The Flavor Apprentice Flavor Reviews and Flavor Apprentice – Flavor Reviews and Notes ... is alright

Post on 01-May-2018






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The Flavor Apprentice – Flavor Reviews and Notes

From The Bears Mountain Shine eJuice Blog

(Some Great information here!)

This work is 100% not my own. It’s a compiling of flavor reviews and notes found scattered

across Reddit, Vaping Underground and E Liquid Calculator. Without the hard work of Master

Mixers such as, HIC and BotBoy141 and other’s within the DIY community, this master list

would have never been possible.

This is a work in progress. Check back to see what’s been added.

555: is alright fresh, has a little bit of a sweet taste with a strong tobacco flavor. It’s kinda

of different because I never had a sweet and strong tobacco. I imagine with steep it will

blend better and have just the right amount of sweet. So far its vapeable and taste alright.

Absinthe – Difficult to describe apart from the obvious licorice notes. Not black licorice,

not Sambuca, a slight coolness. 15% seems about right. Nice, but not a regular vape for

me. Mostly anise with just a little strangeness. I’ve never tried actual absinthe, but this

tastes pretty good. Not really a licorice flavor per-se. Per /u/muranternet – “Absinthe is

PGA-diluted anise essential oil. It’s quite nice when combined with other herbal notes.”

Banana Cream – Nice banana smell & taste @ 15%. I’m going to work more with this,

could make a good base at a higher %, should be a great addition to a smoothie, not a

candy taste.

Banana Nut Bread – Kinda dry/blasé by itself but mixes really well @ 50/50 with

chocolate (Double or Milk).

Black Cherry – Steeping helps mute chemical flavor, not a bad black cherry

Black Tea: This flavor is bad. I don’t taste anything close to a black tea. None what so

ever, it tastes like a flowery perfume a female would wear. I had my Father over and

asked him what he thought of this flavor. He smelled it and said it smelled like an old

tooth medicine he used to use back in the day. Then he took a drag of my H16 PV 3.7v

and his face went bitter and he started gagging.

Blueberry Extra: this is the flavor I have been searching for. I have ordered from a

couple lowered end vape shops and none of their blue berry tasted right, kinda like dish

soap. This flavor mixed at 10% taste like the blue berries in a muffin with a hint of blue

sucker or candy taste. I love it and cannot wait to true it when its steeped. This flavor is

definitely on my bulk buy list.

Brown Sugar Extra – Tastes just like brown sugar. Very good. Use in moderation. Start

with 2%.

Coconut – A serviceable but not especially strong coconut. I’ve only used this in mixes.

Need to bump the % if you want it distinct in the mix, particularly with stronger flavors.

Coffee: definitely not a mix and vape flavor. First part of inhale taste like coffee then

immediately gets a harsh taste. I have a feeling that harsh taste will be gone in a week or

so and I will probably enjoy it. Also the concentrate smells like soy sauce Lol.

Coffee Extra Clear: Just ew…Think of a small amount of watered down coffee. Left out

over night with a drop a wood smoke flavoring. Then you will have the flavor of Coffee

Extra Clear. Another one that makes me gag. 5 minutes after vaping this I can still taste

and smell the aroma of this flavor, and it’s not pleasant. Took some work to get the flavor

out of the atty. Worst flavor I have ever tried.

Graham Cracker – I’ve only used this as part of recipes. Blends well enough I guess

because it doesn’t stand up and say “Hey, you’re eating a Graham Cracker!”

Hickory Smoke: Smells like a BBQ and tastes like burnt wood and beef jerky. Yuck.

Honey – Have NOT tried this on its own. Does what it says on the tin – very sweet with a

floral note in the aroma, but not taste. % depends on blend, but usually 2-4%.

Honey: I can taste the honey they were going for. Sadly to say its way off, I’m getting yet

again a funky flowery type of taste.

Jamaican Rum – Like butterscotch rum candies

Koolada – 1 or 2 drops per 10ml “cools” another flavor. Almost like a menthol, but

without any flavor of its own. Also Increases throat hit and a can cause throat irritation at

more than 1 or 2%

Lemon – This is a shit flavor. It’s like a light lemon water with no tang. Don’t waste your

time. Find a better lemon

Malted Milk – A small amount (2-3%) adds a rich, malty texture to a mix. Effective as a

thickening/smoothing agent.

Mango: This is a really good flavor for fruit lovers like myself. I only taste the mango on

exhale and its pretty strong and bold.

Maple Syrup – Sweet, but not quite as present as I expected. A decent complementary

note in a mix, but I wouldn’t be lost without it. Will try others.

Maraschino Cherry: At smell I thought of a bold Candy cherries type, but after vaping it

I get perfume cherry dish soap. Its pretty gross.

Mary Jane: I was very disappointed with this flavor. For me it tastes like the smell you

would get from a flower. Same problem with as the black tea, straight perfume taste. I

think it tastes horrible and doesn’t resemble anything of what it is shooting for. It makes

me gag.

Milk Chocolate – Creamy milk chocolate flavor. Heavy on the creamy, lightish on the

chocolate. Not bad. Creamier than Double Chocolate, as it should be. Chocolate flavor is

a little weak. Easily overwhelmed by other flavors. Mix high to retain chocolate flavor.

Mountain Dew Type: This is a very weak flavor and I can taste the Mtn. Dew hint. Little

bit of lime, little bit of lemon but it doesn’t really get the job done. I’m not too pleased

with this flavor.

Peach – The only time I’ve tried this was in a mix with sweet cream and tobacco. I liked

it. My wife thinks it tastes like peach perfume. YMMV

Peach: This flavor is delish. Dead spot on Peach with a slight perfume taste. I find it very

enjoyable and would be great mentholated. Peach lovers snatch it up.

Ripe Banana – Good Banana flavor. Has chemical taste initially, must steep to get rid of


Root Beer – Tried this in a recipe I found online. Smelled just like root beer! Wifey

would have spit it out if she could have. I didn’t like it either. Not sure whether to blame

the recipe or flavor.

Rose Candy – Really strong. Initially “perfumey”, but after steeping, it mellows to a

nice, mildly sweet floral rose. Start at 1-2%

RY4: excellent flavor IMO when fresh can’t imagine when its steeped. Has a. Very sweet

taste, but I can’t put my finger on it and has a hint of tobacco. I read reviews hearing

people say its caramel and tobacco, but I can’t find the caramel taste.

RY4 Type: I don’t taste the resemblance of RY4 at all. I’m getting a flowery organic

sweet taste. I’m leaning towards a Champagne or something close to it. It is vapeable

though, has a clean taste to it, may uplift some bold or bitter juices.

RY4 Double – Two for the price of one. Both good. The Double accents the caramel. No

longer need to buy vendor RY4 juice. Mix @ 4-5%.

Sweet Cream – Pretty benign as a solo vape but adds sweetness and creaminess to a mix

that could use it without messing with the flavor. Flowery flavor, not good alone. Maybe

useful in small quantities.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream – a nice creamy vanilla. Pretty good on its own, better in a mix.

Not a really strong vanilla, and the bean note shouldn’t be overlooked when mixing. It’s

not straight up vanilla ice cream.

Waffle: This flavor smells just like waffles. Popped a few drops on my atty and it went to

shit. I loved Rath Waffle so I was expecting something along those lines but this tastes

like a weak buttery perfume to me. It is vapeable and I could see someone out there liking

this flavor, but its not for me. I might just wear it as cologne, I could probably could pull

some numbers down at the local Sizzler. I would probably have my hands full if you

catch my drift.

Watermelon – Does it taste like watermelon? Sure does! Do I vape it on its own? Nope.

Just because I’m not big on straight fruit vapes. Great mixing potential, just haven’t tried


Yam – Although I find the flavor not really strong @ 15%, there is a depth to it. I think

this might be something that ties a juice together.

Apple 8/10 – 6% and up. A very cider-like apple. Extremely blend-able, but I found out

the hard way that Apple Root Beer doesn’t work all too well.

Banana Ripe 10/10 1 drop per 10 ml and up! This flavor will give you the banana runt

vibe- but it is hard on plastics! We use around 5 drops per 10 ml on blends that we think

need a banana blast.

Banana Cream 10/10 8% and up! If you like creamy banana flavors, get a huge bottle of

this stuff- trust me!

Banana Nut Bread 7/10 – 6% and up. As a stand-alone, not my favorite, but damnit, it

mixes like a dream with other savory/nutty flavors!

Berry Crunch 8/10 – 7% and up. This flavor is pretty damn good, but we prefer to mix it

with berries and milk, because the flavor is a little corn/chip heavy by itself. People love

this flavor- check it out!

Blueberry Wild 10/10 – 8% and up. This flavor is awesomely sweet, without being

offensive in any way.

Blackberry 6.5/10 3% and up. I debated whether I should add this flavor or not, but I

decided to go for it. Many people like this flavor- some people don’t! The flavor of

Blackberry is strong and distinct- try a small bottle. I have not successfully mixed this

flavor with others, as it is so damn strong. Give it a shot- I feel like I just haven’t

unlocked the potential. I have noticed a couple of name-brand e liquids that use this


Caramel Cappucino 8/10 1 drop per 10 ml and up! So, this flavor is VERY potent. Get

a small bottle- it is likely all you will ever need. A drop or two of this flavoring adds a

great coffee punch. If you get the bottle, and it is too strong for you, leave the cap off for

a week or so to let it mellow out.

Chai Tea 6.5/10 2% and up! I wanted to include this flavor not because I enjoy it, but

because it adds a nice spice to your blends. Think of a clove-like taste, and you have

TFA’s chai tea. Only drawback is that I have found it gets kind of rowdy at higher

temperatures, so it loses a point.

Citrus Punch 8/10 – 8% and up. Tastes and smells like a knock-off Mt. Dew. For my

money, it isn’t dead on to the original Dew, but it comes damn close. Very hard to mix

with this flavor (my .02)- best used alone!

Cola Cherry 7.5/10 10% and up! This flavor is reminiscent of a cherry coke- but it is

more of a knock-off flavor than the real deal. Still, this makes a nice and sweet cherry

vape. The taste on this is distinctive, and I do not think it would mix well with other

flavors. By itself- not bad!

Cranberry 7.5/10 1% and up. This flavor is VERY strong. We use(d) this in Phoenix

Down, and people often mistook the flavor for apple when we added the other ingredients

to the blend. If you are intrigued, try a small bottle. On a side note, someone told me once

that Phoenix Down cracked their Kayfun. I can’t confirm this since they didn’t contact

me when I messaged them back, but be aware that this MAY be hard on/crack plastics.

Double Chocolate Clear 8/10 10% and up. While not exactly clear, this is the clearest

chocolate I have found- and it tastes pretty good to boot! The flavor reminds me of

tootsie rolls. I have blended this with tangerine and mandarin orange to make a nice

chocolate covered orange. If you are looking for a good chocolate flavor, just grab this


Energy Drink 6.5/10 10% and up! This flavor reminds us of a generic store-bought

energy drink. It isn’t bad (especially with menthol), but I have found that the flavor

decays as you vape it, so it loses a point. This flavor is blendable, so mess around with it,

and I think you might find some use for it’s flavor profile!

Grape Candy 7.5/10 8% and up. Tastes a little bit like a candy-grape flavor, like jolly

ranchers. Good to mix with, and a good alternative to Grape Juice (which is also good,

but more of a Welch’s flavor).

Gummy Candy 7.5/10 1% and up. Start at a low % with this flavor. Adds a nice gummy

profile to your blends- try it with fruit flavors!

Hazelnut 10/10 3 drops per 10 ml, up to 1.5%. A GREAT flavoring that everyone who

enjoys a nutty profile will enjoy. Does not necessarily taste like actual filberts- but it is

creamy and awesome. Contains acetoin.

Jamaican Rum 8/10 6% and up (if I remember correctly). I haven’t used this in a while,

but rest assured- this is a SUPERB booze flavoring. As a warning, this probably

shouldn’t be vaped while driving- I could see a traffic officer being VERY suspicious of

that rum smell that you are drenched in

Peach Juicy 9/10 8% and up. A nice peach flavor that reminds of the little peach gummy

rings. This peach mixes well, and at 10% is a solid stand-alone flavor.

Pear 7.5/10 6% and up. Not sure how to describe this pear flavor other than “savory”.

Not quite as bright and fruity as one might expect, and lends itself well to savory blends.

We use this in Teddy Pear (mixed with Apple)!

Peanut Butter 9/10 5 drops per 10 ml and up. A dead-on peanut flavor that has nice and

creamy notes. Not quite as creamy as a true peanut butter, but damn close. Contains


Pistachio 10/10 8% and up. So, this was a pleasant surprise. I expected something nutty,

but it really tastes like that glorious green pistachio pudding. I personally love it, and I

have a feeling you will, too.

Plum 7/10 10% and up. I haven’t used plum in a LONG time, so I could be off with the

%s, but that is what I remember using it at. It may have been up to 15%. Anyhow, this

flavor tastes dead-on like Dr. Pepper. There is a slight aftertaste present, so we quit using

it- but I could see people getting into it. Try blending it with other flavors to help with

the after-taste

Pomegranate 8.5/10 6% and up. This flavor is distinct, and pretty tasty. I might bust this

one back out and create a blend with it- we had some success mixing this flavor with

Whipped Cream flavoring. On a side note, I have never dripped this flavor, so I have no

idea how it performs under high heat conditions.

Jackfruit – 9/10 (15%) Wow, TFA nailed it on the head with this one. Unfortunately, the

description on their website is a bit misleading. This is the best representation of jackfruit

I have tried (only other I had tried was FlavorWest though). Never seen another jackfruit.

For those that don’t know here are more details on jackfruit. This is NOT the ‘juicy gum’

flavor that TFA hints at on their website, however, it is a true representation of a tropical

jackfruit. It’s a very smooth blend predominately pineapple and mango with a noticeable

banana but has a nice background hint of a Fuji style apple. Not overly sweet but not

sour, bitter or tart either. Just the right combination of sweetness and true taste. Some

citric or malic acid would help this to pop a bit more and likely add that sour note that

some might prefer with this flavor. I tried it standalone @ 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The

flavor remained consistent throughout, I wish this flavor was a bit stronger overall, but at

15% standalone, it makes an excellent tropical fruit vape. I’d recommend starting at 15%

and if you need it stronger increase it and see what happens. 20% the flavor started to

change just a tiny bit on me but still very, very good. As far as mixing goes, I see this

being an excellent complement to other darker fruits such as blueberry, pomegranate,

strawberry or to add a complex note to blends that are primarily mango or pineapple.

Could also work well with other banana vapes. Not sure that it would work well in

dessert flavors but those aren’t my specialty anyways. Going to play around with some

combinations of this as I feel it definitely has the potential to be a key ingredient in a new

juice for my signature line. Courtesy /u/Botboy141

Raisin ??/10 4% and up? This one is new to me, but it has a lot of potential. There is a

rubber-like note that is present in higher levels (same with gummy flavoring), but at

lower percentages, it was pretty awesome. Not a bad flavor for the curious DIYer- but

very hard to describe the flavor. Check out a small bottle of it.

RY4 Asian 10/10 8% and up. A wonderful Tobacco vape. This is a honey tobacco flavor

that is just pure awesome. If you are looking for a honey tobacco base, use this instead of

Black Honey.

Strawberry 8/10 5% and up. This is a distinctive, candy-like strawberry. This does NOT

mix well with savory items, such as cheesecake, waffles, cream, etc. Use this with

Watermelon, or other sweet fruits to make a nice candy vape.

Strawberry Ripe 11/10 8% and up. The godfather of them all! This is the strawberry to

use when DIYing. Expect a fresh and savory strawberry- very true to the real deal. Buy a

bottle and thank me later.

Sweet Tart Type 8/10 6% and up. This flavor is pretty spot-on to the candies the blend is

named after. Expect a sweet and tangy candy flavor. Vapes well, and mixes well.

Sweet Cream 10/10 no more than 3%! So, this flavor is awesome. It is easy to take a

whiff of it and give it a big ‘ol NOPE, but it is very effective at adding a cream flavor to

your blends. Try it out. Contains acetoin.

Vanilla Swirl 8/10 3% and up for mixing. We use this flavor a lot, since it is the only

vanilla we have found that does not contain acetoin. While on it’s own, it may lack a

distinct profile, this is a great flavor to blend with pretty much anything. If you are

looking for a light and fluffy “lift”, try adding a little Vanilla Swirl.

Waffle 9/10 7% and up. Very buttery and savory. This flavor is awesome, and everyone

likes it. Downside- it contains trace amounts of acetoin (just found that out this morning).

Can’t seem to stop vaping waffles! Try mixing it with cinnamon blends (Danish,

horchata, etc.), vanilla, and Bavarian cream- instant awesome. Also works well with fruit

(‘Nana, Strawberry, Blueberry, etc).

Watermelon 10/10 8% and up. I am sure this is a familiar flavor to most of you. To

everyone else- just get it! This is a sweet and juicy watermelon, and it mixes well.

Coconut Extra is a stronger coconut, little less sweet. Nice for bakery compounding and

(in very, very low percentages) rounding dairy flavors. Can get plastic-y at high

solutions. – Courtesy of /u/muranternet

Tiramisu smells like burning tires out of the bottle and is super concentrated. 1-2%. I

mixed a tasting vial when I first got it and didn’t dare to taste it for a while because it

smelled so awful. After a couple of weeks, it opens up and becomes amazing and

complex. Not as sweet as you’d expect so you may need to add sweetener but it’s got

very good coffee, bakery, and (bittersweet) chocolate notes. – Courtesy of /u/muranternet

Vanilla Custard is better than people think it is. More concentrated than Capella (V1).

After curing for a few weeks the chemical notes smooth out and it becomes creamy and

buttery. Contains acetoin and acetyl propionyl like most custard food flavorings. –

Courtesy of /u/muranternet

Vanilla Bean Gelato is a butyric acid custard replacement, although it’s advertised as a

vanilla bean ice cream replacement. Chemical characteristics steep out in 1-2 weeks.

Buttery, kind of a single-note custard. No alpha diketones. Plays well at low percentages

or as a complementary note to the diketone-based custards like TFA or Capella V1, –

Courtesy of /u/muranternet

Acetyl Pyrazine in low percentages brings out some nutty/bready notes. At higher

concentrations it makes everything taste and smell like Fritos. – Courtesy of


Horehound is very close to the actual herbal extract like old-timey candy drops. Earthy

licorice-type flavor with a hint of bitters. – Courtesy of /u/muranternet

Key Lime – This is a strong flavor, I use it at 1-4%. This is a true key lime, its not too

sweet, slightly tart. Makes an amazing key lime pie and can be a great addition to fruit

flavors as well. FW has a key lime that reminds me of crayons and lime zest, this version

is much better. – Courtesy of /u/Vapequeen214

Malted Milk – Very potent flavor, I never use it over 2%. So far I have had awesome

luck with this flavor. I use it as a milk base for cereals, milkshakes, and even custard

blends. Its very dynamic and can add that extra creaminess that some mixes lack, I find

that malted milk and dairy from TFA make a even better milk base when combined. –

Courtesy of /u/Vapequeen214

Kentucky Bourbon – This smells and tastes just like Kentucky bourbon, I’m not a fan of

drinking alcohol, but it can definitely add something special to any blend. This is another

strong flavor, I haven’t used it over 2%. So far I’ve made a Jack & Coke that’s spot on,

and a castle long reserve clone that I ended up like much better than the real version. This

goes great with tobaccos, custards, and desserts. Its the only alcoholic flavor I have found

multiple uses for. – Courtesy of /u/Vapequeen214

Dulce de Leche – Awesome flavor, it can help round out dessert blends that are lacking

depth. Its slightly sweet and milky on the inhale, and the exhale is similar to a light

graham cracker flavor. Makes an amazing custard, and can add a slight bakery note to

dessert flavors or coffees. I’ve only tried FW’s version once before, but from what I can

remember, TFA’s version is much better. I use this flavor at anywhere from 2% as a

accent flavor, to 8% as more of a base flavor. – Courtesy of/u/Vapequeen214

Pumpkin – authentic pumpkin taste. 9% was way to strong to me and added an off note

but at lower amounts it seems very spot on. No spice to this just pure raw pumpkin. Great

start to a pie with some holiday spice and some pumpkin pie spice. Courtesy of


The Flavor Apprentice Starting Base Flavor Percentages

555 5-10%

Absinthe Flavor Concentrate 5-10% Tank Cracker

Acai 5-7%

Almond Amaretto Flavor Concentrate 5-10% Tank Cracker American Red Tobacco Flavor



Apple Candy 15% Apple Flavor 10-15%

Apple Pie 15%

Apricot 10-12% Auburn Oak 3% Sweet and Smokey aka Red Oak

Bacon 5%

Banana Cream 5-15%

Banana Cream 5-12% Banana Nut Bread 5-12%

Bananas Foster 5-7%

Bavarian Cream 5-15% Belgian Waffle 8-12%

Berry Crunch 12-15%

Bittersweet Chocolate Extra 10-15% Black Cherry 5-10%

Black Currant 15% Tank Cracker

Black Honey Tobacco 3-5%

Black Sesame Seed 1-.25% Black Tea 2.5-12%

Blackberry 2-15%

Blue Cheese 5-10% Blueberry 15%

Blueberry Candy 13% Tank Cracker

Blueberry Extra 10-13%

Blueberry Wild 15% Boysenberry 1%

Brown Sugar 15-20%

Brown Sugar Extra 2-10% Bubble Gum Flavor 10-15%

Butter 1-5%

Butterscotch 12% Cantaloupe 10-20%

Cappuccino 2+%

Caramel Candy 15-20%

Caramel Flavor 10-15% Caramel Original 10-15%

Carmel Cappuccino no more than 2 drops per


Champagne Type 5-7%

Cheesecake 5-15%

Cheesecake Graham Crusted 6%

Cherry Blossom 5-15% Cherry Extract 10-12% Tank Cracker

Chi Tea 10% Tank Cracker

Chicken and Waffles 8% Tank Cracker

Chocolate Flavor 10-15% Chocolate Mint 10% More Chocolate Than Mint

Cinnamon .25 – .5%

Cinnamon .25 – .5% Tank Cracker Cinnamon Crimson Hots 5-10% Tank Cracker

Cinnamon Danish 10-12% Tank Cracker Needs to Steep

Cinnamon Spice 0.50% Cinnamon Sugar Cookie 5-15% / 3-5%

Citrus Cotton Candy 15%

Citrus Punch Mountain Dew 5-7%

Clove 2-3% Tank Cracker Cocoa Rounds 10%

Coconut 10-12%

Coconut Candy 5-10% Coconut Extra 2-10%

Coffee Clear .25 – 5%

Coffee Kona 1 or 2 drops per 10 ml Cola Cherry 10% Tank Cracker

Cola Flavor 5-10%

Cola Syrup 10% Sweeter than Regular Cola; Tank

Cracker Cotton Candy 10-20%

Cranberry 5-8% Not Sweet

Crème de Menthe 5-14% Tank Cracker Cubano .5-2%

Dairy 10%

Dill Pickle 7-9% Tank Cracker

DK Tobacco Base 2-5% Double Chocolate Clear 10-12%

Dragon Fruit 5-12%

Dulce de Lech 10% Over Powering @ 20% E955 .5 -2% Sucralose Sweetener

Earl Grey Tea 2-3% Tank Cracker

Eggnog 10-20% Energy Drink 10% Red Bull

English Toffee 5-17%

Espresso 3%

Flue Cured 2% French Vanilla 5-10%

French Vanilla Deluxe 10%

Frosted Donut 7% Fruit Circles 1-2% Strong with hints of Lemon Fruit


Fudge Brownie 5% Ginger Ale 10% Tank Cracker

Gingerbread 10-12% 3-4 Days Steep Time

Gingerbread Cookie 8-10%

Graham Cracker 10-15% Tank Cracker at High Levels Granny Smith Apple 5-10%

Grape Juice Flavor 8-12%

Grapefruit 7-10% Tank Cracker

Green Apple 12-20% Green Candy Jolly Rancher 8-10%

Green Tea 5-15%

Guava 5-15% Gummy Candy 7% Tank Cracker

Hawaiian Drink Punch 12%

Hazelnut 16% Hazelnut Praline 5%

Hickory Smoke 1-2%

Holiday Spice .5-3% Start at 2 drops per ml Tank

Cracker Honey 1-5%

Honeydew Melon 5-10%

Honeysuckle 10-15% Tank Cracker Horchata 5%

Hpno Type 5-10% Tank Cracker

Huckleberry .5-1% Tart Indian Blend 5%

Irish Cream 10-12%

Jack Juicy Fruit 10-13%

Jalapeno 5% Separates; Shake Well Jamaican Rum 12%

Kalua & Cream 5%+

Kentucky bourbon 10% Kettle Corn 13-15% Tank Cracker

Key Lime 3-10% Tank Cracker

Key lime concentrate 12%

Key Lime Pie 12% Koolada 10%

Lemon 10% Tank Cracker

Lemon Lime 5% Tank Cracker Licorice 3-10%

Lime Flavor Essential Oil 1-5%

Lychee 2-7% M Type Premium .5-1%

Mandarin Orange 12-15%

Malic Acid Sour 3-5% Tank Cracker

Malted Milk Extra Concentrated 5% Mango Flavor 10-15% Tank Cracker

Maple Syrup 10-15%

Maraschino Cherry 5% Tank Cracker Marshmallow 10-15%

Mary Jane 5%

Mentho Arctic 10-15% Menthol Liquid 2-5%

Mild Black

Milk Chocolate Flavor 4-20% Tank Cracker

Mint Candy 12% Mint Chocolate Chip 10%

Mocha 5%

Mojito 5% Tank Cracker

Molasses 1-5% Musk Candy

Nectarine 11% Tank Cracker

Orange Cream 5-10% Tank Cracker Originally Found at The Vaping


Papaya 10% Pralines and Cream 10%

Passion Fruit <20%

Peach 12-15% Tank Cracker

Peach Juicy 5-17% Tank Cracker Peanut Butter 10-15%

Pear Flavor 10-15%

Peppermint Flavor 5-15% Pie Crust Flavor .5-12%

Pina Colada 15%

Pineapple 8-15% Pizza 5%

Plum 5-10%

Pomegranate 7.5-14%

Popcorn 13-15% Pumpkin 7%

Pumpkin Spice 7%

Quince 10% Raisin Flavor .5-3% Powerful

Raspberry 5-10%

Raspberry Sweet 10%

Read Oak 3% Red Licorice 15%

Red Tobacco 3-10%

Red Type Blend 5-15% Red Velvet Cake 10%

Rice Crunchies 10%

Ripe Banana 8-20% Root Beer 11%

Root Beer Float 8%

Rose Candy 7%

RY$ Double 5-15% Ry4 Asian 10-15%

Smooth Flavor 2 drops 5 ml

Spearmint Strawberries and Cream 10-12%

Strawberry Flavor 3-15%

Strawberry Kiwi 20% Strawberry Ripe 15%%

Swedish Gummy 7%

Sweet and Tart 10%

Sweet Cream 5-10% Good for a Fake Butter Flavor Sweetener 2-6%

Tangerine Flavor Oil Based 1-5% Tank Cracker

Taro 8-10%

Tiramisu 2-5% Very Strong Toasted Almond 15%

Toasted Marshmallow 10-15%

Tobacco Absolute 1. pure Tobacco Blend Alc .5-2.5%

Tobacco Flavor 10-20%

Turkish 2% Tutti Frutti 10-15%

Vanilla Been ice Cream 4-8% Tank Cracker

Vanilla Bourbon alc 10-15%

Vanilla Cupcake 10-20% Vanilla Custard 10-15% Tank Custard

Vanilla Swirl 10%

Violet Candy 10-12% W3 .5-1%

Waffle 20%

Waffle Belgian 8-12% Watermelon 15%

Whipped Cream 14%

White Chocolate 10%

Wintergreen 20% Tank Cracker















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