
The inner solar system

Camila ÁlvarezMarcos Negrete

Raúl CayuleoNicolas ArruéVeronica Pino

Pre reading activities

The teacher will present the keywords by using flashcards (core, whip, frozen, bunch, asteroid belt)

According to Penny Ur (1991) “Our understanding of a text comes from understanding the words of which it is composed.”

Pre reading activities

Prior knowledge: The teacher will show different pictures about the solar system. Students will try to get into an agreement about what the topic is and make comments about it.

Afterwards students will make predictionsAbout the text by looking at the pictures

While- reading

Students will confirm the predictions

Finding information (General and specific one in the text)

Post reading

Creation of a poster about their favorite planet. They will include why they choose that planet and what characteristics does it have.

As Penny Ur (1999) suggests, it’s important to “Have quieter activities before lively ones”. For this reason the activity will end up with a creation of a poster, which consists of moving around the classroom so as to work in groups to complete the task

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