The CPHS Environmental Studies Project€¦  · Web view05.12.2018 · look around you and say the names of the people to yourself as they come into view. Grooming. good grooming

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Succeeding on the Job Assignment# 1 Adjusting to the Workplace

First impressions are important since you will be under constant scrutiny. You need to do the following to make a good impression:

Have a Positive Attitude: attitude is the beliefs and feelings that cause a person to behave in a certain way display a positive attitude to show that you want to be at your workplace

Willingness to Learn: a willingness to learn involves accepting responsibility and performing duties with

enthusiasm be open to new ideas and tasks, even if they are not what you expected

Friendliness: try to avoid extreme shyness or aloofness, as well as excessive enthusiasm and non-stop

chatter when you first meet someone…

o shake hands firmlyo look the person in the eyeo smileo say a polite “Pleased to meet you” or a simple “Hello”o try to remember the person’s name and use it in conversation

Remembering Names: make a real effort to remember people’s names, especially those that people that you will

need to help you when trying to remember someone’s name…

o be interested in every person you meeto listen carefully and concentrate on what the person is sayingo repeat the person’s name to yourself at least 3 times – if not moreo when you get a chance, write down the names of the people you have meto associate a picture, phrase, or character with the name of each persono look around you and say the names of the people to yourself as they come into


Grooming good grooming communicates a positive image to others dress appropriately for work and be clean and neat observe how most of your co-workers dress for work select a positive role model among your co-workers, and use that person as your guide

# 2 Attributes for Success

The following are those personal attributes for entry-level employment:

attitude to work dependability ability to motivate self personal initiative self-esteem

basic skills work with others interpersonal communication skills integrity

Every job requires certain knowledge and skills in order to complete tasks and be a competent worker. The following are some suggestions:

1. decision-making skills 2. ability to adjust to change 3. problem-solving skills 4. commitment to employer 5. understanding of own capabilities 6. appearance, dress, and hygiene 7. interest in self-improvement 8. free from addictions 9. quality oriented 10. job-specific skills 11. promoting personal strengths 12. understanding of the world of work 13. time-management skills 14. realistic career goals 15. writing skills 16. willingness to start at the bottom 17. making use of training opportunities 18. job interview skills

19. identifying potential job opportunities

20. independence 21. assertiveness skills 22. skills for dealing with negative

attitudes 23. perseverance regarding career goals 24. job search documentation 25. employment/volunteer experience 26. having job-search strategies 27. work and lifestyle balance 28. stress-management skills 29. optimism about future 30. establishing personal support

systems 31. follow-up on job application 32. money-management skills 33. performance on hiring tests

By observing others, listening to instructions, and asking questions you will acquire the knowledge you need to succeed at work. To be sure that you complete tasks correctly, you must listen carefully to all instructions and make notes if needed. If you don’t know how to do something then ask questions – it’s better to ask for clarification than to apologize later for not doing the task right initially.

Workplace Materials there are materials, such as tools, equipment, décor, supplies, raw materials, products,

protective clothing, etc., that are important in the workplace be sure to find out what they are and what their role is in your workplace

Workplace Language

refers to specialized words and phrases, technical jargon, abbreviations, codes and forms, as well as names, nicknames, slang, clichés, tones of voice, gestures, and modes of conversation

be sure to find out the important language of your workplace

Workplace “Facts” workplace “facts” are the information and beliefs taken as objectively true and accurate

by at least some people in a workplace include task-related information, employee reputations, workplace customs, rituals, and


Skills and Techniques these are capacities and competencies necessary to perform certain procedures and

complete certain tasks required by the work

The Frame of Reference for Evaluating Workplace Events refers to the principles used by workers to determine the good or bad qualities of things,

people, events, and ideas

Rules and Meanings refer to both written and unwritten rules, understandings, and expectations that regulate

interactions among people in various situations include power structures, lines and areas of authority, questions of responsibility, status,

prestige, and influence

#3 Time Management

managing your time wisely allows you to get the most out of your work and leisure time time management means organizing and planning tasks and events for greater

efficiency, productivity, and reduction of stress good time management means that you are punctual and dependable

to manage your time effectively, try the following: o use a calendar to track your professional and personal commitments o create a daily to-do list o plan your other activities around your major professional and personal


some helpful hints include: o visualize the tasks you need to do o leave complete messages when phoning people o keep notes when you receive instructions o keep a neat work area so that it is easy to find things and avoid injuries o complete most important tasks first and least important tasks later during slack


# 4 Job Advancement

a person seeking advancement must understand the typical levels of jobs in a company or an occupation and the criteria required for promotion into these levels

he/she needs to form goals and make plans for advancement and work to achieve these goals

finding a mentor, or an advisor, in your occupation can help mentoring describes a relationships in which a young person is supported, promoted, and

nurtured by an older person who serves as a role model, teacher, strategist mentor may offer opportunities for an employee to gain the experience needed to be

promoted or may introduce the employee to other people who can help to find a mentor:

o actively seek out a mentor o develop a high profile at work in order to demonstrate your attributes o show independence, competence, and a willingness to learn o join groups connected with your occupation and attend social functions related to

your job o watch for clues that a mentor may be interested in you o use your support network to find a mentor

The document on the next page shows a typical pathway for the work world

#5 How to Solve Problems

In order to meet the challenges a person needs to be able to define the problem and find a suitable solution. Another important aspect of meeting challenges is being able to make decisions that are carefully considered and appropriate for the situation. Effective problem solving and decision making are essential for success in the workplace. Learn as much as you can from every situation.

Ideal Situations ChallengesYour supervisor has confidence in you. Your supervisor is very demanding.Your co-workers are friendly and helpful. You do not receive the help you need.You have a variety of tasks. Your work is very repetitive.Your supervisor and co-workers understand that you are still learning.

There is some pressure from others to learn faster.

You are made to feel welcome. Not everyone welcomes you.You have been given a good orientation. You are tired and flustered at the end of the

first day.

Problem Solving Model

Step 1: Identify the problem. Examine the situation closely to determine the real problem.

Step 2: Brainstorm possible solutions. Make a list of possible solutions to the problem.

Step 3: Analyze the alternatives to make a final decisions. To analyze the alternatives:

o Consider each alternative in turn, and reasons why that alternative would be best.

o Refine your list to include only the realistic solutions o Ask yourself “What if…” questions about implementing each alternative. o Come up with an ideal solution. Select the most viable solution that most

closely resembles your ideal solution. o Implement your solution and try to make it work.

Step 4: Try what appears to be the best solution. Act on your decision.

Step 5: Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. Evaluate the effectiveness of your decision.

Step 6: If the solution is ineffective, repeat Steps 3 to 6. Try something else if your decision does not work.

Succeeding on the Job Summative Questions

Answer the following questions based on the 5 sections you've read through.

1. What can a person do to adjust to a new job and workplace? What attitudes, knowledge, and skills do you think are necessary for your job at your placement? How will you develop those skills required if you don't have them yet?

2. Explain the steps involved in solving a problem.

3. List six reasons why time management is important.

4. Describe a typical route for job advancement.

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