thuniiiMli. im« itu li«1ilnm

tl i morul luid l


. jimlli.„..i lnii)jiliij;e no fj|l(. ,m,l pntlii-tU;lrmi«hl turn from tbe (urvill wet tbe cyt'H of ttie •• upeeki d-titli'rne hi-caii : "May il jilrime your honor*ill tbr KeiillitmrH at thin jury :> Msiiid before you » iiimnimViit tlie nroh-itorof imiidenV luilior.•Hull Khuw you a deed diabolical

hut liniiiieiicil In tho towuHhip ol Mnelii _Tlmt will umkc (iu your heads the bair t<

Liki- tbi: Iinills on " Katfli tlio llpflgeiiog."I wltui'M. "Trot out tin; maiden."•re « l ie n m , n [ " , r i r , l tho.nMcnilily,I|)D«PII nt YOWIR mi-u and tlmae Kgud-vt nruix she i;rartfully carriedinnocent lanmi of tlii* mo nil Inw tu.t.iff willed, well mirronnilrd'pceimt'ti* of thn umder uinwulinr,niiHiml" mtiJ, " yimr name, toy luatilcn•re ynii live, \nur iiicii|iutiiiii.

_... w the dcloniimit ol till* Inw Mlit 1'lie datu yuu liveil ut the ImuicHlcad.VIiut wiw ilone. ttiiiijin tlml truiiwplred

TUl,oul | . f twllhl ,«.r l iwl». . j .» '

• I I U D • j ^ ' aa ffh a nn in uj|(iiBUht'iib H coiiutennitrc iiatcrnitl,Kwmind" iwiii, "Take the witnma."

lieni the lull uud graceful lawyer.Tlie Hiawatha Imp l i e town of Morris,

iijjan bin (|iie»tiuo» ami diuwction*.i l l , jtli-e* by piitt- lieditwictedAll Ibc otid.mi-, m well uHxIntLing• h».l ou. the «L B

... downcaattd,uy pie cruat.tne tuwiiabip

told the aunie old ittnry

it flic nwervetl not, won nnt ttbakrua thn ull repvatcil Mory

Wbicb nbe tolil with ryenWiinla an rhort at auy i>lp

iMtliGy^lld~lu»Vreriwalii'w~Mi...Inn nli-'Ua—uieaolnii IDIIII of medicine—

'nieliiiiiK iti tbt' Uiwu nt lltwkcltx,Wiw cnli.-d an wilm-MK for the plaintiff,

- ' - - tlie uiiilUtici' uud the jury«rrtnri,i»p.kll!iiiid wlmlnin.

Uf iitli-mleil ttiiN iinrorlniiiile niiiidiii* triidr. UIK| in licrtnuiiil.

Why'Vhi'l'h'imM'oii'r^iw'i'iftiiiNlii*. fiiltn lliii. wot 1.1 dtluved it* tumiimluyoiul the tiiim Imd iluwu liy om-ntv,Ii!>f KIHK Kulianl, l>ukn ol 41tnnt(T,'ouuil in tlic i;rt'itt works of HliukoMH-.irr.' in cnili'il tbu t-Tiiluui<f fnr the tow u«biu.

n tlw ciioi- for the tlcfciK'c ojwiii'dI aye, tbe. Iicm'ri kinmnan,

nm nm my brnlbi-r'n kuciwr,_. uiu licro u« Ida prutL-etorrom tliu amtaulta ol tliin muideu.Hliail Mand liy Mm fonder,e», forever, it it needs be.will nb<iw,judKi-anD.t jury,

low tbU inuiUou bw. tried iu nuny Itinsmaii'ft nntae, own nn n«.|>le,y try in (f to mukt< him uwn upfiat lie1*the •mliar of tbia law "lit.Liivr known liiui from bit vhildhuod

:ked blni lu lim little,m lut inf

;( you.

. linn.lame and orcuputioa t" aaid he,

Trll the jury your home if you h>v« aniuowledgeoftLiafairjoungmaideu,if licr doinjw aluce Unit you knew her;

I l e r a nbe Lad anyg; fn tbe old houefailo dwellin

alwaya to tonr t i n

aluud nti


-V ^ F — « • *>• «^«H tM^IDff

it tmriptl in her anni* to nicely I, no,' jou Mtawer with linn feeUngi.

_ ._ laml>, • yen 1 am iniiiH-ttti.'denial from further qucttious

'afce the wltHuaa aud «o tbrouab him."'he townabip'fl la wye w did RO through him,

Hut nothinii foutnl tbey HUM or dtartling,Aa ho kuew IDU well his ICMUR.

,« by out- culltJ they liVlr t 'wham thr j had m (J.-HII.V m.... .

robust lady, nurnamid •'JOIIIIKI.1

ly " kvaaiud" exiKHinde.r fur the t- quiio llutt-vy wucn uueatloni'd:

DKB tbut tbe vivtiui bud lold herG totnniPutcBM'ut of this Uw auit,

tout another ciiyyimii); loverbo for many moonn hud loved her,id t u tbe « « l eauno and author

if tuia itreat moral cirvua lftw ault.hnulhcr aged witnra* had thitv'rom the township of »Uebt«.rom Ibu laud of tk« I'hilliiioM,.ml t i e , aa " Jutubu" aw ore ucaiimt her.

JUBR all tho kiu-mrnI W I in thli moral luw Mit

> iiroTc a> character th»; hero o t n had,•thuut i|Mit without blmidsh,- uaae ciOM-d—a riiiK provided. the imfiilliilic lesal t'ouifeat.hick wiuaoon about to o m ,n K«anino roauh of'd by tLe jujgm a n d ..wMlnd* i»|ieuHl tnr l U townaUn.

Ti»t thn truth waa uwthbelieve abfiRWilOiot oC UiU l «

A Wcneumi, yca( o man married •Could ab« lore* him »ttain tu mill

i tiythiamaMon.

Aii'l I'm r<-lii'vit[ Iliiil i lls enThe cretit iimrul citviiH hw KITb.-Jnr.vniM-H|i im l.v.;.' roiiVurtitVMtikitiu tli.- lioyn

:bt t' • K . l l i t U

ii.I «

" oVvirX-il'lli'iiM-M. .....i-n.i it r i j j i l I'm- nnv IHMII nr r-ounl.yutiriiij! it» lllili (in In- iis tiiiiluii-j,HkliiK ii i-M-inml ofilHlirollirr

tt'tN \>

W h e n Js, III'•I'llil'l


Vhil Xearay'a Brigade.

ell l>v Urn . I'liil Kt i

,-nt' lbe hnlt le nf <'rwi'itty-ilrnt Iiit].ti.nVl' ii

-I'lv-identn, .lolin 11. Slinmt. Kir.nt H.^i-I; Ililwiird I,. CiuiUliii, Met nnd 1C>- L: iiu.-nl;< II. I,u1/. Third Keuhneiit: William li.

M,•II;;,in,., Kmirlli I t i - imint : W. W. l'.im,T-IVnf], lteKinieii! ; Uillhllll II. l'emoKe, IU

cntli K.^liiit'iil; Smii'l It. Stoeklon. l'»en--Tliinl Ilejiiinent : .1. Augustus Fny. Jr..•tlt.-th l{<.|tinu>tit ; Kui'Wtur.v. i.l'iit- •'. H.(jd.-ti, ui Kli^ihi-thi Ti-fiirtiir,-!-, Ueuleiiiiiil

fc.l. (J.U. Hwwn; rorr««l.,.ti.liliK Ki-.T.

POST K0HHI1.. iU-.nxr Ailiunn. ii.'.Hor - f I1 l l - IT. ri,!.!,. 1-lK-k to llin |>

inl iinl,.<d mi- I;

i.l'io:, Ii" -Ji'ii




iirtiiif; i - Sluiildirir If"Ur. 'I'iiTilnv! .. .

a>l.> l.y W. S. Iliill'.

U. 11. Cahlte.v k.-jlll i l l l ! 1

lii:ulili"UHIi mitilrl th n« «»llililt.«" tltu'>t t^llmv they iiiteli in ii HIIIIJ J Hi



rial of Mniuil Olio

i.ln'l .b.v.1..|..Ml. At Mm

t h e


i'l i1 !<•


Ml t



. T

i n

r-r tillHie ilinh

h.-.i.irv hi.


Hit imiiilive

• llll

riim hint«

n y

•Mhitnl we

. Vhry >v

i-.'ieh li.K,

• \

f u '

•it it ne u t

• ell• t .

B,.11 li

rt.' Tit Witlmr u

in Iho

A 111• i t 1

n.f «H!i

Die Wiltnit til

nml .'iiji.yi-U tl.i-ini

.- 11ill/


HIM IV.,1;. Tin- litllc

Tin' limner* lire IKKV I ucv cnMin.r no ti>ni iiiul 1,,1,-liwlioat. t.ntli iif whii-b life u

Mauy l.iiidf. i.f iiriielii'H mi- coining in ti

1'Abi'iii|il.l|||1..'}l||'iii>iirlVu'Iilih.iveb[>i'ri ou in

nlioiilorllu-iuiHt. H\ i illm will hi' luk.

uil l In iircn Woll. I'lirinline LnwvMlliiK lii*

MILTOW AUD VICINITY.w!n ii! mnl com cntliiiL' willero f lhr i l l lT .[,v.;,n,\ h»r ri'tui'iiiMl m i d l n k n


ml vieiuitill... JH Hiiiil tin

'1. on W.'duomlny

iiirprino pnrty frni



hail i

i, KIIHNPX r,»iinty,

•viit l ,»f (I

tltll II Hi

H were

•I Hat

i tbe

n the


u tirilllin

'kn. Aboi

Tbe tatt it HouMkMpinf'kei-iiiiic ilrrrii-i'ri o f Wiisbiii); iiiuti<rin

t inn be readily freeil fr.<m tintiiK or HOII IIIKI diiHt lire In (kmnnd by nlernniiit, anil vory pretty diirk little anil reiiiupo, rieeeclincd, are found diimhle oiliomiii«. Yerv tluik, line ScotHi KiiiKbutHue croHHlmrH of lirown mid Riay, or ebue

ilhiiiueli dark uriiy, urn briulitctn'il withilitithii; nt tbe funt. nn.l triiuiiiiiiuofredo

> twill. Very emiiiorioble KOWIIH nre <n .lurk n.l or iiuvy twil l, lined witiCHt piwHlble wtiddinii itod i|tiilt€d in iiie

uuidHhy thciwwiuK-uuu-hiiie Tbe lion«.•'iiiji li»wu in u Jilaiu [mini frock, t[iiiti-iily inntln, to have no r

todniK nbout in clonedIJI mid down at.urn, a Urn

1,,-inu .• -tiln•Him

With thi>< urmiiIhe buir. n-tudio ,.iiwhiles or t-ntv line:

•p. I'ouininloni' rrmetle,iltich jicpp In low 'ny pretly nwl u

KOCUWiY.ifllV111Jltli Vt'hflTIl VVt

I in New " • -'e niiokliortiy i

Mr. Fniuk W. Luird limreuton aud I'lilliideliilna IJohnlkatn cauKht" - pound ctl in thi

H. Till in ml no. Alfred Wiolm TbiimiiHoti nnd ibomiiH Miller-.•in 1'i.nd, or U r c i . L,.ke, Monili13 iiH.iek mid returned TueaiUiwith it linelot of IIHII.Force ban tho J.d. nf |mliitinKll

Ktoeklnilm Hoi,-1 itint^ul olJolm l(a|,| A Si.i« re i mr I I'd l:int week.I'biiriiii MilbT ix Hx'intint: m Ni'wnrk ;nninklyn.Mr*. Tnylnrniidiliinjiliti-r, nfKimt Ornnm

lli.v.. IH-PII viHllitlB friiudrt in tliU Ticitittv.SIIK. t:. W. Willinm*. i.f N'.'iMirk In- tic.

r,;iils:ji;^jl"ffl,i;i:lilii"i"'iii"t-"Mm. llriant. ol W.iKliiii^lmi, N.,!, ilelivrn. iiipi- \Vo


The Knckaunv Iliwc Hall Chili went toi l Ilium inHt Fridn.r lifter no™ anil iicfi-iltf*it' Cow llnvH, Onr limno nine did * • n-inml iilnyiiii!. Hiir|.!iH«iii^ th.-ir <>i<[ii)iK'iitH ini llelilinu uuil lmllii.i;. T. H. 1(. |);ivev >ix-uti'il Alli-eiHotiiierlHliinil tli<-Iml an',1 >' TIIM ID ilic Hi'.onii timn llu'•t.VH IniM' l .cn. .lerrnleill.y Ihem. Till-)iiH niMi.ired in.tuiiliitlly ami ^itisfurtt.rily I.,rti.- White of ltov.r, Ncnn- : ' *nekawny :t 4 1 0 II •> 2 X 1-2IIW Ihiyn il i\ I 1 « | (I 0 I _ |The Immliih! nine will \t\uv tin- liiiehiMviuill. tliin SiitnrdnT atteriiKi.ii in Iliix i.bien 'Sliekie ||r.m. Mi.ri' i . hdnK >' |-,.in 1 , . | Lv

nhti Kalil Jt Snm.

o«r»trcct crunhini; roll*, otic dnuhlui« cinyl.' M-neiin :ind it mil lathe wereIUH'J tn lMkotatbiRWfikfniiu llonulnmiry and tiumUiuc »h<>]i. A Cliuinx Till. „

.er [mleiitvd by Mulilou IlLiij-lund. Jr. , wanliao BbilUHjd to Albany. X. V., ami a roek"utdier and tttitft roller, the latter wt'iicliini:ittoim, willlw wntto LumlHTtvilie, S..f.iry havu on hand nn order lor a not lie rI writer mid tlwy t>]H'ct nn orilur fur I Idrly-in rur- t,,|1P built ol'H| tU.iu. A( |lt.M, nt

airioti» b.mi-e m Irloba V. Ktitklo bu

lepairctl.ill Parker, cart hi* hri-iixt


ml J. A. llriant an- re->nln for .liicuh Kiilenor.. Inn I tlie t>l<H>|.of hii> law

ilBjiei'torof tlio 1>. &. It.liy ]iii»liinj; a ear nhniitIc W M [MTliTtly hclnlcn*

liberty St. Ki-wnVk "filri W.

Hirnin., 11*.%Se|.t

llu l i IIIHLril Ull IIIL^lltll. A n i l n'rl l l lt l l f.. . iilt he najn hu hurt liin.rovi-il wonderfully

alcr Jils care nml ulaillv uive* liiiB a nvom*' the help 'IIIV ivudervd lo lilra.

aknlili-hiv nf bi* MHIIII iiuaUtici nnd. -iftWoual aliiliticn. We an- Kl»d lo a«e

l»r. It. 8. Ayt'it still contlnucnto im[in>To' " ' *•' inn sen liiniuut afinlii.

itimied l n r h *

" l

n anil hui

] |»T« two WITM IK tbia Ntate or Jurac*And for biftmj lire in Trenton t

wt nreaunui it will be.iotliLT teacher In order

iproiier care and at leu lion.e w«it on the Coney laUnde«tt«oded W.vcrlj >'air

liii'mtond that nnr tcwnnmnD, Warren-, received an inriUtlon from a eom-foueur IWOlo nin|iirn tbo ginucof

,11 lrctw<*o the Durcr «,nd Suntli Uruupib Tburad*; afterniKiu last. i

; may «r.fc-r."|H di.l I a-k i-iili.

witlibiliiir. bri'iid itml lir<-eHn-».

And widely lor IhhlUilijr I IIIIMITlml 1 ,m.v P11. il.,. Wz.i.TliniM

iCliurctt. ii iimi'which, I iiell.'V.', Mix. Aiidie filackhoI'KllLI'tCri till- Illll.M,

Mv.Jtitneri White, tlio (iidcHt inluilill.vram tnwiifliii., dii.l bml Hmi.liiv l

. I f . 1 . . l i i . . ! . IIl.vratt bi-

tin' oliClitircli


iifliin,r.^l.U'iicn in Colninliilili-»t iiietnli<>i> ol tin

clicifwIiiHi hcili idnluirii'il in Stiinlniiie Ub host .if hoirowin^


} tliti Wi;uu, Kiilimn aiml tev..l.

Olid i*l.V ut'teri

. . . I Ian «iiw tbt..lii'lltt, who, tlii'Vd in liin nnv lininu.H. ltmilliriiok \v,i* 1

ihuixto I'liihulrlpliila. Ha m i ' ' '

iiit bv lii.. Frc

PO1T 01AM-

K'lt linn l.mi re^riiiiitd to'il toltmiutoiilliner, tins

untid|.;illi.Kiu. Mnv ull

attiiiltiiin.| i . VYiilter* i- linviuj;

h l

•• Way,

\\m |HilVfil hi'lT

IMcoj-f-.tntiiin bv i iwwi i f : 1 ! toll.

TIIOH. lln.vd, fHKiiu-rr. lui.I ourhurt in l)u< Mt. i>h->ix»nt eiminmiitilo ..f wei-im awe. iVnni wlilrli t

•liHalili'dtufnllnwliiidiiilliinboiil aliiilfdo/eu mi'tiithiird mine ore dunin. ]

imm tlif i-nornioiM |.ile Ilittt ha« iitl.t-M- for ii nf venm. We

"' ledtlmt tlie iirpicct onh-rl.

irt.ti toThere


itifin.l tun.Tin

•i; bd i l in cln-.-k by IL'upkMbr • t in*

i,f !w


l;ilo. l.-lt li.'(ill JlnlldllV hist l o r A l i * i l i a . ubi'li' r | ir IV-iH-i'ta tojuiii b.m.l mid with Mr. lluwk.' i i i i i i .TlvolMt. ri-'ii-aiit, in tin- h'.lv l.niiiN

f WMltiK-k. W>r,t, 1 1.111 Ui-l, ] , , , ; , , , ! , , ! -nt IH). ti. her iiil.'inh'.l 1 nui.v IMT wi-iidc.lill' liei'Vi-l'iiKiiki'd wilh hnii]iiA {{iioiir •••-*• - " ' - - -

in. Ill' theti 1:H1 TuiNtlav II

tin ti<-lil. Tlieibv wild throw

lili' ol nil tbi' ,

HIK ufC.I b'T.


i bulbtallied


ViHK I T Sri-i

i-"il*C a'lninny la.liea. . .i work nt tlic Sit,

i 1ml uuil Imil

• i i . • • • . • • • . . . * * I I I . «« . I I IL ul, i HIT i,r|, . tt|>ulmw iif tlie bottom HtiijiL', vir... Kimtice'nLiniciiluu'w Ktopx. Miitiy of them bud

urvir iilnyi'il bmtc t.iill In fore, but it was n*~ I a p i n e an h»H IH'VH |dnyt>il on tbe.-.indH thin noiison. Slorft imoulo tbmiaht

that I.iiuKlilin'H nine would win, awl <iuil« aMUiubLT lut i'i«ur« t» tbut effect nt tlie end olbe fourth luninu. wbun It won 10 to 2 in tuvot

,o»e aotl Chiritwiditin, aliui did some linnmtinu, but of lEnfntr uiiaied but i>oe t.>oklii buw on ealleil b.ilU. Jooejih Martin was

11 pi re. Boor*:

luRtopn, 1 fl « 1 II « 7 1 fi~lfliltom Swpr, 1 8 0 1 1 « a if V~luIn thehi.toryofliall plnvins. Mr. Kditnr.d ynnnvrr hour nf n irnnm Hko lh« nbove,

l ltlmit nny prnetk-o ) 1 twlicvo Hien panie. You o

will ltfcht t

, itMtiirnnrttfiiiaM nf

IB l i t . l'lcuaant l»mle<* uud Mt, HopeKudiiitn, much aa they are twld cluwtiers andIda:Tn £et nnotlicr j-ntnc tbr DniieAHrut n chal-

lenge to ML HoJio In play f"f • 'hnlfa and hat*, bat Mt. il rcfu

»r that nml ottered in play for *;blutr. They think the Uudi'N niiiuni mm,W, But tbey nia.y Im uilntaktii. 1 beard u•orkiiiKWian »«y Im would p ' f 'mii 1ti» Uudi'H,

hut my opinion i« Hint if tlicv nrci'iit thn cbiil-en«o tb« Mt. IIOIKH will buck nut. The. . . . . . . . ..,|j t» piny them any day wittily

- IKJ iiluyed ni Lr

worth ofil to plny

Tlmt U

. for tin, thftMime other nrthe Kit*, or Miiirc. Then w

y Iheiii niiy day wittilylio jiluyeil ni Hover or

nunil, with the editor of«f tbo Hover*, fiiriira-

nler tlic nnn|ik'c8 of tho\1firinn Cliurcb will ho

A liiniHTeiiiinly, busLoiiiloii Hu

i Kniiil^olil (.'(M i l l i - i . iui p m . i

biiJi IicMtillIMIU j ,

A. ( a rev, oi r]iil]i|iNliiir^, Iiax iiiimd IVi.ui ll,lvi.leie juil, uflerI'-lltl.tlblr „ IUUIllb'H,lM!«IIM»_

not nive Ht-Hirilv lorlhn jmvi it of<ivk tohiMwite, who hud li'rouulit ault


W. f. OOLaUkftD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholiterer,J10HRI3 8THKET, DOVEB, H. J.

Lir Msttmsrn made to or.lor m,l obi tnut-IDI nindo nvor. Window nbaiJe* mud

,;. Onlem fur all kindu of upliolni „neatly and promptly oKceuteii. Oirriase trim.min« In all iu bnntcliua. frlcti moderatu

M!Ue» I HlMH!• «ke P«>t OBce at »»Ter,S. J

Dover, N. J. , Kept, lmh,liuier. Lir.*.U> 1>.«IIIII

. t lom. . , . M«. H. H. Kiiia,(.nlr, Jan, Lfiiikcv,

tlu trnat', Mile Marliuey,A HI i Tut ticTo obtain any n

rartUed" and giveO. 0. HIN0HMAN, P. M.


My tlikt


' JOHN JONES, Cmlirliler,BdOkHtr, N.I'

IUKU.h,I..X,»t,iii, I1:IJ.uil Laiim Uuatiil».v«.'^X,

M A K H I K U .

iUv. .1. ,,'-,'ilmi,(.n. K!""in'eJill I «i-~ Lillla Illli'r, ill I

roiinv_i'o\vKiis.Rr . , , . 3,1.MmOVm. ,,.(',,rl,.v,'.n>.i

wvi 'KnPF-iioi ,r-A t ' i i i

i'.v iii-i;. .I.'IV r' 'S.r..,,.l..l.,,re. IM

| I V

_ l i . IIHMUtlilils, A. II. Wv.'knll',mil Ml»n M.A'. llult,

: IIIIAIII.KV—Aim. »H. ,1. llnl<i'.n!. Kn.liii .k T'ullina.

«». mill Ml.« (Jnlliri,,,,, /i. ,!,„



Ju.l nsrclrnl«

MISS L. H. IVES'rry'n It lock, 11 lark well St., Dover.n addition to tl.n«f mi>T '•« found fullL.irtitw' II[I>HH TriiuiHinu* and HubKiiner Work.

AUCTION.Tlie Hillinctitwr will Kell At auction lit tl

THjileucii nf .1 simon (liirltile. nt the I'mHotel bulldiuii, Hovvr, N. J., ou

TUESDAY, September 226,\mi, the folton ing pormujnl propperty, lo-wit:J<mk Htnvu ami Ilitiircs.twct-lciillaUle,Kquare_ . . , . , . ~ . . , | | M ( r o c i , p r i w r • - -

ill ragenrpt-t, lot straw nuttine,2 iiiMttreiixoii. 2 clock«, rrmkary, plim», iruiHlone, tin nail wooden hallow ware and man,other article* not mcutionecl. Bale to begin

t H o'clock I1. M Tcrinn eimh.A.JUIlHOPJirOK, Auetinne...

Salt- of llrotbcrtou it 111101111101011 adver-m-.l for S«|it. lt^lh, utiiudi* udjuiiriiL'd. ~llln tor llu to.


REAL ESTATE!in uVed oftfn.ler nnd by

itod by.Fobn It.U of eiof Mm


.Jerriey, tbe mil..bur, liU iiMiKiirn, will expouc to MIU ntIk) Tniilue lit II. JnbnMM fc 8m'a More,Irnttymown, Wnrren rotinly. N. J., heDII tlm bourB of VJ nud f. o'clock r. x., onT l i n t S t M Y , OCTOUEH ISd, INW,fnllnwiim (k^ctilicd irnetn or lotn of land

ltiitfllntbfltiiwntbi]H>rWaabia||ton(GuHu.tTL NO. <t. ('ontikiun eleven ncree nf Iauilv of whlcli U tllluble and the. retnn Ser hiti.i, liar. n n h a two-«tun- frnmrrtlll MM feet, «i,h „„ addltftm S

.frntiin ham lfijclK feet, nml ndjoiriBd eniitte of Tliumag-.f Win. Hi

HliiflOs ileecaM-d.JJOT Nn. 1(1. Col

jiroot liiinl, nnd iifThomiWHI.lH.l.on imd (ithtm. '1

taimt almiittliirlv •ft o f

miirry t I oide1aV'a«d'Ouoa?>>niapecTeii' "cVtiienV of tbi_ r . i . f m l Q d d c a d i n fln o U i a w m m ] u |


DRUBS OOODS.All Wool Flannel Suitings, 25c. yard.

All Wool Fancy Huttings, 25c. yard.

All Wool Cashmeres, all eolors and black.

Tricot Cloths, " •

WASH DRBS8 FABRIC*Stnndnrd Prints 5c. per yard.

Fine Satteens 15c. " "

Dress Ginghams,

Plain and Fnncy Seersuckers,

CAMBRICS, Inrge assortment.

RIBBONS.Satin Ribbons, oil shades.

Gros Grain " " "

Macrame " " "(AT VIST LOW PtlOK.)







Glaring • • ( balaaMc mt ansr a

HOSIERY.A full line of LADIES', MISSES' and

CHILDREN'S HOSE, in Cotton, Balbriggan and Lisle, all colon and black. Ladies'Hose, plain colon, from 10 et§. per pairup. Gents' Half Hose from 10 eta. perpair up.




Plain and Checked Nainsook,



The highest price paid for BUTTER AND EGOS in exchange for goods.


. SCHAFEB & SON, Proprietor-.

Will IJC h( pt opeii tlirnogliouttho lrlottl Torirtiri •ml »ov who wlrli lu npend • OUTvcuiiiK in IIDO miuiiniient. BTITV ifflirtf

UltJ to niftliu nil whuoall tnjn;|liemaelvefi.

4 SUrA. titl


l T OAu ordimtiro ilcpnC] nHo(.ul


to tHtnlliifa _ „nt and Tor tbt)cntomrca."

» ..ur-«..» « B^ulll.Allir v l n , I B U B ,Amn SEPT. 14TB, lsn.5.8io. l . Be It onl«!iied by ttm Major. B«*inUr, Aldemini md Common Contnilmea ofover, Tlmt tlie first acction or Iho onliuanoai which ibia in a Blip plenum! («fl amended byic hiipplcinctit i>r June Utli, IHHl.) U and iheLine in bcreliy aaiGU'Icd by ntrilin*oBt lUeurdu " liftmen F vo Wanlpin," aud Inacrlinjt; lieu thereof ihe wards " twunti-Bfo Fire

:o. 3.*And bo it Further ordtlaei), Tb»t the[I Rcctiuii of the oniinanftR to •bieh thla Isipnlemcnt, (*• alien :cd M afmrgtld) boili» Httiiu i* hereby ftmcndi il in like man-by titiiklDK out tbo wonN "tificeii Fire

.d 'ii.-." and inserting In Ucn Ittreof tbronla '• twcnlT-flvo Fir j W»rd-n»."

dEOROE RICHAltDf*. Haynr.WM. H. Linni iT , IDWO Ulerk.

A:; oiami


PAHIPHCI-T. IBUI, 18S5.1. Do it oriUintMi by ttu< Havor. HeAldermen »rrtComiii(in Uoani'ilmea ofTliit tt Rliail he nnluwful ror »IIT ner-

l i withi tlie11. (U ot l l ver.'EC 'i And bo it Furtlipr nriinititil, 'tiia'l l>t> tho 'Iii(y of thn nnuuii-keriii'iIU.UI lit' Uwful <iir niiy other |iitr'oii toami coiifluu in the uriunii of -aid (own

1 iillRrmn nintolli.T |ninltvv fiiind rimlar^o wiihla tb« luiuutlaor Mid town.' (ucli anil rreiy bead nr pwnu nr nilltir an tiilieu iif) and ililivenil l>.

I'K titii'"iftnt'l|.lli«|l|'>1lio''cti?ttl|'dl?o*'r<(

""Jr. NuVitDaJia iTm tlic iliity nf IIIL> I.UiiTliif to i>ny lim «:IIII» cm ir« bi'm™ fni i l i -iclicci that moh ]>' nllry worn Ic-^lly t uifintil.

| pf lilly u.n

l^llilltHli.llWI«nm nt lilt?i IV HKl

B piwmi nr (Hii the pound.SEO. 9 And bo

iicnto I IIt ofilwir

1 l

i l n « ly* fini-incnt. ur fni'ane

id tin- offnrrtliriL< iiuninl-litptr tnif. uf tl it CJIU

SUSSEX 8L OROCER,•Ull aulutalM Lti fOMtatton for k s m l u fall





BARTOM S B I T H T ^ . Proprietor.


•arialai la Gi»|kiiai aad GtaibriM,•arialni ia Dry Gooft and Natwai,

•argaiai m Grociriti and Pravldaai,

Birgtlm In Sktwli I Biraalat for all.PRICES LOW1 (1OOD8 WABHANTEO TO BB FIBIT-CL«U.



h M I>II> 1N»H newlv fnn.LMboiit auil i* hi flnttHjIanii eanilllJan fornrat nnd In.ii.lrnl M i , wlt> tnu.l Imr «ut.plii.i| wltU ovcrvihlns tin

vitmribute to tiiu vmofart nf ynttona

Livorj, Sals aid Eiohaoga Stab]




lironlar uliowin? COIWD of iludy, A?.Appljr- t(J


j n i f . uf tl i CJIUIlier-ftlit AUl.t

!lv •tpliumwn Marshal tn

poultry, timt advesned UT iiimM-ii

ptacra in Mltl tom•o a d v e r t i » e d l l~ I l d

, an1i*ll ulUnf unvli

MIH % |>n.c(!{>t t,>public nalu uranch s.ii.. liyDot

t up in tlirtnal.l Marnliai llaviii:cli pmi try tnn nmn»ip lull p»y to tin

t h


inm of liltv cento per. Jh» poultry Bii H I , ] , nmt'iilHo all nnin pnmliea, in<l I-IIIIU pay the tmrplmt ii the Tnaitater or the tnwa fur (IJIJ rnvntiit'rn of moll pnaliry, such furplan tiid ever upon llin Hot or otiL-h •>wii«rBlnu)iug ewtabljHtic.l tn I ho ratisfnehon of Ihol y o n n d no certified by him to tlie Trcin-•er; pruvidLii rnich claim or otn'Ttliin be

mde ami e»tabli»be<l within nislj dayi a.fti>ilueb BIIG, oihctwiHO nticb Burplua tn remain iih« trcisury for the use ami u r n fit or tin

OEOnflE RICHARDS, Mivor..ttflt; WM. II. LAMBSHT, OltrK.


; Iialf

t J l e [

rUK RENT,. cottaRtt of eight ronm*. niUi w»t»r, anilled fmm collar lo fttvret. A atnro anil

ii-eofldur roonii trnmtiliati'ly ntertt, willrenldl rcaacnably, tocmber or iep»r*tc.

Apply toWM. DONALDSON, PholOKrHphrr

oldestplace, VVridar

lier u^unl dclk-ni'len ntnviiW. A fonltal invl-

I'rovct'Ui to pur-


CM bo Ionti.1 on in Hfinnn'i Dei, Bi»c fllor.uratCnalBrluite, cm snooi s t ra l , Divn,Heijilcll,thB|.»troo»Bo or bit fnemli. Allcrtora will reMlTe prompt ftttoaUon. n- ly

1T1S0N, BUKF.1I1N, T « 1 0 n 4 Co.,:«] * 719 Samswit,

>-3" Km Tori.

S1LE OP BONDS.Tin Common Oonnoll ol Iho Town or D o w

, ,I,OM V"u. l . lo" . l S'>umu pa.v.ble .eni-mnijat ita'rii Of „„ ttaS

e»«ln|[ M.rcb



It havinj eom» to our knowledge that KaaonM ft Holl.rhwo adopted a beer bottle ezutly Uke oar'a at to ahaae u dnewly n t i to color, and of tbe lame pattern of •toDper, wehave deoided to protect onr eutomen from thia deoeptiretrick, by dunging oar ityl. of bottle. Hereafter the bottle,which we send cat with tho. famoui Joi. Sohliti Company-.Beer, will be of a very light green color, with a M W tad wryoonvwuent M atopper. Cuetomer. wiUd. weU to . . t i . .tM. c^MIy , that an inferto, be., «,t b e a m e d .ITupon them for Bohlita beer. _ _ _





1 J , , , " • ' " . » . . " . l | f i l l J 1 . 1 1 T L ( | I , T | «

1.1? ! . Llul"'lf. nmttr oM.mi.d 1>, Mr.tho"o i'^'ji"J"" te" B i»1""- -»"" fr!"!'nil coBTenioncMBntl

n rainnt« walk fromroom; nridooe, wlllia e m n . d i

TEEldONERA.Saturday. 8«pt 19, 1888.Eutered at tbe Post Office at Dtiver, N. J.,

aa aeoond-clwa mutter.


Eelipne'tof tbe «wmi very w l y mat Than-day tuoruiug.

Fredioldef Backer and wife of fioonton areriaiUng Ooeu tinre.

I'rof. De Velaeu Wernl, of Uowtoti, ia •cri-•ualf iUatMuiM, X.Y.

Buohanau Bro«,. are painting t i e sew baili-l a p af a s m T o u and Vuderkwrf.

Tbe private hoc at the rink to*ifht Fro*-laea to IM a nr.T iaeo«Hlul aocUl event.

Tbe ban of ¥nA top*r, a W-Jl-*.,, _deatrajed b j are ea BatunUy night, Ufa imt.

During tbe month ot Auguat tbere -ma*ahippad or«r tb« H. * K. railroad ia,H0 M I I•faiilk.

Mr. Peter Kloe now haa charge of tba rail-road atrtfeat at Bartby, Mr. B.taon baringrealKMd.

Tben am low M prlaoaen in tbe ijail, MMt«f vboaainext tens ofeaurt,

»awaiting trial at the

Jofau 11. Smith hu bosght of Frank Htwell

e f o r • ] , « » .i Saooaauiiua aad

War Den, (be Bitwaliud t'nliaaua, otMorrUlown, baa gonctcdvu for a year*

D celMlial kia«

Tbe Second Pnibyteriu fciadoy Bofaoal ofMeo.lhi.Bi bad n ddlgbtral einirmou to U k eB«pMflimgthootb«rdir.

There are a fen Trlcrum of the tiller onthe Hfttrii canal who have navigated it*w r i m far thirty-five yean.

Tho Jeraeyman any* tliat Francis Itockovco,of MnrriNinwu, mlaed H niuak melonwolgliiog i*vcnt<3i'!i iMiandi

Tbe Kafka***/ M m . Prow*, and SteelCompany expect tu hate tbe rolling mill ia

* • in abtmt two weeka.

s becomiyg

Then ia quite a general complaint tbat tinpotato crop ii abart

Tbe ladie. of tbe Draaeatovu M. E. Caiucl

Kev. W. W. Haliowny, Jr., will prwwb <nTemperance HurnU.r cveaiua.

Tbe fool* coetlnne to wreatlo Witt bigwirdi. "Boi u w n " ii the latest.

Mr. P. V. Buck, of Hine Hill, bwt bciupending a few days at I'ertb Auiboy.

Tbere ia BOW aearocly a pond in Morviacounty tiat duct Dot contain black biu*.

Mr. Oeo. Piersou baa Juat furnUucd tlmBell Telephouo Co. with WO large poles.

DeVoc'i prediction of heavy frait befoBept. ISth WII another of hi* flat failum.

Tha fall t«rm of Drew feniiiary opened'ealerda* with a large auaita of atudeotH.Tbe power at ike will ia to be inerta«H

by tbe iatrodaotUa of a mnck larger en,(iu,BeniamlB Hwaj.e, of High Bridge, ba>l bit

aboulder broken is a ree*nt runaway ace idIt ii expected tUt aotae Ifty Urallic. will

leave Mt. Tabor tbia week for their cityhornet.

Mr. Hinon Hiaei and .sully liurc returnedto Me* York city after aitUy of Milton.

Mr. O C. Wriiht caught in Budd'a LakeIwt *eek a pickerel tUt weigbid nearlythree nouada.

Tho plum, in thiabrare, hut Mm. Albert Lindabij.of New Vcr-

non, raiaed BOTSD bual»la tlila uiawiu.It ia eatlmated tbat tkero i* about fifty luu.

•f iron column, and beania in the flnt .tonof Mr, Ww. II. Bnknr'anaw buitdiutf.

Meaan. Vnd, A. Canfldd M d Wai. H.Saker ocoompaQied tbe Strlus over tbc nwith tba racing yacata on Wednesday.

Tbe engine and otber wiuipawata at HMBeattnetowB) nine, Warm eauuty, haveteen brought tu tbo Dolan nine, at Mt.Pleasant.

HJbUr at Apgar, Html'town b u t t o n , hibad 14 nbeep billed by duga. But tbeu abeep•ro not aa valuable a* dog-. In ihe ealimaUMof thia locality.

ftfrittwr b u d o tor Niwt i are w e n UJepea, and wkea a Japannae mattut aiUdowa in a ahatitg rink ibe gets hor a»Bey'aworth every tinw.

Two Urge eicnralooa went to Lake llopet-con|thUwe«k~uti«frooi Patenonon Wed-nea-lay, and a •tenua'a eiewaim from Plain-fleld ou Tbaraday.

MM. Michael Many, of MomMowo, «boeebuabaad died reoeitlj, bai reeeived 93,000iron St. Colnmbanui Cornell, of the CatholicBenevolent Legion.

There ia great txcltewint i i Chatiaastownship ui to who ibalt produce tbe largratpolato. It. W. Potter fa ahead withweighing mi ounce*,

Kilwm4 W. Wird, a at*nc cnlterof Bebool-cy'a MOUQIIIID, bevame iDaaue wbile vi.itlnjifi inda i i BelvMete n d haa bcwi eait to theMorria Plaiui aiylam.

Conrade Mablaai flta«»f oi Dover, atteaded

About IU probationer, will be reoeived inlull eonowiUn with the fltanbope M. ECbnrob nittt t>unday.

Join W. Ford vaa not aa badly injutr.lwhile flying faie kite recently aa waa at flra!re ported. No bones were broken.

On Wednoaday evening U«t Nlutn ln-|>.'---tor Newton teated e v m ouu of milk Ilmt•tanacd over tho 1)., L. k. W. roud tun) allwere fraud pure.

Vtotx tha quantity of Mtaltw " liaab juat Mrvod up oithat Lorcnie the MagulHcetit WBH drunkertula week tbnti la-t.

Hr. John H. JohuHton, a wi'll kn<of Haekellatown, aud bnitberor Dr. H. II.



Frtnn every quarter tbi'ro comes nuclj oo\

TOXUSUGWB ptQ]}nvt\iiwi tbat tlic AUCC^S^

tliu Dover Flrotiion'- I'unidp, OD WOIIIKKIIIIOct. Ttb, i» nlready uHaiircd. Enou^li \* tinfnr Lnown to enable tlic -ibcitive nmwrtutint it will lti> tlin grnilcil piln day tbi

•vr lmn over urcu. Not tlie li-ast ooiHit iJou^atitaud K^ncrui

rivalry 1 linti l

i i l n :ing thu iluiuHiitirtn of rcuiiieii i n m l j i l i n]timincss. Tho bunk uuil post ofllcn j»eopl(

already ai-curcd Hcimtor CiuilkUl'ifnaioua cnllention of flag* of till nations lortlio ileoofation of tWir baudttocuo building,lud an euKiijjenieot UM beou mniiowitli MiJ. W. Javkmm, tbo Newark decorator, for nHim ornamentutiuii or tbe liiiilclmg of May<Ihltardii, ocouuhd liy Owi. Rkhiirda * Co

thu £«* and olher OHtnl»li*ibui<!i)U. Tlif"Kerr, tilt Clerk nt Jullij's Hulvl, i» t

h luliunilc a<:tin«!iof the lurgu bri.k Ll-.-k »ie

out tho plaUlid to bo combining to wtnrothn >D expert dvoorator to cmoment tlie front <I! IL.iBc Uuililinca. OLIIOIH uro nlxn iniitu

lioust nloiiK tlm line of tbo piirude will mM)inn ol the inarty welcome of

tlic town In itri visitant. Jiiftiitli Hiirtin, tlielMiut«r, !ia» fnllou into tin; sjiirit »f 1tn; tilingand tuyt he will piiiut mot tun of welcniniualia bininers for about tbe cont of the

itcrUI ond lubor, and W. H. Collard, .thehnl'lflrcr, ii nuking arrmiKomcnU to jinre floitn, bnuiicra. noil utbci- (luLiirallimi ft

rent tu ttio-e wtio nwrt .urli tl:inuM fur tliiitiltiu. We nlso know ol number* oi1 t'iim-

IIH >in<l n-HliIi'i.",^, nil HIIOWIIIC Hint lb<u i» dcttTrniini'd tn give our lircnu'n i

ur»*li-tdiit will rinih <<vin, If mil ubi'inl nfiimii.ul- .nytwng ,.V),r «,,,,„ l u NorlLiru New ,!

A&u LUff

Ji*».Con, of DOTCF. died on Miimliy "oi"|TTT%T 1 ITIT"I A n / \

•"i=:1:rx»J-™JHINA TEA CO,him'1

to Morriutown ou Oct. Will, the bo|io beant

A llBfon Sunday Mhnot pie-nle of the Whippany, Ifalapnrdia and Mouroe SobooU, nuuboring Iniir noli noli, uroa hulil In l'n>i!iiili<r'.river-siile grove at H'blppaoy on Thursday.

It iateid tbat taw valiiu ol the allvor doliuU now down to eighty-three eenta. Tliu ratioof Jmiliun, if itoulinuvil. wuuhl ainju |ilm:t- n * • » • _ « — . * . a.Hint within the reach ofeverv induatrioiu* aUtd afOOhft Coffee for 11 .151


Tbo paitor of the Fir.t M. E. Cburcti w i l l ^ " ^ ^ " "

uWtB I«W • • • • » If •••<• UK • •




We lirii'My nolei! lnnt » n l ( tlic vi-it nf Il)i>

iiujiany to tlio sci'U'1 <>f Mioir iirnji'cti1

u|irov<ineiitR. Thn party mmili •!•«•<! ulxn

fly KenlkiiioB n t l IuiUe« uf New York,

ewiirk. llniuklyn, .lorwytMy iii;di-l^wb

rc-.-l:iii'l, of llov.r. Tlm Siiwmk Jou


white ti

o mn\:o

ti hospitably

«• .Tproey CourtMieliur.l U.ifKrrort und A|i]iuuln;

^roMW, Murltie C u t t , New Y«rk; Ucuont^liwarUvvi'llcr, I'rosiJctii Girniuniii itimir-itiuu fii., N. Y. ; A. UPueimi:r,Nup<Tliitftidnit!>., L. & \V. 11. W. | i-xAldirmun Tlimma

Ilfikcr Dcckir, Commudoreof Weclmwkeii

forrjeaj CKLJUIUCB

io, Now rurk. u IChiet'Clerkiiroiltw

Yiu-k; Anbtbulil WHUTIIOUHK, vaahiuriiiiliaiViIiiHiirHUieCii..>'['w Yurh; Hub-

wit use In-ml K i'H r cnvern tlic liriilun nt* Iliomrlri>i><>liH; Hunker I'. It. Klrfchnul. nf Wull

t. utnl Unit at-iim of 1>I lxll" Frnntr,M I'oiliif, c.f 1't.tHcr & Slyniui', iip-'1'i'M, Now Y.irk ) Homy M.iilx-rt, tboii»|{ lli|1(,Hri.|ib..r; CI,:,rl.'H llnlluril,JJI-V, uud I'ruf. Umwlyi'iir, piiriitiir. «r I In'MII..-III,., nil <>r Now York:

II..VOU dliunmud') Hrrf York | Dr. lieu. W.lliikiT, who prcwrllim for llnn.kl.vti, nml Ihi!

•trrnu Hlti|ilinildiT, ('npt. Trumly, \vlio.<e•^ IliL-rt ovi r Koiitlt Itronklyn. AtLliitcrtuwitHiiubiv iqiiiM'iitt'ii 1iy l'uul <!. Itotliclurid liin |J[ir1ner. Sir. liiinliiirr, wliilr tln-iuiumul'i-HHion wnu mi baud fr>>tu I'liiliidrlpbiii in :

•1-; II'

Ttie J.T«I..VIIIHU uf Iii*l «-,.,.k in

li Urn toH-Uhliijmoi AIurri« I-OUII

l'.vtbcttibliMif mini>!<•.« lixnl U.v

rati.-d iiuderour prewnt fynt.-niI"- ilmilil, nml it wilt nlwti.vK

I I n -' n t i i

, in it*• t l i . ) U \

lianlly Htainl I lie tint nfluKiu anil (jiirriNisn\»ff. I t lit*! comiilaiim thnt wlille Mori

jxliip Inisliriiduully iiii'i'.iiHfil UK tuxnlpro|H'rtj' uud iL'i>orttd it, TIION! of tliu otli

.INIJIJJH liavu im I'OiiHtutitly lii'n; ili-iTr:Jug tbdnt. 1'liin in true, mid HO laniH tUMviiHliinr In tliiH end ul' tin.' I'ouutv uiv ni

ulioulii UB aa. Tbcbulk <.ftbi> wi-iillh nf lllowiibbipof J Jo r rM" m the ril.yMoriIHtown. Ilvrotl .e lu t lko l l t r. 'pr.'.n,

•«tuta iu Morriutown l.ii- m t b u u i-i/.-t i. -d ilie burd t.nii'x, Imt hint irmiHtniith i u--. :ui

II value, bc . au* ' i t IIUH umir iu ainii. d

nniid uumtiic u « ln.8 »f w< .ilrliv |. .. | .! ulIrnir, ntHld»ii#n so t-iiKV ni :u.. , , -. Sr

VorluimUo pU-atiuutl}: IntiiiUid. All Al.nn:a ivnl indite, iri In ill nt. mile-)) t.j-li.irrit Iliou it VUH in lK7;t. Jl.-ri' il M fur illltil, MiiHTiiI |ir.>i>Hti<-j l lul un.™ ri'jiri

A Kovol Soena in a Gravoyi

• iili'Ut (if lln.'kotlat

itlist - l i t K

Korllili'clUlrj.'lflIn- fiirm

lire il u l i y I nd I..;- H i e

(i liiiHlrt bnvc Kivntly ctrpK't'inti-ie. Viry f.-iv (irnjH']•[!*•« in ibis sci>ti«MButry will lirii.H any whom ni-ur vdlii iu :M7:i, nml nitii.v i-hifi'n Imvc 1

BnUi nt U-HM ilum liuiftiiu !,rk<'M t l i , j .liwnight.

TlH'J.'i^.v ii l l . i . i-H.nli-d,- !<.«.,

il' U»ml»l|>li <IH tl.c ictvuknl .li>liiii,ii<nt hi

Ultr K i t "

i tli.l i

iliirlm." It IIIHO tlilnknit " rixild ii:in].< OJI-irtiei Ihunt vhiMR JIMMOIIIII property b-mitlj- vulued Wdiibl i W uii ninri' llmti tinitiiii pcMonul <MI:«U> rcliirui!il from lli<

II)WIIHII1]IH." 'IXiji utiulil Im true nnd yvIVI< niitbtnt;. in* it iirobiiM.y n-fers tntlnwlose iiiiiniM lire luijji'ly itivcalvd in iniiiiiu.1 (ithi'i- i ' m u | > ' i ^ uutni.l,) tlio limilM o

TEAx JJIV , imp

aiidiiuknm, . 1 . ^ ^ - City, nuil It. R (Ini iy ,

gt-ouor, ami II. 1'. Sliiinu tiimo fluiu tbe •utuu

Huunrl>, at tlicl N. K. Klurry. Tlio HIIIC III;I

!*»•» wo?th M.00

I bo n-H« f . tteade

ofPMIKeanwy'aViret JeraeU b b M J

anwyaViret Jeraevflngade at EU^b.tb on MoaJ-y Rl.d reporti

M o a t « j f l l « t l

Her. 0r. Roardmaa anil Mr. Owen KIOR, ofStanhope, attended Uo i»aviiiti,>QorHeforai€1H1M «t PlatuOsld yeaientay >• delegatefmint lie SUnhopoohli.

About a dosen yonng Men of the Nncca-BUHM and Drakeariilfl nelffhherbooa ownlight canras csnoen, In which they make e»-enraioiia to Lake BWiaUcDg.

The demand for Iitke Hopatcntig prapertrIK iteadily increaiinjt. Mayor Hicb«rd», whoi HUB about two uilM of the ahot« front, ia inreoeipt of canttait aipIioatto-'B for lot-.

Itlehnrd T. Bowuro Urn boen anointedVaataaafltor at Mt. Vreeloni and Ia happy,while tbeathRr DfUaMralte aapirantaio th»ImpartMt poattion ire eorreapoBdingly «d.

Tha new recovery worhe of tho Atlanticl>ynaeriteCe.»tt>i^Mvllleat*eitMtedtar««orer aaily from 7.WO to »,000 pounds ofaulphBrio acid, vhkk btrelofon ha. betaw..teil.

Mr. A. B. Melureaa It orga.iilag . Sew•)craey Dstnoeratle Aaawlation among theg»reraBMnt eanploywa at Waabiogton whohall from Jeraey. Ii Mr. D. an offeaaive

with a vbtw to purcbaalng.—Banner.Joarpk Williawa, canal bout cM.l,,,i

pldina; In Dover, lott tbe night ofniieoiayei at BloomisM M Tuceday while nnr.irk-mg a bottle of root beer. A lot of tlic beerwent into fall eye at thn aeagetlue, I unreiningthe Inte.Mitr of the paia.

The barn ot lira. Patrick RUMCII, of MiaMill, wna deatnyod by a nro or unknowi•rigin—probably lucoadlary—on TuemluyBfglit. The conti ,t», couaUtiog of a tou and

e plga, lota of tooli andother thhiga, were alio deatroynd. The luu

aansMBdnwiat beiag the text in iMUM.Et-Uato Cowacillor Qoo. W. Wbile,

lebokea, will enkHala tbe ueaikor.Dover, Mackaway and Cheater ConnuIU- "". A. M. with afrve lecture in MellatHall on Thursday evening nest.

A big fight was at.rtcd upon the Dover nc-eommodiitiun l,Bt nlgbt by partiea feluroiug—"^1^—from tha Mtat* k'aif la a drunken cnDililioD.A number of Doverit-a and olherahud to ip«r » t t h e \a\tgWtaultt conductor Margan to i)ttell lie mob.

J.J. Ocrrycipecta to vUlt hU brotber M — —AuguaU, Oa , •turilug tho latter part of tlila , _. , .BMUth. Wlille South he will meet Itlobard *» fttUnUOIl Of CUltODiert tO 0U1

.I Mortio cuuuty luuiU-i'. M.i; ur l.i,,.^.: Jt.u1 mill*, ornnvur, wna nliout tin' mily K'i-l lb:

u by Iii ml. Tb« Mny»r diuvc urouml ll

ia inmred for a amtU aunu Wood ft Co.

It wat dUeovcrcd the olneroildruoe of Mn Enimott i

ot through Freo-

dHy tbnt thMorrintown

Kx-BeaaUir Joan 8. 1 lager, formerly orCUtatD Vallej, bat now of California, baaIHM appaintod to tbi re«p»a»ible pMilloii «fVdleeto* of Oukwu far the port of 8«aVraaelaeo.

Tbe Bulletin ia reapimalbU for the Barrel-lona atory tbat a b o m thtrty-Sve yeara old,

( LeteDffing to Barney Cisco, of Prcabncan,jjmpad a foar-rall fmec tbe other day on


Collector, of thia Dirirlot,dhaadied M4,O0Of00O of awtwy

h B, f y

wttkMt tbe IOM ef a t t n t i M one of the Be-paMleaa rttaeala tbe DcnweraU woated tolmre taraei aat.

Emory A. Marra, the dirilngmebea C'hleagolawfM1 aaA orater, wkow apo*«h at Morria-4owa laat fall will bo numbered hy baa«1r*da of Horrin conntT Rrpublleui, die 1•ttuldenly a« ftataHay laet.

Mr*. Maria Taae, the ifetfj Udywbe i uWiled wbilo ero- iu . » rallna4 trwch InOraBge laat Frkiaj, formerly tired iu Ouver.Tbe roMalaa wer« l)tou|(bt here on Tuetdajand raterted ra tba Quaker cemetery,

Mariui RottfBtDH t u beei appointed toHiieeeed Mr. T. W. Phtenii aa potlnaaUr atHatdhnin. Mr. Bobiiao* haa alwaya 1*en aeiM*Mker«w l>ra>ociat. hat Juatat PKMutU »f aaawaB very iaofftuairely non-parti ian.

A rr-port mat current laUcreultig that Mr.Joatpb WhaitM btad banght the SUOhotw(nnaaaa and WOBU ataat tbiwap. Aa Mr.IV, haa aa Idle farnuo at fart Ornm andAnother M BackctUtown, it hardly luokaprobable.

Tbe Mineral Wool Company, wboae work*nt Manhaae haro h e n Idle aloeo tlie furnacelilawcd out, iro tearing out Ibeiroven therenod a n replacing it with a cupola, after the

ritifblb they nil! Infill uidtlnu

which had been CIOMII forbeen robbed of aqunntity ofboimnhnld goodii.Albert Quick had been working fnr Urn. Ein-mctt and was •usjiwud. The gomla trcrafonnd at the boimo of Qutok'H wife tn Newton,and Quick waa arrcited.

Friundihlp Lod«a, No. 33, Knighta andLadieaofthe Ooldei Star, aud lady fricnih,of Kockawey. will be tendered a receptionaadcollatlea bytfae ncmberaof ProtvctiunLodge, No. 53, of Dover, on Monday evening.Hep*, mi. All RifBnbet-a of Froteelion l*><\^aro I|KII-1BI1J reoncatnl to tw prtstut itt tlieniueting n*it Monday evening.

A etMDpany. ktowa aa tbe Scuootev'a Mom-tain Granite ('on pan j , wnn formed laat weekla werk the fine qnarryof gray granite tt-eently diHovered near German Valley. 8.W. Oenrgo. ct Ofceator, wn« elected Prcaidcut•ad P. C. Yuwger, of Chunter, Mecrctarv.The atone l« very fine fer building purpoacaand tbe complin' expect to work the deposit

It !• really amusing to bear tbe Hms*x Reg-iater «p*jk of UarklB* aa (he •< rotten armpitcher" who waa releaaed from the Italtl-

ln the flnt plur played on the Baltimore*

B l d s , lie vela ».5fltl t l kyear for hie ftotile " rotten arm" work withtho BrooUyna, who think ao well of hfin tbatthey have engaged bin tor next year at <y ggincrease tf aalary.

^ • • • K a a i aafasat ^ A .

I1!! I MA Tt i PtlA fire eotBtmu)- exiituaTii IJuvoi11

A. IS. .1. 'J'dVfly.i'ilitonif the lira went'JoumntUncle 1'. S, JiiuotiB, of tlin Jurocycuy Jourunlmid ii ri.'iirc.outHtivc of tbe Nuwurls lliiilj

Oui!u In Ihu luko Iliu boutH were pnlntu.1 foiMount Ailiugloii, nnd wiiiu lui«t iilld li.cji;H-rrBcliti«fi-r'n hutel, wbcrun dlminrtlinl c»-

-tt-d Iliu umiimiifliiit ]>iaiRi> of Colmifl llrta1

if t lmUiWy lloiixf, nud t'VtTjbody *ln<!

fifty yeara iigo. the only mrvlviug ineniir>f which thnt we c-an learn of in Mr. BnoiiiUurcbel!. Tho Httlo old-rneliioued "ooffenFrimlnr," wblcli was their eiiKinf, lnuiwitInto the liamU or Mr. Henry MrKurlun, midmn niiu'o been in tbc Dover rolliiiK milt. Auilbli'tio iiBMiidBjimt, poinponed of (own lxluveHecuredtbo usu uf it am) will biv<

put in elia|Hi for the octagon, vrben tho cpuny will turn out with it in wiiite ahiria midinta, We will tliu* lmvo in line tlirco dllfemt Mrleit of lire CIIHIUOH—tint old "coll.KTiniter" nf fifty yenrx H^O, tbc inoilimi hmi

no of Hen-ulna, Nn. 2. ot N.iwion, un

Ilorciilin Enuine I'n,, No. 2, nt n «pcdileiitlniilinld on Tlmrwluy aveiiirm, nc^Piitiic Invitminn of l'rotcutiun Hook nml Lnd-

iler Co., of Ititvdf, to Iw tiicir giirNtft nt theilc in tlmt I'lin-w on Wf IIIIPNIIII.V, Oct. Ttb.inittiTu lmvo twen njipnintid tu uortplcli

xuro thn acrvincN of tlio Ntwlnn Dan.],It 1- tbnt tbo UIJH will leuve ....

k. M. triiin, iiii.i return on ibe W t tin Ibu pvciiinj,'. TIIITU HOf-nm to U no Ifit " wo II riii |f I'ninmittL"1,'1 a* tbo uiHnWrnnve alrendy poinmetiPDil to " iliinn up," oii'lin " nanbeen" will liNik a» pn-tly an Iiiliorin mnhe it.~Sti*«ei Hejjiitor.OnXiiturdiiyliiRtrmtiri'lliin !lo.>Uim<1 Linl-

dnt 4'mnjmny rccoivnd from HorculoN EIIKIDO!«., No. 'i, of N'uwlon, a forimil H'Cfptniico tulieir TIIIM rmiipnny K""vo tin''m^elioiiH a myul wiltomu ntNowtou » fuwcar»a«o, uud tbc truck lnd* expect to liiylieiDstJvcH out nn tills oocu»ltm to »liow Iiowcattily they np]>reciatoil ft,Thn MorrUtown tn.r-.nlr-in tliiujcs thaiItover geuurally doi>> woll uh at ever Awndertakea," and aaya "our noiidibon willo doubt make a goad iliovvlua anil murk u

m l letter day In tbo history ol lluir dtpud-

Mr. D. t. Dlckeraoii, m r the Chenter railroad depot, can pmbablf alwT the lurRcitpair ol pinpUne of any grew«r ta MitrrlHcounty. They are just of a BIKU and wdgii H7(>ound«oi€b. Wetbiuk Xr. V. will stand at$ IM head of the claae tUU jear.

Spfvwl train, BanBloaa So. 3, ran fromwYufahigtM. te 'Pnnl lo irL ' "" minute.the taateat «iaM ever nude on the D.f L. kW, road, Eagine O b lean 1.1 pulled the«ralD, which n u m a b y "Fienohy" Mven,engineer, and l»\% Bkwk emaaeter.

Her. Gearge V . CJomgan kaa been trana-i e m i f t n n Short Hill. toEwt Orangebv thetteatfc af tar . P. MeCirtfa.T; BUT. Father Kir-waa l-eaa Backettitown ta Short Ililla; Kev.T. M, Cerr. iemMriy at Bt Javea, of Newark,now «( 81. Vary. J e n e j City, to llacketta-IOWB.

lien. Seatt Lord, a well known lawyer.•nee partner of Koaeaa Cankllna;, and for*-*riy a reabtent or Mornatowa. died lait Fri-day moralti at tbe Morrlj. Pinion Aiylnm,w h e r e h m u N i viait toUaaonln-tew, Mr.fttnlth. the Medicd Bopcrinlcndent of theInatitnlion.

A eirevlar ia being aent out by the StateBurn of Health reqmating the teachera intbe varioaa aebooia to aaiwer the qneitianal.ropo«na>4 la tha elmnlar relatiog to theeanltarr condition affhfl build inf*. There-pllea a n to be aent to tha State Board ef.Health by October 15.

Ttewaxt aKfltiaKof tho Randolph Town-rblp(ka»a*r Bebm! AModation will beholdon MoaJaf aMPiBg, Sept. 28th, In the Preaby<eriBnChnnfa,>U.FrtedoBi. Tha diaenaaioi*f " The relation of the teacher tn the Bun-Jay aeboal" will he eawtrnMadandtheaahJawtMt Sunday asheoi Itbratie* will ha •aaeMemd.

Inataamtirtmukad ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Uiarty aa there is of a afauorearferiag heaves."Jlii. ia a iota8h return for tbe taa4eraeH with-whlehtlio Dtmooiacy baadUd Mt. St. Jon* /« EngTno-CoTWP-?^>^ Mnrri".town, ha.* ngaged HarkwUh*. aplendid». .^ *•HfMilment Hand, of Oranso, oouil-tlog oftwe-ntyflve piecca aud dram major. Tie"WiwbW f!«pe«t to some iu steal .l.ajie.

The Morrl.toww Vim Wardens am procur-ing nt-w II re i-outti nud i-xpt>iin Hit lluvi-r tlrtnicVrt pi

mid in tlie cournt! of tlio fcnsl roml letters otT'f ii-l ut their itiiiu'oiilalilc [idncuco Iroin Ken-*/jr SUriiormm, Governor Abbctt, Mayor Col-tliiaofJermwCity, Hun. Frnl A Totts, C'mi-

I, nf Brooklyn, andm:uiy otlirto till! tllllH

. Cnliim-l itivMliu j" t l i e now fJL INNI l lu t f l U

nd l>uii)u|i ni 1, 18*," In

i to Wild byliliitiiimoiiully

h'i>od Hjiei'uh ilmt ^nt will t.i wimlwiird of illtbntfullowi'd. 8ti|ii'riiitoudi'ntHcaBoiiorcpi»ketor Ilio I'eliiwuro, liiu-kiiwiinnii tc WestoniimdliPh'HVutliubruiid^l kind ofitbint thutI'niBldcut Hlonn prupowd to build a, two milt.vailrouU from Shijuilimport il^lit up tn tbef(H)t uf >H. Arliiitituu. nud bti-d piiHMCiigcm

era from N«w York in \m* tlntn ninetyln.ite«. Dr. Univir, wlio lm« higan-Hl.ioBt c«tIimn!v.r lui.touton pupor,

..inded to "Tho Piirawr," and TnimniAlteuliraud to Hint of tbo "Dntiiel lloono of

nttiuiiK" Mr. Huiilap apoko like it Iwuiii'i* n Ituninl U'ehttrr ''lint."

H» very rlimiiently " dodged " tlic tauntto •• Lnmhur." nnd Cuntrnolor Wliiiou, ofNewnrk, answered for tliu builder who put UJIII I5» roniiis hotel within the -hurt npneu of six

in. I'lii-le Juculit madu a luipliy littlecb Iu anawnr to "Tlm ITPM," nnd thu

Newark J.nirniirit innn rKpromnl lilt np-provnl of tlio wny they do thlugflfci

mil around thn biki', Rinl returned to leantt'liittn their abscnu'tbe laat block ofotockiu Ihe now I'liturjtrino had IMTOII pohble.l upbytlm «il«fy HOUKO party, tbat a pile of lotH bad been n;>n\ml up by New Y<irKmd Ilr.mkl.Yii, uud Dint tti« timguiucnot >vurkluot ou Ibu pmiH'rty in the lant month would

make t-\ L-II ^realcr {irnKrciia until winter eliallf.,l.l tbo niountuiu. 'round aud all tlic IHHMund plckirri urn bltinkcted nvcr in tlio

II tlin-o fret covrrittg of it-o.

11-il.V I i.y i he I l i l e l

.Mvs-.U o( MoiTlMoi

xliip. Nui'ilu in* tliluk il

uf t IIL liiiiinlnnt!iai iu HIIJ

vl.hml iu>li>lt uin

N'-tlml t.f liaii.lul^lirfCMiiilly Uiud i I'tiiiiilliiiiiiiire, mid tlinJIIIOH, Raid j-t>( Iu hu I•:\rh. Mn IhotfMli-li



liii'liilii:rB of tint litintly. After

liyth.'fiiiiiily.liul w;i« alutcldiul Mr. Kciini-y. the Iliiekejt;rii]ilif'rt IHUMC n\mnH fnun U>\niuiiiH of ilio ulil jcuileiiian vl.i their Iliiiilri.HiMiKiiiiioe.tlw j)hi)tiiKi':i|ili«-r liavjug relume

1.1'UIK "II FIltlTprialllg fdblW, .t-- f.itnilj Unit il was»..t jel I..

Hi.'mn, b .l.hire.l nrKiilivc. Itin:l>..Jr e.-ll^nl.tln' "HHHiof t!.e•oiufimv n-itli the uiHliTtitkiT ani>|.iiii(i.l (n tlio i-i-tiifitiiry with Hi

.•iwlliiu»rK.w«l l i i l i ind^nrimii to ii rustic miit im.lci* iI'licy ]>r.i(i|.i'.l tlKibi'iiiluiHl <!i :m riiny iNinitiini, nnii tlius1'IIetit (ihuto nf tin- ap 'd nt-xU:Vin- iH'nv.r.h the ohl o;il(.



Wh"Th i Beit of All."

tlio Heemul M. K. Cliv.-riirtfil ttirir cxcurMiini tn ColicTui-itiln.t i m - l l m brei of n i l" litnrialiiko. N.-aily i'nur l iumlml t,iil>uiiii'd it , v-l.ii'li, I'niiHiik'i'liii: tli

ii*Mi:it !(»vi'Kai». lit-iv ll,i^

•iuK. Tli.. .!<•1 1 I ' l l ! •lOi

l i . l Intel l l n.Un

piiitEim lietw tht) tofi-w will think Hi,


Uainlii]|ili towunlii|> IH jn-iilepreeiutcd iiro|wflie« owint; tn tlm

grcut deiireisiuii in the iron trade, wlulu MiI I M uuue. Hinc8 like tlio liy nun, 1)

rjni|ilo imtl roany (iiberiure wmliid outi'Ue, tin) I'urnurcH uixl furnen ut port Orniru Ii*tk'B»t umlliniiiwM hi tlm iielnlilwrlioIM uuocrii|iictl, ivliilu MMniHtown rent win

coutloncM 1o biintn, We fcimw nf ii mil nil jilain Morrintntrti wliiuh was rvrcntlv solil f

lihiThe Hiimo jiliico in nn eqiinlly liti

ueiitluu in 1>OVLT would jiiolinbly

s bj tbi! BL'orm nhtuli nopilllttllll lxHj.l«:Icdij>»u In vnlowii»ti|n pi'tiiicriy, the iv<.-n|niiita «i' wliirii at*i) U(iBi'»3uliln fur tbi'lr tarjie iinnncnnl*'1 JiiiraonHl t'Htulu hi tbc wny of t-untly fm

jewelry, harau, mrrlNgi-u and tillvalunlili'i*. Wu know uf n u !i

*t tbe V.IIIIR of a eonple of tliu !>(•-ia towiiHblp. Tlidiunrn ICHIIII'DCItown tbnt relit (iittl,im per mm> know of but one houae in 1)<iuKB more than $250 per .year. Tin

all In ull, we cannot think tlmt MoiM ovi-rratotl when compared win IbcMi dopre*i*d tiinrs.

dc. Wicb tlinirkmorarj ni.mbtra tb<-y will bo about thirtystrong.

We know we tun fi»>t away *llh Newton inlaae ball, but whctlior wo enn tquni hergraad reeeptiona to finmeu rcmalua to bo»<-». Bat the boya will try ha«d.

Hi Sir. Ed. IJ. Dlukcraun williierornt« tlir utonsl"* on Illackweil utreet, und from hla well-known— UKtc la well innltcrB wnwthluK elaborate

yj . n t c m n Kngino Co.. No. 0, arc making

arraojtementa to run an use union trnhi t<tbc day of the put tide

i-h, and theIni

Pmbyttry «f atorni ftn tTlie fall rocptiuK of (he I'renti.vtPry of Mtv

U iind Oranuu wnst ln-l.l in tint Pri'Rli.vtcriiib nt Chester fin Tm-mltiv anil Weilne

duvoftliift wbuiiiu

al unionisattcd. The

t l l< l |p T lw l l t i«iof Murrlntowii,

1 *

s noted. Hev. Yin. Ihirn.t,naehfotedMo«tewtc»r. K

Hii Fint imident.laeoli Umly, Im-miolivd ennlimor of tlie

luri-i* &. Essex Diviti^u, in known by nil M*niiirnitm a* ".Inker Itiinxtcr," IIIIIMH cmn ofIm jollii'Ht nud bunt tempted men tbnt evoril n throltli" valve o|in..v.-.', HU guoil liu-A only cqiullnl l»y Ills extreme eanfal-nu.1 h'W moil lmvn Mimic KHI'II n recordfor faithful iwrAinuiMeu of duly. It i-

tV-HX VMM MilH-C lie took Up )lt« Vfll'it-iwlbowbiif a loeiMiMll*!-. «"l Hi all Au onllnUn,,. .intil biHl week, ii ia fluid of lilm tholluardofFire Wnnlcun to !»wnsreported

ilmt no ihurt a

iftiuo dirMtrd by bin hnwl hi» everi porum. Itut ovou "Jukuy

reful a he

tlioriskol Hwfutiwli-ito ull eugiiifcru BOOWF « lilt.n.1 Hi run irolil w,#llrd t

II^I i > lifo ot .H piluiiuK tin

Umnitu wiili ull hiuctomcd afctlt and euro,in', un elderly lady, utte<:klnfrmitorhlBi. !!•• vbiMli'd, hut tbo

ludy wi» deaf ami t'niilil lint lieu* liim. Tbcil|,0 nppllKd tbo jiowerlul brake-*, lint itWIIH io<. lati'. H I T body went «ud«ir thi' IIIIRI-

ConamaB CSIMU Proc-edinfi,Tbo September nuutingorCdiuiiioii Councilas licld on Mouduy ci veiling, rreiteut—syorUh-Lurdp, Aldcnnru Hunco and Vree-ud and Cuunrliuiou BIMUII. L'UITOII, OI

II<1 a)i]irovcd.A petition n a solved from tbe Itonnl of

tlii)iirivl|t>Kuof IKtliL-lr unmlivr from mtoli,". Hef.-rtii'Orulnnlirn <:uitiiuilt«c, with inBtrmlioi

to prvniiroan unllnuiitre nud report to tli

month autltou mule tramp* uceuinuoduuiu tlie liick-itp.

, WBR received froiu City of DoviKiigltie t'a, No. 1, auk ing tbe Mayor andCommon CIMIM-II to lie thetr giuiHtit on tbiaceuiou of tho firemen'" pntude; alao one

Vigilant EiiKitiu Un., Ho. '2, iavitlntftlio Muyor and Coundl tu dine wiili tli emat tlm Turk Hotel iu tlio e lljtb were

t i»ll tliisolliteriti-lfcteillij tliniHili'iutiotii) of Iho Uro dcjiartiuent furfycar veto confirmed, together w

l of City of Dover KnKiCo.. No. 1, nnd

rotcL'oumpaiiy.ere nudiiiNl und ordered

paid. 1*. it K. Hallroait, V£!l.f«2: J . \V. Kiini]i-i, M1.97; H. Ho(ij,'l"iid, (111 M; J . I'. Kelk-y,; Knhhor Clotliiu« Cu.,«n.iO; 1>. lluin-,*10; HiherubMinoK.lI.,|)a.1.:t8; Olnpp.lotii-a Muuufin'tuniiK Co., (3,100; .1. T.liak.tMiU; John Clufl)-, *<».«!; Itiolmrds

it Tiupott, 0101 M; H.S . Condiitt, W ; lannot . *10; Kunka Fire IToiC Co.,«!«; C.

U. Eagle. ,, «ai.oi[ W. L. Pctcn, *30; J. 11.Palmer, «5I.13-; r a , " , . . Boll for Anuitut, (S77.1SI;

huUoimieH23i U u w r . ^ w n H D K L'o.f 93I.U1.—»

An Uitor at Budd'fl Lak..ilitoiHomyiuuti.ofiboH vHiuwtti', in un iiiticlu UvKripll'lit Jilllllt, IlKM till! follliwillt! tUId's J>nke: It t11 urn ing to our owelwHii to »i»i'Ed tbo Stthbath at atnj II I,:!• iiioiu fumuiiH a quarter of u evuiii uow, on tliu burden of Mur

:t> fur I'liililrtjii IOUK I'doio I<ukiK II lioti-l or a Luniilln^ him

il, il in ilenliue.d in tlic futitlic iHittn. Nvviitliolces tlw t'ui-CHl 1Hilda's Lake,, if vniniiui; in old tility, iii'coiuiuoduU'B twtMir thrt-e binwith reading* andtliem a n mifvitlimn iiboul tho upot distinctly itTlw wnlcr of I hit luko in uio.l ly HhnUuvb.i|H over tlimi-lDiirlliH uf it- urcnnmlo nud JKnvliom iilong tbe nlmro.'uoiinh tu TU like it 'luugtrouH fur nins Koiae lkli, but 8|wre*mt'ii willlludmil better gunio at Luko lloiialcimy

Morrii County Scaoola.

ii'hookufllorrlH ctinnty opiimid an,iiMt week. Only a fo'w

iMK-herw. Tin- swtrefty ofIMlifyinL' ovi.ienen ol' tho .'mwth ufutiTt'Ht fn the .ebtM)ln, f<ir it is not \<(iu tbut iu ninny dintricta eliou[iiie»Hifijiinlity was tlwumin tbiliji IOIIUIwicbers. Kim-iho bout ia taking tinllieetiouatnl injiruductiore of tbc bentu tlw ficiiool*. Marked i I n prove me I,Uo been bhnwtt of Into iu tliu tjeueriiHer of .eliuol imllUinjin uud intetnuiiences, There i n M«IUO old hiitNbe emirity yet w illi tmckle«« and comtMiH, hut tlierte will in nllprobnMlitj'HKO.Iciumtd in HurordtiiRn with tbo itidUHoltlie Htuto Btmrd ul' KduuntiiIfuiMud tbat ncfiuol liuildingn nlmil )t•lied wiili ttiiufortiibb) M H U »U«IH.M).1

timiM. A few vlwoufn will bo nuK tbtiin will bun ntw Bfllioni illttt


t «»f a laelt

>«w Jtney Itata Firatnm.Tlio rlk'lttli uiiiiiiiil im'i'tinsr if (IK

erwy Stiitn I'iroroeu'n AaNDcintiou iuldlut Atlnntio» thn .WlhlnHtatit.'•ini.|imrter« of the Kieoutiro COTIIill IM ut Mreunion iUnm, 'l'M« willir the moHt iinjmrtnot nwdtiiiR ot tlieinlion nineu itit ur^ittil Kill ion, IIM ii«v«ir

i:m ol eniiMiiU ruble intercut tulinmieusmlwiUbepro-enteil forconsdiomliailav pnHNcd nt tbu Innt M(!HRIOII ofiln; Ilure relating to tbo incnrpomtJiitf ni

' iii'H Ui-liefA(iiuidutiniiBti|,rm awill, it in expected, eonie in furof (ixjilHiuitiim aH t« 1ti4 app

of the Stuto AN nein-• iftbt yi-ara IIRO, tlio lofal IIRHOTitcbout HID KtiiKi hiivo diuiblud inis KIHO IHIVO tbclr receipt-, going |.mid work thnt liitn Ueeu iituoni] HIK'.I

>ud the ben (It to |Uo llromou tlironKboil>y tbe uuitcd ca*urta oftbeSutolAmto-

'e iuci uip .

Fir-tClmrchatMeudbatu lu tlic nl.scuco ofRev. I>r. Cocbraii, waa exntniiwd for «rdin»-

• tion iu tbc tifternoou and onlniued iu tbe' nlng. Rev. W. W. nallnwnj, Jr., of

ipr, waa mipointod to prcpnre th« Narra-^ Stittc of ItellKiiiii for tho SpringKev. I>r. H. M. Slorw, tlio rrtiring

Wm. H.B l c h ; yII. Tipnctt i Direct

Pit d

,II. Lambert,

Mahlun Pitney and Emory Vanullder. lb<uaociition U breoninit very atrotig in memberahipBtiiiitia beUned that it will nuwbetover one hundred person* before the roll 1-omnplated. It» object ia the promotion ofbaae hall and other atbletio iport>, and it iabelieved that bffore tlie opening of anotherMIMB a >ufHcient fund will hare lu-en ae-enred to proride •ultablo gronnilnflnd pnttketa in order for ntbiellc jjamei*. Tlm initia-tion fen iionc dollar unit tlie monthly due*« n twenty-five unit*. It in hoprd that u»loveraofaiicli niuuncmnta will make o]ii'l!-ntlim for menbenibili and tbu> saaiat in en>-

D O T H , X. J., Sept. lltlh, 18H3.There b*in« rnmomdraalatloje dctrinitotal

to tbe iotcrent of tbe Council of " Tbo Onlei•fClMNKinFrknda,"arfU]I(ed in tbii plocc-,I take pleaaara In earing that them ia natruth la, or funndatien for tbo same. TbeCouncil fa meeting rciultirly on the secondand fourth Friday av«ninga of each month,s a l ia ateadilr iacreuluK in both nnmhena»d intereit. O. H. W M T I I W L T , ger'y.

Belief Council, No. 21, ot If. J.

Hearr Sebmnh»li.t foreman Henry Kr.iffPaeking Co., St. Joarpb, Ho , naca Dr. Thomaa

0:1 with bin nun for apraino, cnU,ehapned handa, ate. It in tbe beat.

ptr|H rednftnerollntion•a TiKwlny, »ud tba reii.l llmm at tbeir bntnea nvrtninlit.ijtmmiui'iit «•« vffcvtfil Wcducaday

•riTiotn.AROllir.R ACOOUKT.

Tlm autumn meeting of tnel'iraliylory ofMori i* nnd Drsnge wn- held in Chester Tlien-day uml Wclnendny, l.'nii au.l IHtti lutt. llrv.William Diinmt, putorof tbo Flnt «iuwliMorrixtown, wu< elected M<><li.rati>r, aud Ilev.Me*an. Hallar<t anil WrW<tclrrka. Sniue of ibo pal Ha rdi« of tliu I*rf'#-liyter.T win' noiuMv abnent. Hcv. Pr. Irving.foreign lli^ionnry Secrotarj, litiving, lpOK-Ibly, (iit['<idi!il 1I!H taut earthly uwetiu*,Bcv. Ur.Aikm


one- Lnmlml fret. UnlU \<-R* w c r o u n ' l

nbpvi> tlm imWi', ser body ami bend inutiliil'-il, and .'nkcy Mi nil thohiiiTiblv Hi'iiHiilioiw ^vliicii «tlior rnjjinccmImve rineriitneed iu ^imiiiir neeldi-ula wl.ich,-i,ro and <.till ntwld nnt avert. Of CI.UMO b<'WIIM in nit wi*c In lilninc, nnd il i» tit lift honed

if UiiM long-tried, careful and Iiilth-Ful enjiiuecr.

Ti t HjaropJwbla ft»tor Faila to Oat*.Almit four weekn ago Ji-»lf Kent, *RC<1K years, nud bis oldrr brotb^r, -were bitten

_y a nmd dog wuilo they were Jilajtns in tboyard of thair Tiitbcr, Linno X. Kent, at Fairfirlil. Tbe uoj". wcro promptly plncml unilei

; enra »f Mr. Ite«ve», of R1noiiiitif,n1nl'>, win• iirnny yoiyn luu trpnli.1 ppoplc in tbnt pnrttlio rou'ntry with a njwrlfiu wliiclihntwldo n-ptttniion lor fully biilfn ct-aitli Uoya were RCttinj: nlonu nipely, ui«,,1ny of Imt week .tewle w e t to SKW

York with bis falfaer nud itppisarpd touauaily im-rry. On Tncndny he nhnwc .of flimiw, mid ow Wclnrwliiy bail Himil»tiiV

il-Mndinou, 1i, of Htinlbaat,

d Dr. Hiuk.'k. ofOi'tiRf,akk li-t- Tbu Pir-1 ytcriul ftrrniuu wimpreaclie.1 ' T Kev. Dr. Ktorr*, f Ontrtp; ntt<which Mr. .lumra Cnricr, »on of Mr. WallerCarter, puMl-her of Scv.- YoHt, w;to tbooffliL. at an Evan^rH.t.WM eraduatid from Cnlumbia Colli'ijo nndtfulnu Spmb.iry. He pu^cd u good eElimi-nation, y p fl

nanimonaly xuntalned nmt 1Btnw Kiipplyin^ tjo pulpit of IIIB uncle,Mr. Cochran, at Mcn.lbani. It is » 1 'aign ti> »ei) nucti tine intelli^i'nt yoigiving tiicir life wtTke to tl» Slant!ia founil true lielic- and glory i-tmin

Tbe re^nlBr burinem baviiip hemPrcabjtorj «ljouni.d. I'HEBI

uudpuiaod. Anonlinnaca reipoctlng atruygecw and elhor peiiltry wu pissed b.v A votuof 1 to 3. Bulb ure pubH.bod ol sow bore.

L'lion tno recomnendMtion of tlio (Vwfn)iiuccr «lx new nemben of tbo Vtm Wur-PIIM wcro nj,]ioint«d.Tin. Hiiyiirwtia nulliorlied to Hipn u ilvcunitb'« uuti! for %i,0M In aniiciiiiitiou ol

A request of Mr. J. 0. Soitrndcr, to erect nnew atrcutlniup iu frout uf bm rcniiloueeMorris Htrnet.ivn* referred to the Kire Cimlttec ritb power.

Tho Pint CumtuiltcQ waa inntrueteil to buybelts, i-luliB aud luntvrn. for theti'ii ud.itionut Vire WimleuH.

It lidns uo'*il afterwnril tbnt Ibe gewnnlinoKe lucked a majurlty «i tlic votes .ull t he nioiiiliprs of the Co mm on ('mineil,H[ici'iul mi-ctiui; WIIH luld nn TiiOMlny e\Ttiiia tvbkb oil tliu nj«iiiln;r»*crejircmHitoieeiitAlilcrninu VnuUml und Coaiiciluimi Kuu-OUM«. Altrr the ri'iiiilnj; nr Iho mhiii(i'» tin-ordinauei! wn« jircsi'iiteil ugiiin und warpusHCd by a unauimoiM viile.

Abant tho Fkak.A phvaiclan and a cminle of fri.>n<l«, nil cil

Rocknwny, were fi«1i<ri(t nt Split llDek theiher day. Tb« doctor lm.l plenty ofhitca,

but failed to land fait tlsh In tho boat, when»l the other* toll li in bo Iind ticard

llelbodUtprenrbcr uaoemy that tlm properwny to take a pickerel win to play him illililc of tlio limit nml then lift Iilui in with tbe,

lmml. fli>on altertbnloeTorlinil nnotlierlillu vicinnnoiif. Withgrent enrelin NIUeil in uUjliigcliiBD Io tlin liont a lnrH

pirki;rel which Iliey thmight wimtd wi'lflir IIOUIMIH. HO reimhed dawn to lift liinwith nun linnil, hut unlnriiiuntel.v alm-V

eni'il thi! linu in tlie nthrr mid tlin c(intil

nlBinnc, wlilrli jtrcw nitiailily wor-ofiiKlitful KtifttriliRK

hhl Bundny nftmicm. Mr. Kenvr-gmitly » b « W i "

tbo liitle fell.iw.,w l,v bud i

ifter ilimtbei

ni! IIIH iiialtiif-nt. Tin- olilctt -li»w- no nijrtix of byilrn].bul>in,innbcnnlof JC-^'H ilcnlh.

After Baay Teira rf a>pantla«.Quit'? a v>j '"I pun"'1"' "'«•'»My '""h pi't tlio IIAU'IW ul Hiittan Tci't", nt Fiiinmntnt.

crly RpnlVtiiiin drm

d frnn ml Hteppeiljp tn the dimr. 11.- « M a tetal otrnnaall, Imt there wan MHHI II Joyful time nmlhmrty hnntlf holrinK, whrn it wan fmind onHint fotliiT anil daufilter Imil nipt for tha firetime In their UTCI. Tlio *trnHRCT priced tbo Mn». Tects'M own fatlur, whom him iiaincverfcrn lK'fure. Aftcrn slay of twohoutu

t b l t i i P t y l

itattwl away like«tni«'fltfl fur

['iik. The itoclnr\ tlm

"Hoy", I don't IlilufctbB Mi;tliwli«tilmi,ini.' kuiiwnl it .liirn. .1 iliiuK

alii.i.titrMr. .Ml. Jlodiwi, wlin liwfliwfir Hnl-tni

town, throp ymti URII Kloilird tlm pmul n|.Wo ivIMi <iai]t. Hitvinj- Inlely ma.!her pnnd fur llii'in, tics ilrcw iff the wnte> tbo old one and f.mud Hut tbu .-an. ba

]<irKc)y inrrwe-1, nnd tli at the Inrcext itlu-m weiphed nine imiiniU. Mr. Dodcu pn

•tocilnii bin otil pond wltli trout.— Jer-aeyninn.

A l»r«o tot ol vininir eniinon hnvnplueed in tbo lead Wittcra of tlic 1'iiiiliiimid l'equcnt, Imt it ir* doubtful iftliey jtoniolurity, Tbc Hiilnmti c* peri me nt li;il»en nui'cciiaful in uny nf tbc SII HCX wnt

tiful in tlio roHL'rv.iir liitwccu WulerlotAndover.

Hay Bakai.i.nniiH Itnyltnkra, tlio

t added a complete nmultk

WJof the above. Also fruit cMd majulica w


NFineat ntnrk ever kept tn Dover, at

Brink i>r»3 Hlore.

raista u i OUa.oacajier than ercr at tbo Drlck Diug Stow,

A Mew Afr Line tii-il iu Chicago tbut Um Hall

l l.i i*h.'Oc.'.Lh.IUilr"11'1 C o m l " l U T i a *wtiiriiig

il OH far on Contreton, Ohio. ¥rou7?n direct new Hue would bo built to Ni

'urk, imnHng through Medina, Bavcaui'ii, Ohio; Mercer, DraolrvlHe, Cit.tll.Hntit..-, SiiDliury ntnl Mauoli Clirut IliOviili-re, Ulririkloun mid Xc\

(•ive tbu lialtimiini uml Ohio tlm sliois between (.'hit-aim and New 1( k.ntin) leiijjtli would bo nuly nliout

iiile", nud tin; tliniujtli time littween tbo t oitlcu not limns tliuii 1"> or 16 Lours.

Of btereit to Wounded Vttarant.A ml i ii y ol* iitttn-Ht to maimed vi'tnniist iiPcn Kireu iiy Pension Ciiiiitnislluel;, He ileeliiea tluil IWdUnum >r>!iiih of wlioni bud mi arm umpittuti-ii t-i:l

i-ininii t» ij;i7.rj(t per mnntti, nndor tlm nrlIntel, il, 18ftr,. ThH net ]>ciiHioiird HOMInd riiilom wlio hud mi nriu (liken oil' ntIM.III.UT joint. Tliu diction u1»i> cuvort> l.i-li.'voa, nil (-n.PH of ninputiitlun m-iir i1I...W, kiife or bi). joint, wlii-rc Iho cut i-iiur IM to render tli^ rfiinniiilng IJOUC UHIII

W«kly Iron BcpntTlio Engineering and Mining Joaru.1

mt Sittunlnv fftya;AMEBICA* PHI.—There ie Mill a fligU

fttuvcmeiit in imidncBN in tin- lirandofiIthoiijili Hales nrojjeiieriillynonlinea limnit«. We lit ar thnt tlio Tbomns litnny IIIIH nold atiout R,<H>0 MUH, tbc grrn

pnrt of which m Umy For^o, to Penney)'mill*, for delivery wltltiu tiio \K\t

.!«>-.. I'i!ei!H ulxiut tlm MIUIC, inIII) .IIIOIP *tH for N'i>. 1 X ) fill f«r No,u.l tir-^tir-.r.O for dray Korf-e.

A Cure, if yon Pon't Starva.lnti>4l remeily fnr re fold U IIH follm>ntij>iicr. On <£ii\\\<£ tn 1 nil nnd iinrink a tumbler nl cold water.rinl .mt u jiieee nf dry hrciid IM 1IITI;IiKiiul. flit "ill fruity iluriiiiEtiiciiiKor.lmtK'renl (ho Binne an i'or lit• luring iln- iiflcTinxm take » *]

iii.liirc ]H'rHpiruli.)U. On witlnnrrrtirp curly. Tlie imxt muitiiii^,

Ix' marly well.

Moniitowa'i Population.In Mnrristowi/H iio|iiilatliiii of 7,1171 br

n:\rt ur.- bii.ll.V brulicn nil tlmxicli. Tluirlic«! urn (Hi tiiuri' while

lian men jnnl, ami Mfi tt

iwti "l..inptp. V.n ni-.xiiKrniiriatiK. 'mtiiiT proof tbnt M.'rri-tt'twu i i nI ner, iu tlie ml urns nnuli- nf 770 linl

Btato Council, 0. IT. A. It.


ivi.lowr l t l i n t i K ' f l l t u l , * i l . l l l l t . r . l ; t n i u l w n r l h n f i l llirty-RCven C.iiiii.'il- wprcwntisl, #r,K.ja(l 111;i'l u;iin in iiiiiiiic^ during tin- veiir, 9;t,:iNO.llO.Tit.' fullinvhit: i.m.-ers wrri' eleele.l lor tlioi-uiiiK yeur: H.V., (IHI. II. Lu.lliim; S. V.

'., S]n'iirrr Smith; S. <\ H.,J. II. 8]jinn ; 8.J. T.. Aimer fipnrk- j S, V. I.. J . N. Wltli'lU;

E.f I. Vim lUirii;S. L'. I'., J . D. 8.

(i)Vi-r tViwril, Nn•V., Aiiff. S. lierry.


The Morriatoirn Ineettdiiriei.Tho cxvitomont over Ilio im-cmli:)ry firesbicli li!U*o recently opriirreil in MnrrUtnimHH hpi'ti inereaMpil liy ib.t fr)llnwin|x ivlilelil>|ic!ircilniiiniii; tlm " ptr»nnul*" in tbo New'm-b Horaiil on We.liioK.liiy:

M T. N.-rion, nruxKD nousn ANII, ^ i ~ N O t i ( > . l>i>»lil.- unxti.l innknit

lie. Slill luiut <ir m> d.^ii. NKIiKO.Tlic» "M. T- X." an- tlwuiRbt iomm Morris!own, ind "luinx-d IIOMII " inHiptme.l t.iliuv^ nirrrucc, to Hi.-' vi.liml.leoral's Imrii.'il at the lift. lire. Tho flcurvxM) nniiaj'l I'H.I'iilily iiionii tlicf ivwiinlrf nf t3«M)ml *2*(l, ofl'i'rod r-nni'pflively l.y tlir town mid

trued inloapmiinHiticiii to furnifticd infnr-iretlnn fur diiublu thu itinoiint of tlm rownrdf*


ZrtablUhcd 1151.ti vla'-fl tn

A uno line ut tbo llrick Drug Btoro.

fan rciiri'sciilctl lij

_ «•»»Pie; Iron and Proaptrity.

i r

HlM'lllli^r-Wilhiu ii

<sl, „I fur thr

II it. Tin- ,l-i,,nu-\ i-

7i'l,72l, wlillr\\;is t,uly $t»,i

KILLGOBE'S COBXEB DRUG STOREii tbe place ia so f*r OKI OK.



KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STOREis tbe place t« go tmr Upmmtti» •••] "aHfTl'.


KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STORE Jla the place ta g. (ar Ucaa>.MI»a Falali.

KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STOREIi Ike place ta ia far UlaH .aa PMtf.

KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STOREI . the place Io <• for < isarn «ae Clfaretlen.

KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STOREi the place ta •« for ei-errtblat u.ullr kept la a •

r Uimt atare.


Ipteial laatinii.Ilrfnn>.lndj:r'l'litIdI Minium»ii<l Dcllickflr

u TiiOHiluy la>l:~-Jiiuu'rt, (I'lilnrnll, wnn trlnrt

[iiivlc-liil of havliif! on tins •J.ritli day ol'.Iiily,

i Ihi.i (Ii

Hi-tir.v Wtij-bt i

i i i - t n w i i y T . n U.UI] triml II i v i e -

(<>t at timiiLiiftoofr, iiiidwi-i-RiiUiiRoiivirtediiriiiir-

r Ktnl«n th«> pfii)iprty of Mm Piii.l Albertlltr. 1lnHiiuloni.>w ( 1.1 your. »f W)IKMCIIt til till' U.fiinit Sl'll.inl, ,H,|| T|,.tl|.yiHttivm (Hi days.II. A. Fn-ntmu. (.Milor.-il). \u>* In-,I *.~>uiid

Prank Oevi'iiey, Imt WJIK uciiiiittiii on uof having entered HIP Uar3iriHln.j> cii"

rt'illliiui II. JfiiiiiMin, on Hunk .ircrr, lwluiv-iK witisllcd tin- Court tlmt In- iva« In A»liarvail( al tlit- lime tliociinio vnn rmumitlr.I.Fraiik McCunly was ilirir^.iL by Ktc)»liniuwrencc with ImriiiK Mnltn liin v'-atr!i, butuji|ie:ireil upon inve«ti{;iilii>u that Stcpliun

•, p|yen tliu wiitcli to Frank toAf i-iii.' .>!'. Fnmk HU8 ibc.ri'loru dlm-liiuliicb.iril i:ilis,,.f ldnliinviiy, wuw trlcil undinvlctcil of having aHuaulted tils witv. Elli

A Vote from tha W d i i n g Sells.Mimiin E.. ilmiKLh-r nf Mr. nnd M

eHdn.v 4>vR»iHK, In Mr. Win. IJInmniluld.f H h k l

tli" inireniiil reni.k'nee nu street,v. W. \Y. Ilnllowny, Jr., olh>i;ilej, and

biiut Jlfty KIHJMII wiirn jtrcsent tn nunetioiiil I'ltjoy thn plrtiHiint i-vimt. Tlm l>liih> wliihoilvn-f |, wua utllind In

col..nd (twith l>ri. u


liriilirii.l triiniiic.lwlll.orienliila.t. M l - I,,.,1:i llri;,nt,

nnii! ninU-rial nln,» tiuii-i I with oriuntiii lnco. Mr. Juboj; A. tlran-

i, tliobrntli(>i<»f tliel.H.lo, did tho liutioiabent num. A lur^.- nunilior of bountifulil vnluablo t-iiU were nni.le UH wc.1,lhIK

ikeiix, and theenlire inirlyciilnycil nu eveti-iltof«ivat plciimrn, nno i<r tliu prluelpnl•iituriM nf wliit-li wim a very Hun wcil.liiifjiptirr. Tlio i;ti\ swell* Hie iiiiiitulmico (if

til Ilii' tinml fort uno tlmt can uttcml Iho we.l-ulute,

Jumbo'i Voble lacrincs.rtinnn.vreci.liH.ittiirt ffi'tini! vrlm finvfiIlio Ri-oiit oleplianl Jtitntio, will bn inter-

Htcd in Iim IV)11iiu-iii|!, relative ti> 1,|H .l.'iilli,

The boys have worn out their gammer ClotMar aaathe season has arrived when they must be clad aaewfor the cooler weather.

PIERS0N ft CO.propose to maintain their always large trade In Boy'sClothing by offering parents the largert stork to selectfrom and the best inducements to parchaae BojVSuits, both for School and Sunday wear. In a briefadrcrtiNcmeiit it would be Impossible to enumeratetho stylos, goods and prices, but we assure all tliatwe enn suit their wants In every particular art a nprepared to prove all our assertions to any customerwho will favor us with a call.



)i,po F i n

-day tlinni«li cireu* iiei>iilo wh0 kill I 111! of ISurilUlu'rt ph>|ilninl, .Iiilnbn. itW-nT* tliat tlio tiohlo beimt lost hU lifuliile tryiiij; to mivo tbnt of ltia fnvoritr, thoiliy triek cli'i>li:iut Tom Tliiiuil,, Vlien

II> wtiv tlio iiiiimiKliiid diiiiRcr, which wii-ntil thu loc.imollve IVHH nlmost u]inuho Krn>.]u'.l Iii- liltlo fri.n.l lu l.i, trunk

in<I lim-li'it him fnr out of danger. Tint littleat ruck si^tiimst it \HK i'iir wiili Ruffirieutto brtiik hiK h'is, ami lay tlie re wlimingit wounded i"i]ipj. Junttioiuiide mi cf-

rt tn Kiive hlinwlf then, lint it wtm too laini t f lvo te - W M " lul led. Not only tbo enjjino

»V tho nccltk!Ti(Vlp" wvr" forced from tbo track,ny, which controls Tlii! Onind Trunk Com-iuV.-s IIIIK uttcmiiti'il t»kcc|> Ulic-fi 'tt hi. Cutli-nl tbo rnctnhiivi' licitn Imrd tn jjrt ill. "li.;iewn

•liuinb wiw "hot lii-ti-veiling.

plonsoj to tnaku tlie annonucemant that liin hnaine»i lias prmrsd a flftttering^CCSRS which is largcl? duo to the FRESB BTOOKS ALWAYS

PUESKNTED, [air prices, and careful business methods.Uu will continue to offot as usual fall linos ot

FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,with tlie best specialties in every department. H* Is offering

PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR.hich never ncc&a a, recommendation beyond a single trial, tad rink* th« blgit-

est in the market. In

Katartl CariodUw.Mr. D. A. Klelwina, of Vlmnlerw, I

pnn hi-iplnre which in n Kn-nt tialnptlty. Il: in a tree »f the ciirlcil wlllitu-• l i l e h W

IIIDCll tl

mt tw

iitimit It u

irniK-li "til


\ii'lii.ln»al"<i rrih;i]>t> orflvncnP-HMT. II ' .1.

nfwliil.. <-..mnfwlii.'h Iin^li


ii treeI cnti-irlety,

line ]iiirliciilnr1y n>-I ln*t .venr, wlicn it

- t n i i . l i l y c v f l f - i i i f « ,i* ti.oiw,,iiiH^imiii-rit prcifiiiiiin. Wllli

t t i


Congr*r. t.fil]it.-nf ].",(•(«) a

Plu-If-. Im-alcd mi Trancr'clel.Mleil in New .Ie

nm-nrlmriciilHtn-. Thr 1tin- Itivrr l» I

'ilibt linndrc.l norrn unrmii,le:..l, wl.i.-li nro laiil «nt aaHi., ei'iitrc imrliif tlm ln.nn

lrn' Homo.

Mr. I'lidiw liti- iidileinmi.lini r(itt:iKc »f evccnliuniH-aniUul ilo^iaii —Saviimisih Nc

Hone Sotcs.Clistrlic. M., tlir tmttfr, Infi-ly Kmitli, «f Ilila l»lnw,tniti.tli« fiiMfst milci'vcr> fivetr.irk. 2:K11- Anlhh tr:iel; i- Tt

.< hfinrc nf 111

•litiKtlin tiniitijilciimirc park.

mf lniunn: tliiitil it in u(iw :

Ilie IJiiHti)r,v uluw, tli

lntnl*n»ic I'iKV Ki:l'li»p. tii-oi-«o R , f.mro!.l, t.' Slr.(Jraiit, ..f .1. r-i-v Clly, feiC'bnrlcj M. •wna BCU for fl.niJO.











J a p THIS


TEAS AND COFFEES,offering articles tbat Dover disappoint tlo taste, n d la doing j u t n

large trade in a very

SUPERIOR GRADE OF HAMS,whioli nro Rolrt l>y tlio clico or nny S'IT.Q to suit tlie parchaner. Amotg otber «p*«cinltins are ttiu bi>nt in M kinds of l''cirmi>u und I>otuestic Froib, Dried Fruit*,Htnokrd Mfiits nm\ Fisl), ltottled Picklca nnd everytbinR else in tbe lipe of flnt*

l OroL'iiritis and X'rovisions,




ITTBTS a pleasant ntiil well enndndod pi it co in which in RjwndTa [lei j ore Iianri. LanebHCivid at any tinio or tbe iUy or GTRiiinR. 1 am Rind to my that I hive aocotcd

fur ms tmilo the fim-ms

JOS. SCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER,prononnocAy all corapolent Jnd,

Potor Hauck Kxportwliicb II al trail * prime article.


VLicllflHlftlsL- I

r>U-ni niul m : J ' i

l,iftr,li. Th-K. »

t i l . l w f ' . r -l'i.:-i,:

at t h t

i k in . - . H,. ,1:.-,1 i.l L-s

Of Will] . l l r !., L1,L. u t i(lt. aj-

I v tL,. .

l-.i,bv l,y a s,-i

Iu t l . t L J l i K


ii r t ; 5i!•,;•'• i

l , r b o l t : , i : : i v

1f>l.g t-yrbo'j

Bi.ll fork-; tin- I r

> -ay. to dir.f, crlon.ilc.-i1t.>.Il-"-i»i1l1 i l k l i . - n i i i i L i - L i t

; . • ! • . r . n i r - K k i . c . .

r atrl | .o 3 . 1

.A.-:, -id- ..I n . . . of ,

f.,ur r-T-t*. uf lii.ivcs "

A t..r\!ii. . At lliu

:.A.A-.»v. «-t U i - *•

, -u..l of i.i- i'!,:iri

••I ' , . - : . J M I / 1 . " U-

1. IL,I- ,ji:ii::i-ii in cr-ii

.:..uv, M. i ; : - V l . . , h i li-

st." l.;.vt. trn1 Ji!J(iB-ll Si tl'.Vrr :\

i ere, both in ww..!; the In-t l'V" hmi.ii

; iiiit-il niidil'-v.-.- i

! bt?--':ti- \v.,i-:.l.f.i!

, Br. ; . t l ! : t . . . t , ,f - :; Who!!..

: k U c v . r r . •,[...., r.r.iiy. Hi-nn'ii-i story, lit •,-,-.: CM:.; e'eur.-bail:. J.iri, loue.-tUvkliv>L.i' buildt-ff. CJI-U.N,i in Libliui.- tvucuj. i! tftill^uirari. t\av-

• n-< lnu. l .wont .

(1; hut dnr in -

i HVJ to a

V- «..,!,I Mill]

i; i , , : ,k . ror t i jo

•,1 (4 hi* inf.;u-

I" ant, v.iili

o f t

ifL.iif li

-..•I. ,' Hit-- liic

laiiff ho

I La-.- ll, ha-IllMft-ll

' thv [iroUviiii. eft!,-.

. Wi. c m wt-ll f.iti

fc],ik--r !., l.av- Jia.l a

' i n L - a H o r i - a - l n . 1 1

.- t y . s ; fctatfdnil ' the urciit

urlJ : imz/lii;

j , - t clocki=d thrill.

• l i i . -krotir. iiifj of i

i in: i I*.in »I .M«II

u l;:tl»,.,1- u',.1 I'ili

ui i i .- f.itt. !•; fi !..t ..f I..:.

Of 1!:, ra i l - J » M

ifiiut ..i.l i.-.rju-li.^

( t l . r ; A t V:^.l iu <

• <I i

or,, j i t i i o i t . :

of ;i,i-J-|-,i. ,i

].;•:! i-i

*-!. til !.,-

tji.i'.S . r

••il.iaiii M li

. :.l ..f .1- . . ,

Iv 1 n.r-If ;,

liiUl a n d


flo^ra. aiiilMI'H.^t:>ur.ithe vht Js tii':i-il- !•• iV r-'-iiwoi'dvrt-dftwtth. M-,.P.1. •O^t^*.,^!:.. asii.ll..

privtd of'liu-.».»i.a iu.d Lfriiiiilswilli thu riMiii.t,' l r

mil it

ni.0 tliu

tin- loini» wif . . r i t . J»u



Ulli- M i l " '.I •

•v r;.:-. - l.i-

iiti-i.. it. if

,1 i t . r in . I ii.

J t f tu f tlie t'.ijjt.iiii uf

I- !i flint, lilhlllitli ) .

i - .M. TI . , *. .„. , . , .Iu

J- i l for thi 'C. i j . i . t i i i Li

J,riv:I,-B-0f i lr , t

f.-IlrjVVb, (Dill (if th. 1. I

I U J i - h - - K M . . n

i - .n i , tlir j-.iuL

• i i . i - ]• f t

i - t - - - .1 •

• *.. tv.. - n thi' four.

! . t l . th«!;r -;..:t.fiii;:- :

. in l:..:;:iii ill.. ii»- '

, l.y t i , - nr.rii, do(,r, ;

•:!.•.,! tii. 1., ,t.ll,:ul.r

!•,.".: ,!, . li-'n I) 1.1ns- {

• )...;f. 1.11U f«.rk li,- |

;'" ' - *.Uirj/«m Ul, '

i u u.. - - luiiit liini-

- ^ fir. hlllu 10 tilt

. i- j -.i-.-isul withfihlj.

ii,!.. ;r i , r.s-.rvttl the

jit; tin.- juiitt vhiuli

- K-,i,. h.-ymi.i r.-Ach

:.iL-k li.'k. r. 'Ili'.-w

ti,. T. tii].lt r.f'l-

vis,, «;;i i,.- -iUiri

. ;,[L.r i.l] i.i.

Mliv Jiuvrfty.

One of th<- v..ry

r« i l ihek l-"'>r.--t fl-.-k

•,. 11-.-uni at I'm

, r | dr.-iUsid fl-.v, n v.

:1, ' tii.- hour--, h;:-.

A; t l j - t-.VtlltV.f..t!r.

uii-1 tlK.y m u

' th-.-li«l.t(

. u v . - c i i u a tii

..1.1. It

.nt tli..> first * jjy tLr,.'!Khil,,. J u k i . . " :

iii Ih - J i r i t - I -Urjuil i.j..[.I ,,1,1 N:uiitv~-(i(»il 1.1-.;«

t ist ' .m litiii- i • ' "

V:i,t.r(ii.,l -..i.iiu, r •!„• Y./:<\ v.-IW ih . ro .

atftftuiLMumuL-r tli.- t r i . t i . i t i .u I-.,-]-..!

...1 i

t ; Bt it'ii ft yr...ilnttftuh.-il. An iiiij.f..-qiik'lilvnin.l- nimnili.-

Tht-ii..ii.]iiLiin.wn-.i:,r.-Ml7i\K thu i.i.].-K-itti.

» ltfi a lit ot uioti' y ^to Lt-1]) tl»..-

.-•-iiiful n

REPUTATIONHaving: been acquired by us for maim-fiKtuiins FIRST-CLASS CLOTHINGonly, at POPULAR LOW PKICES, weivish to call particular attention to ourhandsome and complete stock of

MEN'S, YCUTHS', BOYS1 AND CHILDREN'SFINE SUITS AND OVERCOATSfor Fall and Winter near. THERE 18ABSOLUTELY no risk in dealing withus. Ours is an old-established house, andout rule ONE-PRICE, RIUI that the LOW-EST- Satisfaction guaranteed or moneyrefunded. When you visit New York, payus a call at cither store.


Executor'* Sale of Land.Tii . « n c r i ) r , ];s A

niii Mil » i l'abiif V.'Udu'e on '8ATC11DA1, tlit IT tbdayuf October, 1UB5,

it two (,'L-1.H:L In the SHLTUHOII "t tL»t J d j , a

u,Glu. IU Mdl

il.e miui'rt and mineral*

. , | |BJ :P of Clii-fter, iu tliu Tt>wwnhi\i ol j

tNtw jtrsi'?, ii»crilii!fl a* IUIIUIVH :lStgiiininKat a i u i n t iitar the i.Jgo ol ilif |

sidewalk, t iutaul t«fCt i - [uur f««t «ix iuclicf IL*ou«t Hiutli, ticfeiitr tlepTvbi tifiv mill-en at from II J - eotwt <.t tlie i)i?alltu#

•e Jrtfmcrlyowiicflaiiiloeciipioilby WHIianj Ir^.piug, tftc'il; HiL-nceU) uonii Torlj-e tloprtt-i Win tlirco huri'lieil sml forly-

for • coroer ; thence (2) jiurlb fortv-tis |-ecx iliirlv UIIIIIIKP «a«t ono huii ' lrcl ntnlfeet; tl.ttico (31 hUitth fi.rtT-nii <1< gic-H

(urlj-fi»e miautei exit tliree fiuDirtrt SIK!fort j - t l i t r e fttii tu llie CIIRI of tbo ikifffdli ;-lieooe (4) Bnutb for I r-one ilpgr«on thirty nui:-itca w«rit ono liDndrtd »nd one fhOt to II,Dl&eu uf bfgiiiDinf;, ^oiitufnj tip tbirtv-fourli«TiBatii i i i io l innl r td »ud foTiy-four BIJUAI-U

mo!ioft»iil tract uuty • • lie* to 1li« nnrlli-iLht of (lie mitruid uow runmnf; tliruu^li iliatine for thepo ipoae of mini tig indruiiioviiij,'

eiid niine-alB.Tin- Mill muierala tieint; puhjecl to t miahiK

lease liflJ l)vTheOhi.-atLTl!ictil>ui) Irou Cow-l^nj ; ttii' re-niH audruvaJiit i rererved by » i u

tssi lo llie puri'lta*(r.LVllkN H. FIEBftOH,



N. J., Aaga.t B;U, 1B6S.c u r



LEADEItH,»c<lnil ii«<lH«rf*«AWnB I " " " 7 " '' tUu b«it m i n a t t and »* W» «*»«*

Uigbtiat prlcoa paid fur old Ixot .

Copper lead i n d pewter Uken i s' - KOCMIH,


vn:uin THUS in aom,

l t . .I . . i , iv l i . r . in .

•*:.!!- ..fti.t-H.-ly i


It.: 1't.rtc,t a hrpatm-y ».-w

I U. Vim iiiovt-iHtjl,,.]i,v.<l. I...-UI (jtrifciiju clvtl;

, i i f 1

! Hi* re- fr>r <rtii- 1! uua.--rato.ja th.! it.

I Oiif iV.rlt i:i

i.d 1,

i iy uis.rt ii

Ml '

, tl.u

leu j-L-aw U(m. And uow the

in iu tliL- Iifiua- of lirciit Jlnln« it»t.U i-tiii tin.- lmml of

ami Iliircnj Unl.-.-hllil \i<M< n

r> IL..- Knlt.m

icli as if (.-•l-ii

ating power

n, and tiio

u I*r:u-lit«,

UJWI francs

•i ti . i-y, ;ir l - i i i . fi L,T. :*t j.iir vrr

ii..- whl - l i i t «;i- fciinil

to (WiiiR-, liy Hi'; ..-nt.ilili-sUuit-

|cloek.»i.d(inf{; . .

'uii-i ly. aud until Miti.iti tii= 1II,I

y t i a w , t r ( T y i . O r l i . m i . f iii« works '

Blink J-or.-!,! clock'. Wii, IU.IJL- by L;

each workman li '^aii iiu.l liuisli.'J

cotlufc'.-, bt-ini; t •[ in his h b a

r,f a !1-ur.

|,irlv.k<; <i !Y<ii.

f ; l ) ' i i ] t i

iul.t nil t

fif l ithout

, ll'Jl

niivi-iil'J.-1«- M J . II. ' . ir, . \

| l . . . ,W- t . i t r r to h H i . . i B l . l

lillll!, " l l . l>-•!-, to liC .lillV.Vdi 111

laViHt ' t f i i i cu i l l i h im:" uud il.

f , , r

.^iu, j ; u ini

l\V ull-,tffti,N thi- |,r(>i,ii

u l wliitb tiiiiy no ! In.- tiirj

lm»S<-r tli'j f<i-.]iir>n, ill*;1!

I1(*II1J1J.-" f;.iitin'i-. lit I!:,



•• iir-t | n l ! l i


l " t i l l " i l i ' | %li(t

at.^. W'itlt tli- ini^rnv.-iNt.i. fruiii lil-uly niiil tin- (.H^It-hUv«l-n1,,.:"tii;.|rll| i-n-criBi»^i-fcUr:iy5..r ILv .1-ti

^ e . Tw«J.»iiriiiiU li«v.i l^oin the U<jlli-.c\tiUl iii i.l Ulit

diff, r. It IL-.Kll'.jr. t ' lLllll lllV

Ih .b , : . . ; ; , . . ] , ! .

.•lUlivitl,-,! i'i.1

IWL-IVt l.l.UI'S.


t l1.1V. ;i

nf 1h',in ii[ill rxist, nuirMi.—(Vc-i


Bom tnii-Hml ind-r i ,

liL-'lJjllt <ll l\VO UltlUr

f t- i t j thi-Hlm-le I-*..r....

Ki-vui hiiiulrL-<! mill .

K t u mi or iiij,', twotl ioiu


fn-l; tin:Nin I M,\lircvtliou.Iwtnty ft t l : tin- (Viucii'ii

eainl one laimlroil ami njtii-ly-ti^lit fet-t;UiL- Ht. Uollmrd liiuin-l, ILIVL- thoiieaiiditvtii liuiidrL'd mill ciylity-sii feet; tticBrenner, four UiousauJ four hundred audh'evuity-UvcfcU; Mont tV-nifi tuuutl, fourtlimitriuil tbrtij liimiireil rani uiutly ftet;tliu N'ortii I'iiHfir, five tlioiif-iind fotirliim.tlrid ttud tutiiij fti t ; llie ('tntral I'.iuilu-,wven thounnitil ami twcnty.onu ft>tl; tLt-Vnion l'nciiio, t-iglit tL«mhi.i)d fiv* liuiulrtdaiitlhtvi.-iitj.lliruvl.fcl; wliik-nnulwayovL-rthe ArnlcH !• liinl.s to fiflL-.-u t Lou sand uxhtitiJred nud forty-^is ieet.

A German Imrou, wLo hml been ployingtcnvily nt " iiinlinn," nt tlie Pistil XatitmnlCfiKino, inidlmil, tliriii^nfott'iiiotilhs, wonftW.WUu, w&s dlscovittd chcaling leewayin a vpry curious wny. II<- niwiiye np|iearedfttnioufl to "tuke the buiilt," by whichincnuH lie, of conrae, nlwnys dt-ait, IIokept down the pi Id ot l>niil:n<>U° iu frontof Lim witli o poliblied blK^r toli^cco-lios.IIo dealt orer tbia, uid could thu<i tee thecords he dealt hia i>bycrs xcfkcUd In tli.lid of the hot I A ctrtnio general of tbentftff obsened tbia, and bogRiJ for the loanof tiio box to roll H fligartUe. Tliisre(jfce tteqntJitly tepetltd, aud observed thatKhcutbe box waaawwy Uio Luvu Lad vu.liable luck, likfi thu olltc-rs. 'llie lucky

Irnml. ii rid..-i

, tliviberof J(.'WSII:L•K. Itil«(Mithw:I1 tliOHMiuil JtV, ftlia thcicli u

tlic i>ast, htill thuy (

of u IWKHHA llmt\*ulio», t i eiibltU in about UU-i-ru not nioro tliniihui up in tlicir (|iini>

i 0» - ' ^ ^ . . l i s h ." ^ ' " j Tii., i l lUiHl-Lb-

.i^mnfvwn-HK.1.-uf,ii(.r iiimlMjf t'lo

a-iL'llou ur urchin.i-lui-ks l.isvr bi-vii. it

,i> (if llw «lil


the miglitj- fiillou. lint in tbo flcfdiiiB ytiir» tli.y iiicri'iwt-d to m13,WHJ.—.Viw I't.i-i- <Art,u-r.

. Taylor had bt-L-n cnlk-d in to pre-u fur (lit.- J'rinei'!.'. Kliftibtlll. n (lalif-U-

u-r of (.itdrgu III. " The t'o«i]>Inii>t ol theI'ritx-tig wai a cnntiniiiil nnd htuj.or iuthe litail. Of course John Taylor imme-diately ordered her to tike liia KIIUU. TLiS

iade of the powdered Itavts of tiioAbarabncca, whlcli bus iUe jiroptrty o(purging the hum!, and of which plenty * uiprowa in the gnnk-c nt Whit worth. Juhu

iviug fjivcii Jiis ord*r mid tUlivmd thoKIIT, looked nbnnt him, nud truing thorincfMCN all there, he CI«}*[1MI tlie QiMttt• UiiliHtly on tiio Luck, nml Mii.l, ' Will,

Ibou art a furrwiitly wumnii [(juud-lookiiiB]to he iiiuthtrof MicliaM-toftitruiKlit-biickfil

K.' Qiufii C'ltarlolte took the unusualluriiy will very (jooil grate, smiling

mid replying. 'Vtn, Mr. Tnylor, nud I wa>htniight.h,icl>"d a liisri an nuy of

The poctor liad not retired fromtbv prosoiite of roynlly vory lung when bo•iiSBL-ut for agi.iii in grt-ut haste, 'Well,nd wliilt is the m/itt.r iioiv?' risked he, onuUriiif. ' Oh, thi.- lYincus* in Ukcu withuch a continual Kiittziuj,- thai we nro

'It; Dint nil? ' wid Johu.

Tlit n It-t the Kirl MhiiiK that uill ,ln 1,,4 1Ulitl tuiiavi: Wl t lvltaviitB tltu priuce.

tliut is thuvery

it|ilt:tclyi "

A OfIB I I I N D R K D B n t . l , J i a «•>.VftlHTINI.MfeNT.

Apropos ot the coming tiroi:s, *AyH thi)fiiverC<-'"J-)-Vrii-*, tltu HgL-nt of tli<> com

imny, vhik in thiH city, n-lnled his L.XI,«l-ii-ncu (i-ith n country publJNltor iii Iowa,

lie (i{)jnro«clit-(i for ttie prico of

XIow few faults nre tlKre&ecn by uswliicb*e Lave not ourselves committed.

I t Hccms tbftt V«^EIB« hlnmps uflowew ii»vc n langiingf. 'Jims,lotht-AlUuy 3V««», wlieii ft posinlui^liceN placed upside ilnwo onComer GJ tbe lithr, it ijienuit,

in tbo sam "Mylitart, yIs miotlKT'B;" struigbt tip mid down,"Gooil-byo, RWoeihturt, Kood-Lyc;" up-»We down iu tin- right ban a com er, " Writettoinorc-; " in tlie centra, nt Hit* top, "Yes:"opposite, nt the Imitotu, " N o ; " ' o n i h erifht liitnd corner, ot fl Hylit ntifjlc, "Doyon lovo wo?" In the lufHiand conie^" I M o y o u ; 1 ' t o p corner, on ibc li^ht," I wish youtfrk-ndhhip;" Loitom corner,©ntbckft, " I seek jour Kiuaiutkuec•"on B line with tbe surname. "Accept myIove ; " tliL'samc, ti|)Hidudowii, " I a i a e U .Bagcai" Mariybtniif-liilii Ibc flame place," I long to RC-C you • " in Iht. mfiUlo ftt the•iybt hand edgo, "Write img diately."While this is nil very Rooi n* far aa it goon,

b t t

y nilvcrtitit'iiieul. Tiio price

17 th... Ul.iL-k TinSI-IUJ, nut only tiu-

..i.ti.,,..m iiml npi-rtfi

snot l-.:i!i nt">. w in

• -., )•!. l i ly


tr.iin liiitiil n1-o:»r.l

n to tin- link' oldi.y n.iifht b« ill.wii;iluw fill, but

U'A-Uu BUOADWAY, tOUXEK (JltAM) STREET. .*iU>-«il G1UI1TH AVK9SVE. VORSER 40lh S T H E E T ? r s u c k e r 8 »

issortment.AVENUE, CORNER 40tli



l,«.k iitni IMV.1. ' l i ' -

dill ii,10^1 t.

clwlts niit'.l'i«fir«

Iu lliii uiiwly-tvvo imrishts wUtcli (uruiii-b;it Is* callnl (be fhrfk (.•(itihlry, lirejvtr 1 ,-imi uni-.l«r clui-k iniLkvrs, who:-nil-Ioy (,0111c i;.n')(» wui-ktiKiii, Alto-,'L-tlier, about ll,(iii'} ii.oi.lf, iueludiug wo-u.:u and cbihlreiu lire occiinifca by thU oua

A t i : \ f iPKD»: '* t n i : t U L i I L I W * .

•:il McxiL-i.114 M-cre in enmp nt thomoulh of Munijiliia Creik, Utah Territory,

wliMi oaefFflar((o cetiti.

pede. fully iiine im;heK iong, IrftveliiiBiilow.• over hlu lug. Knowing tltn^ tho lenstlotion would inaka it nink its deadly hii nkiu, wKUnut moving liis kg lie gnt

out life revolver, (mil wailed until thobeast had nliuDst rdiclied ).ix kni'e, when,•lowly putting tho mouth of tbo pUol to

head, lie pulled and tlm centipndo wasgnue. liitt a to'tiUjit-de'n e-Uwt* arii quinkfiCthan fjtmpciwiU-r, in ul ('rums liegau tocramp in nft-wmiimtee. the trad; of tho

rptilo along hi* Ug tin-nod a lirowuiehyellow, nud the plm-e whiro it vtm killedswelled up ffiglilfiilly. Criican m(iidly

nud ill it tilth; over four hoursafterward lie died in «nnt njjony.

But tlie most 11 r jmrt uf thn fit pryis that tbe bullut fntiu Cruuis'rt jiislol cut nBtuoll nick Iu thu foreleg of n mule thatwas tethered nrnr hy, nnd nt dnylight

u H u i V i i i .-"•—.'/. V '" •'•

Caflaiu (J. W. Ki l l l l t-y h r ; v » lo the Var.

inOUlll J[r,--H; " l l t I),,; |,,,|liti, Ijf JrlllUll11*,1811, [),.....[,!„ r^sia.utjttt. VV..-i.InH.«1>ov«Uherved 11 Mpwit-rU-Btd v(-v\ lit iliu JJigMud Uhuii, thtn iihin),i.i,;:t,iT u.,d. nap.posiug htr tolje on tlmr. tln.n-, n |«:irly ofmen wt-ut to the i-];i:!il isi a 'urwit f^rtlio

riviiif,- nt llie Maud lln;y f. ml tlic vcw.-lto be nt mtclior in tin. S.i.iMi Cov.\ itndtbt-ro Iniii- i-wry .p..,-..-;.!!:-..- .if n KFI1I?from tlic miilii.iM. tlii-yiuiulc ,-ini.f 1" the<T..wtnl.,;.v,.i,(.r.nul «,,„.. „>,..]„.,-.. I,,iitlein]itiiiK to hoist t»d IE... l,nat sin- w:uiHtovo and lost, uml M,. rW..«n line-was )>r>t fr»m tlm v.--.-,.! ton u<--: ontlit bhore, njinti whiuti thu iMjitaiu nnd twomen maje thtir cssi'sijiu from Hid wreck,which wo* now (.trnijiU-d mid fut-t breakinRtip. Thy ruinaiiidtT of liiu cr.-w. oimihlingof font wiilors. iste-wiw.l, rtiwm-.'.tai uud oucfeiuulopiiSBeiiKfer(af;irUf hi\U.011, and the

w 'pttrifitd woniiiii'} were few ml ami Imried litxty on the nijjgcd h-nillarkl n-Jiere tlieyt tlitir tloow. I k i f lli.-y rthlcd lor•rt- than thirty yeius, when KDIIIC moikru

Vandal wus jmiinptod l,y utnorliid curiositytodigiuto thognivi-N nnd disturb the last

iiiK-jilacu of poor liiiimuiity in order tofcast hiu i!j-cs on the niglA »f n f.-w imml.during bone*. While rn^t-.d in hisglmul-

next morning tlic mulo» lcff » ii Hnit Ui

nlm dcud,hid



Au insect which ]>rodu>india-rubber lints been rL-tlu Ibc ilintticl of Vacutau,

is a species of-ntly diNcovcred

ty mi AuniN\-,», nnd but

tlieac recionH. Itycllowihh-browu in

.•siitort-r. It in calledto tlic L'UCUUH futility,

11 he i- th.-v•« «f die Kiil, ntij was .L-dto litulJu-rcnrjis.; wn.

The htory M.r.-«vd, .uwns diip; »[i fnui) tiiiiii lo tii.

it«d 1 . th.u doubt nur-lund nnd en-

I!v.llit-y 'liiu

ld |

B pro]ir

,- il.i{

boJy to a piI iw-conlin^lln.rf.;rt utiitu «>hcftd, which l,athu Wly mill Iii


nltun-nioruthomill p.-stiiipuice.

uiim r:U

llw p r

1 ry jurt <,f

nrlil.!. I -it-

Kd iii the..-r in whicli lliL- eorj.-i. WA« H.ILIH. rj,'« d,j.lincttiuli.mV I Iturltd it d.c.-nlly,

within tu«y gmiKlmt of my liimsi', nn.l runIdent thnt 1 hnve put an end lo Hit mi-

nitrous resiirroctioiiH of tho jietrillud WO-LD. Tlie iintiiG of tho vessel I iinvo>'JOe

liavc beci

JULV 1-HU, 18S5. I

Fruit 7 1-4 cts.

Lonsdnlc 7 1-8 cts.

Atlantic A 0 14 cts.

Hill 7 cts.

Lonsriale Cambric

10 cts.

Naslma K 61.3 cts.

Prints 3 cts.

Lawns 5c. and 8c.

Gingham 5 cts.


W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Morrlstown, S. J.


ill continue UIQ bmlue*« H tli« «A tU..udendcavur to keep n |:ir^o s-sortra«ntuuda iu hlB liue nl trail:', tuusistlng of

COAL AND WOOD!Bcrtnton ami LtliiRh of all IIKCI; tlto Bl!iminoagCu»l lor hlacksiuitliiuij. Cord wuiu'iwed aud «i>lit rt»'l5 Tor use alwayi on liniid

lag Stones i Curbing.

toWimlsor. N •'

ofii!» -

uliar oily odorcotitaiua a l««-t^ pro])o

•ii'-n columns ?""Ono htiudrcildollHi,- *O:r reply,"Him- ninth for Imlf a celuam?n

" Ouu liuiidred duliarM."

"Ouc hundred dollnrs," KiiiJ tho pilixhtr, liumovod. "To t.ll you the truth,"he cuutiuitcd, "1110 tiny jour show yt'talitre I've got a note fnr out' hundred dol-

i tfl nwet in bank. r v o bocu WiiitiDgyon to CODIG nlotif, nnd I BOO no otherF to pay it. You oau havu tho wholelcrora nijifjlo inch, just KH you like,

but it Will coat you juit ouc liuudmcl dol-1O13.

l i L t H .

e cdeWati-d Intern Cireua Oroti,recently pcrformiug ot Pesib, thu attendant

Ihoso o-liojmtn posttttfc itaiiip on any buttbo upper rlgbt-bnuil corner of an etirtlopo jsiiut bold theniKelvcs r^pntiMhlo for alltiio swearing of the petit office clerks.

WON started from bleep by the <rUiua lo liieir lett mid trumpeting in aihrill tone, Bifjniaeatit of grent nieutul agi-tation, looking arogiitl in the .Urk to seeif some stroy .log or cat had got admittance,be aiscovertda stmitg-T with a dnrk Inn.

I tern R.ttci»ptit}t to tut t i tlie jiroperty room

CHLOBlTi : OF POT.1HHr H E D I I B X I c t ,

Cheraidal annlyiia hiving long nr;o shownthai tin wMcrn of tiio Dwid Sen iu I'ttlcstlne•rcrichiiiehlorak-of potash, n co:iipniiyhoi been formed, nnd nlmtuly cum mincedoptratloiiB, to uxtroct liiiu "salt from itawatcn. It is stated thnt in tbin waj ,

o of potato can U thirty pery pcent, cheaper th*a by tbc cheapest procc&thus far known, anil at (hero I* an iucrtiwIng denjaod for this t*«It it in a Bafo niidpraQtable lDTcttment In order to Have fuel,which is MUCb in tlioic regions, the works•re kept io tho most active operation dur-ing the dry Benson, wttn tbe water I> low•adthe Ri«r Jordan! ?• list diltild HimXBOcb, the wftterlcrel varying cotiRidcrabljr,and consequently tho epntentrfttiou. Tmbqd/ of water, ot conne, conUitu tbo eolu-bl9 JngreiH^nU from (kn hei U'* «»TOW1-iijf Uio w/w/o water uued, of which thermioi bate m*de B lye, and whwtth

iug. Vitbnut a tuoniuut'tihesitation,d tb bi f l hho loosed tbe biggest of tlie

who marched solemnly out njw<.-kphaiitn,

thu would-

bo burglar, atized him hy ono ami wilh tinpoteut trouk, and held Uvm ttuA until tLvpolice, whom the atti'inhuit had protiijitlyfetched from A mighljoriug Btalioii, cameup aud took tlic elephant's prisoner, whotad fntliemcniitiiit.j swontifil with fright,into custody. HariuR eou«ipii»d liiiu tothe auUioritien, "himly," like n virtu runcitizen, returned to Bleep, couscious of Lav.Ing done Vis duty.

We cannot do evil to otlicn without do-ing it lo onrsclvca.

Cuual thought* ore Mmetimei nfaluc.

The Emprlion of the at

I jounuk of the death of hn •

will make »collec-mnta of Englinh and French

T j , — hfi-iy of tlii111 of grease, whidiivalivcs h

lo tho ekiu UL account of iln 1When L'xjiostil to yrtat lient

Iho lighter oilo uf tla greiuo volntizca,linvIiiR a tQiiyli WJW U-Lind wLitli re.ititihlen ult(line, aiid may l«> used foruiukiiig viu-uihh ur 1JICI|IIIT. When burntIbis wax produce!) (I thick semi-Suid malike a Bolutiou of indiitrulibor, nud it«|>ected thnt thiH ylutiiioiu liquid will boVery valuable for cemcut tiud


ad luik iui>dt- Georgo Wnttrficld down.t«ltaml lictrniutiiiij- tWeuleuedtotnke

his own life. So d^cotiKolalu wan be tbftt,l t k

mtEdfjo Hill, Pa,, toind drink, and all tbo

nda of the tavi.']go into tho barrouuirest rcspottcd with, alaedty, beBide kloue. Viheu the othen camo outagun, they found WattrfielJ laying dead

tbe Boor, witli a wound ID bia breast,Tlicy thought he had carried out his sold,dil jmrpoao by Ktahhiug liiamelf, but they

mid not find a knife. AuBiciuufonndabullttiuthcand it wmi n mystery boiv tbo bbntLad been


fired, until it w erliiiiicd tbnt A manwho liad bocu trying to tiro a riflo nitnedin that direction from a ]>oiut Ibree-quir.tcra of a mile nwny.

Leontino Nicolle, the French woman wlioikiitt the prim for virtua thin year at tbccndeiuic, vhm liir nmtucr became a lu-

natic twenty years ARO, and wan tent to theAsylum of La Hulpctrii-r*, iu order to bo al-

, with nud to w.ilcli over her (tUoagli ayoung Rirl), obtalncJ a eittmtinn o« uuru intha atiyluta, where t&o ta^ ovtr siiico re-

icil. Last year Ibe mother ditd, butUio dauglitcr Htill rcmnins devoted to lie*work, H. Jules Biuion, in hid dddrwa,stated that, through tlie devotion or thii

g tnartjr, no ICM tlian -WO insane taen 'and WOIU.JQ had regained tliclr icosea andtheir liberty. j

•..,'Hmlhuhud i d

t-. Shi-ilm

aptni nam

(Jrcnt Ilritiiiu.had loaded withYork."— (X. H.

A Niiignl

mtly to n

C A M D L I N f . I

ffiiir hus h

Purl! nf OJ

hubmittcd re-nf tbi: liiiidntff

, ihu rule and

dt-lny in svttlhin "I*ill call him Mi-. A—well

known mid muclt rt-.tpectt'd, voa a KIIIII oftUt.tttm francs from H Mr. It nt baccaml.tht hiltt-r uould nut com..- up to time withinthu traditional four niid twenty hours ,\ulitokKd for a fuw days' ^rnee, nlh^ing Hintbefore the |;aiuc coiunicticifd bci Iind dinedtoo copiously with bin mlverunry nnd whentbuc-nrdit wcro dealt wns in a, couditiuiiofnlative nifutid infuriorit)*. Mr. A de.ciiniiigtOac(|iii,!Hce in this r.iiKoniiiB. tho

*vi3fliriaUQJbim.-tl tmm n



Used by all LeagueFlayers.



. JfcMtttnt GOODS,



A Ure,o stock of SHEET MUSIC on ban*.

Agent fortheMatlui i lMk P U » « ,tlie Nliea fc HIHIII


(MOBBiHANl) KdflES DIVttlOH.)Depotiiu H«?w Votb.tootot B»rol*y 81.H

foot uf (JliriHlu|iU<--i St.HUJIM^tt AUUANOEMiiKTB.

Bliiii'uuiug l l U h ^ i l , Juut; l i t , 1*6,I, t tVH NEW KUUK.

niWi,. i i . (Unitlull Mail l'raiD),coiBv..iiK witti llie lluuutuu Itrauvbat DUDVI-.urltuuotou i lliu (JU<JUt»rUr»uci» »tIX>»«rforiuccAHUunkitudUlieiitcr; tbeHumuiiUilrowl

ioa." tlieU.,L. & W, il. K. a t WMUingtou


»W P1ICW.)

Ordcritmccivcil and contract! taken for t>;.

il be '

MASONS' MATERIALS IHard t n ' PAIO HHCK, Lime, Cement, Gal*

cioed rt&»U'.-, Hilr, Fire iwi FtcntBrick, Fire Clay. Ort^eri will h*

jirouiptly fiilud.

Fcrtillzere,K-:- MAX HUES,


Hill and Drill Photphate,




ROCMWAY, N. J.City |)iju|i!»> Avsmns; to rncml thft Summer

l°e ihi* Leant if ill Im-atiiin i t Rockaway. lliirty..iilc* irora New York Cnv i>n thu lino ot tbeMorrlH k Ei.tcilljilruad.' Threeminutcawalk

station.0 linnsn la well rnrnislied with lirpo aod

atrv roonii.In front of the liottse is a nice and veil-

flailed hffn. A ltrj;e guiilm in attaclitdwhich vlll Hiiviily tiio tal.le witli ail tlm fic«b

-•l,.,j)ce(lci!. till»u |ilcr'ty or pure milk

Cent ml B.LakeHopat-'•7 of gpeod-

_ , uuti of IIIBnn'm in N'onhint New JrrveV.

Fur lurlher informal inn atldrc^)*,W. B. POLLfcUD.rrop'r,

Eo,'ww*v. N. J.

vicolaMt* needed Aim | l c r tirutii cons hc)it un \h* l u m .

Tl'o Hiuli ltnil)fo firnucii of tliR.nuiB twins dally to auil from

Is the best bltwtlns pow-der la the market.

Is 35 per cent strongerthan any known explosive,

Ia not as dangerous tohandle or transport

Ia plartfo and producesmuch less tames.

Is waterproof and

Is sold %% low as any otherhigh exploslre.


INION HALL BUILDING,yiackwill Streut, Dofer,

Hot Air Furnaces,1 Ho u < moil ImjroiiNl " J l " , 'orraMKiniUiciudpriviUi biUdlugi. Alu>«

•naurtueutof utuvui, cbM|i rurcMh.

000k, 1'ABL.OB, UElIiMO


WABE,4 Mi uBOttuentof


Freeman Wool t Co.Insurance«4ZI0UL OMMMU101LD.


DOVEB,^.J.aaUru*ottaaWB««f ttafcllaajhtiMalawaiafiilM lai HXU th»awM:


Gbwitaiai^ttatvooo.BOT AL 0 * IJYBWOOIt

C^4*d#l©,000,000.fBAKEUM Of F i n f i A P W W t ,

AliEXADecember attb.1670.

tjciftutou, iJiugbauton, Uiloa, Itioull.iprliifiu.lljtuur, Ou'ilatid, HyraoiiHe, O«*C||u.uduuiutBou tbe tackawnuna aiul Blooma-burj: and UeUwan *ud UuOion tUi)rc«dii;aliiott Pliilliwluru with LoiilKh Vallt.r Bail-ruA(iaB.Uabi|lb «uU Bu 140 fell anna Kailroail

,, lUuobUkauk, Heading anO

II. Diu|(l)itatoBMiU(Dra*inKubc(l)fromM6H korkfU.Fat-

[.•MOP »»ilBoout4ju,riiQ* ibtuagb to W»4ai" • iIiibarK, Kcraalon, W a t ftaad

mlou.fOnQcrliiiB at Duior williuiieKiei Mailroad, a t Watwloo wilL goMuiJUilroad fur Auduvur, Newton and >ll«ta-

i . ! a t D. U- . r r with UUlr.lo.n Br.. atipton vltti ttloomibnrg DivlaioU furHtU*

Kinatton, Wilkeabutf. Dawrillfc.Moctfa-erUud 4c. PaaHnget* taking talifrom N B * Vork.Fatoriou andiiountoiitinnctt at WaililngtoQ with train ft*

Lpaburg,£ulon,BtitlilelieBa, Uli ' —HarrUlmr«»ndp«jiDl* un ttie Lekmbail Luhitfli auiTHiuquehitini UtilrM...titUlpabnrK witb Bolvidete [livuion of p'arLauiUertTUle.TKDtDHaDdfit t u m i H.BuHiioindOgw-c , . _ „

n Cwi) Hater 0»p, titruuili-1, BiDRkianitun,OwcK(',Itliacr

. w . _ . _ . r « , HuiiQt Monii and Itafiai. BjnciiKO aud OiweifO, oonneciiug 1iinginnituu for Utioa and JtioiiQeld Spnuga,At ».io 4. M. Dover Accommodation.At IO.IUA- M. Uovtr Ai com moil* tijn.At MMN U. Eaitcm Eipreii .

ouuectiDg at Wilerluo fEewtuuftna UnnobTttle.tQd at fhtlfiptburifith tebigk ValltT Kailroad ana Loblgb »nUB(iucta«uu< B B turltalbkbeuiA)iBiiwwii

a*amug and Hurriiburjc.'<•«> r . M. W»terO»ji Bpnial for «lUlie mnvrftJturls; Lake Uut'aUiuiiK. B*I>I*1'M L»r-"tuuluv'a tf ouuUin, Wakr Gap, HtrondiLuk>i ete.j uonuucu a t Corer nitb traino*iUDna and Clie#tet; at Waterloo fiio^r , K«wtmt and fctoct-fitlo; iA V ah.ton witli trala for Pliilu>bnrtf. Cat• ' 'lem, Allentown, «tc,

P. at., Do*w Eiprett tv* Sunaalt,tBeraarOavUle.llaMliifiTUKoaBd allpoiit-onPaBMio aKd Delaware BaUroad.) CbatoaB,MuliMii, Murriituwn, MorMiPlafai, DOBTIII*,B k Q i l D a T e t .

. H, (Baokatlatowu £spr*aa)itoB-barB Bfflmit Obat in Madi

ll station* went to Hacketlown.uoBQectinB »* Waterloo with trautAndooerandNewtoD.

f :O0 P. M. Oattegoand Bnttalo Ki. rro» H«iVork(ileepiogoar«attachedt via. PaUnonBoonloa Ibrongh to Water Qaii, HtrondiHcnnton.Binsbamton, U.I*. fc.r*thon,land. Homer, Bjiacnie and Diw«||o.It Blnghtraton with train for {lT««&«,Otlo«dt

N I K Bihfidt 8 i Dtl A ThIt Blnghtraton with train for {lT««&«,Otlo«dt

NirwIrK. Biphfidct 8prin?i. Dtlca, Ac Thi.train rasa through to Oswef o BnBak andBicbdeld Hprlnga (fast not to Ithaca) akndu

A V ^ M P . M. Dover Aceommodtboi f «Ubatham, Morriitowu mid Dover.

For BerDardafillet B u k m iKlIUwloB.Btiihiig.Ollktte.mdailUtloiia on Fauale a

lIUwloB.BtiihiidailiUtloiia o

. (N. t. Welt U1 4 W d l

Faule and D *e Ballrcad) V.VO, IQ'M A.


IX»VEB TI¥E TABLE.Traiai arriw M 4 dapart fr«B IkU Matloa

aa fellows 1u n warm A. •• WWT


Freeman Wood * do..

—THE—PAIJTTBH,Jn.l>h Bum, m i i r lo Ik. ta allbt.

tin k Hack, CftU mm 1« ftiMd »t the oM MMdOTflr Killcor«'i tlraji Htnr. fof • O H * . l)ga

ud IbrbliUiDt. I> ^ ^ ^ ^



peulally to taut bigb braaok, I aai Dotjldvattogl*« •jtiefacllra w h i t e r t M. ataaiflMot my work caa ba teao at BUT UBW, AUOllaofceJl ingafortbafcUfn**, Otate-iuK lu HI k»>d« of warn). Haute, WatlBt, BlaMkaodFreoob Boacwood, OakTBatia* MM4, AD.Tbe painting bruch I abaU attietlj ttjftaitB-teud mytelf aud employ tbe beat of Bjaabaai**.t arii a Mr trial of my ability >Bd « i l M>dea*or to nr aliioal to f l a w at? wtPB-ata.




in nomamtti



SMITH & ECKHART.I k a n to I» 0. OafM.)


ilin nnd, nttorlid tllii Wltikm,

tllti t«0qucntioidiig tiio j)rn])rivtoi

to lliu conchiKiou thnt m tua winnerbad ouly drauka bottle of Viuhy water nttlto repast, vrben-as the Inner bad gonotitougli ft whole boUlc ol l»nvuJy, ll 'i ex-c\ifio wan valid; niul that nt* tlit) combat badbeeu fouglit with >iiie.iiml wmipouH, thebrandy tuau mi^lit [iny ur imt, according to

UKattiiic, Imt in wiy L-ltw U,|K1,( ,,d_tlio pnyiucut OH it \II«HKCU liiiu. 'I'lii*

decision lias muJti tousiili mlili* UOIHQ iuwit i«tW limt timutlint

inebriety biubeoii iuvulti-il or accejited at

a fnr the of

debts; but, on tlii; whole, ii JM tlioiight jutttnougli, aa tbiro in A I'IIIK.4 nf mimlors'lio, ftltliongL they wonlil mil fur the worldbHolntely clieal you hy (iluj hif,' with iiipcil

dico OP mnrki'd oAr.N, still iln imt litsitataniitnK,-i>rthu w.-:ikin..^f.f llicMii

young men who nro worn out in limly auditnJ, nnil Imlf muililuiu'd witli contimtnlbtttionn, before tlio "Tookn" come npou

the scene, in tho N 111 all lmnm of the morn.Ing, until which timuM thej- lutvo, nimlj-niuo times out of n luimlrtil, slinnliircdquiutly ID their bed* NO im to huvo nil thatcoalaees irliicli, no matti'r vigome, olwftyit insure! Kiiuccb

nj \>o Uib

OiH*«i frem

Tha pebbtea iu our j*»th wenry BB, andnnka us fooltioro more tUaii tba rocki,which rcquuni ouly • bold effort it


happy past, a bafpy prefient, and togutber I JMTO tat the dead ilould not cramp etwthey giro pledge of a happy future—a three. I l i t ; lo tlrt UflBg.(oM cord not wsilr^rvbn.


lots for sule on Bandolph Avenue.

I hare five lotsfor sale on Blaekwellstreet, near the riverbridge.

I hare fifty-eightlots for sale on Pennj.^Avenue, 1st, 3d, 3d,4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell any or allof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgiro all the time re-quired. Apply to


Office: SS Litorty St., N. Y.

Wtrks: Orakuvlllt, N. 1.


BMtofl AconM.*VM. BaoBlon Bniuli.


n*tiojra,ForBola B/ AU LEADEia Grooen.

For BBl



r ImnJaVboweli. WkatknUwtrnlu

T lf

with ttTjilinmw rttiptmPORT ORAM. N. 3.

B til t

D S. MORRISON'S,Sussex St., Dover, N. i .


ttiw»j» U iound mmy tulu&a you neciti l d i aasSdS?"1™1 e ' " n " ™""q°< •i"1

toltkmlittaiiat UHMOMSTATIONERY-:-OV £VBBT KIND. Dl>nb BookDlioki of nil formt. Htylographic fw* »mlCMO), Percili, Photograph nnd AatoRtnpliAllmniD, Htralton'M l>)obrated Vinlln Rtritisi*IJ.IICB' and Gtntx' Pocket Kii»c«, nil the kail! J. J. VREELAND,



_r\PPIC*ad)oiDlBgt'b* Dover\J UDT'I tuiJl. Contract, tak

intt Dailr »nJ Week); Ptteri. Foil tiooa ntTobaccoi ami Heirar*. ami UGcrscbanin andBriar Pli>ci ia crctt viriotr.

MtrG.W.McDAYIT HUM ftriilihrt h a Un hitt OFTlCt AT WII. 1 . l i i n i tTOBB.

DOVUI, J». a.

TH08. JOHNSONr la <



DOVEIl. 5 . J.

tStwT<OI.5IHI.MIS7.MI.M11 i


D. BOHAFEB & flON TroprttWri.

ll work taVrblo and Onwlto.oi tli« bwt order an 1) nlOM navonafela.

BLACK WElL •».. DOTEBT5. J.PortOramSopatc

« 81DfrtMfBh n,UC.S.JHTSEX dealer

in pnro a ymonth Itock and

Enlarged, refnfniihod and remodeledthnnshnat. iDd Jilted with all modern con.enlcccci. Firat-clai* a(coramid»ttoni for

ner boardLTi. DcliRlttfnl (ftuamls, liuatiand ail convunicnci-i for nk-unro ami finding

Tm KoBiHxmn utuiuuraa 00.,Hai tbe Uo«t Ply»ontfa t.aett, raisedf tl

noTiscmn wuinmran.



liiild men and «OHR ladle*arul otart to Ba«lnri» Life

larp-gk anilOLIVER S. FREEMAN,

NEWARK ., „Oit popnl .r iL-bof.l fi, t(,i« Q , , q n t t v .

fit IHltlniiiiNo ftcalioni. lUteilnw. OraJ.

all itMinria to ORIUQ at H:09; w v s ein h« pintnretu >nd rrum SCIIOOWB Hnantaili, md

vai from Bodd'i take.KABTOK OoiuwnoiiB.—Connection if made

at High OmlRe to and from Eaiton,J. &. VOOTTES, Oe». H».Kcr.

0 . 0 . BAJtOOOK, aeo, PUB. * IVk Ig't

Carpenter and Builder,t.iltW..T Vtni. AUSON::MD:-:BUILDER,i0T ^ ^ ^ w t

•0(1>|>H:III»H(IU« martt andJobiilns alwayii pnnicnlarlr KI^ori laUatihulirlckDrna* Htnro of

lf, or at lbs pml-oHlce will bel to. ^ 0.8. v

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