The Holiday II

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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恋爱症候群  黄舒骏 :恋爱症候群作词:黄舒骏作曲:黄舒骏关于恋爱症候群的发生原因至今仍然是最大一个谜不管性别年龄职业体重学历长相和血型没有一个人可以免疫有些专家学者研究后相信恋爱是内分泌失调所引起却有别人认为恋爱属于滤过性簿像感冒无药可救但会自动痊愈不管你同不同意自古到今许多例子证明恋爱不但是一种病态它还可能是一种变态一般发病后的初期反应会开始改变一些生活习性洗澡洗得特别干净刷牙刷得特别用力半夜突然爬起来弹钢琴有人每天站在阳台对路人傻笑有人突然疯疯癫癫突然很安静有人一脸痴呆对着镜子咬着指甲打喷嚏有人对着小狗骂三字经女人突然改变发型男人开始每天练着哑铃食欲不振歇斯底里四肢萎缩神经过敏发抖抽筋都出现在这时期随着病情越来越变本加厉人会变得格外敏感勇敢和恶心写的说的唱的都像天才诗人一般才华洋溢愈肉麻愈觉得有趣

本名 :Cameron M. Diaz卡梅伦 ·迪亚兹昵称 :Cami生日: 1972年 8月 30日出生地:美国加利福尼亚 身高: 175厘米 荣誉:1999年 金球奖最佳女配角得主 (Being John Malkovich) 1999年 荧屏演员协会奖最佳女配角得主 (Being John Malkovich)片酬:《霹雳娇娃 》  (2000) $12,000,000

《挑战星期天》  (1999) $500,000

《我为玛莉狂》  (1998) $2,000,000

在一众从模特转战银幕的女演员中,卡梅隆 ·迪亚茨( Cameron Diaz)无疑是其中的佼佼者。这位 1972年 8月 30日生于美国加州的好莱坞明星,具有古巴、西班牙、德国、英国及美国印第安人血统。她的父亲为一家石油公司工作,母亲是个进出口代理商。 卡梅隆自她 16岁那年就与一家高级模特公司签约成为一名时装模特。漂亮的面容,迷人的身材使她迅速走红。她开始频繁出现于杂志封面,电视屏幕中,并在时装之都巴黎发展。 1994年首次不经意出演了《变相怪杰》,大获成功,从而改变了卡梅隆的一生。之后她步入影坛,出演了多部演技类电影,试图打破《变相怪杰》的花瓶形象, 97年的《新娘不是我》使她跃入好莱坞一线女星行列,之后的《霹雳娇娃》(预告片,和德鲁 ·巴里摩尔、刘玉玲合演)终于使这朵鲜花在世界影坛盛放。

The Holiday IIAmazing! lt finally looks like a hit. And that is why they pay you the big bucks. l think we should just go back to the original cut on the end. lt's so much stronger. l agree. And make Christmas Day twice as big, but try it in a red. Like, a happy red, not, like, a Scorsese red. Happy red. Okay, so we're done. -Okay. -All right! Hey, you know, let's just take off for a few weeks. Yeah. What do you mean, Yeah ? l'm not kidding. You always say that this is our busiest time. l need to get out of town. You know, l think l need some peace and quiet, or whatever it is people go away for. You know what l really want to do? l want to eat carbs without wanting to kill myself. You know, l want to read a book, not just a magazine. An actual book. For years l read these reviews, l buy the books, but l never read them. Did you read that article in <The New York Times> last Sunday? Severe stress makes women age prematurely, because stress causes the DNA in our cells to shrink until they can no longer replicate. So when we're stressed, we look haggard. This is just women, not men. l'm sorry. And remember when they used to say that single women over the age of 35 were more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to get married? Okay, that was horrible, but now our generation is also not getting married and, bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives so the stress of it all shows up on our faces, making us look haggard while Ethan goes on looking cute forever and seeing his 24-year-old receptionist! Oh, my God! See what l mean? l need a vacation.

-Amazing! lt finally looks like a hit. -And that is why they pay you the big bucks. -l think we should just go back to the original cut on the end. lt's so much stronger. -l agree. -And make Christmas Day twice as big, but try it in a red. Like, a happy red, not, like, a Scorsese red. -Happy red. -Okay, so we're done. -Okay. -All right!

“And that is why they pay you the big bucks.” 所以他们才付你这么多钱 Big bucks==a lot of money 

Hey, you know, let's just take off for a few weeks. Yeah. What do you mean, Yeah ? l'm not kidding. You always say that this is our busiest time. l need to get out of town. You know, l think l need some peace and quiet, or whatever it is people go away for. You know what l really want to do? l want to eat carbs without wanting to kill myself. You know, l want to read a book, not just a magazine. An actual book. For years l read these reviews, l buy the books, but l never read them. Did you read that article

“Hey, you know, let‘s just take off for a few weeks.” 咱们休个几星期假吧e.g. take the day/morning/afternoon off take sth off 休假 , 拿掉 , 取消 , 脱衣 , “l want to eat carbs without wanting to kill myself.” 我想大吃大喝,不怕变成肥婆 Carb=carbohydrate

in <The New York Time> last Sunday? Severe stress makes women age prematurely, because stress causes the DNA in our cells to shrink until they can no longer replicate. So when we're stressed, we look haggard. This is just women, not men.

Shrink 1. v.To become reduced in amount or value; dwindle: 缩小在数量或价值方面变低;减小: His savings quickly shrank. 他的存款急剧减少 The dress shrank when I washed it. 这件衣服洗后缩水了。                  2.n. psychiatrist 精神科医生Replicate v.To duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat. 复制 Haggard a.Looking tired and unhappy, esp from worry, lack of sleep,etcShe looked haggard after a sleepless night. 一夜失眠之后,她看上去很憔悴。 

And remember when they used to say that single women over the age of 35 were more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to get married? Okay, that was horrible, but now our generation is also not getting married and, bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives so the stress of it all shows up on our faces, making us look haggard while Ethan goes on looking cute forever and shtupping his 24-year-old receptionist! Oh, my God! See what l mean? l need a vacation.

bonus n.额外津贴,奖金, 红利e.g. Company employees received a $25 Christmas bonus.shtup vt. 性交(意第绪语 Yiddish)


            姓名:裘德 ·洛            组合成员:             性别:男             原名:            英文名: Jude Law            出生年: 1972年             生日: 12月 29日            星座:摩羯座            国籍:英国             地域:欧美             职业:演员             身高: 185cm

                         主要作品年表:                     1、《冷山》 (Cold Mountain)2003                     2、《毁灭之路》 (Road to Perdition)2002                      3、《大敌当前》 (Enemy at the Gates)2001                      4、《人工智能》 (Artificial Intelligence: AI)2001                      5、《天才雷普利》 (The Talented Mr. Ripley)1999                      6、《感官游戏》 (eXistenZ)1999                      7、 《乐自芳邻来》 (Music From Another Room)1998                     8、 《吸血情圣》 (The Wisdom of Crocodiles)1998                      9、《善恶园的午夜》 (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil)1997                      10、《王尔德的情人》 (Wilde)1997                      11、《千钧一发》 (Gattaca)1997                      12、 《生命中不能承受之情》 (Bent)1997                      13、《彷徨的爱》 (I Love You, I Love You Not)1996                      14、《疯狂追缉令》 (Shopping)1994                     主要获奖记录:                     1999年 凭借《天才雷普利》获得英国学院奖最佳男配角奖 

The Holiday IIIl feel awful now. Would you mind if l sat? l feel like l might bump into you. Sure. Yeah. Sit. Oh, God. -You okay? -Yeah. l'm good. Look, l'm sorry about the intrusion. Although l may not appear it, l am, in fact, lris' semi-respectable big brother. But on the rare, or lately not so rare, occasion that l frequent the local pub and get inordinately pissed, my little sister puts me up so l don't get behind the wheel. Pathetic explanation, but, unfortunately, it's become a bit of a routine. So how's it going so far? l mean, up until l showed up and ruined your night. Well, it's not going so great.  Yeah, l'm leaving tomorrow on a noon plane. -Oh. When did you get here? -About six hours ago. We've made a great impression on you, haven't we? No, it's not that. lt's just that, you know, l'm not quite myself right now. l came here on a stupid whim. Honestly, l've never thought about anything less. lt's very unlike me. Would you like something to drink? Glass of water? Tea? Wine, maybe? l think there's a bottle of brandy. -You fancy a glass? -Sure. Good. So, l'm sorry, l've totally blanked and forgotten your name. Amanda. So, Amanda, you're not married, are you? Why? Do l look not married? No, it was just a backwards way of asking if you were married. No, not at all. Don't know what that means. l mean, no, l'm not married. Me, either. Here you go. -Cheers. -Cheers.

-l feel awful now. Would you mind if l sat? l feel like l might bump into you. -Sure. Yeah. Sit. -Oh, God. -You okay?

bump into sb 碰见某人,巧遇e.g. Guess who I ~ today?

Yeah. l'm good. Look, l'm sorry about the intrusion. Although l may not appear it, l am, in fact, lris' semi-respectable big brother. But on the rare, or lately not so rare, occasion that l frequent the local pub and get inordinately pissed, my little sister puts me up so l don't get behind the wheel. Pathetic explanation, but, unfortunately, it's become a bit of a routine. So how's it going so far? l mean, up until l showed up and ruined your night.

Intrusion The act of intruding or the condition of being intruded on. 侵入,闯入 e.g.The film star claimed that the police action was an intrusion on her private life.电影明星申称警察的行动是对她私生活的侵犯。 “But on the rare, or lately not so rare, occasion that l frequent the local pub and get inordinately pissed 喝得烂醉Inordinately excessively ad. 过度的Pissed a. Intoxicated; drunk. 喝醉的Frequent Occurring or appearing quite often or at close intervals:经常出入 Tourists frequent the old temple at the suburbs of the city. 游客们常去城郊的古庙游览。 Put sb up 为某人提供食宿 Behind/at the wheel 开车 e.g. Who was at the wheel when the car crashed?Pathetic a. 可悲的, 找人怜悯的

Well, it's not going so great.  Yeah, l'm leaving tomorrow on a noon plane. -Oh. When did you get here? -About six hours ago. We've made a great impression on you, haven't we? No, it's not that. lt's just that, you know, l'm not quite myself right now. l came here on a stupid whim. Honestly, l've never thought about anything less. lt's very unlike me. Would you like something to drink? Glass of water? Tea? Wine, maybe?

Be not quite oneself 不是自己, 不大对劲, 不在状态Whim A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy一时的兴致 , 幻想 , 反复无常 , 怪念头 , 奇想 

You fancy a glass? -Sure. Good. So, l'm sorry, l've totally blanked and forgotten your name. Amanda.

Fancy v. wante.g. What do you fancy for supper?Blank a. 空白的e.g. My mind/memory went blank.

So, Amanda, you're not married, are you? Why? Do l look not married? No, it was just a backwards way of asking if you were married. No, not at all. Don't know what that means. l mean, no, l'm not married. Me, either. Here you go. -Cheers. -Cheers.

Backward a.落后,后进e.g. 1. a backward part of the country2. she was rather backward as a child, she was nearly three before she could walk


A DittyMy true-love hath my heart, and I have his,   By just exchange one for another given;   I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss,   There never was a better bargain driven;  My true-love hath my hear, and I have his,   His heart in my keeps him and me in one,

  My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides:   He loves my heart, for once it was his own,   I cherish his because in me it bides:

  My true-love hath my heart, and I have his.  爱情小调

  我爱人有着我的心,我有着他的心,  因为我们已经交换了彼此的心;

  我珍视他的心,他也不会亏待我的心,  这样好的交换真是前所未闻;

  我爱人有着我的心,我有着他的心。  他的心在我怀中,使他和我成为一人,  我的心在他怀中,将他的思想感情指引;  我爱我的心,因为那本是他的心:  我爱他的心,因为那已成了我的心:  我爱人有着我的心,我有着他的心。

你浓我浓,忒煞情多,情多处,深如火。把一块泥,捻一个你,塑一个我,将咱俩个 , 一齐打破,用水调和,再捻一个你,再塑一个我,我泥中有你,你泥中有我,我与你生同一个衾,死同一个椁。 

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