THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING JIGSAW TECHNIQUE … · Narrative Text (A Quasi ... Sebuah Penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen

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COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT (Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta)













(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta)

“A Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Language Education



NIM. 109014000138

Approved by the Advisors

Dr. Alek, M.Pd. Devi Yusnita, M.Pd.

NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008








The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

certifies that the “skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled The Effectiveness of Using

Jigsaw Technique to Develop Students’ Reading Comprehension on

Narrative Text (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students

of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta), written by Annisa Ulfah, NIM 109014000138 was

examined by the Committee on March, 4th

2014. The “skripsi” has been accepted

and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the Degree of S.Pd (S1)

in English Language Education at the English Department.

Jakarta, April 1st



Acknowledged by

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

Dra. Nurlena M.A, Ph.D

NIP. 19591020 198603 2 001



No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-089

UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 1 Maret 2010

FITK No. Revisi: : 01 Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 Indonesia Hal : 1/1



Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Annisa Ulfah

Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 28 Mei 1991

NIM : 109014000138

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Alamat : Jalan Kav Cermai III No. 29 RT/RW 004/03

Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12260


Bahwa skripsi yang berjudul The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw

Technique to Develop Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text

(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri

63 Jakarta Selatan) adalah benar hasil karya ilmiah saya sendiri di bawah

bimbingan dosen:

1. Nama Pembimbing I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd

NIP. : 19690912 200901 1 008

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

2. NamaPembimbing II : Devi Yusnita, M.Pd

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat Wisuda.

Jakarta, Januari 2014


Annisa Ulfah

NIM. 109014000138



Annisa Ulfah (NIM: 109014000138). The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw

Technique to Develop Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text;

A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 63

Jakarta Selatan in Academic Year 2013/2014. Skripsi of The Departement of

English Education at Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Jigsaw Technique, Narrative Text

The purpose of this study is to get the empirical evidence of the

effectiveness of using jigsaw technique towards students’ reading comprehension

on narrative text. This study was held in March 2014 at SMA Negeri 63. The

method used in this study was quantitative method in the design of quasi

experimental study. The sampling technique used in this study was cluster

sampling. Two classes were taken as the subjects of this study namely

experimental class and controlled class. The data got from both experimental class

and controlled class were analyzed by using T-test formula. The result of

calculation showed that in the significance degree of 5%, the value of t-test (to) >

t-table (tt) (17.1 > 1.991). According to the criteria of the test, the result showed

that there is a significant difference between students’ achievement in reading

comprehension of narrative text by using jigsaw technique and without jigsaw

technique. It means that jigsaw technique is effective and applicable at the

eleventh grade students of social science class at SMA Negeri 63 towards

students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.



Annisa Ulfah (NIM: 109014000138). Keefektivitasan Penggunaan Teknik

Jigsaw (Jigsaw Technique) untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca

Siswa dalam Teks Narasi; Sebuah Penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen di Kelas XI IPS

SMA Negeri 63 pada Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014.

Kata Kunci: Pemahaman Membaca, Teknik Jigsaw, Teks Narasi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang keefektivitasan

penggunaan teknik jigsaw terhadap pemahaman siswa dalam membaca dalam teks

narasi. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada Maret 2014 di SMA Negeri 63.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan

desain penelitian kuasi-eksperimen. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan

yaitu cluster sampling. Terdapat dua kelas sebagai subjek penelitian, yaitu kelas

eskperimen dan kelas kontrol. Data yang didapat dari kelas eksperimen dan kelas

kontrol dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus T-test. Hasil dari perhitungan

menunjukkan bahwa dalam taraf signifikansi 5%, hasil t-test (to) > t-table (tt)

(17.1 > 1.991). Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian, hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa

terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara prestasi siswa dengan diberi perlakuan teknik

jigsaw dan tanpa diberi perlakuan teknik jigsaw dalam pemahaman membaca

siswa terhadap teks narasi. Berdasarkan hasil T-test, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

teknik jigsaw efektif digunakan dan dapat diterapkan di kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri

63 dalam hal pemahaman membaca siswa terhadap teks narasi.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given mercy and blessing to

the writer in finishing this “skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

This “skripsi” is presented to the Department of English Education, the

faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree S.Pd.

in English Language Education.

In this occasion, the writer would like to thank to her beloved family, Mr.

Tulus Jasmudi and Mrs. Siti Maemunatun as her parents, her brothers and sister

for their prayers, understanding, support, and motivation.

The writer also would like to address her great honor and attitude to her

advisors, Dr. Alek, M.Pd., and Devi Yusnita, M. Pd., who have sacrificed their

energy and valuable time for the writer to give consultations with full of help, care

guidance, and valuable advices during the writer developing this “skripsi”.

The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to:

1. Nurlena Rifa’i, M.A., Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty Tarbiya and Teachers’

Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Departement.

3. Zahril Anasy, S.Pd., as the secretary of English Eduaction Departement.

4. All lecturers of English Education who have taught the writer useful

knowledge and skills.

5. Drs. Musbir, M.M., the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta for giving

permission to the writer to do observation and research.

6. Windawati, S. Pd., as the English Teacher at SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta.


7. All her friends at Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

especially students at D class academic year 2009 English Education

Departement for their support and friendship.

The writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect, therefore

she hopes some suggestions and critics from the reader for this “skripsi” and it

will be so valuable for her and for a better result in the future.

Jakarta, January 10th


The writer



APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................. ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ........................................................ 1

B. Identification of the Problem .................................................. 6

C. Limitation of the Problem ...................................................... 6

D. Formulation of the Problem ................................................... 6

E. Objective of the Study ............................................................ 6

F. Significances of the Study ...................................................... 6

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................... 8

A. Reading Comprehension ........................................................ 8

1. The Understanding of Reading .......................................... 8

2. The Kinds of Reading ........................................................ 9

3. The Purposes of Reading ................................................... 10

4. The Principles of Reading ................................................. 12

5. Reading Comprehension .................................................... 13

B. The Nature of Jigsaw Technique ............................................ 14

1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning ................... 14

2. The Kinds of Cooperative Learning ................................. 15

3. The Understanding of Jigsaw Technique ......................... 16


4. The Stages in Jigsaw Implementation .............................. 18

5. The Advantages of Jigsaw Technique .............................. 20

6. The Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique ......................... 21

C. Narrative Text

1. The Understanding of Narrative Text ............................. 22

2. The Purposes of Narrative Text ...................................... 23

3. The Elements of Narrative Text ...................................... 23

4. The Features of Narrative Text ....................................... 24

5. The Grammatical Features of Narrative Text.................. 25

6. The Types of Narrative Text ........................................... 25

D. Relevant Studies ..................................................................... 26

E. Theoretical Thinking .............................................................. 27

F. Theoretical Hypothesis ........................................................... 29

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 30

A. Place and Time ....................................................................... 30

B. Population and Sample ........................................................... 30

C. Method of the Research .......................................................... 30

D. Instrument of the Study .......................................................... 31

E. Validity Internal Control ........................................................ 31

F. Technique of Data Collection ................................................. 32

G. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 33

H. Hypothesis of the Research .................................................... 35

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING ........................................................... 36

A. Description of the Data ........................................................... 36

1. Description of the Data ..................................................... 36

2. Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test ..................................... 38

B. Hypothesis Testing ................................................................. 43

C. Interpretations ......................................................................... 45

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 47

A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 47


B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 50

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 53



Table 3.1: Index of Difficulty ............................................................................... 32

Table 3.2: Discriminating Power .......................................................................... 32

Table 4.1: Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class ....................... 36

Table 4.2: Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Controlled Class ............................ 38



Appendix 1: Syllabus ............................................................................................ 53

Appendix 2: Lesson Plannings .............................................................................. 61

Appendix 3: Kisi-kisi Soal .................................................................................... 104

Appendix 4: Reading Test (Pre-test and Post-test) ............................................... 106

Appendix 5: Answer Key ...................................................................................... 112

Appendix 6: Validity Test ..................................................................................... 113

Appendix 7: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Experimental Class ................ 114

Appendix 8: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Experimental Class............... 115

Appendix 9: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Controlled Class ..................... 116

Appendix 10: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Controlled Class ................. 117




A. Background of the Study

English is one of the international languages that has spread widely all

over the world, for it is used as a native language, as a second language, or as a

foreign language. Many countries put English as an important subject in the

curriculum. In Indonesia, English is taught in secondary school and in the

university level. It also becomes a compulsory subject. This is based on the

issuance of Pusat Kurikulum, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen

Pendidikan Nasional 2003 about the function and purpose of English in the senior

high school level. One of the functions and the purposes stated that:

“Mengembangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa tersebut, dalam

bentuk lisan dan tulis. Kemampuan berkomunikasi meliputi mendengarkan

(listening), berbicara (speaking), membaca (reading), dan menulis (writing).”1

One of the functions and purposes of learning English as stated above is, to

develop the communication skill in English in the form of spoken and written

communication. The communication ability includes listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. The function of English subject also stated in Keputusan Direktur

Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departmen Pendidikan

Nasional 2008: “Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Asing lain, berfungsi sebagai alat

untuk berkomunikasi dalam rangka mengakses dan bertukar informasi secara

global, untuk membina hubungan interpersonal, dan meningkatkan wawasan

tentang budaya bangsa asing (wawasan internasional).”2

Learning English and another foreign language aims as a means of

communication in order to access the information and share it globally to build an

1 Pusat Kurikulum, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Pendidikan

Nasional, Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA dan MA, (Jakarta: 2003), p.

14. 2 Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departmen

Pendidikan Nasional, Bentuk dan Tata Cara Penyusunan Laporan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik

Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, (Jakarta: 2008), p. 3.


interpersonal relationship and to increase the insight about foreign cultures.

Different cultures will also evoke different languages and it is likely impossible to

get know a culture without knowing its language at all. Language is also born in a

culture, it is created by the habit in a certain area. So, learning a foreign language,

specifically English, is important as it is already used globally all over the world.

English learning has four major skills need to be mastered, namely;

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading skill becomes very important

because student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass

exams than a student who is a weak reader.3 So that, reading relates closely to the

academic success of a student. The text, the question, the instruction of their

exams are written in printed words, so if they have good reading ability, it will

help them in answering the questions correctly and comprehend the instruction.

Low achievement of reading becomes the root of low-performing schools

because reading is seen as a fundamental skill that all subjects depend.4

Nonetheless, reading skill can be learned, students should get trained and do some

practice as much as possible to have good reading ability. Reading is a lifelong

learning because to have good reading ability, the learning process should last for

the whole of a learner’s life.

The purpose of reading depends on what the readers would like to get

while they are reading the text. The purposes of reading can be various, for

instance someone reads for getting information, learning a subject matter,

enriching their knowledge, for pleasure, hobby, and enjoyment, for preparation

before taking examination, and so on. Reading also opens a window to the world

because as people read a lot, they will get any kinds of information and enrich

their knowledge, for example when people read journals, articles, textbooks, or

even a novel. In the term of learning English, reading is one complex skill to be

mastered. As Perfetti in Reading in a Second Language: Process, Product and Practice

3, accessed on April, 1 2013.

4 AFT Teachers, Teaching Reading is Rocket Science, (Washington DC: AFT, 2004), p.



book points out, “reading is the skill of transforming printed words into spoken

words.”5 It means when the readers are able to transform and delineate the printed

words into spoken words and catch the meaning right, they succeed in reading a


Readers need to manage every single part found in a text because when the

readers can organize the text well, a comprehension will most possibly happen.

There are some types of text; descriptive, recount, spoof, report, procedural,

explanation, narrative, argumentative, persuasive, exposition, and so on. English

learning in Indonesia requires the students to have comprehension towards some

particular texts as it is stated in the standard of competence in the curriculum. The

standard of competence in the senior high school curriculum proposes:

The purpose of English learning is to communicate in both oral and

written form by using appropriate variety of language fluently and

accurately in the interactional text and/or monlogue, mainly in descriptive,

narrative, anecdote, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition text

that lead to a variety of interpersonal meaning.6

Practically, to comprehend each text is not easy because they all have

different characteristics and somehow tricky. One of the text types that many

students cannot comprehend well is narrative text as it is kind of similar to recount

text for both types of text tell past events. There are some mutual similarity that

many students find it quite difficult to distinguish each text. In telling past events,

it must be affected the tenses used, so both narrative and recount text use past

tense. The communicative purpose of both narrative and recount is also the same,

it aims to tell past events which sometimes the students get confused for both text

have similar purpose. The generic structure and the language features used in each

text also quite similar.

5 A. H. Urquhart and C. J. Weir, Reading in a Second Language: Process, Product and

Practice, (New York: Longman, 1998), p. 16. 6 Pusat Kurikulum, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Pendidikan

Nasional, Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA dan MA, (Jakarta: 2003), p.



As the writer underwent her teaching practice at one of senior high schools

(SMA) in Jakarta, she found some problems and difficulties faced by the students.

Another problem also came from the teacher, the technique applied in the

classroom, and the material given to the students. Most students thought that

reading English text is really difficult for it has different vocabulary, stuctures

with Indonesian language rules. It becomes a major reason for them to

comprehend an English text. Having lack of knowledge about those features in an

English text makes most students difficult in achieving the message of a text.

Then, reading activity only ended up reading, yet they did not catch any ideas

from the text. Some students also found that simply cannot construct the meaning

of the words into a comprehension. Some of the students also viewed reading as a

boring activity as they usually read in silent and it will make them sleepy. They

also have low motivation to read, it is clearly seen when they had time to read but

only a small number of students did it.

Providing a material in interesting ways is a must for a teacher but in

contrast, sometimes a teacher provides only the tedious ones. As a result, students

cannot get attracted to the material they are going to learn because they do not get

impressed. Jeremy Harmer assumed in his book entitled How To Teach English,

“good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite

imaginative responses and provide the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating

lessons.”7 It is obvious that if teacher does not provide good reading texts, a

fascinating learning process is not going to happen in teaching reading, otherwise

reading activity will be boring.

From the problems mentioned above, it is obvious that there should be

huge efforts from the teacher to help the students improving their reading ability.

In addition, the teacher should focus on the implementation of the technique(s) in

the classroom about how to teach them appropriately. Consequently, the duty of

the English teachers becomes more difficult because they should motivate and

encourage the students to read English text as a part of English lesson. The

7 Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English, (Kuala Lumpur: Longman, 2007), p. 99.


teachers should also encourage the students to acquire and to master reading skill

as one of the most important skills in English.

In teaching reading, teachers might try to apply a cooperative learning in

the classroom. According to Methodology in Language Teaching, “cooperative

learning principles and techniques are tools which teachers use to encourage

mutual helpfulness in the groups and the active participation of all members.”8

Cooperative learning could create an ambience of active participation of each

student to get involved in a learning process. One of the effective strategies in

teaching reading included in cooperative learning is jigsaw technique.

As the writer had experienced the implementation of jigsaw technique, she

thought that it could help her to comprehend a text better so she gets interested to

use jigsaw technique in teaching reading. When jigsaw technique was applied, it

was confusing many students as jigsaw technique was a very new thing for them.

At last, jigsaw technique really helped the students to comprehend the text.

Jigsaw technique is one of the kinds in cooperative learning, it must be

conducted cooperatively in a small group in which students should play a more

active role in their groups because it requires the students to discuss about the

ideas of a text. Jigsaw technique is also interesting because it demands the

students to participate actively and work together in their group. Another reason

why the writer interested in applying jigsaw technique in teaching reading is

because jigsaw technique is fun even though it slightly took time in conducting it.

Eventually, based on the description above, the writer would like to do the

research under the title: “The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw Technique towards

Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental

Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta)”.

8 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An

Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 52.


B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of study which is described above, some

problems could be identified:

1. Reading an English text is difficult because it has different language rules

with the students’ first language.

2. Most students just read the text but they could not catch the meaning of what

they have read.

3. Many students assumed that reading activity is boring.

4. Most students have a low motivation in reading.

5. Most students have a low comprehension towards narrative text.

6. The techniques in teaching reading used are monotonous.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems, the study was limited on the

techniques for teaching reading narrative text. One of the techniques that can be

used to teach reading narrative text is by using jigsaw technique.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem which is going to be discussed in this

study based on the limitation above is: “Is there any effectiveness of using jigsaw

technique to develop students’ reading comprehension on narrative text?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of using jigsaw

technique to develop students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.

F. Significance of the Study

The significances of this reserach are:

a. For the teachers; it can help the teachers to improve students’ reading

comprehension by using jigsaw technique.


b. For the students; it can help the them to be able to comprehend reading text

by using jigsaw technique in which it requires a small group activity. It also

helps the students to involve in the activity by delivering their idea or


c. For the writer and another researchers; the result of this study is expected to

be useful in increasing the writer’s and another researchers’ perspectives in

teaching reading.





1. The Understanding of Reading

Reading is one of the basic skills in learning a language. The term reading

has many interpretations. As people have different purposes in reading, different

point of view about reading, different background knowledge about reading, so

there are many definitions about it. For those reasons, reading can be defined in

various ways. According to Francoise Grellet in his book entitled Developing

Reading Skills, “Reading is a constant process of guessing, and what one brings to

the text is often more important than what one finds in it.”1 Based on the

statement from Grellet, reading activity requires the readers to guess and predict

about the text is going to be about and the background knowledge had by the

reader about mutual thing contained in a text is also important.

Furthermore, Harmer through his book The Practice of English Language

Teaching stated that,

Reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brains. The eyes

receive message and the brain then has to work out the significance of

these message. Unlike a listening text, a reading text moves at the speed

of the reader (except where the reader is trying to read an advertisement

that flashes past a train window). In other word, it is up to the reader to

decide how fast he or she wants to (or can) read a text, whereas listeners

often have to do their best with a text whose speed is chosen by the


Sandra Silberstein on her book Techniques and Resources in Teaching

Reading defined reading as complex processing skill, “Reading is a complex

processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to (re)create a

1 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1981), p. 7. 2 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman,

1989), p. 190.


meaningful discourse.”3 Richard Allington and Michael Strange also defined,

“Reading as decoding process with the reader processing each letter in turn,

producing the appropriate sounds, and forming words”4 Another experts, Savage

and Mooney defined, “Reading is a process of moving through printed language

to meaning.5 According to Penny Ur, “Reading means reading and understanding

A foreign language learner who says, 'I can read the words but I don't know what

they mean' is not, therefore, reading, in this sense. He or she is merely decoding –

translating written symbols into corresponding sounds”.6

Based on the definitions about reading above, reading can be defined as a

process that requires people to read and to understand what they read. Reading is

also a complex skill that the people should do an interaction with text in order to

recreate or create a meaningful discourse.

2. The Kinds of Reading

There are two kinds of reading according to Jeremy Harmer.7

a. Extensive reading

The term refers to reading which students do often (but not exclusively) away

from the classrooms. Where possible, extensive reading should involve

reading for pleasure or a joyful reading. This is enhanced if students have a

chance to choose what they are willing to read.

b. Intensive reading

It refers to the detailed focus on the construction of reading texts which takes

place usually (but not always) in classrooms. Teachers may ask the students

to look at extracts from magazines, poems, Internet websites, novels,

3 Sandra Silberstein, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, (New York: Oxford

University Press, 1994), p. 12. 4Richard Allington and Michael Strange, Learning Through Reading in the Content

Areas, (Lexington: D. C. Heath Company, 1980), p. 15. 5John F. Savage and Jean F. Mooney, Teaching Reading to Children with Special Needs,

(London: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1997), p. 1.

6 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1991), p. 138.

7 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Education, 2007), p.



newspaper, plays, and wide range of other text genres. Intensive reading is

usually accompanied by study activities.

While Francoise Grellet divided the kinds of reading into:

a. Skimming, it is a process of reading in which happen quickly running one’s

eyes over a text to get the gist of it.

b. Scanning, it is a process of reading in which quickly going through a text to

find a particular piece of information.8

The writer considers that if people have different purposes in reading, it

will as well influence the way they read. For instance, people probably will read

some lessons or materials in the limited amount of time then people just skim the

text. On the contrary, when people need to look up a name in the address book or

word in the dictionary, they should know what they are looking for so they scan it

and read it word by word.

3. The Purposes of Reading

When people read, they may have some different purposes to obtain after

reading the text. For instance, when people want to get information or knowledge,

they read a textbook, a newspaper, a journal, an article. When people read to get

pleasure or to get entertained, they may read some kinds of magazine, comic, or

novel. Here are several purposes that may include when people read according to

R. R Jordan:

a. To obtain information (facts, data, etc.)

b. To understand ideas or theories, etc.

c. To discover author’s point of view.

d. To seek evidence for their own point of view (and to quote) all of which may

be needed for writing their essays, etc.9

8 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2010), p. 4. 9 R. R. Jordan, English for Academic Purposes, (New York: Cambridge University Press,

1997), p. 143.


Based on the statement above, the purposes of reading are mostly about to

understand the content of the text and also to discover one’s point of view from

the writer that is written through printed words.

In the other hand, Grellet mentioned two purposes in reading:

a. Reading for pleasure.

b. Reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do

something with the information someone gets).10

Grellet only viewed that there are two major purposes in reading; for

pleasure and for information. When people get bored and want to get pleasure,

they might read some entertaining texts. On the contrary, when people need to get

informed about knowledge, they might read encyclopedia books, lesson book, and

so on.

Another purposes stated in a book entitled Teaching Reading Skills in A

Foreign Language, people read because they want to get something from the

writing: facts, ideas, enjoyment, even feelings of family community (from a

letter): whatever the contain is, people want to get message that the writer has


Most people read to obtain some points contained in a text or in a

writing and they read for a certain purpose. For instance, when people want to

know about the latest news, they read newspaper or articles. Based on the

description above, it can be summarized that there are many purposes of reading

such as: first, people read to get information or enhance knowledge so they might

read encyclopedia books, articles, journals, bulletins, and so on. Second, people

read to get pleasure and they might read magazines, novels, comics, and so on.

When people exactly know what they want to get from a text, they will enjoy

reading it.

10Ibid., p. 4.

11 Christine Nutall, Teaching Reading Skills in A Foreign Language, Marion Geddes and

Gill Sturtridge (ed), Practical Language Teaching, (Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1983), p. 3.


4. The Principles of Reading

There are some principles of reading according to Jeremy Harmer:12

a. Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. The more

students read, the better.

b. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. Outside normal lesson

time, when students are reading extensively, they should be involved in joyful

reading – that is, teachers should try to help them get as much pleasure from it

as possible. During the lesson, teachers should also do the best to ensure that

the students engaged with the topic and the activities they are asked to do

while dealing with it.

c. Encourage students to respond the content of a text (and explore their feelings

about it), not just concentrate on its construction. It is important for the

students to study reading texts in class in order to find out such things as the

way they use language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many

times they use relative clauses. It is as well important that the students should

be allowed to show their feelings about the topic.

d. Prediction is a major factor in reading. When someone reads a text, he/she

usually have a good idea of the content before he/she actually starts reading.

Book covers can give the readers a clue about what is in the book, photographs

and headlines hint at what article is about before reading a single word.

e. Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. Teachers need

to choose good reading tasks; the right kind of questions, appropriate activities

before during and after reading, and useful study exploitation when the topic of

reading has been set.

f. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. Good teachers can integrate the

reading text into interesting lesson sequences, using the topic for discussion

and further tasks, using the language for study and then activation, and using

range of activities to bring the text to life. Where students have been doing

12 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English: New Edition, (Kuala Lumpur: Pearson

Education, 2007), pp. 101-102.


extensive reading, the teachers should use whatever opportunities present

themselves to provoke useful feedback.

5. Reading Comprehension

Reading is a general cognitive, problem-solving ability which underlies all

language processing, including listening and is not specific to reading.13


as a complex skill underlies all language process. As people learn their first

language, the attention is primarily on the problem of decoding words. Therefore,

people tend to think reading is as a process of looking at words, one after another

and then adding them up to see what they (the words) mean.

Reading comprehension is a very complex activity because so much

occurs inside the mind of the reader as the eyes glide over the printed words.14


accomplish a reading comprehension, it includes some skills to have. Reading

comprehension is the process of acquiring or deriving meaning and understanding

from printed language; involves cognitive functioning related to what one reads.15

Another definition by Pamela J. Farris, reading comprehension is the process of

understanding the message that the author is trying to convey. Very simply, it is

making meaning from the text at hand.16

From the definitions above, it can be summarized that reading

comprehension is a very complex activity to undertsand the message from the text

that the author tries to convey. To be the accomplished reader(s), it needs a

lifetime practice because the comprehension process is really complicated.

13 J. Charles Anderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2000), p. 48.

14 Larry Lewin, Paving the Way in Reading and Writing, (San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass,

2003), p. 2

15 John F. Savage and Jean F. Mooney, Teaching Reading to Children with Special

Needs, (London: Allyn and Bacon, 1997), p.7

16Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms,

(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 321.



1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is not a new phenomenon in teaching learning

process and it also provides some opportunities for the students to take more

active role in their own learning. Cooperative learning requires the students to

work in the small groups and it leads to a peer interaction. It also offers ways to

organize group work to enhance learning and increase academic achievement.

Based on a book entitled Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching,

cooperative learning (sometimes called collaborative learning) essentially

involves students learning from each other in groups. The way that students and

teachers work together make cooperative learning is distinctive from any other

learning strategy. The teachers also teach the students collaborative or social skills

so that they can work together more effectively.17

Cooperative learning can form

the students to work in groups and the learning process that is done by working

together is seen to be more effective.

Carolyn Kessler also stated, “Cooperative learning is group learning

activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured

exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is

held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the

learning of others”.18

The dependency of each student that needs help from each

other is seen from cooperative learning so that each student gets motivated to

increase the learning of himself/herself and others.

The cooperative learning model was developed to achieve at least three

important instructional goals: academic achievement, tolerance and acceptance of

diversity, and social skill development.19

Cooperative learning requires a group

learning that demands the students to work in groups and it also teaches some

kind of social skills. The peer interaction among students also happened in the


Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marti Anderson, Techniques and Principles in Language

Teaching, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 86. 18 Carolyn Kessler, Cooperative Language Learning, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents,

1992), p. 8. 19 Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), p. 345.


cooperative learning. Cooperative learning provides the students to work more

actively in groups. Acikgoz on the journal from The Turkish Online Journal of

Educational Technology stated that cooperative learning is a teaching method by

which learners study by helping one another in the small groups in their learning

process in order to achieve a common objective.20

As cooperative learning has been one of the most researched teaching

models, there are some effects of cooperative learning. It affects a cooperative

behavior, tolerance of diversity, and academic achievement.21


cooperative learning is seen as a good one because it can affect some positive

aspects of the students.

2. The Kinds of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning has several kinds of techniques that have been

developed over years and put into practice in the classroom. Robert E. Slavin

stated the techniques that are applied in the cooperative learning, such as STAD

(Students Team Achievement Division), CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading

and Composition), TAI (Team Accelerated Instruction), TGT (Teams – Games –

Tournaments), and Jigsaw Technique.22

a. STAD (Student Team Achievement Division)

In STAD, students are assigned to four-member learning teams that are mixed

in performance level, gender and ethnicity. The teacher presents a lesson, and

then students work within their teams to make sure all team members have

mastered the lesson. Then, all students take individual quizzes on the

material, at which time they may not help one another.

b. CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition)

CIRC is a comprehensive program for teaching reading and writing in the

upper elementary and middle grades. In most CIRC activities, students follow

20 Fatma, Funda, & Mustafa, The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning on the Reading

Comprehension Skills in Turkish as A Foreign Language, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of

Educational Technology, Vol 10 Issue 4, 2011, p. 330. 21 Arends. op. cit., pp. 348-349. 22 Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning, (New Jersey: Pearson, 1995), pp. 5-7.


a sequence of teacher instruction, team practice, team pre-assessments, and

quiz. Students do not take the quiz until their teammates have determined that

they are ready.

c. TAI (Team Accelerated Instruction)

This kind of cooperative learning shares with STAD and TGT the use of four-

member mixed ability learning teams and certificates for high-performing

teams. TAI also combines cooperative learning with individualized


d. TGT (Teams – Games – Tournaments)

TGT was originally developed by David DeVries and Keith Edwards and it

uses the same teacher presentations and team work as in STAD but replaces

the quizzes with weekly tournaments, in which students play academic games

with members of other teams to contribute points to their team scores.

e. Jigsaw Technique

In jigsaw technique, students work in the same four-member, heterogenous

teams as in STAD and TGT. The students are assigned chapters, short books,

or other materials to read. Each team is randomly assigned to become an

“expert” on some aspect of the reading assignment.

3. The Understanding of Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw is one of the techniques used in cooperative learning. Jigsaw

technique was first developed by Elliot Aronson in response to students’

socialization problems in desegregated schools in the 1970s.23

Jigsaw has been

used more than 30 years in U.S classrooms at all levels of schooling, including

colleges and universities. The original intent of jigsaw technique is to provide

children from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to work effectively and

interpendently with one another. Jigsaw may be one of the most effective ways to

observe, record, and assess students’ improvement in some skills. Jigsaw also

teaches students to be independent as they are given an assignment or puzzle to

23 Jeanine M. Dell’Olio, Models of Teaching, (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007), p.




The assignment is broken down into some small parts then students are

assigned to discuss and to report the result of the discussion at the end of the

jigsaw technique process.

One of the Aronson’s objectives stated in Models of Teaching by Jeanine

M. Dell’Olio, when he developed jigsaw technique was to provide opportunities

for students from different races and cultures to work together to understand and

master their school studies. Another objective was to engender students’

appreciation fot the unique gifts and talents of the diverse individuals in their

classrooms. Jigsaw proved to be effective in achieving both these objectives.25

The importance of working or discussing of a material with friends in groups

(home and expert group) is very essential because each student is responsible for

learning a portion of the material. Berkeley-Wykes on the journal of Journal of

Education College, Helwan University defines that the jigsaw technique in

reading as the technique in which a reading text is cut into segments and the task

of the students is to restore it to its proper order to make sense of the text.26


implementation of jigsaw technique in teaching reading is to break down the

material into segments and what students should do is restore it to its proper order

as the result of learning by using jigsaw technique.

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that helps to build

comprehension, and improve listening, communication, and problem-solving

skills. This strategy is best to use when there is a large amount of text for students

to read.27

From the statements above, the writer conluded jigsaw as a technique

that is used in the classroom to build peers interaction and help to build problem-

solving skills.

24Donald R. Cruickshank, The Act of Teaching, (New York: The McGraw-Hill

Companies, Inc., 2006), p. 240.

25 Jeanine M. Dell’Olio, Models of Teaching, (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007), p.

267. 26 Mohammed Farouk, The Effect of Using the Jigsaw Reading Technique on the EFL

Preservice Teachers’ Reading Anxiety and Comprehension, Journal of Education College,

Helwan University, 2001, p. 4.

27 Connecticut After School Network, Literacy Strategies After School: A Teaching and

Learning Strategies Guide, (Branford: CTA Network, 2013), p. 73.


4. The Stages in Jigsaw Implementation

The stages in jigsaw technique are few and very straightforward. Students

first work in expert groups to learn material they will be responsible for sharing

their home groups later in the lesson. These are the stages in implementing jigsaw


a. Preparation

In this stage, teachers have tasks to manage the time and the activity will be

conducted. Teachers should prepare materials (expert reading and task sheets)

and compose groups.

b. Expert group

This stage requires teachers to move among groups to facilitate process,

address content questions, and assess readiness for home-group stage. This

stage as well requires students to review or learn the material, accomplish any

specific expert tasks, check expert-group members’ understanding the

material, decide how to teach expert content.

c. Home group

Teachers should move among groups to facilitate the process, address content

questions as groups assemble the Jigsaw material, and assess readiness for

full-class debriefing. Students’s tasks in this stage are share or teach material.

d. Debriefing

Some teachers’ tasks in this stage are to conduct full-class discussion, to

highlight specific content, to ensure that concerns of the home groups are

addressed, and to assign homework or other follow-up tasks to groups or

individuals. Students’ tasks in this stage are to participate fully in the

discussion, and to raise questions arising from the full-class discussion.

e. Group processing

In the group processing stage, teachers should provide time for small-group

(expert or home group) or full-class discussion of the Jigsaw process,

structure group processing with specific questions, and help students set goals

to improve group work and social skills. Students’ task in this stage are to

focus on the improvement of ongoing home-group collaboration, to


brainstorm improvements for the expert-group process, to brainstorm the

improvements for the full-class discussion, and to set goals for improving

group work and individual contributions.

f. Individual accountability

This is the last stage of jigsaw technique, in this stage teachers’ tasks are to

design assessment to hold students accountable for what they learned (quiz,

journal entry, project, homework). Students’ task is to prepare for individual


According to Shlomo Sharan, there are four stages of jigsaw technique:

a. Introduction

Teachers organizes the class into heterogeneous “home” groups. Next

teachers introduce a topic, text, information, or material to the class and helps

the students to understand why they are studying this topic, how it fits with

what they have done before, and what they will studyu in the future. This

stage is important to make the students get interested in what they are


b. Focused exploration

Students reorganize to form focus group. Members of each group work

together to learn about a specific topic/perspective. During this stage, students

need encouragement to think out loud in order to clarify their ideas and build

understanding together.

c. Reporting and reshaping

Students return to their home groups to take turns describing the ideas

generated in their focus groups. During the reporting groups, group member

are encouraged to pose questions and discuss the ideas in depth. Often as

students work through understanding each other’s part, they begin to reshape

their understanding of the whole.

28 Jeanine M. Dell’Olio, Models of Teaching, (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007), p.



d. Integration and evaluation

Teachers may design an individual, small-group, or whole-class activity shere

students can actively integrate their learning. Teachers will ask questions to

help students reflect on what they have worked together and what they might

do the same of differently the next time they work together.29

It can be said that the implementation of jigsaw technique should be started

from the introduction, teachers should introduce the rules or the instructions how

to start a jigsaw technique process. In addition, teachers should also introduce the

material that will be learned generally. Then in focused exploration, students are

given an opportunity to work with groups. In reporting and reshaping, students are

encouraged to pose questions and discuss the ideas in depth. The last stage is to

integrate and to evaluate the material discussed by presenting the result of the

discussion of each group that has done.

5. The Advantages of Jigsaw Technique

Carolyn Kessler mentioned some advantages of applying jigsaw technique

in the classroom.30

a. Provide opportunities for students to work in racially and culturally mixed


b. Provide an excellent learning environment for the acquisition of language

through relevant content.

c. Support the communicative approach in language teaching.

d. Develop students’ skills of analysis, comparison, evaluation, and synthesis of


The advantages stated by Carolyn Kessler are mostly from the students

because as students have main role in jigsaw technique process, students should

get involved well in the process. Therefore, the ambience of learning process that

provides the opportunities for the students to work in groups and to share ideas

29 Slomo Sharan, Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, (Westport: Greenwood

Publishing Group, Inc., 1994), pp. 35-36. 30 Carolyn Kessler, Cooperative Language Learning, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents,

1992), p. 137.


will likely to be effective. Besides, jigsaw technique can also enable the students

to develop their skills. The advantages are mostly to improve students’ reading

ability in the term of comprehension.

Elliot Aronson also stated some advantages of jigsaw technique: 31

a. Most teachers find jigsaw technique easy to learn.

b. Most teachers enjoy working with it.

c. It can be used with other teaching strategies.

d. It works even if only used for an hour per day.

e. It is free for the taking.

The advantages inferred by Aronson are mostly located in teachers.

Aronson assumed that jigsaw technique is a really simple technique to apply as it

is free for the taking and most teachers enjoy working with jigsaw technique.

From the description above, jigsaw technique is considered to have both

advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are seen to be useful for both

teachers and students. Many teachers that have ever applied jigsaw technique

enjoy in applying it.

6. The Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

Elliot Aronson also identified some of the disadvantages of jigsaw

technique, such as: 32

a. The problem of dominant student, the self interest of the group eventually

reduces the problem of dominance.

b. The problem of the slow student, teachers must make sure that students with

poor study skills do not present an inferior report to the jigsaw group.

c. The problem of bright students becoming bored, boredom can be a problem

in any classroom, regardless of the learning technique being used.

d. The problem of students who have been trained to compete, it can happen

when the students have already undergone the cooperative learning before.

31, accessed on October 28, 2013. 32, accessed on October 28, 2013.


The disadvantages are mostly seen in the students because each student

somehow has different point of view in learning reading skill. The boredom, the

ability to compete, and the inability to work in groups might distract the

application of jigsaw technique. Moreover, if students find jigsaw technique is

something new for them, it might take a quite long time to get familiar with

jigsaw technique so the boredom might come up. According to the disadvatages

mentioned above, teachers who are willing to apply jigsaw technique should get

prepared for all of the possibilty that may happen.


1. The Understanding of Narrative Text

There are many kinds of reading text which are learned by the eleventh

grade students of senior high school. The importance of learning a reading text

will not only affect students’ reading ability but also it will be a good model for

English writing. Besides, reading texts also provide the opportunities to study

language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences,

paragraphs, and texts.33

One of the texts learned is narrative text. Narrative text

can be in both written and spoken forms. Narrative is a story writing, it consists of

events in the order that they happen and it uses time order to organize the


Narrative is the old structured form of human communication. The

statement is said because people spend the rest of the lives telling stories, for

example telling about the events that happened in the time when the parents were

still young. In some sense, every life is a narrative, a chronology of events both

small and large. 35

To sum up, narrative text is a story writing that is arranged

chronologically based on the time order about the events happened.

33 Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English, (Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Education Limited,

2003), p. 68. 34 Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson

Education, 2007), p. 24.

35 Donald Pharr and Santi V. Buscemi, Writing Today, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005),

p. 174.


2. The Purposes of Narrative Text

A text always has a purpose about what the readers can get after reading

it. Narrative text aims to amuse, entertain, and to deal with problematic events

which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a


Based on the book entitled The Student Writer by Barbara Fine

Clouse, she stated that there are five purposes of narrative text which are to

entertain, to express feelings, to relate experience, to inform, and to persuade.37

Another purpose of narrative text stated by Mark Anderson and Kathy

Anderson is to provide entertainment, to make the audience think about an issue,

teach them a lesson, or excite the emotions.38

From the statements above, the

purpose of narrative text can be various, based on the story provided. Narrative

text consists of stories that ever happened in the past time so most narrative text

aims to entertain or to amuse the readers an also to inform the past stories.

3. The Elements of Narrative Text

There are many kinds of texts that also have different elements among

them. There are four elements that go into narrative text: point of view, characters,

action (or conflict), and dialogue. Here are the description of each element.39

a. Point of View

This point of view is used to decide the right point of view to use. Point of

view can be first-person (I), second-person (you), or third-person

(he/she/they/it). For most personal narratives, the first-person point of view is

used. This point of view distances the reader from the story, as if the reader is

watching the story from the bleachers with the rest of the audience.

36 Achmad Dody, Ahmad Sugeng, and Effendi, Developing English Competencies,

(Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008), p. 70. 37 Barbara Fine Clouse, The Student Writer, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), p. 186.

38 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Selanor: MacMillan

Education, 1998), p. 3. 39 Katherine M. Ploeger, Simplified Paragraph Skills, (Illinois: NTC Publishing, 1999),

pp. 261-262.


b. Characters

All stories have characters. Narrative use real people in real conflicts, with

real feelings, needs, and fears. These details are used to make the story more

real and exciting for the reader.

c. Action or Conflict

Every narrative text has one major action or event. All discussion leads up to

the final, climactic, scene, the final explosion or insight. Sometimes, the

action involves conflict. All good stories involve some kind of conflict, which

serves the purpose of the story. Conflict can have the character in conflict

with someone else, with himself or herself, with society, or with nature. The

conflict keeps the readers’ attention and interest in the story.

d. Dialogue

Recording dialogue between characters – or having the character talk to

himself or herself – brings the story alive for the reader.

4. The Features of Narrative Text

Every text has its own structure and the structure occurs in a text

variously. There are some parts to construct a narrative text.

a. Orientation

In this paragraph, the narrator tells the audience who is in the story, when it is

happening, and what is going on.

b. Complication

This is the part of the story where the narrator tells about simething that will

begin a chain of events. These events will affect one or more of the

characters. The complication is the trigger.

c. Sequence of events

this is where the narrator tells how the characters react to the compplication.

It includes their feelings and what they do. The events can be told in

chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashbacks. The

audience is given the narrator’s point of view.


d. Resolution

In this part of the narrative text, the complication is sorted out or the problem

is solved.

e. Coda

The narrator includes a code if there is a moral or message to be learned from

the story.40

5. The Grammatical Features of Narrative Text

Narratives usually include the following grammatical features: 41

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the characters and settings.

c. Verbs that show the actions that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occured.

6. The Types of Narrative Text

There are some common types of narrative text that are learned in

secondary schools and those are usually some popular ones:42

a. Real-life drama

b. Classic

c. Fantasy

d. Fairy tale

e. Adventure

f. Legend

g. Science fiction

40 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Selanor: Macmillan

Education, 1998), p. 4. 41 Ibid., p. 3.

42 Eka Mulya Astuti, English Zone Senior High School Students Year X, (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2010), p. 90.


h. Myth

i. Mystery

j. Fable.

D. Relevant Studies

There are some researchers that already have conducted the research about

the effectiveness of using jigsaw technique in improving students’ reading

comprehension. The study entitled The Effectiveness of Jigsaw in Teaching

Narrative Text at the eighth grade students of MTs Al-Furqan Singaparna

conducted by Ica Khairunnisa that aimed to find the empirical evidence of the

effectiveness of jigsaw technique in teaching reading narrative text. The study

also showed that there was a significant difference between the students in

experimental class and controlled class. The design of this study is experiment

method in the quantitative form and the researcher of this study took the sample

from 29 students of experimental class and 29 students of controlled class. Jigsaw

technique was implemented in experimental class while Grammar-Translation

Method was implemented in controlled class. The research finding of the

statistical procedure were 10.69 for the and 2.00 for the degree of significance,

signifying the relationship between and ttable . This result confirmed that there

was a significant difference towards the students that were taught by using Jigsaw


Another researchers from the Turkish Online Journal of Educational

Technology on October 2011 entitled “The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning

(JigsawTechnique) on The Reading Comprehension Skills in Turkish as A Foreign

Language” by Fatma Bolukbas, Funda Keskin, and Mustafa Polat from Istanbul

University Foreign Language Department. This research was carried out to

identify the efficiency and the effects of cooperative learning techniques on the

reading skills of the students who learn Turkish as a second language. This

research was conducted to the learners who study Turkish as a foreign language at

Istanbul University Language Center. This study enclosed 40 students, 20 students

were in experimental group and the rest were in the controlled group. The result


was, there was a significant difference between the mean scores of the

experimental and controlled groups and it was observed that the cooperative

learning method applied in experimental group has a higher effect on reading

comprehension skills when compared with the effects of traditional teaching

methods in controlled group.

The last relevant study is a research entitled “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw

Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension” conducted by Aisyah Noer

Muallam (2008), a student of English Education Department, the Faculty of

Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Jakarta also did a research under the title “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique

in Teaching Reading Comprehension”. The objective of the study was to know

whether there was any significant difference on students’ reading achievements in

reading comprehension competence with or without jigsaw technique. This study

enclosed 48 students of the first year MAN 02 Bekasi, 24 students were in

experimental class and the rest was in controlled class. The result showed that the

value of degree of significance, the result was 2.069 < 6.37 < 2.807. As was

higher than ttable so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null

hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It can be concluded that there was a significant

difference between the students that were taught by using Jigsaw technique and it

is also applicable to be used by the teachers in teaching reading.

The relevant studies above are used as a reference for the writer to conduct

the research. Yet, there are some differences found in the relevant studies such as

the object of the research, the method used, and the sample. Pre-test was given

before the treatment of jigsaw technique is being applied while post-test was

given after the treatment was given. The result of the post-test showed that

teaching reading by using jigsaw technique was effective as the score of post-test

was higher than pre-test.

E. Theoretical Thinking

Reading as a respective and basic skill in learning a language because

reading is useful for a language acquisition. Reading as an activity that is


dominated by the eyes and the brain which cooperatively work together. The eyes

receive the messages from a text and the brain interprets the significance of the

messages contained in a text. Reading is also seen as a complex skill as readers

should interact with the text and create it to a meaningful discourse.

However, reading skill can be practiced by reading a lot. To practice

reading, the sources can be obtained from textbooks, magazines, articles, journal,

newspaper, bulletins, and so on. There must be some texts that can be found in

those kinds of reading sources. The kinds of text are various, narrative text is one

kind of texts that is learned by senior high school students.

There is always a suitable method or technique to teach each English skill.

The method or technique is chosen based on the students’ needs and the

objectives as well. The method also can help both the teacher and the students to

reach the objectives. Jigsaw technique is one of the techniques that is included in

Cooperative learning method. Jigsaw technique is seen to be effective to provide

an opportunity for the students to work effectively and interpendently with diverse

backgrounds had by each student.

Jigsaw technique requires the students to have a more active role in the

learning process. Jigsaw technique is seen to be effective in learning reading

because each student has different chapters, lessons, materials, or texts given by

the teachers and they have responsibility to make their friends in their group to

comprehend it well. The grouping process in jigsaw technique is not simple

because there has to be two groups; home group and expert group to discuss the

material. Home group is where the students that get the same material gathered

and discuss it until it is finished. Then, if each student has already comprehended

it well they get together to the expert group with the different peers.

In this occasion, an interest towards the effectiveness of using jigsaw

technique as a technique used in teaching reading of narrative text comes up. The

writer assumed that the use of jigsaw technique can make the students to

participate actively in the teaching learning process. Jigsaw technique also

provides an opportunity to work in groups to have a discussion among peers. At


the end of the activity, jigsaw technique in the teaching learning process is

expected to be effective in teaching reading on narrative text.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis

If there is a difference in the main gains of the reading scores that taught

by jigsaw technique and for those who were taught without jigsaw technique. It

means that jigsaw technique is effective towards students’ reading comprehension

on narrative text and it is an alternative hypothesis (Ha).

If there is no significant difference in the main gains of students’ scores

who were taught by jigsaw technique and those who are taught without jigsaw

technique. It means that jigsaw technique is not effective towards students’

reading comprehension on narrative text and it is a null hypothesis (Ho).




A. Place and Time of the Study

This research was conducted on March 6th

2014 until March 22nd


The research took place in SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta that is located in AMD

Manunggal street V number 57, North Petukangan, South Jakarta.

B. Population and Sample

The population of this research was the whole students of eleventh grade

students of SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta. There are six classes that consist of four

social science classes and two of science classes. Purposeful sampling was used to

take the sample. McMillan stated that, “Purposeful sampling refers the selecting

particular elements from the population that will be representative or informative

about the topic of the interest.1 The classes chosen were XI Social 4 as the

experimental class and XI Social 3 as the controlled class. Each class consists of

40 students so the total of the sample was 80 students.

C. Method of the Research

In this research, a quasi-experimental method was employed. The method

of this research was a quasi-experimental research.

There were two different classes as the objects of the research and it was

taught by different methods. Jigsaw technique was used in the experimental class

while Grammar-Translation Method was used in the controlled class.

Before applying the treatment, the students in experimental and controlled

class were given a pre-test. It aimed to know if those two classes in experimental

and controlled class have the same knowledge. At the end of the research, a post-

test was taken by the students in two classes and the achievement of the students

1 James H. McMillan, Sally Schumacer, Research in Education Evidence Based Inquiry

5th Edition, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2006), p. 24.


was compared. The comparison used to find out which class that had higher score

from experimental and controlled class.

D. Instrument of the Research

Test was the instrument used in collecting the data. The test was used to

find out if there is an effectiveness of using jigsaw technique towards students’

reading ability on narrative text. The test was given in the beginning and in the

end of the treatments. The test consists of two narrative texts and 25 questions in

the multiple choice form. The indicators of the questions are to find out

informations, generic structures, word reference, meaning, and messages from the

narrative text.

E. Validity Internal Control

The instrument used in this research was a test. Before this instrument was

applied to the students as the sample of this research, this instrument was tested to

another students in the different school in the same grade. This step was needed to

see the validity of this instrument before it would be applied to the sample of


The instrument that was firstly used for both pre-test and post-test

consisted of 40 numbers in the form of multiple choice test. The test was being

tested to the eleventh grade of social science students of SMA Negeri 86 Jakarta

in the year of study 2013/2014. The instrument was given to the students in

different school with the sample of the research in the same grade. The aim of the

test was given to the students in different school was to find out the validity of

each question made.

The analysis of this instrument was done to see the validity using the

formula of item analysis in test. The validity could be seen from the result of

calculation in index of difficulty (ID) and discriminating power (DP) of each

answer of question.


Table 3.1

Index of Difficulty


VE = Very Easy > 0.80

ME = Moderately Easy 0.71 - 0.80

MeDi = Medium Difficult 0.51 - 0.70

MoDi = Moderately Difficult 0.31 - 0.50

VeDi = Very Difficult 0.00 - 0.30

Table 3.2

Discriminating Power


E = Excellent 1.0 - 0.40

G = Good 0.30 - 0.39

M = Mediocre 0.20 - 0.29

P = Poor 0.00 - 0.19

W= Worst < -0.01

After the the calculation of this test, there were only 16 numbers of

questions which were valid to be used as the pre-test and post-test of this research.

In order to make the questions easier to be calculated, 9 invalid questions were

revised. There are 25 questions eliminated from this test. So, the final pre-test and

post-test used in this research was a test that consisted of 25 numbers of multiple

choice about narrative text.

F. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer used experimental and controlled

class. The instruments that were used to collect the data are:

a. Pre-test

The writer gave pre-test to both class; experimental and controlled class. The

students were given some questions in the form of multiple choice based on the

English text provided. The students should read the text by themselves without

using any dictionary or discussing with friends. There will be 25 numbers of

multiple choice question.


b. Post-test

Post-test was used to find out if jigsaw technique is effective towards

students’ reading comprehension. The purpose of conducting the post-test is to

find out the result of students’ achievement after the students have been given the

treatment in the form of teaching. The question test of post-test used was same as

the question test used in pre-test which consists of 25 numbers of multiple choice


G. Technique of Data Analysis

The next step of the research were processing and analyzing the data.

The analysis was done to the scores between experimental and controlled class.

To find out the differences of students’ scores by using the different method, the

technique of data analysis that was used in this research is statistical analysis with

t-test, it is used to test the significance of the mean gained score of the

experimental group and the controlled group. The formula of T-test was expressed

as follows:2

M1 = Mean of Variable X

M2 = Mean of variable Y

SE = Standard Error

In order to get the calculation of T-test, there are several steps to be taken,

they are as follows:

1. Determining Mean of variable X, with formula:

2 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2006), p. 314.


2. Determining Mean of variable Y, with formula:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, with formula:


4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:


5. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X, with formula:

6. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y, with formula:

7. Determining Standard Error of different Mean of Variable X and Mean

of Variable Y, with formula:

8. Determining to with formula:

9. Determining Degrees of Freedom (df), with formula:


H. Hypothesis of the Research

The statistical hypothesis of this research could be seen as:

Ho : There is no significant progress in using jigsaw technique towards

students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.

Ha : There is a significant progress in using jigsaw technique towards

students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.

Ho : µ1 = µ2

Ha : µ1 ≠ µ2

And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null

hypothesis) is rejected. It means that the rates of mean score of the

experimental group are higher than the controlled group. Using jigsaw

technique in teaching reading narrative text is effective towards

students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.

2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (the null

hypothesis) is accepted. It means that the rates of the means score of the

experimental group are same as or lower than the controlled group. The

using of jigsaw technique in teaching reading narrative text is not

effective towards students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.




A. Research Finding

1. Description of the Data

The data shown in this part were collected from students’ score in pre-

test and post-test of both experimental class and controlled class. The data were

described into two tables. Table 4.1 showed the students’score and achievement in

experimental class and Table 4.2 showed the students’ score and achievement in

controlled class.

Table 4.1

Score of Experimental Class


(Students) Pre-test Post-test Gained score

1 88 64 -24

2 60 76 16

3 76 76 0

4 88 76 -12

5 72 96 24

6 68 72 4

7 72 80 8

8 60 64 4

9 52 88 36

10 56 68 12

11 52 64 12

12 72 64 -8

13 60 72 12

14 64 76 12

15 60 80 20

16 60 88 28

17 76 96 20

18 64 76 12

19 76 80 4

20 72 76 4


21 80 96 16

22 80 72 -8

23 64 72 8

24 56 84 28

25 80 76 -4

26 72 84 12

27 80 76 -4

28 64 72 8

29 64 84 20

30 80 84 4

31 68 80 12

32 72 84 12

33 60 64 4

34 52 76 24

35 56 80 24

36 56 80 24

37 52 76 24

38 64 84 20

39 52 64 12

40 64 88 24

∑ 2664 3108 444

(Mean) 66.6 77.7 11.1

The data showed the score in experimental class and from 40 students in

the class, the mean of pre-test gained was 66.6 and the mean of post-test was 77.7.

The mean of gained score was 11.1. The smallest score in the pre-test was 52 and

the highest score was 88. After the application of jigsaw technique as a treatment

given in teaching reading narrative text, the students took the post-test. The data

showed in post-test that the smallest score was 64 and the highest score was 96.

The score of controlled class can be seen in Table 4.2 below.


Table 4.2

Score of Controlled Class


(Students) Pre-test Post-test Gained score

1 72 76 4

2 76 88 12

3 80 80 0

4 88 84 -4

5 88 88 0

6 40 76 36

7 76 80 4

8 60 68 8

9 40 60 20

10 64 76 12

11 80 76 -4

12 56 68 12

13 64 68 4

14 40 64 24

15 80 72 -8

16 40 64 24

17 84 84 0

18 80 80 0

19 72 88 16

20 68 76 8

21 76 60 -16

22 76 72 -4

23 40 68 28

24 60 64 4

25 80 84 4

26 64 80 16

27 72 76 4

28 68 60 -8

29 68 76 8

30 56 72 16

31 84 72 -12

32 72 72 0

33 84 88 4

34 72 80 8

35 60 68 8


36 72 72 0

37 68 72 4

38 64 64 0

39 76 68 -8

40 76 80 4

∑ 2736 2964 228

(Mean) 68.4 74.1 5.7

The data showed the score in controlled class from 40 students in the class,

the mean of pre-test gained was 68.4 and the mean of post-test was 74.1. The

mean of gained score was 5.7. The smallest score in the pre-test was 40 and the

highest score was 88. After the application of Grammar Translation Method as a

as a treatment given in teaching reading narrative text, the students took the post-

test. The data showed in post-test that the smallest score was 60 and the highest

score was 88.

2. Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test

1. Normality of the Data

Before analyzing the hypothesis, the normality of the data should be

analyzed as well. This analysis was used to see whether the data got in the

research has been normally distributed or not. Lyllifors formula was used to test

the normality. In this formula, the data was transformed into the basic value. The

maximum dispute (T) got from the calculation must be in absolute value (+). The

result of normality could be seen by comparing the value of Tmax to Ttable.

The criteria of hypothesis is:

H1: T > Ttable

Ho: T < Ttable


a. Normality of Experimental Class

1. Normality of Pre-test


Ho: Data of X is normally distributed.

H1: Data of X is not normally distributed.

Criteria of the test :

In the sigificant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lillyfors shows:

T (0.05)(30) = 0.161 (Because n = 30 is not mentioned in the table of Lillyfors, the

writer used the closer value to n = 40 that is n = 30)

H1: T > 0.161

Ho: T < 0.161

The result showed that Tmax < Ttable (0.123 < 0.161).

Conclusion: In the significant degree of 0.05, Ho was accepted. It means that the

data was normally distributed.

2. Normality of Post-test

Hypothesis :

Ho : Data of X is normally distributed.

H1 : Data of X is not normally distributed.

Criteria of the test:

In the sigificant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lillyfors shows:

T (0.05)(30) = 0.161 (Because n = 30 is not mentioned in the table of Lillyfors, the

writer used the closer value to n = 40 that is n = 30)

H1: T > 0.161

Ho: T < 0.161

The result showed that Tmax < Ttable (0.098 < 0.161).

Conclusion: In the significant degree of 0.05, Ho is accepted. It means that the

data is normally distributed.


b. Normality of Controlled Class

1). Normality of Pre-test


Ho : Data of X is normally distributed.

H1 : Data of X is not normally distributed

Criteria of the test:

In the sigificant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lillyfors shows:

T (0.05)(30) = 0.161 (Because n = 30 is not mentioned in the table of Lillyfors, the

closer value to n = 40 that is n = 30)

H1: T > 0.161

Ho: T < 0.161

The result showed that Tmax < Ttable (0.107 < 0.161).

Conclusion: In the significant degree of 0.05, Ho is accepted. It means that the

data is normally distributed.

2). Normality of Post-test


Ho: Data of X is normally distributed.

H1: Data of X is not normally distributed

Criteria of the test:

In the sigificant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lillyfors shows:

T (0.05)(30) = 0.161 (Because n = 30 is not mentioned in the table of Lillyfors, the

closer value to n = 40 that is n = 30)

H1: T > 0.161

Ho: T < 0.161

The result showed that Tmax < Ttable (0.135 < 0.161).


Conclusion: In the significant degree of 0.05, Ho was accepted. It means that the

data was normally distributed.

2. Homogenity of the Data

Based on the calculation of normality, the result that all data in pre-test

and post-test of both experimental class and controlled class have been distributed

normally. The next step of the calculation was finding the homogenity of the data.

The purpose of this calculation was to see whether the data/sample in both classes

was homogenous or heterogenous.


Ho: The condition of experimental class is not different from controlled class.

H1: The sample of experimental class is different from controlled class.

The criteria of the test:

α = 0.05

Ho: Fα(n1-1, n2-2) < F < Fα(n1-1, n2-2)

H1: F > Fα(n1-1, n2-2)

The formula used could be seen as follows:


The calculation could be seen as follows:

n1-1 = 40-1 = 39

n2-1 = 40-1 = 39

F0.05(n1-1, n2-1) = (Ftable)

F0.05(n1-1, n2-1) = 1.84 (Ftable)


From the calculation, it could be seen that F < Fα(n1-1, n2-2) (0.29 < 1.84 ).

Based on the criteria, it could be concluded that Ho was accepted. It means that

the sample in experimental class and controlled class were homogenous.

B. Hypothesis Testing

In this part, the calculation of the data was used to test the hypothesis

whether there was significant different between students’ achievement in

experimental class which was given jigsaw technique and students’ achievement

in controlled class without using jigsaw technique. T-tes formula was used to

calculate the data. Two classes were compared, the experimental class was X

variable and the controlled class was Y variable. The formula of T-test was

expressed as follows:

The calculation can be seen as follows:

1. Determining Mean of variable X:

2. Determining Mean of variable Y:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:


4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:



5. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X:

6. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y:

7. Determining Standard Error of different Mean of Variable X and Mean of

Variable Y, with formula:

√ √

8. Determining to with formula:

9. Determining Degrees of Freedom (df), with formula:

The value of df 78 at the degrees of significance 5% or ttable is 1.991.


10. The Testing of Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of this research could be seen as:

Ho : There was no significant difference between students’ reading ability of

narrative text taught by using jigsaw technique and without using jigsaw


Ha : There was a significant difference between students’ reading ability of

narrative text taught by using jigsaw technique and without using jigsaw


And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is


2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (the null hypothesis) is


C. Interpretation

In the description of the data which was taken from 40 students of

experimental class and 40 students of controlled class. Table 4.1 showed the

description of the experimental class which had the mean of pre-test 66.6 before

the implementation of jigsaw technique that was given as a treatment. After the

students were given four-time treatments in experimental class using jigsaw

technique, the mean of post-test was 77.7 and the mean of gained score was 11.1.

The smallest score in the pre-test was 52 and the highest score was 88. The data

shown in post-test that the smallest score was 64 and the highest score was 96. It

could be summarized that the lowest and the highest scores in post-test were

higher than pre-test.

Meanwhile, from the description of score in controlled class which was

shown in Table 4.2, the mean of pre-test was 68.4. In controlled class, there was

no implementation of jigsaw technique used in teaching. After four-time

treatments without using jigsaw technique, the mean of post-test was 74.1 while

the mean of gained score was 5.7. The smallest score in the pre-test was 40 and


the highest score was 88. The data shown in post-test that the smallest score was

60 and the highest score was 88. The use of jigsaw technique could help students

to understand the material well due to an active participation with their friends in

groups. Students could also be involved in the teaching learning process by

discussing and delivering ideas towards the material learned. It could be seen that

after the treatment was implied in both experimental class and controlled class,

the result showed that the gained score of experimental class which jigsaw

technique was being applied was 11.1. Meanwhile the gained score of the

controlled class without jigsaw technique was 5.7. It was clearly seen that the

gained score in experimental class was higher than in controlled class.

Before testing the hypothesis, the steps that should be followed were

analyzing the normality and homogenity of the data. The purpose of analyzing the

normality was to to see whether the data got in the research has been normally

distributed or not. The result of normality could be seen by comparing the value

of Tmax to Ttable. Meanwhile, the purpose of analyzing the homogenity was to see

whether the data/sample in both experimental and controlled class were

homogenous or heterogenous. After analyzing the normality, the result showed

that both the data of pre-test and post-test in experimental class were distributed

normally. According to criteria of the test, it could be seen in the result that Tmax

(pre-test and post-test) < Ttable (0.1236 and 0.0986 < 0.161). Both the data of pre-

test and post-test in controlled class also showed that they were distributed

normally. According to criteria of the test, it could be seen in the result that Tmax

(pre-test and post-test) < Ttable (0.1076 and 0.1352 < 0.161). It means that all the

data in both pre-test and post-test of experimental and controlled class were

distributed normally. The next result from the calculation of homogenity, the

result showed that F < Fα(n1-1, n2-2) (0.29 < 1.84). Based on the criteria, it means

that the sample in experimental class and controlled class were homogenous.

The final calculation was testing the hypothesis. This was the main

calculation to answer the problem formulation of this research that whether there

was a significant different between students’ reading ability in experimental class

which was taught by jigsaw technique and in controlled class that was taught


without using jigsaw technique. T-test formula was used in the significance

degree (α) of 5%. The result showed that t-test (to) > t-table (tt) F < Fα(n1-1, n2-2)

(17.1 > 1.991). It means that t-test was higher in the value 15.10 than t-table. It

means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted that there was a significant

difference between students’ reading ability of narrative text taught by using

jigsaw technique and without using jigsaw technique.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results and the interpretation of the data, it could be

concluded that the result of T-test formula to test the hypothesis of the research

supported the effectiveness of using jigsaw technique towards students’ reading

ability on narrative text. The result showed that in significance degree of 5%, the

value of t-test (to) > t-table (tt) (17.1 > 1.991). It could be said that t-test was

higher in the value 15.10 than T-table. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

It means that the answer of research problem was proven that there was a

significant difference between students’ reading comprehension in experimental

class which was taught by jigsaw technique and in controlled class that was taught

without using jigsaw technique.

Based on the analysis results of the research, the conclusion drawn was

jigsaw technique was effective and applicable for teaching narrative text and other

kinds of text which are closest resemble genre at the eleventh grade students of 63

Senior High School towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

Jigsaw technique also could overcome students’ difficulties towards reading

comprehension on narrative text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusions, some suggestions can be proposed that

hopefully will be useful for students, teachers, schools, and other researchers.

1. For students

Students should be responsible for the discussion of the material given by

the teachers. In addition, students should participate more actively in groups.

When they are formed in groups, they should use their time wisely by discussing

the material well because each student has a responsibility to master the material.


2. For teachers

In applying jigsaw technnique, teachers should use time as efficiently as

possible because the teaching learning process by using jigsaw technique takes a

quite long time so teachers should be able to manage the time. Teacher also

should provide the material well because when the material provided is not really

interesting, students will not get interested in involving in jigsaw technique


The material can come from magazines, internet and books and it will

increase students’ interest as well. Teachers should be well-prepared before

coming to the classroom. It means that teachers need to know everything that

potentially happens in the classroom not only consciousness but also under

consciousness as jigsaw tehchnique is being applied.

3. For schools

The suggestion that may be useful and can be used as a consideration for

schools is schools should provide supporting facilities that can enable teachers to

teach well and effectively. The facilities can be a projector in the classroom and

good books or magazines as learning sources.

4. For other researchers

Researchers should practice what they have known and learned about the

knowledge in teaching. Researchers that want to conduct a research should also be

well-prepared and make an ambience of teaching learning process to be as good as




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Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI

Silabus Bahasa Inggris

Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan (KTSP)

Kelas/Semester: XI/1

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi


Indikator Materi Pokok Pengalaman


Penilaian Alokasi



Bahan/Alat Jenis Teks/



Contoh Teks




Memahami makna

dalam percakapan


interpersonal resmi

dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.



merespon makna dalam


transaksional (to get

things done) dan


(bersosialisasi) resmi

dan tak resmi secara

akurat, lancar, dan

berterima menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan

yang melibatkan tindak

tutur: menyatakan

perasaan terkejut

(surprise), peringatan,


saran, menyatakan



menyatakan perasaan

relief, pain, pleasure,

menyatakan perasaan

takut (scared),


ta pendapat,




Mengungkapkan makna


Bereaksi atau merespon

dengan benar terhadap

tindak tutur:

menyatakan perasaan

terkejut (surprise),



saran, menyatakan



menyatakan perasaan

relief, pain, pleasure,

menyatakan perasaan



meminta pendapat,



Melakukan berbagai

Menyatakan perasaan terkejut


mis. A: Could you tell me how big is the

blue whale?

B: Wow, that’s amazing

Peringatan (warning)

mis.Watch your step

Be careful

Meminta/Memberi saran

mis. A: What do you think…?

B: why don’t you…

Menyatakan permintaan (permission)

mis. A: Can I go to the movie?

B: No, you may not.

Menyatakan relief

mis. Oh, that’s relief. Thank

goodness for that

Menyatakan perasaan pain

mis. Ouch! It hurts me so much.

Ouch! Stop pinching me.

Menyatakan perasaan pleasure

mis. I’m very pleased with this room. Oh,

How marvelous.

Menyatakan perasaan takut


mis. I’m scared. You scare me



mis. A:What do you think of …

Is that right (true) that …

B: In my opinion, …..

I personally believe

Menyatakan kepuasaan

Mis I really like my new hair cut

I t was satisfactory

Menyatakan ketidakpuasaan

mis. The food was lousy

I am a little dissatisfied with the

service here





melalui tape

secara klasikal.


berbagai tindak

tutur yang

didengar melalui

tape secara





personal yang

dilakukan oleh



berbagai tindak

tutur yang

dilakukan oleh


Merespon suatu

situasi dengan

tindak tutur yang


Membaca dialog








2 x 45’

1 x 45’

2 x 45’








Buku Look

Ahead 2


Script teks

dari buku teks




Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI

makna dalam teks


transaksional resmi dan

percakapan berlanjut

(sustained) secara

akurat, lancar, dan

berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan

mengakses ilmu



Memahami dalam teks

dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get

things done) dan


(bersosialisasi) resmi

dan tak resmi dalam

ragam lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan

berterima yang

melibatkan tindak tutur:

menyatakan perasaan

terkejut (surprise),



saran, menyatakan



menyatakan perasaan

relief, pain, pleasure,

menyatakan perasaan

takut (scared),


meminta pendapat,




Merespon makna dalam

tindak tutur dalam

wacana lisan



menyatakan perasaan

terkejut (surprise),



saran, menyatakan



menyatakan perasaan

relief, pain, pleasure,

menyatakan perasaan

takut (scared),


meminta pendapat,

menyatakan kepuasaan/


Merespon wacana


Whales are sea-livings mammals. They


berbagai tindak



tindak tutur yang

sesuai untuk suatu


yang diberikan.

Melengkapi dialog

dengan tindak

tutur yang sesuai.


tindak tutur

dengan dengan

situasi yang tepat


model percakapan





pertanyaan tentang



dengan teman

Membaca contoh


saran melalui



tanggapan tentang

suatu isu


hotel service

Membuat dialog


sesuai dengan

situasi yang



dialog di depan



teks monolog











Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI

monolog lisan

berbentuk reports,

narrative, dan

analytical exposition

secara akurat, lancar,

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan

mengakses ilmu




makna dalam

monolog yang

berbentuk report,

narrative dan

analytical exposition

secara akurat, lancar,

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan

mengakses ilmu


teks monolog sederhana

menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam teks

berbentuk: report,

narrative, dan

analytical exposition

Mengungkapkan makna

dalam teks monolog

secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima yang

menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan yang


report,, narrative, dan

analytical exposition

monolog: reports,

narrative, dan

analytical exposition

Melakukan monolog

berbentuk : report,

narrative, dan

analytical exposition.



therefore breathe air but cannot survive

on land. Some species are very large

indeed and the blue whale, which can

exceed 30 meters in length, is the largest

animal to have lived on earth.

Superficially, the whale looks rather like

a fish, but there are important differences

in its external structure; its tail consists

of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles

(the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a

single nostril on top of its large, broad

head. The skin is smooth and shiny and

beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It

can be up to 30 meters in thickness and

serves heat and body fluids.

Why do the Sun and the Moon live in

the sky ?

( A Nigerian Folktale )

Here is the story. A long time ago,

when the world was new, the Sun

married the Moon and they lived as

happily as can be. They lived in a little

cottage near the Ocean.

You know what? One day, the Sun

and the Moon invited the Ocean to their

house for a visit. The Ocean liked it so

much. He wanted to stay in a little

cottage. The sun and the Moon liked the

Ocean and hoped the cottage would be

big enough for all three of them. So the Sun and the Moon invited the

Ocean to stay with them. What happened

then? Then came the Ocean with all his

friends; the whales, the fish, the

porpoises, the crabs and all the creatures

that live in the sea.

Oh my….. The water rose higher and

higher in the cottage. Soon, there was no

more room for the Sun and the Moon.

Oh, how poor they were. They rose up

into the sky where they have lived ever

since. Well, that’s the story.

Cars Should be Banned from Cities

dengan bantuan


Melengkapi teks




Menyusun gambar

berdasarkan cerita

yang didengar


kata penghubung

untuk monolog


Menyusun kalimat

berdasarkan cerita

yang didengar






pengamatan yang



pengamatan pada

suatu benda . mis.


Melakukan tanya



monolog report


organisasi teks




tentang teks

organisasi teks


Menganalisa teks

monolog narrative

Merespon sebuah



dengan teman


presentasi tentang


pengamatan atau

suatu isu.




Tugas proyek









Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI




Memahami makna teks


berbentuk report,

narrative dan

analytical exposition

secara akurat, lancar,

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan

mengakses ilmu


Memahami dan

merespon makna dalam

teks monolog/esei yang

menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara

akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam teks

berbentuk: report,

narrative dan analytical



makna dalam teks



retorika dalam

wacana: report,

narrative dan






Cars should be banned from the city.

As we all know, cars create pollution,

and cause a lot of road deaths and other

accidents. Firstly, cars, as well as we know,

contribute to most of the pollution in the

world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes

illness such as bronchitis, lung cancers

and “triggers” of asthma. Some of these

illnesses are so bad that people can die

from them.

Secondly, a city is very busy.

Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars

commonly hit pedestrians in the city,

which causes them to die. Today cars are

the biggest killers on roads.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you

live in the city, you may find it hard to

sleep at night, or concentrate on your

homework, and especially talk to


Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you

live in the city, you may find it hard to

sleep at night, or concentrate on your

homework, and especially talk to


The Solar System

The solar system consists of a star

(the sun), the planets and a number of

other bodies, such as satellites and

asteroids. The sun is the centre of the

solar system. The planets revolve around

it. There are nine planets in all. They are

: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Some planets have satellites. The Earth

has one satellite. It is called the Moon.

(Taken from: Reading and Thinking in

English, Oxford University Press)


I don’t expect you to believe the story I

am about to write. But in order to die

dengan teman

untuk membuat




pengamatan secara




suatu isu secara


Membaca teks

Melengkapi teks

report dengan

bentuk passive

yang tepat


relative verbs



Berdiskusi dengan

teman tentang teks

yang dibaca


topik paragraph

yang dibaca

Menemukan topik

yang tidak sesuai



Assesment (responding)



8 x 45’



Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI

peacefully, I must tell my story.

My wife and I loved pets. One of my

wife’s favorite pets was Pluto, the cat.

Pluto was a very clever black cat.

One day I came home very drunk. I

was in a very bad temper. For some

reasons, Pluto made me angry. In a rage I

seized the cat, took a small knife out of

my pocket and cut its throat and took one

of its eyes out ! Then I hanged the poor

creature until it was dead The next morning, I wake up and

remembered what I had done and I felt

sorry very much. I buried my memory in

the drink. One night my house was burning.

There was nothing left, but a strange

thing happened. I found out in my

bedroom wall the shape of a huge cat

with one eye and a rope around its neck.

I was terrified and could not forget such

a horrible sight.

I regretted and felt sorry for Pluto so

I bought another cat to take Pluto’s

place. This cat had a white patch on its


I soon began to dislike the cat

because it often stared at me with a

strange and hatred look. It terrified me

very much.

One day my wife and I went to the

cellar. I was getting drunk at that time.

The cat followed us. It got between my

feet and nearly made me trip down the

stairs. I was carrying an axe in my hand.

I was so angry that I raised my axe

wanting to kill the poor animal when my

wife prevented me from doing so. My

rage soon directed the axe at her. She fell

dead at my feet.

Then I dug a grave to hide her body

inside the cellar wall. I looked for the cat

because I decided to kill it too, but I

couldn’t find it anywhere.

The fourth day after the death of my

wife, the police came to my house

because of my neighbours’ suspicion.

The police searched the house and found

nothing. I was so glad that I said, “

Gentlemen, this is a well-built house.

Look at this wall.” I lifted a stick and

beat the wall in which I had buried my


As soon as I had done that, a voice

cried out from behind that wall. The

bagian teks

(kalimat utama,isi

dan penutup)


organisasi teks


teks dari berbagai

aspek (tujuan,

organisasi dan




nama/term untuk

tiap bagian teks


paragraph yang



Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI



makna dalam teks

monolog/esei tulis

berbentuk report,

narrative, dan

analytical exposition

secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan

mengakses ilmu


Mengungkapkan makna

dalam teks

monolog/esei yang

menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara

akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam teks

berbentuk: report,

narrative dan analytical


Menulis teks berbentuk

monolog/esei berbentuk

report, narrative dan

analytical exposition.





sound was like a crying child but was not


The police were suspicious and they

tore the wall down. The body of my wife

was visible and sitting in front of her

dead body was Pluto, the cat that had

caused me to be hanged for murdering

my wife!

The Importance of English Language

I personally think that English is the

world’s most important language. Why

do I say that?

Firstly, English is an international

language. It is spoken by many people all

over the world, either as a first or second


Secondly, English is also the key

which opens door to scientific and

technical knowledge, which is needed for

the economic and political development

of many countries in the world.

Thirdly, English is a top requirement

of those seeking for jobs. Applicants who

master either active or passive English

are more favorable than those who don’t.

From the facts above, it is obvious that

everybody needs to learn to greet the

global era. (adapted from: Student Book

for SMA, Balai Pustaka)

Jl. Cendrawasih 35


October 25, 2006

HRD Manager

Asahi Diamond Industrial

Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 12th floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kv 32

Jakarta 10220

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for the job as an

accountant, which you advertised

recently in “Kompas” newspaper.

I am 25 years old. I graduated from “

Banking and Accountancy Academy” in

Semarang. I took an English course for

active communication in Cambridge

English Course.

Since I graduated from the college, I

have worked for a multi finance

company in Semarang for 2 years and I

Menulis paragraf


sebuah teks



paragraf menjadi

teks utuh dan





ejaan , huruf besar,

tanda baca, dari

sebuah teks

Menulis teks




gambar yang


Meneruskan cerita

scear berkelompok

Menulis teks

report secara


Menulis cerita

secara individu

Menulis teks


exposition secara



Assesment (responding,

hasil tulisan)






Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI


Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks


Relating Verbs

Linking Verbs

Behavioral Verbs

Simple Present


Technical Terms

Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks


If clause


Relative Clauses


Participle and

Past Participle


Mengidentifikasi cirri-

ciri kebahasaan teks

analytical exposition









Linking Verbs








Memahami cara

berinteraksi di

Negara berbahasa

Inggris dan kelas (

Social Behavior,



Memahami cerita

Porquoi Tale

Memahami idiom


Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks


Relating Verbs

Linking Verbs

Behavioral Verbs

Simple Present


Technical Terms

Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks


If clause


Relative Clauses


Participle and

Past Participle


Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks

analytical exposition







Complex Sentence

Linking Verbs






Memahami cara

berinteraksi di

Negara berbahasa

Inggris dan kelas (

Social Behavior,

Classroom Behavior)

Memahami cerita

Porquoi Tale

Memahami idiom


(Proverbial Vakues)

am still working for it at this moment.

I am interested in working as an

accountant in your company as I want to

expand my experience and learn more in


I enclose a photograph of mine and a

complete curriculum vitae. I would be

very pleased to send any further details

you may require. I would be available for

an interview at any time.

Thank you very much for

your consideration and I look forward to

hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Virni Aprilia






























ciri-ciri kebahsaan

tiap teks



Mengubah bentuk





kalimat dengan



Menyusun adverbs

Membuat kalimat

berdasarkan kata

yang disediakan






Membaca suatu


Membaca teks


arti idiom

B.Inggris dan





Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI

(Proverbial Vakues)


Berinisiatif berlatih

dengan teman

Menjawab dan





presenntasi laporan

pengamatan dan


Membaca teks


Berlatih dengan


Bertanya pada Guru




Memakai kamus





koherensi teks dan



ungkapan gambits

Struktur Teks

Berinisiatif berlatih

dengan teman

Menjawab dan





presenntasi laporan

pengamatan dan


Membaca teks


Berlatih dengan


Bertanya pada Guru




Memakai kamus




koherensi teks dan



ungkapan gambits

Struktur Teks




dengan B.


Berinisiatif berlatih

dengan teman

Menjawab dan





presenntasi laporan

pengamatan dan


Membaca teks


Berlatih dengan


Bertanya pada Guru




Memakai kamus




koherensi teks dan



ungkapan gambits

Struktur Teks


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns: identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives: provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs: show the actions that occur in the story

Time words: connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

Yomngga and The Dragon

Yomngga was a beautiful girl. She lived with her grandmother.

Actually Yomngga had two sisters. But they lived in another village.

Yomngga was a kind girl. She always helped her grandmother in the

field. Every morning they went to the field and they always went back

home in the afternoon. Every day they took the same route. They did

not know that a dragon was always looking at them when they passed

by a big tree. It was the dragon's house.The dragon was not an

ordinary dragon. During the day he was a dragon, but in the evening

he changed into a handsome man. A witch had cursed him. The

dragon fell in love with Yomngga. However he did not know how to

express his feeling. He could only stay in the trees during the days. He

was afraid people people would kill him if he showed himself.

He wanted to visit Yomngga at night when he changed into a

human. The problem was he did not know where she lived. Finally he

could not stand it anymore. When he saw Yomngga was almost

passing by the big tree, the dragon got off from the tree and

approached Yomngga and her grandmother. Of course they were

shocked. They got more shocked when they saw the dragon was able

to talk like a human. "Don't be afraid. I will not hurt you. I just want to

know where you live." Yomngga was shacking. She did not know

what to do. And after she calmed down, she told the dragon about her

house. And it made the dragon happy. He then let them continue their


At night the dragon came to the Yomngga's house. He came as a

handsome man. At first, Yomngga was confused. But after the dragon

explained about the witch, she understood. The dragon continued to


come to Yomngga's house on the following nights. Soon they fell in

love and get married. Yomngga could understand that her husband

always changed into a dragon during the days. The grandmother

agreed with their marriage but she asked the dragon to keep on staying

in the house when he became a dragon. She did not want the villagers

to kill him. Yomngga kept her marriage as their big secret. She even

did not tell her two sisters. Later Yomngga got pregnant. Her two

sisters heard the news and they were very curious who her husband

was. So they came to Yomngga's house. When they saw the dragon,

they got very angry. And they got very angrier when they knew that

the dragon was Yomngga's husband. They did not care although the

dragon changed into a man at nights. They hated the dragon very

much. Therefore, they planned to kill him.

One day the two sisters visited the dragon. The dragon did not

know that they had prepared poisoned food. When the dragon ate the

food, he died instantly. The villagers saw the dead dragon. The two

sisters told the villagers about the dragon. And when the villagers

knew that the dragon was Yomngga's husband, they asked Yomngga

to leave the village. Yomngga was very sad. She lost her beloved

husband and she had to leave her grandmother in the village.

Yomngga left the village with a sampan. She rowed it along the small

river. Since then people named the river as Yomngga's river.

VI. Learning Method

Learning method: GTM

VII. Instruments


Power point slide




VIII. Teaching and Learning Process:

First meeting

Exploration (8’)

- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Teacher asks the students about narrative stories that they like and

retell briefly.

Elaboration (70’)

- Give stimulations to the students about narrative text.

- Discuss the material with the students.

- Give explanation about narrative text.

- Distribute handouts about narrative text.

- Ask the students to read.

- Explain the students about each sentence in a text.

- Ask the students to do the exercise about narrative text.

- Discuss the narrative text and the exercise with the students.

Evaluation (7’)

- Ask the students about difficulty in learning narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

- Give motivation to students who still do not understand about the

material: narrative text.

XI. Learning Source

Book: English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.



IX. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 12th


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Material

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complication, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places

in the story

Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the

characters and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

The Legend of Telaga Warna

Long long ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom

was ruled by a king named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and

wise king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn't got any

children. The queen often cried. That was why Prabu went to the

jungle. There he prayed to God every day, begging for a child.

A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a

princess was born. Prabu and Queen loved their beautiful daughter so

much. They gave whatever she wanted. It made Princess turn into a

very spoiled girl. One day, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday

party. Many people gathered in the palace. Then, Prabu took out a

necklace which was made from gold and jewel. "My beloved

daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace,"

said Prabu.

"I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess. Then she

threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and

jewels were spread out on the floor. Everybody couldn't say

anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do

that cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying. Every

woman felt sad and began crying, too. Then, everybody was crying.

Then, there was a miracle. Earth was crying.

Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of

water. Soon, the place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the

kingdom. Nowadays, people called the lake "Telaga Warna". It means

"Lake of Color". On a bright day, the lake is full of color. These colors

come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake.

But some people said that the colors are from the princess's necklace,

which spreads at the bottom of the lake.


VI. Learning Method

Learning method: GTM

VII. Instruments


Power point slide




VIII. Teaching and Learning Process:

Second meeting


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Relate the students’ knowledge to narrative text.


- Review the lesson about narrative text.

- Distribute reading text to the students.

- Ask the students to work in pairs.

- Rearrange the jumbled story into good and meaningful paragraph.

- Translate the text into Indonesian.

- Assess the students by giving them exercise based on the text.

- Discuss the narrative text together with the students.


- Ask the students about difficulty in learning narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

- Give motivation to students who still do not understand about the

material: narrative text.

IX. Learning Source

Book : English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.



X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 13th


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.

The example of narrative text

Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera,

lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father

had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his


mother. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his

mother, or sold it in the town. One day, when Malin Kundang was

sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a

small band of pirates. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang

defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin

Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed.

Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthy merchant, with

a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful

wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach. The villagers

reconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin Kundang

became a rich man and now he is here. His mother, in deepful sadnees

after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.

When the mother came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed

wife, his crews and his own gloriness, denied to meet that old, poor and

dirty woman. For three times she begged Malin Kundang and for three

times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old

woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!"

Then he ordered his crews to set sail.

Enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone

if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. In the

quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked

and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologized. He was thrown by

the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into


VI. Learning Method

Learning method: GTM

VII. Instruments


Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process:

Third meeting

Exploration (8’)

- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)


- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Teacher asks the students about narrative stories that they like and

retell briefly.

Elaboration (70’)

- Give stimulations to the students about narrative text.

- Discuss the material with the students.

- Give explanation about narrative text.

- Distribute handouts about narrative text.

- Ask the students to read and translate it into Indonesian.

- Ask the students to do the exercise about narrative text.

- Discuss the narrative text and the exercise with the students.

Evaluation (7’)

- Ask the students about difficulty in learning narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

- Give motivation to students who still do not understand about the

material: narrative text.

IX. Learning Source

Book : English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100


Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 20th


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Material

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complication, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places

in the story

Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the

characters and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

A Farmer and His Three Cats

There was a poor farmer in Madura. He lived with his wife and his

children. The farmer did not have his own rice field. He worked for his

neighbors' rice field. He only got small amount of money when harvest

came. The farmer really wanted to have his own rice field. However, he

did not have enough money to buy a piece of land. The farmer told his

wife that he wanted to go to Java. He wanted to work there and got a lot of

money. The farmer left his house with a little money. On the way of the

harbor, he met an old woman that bought three cats. "Please help me, Sir.

I'm so hungry and I have no money. Please buy my cats," said the old


The farmer was confused. He really wanted to help the woman, but

if he bought her cats, he would not bring any money. Finally, he decided to

buy the cats. The woman was very happy. She gave him a small cage so

the farmer could put the cats in it. Later the farmer was on the ship. At first

the cruise was good but suddenly there was a heavy storm. The ship could

not continue the cruise to Java. It harbored in Mice Island. People named it

Mice Island because there were so many mice lived in the island. The mice

attacked people's barn and ate their supplies. The people were hopeless.

They did not know how to combat the mice.

The farmer heard about the people's problem with the mice. He

remembered about his three cats. He wanted to help the people by giving

them his three cats. The people really welcomed the farmer's help. And

soon the farmer released his three cats. The cats had not eaten for a long

time, they were very hungry. When the cats saw the mice, they

immediately chased and ate the mice. Slowly the number of the mice


decreased. The people were very happy. They wanted to repay the farmer's

kindness. They all gave him a lot of money. The farmer was extremely

happy. He went back to his home in Madura. The farmer was not poor

anymore, he bought land and his own rice field. He lived happily with his


His neighbor was jealous with the farmer. He also wanted to have a

lot of money. He heard about the Mice island. So he collected many cats

and joined a ship. Finally he arrived in Mice Island. However, the name of

the island was not Mice Island anymore. Its name changed into Cat island.

The three cats that the farmer brought had bred. It made the island full of

cats. And so when he offered his cats to the people, they all were laughing

at him. "What? Are you kidding?! We have too many cats here. We don't

need your cats!"He was so embarrassed. Finally he went home to Madura

and brought his cats back to him.

VI. Learning Method

Learning method: GTM

VII. Instruments


Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process:

Fourth meeting


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and



- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Relate the students’ knowledge to narrative text.


- Review the lesson about narrative text.

- Distribute reading text to the students.

- Explain the text briefly.

- Explain each sentence in a text.

- Discuss the narrative text together with the students.

- Assess the students by giving the exercises based on the text.


- Ask the students about difficulty in learning narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have


- Give motivation to students who still do not understand about

the material: narrative text.

VII. Learning Source

Book : English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


VIII. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 22nd



English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

Yomngga and The Dragon

Yomngga was a beautiful girl. She lived with her grandmother.

Actually Yomngga had two sisters. But they lived in another village.

Yomngga was a kind girl. She always helped her grandmother in the

field. Every morning they went to the field and they always went back

home in the afternoon. Every day they took the same route. They did

not know that a dragon was always looking at them when they passed

by a big tree. It was the dragon's house.The dragon was not an

ordinary dragon. During the day he was a dragon, but in the evening

he changed into a handsome man. A witch had cursed him. The

dragon fell in love with Yomngga. However he did not know how to

express his feeling. He could only stay in the trees during the days. He

was afraid people people would kill him if he showed himself.

He wanted to visit Yomngga at night when he changed into a

human. The problem was he did not know where she lived. Finally he

could not stand it anymore. When he saw Yomngga was almost

passing by the big tree, the dragon got off from the tree and

approached Yomngga and her grandmother. Of course they were

shocked. They got more shocked when they saw the dragon was able

to talk like a human. "Don't be afraid. I will not hurt you. I just want to

know where you live." Yomngga was shacking. She did not know

what to do. And after she calmed down, she told the dragon about her

house. And it made the dragon happy. He then let them continue their


At night the dragon came to the Yomngga's house. He came as a

handsome man. At first, Yomngga was confused. But after the dragon

explained about the witch, she understood. The dragon continued to

come to Yomngga's house on the following nights. Soon they fell in

love and get married. Yomngga could understand that her husband

always changed into a dragon during the days. The grandmother

agreed with their marriage but she asked the dragon to keep on staying

in the house when he became a dragon. She did not want the villagers

to kill him. Yomngga kept her marriage as their big secret. She even

did not tell her two sisters. Later Yomngga got pregnant. Her two

sisters heard the news and they were very curious who her husband

was. So they came to Yomngga's house. When they saw the dragon,

they got very angry. And they got very angrier when they knew that

the dragon was Yomngga's husband. They did not care although the

dragon changed into a man at nights. They hated the dragon very

much. Therefore, they planned to kill him.


One day the two sisters visited the dragon. The dragon did not

know that they had prepared poisoned food. When the dragon ate the

food, he died instantly. The villagers saw the dead dragon. The two

sisters told the villagers about the dragon. And when the villagers

knew that the dragon was Yomngga's husband, they asked Yomngga

to leave the village. Yomngga was very sad. She lost her beloved

husband and she had to leave her grandmother in the village.

Yomngga left the village with a sampan. She rowed it along the small

river. Since then people named the river as Yomngga's river.

IV. Learning method

Learning method : Cooperative Learning – Jigsaw Technique

VII. Instruments


Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Delivering the characteristics of standard of competence and base

competence by referring to syllabus, lesson planning, and learning



- Giving stimulations to students about narrative text.

- Give explanation about narrative text.

- Ask the students to count (to place them in groups).


- Ask the students to gather in ‘home group’ then separate them to

‘expert group’.

- Provide time for small groups or full-class discussion of the Jigsaw


- Move among groups to facilitate the process.

- Assess the students by making a summary.

- Ask one group to present the narrative text.


- Facilitate students to do a reflection to get a learning experience.

- Give motivation to students who still not understand about the

material: narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

IX. Learning Source

Book : English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 7th


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns: identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives: provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs: show the actions that occur in the story

Time words: connect events, telling when they occured.

The example of narrative text

Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera,

lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father


had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his

mother. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his

mother, or sold it in the town. One day, when Malin Kundang was

sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a

small band of pirates. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang

defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin

Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed.

Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthy merchant, with

a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful

wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach. The villagers

reconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin Kundang

became a rich man and now he is here. His mother, in deepful sadnees

after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.

When the mother came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed

wife, his crews and his own gloriness, denied to meet that old, poor and

dirty woman. For three times she begged Malin Kundang and for three

times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old

woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!"

Then he ordered his crews to set sail.

Enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone

if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. In the

quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked

and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologized. He was thrown by

the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into


IV. Learning method

Learning method : Cooperative Learning – Jigsaw Technique

VII. Instruments



Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process

Second meeting


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Delivering the characteristics of standard of competence and base

competence by referring to syllabus, lesson planning, and learning



- Giving stimulations to students about narrative text.

- Discuss the material with students.

- Give explanation about narrative text.

- Ask the students to count from one to four, constantly until done (to

place them in groups).

- Organize the students to gather in ‘expert group’ (the same number

group they have already counted) and discuss the material they get;

each student gets one paragraph to discuss. In this stage, each student

needs to make sure that they have strong understanding towards the

material given.

- Reorganize them to get back to the ‘home group’ (that consists of

four different numbers) to share and explain each paragraph so that

each member gets the understanding of a text learned.


- Provide time for small groups or full-class discussion of the jigsaw


- Move among groups to facilitate the process.

- Assess the students by giving the exercises based on the text.


- Facilitate students to do a reflection to get a learning experience.

- Give motivation to students who still not understand about the

material: narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learnt.

IX. Learning Source

Book: English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 14th


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

A Farmer and His Three Cats

There was a poor farmer in Madura. He lived with his wife and his

children. The farmer did not have his own rice field. He worked for his

neighbors' rice field. He only got small amount of money when harvest

came. The farmer really wanted to have his own rice field. However, he did

not have enough money to buy a piece of land. The farmer told his wife that

he wanted to go to Java. He wanted to work there and got a lot of money.

The farmer left his house with a little money. On the way of the harbor, he

met an old woman that bought three cats. "Please help me, Sir. I'm so

hungry and I have no money. Please buy my cats," said the old woman.

The farmer was confused. He really wanted to help the woman, but if he

bought her cats, he would not bring any money. Finally, he decided to buy

the cats. The woman was very happy. She gave him a small cage so the

farmer could put the cats in it. Later the farmer was on the ship. At first the

cruise was good but suddenly there was a heavy storm. The ship could not

continue the cruise to Java. It harbored in Mice Island. People named it

Mice Island because there were so many mice lived in the island. The mice

attacked people's barn and ate their supplies. The people were hopeless.

They did not know how to combat the mice.

The farmer heard about the people's problem with the mice. He

remembered about his three cats. He wanted to help the people by giving

them his three cats. The people really welcomed the farmer's help. And soon

the farmer released his three cats. The cats had not eaten for a long time,

they were very hungry. When the cats saw the mice, they immediately

chased and ate the mice. Slowly the number of the mice decreased. The

people were very happy. They wanted to repay the farmer's kindness. They

all gave him a lot of money. The farmer was extremely happy. He went

back to his home in Madura. The farmer was not poor anymore, he bought

land and his own rice field. He lived happily with his family.

His neighbor was jealous with the farmer. He also wanted to have a lot of

money. He heard about the Mice island. So he collected many cats and

joined a ship. Finally he arrived in Mice Island. However, the name of the

island was not Mice Island anymore. Its name changed into Cat island. The

three cats that the farmer brought had bred. It made the island full of cats.

And so when he offered his cats to the people, they all were laughing at him.

"What? Are you kidding?! We have too many cats here. We don't need

your cats!" He was so embarrassed. Finally he went home to Madura and

brought his cats back to him.


IV. Learning method

Learning method: Cooperative Learning – Jigsaw Technique

VII. Instruments


Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process

Third meeting


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Delivering the characteristics of standard of competence and base

competence by referring to syllabus, lesson planning, and learning



- Review about narrative text.

- Ask some students to retell their favorite narrative text.

- Ask the students to count (to place them in groups).

- Ask the students to gather in ‘home group’ then separate them to

‘expert group’.

- Provide time for small groups or full-class discussion of the Jigsaw


- Move among groups to facilitate the process.


- Choose some groups to present the narrative text that has been


- Assess the students by giving the exercises based on the text.


- Facilitate students to do a reflection to get a learning experience.

- Give motivation to students who still not understand about the

material: narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

IX. Learning Source

Book: English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10

Maximum score = 100

Student’s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 21st 2013

English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)


Lesson Planning (RPP)

School Name : SMA Negeri 63 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Social / 1

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

Skill : Reading

Learning Topic : Narrative Text

Standard of Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue

text/essay in the form of report, narrative,

analytical exposition text accurately,

fluently, and comprehensively in the daily

context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence :Understanding and responding meaning of

monologue text/essay that uses various

written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report,

narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


I. Indicators

1. To identify the specific information in narrative text.

2. To identify the detailed information in narrative text.

3. To identify the generic structures and the language features of

narrative text.

4. To identify the moral value of narrative text.

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the specific information in narrative


2. Students are able to identify detailed information in narrative text.


3. Students are able to identify the generic structures and the language

features of narrative text.

4. Students are able to identify the moral value of narrative text.

III. Learning Materials

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that tells a story and entertains the


The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse

readers or listeners about the story.

b. Generic Structure in Narrative Text

Orientation, it contains plot and characters. It also describes

the scene and introduces the participants of the story.

Complications, it is the crisis of the story. It begins when

there is a problem encountered by the characters.

Resolution, it is where the crisis is reseolved, for better or

for worse or it can be said when the participants find the


Coda, it contains the lesson or the moral value from the


c. Language Features of Narrative Text

Nouns : identify the specific characters and places in the


Adjectives : provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings

Verbs : show the actions that occur in the story

Time words : connect events, telling when they occured.


The example of narrative text

Jack and The Beanstalk

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow and her son Jack. One

day, Jack‟s mother told him to sell their only cow. Jack went to the

market and on the way he met a man who wanted to buy his cow. Jack

asked, “What will you give me in return for my cow?” The man

answered, “I will give you five magic beans!” Jack took the magic

beans and gave the man the cow. But when he reached home, Jack‟s

mother was very angry. She said, “You fool! He took away your cow

and gave you some beans!” She threw the beans out of the window.

Jack was very sad and went to sleep without dinner. The next day, when

Jack woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he saw that

a huge beanstalk had grown from his magic beans! He climbed up the

beanstalk and reached a kingdom in the sky. There lived a giant and his

wife. Jack went inside the house and found the giant‟s wife in the

kitchen. Jack said, “Could you please give me something to eat? I am so

hungry!” The kind wife gave him bread and some milk.

While he was eating, the giant came home. The giant was very big

and looked very fearsome. Jack was terrified and went and hid inside.

The giant cried, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be

he alive, or be he dead, I‟ll grind his bones to make my bread!” The

wife said, “There is no boy in here!” So, the giant ate his food and then

went to his room. He took out his sacks of gold coins, counted them and

kept them aside. Then he went to sleep. In the night, Jack crept out of

his hiding place, took one sack of gold coins and climbed down the

beanstalk. At home, he gave the coins to his mother. His mother was

very happy and they lived well for sometime.

Jack climbed the beanstalk and went to the giant‟s house again.

Once again, Jack asked the giant‟s wife for food, but while he was

eating the giant returned. Jack leapt up in fright and went and hid under

the bed. The giant cried, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an

Englishman. Be he alive, or be he dead, I‟ll grind his bones to make my

bread!” The wife said, “There is no boy in here!” The giant ate his food

and went to his room. There, he took out a hen. He shouted, “Lay!” and

the hen laid a golden egg. When the giant fell asleep, Jack took the hen

and climbed down the beanstalk. Jack‟s mother was very happy with

him. After some days, Jack once again climbed the beanstalk and went

to the giant‟s castle.

For the third time, Jack met the giant‟s wife and asked for some

food. Once again, the giant‟s wife gave him bread and milk. But while

Jack was eating, the giant came home. “Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood

of an Englishman. Be he alive, or be he dead, I‟ll grind his bones to

make my bread!” cried the giant. “Don‟t be silly! There is no boy in


here!” said his wife. The giant had a magical harp that could play

beautiful songs. While the giant slept, Jack took the harp and was about

to leave. Suddenly, the magic harp cried, “Help master! A boy is

stealing me!” The giant woke up and saw Jack with the harp. Furious,

he ran after Jack. But Jack was too fast for him. He ran down the

beanstalk and reached home. The giant followed him down. Jack

quickly ran inside his house and fetched an axe. He began to chop the

beanstalk. The giant fell and died. Jack and his mother were now very

rich and they lived happily ever after.

IV. Learning method

Learning method: Cooperative Learning – Jigsaw Technique

VII. Instruments


Power point slide



VIII. Teaching and Learning Process

Fourth meeting


- Greeting (values: well-mannered, polite, and regards)

- Checking students attendance list (values: discipline and diligent)

- Relating learning material/competency with characters.

- Delivering the characteristics of standard of competence and base

competence by referring to syllabus, lesson planning, and learning




- Review the lesson about narrative text.

- Show the students some pictures about narrative story and ask them

to retell it briefly.

- Ask the students to count (to place them in groups).

- Ask the students to gather in „home group‟ then separate them to

„expert group‟.

- Provide time for small groups or full-class discussion of the Jigsaw


- Move among groups to facilitate the process.

- Choose some groups to present the narrative text that has been


- Assess the students by giving the exercises based on the text.


- Facilitate students to do a reflection to get a learning experience.

- Give motivation to students who still do not understand about the

material: narrative text.

- Teacher and students do a reflection from what they have learned.

IX. Learning Source

Book : English Assessment Test, Eudia Grace and Th. M.

Sudarwati, Erlangga, 2012.


X. Scoring

Technique : written assessment

Form : exercise, question and answer

Correct answer is scored 10


Maximum score = 100

Student‟s score = amount of correct answer x 10

Jakarta, November 22nd


English Teacher Researcher

Windawati, S.Pd Annisa Ulfah

(NIP 19740224 200801 2 018) (NIM 109014000138)



Standard Competence: Understanding the meaning of monologue text/essay in

the form of report, narrative, analytical exposition text accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the daily context and to access the knowledge.

Base Competence: Understanding and responding meaning of monologue

text/essay that uses various written language accurately, fluently, and

comprehensively in the form of report, narrative, spoof, and analytical exposition


No Skill Text Theme Indicator Number & Form

of Question



1 Reading Narrative Folktale a. Identifying the

main topic

16 1

Fable b. Identifying

rhetorical steps

in narrative text

1, 20 2

c. Identifying


information in a

narrative text

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

10, 11, 13, 14,

18, 19, 24


d. Identifying the

referral of word

12, 23 2

Fable e. Identifying the

moral value in

narrative text

15, 25 2

f. Determining the 2, 17 2


type of the text

g. Identifying

main idea

9, 21, 22 3

Total 25


Name :

Class :

Read two following texts carefully then choose the best answer for each question!

Text for question number 1 – 15

Lutung Kasarung

A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom, the king was Prabu

Tapa Agung. He had two daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. Prabu Tapa

Agung planned to retire as a king because he had been very old. He wanted

Purbasari to replace him as the leader of the kingdom. Hearing this, Purbararang

was angry. "You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father. I'm older than she is. It's

supposed to be me, not her!" said Purbararang. But the king still chose Purbasari

to be the next queen. Purbararang then set a bad plan with her fiance, Indrajaya.

Together they went to a witch and asked her to put a spell on Purbasari. Later,

Purbasari had bad skin. There were black dots all over her body. "You are not as

beautiful as I am. You cannot be the queen. Instead, you have to leave this palace

and stay in a jungle," said Purbararang.

Purbasari was very sad. Now she had to stay in the jungle. Everyday, she

spent her time playing with some animals there. There was a monkey that always

tried to cheer her up. It was not just an ordinary monkey, he had a magical power.

The monkey also could talk with humans. The monkey's name was Lutung

Kasarung. He was actually a god, his name was Sanghyang Gurumina. Lutung

Kasarung planned to help Purbasari. He made a small lake and asked her to take a

bath there. Amazingly, her bad skin was cured. Now she got her beautiful skin


After that, she asked Lutung Kasarung to accompany her to go back to the

palace. Purbararang was very shocked when she saw Purbasari was in good

condition and looked beautiful. She knew she had to come up with another bad

idea. She then said, "Those who have longer hair will be the queen." The king

then measured his daughters' hair. Purbasari had longer hair. But Purbararang did

not give up. "A queen must have a handsome husband. If my fiance is more

handsome than yours, then I will be the queen," said Purbararang

Purbasari was sad. She knew Purbararang's fiance, Indrajaya, was

handsome. And she did not have a fiance yet. "Here is my fiancé, Indrajaya.

Where is yours?" asked Purbararang. Lutung Kasarung came forward.

Purbararang was laughing very hard. "Your fiance is a monkey, ha ha ha." Lutung

Kasarung then sat on the ground. He was meditating and praying to God. Then

amazingly, he changed into a very handsome man. Initially, Lutung Kasarung


was a handsome man who was punished by God and became a monkey. After

some years that day he got clemency from God and he became human being. He

was even more handsome than Indrajaya. Purbararang was very

surprised. Purbasari then became the queen. She forgave Purbararang and her

fiance and let them stay in the palace.

Taken from:

1. What is the main topic of the text?

a. Purbararang and Purbasari

b. Purbasari and King Prabu Tapa Agung

c. Purbasari and Lutung Kasarung

d. King Prabu Tapa Agung and his daughters

2. What is the type of the text?

a. Myth

b. Fable

c. Legend

d. Folklore

3. Who is Purbararang?

a. Purbasari’s sister

b. Purbasari’s aunt

c. Purbasari’s step mother

d. Prabu Tapa Agung’s wife

4. What did Purbararang do to prevent Purbasari to become a queen?

a. She tried to kill Purbasari

b. She sent Purbasari to a cave

c. She isolated Purbasari

d. She put evil spells on Purbasari

5. Why did Purbararang ask Purbasari to leave the palace? Because...

a. Purbasari was a betrayer

b. Purbararang hated Purbasari

c. Purbasari was more beautiful than her

d. Purbasari wanted to cherish the king

6. From the text above, what characteristics did Purbasari have?

a. Patient and vicious c. Kind and patient

b. Mean and envious d. Arrogant and forgiving

7. What kind of spell did Purbasari get?

a. Purbasari changed into a monkey

b. Purbasari had a severe skin disease

c. Purbasari turned out to be a stone

d. Purbasari got itchy in her whole body

8. What was the third requirement Purbararang gave to Purbasari to become

a queen?


a. A queen must have a long hair

b. A queen must have a handsome husband

c. A queen must be beautiful

d. A queen must be kind

9. What is the main idea of the paragraph four?

a. Purbararang showed her handsome fiance

b. Purbararang realized her mistakes to Purbasari

c. Lutung Kasarung changed into a very handsome man

d. Purbasari’s astonishment at Lutung Kasarung

10. Which of these following statements is incorrect based on the text?

a. Purbararang always got jealous of Purbasari

b. King Prabu Tapa Agung chose Purbararang to be a queen

c. Lutung Kasarung helped Purbasari to cure her skin disease

d. Purbasari had a longer hair than Purbararang’s

11. How many requirement(s) did Purbararang give to Purbasari to be a


a. Three

b. Four

c. Two

d. Five

12. “... and asked her to put a spell on Purbasari.” (paragraph 1, line 7). What

does the underlined word refer to?

a. Purbararang c. A witch

b. Purbasari d. Indrajaya

13. How did Purbasari recover from her severe skin disease?

a. Lutung Kasarung took Purbasari to a traditional healer

b. Lutung Kasarung made a medicine for Purbasari

c. Purbasari took a shower in a magical lake

d. Purbasari prayed to God

14. Which statement is true about Lutung Kasarung?

a. Lutung Kasarung always delighted Purbararang

b. Lutung Kasarung lived in a cave near by the jungle

c. Lutung Kasarung was a god named Sanghyang Gurumina

d. Lutung Kasarung was Purbararang’s fiance

15. What is the moral value from this story?

a. Don’t be stingy because we need another people

b. Never judge a person by their appearance

c. Don’t be envious of another person’s happiness

d. Never look back to the past and regret it


Text for questions number 15 – 25

A Mousedeer and The Crocodiles

Mousedeer is the small but clever animal, he had many enemies in the

forest. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, so that every time his life was threatened,

he managed to escape. Once upon a time, there was a mousedeer that got starved

and thirsty, he was walking to find food. He was a smart mousedeer. He lived near

a river. The mousedeer used to go to the river to drink. So, he decided to go to the

river but he exactly knew that there were so many crocodiles in the river. During

the road heading to the river, he kept thinking about his ideas on how to put a trick

on the crocodiles.

One day, the mousedeer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the river but he

knew that crocodiles were staying and waiting underwater to eat him. He thought

hard and got bright idea. He said out loudly. “I will put in my leg and find out

whether the water is warm or not” Of course the mousedeer did not do what he

said. He did not put his leg but the mousedeer took a wood stick and put one end

into the water. Blurrr…! Surely a crocodile grabbed the wood stick and pulled it

underwater. Seeing that, the mousedeer laughed and said "Stupid crocodile! Can't

you see the difference between a wood stick and a leg?” Then the mousedeer ran

to another side of the river and drink some water.

On the following day, the mousedeer was hungry. He wanted to eat some

grass on the side of the river so he had to to cross the dangerous river which was

full of crocodiles. Again he thought hard and found another smart idea and said

loudly “Crocodiles come up!” then some crocodiles rose from the water. They

looked happy and showed their sharp teeth and said “Hello, Mousedeer. Do you

come to be my lunch? We are hungry” The mousedeer just smiled and replied.

“Sorry, Crocodiles, not today, I come to you to bring an invitation from the king.

You are invited to the party. The king ordered me to count all crocodiles in this

river so he knew how to prepare enough meal for you.”

All the crocodiles felt happy and said “Really…? Tell us what to do,” said

a crocodile. “You have to line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said

the mousedeer. Not long after that the crocodile got all his friends and family. He

ordered to lined up across the river. The mo

use deer then jumped on the Crocodile’s back. “One,” the mouse deer counted. He

jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And he jumped again on the next

crocodile, “Three.” he kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river.

“Just enough,” said the mouse deer. "I have counted all of you" He laughed and

ran to the field of grass.


Taken from

16. What is the text about? It is about...

a. A mousedeer and the farmer

b. The crocodiles in the river

c. A mousedeer and the crocodiles

d. The crocodiles and the wood stick

17. What is the type of the text?

a. Fable

b. Legend

c. Short story

d. Ballad

18. Why did the mousedeer go to the river?

a. He wanted to trap the crocodiles

b. He wanted to count the crocodiles

c. He wanted to look for some meal

d. He would give the king’s invitation

19. What did a mousedeer put in the water to find out if there were some

crocodiles underwater?

a. His tail c. A wood stick

b. His leg d. A stick

20. What does paragraph 1 tell about?

a. It tells a reorientation

b. It tells an abstract

c. It tells a general classification

d. It tells an orientation

21. What is the main information of paragraph two?

a. The crocodiles did not scare the mousedeer at all

b. The mousedeer was thirsty and wanted to drink in the river

c. The mousedeer’s trick on putting a wood stick instead of his leg to the


d. The mousedeer explained the difference between a leg and a wood


22. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

a. The mousedeer was hungry

b. The crocodiles wanted to make the mousedeer to be their lunch

c. Another mousedeer’s smart idea to fool the crocodiles

d. The mousedeer invited the crocodiles to his party

23. “ he knew how to prepare enough meal for you.” (paragraph 3, line

8). What does the underlined word refer to?

a. The mousedeer

b. The crocodile

c. The king

d. The wood stick


24. These following statements based on the text are true, except... a. The mousedeer put a wood stick to the water b. The mousedeer crossed the river by jumping on the crocodiles’ back c. The king invited the crocodiles to a party d. The mousedeer had many enemies in the forest

25. What can we learn from the story?

a. Arrogance will lead us to a bad effect

b. A physical strength can be defeated by an intelligence

c. We have to help each other in need

d. We must not feel to be higher than another creatures



1. C

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. C

14. C

15. C

16. C

17. A

18. C

19. C

20. D

21. C

22. C

23. C

24. C

25. B



A B C D ID DP1 UP 11 ORANGE COLOUR = The Correct Answer

LG 2 11 VE = Very Easy> 0.80

2 UP 11 ME = Moderately Easy0.71 - 0.80

LG 1 10 MeDi = Medium Difficult0.51 - 0.70

3 UP 4 7 MoDi = Moderately Difficult0.31 - 0.50

LG 10 1 VeDi = Very Difficult0.00 - 0.30

4 UP 11

LG 11 E = Excellent 1.0 - 0.40

5 UP 8 3 G = Good 0.30 - 0.39

LG 6 3 2 M = Mediocre0.20 - 0.29

6 UP 11 P = Poor 0.00 - 0.19

LG 11 W= Worst < -0.01

7 UP 7 4

LG 1 10

8 UP 11

LG 1 2 3 7

9 UP 11

LG 1 10

10 UP 1 10

LG 3 5 3

11 UP 11

LG 6 5

12 UP 11

LG 11

13 UP 2 9

LG 4 7

14 UP 1 10

LG 8 3

15 UP 11

LG 2 4 5

16 UP 9 3 2

LG 1 10

17 UP 11

LG 9 2

18 UP 1 10

LG 1 4 6

19 UP 11

LG 9 2

20 UP 11

LG 1 5 5

21 UP 4 7

LG 8 1 2

22 UP 5 6

LG 4 7

23 UP 1 10

LG 3 8

24 UP 11

LG 7 4

25 UP 4 7

LG 6 1 2 2

26 UP 3 2 6

LG 1 3 7

27 UP 1 10

LG 1 5 5

28 UP 1 10

LG 1 8 2

29 UP 1 10

LG 2 8 1

30 UP 9 2

LG 8 3

31 UP 1 10

LG 3 8

32 UP 11

LG 10 1

33 UP 3 6 2

LG 3 5 3

34 UP 2 1 8

LG 5 6

35 UP 8 3

LG 6 4 1

36 UP 11

LG 8 3

37 UP 11

LG 9 2

38 UP 4 7

LG 2 2 7

39 UP 1 10

LG 3 2 6

UP 8 3

LG 2 6 3











0.18 VE P


MeDi E



0.18 P





























0.63 0.18 ME








MeDi W





0.81 0.36



VE P0.18





0.9 0.18










MoDi E

0 VE

1 0 VE P


VE W-0.09




















VE0.54 E


0.360.81 VE G

0.95 0.09 VE P




















0.36 0.54



0.63 0.18

















MoDi E














OptionKey DPNO Group ID


Table 4.3

Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Experimental Class

No. X f fX fX2 p = f/n

∑p z = (Xi- )/s ф T= ф -


1 52 5 260 13520 0.125 0.125 -1.433 0.0764 0.0486

2 56 4 224 12544 0.1 0.225 -1.056 0.1469 0.0781

3 60 6 360 21600 0.15 0.375 -1.679 0.2514 0.1236

4 64 6 384 24576 0.15 0.525 -0.301 0.6179 0.0929

5 68 2 136 9248 0.05 0.575 -0.075 0.5279 0.0471

6 72 6 432 31104 0.15 0.725 -0.452 0.6736 0.0514

7 76 3 228 17328 0.075 0.8 0.830 0.7967 0.0033

8 80 5 400 32000 0.125 0.925 1.207 0.8980 0.027

9 88 3 264 23232 0.075 1 1.962 0.9750 0.025

Total ∑X

= ∑f



∑fX =


∑fX2 =






= 4628.8 – [67.2]2

= 4628.8 – 4515.84

= 112.94

s = √

s = 10.6

s2 = 112.94

= 67.2

Tmax = 0.1236

Ttable = 0.161


Table 4.4

Calculation of Post-test Normality in Experimental Class

No. X f fX fX2 p = f/n ∑p z = (Xi- )/s ф T= ф - ∑p

1 64 5 320 20480 0.125 0.125 -1.501 0.0668 0.0582

2 68 3 204 13872 0.075 0.2 -1.086 0.1401 0.0651

3 72 6 432 31104 0.15 0.35 -0.672 0.2514 0.0986

4 76 7 532 40432 0.175 0.525 -0.258 0.5987 0.0737

5 80 5 400 32000 0.125 0.65 0.1552 0.5596 0.0904

6 84 5 420 35280 0.125 0.775 0.569 0.7123 0.0627

7 88 4 352 30976 0.1 0.875 0.983 0.8365 0.0385

8 96 5 480 46080 0.125 1 1.811 0.9656 0.0344

Total ∑X



∑f =


∑fX =


∑fX2 =






= 6255.6 – [78.5]2

= 6255.6 – 6162.25 = 93.35

s = √ 9.66

s = 9.66

s2 = 93.35

= 78.5

Tmax = 0.0986

Ttable = 0.161


Table 4.5

Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Controlled Class

No. Y f fY fY2 p = f/n ∑p z = (Yi- )/s ф T= ф - ∑p

1 40 5 200 8000 0.125 0.125 -2.113 0.0174 0.1076

2 56 2 112 6272 0.05 0.05 -0.925 0.1788 0.0038

3 60 3 180 10800 0.075 0.075 -0.626 0.2676 0.0176

4 64 4 256 16384 0.1 0.1 -0.328 0.3745 0.0245

5 68 4 272 18496 0.1 0.1 -0.029 0.4920 0.042

6 72 6 432 31104 0.15 0.15 0.268 0.6028 0.0028

7 76 6 456 34656 0.15 0.15 0.567 0.7123 0.0377

8 80 5 400 32000 0.125 0.125 0.865 0.8051 0.0699

9 84 3 252 21168 0.075 0.075 1.164 0.8770 0.073

10 88 2 176 15488 0.05 0.05 1.462 0.9279 0.0721





= 4859.2 – [68.4]2

= 4859.2 – 4678.56 = 180.64

s = √ 13.44

s = 13.44

s2 = 180.64

= 68.4

Tmax = 0.1076

Ttable = 0.161


Table 4.6

Calculation of Post-test Normality in Controlled Class

No Y f fY fY2 p = f/n ∑p z = (Yi- )/s ф T= ф - ∑p

1 60 3 224 10800 0.075 0.075 -0.599 0.2912 0.0216

2 64 4 240 16384 0.1 0.175 -0.333 0.3707 0.019

3 68 6 128 27744 0.15 0.325 -0.107 0.4602 0.1352

4 72 7 204 36288 0.175 0.5 0.118 0.5438 0.0438

5 76 7 216 40432 0.175 0.675 0.334 0.6331 0.0419

6 80 5 532 32000 0.125 0.8 0.570 0.7157 0.0843

7 84 3 720 21168 0.075 0.875 0.796 0.7852 0.0898

8 88 3 672 23232 0.075 0.95 1.019 0.8438 0.106



















= 5201.2 – [69.9]2

= 5201.2 – 4886.01 = 315.19

s = √

s = 17.75

s2 = 315.19

= 69.9

Tmax = 0.1352

Ttable = 0.161

top related